Opioid Use Disorder and Death: Evidence Appraisal

NR 439 PICOT Worksheet Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICOT question to guide the change project. Directions: Use the required form below to complete the Week 3 Assignment PICOT Evidence Worksheet. This includes filling in the table with information about your...

Statistics Applied in Healthcare Practice

Introduction Statistics are essential to all forms of healthcare, from elaborating individual treatment plans to executing regimens for preventing and detecting disease on a large scale. The complexity of the human body and psyche and their interactions with their environment requires ongoing collaboration between statisticians and nurse researchers. The main...

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the American healthcare system has changed dramatically since the first part of the 20th century. Nurse practitioners provide a wide range of healthcare services and perform a key role in the process of communication with patients. Registered nurses (RN) have a set of responsibilities...

Bank of America Launching New Online Services

The introduction of innovative new services helps firms to survive in the industry and succeed in their operations. The process enables businesses to increase their market shares, improve performance outcomes and adapt to various market situations in which they operate. In addition, the launch of new services is critical in...

Nursing Process-Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Nursing is one of the most challenging and most interesting fields in health care in the 21st century. On the one hand, it is necessary to consider recent progress, technological achievements, and human rights to make sure that high-quality care and assessment are offered. On the other hand, it...

The Tempest: Prospero’s Character Analysis

Prospero’s Character Analysis: Introduction While reading William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, one questions himself or herself if the main character’s Prospero’s rule is just or not. To prove his or her viewpoint, one should analyze Prospero’s choices to explain his values; one should also examine and discuss the treatment and the...

Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella

Isabella of Castile was known as a powerful ruler in Europe. She sat on the throne from 1474 till 1505. She was married to King Ferdinand II of Aragon, both jointly ruled over Spain for more than thirty years. She was a devout Catholic Christian and oversaw the fall of...

The Works of Auguste Rodin Analysis

Renowned, yet controversial 19th century French sculptor Auguste Rodin infused new life and direction into a dying art. His bronze and marble sculptures depicted the liveliness of spirit in inner human beings in two unique styles. ‘The Age of Bronze’ and the nude of St. John the Baptist gained him...

George W. Bush’s War Crimes

The presidency of W. Bush was followed by a number of international agreements threatening the laws and obligations; taking into account all consequences and internal destruction the greatest part of the US population calls for George W. Bush’s arrest for all war crimes he participated in and violations made to...

The Curriculum of the United Kingdom

Introduction A curriculum is the set of courses that a certain institution of learning offers. A curriculum is meant to guide the learners which are children to develop into useful individuals in society. A good curriculum is one that is focused on the formative activities that occur in the school...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Google Inc.’s Compensation and Benefit Systems

Google Inc. Google Inc is a renowned company which is known worldwide for its products and services that it provides through the internet. The company is an American entity based in Mountain View in California, boasting a unique and innovative head office. Google Inc was initiated by Larry Page and...

Contradiction for Universal Legalization of Marijuana

Drugs theme is one of the broadly used for discussion in the world. Youth is in the zone of risk in taking drugs as the adolescent psychological peculiarities are that all must be tried in this life. It is not the secret that drugs comprise a great danger from simple...

Churches in the Arabian Gulf – Arabian Peninsula

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is made up of the countries that constitute the Arabian Peninsula except for the Republic of Yemen. These countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the Sultan of Oman. The aim of the GCC, which is largely political, is to...

Tibetan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism Comparison

Tibetan Buddhism (Dalai Lama) Zen Buddhism Rituals The Five Tibetan rituals are considered to be life changing which helps the Tibetan’s in the spiritual and religious obligations they desire. It’s also actually great for your body. You search within as you work through the exercises help to strenghthen your social...

“Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway: Problem of Choice

Introduction People usually appear before the choice: whether to do this or not, whether to go there or not, whether to stay with the person or to leave him/her. Analyzing the story “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and imagining the conclusion of the story, three main developments may...

Artwork Through the Prism of Civilizations

Art is a very wide discipline and it has evolved into many stages since the start of the existence of mankind on earth. Art can be into two major categories: Auditory art which consists of any artwork that can be heard and visual art which includes all artwork that can...

The Cult of Celebrity and Its Effect on Society

Celebrities receive such a remarkable level of attention today, and a lot of emphasis and value is placed on their actions. These are mostly the rich and famous and in this mad adoration, the media has given them a colossal amount of coverage, sharing all aspects of their lives to...

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Roots of the Problem

Introduction The term “school-to-prison pipeline” refers to the tendency of children and young adults, typically from disadvantaged backgrounds, to be put in prison because of harsh disciplinary policies within schools. In this paper, the school-to-prison pipeline will be defined and discussed based on the following articles: “The New Disciplinology: Research,...

Program Planning: Health and Wellness for Senior Citizens

Introduction Older people pay great attention to their health and are much more motivated to be healthy and active. The main principle of longevity is a healthy lifestyle and self-care. An increase in the standard of living is possible with a combination of the right lifestyle, work and rest balance,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Playing Music and Its Benefits for Health

Nowadays, when there is a large choice of various hobbies, it may be uneasy to take up one. People usually consider all benefits that a particular pastime could bring them before pursuing it. To my mind, music-making is the practice that not only brings pleasure to the player and the...

Hazardous Waste and Its Management Methods

The notion of public health has now become one of the most crucial in terms of the overall healthcare system management and securing a safe environment. Some of the most resonant fundamental public health issues today include socioeconomic inequality, global warming, and overall modern lifestyle patterns. However, the issue of...

The Concept of Health Seeking in Men

This article was published in July 2016 in the Urologic nursing journal. Authors: Gwendolyn L. Hooper and Susanne A. Quallich The concept selected is health seeking in men. I chose this concept because men are likely to manage the pain without using healthcare services while women go to the doctor...

Talent Scouting for Online Streamers

Introduction Modern society cannot imagine life without sharing their experiences, ideas, and thoughts, therefore people always create and consume content. Multiple platforms exist to spread the information in different formats, and the most engaging one is, undoubtedly, video. Over one billion people watch YouTube at least one time a day,...

Informal Long-Term Care: Policy Brief

Introduction Informal caregiving is a widely accepted alternative to official care providers when a person’s relatives and close circle are in charge. The service is often called unpaid, although it does not necessarily mean that it leads to saving money, as the budget may be reallocated to other needs. Informal...

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture: Lincoln and Durham Cathedrals

Introduction The development of European architecture in the medieval times was characterized by continuous shifts in perceptions. They can be seen in the change from the Romanesque to the Gothic style that included the replacement of specific elements allowing to make the structures look lighter and more spacious (Seeley, 2017)....

Coronavirus-Related Free and Fair Trade Issue in News

Summary This paper is a discussion of the article, “Coronavirus: China Yet to Meet Key Phase One Trade Deal Target Due to Covid-19 Lockdown”, which was published on South China Morning Post (SCMP) on April 8, 2020. The article was written by Finbarr Bermingham and Wendy Wu. The article talks...

Business Law Brief: Facts, Ruling, Minority Rationale

Introduction The case under analysis is between Bilski and Kappos. Kappos is being represented by the secretary of commerce for intellectual property and director. The appellant was seeking justice concerning an invention that he had presented to the patent and trade mark office for registration. His registration was denied due...

Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly

Monopolistic competition and oligopoly are the two most common types of imperfectly competitive market structures. Since the average company has less market power than a monopoly and faces less harsh competition than implied by the perfect competition scenario, most industries fall under one of those models (Mankiw, 2020). Both cases...

National Identity Throughout the History of the USA

Introduction A unique set of events defines every century in the history of the United States of America. While the XVI century was the era of colonization, the XVIII century was marked by the colonial decline (Corbett et al. 63-154). While the early XIV century became the making of democracy,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Artificial Neural Networks

In the given magazine article, I would like to provide a simpler and plainer explanation of artificial neural networks to the general public by describing their current state of development. The target audience is comprised of individuals who are not educated and trained in the specified field, but willing to...

Harlem Renaissance: Review

Harlem Renaissance is known to be one of the essential intellectual and cultural phenomena in the American history of the XX century and played a crucial role in the further liberation of African Americans. The movement touched multiple aspects of the artistic life of 1920 – 1930’s: literature, theater, music,...

Constant Organizational Changes and IT Management

Information technology is becoming a basic commodity in most of the business organizations due to constant changes in technology. This means that organizations only need to control costs of IT and at the same time mitigate the associated risks. IT is now being viewed as a competitive advantage tool used...

Improvement of Nursing in Psychiatric Hospitals

In modern society, there is still a negative attitude towards the mentally ill and a peculiar fear of psychiatry. Most countries in the world are experiencing an acute shortage of nursing staff in the psychiatric service. The nurse mainly performs his or her duties in an automated manner. Work is...

Crisis of Lethality Analysis

Suicide has been a common phenomenon in the world for centuries. Suicide may be committed by single individuals or groups of people varied in size and age composition. Suicide is observed among people of all social backgrounds, ethnicities, sexes, and ages. Suicide is generally described as a person’s decision to...

Use of Electronic Health Records and Medical Errors Correlation: An Interview

The main goal of healthcare practice and nursing is to improve the health of patients (Cohen, 2009). Nurses and doctors should take patient safety seriously. The mission of any healthcare institution is to help nurses and caregivers find new strategies and evidence-based practices that can help them improve patient care...

Security Architecture and Design: Cache Handling

Introduction The cache is a crucial part of modern IT infrastructure. It refers to a category of components temporarily storing data to allow its faster retrieval in future requests. Central processing unit (CPU) cache, web cache, domain name system (DNS) cache, and web browser cache are all examples of caches....

Act of Defiance: Bothering Random Shoppers

I chose to commit my act of informal defiance while I was grocery shopping. I went to a familiar shop I visit often, and where I recognize some of the cashiers. There, I randomly approached other shoppers and attempted to engage in conversation about the items they were looking at....

Educating the Client on Diabetes Medications

Interview Findings In order to ascertain the reasons for polypharmacy, an interview was conducted with a client who takes several medications at once. Every precaution was taken to ensure the interviewee’s comfort, including the lack of recording equipment and information privacy. A client is a man struggling with Type 2...

Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements

Gender stereotypes are common in many television and online advertisements. These stereotypes depict a particular role played by a specific gender and convey a certain meaning to the audience. Gender-based stereotypes, commonly associated with socially defined gender roles, are frequently used in advertising (Grau and Zotos, 2016: 761). An example...

Network Society, Global Identities and Changes to Sociology

The network society is the organization of a society’s activities and social structures around information networks that are processed electronically. The networks, in this case, are run by information and communication technologies that are founded on theories of microelectronics responsible for generating, processing, and distributing information among different sub-groups of...

Professional Boundaries in Early Childhood Education

Preschool age is the time of the most active cognition of the world that surrounds the child. The kid begins to make discoveries every day and gets acquainted with various objects that are around. Early childhood is characterized by peculiarities of psychophysiological development, and each child has individual characteristics of...

Benefits of Peer-Assisted Injection Sites

The increase in the consumption of opioid drugs in Canada has led to overdose prevention centers that offer peer-assisted drug injection and supervised drug injection. The author shows that different sites offer different services. For example, Mike’s site in Moss Park is a peer-assisted injection site where volunteers like Mike...

“Federalist 10” by James Madison: Summary and Analysis

Introduction Federalist 10 is an essay written by James Madison and published in 1787 as a tenth part of The Federalist Papers, emphasizing the need for ratifying the United States Constitution. In this paper, Madison discussed factions, a group of citizens with similar interests and issues emerging in democracy, arguing...

Defense of Civil Rights in “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Introduction Justice is a principle according to which people receive what they deserve. In ethics, as well as in legal and political philosophy, justice occupies a central position. The government, as well as society, are tasked to achieve this concept to the greatest extent possible. As the foundation of an...

Measuring Competencies in “Sex Education”

Otis Milburn is a nerdy teenager who has heard too much about sex from his advanced mom, a sexologist but has never actually done it. His friend, Maeve Wiley, on the contrary, is too developed for her age, as she was born into a dysfunctional family and has already tasted...

Opportunity Identification in the Digital Education Market

Technique Identification Week 2 paper has provided an overview of the industry of interest (the digital education market) and an example of one leading market player – Khan Academy. This assignment details the application of two solution generation techniques from the technique directory, including mind map creation and Edward de...

The Influence of Alexander the Great Across History

The history of the world has seen many prominent personalities who had impressive accomplishments in their respective eras. However, there is a narrow circle of figures that are noticeable even among the greatest people of global history. They are commanders, national leaders, scientists, and philosophers whose contribution to the world...

Oceanography: Discovering Plate Tectonics

Wegener’s hypothesis, known as the theory of continental drift, was based on a wide range of data from geological expeditions worldwide. He was intrigued by the division of the American continents and worked to explain their non-standard shape. In addition, Wegener studied animal and plant fossils on the coastlines of...

Challenges Facing Science in Modern Society

Science is an area that has faced a lot of controversy in modern society. Science is worth understanding and pursuing as it involves evidence and intensive research and findings. Basic knowledge of distribution, production, and processing borrows the knowledge of science heavily. Most people view science as a complicated issue,...

The Importance of Physical Spaces

Indeed, connections to physical places are critical to humans; lack of contact with physical space threatens people to feel overwhelmed and lose some of their identity. A person’s attitude to a place as something familiar, understandable, meaningful, and the sense of belonging caused by this attitude is defined as a...

Importance of Healthy Nutrition for Body

The Ted Talk by Mia Nacamulli is about how the food that we eat affects our brain. The main thesis of the talk is that understanding the influences of dietary factors on brain function and cognition helps determine the proper nutrition needed to contribute towards protection against disease and provide...

A Questionnaire for a Client Interview

It goes without saying that a website development questionnaire plays a crucial role in project planning as it helps a company to clarify a client’s requirements. At the same time, a well-structured questionnaire frequently allows clients to understand and clearly express what they want, as well. As a list of...

Cloud Computing Technology in Marketing

Introduction Continued technological advancements are revolutionizing conventional business practices as organizations leverage emerging trends to improve productivity and streamline operations. Cloud computing ranks among the most widely adopted digital transformations due to its ability to optimize workflows and confer competitive advantages to businesses. However, this technology’s performance and subsequent success...

Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Middle and Late Adulthood

Middle adulthood is accompanied by several physiological changes. Although this is unavoidable, the value of physical activity in this age group cannot be overstated. After 30, the body loses 3-8 percent of its muscular mass per decade, and after 60 years, the loss increases (Toh et al., 2020). Rheumatoid arthritis...

Mental Stability and Psychological Health

Mental stability and psychological health are essential for an individual and the maintenance of an appropriate level of his well-being. According to the guidelines, developed by the American Psychiatric Association, therapists can identify particular mental issues with the help of differential assessment. In this situation of Melissa, it is possible...

Personal Values, Moral, and Ethics

Human beings are complex creatures whose thinking processes and behavior depend on their values, morals, and ethics. While frequently being used interchangeably, the three concepts have specific distinctions. At the same time, an individual’s morals, values, and ethics are interconnected and affect one another. Moreover, although not often and not...

Inuit Culture in Nurses’ Practice

The Canadian sociocultural environment is famously diverse, each community being represented by a range of sociocultural groups and ethnicities. Among these, Inuit constitute a small yet essential part, being representatives of a set of indigenous cultures bound by belonging to the same environment of Arctic and Subarctic regions (Smylie et...

The Effects of Being Bilingual on Adults

Introduction Bilingualism is an important skill in the modern world, where different cultures constantly interact with one another. However, society appears to assume that age plays an influential role in the process of acquiring a second language (L2), with children receiving more attention as bilinguals. Ortega (2019) proposes that there...

Plato’s Sixth Book of Republic: Divided Line

Introduction Plato’s sixth book of Republic describes the philosophy of the Divided Line. His allegory divides the world into two unequal parts: visible and intelligible. These categories are divided further into two, thus creating a line of the world containing four sections. While the first realm consists of images and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The “Greening the Ghetto” Speech by Majora Carter

Introduction Many activists’ speeches are strong, confident, and expressive as speakers build rapport with the audience and seek to engage with them to achieve the purpose of the speeches. Speakers use various tools in a speech that enhance it and make it appealing to the audience, making them trusting and...

Social Networking: Privacy and Surveillance

Internet sites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, among others, have created new revolutionary ways to communicate, socialize, and interact. Other powerful mobile and web-based applications have also been developed for almost every social aspect of human life: From Uber, which helps users to get...

Ho Chi Minh in the Vietnamese Nationalist Movement

Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Vietnamese nationalist movement that fought against the Japanese as well as the French colonialists. Until his death, he was the President of North Vietnam (BBC History, 2014, para. 1). First Response In my opinion, the service Ho Chi Minh mentions in his...

The Vulnerable Population of Brownsville: Disabled People

Introduction The community under investigation is a census-designated place Brownsville, Florida. The population is nearly 16,000. The majority of the population is healthy, not obese, and satisfied with the quality of their lives. The vulnerable population of Brownsville community is represented by disabled people. They are not provided with all...

Risk Adverse vs. Risk Tolerance in Biodiversity

In the case of risk adverse situations, it is possible to make contradictory preferences when the problem comes in different forms. In other words, choices are made depending on the circumstances. The risk aversion occurs when the positive outcome is smaller, though with greater certainty. The situation is different when...

Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Symptoms and Cure

Abstract Schizotypal Personality Disorder is a disorder that most people are unaware of. This disorder affects individuals’ thought patterns and it causes delusional images and discomfort. Most people who suffer from Schizotypal Personality Disorder do not realize it. This is because it affects people in different ways and its severity...

Circumcision, Its Legality and Morality

Introduction The question of whether circumcision is a medical right or a human right issue has been discussed for many decades in various forums by numerous scholars. Medical researchers and social scientists have focused on the different aspects of the issue to come to a conclusive answer as to the...

Situational and Adaptive Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Context-based leadership is a stance that clearly justifies the existence of the situational model of leadership. Under the model, leaders should use appropriate leadership approaches that meet the requirements of a given situation. Different contexts in an organization require a leader to exhibit different characters that can match with...

Renting Apartment Versus Buying a House

Shelter is one of the primary needs in life. Certainly, it is acknowledged by Abraham Maslow as a physiological need, which plays a huge role in motivating a person’s behavior. Inferring from this, housing is one of the essential aspects that defines the life of an individual. It helps one...

Equality Among African-Americans and the Law

Case (2012) affirms that Whites might not identify every aspect of white privilege, civilization, and power since they are members of the principal racial grouping. Through the enhancement of proficiencies to disrupt one’s racist views and perceive elusively racist conducts, they might progress to a greater evaluation of unidentified racism...

Health Promotion and Diverse Populations

Health status of the population belongs to the number of the most important factors defining the quality of life of the humanity. Unfortunately, we cannot say that the members of different minority groups possess the same health status as other citizens of the United States. Despite the fact that African...

Nursing Industry’s Standards: Importance and Purposes

The “term industry standard refers to an obligation that must be followed by members of a specific industry” (Grealish, 2014, p. 23). Nursing is a unique career that is guided by a wide range of industry standards. Several agencies, stakeholders, and players ensure the industry delivers its promises to more...

Master’s Education in Nursing and Leadership Skills

The last decade was a crucial time in nursing education that saw the shift towards the inclusion of leadership topics into healthcare curricula. The transformation of nursing practice has necessitated the greater focus on technology and accountability for the delivery of care; therefore, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Piracy in the Audiovisual Industry

The author is critical of the ongoing behaviour in Australia where young people are reluctant to acquire movies and films from licensed vendors preferring instead to obtain them cheaply from friends and relatives through copywriting. The writer blames digital revolution for the problems facing the film industry terming the new...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

The nursing field does not include only the direct patient care. There are several specializations that require additional skills apart from the medical knowledge. The nursing specialists include practitioners, educators, administrators, and informaticists. Each of these groups carries out a different task. Nursing practitioners are engaged in the direct patient...

Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Singleton vs Norris

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of a specific case that revolves around a person who suffers from a kind of mental disorder. Considering the fact that people with schizophrenia could not be sentenced in accordance with the basic law, a criminal creates a precedent by ignoring...

Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Dynamics of Partner Violence: Psychosocial and Cultural Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the imparting of harm in relationships, often through physical force or psychological abuse, which may range from gaslighting and emotional manipulation to bodily harm. From childhood to late adulthood, many factors affect the likelihood of people to resort...

Evidence-Based Practice: Health Needs Supporting

Introduction Registered nurses (RN) should use their skills to develop superior models for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions affecting their patients. The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as a superior theory for improving the performance of clinicians and maximizing patients’ health outcomes. The selected...

General Materials and Fabrication Corporation’s Union

Case Analysis: GMFC Impasse Nowadays, workers have the right to create labor unions to demand better salaries and worker conditions. Simultaneously, managers of companies often refuse to satisfy the demands of labor unions. The current paper considers a case of an impasse in negotiations between a labor union and the...

“In re Gault”: Due Process Rights of Juveniles

Before the 1960s, children and adolescents had no clearly stated due process rights set according to the standards of the juvenile justice system. The situation changed in 1967 with reference to the case of Gerald Gault when the U.S. Supreme Court formulated the due process rights of juveniles (Wills, 2017)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

AskTheDoctor.com Company’s Strategy and Recommendation

Overview AskTheDoctor.com is a company founded by a doctor, Suneel Sharma, and his long time friend Prakash Chand. Over five years, the firm has grown to a significant competitor on the internet, with over 40000 visitors daily. The firm faces obstacles such as licenses for medical practice. Due to this,...

Nationalism: Divisive or Beneficial?

While writing about the benefits and disadvantages of nationalism, I would like to consider some fundamentals of patriotic principles. So, first of all, there is a need to point out that “Nationalism, the most potent principle of political legitimacy in the modem world, holds that the nation should be collectively...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Main Ideas

Introduction “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is a short story written by Flannery O’Connor in 1953 and is mostly known for its controversial and grim ending. O’Connor, being a Southerner, has been mostly using a Southern Gothic style in her writings; this genre is usually referred to as...

Standpoint Feminist Theory

The feminist standpoint theory is a politically modeled theory that tends to lean towards social epistemology. The central premise of the feminist standpoint theory is that the people who are subjected to marginalization are more advantaged when it comes to possessing information than those people who are not subjected to...

Georges Seurat’s Revolution in Neo-Impressionism

Introduction Georges Seurat is recognized as the pioneer of the Neo-Impressionist strategy, generally known as Divisionism, or Pointillism, an approach related to a flashing surface of little specks or strokes of color shades (Clancy 19). The works of Seurat include “Bathers at Asnieres,” “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La...

Compensation and Pay Equity at a Local Hospital

Introduction In the present situation, I am to perform as an HR Consultant working for a small local hospital, with the task of expanding the workforce of certified medical assistants. The major problem is that three exemplary certified medical assistants who occupy the same positions in the organization are paid...

Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Strategies

Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is an international manufacturer, marketer, and seller of soft beverages and syrups based in Atlanta, US. Founded in 1886, the company has since expanded to cover more than 200 countries and given rise to brands such as Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Powerade, and others. Coca-Cola is...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Patient Case Study

Background Teresa is an 8-year-old female student who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM-5)) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and assigned the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. The patient’s family comes from Mexica and has problems with speaking English, which complicates the...

Zara Market Segmentation

Zara Market Segmentation: Introduction The concept of market segmentation plays an essential role in setting up a company’s target customers. By selectively choosing the main market sector, a firm can deliberately increase its competitiveness in this given segment. It allows organizations to be more efficient and concentrate on specific products...

Risk: A Statistical Perspective

Introduction Risk is a term widely used in different contexts and different disciplines of knowledge. This is perceived in many different manners in different subjects. In probability, this is defined as the product of an event multiplied by negative impact (quantum of loss) associated with that event. Thus it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Soldier and Veteran Suicide Prevention Hearing

Purpose and Participants This paper is a summary of a government meeting regarding the prevention of suicide among members of the military. People who work in the profession tend to encounter potentially severe stress throughout service, which can lead to mental issues. As such, Senators Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Martha McSally,...

The Global Dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir

Introduction and Background The Kashmir conflict is directed to the global dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir which is considered to be the region of Indian Territory. The problem is that Kashmir is related to the part of India which never found support on the part of Pakistan...

Effective Memorizing Technique Review

The document is dedicated to the better and proper efficacy of memorizing information in the post-industrial society. It concerns the classical and contemporary techniques and methods in making out, accumulating, and saving information, so that to adhere to important data in the future. The document follows gradual instructions as of...

Epistemology and Its Usage in Writing

Introduction The word epistemology refers to studying the source of knowledge. In this respect the reality and truth of what a man writes or says more or less props up against the thoughts and ideas being told and outlined previously. In other words, everything which surrounds an individual can be...

Old South Social Structure in “A Rose for Emily” by W. Faulkner

Introduction A Rose for Emily is one of the shortest stories by William Faulkner and it tells the tale of a woman named Miss Emily Grierson living in the southern parts of the country with its depleting social structure. The author narrates his story from the point of view of...

“The Broken Window” and “The Blessing of Destruction” in Economics

Introduction In the broken window fallacy, we see the baker losing the window in which he has to part with some fifty dollars to repair it. This loss incurred by the baker turns out to be a gain by some glazier, thus boosting the glass business. This implies that a...

International Trade: Identifying Market Structure

Market Definition and the Relevant Market With the U.S. infrastructure becoming increasingly more intricate, the automotive industry has been experiencing a range of challenges and simultaneously enjoying a vast array of newly opened opportunities. In the United States (U.S.), car exports rose by 1.91% in 2016 (Rao 175). Even though...

Free Trade as a Fundamental Principle of Modern Globalization

One of the major causes and simultaneously consequences of modern globalization has been free trade. Free trade has become critical in globalized world by expanding diversity of not just goods, but technology and workforce. However, the issue remains controversial, despite evident economic benefits, the public of developed countries may feel...

Shopping Apps Compare and Contrast

Introduction Today, to buy something, people do not have to go to the store and do not even need to visit the online store website. It is enough to download the application and make a purchase. For these reasons, online shopping is rapidly gaining popularity. A smartphone for the buyer...

Effect of the Law on the Human Resources Process

Introduction The success of an organization is largely dependent on forces external to it and operating in a global external environment. For the effective implementation of managerial functions, it is necessary to understand the effect of these forces. Organizations have to adapt to changes in the environment and accordingly adjust...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity

Pediatric obesity negatively influences children’s health, educational achievement, and quality of life. Obese and overweight children have a high likelihood of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, in addition to the threat of chronic illnesses. Decrease of screen time, consumption of a balanced diet and minimal high-calorie foods, and augmented...

Client’s Family Health History: Osteoporosis

Introduction The evaluation of patients and their families is one of the most important issues of effective treatment and disease prevention. A method of genogram allows for assessing family dynamics, focusing on physiological and psychological concerns, which can be considered in terms of genetic predisposition (McGoldrick, 2016). This paper aims...

How Residents of Georgia Understand and React to Globalization

Introduction The far-reaching changes across American states, caused by globalization, affect everyone. Feng et al. (2019), for example, mentions that more open policies support new technology, which in turn create a more interconnected society. The level of interconnection introduced by globalization includes increasing investment, economic interdependence, and global production. Feenstra...

The Theme of Patriotism and Honor: Poetry Seminar Analysis

Introduction The theme of patriotism and honor is a crucial element in understanding the literature and film created to depict World War I. The poem “The Absorption” in particular focuses on the ideas of patriotism because Sassoon contrasts the horrors of wartime with the soldier’s changing attitudes towards the battlefield...

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and their governments. The constitution,...

The Case United States v. Nixon

Parties involved in the case This case pitted a sitting president against a special prosecutor, who is an officer attached to the attorney general’s (AG) office. These events followed the issuance of an indictment against the staff of the White House, citing the desecration of federal statutes by the said...

Promoting Mental Health: Creating a Teaching Plan

Description of developmental, age, socioeconomic, and cross-cultural aspects that should be considered during the gathering of subjective and objective data and for the provision of health care Adolescents and college going young people are likely to be still living with parents or guardians. The age of the patient can affect...

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Case Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The roles that nurses play in the healthcare sector increase concurrently with the overall requirements of the industry. In today’s healthcare scenarios, nurses perform tasks that they were not traditionally required to complete. Case management is one of the roles carried out by today’s nurses as the healthcare system...

Coalition in Rural Public Health

Types of coalitions in rural public health Rural communities face different types of healthcare challenges. Coalitions are some of the approaches, which may help them to alleviate such challenges. There are different types of coalitions based on patterns of formation, structures, or functions (Kegler and Butterfoss, 2012). In most cases,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chemical Dependency Analysis

Introduction For a long time, chemical dependency has been a leading social problem in the American society. Doweiko (2009) also notes that chemical dependency is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States (Doweiko, 2009). There are many forms of chemical dependency but the main ones are cigarette...

Investigations and Prosecutions

White-collar crime refers to an offense perpetrated by an individual of decency and high social rank in the line of his profession. Irrespective of the definition of white-collar offense, this crime is extensively recognized to bring incredible pecuniary, physical, and social mischief. Even though the full amount of money lost...

Character Analysis Papi Behavioral Traits

Introduction Autobiographical works often cause public resonance and critics’ interest due to the personal nature of such stories and unique plots that took place in authors’ lives. Junot Díaz can be cited as an example of a writer whose books are largely imbued with the narration of personal experiences. His...

Information Systems Characteristics

Introduction Many companies use information systems to have successful operations, assemble data, and achieve goals and objectives. Information systems comprise of data; individuals and devices that assemble, manage, produce, and keep information; the grid that carries and collects information; and the techniques that control the management of information (Stair &...

Effective Approaches in Nursing Leadership and Management

Introduction Without a doubt, there is an increasing shortage of nursing professionals not only in the United States but also globally, with the trend anticipated to worsen in the coming years (Goodin, 2003; Zori, Nosek, & Musil, 2010). Nursing shortage and nurse turnover are fundamentally related to the concepts of...

Identity Politics and “Interlocking” Oppression

Identity politics has raised numerous debates on its effectiveness in tackling interlocking oppressions. In modern world societies, race, culture, and religion are recipes for an identity politics. However, politics, ethnicity, and race are intersected with femininity to form prejudiced and biased world organizations, thus, influencing life experiences. According to Crenshaw...

“The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant: Character Portrayal

Introduction Guy De Maupassant’s story, The Necklace is an example of how a writer uses various characters to develop the plot of the story leaving an everlasting memory on the reader. This essay will focus and determine Mathilde’s character as portrayed in the story The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant....

Nursing Theory: Application of the Self-Care Theory

Nursing theory is an important aspect of nursing practice, which supports their daily activities. It provides specialists with insights into the core of their responsibilities and drives the further development of nurses’ knowledge. The modern healthcare environment requires care providers to understand and exhibit diverse skills and abilities, which should...

The Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer

Cancer Care Global spending on medical care is a major fiscal challenge in many countries. According to Brenner (2002), expenditures for terminal diseases will increase tremendously in the coming years. According to Brenner (2002), the number of cancer patients is on the rise. This is true because more citizens are...

The Cognitive-Behavioral Model

There are six models of abnormality that attempt to propose treatment for psychological illnesses by viewing their nature and causes from different perspectives. One of them is the cognitive-behavioral model that concentrates on people’s thoughts and behaviors and their interplay (Comer & Comer, 2019, p. 48). The central assumption is...

Postwar Italy and the Rise of Fascism

After the end of the First World War, many countries have found themselves on a brink of an unprecedented crisis. With a lot of funds, resources, and human lives being spent fighting in an international conflict of an at the time unimaginable scale, most countries suffered from deep economic, political...

Passwords and Their Role in the Internet Security

Introduction Passwords are essential tools in enhancing internet security especially when they are safely configured and meticulously used (Vacca, 2007). Although internet users habitually create passwords from automated tools and other features of interest like birth dates and phone numbers, it is imperative to note that internet security technologies are...

Luke’s Edition of Mark’s Gospel

There are many different reasons for people to study the Bible, and regardless of them, one needs to study the Gospels and analyze the similarities and differences between them. Doing that is necessary to better understand the meaning behind texts of Christian Scripture. With that being said, it may be...

Wiesel’s Holocaust Experiences

Eliezer Wiesel’s view of human nature and understanding of God radically changed due to his experience of the Holocaust. In 1941, Wiesel was a religious, twelve-year-old boy, living peacefully with his family in Sighet. He believed in the goodness of human beings and revered God above all else. However, all...

Existentialism in “The Flies”: The Guiding Light to the French Resistance

Introduction The French Resistance to the German threat is the force of good keeping France hopeful during truly dark and desperate times. The Resistance plays a substantial role in the “Europe-wide struggle against fascism” (Faucher and Humbert 209). Nevertheless, the movement should be more mindful of its inner philosophy and...

Social Ontology of Herbert Spencer

Introduction Herbert Spencer was an influential academician and writer of the 19th century and specialized in many research fields, ranging from biology to philosophy. Nevertheless, Spencer is mainly known for his contribution to sociology, including the theory of social Darwinism and the perception of society as a social organism (Ashley...

Arguments in “California Homeless” Documentary

Introduction It is quite common for most American cities to have homeless persons living on the streets and needing to ask other people for money, shelters, or food. In Sacramento, this problem is becoming more severe, so it is extremely significant to raise public awareness and create more opportunities to...

The Play “Proof” by David Auburn

Prove that irony exists in the play In the play “Proof” by David Auburn, events unravel in the house of a mathematical genius Robert, who has been suffering from mental illness. His daughter Catherine is living with him in order to take care of. The first element of irony is...

Visual Analysis of Roden’s “The Thinker” Sculpture

A rather canonic and historically important art sculpture is placed in the Roden’s Museum in Paris. The statue that will be discussed is The Thinker by August Roden in the genre of Realism, created in 1881. The composition represents a man in a deep and intense process of thinking, encompassing...

The Uber Firm’s Performance Over the Past Years

Uber is one of the most notable technology start-ups from Silicon Valley, which has earned global recognition and is used by millions of people around the world. Uber revolutionized and industry in the sphere of ride-sharing and caused many traditional types of businesses, such as taxi, to lose their clients...

Ruskin Vale: Analysis of Case Study

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many social health problems have intensified. This paper is a discussion of the current situation in Ruskin Vale and the causes of factors exacerbating social inequality. Among the three aspects discussed, the authors distinguish poor housing, unhealthy or poor diet. Ruskin Vale plans...

Health Care Ethics for the Incarcerated

Introduction Places of incarceration have characteristics that have a profound impact on the behavior and health of prisoners. Being imprisoned is often the cause of increased risks and vulnerability to hazards. Moreover, inmates often experience physical and psychological problems due to their acts of isolation. All of this raises the...

Nursing Practitioners in the State of New York

Introduction A nursing practitioner is an advanced practice registered nurse granted a broad range of privileges and authority. According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2021), nurse practitioners can act as primary or specialty care providers, carry out patient examinations, order diagnostic tests, deliver treatment, and prescribe a variety...

Accounting Information in Evaluating Outsourcing Decision

Introduction When companies in developed countries decide whether to outsource their manufacturing process to another developing state to reduce production costs, they should consider various factors to avoid revenue loss. For example, in the provided scenario, the product manager of the Xtreme snowboards is faced with the problem of a...

Nature vs. Nurture: Psychological Issue

Introduction The field of psychology, based on the use of flexible theories and practical frameworks for assessing behavioral, cultural, intellectual, and other functions, has long studied the question of relevant impacts on different skills. The ongoing debate regarding the opposition of genetics and environment as the factors that determine the...

The Documentary “Two American Families”

The Ecological Systems Theory Depicted in the Film As a child grows, it interacts with certain environmental factors that are also bound to affect its development. According to Guy-Evans, (2020), the ecological systems theory was evolved by Bronfenbrenner in 1977 and it mentions that five systems make up the theory....

Managing Equity in Campus Funding

Introduction There is a rising concern about the cost and value of college, given that college education is expensive to both students and the government. The scarce funding allocated for the education sector must be divided fairly to benefit the most deserving students. The officials of higher education budgetary allocation...

The 5Ws and 1H of Project Management

The first phase of the project management life cycle, project initiation, entails beginning a new project. In the initiation phase, a business opportunity is identified, a solution is developed, a project is established, and a project team is selected (Niederman et al., 2018). This stage’s objective is to assess the...

Justice Displayed in South African Township Courts

Introduction In this article, the tension between the values of human rights and the ideals of justice displayed in South African township courts is examined. According to this line of reasoning, implementing human rights in post-apartheid South Africa has resulted in several societal implications, including convergences and divergences between human...

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