This week’s reading and discussion are centered around demographic topics. In particular, there are three main themes, such as migration, fertility rates, and overpopulation. The first theme is viewed in terms of how migration from underdeveloped countries impacts developed ones. On the one hand, some researchers imply migration’s adverse effects...
Topic: Demography
Words: 313
Pages: 1
American society and the US government system have historically suffered from problems related to racial tension, social inequality, violence, and police brutality. Under such conditions, it is not surprising that people create various movements to fight for their rights and influence the change in the existing system. Therefore, Black Lives...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 336
Pages: 1
Introduction Numerous academic fields have explored the right to privacy, but as technology progresses and the cost of implementing smart monitoring systems decreases, privacy concerns are growing. Many individuals associate surveillance with being watched and scrutinized. Computer-based surveillance systems have gained strong new capacities in past years. As a result,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Purposes of the Speech Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, gave a speech on the coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2021. According to the Political Discourse reading, an address has various purposes, including inspiration, motivation, amusement, information, and persuasion. Joe Biden’s speech sought to inspire, motivate, inform,...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction Immigration is a key component of government policy in Canada, making the nation a popular choice for many foreign employees. More than one in five Canadians are foreign-born, reflecting the country’s growing immigrant population. However, equal access to autism services for all populations remains suboptimal. The increased ethnic diversity...
Topic: Family
Words: 1663
Pages: 6
Introduction Ethics consultation in health care can significantly impact critical outcomes, such as decreasing the length of stay in an intensive care unit and increasing family and healthcare provider satisfaction. Human service professionals seek the knowledge, education, experience, and supervision necessary to ensure effectiveness when working with persons from different...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Ethical issues associated with involuntary hospitalization do create a dilemma in dealing with patients with cognitive issues. In hospital settings there are qualified physicians are expected to conduct their duties as per the principles of medical ethics, these are nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy (Varkey, 2021). Out of the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Introduction The healthcare system in the United States can be difficult to get used to for people from different life backgrounds. As refugees, some people can struggle with getting accessible help on time, as well as experience miscommunications and lack of understanding with the American service workers. In their interviews,...
Topic: Health
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Urban areas are mainly characterized by a high population that requires adequate housing facilities. In Tampa city, there has been an increased influx of people from different regions owing to the desirable opportunities available in the urban area. Although Tampa city is peaceful and has fantastic beauty, it should create...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1160
Pages: 4
Introduction Research in psychology is inevitably associated with human beings. The professional performance of a psychologist-experimentalist is a complex and responsible endeavor since it can involve the fate of people. An experimental study is connected to cognition of strictly individual features of a person, with their profound experiences and states....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 912
Pages: 3
Nowadays, freedom of speech is generally considered something clear and self-explanatory. If I were to define the concept of freedom of speech, I would call it the ability of a person to express themselves and their thoughts independently of circumstances. This ability does have many benefits from the viewpoint of...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Introduction Immigration is an arduous and complicated journey that affects not only adult immigrants but also their children, who have to face the challenges of continuing their social and cognitive development while being placed in an entirely alien environment. Therefore, focusing on the needs of immigrant-origin youth is an absolute...
Topic: Youth
Words: 2563
Pages: 9
Notably, the United States has remained a favorite destination for migrants from all over the globe. In 2018, most migrants came from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, known colloquially as the “Northern Triangle countries.” The goal of the National Immigration Forum’s paper was to describe ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, show...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Introduction The chosen article, “US tech investor Joe Lonsdale refuses to apologize for ‘loser’ paternity tweet,” from The Guardian, describes an imagined community of masculine men who must put efforts into the well-being of their families. Lonsdale particularly emphasizes men in “important positions” to highlight their significance to society and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 360
Pages: 1
For the last two centuries, groups have been fighting for equality through peaceful protests across the globe where there has been racial discrimination. The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) has lately emerged and drawn widespread attention from the media. Media coverage of the BLM movement frequently parallels the Civil Rights...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 2288
Pages: 8
Introduction Beauty standards, particularly, in relation to women, have been incredibly fluid, changing from era to era and from culture to culture. Though often clashing in their perceptions of an image of an ideal woman, the specified interpretations of the female beauty lead to the detriment of female health, as...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Sonia Nazario is the author of Enrique’s Journey. Enrique is a migrant from Honduras who embarks on a journey across South America in hopes of a better life for himself. However, he wants to reunite with his mother in America. Enrique’s mother, Lourdes, has made the perilous journey to secure...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1444
Pages: 5
Introduction One of the most critical purposes of modern people is to live in a peaceful and equal world. Multiple attempts are made to establish regulations, consider human rights, and control violations at different levels. International humanitarian law aims at regulating armed conflict effects and protecting people. Despite the existing...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 2200
Pages: 8
Given his views on history, sociology, philosophy, economy, and politics, Karl Marx is well renowned in academia circles. While his ideas were created based on the events of the 19th century, I still find some modern day relevancy in them despite widespread criticism. To begin with, his idea that capitalism...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 329
Pages: 1
Two Professional Codes of Ethics Related to Digital and Mediated Communication Organizations develop ethical guidelines for their personnel to adhere to and for the general public to be aware of. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) moral standards will be examined in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman analyze a number of communication theories on the basis of an article titled “Research: Women Are Better Leaders During a Crisis” (2020). Specifically, the writing will establish a relationship between the content of the text by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman with communication frameworks, such...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1462
Pages: 7
Introduction Reconstructing an argument gives the reader the ability to obtain a representation of an argument that is both comprehensive and succinct, intending to facilitate critical analysis of the written material. It entails concentrating solely on the components that make it possible for the reader to achieve both efficacy and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 887
Pages: 3
Introduction The protection of participants when conducting research is one of the highest priorities of the academic and scientific community. For instance, the major regulations of human participants’ rights are regularly revisited based on the most recent research (Shrestha & Dunn, 2020). To ensure the ethical protection of the participant...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 427
Pages: 1
The topic of gender and its effect on one’s socialization is one of the most discussed concepts in social studies. Gender is a quality that society has been using as a source of information about a person for centuries, drawing conclusions about one’s personality and making assumptions about one’s abilities...
Topic: Gender
Words: 582
Pages: 2
Women entered politics not long ago because the patriarchal conditions of the world continue to affect every nation. Female Political Representation and Substantive Effects on Policies: A Literature Review by Hessami and da Fonseca identifies how politics changes when women enter its history. The authors view women’s politics as an...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 553
Pages: 1
Introduction Censorship is a way by which one can edit, suppress or remove something objectionable. A simple example of censorship is when some people impose their political or moral values on others by suppressing words, images, or ideas they find offensive. Thus, a censored person will not change his point...
Topic: Censorship
Words: 671
Pages: 2
The right to freedom of one’s speech is the foundation of the United States. Throughout this country’s history, different political sides used it to protect their ideals and resolve issues peacefully (Strossen 15-16). This notion is vital for liberating people from oppression for their opinions. Punishing free speech is counterproductive...
Topic: Speech
Words: 567
Pages: 2
Introduction In the context of surrogacy, a woman’s work is equal to other types of labor since it is characterized by the presence of interested parties and is based on the voluntary participation of the woman. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between surrogacy and other commercial activities. Primarily, this applies...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 406
Pages: 1
Women all over the globe have fought for equal rights in society, majorly revolving around politics and career settings. Looking at the setting of Latin America, multitudes of predominant Argentinian women rallied onto the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires in 2015 under the banner “#NiUnaMenos,” which stands for not...
Topic: Women's Rights
Words: 896
Pages: 3
Canada is experiencing significant difficulties with refugees from the United States crossing the border. America is the world’s center of migration, and therefore a large number of migrants residing in the country are there illegally. Many people go to the States for jobs or more comfortable living conditions, but they...
Topic: Refugee
Words: 288
Pages: 3
People define ethics differently, making it challenging to develop a universal definition. Ethics can be defined as rational principles of right and wrong that outline what people should do. These principles are typically expressed in rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or particular qualities (Blaga, 2019). Ethics define people’s integrity;...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 388
Pages: 1
Introduction It is hard to disagree that, in most cases, adherence to the universal and one’s moral values is the key to positive social interactions and the promotion of the good. The code of ethics and moral principles should guide professionals who aim to earn society’s trust and meet people’s...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction It is no secret that the problem of the availability of abortions in terms of legal aspects in current socio-demographic conditions in the United States occupies a special place. Today, the polarity of public opinion is becoming relatively contradictory. In general, there is a significant gap in the population’s...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1216
Pages: 4
Introduction After reading the articles, it was noted that the period between 2005 and 2008 was remarkable in the life of Eliot Spitzer. He rose to political power as a fierce enforcer of moral standards in public life. From the class readings (n.d.), Spitzer won the Governor’s seat in 2006...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 293
Pages: 1
The importance of studying the subjects of gender and sexuality should be discussed with regard to their role in different aspects of people’s lives. Gender is most often associated with the genital structure, reproductive system, and chromosomal set, that is, biological characteristics. At the same time, gender stereotypes in society...
Topic: Gender
Words: 565
Pages: 2
In the field of medicine, women oftentimes face discrimination, one that is difficult to distinguish without proper nuance. Specifically, a large number of clinical studies, research and other types of medical tests use white men as their basis, while other groups are excluded. As a result, the effects of specific...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Generally, moral philosophy is a key consideration that people value at individual and group levels. It is necessary for persons to comprehend and value ethical practices to guide their conduct. When it comes to judging between right and wrong, sometimes it is challenging to have an absolute choice, especially in...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 595
Pages: 2
There are a variety of reasons why no law in Florida makes the teens’ behavior illegal. With an in-depth look at the matter, the question of whether Florida law ought to change to cater to such issues can be debated, and an amicable solution can be reached. The current law...
Topic: Disability
Words: 499
Pages: 2
Introduction In the third quarter of the 5th century BCE, the term ‘sophistry’ started being applied to a loosely affiliated group of philosophers who used argument and rhetoric to convey their opinions and influence others. This was especially true in Athens, with specialists often charging high prices due to the...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 586
Pages: 2
In the modern world, with its massive amount of information, it is more important than ever to be able to formulate your thoughts and convey them to others. Due to the excess of data, the brain filters out many things that it considers unimportant, so attracting attention and getting your...
Topic: Communication
Words: 282
Pages: 1
There are several lessons that readers can learn from Zimbardo’s book “The Lucifer Effect.” As implied in the title, the experiment indicates that it is possible for good people to become evil, just as was the case of the fallen angels who chased from heaven after their rebellion. In Chapter...
Topic: Prison
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Cloning can be a topic for science fiction or thrillers. Nevertheless, it became a reality when animals began to be cloned. Although cloning sounds exciting from the perspective of technology and genetic engineering, I do not support the idea of human cloning. I would not like to be a clone...
Topic: Cloning
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Introduction To understand how lived experiences and social skills of Ghanaian undergraduate and graduate students are associated with the student’s information retention, the two interviews were conducted and coded. As for the latter, the inductive method was applied, meaning that the codes were developed based on the raw data (Cohen...
Topic: Students
Words: 354
Pages: 1
Introduction One of the essential ethical questions is the question of rights, duties, and responsibilities. The situation that will be analyzed is the ban of Russian athletes from participating in sports events, for example, tennis tournaments such as Wimbledon. As the Russian Federation started a war with Ukraine in 2022,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 928
Pages: 3
Western Journal of Communication is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Taylor & Francis, an international publishing company based in the United Kingdom. The institutional home of the journal is the Western States Communication Association (WSCA), a non-profit US-based organization that unites people of the U.S. western states interested in...
Topic: Communication
Words: 661
Pages: 2
Introduction In any business setting, leaders should be able to communicate with the people around them effectively. They can empower their workers to have good expression skills and increase their leadership understanding through communication. Additionally, it is known that good communication is an essential non-technical skill that each good leader...
Topic: Communication
Words: 634
Pages: 2
Personal moral philosophies are beliefs and rules that a person uses when making decisions. Discussing whether these models can be applied to one individual or all people is also a part of ethics. However, as all people have different backgrounds, education, religion, family, and other factors, their moral theories have...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1144
Pages: 4
Introduction Utilitarianism – is the philosophical standpoint that advocates for the morality of actions that cause happiness and the amorality of actions that cause harm. There are two approaches inherent in this philosophical position – rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism implies that people should follow specific sets of...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 670
Pages: 2
An important part of ethical problems is the the proliferation of bots on the Internet. Their activity reduces the level of security when communicating on social networks; the credibility of the media and public speakers loses importance. The consequences of the work of bots contributed to the development of programs...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 655
Pages: 2
As a black man, a simple worker from Atalanta, the question of social equality between people of color is very important to me. So, I read the writings of two of the great spokesmen for the Black rights movement, Washington and DuBois, and tried to choose which of them made...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 408
Pages: 1
Today, more than one billion individuals have impairments; these are mostly the poorest members of civilizations. Discrimination and stigmatization they go through are two major aspects in practically every society. Their inability to participate in and attend educational institutions as well as find jobs creates barriers to their development and...
Topic: Disability
Words: 297
Pages: 1
Introduction Despite the stage of development of modern society, there are still many severe global problems in the world. One of them is the illegal smuggling, which has negative consequences for both the political, economic, and social spheres. Consequently, this research paper aims to consider the issue of illegal transportation...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1963
Pages: 9
According to the concept of social classes taken from the leading U.S. social class ranking, I belong to the middle class. This article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Regarding functionalist theory, society’s many structures...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 372
Pages: 1
Statement of the Problem Due to the recent marriage of Margaret, an employee from the sales department who plans her future pregnancy, David, the regional manager, decides not to renew the contract with her. He considers this a pragmatic choice after David learns about it from another employee Mary, who...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1389
Pages: 6
Introduction Individuals have been given the natural capacity to deal with social issues that affect them by the day. Micro-sociologists have admitted that there is creativeness and active response to the social world. People have the traits mentioned above due to the cultural, societal, and technical structures that influence them...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2272
Pages: 8
Summary The total exhibition of unique characteristics exhibited by an individual is considered their communication style. Communication techniques must be understood to establish a collaborative and open communication at work (Mikkelson et al., 2017). Employing communication techniques enables individuals to retain open lines of communication and respond appropriately to keep...
Topic: Communication
Words: 575
Pages: 2
The new requirements regarding gender fluidity and people representing the LGBTQ+ community are debated within many prisons and correctional institutions. Ignorant people may assume that it is too complicated to endorse within the jails and that inmates should be treated in accordance with what they have in their pants. Yet...
Topic: Gender
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Since the Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade ruling in 1973, around one out of every three pregnancies has resulted in abortion. It is one of the most difficult and contentious problems, sparking passionate legal, political, and ethical arguments. The modern abortion issue involves a clash of conflicting moral concepts as...
Topic: Court
Words: 1219
Pages: 4
Introduction It is hard to disagree that the way other people speak can often influence one’s perception of them, whether it is a regular communication or a business meeting. Some persons tend to base their attitudes towards others precisely on their manner of pronouncing words, making pauses and using intonation....
Topic: Communication
Words: 1944
Pages: 7
Chapter 4 The Main Thesis The main thesis is the presence of a rich, deep, and eventful history of epistemological movements in communication, where more advanced views replaced “traditional” ones. The Main Points The chapter’s main points are primarily based on the analysis and synthesis, as well as consistent, structural,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1208
Pages: 4
The face-to-face communication medium is a reliable interaction method that can facilitate the sharing of ideas. As a form of oral communication, this mode of interaction facilitates the transfer of data from the sender to the receiver through verbal and visual aid. The face-to-face medium is the most natural medium...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Human civilizations are characterized by divisions between in and out-groups. Individuals exhibit in-group partialities, which promote collaboration and effective social activity and outgroup discrimination, leading to tension and bloodshed. Causal design is used to collect information and come up with finds in the research study. The research paper seeks to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 865
Pages: 3
Aldo Leopold advocates for land ethics and not environmental laws due to experiences with legal restrictions whereby individuals find means of evading surveillance and arrest. Thus, he calls for values and a moral sense of right and wrong regarding environmental conservation (Millstein, p. 394). Ethics are distinct from human legislation...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 254
Pages: 1
Barack Obama “A More Perfect Union” is appealing because it has all of the essential rhetorical components. Rhetoric is the study of opposing ideas, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations. It is also the capacity to talk and write well and the ability to deliberately utilize one’s words and oratory abilities based on...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1206
Pages: 4
The issue of interference of politics in animal protection and rights in the case of Harambe’s murder presents a complicated case of unclear differences between humanity in animals and human animality. In my opinion, the situation emphasizes a lack of objectivity in society due to society’s commitment to stereotypes that...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Introduction Numerous households receive a furry companion into their homes each year in the millions. Both kids and adults can experience emotional benefits from owning a dog. One thing to think about when obtaining a pet is the age of the kids. In general, it may be safer to hold...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 927
Pages: 3
Immigration and citizenship issues today have been an issue of concern in the United States since the early 1700s. However, today’s issues are a result of its history of immigration, from the colonial era to today. The primary issue facing the United States today is how to treat the millions...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 2280
Pages: 7
There are several important figures in the history of the United States whose contribution to social and human rights development can not be forgotten. Among these people, such female national heroes as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sarah Moore Grimke, and Angela Grimke take a vital part. Ruth Bader...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1209
Pages: 4
History of the Journal The Journal of Communication Theory was published in 1991 in the United States. It is among the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Wiley on publishers on behalf of the international communication association in the United States. The journal was made to post theoretical essays,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 704
Pages: 2
Race and Ethnicity Trayvon Martin was a seventeen-year-old black teenager. On the evening of February 26, 2012, Trayvon left her home on foot to buy a snack from a nearby convenience store. As he was returning, George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic male and the community’s neighborhood watch program coordinator, noticed...
Topic: Ethnicity
Words: 866
Pages: 4
Paid patriotism consists in the actions of a certain group of people interested in promoting various events aimed at creating a positive image of the country among viewers. A similar case is the Pentagon paying large sums of money to various sports teams for demonstrating and conducting patriotic events. This...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 306
Pages: 1
The Intersex board has experienced a few significant processes during its existence. Initially, Chase asked her friend and colleague, Alice Dreger, to chair the board that consisted mainly of friends. However, the further development of business required to make this body more extended and professional. That is why Chase decided...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 172
Pages: 1
Cultural competence is the capability of understanding, communicating, and interacting effectively with people of different cultures. In an ever-changing, diverse world, cultural competence must be an essential part of our existence. Despite the world continuing to make breakthroughs in most sectors, certain aspects of human beings at a personal level...
Topic: Cultural Competence
Words: 1854
Pages: 6
Dialogue Gorgias by Plato consists of three conversations of Socrates: with Gorgias himself, with Polus, and with Callicles. With Gorgias, the discussion is about rhetoric, and Socrates directly and reasonably expresses his critical attitude toward him. With his friend Polus, Socrates argues on servility, the power of orators and tyrants,...
Topic: Plato
Words: 341
Pages: 1
Thesis Enlightenment came to replace the traditional idea of living with a modem community. The community, later turned into a society embraced new norms and values based on political and ethical doings. The new society aimed at ending individualism by promoting uniformity, freedom, and equality. Uniformity achieved other undesired traits...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1473
Pages: 5
Introduction Over the past years, most of the state and federal laws have been in support of abortion while considering minor factors. Recently, the court ruling turned down the practice which now hinders pregnant women the ability to terminate their unborn babies. The decision has drawn controversy from various groups...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1217
Pages: 4
Summary Leadership is a major determinant to lead a positive change in any organization. It constitutes making policies and strategies geared towards achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Successful leaders, whether men or women are mandated to practice democratic making of decisions to include all their workers, ensure they are...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Introduction Technology has revolutionized most aspects of life, including societal norms, beliefs, and values. Its impact on people has been felt in various areas of social, economic, and political fields, including human engagement, institutional development, governance, human relations, business, and sports, just to mention a few (Hardey 101). The continued...
Topic: Communication
Words: 6069
Pages: 22
Culture could be defined as a grand collection of beliefs, norms, and values of a particular group of the population. Cultural relativism allows people not to judge others depending on the values of their own culture but rather have an objective view. My initial response to observing the scholarly articles...
Topic: Cultural Relativism
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Throughout the decades, singers have been covering the topics that are important to them and their communities. In the case of female songwriters, poets, and musicians, women’s rights and role in society remained significant subjects of discussion. The following analysis of four pieces created by women shows similar ideas and...
Topic: Women's Rights
Words: 590
Pages: 2
A journal is a type of publication done for a specialized group and thus focused on a particular field of study. An example of a journal is the Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS). It was established in 1985 and is owned by the National Communication Association. QJS is a quarterly...
Topic: Speech
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The studies aimed to investigate the National Journal Research with the main focus on the Journal of Communication and Religion. It examined the current publisher, the journal’s origin, the current focus of the journal contents, the journal’s significance to Rhetoric Ph.D. emphasis reading area. In addition, the report analyzed three...
Topic: Communication
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Facebook can be considered as one of the examples of companies that have demonstrated escalation of commitment in recent years. The numerous privacy issues can evidence this and scandals the network has been involved in starting from 2006 (Newcomb, 2018). However, arguably the most infamous scandal associated with Facebook’s privacy...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 296
Pages: 1
Basic Knowledge Herrick’s book revealed some of the hidden facts about rhetoric and its implications on language and communication. The reading enhanced my understanding of rhetoric in several ways and helped me develop an inquiry into the arguments and criticisms of rhetoric. Through this book, I realized that I have...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 659
Pages: 2
It seems that in her speech, Suzanne Simard utilized a number of fundamental scientific skills that make her performance and the reported work significant and coherent. Firstly, throughout her whole TED talk, she establishes many connections between the theme of forest intelligence and common sense. For instance, she depicts a...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Despite its name, the Chicken Ranch brothel was not a chicken brothel. It was in a remote part of Texas and was run by a woman called Miss Jessie. Because of the brothel’s low profile, the residents and law enforcement were willing to turn a blind eye to its actions...
Topic: Prostitution
Words: 335
Pages: 1
In order to determine the validity of specific issues, it is essential to review and analyze existing sources. At the same time, Muslim society, women’s rights, and religion can be interpreted by different authors through the prism of their own considerations, not supported by evidence. Therefore, it is crucial to...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 1393
Pages: 5
Introduction The current paper examines the opinion article “This is the kind of storytelling that economics needs,” published on September 7, 2022, by Peter Coy. The author argues that economics is highly rational, and the lack of creativity and flexibility might lead to undesired outcomes. In his opinion, it reflects...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
When it comes to the basic ethical principles that are integral to the behavioral and biomedical conduct centered around human subjects, these are outlined by the Belmont Report that was published in 1979. According to the report, there are three such principles: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (U.S Department...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 157
Pages: 1
Introduction Leadership contingency theories focus on the way a leader’s strategy affects the overall performance of the team, concerning the general atmosphere, intercommunication, and productivity. Fielders’ Contingency Theory explores the implications of a leader’s persona and power dynamics on the efficiency of the group work, while Vroom and Yetton’s decision...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Basic Knowledge The book Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, by James J. Murphy, clarified how, why, and when classical rhetoric ceased, and medieval rhetoric began. Although the events described in the book were not new to me, I managed to understand the logic of the transition from one tradition to...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 705
Pages: 2
Introduction Free healthcare means everyone has access to the medical treatment they require anytime they need it, free from financial strain. A significant part of the world’s population does not now have access to the necessary healthcare. Consequently, due to medical expenses, millions of individuals are forced into extreme poverty...
Topic: Health
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Communication Studies is a peer-reviewed journal whose primary objective is to cover the current agenda on communicative processes with a particular focus on the theory and research on the field of interpersonal communication. It is published both in printed and online editions by Taylor & Francis Group, specifically by Routledge....
Topic: Communication
Words: 708
Pages: 2
The book Short History of Ethics brings out the correlation between the philosophy of communication and communication ethics. Rhetoric and philosophy of communication theory challenge the assumption of effective communication on an assertion that philosophy is subversive. The book views the inability to think philosophically as promoting biasness and prejudice...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 689
Pages: 2
Introduction In the current age of rapid urbanization and global connectivity, the English language has grown so fast, crossing international borders and eventually becoming universal. From the time the language received official recognition, its roots have inevitably spread deeper into diverse cultural settings. The need for intercultural competence and increased...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1000
Pages: 4
Introduction Despite an existing variety of attitudes towards Adolph Hitler and his violence, most people recognize his leadership style as one of the most successful and effective at the global level. Being one of the most popular world leaders, Hitler was able to start World War II and sent millions...
Topic: Conscience
Words: 292
Pages: 1
Introduction The review of murder from the context of ethics has been a rather question due to the nature of those events. Ranging from self-defense and virtual murder of NPCs to revenge killing or premeditated murder, this issue has sparked different disagreements and conflicts between psychologists. The following text reviews...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Current Publisher The journal in question was published by Michigan State University Press. The ISSN for Rhetoric and Public Affairs is 10948392. An ISSN is an 8-digit code assigned to each item. It is used to identify printed and digital journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines. In the past three years,...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 720
Pages: 2
The notion of heteronormativity is deeply entrenched into modern society, affecting the way in which people challenging the norm are treated and shaping the relationships within communities. Although the strength of heteronormative standards depends on the community and its culture, the majority of the Western civilization is affected strongly by...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Moral dilemmas are contradictions between two behavior choices in a particular life situation. An ambiguous choice of behavioral strategy is common and places demand on the qualities of the individual. One of the most striking episodes that created a moral dilemma was a situation when I had to take care...
Topic: Caregiver
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Different forms of intelligence can be estimated depending o the skills and values of an individual, social group, or culture. I feel most “intelligent” in intrapersonal type intelligence that influences my intellectual behavior, reasoning, problem-solving ability, and performance in various areas of cognition. According to Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Introduction Utilitarianism and deontology are relevant moral theories that guide people’s actions. However, fewer scholars acknowledge virtue ethics as a normative rival of these traditions because it primarily focuses on the agent instead of the action. The core concept of virtue ethics is that the action that a virtuous agent...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1396
Pages: 5
As cultural changes are reflected in cinematography, so does the changing perception of gender influences movies. Over the course of the last century, societies have seen drastic changes in the perception of gender roles. A common opinion that gender stereotypes are still prevalent is countered with a belief that modern...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 909
Pages: 3
The difference between sensation and perception is that with sensation, a person receives information about the world around him through the senses. In contrast, with perception, the information is interpreted in the brain. When one looks at something on the phone, the information reaches the brain through the eyes, and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 301
Pages: 1
The criteria for inclusion include factors such as age and citizenship, where older adults and non-Ghanaian individuals are excluded from the study. The goal is to obtain accurate information about the prevalent majority of seekers of higher education in the country, who are mostly young and live in Ghana as...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 289
Pages: 1
Introduction The issue under discussion in this paper is the violation of human rights in the current immigration detention system in the USA. This problem entails the cruel treatment of immigrants in detention while kept in confinement. Evidence demonstrates that people are exposed to the “use of solitary confinement, patterns...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 637
Pages: 2
The act of stealing is generally recognized as immoral since it violates the owner’s rights and autonomy. However, I incline toward the utilitarian perspective on theft which states that stealing might be morally acceptable in some cases (Abumere, 2019). Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their positive and negative value to...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 296
Pages: 1
While both abortion abolitionists and pro-life activists share a variety of fundamental beliefs, they also vary in their approach and interpretation of women’s rights to abortion. Both initiatives follow a religious doctrine and undertone, though it is compulsory and dominant among abolitionists. Pro-life beliefs aim at establishing slow but steady...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Introduction In a matter of life and death, people prefer life as the obvious answer. Death is a personal issue believed to go without other people’s interference on occasions where no one is harmed. There are circumstances where life is not the best option, a moment that leaves people wondering...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1680
Pages: 6
The module’s reading suggests that in terms of gender and sexuality, culture defines the conditions of sexual response. Thus, cultural conditioning determines which signals the human’s sexual responsiveness can detect. For example, exposure to specific body parts, such as legs, can be received by sexual response systems in one culture,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Noland and Gladwell agree in considering online activism capable of drawing the public’s attention toward specific topics but often unable to invoke a real offline commitment to the cause. For one thing, Noland (2020) provides an example of a successful ALS Ice Bucket Challenge event during the Summer of 2014....
Topic: Activism
Words: 322
Pages: 2
Intelligence is a mental ability to learn from experience, tackle issues and use knowledge to adapt to new situations (Myers & DeWall, 2019). According to a single intelligence hypothesis, there is a component known as the factor g that may access intelligence of a person (Myers & DeWall, 2019). This...
Topic: Genetics
Words: 355
Pages: 1
Hello. First of all, I would like to thank everyone in this room for allowing me to express my thoughts here today. I am running for the gubernatorial candidate of Minnesota because I want to make the lives of our citizens better. It is not a secret that our state...
Topic: Speech
Words: 325
Pages: 1
The most vital concept mentioned in the reading that significantly affected my personality development is gender. As it is defined by Weber, gender is the number of “biological and anatomical characteristics attributed to males and females” (8). It is vital to mention that, according to the author, gender is socially...
Topic: Personal Identity
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Introduction The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tool for building online influence. The video “How to create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” is organized in an easy way that explains every step in detail. The video has a...
Topic: YouTube
Words: 419
Pages: 1
Introduction A person’s identity is formed and developed under the influence of various factors through psycho-physiological development and maturation. Human identity is multidimensional as it is brought by the impact of many different social groups. Vertical identity is passed from generation to generation through DNA and upbringing received from parents...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2227
Pages: 8
Sexism is ideological that brings superiority between the female and male gender. Even though it is difficult to quantify sexism to the hearer or reader, sexism places prejudice on men and discriminates against women. Today, sexism has escalated in society and slowed the progression towards gender equality. Thus, increased sexism...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 391
Pages: 1
Transgender people remain one of the most vulnerable populations, both in the LGBT community and in society as a whole. The issue of protecting gender identity and rights related to it stands especially acute in the penitentiary system. There are many instances of how transgender rights are violated in jails:...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 660
Pages: 2
Introduction The institution of relations at the present stage of human development is undergoing major changes. Nowadays, in terms of uncertainty regarding the future or not yet strengthened economic condition, the number of marriages without a formal seal is growing. At the same time, often, for one member of the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 294
Pages: 1
Introduction During the development of an individual, specific changes occur related to psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. For instance, these changes happen distinctively with different life stages. Based on this, social construction involves an ideology of information within sociology that assesses how people generally acquire their understanding and knowledge regarding...
Topic: Construction
Words: 670
Pages: 2
Introduction When crossing national boundaries, homes and gardens, parks and plazas, neighborhoods, and landmarks are some areas that immigrants leave behind. When these material anchors are missing, they can leave children feeling bewildered and alienated. Some people build a new home for themselves based on their memories of a place...
Topic: Home
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Introduction Therapy modality refers to the use of different approaches to enhance the well-being of a patient battling mental-related issues. Therapists are trained in different techniques where they choose the most appropriate approach to a presented case; this makes them effective while rendering their services and providing solutions to their...
Topic: School
Words: 875
Pages: 3
According to Albert Bandura, the picture of reality is the result of people’s experiences received from others. Such a type of experience is called vicar ensuring the everyday learning (Johnson, 2019). People always have personalities such as parents, teachers, work colleagues, friends, and popular people to be the role models...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 302
Pages: 1
This page is an occult web resource whose task is to present the audience with a conspiracy theory about the future coming of aliens. The page’s content is a mixture of Freemasonry theories, Christian theology, science fiction, and contemporary American politics. The fabrications of the author of the site are...
Topic: Web Technology
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Gender Roles and Expectations Gender issues are among those aspects of the study of social reality that is being treated with caution by the scientific community. I think the division of gender roles should be a thing of the past. In today’s world, a man and a woman can perform...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Communication is an essential element across human society due to optimal information sharing. On the one hand, the acquisition of insights fosters objective consideration of distinctive relational platforms. On the other hand, poor domain utilization risks misunderstanding and negative responses regarding interactions among people. It is an individual’s responsibility to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2841
Pages: 10
Negotiation Background The current negotiation revolves around the sale of a piece of land to my cousin. Only two individuals, my cousin and I, will be involved in the process. The existing relationship is that we are relatives belonging to the same extended family. We have had a peaceful past...
Topic: Negotiation
Words: 1645
Pages: 6
Forced deportations and multiple immigration crises are concerns that have long characterized the United States. Despite significant improvements in immigration policy, border problems still exist, and only the past lessons can help determine which methods are effective and which should be abandoned. Historically, the image of Mexico propagated by the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 368
Pages: 1
Interpretation The discussion focuses on the significance of interpretation in languages and literature, paying particular attention to the concept of oral presentations, performance behavior, and bodily actions. The authors introduce the discussion by providing a historical context of body language and interpretation. The idea of interpretation is fundamental to scholars...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Introduction In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell claimed that ethnic differences could dramatically influence a working performance. To illustrate the point, he provided an example of Korea Air’s crash in 1997. While attempting to land at the Guam airport, the plane hit a mountain. According to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Summary of the Video The documentary drama calls social networks the biggest threat to humanity. Through interviews with Silicon Valley engineers and experts in the field of technology and psychology, the dwells on how IT companies manipulate human psychology in order to make a profit (Social Dilemma 24:22). My Reaction...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 302
Pages: 2
The social aspects of human interaction are due to many factors that are imperceptible to persons. Many people today use social networks and other Internet resources to get the information they need. However, any information in the online space can be created to manipulate people’s opinions and create false beliefs....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 628
Pages: 3
Due to rapid growth in various neighborhoods, society is diverse in terms of races, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and sexual orientations. There is also a significant disparity between the extremely wealthy and the poor (“More diversity activities for youth and adults,” 2022). As a result, cultural and social class diversity has...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
Pages: 1
John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (1971) seeks to explain that morals are based on right and wrong decisions that may or may not lead to good and bad behaviors that are often unrelated to justice and fairness. Rawls’ “Justice as Fairness” theory considers that the two meaning justice and...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1105
Pages: 3
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr. The civil rights movement had significant consequences for the United States of America which. Studying the causes of the appearance of this social phenomenon can give a more detailed insight into it. Until the sixties, many representatives...
Topic: Civil Rights Movement
Words: 871
Pages: 3
Introduction Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (JITS) is a theory that tries to explain the likelihood and incidence of suicide by analyzing the event based on the presence and prevalence of three main factors. These include the feeling of burdensomeness combined with that a low sense of belonging and social...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 348
Pages: 1
Summary Decisions in professional life or personal life experience are often ambiguous and complex. Even if a person adheres to one moral theory, in some cases, it is simply necessary to move away from the usual model and look at a difficult situation through the prism of a different model....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Some people think that family and its values are the most critical foundation of any person’s life. Personal development and growth begin in the bosom of the family, creating those traits and forming those habits that a person will project on other people in the process of cohabitation and communication....
Topic: Family
Words: 338
Pages: 1
The Most Significant Aspects of Adlerian Brief Therapy The introduction of Adlerian brief therapy to address the needs of clients seems to be one of the most optimal ways to eliminate various risks while empowering them to deal with challenges in the future. In this approach, the most significant part...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Introduction The modern market economy prioritizes the field of consumption over that of production, and the relationship between the consumer and the retailer is of great importance to society. Consumer behavior, or the actions of a person who is considered a consumer, can be characterized in different ways, depending on...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1425
Pages: 5
Introduction People make decisions about right and wrong every day in their professional and daily life. Personal experience, social skills, individual morality, and ethics are commonly used. Most often, this process is effortless and unconscious, but when there is a need to make a complex, important, or difficult decision, ethics...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1135
Pages: 4
The pandemic has really had a strong impact not only on education but also on the whole society as a whole. Many components of the learning process have changed, and one of the most noticeable changes for students is, of course, the transition to online learning. Online learning is much...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 920
Pages: 3
Intergroup behavior is a relationship in which people from different social groups are present. Usually, such people do not have much in common, but they may have one of the identities from the similarity. Active interaction usually occurs in these groups because people form around a standard feature, an identity,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 295
Pages: 1
At one of the American hospitals, Rose, a terminally ill sixty-six-year-old retired teacher is imminently dying. She has not had an appetite for two weeks and is even less interested in fluid intake. It appears her body is beginning to shut down as she approaches death. Her fluid and nutrient...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Summary Gender norms and roles have been a very common topic for discussion among historians, sociologists, and other scientists. It is undeniable that each country had its own perspective on the matter, especially during ancient times. Such discussions have led to the conduction of various studies related to women’s rights...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 950
Pages: 3
Introduction In this assignment, I will discuss the meaning of sociological imagination. I will also analyze the social issues, gender pay gap, and work automation in the fields of education, economy, and labor that influence my future decisions. Moreover, the paper includes findings from an article related to job automation....
Topic: Sociological Imagination
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Communication is only effective when the participants are willing to listen, hear, and try to understand the person expressing an idea. While this does not necessarily mean changing one’s mind or shaping personal overviews to fit the agenda of the other party, a dialogue implies an exchange of opinions rather...
Topic: Communication
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction The impact of students’ socio-demographic characteristics on their overall academic performance has been the subject of much scholarly literature, and it is a debated issue in contemporary academic discourse. Understanding how a student’s ethnicity affects their overall educational performance helps identify the key predictors that determine systemic learning outcomes,...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1495
Pages: 5
The main meaning and ethical side of euthanasia is that a person dying from an incurable disease can voluntarily die in the presence of doctors and relatives. The patient is aware of the unbearable suffering that he experiences and wants to stop it. Moreover, euthanasia is applicable to animals if...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2480
Pages: 9
Introduction Since human beings are largely social creatures, it is important to study interpersonal interactions and relationships in order to learn about the culture of groups and communities. Ethnography is the research method that allows for these observations and conclusions to be made, ultimately contributing to anthropological studies of the...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 1246
Pages: 4