Anemia Case: Types and Diagnosis

Introduction This case describes the medical condition of a 26-year-old woman. She has recently begun to suffer breathlessness, the lack of energy, and depressing thoughts. The symptoms got much worse during menstruation. While the patient was playing golf in a mountainous area, she felt slightly faint. She was taken to...

Challenges of Transgender Patients

Nowadays, people are free to make their own choices and follow the ways they find appropriate and interesting to them. Many choices and styles of life are easy to recognize and accept. Still, even regarding the progress a modern society has already achieved, not all people are ready to accept...

“Communication Mosaics” a Book by Julia Wood

Groupthink Concept As discussed by Julia Wood in the book, Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication, groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon happening within a cluster of persons under which the aspiration for conventionality within this cluster results in a biased outcome in the decisions made. The...

Talents Development: Steps and Approaches

Why Needs Assessment? If an organization focuses on developing its talents, the first step should be a needs assessment because it is necessary to know what problems exist in the employees’ performance or their cooperation. From this point, the key reason to conduct the needs assessment is the necessity to...

African Americans: Health Related Issues Identification

Health-Related Issues African Americans are the chosen population for the analysis. There are many health-related issues that can be relevant to this group of people. Some of the issues are chronic health problems caused by poor living conditions, the lack of insurance coverage, and disabilities (Mandal, Scott, Islam, & Mandal,...

The United Nations’ Digital Media Connection

The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of international open-minded society. The organization tries to provide the most authoritative information for the representatives of the general public to understand what changes are currently needed and why. Thus, it...

Justice and Happiness in Plato’s “Republic”

Plato’s Republic focuses on the discussion of the meaning of justice and explores a connection between the just man and his happiness providing evidence that supports the notion that inability to do “one’s own business” disrupts a person’s capacity to maintain “the unity of their souls” thereby breaking the link...

High-Dose Cytarabine Neurological Assessment Tool

Introduction The use of high doses of Cytarabine (HD araC) is associated with neurological changes that can result in long-term complications. According to Dantoni (2013), the incidence of neurotoxicity in patients undergoing chemotherapy with HD araC is 7 percent to 28 percent. The aim of this paper is to discuss...

Scientific Evidence and Clinical Practice

In his article entitled “Closing the Time Lag between Evidence and Clinical Practice”, Thomas Sharon (2015) pointed out that there exists a lag between the time when scientific evidence is reported and its practical implementation in clinical settings; and this time lag is as long as 17 years. This issue...

The Lipid Panel and Its Four Parts

The human body contains varying amounts of different types of cholesterol that circulate in the blood. Carrying out a lipid profile helps clinicians to determine the amounts of every type of cholesterol in the blood, which is a significant step towards understanding the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Islamic Culture and Perception in the USA

Introduction Islam is one of the most dominant religions in North America and the world at large. Furthermore, this religion is the fastest-growing denomination in the world even though it is subject to various controversies around the world (McDonnell, 2015). The American media has played a significant role in portraying...

Affordable Care Act and Related Ethical Conflicts

Every major reform has its strengths and weaknesses, particularly when it comes to health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare or Trumpcare, was first initiated in 2012. Even though the Act was aimed at improving access to health care for underprivileged populations, it raised several ethical...

The Quality Assurance Process at Sikorsky Aircraft

Introduction Working at the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation as the Quality Assurance Representative, one has to make sure that the customers’ needs are addressed exactly and that every demand is met. The requirements are based not only on the necessity to maintain customer satisfaction rates high but also to facilitate the...

Patient Safety Standards and Medication Errors Policy

Over the last decades, quality and safety within healthcare delivery have risen to become major concerns in health policy and research. Medical errors remain the primary cause of injuries, and the relations between nurse staffing and quality outcomes have been highlighted by several studies (World Health Organization, 2016; Waring et...

Community Health Assessment: Plan and Integration

Effects of Improper Planning of Community Health Assessment According to Selig (1975), the process of developing a community health plan should involve five main steps that include value orientation, problem identification, goal setting, goal-measuring, program planning, program implementation, program assessment, and feedback. Improper planning could have significant implications in the...

Nursing Philosophy: Personal Nursing Beliefs

Definition of Nursing My nursing philosophy focuses on the best processes to maximize the health outcomes of every targeted patient. That being the case, nursing is defined as an integral aspect of a health delivery system that provides evidence-based, culturally competent, timely, and adequate care to clients with diverse needs...

Myths of Policing: Police Work’ Expectation

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Situational Leadership: Main Aspects

Introduction Situational leadership is an adaptive style of leadership that allows managers to make decisions based on what the organization needs in particular circumstances. According to the leadership theorist Ken Blanchard, “in the past, a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders can no longer lead solely based on positional power”...

Transformational Leadership and Patient-Centered Care

Nursing leadership is marked by a range of theories, models, and frameworks that are beneficial in planning, designing, and implementing changes. Based on my current nursing practice, it seems that the transformational leadership theory and patient-centered care as an organizational behavior theory should be discussed. In particular, I work for...

Hawaiian Electric Industries: Employment Opportunities

Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. is the largest electricity supplier in the state. The company employs thousands of workers and serves the local community by providing employment opportunities and the sustainable energy needed to foster the islands’ growth and welfare. We strongly support H.B. No. 1727, Relating to Labor, which aims...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Explosion at Concept Sciences Inc. Facility

One should perfectly realize the fact that the industrial advance we have today is a two-edged sword that could be very useful and dangerous at the same time. The fact is that the tendency towards the increased complexity of manufacturing processes and the use of hazardous materials to produce a...

Sport in Canada: Progress and Achievements

Every country has its favorite sports which are a part of the popular culture and help perceive the society values (Nimijean 1). In Canada, the central place has always been occupied by hockey. However, the latest tendency shows that people start getting much more interested in basketball. While some people...

Cyberlux Corporation’s Report for Shareholders

Dear Fellow Cyberlux Shareholders, Cyberlux Corporation thanks you all for trusting in our company as investors. We are pleased to keep all of you informed on the progression of the company and plans laid down for next year. To start with the already guaranteed contracts require confidential agreements that do...

Picasso Black and White Exhibition in Guggenheim Museum

Having visited the Picasso Black and White exhibition in the Guggenheim Museum in New York, I understood how the architecture of a building may affect the perception of the pieces of art. To begin with, I would like to say that the Guggenheim Museum in New York is a modern...

Mobile Collaboration and Social Capital’s Role

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays mobile technologies play a very important role in the life and functioning of our society. Giving a lot of undeniable advantages and freedom to move and be supported with data, these devices, however, can be taken as a threat to peoples...

College Education: To Do More, To Be More

Many people understand the value of college education as a means of getting an economic payoff in the future. It is easier for college graduates to find work, and they usually earn more than those without a diploma. Although there is a grain of truth in it, and an economic...

Library Structure and Workflow

Description of a library Main ideas Specific information Meaning of library Collection of sources of information The physical appearance of a library A fenced story building with beautiful flowers around it. Reading area It is cool with minimal movements. There were two main sections, i.e. for private and group studies....

The UAE and India: Comparison and Contrast

The United Arab Emirates and India both have a prominent influence in the Asian region. Due to the historic relations, more than two million of workers from India live now in the Gulf state. Both countries are marked by clear stratification of society. The people of the UAE and India...

Annoying and Obnoxious Person’ Description

There is a sort of people who are unable to make decisions and who have gotten used to relying on other people any time they face problems. They are reluctant to look at the problem from a different angle and think over possible solutions. I have met such people many...

Federalism and the Making of America

The discussion topic In this book, the author has embarked on a historical expedition of the development of federalism in America’s political development. In his book, he has focused on the history of federalism which he says has evolved throughout America’s history (Robertson 2011, 29). In his argument, he asserts...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Issue of Misjudgment

Introduction Working in the setting of any organization means being exposed to the threat of making a mistake based on the human factor (Mitroff & Denton, 2013). Whenever several people of different tempers and visions work together, they are bound to make communication mistakes sooner or later. As a result,...

Adolescent Experience in Different Interpretations

Brief Description of the Experience Parents always interfere with the life of adolescents as they worry about their children, however, adolescence is a complicated period when it is important to maintain trust in the relationships. Trying to act in the interests of their children, parents usually make relationships more complicated...

Second Amendment and Its Practical Implications

Conducting a research is a challenging experience. As I am involved in the research project, I have discovered several peculiarities about the process and myself as a researcher. There are some lessons I have learned during the last few weeks and I would like to share my new knowledge with...

Employment Program for Non-Native English Speakers

Abstract Accessibility is one of the most important aspects of any program. Therefore, possible language and cultural gaps have to be taken into account while developing an action plan. The present program takes place in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, and participants have a different level of proficiency in English. The...

Congestion in Urban Setting Public Infrastructure

Introduction Congestion is the state of overcrowding in a street or other area, making movement slow or difficult. Urban setting is the structure of an urban city that may or may not effectively use its facilities, depending on the strategies laid down by its planners. Public infrastructure is a general...

Modern Technology and Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction: Technology and Children The 21st century has been marked by a rapid and ubiquitous surge of technological advances in nearly every domain of people’s lives. Modern technology, particularly, digital tools that contribute to improved data processing, has been in existence for more than a decade, thus, shaping children that...

Media Shapes History: Gay Liberation Movement

By the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the portrayal of gay and queer folk in the US had vastly improved. This, in turn, had a positive effect on the Gay Liberation Movement. One defining event that changed the perception of homosexuality and gay rights was the Stonewall riots. The...

Elderly Nutritional and Medical Rights

Introduction Pestinika and his wife were generous people who offered help to an elderly person in need of better nutrition and health care. They were free to do so and agreed verbally to offer their help. They received payment from the government to take care of the patient who had...

Exploring the Concept of the Organizational Change

Change is an essential part of any organization. Without progress, a company is doomed to a failure since it is crucial to adjust to the ever-changing requirements of quality, as well as learning to meet the new needs of the target population (Judge, 2013). Therefore, learning to promote organizational change...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implementing Change Despite Resistance

In order to improve the condition of those patients who suffer from pressure ulcers, healthcare systems should consider the necessity to change the way they provide care to those individuals who are at risk of having this issue. Moreover, treatment options should be improved. In particular, enhancement is expected from...

Secrets of the Dead: The Real Trojan Horse Episode

The story of the Trojan Horse has become much more than a legend. The phrase is used metaphorically to mean deceit, guile, and trickery. As depicted by Homer in Odyssey, the Trojan Horse was the last resort of Greeks who had tried everything else to enter the formidable castle of...

“Memphis” Musical Theatre Production

The musical “Memphis” is a story depicting a disc-jockey (DJ ) who preferred music that was associated with the African-Americans, and thus his vision was unpopular among other DJs or radio producers. The central theme of this plot and the idea for this story is based on the real-life story...

“Warcraft” the Movie by Duncan Jones

The given essay will review the movie Warcraft by outlining its pros and cons. Warcraft is an adventure fantasy film set in the fictional universe of Warcraft, presented in the eponymous series of computer games and books. The developers of the Blizzard Entertainment series first announced the creation of the...

Political Socialization in a Global World

Today we are all living in a challenging but interesting time. For many of us, the world began in 1988, with the invention of the Internet. Since then, much has changed, not to mention the Windows interface and the presentation of the first iPhone in 2012. This paper aims to...

How Did the Mongol Empire Impact Eurasia?

One of the most remarkable points about the Mongol Empire was its hostility that allowed them to become a foreign ruling class for many other nations. All the destruction that the Mongols caused on Eurasia seemed to be a planned series of activities that should not have promoted death and...

Tabooed Actions and Social Sanctions in “Oedipus Tyrannus” by Sophocles and Shaffer’s “Equus”

Introduction Both Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles and Equus by Shaffer cover tabooed and socially unacceptable behaviors, but while the Greek drama stresses punishment for breaking societal conventions, the contemporary one struggles with the impossibility of helping the perpetrator to correct his ways. Main body The crimes committed by the titular...

Community Nursing: Miami, Florida, as an Aggregate

Introduction As the aggregate considered, Miami, Florida is taken as one of the interesting and attractive counties of the state. The study has made it possible to identify the main features that are typical for this district and find statistical data that are valuable parameters for the healthcare sector. The...

Nursing Accountability and Ownership Promotion

Professional accountability is a critical aspect of the nursing field, serving as a driving factor for improving patient outcomes. This paper will summarize and analyze an article by Sherman and Cohn (2019) on nursing accountability. The information taken from the content of this article will be used to discuss how...

Preventing Occupational Respiratory Disease

Information Pertinent to the Client’s Case The patient in the case under consideration suffers from a respiratory disease that occurs several times during the year. Also, there is no evident connection to season change. The patient does not confirm the major cause of respiratory disease, which is tobacco consumption, because...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU

The video under consideration highlights several technological advances that can be used in the ICU setting. The described systems are designed to address some of the most burning issues in nursing practice (Intelligent Hospital TV, 2014). Such areas as patient safety, privacy, as well as information management are put to...

Senate Bill 5: Change Penalties for Promoting Prostitution

The state of Ohio banned prostitution or the exchange of sex for money. However, it is evident that these cases occur regardless, and thus, policymakers aim at improving the current laws to ensure that fewer cases of prostitution and human trafficking occur in the state. Additionally, the topic of prostitution...

Cooperation as Nursing Complex System

Complex adaptive systems are regarded as the systems in which the parts ad processes are not interdependent. In other words, the understanding of individual components does not automatically implicate the understanding of the whole system’s processes and behavior. The majority of people have realized or unperceived experience in complex adaptive...

Strategic Importance of Forecasting

Introduction Forecasting refers to the method of being able to predict what is going to happen in the future, and in business, the future is narrowly defined by the existing economic conditions. When organizations want to develop a forecast associated with their immediate performance, they collect data on previous experiences...

Blockchain and Other Artificial Intelligence Systems

The recent years the importance of technologies has been increasing, and their role in various spheres of human activity becomes more and more significant. At the same time, artificial intelligence systems, as one of the methods to increase performance and achieve better results in accomplishing multiple tasks, have also become...

Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention

In the United States, breast cancer takes the leading position in female mortality from cancer. With age, the incidence of this disease tends to increase significantly. The occurrence of breast cancer also depends on genetic factors, radiation treatment, and the start of period before the age of 12. This paper...

Family Check-Up for Adolescents With Substance Use Disorder

The lack of proper parenting is one of the key premises that contribute to the initiation and substance use disorder (SUD) development in adolescents. In families where communication between parents and their children is poor, substance abuse is likely to be unnoticed and uncontrolled extensively. In this connection, a family...

Car Emissions and Global Warming

Introduction Personal and commercial vehicles that people drive every day represent a significant cause for many environmental problems, including global warming. Together, cars and trucks make up around a fifth of all emissions in the US only, emitting up to 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases Transportation,...

Historical Evidence in the Renaissance Italy Film

The Renaissance was the period that gave the world a profound number of significant discoveries and innovations. The areas of art, literature, music, architecture, and science were brought to a new level by the outstanding figures who lived and created in that era. The movie Renaissance Italy offers an overview...

Animated Cartoons: Term Definition and History

Although it is widely believed by many art historians, that animated cartoons appeared only in the twentieth century, it should be mentioned that even two thousand years ago people succeeded in creating moving pictures. Certainly, the advent of animated cartoon is closely connected with the arrival of cinematography. Animation, being...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by John Milton which discloses the well-known biblical story of Adam and Eve. This book was originally written in 1667 in 10 books. There were a lot of authors who created their works based on this masterpiece and they reflected their vision of...

Astronomy. Life of a Star in the Sky

Introduction If one was to consider a star that shines ever so brightly in the sky, it is quite ironic to see that the center of many fairy tales is actually nothing more than a ball of plasma that is held together because of its own gravity and is luminous...

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Self-actualization is the topmost need in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It can be achieved through self-exploration and action. This need manifests itself when lower-level needs have been satisfied. What can you really control? You can control yourself. To achieve this, there is a need to learn how to manage...

Roles of Individuals in Curriculum Development

Introduction Curriculum development is an important process requires the participation of all the stakeholders. Individuals participate in curriculum development in their capacity as stakeholders and they should have their functions clearly defined. Teachers According to Haladyna, & Thomas (1979) The teachers should be in charge of collecting current information that...

Resolving Business Conflicts: Negotiation Strategies

Introduction Negotiation is bargain or discussion about particular deal or issue to be resolved. Two or more parties are involved in negotiations. It’s an exchange of series of ideas and offers between two (or more) people or groups (Kumar, 2005). Different types of negotiation strategies are employed for different problems...

Reviews on Gender Articles

When searching the required articles, I followed the necessary requirements. The first article called New Brooms They Say Clean’: Women’s Political Activism on the Ballarat Goldfields, 1854 is a scholarly and peer-reviewed article, as it contains the necessary credentials, namely the information about the author, the author’s Ph.D., and the...

Microsoft Press and O’Reilly Media Strategic Alliance

A recent strategic alliance was made between Microsoft Press and O’Reilly Media. The example of this alliance shows that media companies use strategic alliances as one of the main tactics to compete in the global media market. Need to collaborate caused by changes occurring in the social, economic, and political...

Graham Allison’s Rational Actor Model

In writing Essence of decision making, Allison had the notion that rational expectation theories from economics had been borrowed largely by fields of political science and international relations. He assumed that states, after considering all they had, acted rationally to maximize their usefulness. In this, he proposed that analysts must...

Strategic Management and Strategic Planning Roles in Business Development

Introduction Starting any business project, one should be aware of the specificity of the business world, its rules and laws, and its peculiarities. Knowing beforehand, what will happen to your business, how it will develop, and what challenges it might face are all the tasks for a business person that...

Philippe Starck. Designer’s Interview and Response

Philip Patrick Starck is, probably, one of the best of the best designers known for his mastership in patterning and reshaping everything, from a toothbrush to a spaceship. In this respect the interview given by Philip Stark to the Die Zeit newspaper catches an eye of a mature observer. The...

Dell and Wal-Mart: Supply Chain Optimization and Outsourcing

According to Mentzer, supply chain management is the follow-up process that an organization has regarding the production to the marketing of a product or service (Mentzer 2001). This process revolves around the transformation, movement, and storage of inputs and outputs in the production process. The overall aim of supply chain...

Process Centered Concept in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In any organization, there must be a laid down approach to integrate and bring together people, information and technology for the organization to satisfy its roles and maximize its output. Healthcare organizations have played a very positive role in the lives of many people in the world. The managers...

The Berlin Wall and Importance of Its Fall

Introduction The Berlin wall was a physical barrier that was constructed by Germany in 1961. The wall was located between West Berlin and East Germany and was a symbolic boundary between the communist and the democratic. As a result, it hindered the immigration of people into West Berlin which was...

Dichotomy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem

The dichotomy is the division of opinions that are contradicting in their meanings and application. The poem sir Gawain and the Green Knight is about testing the morals that people uphold. The poem revolves around Gawain and the Green Knight. The Green Knight is the challenger who puts sir Gawain...

Sports Stadia, Sporting Events and Urban Development

A research conducted by Maennig and Plessis (2009) evaluated how infrastructural projects trigger positive changes in development as a result of the upcoming major sporting events. They inquired whether such effects were driven towards attaining urban development through assessing a project in Durban. Therefore, these researchers identified whether the due...

Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient...

Creating a Healthy Work Environment: Employee Benefits Brochure

The professional recruitment brochure has been designed for newly licensed nurses, nurses changing specialties, and nurses who decided to change their organizations. It dwells on the governance principles, the leadership model expected from all nurses, and describes procedures for creating a healthy work environment built on trust and mutual accountability...

Collaborative Bandwidth: Creating Better Virtual Meetings

A collaborative association between members of various groups has been facing a barrier brought about by the long distances hindering engagement. In this light, members are not able to hold virtual meetings effectively. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the collaborative bandwidth concept by availing the ways of...

Legal Insanity in Criminology

A 45-year-old man has been referred to my facility by a judge. I have been asked to assess if the client satisfies the definition of legal insanity. The suspect was arrested for an attempted bank robbery. After analyzing his medical records, I realized that he had a history of schizophrenia....

The Council of Fashion Designers of America

The Council of Fashion Designers of America is non-profit organization of the most successful and the most talented fashion and accessory designers in the United States. This organization was founded in 19621, and since that day it was one of the most influential establishments in the world of American fashion...

Public and Private Sector in Management

Introduction There is a difference between public and private management. This paper will look at the differences between these two sectors of management. Public and private organizations have been seen from different perspectives, which vary from one person to another. This is a subject that has been there from time...

“Raped at 8 and Forced to Wed at 11…” Review

The article’s narration touches on a very emotive issue in society, which I thought does not happen in Florida. It amazes me to learn that Sherry Johnson was sexually abused when was below ten, and impregnated and married off at 11. Her mother did not protect her when she required...

Change of Family Standards in the 21st Century

If I were a sociologist, I would devote my scientific career to the study of modern family relationships. In our time, rapid changes are taking place in all spheres of human life. This applies to science, art, technology, communication, and, undoubtedly, building family relationships. Some consider the accelerating pace of...

Dr. Jones: Case Study Analysis

A situation in the case study demonstrates the facts that are in favor of Dr. Jones. First, Dr. Jones was not on shift and was resting with his family when the hospital needed help with urgent patients. At the same time, the hospital was paying members of a competing group...

The Decision on the Gazebo’s Layout

The first critical component of the decision is the time that will be necessary to construct the gazebo. The author will use the precedence diagramming method, as described by Dionisio (2018), to map out the process. The plan provided by the California Redwood Association (n.d.) features the steps of deciding...

The American Promise: History

Introduction The American comprehension of liberty has become the guiding light for the majority of countries. Thousands of people from all over the world come to the United States every year, hoping to pursue a better future for themselves and their families. However, Americans have come a long way to...

Big Data and New Marketing Research Techniques

Introduction Marketing research always involves analysing a large amount of information because it should address a number of significant factors, including product characteristics, market conditions, and consumer behaviour. New methods of collecting and processing data enable more efficient design and verification of research hypotheses. According to Constantiou and Kallinikos (2015),...

Opening a Bank Branch in Lithuania

Introduction The right place for opening a regional bank overseas in order to serve those businesses that are expanding internationally would be Lithuania. The main reason for choosing this country is that Lithuania is the financial technology center in Europe. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the bank to establish...

Universal Qualities of Freedom

Freedom is the power to act, think, or speak as one wants. One universal quality of liberty is the ability to change without any constraint. Freedom allows people to make different decisions in their lives without facing any consequences. The short stories “The Bet,” “The Feather Pillow,” “Story of an...

The Financial Crisis and Its Connection With Globalization

Discussion The audio files suggested for listening and analyzing enlarge on the problem of financial crisis. Here, it is possible to see the apparent link between the financial crisis and globalization upon their closer consideration. In particular, the first audio file titled as Another Frightening Show about the Economy presents...

Multiple Chronic Illnesses Analysis

The claim that multiple chronic conditions (MCC) cannot be addressed in current disease activities means that the current health system is not built to cater to such conditions. According to Wallace et al. (2012), the contemporary health system “was built around an episode-of-care model since the days of family doctors...

Coronavirus vs. the Great Depression for Economy

Also known as COVID-19, coronavirus has significantly changed the whole world. Political, economic, social, and health care spheres witness essential adverse effects, while both developed and developing nations suffer from the pandemic. This state of affairs demonstrates that it will take much time and effort to recover from this situation....

Globalization in Anthropological Perspective

The end of the 20th century resulted in various global protests and ideologies due to the insecurities associated with the changing world. These developments could be studied and understood using the concept of political construction of hopelessness. Brown et al. (2020) identify the term as the use of frustration, violence,...

Unilateral Contracts: The IBM and Niels Jensen Case

The example of the business case concerning IBM and Niels Jensen is a controversial one. There was a brochure – a written proof of the work proposal and a conducted deal. What is more, a quota letter can help during the case investigation. The case deals with unilateral contracts –...

Power, Influence, and Communications Within a Military Setting

Introduction For any leader, it is vital to establish a connection with his or her subordinates in order to achieve a desirable result. There are five primary types of power that can be exercised to gain influence over others and successfully reach an objective, they include coercive, reward, legitimate, expert,...

Evidence-Based Practice, Paradigms, and Theories in Nursing

Introduction Like any science, nursing is based on a set of paradigms and theories that validate and guide the research efforts undertaken within the nursing field and practice implications for better patient outcomes. Scientific Paradigms of Nursing Science Nursing is an emerging science that evolves according to the theoretical and...

The Slave Community on the Plantation

Self-expression of slaves Slavery left the North and began to be used exclusively in the South after 1790 when extensive industrial development was ongoing in the Southern colonies. These slaves endured hard existence on the plantations since growing sugar was not an easy task. The slaves consisted of children, men,...

Mass Incarceration and Racial Discrimination

To draw a parallel between the alleged racial discrimination and mass incarceration, it may be important to examine the concept of symbolic interactionism and explain why labeling and prejudice affect the US criminal justice system in a major way. The theoretical perspective offered by symbolic interactionism suggests that there are...

Launching Bendable iPhone

Apple is one of the most successful tech companies that are known for their innovative solutions in the field of customer electronics and computer software. The mission of Apple is to provide the best user experience by offering innovative software, hardware, and services (Rowland). The goals of this company are...

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: Aspect of Care

Examining cases from different areas of medicine is a rewarding and beneficial practice for healthcare professionals of all levels. Particularly, Operating Department Practitioners (ODP) should reflect on and review practice as required by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standard 11 of proficiency. It allows us as future practitioners...

Contribution of Media Manipulation in Communicating Issues with Special Interests

Information is an integral element required for comprehensive communication and accurate interpretation of messages. The video presented has been useful in understanding the intent of circulating different media content (Attkisson). It notes that most online advertisements intend to dictate human behavior in the consumption of commodities. Developing inaccurate information and...

The Effect of Hyperinflation

The article defines hyperinflation as an economic issue associated with a sudden increase in the prices of goods and services, causing pressure to the national budget. The author mentions some factors that lead to this phenomenon, including wars and post-war crisis, the collapse of export markets, and sociopolitical disturbances, among...

Evaluation of Monitoring Potential of Walmart’s Board of Directors

Summary The principal responsibility of the board of directors is to oversee the execution of strategies, plans, and activities performed by a company’s management. There are various areas that can be considered for evaluating the monitoring effectiveness of the board of directors. This paper evaluates the monitoring potential of Walmart’s...

How PayPal Works: Guide for Users

PayPal, an online money transfer service established in 1998, has since become the primary form of money transfers, overtaking the traditional system of money orders and checks. With a total income of $7.9 billion, the service allows users to deposit, withdraw, and transfer funds with 26 different currencies globally. Peter...

The Story of José Martí

Hispanic communities inhabited Florida before English was promoted as the primary language, and the area became one of the 50 states of the country. Individuals that arrived from various regions of Latin America formed neighborhoods, and for the first several decades, they had remained isolated from each other both in...

Body Found in Ravine at Local Lumber Camp

A body was found in the ravine outside the lumber camp in Nanaimo on the morning of 2nd July 1966. Matthew Gardner, a lumberjack, discovered the body at around 7 AM while going to work. The police were called to the scene and initiated an investigation. The body was identified...

The Implementation of Different Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The assessment of strategies is very important due to the opportunity to share the experience on the implementation of different complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Besides, teamwork facilitates the process of sharing information and experience as well as introduces empowerment and challenge as integral elements of collaboration (Gardner, 2005)....

Anorexia Among Young Adults and Family Treatment

Dietary issues are characterized by the change in behavior, physique, and mental state. People tend to think that it is normal if a high school student decides to consume fewer carbs due to body disappointment. Nonetheless, continuous unhealthy dieting can transform into a habit which demonstrates a hazardous eating issue....

Physical Diagnosis and Solving Problems

The ability to solve problems is of great importance to human beings. When a human being is born, he/she is taken through a comprehensive training to enable him/her to solve problems. The ability to solve problems can be of benefit to individuals, the community, or an administration unit. Various people...

Fast-Food Industry’s Influences on Children

The growth of restaurant chains offering fast food is not a new trend in the United States. The thoughtless consumption of junk food by common Americans and giant corporations’ marketing efforts are widely criticized by activists and researchers. The potential problems associated with the industry’s influences on children include aggressive...

Negligence and Legal Essentials of Health Care Regulation

Evidence of Negligence Negligence refers to the failure of health care professionals to exercise the duty of care due to their patients. Negligence comes in when the health care professionals do not take the necessary actions in a given situation as demanded by their career. In a court of law,...

Environmental Health Status of Population

Environment plays a central role in the health status of a population because it comprises determinants of health that interacts in a complex manner. Owing to the complex interactions of the determinants of health, environmental assessment is necessary to establish major determinants of health that have significant influence on the...

Patient Health Care Outcome

Many changes have been introduced in the industry of health care over the recent past. Most of these changes aim at reducing expenditures in health care. This leads to a reduction in the quality of services offered such that the health care consumers may be worse off even with the...

The Dream Act: Sociall, Economic and Moral Benefits to Americans

Introduction Each year, many immigrants flock to the United States in search of greener pasture. The porous border, especially through Mexico, makes it easy for immigrants to penetrate and move further Southwards in the hope of getting a better life. To check against their influx, America has tightened border security...

Reconstruction of the South and Racial Oppressions

There is a number of historical events that had a significant effect on a country or the whole world, and unfortunately, not all of them were positive. Reconstruction of the South that lasted from 1865 to 1877 was the period following the American Civil War. These twelve challenging but extremely...

Universal Determination of Death Act (UDDA)

Introduction The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) is a draft state law provides a definition of death mainly for application in situations that require legal intervention (Holland, 2013). The Act was drafted in 1981 and offers explanations for when a person can be legally considered dead. According to the...

“Outgrowing Juvenile Justice” by Michael Jonas

The problem of juvenile justice became a real problem for society. The young generation became very hostile, cruel, severe, and inhuman. More and more crimes are committed by juveniles for the last 10 – 15 years. The reasons for the crimes are different but the consequence is common – court...

Anti-diabetic Medications Overview

Diabetes is a group of diseases that make a person deal with a lifelong condition that is defined by a high level of glucose in the blood. It is also called Diabetes mellitus and can be presented in three ways: Type 1 – this is the type of diabetes that...

Timing Differences in Accounting

Importance of timing differences in accounting and businesses In business, it is important to make an accurate tax return so as to avoid the costs associated with penalties that arise from filing wrong returns. An accountant needs to note down the differences in the timing of the amount of income...

Primary Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Qualitative and quantitative research designs are often selected by nurses who need to conduct a study, investigate a certain phenomenon, or test a hypothesis. From this point, the primary strength of the qualitative research design is the possibility to conduct the in-depth analysis of the phenomenon with references to abstract...

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Human Resources: Dual-Career Family Lifestyle

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The Problem of Poverty Among Children

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Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight

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Important Qualities of Exceptional Employees

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Caregiver Role Strain Due to Responsibilities

The Stresses on Sandra’s Middle-Aged Sisters and Their Families Caring for the loved one is rewarding as it is a core value, which everyone wishes to provide. However, at times, it can be daunting and straining even to the most resilient people. Sandra’s middle-aged sisters experience both physical and emotional...

The Boston Consulting Group: Monitor and Control Process

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Limited Liability Firms, Partnerships, and Corporations

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The Veterans’ Needs Assessment

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Nine West: Retail Environment

For every retailer, store location is extremely important because it influences the number of consumers, frequency of purchase and even a brand image. The store should be located in populated areas with good transportation and parking facilities. The constraints of space are also a liability to the retail trade. With...

JP Morgan Chase: Cost Operations

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Capillaries and Their Functions

Capillaries are small blood vessels that help connect veins and arteries while also facilitating the exchange of different vital elements between tissues and blood. They represent core connections in the arterial system, which includes the blood vessels that carry blood in the direction away from the heart and toward the...

Organizational Culture as a Competitive Advantage

Southwest Airlines is one of the United States’ significant airlines. The airline is the world’s largest low-cost carrier airline and has its headquarter located in Dallas, Texas. The carrier has 111 scheduled service destinations in the U.S. and other countries. This section of the paper seeks to evaluate the organizational...

Allergic Reactions to Natural Rubber Latex in Dentistry

Problem description In dental care, allergic reactions to natural rubber latex (NRL) stem from staff members’ and patients’ exposure to NRL-containing supplies, such as examination gloves and dental dams. Current safety-oriented guidelines regarding medical supplies limit the use of powdered NRL gloves. However, supplies that are not hypoallergic are still...

The New York Ban on Sugary Drinks

Supersized sugary drinks are the major cause of obesity in the US. Since the new regulation was put in place, New York City has adopted a proposal that is meant to regulate all licensed food establishments. This proposal is meant to bar the food establishments from using containers that are...

Terrorist Drag in “Stop Being Poor” Video

The concept of “terrorist drag” was created by José Esteban Muñoz, who understands it as denunciation and condemnation of “terrors around race, gender, and sexuality” in drag queens performance (Muñoz 91). This concept implies that, for example, male actors do not try to recreate womanliness. On the contrary, their characters...

The 26/11 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai

The instance of a terrorist act is always a tragic occurrence since, especially when it results in a tremendous number of casualty and the deaths of innocent civilians. Although the very fact of a perpetrator threatening the lives of numerous people creates a sense of deeply seated insecurity within the...

Issue of Aging Population: The Healthcare Challenge

Currently, the population of the United States is swiftly aging which poses challenges to healthcare system. It is estimated that approximately 20% of American people will reach the age of 65 within a decade (Rowe et al., 2016). It implies that they will excessively use medical services due to chronic...

“America at School” Critical Analysis Through the Lens of CRT-Interest Convergence

The article “America at school” published on the Library of Congress Digital Collection (n.d.) website concerns the issue of racial segregation in American schools of the 20th century. This topic is strongly related to the idea of “interest convergence,” a term created by Derrick Bell, a law professor and the...