E-Commerce: Agile Project Management

E-commerce has recently become one of the most lucrative options for entrepreneurs worldwide. Moreover, an influx of numerous new businesses has led to severe competition. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the website in question is of superior quality and is free of any defects that may undermine all...

Domestic Violence: “Crime in Alabama” by Hudnall et al.

Based on research by Hudnall, Lewis, and Parton, which offers statistics on domestic violence in Alabama from 1995 to the present, the following conclusions have been drawn. The crime statistics of 2019 for the City of Birmingham indicate 3,117 domestic violence crimes were occurring for every 50,000 (Hudnall et al.,...

The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI (Artificial Intelligence) Development

This article is devoted to the theme of the development and implementation of elements of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of various countries. While this technology can significantly simplify many people’s lives, according to the authors, those with the greatest economic power will benefit most from it (Chen et...

Clinical Aspects and Differential Diagnosis

STIs Infection Patient presenting symptoms Physical Findings on exam Laboratory or Diagnostic exams Management/ treatment Patient counseling/ teaching Referrals (if any) Trichomoniasis In women: vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, painful urination, itching of the genitals (Passos, 2017). In men: asymptomatic. Pregnant women: risk of premature birth. The vulva may...

Balancing Others’ Freedom and Own Happiness

Freedom is the ability to do something without prevention by other individuals. A free person can engage in activities without any constraint from the people around them. Additionally, freedom gives people the power to act or speak accordingly without any hindrance. When people act freely, it is not always a...

What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together

Structural racism in America plays a significant role in segregating minority groups in the country. The role race plays in inequality, or the lack of it, in the United States makes it difficult for other races to access equal treatment in housing, jobs, education, the criminal justice system, and health....

Artificial Intelligence: The Articles Review

Kayaaltı, Mahmut and Kut Belenli, Pelin. “Frankenstein’s Monster As A Representative of The Threat of Modern Technology Operated by Artificial Intelligence.” The Journal of Kesit Academy, vol. 7, no. 26, 2021, pp.38-48. This article examines and compares Frankenstein’s monster as the first equivalent of artificial intelligence and modern AI technologies...

Mental Health Treatment Evolution Since the 1400s

Recent research has devoted much effort to exploring mental health treatment as it has been one of the thorniest issues throughout time. Still, the healing of mental problems and the attitude towards it has undergone fundamental changes from the 1400s until now. Even though it is hardly possible to remove...

Seymouria as Example of Early Tetrapod

General Information Seymouria is an extinct animal of the genus Reptiliomorpha, which inhabited the United States and Germany about 280 million years ago: thus, Seymouria was among the first four-legged animals to live on land. As is clear, the animal’s existence occurred during the dry Permian period, so adaptation to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Methods to Boost Metabolism

The topics of weight loss and boosting the organism’s metabolic processes involve multiple myths about questionable eating and physical activity patterns widely believed to increase metabolic rates in overweight or obese individuals. Apart from questionable practices, such as fasting or cutting one’s caloric consumption drastically, there are methods backed up...

What Is More Important – Love or Justice?

Love and justice are the two concepts that form the basis of ethical and moral principles. These two principles cannot exist without each other, and without each it is impossible to imagine the natural tendency of the human soul, character, and nature. However, the question of the importance of the...

Women in Politics: Biases and Discrimination

I interviewed two women, the first being a family member and the other a friend, to discover why women hold back from pursuing local, state, and federal political office. The first interviewee pointed out that women mainly fail to seek political office careers because of family responsibilities (Interviewee 1, personal...

Integumentary System of the Skin

To begin with, the skin is the largest organ of the human body that plays a very important role in protecting our species from any external danger. It simultaneously keeps the internal space safe and highly secure without any movement obstructions. Furthermore, skin can be described by multiple significant functions...

Merck COVID Pill: Molnupiravir

These days, when the whole world is in an unprecedented situation, Merck is doing everything possible to help people fight against the virus. The new drug of the company called Molnupiravir, unlike vaccines, disrupts viral replication rather than encouraging the body’s immune response. Molnupiravir can also be taken at home,...

Negative Sentiments Against Trade and Globalization

Four Fallacies About Trade and Globalization by Ajai Gaur and Ram Mudambi (2016) analyzes fallacies of the arguments against globalization and trade. The authors emphasize that these arguments fail to consider the fundamental economic principles and empirical evidence. Although the authors’ views are robust and applicable to developed economies, rising...

The Biofuel and Food Industry Connection

Why throw away food when it can be used to make fuel for cars? We thought about this with friends, cleaning the dishes after dinner. Different options are needed in the climate crisis and the urgent search for practical problems, including the food industry. Of course, something may object –...

Red Kangaroo as Example of Marsupials

General Information A member of the marsupial family is the red kangaroo, also endemic to Australia. The red kangaroo is one of the most prominent members of the kangaroo family. This animal lives in the savannah areas of Australia, and therefore it can do without fluids for a long time....

Horse Riding Stereotype Among the Native Americans

Stereotypes in many ways accompany Native Americans because of their origins, the most important of which has to do with communicating with nature and pets. The stereotype is about attitudes toward, and a particular love of, horseback riding. Traditionally, horses have been used for transportation since, in desert conditions, it...

Confidential Information Storage and Disclosure

Working for a large agency, Hank is responsible for tracking the progress of numerous clients engaged in programs that help them recover from various alcohol and drug problems. Hank also has access to the company’s database and is accountable for making the reports that contain clients’ confidential information, including names,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Daily Budget Cutting: Methods of Saving Money

Nowadays, there are many more possibilities to spend additional money than in the past. Consequently, people should be more attentive to their budget and spending structure. While analyzing the methods of saving money, it is crucial to refuse all expenditures, which do not correspond to this question: “Do I really...

Physical Exam and Patient’s History in Establishing a Diagnosis

The healthcare experts use several resources during their medical assessments, such as cognitive evaluations, neurological tests, laboratory exams, patient history measures, and physical assessments. It is proved that the patient’s history and physical examinations are among the most valuable tools in determining diagnoses of various degrees. Several studies analyzed whether...

The Bonus Army March: USA History

The march of the Bonus Army was an illustration of how soldiers who have risked their lives during World War I could not receive the basic recognition through the subsidized payment of their service. As a result, thousands of veterans have formed an alliance, intending to facilitate the authorities into...

Does Shakespeare Matter in Modern Times?

Introduction William Shakespeare was a famous British poet and playwright whose talent is recognized by critics and connoisseurs of poetry around the world. Over the years of creative activity, many literary masterpieces have come out from the author’s pen. The British poet did not fixate on any genre. Instead, the...

A Poem “Howl” and a Song “It’s Alright Ma”: A Comparative Analysis

Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” is the most famous and vital piece of the beat generation. Bob Dylan’s song It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) opened an entirely new genre of the song in the music industry. Comparing a literary work and a musical one, critics define them as dark masterpieces. The...

The Northern Renaissance and the Reformation Bible

The Reformation has ultimately changed Christianity and people’s knowledge of the history of the Bible. The concept of the Northern Renaissance includes a period of cultural and social transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. As the Renaissance movement emerged in Italy, its ideas of humanism developed in Northern European...

The American Civil War and North-South Conflict

The start of the American Civil War can be traced to the inflexible variations between the autonomous anti-slave North states and the enslaved states in the South. The differences resulted in national authority’s power forbidding slavery in nonstate territories (Locke & Wright, 2019). Subjugation had long been a problem that...

Role of Diversities in a Company’s Policies

Introduction Diversity in a company means the differences between each individual. It encompasses gender, age, religion, race, ethnic group, mental and physical conditions, sexual orientation, citizenship status, military service, and other distinctive characteristics between individuals (DesJardins, 2014). These differences play a role in a company’s policies to meet equality concerning...

Transitology in Post-Communist Societies

Introduction Transitology is a unique theoretical direction that explains the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Being a theoretical concept, transitology guides the “standard fare,” the prevailing “organizing theme,” and the “way of posing questions” (Gans-Morse, 2004, p. 321). It is important to note that in the post-communist region the process...

Historical Theories: The Great Man vs. Zeitgeist

Unlike the zeitgeist theory, the Great man theory is based on the idea that remarkable humans make history. Thus, each century is represented by heroes who are unique in their abilities and who are able to influence the whole world through their actions. However, the theory disregards the socio-economic and...

“Rethinking Infidelity…” TED Talk by Perel

An essential basis of family relations is trust in a partner, and infidelity usually destroys it and makes the partner doubt the strength of the marriage. In her TED speech, Esther Perel discusses the causes of pushing people, even in happy pairs, to the adulterer (TED, 2015). Her speech includes...

StockX’s Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

In order to stay competitive, companies need to create ways to attract new clients and improve their services and products. The STP framework involves addressing three key areas, namely, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, in order to formulate a marketing strategy that will be relevant and effective for a particular business...

IQ Determinants: The Bell Curve Publication

The Bell Curve publication elaborates on the variations in intelligence in society. Racial differences and genetics have been used as the primary measures in assessing the levels of the intelligence quotient. The authors present an argument that environmental and inherited factors greatly influence human IQ (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994). Based...

Megacities and Sustainable Living

There exist 28 megacities in the world, and their numbers are expected to rise (Khanna, 2016). According to Dr. Parag Khanna, megacities are changing the map of the world. He argues that the world’s current view has humans being the inhabitants of a living system whereby the skeleton consists of...

Financial Performance Indicators: Amazon

Key Financial Performance Indicators Financial performance indicators reflect the success of business development and market success. In the case of Amazon, as the global corporation selected for analysis, these indicators are crucial criteria to evaluate to obtain an objective picture of its productivity. As stakeholders, employees, shareholders, and community groups...

Assisted Suicide and Its Legalization Problem

Introduction There has been an ongoing discussion regarding the legalization of assisted suicide or so-called euthanasia. The problem of its legalization intersects a range of disciplines, including medicine, law, religion, philosophy, and demands the participation of specialists from all these fields to make an impactful decision (Kimuyu, 2018). It is...

Conflict of Interest in Speech Therapy

Conflict of interest in clinical practice and, more specifically, in speech therapy is a phenomenon emerging due to the presence of varying perspectives of personal and professional nature. These aspects do not correlate with each other and lead to the need to balance employees’ responsibilities in developing solutions and their...

Elderly People and Interaction With Dogs

Animals play a significant part in human life as they can help with daily routines and fulfill emotional conditions. According to Scheibeck et al. (2011), elderly people are not always able to find new friends, and pets, such as dogs, might help maintain communication. Moreover, by owning a pet, elderly...

Terms Dance and Sex Work in Indian Culture

Courtesans in India have never been called simply that – for hundreds of years they have been known under various different names, which depended on their occupation and social status. With time, the courtesan culture and the personalities of the women involved in what was supposedly courting have become confused....

Slave Celia History: Discussion Board Post

The case that happened to the slave Celia has an extremely ambiguous and contradictory degree of assessment. Regarding the legal aspects and points concerning this issue, Celia committed a terrible crime, which, in fairness, should be followed by appropriate punishment. However, if one looks at the circumstances as a whole,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultural Diversity in Healthcare

At first glance, medicine and culture do not have much in common. Nevertheless, there are many intersections between them because medicine develops in the context of culture; it is influenced by the peculiarities of the country’s historical development, traditions existing in society, and even national character traits. Similarly, the development...

Creativity and Its Importance for Art

Creativity is generally the ability to generate alternative ideas and possibilities crucial for solving problems, entertaining ourselves, and communicating with others. In architecture, creativity means putting effort into creating the physical framework that enables us to live the way we do instead of falling into the lifestyles passed through generations...

Hip-Hop and Early African-American Music

Parallel forms of hip-hop and early African-American music include, first of all, beatboxing. Beatboxing did not exist in the days of blues and jazz, but this is a direct reference to the ethnic music of the indigenous tribes of Africa. In general, staccato rhythms, thumps, and jerky jolts are familiar...

Virtual Teams’ Adaptation to the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An article by Klonek et al. (2021), called “Did the COVID-19 lockdown make us better at working in virtual teams,” mainly focuses on the evaluation of the performance of virtual teams created during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the authors, the pandemic and lockdown influenced the performance of virtual teams...

Fibrinogen: Structure, Function, and Importance

Structure Fibrinogens are molecules that are usually found in the blood plasma. It is a 340-kDa glycoprotein composed of two sets of disulfide-bridged Alpha-, Beta-, and gamma-chains (Weisel & Litvinov, 2017). Fibrinogen is formed after FGA, FGB, and FGG links. These genes are clustered around the human chromosome 4, which...

Analysis of Kristan Hodge Presentation

The presentation is devoted to analyzing the psychological peculiarities of the data visualization design. The video provides many valuable insights about the color and essential visual functioning of the human brain, which I did not learn from the previous assignments. For example, Kristan Hodge discusses vision deviation and people’s inability...

The Three Abrahamic Religions

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three substantial religions in the world that, despite their distinct differences, share similar beliefs. The most elementary similarity among the Abrahamic faith is the belief in One God – monotheism. Among other touching points are tracing the origins of Abraham and considering Jerusalem a holy...

Standard of Care in Healthcare System

Standard of care regulates the extent of the caution that the medical provider should follow to ensure patients’ safety. In situations when the standard of care is breached, causing negative implications for the victim’s health, the case can be tried in court. In the first step of the discussions of...

Summer Safety in the Beach: The Viral Video

Veronica-Pooh Nash Poleate released a summer safety video that quickly became viral in 2015. In the video where she advises viewers on how to stay safe from shark attacks, Poleate combines several characteristics and qualities of a video that would go viral, as discussed by Allocca and Nguyen. The video...

The Murder of Caesar: Brief Analysis

The murder of Caesar has remained one of the most infamous assassinations in history over centuries. It may be explained by the fact that Caesar was a powerful ruler, who managed to bring Rome to prosperity, and by the drastic consequences, this assassination led to, which ran counter to what...

Hypothesis Testing a Conceptual Introduction

Summary “Hypothesis testing a conceptual introduction” is chapter 9 of the book called “Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice” written by Jacinta Gau. It examines the foundation and purpose of hypothesis testing, provides steps, which should be followed to conduct statistical research. Moreover, this chapter describes expected and observed outcomes,...

Demonstrating Intermodal Containerised Transport in North-West Europe

The video demonstrates intermodal transportation in North- West Europe by using two containers. The movie is about a multimodal experience comprising shipping two containers along the East-West corridor in North Europe using two different transport chains. The aim was to highlight the alternatives available to multimodal clients and show the...

Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age

In chapter 6, ‘Doing Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age,’ the various themes include fatherhood and fatherless biblical overview, fatherlessness in the contemporary era, and the duty of sports chaplains in caring for players’ souls. According to the biblical overview, God’s fatherhood is a significant belief and story throughout the...

Freud’s Theory of Child Development

Introduction Freud’s theory of child development focuses on personality, and it defines how an individual behaves, feels, and thinks. Therefore, a child grows up unique depending on the issues they went through when they were young. As a child grows, they develop long-term characteristics that they hold throughout their life,...

Transplantation Rejection: Classification, Causes, and Prevention

Recent groundbreaking medical advances in post-transplant management have significantly boosted the success rates of transplantation procedures. The British Society for Immunology defines transplantation as the process by which viable cells, tissues, or organs are moved from one site to another to replace or repair organs and tissues that are diseased...

Latin America’s Economic Development Issues

The three main issues that I believe are attempting against economic development of Latin America are poverty, unemployment, and inequality. While there are many social policies that have strived to reduce poverty and inequality, the problems still persist due to poor productive structures that create unequal personal distribution of labor...

Art Classes’ Efficiency in Different Regions

Art Classes in Boston and Baltimore Conkling, S., & Kaufman, B. (2020). Equality and quality: The influence of private funds in public arts education in Boston and Baltimore. Arts Education Policy Review, 121(1), 10-22. In the article is examined the influence of private foundation funding on arts policy and practice...

The Resource-Based View in Management

The resource-based view (RBV) presents the modern managerial way to analyze how to achieve greater performance and competitive advantage. It can explain why firms perform differently and help compare their set of tools to determine the reason for deferential success. The focus of a business manager who uses the RBV...

Bart’s “Ethics: The Key To Organizational Culture”

Bart’s recommendation on ethics is that leadership in every organization has to define its organizational orientation that precisely details acceptable and unacceptable behavior terms. At Starbucks, the company’s ethics and compliance board has developed and distributes ethics awareness materials comprising its business conduct standards. The conduct allows for ethics training...

The Theme of Mental Illness in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Tell-Tale Heart in 1843. It is a short horror story depicting the murder of an old man by an unnamed person, the story’s narrator. The narrator shows signs of paranoia, mania, and auditory hallucinations. The setting is a house where both characters live, while most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nonethnic Minorities: People With Disabilities and Queer Community

Introduction A crucial topic connected with the treatment of people with disabilities and LGBTQ communities is vital and needs to be discussed. This theme is not new, and many people have already come to realize how relevant it is to be compassionate and tolerant of exceptional people. The fact remains...

Investing in Corporate Bonds or Quality Stocks

The development of financial markets has expanded the tools and methods of investing money so much that it is often difficult to understand various investment alternatives. Among the leading investment tools offered by the modern financial market, investing in corporate bonds or high-quality stocks is popular. These segments of the...

Terrorism of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

The growing numbers of terrorist organizations pose a threat to the government and the residents at the location of their operations. For instance, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is recognized as one of the most successful insurgent groups. Established by Velupillai Prabhakaran, it has organized many guerilla attacks...

“Parenting and SES: Relative Values or Enduring Principles?” by Roubinov

Parenting is one of the most critical aspects of social dynamics, where children’s development and growth are affected by the choices their parents make along the given process. The concept is present in many areas of life, and one might argue that it is prominent in the literature and arts....

Homelessness in California: Homelessness in California

Homelessness is defined as a lack of secure, healthy, and appropriate accommodation. California should rethink some of its property rules, provide more money to affordable homes initiatives, and streamline the application form. Housing has traditionally been regarded as one of the most fundamental human requirements. As a result, it is...

Zipcar: A Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy

Zipcar is a great example of how marketing and sales tactics can be adjusted depending on customers’ changing needs. The company used to stick to two pricing models, whereas now a client can choose among three options that are different in terms of subscription duration and car models. Due to...

Gottabemobile.com Website Analysis

Summary The website that I have chosen for the examination is gottabemobile.com. It publishes content related to mobile phones, applications, operating systems, and electronic games daily. Such a choice is explained by the fact that I often read the materials about technological advances and new video games on this website....

Herodotus on the Egyptians: World History

I believe that Herodotus had a valid opinion on how influential some of the Egyptian customs have been to the Greeks. For instance, Egyptians had the same type of social hierarchy, with the upper class of land and slave owners and the lower class with limited rights. Some religious similarities...

Social Class and Social Movements

There are differences between income and wealth, and through these differences, one can understand the meaning of social class. Income is what a person earns through their work, while wealth is the assets that a person possesses at the present time. Since income and wealth have different effects on one’s...

“Beowulf”, an Old English Epic Poem in the Tradition of Germanic Heroic Legend

“Beowulf” is one of the perfect examples of a heroic epic. The poem describes the ancient Germanic legends dating back to pagan times. The action of the poem takes place on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and its plot is borrowed from Germanic mythology. Apart from having a great...

Strategy as Active Waiting

Companies that invest in stable economies on most occasions stumble after entering more volatile markets. Such changes happen because most firms believe they can derive a sustainable strategy that offers them a cutting edge. However, survival demands that these companies position themselves to deal with likely threats while taking advantage...

Bullying and Patient Safety in Clinical Settings

Thankfully, I have not faced serious bullying or incivility, such as physical abuse or verbal slurs within my clinical setting. The worst instances I can remember are several cases of unfunny jokes or seemingly unjustified negative comments on my or my peers’ performance. However, the fact that I have witnessed...

The Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression was among the most devastating events, which affected and severely hindered the US economy. It is important to note that Americans faced a wide range of issues, which included unemployment, homelessness, the collapse of international trade, deflation, economic output shrinkage, the banking system failure, stock market failure,...

Endangered Linguistic Minorities in Italy

The issue on which I have selected to focus belongs to the linguistic anthropology area of social sciences. Linguistic anthropology is a field of study that explores the links between groups of populations, their cultures, and languages (University of Florida, n.d.). The specific issue of this science in which I...

The United States History Reforms Chart

Public Education Reform The 2011 U.S. education reform Description One of the most controversial measures of this reform is transferring some educational institutions into private hands. Public schools, run as private enterprises, were considered more success-oriented. Person Involved Diane Ravitch How was the person involved? Diane Ravitch is the most...

Types of Listening

Listening is fundamental to effective communication, and the way people listen in every situation needs a different approach. One might be trying to develop a relationship, learn something new, make a logical evaluation or discriminate. Therefore, one needs to be able to focus, receive and comprehend to listen. There are...

Business Mergers and Acquisitions and Their Causes

For a business entity, operating without the support of a business partner is impossible. Therefore, opportunities for building cooperation and support are typically sought. Mergers and acquisitions are often viewed as the source of essential support and the means of expanding power, which is why they have been particularly popular...

Bob Dylan’s Songs from the “Blonde on Blonde”

Bob Dylan is a legendary person who, through music, was able to convey emotion and meaningful lyrics. The singer has covered many topics related to political, social, and philosophical trends. In 1966 he deviated from his mainstream American folk movement and released the album Blonde on Blonde. The album is...

The Brain and Its Abilities: Lara Boyd’s TED Talk

We live in the 21st century, in the age of high technologies and regular scientific discoveries. Scientific progress affects all areas of human life. A person studies the whole world around him and, most importantly-himself. We are looking for the hidden capabilities of our bodies and the potential that we...

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” and Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”: Short Stories Comparison

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” are both 1930s stories. However, the authors’ stylistic innovations significantly differ since they address distinct themes in the early twentieth century. One of the crucial differences is evident in the compositions and literary styles the author’s highlight. Although both Hemingway and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Lack of Awareness About the HIV

For this discussion, I chose to analyze the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States and India. Communities in both countries have been severely affected by it during the past few decades, and many interventions have been implemented in attempts to reduce its occurrence. As the...

John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech Aspirations

John F Kennedy’s political decisions were dedicated to defending liberty in the United States and worldwide. Indeed, the course outlined by him in the inauguration speech made the country entail such foreign policy commitments as the Cold War tensions enforcement and participation in fights against Communism (Hart 114). This paper...

The Killing Nurses of the Nazi Germany

The Third Reich is the embodiment of the Nazi Germany that was obsessed with the idea of building the perfect race. In Germans’ anticipations and hopes, this race would conduct the world by trespassing other territories, eliminating other nations that did not correspond to the immaculate race’s image, and refining...

Randomized Clinical Trials Examples

When it is necessary to make data from research credible, healthcare managers and leaders can use numerous types of studies. They include case-control studies, cohort studies, and randomized clinical trials (RCTs), and each of them has specific peculiarities. Thus, the paper will offer examples of such studies and comment on...

Growth Factors of the Textile Industry in Pakistan

Introduction The textile industry in Pakistan is the most developed sector of the state’s economy. The share of the total economy it accounts is estimated to be nearly 46%; about 39% of total employees in manufacture are involved in the textile production (Latif & Javid, 2016, p. 192). Pakistan is...

Climate Change: Improving Global Health

The climate of the planet is changing, and today it is impossible to deny. The temperature of air and water is increasing every decade. When discussing warming, people often discuss the risks to nature and the economy: plants and animals will suffer from high temperatures, and droughts will force many...

Anthropocene and Its Role in Globalization

The Anthropocene is an informal term that denotes an era with a high level of human activity affecting wildlife and ecosystems. In recent decades, humans have caused landscape changes, mass extinction of wildlife, and environmental pollution. People have been purposefully changing the world for a long time, using natural resources...

How Racism Makes Us Sick

Summary From this week’s readings and the TED Talk video, I have learned that racism has a plethora of implicit effects, including the way people of different ethnicities are treated within the healthcare system. For example, David R. Williams discusses an example of a comparison of the life expectancy for...

Business Ethics in Modern Realities

Business ethics is one of the essential components of working in a business environment. Due to its principles, ethical problems and moral issues that arise during work between people can be considered and resolved. Moreover, ethical value systems also support business performance (Ferrell et al., 2019). This course’s study has...

Building a More Pleasant Existence and Helping Others

Perhaps inclusivity makes the message of things breaking apart powerfully resonate with people regardless of their faith or spiritual practice. Each person experiences hardships, and how every individual responds to those feelings can build a more pleasant existence. When problems happen, people believe that the best course of action is...

Business Negotiations in Germany and the US

Difficulties in negotiations are often due to differences in national cultures. German and American business cultures both fall into the category of low subtext in communication, with little or no regard for hidden meaning (Meyer, 2019). That is why I decided to choose Germany for the company’s new venture, and...

Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations

Globalization is the embodiment of industrial, social, and economic revolution that helped overcome negative odds in people’s lives. It is a phenomenon that is treated as a turning point in developing the various aspects human beings were engaged in, as globalization is a real advent of prosperous humankind’s evolution. From...

Fitness and Its Impact on Wellbeing

It is a well-known fact that regular physical activity has a major influence on human health. Fitness can help people reduce the risk of a great number of diseases, have stronger muscles and bones, reduce symptoms of depression and other mental conditions, as well as improve emotional wellbeing (Mikkelsen et...

Types of Reciprocity. Cooperation Dynamics

Any exchanges between people can be handled in three ways. The first type is generalized reciprocity, which is mostly expressed in closely related societies. The general principle of this type is “help anyone if helped by someone” (Stojkoski et al., 2018). In my case, my parents are willing to help...

Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities

Access to healthy food by all the members of society is one of the main conditions to reach sustainable development. However, in this regard, the current situation in the U.S. is far from ideal. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2021), 53.6 million people (17.4 percent of the total...

Artifacts and Their Ethical Values

An artifact can be defined as an object made by man, as opposed to natural; an object produced for functioning in the field of art (HoƂy-Ɓuczaj, 2020). Mostly, the term ‘artifact’ is used in archeology and refers to an object found by archeologists. However, any kind of artificial product such...

Electronic Health Records Recommendation

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are a widespread and practical application of information technology in healthcare. They contain data about the patient in digital format while protecting the privacy of the person. Information in this form can be effectively used by providers to treat one patient and be transmitted between...

Cryptography for Work of Systems and Algorithms

Cryptography has many interconnected components that ensure the work of systems and algorithms. They all have their characteristics, which are most important in different areas of application and professional sectors. However, I am most impacted by such a component as encryption algorithms, or rather their differences. Modern encryption algorithms use...

Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

Double Standard in Sexual Relationships

For the past century, American society has significantly advanced in the issues of racial and gender equality. The feminist and political movements have had a profound impact on how society perceives various social constructs. Nevertheless, there is still a large amount of prejudice concerning the gender gap and sexual orientations....

Fall Measurement Tools in Healthcare

Falls can be regarded as one of the common and preventable issues that have an adverse impact on patient outcomes and indicate areas to improve in terms of the quality of provided care. Falls are a specifically serious threat to older patients who are a vulnerable population due to their...

The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History

The details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child. For instance, the pediatrician or the preschool healthcare professional may understand whether the child is at risk of developing vascular disorders based on the child’s birth weight or previous congenital malformations....

Fossil Fuels Formation and Processing

Fossil fuel derivatives are produced using plant and animal deposits. These sources are found in the earth’s deep layer and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be singed for energy (Strand, 2007). Coal is a solid raw material that is formed for an extended period by the rot of land...

Homeless Veterans: Analysis of Cases

The number of cases of homeless veterans has been on the rise mainly because of poverty, lack of affordable housing, and mental illness as a result of war, drug, and substance abuse. Veterans have undergone specific barriers when seeking healthcare. These barriers include a lack of proper mental healthcare and...

Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket

Together with the development of society, medicine also develops, but some people are not ready to accept everything that science creates. There is an opinion that any intervention in human life to improve it is considered genocide concerning any social group. There are some people disagreeing with this view, however,...

Benefits of Vaccination against Coronavirus

Among the numerous recent healthcare advancements, vaccines occupy a specific place for their unique benefits for individuals and society in general. They constitute a relatively cheap measure which has allowed to prevent the outbreaks of many life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Moreover, they play a critical role in achieving herd...

Obtaining Startup Funds and Working Capital

Many entrepreneurs are faced with a choice: to develop a business using personal resources or to attract third-party capital – in order to reach profitability faster. Investments are often required at the initial stages of project development when they are directed to the launch of the first sales. First of...

Enhancing the Competence of Nursing Staff

Research Process The investigators created an exhaustive search methodology that was useful in the identification of articles from specific databases. They collected data on a variety of qualitative and quantitative studies published from 2005 to 2015 (Tölli et al., 2017). The sources of information included PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane, and...

What Are the Reasons for the Imperfection of Baroque Music?

Baroque was one of the most significant and influential styles in arts in the first half of the 17th century. Despite the vague Baroque definition, particular features of pieces related to this style are revealed. One of them is extravagance manifested in inner imperfection and inconsistency in architecture, sculpture, and...

Joe Biden’s New Reform on Healthcare

The article by McCausland discusses the suggestions of the new system in the healthcare coverage proposed by Joe Biden. The policy’s expectation is to address rising well-being costs incorporating giving more oversight of health care coverage charges and practices and diminishing medical services extortion and misuse (McCousland, 2021). As Dependency...

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German Immigration and Language Learning in the US

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The Ancient Mesopotamian Empire and Its Rulers’ Ways to Govern

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Two Main Phases of Sleep, and Results of Sleep Deprivation

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Nurse Turnover as a Crucial Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

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Rising Crime and Ethnic Inequality in the United States

The article raises the up-to-date topic of the sharp increase in the crime rate in the United States. The numbers are exceptionally high among African Americans and Latinos who did not have the opportunity to graduate from high school and get a decent job. The legal system built of racial...

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Auto Computer-Aided Design: The Project Management

The report of the team case study aims to demonstrate competency in Risk, Quality, and People Management. In particular, this paper is part of a project whose goal is the handover of a completed project management plan at the end of the semester. An indicator of the acquisition of listed...

Organizational Culture vs. National Culture

Creating a strong workplace culture that will allow keeping organizational behavior in order and promote corporate values in decision-making practice is paramount for any company. However, when building the required set of values and introducing staff members to them, managers often face the challenge of balancing organizational culture with national...

“Beauty and the Beast”: Similar Fairytales in Europe and Asia

Fairytales are universal human creations that exist not only to amuse children but also to amaze adults and transmit the wisdom of distant generations. Indeed, each fairytale is unique in the matter of its characters and details of the narrative. However, certain themes are common for multiple people around the...

Proper Dental Care for Children Who Are Disadvantaged

Currently, there is a severe problem with dental diseases, which have extremely negative consequences in the case of a neglected condition. It is essential to monitor the oral cavity from an early age, which is essentially the parents’ responsibility. If the situation is favourable in prosperous families, children from disadvantaged...

Verbal Processes in Intercultural Communication

The two topics I found most interesting were “Multilingualism” and “High and Low Context Communication Styles.” In the first topic, I discovered that there are numerous ways to learn a new language. For some people, proficiency in more than one language is necessary because of where they live. For instance,...

Buying First or Selling First in Housing Markets

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Negative margins are usually a consequence of the inability of the firm to control costs or more global problems: macroeconomic, government, or industry difficulties beyond the control of the company. If we analyze the reasons in more detail, then we can highlight the following. First, a spike in commodity prices...

How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design?

A mixed method research design is a research approach that primarily utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to cover a wide range of data assessment criteria. It is stated that it is comprised of seven main aspects, which include complexity, plan, typology, integration, timing, theory, and purpose (Schoonenboom...

Asking the Right Questions in Strategic Decision-Making

Strategic decision-making requires a leader to possess critical thinking and an ability to see problems from different perspectives. Uncertain environments demand asking compelling questions to sufficiently solve the problem. Exploring the performative role of questions in leadership may disclose a strategy, which identifies a successful leader and ensures future triumph....

Comparison of Hamlet’s Procrastination and Personal Results: Shakespeare

Hamlet can be considered a literary character whose procrastination leads to gruesome consequences. The main hero’s level of procrastination can be considered extremely high, as he is exceptionally likely to delay completing urgent tasks and frequently misses necessary deadlines. Hamlet’s inability to fulfill the responsibility of killing Claudius is an...

Traveling With Congestive Heart Failure Disease

Patients who suffer from congestive heart failure (CHF) have several recommendations regarding traveling and transportation. The increasing popularity of air flights demands to follow special requirements in utilizing passengers with cardiovascular diseases. As most commercial aircraft fly at an altitude between 22000 and 44000 feet above sea level, people with...

The Best Growth Strategy for an Entrepreneurial Venture or a Small Business

The statement “The best growth strategy for an entrepreneurial venture or a small business is a well-planned one” should be understood in a way that when a person wants to create their own business, to achieve success, not go bankrupt and earn an income, he or she must develop a...

Poor Management & Care Quality During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed many inadequacies of healthcare management worldwide. For example, increased working hours and sleep deprivation among nurses during the pandemic were reported to affect their performance (Kim-Godwin et al., 2021). Hospital management can be improved by evaluating the existing problems that include lack of job satisfaction, burnout...

Gene Therapy Overview and Advantages

The use of gene therapy is expected to replace or fix mutated genes to cure diseases. The key advantage of this therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that cannot be cured by traditional approaches. For example, leukemia, hemophilia, or severe immune deficiencies can be potentially treated...

Racial Disparities in American Sentencing

In my opinion, the most problematic sentencing disparity in need of attention by judicial agencies is the racial disparity. The problem of Blacks and Hispanics being convicted and receiving prison sentences more often than whites is widely known and present in the modern US judicial system. According to King and...

Data Analysis in Design Overview

Data analysis (DA), often combined with artificial intelligence (AI), has found critical applications in the field of design. Whether the subject is medicine, construction, or the user experience of a social networking site, the single most crucial question for design is “what does the customer want”? By tapping into the...

The Six Questions of External Analysis

The six questions of external analysis present a reliable framework which allows companies to correctly determine their position in the industry and assess available options of gaining a competitive advantage, yet it also has weaknesses. This approach’s primary strength manifests itself in the flexibility it provides since almost any business...

Strategic Planning Opportunities in the Area of Hospice Services

The United States of America is experiencing high growth in the elderly population. With the increase in the aging group and the high incidence of chronic diseases, health facilities need to invest in technology to reach as many patients as possible (Fausto et al., 2020). Therefore, healthcare facilities must create...

A Grocery Delivery Business

I have used my skills in economic and entrepreneurship to identify viable business opportunities. From my analysis, I have discovered that there is a high demand for groceries in my neighborhood. As an economics student, I ascertained that the demand for groceries also includes the need for delivery. Most people...

Statistic for Public Health Promotion Interventions

Statistics are directly relevant to the planning of health promotion interventions because they are paramount for identifying the groups that need such interventions in the first place. Learning more about a given group is actually one of the main uses of statistics in public health (Bruce, Pope, & Stanistreet, 2018)....

Sexual Harassment Study Without Probability Sampling

Notes Contrasted with men, women have more worries about using public transportation modes and stations. Also, more women compared with men have safety worries just as a bigger probability of harassment in other public spaces like roads and parks, transport stops, and metro stations. This absence of trust in broad...

Qualitative Data Coding Process and Factors

Research commonly includes various approaches to work with data and the choice of suitable strategy based on a study’s purpose. For qualitative information, coding is one of the most valuable ways to gather coincidences and make detailed observations. As qualitative data is unstructured and non-numerical, coding is utilized to identify...

Queue Management Information Systems: Pros & Cons

Queue management systems have had the most significant impact on business operations, especially in service industries. In banks, restaurants, healthcare facilities, schools, and other service-oriented enterprises, customers have to wait for service (De Vries et al., 2018). Longer queues can have unprecedented negative consequences on several business outcomes, including waiting...

Evaluation of Clients with Intellectual Disabilities

The purpose of this blog is to analyze potential challenges for evaluation and provide personal action plans that might be taken to address evaluation in the field education experience. Evaluation challenges might stem from the client’s unique needs or abilities and insufficient resources to assist in the change process. As...

Greenwashing in Business and Its Influence on the Company

Many businesses in all sectors are increasingly ‘going green’ by offering healthy, environmentally-friendly products to the market. However, many business organizations are providing misleading information in an attempt to create an overly positive image of their brands and environmental practices among stakeholders, particularly consumers (Torelli et al., 2020). Greenwashing has...

Menstruation Practices in India

Menstruation is essential because it plays a crucial role in a women’s reproductive health. Inadequate knowledge and education are the primary causes of adverse issues associated with menstruation. In this case, I would educate the girls about the importance of hygiene during periods. Genital areas’ cleanliness reduces infection incidents by...

Java and JavaScript Vulnerabilities

Java and JavaScript have as many security vulnerabilities as other programming languages. These exposures can redirect sessions, manipulate data, and modify and steal information. The security issues can affect server-side environments even though Java and JavaScript are usually viewed as client-side applications. Since the effects of Java and JavaScript vulnerabilities...

Safety Committees of Kindred Hospital Houston Northwest

Patient and personnel safety is critical for healthcare facilities’ proper functioning, and the committees are a profound solution to regulate hospitals’ risk reduction and security checking activities. In the long-term acute care organizations, welfare providence is administrated via several communities that contain nurses, physicians, and government representatives who meet several...

Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing

Introduction In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step...

Civil Rights Movements From 1940 to 1970

The image of a conservative and prosperous era in the U.S. history of the 1950s is quickly shattered as soon as someone steps outside the cozy suburbs, clean offices, and pervasive culture of mass consumption. It was the time of flourishing of Civil Rights actions in America. In my opinion,...