“The Train From Hate” by John Hope Franklin

When authors choose to embed pieces of their lives into literature, they aim to create a sense of connection with their readers. The purpose of biographical writing is to give the audience a first-hand account of the life of a person about which they are reading. The process of writing...

Social Influences: The Power of Any Social Situation

It is hard to disagree that most people are influenced by other individuals or the whole society in various situations. The power of any social situation is rather significant, and there are three forms of influence processes that can affect the way people act in a social setting. The purpose...

‘Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy’ by S. A. Anderson

Scott Anderson’s work raises issues for the discussion related to forcing one person by another to have sex. There are many gradations of this problem, the most extreme of which is rape. However, Andreson focuses his reasoning on more subtle activities, such as coercion, seduction, and gender oppression. Moreover, seduction...

“An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al.

The influence of neighborhood and, more generally, residence on different aspects of adult outcomes seems to be a subject of poignant interest. The article “An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al. constitutes part of a sizeable body of literature dedicated to the subject....

The Impact of the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic on Essential Social Values

A human needs to be a part of society both biologically and physiologically to survive and have a fulfilling life. Social values such as respect, community, and responsibility for others drive progress and affect the decision-making of individuals and institutions. In 2020, social life was globally affected by the spread...

Black Lives Matter: Fight Against the Inequality

The movement known as Black Lives Matter is one of the most controversial initiatives of present-day American society. Its beginning was justified by various brutalities against the representatives of this population group. However, despite the initial reasonability of such actions in ensuring the safety of this category of citizens, it...

A Self-Disclosure Experience Overview

Self-disclosure is among the most critical steps in creating close social ties within teams in the workplace. Venditti and McLean assert that self-disclosure involves revealing personal information to other people, usually after establishing a growing trust-based relationship (23). People reach the self-disclosure level as trust grows through repeated positive interactions,...

Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a negative social outcome attributed to immorality and discrimination. Individuals consuming drugs are taken to rehabilitation centers for recovery. Nevertheless, a compelling argument emerged, claiming that punishing and criminalizing habitual consumption is an ineffective approach to curbing addiction. The countries which implement bans in law, such as...

The Importance of Keeping the Women’s Basketball Program

Demographics The Institution: Krakus Community College Location: Rockford, IL Number of Students: 900 Number of Students-Athletes: 244 Number of Sports: 12 (football, basketball, tennis, swimming, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, baseball, wrestling, badminton, archery, gymnastics) Level of Play: All sports are registered and supported by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The...

Challenging Gender Norms: Personal Experience

The traditional approach of reinforcing certain gendered norms on people is a common practice in many countries. I plan to wear makeup for the whole day to challenge these commonly accepted gender socialization norms, which also run contrary to the way I perform gender daily. Wearing makeup relates to this...

Racial and Ethnic Inequality Perception

The notion of racial and ethnic inequality has always been closely associated with American society. However, over the last months, the subject of racism and discrimination has been discussed at an unprecedented rate, followed by demonstrations, protests, and loots. Hence, it is now of crucial importance to dwell upon the...

Sociology as a Tool for Dividing Society

Sociology is a complex science, as it involves statistics and psychology, which are viewed from an objective and subjective perspective. Mills’s perceives social problems as challenges in understanding the environment, which is divided into personal and global ones. The author provides a sociological vision based on institutions, allowing expanding the...

Southern Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements

Realizing a political change takes a lot of time, effort, and resilience. African Americans were on the receiving end of racial prejudice and injustice over 100 years following the Emancipation Act of 1863 (Healey, 2012). They were subjected to race-induced violence and would always be economically and politically oppressed, including...

The Position of Suburbanization

Suburbanization has become a global reality, and the factors which hinder small towns’ growth into sprawls have been neutralized by advances in technology, transportation, immigration, and communication. However, there are varied opinions on suburbanization effects, with some people claiming that it is a burden, while others say that it is...

“Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue”: Communication and Its Application

Introduction “Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue” is a book by Marta Kurkowska-Budzan and Krzysztof Zamorski. The authors reflect on the development of dialog and its epistemological and methodological applications. Moreover, they include different contexts, such as personal experiences and the use of dialogue for scientific purposes. This narrative paper is...

Social Loafing and Facilitation: Article Study

Significantly, Schmutz, Laurenz, Meier, and Manser’s 2019 article ‘How effective is teamwork?’ focuses on the importance of teamwork in healthcare. According to Schmutz et al., teams are prudent, but healthcare practitioners must apply and combine their unique expertise in different healthcare systems (1). The authors give an example regarding the...

Discussion of Sociological Concepts

Summary Sociology is a science that studies the tendencies of society and the interaction of people. At the same time, the exploration of these trends’ manifestation in various communities and the history of their development is a necessity for understanding the situation in a particular place. For this reason, this...

Gender Norms in Different Cultures

The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women...

Research Methods in Psychology. Methods against Racism

Racism is a significant problem many people have to face in today’s reality. I agree with Kendi’s statement that anti-racism is a dynamic state. When gathering data using one point at a time or multiple points, it is possible to conclude that the one-time or multiple-time observations are reliable if...

Inequality in Public Schools

Abstract Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is considered the landmark case that ended the racial segregation in public schools across the United States of America and opened doors to a subsequent civil rights movement. The paper examines in detail the background of the situation in the US, including...

Sociological Concepts and Theories on the Plight of Undocumented Immigrants

Undocumented immigrants include individuals who have moved from their homelands to other countries as a destination without legal proof of identity. The process of settling legally in a foreign country entails a justification procedure that ensures local authorities identify an immigrant’s origin and destination. Many people seek economic asylum in...

Communication in an Online World

Currently, the extremely intensive development of information technologies contributes to their widespread use for everyday communication. Margalit’s article explains why connection through social-oriented websites has become so much easier than in-person interactions. Actually, living in the digital age contributes to the fact that I prefer the former to the latter,...

Activism and Social Theory: Inequality

These days, the issues related to equality have become central to the U. S. social, political, and economic agendas. In fact, the entire world is still undergoing tremendous changes shifting towards decolonization, although this process is often associated with a certain resistance, misunderstanding, and disappointment. The second half of the...

The Basis of Distributive Justice

Distributive justice is guided by objectiveness and aspires to make people live in equality, equity, and depending on their needs. However, such theory is quite ambiguous because it plays out differently in diverse situations, and it led to fierce discussions in philosophy, the social sciences, and others. Regardless of procedural...

Behaviour Norms and Roles Within the Group Agreement

The expected Modes of the behavior of society form the behavioral norms. Behavioral norms are further classified into Explicit and implicit norms. Implicit norms are usually in unwritten forms or if written, they are not official. Explicit norms are written down and followed by a particular group. Explicit norms usually...

‘A Defense of Abortion’ by Judith Jarvis Thomson: Major Arguments for Abortion

The reading under consideration written by Judith Jarvis Thomson dwells upon the abortion debate. The major point Thomson (2018) makes reveals the one-sidedness of the arguments against abortion. The writer stresses that the opponents of abortion focus on proving the fact that a fetus is a person, so, like any...

The Controversy Around Gun Culture in America

Introduction The debate surrounding possession and control of firearms has been ongoing in the United States for a long time. One side of the argument claims that owning weapons leads to increased gun violence while the other side asserts otherwise. Some firearms have been outlawed, but they continue to be...

12-Step Mutual Support Groups and Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction There are several significant strengths and weaknesses of the method applied by 12-Step mutual support groups. One of the advantages is the compatibility of the Alcoholics Anonymous approach with conventional, evidence-based practices such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy (Lilienfeld & Arkowitz, 2011). It is also worth noting...

American Women Struggle in the 20th Century

Gender equality can be assessed as a relatively new phenomenon, and some of the fears of women of the past are still relevant. In the past century, American women conducted a long and grueling fight for their rights and status. Sexual liberation, career, material, and psychological independence became part of...

Drug Testing Problem Reflection

Drug testing is a controversial topic as it has pros and cons that hold a relatively significant amount of argumentative weight. Employers are obligated to provide a safe work environment and ensure that their employees are productive, but is the maintenance of a drug test policy in the attainment of...

Racial and Gender Diversity in Hollywood

Although racial and gender disparities are still widespread in the United States, Hollywood has made remarkable strides in expanding inclusivity in the film industry. Hollywood’s television and film production depict a problematic pattern of bias in opportunities and the overall representation of women and ethnic minorities. As a result, the...

Prison Staffing and Correctional Officers’ Duties

History The nature of the work of correction officers within the American prison system is highly misunderstood. The actual responsibilities of the different sections within the prison department overlap. There is no clear-cut rule on the nature of the work or the roles these officers play in inmates’ lives (“Evolving...

Ethical Self-Assessment

Introduction Ethics is very important for the human society, and various organizations establish their codes of ethics for their members to follow the organizational ethical values. The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) also has its code of ethics (ACHE, 2009) and this paper focuses on my ethical self-assessment as...

Gender Issues in the Us Correctional System

Historically, males have represented the vast majority of the prison population in the US. Hence, until the second half of the 20th century, the correctional system used a gender-neutral approach, which largely disregarded women’s specific needs and problems. Recent research suggests that implementing gender-informed programs can significantly impact the quality...

How Hate Took Hold of Him: Parrish Reflection

In this article, Parrish (2015) tries to clarify the reasons and factors that caused his hatred towards African-Americans. According to the discussions of the author, it is the impulse that is given by social prejudices and beliefs. For example, it is mentioned that the author’s parents were also against African-Americans...

Gender Inequality in Modern Societies and Its Reasons

The first essay is devoted to gender inequality in modern societies and its reasons. The best part of the essay is the definitions provided and a short history of society’s development that show the reasons for inequality. The thesis statement is clear and includes contradictive opinions, which are discussed further...

Sexual Deviance and Challenges: Kinsey Reports

The Issue of Sexual Deviance Kinsey Reports gathered their samples through the stratified sampling method. In the stratified sampling method, subjects are chosen according to their behavior relatedness, a massive sign of subject bias. According to Goode (2016), Kinsey’s study failed to address representativeness, skewing the research. In Kinsey’s sex...

The Convention for Safeguarding the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom of the EU Citizens

Introduction The convention for safeguarding the Human rights and fundamental freedom of the EU citizens was drawn up by the European council in November 4th 1950 and enforced in 19531. The convention represented the first steps of enforcing collective Human rights and fundamental freedom. Besides setting up a list of...

Racial and Gender Issues in Modern Society

“Medical Gayz” When society seeks a biological basis for human desires and behaviors, it increases the danger of attributing a quality of determination to behavior patterns that otherwise may have been left for an individual’s choice. If a “gay gene” was discovered, it could have resulted in prenatal tests aimed...

Institutional Racism Mitigation in Criminal Justice, Education, and Health Systems

Institutional Racism The problem of inequality affects many citizens in the United States and across the globe. Majority of the victims are unable to record meaningful social mobility or achieve their professional or personal goals. From the 1990s, the concept of institutional racism gained a new meaning new to the...

The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Introduction Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a severe disease that has dangerous affects on the fetus and on a born child. Moreover, the abnormal features of this harmful syndrome accompany a person throughout the life span. The biological grounds of the disease are encompassed in the alcoholic effects going on...

An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession

Job Knowledge The position of a social service worker is highly demanding in terms of job knowledge. As far as this category is concerned, I have chosen group assessment as my desired skillset, and it comprises family assessment, as well. While the major part of the work process is usually...

Women’s Status in Ancient Societies, Women in Society

In the ancient times the world was a much different place compared to today. Men and women had certain roles and status in society that reflected the beliefs and culture of that time. Big part of the social system was based on beliefs and women had a particular place in...

The Communication Process Model Phases and Opportunities

The Phases of The Communication Process Model There are seven established phases to the communication process. The first two are developing an idea and encoding it in a message. Encoding in this context means deciding on how best to translate the idea into words and deliver it to the audience....

Do Private Schools in the United States Discriminate Based on Race?

Racial issues have always been a major problem in the US due to the historical origins of the nation’s establishment. Therefore, its presence in educational facilities is inevitable, especially because of economic disparities, which result in private schools becoming more expensive than public ones. The main reason is the fact...

Communication With Humans: Domesticated Dogs vs. Wolves

Introduction Numerous studies suggest that the main differences between domesticated dogs and wolves are related to their communication with humans. As a result of evolution, dogs are used to relying on humans and therefore developed a better understanding of the human behavior and interpretation of the social clues. On the...

Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in Philadelphia

Obama’s speech delivered in Philadelphia at the early stages of his presidential campaigns delves into the problem of racism and its effects in America. The venue’s choice was significant as Philadelphia was the place where the country made the Declaration of Independence in 1787. Senator Obama uses anecdotes from his...

“On Nickels and Dimes” by Ehrenreich: Review

Poverty remains a major issue for the United States, but it seems that the government has no rush to stop it. While some struggle to survive, other people may benefit from their misfortune. In her works, Ehrenreich exposes the reality behind poverty and focuses on its systematic nature and how...

Charity: A Donation to the Knight Pantry Organization

The current story is a report on the Knight Pantry that is currently active in the role of a service intended to help the University of Central Florida (UCF) students with food and clothes. The story of this organization shows that the Knight Pantry service turned out to be a...

Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues that the United States of America faces. Various administrations have addressed it in various ways, implementing various mitigation measures and policies. However, immigration has remained a contentious issue that has caused heated debates among politicians and the public. The Trump administration...

Origins of Enkidu’s Morality

The nature of morality is a complex subject that is yet to be fully answered. It can be argued that some of its simpler forms exist in species other than humans and form an indispensable part of a well-functioning social unit. On the other hand, traditions and communal norms might...

Federalism in the Context of Immigration and Trump’s Presidency

Introduction The federalism in the US, with more than two hundred years of history, was built on the symmetry of the constitutional status of the Federation’s subjects. Transforming the confederation into a federation, the founding fathers of America saw the basis for the future state structure as the maximum integration...

An Instance of Social Facilitation

Introduction Social Facilitation is a term used to describe people’s behavior in social situations. The psychological concept explains that people are likely to be influenced by the presence of others when completing various tasks (Cuncic, 2020). When a single individual does something in public, they may draw attention to themselves...

The Nineteenth Amendment and Women’s Suffrage

Voting or suffrage is proclaimed to be one of the fundamental rights of a citizen of any country. However, a couple of centuries ago, this right was a privilege for many people. Multiple American citizens have been denied voting due to their race, gender, social, and economic status. Such inequality...

International Drug Policy in Russia and the US

Many people believe that United States experiences the worst drug problems, but there are nations with higher addiction rates, such as Russia. Some of these countries do not provide treatment for addicted individuals. As a result, a large number of citizens are left homeless and hopeless. In Russia, intravenous drug...

Gender-Assigned Social Norms: Male Socialization Experiences

Introduction People’s upbringing and assimilation in society mainly depend on their genders and the roles a particular social environment assigns to genders. While socialization as a process of acquiring a set of values and rules of behavior in a given society is essential for all groups, gender defines what specific...

Grantsmanship Experiences Analysis

Recently, more and more organizations and individuals are faced with the need to write applications for grants. Fresh ideas require funds. Funds announce competitions, winners of competitions receive grants. A grant is financial means donated by a grantor to a non-profit organization or an individual for specific work. Unlike loans,...

Gender Identity in Athletics: “The Battle Over Title IX and Who Gets to Be a Woman in Sports”

Article Summary The article describes the situation surrounding the uncertain status of transgender and transsexual athletes in the U.S. and international sports. Focusing on the track athletes Andraya Yearwood, Terry Miller, and Chelsea Mitchell, it explains the contested legislation over the matter, as well as issues of fairness and exclusion....

Social Barriers People Experience in the United States

Social Class Division The information about the modern social class division was interesting to analyze since I have never thought it was that drastic in today’s society. People may look or act similarly but belong to different groups regarding their financial resources. Some may also consider their position embarrassing to...

Abortion Issues: Credible and Non-Credible Sources of Information

The problem of induced abortion remains extremely important in modern obstetric and gynecological practice. Its relevance is determined not only by the level and prevalence of such surgical interventions but also by the risk of complications. Despite the availability of a variety of safe and effective methods of contraception, the...

Women’s Issues and Trends in the Prison System

Women incarceration has only gained attention recently as the alarming trends continue. In significant contrast to the entire population that is being incarcerated, where the system of state prisons holds twice as many people as being held in jails, more women find themselves in jails than in state prisons. Although...

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished in the United States

The death penalty issue attracts different views not only in the United States but also across the globe. For instance, the American Civil Liberties Union suggests that the death sentence violates the constitutional restriction against unusual and cruel punishments (Bedau para. 1). The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection and due...

Substance Abuse in Low-Income Community

The individuals socioeconomic status has a little interrelation with his or her propensity to addiction. This stereotype was formed due to the fact that substance abuse is more common among lower economic status individuals or those living in poverty. Nevertheless, the position that these two factors are directly linked and...

Sex Offenders in Community: Notification Program

Former sexual offenders can be a direct threat to communities, especially if people do not know about their status. Thus, citizens should be notified when a former sexual offender moves into their neighborhood. Statistics demonstrate that annually many women and children become victims of sexual abuse. Letting citizens know that...

Advocacy Letter to the Minister of Indigenous Services

Dear Mr. Miller, I write this letter to address the problems in An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, Youth and Families, or Bill C-92. I believe that the policy was a significant step towards government collaboration with Inuit, Metis, and First Nations representatives, as it strengthened the...

Dominant Culture’s Influence on Immigrants

American society is characterized by a high degree of diversity that has led to various conflicts. Although it is acknowledged that the cooperation of people with different cultural backgrounds can be favorable for the development of society, groups are often unable to collaborate effectively due to polarization, the focus on...

The Ideas of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois

Introduction Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois is the two influential Black thinkers of the late 19th century and the early 20th century. They were during the aftermath of the slavery abolishment, and that period presented new challenges to Black people. The thinkers suggested different, almost polar...

The Federalist Paper: Equal Rights Amendment

The issue of equality is one of the priorities in the United States and, therefore, should be protected by legal documents. However, neither the constitution of the country nor its amendments include this consideration as opposed to other governments (“Constitution of the United States”). Such a notable omission should be...

Women and Migration: Rates and Effects

Understanding the topic of women and migration means being able to embrace a sizeable range of factors affecting the topic in question. Therefore, the key talking points to be included in a lecture on the issue of women and migration will have to concern three main areas, which are the...

Radical Feminism vs. Equality

In the 21st century, feminism has become a major social issue. The globalized world has contributed to the spread of feminist ideas to every corner of the world. Mostly, it is considered to be, and it is, a positive influence on the main cause of the feminist movement which achieved...

Social Perspective on Caregiving in the US

The problem of caregivers is incorporated in the many-faceted character of the sphere in which people of this social activity work. Here is the issue of caregivers’ resentful attitude toward people being in their responsibility. However, to externalize the resentment by abusing the elderly individual is the fact that is...

Gay Marriage: Support of the Legalization

“Love has no gender” was the phrase I heard in a teenage TV show at the age of thirteen. The idea of loving someone of your own gender has stuck with me as I pondered upon the possibility of two men being in a loving relationship with each other. My...

Resolving Conflict & Dealing with Difficult People

Successful communication is an essential part of human life, and it defines one’s overall promotion in all spheres. However, there are conflicts that prevent us from being good at communicating, and I am no exception to the rule. Once I had a friend, who was an aggressive type of person,...

Arrest Histories of High-Risk Gay and Bisexual Men in Miami: Article Analysis

Introduction Gay and bisexual men persistently suffer the highest burden of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. (CDC, 2008). Ever since the epidemic began, substance abuse has been proved to be one of the strongest predictors of sexual risk behaviors and seroconversion among this population. Latest research has centered on additional aspects...

Prejudice-Based Decision-Making in Fruitvale Station

The themes of discrimination and prejudice are not new to American society, and, despite a number of attempts to find effective solutions, millions of people continue suffering from unfair relationships. According to Aronson (2018), prejudice remains “one of the most common and most troubling fixtures of the human experience” (p....

The Main Problems in the United States

Three major problems in the United States are racism, unwise food consumption, and lack of empathy, given the domination of capitalistic views. First, discrimination by the factor of race is one of the most urgent issues of American society as it significantly reduces the opportunities for the development of the...

Mississippi Black Code

The Reconstruction period in the United States of America is known for the establishment of novel legislation and laws. Mississippi Black Codes became the first regulatory document designed for African Americans that, even though it formed certain rules for the population, mostly prohibited various constitutional rights. The Codes were primarily...

Overcoming Chronic Alcoholism by Patients

Alcoholism sneaks up unnoticed, but in the end, it completely takes over the human psyche. From the first to the last stage, alcoholism is unpredictable and painful. First, from the desire to “escape from reality,” a painful attraction to alcoholic beverages arises. Then the doses increase and the morning hangover...

Should Assisted Suicide be Legalized?

Due to the consistently improving quality of life in developed countries, the average life expectancy has increased over the past decades. The growing aging population means that the rate of disease occurrence later on in life has also augmented. For the incurable and terminal conditions, medical care usually focuses on...

Factors Impacting the Availability and Affordability of Housing in Costa Rica

Found in Central America, Costa Rica lies on an estimated 19,730 square miles extending along a 185-mile coastline in the northeastern of the Caribbean Sea. Nicaragua bounds it on the north and Panama on the southeast. Furthermore, it has a 630-mile southeast coastline along the Pacific lined with beautiful sandy...

Social Movements and Protest in Piven and Cloward’s Book

While the initial chapters of Piven and Cloward’s (1978) book aimed at explanation of movements’ structure and the specific features of the American protests of the unemployed, the consecutive sections cover more particularities related to poor people’s movements. The fourth and fifth chapters of the reading discuss the reasons, mechanics,...

Personal and Professional Social Work Values

Social work is one of the most demanding jobs characterized by a number of challenges and benefits. On the one hand, being a social worker means helping people, regardless of the color of their skin, gender, or social status. On the other hand, the combination of personal and professional values...

The Reality About Isms and Heterosexism

Abstract The terms such as classism, sexism, antisemitism, ableism have one main characteristic. They all are linked, due to the involvement of a negative prejudgment. Preconception’s primary purpose is to offer and maintain power and control. Such words are called isms, and all work to ensure the establishment of a...

Social Service Barriers Among Homeless Veterans

The idea of military services is usually accepted by American society as a privilege and a voluntary responsibility to serve the country. However, not much attention is paid to the things people lose after they return from wars or other activities. Today, veteran homelessness is a burning topic for discussion...

Women’s Roles in Society Overview

One of the main ideas of Virginia Woolf’s essay is that women have the same rights to professional and personal development as men. With this text, she tried to show how deep a person’s inner world can be, regardless of gender. She achieved multiple goals herself, but she understands that...

Discrimination Definition & Meaning

During the classroom, experiment children were told to treat each other according to their eye color. While one-day blue-eyed people were superior, the other day brown-eyed individuals took their place (A Class Divided). Based on this experiment, it can be seen how easily people can be influenced, and that when...

Social Injustice Leads to Public Unrest

Despite significant advancements in the areas of human rights and equality, modern societies are still affected by social injustice. In the United States, people of color continue to face discrimination within various systems of the government, as well as from white people. The recent protests in the United States were...

Migrants Adaptation in the Context of Diversity

Currently, migration is defined not only as a socio-economic, but also unambiguous socio-psychological, ethnographic, and political phenomenon. Adaptation in a migration situation is complicated by a large number of factors that affect this process, such as climatic conditions, cultural, social, linguistic, ethnic differences, the establishment of new interpersonal contacts, inevitable...

Work Place Violence and Employer’s Liability

Introduction Cases of workplace violence are reported each day. In addition, the majority of employees face many legal developments and possible liability dangers due to domestic violence. For human resource departments to deal with violence cases there is a need to understand the existing workplace violence and its potential threats....

Being Human Definition in Artistic Expressions

Introduction Pieter Bruegel the Elder is an example of how art can allegorically depict an unstable society and the fundamental essence of people at the same time. His oil-on-panel “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” was painted in 1562 and is now on display in the Royal Museums of Fine...

The Use of Medical Cannabis

Introduction Cannabis is a drug that consists of approximately 460 chemicals that are active and about 60 specific cannabinoids (Seamon, Fass, Maria, Maniscalco & Abu-Shraie, 2007, p.1040). Medical cannabis is the use of cannabis that is composed of components like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids which are proposed...

Adolescence Substance Abuse: Over The Counter Inhalants And Cough Syrup

Introduction Over the counter drugs commonly known as OTC refers to the prescription of drugs that are not meant for medical use. It is therefore common to find the drugs being used for purposes not initially meant for the drugs or otherwise on the box label. Research has shown that,...

Oppression of African Americans in the Selma Film

The selected moment focuses on the scene after Martin Luther King Jr., Cooper, and other SCLC leaders march towards the registration office in Selma, where they get arrested for Cooper fighting back the sheriff Jim Clark. The given part’s major player is King himself, who talks to Cooper about the...

Different Races in the Same Space

Many scholars investigating sociology have paid much attention to the inter-relation between race and space. Indeed, the common values and beliefs about race dominating a particular society or neighborhood define the ways in which space is created, adjusted, and used. Despite the claimed and actively popularized ideas of racial and...

Suburbs, Race, and White Identity in Postwar America

I believe that the isolation of black citizens from the suburban households and the prevalence of white residents there considerably affected the development of American suburbia. According to Diane Harris (2013), space is “constitutive of culture” and “equally significant in the construction of ideas about race and identity” (p. 13)....

Clayton County Library System’s Community Building Plan

Community Building Plan for the Clayton County Library System (CCLS) The Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, and library team of professions attribute the benefits reaped from CCLS by the Clayton County Community to the good working environment that it provides. This community plan has been drafted to help solicit...

Community Service Requirement for Graduation

The community service requirement for graduation has extensive benefits beyond the school perimeter. The article, “Why is Community Service Important?” by Florida National University explores some of these advantages. Students who commit to volunteering in society gain exposure to people from diverse cultural backgrounds and ages. Those who opt to...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems

Covid-19 is affecting every aspect of life – personally and professionally, and it is redefining the way society and the workplace are organized. At a personal level, people have to adapt to the changing dynamics including observing social distancing, washing hands regularly, avoiding handshakes, wearing masks in public spaces, and...

Sexual Harassment in the Army: Causes and Solutions

The right to be protected against assault, specifically, the one of sexual type, s one of the basic rights of individuals, yet this right is regularly violated in military settings. Due to the rigid structure and the established hierarchy in the U.S. Army, the instances of sexual harassment and assault...

John Stuart Mill’s Ethical System Analysis

Introduction The classical text Utilitarianism contains John Stuart Mill’s ethical theory in the most extensively articulated manner. Utilitarianism is the norm that something, such as an action, is considered to be right as long as it provides happiness and pleasure, while at the same time an action is considered wrong...

Impacts of Slavery on the Antebellum USA

Few institutions could claim such importance in early American history as slavery. Although present in the British colonies in North America since the 17th century, slavery only rose to the forefront of national attention after the revolution. While there were political issues with it early on, as when drafting the...

The Reluctance of Gay, Lesbian Victims to Report Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence has long been assumed chiefly as a heterosexual, sociopolitical occurrence with its foundation in sexism, that is, gender. This assumption was created through the great influence of the feminist movement that began in the mid-1970s. Consequently, the domestic violence movement has in the past concentrated almost wholly...

Social Policy Analysis: Stopping the Opioid Crisis in Veteran Population

Introduction The problem of the opioid epidemic in the USA has been at the center of an ongoing discussion for several years. Despite its growing relevance to multiple population groups across the nation, evidence shows that veteran populations are twice as likely to die of opioid overdose as average citizens,...

Child Welfare Policy

The National Association of Social Workers’ policy statement outlines the organization’s stipulations regarding the protection of children’s welfare. It draws its positions from fundamental human rights which apply to both adults and minors. The organization seeks to address the historical abuse and inhuman treatment of persons under the age of...

The Unfair Treatment of the Enslaved Africa-Americans

Introduction The “Testimony by the Superintendent of Contrabands at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, before the American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission,” was given by a Superintendent from Virginia in 1863. In this document, he describes his experience of encountering slaves that were running away from North Carolina. The “Testimony by the Superintendent of...

U.S. Interest Group: National Organization for Women

The U.S. interest group chosen for this discussion post is the National Organization for Women that was created in 1966. All the necessary information regarding this American feminist organization may be found at their website. The mission statement is to “take action to bring women into full participation in the...

How Society Views Beauty and Women: Articles by Turner and Bean

The concept of beauty might appear to be simple, yet it contains hidden layers of complexity. Peeling these layers down, one will find underlying stereotypes concerning social roles traditionally associated with either men or women, as well as deep-seated prejudices against each. Although the traditional narrative, where roles are rigid...

Why Interest Groups Needed

Interest groups that may be also called pressure groups, advocacy groups, or special interest groups are the formally organized associations of organizations or individuals that attempt to influence public policy and the country’s political system in their favor on the basis of shared concerns. In other words, all interest groups...

Drug Abuse Factors: Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a multifactorial health problem that is increasingly critical in society. The various reasons for the abuse of opioids, alcohol, and nicotine account for the challenge in research and treatment. The factors that influence addiction can be divided into biological and psychological, each of which has...

Narcotics Use and Opioid Crisis in the United States

The world’s rapid progress not always represents positive changes but is also responsible for creating dangerous substances like novel psychoactive substances (NPS). NPS is a new type of psychotropic narcotics, matters of abuse, that pose a significant public health threat due to wide availability (Khaled et al., 2016). The primary...

Gender Roles From Sociological, Medical, and Religious Perspectives

Introduction Gender roles affect the contemporary American public in various ways. Society reinforces the roles it learned from the previous generations, yet some things change over time. Nowadays, gender roles are becoming more fluid than they used to be, facing resistance from conservative groups and individuals. This essay discusses the...

Institutional Racism Existing in the United States

Right now, the rebellious protests are still strong in the streets across the whole country of the United States. People of all skin colors are infuriated by the murders of African Americans by the racist police officers, their violence and abuse of the innocent people who did nothing wrong but...

Bostonians’ Puritan Values From Durkheim’s Perspective

Introduction Every community thinks within the framework of religious and social principles that were formed long ago. The United States, as a society and a state, has a unique genesis, whose foundations are the city of Boston and Puritanism. However, American society has undergone many dramatic social, economic, and ideological...

Book Review “Religious, Feminist, Activist ” by Laurel Zwissler

Introduction Religious, Feminist, Activist by Laurel Zwissler examines the political and theological patterns of women who claim that their activism is tied to religious beliefs. This book explores the civic importance of faith in the pluralistic setting of North America and the globalized society. Zwissler approached researching from a perspective...

How Opioid Addiction Impact Young Kids

Research Question How does opioid addiction affect young kids today? In the United States, unintentional deaths are common, and they are caused by drug abuse, and opioids play a major role in these deaths. Young and old people in the communities are affected by opioid addiction. Young adults are overdosing...

Development of Addiction Services in County Wicklow

Promoting Drug Awareness among Young People According to a survey about ‘Drug Use, Smoking and Drinking among young people in England 2007’ (NHS, 2007), it is revealed that: 25% of students had ever taken drugs, when 29% of pupils reported that they had ever taken drugs. Students were reported to...

Ethnic Inequality: Black Lives Matter

Introduction It is undoubted that every person’s life should be cherished and valued as the greatest gift. However, it seems that the evident nature of such a statement is not so clear to many people living in the world. The question of ethnic inequality is rather pronounced in the USA,...

Examining Communication as a Process

The act of communication is often taken for granted, yet taking into consideration what affects the speed of information delivery, its accuracy, and its perception is essential for understanding the message and being understood. Improving communication is possible by analyzing the environment and external factors that affect the dialogue, specifically,...

The Importance of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is an annual global health day aimed at supporting people diagnosed with AIDS and sharing resources on preventing it. Millions of people worldwide live with this syndrome, and it is vital to develop strategies to allow them to have fulfilled lives despite their health condition. This essay...

Change of Population in the USA Since World War Two

Introduction Population is a widely studied topic in statistics. It involves collecting data of certain societies or regions regarding sub-topics such as birth rate, population growth, comparison between two groups, and many others. The analyzed data is significant to the government as it makes certain crucial decisions regarding the factors...

Allowing Armed Teachers on Campus as Safety Measures

Gun violence is a serious and growing threat to human life and culture. Increasing rates of mass shootings and suicides on campus have opened much speculation and debate on school security policies and legislation to prevent and eliminate such a threatening situation. The safety of students and teachers has become...

Possible Approaches to the Depiction of a Significant Social Event

The current 2020 year has brought a lot of disasters, catastrophes, and distress situations to humanity. This essay will touch upon the coverage of such situations in media and its consequences. Namely, an overview of the recent floods and landslides in Vietnam will be provided in this paper. Furthermore, a...

Social Responsibility. Help Neighbor. Example

Humans of New York’s. Helping a Child from a Low-Income Family One of the Humans of New York’s narratives tells about a kid from Ghana who was lucky enough to become friends with an American girl, Talia, who came here on vacation with her parents. He and his low-income family...

Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention

Among scientists, discussions are developing about addiction’s nature, which can affect ways to get rid of it. Some experts express their opinion that addiction is not a disease that needs to be fought with treatment but is a habit. Another part of experts approaches addiction as a chronic disease that...

Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness

Introduction Drugs abuse today is one of the most serious health and social concerns. In fact, drug abuse is spreading quickly, in young and old and needs to be controlled else the day is not too far when the drug will soon enter our life styles, our families and our...

Importance of Ethics in Wartime

“Ethics is the science that deals with conduct, in so far as this is considered as right and wrong, good or bad” (Dewey, 2998, p.1). Ethics is important in all spheres of human life as morality is the decisive factor that makes us human beings, that differs us from animals....

Miami-Dade Marijuana Abuse

Evaluating the Project Two surveys were conducted in the context of the nursing certification presentation. The pre-survey was held before the presentation, whereas the post-survey was taken after the information was presented. Both surveys were given to ten respondents in the form of a written questionnaire. The findings reveal that...

Personality’s Role in Our Beliefs About Race

Introduction Racism has been and unfortunately, still is one of the prominent features of American society. Two centuries after slavery abolition and decades after the Jim Crow era’s demise, racial tensions in the United States have yet to come to a meaningful resolution. Indeed, one finds it compelling to question...

Texas-Related Current Events

Article Summary The authors touch on the highly social topic of police defunding and systemic racism, which appeared in public discourse due to the tragic events in Minneapolis. Clare Proctor and Juan Pablo Garnham (2020) are as unbiased as possible and give several points of view that include city authorities,...

The Racial Bias in the 21st Century

Racism is a hazardous phenomenon that persists to be prevalent in modern-day society. The 20th century made significant strides to reduce the number of racial inequities by implementing multiple laws and regulations to ensure that citizens of different color have equal rights. However, it is a common misconception to consider...

Journal Entry: “How Hate Took Hold of Me” by T. Parrish

This article made a deep impression on me as it showed that, in some cases, racism is not a fault of an individual, but the fault of the society that embed racist views in its members mindset. Besides, I strongly agree with the author’s conclusion that though it is possible...

On the Role of Morphine in the Modern World

Morphine is a drug made from opium and used by millions of people worldwide to stop their pain and feel calmer. However, it plays a critical role in the modern world, affecting politics, economy, international relations, the environment, and, of course, health care. Devereaux et al. note that it is...

Mexican Immigration to the USA

Mexico ranks first place in the world in terms of emigration. For the US, Mexico is the primary source of cheap labor, as they are mostly employed in the labor force. Since the 19th century, the United States has surpassed many immigrants from Mexico, and its flow has gradually increased....

Television, Attitudes, and Behavior

Television and social behavior Television affects our social behavior in a way that indicates that people can recognize logical inconsistencies among the beliefs they hold by watching various traits of their ideals on television. This is termed as ‘Socratic effect’ proposed by McGuire in 1960. One of the reasons for...

Female Genitalia Mutilation and Cultural Tolerance

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a condition that may be explained in several ways. From a pathological perspective, FGM is a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, however, for non-medical reasons (“Female genital mutilation,” 2020). Such a procedure has no benefits for women’s health; vice versa, it...

Great Wall Between the USA and Mexico Border

Introduction The United States receives thousands of illegal immigrants. Consequently, the issue of illegal immigration is discussed largely by U.S officials with signs of a lasting solution remaining just but a mirage. Mexico remains the main source of illegal immigrants into the U.S. A 2010 survey revealed that more than...

Social Psychology of Human Beings

Similarities and Differences Between Males and Females Males and females from childhood to adulthood are more alike than different on most physiological variables, resulting in gender similarities. Both genders have the same brain and hormones. Their genitals emerge from the same mass of embryonic tissue; hence, it is the same...

Discrimination and Racism in Cobb County

Project Description For my project, I want to tackle the problem of institutional racism in my community of Cobb County, Georgia. Examining the range of possible topics, I decided to focus on the subject of racial relations, as it seemed important. Racism is one of the more noticeable systematic problems...

Seventh Ward’s Physical and Social Structure

The early twentieth-century Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward demonstrated distinct physical and social structures. As most United States cities, Philadelphia manifested many social issues which uniquely affected black people. Being Philadelphia’s site of the oldest black community, Seventh Ward contained a sizeable number of African Americans. Du Bois, a black scholar and...

The Color Line: Racism in Dubois’ and Zinn’s Works

Despite the long and active process of development of society, even in the modern world, people often encounter racism. This problem is especially acute in America because it was there that slavery arose in the most widespread form. Undoubtedly, significant progress in the fight against this problem can be noted...

Rhetoric. James Q. Wilson on Gun Ownership Laws

Introduction James Q. Wilson, the education correspondent for Time Magazine, argues that the public is right in supporting tougher gun control laws even though it knows they will not improve the security situation in the United States (Wilson 78). The author believes that the president should not waste more time...

Non-Profit Organization ‘Legend in My Section’ Mission

Vision Statement For hundreds of years people are fighting for social justice and human rights in order to contribute to the appearance of better living conditions in the world. Philosophers, artists, and scientists are famous for their individual influence in addressing different societal problems as well as for the creation...

An Institutional Review Board: Research Ethics

The central concept of scientific ethics is the concept of responsibility. The goal of developing scientific ethics in research organizations should be to raise the awareness of scientists about all aspects of responsibility. Moreover, one should take into account the criteria for the proper conduct of the scientific activity, which...

Technological Solutions for Effective Communication

The adoption of technology in the area of sport communication is an essential step towards the increase in its efficiency. Therefore, present-day organizations intend to address this need through such solutions as Twitter, and the most efficient tools are hyperlinks, hashtags, public messages, and retweets (Wang, 2020). The researchers claim...

The Decision to Seek Abortions

Introduction Giving birth to a child is like creating a long-term project in which deadlines are fixed, expenses are calculated, and all tasks are divided between participants. However, it does not always work this way as the required resources might not correlate with one’s circumstances. In this case, the upcoming...

Global Perspectives: Sandra Laing and Indigenous Australians

The story of Sandra Laing shows the degree to which discrimination pervaded South African society during the Apartheid. According to the source, Sandra Laing was born into a white family and was taken away because she appeared mixed race (“Skin Deep”). Under the law, the people of South Africa were...

Reasons for Banning Marijuana Use

The utilization of cannabis has expanded in all layers of society globally, with an intermittent utilization of marijuana presently being a widespread practice. At present, there is a disparity in the field’s comprehension of the connection between successive marijuana use and other substance use, psychological wellness, and crime rate among...