Protein Stability: Biochemistry

Introduction The stability of proteins determines the correlation between structure and function. Protein stability also plays a role in various properties such as aggregation, solubility, and protein-protein interactions. The stability of proteins is a necessary attribute in cells, as seen in various mechanisms such as unfolded-protein response machines, whose role...

Malaria: Diagnosis and Incubation Period

Available literature demonstrates that malaria is a foremost public concern and a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world’s most under-developed nations and some regions in developed nations (Ayele, Zewotir, & Mwambi, 2014). The occurrence of malaria, according to these authors, is related to deprived socioeconomic circumstances as...

Study Designs, the Role of Primary and Secondary Data in a Research

Introduction It is accepted that the collection of research data should have a definite purpose. It is important to develop a research question matching the data to provide a meaningful result. A good research question is not just interesting but should be grounded in the analysis of evidence (Lipowski, 2008)....

The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs in Nursing

The use of both qualitative and quantitative research designs is critical for different professionals, including nurses. This paper is aimed at discussing the primary strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This discussion can be important for medical workers who need to know how to examine the most important problems affecting...

Yellowstone Caldera Pose: Threat to the US

Volcanoes have always been one of the central discussion matters in terms of geology and natural sciences in general. One of the reasons behind such interest is the fact that volcanoes have an extraordinary ability to deform over time, with the deformations being caused by various reasons such as subsurface...

Research Critique: Protection of Human Participants

Protection of human participants In an empirical study carried out by Jayadevappa, Schwartz, Chhatre, Wein and Malkowicz (2010), a total of 201 participants were recruited to take part in the survey. These were patients who had already been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prior to treatment, the subjects were supposed to...

Analysis of Articles by Kevles and Krauthammer on Cloning

In 1996, the successful cloning of a sheep stirred a tremendous debate around the ethics of this practice and its implications for the future of humankind. Indeed, once, cloning from a single adult somatic cell without sexual reproduction used to only exist in science fiction. Before 1996, not once had...

The Lived Experience of Suffering of Males After Blunt Trauma

Introduction The problem is stated unambiguously, it is easy to identify, and it builds on a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study. Additionally, the problem has significance for nursing as it addresses issues that nurses face in their day-to-day care activities. There is also a good match between...

Public Library of Science: Scientific Journal

PLOS One is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal that publishes scientific research and reviews in the natural and medical sciences. Currency: The latest update was on July 24, 2020. The articles correspond to the advances, new surveys in the field of medical science. Relevance: The journal publishes original...

The Basic Structure of a Human Team and Its Mutual Influence

As before the creation of the first civilization and after its appearance, human beings always formed and united into groups and teams. In those days, it was a crucial principle of biological survival, and now it is a significant factor in the social and psychological life of the individual. Over...

Genetic Linkage Disorders: An Overview

Brain aneurism, also known as cerebral aneurism is a localized swelling condition of the brain’s blood vessels. The affected vessel is dilated at a localized point and may go unnoticed for a long time. People suffering from this condition experience symptoms such as sudden headaches and general discomfort. Severe aneurism...

Recall Bias in Epidemiological Studies

Bias means deviations of outcome or conclusions from the reality or lack of internal authenticity in epidemiological studies. Selection, information and confounding are three types of biases (Recall bias can be a threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs, 2011). Recall bias is a variety of information bias that threatens...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

Hypothyroidism in Canines: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Hypothyroidism is one of the most common deficiency disorders among canines although it can not be easily diagnosed. It was first diagnosed in canines (dogs) in the 1970s (Volhard, & Volhard, 2011). It is mainly caused by an impairment of the thyroid gland responsible for the production and secretion...

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems

Action Potential Action potential is simply a communication function in the nervous system. It takes across ion charged plasma membranes and is characterised by very fast reversals of voltage exchange. This is possible by the presence of voltage gated ionic channels that are found along the axon hence enable conduction...

Interval Estimation for Correlation Coefficients

The correlation study focuses on the assumption that there is some interrelation between two variables that cannot be controlled by the researcher. In other words, the correlation is not the causation. For example, the correlation study might suggest that there is an interrelation between public health and self-esteem, but it...

Tectonic Plates as the Big Idea in Science

There are theories and ideas that are considered to be of major importance, as they provide an explanation of the way our world functions. Einstein’s Relativity, Steven Hawking’s Black Holes in Astronomy, and Darwin’s Origin of Species are a few examples of the ideas that, at some point, fundamentally changed...

The Case of Morphine Overdose: RCA and a Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Whether triggered by negligence or caused by any other external factors, medical errors affect patients drastically, causing a vast variety of negative results, from minor ones, such as nausea, to lethal cases. Unfortunately, medical errors still occur despite improved services and advanced technology (Siriwardena 156), which the case of Ellie...

Acromegaly: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Acromegaly is a medical complication characterized by excess secretion of a Growth Hormone. Growth in human beings is facilitated by this hormone. Acromegaly term is borrowed from Greek word akros– implying extremities and megas- meaning enlarged or big. The term was introduced by Pierre Marie, a neurologist from France...

“Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner

The life of the Nacirema is rich in many rituals that shape the community and underline the role of magic. Three dominant concerns, namely the human body, the appearance, and human health, are usually mentioned in ceremonial activities. For example, the mouth fascination ritual proves the importance of the mouth’s...

Significance of Multifactorial Traits

Introduction Multifactorial traits refer to distinguishing human attributes that involve several factors or causes, especially about a condition or disease resulting from the interaction of many genes (Cummings, 2015). The environment contributes a lot to the development of human traits. Research has established that most traits exhibited by human beings...

Laryngeal Mask Airways Made of Silicone Rubber

As temperature increases, at a constant volume, pressure also increases with the magnitude depending on the level of temperature for laryngeal mask airway made of silicon rubber. This research paper presents a calculation to show this effect due to decreasing barometric pressure. In addition, the complications of these changes on...

Research: Quantity or Quality?

Many professions have embraced the use of quantitative research methodologies and seem to have dismissed qualitative research strategies altogether. In particular, Johnson & Waterfield (2004:121) highlight that only four physiotherapy journals published between 1996 and 2001 employed qualitative research techniques. Is it fair to suppose that quantitative work provide more...

Natural Selection and Genetic Variation

Introduction The process which describes the likelihood of the transfer of characteristics, or traits, which enables the survival and reproduction of an organism in generations to come; to be obtained easily in a population is referred to as natural selection. The difference in the genetic content of organisms is indicative...

Planetary Astronomy: Jupiter and Satellites

Introduction Jupiter has always attracted a lot of attention due to its rings and numerous satellites. The most famous and the first satellites that were discovered are Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. Some researchers even note that these satellites can be seen as “a kind of miniature solar system orbiting...

Thermodynamics and the Arrow of Time

Introduction Heat transfer is a common process in most machines, especially where two surfaces are in contact. The process is conceptualized as energy in transit. The transfer of heat is used to perform work, for example when the parts of the machine are in motion. Heat can also be generated...

Comparative Effectiveness of Various Surfactants: Experiment

Introduction Surfactants refer to chemical substances that lessen the surface tension in water. Lowering the surface tension of water makes it possible for dirt to dissolve in it. Therefore, washing is made easier by the inclusion of surfactants in the washing water. Surfactants can be categorized into four main groups...

Ebola Virus: Definition and Biological Classification

Definition Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is an acute natural focal zoonotic viral infection characterized by febrile intoxication syndrome, phenomena of universal capillary toxicosis with a severe hemorrhagic syndrome, multiple organ lesions, and a high mortality rate. According to the antigenic properties of glycoproteins (GP), there are five types: Bundibugyo ebolavirus...

Atomic Force Microscopy and the Hall Effect

Introduction Both the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and the Hall Effect represent unique methods of magnetic field measurements. While the AFM method employs a probe that is placed on its tip to take these measurements, Hall Effect explores ‘Hall’ voltage to achieve the same. These measurements come in handy in...

Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Structure

Nature has made lots of molecule and enzyme substrates which are important in various reaction paths. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase refers to a group of enzymes that are found in yeast and have a widespread application in the beer and wine industry where they facilitate the process of fermentation. Their basic...

Mechanisms of Change and the Fossil Record: Mass Extinction

Introduction All living beings form ecosystems with many internal and external connections; ecosystems are assembled into a single biosphere. This global system of life is in constant dynamic equilibrium. The colossal complexity of the biosphere compensates for any negative impact. However, sometimes ecosystems collapse, such a catastrophe can last from...

Applied and Traditional Academic Research Methods

Introduction The applied research and the traditional academic research methods derive their processes and procedures from the generalized definition of research. Research is the scientific process through which solutions to problems are derived from statistical inferences (Salkind, 2006). The notion of finding a solution to the current problem is the...

Suppressive Interactions and Their Effects on Body

Hearing is one of the five ordinary senses, inherent to people and some other vertebrates; it is the ability to perceive different sounds by means of such an important organ as the ear. Hearing is generally performed by the auditory system, the process, when the ear detects certain vibrations and...

Turtle Mound: Archaeological Research

The Turtle Mound is an ancient archaeological place located 14 kilometers south of the New Smyrna Beach in Florida, United States. The mound is the biggest shell heaped on the United States mainland, which has an estimated altitude of fifteen meters. It extends for approximately180 meters along the Indian River...

Mars Rover “Curiosity”: Review

New Mars rover “Curiosity” landed Mars on August 6. According to the comments of its creators, the purpose of this sophisticated device is in participating in long term robotic exploration of Mars (Webster par. 2). In particular, the mission of this Mars rover is to attempt answering the question that...

The Genetic Material Sequencing

The study of sequences of genetic material in any organism is important in helping scientists analyze the whole of the organism’s genome. This way, causes of genetic disorders can be easily identified and therefore addressed. One of the most commonly used method in studying DNA sequences is Nucleic acid hybridization...

Mathematics and Logic. A Troublesome Inheritance

Introduction As we know, humanity has been interested in issues of nature and society from the very moment the first cultures appeared. To answer these essential topics, the best minds of civilizations have created science and many categories within it, some of which are mathematics and logic. Despite their technical...

The Research Approval Process and Ethics

Researchers involved in planning and conducting research related to cohort fertility are required to operate within the framework of legal and ethical standards. Participants in scientific research can take part in them exclusively voluntarily, taking full awareness of the stages, timing, results, and possible negative consequences of scientific work (Yegidis...

The Measures of Central Tendency and the Descriptive Statistics

Introduction of the study The measures of central tendency like the mean, median, mode that will be discussed in this essay and the descriptive statistics are very useful in summarizing any collected data and help to come up with detailed and correct conclusions. The aim of this essay is to...

Getting Older on a Molecular Level Example Research Paper

Introduction A means of information has been collected by bio gerontologists pertaining to changes that occur during aging at various points of biological organization and development. As these aging matters extend to spread and are viewed normally, pathological modifications are being noticed among species. The table below consists of some...

Central & Peripheral Cornea and Ocular Response

Introduction Cornea is a major area of interest for ophthalmologists as they seek to advance current refractive procedures. It is referred to as a viscoelastic system that can be described using its physical features (central corneal thickness (CCT)) and behaviour (biomechanics) (Dana et al. 2015). Studies, for example, Visual Hypertension...

Nonspherocytic Hemolytic Anemia due to Hexokinase Deficiency

Abstract Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia due to hexokinase deficiency is a hereditary disorder marked by the annihilation of red blood cells. The disease occurs as a consequence of a deficiency in hexokinase that is specific to the erythrocytes. An inadequate amount of hexokinase in the red blood cells occurs because of...

Analyzing and Evaluating Research

Based on the research contents of the sampled study, the main research questions presented by Mendenhall and Doherty (2007) investigate how health care service providers and patients overcome traditional barriers to diabetes management by redesigning a new and inclusive disease management approach. One research question focused on understanding the formulation...

Estimation for the Poisson Distribution

Biostatisticians often experience research-based situations where they are expected to observe the counts of events that occur within a set unit of time, such as the number of reported cases of cholera in different cities or the number of children born per hour in any given day. In such contexts,...

Modeling Weather Data of Australian Meteorology Bureau

This paper reports the results of modeling of weather and climate data obtained from the Australian’s Bureau of Meteorology. The goal is to predict whether it will rain tomorrow using a decision tree model and the meteorological variables for the last fourteen months. The data modeling is performed by the...

The Statistical Term “Sample”: Technical Definition

Biostatisticians use a multiplicity of statistical terms and concepts that help them to organize numerical information in various formats, understand statistical techniques, and make informed decisions. These terms are important in helping professionals to not only design, analyze and interpret data of studies in public health and medicine, but also...

Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship Analysis to the Mutagenicity of Nitroaromatics Compounds

Introduction Nitroaromatic compounds are biodegradable compounds in which, the NO2 group is attached directly to the cyclic aromatic structures; that can easily explode once exposed to explosion inducing conditions. In this respect, QSAR analysis for nitroaromatic compounds is the process through which; the compounds undergo different mutagenic reactions resulting into...

Cellular and Aerobic Respiration

Cellular respiration is necessary to transform glucose into energy. The ATP created via chemical processes then powers cellular reactions. Aerobic respiration only occurs when glucose burns to release energy in the presence of oxygen (Russell et al., 2016). Three essential stages ensure proper aerobic respiration: glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle, and electron...

What Is a Halogenated Hydrocarbon?

The haloalkanes include saturated aliphatic compounds, in the molecules of which there is a halogen atom instead of one or more hydrogen atoms. In the class of haloalkanes, isomerism of the structure of the carbon skeleton is observed, such as normal and branched chains. This is due to the different...

Alameda Island: Community Assessment

An assessment otherwise termed as a specific way of identifying problems, strengths, and needs of a community is a means used by community developers to make decisions and set objectives. A community assessment also facilitates alignment of priorities and makes it easier to identify which course of action to take....

Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food

This article focuses on Genetically Modified Organisms as they are used to produce human food in the contemporary world. Genetically Modified Organisms are the ones whose genetic make-up has been changed or modified using genetic modifications to fit certain standards or requirements. Genetic modification is a common practice which is...

Organism Investigation: Paramecium Aurelia

A paramecium is a singled celled living organism that belongs to the kingdom Protista. The organisms size is about 0.02 inches in length. They have an oval shape and are rounded on the front and tapered at the end. The organism has a pellicle which gives shape to the organism...

Types of Research in Scientific Field

There are two main types of the research in the scientific field, quantitative and qualitative research and a mixed research method which comprises the elements of the quantitative and qualitative research. It is important to know that the approach to the research is usually chosen on the basis of the...

Gas Chromatography of Volatile Metal Chelates

Introduction According to Skoog, Holler and Crouch (2007, p.23) chromatography refers to the process of separating constituents of different chemicals that are in a sample for purposes of detection or individual use. There are different types of chromatography techniques. For example, the gas chromatography commonly referred to as the GC...

How to Create an Effective Vacuum

Introduction The problem of creating an effective vacuum in many studies is important because different vacuum systems operate under different principles and can achieve the evacuation goal because of different evacuation abilities. Among the system to consider include the condensation systems, mechanical pumps, the ion and penning pumps that have...

Hypothesis Testing Procedures in Inferential Statistics

The two major types of statistical inference are hypothesis testing and confidential intervals. We use these two methods to make inferences. The difference between the use of the confidence intervals and hypothesis testing in inferential statistics is that the two have different goals. In hypothesis testing, we make some claim...

Crop Production: Practical Report on Strawberry

Introduction Strawberries are a group of perennial plants which belong to the Rosaceae family. They thrive well in soil that has good drainage, is moderately acidic (pH range 5.0 to 6.0) and require plenty of sunshine grow. They are capable of viable fruit production for a period of up to...

Choosing Alpha Significance Level for Statistical Analysis

Testing for statistical significance depends on the chosen p-value. Selection of the p-value depends on the sample size (Banerjee, Chitnis, Jadhav, Bhawalkar, & Chaudhury, 2009; Ioannidis, 2005). This determines the location of desired significance on a normal distribution graph. Definition of the alternative hypothesis guides the selection of the left...

Manufacturing Dimethyl Ether From Methanol

Abstract One of the sources of dimethyl ether is methanol. This report analyzes the viability of manufacturing dimethyl ether from methanol by heating it and converting it to dimethyl ether and water. The report considers different costs of operation to calculate the profitability of a plant producing 100,000 tonnes annually....

Hormones Effect on the Blood Glucose Regulation in Sheep

Abstract This is a study to understand the effect of various hormones on the regulation of blood Glucose in sheep. The researcher has used hormones such as Glucagon, saline, Dexamethasone and Adrenaline in sheep. The result is given in the table and it is talked about in the discussion part...

A Hypothesis and an Experiment: A Case Study

In a bid to develop a hypothesis and plan an experiment, I listed several things I would like to know within my surrounding; why a plant curves towards a window, why a plant can not grow towards gravity, why the lateral buds of most plants fail to develop and elongate...

Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Using Vegetative Bacteria

Overview of thermal-chemical disinfection process Disinfection is a process of reducing microorganisms to a level that is not harmful to health (Fraise, Lambert, & Maillard, 2003). The disinfection process can be a single step where the disinfectant is the sole means of controlling microbial growth such as contact lens solution...

Route of Exposure and Fate in Target Organ

Asbestos is one of the naturally occurring minerals, which has a fibrous structure. Hallenborg and Stewart (2003, p. 56) define asbestos as “Naturally occurring fibrous material that has been a popular building material since the 1950s.” The two definitions show that this is a fibrous mineral that is popularly used...

Theory, Design, and Sampling: Qualitative Study

Introduction: Problem Statement One of the deadliest diseases of the 21st century, cancer not only increases death rates among people of all ages impressively (Mulder, 2014), but also triggers major health complexities even after a successful surgery (Mandelblatt, 2014). In their article Effects of cognitive status on life participation of...

Using Statistics as a Helpful Tool in Health Care

The use of statistics is a helpful tool utilized in a variety of fields. However, there are areas the successful functioning and development of which would suffer considerably without the application of such a tool. Health care is one of the industries the utilization of statistics in which allows promoting...

Biotechnology. Oligosaccharides and Glycosylation

A lot of recombinant glycoproteins, and erythropoietin, and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) are among them, are used as therapeutics aimed at mimicking the native human protein. The efficient and safe use of glycoprotein drugs requires determining the mixed structures of their carbohydrate moieties because the attachment of oligosaccharides (glycans) to...

Evaluation Plan of Research Project on Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder

Success in a scientific research is determined by several factors, and these are with the inclusion of the techniques and methods that are used in data collection, data analyses and more significantly, assessment criteria that are incorporated in the research. There are several ways that can be used to evaluate...

Everything About Hydrates in the Petroleum Industry

Definition Hydrates are inorganic and organic substances that contain water and are easily formed by less polarized molecules that would fit into a clathrate water cage. The water molecule is combined in a definite ratio as an essential part of the whole crystal constituting the substance. Abstract Natural gas hydrates...

Brazilian Politics: Theories, Methods and Cases

The political economy of Brazil According to popular political scholars of the 19th century such as Karl Marx and Adam Smith, the political events of a country affect its economic performance. Consequently, a country could be wealthy in terms of natural resources but perform poorly due to bad governance. However,...

Application of Chemistry in Environmental Science

Due to excessive use in agriculture, organophosphorus (OP) pesticides are one of the most widely occurring pollutants in the environment. They inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and cause serious nerve problems in animals and humans, particularly affecting the nerve-muscle junction. Sensitive OP detection and monitoring of degradation are the two challenges...

The Study of the Epigenetic Variation in Monozygotic Twins

The growth and development of an organism result in the activation and deactivation of different parts due to chemical reactions at strategic periods and locations. The genetic changes associated with the aging of an organism give rise to the concept of epigenetics. The concept of epigenetics deals with the heritable...

The Surprising History of How We Are Born

Most Surprising Historical Account on Birth Practice The author of this book has presented the historical accounts of birth in such a way that it is not easy to single out the most surprising practice. Almost all the practices are surprising for the reader, as it is hard to believe...

The Resolution of (R, S)-Benzoylamino Acids

Introduction The current experiment involves the preparation of the racemic mixture of the benzoyl derivatives of the alpha-amino acid Alanine. This is then followed by their separation into their optically pure components through the enzyme-catalyzed reaction of papain. The products can then be characterised based on their optical purity through...

Resolution of (R, S) Benzoyl Amino Acids

Introduction Papaine is normally used in separating racemic mixtures with benzoylamino acids. Alternatively the separation can be done using derivatives of amino acids like valine and alanine. The product that is derived after the separation crystallizes with ease. Palarimetry is often used to test whether the resolution has completed successfully....

Synthetic Life Created by James Craig

In the current world, significant theoretical shift in the link between scientific exploration and ethics has taken place. The time difference between ethical consideration and parallel scientific inventions is slowly vanishing. This simply means that ethics has set up its own cadence. This change has been unfalteringly led to the...

Creation of Natural Products: Pathway-Specific Activators

Streptomyces Bacteria: Overview Belonging to the actinomycete family (Aigle & Corre 2012), streptomyces bacteria have a very peculiar morphology (Jani et al. 2015). Among the key species that comprise the streptomyces bacteria population, Streptomyces coelicolor, Streptomyces ambofaciens (Laureti et al. 2011), Streptomyces lividans, Streptomyces albicans, Streptomyces griseus and Streptomyces plicatosporus...

Human Genome and Application of Genetic Variations

Human genome refers to the information contained in human genes. The information is stored in DNA sequences within cell nuclei and mitochondria (Michal & Schomburg 2013; Veltman & Brunner 2012). Human diploid genomes are found in body cells that are not involved in sexual reproduction while human haploid genomes are...

Introducing the Geography and Economics of England

Introduction England is one of the most visiting countries on the globe, attracting tourists by historical heritage and traditions, picturesque lands, and the latest achievements in all fields of human activity. However, no matter how much time travelers may spend in England, it will still not be enough to comprehend...

Genomics, Vaccines, and Weaponization

Three former bioweaponers, Sergio Popov, Ken Alibeck, and Bill Patrick had different motivations for engaging in the development of biological weapons. Bill Patrick had much desire in the development of biological weapons for warfare because he believed that biological weapons are humane ways of dealing with the enemy. He also...

Halophiles (Extremophile): Habitat and Membrane Structure

Halophiles usually thrive in salty environments and they are categorized according to the extent of their tolerance for highly saline environments, ranging from slight, moderate and extreme. Their adaptability to these highly saline environments, which have limited habitation by life forms, has drawn the interest of scientists who seek to...

Application of Statistics in the Real World

This article under research studies the aging data in Japan across all generations and genders. It also looks at how the social-economic structure of Japan and how it has played a role in this factor. In order to carry out an efficient and accurate analysis of this topic, statistics were...

Cancer Biology: Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes

Introduction Cancer is one of the main causes of death in most parts of the world, especially in the Western World. It is the second killer in the USA and in a number of European counties after cardiovascular diseases. Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that results from changes...

Data Collection and Management Techniques for a Qualitative Research Plan

In order to conduct a complete qualitative research and present a cohesive qualitative research plan, it is necessary to match the structure and topic of the study with existing data collection and management techniques. There are specific patterns and models for organizing data that would immediately allow a researcher to...

Hydrogen-Bonding Complexes Types Analysis

The following is a review of the article on the hydrogen-bonding complexes of 5-Azauracil and uracil derivatives. The article discusses the strong complexes formed when the derivatives of Uracil bond with complementary compounds such as 2, 4-dioxotriazine and adenine. They explore why the strong bonds are formed between these compounds...

Bolted & Welded Connections and Tension Experiment

Abstract An experiment, “Connection in Tension”, was conducted in laboratory conditions, and its outcomes are the main topic of the report. Exploring and comparing the expected and actual failure modes of both bottled and welded connections in tension are the primary purposes of the paper. In the process of the...

Lab Experiment on Photovoltaics

The abstract With regard to the theories of Photovoltaics physics learned in the course, this report is an attempt to support and rationalize their implications in actuality. The experiment was done specifically to ascertain how various connected units could be coordinated to give a more reliable and controllable functioning. It...

The Reproductive System. Endocrine Glands and Hormones

The reproductive system is formed by organs in an organism. These organs function together for the reason of reproduction. It is found in both sexual and asexual organisms. The reproductive system of human beings is similar to that of many animals. A male and female come together during sex and...

Expression and Purification of Tagged Protein in E.coli

E.coli has been found as a modal vector in which genes of different sources can be expressed. There have been many developments in the systems through which protein expression and purification can be achieved using E. coli as the cloning agent. Clontech HAT (Histidine Affinity Tag) is a protein expression...

Halophiles (Extremophiles) Analysis

Halophiles are organisms that inhabit environments with high concentrations of salt. Depending on the salt concentrations in their environment, halophiles can be grouped as extreme halophiles which can survive in areas with salinity as high as 35% and moderate halophiles. Moreover, there are some halophiles that survive in habitats that...

Tests and Scaling Tools in Social Studies

Social science researchers have a responsibility towards effective assessment and measurement of works conducted by others through appropriate usage of test and scaling tools (Sahn & Stifel, 2000, p.96). One, therefore, as a social science researcher needs to acquaint himself or herself with these tools to be able to carry...

Recent Water Treatment and Production Developments

Abstract Membrane filters are in growing popularity all over the world. These types of filters have found various uses in many industries and sectors. One notable use of membrane filters is in the treatment of water for drinking and domestic use. Membrane filters offer cost-effective and practical solutions to drinking...

Arguments Against Science in “Inherit the Wind” by Jerome Lawrence

It is reasonable to believe that science should be appropriately appreciated by most people in the current time of unprecedented progress in all spheres of life and the availability of various information. It forms the foundation for all the technological advancements making everyone’s living more comfortable and attractive. However, the...

Agricultural Traditions of Canadians

I would like to describe agricultural traditions of Canadians. Agriculture plays one of the most important parts in Canada’s life. A lot of people are involved in this area of economy. Canadians are great farmers; they work really hard and enjoy their work and results they get. Very often a...

How the Biosphere Is Supported by the Other Three “Spheres”

Introduction Earth’s surface represents the point of four spheres’ meeting, where they overlap and interact. The atmosphere is the outer gas shell of the Earth, the lower border of which lies through the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is a water shell of the Earth, which includes all waters on...

Community-Based Interventions to Promote Non-Smoking

A research design is a methodical plan to investigate a problem (Gnich, 2004). Every research utilizes a specific design in the methodologies depending on the type of the study to be carried out. Notably, the designs for the quantitative researches are descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental. The paper below analyzes...

Magnolia Virginiana (Sweetbay Magnolia) Description

General Information Magnolia Virginiana or what is commonly called Sweetbay Magnolia or Swamp Magnolia is native to North America. This is a plant under the family Magnoliaceae that can survive in wet soils, but the soil needs to be acidic. The tree also survives with full sun but can tolerate...

Chemistry: Partitioning Coefficient of the Water

Introduction Partition coefficient between marine water and passive samples of diuron, decadienal, atrazine, fluoranthene, and desethylatrazine compounds will be performed by spiking with a mixture and passive samplers are exposed. Standard compounds will be analyzed on the studying of the different time points when water and passive samplers are extracted...

Balb-C Versus c57 Black Mice in Toxoplasma Gondii: Behavioural Tests

Introduction The persistence and control of rodent host by Toxoplasma gondii is attributed to brain encystment by trachyzoites derived from the definitive host. Its proliferation into latent brain cysts (bradyzoites) in rodents limits the host’s physiological functioning and induces behavioural changes that favour felid-vectored transmission (Gatkowska et al. 2012; Webster...

Regression Models for Dependent Variables

Introduction Statistics and probability have been applied in various fields. There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of application. (Fox 173). With this in mind, it is worth noting that there is a number of statistical analysis having varied applications and need to be...

Gas as the State of Matter

Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...

Limonene: A Component of Citrus Oil Fruit

Introduction Citrus fruit oil is a product obtained from Citrus fruit on both Lemon and Grape fruit, with strong solvent properties. It contains valuable and essential composition that is helpful to human body when applied on the skin. It affects the skin by energizing it. Chinese companies make many products...

Measurement and Instruments for a Quantitative Research Plan

Research is a process that involves the gathering of relevant information in an attempt to answer some pertinent questions regarding an issue of concern (Salkind, 2010, p.45). Sometimes, the process of research can be quite complex. When this is the case, there arises a need to employ the use of...

Understanding and Exploring Assumptions

Significant of meeting assumptions in statistical test In a statistical analysis, assumptions made are very significant in designing of the research method applicable to a given case scenario. Ensuring that the data meets a given assumption helps in reducing the errors during computation, particularly type one and two errors. The...

Nuclear Industrial Purpose: Thorium-Bearing Fuels

The importance of the proposed study in the context of the existing knowledge For many centuries, nuclear reactors in the world hav been relying on fuel cycles based on uranium. Nevertheless, the element thorium is a potential source of nuclear energy in certain types of nuclear reactors. In fact, it...

Piggy Bank’s Sample Size to Estimate Mean Dollars

Statistics is all about deriving useful information about the population from the statistics derived from a representative samples. Population parameters like mean ‘μ’ and standard deviation ‘σ’ are estimated from sample statistics like sample size ‘n’, sample average ‘x’and sample standard deviation ‘s’ up to desired confidence interval. It is...

Record of the Probabilities That Can Be Filled by Random Variables

Probability distribution Introduction Probability distribution can be defined as a record of the probabilities that can be filled by random variables. It should be noted that the term “random” does not refer to any number. Instead, the term “random” refers to the outcome. In essence, random variables are usually definite....

Protein Roles: Transport, Protective

Transport Role Proteins transport biologically important compounds in the body. In some cases, the transported compound is sorbed by a protein molecule. This protects against destruction and ensures transport with the bloodstream (for example, albumin transport of some hormones, vitamins, medicinal compounds). This type of transport is called passive. In...

Isolation and Characterization of Limonene

In accordance with the chemical classification of elements and compounds, limonene is classified as a hydrocarbon of a cyclic terpene. Its physical features are as follows: it is colourless liquid with a smell of lemon, and of room temperatures in its normal condition. The lemon odour was the key reason...

Saudi Classic Aniridia Genetic and Genomic Analysis

The hypothesis of the study This research was conducted in Saudi Arabia to determine the genetic and genomic alterations that underlie classic anirida. Though the topic seems scientific, the researchers did not include the genes the research deals with in the topic. The topic does not give a clear picture...

Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulates the Histone Code for Long-Term Memory

Graff et al (2009) sought to know the role of PP1 in chromatin remodeling as well as its possible contribution to epigenetic regulation of memory and learning. This investigation was to be accomplished by coming up with transgenic mice which would facilitate selective inhibition of PP1 in the nucleus of...

Application of L-Alanine

L-alanine is “one of the 20 amino acids common in proteins” (Zhuan-Ping and Wen-Hui, 2012). It is manufactured in the muscles with lactic acid acting as its primary raw material. Consequently, it is converted to pyruvate, an important molecule in the production of sugar (glucose). L-alanine is categorized under the...

The Fermenting Properties of Yeast Cells

Abstract This paper sought to identify the fermenting properties of yeast cells. Yeast can be identified as a tiny plant-like microorganism (Cox 122). The main purpose of yeast is to “serve as a catalyst in the process of fermentation, which is essential in the making of bread” (Nieman 570, par....

Skeletal System and Its Link to Immune System

The Anatomy of the Skeletal System The skeletal system is located in the whole body and may be divided into two parts: the appendicular skeleton and the axial skeleton. Researchers note that “the axial skeleton runs along the body’s midline axis and is made up of eighty bones,” including, for...

Purification and Analysis of a His-Tagged Recombinant Protein

Introduction Modes of liquid chromatography are generally divided in accordance with their aims, principles, and technology used for chromatography. Three methods are generally used in protein analysis as the most precise and reliable: affinity method, SDS-page method, and size-exclusion chromatography method. These methods are used for purifying protein solvents by...

Human Microbiome Project Analysis

Introduction The human body has evolved to harbor a variety of microorganisms. There are specific sites that promote the growth or colonization of the microbes which have led to the gradual development of enriched microbial flora. The important sites are skin, nasal epithelium, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Bacteria have dominated...

Correlation and Causation in Statistics

Introduction When starting work on a study, it is necessary to choose the appropriate method of statistical data analysis. Unfortunately, scientists often consider some essential elements and concepts of statistical analysis as interchangeable. This paper aims to discuss the fundamental statistical issues and present at least five typical examples applying...

Atoms in the Human Body

Introduction Billions of years ago, when the dense speck expanded, the matter and antimatter should have disappeared and left nothing but energy. Still, some amount of matter remained and filled the world with numerous particles (Sundermier, 2015). Those particles circulating through the dark matter across the universe might pass through...

Executive Function and Learning of Doebel

Sabine Doebel is a cognitive scientist who knows a lot about the work of the human brain and shares her observations and research in her speech for TED Talks. Doebel (2019) tells about the importance of executive functions of the brain for learning and completing daily tasks, as well as...

Data Measurement, Validity and Reliability

Introduction We may lack a universally accepted definition of validity but the concept that comes out from most of the definitions is the degree to which a concept under study is justifiable. According to the American Educational Research Association Psychological Association and National Council on Measurement in Education (1999), measurement...

Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

Introduction Stem cell research is a controversial field full of ethical concerns. Humans desire to live long and healthy lives and one way to do so is to regain the functions of organs or to regenerate organs (Okka, 2015). Stem cell research is the field of medicine that promises such...

Archeology of Trash: Waste for Humanity, Future for Archeology

Introduction When a person thinks about archeological discoveries and how humanity understands its past, he probably references archeological findings like the Great Pyramids of Giza. Items that a person is most likely to find displayed in a museum portray a portion of the past that people experienced. However, they substitute...

Gene Modification: Means of Disease Prevention

Introduction This research was motivated by the observation of a faulty mutant MYBPC3 gene copy causing a lethal heart disease in people who have inherited it. Since the nature of the disorder is genetical, it was assumed gene modification with the use of the Cas9 enzyme would allow for a...

Thermodynamic Process Fundamentals

Introduction A thermodynamic process is defined by thermal heat transfer between bodies according to the principles of physics. Thermodynamic processes initiate energy changes and transfer within systems. The basic elements of thermodynamic processes include internal temperature changes, volume changes, and pressure variations. Thermodynamic processes fall into specific categories. In an...

Miami: Community Assessment

Geographic Description location in the south-eastern part of Florida (“Miami, Florida,” 2017) location of the city on the Atlantic coast the territory is dominated by flat terrain Gulf Stream flows nearly the coast height above sea averages 4.5 m Miami’s location on the ocean coast, elevation above sea level, and...

Qualitative Review on the Experiences of the Old Groups

Problem The study was conducted to investigate the experiences of the old groups who are mentally challenged (Schroeder, 2013). The pains and discomforts in the relationship with the healthcare providers are thus the problems that are being explored by this research. Research conducted by other scholars in the past has...

Peculiarities of Coxiella Burnetii

Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular bacterium and pathogen closely related to Rickettsia bacteria, but distinguished from them by multiple extraordinary characteristics. Those characteristics include the presence of small and large cell variants with differing structures, strong resistance to adverse environmental conditions, variable reactions to Gram staining, and airborne transmission...

Difference between Folic Acid or Folate

Introduction Folate is a naturally occurring vitamin that is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Folate, a water-soluble vitamin is converted to various active forms in the body. Folate is a general name used to refer to folic acid or folacin. Folate is a core vitamin that is...

Gene Silencing. Fire’s, Mello’s Discoveries

Introduction Genes play important roles in physiological processes in the human body. Advancements in the field of biology have resulted in discoveries of essential processes with regard to genes. An example of such processes is RNA interference (RNAi), which has been found to have a role in inhibiting gene expression....

Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity

Ruscha’s rat (Abrawayaomys ruschii) and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were selected for the analysis of mammals. First of all, it should be stated that the similar features of all the mammals are shared among all the species, and the two selected are not an exception. The common features, which Ruscha’s...

Industrial Preparation of Beta-glucuronidase

Introduction The production and purification of proteins is a difficult and expensive task which takes time. Naturally, proteins are produced by plants and animals from their building blocks known as amino-acids. However, this is a slow process and the products are usually very limited and in small amounts which cannot...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Study Instruments

In the wake of increasing international concern on the prevalence of lifestyle conditions, researchers have shown relentless efforts to establish the causes and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. This essay seeks to establish various factors that a researcher must consider during the selection of existing study instruments. Factors Considered in the...

Genetic Screening and Testing

Introduction Every expectant mother wants to be sure that her baby is healthy, well-developed, and complications do not threaten the pregnancy. Modern technologies allow detecting pathologies at an early stage of pregnancy, which makes it possible to make the necessary decisions promptly. Genetic screening (prenatal screening) is a maternally and...

Descriptive Business Statistics of Mobile Users

Description of mobile users Descriptive statistics are useful in summarizing data (Levine, Krehbiel and Berenson, 2010). Some of the most common types of descriptive statistics include meaning, mode and median (Francis, 2004). Mean refers to the average of a data sample while the mode is the most frequent observation in...

The Importance of the Digestive System for Creatures

Bacteria have simple digestive systems whereby food is ingested and wastes are eliminated from the body through the cell membrane by use of the contractile vacuole by the process of simple diffusion. On the other hand human beings have a more developed digestive system with various organs being used to...

Geology for Development of an Integrated Site

Introduction This paper provides the guidelines on how to develop a model that suits different geological formations for disposing of nuclear waste products. It includes an analysis of different situations that provides the geological understanding of the potential sites using different software tools to conduct the study. In addition, the...

Pain Management: CAM and Measures of Pain

CAM The patient would likely benefit from practices in the CAM domain of manipulative and body-based practices, commonly aimed at those with chronic pain. This domain includes CAM treatments such as chiropractic manipulations, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology. Chiropractic manipulation would benefit the patient as it performs spinal and joint...

Genetic (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) Analysis of Genome

Introduction Personal Genomic Services As described above, the advancement of the SNP technology in genomic analysis has made it possible to achieve cheap, effective, high-throughput, novice and fast methods for analyzing personal genomes. The company is providing services through its program “The 23andMe Personal Genome Service”. The aim is to...

Enzyme- and Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Glycoside Salicin

Introduction Background According to BCS (1996) interpretation of catalysis reactions can be carried out using transition state theory. The process of converting reactants into products involves formation of intermediate products that dissociate to form final products. in a non-directed reaction, a side reaction can result leading into formation of side...

Exploring Nursing Students’ Experiences

Introduction The article chosen for this assignment as the example of quantitative nursing research was written by Rejnö, Nordin, Forsgren, Sundell, and Rudolfsson (2017). There are several reasons why this study is rendered as quantitative. First, the researchers, who are educators and health care research professionals, identify their study as...

Synthesis of Nickel and Nickel Hydroxide Nanopowders

Introduction Nickel (Ni) is a chemical element that belongs to the tenth group and the fourth period of the periodic table. The atomic number of nickel is 28, whereas its atomic mass is approximately 58.71 grams per mole. Nickel is a tough, gray metal. It is flexible and can be...

The Geography of The Canadian Shield

The Canadian Shield (also referred to as the Laurentian Plateau or Bouclier Canadien in French) makes up almost half of Canada’s total area since it extends from Labrador through to northern Quebec, Ontario, eastern and Northern Manitoba, northern Saskatchewan and the very northeast corner of Alberta where it plunges under...

Nutrition for Gorillas at the National Zoo

Introduction The National Zoo is situated along Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. The National Zoo takes care of about four hundred species of animals. Additionally, it offers research and recreation services. Most of the animals in the park are in danger of extinction. I visited the National Zoo on 4th...

Constructing Step-By-Step Instructions for Reading Research Projects

Summary Research comprehension is essential in reading a scientific article. Such writing is not accessible to most people because of the seeming complexity of structure and language. Nevertheless, works of science can be read and understood, and finding effective strategies for exploring complex texts is a critical skill to learn....

“Coordination-Induced Condensation of [Ta6O19]8−” by Abramov

Introduction One of the areas of polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry that has had very little research is the solution chemistry of polyoxotantalates. One of the main chemical components in this area comprises the hexatantalates. The chemical species [Ta6O19]8−, which is a positively charged ion, has immense stability in elevated pH. The...

Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity

Introduction Bacterial food toxicity refers to the extent to which bacteria can damage organs of persons who ingest food or fluids contaminated with different species of bacteria that are known to cause toxicity. The concept of bacterial toxicity in food is that the biological effects caused by the microorganisms are...

Oman Representation in Oman Culture

Introduction The main aim of this paper is to address the rare subject that entails the inclusion of the Oman culture in English literature. Oman is one of the most conducive places to visit in the United Arab Emirates. The region has a rich history, culture and background. In addition,...

Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early Rhinocerotoids

My favorite taxon is rhinoceros. Modern rhinos, represented by a one-horned Indian rhinoceros with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals. Many skeletons, bones, and teeth left from their predecessors in the...