The Lucifer Effect by Phillip Zimbardo

Introduction The Lucifer effect theory holds that everyone can do evil. People have a variety of personalities that affect their behavior, whether they choose to do something or not. Even under the most hazardous circumstances, people may change to whatever suits them best. Phillip Zimbardo’s Stanford experiment demonstrates that individuals...

Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al.

Helping People Change, written by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten offers a unique personal and professional development approach. Based on decades of research in neuroscience and psychology, the authors explore ways to facilitate lasting change through coaching and self-directed learning. The book covers creating practical goals, building...

Multicultural Competency in Psychology

Multicultural competency is the quality considered reliable and effective in diverse contexts within the modern world. Essentially, it is justified by the rapid globalization that occurred because of the major establishment of online platforms and the opportunity to interconnect globally. As people reach new aspects of multicultural communication and understanding,...

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a characteristic defined by one’s comprehension of their personality and beliefs. In some way, it can serve as a guide in helping others, depending on the scale of that feature. Unsurprisingly, this implies that self-awareness may play a rather significant role in human services. For the following essay,...

The Job of a Marriage and Family Therapist

Introduction The job of a marriage and family therapist presupposes consulting people who are in close and intimate relationships, partners who are thinking about parting, or couples who want to strengthen and deepen the feeling of intimacy. Such therapy allows partners to better understand each other and figure out exactly...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Advantages & Disadvantages

Current cognitive‐behavioral therapy is a general concept for scientifically validated treatment for well-diagnosed psychopathologies with particular therapeutic approaches. According to David et al. (2018), CBT is the most investigated kind of psychotherapy, and no other type of cognitive therapy can be deemed substantially stronger than CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy has...

Psychology of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Introduction Incarceration significantly impacts a person, but their children suffer even more due to the emotional vulnerability of their age. The critical subject of the assessment is the mental health of children with incarcerated parents. The importance and substantiality of parental influence on children cannot be overstated. Not only an...

Attachment Theory and Personality Development

Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment...

Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing

The Ethical and Social Implications of Testing Confidentiality of results is a cornerstone of psychological research and consent and awareness. The most striking consequences, perhaps sometimes associated with scandals or courts, are connected. Within the scope of the question of voluntary participation, it is difficult to reason when tests are...

Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities

In history, rites of passage, rituals, or social practices that signified the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marked this transition exceptionally clearly. Unfortunately, many of these initiation rites are no longer practiced or are not as significant in modern-day and age as they previously were. Additionally, adolescents must navigate emerging...

Profile of Psychologist Sigmund Freud

Introduction Sigmund Freud was a psychologist born on 6 May 1856 in Moravia in the Czech Republic. Freud died on 23 September 1939 in London, the United Kingdom (Hollitscher, 2017). When Freud died, he was 83 and was a renowned Austrian neurologist and one of the pioneer founders of psychoanalysis....

Observing Behavior in a Local Shopping Center

The location of the psychological experiment is a local shopping center; the evening time; the date is 11 July 2022, Sunday. There were several ethnic subgroups, and individuals behaved in a number of different ways. There were a lot of people in groups on the monitoring day. People often just...

Solution Focused Brief Therapy or Narrative Therapy

When it comes to solution-focused brief therapy, the core concept relies on exploration and search for solutions. The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude. A therapist helps a client to identify the...

Consciousness and Its Main States

Human beings live their life in varying degrees of awareness of the world around them. The complete lack of awareness is called unconsciousness, while the notion of consciousness is dispersed in nature (Natsoulas, 2018). In some instances, a person could be conscious, but not fully present, which is defined as...

Freud’s Theory of Child Development

Introduction Freud’s theory of child development focuses on personality, and it defines how an individual behaves, feels, and thinks. Therefore, a child grows up unique depending on the issues they went through when they were young. As a child grows, they develop long-term characteristics that they hold throughout their life,...

Cultural Diversity Issues in Family Therapy

Introduction Culture has always been a critical topic for discussions in various settings. This is mostly because culture and cultural differences that all the people have make an important influence on the way individuals communicate, create perceptions, form relationships with others, and make conclusions in various situations and challenges. Therefore,...

Being a Genius: Thinking and Intelligence

Introduction Many prominent psychologists have been discussing the theme of genius and the elements regarding it. Zimbardo, Johnson, and McCann have also contributed to the exploration of the topic. To understand the principles of how people become geniuses, it is vital to examine the core concepts of thinking and intelligence...

Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Researchers view well-being as the state of general satisfaction of a particular person or a group of people. Currently, there are two main directions in the study of the psychological well-being of a person: eudaimonic and hedonic. Supporters of the eudaimonic school of thought are convinced that the term well-being...

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Major Tenets of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comprises a short-term psychotherapeutic treatment that is oriented towards changing patterns of destructive thinking or behavior behind a person’s difficulties and thereby changing how they feel. By definition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the intentional implementation of methodological rigor, applied...

Personal Development: Description and Theory Application

Introduction Human development is one of the most fascinating and at the same time most complicated fields of study in psychology. Being influenced by a myriad of factors, which range from genetic ones to the influences specific to a certain area where an individual grows, personal development requires closer scrutiny...

Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling

The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer In the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago. The woman did not tell her parents about her pregnancy and abortion, which may indicate that she is afraid of being...

Identifying Approaches to Crisis Hostage Negotiation

Introduction The research study outlines the basic hostage negotiation strategies, which are employed the critical situations with an aim of inflicting certain psychological effects. Specifically, the work employs the method of literature analysis and discusses the practical implications of the strategic negotiation. As a result, the patient- and system-related concerns,...

Opportunities to Overcome Your Fear

Every person is afraid of something; fears often guide people through life without them realizing it. Some people are fearful of being vulnerable, so they never open up to others. Some people are scared of being let down, so they do everything on their own. Some people are afraid of...

Can Peer Pressure Have Positive Effects?

Although peer pressure is seen as a negative expression of human interactions, it can have positive effects provided that promoted behavior is helpful to society or people individually. Peer pressure is a natural phenomenon occurring in any social context. People are prone to comparing themselves to others, particularly those of...

Stress: Causes and Possible Consequences

Outline Stress is something many individuals believe is a normal part of their life. Unfortunately, many of them also believe that it is inevitable and they can do nothing to avoid it. Stress can also be caused by mental health-related anomalies and disorders. Here, a major role is played from...

Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary research is a creative way of studying numerous societal issues. The method is especially important because it allows specialists from various academic and practical industries to “work together to solve specific social problems” (Demers, 2011, p. 242). The crucial aspect of unification enables professionals to share experiences and knowledge...

The Problem of Technology Addiction Among College Students

The rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation. In fact, when someone hears words as windows or apple, they instantly think about computers rather than the actual things these words refer to. When living in such a...

Kristeva Examine Abjection in Relation to the Maternal

Abjection, as defined by Kristeva, can be interpreted as maternal splitting and fragmentation of a cycle of physical processes, which are beyond the control of the subject. According to Kristeva, abjection can be described as the reaction people wield due to a defenseless breakdown in meaning caused by their inability...

Stress and Emotional Management

Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...

Speciality Guidelines for Forensic Psychology

Introduction A primary goal of this paper is to discover various guidelines, which are vital to the forensic psychological practice. Firstly, the Speciality Guidelines are discussed, and their significance is assessed. Secondly, the Ethical Principles and Speciality Guidelines are displayed, and Speciality Guidelines are evaluated with the assistance of specific...

Money and Morality: Children Reward

Introduction In the contemporary western society, rising children who uphold moral values, integrity and hard work has become a big challenge. The life lessons that the children are consistently exposed to serve to perpetuate the incorrect moral behaviors that they internalize. It is important to recognize and appreciate a child...

How Stories and Storytelling Influence Children

Introduction Literature enhances children’s thinking and imagination. Children who listen to stories have wide imaginations and thinking. Stories help the children to be creative and critical thinkers. Stories also give children a pattern in writing. They will be able to know the beginning, the middle, and the end when writing...

Psychotherapy. “A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard

Introduction Reality of society is peculiar for its diversity and inequality in accordance with different ranks. In fact, people are trying to express themselves in life to make more emphasis on the uniqueness of their personalities. In this respect it is great when one community of people can impress other...

Sigmund Freud and Psychological Functioning

Introduction Freud was a physiologist, medical doctor, and psychologist, who later developed interest in the working of the human mind resulting in unprecedented research. His findings and theories form the framework of psychology today. He developed a specific area of psychology, known as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the careful examination of...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Armed Services Vocational Battery are tests that are utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. Whereas the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well, the armed services vocational battery is specifically...

Howard Gardner’s Research on Human Intelligence

Abstract Howard Gardner’s research on the seven types of human intelligence has added rich amounts of literature to the understanding of human personality. Introduced by Gardner in 1983, multiple intelligence is a theory about the brain that argues that human beings possess a single intelligence during their times of birth...

Phobias and Addictions as Manifestations of the Human Mind Weakness

Both phobias and addictions are two weak states of a person’s mind where one can be weak while thinking of or seeing something. They can really weaken a person and if a person has intensive phobias or addictions then he or she must consult any psychiatrist to resolve the problem...

Negative Effects of Divorce on Children

Abstract With divorce rates being more common in the 21st century more than any other time in history, children are increasingly on the receiving end for decisions made by their parents. While it may be too complicated for the younger children to understand, those aged between eight to eighteen years...

The Life of F. Skinner – One of the Most Influential Psychologists

Introduction Psychology is both an applied and academic field which is concerned with the study of human and animal mental functions and behaviors scientifically. Psychology is an old discipline that was founded by Wilkhelm Wundt in 1879 as an independent field of study in Germany.Wundt set up the first laboratory...

Maltreatment in the Book “A Child Called “It” by D.J. Pelzer

Maltreatment is one of the series of offenses today. Maltreatment involves different forms of abuse and neglect, harassment and oppression. An autobiographical work “A Child Called “It” by Pelzer appeared in 1995. This life story is devoted to child abuse faced by the author during his childhood. Pelzer vividly depicts...

Children Play and Wellbeing

Play Play is the term used to define the wide range of activities that people and particularly children engage themselves in for purposes of amusement and enjoyment. The players usually get involved in the activities willingly. Moreover, in the case of children, the motivation to play is due to their...

Elements of Group Processes and Minority Group Processes

A group of individuals may decide to come together in order to achieve a particular goal. The grouping of these individuals may bring quite strange fellows together and therefore needs some common knowledge of functionality so as to ensure they work together to achieve a particular goal that brought them...

Collaborative Relationships Within Child Protection Work

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze collaborative relationships with regard to child protection. In particular, the discussion will be dedicated to the cooperation of professionals, support workers, governmental and non-governmental agencies, children, families, and communities. Moreover, the paper analyzes some implications of this policy to information sharing...

Identity and Self in Counseling Psychology

Abstract The purpose of this discussion is to look at identity and self in counselling psychology. It will look at how the contemporary issues of identity, diversity, and self impact the couselling. This is because society has been going through many changes in its practices from the traditional, modern, and...

The Problem of Playing Poker Among Teenagers in the United States

The contemporary world of high technical and technological support provides many opportunities for making business online. In this respect, gambling stays in the first position among other entertainments on the Internet. Being a sphere of solely adult concernment, the situation shifts toward rejuvenation. More and more teenagers are getting involved...

Social Sciences and Organizational Behavior

The field of organizational behavior (OB) deals with the behavior and impact of the interaction of individuals, groups, and structures within an organization, in order to apply the knowledge to improve the effectiveness of the organization. Effectively an applied science, OB, draws from various social sciences. The predominant subjects, which...

Critical Review of an Article on Child’s Moral Development

A child grows through a set of developmental components and they all correlate to each other pretty well. Like if one wants to study child development he/ she does not need to go through and ascertain all the parameters of child growth to determine whether the child is growing normally...

Adult – Child Relationships in American Movies

Introduction The following research paper is about the relationship bond of an Adult and a child shown in American movies. The paper would explore the meaning of a relationship between an adult and a child and would emphasize its importance as well. The relationship between that particular adult and the...

“Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority” by Stanley Milgram

Having read the article titled Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority written by Stanley Milgram (1965), one is forced to contemplate on the intensity with which people have to undergo mental pressures in adhering to orders and instructions. Such tendencies are experienced by all in real-life situations whereby...

Psychology. Stress Management Approaches

It was in the 50s that the concept of stress was initially brought in by Hans Selye. However, he called it General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) and he explained that all individuals respond to all types of threatening situations in the same manner ( Today, we know that the knowledge of...

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Introduction Mindfulness-based interventions are therapeutic practices that are considered to be immeasurably beneficial for people’s mental and physical health. Interventions are offered individually and in groups, and they are designed to assist people with psychological problems, stress, and other mental conditions. The purpose of this work is to investigate one...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Introduction Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves. Reliant on a scope of factors, the responses of some people to traumatic events may last for a short time while the reactions of others might result in long-lasting...

“Children Need to Play, Not Compete” the Article by Statsky

Summary As the object of the review, the article “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” by Statsky will be used. In her work, the author argues that for children between the ages of six and twelve, games in which competition is a key aspect are inappropriate (Statsky). As an alternative,...

The Author’s Personal Experience

Tanya Maria Barrientos starts her essay with an anecdote to make her writing more credible, emotional, and appealing. Clearly, the use of the first-hand experience always makes it seem more credible as people tend to believe personal accounts rather than anonymous stories. Apart from making people believe her, Barrientos uses...

Single Afro-American Mothers’ Experience: Theories

Theories Commonly Applied in this Study Single African American mothers’ experience of relationships with sons is always unique. In this qualitative investigation, the focus is to investigate the experience of these single African American females of being mothers to their adolescent sons. According to Williams and Smalls (2015), single women...

Early v. Late Maturation: Bringing Puberty to Life

Nowadays, precocious maturation has become rather widespread across nearly all human populations (Seeker, 2016). Simultaneously, there exist individuals whose puberty starts late (Steinberg, 2017). Because adolescence is a period during which children are subjected to significant changes and stress (Nickel, 2010), it is paramount to be aware of the potential...

Interpersonal Qualities for Good Relationships

Introduction Having strong interpersonal qualities is essential for creating healthy relationships with others, particularly at the organizational level. Sound interpersonal relationships imply that individual and collective productivity is achieved since the “we feeling” is developed to attain common interests (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). Interpersonal skills like respect, friendliness, sympathetic joy...

Differential Psychology as a Future Career Field

Introduction Psychology is concerned with peoples’ behavior at three different levels. These are the characteristics common to all people, the unique characteristics common to a group of people, and characteristics unique to each individual. This implies that while there are certain characteristics common to all people, there are those that...

Stress-Reducing Measures and Activities

Introduction As Linda (2008, pp. 3-8) argues, regardless of how an individual’s life may be comfortable, stress is inevitable in every individual’s life. Therefore, to reduce the negative effects that are associated with stress, every individual must try to identify any stress reducing activities, it is one of the primary...

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a way of thinking in which the critical thinkers arrive at conclusion through logical means. It can be viewed as a logical way of arriving at a conclusion. A critical thinker uses reasoning and logic in order to understand the truth as opposed to mere opinions. Skills...

Self-Disclosure in Psychological Therapy

Self-disclosure is revealing personal information to others. In the context of counseling, the implementation of this principle may significantly assist the client. As mentioned by Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, and Ivey (2016), it is used to “facilitate clients’ understanding of their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors” (p. 187). The technique may...

Erikson’s Psychosocial and Freudian Psychosexual Stages

Introduction Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud are great psychologists who came up with different theories that seek to explain the formation and development of personality. Erik Erikson came up with psychosocial theories, which explains that personality development depends upon epigenetic elements and the influence of culture in a given society....

Working With Mandated Ordered Client in Group Counseling

The Most Difficult Type of Client (s) To Work With In Treatment Group counseling is important for character transformation and psychological treatment. Professional counselors act as stewards during group counseling sessions (Harel, Shectman & Cutrona, 2012). Ideally, a standard group counseling session is normally composed of persons from different backgrounds....

Cultures and Worldviews in Counseling

Introduction According to Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002), it would prove quite inappropriate, on the part of a counselor, to pay little attention to what happened to be the particulars of the treated client’s ethnocultural affiliation. The reason for this is that, while aware of what accounts for these particulars’ discursive...

Psychoeducational Group Therapy for Children

Group psychotherapy as one of the most useful tools in psychological counseling obtains a variety of theoretical bases, approaches, and groups types. The choice of a kind of group patients are referred to depends on a variety of factors ranging from the mental health issue characteristics, age group, and the...

African-American Mothers’ and Their Sons Relationship

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

Logotherapy’s Role in Psychology and Counselling

There are several theories that have been developed over the years that relate to mental health. For example, Sigmund Freud is well recognized for his psychoanalytic theory that discusses the will to pleasure in explaining mental health. Additionally, Alfred Alder developed the Individual Psychology theory that focuses on the will...

Gerald Stano’s Psychological Analysis

Background Born Paul Zeininger on September 12 1951 in Schenectady, New York, Stano was neglected during infancy by his mother (Ecker, 2003). His situation was worse, with doctors stating that it had reached “animistic level”. For instance, he had adopted the survival mechanism of eating his own feces as early...

Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Symptoms

Social anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs as a result of excessive fear of social involvement. It is also known as social phobia. The fear arises from the suspension of being closely watched, and receiving criticism from peers and other members of the society (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2014). A...

Developing and Management Skill

Introduction Management is a complex field that requires a comprehensive approach in order to satisfy the expectations of the stakeholders. A number of skills have been identified as essential for enhancing organizational performance and maintaining a positive culture that promotes innovation and creativity. The following report analyses five skills incorporated...

Photoshop’s Impact: Beauty Standards and Self-Esteem Issues

Introduction The groundbreaking technologies of the late 20th and early 21st century have affected not only the professional lives but also the personal lives of people all over the world. While innovative devices were at first designed strictly for professional use, they soon became so popular that they have begun...

Behavioural Exceptionality: the Case of Scott

Identification of the Study The case study chosen for this paper is presented in the ninth chapter of the “Special education in Ontario schools” and titled ‘The Case of Scott’. The case study examines a boy who is kept in custody for three months; later Scott will go to a...

Stress in the Military

Anand, Nagle, Misra, and Dangi (2013) argue that “military jobs rank extremely high among the most stressful occupations in the world” (p. 1). For instance, a study conducted by the in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors (Toscano & Roberts, 2014). The major...

Postmodern and Family Systems Therapy

Introduction Defining postmodern therapy Life is based on certain common beliefs held by people unanimously. Postmodern therapy is a field in psychology that concentrates on deconstructing these beliefs as well as examining their value in a person’s life (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2001). Some of the subjects where postmodern therapy has...

The Role of Social Relationships in Childhood Development: Key Insights and Research Findings

Introduction Child development is a process that begins from conception but it goes on until death. Development in children takes different forms and is influenced by a number of fatore as will be disacussd later in the paper. It inviolves diverse dimensions which peer acceptance and rejection, development of friendship,...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Memory Effects, and Therapies

People have different personalities that make them unique and stand out among others; ones personality is an element of biological and social factors (Carpenter & Huffman, 2010). Personality is defined as the totality of inner attributes of a person that dictates or influences the way he perceives life; it is...

“Managing Transitions” by William Bridges

Introduction Throughout a lifetime, people experience a great number of events that can change their perspective on the world. The process of transition that starts when such an event occurs can be difficult for the person, but by the end, a new way of life can begin. This transition process...

Mandatory Reporting in Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mandatory reporting is the responsibility given to specific individuals in different states in the United States to report cases of child abuse and neglect to the responsible governmental bodies. Different laws concerning the mandatory reporting vary in accordance with the states’ policies. However, some general specific stages and policies...

Social Psychology and Health Issues

Social psychologists respond to health issues taking into account people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Patients and their relations with others are examined. Social psychologists look at the issue from the mental perspective. They evaluate consumers’ interactions and their influence. The traditional approach to healthcare delivery is based on clinical and...

Motivation Theories in Society

Introduction Motivation is a psychological factor that drives one to take action towards specific set goal. It ensures that individuals’ behavior is oriented towards that goal. Motivation can therefore qualify as a driving force since it propels one towards achieving the aim. It can also be referred to as an...

Effects of Divorce and Poverty in Families

Introduction In our modern society, divorce has become very wide spread among married couples. Children from poor backgrounds caught in the midst of a divorce lead miserable lives. This can be attributed to a number of factors both economical and social. Society in most cases associate divorce with a rise...

Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is an extreme fear of embarrassment or humiliation in human society or performing a work or role in situations and is usually described by avoidance of these situations. The fear is usually connected with marked anxiety and deterioration in several areas, including work, social life, and...

Corporal Punishment Argument: Old and Harmful Method of Childrearing

The choice between a corporal punishment and the methods of upbringing that do not involve physical aggression towards children has been in existence for decades. Although modern methods of upbringing have been designed and proven to be quite efficient with children of all ages, a range of people still resort...

Effective Life Coaching: Theories and Scriptural Foundations

Theoretical Approaches to Life Coaching Life coaching is a growing field of professional services that assist individuals in improving their lives and reaching their full potential. The most common theories used to develop an effective life coach are cognitive-behavioral theory, humanistic-existential theory, solution-focused coaching theory, and narrative coaching theory (Gavin,...

Gestalt Therapy for Teenagers: Communication and Confidence

Introduction Mike is an Asian American teenager who lives in Virginia with his parents and two sisters. Despite a close relationship with his sisters and mother, the boy has difficulty communicating with his father. The father pressures the child and insists on choosing a profession Mike does not like, and...

The Abnormal Psychology Case of Billy Milligan

Introduction Billy Milligan is a man known for his multiple personality diagnosis. His case is causing much controversy as to whether his mental disorder was real, or whether it was a way to get away with his crimes. 24 subpersonalities of Milligan are described, 10 of which were the main...

Treatment of Alcohol Dependency Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Introduction In our case study, the client is a Mexican American male aged 45 years, married and has three school-going children aged 15, 11 and 5 years respectively. The client comes to the clinic in the company of his wife who provides the counselor with background information about the reason...

Trauma and the Impact It Has on a Child’s Life

Introduction Trauma can be described as an emotional reaction to an unexpected event, such as an accident, a natural disaster, and others. Trauma can also be associated with harm caused to a person’s mental health as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (2022)...

Erikson’s and Piaget’s Developmental Theories

Introduction Both Erickson’s and Piaget’s developmental theories agree that a child’s development occurs through a sequential transition. Erickson gives eight stages that explain the transition of a child’s development; on the other hand, Piaget gives four. The two theories may be different, but they both show that each stage has...

Social Psychology: Love and Romantic Relationships

Love, Dating and Relationships The section delves into different concepts of love and romantic relationships. It focuses on several aspects of these issues, such as social scripts, understanding of love, current trends in relationships, and relationship rituals. Social scripts claim that people mimic the responses and actions of others throughout...

Chapter 11 of The Family by Philip N. Cohen

Work in Institutional Arenas Three different words refer to several types of work. The first category is care work, which entails work done in person to improve another person’s abilities. Maintenance work is required to keep a household running smoothly. Market work, or work done by employees for payment, is...

The Developmental Milestones and Activities for Children

Introduction Understanding how children develop at different developmental milestones is crucial. It will help correctly assess children’s abilities at the appropriate stage of life and balanced growth. At each level of a child’s development, the key parameters are such indicators as visual and auditory reactions and emotional reactions. Moreover, monitoring...

Shaping Singing Behavior with Applied Behavior Analysis

Shaping is a method teachers or therapists use in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to achieve a desired behavior or skill by gradually teaching and reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior. This means the demonstrated approximate desired behavior is reinforced while the other behaviors are not. Analysts may use the...

Basic Emotions and Their Influence on Human Behavior

Introduction Behavior in a certain situation depends on the emotions experienced by a person at a particular moment. The spectrum of human emotions is vast; however, they can be classified in a simplified way. Psychologist Paul Ekman identified six basic emotions that, in his opinion, are inherent in all people,...

The Aspects of the Critical Psychology

Introduction Psychology has several important tasks that contribute to the goal of making the world a better place. Firstly, psychology strives to describe the behavior and feelings of people; furthermore, the collected information is processed to explain why people behave in a certain way. A detailed explanation of people’s behavior...

A Case in Point of an Ethical Conundrum

Introduction The professor’s office serves as the location for this case study. Department Chair Ben seeks advice from adjunct professor Jenny. Ben assigns Jenny a class she has never taken before and for which she has no time to study. Ben explains that he needs her assistance because the wife...

Theories of Development: Piaget, Freud, and Erikson

Introduction The process of human development is complex and quite intricate. However, several theories can be distilled as the foundational premise for understanding the subject matter. These are Piaget’s, Freud’s, and Erikson’s ideas of cognitive and social development. Although the three theories seemingly have very few characteristics in common, further...

Childhood Trauma, Development, and Spirituality

It is almost impossible to find a person in the world who has not been haunted by trauma since childhood. Nowadays, parents spend less and less time on a person’s future development and instead fixate on what the child looks like right now and what his habits and characteristics are....

Inattentional Blindness and Unconscious Perception

Abstract Inattentional blindness defines the inability to detect externally apparent details of the overall context while focusing attention on individual objects. This effect can be life-threatening and create adverse consequences, especially in relation to crisis situations where maximum attention is required. In the present dissertation work, an experimental method was...

Evidence-Based Methods in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

The industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists tend to use special methods when recruiting and selecting staff to ensure the right person will do the job. One of the major methods is the interview; it is typically implemented in mid or large-size companies. The information received from the interview is dynamic, which means...

Risk in Psychological Research

Risk is a complex phenomenon with different, sometimes opposing bases, which leads to a whole range of possible definitions, disagreements, and contradictions. Finding a common methodological, interdisciplinary basis is complicated, above all, by the fact that in the study of risk, sometimes incompatible methods and models are used. Finding points...

The Counseling Process in the Adlerian Approach

Introduction Adlerian therapy emphasizes the ability of an individual to bring up a positive impact on their own life. In the Adlerian approach, there are several stages of the counseling process, consisting of the engagement stage, assessment, insight stage, and reorientation stage. For this Adlerian approach of counseling, individuals work...

A Person-Centered Case Conceptualization

Chad presents with the symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety. The parents’ frequent fighting and discussion of separation align with the son’s onset of changes in his mood and activity. Chad expresses hopelessness about the future; he does not have a good sleeping schedule and experiences both insomnia and excessive...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

Critique of “Impact of Social Media…” by Jan et al.

Objective and vision The main goal of the study “Impact of social media on self-esteem” is to demonstrate that Facebook, as the most prominent and commonly utilized social media platform, has a significant influence on young people’s self-esteem. The use of a mixed method approach in this research is intended...

School Counselling Responsibilities

Introduction School counseling is one of the services that are essential for the educational system. Children and adolescents in the United States face multiple challenges in attaining their education and getting through school. Hence, having a professional who is willing to help students deal with their emotional, academic, or social...

“The Emotional Intelligence” Book by Daniel Goleman

The reading’s main idea states that emotional intelligence, or one’s capacity to maintain her feeling and acknowledge that of others and communicate with them accordingly, is a valuable competence in all facets of life. Emotional intelligence is the most beneficial, as it creates secure, pleasant personal connections in family, community,...

Critical Thinking and Its Components

Critical thinking is defined as the ability of people to find cause-and-effect connections between different phenomena and build a rational strategy based on verifying the authenticity and practicality of ideas. In other words, to reason critically means to subject phenomena of the surrounding reality to a thorough analysis. This type...

Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy

Introduction: Existential Therapy Existential therapy refers to a therapeutic style that emphasizes on the holistic nature of the human condition. Such therapy aims at a positive approach that recognizes human abilities, but also takes into account the limitations of human resources. Over the years, many philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard...

Sigmund Freud’s Book the Future of an Illusion

Sigmund Freud’s book The Future of an Illusion is a psychoanalytical work discussing the tenets of civilization and the impact of religious ideas on society. Success in any community is dependent on controlling people’s desires and harnessing their collective ability to create wealth. However, wealth congregates around the minority upper...

Modern Usefulness of the Emotional Stroop Test

Recent decades have seen large advances in scientific understanding of human emotions and reactions. One of the most popular instruments used for evaluating personal responsiveness to emotional information is the emotional Stroop test. The key approach to the Stroop test involves assessing one’s ability to process emotions, which has been...

New Directions in Psycho-Analysis

The most interesting sociological topic for me is group dynamics. The interactions that affect people’s behavior and attitudes when they are in groups are known as group dynamics. In the fields of sociology, psychology, and communication studies, this is crucial. Numerous studies and experiments with a focus on group behavior...

Operant Conditioning: Behavior Management

Introduction The learning process involves acquiring knowledge, emotional responses, attitudes, motor skills, and values. Psychologists believe that learning is a long-lasting transformation in behavior because of an experience. Scientists and psychologists throughout the years have discovered various learning theories. Some learning happens automatically without people being able to notice it...

Parental Divorce’s Negative Impact on Children

Introduction This study analyze the developmental trend of a child in a family divorce. The primary research methodology will be a survey of existing cases, and an analysis of experiments that have been carried out earlier to confirm specific theories. The main limitation in the course of research is the...

Stress and Cognitive Appraisal

I have recently had a stressful experience related to my essay, which had to contain three thousand words and was due in three days. Even though I was familiar with the topic of the essay, I had much work to do, including reading many scholarly articles and analyzing and summarizing...

School Refusal as a Psychological Problem

School refusal is a common psychological problem that causes a lot of stress for a child. At the same time, the entire environment, including family, friends and school staff, is under a certain pressure. Reduced attendance and refusal to return to school can cause both short and long-term effects on...

Family Therapy Related to a Child’s Homosexuality

Introduction When working with clients, counselors should be guided by theoretical knowledge and practical skills of proper assessment, relevant treatment choice, and the establishment of a safe therapy environment. Counseling work requires the integration of the particularities of a given situation with which the clients struggle. To provide proper therapeutic...

Carl Rogers’ Position Regarding Encouragement

Encouragement is a well-known subject in psychotherapy, being utilized in a variety of approaches and popularized by figures such as Alfred Adler. However, other figures place far less importance on the concept of encouragement. As a primary example, Carl Rogers does not use encouragement in his psychotherapeutic approaches and practice....

Validity and Reliability of Tests on Personality

Introduction Psychological examinations cover various aspects of a character and are helpful for specialists whose employment requires immediate interactions with people. I have selected tests from the Personality category for Assignment 1 and discussed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Million Clinical...

The “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Book by Dale Carnegie

About 75 years after its publication, How to Win Friends and Influence People was named Time magazine’s 19th most influential book in 2011. It is one of the best-selling novels of all time, with over 30 million copies sold globally (“‎How to win friends & influence people,” 2022). In this...

Is Attachment Style Just Another Personality Trait?

Introduction The origins of the attachment styles can be found in child psychology and child-parent relationship studies. John Bowlby, a famous British psychologist, described several concepts that defined attachment theory. First of all, Bowlby created the concept of secure attachment, when children are comforted by the attachment figure’s closeness (Sutton,...

Psychobiography of Viola Davis

In this psychobiography, the intimate details of Viola Davis’s life from childhood to the present day are woven together to create a woman’s powerful story. Her determination and drive allowed her to overcome many obstacles on her journey to becoming one of the most celebrated actresses in Hollywood today. Viola...

The Nature of Memory and Its Practical Aspects

Ulric Neisser opened a conference on Practical Aspects of Memory with his article “Memory: What Are the Important Questions” in 1978. The author aims to find out why people recall sources differently, how it is possible to remember things, or what can be done to train the memory skill. Although...

The Role of Nature and Nurture in Behavior

Introduction Different approaches to the study of human behavior, often conflicting but convincing, have made it difficult for a student to arrive at a definite understanding of the subject. Some researches show that instinct or nature decides the behavioral pattern, but there are other views stating that human mind comes...

Mental Health Challenges and Their Stigmatization

The word ‘crazy’ has been thrown around in casual everyday speech, with not many people thinking twice about its meaning and potential implications. However, if one is to consider the world from the perspective of mental health, some issues come into play. Calling someone or something ‘crazy’ is likely to...

Perceptions, Biases, and Misheard Song Lyrics

A mishearing of song lyrics is one fun aspect of perception. Scientists associate such deviations with humans’ attitudes, ideas, and ways of thinking, which constitute an individual perceptual set. Thinking of times when I witnessed such misperception, I recall the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus, which became popular at...

Counselor’s Professional Values and Personal Beliefs

Harmony Between Professional Values and Spiritual Beliefs From the ACA code of ethics, there are two values that were previously not in harmony with my spiritual beliefs. The first one is A.4.b “personal values” that instructs counselors to refrain from imposing their own beliefs and values onto the clients (American...

Adult Mediation in Child Development

Vygotskian Development Theory regarded social interactions as pivotal in cognitive development. Cognitive abilities are considered to be socially constructed, which means that skills like learning, attention, and memory should be developed through culture-specific tools (Karpov, 2014). Vygotsky believed that adults play a mediatorial role in child development from birth to...

Conceptual Blocks in Solving Complex Issues

It should be noted that conceptual blocks limit a person from the point of view of his or her thinking process. They encourage individuals to look at the problem more narrowly and do not give them the opportunity to reveal their creative potential when searching for a solution. Apart from...

Erickson’s Theory of Psycho-Social Development

Erik Erikson was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. Creating his famous developmental theory, he argued that throughout their lifespan, people go through eight stages, with each of them being associated with a specific crisis. The successful resolution of the crises allows a person to live...

Human Behaviour in the Event of Fire

Factors affecting human behaviour Numerous factors contribute to human behaviour in the event of fire outbreak. Some of these factors include characteristics of occupants, features of the affected building, and fire dynamics (Bruck 2001). Moreover, environmental factors might also contribute to human behaviour during fire outbreaks. The occupant characteristics play...

The Role of Emotional Contagion

Abstract The present study has vested much time and effort to relate customer service to overall market growth without underlying the emotional contagion. This study is limited to the customer service component by analyzing the effect of customer service, employees’ attitudes during their interactions with individual clients, and the extent...

Effects of Nightmares in Health

Introduction Nightmares are comprehensible delusion sequences, which appear factual and become progressively more distressing as they develop. Emotions usually linked with nightmares are nervousness, distress, or terror. Other associated sensations comprise of irritation, temper, humiliation, and disgust. Nightmares have a habit of centering on impending physical threat or any upsetting...

How the Main Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology Explain Human Behavior

Introduction So far, there are several main theoretical perspectives that dominate in the field of psychology and that are being studied by scholars. In various ways, they all explain human behavior in particular conditions and situations, although this same behavior may be interpreted differently in these theories. The assignment aims...

The Adaptation to Childhood Chronic Illnesses: Parental and Child Perspectives

Sample Size The Research paper by Anne Gannoni and Rosalyn S. Shute uses a qualitative approach of research using the grounded theory concept. The sample size of the participant group included 18 children and 21 of their parents. Initial sample group was composed of 14 children between the ages of...

Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development

Sigmund Freud argued that children develop psychologically through five distinct stages. Each phase is characterized by different erotogenic zones and personal conflicts (Desai, 2018). During infancy (birth to 1 year), the child draws much pleasure by placing things in the mouth. Oral stimulation makes the baby trustful and comfortable due...

Psychological Perspectives and Behaviours in Childhood

Key Characteristics of a Range of Psychological Perspectives Psychodynamic Perspective Freud suggested that there were vital five stages of development in childhood: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. These are called psychosexual because they represent different stages of libido fixation that are contingent on one’s instincts (Guntrip, 2018). A person’s...

Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development

In the final project, the case of Dalia will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period. Teens usually experience overwhelming emotions and several changes in their relationships with parents, peers, and community members. In addition to certain physiological changes,...

Cognition and Language Development

From time to time, we hear from other people that learning a new language is an impossible task. Some of them say that they do not have an affinity for foreign languages; others are afraid of mistakes, not realizing that mistakes help us to improve. There are different biases towards...

How Prejudices Develop in Children

One of the burning issues in sociology is whether prejudices and biases are innate or people develop them throughout life. One famous proverb goes: “Children are not born with prejudices – they learn them.” Some researches state that people are not born with prejudices but acquire them. There is a...

Violent Behavior among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Violent behavior among children and adolescents can be attributed to various things. Sarmini and Azizah (2018) argue that there is a link between childhood aggression and the father figure actions. In particular, they hold a study that looks into gambling and child aggression. Arguably, children will be more manageable...

Psychometric Approach and Discourse Analysis in Psychology of Laughter

Introduction While psychology is interested in how laughter affects people’s well-being, it is not the only topic of interest in the field. An issue of comparable or even greater importance is how people cause each other to laugh in the first place. Thus, humor is a natural research topic for...

The Stanford Prison Experiment Review

Introduction The first video named the Stanford Prison Experiment presents a real socio-psychological experiment held in 1971. The US Navy sponsored the study as they had intentions to reveal the reasons for severe conflicts between the guards and the prisoners in the prisons (Vsauce, 2018). Phillip Zimbardo, the lead researcher,...

Juvenile Forensic Psychology: Contemporary Concern

The increasing socio-political and technology transformations have increased potential challenges within the juvenile rehabilitative centers. The present juvenile systems have numerous pitfalls that have immensely compromised the wellbeing and development of the young offenders admitted within these institutions. The welfare of these young offenders is an example of a potential...

Death and Dying Stages Overview

The issue of death rises numerous debatable ethical questions connected with the attitude of terminally ill patients and their relatives to it. The current paper described five stages of dying developed by Kubler-Ross that include “denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance” (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018, p. 551). Apart from this,...

The Benefits of Psychoeducational Groups

Introduction The benefits of psychoeducational groups as a method of modelling cannot be overestimated. Psychoeducational groups have many distinguishing characteristics differentiate those groups, the most important of which its preventive nature and skill building directivity (DeLucia-Waack, 2006, p. 10). Psychoeducational groups can be defined as those groups which are “theme-focused,...

Forensic Psychology: Quantitative vs Qualitative

In forensic psychology, both quantitative and qualitative research designs can be used when the available data is presented in the qualitative form, in words or categories. Depending on the purpose of the research, the data can be coded to determine themes, as it is in the qualitative research, or it...

Forensic Psychology: Personality Assessment Inventory

Personality Assessment Inventory Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is an appraisal tool that form part of Leslie Morey’s work. It comprises 344 self-report items that are aimed at testing and appraising an individual’s personality (Morey, 2007). It also examines a respondent’s psychopathology. Every item of the scale involves the respondent’s declaration,...