Assessing Inputs and Outputs of a Summer Obesity Prevention Program

Input and Output Diagram Discussion Health management information systems (HMIS) compose a relevant and feasible way to collect, store, and analyze data collected from the participants of the study. The information system (IS) can also be understood as a way to provide information support at various levels. Management and the...

Suicidability in Correctional Settings: Prevention

Introduction Risk assessment tools should be used to determine if an inmate is suicidal. Three methods are currently used to assess an inmate’s risk for suicide. These include “clinical opinions, structured-professionals judgments, and actuarial predictions” (Risk Assessment, 2006, para. 5). One of the common tools derived from these approaches is...

The Necessity of Obama’s Health Care Plan

Health care is the management as well as the deterrence of sickness performed by qualified professionals in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and nursing. After long years of struggle by the Americans, as a result of societal along with opinionated issues contiguous to the contact with health care, there was...

Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials Reflection

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers its perspective on the essentials that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education should take into account. The resulting document can be employed as an evaluation tool for one’s preparedness to fulfill the role of a DNP (Gerard, Kazer, Babington,...

Designing a Program to Address Obesity in Florida

Obesity is a chronic disease that is highly preventable through the modification of lifestyles. The CPPW is an initiative to support change in Florida by focusing on poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity. The rate of obesity was estimated at 66.3 percent, of which 10 percent are students,...

Health Promotion Role in Reducing Health Insurance Costs

Introduction Health promotion is an important part of disease prevention tactics. It includes informing the population of the diseases which can affect them and explaining the ways to avoid them. Health promotion is crucial as it ensures that people understand the risks of their lifestyle and know how to avoid...

The Work Expectations Analysis

Introduction The recent advancements in medicine and the passage of the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act mean that the demand for qualified medical professionals is going to grow across the US (Hofer, Abraham, & Moscovice, 2011). As a nurse practitioner, I expect to be working in an outpatient...

Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health Policy

The authors’ research problem is major health problems in today’s world. The authors’ research questions are what the international health organizations such as WHO do to improve public health, and how they tackle the emerging diseases. The main point of the research is that the creation of a unified international...

Maintaining Work-Life Balance in a Nursing Career

Introduction For the most part, everyone has a more or less planned life. However, in some instances, unpredictable situations can happen to every human being. Taking into account the extreme environment where nurses work, there might be factors that influence their work-life balance severely (Leineweber et al., 2016). In order...

Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory Difficulties

Assessment of memory difficulties especially neuropsychological memory assessment can only be done by clinical professionals (Walsh 1978). Normally negative scores in regard to these assessments do not always mean the presence of serious memory problems. It’s only the complete memory assessment that can establish this. While taking these tests the...

Perpetual Mercy Hospital’s Innovations

Downtown Health Clinic, a branch of Perpetual Mercy Hospital is faced with potential competition from a similar rival clinic slated for opening within its territorial market. A competing clinic within its niche market is a hindrance to DHC’s progress towards achieving its service and profitability goals. In addition, it is...

Creating a Healthy Work Environment: Employee Benefits Brochure

The professional recruitment brochure has been designed for newly licensed nurses, nurses changing specialties, and nurses who decided to change their organizations. It dwells on the governance principles, the leadership model expected from all nurses, and describes procedures for creating a healthy work environment built on trust and mutual accountability...

Electronic Health Record Trends: Technological Progress

Introduction The speed of technological progress is dramatic. The numerous technical facilities and gadgets are designed to make the human’s life simpler. But do they really simplify the everyday life? It seems that not as much as it was expected. In particular, the healthcare is one of those areas that...

Myths and Theories of Aging

Myths and theories about aging compile a big part of understanding the processes of aging. Throughout the history of science, there were different studies on interpreting the results of aging, its prevention, and consequences. However, most of the Earth’s population does not go as far as to research the topic,...

Family Health History: Hypertension

Introduction I discovered a hereditary pattern of hypertension for myself due to the strong family history of high blood pressure. Several members of my family including my mother, father, maternal grandmother, and several aunts and uncles had or have hypertension. The Risk of Transmission of Hypertension to Other. New Family...

Eliminating Healthcare Barriers Within Communities in the United States

In the USA, the population of rural areas has always been concerned about access to the healthcare system. Not every town can provide people with necessary conditions in terms of health, and nurses are the ones who can help. They are capable of eliminating the obstacles rural people face and...

AIDS Pandemic: Impact on Human Health

Introduction The virus was first reported in 1981 in 5 homosexual men in Los Angeles. History and research have traced the origin to Congo, but there are still controversies about this with some believing that it came from a monkey and some believing it was released by scientists as a...

Health Education Program: Perceptions, Enablers And Nurtures, Cultural Empowerment

Health education is a vital part of learning because of the rising health hazards that need to be addressed to ensure that human health standards are improved. The best approach to deal with a health education program is by identifying the behaviours and lifestyles of the members of the neighbourhood...

African American Women and Stroke Education

In the modern world, people become more anxious about their health. They study the information on health issues due to the internet. It is a good tendency, for the knowledge of the illnesses’ symptoms and timely visit to the doctor on the necessary first aid are likely to favor the...

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners: Their Role and Socialization Process

Introduction In the medical field, there are physicians (MD) and nurse practitioners (NP). The nurse practitioner’s position was initially created to fill up the gap left by the shortage of physicians. The nurse practitioners had to function under the guidance of physicians. The nurse practitioners bring medical aid to people...

Influence of Tobacco on Human Health

Many people have no idea of the health hazards associated to smoking tobacco or being exposed to cigarette smoke. The issue here is not the smoke emanating from cigarettes but more importantly the content of the smoke. Cigarettes’ smoke is not just smoke as we know it but rather it...

Project and Study Design of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Teeneagers

The clinical issue for the current project is sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases, commonly known as STDs, are acquired through sexual contact with an infected person. STDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, yeast, or parasites, and some of the most well-known STDs are herpes, HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia....

Care Plan For the Patient With the Type 2 Diabetes

The patients with the diagnosis of Diabetes type 2 require complex care of the professionals in different spheres, of the so-called diabetes care team, as the psychological, sociological and physiological causes of the disease are interconnected and interdependent, and it is impossible to separate them. The care plan is to...

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management: Operational Plan

Introduction One of the most crucial decisions which any enterprise is supposed to make is a choice of a supply chain. Due to the peculiarity of the activity, a healthcare organization requires a supplier of medical treatment products. Hence, it is necessary to select such a contractor, to work out...

Nurses’ Educational Preparation

Nowadays, the importance of academic education keeps growing every year. Regarding nursing, it is also considered necessary for every nurse to acquire at least the bachelor level before starting to work. However, getting an associate degree and gaining professional experience after it often occurs to be more efficient for a...

Clandestine Drug Laboratory Dangers

A CDL (clandestine drug lab) is a place, laboratory or room where chemicals and equipments are used to manufacture illegal drugs. These labs, are set up in homes, motels and rooms in hotels, apartment buildings, house-trailers, mobile-trailers, commercial houses, in vehicles, on boats, and out-buildings i.e. sheds and pole barns....

Epidemiology: Waterborne Diseases Development

Research Question The development of waterborne illnesses is a serious global dilemma because of millions of cases related to infecting people by contaminated fresh water. This is of particular concern to such widespread diseases as botulism caused by the bacteria living in contaminated water. Because water is considered the main...

The Experience of Visiting the Energy Medicine Florida

Within the current project, I contacted a CAM practitioner in Miami, Florida Dr. Wu Dhi of the Energy Medicine Florida alternative cure center. The issue which I reported was a continuous spinal pain of unknown origins. The decision of addressing to Dr. Wu Dhi was well-thought, as his organization has...

Healthcare Policy and Nursing: Affordable Care Act

The health care sector as a core element in the life of a society of any country in the world and it needs constant improvement. The task of health care administration and government is to establish an appropriate strategy of medical sector development to meet the requirements of the time....

Patient Outcomes, Interventions, and Evaluating Criteria

S. B. is a 27-year-old man who has been experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for two years after his wife disappeared. At present, he regularly suffers from insomnia, depressive moods, anxiety, and the inability to improve relationships with his 5-year-old son. S. D. must reduce anxiety, refuse medication, attend a...

Universal Health Care: Definition and Advantages

Introduction A universal health care program ensures that all the citizens of a country receive health care without any difficulties. Many countries in developed Europe have embraced the health care program and their citizens can receive treatment even in emergency cases free of charge. Every government must find ways of...

Medical Device Decontamination: Bioburden

Introduction Bioburden is the level of contamination by microbials of an object before sterilizing. The process of testing for bioburden involves counting the number of these biomicrobials in order to ensure that a certain level of cleanliness has been attained before sterilization. How bioburden may affect sterilization Before medical devices...

Small Businesses’ Dilemma of Providing Health Insurance Plans for Their Employees

No legislation exists that demands small employers to offer health insurance to their eligible employees. However, the Affordable Care Act stipulates useful guidelines that small business owners need to embrace in case they decide to provide health care cover for their employees. Having a health insurance cover for employees provides...

Health Care Cost-Utility Analysis in Germany and the USA

Introduction From a general economic point of view, Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA) is used to guide procurement decisions. While in health economics, CUA is taken as the ratio between the cost incurred in the course of health intervention and the benefits produced by that intervention and is therefore considered to be...

Enlarged Prostate on Geriatric Men

Introduction Prostate cancer is considered a very common solid malignancy after skin cancer. It is also the second to lung cancer as leading cause of cancer-related mortality in U.S. among males. The American Cancer Society (ACS) reported that about 230,110 new cases of prostate cancer occurred in 2004 and that...

The Black Plague: Origin, Classification and Challenges

Introduction The black plague was the term used to refer to one of the deadliest diseases to have been witnessed in the world. Between 1347 and 1350, the disease was found to kill one person for every four people in Europe. By 1352, the plague would have killed more than...

Neuroscience Research and Application

Neuroscience has been described by as any science dealing with the functions, abnormalities etc of the nervous system. It is, simply put, the scientific study of the nervous system. This therefore implies that neuroscience in itself is a very broad discipline. It encompasses various other disciplines such us behavioral...

Validation of Brief Screening Tool in Detection of Depressive Symptoms

Abstract The problem of depression is associated with the matters of inheritance, external factors as well as the ability of a person to cope with stress. Stressful factors are closely linked with the possibility of influencing the emotional condition of a person. As a rule, depression may develop regardless of...

Defining and Labeling Mental Illness

The existence of mental-disorders has necessitated extensive studies for quite some time now. This owes to its undesirable impacts to the patient and the community. Because of mental illness, several kinds of inequity and ill treatment have come up in the society. Previously, the incidences of mental-illnesses were identified as...

Should People Be Paid to Stay Healthy?

Introduction In my view on this, I must say yes people should be paid to stay healthy. In September 2006 the New York mayor Michael Bloomberg informed the people of a new policy to be known as conditional cash transfers. This plan was intended to deal with the fact that...

Protease Signaling in the Circulatory and Cardiovascular System

Introduction and overview Human body produces an array of serine proteases involved in protein digestion, blood coagulation, and homeostasis. Recently, another important function of proteases: trypsin, thrombin, coagulation factors Xa and VIIa, cathepsins, etc. in signal transduction has been elucidated, which involves cell surface receptors, termed protease-activated receptors (PAR1-4) (Ossovskaya...

How Can Parents Produce Important Behaviors in Disabled Family Members?

Parenting disabled children is often a disturbing experience, especially when the disability is adverse. Poor people are viewed as poor, dependent, and disadvantaged. Disabilities can be in the form of blindness, hearing impairment, lack of limbs, speech difficulty, and other forms of impairment. Parents need knowledge about how they can...

Process Centered Concept in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In any organization, there must be a laid down approach to integrate and bring together people, information and technology for the organization to satisfy its roles and maximize its output. Healthcare organizations have played a very positive role in the lives of many people in the world. The managers...

Health Policy: Obesity in Children

Introduction Obesity is a health condition that refers to having too much too fat in the body, in excess of what is considered healthy with regards to the individual’s age and height (Kids’ health, 2009). Professionals normally use a statistical measurement known as Body Mass Index commonly known as BMI...

Cancer Prevalence and Health Care

Cancer is described as the abnormal rate of cell growth (metastasis). There are various types of malignant growth depending on the occurrence in the body and also the type of cells affected. It practically targets the whole body including the blood (leukemia). There is improvement in terms of treatment and...

Pregnant Hispanic Girls Despite Available Birth Control

A lot of effort has been used in trying to help the girl child fit comfortably in the current society. Although it has been successful, the celebration has been cut short by emerging challenges faced by female teenagers. The major challenge faced by these teenagers globally is early teenage pregnancy...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Medical Review

Borderline personality disorder is a common disorder within the realm of psychiatric illnesses classified under DSM-IV. The usual therapy consisted of behavioral therapy combined with drug treatment or some psychotherapy. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was discovered by Marsha Linehan for parasuicidal women. Research has suggested that a short term therapy...

Body Mass Index and Health Risks

Arguably, obesity has become one of the most debated issues concerning public health. The centrality of this health crisis within the public agenda can be evidenced in the increased coverage by the media and other forms of communication. According to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (2), the question of...

Peer Review in Oncology Patient Falls

As the senior editor, I find the ‘Fall prevention program’ to be vital in creating awareness of existing patient falls. The proposal should be published because it contains a lot of information that is beneficial to all the readers whether they are in the health care industry or not. It...

Over the Counter Acne Medicine

Acne emergence is, perhaps, the most serious problem for teenagers caused by the sebaceous glands excretion. The sedum imbalance is caused by the rapid hormonal changes connected with adolescence period (Zand et al 81). The fact is that the skin is the most vulnerable organ that is quickly affected by...

Euthanasia: Ethical Theories About the Topic

Introduction Euthanasia is a controversial topic with many people from all walks of life arguing for and against it. I take a moderate stand and say that it can be allowed if six conditions (based on the law in the Netherlands) are met. Some academicians and associations are of the...

Anorexia Nervosa: History, Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract Anorexia nervosa among the eating disorders which is considered in the psychiatric illness. There are categories that have been advanced in the diagnosis of this illness. This paper has critically examined the various research findings related to this disorder, various interventions that are common in treatments of the illness,...

Healthcare Economics: How Private Insurance Works

Introduction Healthcare and economics can be defined as issues related to the allocation of healthcare services to human being. In economics, health is evaluated in accordance with needs for medication and its consequences through economic evaluation. This article is designed to explain different issues related to healthcare and economic as...

Partnering and Participation in Nursing

Lack of clarity in the concept of partnership has led to the use of the alternative term as involvement and collaboration. While in partnership, the patient will be co-opted in all caregiving processes while other concepts such as participation will be partially enhanced (Sahlsten et al., 2007). Participation is founded...

Attachments Disorder: Definition and Forms of Therapies

Introduction Attachment disorder is a disorder that mainly affects children and is characterized by opposition, defiance and indifference. Parents of children with this disorder have often experienced both physical and emotional frustrations in their attempts to connect with their children. These children do not have the skills necessary in the...

Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington

Abstract This research project investigates the public health challenge of obesity among youths in Clark County. Clark County has traditionally experienced high prevalence rates of obesity that are proportionally higher than other similar Counties among the youths. Currently, the County has a prevalence rate of obesity of 38% in adults...

Autonomy and Adequate Theory of Medical Ethics

Introduction The medical field has been in the recent past advanced in its technological sector. This has in turn led to saving lives of injured casualties. Thus, it has led to most heated debates that encase medical ethics of termination life care and quality of life. The church in the...

National Health Service’s Reforms by New Labour Party

Introduction The publication of The New NHS White Paper in the autumn of 1997 set the framework for the new government’s approach to the NHS in England. This included six key principles for the NHS: to ensure that the NHS remains a genuinely national service and ensure that all people...

Overcoming the Asperser’s Syndrome Stigma in Adolescents

Overview of Asperser’s Syndrome Asperser’s syndrome is a neurological and biological disorder that affects the brain of an individual. Asperser’s or Asperger’s syndrome as it is popularly known is named after Hans Asperger, a Vienna scientist who did the initial research on the syndrome and published his findings in 1944...

Poor Economics and Its Effects on Healthcare

Inflation can be defined as a dramatic rise in the cost of living. Basic commodities would cost too high while they would be rare to find. The currency of that particular society would consequently drop in its value since there would be more money than the goods produced. Economy on...

Obesity in Clark County and Health Policy Proposal

Problem Statement The number of people suffering from obesity is increasing. This applies for both the young and the old. Obesity is becoming a major problem in the United States as a whole, with the current changes in nutrition. Defined as the statistical measure referred to as body mass index...

Obesity: Is It a Disease?

It is without a doubt that Americans are gaining more weight despite more than a third of adult Americans struggling to lose weight. More than thirty billion dollars are spent every year in attempts to lose weight. Despite the huge amount of money spent on promotions and weight loss products,...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic-depression. It is a kind of illness that affects the brain causing unusual changes in mood, levels of activities, the state of energy and the capability to handle the daily tasks. It has severe symptoms which are very different from usual on...

Overweight Physical Effects and Related Health Issues

Viewing the trends of increase in body sizes has become a current trend in the United States. This is conducted by medical sources, media periodicals as well as commercial industries. According to American Obesity Association (2009), statistics are measured by the use of Body Mass Index (BMI). This index can...

Contextualization: Music and Brain

Introduction This research is carried out in order to explore on “creation of a device that can serve as a tool for communications using EEG waves structurally converted to aesthetically pleasant music.” (Contextualization Essay 1). The study is of considerable significance because of meditational properties of music identified extensively without...

Incidence of Diabetes in the United States

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high levels of blood glucose, due to defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. Being a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the USA, a study conducted...

Body Weight Change in First-Year College Students

Introduction Weight gain in human beings is a very slow process caused by a slow insidious imbalance in energy levels which has caused an overweight crisis in America (New York Times, 2). Persistent increase in positive energy balance occurs mainly in first year’s college students and this increasingly visible phenomenon...

Major Depression Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Identifying a disorder is the main challenge in giving assistance to mental health patients. A therapist must be able to identify the disorder their patients suffer from in order to give the most appropriate intervention. Many disorders have conflicting symptoms that make it challenging to identify a disorder. Although...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Strategic Analysis

Quality care throughout the healthcare continuum is critical in achieving optimal patient outcomes. Nurses contribute towards ensuring accessible and high-quality care (Coruh, Robertson-Wiley, Wright, & Kritek, 2015). In this regard, as a prospective APRN, my goal is to utilize my strengths and available opportunities to provide high-quality care. I also...

Social Security and Medicare

Social security and Medicare are two essential programs which help people in need and low social classes to survive and receive quality healthcare. The proposed social security may resemble private insurance, but it is fundamentally different. The driving principle of social security programs is concern for adequacy–that benefits meet the...

Strategic Management Aspects in Health Care

Introduction The main aspect of strategic management is its ability to manage changes and helping the organization to adapt to dynamic environment. In that regard, it can be stated that Health Care Organizations (HCOs) are organizations that perfectly fit into the category of organizations working in dynamic environment, the influence...

Folk Healers vs. Western Psychiatrists

There has been a continuous confrontation between two opposing forces that serve the same purpose. Western psychiatrists as well as folk healers basically have the same functions; all of them perform certain procedures and use certain substances to relief physical and psychological pain of a patient. The principal differences between...

American Economics and Healthcare

Introduction This document intends to discuss how America has gone an extra mile in using or controlling its economic resources to give its citizens good health care. America has one of the largest national economies in the world. This is because it respects private investors. It has done this by...

Novel Strategies in Greek Health Service-the Influence of Networking

Introduction The adoption and use of internet has allowed the Greek Health sector to innovate unique and novel strategies in developing their business plan. The change in the socio-demographic patterns and shortage in healthcare manpower has increased the need to adopt information technology. Internet provides an opportunity to “fundamentally reinvent...

U.S. Healthcare Forces and Trends

Introduction The United States health care has been occasioned with a variety of challenges such as; reduced consumer satisfaction, poor healthcare quality and high prices with low coverage among other ills. These challenges are some of the symptoms pointing towards larger underlying issues in the health care. A systematic approach...

Health Care and Economics Comparison

Introduction Health care and economy are two fields, which despite their apparent difference are mutually interconnected. The population health and well-being can be determined by the way the health system is financed. In that sense, the health care as a sector that is constantly financed by many resources such as...

Health Care Worker Protection Act of 2009

Introduction Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee Thank you for granting me this great opportunity to testify before you at this important hearing concerning the legislation H.R. 2381. In this era of advanced technology and patient awareness, patient safety continues to play an important role in the overall performance...

An Accurate Portrayal of Schizophrenia

Introduction This paper will analyze the Schizophrenia along with its symptoms. It will also analyze an important scene in the movie “a beautiful mind” which was directed by Ron Howard. The main character in the move is John Nash who is played by Russell Crowe; he is supposed to be...

Healthcare Finance and Economics: Cleverly’s and Eastlaugh’s Views

Originally, the importance of this issue may be estimated in accordance with the generally accepted practice of providing the health care economic analysis. In general, the economic information provided by the hospital department depends on the costs of the equipment, costs of the analyses, salaries of the medical workers, rent,...

Vaginal Bloody Discharge in an Adult Female

Chief Complaint “I have bloody discharge and pain.” HPICC A 43-year-old female with a past medical history of Chlamydia infection comes to visit for bloody vaginal discharge from the last six months. The vaginal discharge is dark red and has a smell. She decided to visit the Doctor because she...

Mayo Clinic: Entrepreneurship Reflection

Introduction Entrepreneurship in healthcare is becoming a relevant element in clinical practice, as various healthcare professionals have realized the benefits of this approach. The paper shall look at the influence of entrepreneurship at the renowned Mayo clinic. Reflection Entrepreneurship is the process of organizing, managing, taking risks inherent within a...

Evaluating Tools for Clients: Medicare Eligibility Tool

Widener’s criteria served as a backdrop in the process of evaluating the website. Below is a brief summary of the aspects of the website that I was looking for: Authority- the website clearly displayed contacts to the organization that was responsible for the information. Currency- the website was current because...

Mortality Rates in UK

Introduction Mortality rate in the UK has improved largely in the UK, with only 12 percent people dying before the age of 60 in 1999 as compared to 63 percent in 1901 (Hicks & Allen 1999, p. 5). There has been a steady decline in the death rate in the...

Definition, Causes, and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most common cognitive-behavioral disorders and it affects people of all ages. The disease has very many names that psychologists and psychotherapists use to describe it. The disease is also called a manic depressive disorder, affective disorder, or manic depression and it is a condition...

Medicines Control for Public Health in the UK and the US

Introduction Governments in the U. S and U.K have empowered some institutions in their countries to regulate and ensure proper and quality availability of drugs. These regulations have led to research on the regulatory methods on various products. The survey results done by different researchers show that in the U.K...

How Is the Stigma of Asperser’s in Young Adulthood Overcome?

Asperser’s disorder is generally a mild form of the common autistic syndrome observed in children. The most common characteristics in affected individuals include social isolation and, to some extent, eccentric behaviors mainly observed during childhood. More importantly, stigma has a great impact on the development of children into early adulthood....

Geriatric Depression Diagnostics Study Protocol

The following protocol will be used during the implementation of the evidence-based practice change project devoted to the adoption of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines for depression management at VEGA Medical Center (Miami, FL): Depression is a significant issue that is rather prevalent in the geriatric...

Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment

Introduction Mary Mallon, or Typhoid Mary as she was called, was a notorious healthy carrier of typhoid fever. She worked as a cook and was reputed to have caused infections of Typhoid fever in 47 people and caused the death of 3. What was worse was the she refused to...

Obesity Action Coalition Website Promoting Health

The use of technology is essential for tailoring effective health promotion messages and tackling health inequalities that unthread the social fabric of American society. By exploring interactive and engaging Internet platforms and communication channels, it is possible to achieve meaningful health behavior changes in a wide range of populations (Pender,...

Competitor Analysis: Medical Centers

This is a business review of hospitals located in Alaska and comparing the way these different hospitals provide their services to the people who live in tense regions, as the way the patients are treated provide the patients with the will of going back to the health facility to acquire...

Caregiver-Mediated Practice as a Nursing Issue

Practice Issue What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen? The issue is associated with the effectiveness of caregiver-mediated practice for improving patient outcomes. Fully describe the scope of the practice issue The scope of the practice issue is concerned with caregivers’...

Health Care Reform Proposals

Health care reform is one of the most important topics that need consideration as it touches the most sensitive issue in all regions of the world. The main objective of health care reform is as follows: Extend the health care coverage in both the private and public sectors by giving...

“The Ghost Map” by Steven Johnson

Introduction The main idea of the book “The ghost map” (2006) by Steven Johnson, although focusing on the worst cholera outbreak in Victorian London, was in that science develops in accordance to the problems that it has to face. Accordingly, the book traces the way the knowledge is born in...

Critique of a Study on Ergonomics

“Effectiveness of an Intervention to Increase Construction Workers’ Use of Hearing Protection” is a study on ergonomics which deals with proving the effectiveness of hearing protection devices for construction workers. “Hearing damage is one of the most common occupational diseases… affecting workers in manufacturing, construction, transportation, agriculture, and the military.”...

Medical Analysis of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Previously known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a psychological condition which affects moods causing them to swing to extremes. Bipolar disorder is a disorder of the brain and is a manic depressive illness which also causes shifts and swings in energy and activity levels hindering the ability of...

The Oregon and the Massachusetts Health Care Plan

Health care systems, plans or schemes are arrangements premeditated to solve problems associated with the health care of targeted populations. Numerous structures of health care are found in existence worldwide. Different governments, charitable institutions, religious groups, trade unions worked intensively to develop a workable health plan in some countries, whereas...

Consequences of Malaria in Africa

There is a common cry in Africa. Africans are used to the usual cry of hunger and poverty, but deaths of young children as a result of malaria has currently taken over. The research fact of malaria killing 2 million African children in every year has brought about an ever...

The Role of Health Care Administrator

Introduction Health Care management is a very essential tool in the overall successful running of the institutions which offer health care services to patients. The Health Care administrators have a major role in the operation of the hospital facilities as they participate in coordinating and organizing the financing and delivery...

Truths and Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered the most general form of dementia, occurring mainly among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder, which affects a person’s capability to carry out simple everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s affects those parts of our brain which control our thoughts, language and memory. It causes nerve...

Rosalyn S. Yalow, A Winner of the Nobel Prize

Introduction Rosalyn Sussman Yalow is the first woman born in America to win a Nobel Prize in Science. She won this coveted prize in 1977 after her successful development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) (CWP and Regents of the University of California). Who exactly is Rosalyn S. Yalow? This American medical...

Endocrine Disruptors: Definition, Effects, and Threat Reduction

Introduction Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of hormones within the body. They do this by binding onto the same active sites within cells that normal hormones bind onto. Hormones are chemicals secreted into the bloodstream to regulate certain aspects of the body like metabolic levels,...

Healthcare Issues in the US: Medical Sociality Class

The issues of healthcare have always been a burning question in the US because of the inadequate system of insurance and medical care services provision. It has become evident that only those who have a stable income and a reliable health plan reassurance can be provided by medical services in...

The Morality of Euthanasia

Euthanasia is any action directed on putting an end to the life of a human being, fulfilling his/her own desire, and executed by a disinterested person. Besides Holland, «the good death» (a translation of the Greek word) is legalized and recognized by human rights in such countries as Belgium, Switzerland,...

Moral Hazard and the Case for Socialized Medicine

The theory of the free market is predicated on consumers having choices while making decisions; if the cost of an item exceeds its worth, then no one will pay for it, which in turn puts downward pressure on prices and leads to a more equitable distribution of goods. Unfortunately, this...

Cialis Production: Pharmaceutical Review

Background The case relates to a firm that is in the process of innovating and launching a new drug with the brand name Cialis in the market. The drug is aimed at treating impotence in men (Product team Cialis: get ready for the market, 2006, ¶ 3). Problem Method of...

Arguments for Euthanasia Analysis

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Opponents of legalizing the practice suggest that euthanasia is a ‘slippery slope’ that would allow increasing instances of coerced suicide, family members pressuring the elderly not to postpone their inevitable demise for...

Drug Addiction: The Problem of Xanax Abuse and Its Consequences

Xanax is in the group of drugs referred to as benzodiazepine which is in short known as Benzo’s. This drug is a depressant that is mostly used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, as well as tension. It has been used for a long time as a tranquilizer and it is...

Obesity Problem in the United States

Question of Judgment: What is the best way to address obesity in the United States? This requires a question of judgment because this is a subject for discussion and debate: obesity is the number one health problem in the United States today. We will be seeking the best answer within...

The HIM Department as a Part of the Healthcare Industry

Organization Structure As an integral part of the healthcare team, the HIM department is responsible for providing services to the healthcare industry and the general public through the efficient management, analysis, and utility of data necessary for the optimal delivery of services to patients. This data is saved and made...

Americans Getting Health Care in France

Introduction Michael Moore is the director known for his fierce criticism of the American way of living and of the governmental and corporative interests that are valued much more than the lives and wellbeing of ordinary citizens of the United States. “Sicko”, the latest film by Moore (2007) is a...

Decriminalizing Marijuana: Pros and Cons

Introduction Several countries throughout the world are working to decriminalize or legalize less harmful drugs such as cannabis (marijuana). It has been suggested, and in some cases demonstrated, that legalizing or at least decriminalizing marijuana can help to reduce violent crimes and significantly decrease the number of people incarcerated for...

Autism and Other Neurological Disorders

Introduction Whether contracted in the early fetal development stage or inherited, autism is a disorder which affects cognitive brain functions thus impeding a person’s ability to communicate effectively. The disorder distorts not only how people perceive sensory information but how the brain processes it as well. Cause Autism and other...

Injection Safety and Syringe Reuse

Introduction The past few years have faced the healthcare systems in the United States with great challenges especially for the outbreaks of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in Nevada and Las Vegas. These are communicable diseases and it has been noted that the healthcare institutions that are supposed to be...

Cancer Problem for Today’s Women

Introduction The studies in occupational therapy in most points serve as the guarantee for would-be therapists. In this respect, the significance of supporting a knowledge base along with the experience of mature specialists in this sphere is of great significance. The research in the paper is dedicated to the problem...

How to Address Obesity in the United States

Obesity is a disease that leads to other killer diseases. America must face it as a dangerous foe in the twenty-first century. These are facts and no exaggeration. What are the other facts? America is an advanced nation, a leader of the world, economically, politically, and as a nation it...

Racism in Breast Cancer Treatment

Introduction Cancer treatment is the least studied field that arises numerous ambiguities and requires a more sophisticated approach in studying. There is still no unanimous opinion among the scholars and therapists towards what approach to use in cancer therapy and what are the reasons of cancer. The racial, ethnic, and...

Veterans Affairs Healthcare System

Background information Veterans Affairs Healthcare is considered to be an operating system uniting about 153 medical centers, 207 Veteran Centers, and 882 community-based outpatient and ambulatory clinics. The system unites about 92 comprehensive programs of home-based care, aimed at medical services provided to eligible veterans. The principal facilities of the...

Where Is Medicine Going? Development Perspective

Where is Medicine Going? Like most other professional fields, medicine is also moving towards more and more technological advancement. Starting out from basic medical equipment, science and technology have caused major breakthroughs in the field of medicine. Apart from the breakthroughs that are of common knowledge to people, such as...

Veterans Affairs Healthcare System: Marketing Research and Segmentation

Introduction The Healthcare system is one of the most important facilities in society. Being the marketing representative at a local hospital, the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System is the main focus of the activity provided. Act as the marketing representative, the statistical data should be analyzed to consider whether the services...

Mike O’ Callaghan Federal Hospital and Loma Linda Medical Centre: Marketing Strategies

Introduction Marketing is one of the most important elements for the success of a firm. There are various strategies that enable a firm to conduct effective marketing. Some of these strategies relate to positioning and differentiation. In marketing effective positioning is one of the strategies that firms use to attain...

Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide for Terminally Ill Patients

Introduction Even though we now live in the 21st century, the issue of legalizing physician-assisted suicide (PSA) continues to stir public controversy in many Western countries, as if Christian moralists that seriously believe in the concept of life’s sanctity, were still in a position of designing these countries’ socio-political policies....

Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide: Literature Review

Outline of the literature review This literature review tries to make an analysis of the previous studies about the legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide. Three studies are reviewed and these resources are evaluated. The extent to which the review could affect the researcher is also included. Introduction Legalizing physician-assisted suicide for...

Cancer Interference With Dna Replication

Cancer in human bodies is associated with the growth and multiplication of body cells without control. This continual growth usually takes invasion into another neighboring cell hence appearing as body tumors. The tumors are cancerous when they result in distortion of bodily functions. However, cancer can also be caused by...

The Epidemic of Obesity: Issue Analysis

It is a popular topic nowadays, the issue of obesity among the youth of America. There is so much interest regarding this topic because it concerns the health and well-being of many people, most especially the young. They are the future of this country and everything must be done to...

Who is Responsible for our Weight

The essay “Are you responsible for your own weight?” describes the min problems and causes of obesity and obesity-related diseases in America. The author states that obesity is a direct result of unhealthy eating and eating disorders. As western pop culture is shipped abroad to sell western commodities, the problem...

Web Health Service Concept

Idea 1 The main concept of the web Health Service is the ability to consult people on the matters of health care remotely, using the capabilities and opportunities of World Wide Web. The main aim of such services will be to give recommendations, preserve the privacy of the visitors, consult...

Experience of People With Mental Illness

The passage outlined below deals with the experience of people with mental illness. It especially studies, weighs researches, and endeavors deriving conclusions about self-stigma, also called by many researchers as ‘discrimination’. People of different countries with different cultures participated in the various group discussions carried out by experts of mental...

The Politics of Health Policy: Healthcare Approach in the U.S.

The healthcare approach in the United States needs reformation. It is an obvious and deep problem, which seems to be still far from solutions. Furthermore, the government makes attempts to improve situation in healthcare, but in practice the practical results leave much to be desired. In this respect, programs which...

Health Care System of America

Introduction The entire health care system of America is broken and its decline was accelerated by inflation and economic instability in America. This paper presents how the broken health care system affects the American people. It affects children, adult, youth, women and retirees. American health care system is operated by...

“One Nation, Insured” by Quadagno

In the book, One Nation, Insured, Quadagno reveals the shortcomings of the medical care system in the country that is heavily regulated by the legislature thus emphasizing that America is the only country that has serious problems with insurance coverage. The writer also discovers the legal problems where Congress failed...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Malaria Infection

Introduction Scientific evidence suggests that persons with HIV/AIDS, who are having reduced immunity against infection, are susceptible to other infectious diseases. In this context an attempt is made to examine corollary of two diseases, such as malaria and HIV/AIDS: one which occurs naturally and extensively in tropical and subtropical regions...

Trauma: the Main Problems and Consequences

The problems of trauma and loss, resulted from all levels of conflict, can be seen as a common theme, specifically in the context of the historical and political events of the 20th and 21st century. The apparent need in dealing with traumas and losses, in terms of providing psychological care...

Dynamics of Biomedical Ethics and Autonomy

Introduction With the millennium having clocked nine years old, leaders from different nations have experienced a lot of hardships over this period. The business world has also not been spared the ordeal with scandals such as WorldCom being witnessed. Local governments have seen adjudicators and other law enforcers convicted for...

Promotion and Implementation of Evidence-Based Medicine

Introduction Leading science in the wrong direction can be caused by different aspects. The fraud, as an important cause, can be an aspect, but omitting the bad intention factor, the science can be sometimes directed by ideas that are directly implemented into practice, driven by forces that have their roots...

Human Brain. Alcohol Effects on Frontal Lobe Impairment

Abstract The frontal lobe is the area of the brain of any mammal, which is considered to be the most important brain region in human beings. The frontal lobe is responsible for creative thinking, decision making, categorizing behavior, and other self-expressing activities. The abuse of alcohol is proved by scholars...

Why HIV Has Spread So Rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa?

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), the deadly disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has plagued the Sub-Saharan African countries more than any other region in the world. From the statistical reports of 2006, it was found that almost two-thirds of the total HIV infected population of the world and three-fourth...

Make Invisible Visible: Basics of Optical Illusions

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the issue of shape and form perception is one of the most interesting issues of human vision and perception psychology. Originally, the human eyes see what they are shown, and nothing more, however, our imagination, memory, and fantasy often add...

H1N1 Flu as a Major Threat for Human Health

Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week...

Physician Assisted Suicide Controversies

The Case for PAS About 3% of all the patients in the United States cannot have their pain or illnesses relieved, and this calls for an urgent measure to rescue them. The debate over physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has largely dwelt on the morality surrounding it and the advantages and disadvantages...

How Satisfied Are Older People With the Quality of Care

Introduction There are times at which an individual needs special care in our daily lives in order to live as long as he can. People reach a stage when they become old and require special care. These individuals also include people suffering from cognitive impairment either in their early age...

Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Symptoms and Treatment

Abstract Lou Gehrig’s disease {familial or sporadic} is a neuromuscular disorder that targets the upper and lowers motor neurons. There are no specific causes, though viruses, neurotoxins and others are suspected. Symptoms begin with unsteady gait and speech difficulty, lead to more serious flexion and hypotonia before proceeding to paralysis...

Main Risk Factors of the First Period of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful conversion of a lady to the form of a mother. It is the phase between the formation of the fetus in the womb and the delivery. The first period of pregnancy is called the first trimester of pregnancy and it is the time most of the...

Genetic Engineering and Religion: Designer Babies

Introduction Since the first tube baby was born in 1978 there has been a lively debate about the ethics of assisting Mother Nature. The current Pope, Benedict XVI has opposed any scientific procedure, including genetic engineering, in vitro fertilization and diagnostic tests to see if babies have disabilities, because these...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Black Women

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is believed to be the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Since it was first recognized in 1981 the virus has spread throughout the world, sparing no one – irrespective of race, gender, age or socio-economic status (CDC, 2008). Today HIV/AIDS pandemic proceeds to impact...

The Importance of Registered Nurses Being Unionized

Introduction Nurses are skilled and trained professionals who have the duty of caring for the sick and the frail. In addition to helping patients in matters of healthy wellness, they also perform procedures and treatment but only as prescribed by doctors or their assistants (Quan, 2006). Nurses are very important...

Supervision of the National Health Service

The social work group forms for the purpose of rehabilitating HIV patients under the supervision of The National Health Service, one of the popularized social service and health care groups in England. The members of the social work group attempt to relieve and block hardships and sufferings. The journal article...

Linear Accelerator in Radiation Therapy

Introduction Radiation therapy, more commonly known as radiotherapy, is the application of radiation as a mode of treating cancer, according to Dobbs et al. (1999). As a curative therapy, the method promotes survival and can eventually cure. As a palliative medication, the therapy can not offer cure, but it controls...

Obesity in Children: Relevance of School-Based BMI Reporting Policy

There has been a steady increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, and many political activities related to tackling obesity policy has been taking place within state legislators. Screening body mass index (BMI) at school is one of the strategies to address childhood obesity, and...

“Blood for Sale” and “Drug Dilemmas”: Articles Reviews

Blood for Sale In the article “Blood for Sale”, the author makes a case that the sale of blood in a commercial market has drastic repercussions for both the donor and the receiver. The author’s position on the issue is made clear by starting the article with a brief history...

Syphilis: Transmission and Prevention Methods

Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted disease. The prevention of syphilis starts with safe sexual relations. The primary danger related to syphilis is that sores of syphilis are open, visible, and infectious during the active stages of infection. Moreover, any contact with infectious so repreventing tissues, or body fluids may...