Exploitation of Women and Sex to Sell a Product

Nowadays, society consists of producers and consumers, an endless cycle of providing and receiving services, selling and buying goods. Due to the high competition, producers use advertising to attract as many consumers as possible. Advertising haunts people everywhere; it can be found on the street, on television, in magazines, and...

Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology

Introduction Psychologists face many moral dilemmas in law due to the field’s nature. They are responsible for deciding people’s fates, which puts pressure on them. Sometimes lives depend on their fair assessment, such as when a death sentence is available. While ethical codes and regulations may be functional, they do...

Analysis of the Debate “It’s Wrong to Pay for Sex”

One of the strongest points of the side for payment for sex is that the illegalization of prostitution will only increase criminal and underground business. The commotion is caused because of poor regulation during ‘work.’ Many people get into an arranged marriage, and in some cultures the husband’s side pays...

Sociology: Aspects of Reference Group

Sociologists often use the term reference group to mean any cohort of people who possess certain reference traits. For example, if any study examines the effects of alcohol on a person’s behavioral patterns, the people to whom the intervention is compared are used as a reference group: those who do...

Effective Presentation: Specifics of Presentation

The two parties present for all presentations According to Boyd (2016), there are always two parties considered during the presentation: the presenter and the audience. Each of these parties have their perceptions and requirements regarding presentation. The aim of the presenter is to introduce an idea, product or service to...

Humanity Is One Body: Spiritual Awakening for a Peaceful World

Humans face different serious issues that threaten people’s well-being and welfare in the future. Consequently, it is significant to understand that individuals should solve the problems now when they still have time to cope with the difficulties with the minor losses. Since many global issues result from the activities of...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

Importance of Active Listening for Life

Recently, I have held a conversation with a client who was complaining about the delay he has been subjected to in trying to obtain an environmental approval license for his prosed housing project. I was actively listening to the client by keeping myself engaged in the conversation positively. He stated...

Characteristics of Social Awareness

Introduction The phenomenon of social awareness addressed the importance of acknowledging the fact that every human, being a part of society, bears the responsibility to meaningfully interact with others in order not to cause harm. Life coaches, whose primary task is to help clients to move on with their life...

Superheroes and Implications for Culture

Introduction Superheroes were integrated into the United States culture in the 1930s, and since then, they have remained a part of United States comic books and films. The superhero comic characters served different roles in American history ranging from spreading propaganda during wars, addressing the challenges facing the American society...

“Women’s Assessments of Gender Equality Critique” by Kurzman

Introduction Gender equality occurs when people from all genders have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender equality, starting from families, children, transgender people, men, and women (Kurzman). In this article, “Women Assessments of Gender Equality,” Kurzman juxtaposes various approaches comprising subjective-equality and gender equality and uses...

Personality Theory Comparison

Introduction Throughout history, many individuals have attempted to gain a better understanding of the human psyche, centering on the ways in which various internal and external factors can influence a person’s actions, thoughts, and development. With the development of science and phycological theory, new approaches and frameworks of understanding have...

What Is Love?: Answer From the Different Points of View

It is immensely challenging to define the concept of love because every person has a unique understanding of this concept. From the scientific point of view, love is no more than a chemical reaction in the brain. At this point, it should be noted that, according to the study conducted...

Deviant Behavior of College Freshmen: Overview

Introduction Peer influence and the freedom enjoyed by college students have created a social dilemma due to the emergence of behaviors that contravene the social norm. Such behaviors, otherwise known as deviant behaviors, are defined as a set of practices or approaches to life that go against the existing set...

Graffiti Evaluation and Labeling Theory

Introduction The difference between art and vandalism is enormous, yet in some cases these two concepts may be closely linked. I believe that labeling theory may be able to explain various aspects of graffiti social perception and the tendency to not link graffiti with crime. According to the labeling theory,...

Society and Culture from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The position in society plays a significant role in one’s personality formation and ability to efficiently cooperate with other people. The study of this aspect of life is essential for increasing the understanding of these mechanisms and evaluating citizens’ well-being on the grounds of their personal features. Since the...

Personal and Professional Ethics

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or activity. The main difference between business ethics and personal ethics is that the former is a code of conduct imposed on an employee or employee of a particular profession. In contrast, personal ethics is a code of ethics that...

The Social Theory: Comparing Generations

Conflict based on age differences between the parties seems to be a timeless problem that constantly accompanies society. It will likely always be that older people, born and raised within the same era, will not understand the younger generation, whose moral attitudes and values may differ. Thus, the mores and...

Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens

According to Anthony Giddens, an individual’s structuration is based on their social habits, tied to how society expects them to conduct themselves. However, a person has the freedom to act as per their conscious mind, despite the situation. Someone who is dedicated to observing a society’s culture will consciously consider...

The Importance of Active Listening in Communication

Introduction Active listening is the most important coaching competency. This communication technique enables coaches to enter the world of their clients’ emotions and ideas to assist them in undergoing the desired quality transformation. Active listening avoids judgments and multitasking but endorses summarizing and paraphrasing clients’ messages and focusing on their...

Alcohol Addiction in a 59-Year-Old Man: Case Study

Introduction The case study concerns Juan, a 59-year-old commercial pilot who has come to visit a clinician at the urging of his son. He lives alone, having divorced his wife and had his children move away. He engages in extensive daily drinking of both beer and hard alcohol, which he...

Immigrant Families and Challenges Experienced

There are significant challenges associated with moving from one country to another. These difficulties are experienced by individuals across the globe originating from different backgrounds. Dealing with these issues requires support from people in the surrounding. The reason is that the immigrants can be adversely affected by settling in new...

Cultural Immersion Project: Interview with Lesbian

Interviewee’s Background The interviewee was a lesbian woman aged 36 working at a clinic as a nurse. She came from a wealthy family with traditional views and values, according to which her parents’ authority was emphasized in all decisions. This fact played the most significant role in her personality formation...

Socialization and Decision to Pursue Higher Education

Socialization is a term used by a broad range of scholars to denote the lifelong process of receiving norms, customs, and ideologies from one’s heritage and disseminating them. A socialized individual possesses the skills and habits necessary for participating within their society. Thus, socialization is the tool that allows for...

Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military

This work is devoted to the United States of America’s policy to accept representatives of the LGBT community into the ranks of the US Armed Forces. The study examined integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance to gays, lesbians, and...

Caregiver Role Strain Due to Responsibilities

The Stresses on Sandra’s Middle-Aged Sisters and Their Families Caring for the loved one is rewarding as it is a core value, which everyone wishes to provide. However, at times, it can be daunting and straining even to the most resilient people. Sandra’s middle-aged sisters experience both physical and emotional...

Jane Addams as Pioneer of Social Service System

Introduction Social work has many ways and opportunities for action as it is associated with the problems of people who need help. For this reason, one can refer to pioneers and prominent people of social work as authors-theoreticians, who explore and create theories, reformers who adopt laws, and practitioners who...

The Importance of Disaster Recovery

Introduction Disasters always cause considerable concern for the population since they are connected with sufferings, losses, and other long-term damaging aftermaths. In this regard, every community should have a coherent disaster recovery plan (DRP) that considers available community resources and identifies issues and vulnerable areas needing careful consideration. Such a...

The Legalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana policy changes over the last few decades across many states point to greater societal awareness of this drug’s decriminalization process and medical use. However, despite the intentions to create a solid understanding of legalization, there are still many factors driving the prohibitionist approach to the cannabis issue, at...

Toni Cade Bambara: Bibliography

Bambara, Toni C. Gorilla, My Love. 1st ed., New York: Random House, 1972. The author provides the audience with compelling illustrations of an array of fascinating characters in the scenes between New York and North Carolina, from stylish and rugged children to devious elderly men. The information herein indicates that...

Woolf’s vs. Brady’s Feminist Articles Comparison

Over the past few centuries, there has been much debate about the role of women in society. Miscellaneous dictionaries developed different definitions of the phenomenon, but the most common describes feminism as equality of sexes in politics, economics, and the social arena. Such prominent figures as Virginia Woolf and Judy...

Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students

Introduction Traditionally, sexual relationships were respected and promiscuity was heavily penalized in a bid to ensure that people engaged in sexual intercourse at the right time and in an acceptable setting (marriage). However, many young people have resulted to alternative sexual tendencies that at times put them at risk of...

Disney Princesses: How Movies Impact Gender Roles

Introduction One of the main reasons why Disney movies can be picked as one of the examples of ever-changing gender roles and the breadth of societal influence in their approach to depicting women or female characters. The ability to mirror cultural perspectives of the given era is an instrument that...

Class in America by Gregory Mantsios: Source Text Interpretation

In his article Class in America, Gregory Mantsios raises the acute question of a person’s social success dependence on class in modern America. Although the division into social classes is very arbitrary, nevertheless, in reality, there is a significant stratification of the U.S. population into various class categories. There are...

Reflection Paper on Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group that assists alcohol addicts to break from their drinking habits and stay sober for the rest of their lives. Alcohol Anonymous (AA) gives the successful candidate an opportunity to mentor other people struggling with alcohol problems. According to Kneisl & Trogoboff (2013), the program...

SARA(Scanning-Analysis-Response-Assessment) Problem-Solving

Introduction One of the police’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that they protect the citizens from harm such as gang-related violence. Riverside High School’s board of management (BOM) has raised concern over gang-related graffiti on the school premises. As the Chief of Police of Riverside, I have to make sure...

Abuse and Neglect: Orientation Project

Introduction Child abuse and neglect is serious issue as children are highly vulnerable and do not have means for self-defense or sufficient independence to avoid abusers (CDC, 2012). The prevalence of the problem is rather high (Nies & McEwen, 2013). The United States federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act...

Trends in Contemporary British Society

Introduction Contemporary British society is considered to be the result of major changes in the spheres of politics, economics and private issues of the population. To understand the modern situation and position of the society of the UK it is necessary to underline the basic changes experienced by the population...

Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The term ‘poverty’ has almost become synonymous in association with the greater population of the third world, that is, countries that are currently considered either developing or under-developed, especially in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania in respect to their economies (Marie, 2002). The term ‘World poverty’ would therefore...

Legalizing Euthanasia: Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, and Patient Autonomy

The world is far from perfect; however, people have made immense progress in the medical field, which now allows to prolong their lives, even at the expense of the quality of such existence. Some might agree that humans have reached the stage of development, which prompts socio-cultural and legal discussions...

Reflection on the Realization of the Diversity

The following work presents some issues connected with the realization of the diversity. It centers around the feeling of being different from the others and the peculiarities of the process of recognition of this fact. The accent is made on feelings connected with the realization of the diversity in workflow...

Is Social Worker a Profession?

Social work is a significant activity in society as it aims at providing assistance to those in need, promoting better living conditions, and improving the social environment. It is a relevant topic for discourse these days because many people are involved in social practices; however, the dispute appears if this...

Analysis of “Finding Fish” by Antwone Fisher

A person’s development largely depends on his or her personal qualities and brain capabilities. However, society and social agents that surround the child have a more significant role in the formation of personality. Antwone Fisher’s memoir Finding Fish provides a prime example of this influence, since the protagonist experiences many...

What Makes an Ideal Society? Revolutionary Ideas for Gender Equality

Anthony, C. (2017). The Idea of a Realistic Utopia (Publication No. 2168) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. Scholarly Commons. According to this dissertation, an ideal society is the one whose occupants identify themselves with because it has specific conditions that they view as the most appropriate for them. Such a...

Deaf Community in the Modern World

Introduction The deaf community is among the most undermined in the modern world, frequently thought to have free access to all services. Thus, deaf and hard of hearing people face various challenges each day that significantly influence their mental state. Thousands of deaf Americans are unable to communicate due to...

Socialist Feminist Theories, Solutions and Changes

Regarding the important issues in feminism, it is necessary to refer to the term socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals, and the beauty industry in the context of feminism. It is also important to suggest some solutions and criteria stabilize newly appeared tense situations...

The Damage in Permitting Prostitution

Interviews conducted in the United States of America reveal that majority of Adult Americans do not favor decriminalization of people based on their sexual orientations. Many researches on the subject indicate that it is only a small percentage of Americans who support strategies of restraint, toleration, or validation. Many research...

Dependency and Structuralism vs Liberal and Neoliberal

Introduction The dependency theory belongs to radical school of thoughts in international relations meaning departing from conventional acceptable approaches. It is referred to as structural because it analyzes the structure of society, economic structure. The theory assumes that the society is economically determined. The type of economy, its organization and...

Ethical and Unethical Behaviors

The scenario of the video focuses on the conflict of interest and proposes means to encourage moral behavior. The video provides plenty of examples that center around the conflicting incentives, which always leads to a poor outcome at some point (McCombs School of Business, 2019). Most vivid cases include episodes...

Domestic Violence in America

Definition of the Problem Domestic violence often occurs among partners who are in an intimate relationship. Governmental and non-governmental agencies have often argued that domestic violence as a serious social problem in America (Lockhart & Danis, 2010). Although men and women may be victims of domestic violence, many cases often...

High Mortality Rate Country: Review

Introduction (Why I Chose Somalia) After the civil war that saw the toppling of hitherto president of the country in 1992, Somalia has remained in the category of failed states torn by civil war and other natural catastrophes (World Bank, 2009). The country is located in the Horn of Africa...

Psychodynamic Perspective of Psychology

In the past, people’s knowledge of psychology was limited to their visits to marriage counselors, religious leaders, family therapists, and traditional dispute handlers. Psychologists were considered to be those who resolved conflicts and offered guidance during distress. Over the years, the concept of psychology has changed and has been recognized...

Conflict and Negotiation Analysis of Nick Cunningham Case Study

It is normal to encounter conflicts among stakeholders of a profit-making institution. Business entities provide a social platform where individuals interact professionally. Both senior and junior employees frequently disagree on the best decisions entailing production processes (King et al., 2016). However, this analysis involves conflict and negotiation management between Nick...

The Effects of Drugs on a Man’s Reproductive System

Recent decades are characterized by a decrease in male fertility. There are therapeutic interventions able to help, but they are usually associated with high costs and failure rates. Drug and alcohol abuse negatively affects male reproductive health in several ways. It also might be a significant contribution to serious health...

Child Welfare and Confidentiality

Introduction This essay will begin with a brief description of the nature of my placement and the setting. The law and guidance relating to the policy framework will be identified. I will also make a distinction between the legislation and the statutory guidance that underpins the practice, before broadly establishing...

Ethics and Its Place in Educational Research

A Personal Perspective The moral landscape of the nation is a minefield for the person who wishes to be upright. All of us expect ethical behavior from persons high and low. In the name of political expediency, however, the highest official in the land withdraws U.S. troops from Iraq to...

Hunting and Gathering Versus Agricultural Society

The hunting and gathering society is considered the most equitable of all seven types, while the agricultural community gives rise to the development of civilization. The societies vary in their structure: the former exists in small nomadic groups to search for food supply, and the latter forms larger groups characterized...

Poverty and Mental Health Correlation

Kim, S., & Cardemil, E. (2012). Effective psychotherapy with low-income clients: The importance of attending to social class. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 42(1), 27-35. Web. The study aims at highlighting the importance of an effective approach to psychotherapy when working with low-income clients. In addition, changes in the United States demographics...

Immigration Detention Centers in America

Introduction The United States government holds hundreds of thousands of immigrants in its more than 200 detention centers located in different states. The immigrants are detained in these places for entering the US unlawfully, and await processing for legal entry into the country (asylum seekers) or deportation. Detention is conducted...

Narcotic Anonymous Experience

Abstract This paper evaluates my learning experience about Narcotic Anonymous. I carried out research on Narcotic Anonymous, its activities, and operational framework. Narcotics Anonymous is a community of women and men who have faced major challenges because of drug influences. Such women and men have agreed to undergo rehabilitation processes...

Living with Disability in Contemporary Society

Introduction People living with disabilities have historically been viewed as disadvantaged members of society. Until the 18th century, disability was seen by many societies as an expression of witchcraft, demonic possessions, or sin. As such, the disabled person was often ostracized by his/her community (Glowacki (2007: 5). The 21st century...

Drug Abuse in Homeless Community

Homelessness is one of the most critical issues aroused in the United States of America. The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being. Mosites et al. claim that The year 2017 became a turning point in the USA’s history because the...

Marriage Oppression and Freedom Signs

The 19th century is characterized by women discrimination in society, whereby the role of women is to offer basic services at home. Female prejudice increased during the 1800s, leading to the drawing of occupational lines regarding the exact jobs that women and men could handle. As a result, women commenced...

The Role of Person-First Language

Treating people with disabilities in a tolerant and equal way is one of the most important goals in modern society. A person-first language is an effective tool that helps to show respect for human beings with diverse problems and illnesses. However, there is an opinion that this method of communication...

Risk Communication and Healthcare Management

Introduction Risk communication is generally regarded as one of the key parts of the effective public healthcare management. Therefore, it is of an essential importance for warning the population, preventing pandemics or other healthcare risks, as well as communicating protection measures. In general, risk communication is used frequently, and the...

Representing Islam: Racial and Gender Identities

As an individual whose family had immigrated to North America from Africa, my identity has been closely associated with trying to fit in. Being a woman of color, particular challenges come into play, shaping not only personal experiences and interactions with the world but also my self-perception and self-identity. For...

Gender, Race, and Trade Unions

Career achievements and personal characteristics may not be the only criteria employers consider during the hiring process. Bias based on gender or race is present whenever an employee or potential applicant is treated in a different way. Moreover, gender discrimination affects wages since it is evident that women are paid...

Problems and Solutions in the Puppy Mills Industry

Recently, the United States House of Representatives passed the bill that united both Republicans and Democrats. The bill’s name is the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act that addressed the issues of cruelty and neglect among pets. Primarily, the law makes abuse of animals illegal on a national level...

Difficult Interactions and Conflict Resolution

Introduction In my opinion, healthy conflict is beneficial for progress and growth, especially in the educational context. When involved in a confrontation, I try to find compromise and reach a common ground while meeting mutual goals and preserving the relationships. Main text Conflict is defined as a confrontation or disagreement...

Stratification and Social Mobility and its Impact on the American Dream

This paper introduced the concept of social stratification and mobility in the United States. In the USA, people are categorized into different groups based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, and family ancestry. People further categorize others based on intellectual capabilities, personal and professional skills, appearance as well as achievements....

Speaker Recognition: Literature Review & Research Proposal

Speaker recognition refers to the process used to recognize a speaker from a spoken phrase (Furui, n.d. 1). It is a useful biometric tool with wide applications e.g. in audio or video document retrieval. Speaker recognition is dominated by two procedures namely segmentation and classification. Research and development have been...

Accounting Ethics and the Code of Conduct

Ethics is a central component of relations between companies and individuals. It regulates the behaviors of all parties and ensures that there will be no inappropriate actions, solutions, or strategies aimed at making benefit from causing harm to other organizations or individuals. For this reason, the observation of the Code...

The Correlation Between Literature and Empathy

Formerly reading used to be one of the principal ways to divert oneself. Rapid technological development and the growing entertainment industry may have changed the way people approach their leisure. The decline of reading is an ongoing phenomenon that results from profound changes in how investing one’s time is viewed....

The Ethical Standards of Auditing

The ethical standards of auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness, and objectivity of the auditor. In carrying out their professional duties, the auditor should be guided by the standards established by professional audit associations. It is also necessary to observe the following ethical principles: independence, honesty, objectivity, professional competence and...

Honesty and Trust in Business Ethics

Trust is an important element of any ethical framework, especially when building durable and reliable relationships with clients and business partners. Nevertheless, business lives by its own rules, according to which sometimes it is necessary to resort to contradictory practices. The second chapter of Honest Work by Ciulla, Martin &...

Social Stigma: The Case of the Working-Class

People from the lower social classes frequently encounter devaluation patterns and respond in stigma management ways, similarly to other stigmatized groups. Thus, the study conducted by Robert Granfield in 1991 intended to examine the socialization of the working-class university students getting higher education in elite Ivy League law schools. First,...

Comparison of Gender Differences in Communication

Considering a number of biological, evolutionary, social, and historical aspects, men and women tend to prove different psychological and behavioral patterns. Therefore, such a distinction reflects in the way men and women communicate and interact with one another led to the emergence of gender stereotypes. To begin with, the primary...

Addressing Homelessness Issue: Current Policies

Introduction Social problems have the potential to affect the life experiences and health outcomes of many citizens in the affected regions. Within the past century, the American government has implemented various policies intended to meet the demands of its people and guide them to record positive social mobility. Nonetheless, homelessness...

Characteristic and Aspects of Gentrification

Introduction The environment forms a person in the same manner as a person forms the environment. This is one of the key principles and driving forces for designing better streets, housing, squares, parks, and other elements of cities. Most people enjoy comfort and strive to achieve it in places where...

Explanation of Sexuality Being Socially Constructed

The main premise of different theories regarding sexuality is connected to the source of it and the factors that can affect sexuality. The idea that sexuality is socially constructed refers to a concept that a person defines their sexuality based on the perception formed by society, which is formed as...

The Protestors Cartoon by Clay Bennett: Visual Analysis

Introduction The analysis of acute social, political, and other topics through the assessment of current media resources can allow considering a specific issue from a new perspective. The cartoon by Clay Bennett, a famous columnist and cartoonist, will be used as the object of analysis (Figure 1). This image is...

Aristotle’s Concept of Virtue Ethics

The combination of such qualities as generosity, kindness, honesty, courage, modesty, and hospitality in one person is scarce. However, when this happens, the carrier of all these traits is called virtuous, a hero, or a saint (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2017). Such people become role models, inspiring society to develop positive...

The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health

Introduction Social media has enhanced the connection and interaction of 3.81 billion people all over the world. It has aided in maintaining a good relationship between people and their families and friends. Social connection makes a person relieved of sadness, stress, and anxiety. However, it can pose negative impacts on...

Freedom and Security in the Contemporary World

In the United States, as well as in many other developed and developing countries, the issues of freedom and security play an important role. People are involved in debates to understand if it is normal to sacrifice personal freedoms in order to stay safe. Regarding political demands and social norms,...

American Dream and Poverty in the United States

Many people argue that US social and economic inequality, routine discrimination, and political problems make the American Dream impossible. However, today the dream of many Americans is not luxury real estate and shares of leading companies, but the ability to choose their own way of life (Engle). The rights and...

Why It Is Important to Fight Social Inequality

Contemporary people live in the world of social inequalities which are brought by differences in income, status, and occupations. For instance, while some individuals have an opportunity to live in mansions with swimming pools and personal gyms, others cannot afford to buy a whole apartment and live in small rented...

Racial Inequality in Education: Remaining Problems

Introduction At present, racial inequality is an outlawed subject and considered inappropriate in modern society. However, it continues to be a matter of concern, causing discussions and debates. This fact indicates that the diversity of opinions remains present in this field, and there are more issues to be investigated. Among...

Woman and Gender Equality in Canada

The problem of gender equality is one of the primary concerns of Canada. With the modernization of society, there is a need for additional measures to ensure the rights of women all over the country. The idea of improving their life has led to the appearance of numerous activists and...

Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice

As a rule, when we talk about combating racism and discrimination, we are talking about the system’s problems faced by people because of race or ethnicity, their sexual orientation, gender, or age. Thus, usually, we talk about racism, homophobia, sexism, and ageism. However, these concepts do not limit the scope...

The Dangers of Gendered Occupation

Traditionally, women have been stereotyped as caregivers, while men as breadwinners. This has led to some careers being associated with men or women, such as “midwife” and “mailman.” When society brands a job as feminine, its authority diminishes, and fewer men join the career. Masculine jobs are deemed to need...

Drug Dealing on College Campuses

Introduction Regardless of tthe attention given to the issue, the effects of drugs on students are always understated. This is typical because the entire scope of the problem is rarely understood. More often than not, only the individuals caught taking the drugs are attended to. In the process, a whole...

“Crucial Conversations” by Patterson

Introduction The book to be reviewed is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson et al. (2011). It is about the best approach to use when participating in crucial conversations. A model has been developed concerning how best to prepare for high-stake situations, control emotions, and...

The Rule of the Golden Mean and the Virtue Ethics

Virtue ethics states that practicing honesty, dignity, and generosity makes an individual a moral and virtuous person (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2018). From this perspective, Snowden’s action can be viewed as an act of virtue. Using his moral code and the vision of the situation, he preferred to report about numerous...

Sociology Impact and Laurie Taylor’s Point of View

Within the scholarly dimension, there have been many discussions on the issue of why sociology is important. Plenty of academicians and recognized theoreticians have provided a strong rationale regarding this issue. Laurie Taylor, being a significant scholar, has given an interview that contains several notable arguments and ideas within the...

Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of...

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Social responsibility is “the obligation of a business towards the society” (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 6). The economic responsibility contributes to the economic development of the society by producing goods and essential products. Legal responsibility includes the laws that they have to follow. Ethical standards, the ones expected by the society...

The History of Montgomery Bus Boycott

Introduction The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the earliest and most high-profile episodes in the history of black civil rights struggles. In the early 1950s, the civil rights movement was still relatively weak to oppose White America’s political and economic institutions. However, the segregation laws that continued to operate...

Rationalizations Used to Excuse Unethical Behavior

Introduction Many people use rationalizations to describe their actions when they find themselves in challenging situations. This refers to an attempt to explain or falsely justify wrongdoing using logical reasoning, even if it is not appropriate. An individual will do this in order to prove to themself and others that...

True Consensus: Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process, in terms of the managerial paradigm, has become one of the major concerns for research in the past years. In order to remain relevant for each unit involved in the issue, managers are known to estimate the ultimate decision that would be of maximum benefit for everyone,...

“28 Days” by Betty Thomas: Abnormal Character Behavior

Introduction Directors often turn to rather common psychological problems in their films in search of increased interest among the audience. Betty Thomas, in the movie 28 Days, shows the viewer the life through the eyes of an addicted woman being treated in a rehabilitation center. 28 Days is full of...

The Superiority of Socialism Over Capitalism

In most western countries, capitalism is typically lauded as the most effective way of regulating market relationships, whereas socialism is traditionally frowned upon as a threat to free trade. However, not only does socialism suffer from a prejudiced attitude reinforced by the infamous witch-hunts, but also has a range of...

Cocaine and Its Effects on Society and Individuals

Drug abuse is one of the most critical modern social issues. Recreational drugs are used worldwide, and while some of them are free to use, for example, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, several major ones, such as cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, are banned. The severity of effects from illicit drugs is...

Can We Consider the War a Form of Murder

Introduction Murder is an act of crime in which prior meditations about target persons are involved before performing the execution. It is undoubtedly that individuals can plan, either solely or in groups, and wage war against their fellows. Engagement in violence has been associated with historical accounts of humankind’s evolution...

Gender Gaps in Student Academic Achievement

Sociology, being one of the central discussion subjects in terms of investigating the patterns of human development in cultural, ethnic, and gender aspects, has become extremely relevant for the modern world. Hence, the vast majority of researches conducted in the field is now closely related to the issues tackling the...

“Reaction to Hernando Washington” by Lisa J. McIntyre

The piece on Hernando Washington’s case, written by Lisa J. McIntyre (2013), is an analysis of criminal behavior from the sociological perspective, yet, on the individual level. The text leaves mixed emotions on that, and it is the task of sociologists to deconstruct the case. Nevertheless, it is fair to...

Formation and Development of Personality Traits

Introduction Personality formation is one of the crucial processes for a person. It occurs to one degree or another throughout human life. Through this process, people acquire certain traits. Many of them are universal for the society in which a person is brought up. For example, this is influenced by...

Gender Roles and Behaviors: Different Perspectives

Introduction Gender has long been a hot topic and a point of interest for researchers, biologists, social scientists, and policymakers. Regardless of the feminism era, one goal that the movement has always strived to accomplish is to get rid of harmful, superficial labels that prescribe each gender that it can...

Tobacco Smoking Among Adolescents: Signature Assignment

Introduction The method utilized in the analysis of the smoking issue among adolescents is a qualitative data collection approach. The given methodological framework seeks to understand the underlying cues that lead teenagers of low and middle-income households to try tobacco smoking. Data collection will occur in the form of questionnaires,...

Socialization of Children as Consumers

Introduction The process of children’s socialization in the marketplace may be described as the attainment by young people of necessary knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that will help them to function as consumers in the future. Multiple factors influence this process in completely different ways. This paper implies the critical...

The History of Birth Control

Introduction Contraception holds an important potential to reducing unwanted pregnancies especially among the teenage, but has been opposed more than once by the anti-contraception organizations and crusaders as an appropriate initiative. However, although the rates of abortion have been indicated to have decreased since they hit an all times high...

Social Norm Violation: Subverting Conversational Norms

Social norms are prescribed behaviors in a given social group that serve to achieve and maintain the desired status quo. These rules inform group members about how they should initiate a certain situation, how to act or react to it, and how to feel about it (Reese et al., 2019)....

What Factors Create Violence in Children?

Every day people read the news concerning the growth of children’s violence. Therefore, there is tremendous worldwide concern about incidents of violent youth behaviors that create an acute issue that needs to be handled by adults. There is a wide range of ruthless demeanors, including threats, bullying, acts of aggression...

Adolescence and Sexuality: Girls’ and Boys’ Sexual and Emotional Experiences

Introduction Sex, romantic and intimate relationships for most teens today begin at a relatively early age. In particular, scientists note that the first sexual contact, whether casual sex or sex in relationships occurs in most teenagers before their senior years (Orenstein, 2016). Then, in college, young people meet with unlimited...

“Eyes on the Prize” by Bagwell

Introduction African-Americans began fighting for racial equality from early years of the 19th century when the United States banned the slave trade in 1808. Victims of social exclusion in public development encountered significant challenges that needed public address. Eyes on the Prize provides vital information on how the black community...

Women’s vs. Men’s Privileges in Today’s Society

Are women less privileged in today’s society than men? Undoubtedly, the principle of gender equality is of utmost importance for any modern society. Political changes of the last century aimed to gradually build the status of an empowered woman, with the number of opportunities and privileges equal to that of...

Freedom of Expression and Intellectual Property Rights

Introduction The ethical aspect of technological development is one of the primary challenges of the present-day world. It implies the emergence of conflicts between digital technologies such as the Internet promoting freedom of expression and intellectual property rights that can be violated as a consequence of the rapid spread of...

Networking and Career Development Importance

Introduction Networking builds a network of business ties and forms a circle of people around you, each of whom is professional in a specific field. According to Batistic and Tymon (2017), “Networking is the age-old practice of building and nurturing personal and professional links with a variety of people to...

The Difference in Socio-economic Status of Children Leads to Problems in the Future

Introduction The personalities and mindsets of people are shaped based on different prerequisites. Some of those are related to the environment they grew up in, their friendships, familial relationships, educational performance. Among these factors, socio-economic status holds a special place – it defines how others see the person, how they...

Interpersonal Communication: Social Exchange Theory

Introduction Human beings are social and rely on interpersonal communication to share information, ideas, secrets, and goals in life. Different models have emerged that try to describe how such interactions take place. Social exchange theory is one of them and it explains or predicts the right time when someone who...

The Michelle Obama’s Commencement Speech at Spelman College

Introduction What has helped Michelle Obama, the former first lady, achieve a great level of success in public speaking? It is important to note that, currently, she can be viewed as a role model and a source of inspiration for every student and any African American woman in the United...

Why Humans Should Not Visit Mars

Over the past few decades, developments in the field of space flights and space exploration have gone so far that the time has come to wonder if it is worth sending people to Mars. Such a step would actualize the potential of space exploration. On the other hand, the appearance...

Global Poverty and Human Development

Poverty rates across the globe continue to be a major issue that could impair the progress of humanity as a whole. Absolute poverty means that people in this situation do not have even the basic necessities to survive, and most of these people are concentrated in low-income countries. Some progress...

The Importance of Ethnic Identity: Ethnic Autobiography

Introduction Ethnicity is often defined as a fact of belonging to some social group, class, or even nation. In my opinion, this notion has a broader meaning. It presupposes sharing of the culture, the way of life, even the way of perceiving and comprehending information with people of your community....

Virtues, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

Introduction Throughout the history of humanity, a variety of concepts explaining ethics and morality existed. Among some of the most significant of these concepts are virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. In the following paper, different outlooks on ethics and morality will be examined on the basis of the three...

Factors of Stress Among Young Adults

Introduction Stress among young adults is a topic of increased interest among sociologists and health professionals. Today, stress is caused by numerous factors, and young adults need to be aware of them to develop sufficient coping mechanisms. For instance, a popular health-related website, WebMD (n.d.), claims that stress can be...

Honor Definition and Perception

Such word as honor is always associated with dignity, honesty, and generosity. Nevertheless, this word has a huge amount of notions. Different dictionaries give different definitions to this word. The great part of reliable sources in the definition of this word, because of the broad meaning of this notion, use...

Reaching Migrant Workers in the Malaysian Church: Establishing a Leadership Model

Introduction The research topic is “establishing a leadership model for reaching migrant workers in the Malaysian Church”. It intends on determining the most effective leadership approach for reaching migrant workers in Malaysia. A number of strategies are available to church ministries, but organizations must select the best model for the...

The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book

In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse. Through the whole course of the novel’s story plot, the readers may see how ruinous it can be for people who take drugs....

Social Phenomena Theories: Bureaucratic and Classical Theories

Introduction Theories are very important sources of scientific enlightenment. In many cases, a theory in a research study often appears in the form of discourses and time-tested ideologies. Scientific theories are used to explain certain social phenomena (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, the scope of this essay will be limited to two...

Privacy and Government Surveillance

Introduction Currently, a substantive study of the implementation and protection of the right to privacy in the US has shown that it is subject to numerous violations and restrictions. The practical civil law protection of this right is not sufficiently effective. It is due to the historical tradition and a...

Self-Assessment of Research Mind-Set and Skills

Introduction In this paper, I provide a self-assessment of my research mind-set and skills. I also evaluate the link between researches and social changes. Finally, I explain a plan of the next steps I will take to become a researcher and scholar-practitioner. Therefore, I divide the body of this paper...

Society: Mental Health and Welfare

Many societal issues create discussions and disputes across the world. One of these social issues is euthanasia. It is closely related to a concept of physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Since the question of euthanasia’s place in the healthcare practice first arose, there have been many types of research and media publications...

Aggression in Schools and How It Can Be Combated

Introduction Having a healthy generation of people is an important thing that any given government would wish to have. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that as people become of age, they are taught the importance of being calm no matter the situation that they might face in life....

Video Games and Violence in the Society with Reference to the Sociological Theories

Introduction Many claims have been made on both positive and negative consequences of electronic game playing, on the emotional, social, cognitive and physical development of children. Whereas others believe that they help in teaching the children the computer skills, literacy, and improving their performance skills, there are also potential harmful...

Social Order Perspective and a Conflict Perspective

Surprisingly, various human societies populating the Earth have one similar trait: they argue to reach mutual understanding. This is not stipulated by the cultural heritage and values; it is rather caused by the human need to attain truth, and this necessity is perfectly framed with the socio-cultural aspects. As such,...

Fur No More: Los Angeles Bans Fur Products

The heart of the American fashion and design business, Los Angeles, is setting a new trend. The production and sales of fur clothing and accessories are going to be forbidden. The latest events show the increased interest of the fashion world in defending and promoting animal rights. The city of...

Global Civil Society Impact on Behavior of States

Global civil society is a term that has gained popularity in the present modern-day society. The term was coined in the late 20th century but has gained a populace in various fields such as academics and politics. However, its actual definition has raised various debates and criticism. Its real meaning...

Jürgen Habermas’ and Michel Foucault’s Contributions to Social Theory

Introduction There has been extensive writings and reviews of the social theory from the classical to the modern days. Classical and contemporary theorists have agreed and differed on the interpretations and the application of the theory. Social theory is defined as the utilization of the theoretical methodologies and frameworks in...

Immigration: Advantages and Ways of Improving

Immigration can be described as the movement of people from one region to another either in pursuit of basic needs, better living conditions, or employment opportunities. According to the Immigration theory, it is either push factors or pulls factors that cause people to migrate. Push factors refer to the circumstances...

Post-Industrial Society: Durkheim’s Social Change Model

Durkheim argues that religion is the foundation of thought and being a permanent aspect of humanity it’s the basis of all other social dealings. The cognitive self is a product of religious thought. Religion according to him is a planned system of beliefs, attitudes and practices uniting into a single...

MacDonaldization and Marx’s Social Change Model

Introduction Social change is societal change in the aspects of the social institutions, structures, associations, and behavioral models. When these aspects change to a large extent and the changes are kept, social change is said to have taken place especially changes in the behavioral aspect. (Aron, 1967) The change or...

Globalization and Immigration: Globalization Policies

Introduction Immigration is a growing concern for developed nations. Leaders and citizens in such nations feel threatened by the influx of both legal and illegal immigrants into their nations. Globalization has further made the problem more complex by opening up the borders. Information on various issues, such as business or...

Alcoholism: Causes, Symptoms and Negative Effects

Introduction Alcohol has a lot of negative effects, and is dealing with society in many different ways. It is so unfortunate that the majority of the efforts being made in fighting drug abuse, is centered on other drugs such as cocaine, leaving alcohol which is today the world’s number one...

Feminist Ethics: History and Concepts

Introduction Feminist ethics describe approaches of various feminists towards ethics. Feminist ethics dates back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and amongst its pioneers include feminists such as Mill, Beecher, Stanton, Gilman, and Wollstonecraft. Their aim was to correct male biases towards women subordination as characterized by conventional ethics. According...

Gender Differences in Agressive Behavior

Introduction The belief that violence is observed mostly in men than in women in the daily observations has a stable base in the records of crime and also in the common perception about gender. The number of men involved in criminal offenses is far greater than that of women. According...

The Rebellion and Reaction in the 1960s and 1970s 

Introduction Historians have often mentioned the fact that twentieth-century science and technology was influenced every aspect of the lives of the American people. To secure radical interests, the twentieth-century young generation makes different movements in America. Different problems were expressed through their youth rebellions which made a variety of social...

Rhetoric and Stereotypes in Society

Introduction Stereotyping has been used as a tool in persuading others to embrace a certain cause. Therefore, with regard to the following given groups; Politicians, tattooed persons, feminists and senior citizens, they have been stereotyped in a particular way in the society on a daily basis (Fletcher, 2009). With relation...

Ban on Smoking in the Workplace

Introduction The New York administration has taken up implementation of anti-smoking legislature in a competent manner. It is the third state after Delaware and California to issue anti-smoking legislature banning the use of tobacco products in public places with effect from April 2008. As a result of this, it is...

Social Perspective of School Violence

Schools have changed greatly from 1950s. Initially, school aggression was a minor issue and attracted little attention. In 1989, the number of violence in schools doubled as the figure of diverse students increased. In 1990s the aggression involved the use of firearms such as the shootings that happened in Columbine...