Ethical Cases: Human Rights To Decide on One’s Life

Background and Purpose These cases show complicated concerns that are related to decision-making and the intrusion of the government and family in the rights of a person. On the one hand, the idea of extracting the eggs of their daughter, might be considered by parents for creating a new child,...

“Death of a Salesman”: The American Dream by Arthur Miller

Introduction Even though many readers consider the American Dream as one of the core ideas in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, there is always a chance to find some new interpretation. In his article, Majid Salem Mgamis explains the American Dream as a part of social values “that...

Community Health Network Analysis

Introduction The Community Health Information Networks (CHINs), according to the Ernest and Young health care practice are defined as “inter organizational systems that use information and telecommunication technologies to store, transmit and to transform clinical and financial information” (Payton, Brennan & Ginzberg, 1995, p. 1). CHIN is also defined as,...

The Inbev and Anheuser-Busch Merger Process

Introduction The acquisition of Anheuser-Busch (AB) company by Inbrev was one of the most expensive bids in the beer industry. Both of the companies were considered TOP-5 in the beer market while operating in different regions. However, AB and Inbev were different in their approach to finance, marketing, human resource...

Social Media: Impact on Children

Introduction Social media are internet-based channels that aid people in communication. It creates an environment where users can have conversations, share information, and make content (Pediatrics, 2021). Today, there are many types of these platforms such as blogs, microblogs, wikis, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging,...

The Reaction of the American Citizens to the US Entry into World War I

Being the first global international conflict in the twentieth century, World War I challenged the European countries as well as the USA to mobilize their military forces to oppose German aggression. In spite of the fact the USA insisted on the state’s neutrality about the conflict to protect the interests...

“A View of the Roman Countryside” by Benouville

Introduction A View of the Roman Countryside, an oil painting produced by Jean-Achille Benouville in 1848, can be currently viewed at the Museum of Fine Arts in Huston. The painting illustrates the peaceful countryside on a cloudless sunny day. The central element is nature, although some minor details such as...

Seven-Eleven Japan Company: E-Commerce Website

This recommends the focus on benefits that can be obtained due to Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. partnership with the prominent Japanese companies for the creation of the biggest business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce Website. In this way, it is critical to develop a strategy to make the targeted market buy on-line regardless...

Co-Evolutionary Gaming in Organizations

Introduction Researchers and business administrators attempt to develop models that can best support decision-making within organizations. Their main objective is to construct a framework that enables every member of the team to express his/her opinions and make valuable recommendations. In this way, they strive to improve the strategies of a...

Scientific Glass Inc.’s Inventory Management

Background and Overview of SG’s Current Challenges For a company operating in the environment of the global economy, it is especially difficult to facilitate the creation of the environment in which the company’s inventory can be managed successfully. Scientific Glass, Inc. (SC) is not an exception to the identified phenomenon;...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Grunge Rock History in the United States

Grunge rock is a pop culture phenomenon, an alternative rock style that combines the best of hardcore punk and heavy metal. It is characterized by loud, hoarse vocals, with personal anguish, sometimes there is slight aggression and mild propaganda of suicidal tendencies. Thanks to its eccentricity, rudeness, the richness of...

Bhutan’s Trade and Exchange Rate Policies

Introduction Bhutan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia, between China and India. Presently, it is classified as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC). Close connections with India were conditioned by the 1949 treaty allowing Delhi to influence over Bhutan’s foreign relations. The aftermath of the treaty is...

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategy & Globalization Issues

Introduction As trade barriers are minimized and information is being de-regularized the world is becoming a ‘global village’. Elements like outsourcing, environmental stability, globalization; sustainability etc has changed the working patterns of organizations. Multinational corporations are increasing day by day and they are usually criticized because of issues like environmental...

Communication Effects on Leadership

Communication is the key to effective leadership. It is only through good communication skills that a leader is able to manage people without making them feel subdued. A good leader should be insistent but not obstinate, eloquent but not unsubstantiated, and persuasive but not coercive. Communication does not only have...

Pluralism and State Autonomy Description

Introduction There is the participation of different groups such as formal and informal groups based on religion, ethnicity, and language in a politically pluralistic society. State autonomy always comes to the decision independently of the dominant class. This paper presents what is pluralism and state autonomy. It gives some of...

Learning Paradigms: On-Line Education

On-line education is an effective way to get the necessary knowledge and to obtain the online certificate of degree. It is also the easiest way to get some additional education in case you want to be qualified at the upper level. Online education offers more possibilities in time flexibility and...

Margaret Thatcher’s Political Biography

Introduction Margaret Thatcher was the first U.K woman prime minister and the longest-serving PM (three consecutive terms) in the 20th century she was in office for 11 years, from 1979 to 1990. Due to her tough character, she was given a number of nicknames including; The Iron Lady, The milk...

Raw Materials – the Heart of Economy in China

Statement of the topic ‘Raw materials’ and ‘energy’ are two factors that I would like to explore in Shanghai during my visit to China. The subject of raw materials is relevant to be because of the problems I am facing in my business in the context of raw materials while...

The Blizzard of 1888: What Made It So Murderous?

January 12, 1888, became a fateful day for about 235 residents of the American prairie. On that warm winter day, a sudden onset of snowstorm caught many people outside of their houses. Most of these people were immigrants from Europe who came to America in search of a better life....

Arrest Histories of High-Risk Gay and Bisexual Men in Miami: Article Analysis

Introduction Gay and bisexual men persistently suffer the highest burden of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. (CDC, 2008). Ever since the epidemic began, substance abuse has been proved to be one of the strongest predictors of sexual risk behaviors and seroconversion among this population. Latest research has centered on additional aspects...

Human Endogenous Retroviruses

According to research, viruses are the major causes of the greatest shocking diseases in the world today. However, many people are only aware of H.I.V. which has been the most spreading virus over the years. Viruses are very fast reproducing micro organisms. They are basically packages of genetic material that...

The Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Introduction The study of the structure of DNA is important not only to biologist, but to every inquisitive mind and every person that is interested in knowing how this life we live is recreated. Many researchers have come up with findings which have contributed greatly to the body of knowledge,...

Beta-Agonist Use and Death From Asthma Relationship

Summary The title of the research is “The Association between Beta-Agonist use and Death from Asthma.” This study is based on a type of study called meta-analysis within various case studies. Meta-analysis involves the analysis of previously conducted studies, preferably those that have not been published to avoid publication bias....

Information Systems in Organizations

Introduction In the modern world, the majority of organizations make use of the information systems to attain information necessary for effectively improving operations in the organization and accomplishing the tasks set aside in the organization. In an organization, an information system attains the data by collecting it, storing it, and...

The Importance of Consultation and Advocacy

To advocate is to act as a voice of someone or a particular group and mostly in their defense or for a certain course. This is commonly done in groups or individuals who are not able to speak for themselves. Advocacy is therefore a form of consultation since it involves...

Reconsideration of Genre and Social Analysis in the “Night of the Living Dead”

Introduction As a horror film containing an implied social and fantastic background, the Night of the Living Dead includes the elements of other genres as well. There is relatively little violence in the film, and a lot of time is devoted to the suspense and escalating fear. With the measured...

Terrorism in Northern Ireland and in Middle East

Introduction Nowadays, one of the most urgent issues of modern society is the problem of global terrorism. Every day new terroristic networks appear all over the world. Every day violent terroristic activity takes away the lives of innocent people. Unfortunately, today, this problem constitutes a serious menace to global security....

Sports Nutrition: High-Protein Diet

Abstract These days, a variety of diets exists, and high-protein appears to be one of the most popular. A wide range of literature and scientific studies devoted to this topic exists, including numerous experiments with people of different activity levels. While it is associated with negative consequences for the general...

Impact of Domestic Violence on Society

The Nature & History of Domestic Violence Most cultures of the world tolerate domestic culture due to male dominant positions in cultures, customs, and traditions. Some cultures have justified domestic violence as acceptable form of disciplining women. Such cultures believe that men have rights to instill discipline in their wives...

Sociable Letters: Inequality in Social and Economic Status

Literacy in the twenty-first century is usually written in a literal manner, making it simple to deduce the story’s meaning. Unlikely, Sociable Letters, published in 1664, is regarded as “a valuable virtual representation of the material and social factors of English literature in eighteenth-century England” (Sarasohn, 200). It portrayed literacy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Confederation Articles vs. Constitution

The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and Weaknesses The Articles of Confederation (further referred to as the Articles) were developed due to wartime necessity and are now considered the first Constitution of America. In June 1776, when Thomas Jefferson was authorized by the delegates to the Continental Congress to draft the...

The Patient Registration Process and Its Stages

Patient registration is an important part of healthcare services provision. Either short- both long-term appropriate patient care is impossible without this procedure. The purpose of patient registration is to collect basic information about the person and record the actions performed as part of the services provided. It includes both consultation...

Right to Abortion: Ethical Issues

Ethical Question Should abortions be allowed when the mother’s life is at risk or when pregnancy results from rape or incest, but not in other cases? Is it effective to address utilitarianism to define abortion as morally permissible if the mother’s life is at risk or pregnancy is an outcome...

Expansion of Existing Service Area in International Medical Corps

Background International Medical Corps was selected for healthcare innovation because healthcare advances were at the heart of the initiative. The organization’s goal is to enhance the individuals’ lives in the communities through health programs and related initiatives that build local capacity, and prevent by offering medical care, as well as...

The Ergogenic Effect of Caffeine on Athletes

Introduction The use of sports supplements and stimulants is a sensitive topic of theoretical and applied research. The main interest is to study the stimulant effects of specific drugs that may allow athletes to increase speed, endurance, and strength performance significantly. On the other hand, maximizing athletic effects cannot but...

Saudi Airlines’ Marketing Strategy Analysis

Introduction Saudi Arabian Airlines is a flagship airline, headquartered in Jeddah. The company is focused on passenger transportation, cargo transportation, and delivery of government delegations to meeting venues. The airline’s customers are wealthy customers who prefer high-quality flights. Tunisair, Kenya Airways, and Emirates SkyCargo are the company’s three main competitors....

Travel Destinations: Vacations in and Outside the USA

While receiving the opportunity to have a rest and use the vacation time, the Americans can be challenged with the necessity to choose between travel destinations which are similar and different in many features and aspects. Thus, it is important to compare and contrast the opportunities and details of vacationing...

Educational Interventions Among Elderly Patients: Literature Research

Narrative of the Literature Search A literature search is an integral part of any research because it allows evaluating previous findings and coordinating the direction of new research. When it comes to nursing, a literature search is usually a complicated process due to the existence of many databases and the...

Diverse Freelance Writing: More Skills – More Jobs

In the world of freelance writing, new skills tend to equal more jobs for freelance writers. Freelance writers who continually diversify their skills gain access to new avenues of work, new clients, new freelancing opportunities, and new sources of income. Several questions arise however when the freelance writers consider diversifying...

Ethical Leadership Model in Organizations

Leadership is an essential element at all levels more especially in organizations. Leadership entails directing other elements, through influence, to get things done. On the other hand, leadership style entails the manner and approach taken by leaders in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are various leadership styles,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

President George Bush’s Economic Policies

Introduction George Herbert Walker Bush served as the 41st American president for one term from 1989 until 1993. This period was marked by significant global geopolitical shifts that had a ripple effect on the US economy. Additionally, the previous president’s decisions affected the US economy, leaving it in a state...

Gender Symbols Usage in International Family-Oriented Marketing

Introduction Gender symbols are used to identify the life form sex or the human being’s gender. It should be stressed that the differentiation between gender symbols is closely connected with the historical phenomena of Patriarchy and Matriarchy. The structure of the society varied in different countries with the pace of...

Shortage of Skilled Workers in Middle East Construction Industry

Introduction In recent times, the construction industry in the Middle East has been facing the risk of rising labour cost and labour shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors. It has primarily been driven by an elevated liquidity environment because of high petroleum revenue, the government’s idea...

Visual Perception: Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion

Abstract The studies of visual illusions provide a wide scope of rational approaches toward the way of proper optimization of such distortions in everyday life. The area of the research props up against the Muller-Lyer illusion and its correlation with the normal conditions for an individual. This study provides a...

Healthcare Finance and Economics: Cleverly’s and Eastlaugh’s Views

Originally, the importance of this issue may be estimated in accordance with the generally accepted practice of providing the health care economic analysis. In general, the economic information provided by the hospital department depends on the costs of the equipment, costs of the analyses, salaries of the medical workers, rent,...

Maternal Employment and Child Development

Introduction Beginning from the 1950s to the present, the number of women entering in employment has increased dramatically. The increase in this number has been accompanied by a great increase in maternal employment. According to Coontz (1997), as on one hand in the course of the 1950s the percentage of...

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners: Their Role and Socialization Process

Introduction In the medical field, there are physicians (MD) and nurse practitioners (NP). The nurse practitioner’s position was initially created to fill up the gap left by the shortage of physicians. The nurse practitioners had to function under the guidance of physicians. The nurse practitioners bring medical aid to people...

Moving Passengers Large Groups Though Airport Terminals Quickly and Efficiently

Introduction The aircraft industry is one of the most highly-developed brunches in the contemporary world, so a considerable number of people use it every day. With the progress of the aircraft infrastructure, launching new routes, and applying the low-cost pricing policy, the number of airport users increases with impressive rates....

Commnication Study About Activism

The physical space can be used by the activists to further their goals, as well as by those who oppose them to prevent dissent. The importance of this aspect of the term is obvious. If people are allowed to gather publicly and announce their ideals and goals to the general...

Management Theories: Classical Writers and Contingency School

Introduction Management comprises various theories, schools and directions. Management entails organization and direction of duties dependent on specific job context. Management theories define ways in which individuals can be organized and productive in the performance of workplace duties. In addition, theories of management synchronize workplaces with the aim of attainment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of a Nurse Manager Overview

The notion of healthcare has significantly evolved in its semantic paradigm over the last decades. The perception of the job description, however, has been mostly modified in the field of nursing care and management. If previously, the major emphasis was placed on the service quality, nowadays it is the organizational...

The Theme of Destiny in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

It is challenging to understand unique characteristics and shape self-identity when actions are dictated to people and there is no basic freedom. Never Let Me Go is a story about a world where humans are cloned then told to donate organs when they become adults. The main character of the...

The Advanced Practice Nursing: Main Roles

Introduction The medical field provides clear and concise career paths for nurses that wish to aspire to become better at their jobs by acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to help people in the most complicated of health nurses. The next step from being an RN to becoming an APN involves...

Arab Organizational and Business Culture

Introduction The culture, beliefs, and practices of people in a given demographic or geographic description significantly impact various fundamental aspects of their organizational and business culture. People of different cultures exhibit specific protocols and perspectives dictated by their beliefs. Religion and tradition constitute most of the determinants of the laws,...

Aspects of Waterfowl Monitoring

For monitoring waterfowl within particular wetland areas identified on the attached map, twenty-four sites will be chosen. Sites’ accessibility and evenly distribution around the wetland, along with the opportunity to view waterfowl across a large area, have determined their selection. In addition, the choice of these sites is explained by...

Diversity and Inclusiveness in an Organization

Sarah Iddrissu, the executive director of E4E-Boston, explains what daily difficulties women of color face when interacting in the professional sphere and discusses ways to remove existing barriers to leadership. Iddrissu (2020) underlines: “We work to advance our values on behalf of communities we care deeply about while also fighting...

Demi Lovato Diagnostics: American Singer

Introduction The public figure selected for analysis in this paper is Demi Lovato, a famous American singer, and songwriter. Their full name is Demetria Devonne Lovato, and she was born on August 20, 1992, in New Mexico to Dianna and Patrick Lovato. The parents divorced when Lovato was only two...

The Development of Atomic Weapons: Theory of Deterrence

Introduction The development of atomic weapons paired themselves with the willingness to win by any means necessary and destroy the enemy. The weapons are so powerful and capable of indiscriminate destruction that they have only been used in a hostile manner twice by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

The Play ‘How I learned to drive ’by Paula Vogel

Introduction Paula Vogel was brought up in Washington, DC. She graduated from Catholic University with a B.A in drama. However, her graduate study was turned down at Yale school of drama thus became very difficult for her to get her early plays produced. Nevertheless, she kept on working towards her...

Terra Bite Lounge Company

Background Terra Bite Lounge is a coffeehouse that was opened by Ervin Peretz in Kirkland in 2006. The major peculiarity of this business is that it has no fixed-price menu; instead, it allows the customer to determine the amount of money that he/she wants to pay to the shop (Cotte...

Wasted Resources and Efforts in Healthcare

The cost of healthcare, in most countries globally, is today extremely high due to the wasteful use of resources and efforts. For instance, the United States has among the highest per capita spending on health, yet has worse health outcomes relative to other developed nations. Precisely, more than 30% of...

Effective Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover In the United States of America, various factors influence the availability of registered nurses. The total number of licensed registered nurses in America exceeds 3.3 million (Rosseter, 2014). This number could be construed to be adequate for the health needs of the country. However, many...

The Narrative Form of Sarah Scott’s Millenium Hall

During the 18th century, the topics of creating the perfect social model and developing a strong friendship among the representatives of the high social class were popular. However, in her novel Millenium Hall (1762), Sarah Scott focused on the specific approach to discussing the above-mentioned topics and presented the story...

Large & Small N Design and Interpretative Research

Introduction This paper is aimed to investigate the issue of doing good research, including discussing its peculiarities, based on the examples of three articles under consideration. The paper will take into account three types of research designs. They are the large N, the small N, and the interpretive designs. In...

Health Policy in Hiring Foreign Nurses

Understanding Nurse Migration Nowadays, more and more healthcare institutions tend to hire foreign nurses. The rapid growth in the popularity of this profession is one of the reasons for the global nurse migration (Li, Nie, & Li, 2014). In this case, Jessica Smith, a nurse from Florida Hospital Orlando was...

Gun Control Laws in the USA

Epistemology of the Essays People’s knowledge and understanding of the facts are based on examining, analyzing, and referring to definite sources. These sources can be examined with the help of people’s senses, perceptions, and logic. Thus, the sources of knowledge are discussed as the objects of epistemology. From this point,...

Pepsi Company’s Talent Management System

How PepsiCo sustains its competitive advantage In today’s marketplace, performance is the key element of every organization, or company consistency is the central issue in the marketplace. PepsiCo has been able to utilize its ability to use the right people to do the right job; this is the genesis of...

Vodafone Total Communications Strategy in the UK Market

Comparison of communications industries The market for fixed-line telephone communication became stagnant during the period between 2006 and 2008. In particular, one can speak about the great threat of substitute products such as mobile communication or voice over IP technologies. Furthermore, one should mention the growing bargaining power of clients...

Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare

Sample and Setting The researcher will sample nurses and congestive heart failure patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Nurses will be sampled from the hospital’s department of cardiology. They have to have worked in this department for at least five years. They will provide their expert opinion on...

“To the Young Wife” by Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman.

Introduction Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman was a staunch supporter of women’s rights and development and was really not recognized as a major author of fiction and poetry until the 1960s.She was born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut and wrote book length non-fiction tracts in support of women. She dies in...

Operations Management in Business

“Our reputation rests on bringing these products to market in a timely, reliable and environmentally responsible manner” (Overview 2008). Reputation in business is an important contributor to its success. The manner in which a company carries out its operations is vital to developing a good name. The role of the...

“The Boat” by Alistair MacLeod and “The Loons” by Margaret Laurence

Introduction While analyzing any work of literature, especially prose, it is of the crucial importance to give extra attention to the role of the narrator, because, the reader perceives the events through the eyes of this person. As a rule literary critics single out several types of story telling, like...

Crime Among the Juveniles: Causes

Introduction Crime among juveniles is not a new phenomenon, and the trend has been increasing in the recent past. It is noted that in the late 20th century, concern has been on the rise concerning the criminal acts that have been committed by the youths. There has been a general...

Three Little Pigs: Analysis of Three Different Versions

The story about the three little pigs is a very popular story that served as a basis for numerous fairy tales created all around the world in different languages, and the most varied interpretations. Its value is hard to be underestimated as it teaches a lot of important lessons concerning...

“Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” by Piper

Summary of the concepts of the book Christians need to understand the issues of biblical manhood and womanhood as the two issues if well understood will help Christians to co-exist peacefully especially in the context of marriage. The book, “Recovering biblical manhood and womanhood,” as edited by John Piper and...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Rates in Prince George’s County

Community “Prince George’s County continues to have the second-highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Maryland and the second-highest number of reported AIDS and HIV cases, according to the county’s top health official.” (Wiggins, 2009) As it can be understood from the above statement this paper will focus on the...

Parish Nursing: Health Promotion

Introduction The meaning of the community and the collective way of thinking has been revisited by the health care service providers and professionals over the last decade to find new approaches to healing. Orientation towards the community is nursing, and health care is a way of studying and treating individuals...

Volkswagen Company’s Sustainability Strategy

Introduction Sustainability is one of core Volkswagen’s business strategies for future growth and development. The company has set strong and measurable goals for decarbonization, responsible supply chain practices, e-mobility, and digitalization (Diess & Osteloh, 2021). The company is faced with multiple threats to its financial well-being and has incurred some...

Indigenous People and Human Rights

Introduction: UDHR and Acculturation The second article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that regardless of race, gender, language, opinion, and many other things that distinguish people, everyone is entitled to rights without restriction (United Nations. General Assembly, 2). This article is critical when considering the process of...

Security Issues Facing Smartphone Users

Introduction Over the past few years of the 21st century, smartphones, production, and consumption have portrayed significant global growth. Today, smartphones have become almost inseparable from the lives of most individuals and businesses. Most people use smartphones for several functions revolving around their lives apart from communication. For instance, most...

General Motors Firm’s Electric Vehicle Innovation

Introduction Unstoppable progress is a testament to sustained growth in potential, and General Motors, as one of the largest vehicle manufacturers worldwide, proves this. One of the problems society has been struggling with for decades is the pollution of the environment with harmful emissions. However, in early 2021, Mary Barra,...

Negative Consequences of Online Dating Sites

Introduction Recent technological advancement has greatly influenced the way people communicate and interact. Online communication is now becoming a trendy way of passing information. Having noticed this new mode of interaction, some developers have decided to take the opportunity of this new form of interaction and developed dating apps that...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dialogue Framework

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a condition resulting from abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are one’s inability to socialize with other individuals and altered perception of the surrounding social environment. Further, affected patients exhibit patterns of repetitive and limited behaviors. The first effects of the disease...

Bong Joon-Ho’s Auteurism Analysis

Introduction The transition of Hollywood from the traditional studio system to the modern age has seen directors have more control over the production and style of films. The directors have the freedom to have their style and are viewed as the main drivers behind motion picture production. The movie directors...

The Issue of Ethical Violations

Introduction The Tuskegee Study of Syphilis in the Negro Male carried out in 1932-72, is a medical study to record the natural history of syphilis cases amongst the Blacks in Tuskegee. When the research began, there was no proven medicine to treat and cure the disease. A total of 600...

Religion Philosophy: Right and Wrong Beliefs

From the point of view of Hinduism samsara is a cycle of being born, living, dying and then being re-born again. This cycle will repeat many times, while the person is tied up by their own karma, which is the law of causes and consequences that determine an individual’s quality...

The Original Sin and Human Nature

The Fall – Then What is revealed about human nature? In Christianity, such a notion as human nature has two major assertions. The first one is the statement that a human being was created in God’s image. It means that our human nature, to a limited degree, has some attributes...

Business Strategy in Supermarket Industry: Low Pricing

Introduction The quick development of various technologies and the establishment of open world trade regimes have changed the face of modern business (Teece 2010). Modern customers have more choices based on the easy access to alternatives to any product (Teece 2010). The supermarket industry is one of the most competitive...

Tay-Sachs Disease, Its Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The causal factor for Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic mutation occurring in the HEXA gene (Yerramilli-Rao, Giannikopoulos, Kublis, Pan, & Eichler, 2012). Genetic mutations represent a lasting modification in the DNA chain that forms the gene; this results in the malfunction of one or many progressions in a person’s...

Container Tracking Devices in Global Intermodal Transport

Introduction People have accustomed to the globalized world and its opportunities. The availability of potentially all products from any part of the world is not regarded as a privilege of the chosen. The development of international intermodal transport of goods contributes significantly to the availability of products as their cost...

Information Technology Certification and Accreditation

Introduction Certification and Accreditation (C&A) refer to a federally permitted standard procedure to make sure that Information technology systems meet security prerequisites and uphold the accredited security status all through the system life span (Harris, 2002). Because certification and accreditation is a requirement for all information technology systems, frequently it...

Internet Privacy Policy at the Workplace

Overview In this era of globalization, employers may have valid reasons why they should be interested in monitoring their employers’ email and internet use at the workplace. In fact, today numerous firms across the planet have put policies to ensure that all employers monitor to use the internet and other...

Computerized Entry of Drug Prescribing Order

Introduction It should be noted that at the global level, millions of errors related to the appointment and distribution of drugs are predicted. This leads to several millions of preventable adverse effects and millions of dollars that represent the costs of the necessary subsequent medical care (Charles, Cannon, Hall, &...

The United Nations’ Security Council Membership

Introduction The United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats to the world peace and human being existence. It was established in the post world war two era under a background...

Multiple Psychotropic Medications Usage Among Adolescents

Introduction This article attempts to evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors associated with the overuse of psychotropic medications among children living under foster care services. These authors examine pediatric psychopharmacology practices that contribute to increased prescription of psychotropic medication among children. Research problem The authors are concerned with the...

Articles of Confederation Improved in Constitution

Introduction The Articles of Confederation was drafted and adopted in 1777 by the Second Continental Congress, bringing to an end the strife for a new government system. In the following three years, it was the de facto constitution. It was not until 1781 when the Articles were officially ratified. The...

Pepsi Company Cross-Cultural Perspectives

PepsiCo is one of the leading food and beverage companies in the US and the world as a whole. It is involved in the production and selling of eighteen brands of beverages and snack foods and makes close to $98 billion in retail sales. PepsiCo brands include Pepsi Cola, Quaker,...

Alger’s “Ragged Dick” and Gilman’s “Yellow Wallpaper”

Outline Theme: To seek the similarities between the two readings and also to illustrate the changes in contemporary American society concerning two narratives written in the late 19th century namely Horatio Alger’s “Ragged Dick” and Charlotte Gilman’s “Yellow Wall-Paper”. Introduction The contemporary American society has transformed in many aspects since...

Hookah Venture: Target Customers and Market

Target customers are individuals between 18 and 35 years old (Montgomery et al., 2015). These are mainly people of Middle Eastern descent and their friends and close ones. Importantly, these may be immigrants, children of immigrants as well as people of other ethnicities. People of the non-Arabic descent are mainly...

“Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” by Zuberi

Matin Zuberi’s Journal Article Thesis This journal discusses one of the main shifts in policy and outlines the history of one of the most devastating events in the history of war in the world. Summary The article discusses atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan....

Anti-Semitism v Anti-Zionism in 2014 Gaza Protests

Summary of the Source In modern society, it is common for people to use the terms anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism to mean the same thing. However, that may not necessarily be true based on various factors. Anti-Semitism is a general hatred that an individual or a section of society may have...

Political Rights for African-Americans in the Late 19th Century

Introduction The end of the Civil war freed African-Americans and granted them citizenship rights. Even though Congress accepted the Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution that declared voting right regardless of previous condition and race, the situation remained complicated. Various issues that prevented African-Americans from participating in the political life...

Nurse Manager’s Interview on Health Policies

Introduction Every day, nurse managers must have to make decisions that determine working conditions of their subordinates, quality of patient care, results of their treatment, and reputation of the hospital. A manager needs to know all the details related to medicine and healthcare, as well as organizational features, to evaluate...

UK Electricity Industry Analysis

The term acquisition refers to a situation where one company purchases the shares in other. This can be through cash or by issuing its shares or a loan stock in exchange for the shares. This method of business combination is also referred to as the “purchase method”. In an industry,...

Diversity and Demographic Impacts on Behavior

Abstract Businesses or firms that employ a diverse workforce are in a better position to appreciate and realize the demographics of their market. Demographics in this case refer to specific characteristics used in marketing or business research. They include race, disabilities, income, gender, location, and age. A company with a...

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

This theory can best be used to describe my approach to leadership. When working with a team, a leader who has adopted this theory provides support to the members so that they can follow the prescribed direction towards achieving the set targets. This theory was developed in1971 by Robert House....

Dr. Martin Luther King “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”

Introduction Dr. Martin Luther King, who is widely known for his Civil Rights movement leadership, strived to bring changes in the social structure of the states addressing the problem of economic inequalities. His speech “I’ve been to the Mountaintop” is considered to be the reflection of American rhetoric, by means...

Meaning of Grandmothers in Lives of Family Members

Every society has fixed cultural practices for the elderly and the senior members more popularly termed as grand parents. While there may be few differences, in most societies, the elderly and the aged play the role of welcoming and loving grandparents who love to spend time with their children’s families,...

‘Turismo’ Artwork by Judi Werthein

Through several strategies of implementation and technique, art has become a great source of social change and influence with the primary material of this deviation coming from the person-to-person exchanges, relations, and participations. ‘Turismo’ is the name given to the photography technique and installation created, developed, and displayed by the...

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Erotic in S. Jackson, B. Harris, and R. Stokes

The erotic is meant to be a source of power for females. Through this power, they are supposed to lead normal and comfortable lives in society. What does the word “normal” mean in the context of the lives in society today? In the male-dominated world, normal life for a woman...

Decisions of BP in 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Introduction Good management is vital in any organization if it is to realize its set objectives. An ideal management system is characterized by good planning, organization, directing, staffing and controlling. If there is a failure in any of these components, an organization is bound to fail. This paper seeks to...

Arguments For and Against Allowing Drug Use in Sports

Abstract The report is devoted to the problem of the use of drugs in sports and the discussion of arguments underlying the problem. It was found that drugs can make serious damage to the sportsmen health and even lead to the lethal outcomes. In addition, the use of drugs in...

ITT Educational Services Inc.

Basis of Company accounting practices Notably, a majority of the accounting principles adopted by ITT Educational services exist within the GAAP specifications. Non-GAAP specifications that have been used during the presentation of reports have always been considered alongside compliant reports, and not as a substitute of the same. This implies...

Why You Should Not Have Grades in School

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Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Numerous theories predict the development of romantic relationships or explain the behavior of partners. These are interdependence theory, social exchange theory, and filter theory, to name but a few of them. The current paper discusses attachment theory, according to which previous attachments profoundly affect relations. The essay argues that attachment...

Annotated Bibliography: Social Media and Mental Health

Coyne, S. M., Rogers, A. A., Zurcher, J. D., Stockdale, L., & Booth, M. (2020). Does time spent using social media impact mental health? An eight year longitudinal study. Computers in Human Behavior. 104, 106160, 1-17. Web.  This research aimed to find a link between time used on social media...

Religious Prejudice in “Defender of the Faith” by Roth

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Data Structures and Algorithms

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Popular Research Paper Topics

Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching strategies should be implemented. The recent pandemic has restricted many traditional venues for...

Depression as It Relates to Obesity

Introduction Obesity has been on the increase in the United States and many other Western countries (Herva, et al. 2006). Obesity brings about negative implications on the health of the individual since it is associated with conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It, therefore, reduces the quality...

Disproportional and Unequal Possession of the Earth

Introduction John Locke’s political philosophies have influenced a number of theories globally and have inspired many philosophers. His work was based mainly on the hypothesis of the social contract. He strongly suggested and believed that human nature was structured in a manner that allowed people to be selfish. This, according...

Comparison Between Individual Approach and Group Therapy

Introduction The term chemical dependency refers to a psychological and physiological process that entails the use of alcohol and other drugs in order to achieve the desired effect and feeling. Patients with chemical dependency exhibit such symptoms as addiction whereby the need for the drug re-use does not go away...

Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

The chapter presents the data about the behavioral methods that can be utilized for managing the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OSD), and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) (Wright, Basco, & Thase, 2017). The authors address commonly used approaches, such as exposure, cognitive restructuring, and reciprocal inhibition. The major...

Film “Ex Machina”: An Artificial Intelligence

As described in the movie Ex Machina, the Turing test examines an artificially intelligent computer by use of human interaction. It is based on the human being’s capability to discover that they are interacting with a computer. If the human being does not discern this, then the test is passed....

Integration of Health Information Management System (HIMS) into Healthcare

Introduction A health information system (HIMS) describes a system designed to manage healthcare data. These systems can all be used in an institution to inform research, enhances patient outcomes, and influence policy-making and decision making (De Groot, 2020). The HIMS I chose for this project is the EHR and EMR....

John Locke’s “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding”

Philosophy has always been one of the most important and fascinating aspects of human life. Its significance is due to the fact that it develops meanings and values. Moreover, philosophy thus makes the life of individuals complete. The study and evaluation of various philosophical concepts are necessary for a better...

Are Mobile Phones a Learning Tool or a Distraction?

Introduction Concerns have been raised about students’ use of mobile phones to obtain non-educational content, impacting student engagement. On the other hand, this kind of distraction is not exclusive to mobile learning. Mobile learning offers students and instructors the option to access knowledge, no matter where they are instant. Students...

Analysis of Desiree’s Baby by Kate Chopin

Summary The short story “Desiree’s Baby,” written by Kate Chopin, touches upon various cultural, psychological, and philosophical topics. Within this story, Chopin discusses the issues of unconditional love, acceptance, self-identification, and race (Hassan and Tayib 139). The last problem has always been the severe obstacle to establishing understanding within different...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Scoff Questionnaire: Risk of Eating Disorders

Introduction The SCOFF questionnaire was used as a method to identify and classify children at risk of eating disorders. Then, the children were provided with both relevant referrals and treatment. For this article, the primary tool is the SCOFF questionnaire, which consists of 5 questions with yes or no answers....

“Hotel Rwanda” and “Equilibrium” Films Similarities and Differences

Introduction Hotel Rwanda and Equilibrium are two much-spoken movies centered around the controversial issue of questioning the option for choice in nowadays realities. The movie directors and scriptwriters convey diverse meanings in their works and want people to comprehend them carefully when they are overwhelmed with controversial emotions in a...

Criteria for Referring a Film to the “Great Works of Cinema”

Cinema canon is understood as a place untouched by human critique, malice, and displeasure where some films belong. Indeed, there are some acknowledged masterpieces of the film industry with thousands of fans ready to silence anyone speaking against their favorite movies. However, the criteria to include a film in the...

The NorLand Limited Firm’s Challenges and Actions

Executive Summary This report identifies challenges faced by NorLand Limited, such as siloed business units, lack of collaboration, misaligned incentives, and the need for succession planning. The report recommends increasing transparency and communication, investing in technology, and developing a succession plan to address these issues. An action plan outlines immediate,...

Changing or Unchanging Phenomena

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality depends on the vision that the reality’s basic element is fire. Fire is characterized by the ceaseless change determining the reality. This change is also based on the logos as a cosmic order. The view is rather reasonable because it addresses...

Mi Familia Movie Analysis

Mi Familia, directed by Gregory Nava, stands as an emotional tour de force, delving into the nuances of family, culture, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream. This Mi Familia movie review essay presents a thoughtful analysis of Nava’s masterpiece, exploring the film’s profound themes and its portrayal of...

American Racism in “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward

Introduction Men We Reaped is Jesmyn Ward’s account of the economic realities of poverty-stricken rural Mississippi during her childhood. Ward reveals that young black men in DeLisle, bereft of equal economic and educational opportunities, lost their lives to substance abuse, violence, and suicide. Ward’s memoir paints a picture of an...

Good Leader and Bad Leader Comparison

Introduction Leadership is complex and has various definitions, qualities, concepts, and theories. As such, different leaders apply different leadership approaches and styles. A comprehensive yet precise definition of leadership portrays leadership as a multidimensional process of identifying goals, motivating others to act, and giving pertinent support to realize mutually agreed...

The Role of the Brain in the Processes of Weight-Loss

Background of Study In the introductory section of the study, Bruce et al. (2014) pointed out that weight-loss is commonly associated with the decrease in rates of many different health issues of both physical (elevated blood pressure, high level of cholesterol, diabetes, hyperlipidemia) and psychological (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem) nature....

Religion in the Public Sphere: Morality and Law

Introduction The relations of Church and secular society have been a matter of discussion for centuries. Both spiritual and civil aspects are important for society. Scholars debate on how to bring them together without running to extremes. There are two dangerous approaches to the relations between church and state, which...

Empathy Care Center’s Nurse Understaffing

The contemporary health care setting I will discuss in this paper is Empathy Care Home Health. This organization is aimed at providing high-quality care for its patients using the limited resources available for this purpose. The proposed project will focus on the lack of personnel, which is one of the...

Globalization Theories in the Business Environment

Introduction Globalization is defined as a concept that refers to expanding network of international economic activities resulting from increased movement of commodities, technology and information across national boundaries. Globalization as a process, therefore, ensures that the state retains the political role while the economic functions of the state are being...

The Environmental Valuation in Economic Terms

Introduction and Context There is an increasing recognition that environmental valuation in economic terms is crucial to determine costs and hence aid in policy considerations. It is through environmental valuation that economic benefits can be realized (Health and Environment Linkages Initiative par. 1). By putting into consideration the implications of...

The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health

Introduction The primary focus of environmental health is the relationships between humans and their surroundings. The understanding of the factors that relate to environmental health is an important field in health care delivery. According to the American Public Health Association (2017), knowledge about environmental health is used in improving the...

Domestic Violence in the US: Effects on Children

Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices...

Acoustics Experiment in Brunel’s Thames Tunnel

In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the...

William Goebel – a Martyr of Great Ideas

Populism in the USA As pointed out by Goodwyn, insurgent movements that occur as protests to the existing political system are rarely successful and most often can be recognized as awkward because they tend to resist the entire system that makes such movements possible (n.p.). As a result, such movements...

Tabula Rasa: John Locke’s Memory Metaphor

Locke’s memory metaphor tabula rasa reflects the idea that a person acquires knowledge in the process of gaining experience from the surrounding world. Therefore, when a human is born, his/her mind is empty. All individuals are equal in terms of position, status, and potential to expand their knowledge. Nowadays, the...

International Atomic Energy Agency

Introduction As communities around the world continue to expand and modernize, it has become significant to address the increasing energy needs. The expansion and modernization of communities come together with the proliferation of aspects that are synonymous with modern-day living such as the use of appliances and gadgets that depend...

Leadership & Management: What the Future Looks Like

The success of any organization will depend on the existing business model or strategy. Companies can introduce effective leadership styles and produce goods or services that will compete efficiently in the global market. The concepts of success and failure are critical for managers who want to take their firms from...