Single Mothers and Sons Relationships

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

Happiness, Positive Psychology and Counselling

Happiness is perceived differently by people. Its basis is not the same for all. There are also different factors that make people experience their own kind of happiness. The degree of happiness also differs given the same instance thus making happiness very subjective to the person who is given the...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most widespread mental diseases across the globe. It affects approximately 25 percent of women and 12 percent of men throughout the lifespan and may have multiple severe, adverse effects on individual condition including impaired functioning, reduced productivity and motivation, poor quality of...

Social Anxiety Disorder: The Fear of Making Mistakes

Introduction Social anxiety disorder is a condition characterized by the intense, persistent, unreasonable, and overwhelming fear of social situations that are based on false and negative beliefs about other people’s opinions (Antony, Antony, & Rowa, 2008). People with this disorder experience high levels of nervousness and self-consciousness that arise from...

Organizational Behavior in the “Troy” Film

Film Analysis Organizational behavior is a rapidly growing field of study. Many books and academic researches give critical assessment to various organizational behavior theories. Explorations in the sphere of motivation and leadership within organizations help building efficient collaboration schemes for workers in all kinds of companies. The importance of research...

Malcolm Gladwell’s Views on Adaptive Conscious

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” (2005) is a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, one of the most renowned figures in American letter writing. It gives a logical insight on psychology and behavioral economics, primarily concentrating on the mechanisms and processes that inspire our ability to automatically make rapid...

Charlotte’s Personality in the “Now, Voyager” Film

Charlotte’s Personality The main character in the film is Drab Charlotte Vale. According to the film, Charlotte is raised up by an abusive mother. She lacks self-confidence because of her past experiences. The film shows clearly that Charlotte was an unwanted daughter. She later benefits from the services of Dr....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Systemic Psychotherapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a holistic set of symptoms of mental activity disorders caused by a one-time or recurring strong external traumatic impact on the patient’s psyche (e.g., physical or sexual abuse, constant nervous stress associated with fear, humiliation, and empathy to the sufferings of other people)....

Child’s Behavior in Time-Series Research Design

Design Description Time-series research design is a prevalent method used for mathematical statistics. There are several different areas where time-series research can be found useful (Yadav & Toshniwal, 2011). In this particular situation, a time-series research design is applied within the framework of the educational environment. Even though there are...

Dyslexic Students at University

Summary of the Disorder Dyslexia is one of the widespread learning disorders that affect the population on a large scale. According to some estimates, as much as twenty percent of individuals have it in some form or another (Lapkin, 2014). Despite such an impressive presentation and a growing body of...

Smoking Cessation and Depression Problem

Introduction It is a renowned statistic that cigarette smoking is much more common among the patients with psychiatric diseases for a number of reasons which may include (but are not limited to) psychological implications and neurobiological mechanisms. The addiction to nicotine is often associated with co-occurring psychological ailments and is...

“The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat” by Oliver Sacks

In this paper, a base concept is a lecture describing perception, and the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Sacks (1987) is a target concept. To understand the target concept, it is necessary to apply the terms and theories discussed in the course of the...

Learning and Memory in Behavioral Neuroscience

Chapter 12, “Learning and Memory,” of Freberg’s “Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience,” provides essential insights on the understanding of brain development and functioning. The key milestones in brain evolution start from those of early animals such as sea anemones. Furthermore, brainy mammals appeared around 360 million years ago, serving as a basis...

Robert Moorman’s Views on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

The study by Robert H. Moorman titled “Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Do Fairness Perceptions Influence Employee Citizenship?” aimed at canvassing “the relationship between perception of fairness and organizational citizenship behaviors in a sample drawn from two firms in the Midwestern United State.” The two companies were...

Risk-Taking Genes and Twin Behavior

Risk-Taking It is established that biological differences can influence one’s behavior. According to some studies, some specific genes may be the reason for certain behavioral patterns and choices. For instance, the gene, called neurod2, is said to have the purpose of controlling one’s ability to assess the riskiness of a...

Gaming Influence on Psychology and Personality

Introduction The topic I find interesting and suitable for an investigation is gaming and its influence on human psychology and gamer’s personality. I chose it because I like playing video games too (although I am not an experienced gamer, and games are not my primary form of entertainment). I have...

Motivation in the “Whiplash” Film by Damien Chazelle

Reflective Portion Whiplash (2014) is a superb story depicting the efforts of an ambitious, 19-year-old drummer, Andrew Neyman, to become one of the greatest musicians ever. He attends one of the best conservatories in the United States, the Shaffer Conservatory based in Manhattan, where he gets noticed by jazz guru,...

The Work “Punished by Rewards” by Alfie Kohn

The practice of using bonuses and praise to motivate students is directly associated with the principles of behaviorism. However, in his work Punished by Rewards, Alfie Kohn claims that rewards can have adverse effects on students, and the author provides many arguments against the core ideas of behaviorism in this...

Personal Development During Middle Adulthood

Identifying specific stages in personal development is essential to understanding the changes that one goes through. As a result, the problems that one may face at the specified time slots become easily identifiable and addressable. To evaluate the efficacy of the models suggested by Erikson, Vaillant, Levinson, and Peck, two...

Counseling, Its Ethical Standards and Principles

The Significance of Ethics in Counseling In the practice of psychology, ethics of conduct constitute a crucial part of professional competence. Counselors and other specialists in psychology interact with diverse individuals on the everyday basis, and the universal ethical values, as well as the specifically formulated professional standards introduced by...

Emotional Abuse of Women by Their Intimate Partners

Abstract Emotional abuse is one type of intimate partner violence experienced mostly by women. This paper discusses the emotional abuse of women by their intimate partner with a focus on some categories of women that have received inadequate attention from researchers. It begins by defining emotional abuse as a form...

Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Recent studies have indicated that vicarious trauma is a major challenge capable of affecting counselors’ professional and personal outcomes (Ray, Wong, White, & Heaslip, 2013). The term “vicious trauma” refers to the distressing reaction to the experiences of a client (Ray et al., 2013). First responders and counselors are usually...

Mandatory Reporting in Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mandatory reporting is the responsibility given to specific individuals in different states in the United States to report cases of child abuse and neglect to the responsible governmental bodies. Different laws concerning the mandatory reporting vary in accordance with the states’ policies. However, some general specific stages and policies...

Effects of Divorce on Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a critical developmental stage in life of a human being. The stage is marked by different psychosocial changes that define the transition period from adolescence to the young adulthood (Cohen, Kasen, Chen, Hartmark & Gordon, 2003). During the stage, the adolescents undergo emotional changes that are influenced...

Collectivism and Individualism in Human Behaviour

Introduction Social constructs are useful in the study of human motives and behaviour. The constructs such as individualism and collectivism are essential as they form the basis of human character. While scholars use construals such as independence and interdependence to explain social constructs, the construals represent social constructs that determine...

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology

Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to the understanding of their needs, the assessment of the problems that children at the specified age may have, and locating any possible issues in their development (Jasinski, 2012). Therefore, applying an appropriate tool for measuring children’s intelligence is crucial to...

Cyberbullying: Victim and Abuser in the Online Environment

Detailing the Topic: Cyberbullying as a 21st-Century Concern The phenomenon of bullying has been known since the dawn of time (Elgar et al., 2014) as one of the most typical, though morally unjustifiable, behavioral patterns in the society. However, with the technological advances of the 21st century and the creation...

Courage Definitions and Attributes

Abstract The present paper has sampled the various definitions of courage to illuminate some of the concept’s most important components as applied in contemporary contexts. The components of courage covered in this paper include experiencing fear yet choosing to act, following one’s heart or wishes, persisting in the face of...

Coping With Compassion Fatigue in Caregivers

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the condition which is known as the compassion fatigue. This term is used to refer to the detrimental effects of continuous exposure to the suffering of other people. These emotional problems are particularly relevant if one speaks about professionals who work as caregivers,...

Personal Loss – Bereavement and Grief

Introduction As human beings, we all face moments of loss in one way or another. Drawing from a study by James (2008), it may take several months or even years for an individual or family that has experienced a loss to finally recover. It is also possible that the trauma...

Gambling in America

It is almost every day that we hear news about some rich and famous person who filed for bankruptcy because of their gambling problem and everyone knows at least one person from their surroundings who is struggling with the gambling addiction. These facts make some people think that gambling is...

Bilingualism Effects on Cognitive Development

The 21st Century has been characterised by a multicultural and diverse society (Cavaluzzi, 2010). The proportion of children taking English as a second language is also increasing tremendously. A survey carried out on London schools in 2000 showed that the children spoke more than 300 languages (Edwards, 2004). Statistics show...

Corporal Punishment Argument: Old and Harmful Method of Childrearing

The choice between a corporal punishment and the methods of upbringing that do not involve physical aggression towards children has been in existence for decades. Although modern methods of upbringing have been designed and proven to be quite efficient with children of all ages, a range of people still resort...

Crime, Deviance, and Social Control

Social norms guide people on the paths to take and how to relate. Various cultures are guided differently based on country, tribe, race, and cultural practices. Western and African cultures are different since the latter is formed by beliefs that dictate the dressing mode of elder-youth interaction. People deviate from...

The Effects of Foster Care on Child Development

Introduction Foster care is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States. Various circumstances, including high mortality and other crimes, mainly cause the growth. Foster care is sometimes viewed as a temporary home for children, especially those with no one to look after them. Children can also enter foster care if...

Perception: Impact on Everyday Life

One of the most striking and significant examples of the influence of perception on everyday life is the depth, comprehensiveness, objectivity, and speed of cognition of another person due to certain objective and subjective characteristics. Most often, the perception of other people is based only on assumed qualities, impressions, interpretation,...

Social Psychology: Love and Romantic Relationships

Love, Dating and Relationships The section delves into different concepts of love and romantic relationships. It focuses on several aspects of these issues, such as social scripts, understanding of love, current trends in relationships, and relationship rituals. Social scripts claim that people mimic the responses and actions of others throughout...

The Marshmallow Experiment Articles

In “Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test,” a TEDx talk by researcher and author Dr. Anindya Kundu (2017), he talks on how, in the well-known marshmallow experiment, socioeconomic status influences a child’s capacity to defer gratification. According to Kundu, while wealthier children typically perform better on...

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Its Advantages

A bachelor’s degree in psychology can provide students with numerous advantages. Some advantages of majoring in psychology include understanding people’s behavior, developing better problem-solving and communication skills, and understanding human behavior (Landrum, 2018). Studying psychology can help students better understand the world, develop a greater appreciation for diversity, and learn...

Collaborative Therapy: Systemic Family Therapy

Collaborative therapy is a philosophical and postmodern treatment model which encourages and promotes a change process that assists clients in finding solutions through mutual relations between them and therapists. The therapy process is collaborative and meaning-making and mainly occurs in conversations between the two parties. Moreover, it is generative and...

Intelligence Assessment: Raven Progressive Matrices

The Raven Progressive Matrices is a test of intelligence that was developed in the 1950s. The test measures spatial ability, working memory, and reasoning ability by having the examinee complete a series of tasks that require them to draw shapes, arrange cards in numerical order, and perform other cognitive tasks....

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Effective Interventions

Introduction The progressive series of physical, social, behavioral, and emotional development or learning that prepare a kid to grow into a healthy adult is known as child development. Particularly between the ages of 0 and 5, a child’s environment and experiences influence their development. The brain grows faster and quicker...

Mental Health Issues in Adolescents After COVID-19

Early intervention, prevention, and mental health promotion significantly affect an individual’s well-being. However, it is no longer the responsibility of health professionals alone, especially during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Most adolescents were trapped at home and isolated from friends, resulting in an elevated level of mental health...

Perfectionism: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Notably, some psychological or mental conditions usually appear to be more beneficial than harmful to the health of adolescents. For instance, perfectionism seems to be a positive attribute that can significantly contribute to an individual’s success in life. However, at certain levels perfectionism can make an individual develop negative...

Dog Therapy for Socially Isolated People

The article “Man’s best friend” by Aydin et al. explores how using companion animals can psychologically help socially isolated people. The research hypothesis is that a companion animal can minimize the adverse mental effects of social isolation. For this, an experiment was designed in which two groups of people worked...

A Case in Point of an Ethical Conundrum

Introduction The professor’s office serves as the location for this case study. Department Chair Ben seeks advice from adjunct professor Jenny. Ben assigns Jenny a class she has never taken before and for which she has no time to study. Ben explains that he needs her assistance because the wife...

Social Psychology: Self-Serving Bias

Introduction Social psychology is one of the valuable tools for a better understanding of the behavior of people in society. In particular, it is essential since it considers such aspects as behavior, judgment, discrimination, and cultural effects. This discussion takes self-serving bias as the focus of the study, which is...

The Computational Theory of Mind

Introduction Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is widely assumed to be the primary working hypothesis in cognitive science. CTM is frequently understood as a subset of the Representational Theory of Mind, which holds that cognition is the manipulation of representation. The most widely accepted version of CTM, classical CTM, otherwise...

Guided Reflection: Foundations in Early Childhood Education

Child rearing represents a highly responsible and demanding task since it means upbringing a full-fledged member of society. No one knows what is right or wrong in this world, but many parents strive to communicate it in the best possible way. Therefore, the discussed concepts include punishment and child-rearing patterns...

Effectiveness of Punishment in Changing Behavior

Introduction The majority of people have been trying to change something in their lives for years, struggling to find an effective solution to their problems. According to the trans-theoretical model of behavioral change, change is a process with a number of stages (Hanson, 2020). They cannot be missed; everyone has...

Psychoeducation Group for Native Americans with Trauma

Introduction The purpose of the psychoeducational group is to assist Native American individuals with trauma in the provision of high-quality therapy. The group is being created to use all the benefits of psychoeducational procedures to address social, psychological, and life complications among Native Americans. In terms of modality, the psychotherapy...

The Halo Effect as a Cognitive Dysfunction

Introduction Susan is a student enrolled at an online university with aspirations of becoming a professional psychologist. She met Dr. Frank to work with him, but she started reflecting on this decision due to his impression of her (Capella University). In addition, Susan assumed he was a successful and intelligent...

Psychological Trauma in Woman Who Lost Husband

The fifth chapter in Dr. Yalom’s collection of essays focuses on a widowed woman named Elva who has to relive the trauma of losing her husband. The chapter “I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me” is about a woman with an established psychological connection between her lost husband and...

Leadership Qualities: Nurture vs. Nature

The question about whether leaders are born or made has been a subject of many debates and speculations. Studies have supported different arguments from both sides of this question, and there is still controversy whether leadership traits are inherent in people in nature or developed through life experiences. If the...

A Child’s Behavior With Sensory Processing Disorder

A child with SPD has difficulty understanding and controlling the feelings their body and the environment produce. SPD affects children differently: some may be quickly overwhelmed by senses, but some are under-reactive. Apart from therapy and treatment, various practical actions can be taken, which lead children to develop self-help skills....

Adolescence as a Stage of Psychological Development

Introduction Although each person has a unique life trajectory, there are general psychosocial and biological changes that every individual experiences once they reach a certain age. The field of psychology has identified roughly five phases of human development: infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and middle-late adulthood. The third, adolescence, is...

Application of the Behaviorist Theory

Introduction If I had a ton of money and no need to work for income for the rest of my life, I would dedicate my time to obtaining knowledge related to other cultures and learning foreign languages in particular. Although there is a list of languages I wish to learn,...

Evidence-Based Methods in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

The industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists tend to use special methods when recruiting and selecting staff to ensure the right person will do the job. One of the major methods is the interview; it is typically implemented in mid or large-size companies. The information received from the interview is dynamic, which means...

Hyperthymesia in Borges’ “Funes the Memorious”

Introduction Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) or Hyperthymesia is a syndrome in which a person remembers a high amount of information about their own life with amazing accuracy. With this personality syndrome, it is common to focus on constant reflections on one’s past and recall detailed descriptions of any moment...

Why Good People Do Bad Things by James Hollis

In his book Why Good People Do Bad Things? James Hollis attempted to explain why good intentions frequently lead to exact opposite outcomes. One can argue that this problem results from human nature, which leads us to judge the book by its cover, while the truth may differ drastically from...

The Counseling Process in the Adlerian Approach

Introduction Adlerian therapy emphasizes the ability of an individual to bring up a positive impact on their own life. In the Adlerian approach, there are several stages of the counseling process, consisting of the engagement stage, assessment, insight stage, and reorientation stage. For this Adlerian approach of counseling, individuals work...

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Higher Education

Concerns about how to guarantee that students learn effectively in class and attain academic excellence in their academic pursuits have emerged all over the world in the field of education. This has been related to issues including bad study habits, laziness, inefficient instructional teaching, insufficient course content, and a lack...

Behaviorism and Behavioral Psychology

Critique A few viewpoints are fundamental to psychology and have persisted in relevance even in contemporary psychological theory, although psychological perspectives have evolved as the psychological field has advanced. This essay will give a background on the ideas of psychological theorists like Watson, Skinner, and Tolman. Their views continue to...

Family Systems Therapy by Virginia Satir

For a long time, the approach to the treatment of psychological problems has focused on consideration of the characteristics of the behavior, emotions and feelings of the individual. However, in the middle of the twentieth century, this view began to change and more attention was paid to family therapy. Virginia...

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Everyone in the world has thoughts, and it is in human nature. Most people’s thinking is not informed but warped and partial. However, everyone’s life depends on how they think and what they think about. Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill for everyone who wants to...

Phobias: Triggers and Treatment

Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia The article by Schweckendiek et al., “Weaving the (Neuronal) Web: Fear Learning in Spider Phobia,” explores the neurobiological difference between the standard mechanism of fear manifestation and the formation of dysfunctional brain response, that is, a spider phobia. The research includes...

Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

Creating an agenda is a collective approach in which the psychotherapist and the customer select how the meeting time will be allocated. The patient and therapist make a list of topics they would like to address and then decide on the order in which they will discuss them and how...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Psychotherapy

Rational-Emotional Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a psychotherapeutic direction based on the sensitivity to the fact that a person experiencing psychological discomfort relies on irrational judgments in his thoughts and actions. The elimination of these judgments is predominantly portable in psychological intervention. The main task of REBT is to change emotions...

Human Development in Early Adulthood

During their life, a person goes through many development stages, each associated with specific activities. At the moment, like many of my acquaintances, I am in my early adulthood. This period is significantly different from the previous stage, adolescence, primarily due to the many opportunities that open up (Huffman et...

Theories of LeBron James’ and Beyoncé’s Success

LeBron James The legendary basketball player LeBron James is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. James achieved a great deal of achievement both on and off the field. Many factors have contributed to his success; two theories can help explain it: social learning theory and cognitive development theory....

Operant Conditioning in Learning and Parenting

Learning is a never-ending process to which all beings with at least a hint of intelligence are subjected. It can occur in various ways, for instance, depending on the stimulus from the external environment. In this case, the learning process is called conditioning (Blackman, 2017). It can be divided into...

Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress, and Danger

It can be challenging to determine whether a patient’s issue or symptom becomes severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of a mental illness, especially for novice practitioners. All clinicians can benefit from using the Four D’s, which stand for deviance, dysfunction, distress, and danger, to evaluate reported characteristics, symptoms, or...

The Teaching of Developmental Psychology

This study aims to analyze and develop the teaching of developmental psychology. Also, the research concepts integrate interpersonal spirituality with developmental systems. Based on attachment theory, relational spirituality is one of two theoretical frameworks for comprehending a person’s attachments and religious growth. To understand why some people are more robust...

Children’s Behavior and Extinction Procedure

Introduction ABA therapy is a practice based on the principles of psychology to identify adverse conduct. The therapy process is conducted by specially trained professionals and aims to eradicate negative conduct. ABA therapy focuses on behavioral changes that are related to social skills, communication, and learning. The extinction procedure is...

Complex Cultural Backgrounds and Identities

Psychologists are gauged based on their ability to embrace cultural differences in improving people’s lives. In service delivery, an organization must learn ways of serving people from different cultures (Tanriverdi, 2017). About 7 billion people are living globally, and none of them is a replica of the other. Individual differences...

The Two Major Approaches to Personality: Key Principles

Evaluation of the main approaches to personalities is essential in the context of understanding human nature and psychology. It includes reviewing existing theories and creating a personality profile that includes key behavioral and psychological traits. In addition, one should consider the chosen approaches from the perspective of a theoretical basis,...

Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis and Attachment Theories

Eric Fromm was significantly impacted by Sigmund Freud and his ideas of conflict, defense, and the critical role unconscious play in people’s lives (Bacciagaluppi, 2014). At the same time, he had other visions of the role of culture in the evolution of individuals. He believed that society and its customs...

Deductive vs. Inductive Thinking Methods

Introduction Human thinking has always been one of the most challenging and confusing topics to study. Each person is unique, with their unique qualities, socially, biologically, and psychologically. It is difficult to estimate how educated a person is by referring to his thinking style only. This is a very abstract...

Short- and Long-Term Memories of Childhood Abuse

The problem of child abuse and its effects on the subsequent years of a person’s life is of increasing concern to memory scientists and clinicians. They believe that memory loss can be caused by physical, emotional, or psychological stress. Although memories can be forgotten for some time, according to the...

Traumatic Influences on Family Systems

Introduction Child upbringing in any society and context is a collective effort, with the immediate social environment playing a pivotal role in the child’s development. This connection and interdependence between parents, immediate caregivers and remote environments like schools is brought out even more clearly in the case of traumatic experiences....

Graduate Debt in Psychology: A Qualitative Analysis

Introduction The article by Doran et al. studies the subject of student loans in psychology education. Student loan debts are identified as a major issue that has long-term negative impacts on the citizens and the economy of the country in general. The paper uses a consensual qualitative research methodology to...

Resistance in Psychotherapy by Beutler et al.

While it is assumed that people strive to be healthy, some tend to be reluctant to receive practitioners’ advice on treatment. In their article, Beutler et al. (2002) discuss people who express resistant behavior and describe its conceptual issues, measurement, and effects on treatment outcomes. The report by Beutler et...

New Developments and Current Challenges in Psychology

Introduction It is important to note that the given literature review will utilize an integrative conceptual framework, which not only reviews the relevant literature but additionally critiques and synthesizes the acquired knowledge as well as insights. The review will be organized in accordance with the sections below, which include discussion,...

The Development of the Preschool Child

Introduction The summary description entails the video, pretend washing, where the main protagonists are two girls donning yellow and lime dresses. The girls are three and appear to have normal physical development based on size and stature (Pretend Washing, 2013). The girls are happy and attentive as they engage in...

Psychology of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Introduction Incarceration significantly impacts a person, but their children suffer even more due to the emotional vulnerability of their age. The critical subject of the assessment is the mental health of children with incarcerated parents. The importance and substantiality of parental influence on children cannot be overstated. Not only an...

The “On Killing” Book by Dave Crossman

Introduction The book titled ‘On Killing: The psychological cost of learning to kill in war and society.’ by Dave Crossman explores the psychology of the killing art in society. The genre of the book is that it offers an illuminating account of how military personnel learn to kill and how...

Deviant Behavior in Children From Unfavorable Social Environment

The manifestation of deviant behavior in children brought up in an unfavorable social environment is an urgent problem that sociologists and psychologists have been struggling with for a long time. When analyzing the possibility of conducting research on this topic, the following question can be posed: Is an unfavorable social...

Correctional Officer Stress: A Phenomenological Study

Abstract Stress at work is a significant problem and a prerequisite for worsening personal well-being and working performance. The responsibilities of correctional officers monitoring offenders involve substantial stress, and the consequences include a deterioration in mental and physical health to a decrease in life expectancy. The researchers’ attention to the...

Professional Issues in Group Work Counselling

Alignment With the Literature from the Unit and Wider Reading Group work counseling a psychological assistance when a client discusses his life difficulties not only alone with a psychologist, but also with other people (Schönberger, 2019). Resorting to wider reading, it can be revealed that the group itself is the...

Family Therapy Related to a Child’s Homosexuality

Introduction When working with clients, counselors should be guided by theoretical knowledge and practical skills of proper assessment, relevant treatment choice, and the establishment of a safe therapy environment. Counseling work requires the integration of the particularities of a given situation with which the clients struggle. To provide proper therapeutic...

Rupture of Psychiatrist-Patient Alliance

The rupture of the alliance between the attending psychiatrist and the patient in psychiatry is a complex of different problems that gradually appear between people. There are many factors for this phenomenon, and this is a reasonably typical case among practicing psychiatrists (Safran & Kraus, 2014). Moreover, common treating alienists...

Aspects of Pursuit of Happiness

Introduction The pursuit of happiness can be considered a natural aspect of human life because any effort applied both at work and in social interactions is inherently linked to the aspiration for well-being and personal comfort. From a psychological perspective, people subconsciously want to fulfill their individual ambitions and satisfy...

Validity and Reliability of Tests on Personality

Introduction Psychological examinations cover various aspects of a character and are helpful for specialists whose employment requires immediate interactions with people. I have selected tests from the Personality category for Assignment 1 and discussed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Million Clinical...

Psychology: Milgram Obedience Experiment

Many controversial studies and experiments were conducted in the twentieth century, but the most striking and well-known for the general public was the Milgram obedience experiment. An American psychologist wondered how far an ordinary person is willing to go, obeying someone else’s will. The idea came to Stanley as a...

Disinformation and Its Impact on Individuals

Introduction The existence of news breeds misinformation, whether intentional or accidental. The strengthening of information technology leads to the expansion and eradication of the data flows around the individual, which he needs to process. However, it is impossible to consider the phenomenon of disinformation as an exclusively negative one. It...

The Study of Sex as a Study of Power

Power has been recognized as a significant variable in the study of sex and sexual behavior. These behaviors include social, relational, and individual variables. Power is considered a substantial variable in aspects of social relationships and romantic relationships. Women tend to have a more negative attitude towards premarital sex, unlike...

Family Counseling: Triggers and Reactions

Family counseling can be described as a process by which professionals can help navigate patients in their healing and understanding of their feelings. In this regard, my role as a family counselor is to identify the issues and find the emotional triggers and reactions to specific actions of others. For...

Mindfulness for Trauma and Anxiety Treatment

Introduction Trauma and anxiety symptoms in young adults are highly researched topics in the field of mental health. A wide variety of potential treatments exist, including programs focused on medication, exercise, group conversations, and more. Mindfulness and meditation are among these interventions, as they have been shown to reduce stress...

The Assessment of Tests on Personality

Introduction Tests are an important part of professions that work with people and can be divided into considerable categories, but the one related to my specialization is personality. While I pursue many goals in my career, I am determined to help people and believe that I should learn the particulars...

Psychological Program Evaluation and Assessment

Program assessment is a unique type of psychological research, and whether or not it counts as research may be a point of contention. A systematic examination, comprising research formulation, testing, and assessment, to develop or contribute to generalizable information is referred to as research. Program assessment is limited to a...

Cognitive Development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories

It is important to note that cognitive development is a critical aspect of human development. It can be defined as a process of change in a person’s mental abilities and skills as he or she becomes more experienced and mature. In other words, thinking skills advance and enhance, making a...

Children’s Contribution to Their Development

Modern ideas about the biological and social relations in children’s development are based mainly on Vygotsky’s positions. The scientist emphasized the unity of hereditary and social factors in the process of maturity (Martin, 2021). Heredity plays a role in the formation of all mental functions of the child, but its...

Therapeutic Models: The Common Features

Specific factors support an individual approach to every patient and define specialized therapeutic models as a crucial component in the outcome of a treatment. In contrast, common factors refer to the assumption that all therapy methods share similar features that affect the effectiveness of medical treatment. I believe that the...

Analysis of Social Psychology Concepts

Introduction Social psychology is the science of how people’s ideas, attitudes, beliefs, desires, and aspirations are formed in a social setting due to their actual or perceived encounters with others. Thus, it examines human conduct concerning people and the contexts in which interaction and feelings occur. People are frequently influenced...

Erikson’s Stage of Intimacy Versus Isolation

Early adulthood is one of the crucial periods in the continued formation of personality, and many essential changes occur during this period. One of the psychological approaches that aim to explain and interpret this period is Erikson’s theory. Erikson interprets early adulthood as a time of the interplay between intimacy...

Demi Lovato’s Story of Recovery

The following essay gives an overview of Demi Lovato’s recovery story from her mental issues, which involved substance addiction, depression, bulimia, and bipolar disorder. Her treatment was a life-long journey at different qualified rehabilitation centers, which had a personalized approach to their patients. Analyzing her history of relapses, it would...

Cyclothymic Disorder: Article Critical Review

Abstract This paper highlights the symptoms of cyclothymia and the challenges it imposes in health centers. Cyclothymia is prevalent, impairing bipolar spectrum disorder included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders formed in 1982. Whereas Sub-threshold bipolar is a cyclothymia-related disorder common in young individuals. The relation of...

Deviant Behavior of College Freshman

Introduction Deviant behavior among college students has caused concern among stakeholders in the educational sector. Sometimes this behavior may be extreme, creating risk among the affected student or their schoolmates. Many institutions have been grappling with this problem over the years, especially among freshmen. When newly enrolled in schools, these...

Wernicke’s Area and Language Development

Located within the cerebral hemisphere’s left temporal lobe, Wernicke’s area is a brain region critical for language development, particularly in speech comprehension. Language capabilities are progressively acquired and enhanced from childhood to adulthood and encompass receptive and expressive abilities. Wernicke’s area contains motor neurons that support the comprehension of both...

Cognitive Dissonance in Abusive Relationships

The concept of cognitive dissonance can help explain a victim of an abusive relationship’s emotional state and psychological motivation. The term suggests that a person is in that severe situation when their actions contradict their beliefs and views. An extended stay in this state ultimately leads to a feeling of...

Human Behavior and Social Work Theoretical Analysis: Adolescent Aggression

Introduction This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical approaches to the problem of violence and deviant behavior overall among young people. As will be demonstrated later, this problem appears to be widespread not only in the United States but all over the world, especially in developing...

Piaget’s and Erikson’s Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology is the essential study of why and how people change throughout their life, and lately, it has received a significant deal of attention. Several scientists studied people of various ages and their development. For example, Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, and Erik Erikson, a German-American psychoanalyst, each created...

Androgyny as the Primordial Foundation of Personality

Introduction For many years, it has been believed that if a person is mentally and physiologically healthy, then his or her appearance and behavior patterns should conform to the gender stereotypes established in society. Thus, a man should have a brutal appearance, aggressive, belligerent behavior, and actively developing career. In...

Psychological Perspectives and Behaviours in Childhood

Key Characteristics of a Range of Psychological Perspectives Psychodynamic Perspective Freud suggested that there were vital five stages of development in childhood: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. These are called psychosexual because they represent different stages of libido fixation that are contingent on one’s instincts (Guntrip, 2018). A person’s...

Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development

In the final project, the case of Dalia will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period. Teens usually experience overwhelming emotions and several changes in their relationships with parents, peers, and community members. In addition to certain physiological changes,...

Cognition and Language Development

From time to time, we hear from other people that learning a new language is an impossible task. Some of them say that they do not have an affinity for foreign languages; others are afraid of mistakes, not realizing that mistakes help us to improve. There are different biases towards...

Cognitive Development During the Middle Childhood Years

Introduction Cognitive development is the gradual development of a child’s intelligence. At various stages, cognitive impairment associated with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, diseases at an early age, psychosocial and other factors can occur. The classification of cognitive development periods is based on the ability to interact with the...

Personal Wellness: Deliberate Action Planning

Wellness Model I am applying the three-dimensional wellness model consisting of physical, spiritual, and emotional domains. It is stated that one needs to pay attention to all eight dimensions of the wellness model such as physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. However, there is no requirement to...

The Origins and the Effects of Meditation

Meditation or mindfulness is widely utilized in both traditional and holistic medicine. Meditation might be defined as a “technique for stilling the mind and attaining a state of total awareness” as well as a ”practice focused on experiencing our very nature and consciousness” (Aguirre, 2018, p. 9). The term “mindfulness”...

Forensic Psychology in the Police Subspecialty

Forensic psychological officers have crucial roles in the running of the police departments. This is because of law enforcement chores being entitled to many challenges. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the professional psychological officers to offer amicable counseling to the police individuals in the running of the daily chores....

Escaping the Endless Adolescence’ by Joseph Allen

Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individual’s physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage has a great influence on the future life....

Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The American Psychiatric Association (2013) defines intermittent explosive disorder (IED) as behavioral outbursts caused by failure to control impulses of aggression. The disorder differs from other kinds of aggression individuals may show, as it is a reoccurring issue. Due to the fact that patients with the disorder struggle to...

“Industrial-Organizational Psychology” by Eno

Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology is a subfield of psychology that studies all aspects of mental activity and behavior in organizations to increase organizational efficiency and create favorable work conditions and individual development. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the American Psychological Association is one of the leading communities of...

The Benefits of Psychoeducational Groups

Introduction The benefits of psychoeducational groups as a method of modelling cannot be overestimated. Psychoeducational groups have many distinguishing characteristics differentiate those groups, the most important of which its preventive nature and skill building directivity (DeLucia-Waack, 2006, p. 10). Psychoeducational groups can be defined as those groups which are “theme-focused,...

The Impact of Attentional Focus on the Swimming Speed of Professional Swimmers

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to examine the impact of attentional focus on the swimming speed of professional swimmers (Stoate & Wulf, 2011). How the Goal Relates to My Research The authors report that an external focus targeted at the movement augments automaticity compared...

Emotional Regulation From a Cognitive Psychology Perspective

Introduction Over the past decades, the number of publications on the problem of the regulation of emotions in norm and pathology in the psychological literature has increased many times every year (Anastasi, 2013). However, despite the fact that this topic is increasingly becoming the object of systematic research in both...

Forms of Sex Abuse and Its Causes

Introduction Any action leading to sexual contact without the consent of one partner can be referred to as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is therefore any act of non-consensual sexual intercourse. In the recent past, this kind of harassment has been more often reported than it was a few years ago....

Stress and Emotional Management

Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...

Stress Management: Personal Stress Techniques

Stress is any reaction of the human body when a demand that is likely to cause pressure to it is made usually it results in tension and conflict of the mind and body as a whole. This is especially when the body is required to have some changes so as...

Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Therapy

Ethical issues and guidelines deserve consideration before religion and spirituality can be integrated into therapy. This article asserts that religious or Christian counseling to be specific, aims at promoting the spiritual growth of the patients apart from alleviating signs of diseases or resolving psychological problems. However, there is a difference...

Stress Effects and Management Report

Introduction Stress is the feeling which results from situations that are overwhelming which the body or mind are not used to. When someone is under stress, a feeling of insecurity is evident. As a result, hormones react to the prevailing situation which may lead to a faster heart beat. Also,...

Functional Behavioral Assessment and the Behavior Intervention Plan

General information about Fred The student under consideration is a boy, Fred. He is eight years old, and he is a student of elementary school. Fred has a grade level “3”, his disability is autism. During the class activities, the boy takes everything lying in front of him and chews...

Student Development Concept: Cognitive Development

Introduction Human development is an intriguing process that involves the integration of many factors. All these various factors are necessary to achieve full development. The factors involve interplay between, on the one hand, the genetic materials inherited from parents commonly referred to as nature and on the other hand, the...

The Effects of Battered Women Syndrome

Overview A battered woman’s syndrome is a mixture of feelings alongside other temperamental patterns which are as a result of the consequences of trauma, lack of assistance and a round of violence which makes the affected female victim to blindly acknowledge that it is impossible to evade the abusive relationship...

The Psychology of Consciousness

Conscious Definition Conscious is a word that has been adapted from the Latin word conscius which is translated to mean self-knowledge. Consciousness can be said to be a state of alertness and awareness. A conscious person will be one that is at a wakeful state and one that is able...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Impact

Abstract Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) has been in use for quite some time mainly in the treatment of mental illnesses. Earlier criticisms led to the development of MMPI-2 which remains to be in use up-to-date and is usually administered through 10 different scales, with each scale providing information about...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Armed Services Vocational Battery are tests that are utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. Whereas the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well, the armed services vocational battery is specifically...

Critical Thinking: Examples From Literature

Introduction Thinking is a complex process that takes place in the human mind and, therefore, is weakly studied by scholars. The ability to think critically, at the same time, is an obvious phenomenon that is manifested in the judgments a person makes and the bases he/she has for those judgments....

An Injured Player’s Psychological Interview

Introduction Description of the injury John twenty-two years old rugby player got injured while in his first year in college. He landed himself badly on his shoulder thus causing the joint in the shoulder to separate. The injury separated his Acromio Clavicle (AC) joint from the shoulder. Description of the...

Neo-Analytic Theories: The Effectiveness of Jung’s Theory of Personality Types

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the effectiveness of Jung’s theory of personality types. Psychologist C.C Jung made the famous theory of the personality types and the purpose of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI) is to ensure that people understand this theory and make it useful...

The Life of F. Skinner – One of the Most Influential Psychologists

Introduction Psychology is both an applied and academic field which is concerned with the study of human and animal mental functions and behaviors scientifically. Psychology is an old discipline that was founded by Wilkhelm Wundt in 1879 as an independent field of study in Germany.Wundt set up the first laboratory...

Theorist in the Field of Child Psychology

Jean Piaget made great contribution to child psychology and development of the new approaches and concepts in this sphere. The benefit of Piaget’s theory is that young children are far more able than the theorist gave them credit for. Though, it seems that there is also a hazard of overestimating...

Handling Adolescents With Oppositional Defiant Disorders

Introduction Children undergo a series of developmental stages as they grow towards maturity and it is important that parents understand the difference between the normal adolescence behaviors to attempt to disobey rules and authority and the full-blown Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that mostly...

Experimental Method as the Key Method of Study in “Mainstream Psychology”

There are two main goals of a research study into psychology. To start with, such a study aims at giving out a human description, along with “its underlying psychological processes” (Breakwell at al 2006). Secondly, psychological research attempts to give an explanation to such an observed behaviour. The activity of...

Language Does Shape the Way People Think

Introduction In human perception and reflection of reality, there is an issue which has been the focal point of research for psychologists and linguists: whether it is the language or the thought that develops first, which of them determines the course of the other, and what exactly is the nature...

Mental Illness and Work: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder, previously termed manic depressive psychosis, is a serious mental illness characterized by mood swings with episodes of both elevated and depressed moods (Bipolar Disorder, 2005). Stressful conditions and functional disturbances are the triggers of mood swings. Effective therapy being available, the positive approach by the families and...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Distinctions

Research in general can be explained as the pursuit for knowledge or a methodical investigation in search of information to form or support available facts. Research work can be classified into two where; there is basic research that does not go into deep details on the area of study and...

Helping Process Self-Exploration

Introduction Helping is a very important aspect of counseling. In the course of counseling, however, a counseling professional finds himself or herself in very conflicting situations whereby the counselors personal interests often clash with those of other people seeking help. This entails that counselors suppress a few of their needs...

Personality by Cloninger: Understanding Persons

Introduction The value of books has long been duly appreciated by the humanity. Books contain knowledge and wisdom, as well as induce readers to thinking and sometimes even change their perception of reality. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons by Susan Cloninger is one of books which are informative and educational,...