Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest

The following document is a call for a separate republic to Texan Mexicans. At the time, they were experiencing violence and crimes committed by the Texas Rangers. The message was typed and features printed signatures of two people: the First Chief of Staff Luis de la Rosa and the Second...

Significance of Accreditation in Healthcare

Why Accreditation Matters Accreditation refers to the official certification by a recognized authority that an organization, service, or individual has demonstrated competence, authority, or credibility to meet a set of standards. Jha (2018) argues that the guidelines are used to evaluate the quality of care a healthcare organization provides. Without...

How to Create a YouTube Channel

Introduction The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tool for building online influence. The video “How to create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” is organized in an easy way that explains every step in detail. The video has a...

Campaign Marketing Plan: Analysis

Given that the organization specializes in such a stigmatized field as the battle against addictions and rehabilitation, it is vital to gain more people’s attention to meet the fundraising goals. The major purpose of the marketing effort is to attract and enlighten enough potential contributors to fulfill the 1.5 million...

The Wine Business and Industry Analysis

PESTLE Analysis The wine industry is highly intricate because of the nature of the product, which may have a high demand but is subject to restrictions in some places. As PESTLE analysis showed, macroenvironmental factors have a tremendous impact on this market. In terms of politics, governmental laws and regulations...

The Aspects of the Modern Society

Introduction Society is constantly undergoing various changes, and in recent decades this process has intensified. First of all, the technological revolution and the constant introduction of innovations have had a huge impact, which has identified a number of new professions and allowed people to communicate, shop, and exchange opinions at...

BookTown Store’s Relational Database Creation

Introduction The relational database simplifies storage, manipulation, and retrieval of information from diverse sets of tables. The relational database comprises tables, forms, reports, and queries. This report explains the creation and the use of the relational database in tracking books, customers, and shipments of BookTown, a book retail store. Database...

Constitution of the United States: Digital Field Trip

Example Description The document under consideration is the Constitution of the United States. It consists of four pages that are permanently displayed at the National Archives. The document includes a preamble and seven articles dedicated to government structure and functioning. Thus, it establishes the role of legislative, executive, and judicial...

Clinical Decision Support Systems in Examples

Introduction Nowadays, advanced technologies are actively used in various fields of studies and human’s activities. Medical practice is not an exception, as there are a number of tools incorporated into the healthcare system through data technologies. These technologies contribute to the Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), which aim to assist...

Cultural Resonance in Special Education

The concept of cultural resonance The concept of cultural resonance in a social context is quite vague. Despite its wide use in literature and discussion, there is no single definition of this term. In a broader sense, it conveys the idea of personal importance that the audience finds in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Leadership Regarding Holiday Coverage

In hospital policies, the approaches to resolving the issue when nurses request the same holiday time are usually described. However, in cases when units discuss holiday coverage separately, it is a responsibility of a nurse manager to address this problem effectively. The focus should be on meeting the interests of...

Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia Trachomatis

One of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the United States is chlamydia triggered by the bacterium called chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection is asymptomatic and can be easily cured with the help of antibiotics (Fig. 1). However, this infection might lead to long-term health consequences if it is not...

“Childhood” by Mary Ellen Mark: Atmosphere and Content

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic has contributed to the development of the online exhibition industry. Such showcases allow for the promotion of demonstrators’ goods and services without the restriction of place or time and provide direct communication between vendors – exhibitors and potential buyers of the exposition. This paper will discuss...

Celebrity Endorsement, Its Reasons and Factors

Factors considered when deciding which celebrity to use for product endorsement varies on how the celebrity will be used (Aaker & McLoughlin, 2010). For instance, the celebrities can be used as an added interest to a company’s advertising campaign, or as the central feature of the advertising campaign. The main...

Death Penalty Debates in the United States: Inhumane Practice

Introduction Capital punishment is a government-sanctioned practice of penalizing criminals where an individual is put to death. It is an extremely controversial practice in the United States where the death penalty is legal. I argue that the death penalty should not exist as it is an inhumane practice both ethically...

Memory and Awareness: Training One’s Brain

It is crucial to improve your everyday memory. How well memory is developed depends on how much information we can remember. A well-trained memory enhances concentration, increases productivity, and develops thinking and creativity. The brain works like a computer, but unlike the latter, it cannot be filled to 100%: it...

Compare and Contrast “The Masque of the Red Death” and “The Raven”

In “The Masque of the Red Death” Poe uses a great symbolic work to depict fear of death and its inevitability for people. He has shown the unity of effect in the poem. According to Fletcher, he portrayed death in a form that destroys all the lifesaving plans of people...

American Cancer Society: The Aspects of Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer caused by the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes (American Cancer Society, 2021). It most commonly appears on the legs for women and the chest and back for men but also can occur on the other parts of the human body in the form of...

Aesthetic Approach to Health Promotion Intervention

Introduction Cancer correlates negatively with the quality of life Cancer carries strong emotional burden 10% of the patients have anxiety (Bosman et al., 2020). 20% of the patients have depression (Bosman et al., 2020). An artistic approach contributes to patients’ well-being Purpose Statement Discuss the impact of cancer on psychology...

Sources Credibility in Internet Information About Stem Cells Research

Introduction The issue of sources’ credibility is of great importance in both educational and non-academic spheres. Particular attention of scholars is paid to the reliability of announcements in the area of medicine provided by various canals of information. An example of the mass controversy caused by the misuse of resources...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Resolving Mutually Conflicting Requirements

Software requirement gathering and elicitation is an essential step in software engineering. There are times when some requirements do not match with other requirements, which hinders the developers’ ability to deliver user-driven software solutions. Such challenges arise often and are responsible for poor quality software solutions delivered to clients (Gambo...

The Protestant Reformation: Impact on Christianity

The Protestant Reformation transformed Christianity from a single, omnipotent religion (the catholic church) to one that brings together new views that differ from the universal church. The religious groups within Christendom began to arise in opposition to the Catholic Church’s corruption, resulting in protests for reforms. Martin Luther initiated the...

Aspects of Bluestep Advertisement

There are multiple ways for a company to promote goods and services. Despite the growing trend to produce commercials and short clips that sometimes rival movies in terms of artistic effects, banners and other types of images continue to play a remarkable role in marketing. Moreover, it is also true...

Startup Funding Resources Analysis

Startups are characterized by very high involvement in innovation and good growth prospects. It attracts a variety of investors looking for high returns. Capital for startups can be raised from venture capitalists, business angels, or crowdfunding funds, as well as from larger and wealthier companies. Venture capitalists often target startups...

Writing Elements in “The Nature of Things” by Hogler

Introduction The ability to write a cogent, fair, and harmonic piece depends on several factors. Analysis of how these components were used in the readings The Nature of Things: Biomimicry, Do not Sink My Battleship! and Razzle Dazzle! Fashion ‘Stars’ – in Stripes will aid in determining how vital these...

Colosseum as Rome’s Arena of Death

Gladiators in ancient Rome were living lives that were unpredictable and dangerous regularly. The viewer gets a glimpse of the harshness of a gladiator’s life and the cultural significance of the events in the Colosseum through the documentary “Colosseum: Rome’s Arena of Death.” Gladiators were persons who, at the time,...

Strategic Decisions Management in Organizations

The first lesson learned from the article is that management makes a difference. Therefore, the management of a firm needs to position it strategically within its industry of operation so that the forces of competition act in its favor. Thus, as an organizational leader, I would ensure that both the...

Congestive Heart Failure Studies: Data Analysis

Data Analysis for Demographic Variables Demographic variables for this project include age, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status because professionals tend to reveal that heart failure affects people when they become older. With the help of analyzing demographic variables and presenting descriptive statistics, it will be possible not only to...

Mathematic Course In Arithmetical Problem Solving

In writing this letter, I am seeking to address students who will be taking a mathematic course in Arithmetical problem Solving, in the future, with the sole intention of enlightening them on what the course is all about. Personally, my initial perception of the course was that the course was...

Kanjincho as an Example of Kabuki Performance

Kanjincho is one of the most famous plays of the Japanese kabuki theater. The kabuki genre is a classic dance drama; kabuki theater plots usually reveal historical events. Kanjincho story happens in the mid-to-late 12th century; the main characters are Togashi Saemon, the guardian of the gates, Yoshitsune, the emperor’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Young Athletes’ Concussion Knowledge

Young athletes’ concussion knowledge and belief descriptives table: For my first search, I used the word “concussion.” On the Advanced Search page, I limited the search to peer-reviewed articles in English published in the last three years, for which full text is available. I chose this article because I found...

D.A.R.E Classes Overview and Analysis

Introduction I am so glad that D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn new exciting things about life and decision-making. I am thankful for the officers explaining this because it will make my and my classmates’ lives happier! D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn essential things about the dangers of alcohol,...

Vision and Mission Statement in Business

Introduction In modern conditions, the manager must think strategically, evaluate the impact of new technologies, changes in the needs and expectations of customers, efforts and costs necessary to stay ahead of competitors. Many external and internal factors that should be considered when planning the future. An important role in this...

Overview of the Future of Intelligence

What future technologies, not currently in existence, do you foresee being used to further communication, particularly in interview and interrogation situations? I see Developments in surveillance systems, biometrics and DNA analysis that will help the Officer have all the information available to them during the interview and interrogations process. According...

Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Framework

Background I selected GRI reporting framework because, besides providing services, tools, and training, the framework also provides materiality assessment services. For example, companies may disclose their climate change effects to investors and customers using the GRI Standards. It is therefore a good concept to learn since it is useful in...

Asian Discrimination in America

Racism toward Asian Americans was placed into law as they immigrated to the United States. There was a limitation of immigrants and concerns about workplace competition. The Asian communities mobilized and fought for their civil rights. Chinese Americans were the Asian groups in the United States. (Ruiz & Tamir, 2020)....

Han Fei, Confucius, and the Athenian Argument

It is possible to discuss several similarities between the arguments of Han Fei and Athenian envoys. The first is the discussion of punishment and favors in Han Fei or two handles. The two handles are employed by the ruler in order to control the ministers. This way, fear protects the...

Natural Readers Website as Assistive Technology in Education

Name of Assistive Technology Natural Readers website. Uses of Assistive Technology The website enables users to insert files of various formats and listen to them because of AI technology used on the website. Some text files can also be converted into audio files (Dawson et al., 2018). The technology can...

Navigating the Maze of Persuasion: Recognizing Red Herrings and Slippery Slopes

The term logical fallacy refers to the errors of reasoning. They can occur both accidentally and on purpose as means to persuade, motivate, or inspire an audience. Red herring is a type of logical fallacy that introduces an issue unrelated to the topic at hand as a way of distraction....

Sections 2.3a, 3.9a-b in Engineering Ethical Code

Discussion Engineering ethical principles are guidelines that define expected rules of engagement for professionals in the dynamic engineering field. Among the common ethical principles are accountability, integrity, safety, and moral authority in executing duties. It is the responsibility of engineers to exercise due diligence and expertise approach in addressing different...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legislator Communication in Florida

Legislators The state that is going to be discussed in the paper at hand in Florida. As for local legislators, Miami (where I live) presently has 5 State Representatives, 3 State Senators, and 2 County Commissioners responsible for solving problems that are limited to the city level. The state has...

Historical Implications of Slavery and the Role of the United States in It

If Pavlich were presenting her arguments regarding slavery to me, I would want to remind her of the historical implications of slavery and the role that the United States played in it. Mainly, Pavlich argues that America does not get credit for ending slavery. However, the fight against slavery did...

Piggy Bank’s Sample Size to Estimate Mean Dollars

Statistics is all about deriving useful information about the population from the statistics derived from a representative samples. Population parameters like mean ‘μ’ and standard deviation ‘σ’ are estimated from sample statistics like sample size ‘n’, sample average ‘x’and sample standard deviation ‘s’ up to desired confidence interval. It is...

Epidemiology and Demography: The Social Marketing Model

The basic principles of epidemiology and demography are generally associated with the issues of epidemic spread, development and defense. (Parker, 2008) Thus, the basic principles of this connection are mainly focused on the matters of the pandemics, the social origins of epidemics, and ways to arrange the society, for taking...

Laryngeal Mask Airways Made of Silicone Rubber

As temperature increases, at a constant volume, pressure also increases with the magnitude depending on the level of temperature for laryngeal mask airway made of silicon rubber. This research paper presents a calculation to show this effect due to decreasing barometric pressure. In addition, the complications of these changes on...

Death Concept: Accepting Its Transformational Power

Definitely, death is the end of the earthly life, while one can still question if it is the real end. Depending on the attitude, the answer can be different. Basically, there are two main answers to this question, as there are two sides to the same coin. On the one...

Black Lives Matter: Opposing and Supporting Points

Black Lives Matter is a political and social movement against racial-based violence against black people and police brutality. The movement recently gained significant attention from international and domestic media as a result of people’s reaction to the murder of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin. This paper will describe...

Diabetes: Community Teaching

Secondary Prevention of Diabetes Complications Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases in the United States. A high number of risk factors and potential complications make this illness especially dangerous. Secondary prevention is the detection of the disease on an early stage and managing it to avoid complications. In...

Three Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes

Organizations are continuously adopting alternative dispute resolution by involving third parties after failed direct negotiations in conflicts. It usually entails either arbitration, conciliation, and mediation processes. In particular, conciliation calls for a third party who improves communication and relationships and monitors the discussion. I like consiliation because the opinions of...

Humpback Whale as Example of Modern Whales

General Information The humpback whale is a typical representative of cetaceans, which despite their underwater life, are also mammals. In evolutionary terms, whales are ancient mammals that returned to life underwater, which means their bodies were adapted to high pressure. Humpback whales are thought to inhabit all of Earth’s oceans...

Mayan Culture in “Apocalypto” Film Discussion

Apocalypto is a 2006 historical adventure film, written and directed by Mel Gibson. The film depicts Native Mayan culture before the first contact with Spanish Conquistadors. The director has proclaimed that the movie accurately portrays typical Mayan societies. However, its plot, has been harshly criticized. Native communities and researchers focusing...

Birth Control Compliance and Economic Impact

Introduction Birth control is the use of devices, drugs, agents, and sexual practices to prevent pregnancies. Availability of this method over the counter will make them easily accessible. According to Sonfield and Barot (2014), birth control methods include the vaginal ring, the pill, condoms, and spermicide. Impacts of these practices...

The World Trade Organization’s Controversies

The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. Its aims are to facilitate...

Factors Requiring Market Research

Market research involves identifying or analyzing opportunities that are available in the marketing environment. According to Kotler (2003), this research is performed in a view to identify customer’s needs and taste which forms a foundation for the production of an optimum marketing mix. Since markets constantly change towards maturity, research...

Books Devoted to the AIDS: Key Points Summary

Hiram, C. (1994). The AIDS mirage. Wales: University of New South Wales Press Even though, present medicine originated from pathology, the greatest pathology in AIDS can be sourced in the AIDS theory itself. But the AIDS theory has been manipulated by an escapee biomedical organization perpetuating itself by basing itself...

African-American Student Loans and Performance at Housing Market

For a correct interpretation of sociological research, understanding philosophy is essential. It presents principles and approaches to thinking and acquiring knowledge about the world (Moon & Blackman, 2017). Any study begins with selecting an area of interest, determining its philosophical orientation, and choosing a research approach. This paper examines the...

Role of Jesus Christ in Religion

Jesus Christ is a prophet and religious leader, who founded Christianity. He is known as the Son of God, a part of the Holy Trinity in some denominations, or otherwise a physical incarnation of God. Based on Old Testament teachings, he is also the Jewish Messiah, a liberator of the...

Treatment Process Differences and Similarities for Three Racial Groups

Introduction The authors used the method of observational study for their research, as they aimed to compare and contrast the specifics of diabetes treatment among different populations. Thus, the study provides qualitative evidence of the treatment process differences and similarities for three racial/ethnic groups: African Americans, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic Whites....

First Olympics in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece is credited with being the birthplace of one of the earliest recognized sporting competitions, which is known as the Olympics. Olympia was the site of the first Olympic Games, which took place in 776 BC and continued until 393 AD. The games were carried in recognition of Zeus,...

Hospital-Acquired Infection in Geriatric Units

What is the PICOT question? Do the use of hand hygiene and aseptic techniques result in reduced infection and mortality in a 6-month period compared to the lack of sanitation practices in patients aged 50-60 years old at risk of hospital-acquired infection and subsequent mortality? P- (Patient, population, or problem):...

Spread of Respiratory Cancer and Ethnicity of the Patient

Descriptive statistics for five different ethnic groups American Indian / Alaska Native (includes Hispanic) Asian / Pacific Islander (includes Hispanic) Black (includes Hispanic) Hispanic (any race) White (includes Hispanic) MEAN 43.28 38.51 70.07 31.49 62.73 MEDIAN 43.85 38.90 71.40 32.10 64.55 MODE N/A 36.60 N/A 34.10 65.80 VARIANCE 27.72 5.68...

Utilization Project: Hidden or Indirect Costs

During the implementation of any project, there is always the utilization of available funds. With resources being scarce, most of the time project managers tend to allocate every available cent to a specific activity. While the organizers of a project may want to plan fully taking care of any cost...

Professional Mentorship in Nursing

Through positive interaction with my field instructor during the practicum experience, I learned professional knowledge and skills related to nursing. I had the opportunity to judge and handle patient cases, actual hands-on care for patients, participate in health education and apply nursing knowledge to clinical patients. Prior to the practicum...

Educational Psychology in Teaching

The process of identity development in children can be supported in the school environment. Erikson’s perspective on the subject matter would pertain to his theory of the stages of psychosocial development. School years span over approximately three out of eight stages in a person’s life: purpose (initiative vs. guilt, 5-8...

COVID-19: Ethical Clinical Practice

Academic reflection related to ethical problem-solving in health care is an effective strategy for developing critical thinking, leadership skills, and compassion. In this paper, the question of ethical clinical practice associated with the treatment of COVID-19 patients was chosen as the subject of reflection. This disease defined the social order...

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer: An Essay

The exploration of friendship is a widespread literary issue for authors. This theme is a leitmotif for Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In this story, Twain recounts the friendship between Tom and Huckleberry Finn, who go about their mischief and pranks. The book tells about true friendship...

Improving Performance in Disease-Specific Indicators

There are situations when organizational goals contribute to improvements and have no positive outcomes in the same sphere. Despite following the recommendations of the Medicare Hospital, the hospital performances for pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and congestive heart failure (CHF) vary. According to Spath and Kelly (2017), effective goals usually...

Organizational and National Culture in Banking

Organizational culture comprises norms and principles of behavior, observing which ones move the organization towards success (Felipe, Roldán & Leal-Rodríguez, 2017). National culture is a set of specific traditions that determine the methods and means of management. Its primary influence is manifested in the value systems, ethics, interpersonal relationships, principles...

The Theme of Mental Illness in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Tell-Tale Heart in 1843. It is a short horror story depicting the murder of an old man by an unnamed person, the story’s narrator. The narrator shows signs of paranoia, mania, and auditory hallucinations. The setting is a house where both characters live, while most...

Koala as Example of Marsupials

General Information The only surviving species of the Koala family of marsupials is the Koala, which is not a bear, contrary to popular belief. The closest phylogenetic relatives of koalas are kangaroos and wombats. Koalas’ bodies are wrapped in a layer of short, gray, or less frequently brown fur, apparently...

The Effects of Increasing Enzyme Concentration Lab

Purpose: The primary purpose of the given experiment is to observe how specific the effects of increasing enzyme concentration, pH, and temperature are when utilizing potato juice and hydrogen peroxide. Procedure The list of ingredients with their corresponding amounts can be observed in Table 1 below. It is important to...

The United States’ Decision to Enter World War I

There exists a certain number of factors that contributed to the U.S.’s entry into World War I. Despite much debate about the necessity of this action, the concomitant factors make it unavoidable. Any bad consequences of the decision to take part in the war are justified and compensated by some...

Christian Doctrines and Church Attendance

Christianity as a religion has many faith groups and denominations which subscribe to various specific set of doctrines, based on various interpretations of the Bible. Quarles (2011) explains that there are fundamental Christian beliefs which are recognized and observed by almost all Christian faiths. The six main Christian doctrines that...

Caregiving and Loss: Intervention Strategies

Strong emotional distress resulting from loss and grief frequently becomes a part of the caregiving experience. This paper will provide an analysis of grief-related issues facilitating or complicating the loss, as well as effective intervention strategies to assist caregivers. Also, the phenomenon of reciprocal suffering of caregivers will be considered....

“Enemies From Within” the Speech by Joseph McCarthy

Introduction Fear is one of the strongest emotions that often defines people’s behavior. Politicians are aware of the power of human fears and tend to exploit them to achieve their goals. The paranoia surrounding communism in the USA in the middle of the 20th century is an illustration of this...

Understanding Issues in Organisational Simulation

There are certain issues found in organisational behaviour simulation that must be understood. Firstly, it is clear that non-monetary incentives are very effective in relieving stress among employees in an organisation. Newstrom (2007) asserts that managers bent on boosting the performance of their employees through reduced stress levels must use...

Hypothesis Writing: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen as one of the characteristic attributes of politics in the Middle East. While the tones of such conflict shift continuously, switching from an overall Arab-Israeli conflict into a state of peace negotiations, the initial causes of the conflict are still...

Symbols and Motifs in Short Stories

“The Birth-Mark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne The main symbol around which the story develops is certainly the birthmark on Georgiana’s left cheek. Initially, the girl seems to be the perfect creation of nature – she is smart, kind, and gorgeous but the mark becomes a trouble for her husband. The birthmark...

DNA Profiling: Genetic Variation in DNA Sequences

Introduction DNA profiling is an odd identification genetic passport that carries information about several dozen genome regions belonging to one person. DNA profiling analyzes the number of repeating elements in a selected area of the genome. The repeating part is called a tandem repeat, and the amount is variable. The...

Gun Safety Policy Towards a Safer Future for Kids

With thousands of people dying from firearm injuries every year, the gun safety policy has currently become one of the major public health issues. Gun safety policy is designed to explicitly address the issue of gun abuse, which eventually leads to accidental discharges and life-threatening issues. The vast majority of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chasing Rivers: Grand Canyon’s River

The planet’s environment becomes more and more polluted every day. Deforestation, droughts, polluted air, countless emissions from cars and factories, and decreasing clean water are part of people’s lives nowadays. Rivers’ waters are severely affected by people’s irresponsible attitude towards them, wasting clean water, and pollution on a daily basis....

Impact of Procrastination on Creativity

Creative people demonstrate skills such as perseverance, impulsiveness, and risk-taking that set them apart from ordinary people. Surprisingly, procrastination contributes to the creative process and works best when conducted to a medium degree rather than chronically waiting till the deadline. Medium procrastination is an effective tool for boosting creativity and...

Mobility and Economic Performance

Introduction In his paper entitled “Capital Mobility and Economic Performance: Are Emerging Economies Different?”, Edwards (2000) explores whether capital mobility influences different factors related to economic growth or not. His preliminary analysis focuses on arguing viewpoints of his colleagues that prove that capital mobility and the expansion of a country’s...

Biopsychology: Review

The work of the human body implies a significant complexity of the connections and interactions between its systems. It can be clearly seen in the endocrine and the central nervous system as they cooperate in the task of transferring hormones. However, not only the involvement of several parts can be...

Organizational Change: Benefits and Challenges

Introduction Organizational change has led to the improvement of a company’s performance at both local and international levels. Internationalization has not only boosted the overall performance of a accompany but has also provided various opportunities for members of an organization to retaliate. For an organization to increase its brand awareness,...

The Existence of Life on Venus and Mars

Introduction Earth is a unique planet in the Solar System as the only one known to support an active life. However, scientists are constantly in the search of other life in the universe. Other planets in our vicinity may offer clues, with Venus and Mars potentially once having supported life....

The Regulations of Ethical Research

Introduction The protection of participants when conducting research is one of the highest priorities of the academic and scientific community. For instance, the major regulations of human participants’ rights are regularly revisited based on the most recent research (Shrestha & Dunn, 2020). To ensure the ethical protection of the participant...

Written Language: Reading and Writing

The Reading Process The Five Stages of the Reading Process As per Reading 510 (n.d.), the five stages of the reading process are the following: Stage 1: Pre-Reading: This is the stage of students preparing to read a piece of text. The teacher is to explain to students why it...

Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction In a dynamic world catalyzed by the rapid advancement of technology, the use of social media is becoming a daily routine for a considerable number of users. Social networks have now become the mouthpieces of information, presenting individuals with the opportunity not only to communicate but also to receive...

Business Ethics of Concealing Facts in Report

The presented ethical issue revolves around Shari Lewis’s decision to edit a student’s report. This move has been made to conceal Laurentian Mining Limited’s capabilities and operations. The current situation indicates that the company has an ore body that is yet to be made public. Shari Lewis has removed the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mental Disorders: General Information

Mental Disorders Mental disorders are conditions that impact the behavior, moods and thinking of the patients. The disorders consequently affect daily routine practices in which individuals are engaged. Mental health for a long time has been ignored, with the focus set on physical conditions (Cherry, 2020). However, recently psychiatric illnesses...

Disciplinary Actions: Progressive and Positive

Managing a company is a challenging and demanding task that requires the employer and employees to perform their duties. However, in some instances, one of the sides underperforms and needs to be motivated. In most cases, it is a certain employee that does not satisfy the management’s needs, forcing the...

Workout Plan for Successful Fitness

Introduction The lower body muscles are divided into five categories, Quads, Hamstrings, Gluteals, Hip Flexor, and Calves. A good exercise plan would begin with a leg press with a set of about 10 15 repeats then followed by leg extension with three sets of the same repeats as the leg...

Pentangle in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

About fifty lines in the chivalric romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight take over the significant symbol, the Pentangle, displayed on the Gawain’s shield. Each knight had a different design or symbol placed on his shield, which made it possible to identify people in battle when helmets obscured their...

Organizational Culture in Starbucks

Introduction The organization of immense concern is Starbucks. This organization is an American multinational chain of roaster reserves and coffee houses. Its headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington. The time of observation was in 2019 when I was working there on a part-time basis. I worked with Starbucks between May...

Pros and Cons of Having Volunteers in a Law Enforcement Agency

A Law enforcement agency refers to a body mandate to detect, respond or prevent crime within either the local or state level. Law enforcement agencies like the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are federal agencies that work within and outside the nation. Recently, there...

Discussion: Identity and Catfishing

Identity is a broad concept representing a set of factors and properties that explain a certain form of human perception. Recently, particularly with the close introduction of information technologies into human life, the idea of ​​web identity is being discussed more and more often due to emerging ambiguities and nuances....

Rhetorical Appeals in Podcast “Serial” by Koenig

The rhetorical appeal is the use of literary devices that brings out the quality of the argument, and through it, an audience is persuaded to make a convincing argument about the story. In Serial, Sarah’s rhetorical appeal makes the audience question Adnan’s innocence concerning his girlfriend’s murder. Hae disappears one...

The Food Truck Business Models Development

Operating Model Value Chain: The key value chain of this startup will be to cook and sell brunch-type healthy food to the local office workers. Furthermore, alcoholic beverages will be sold in this food truck. The whole business will be operated by five people who prepare meals and take orders....

Advantages of Self-Expression Online for 15-20 Year Old Females

Introduction The 21st century is a computer-mediated period, and online contact has changed the lives of millions of people. People are more inclined to voice their worries about the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects of life online than they are to have a productive chat with friends in person....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Parthenon Marbles: Greek or British?

It is erroneous for Britain to continue reserving the Parthenon Marbles in London. From the historical records, it is evident that Britain acquired the marbles during the forceful occupation of the Ottoman Empire. Greece did not have an option to resist this acquisition even if it was done in a...

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are five behavior strategies in a conflict, such as withdrawal, coercion, compromise, concession, and cooperation. In my view, cooperation is the most effective strategy of behavior in a conflict. It implies opponents’ desire to the constructive discussion of the problem, paying attention to the...

Character Encoding Systems Analysis

Character Encoding System is a set of numerical values that are placed in a group of alphanumeric characters, punctuation characters, and special characters. In fact, encoding systems are equivalent to substitution cipher in which elements of coded information correspond to specific code symbols. However, it is incorrect to assume that...

Smartphone Market Statistics in the United States

A Smartphone is multi-purpose mobile phones which is smarter than a normal cell phone. There can also get additional features from Smartphone mobile other than phone calls total working structure software among PC-like functionality. Smart phones are truly PDAs (personal digital assistant) with color screens, audio capabilities, web browsers, or...

Issue of Stewardship in the Exploration of Christianity

Growing up in a Christian environment is very inspirational. Since early childhood, I was taught to always respect my elders, to be kind to everyone, and to treat people how I wanted them to treat me. Love, honor, and servitude to God were held above all as crucial values. As...

Mathematicians: Contributions to the Mathematics of Volume and Surface Area

Introduction Mathematics has been in existence since antiquity and has experienced immense development in scope and changes. Notable contributions in diverse areas of mathematics date back to the pre-historic times. Some of these works, owing to their proven soundness and credibility, continue to be used to date. This paper explores...

Advantages of Taxable Investments

The answer to the question might seem incomprehensible for a non-economist. Nevertheless, with the help of some research, even a person that has no academic competence can handle this issue. The methods needed for the solution are uncomplicated search and, for those that demand more evidence, calculations. Thus, every person...

Nigerian Luxury Fashion Stores in Dubai

Luxury fashion stores in Dubai are fashion hubs where customers can get affordable design items under one roof. There exist over 1000 luxurious shopping outlets that offer the same things to customers. Some of the most renowned luxury stores include Mall of Emirates, Brand for Less, MarkaVIP, The Luxury Closet,...

Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography

Blake, Christine, et al. “Elaborating the Science of Food Choice for Rapidly Changing Food Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.” Global Food Security, vol. 28, 2021. Researchers consider the interaction of changing the food environment to food choice. The authors of the article are members of the Department of Health Promotion,...

The Key to “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell

The Primary Message of the Story Susan Glaspell’s story, A Jury of Her Peers, explores a mysterious murder in Dickson County. The short story illustrates gender roles and their significance in the twentieth century, with Martha Hale as the lead character in the novel. The primary message communicated in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Multicultural Counseling

Introduction In his text Introduction to Point/Counterpoint, the author talks about multicultural counseling. He is convinced that the problem of communication between different cultures appeared primarily due to the demographic growth in the United States (Brown, 1990). He notes that this issue is the most relevant for American society today,...

Talking Traditions of Marriage

From a sociological point of view, discourse often works as a litmus for traditions and principles that a particular society is based on. As a result, any text written in the XXI century can be defined as a masculine or a feminine one and, therefore, informs the gender of the...

Racial Discrimination in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

In this story, Douglass narrates the experiences he had as a slave before escaping to New York. He was born in slavery and remembered the name of his mother as Harriet Bailey. At a very tender age, he was able to realize that he was different from his White peers....

Nanorobotics in Hospitals and Its Working Principle

Introduction Nanorobotics may be one of the most powerful technical solutions for hospital applications. The reason for the production of this proposal is the need to present it for the CCDP2100, Sections V, and Z term project. The purpose of this proposal is to introduce background information on the topic...

Market Value: Microsoft vs. Alphabet

Financial analysis in both investment and corporate finance fields is conducted primarily to analyze available data and monitor an organization’s performance. The quantitative method to assess the operational efficiency, liquidity, and profitability of the company is known as ratio analysis. In their turn, analysts compare ratios of a particular enterprise...

King Mycerinus and His Queen: Proposal

The sculpture King Mycerinus and His Queen is one of the oldest artworks of Egyptian culture, which dates back to around 2490-2472 B.C., about the same age as Giza’s pyramids. This artwork depicts two figures of King Mycerinus and his Queen, who froze in the move. I chose the sculpture...

How Kreon Is the Tragic Hero, Based on Aristotle’s Principles

Based on Aristotle’s principles, Kreon is the tragic hero in the story. Aristotle distinguishes between historical and poetical actions and the characters that accompany them. To Aristotle, a tragic hero is a person with easily identifiable characteristics depending on their age. Young tragic heroes “are ready to desire and carry...

Denver Airport Baggage System Project’s Failure

Causes of Failure at the Denver Airport Baggage Handling System The first crucial reason that led to the failure of the project is inadequate prior planning. At the core of the problem was the managers’ inability to assess the complexity of the task since the initiation of the work. In...

Phenacetin From Acetaminophen Using a Nucleophilic Attack Mechanism

Introduction This work aimed to obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen using a nucleophilic attack mechanism. Reflux, ice-bath cooling and heating, and vacuum filtration procedures were used to complete the synthesis. Melting point values were instrumentally measured for the final product, and TLC chromatography and IR and NMR spectroscopy were performed to...

Pain Management and Treatment

Defining Acute Pain: Acute pain can be defined as rapidly developing, reaching peak intensity, and subsiding quickly. Chronic Pain as a Persistent Condition: In contrast to acute pain, chronic pain persists after the acute pain has passed and may be better seen as a sickness (Cohen et al., 2021). Breakthrough Pain in...

Labor Economics: the Campaign of Obama

The Article in the New York Times On 31 August 2015 The New York Times published a rather controversial article by the title ‘As His Term Wanes, Obama Champions Workers’ Rights’. The story is an almost perfect example of labor economics, as it involves the employees of the labor services...

Friday the 13th Superstition and Consumer Behavior

How do superstitions regarding Friday the 13th affect human behavior? Data are given The number of shoppers in nine different super markets in southeast England is recorded on Friday the 13th and Friday the 6th between July 1990 and November 1992. The British department of transport is the source of...

Smart Phones: Promoting Communication

To my opinion, the basic model of interpersonal communication can be employed to facilitate the understanding of the influence of smartphone usage since the definition of basic interpersonal communication can apply to a smartphone conversation: it involves two or more individuals and reflects their roles and characters. In this case,...

Forensic Psychology for Police Recruitment and Screening

The quest for competitive and effective police officers led to the introduction of some measures to help in the recruitment of individuals. The measures involved use of psychological tests in police departments. Although most police departments tend to have enhanced usage of the psychological measures in employing police officers, majority...

Honesty and Fairness in Politics

Introduction Based on Niccolò Machiavelli’s concepts, one should judge that history is not an idyll and knows many examples of politicians’ unscrupulous, unreasonable behavior in terms of using brute force and disregard for moral and ethical norms. Nonetheless, it is relevant for any society to assert that truthfulness in politics...

President Jackson and Actions Against Natives

Introduction Andrew Jackson, like any other American president and patriot of his nation, wanted to change his country for the better. This desire was the reason for several significant reforms, including the adoption of the Indian Removal Act. 1 The forced relocation of people was a controversial decision; however, Jackson...

COVID-19: Prevention Strategies

While Covid-19 is spreading around the world, authorities and healthcare professionals are trying to avoid a sharp increase in the number of cases. For this reason, as the experts say, flattening the curve is vital to avoid overloading the healthcare system and reduce mortality. The attempts to control the spread...

The concept of will to power in Nietzsche’s Philosophy

The concept of will to power is central to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, the will to power is an integral part of all life phenomena, which cannot be squeezed into the framework of a philosophical category since it is broader than any category. According to the...

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Comparison

Introduction The ability to communicate with each other is a rather beneficial skill. However, it is essential to remember that there are several different types of communication, and one should be aware of the social functions of each and develop various social skills. The purpose of this paper is to...

Globalization and Its Scale in the World

In his speech for TEDGlobal 2012, Pankaj Ghemawat addresses globalization and its real scope and impact on the whole world. He mentions two opposite perspectives of this phenomenon, and the first one is pro-globalizers. Supported by media and multiple surveys and reflected in the book “The world is flat” by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Sustainability and Ecological Risks

One of the most dangerous environmental threats is global warming, resulting in melting glaciers and thinning sea ice. It is potentially dangerous for flora and fauna in Artic. Many animals, birds, and plants have become extinct because of the changes in temperature. The causes of any temperature changes may be...

Navajo Culture and Traditions: National Geographic

The subject or general topic of the forthcoming and planned final research project is the Navajo culture and traditions. To be more specific, the paper will cover such sub-topics as history, culture, lifestyle, religion, rituals, traditional practices, and the geography of residence of the Navajo people. Moreover, the project will...

The Aeneid, the Iliad and the Odyssey Literature Comparison

The Aeneid is an epic poem written by Virgil. This work narrates the story of Augustus by using the character, Aeneas. The Aeneid is related to Greece and Rome, as the story begins in Troy and ends in Rome. The principal aim of the work is to appreciate the achievements...

Marketing and Advertising in Online Communities

Communities are areas online where consumers who share interests gather and interact. Several virtual areas function as a community through discussion lists, chat rooms, and message boards. The unique properties of online communities offer marketers several opportunities to reach their customers in ways that never existed before. Amazon website community...

The Politics of Health and Care: Reforms Timeline

Timeline Analysis Political climate has a high impact on healthcare. The first events included in the timeline, the enactment of NMHA and HBA, took place a few months after the end of the Second World War. Both decisions were implemented during the presidency of Truman, the Democrat. The goal of...

Managing Organizational Change in Boeing

Organisational Change is vital for the success of any firm. Organisational change involves the repositioning of processes and systems of an organisation (Business definition for Organizational change 2009). Change at Boeing This case revolves around Boeing which is an airlines company. The company is going through a crisis because of...

A Soldier’s Report Information

Soldiers are supposed to be disciplined people. This discipline comes from the uniform they wear, the food they eat, the exercises they do and is further reinforced in their need to obey orders. An undisciplined soldier can harm both himself and his fellow soldiers. Unfortunately, this very discipline is missing...

Ontario After ‘Disturbing’ Spike in COVID-19 Infections

People start to return to normal after the spread of coronavirus, but the reality shows that the new stay-at-home measures may affect millions of lives again. Davidson revealed the government’s plans to establish the COVID-19 lockdown again. This review includes outcomes of the safety measures and the problems that will...

Discussing the Family in Joe the King

Multiple systems recognition is essential for a proper understanding of any given situation. The movie Joe the King is an exceptional example of the interaction between the biological, psychological, and societal spheres of life. This work’s characters suffer from a diverse number of issues, which will be discussed in this...

Beijing Looks for Answers to Air Pollution

Summary A campaign against air pollution was launched in China in 1998. The objective was to better the air quality of one of the largest and most influential, and constantly increasing cities. Nevertheless, Beijing appeared to be fighting the battle after twenty years, and substantial advances in air quality have...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Critical Perspective

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a relatively common condition affecting individuals who have experienced severe trauma. According to researchers, PTSD correlates with the individual’s repeated recollection and reliving of traumatic events that have affected mental well-being (Carmassi et al., 2020). Thus, an individual has flashbacks, dreams, and thoughts correlating with...

Perception of Random Nature of iPod Shuffle Feature

Music plays an essential role in many people’s lives. Plenty of people enjoy listening to music while doing chores, going on walks, and exercising. Some of them do not want the predictability of knowing what song comes next, which is why the iPod’s shuffle feature is such a convenience. It...

Health Care Reform Article by Shue et al.

The Objective of the Study The main objective of the research work was the study of Healthcare Reform and public attitudes and the influence of various information sources on it. The importance of this process is due to the fact that “perceptions about the act could potentially affect the implementation...

Yas Entertainment Island’s Strategic Group Map

Executive Summary Overview Two primary principles encourage the creation of Yas Entertainment Island in Abu Dhabi. On the external level, the intention is to create a wide selection of leisure attractions to put Abu Dhabi at the same level as other global tourist attractions. On the internal level, the creation...

Trade Openness and Economic Growth’s Relationship

Introduction In the paper called “The Relationship Between Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Some New Insights on the Openness Measurement Issue” Hutchet-Bourdon, Le Mouël, and Vijil (2011) discover aspects of measuring trade openness and its impact on economic growth. The review of the existing literature reveals the lack of a...

Leadership Theory and Practice Mandela

Leadership is a vital aspect of running organizations. Failure in leadership results in many undesirable situations in organizations. The article from the times magazine seeks to analyze some personal characteristics that contribute to leadership through one of the most popular political leaders globally. Some of the characteristics portrayed by the...

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Film: Why to Watch?

Getting the Attention The thrilling nature of Star Wars: The Force Awakens expresses some of the artistic prowess displayed by the writer Jay Abrahams and producer Kathleen Kennedy. Though the movie is based on science fiction, one gets fascinated by the extraordinary application of themes featuring the Galactic Civil wars...

Inspiration by Robert Frost’s Poetry

Introduction Inspiration is a normal process in art creation, moreover, one can argue that all art pieces were created as a result of the artist being inspired by other works or by the world around them. The inspiration for the poem “Autumn” was a poem by Robert Frost titled “Nothing...

Nursing Practicum and Experience Gained From It

During the nursing practicum, I had the opportunity to develop and improve my skills and explore theories and practice models in the health field. I was able to assess my progress, reflect on setbacks and changes during the practicum experience, which was important in implementing my practicum learning agreement (PLA)....

A Decision to Attend Commonwealth Games

Introduction I have always been a great fan of the commonwealth games. I have always watched them on television, and this year I plan to attend them. This year, the commonwealth games hit the 22nd time since they were launched and were being held in Birmingham, England, starting from July...