Clinical Interventional Studies Definition

Clinical intervention studies (CIS) play an essential role in investigating the scientific problem, which needs to be addressed in order to form a concise and full knowledge base. There are three main approaches in CIS, which include pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and true experimental research designs (Holly, 2014). Each methodology possesses unique...

Database Elements for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients

Adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) require the inclusion of particular elements into a database. It is assumed that certain key data that are not connected to ARDS are already incorporated into relevant database tables. For instance, it is routine to consider gender and age, as well as...

Science of Human Flourishing in Healthcare

In general meaning, human flourishing can be defined as an attempt to achieve self-affirmation and perfection within the framework of a larger group of individuals, with an opportunity to pursue personal methods of such attempts. As a concept, human flourishing focuses on a virtue theory developed by Aristotle, who emphasized...

Divinity: Does God Allow Evil?

Introduction While proving the reality of God seems to be counterproductive to the belief, numerous philosophers have attempted to outline various arguments that aim to prove the existence of such a power. Most assertions formulate themselves on the fact that God is un-perceivable and, therefore, must be shown to exist...

The Benefits of Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a ubiquitous technology that makes Internet access on many devices at once possible without much difficulty. It allows devices to connect to a network without the need for a cable, which is an excellent property due to the number of Internet-enabled devices that people currently use. It is...

Marketing Mix in Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper

Coca-Cola Coca-Cola’s product portfolio is extensive, including over 500 brands. The most popular of these are Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Diet Coke, Fresca, and Simply Orange. Regarding the place component, the vast distribution system of the company allows it to sell its products in over 200 countries. The prices are low...

Dunnavant’s “Assessing Heritage Resources in St. Croix”

Professor Justin Dunnavant and his team have put extensive effort into exploring the history and effects of slavery on the island of St Croix. Through the in-field tour on heritage sites with archaeological works, the Salve Wrecks Project, in short of SWP, has assisted the public effectively in comprehending how...

Visual Learners’ Capabilities and Strategies

Having an understanding of the style of learning that an individual has is crucial for achieving adequate results. Some individuals benefit from having information conveyed through audio, while others remember better when they can visualize objects. Having sufficient knowledge of these different approaches can help create educational programs and personal...

Academic Achievement Gap and Teachers’ Perceptions

The article by Ratcliff et al. (2016) was aimed at discussing the issue of the achievement gap in terms of the problem’s causes and solutions as well as teachers’ perceptions. The researchers conducted a survey of 874 educators that included questions regarding the achievement gap, such as its importance, causes,...

Nurses’ Role in Change Implementation

The US healthcare system is continually evolving and, as an essential part of the system, nurses play a major role in the implementation of changes that currently take place. Nevertheless, it is valid to say that nurses are traditionally more engaged in the implementation of policies rather than their development....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Attitude, Intrinsic Qualities, and Skills

Attitudes The attitude I have selected as my number one priority is caring. This choice is accounted for by the fact that my profession is based on the desire to care for other people. I believe that this is an underlying principle of human relationships. The second place is occupied...

Nurses’ Attitudes, Intrinsic Qualities, and Skills

Attitudes I believe that one of the most important attitudes is flexibility. It allows finding the most suitable approach to each person, which is the basis of high-quality care and trusting relationships. The second one is optimism since positive perception of one’s life makes people happier and has proven benefits...

Patient Treatment Compliance: Intervention Outcomes

Will hypertensive patients who fail to follow treatment rules (noncompliance) (P) benefit from an educational protocol and counselling sessions (I) compared to noncompliant patients who do not receive these interventions (C) by increasing the adequate treatment rules (compliance) and improving blood pressure (O) within a documented one year of trending...

Mammogram Screening: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT Question: In the primary care setting, for women aged 40-55 (P), how effective is provider-initiated conversation regarding recommended screening guidelines and there benefits to detect breast cancer (I) verses not initiating conversation (C) in increasing patient participation in mammogram screenings for breast cancer (O) over a 6- month time...

Physical Exercise Promotion and Expected Outcomes

In patients of age group 18 to 25 (P) who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will increase their present level of activity by 30%.(O) by the end of a 6 month...

Postpartum Depression: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT Question 1: Females 18-35 years of age discharged from the hospital after child birth (p) who participate in a nurse practitioner home visit educational and assessment program (i) as opposed to non-participation in the nurse practitioner home visit educational and assessment program (c) have a decreased incidence of postpartum...

Physical Exercise Promotion and Evidence-Based Practice

PICOT Question In patients aged 18 to 25 (P), who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will their present level of activity increase by 30% (O) by the end of a 6...

Hypertension Treatment in Evidence-Based Practice

Picot Question For African Americans ages 18-35 with uncontrolled hypertension receiving care from a community health center (P), does ongoing education on lifestyle modifications (healthy eating habits and increased physical activity) (I), compared to medication therapy alone (C), contribute to a better control of blood pressure; therefore, reducing the incidence...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Nursing

The theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs presents a five-tier model that can be applied to the nursing profession. The lowest tier is physiological needs: food, sleep, and shelter. In regards to nursing, it can be interpreted as the importance of maintaining physical well-being in the workplace. It is no...

Telephone Follow-up For Diabetic Patient: Pro-Position Proposal

Research Question: Can nurse consultation and follow-up on telephone improve self-care and blood glucose monitoring in diabetic patients? Claim: Telephone follow-up is a necessary part of a nursing care plan for diabetic patients, which leads to the improvement of the quality of life, promotes consistent blood glucose monitoring, and increases...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African-American Political Science: 14th Amendment

The significance of the 14th Amendment and its different interpretation is clearly seen in the trial Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896, which became a landmark event in American history. The incident that occurred in one of the railroad cars in Louisiana became evidence of racial segregation and equality issues. The...

Advanced Nursing Practice and Theoretical Frameworks

Role incongruity occurs when expectations are not aligned with the requirements of the learning curve to adapt to the new environment. This can be compared to the Nursing Process Theory developed by Ida Jean Orland. Although the theory is aimed towards patient interactions, its dimensions are applicable to the general...

Congestive Heart Failure: Research Methodology

The setting of data collection will occur in a hospital acute-care unit, outpatient facilities such as a practitioner’s office, and via telephone follow-up at the end of the study. Since the research focuses on patient education, the primary inclusion criteria would be admittance to a hospital with a diagnosis of...

Unionization and Right-To-Work: Arguments Against

Unions are formed to facilitate labor working in unionized workplaces. It is immaterial whether employees are members of the union or not but they all have to pay union dues. A union requires funds to remain proactive of issues related to the rights of workers. Therefore, unions charge membership fees...

Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence in Nursing

This self-assessment assignment has revealed some urgent areas to improve. The facility I work at has no policies healthcare professionals must follow when dealing with culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Some general guidelines concerning certain processes and operations include some reference to cultural competence issues. However, there is no particular...

American Psychological Association In-Text Citations

APA style is used to document ideas in writing because it helps the author to organize his or her work appropriately and offers the reader the understanding of which material is borrowed from other scholars. The main aim of in-text citation is providing the audience with the opportunity to consult...

Nurses Caring for Domestic Violence Victims

Caring for victims of domestic violence is associated with some challenges because “many cultures maintain beliefs, norms and social institutions that legitimize and therefore perpetuate the violence” (Angelo, Prado, Cruz, & Ribeiro, 2013, p. 585). According to Angelo et al. (2013), to treat a victim of domestic violence, a nurse...

Patient-Centered Care and Nursing Philosophy

My nursing philosophy is associated with the assistance to people aimed at improving their health outcomes by providing treatment and preventative measures. I believe that nursing is the sphere that requires constant enhancement and evidence-based practices. The rapidly changing environment, innovations in treatment, development of new approaches, and patients’ varying...

Nursing: Formation & Everyday Ethical Comportment

In the article Formation and everyday ethical comportment, the authors describe and discuss the essential shifts in nursing education (teaching and learning) and point out that nursing professionals need to approach teaching in new ways (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard-Kahn, & Day, 2008). The concept of formation used by Benner et al....

Physical Activity and Perceived Exertion of Girls

In the article Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise, the authors discuss the importance of regular physical activity and its relation to obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Pender, Bar-Or, Wilk, & Mitchell, 2002). According to the authors, the physical activity in youth has decreased dramatically during the last decades...

Obesity Among the Adult Population: Research Planning

The investigation of the problem implies a specific setting. Considering the hypothesis which states that the improvement of the healthcare will contribute to the better outcomes related to obesity rates, the most common approaches used in the given sphere could be considered the main aspects of the investigation. These become...

Nurse’s Psychotrauma and Care for Violence Victims

Having nurses with a personal history of domestic violence committed against them to treat victims of violence is not a question of efficiency, but rather a question of medical and working ethics. On the one hand, it is clear that a nurse who suffered first-hand from such actions would be...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Evidence-Based Project

The risk of developing pressure ulcers in patients remains one of the most important problems that healthcare specialists in emergency departments face during their practice. A bed ulcer occurs due to constant pressure on a certain part of the body. The significance of the problem cannot be overstated as pressure...

Primary Nursing Care Delivery Model’s Pros & Cons

The choice of nursing care delivery model remains extremely important as it impacts the quality of care received by patients. The range of organizational methods helping to provide patients with high-quality service is quite large. If I were the manager of my healthcare unit, I would prefer to utilize the...

Nurses’ Abusive Relationships and Patient Outcomes

It is a common truth that previous experience related to difficult situations can have a significant influence on people’s personal life and career. Speaking about the impact of negative experience on professionalism, it is important to discuss the way that nurses’ previous abusive relationships affect their practice with victims of...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model’s Pros and Cons

The model that perfectly fits the objectives is team nursing. Within the framework of this model, healthcare professionals are divided into groups so as to provide care on a number of different levels at the same time (for example, acute care, nurse practitioners, inpatient setting professionals, and many others). Even...

Contemporary Nursing and Early Conceptualization

The role that conceptualization plays in the contemporary advanced nursing practice is immense and could hardly be denied. It is essential to mention that early conceptualization of nursing theory, which was implemented in the second half of 20th century by several scientists, to this day remains a profound basis for...

Nursing Education Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

The engagement of students is a notion usually talked about in education, and much research has been carried out on the subject matter. It is usually perceived as the rate of interest that learners demonstrate towards the subject under discussion; their interaction with the teacher, content, and peers; and their...

Professional Nurse’s Educational Challenges

Barriers Encountered In my journey to become a professional nurse, I have encountered numerous challenges. One of the main challenges was the conflict between professions. When I graduated from high school, I wanted to join a law school. I wanted to become a lawyer, just like my parents. However, an...

Professional Nursing Education and Barriers to It

Contrary to classroom learning, clinical education in nursing happens in an elaborate medical learning setup that is swayed by numerous aspects. The setting offers a chance for many nursing learners to gain knowledge experimentally while changing theoretical facts to a range of psychological, psychomotor, and mental proficiencies that are crucial...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Empowerment Activities in Nursing

Nurses usually need to empower their patients to help them make lifestyle modifications. These empowerment activities are associated with the health promotion task by completing which nurses assist patients in overcoming possible barriers related to their environments (Raingruber, 2016). For example, there were situations when I had opportunities to empower...

Safety and Violence Protocol: Evaluation Plan

If a person is subjected to violence, one of the paramount tasks of physicians is to not only help the victim get rid of the physical consequences of injuries but also to provide psychological support (Higgins et al., 2016). It can be assumed that those employees who have received training...

Hypertension Education: Evaluation Plan

The problem of uncontrolled hypertension can affect people of different ages, gender, and race (Banegas et al., 2014). The study on the merits of educating patients suffering from this ailment is considering a few possibilities. In particular, it is about the possibility of educating people and teaching them the right...

Pressure Ulcers Interventions: Evaluation Plan

The problem of pressure ulcers is one of the most central issues that always arise in the emergency department. A specific plan in the form of a protocol can be introduced to try to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. In order to determine the success of the implementation...

Nursing Organizations and Their Importance

I believe that there is always a pressing need for organizations for nurses as they play a crucial role in providing all kinds of professional support, generating new ideas and innovative solutions, and organizing nurses’ collaboration (Williams, Fulbrook, Kleinpell, Schmollgruber, & Alberto, 2015). The importance of nursing associations can be...

Family Nurse Practitioners’ Role in Policy-Making

The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse (APN) who aims at delivering the family-oriented care. Focusing on a family unit, FNPs should operate in accordance with certain ethics and legal, regulatory statutes. In particular, a policy issue should be identified to develop a personal nursing philosophy. The...

Ando’s, Scarpa’s, Rietveld’s Architecture & Design

Since the beginning of the 20th century, all the cultural aspects have undergone some drastic changes in their approaches and comprehension of art in general. Even though there is usually a bigger concern over the variations in art and literature, the approaches to architecture and design have also changed significantly....

Race and Gender in Public Relations

Introduction The practice of public relations gains recognition in today’s business world as it determines the way of how companies and people have to communicate and share information in public and via media. Compared to advertising where exposure, visual representation, and creativity matter, public relations focus on trust, correct language,...

“The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia” by Adams

The article under consideration is entitled “The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia.” It was written by Annmarie Adams and published in the journal called Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture in 1995. In the article, the author compares the architecture’s vision of Eichler houses’ functioning and the actual use...

The Mitigating Effect of Servant Leadership

In every company and organization, the central role belongs to its leader as he or she is responsible for its prosperity and success. There are different kinds of leaders, and it is hard to disagree that the best leaders are the ones who care about their employees. The purpose of...

Langston Hughes’ “Mother to Son” & “Harlem” Poems

Lorraine Hansberry’s play titled A Raisin in the Sun demonstrates readiness to challenge typical representations of minority families in theatrical pieces. The play has connections with two poems by Hughes, “Mother to Son” and “Harlem.” In his poem titled “Mother to Son,” Hughes refers to the exchange of experiences between...

Child Abuse and Health of Nation: Cause and Effect

Introduction Children are the future of the nation as they are expected to enjoy the best things humanity has, acquire all knowledge it possesses, and contribute to the formation of a new, better world. For this reason, their upbringing, education, and health are the primary concerns of adults and parents....

Staffing Policy of International Company Overseas

In the case under consideration, a British company, possessing a top secret manufacturing technology, decides to expand overseas, particularly, in China and Bangladesh. The company aims to establish new manufacturing factories in these countries. Therefore, the problem of choosing a suitable staffing policy arises. According to Subba Rao (2009), there...

Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Plan and Performance

Customer Relationship Management In the Coca-Cola company, customer relationship management is at an advanced level due to effective and modern interaction strategies. The evaluation of this parameter is carried out by analyzing consumer satisfaction as a key indicator of brand success. According to Habib and Aslam (2014), Coca-Cola leadership promotes...

Global Selection, Hiring, and Merging Processes

In the case under consideration, an American beverage company plans to expand to French and Indian markets, also aiming to merge with some local companies. The first question is in which country the merging process will be easier to perform? Secondly, it is also essential to identify the best suitable...

Freud, Sex and Sexuality

Sex and sexuality can be considered fundamental social constructs as they regulate the interaction of people belonging to various communities and the way they evolve. For this reason, these aspects have always attracted philosophers’ attention. They tried to outline factors impacting the emergence of particular behaviors in individuals when interacting...

Baldwin’s American Dream, American Negro, Sonny’s Blues

Introduction Baldwin’s The American Dream and the American Negro speech appeals to the White southerners, accusing them of racism towards African-Americans. The concept of plague is used by the author to reflect hatred and immorality, which make them look down on people that have a different skin color: “moral lives...

Statistics in Real-Life Application

Introduction Numerous students of different ages who study statistics admit that this course is boring. They stipulate that this subject is based on unrealistic materials that are not useful. However, in-depth insight into statistics and its underlying principles can show that this discipline offers some helpful information that can be...

US Corporate Executive’s Cultural Shock in China

The case under consideration investigates the situation in which Rick, an American corporate executive, experiences culture shock when he finds himself assigned to the company’s China branch. The problem is that Rick is unfamiliar with the country’s cultural norms and traditions. Thus, this case study aims to investigate how the...

US Company’s Open-Door Policy in Korean Office

The case under discussion allows investigating the peculiarities of the implementation of the open-door policy and the impact of different cultural norms on the implementation of this approach. In the described case, Bob Smith, the CEO of an American company, implements this policy in his organization. However, the company aims...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Platforms

Introduction In today’s world, the number of people using a private car is growing steadily. Problematically, the increase in traffic leads to traffic jams for many kilometers. The task of engineers is to create alternative vehicles capable of relieving the jam. One such option is electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing...

SAS Institute’s Generic & Business Strategies

Introduction The report by Stanford University shows that SAS uses a differentiation strategy. The differentiation strategy is focused on the development of a product and service that offers exclusive attributes that are needed by a customer. The company tries to provide a high level of service, and its customer-driven development...

White Supremacy and Historical Blindness

Introduction The prevalence of one ethnic and racial group over others has always been embedded in the global psyche of populations throughout the long history of its development. Thus, white supremacy represents a controversial topic referring to the sentiment that the white race is superior over others and, therefore, should...

Know Thyself: Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

The famous saying “Know Thyself,” which is written on the temple at Delphi, is one of the main messages of the Sophocles’ play “Oedipus the King.” Taking into account the historical context, it is easy to explain the problem that appeared at the end of the fifth century. “Know Thyself”...

The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth

The Industrial Revolution profoundly changed the world, all aspects of economics, society, politics, and other aspects. Industrialism drastically changed all aspects of production, allowing the establishment of mass production of goods and the invention of new methods of both production and agriculture. Technological developments and innovations changed how everything was...

Chapters 1-2 of “In Search of Respect” by Bourgois

In his book In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio, Philippe Bourgois describes his life in East Harlem, otherwise known as El Barrio, and gaining the trust of the neighborhood’s drug dealers. Through personal observations and conversations with local criminals, he reveals a unique culture among them. The...

Role of Social Responsibility Among Customers

Social responsibility is the reasonable and high-quality production of the goods or provision of the services. Moreover, it is the company’s responsible attitude towards customers, investors, employees, and the environment. Responsibility towards customers might be the most crucial area because it helps to increase loyalty and trust of customers. Customers...

US Demographics: Changing American People

In the present day, in the United States, the population is immeasurably different in comparison with citizens who lived at the time of the U.S. Constitution’s ratification. The changes in modern society may be defined as factual and psychological. In fact, the Americans are currently a large number of people...

Setting in “Passing” Novel by Nella Larsen

Setting is a critical element of any story and can be used by the author for various purposes. For instance, in Passing by Nella Larsen, this tool is one of the factors creating the mood and helping readers to understand the main message of the author. The whole story takes...

Network Analyzers: How Do They Work?

A network analyzer is a device that measures electrical networks and network parameters. Analyzers usually measure S-parameters, but there are other sets of settings, such as Y-parameters, Z-parameters, and H-parameters (“What is a vector network analyzer, VNA: The basics,” 2019). Different types of devices can be described by the incident...

Analysis of Olay Advertising Campaign

When creating a public message, each advertiser should consider their audience, purpose, and occasion for their address. Scholars recommend “figure out what they (the audience) want or need and give it to them; your reward is their undivided attention and, perhaps, the behavior you’re hoping for” (O’Rourke, 2019, p. 6)....

Multinational Companies’ Marketing in Vietnam

Expansion Opportunity Entering the Vietnam market was a rather controversial decision due to the presence of the factors such as corruption and bureaucracy. However, the opportunities that an educated workforce and comparatively low production costs opened for MNC in the economic setting of the Vietnam market made the specified endeavor...

Veil of Ignorance in Social Contract Theory

In the highly diverse world in which people have different biases associated with their situations, it is complicated to reach a social contract that would govern the way in which the global society should work. Therefore, John Rawls offered a suggestion of imagining that each person lives behind a ‘veil...

Alternative Power System for Rovers

Rovers, due to their mobility, have become mainstream devices for the exploration of other planets. They are mobile, able to maneuver better, and can be controlled remotely from the Earth. However, the main shortcoming of these robots comes from their primary advantages – they cannot carry large-capacity power storage and...

Note-Taking Styles of College Students

There is a variety of note-taking styles, out of which every learner can pick the most suitable one. The overall aim of the note-taking process is to grasp the main ideas of what one hears so that one could restore the information later. Structuring one’s writing may be enhanced via...

Personal Future Career Goal

I would like to work as a human resources manager in a medium-to-large-sized organization (one with 100 to 1000 employees). The position would enable me to leverage my leadership and communication competencies as well as my abilities to plan and allocate resources, all of which are necessary for the job...

“Beware the Pitfalls of Global Marketing” by Kashani

Summary Kashani addresses some of the problems that he believes to be characteristic of the global marketing environment. Five propositions, including the issue of expansion into a wider market, the transfer of promotion activities from local to global levels, the need to adopt a different branding technique, the use of...

International Marketing: Global Corporation vs. Company

EPRG Framework The Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric, and Geocentric (EPRG) framework allows defining organizations based on their scale and scope. Specifically, ethnocentric companies shape their customer segmentation strategies based on culture-specific characteristics thereof, whereas regiocentric and geocentric ones focus primarily on geographic location. The regiocentric approach also serves as the link...

Market Globalization and Global Marketing Pitfalls

Customizing Products: Pros and Cons When entering the realm of a global market, companies often have to consider the idea of adjusting their products and services to the context of a new economic environment. The specified decision may seem reasonable at first given the change in customers and the necessity...

Female World in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

In her famous short story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Perkins Gilman explored the challenges women of the nineteenth century had to face. This literary work is still rather up-to-date and can bring insights into the life of women living in many countries. The piece is full of symbols, which makes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and the American Dream

The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller is a prominent and well-known work with vivid and deep characters, and each of them had one’s own story. Willy Loman aspired to the American Dream and wanted to have the support of his loved ones. As a result, he received...

“Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” by Robboy et al.

In the article “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” the author Diane Vaughan discusses the specifics and the social perception of marriage and divorce. When married, the two people form a single identity, while during divorce, the redefinition of this construct occurs. This paper aims to analyze the article “Uncoupling:...

Substance Abuse Effects on Person and Community

Substance Abuse and Its Effects on a Person Substance abuse is a well-documented problem that can lead to numerous complications on a personal, family, community, and national level. It creates the potential for numerous health issues associated with the effects of the substance, such as liver cirrhosis for alcohol. Moreover,...

Intimate Partner Violence: Screening and Care

Intimate Partner Violence Care Models Intimate partner violence is a serious issue that often goes unnoticed because the victims do not want to admit that it takes place. It is a highly private matter, and people are usually uncomfortable discussing it with others, especially strangers. Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First, and...

‘The Last Night of the World’ by Ray Bradbury

‘The Last Night of the World’ is a short story by Ray Bradbury written in a genre of speculative fiction. It presents an evening dialogue between spouses who are drinking coffee and watching their daughters play on the rug. It is an entirely ordinary evening except for the dream they...

“The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Le Guin

The article that resonates with me the most is the short story by Ursula Le Guin under the title “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.” In an exciting combination of descriptive narrative and directly referring to readers, the author manages to convey a complicated twofold message. On the surface,...

The Link Between Race and IQ Test

Introduction The question of the intelligence gap between races cannot be regarded as ethical to be examined by scientists and researchers. This issue is actively discussed by academicians, and in Race and Intelligence, Rageh Omaar focused on opposite views regarding the possibility that African Americans’ IQ test scores can be...

Stress and Solutions for Working Students

Since the increase in the levels of stress that working students experience due to their busy schedules, alternative options for studying need to be introduced into the current academic system. Greater flexibility in schedules coupled with the creation of online classes will lead to a better work-life balance and allow...

Puritanism in Works of Bradstreet and Rowlandson

Puritanism was one of the main features of 17th society. It impacted the lives of many people and preconditioned their behaviors. In accordance with this paradigm, women had specific roles and duties. For this reason, many writers of that period devoted their works to this philosophy and its discussion. Anne...

Identification and Control of a Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Introduction Modern technology is now introducing to the broad audience various innovations, which can rather simplify or completely replace human activity. The concepts, currently developing in the scientific sphere, concern almost every aspect of people’s everyday life. One of the most important modern scientific branches is robotics, which deals with...

The Canaries and a Female’s Life in “Mr. Green” by Olen Butler

Butler uses the setting of the bird market and cages with canaries to develop the theme of gender roles in traditional Vietnamese culture. The protagonist’s grandfather had rather patriarchic views regarding gender roles as he believed that females had a specific place in the society or rather their households. He...

The Impact of a CEO in an Organization

In general, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) have a significant influence on their respective organizations. From the perspective of organizational psychology, CEOs have a considerable effect on the performance of an organization as a whole because of their influence on the lower levels of management. Liden, Fu, Liu, and Song (2016)...

Community-Based Corrections Definition

Community-based corrections compose the alternative to prison or jail, allowing placing offenders in the community under correctional supervision. The primary purpose of such correction seems to be associated with the idea that effective rehabilitation may happen only in the real world. Usually, only low-level and non-violent criminals are placed in...

“False Promises of International Institutions” by John J. Mearsheimer

The founder of offensive realism, a professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, is considered to be one of the leading figures in the modern theory of international relations. The sensational article “The False Promise of International Institutions” by Mearsheimer is devoted to the problem of lies in international...

Financial Fraud in the Context of Economics

Various manipulative techniques behind net income planning have become one of the most widespread causes of financial fraud in the context of economics. On the example of the provided case study, it may be seen that quite often, when it comes to the official accounting data, many company leaders are...

Opinion on Protectionism

In my vision, protectionism cannot be undertaken in all cases; however, there might be a situation when I would be in favor of adding tariffs to imports. At times, foreign production starts permanently substituting domestic supply and hindering the distribution and development of internal products. It usually happens due to...

The United States’ and China’s Gross Domestic Product

For every country’s economy to be successful, there are some factors that are rather crucial. One of them is the gross domestic product, or GDP, that influences any country’s welfare and prosperity. The purpose of this paper is to provide the gross domestic product figures of the United States of...

Soy Cuba – The Analysis of the Funeral Procession’s Scene

The film I am Cuba, also known as Soy Cuba, is dedicated to the events of the Cuban Revolution. Despite the fact that it was initially conceived only as a propaganda movie, it became a real piece of art. Almost the entire film was shot with a hand-held camera, including...

The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth

Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital. The well-trained and educated labor force has a significant and direct effect on the economy by producing a high-quality product. However, the problem is not only in finding sufficiently trained...

“Kindred Spirits” the Painting by Durand

Kindred Spirits is a well-known work by Durand (1849) that uses the theme of nature. The painting depicts a beautiful mountain landscape and two friends (a poet and a painter) spending time together. It is possible to say that Durand uses the principles of composition in an effective manner. Rhythm,...

“How American Universities Turned Into Corporations” the Article by Andrew Rossi

The current situation concerning student debt is of extreme importance for US citizens and authorities. The problem is well described in the article “How American Universities Turned into Corporations” by Andrew Rossi published in Time journal. Rossi explains that the core problem behind the increasing debt of US students is...

Comparison of Success and Failure

Success and failure are widespread phenomena that occur in virtually any form of human activity. Both aspects can have both positive and negative effects on a person, so the issue of influence is particularly important. The purpose of this essay is to compare success and failure and how it affects...

How Hyperactive Technology Affects Human Connection

One cannot disagree that the sudden boost in the development of communication technology in recent years radically transformed the ways people connect. In the article “In praise of a Snail’s Pace”, which was written by Ellen Goodman and published on 13 August 2005, the author argues on the usage of...

Mindset of a College Students

Despite being an important aspect of human life, mindset is not taught at school and sometimes even at home. Since childhood, people already have a certain way of thinking, either fixed or growth mindset. A growth mindset is exactly what helps people not only at school, college, and then at...

Profitability of Sole Proprietorships

In recent times, many people prefer to work for their profit rather than benefit “the big boss.” Modern times and free access to the Internet give people a much better chance to sell what they are good at and get profit from it. The popularization of social networks such as...

The History of Witches and Witchcraft

In Europe, witches were considered in terms of theology. It was believed that Satan enters the bodies of women to acquire physical presence. The Inquisition aimed to eradicate witchcraft by torturing and executing them. The purpose of these beliefs was to blame witches for diseases and epidemics as well as...

An Overview of Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”

In her work, Johnson analyzes the poem by Hayden in detail and resorts to evaluating both the general idea and individual thoughts expressed in specific language constructs. According to the critic, the text in question cannot be considered complete since it lacks both a univocal introduction and ending (Johnson). In...

Soderbergh’s Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs

The U.S. war on drugs has become a significant event in the political, social, and economic dimensions of the nation. Starting from the 1980s till today, government agencies put efforts into stopping the drug flood into the country. Nonetheless, the effects of such a war are merely visible, which led...

Information-Related Capabilities in the Joint Force

The information environment is becoming increasingly more important in warfare due to humanity’s rising reliance on computers and networks. As such, Army leaders should understand its nature and how to form joint forces to affect it. Intelligence is one activity that is likely to be increasingly relegated to the information...

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Investors’ Choice for Unmanned Cargo Aircraft

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Father-Son Relationships in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction Being one of the most famous Ancient Greek plays, “Odyssey” has entered the realm of global culture, having left its mark on countless artworks and generations of readers. The poem addresses a large variety of themes, yet the father-son dynamics is one of the more subtle ideas integrated in...

SWOT for Little League

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Active Listening Method of Communication

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I have chosen to review the article on interior design and identity by Penny Sparke, as it evoked reflections on the connection of the personality of the designers and their work. The article presents an analysis of Elsie Wolfe’s interiors in the context of the historical period and the stage...

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Communications: “Indecent Influence” by Scherer et al.

The summarized article dwells upon the effects of obscenity on the persuasiveness of a pro-attitudinal speech. Scherer and Sagarin note that previous research suggests that swearing leads to the increased intensity and decreased credibility of the speaker (139). The researchers aim to explore the effects of using the word damn...

Climate Change and Related Issues in Canada

Global warming has been an internationally recognized problem for approximately two decades now. Being an issue around the world, climate change is regarded as something so distant and abstract that we are never expected to be conscious when its impact finally becomes noticeable. By reviewing and summarizing the assigned reading,...

Robert Owen’s Cooperative Movement Plan

Robert Owen, one of the cooperative movement founders, proposed many pro-socialist ideas during his life. The list of them includes the establishment of villages of industries. The purpose of this paper is to describe Owen’s plan of creating such villages, as well as their main elements and actions to be...

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Data Mining in Contemporary Business

Over the past decades, technological development had a significant influence on the business environment. In particular, the latest advances in technology created opportunities for businesses and institutions to collect and analyze large volumes of information, thus giving rise to data mining. According to Joseph (2013), data mining is one of...

US Coasts in Reeder-Myers’ and Robinson’s Articles

As sources for comparison, the articles by Reeder-Myers and Robinson et al. are used. Both scholarly studies deal with the archaeological safety of the coastal territories of the United States, and this is a key similarity. Also, certain nuances of the studies are similar given a single topic. For instance,...

Music Listening: “Say a Little Prayer“ Song by Bacharach & David

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Music Listening: “Firestone” Song by Kygo

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American Coastal Territories in the 21st Century

The article by Reeder-Myers describes the problems of changing the structure of coastal territories in the 21st century under the influence of both external natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion, global warming, intensive building projects, and other issues are mentioned as the factors that adversely affect coastal conditions. The US...

Hardships in “O Pioneers!” Novel by Willa Cather

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Violent Crimes in Limestone County, Alabama

Introduction Limestone County in Alabama faced a significant increase in the rates of violent crime over the past ten years. As shown in Table 1, the primary reason for that is the spike in aggravated assaults. This could be due to poor law enforcement in public areas or reduced efficiency...

How Lebanon Is Developing a Democracy

History Lebanon has quite a history of fighting for democratic values. The civil war that took place in 1975 and lasted for 15 years left a huge mark on citizens’ economic well-being and the quality of people’s lives, yet the introduction of democratic principles allowed for positive change. However, the...

Child Abandonment and Interventions

Introduction Child abandonment is a voluntary action done by parents, where a child is deserted and left behind. Some parents abandon their children by ensuring that they will be taken care of, but others leave children without any assurance. The primary concern is to identify what are the reasons for...

Gamification as a Marketing Tool

In the modern era of information technologies, when data is viewed as the most important asset, it is essential to reduce the negative impact of information management tools on citizens. However, with the introduction of gamification marketing tools, the probability of people involuntarily and accidentally disclosing their personal data has...

Punctuation in E. E. Cummings’ “Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town”

E.E. Cummings’ poem “Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town” consists of nine four-line stanzas characterized by a dynamic rhythm and frivolous punctuation. The main theme of the literary piece is the survival of individuality in a hostile world that is biased against uniqueness. The inhabitants of a “pretty how...

Transformational Leadership of Jesus Christ

Introduction Nowadays, there are many different models of leadership, and one of the most common is the concept of transformational leadership. The leader-reformer motivates followers by increasing their awareness of the importance of combining their interests with a common goal and creating an atmosphere of trust. The transformational leadership model...

O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” Short Story

The short story written by Flannery O’Connor in 1955 is a striking and emotional representation of the goodness in the life of people. As the title implies, the plot of the story emerges around the idea of what it means to be good and if it is at all possible....

American Popular Culture and Globalization Effects

Advertising and reality shows are not the only spheres in the US popular culture that promote individualism and materialism in their close relation to wealth as a measure of success and happiness. The whole spectrum of popular movies and music videos is filled with images of rich people. Rap and...

Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs

In “Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs” published in The New Yorker, Talbot describes the harsh reality of young people in academia who take off-label drugs to keep up with their hectic schedules. Talbot’s first interviewee is Alex, a college student who is involved in activism and is...

Physicalism and Functionalism Definition in Psychology

Explaining Subjective Mental Experiences Through Physical Processes The subjective mental experiences that take place usually depend on the perceptions of the subjects. Physical science provides some explanations of why a person may feel some things, such as depression, which is a mental problem, being linked to the decrease of serotonin...

Betty Neuman’s System Model for Adult Obesity

Because of the fact that the problem of adult obesity is rapidly gaining popularity in many countries, it is essential to find the best approach to treating this illness competently. As a possible technique that can beneficially influence the physical and emotional state of the person who is experiencing difficulties...

Ideal Citizen in North Korea’s Totalitarian Government

North Korea is a prime example of a modern-day authoritarian rule and totalitarian government. Ruled by a dynasty of Supreme leaders, with the current ruler Kim Jung-un creating a highly oppressive regime that has isolated the country almost completely. Kim Jung-un maintains an iron-clad grip on power through a cult...

Ideal Citizen in Soviet Union’s Totalitarian Government

For the majority of the 20th century, the Soviet Union in its various iterations of leadership was considered the epitome of a totalitarian state. The political system consisted of one political Communist party that retained total control of all policy and leadership, led by an authoritarian figure that commonly maintained...

Ideal Citizen in Russia’s Totalitarian Government

Although officially considered a democratic federal republic, Russia is de facto ruled under an authoritarian system of a dominant political party “United Russia” with President Vladimir Putin at the helm. A modern-appropriate system of authoritarianism adopted by Putin in Russia seeks to maintain total control of power over the country,...

“The Ethics of Belief” by William Clifford

Introduction In the essay “Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others. A person’s faith may incriminate him/her in unethical behavior, depending on whether he/she has the “right to believe” what he/she believes in, according to Clifford...

Predictive Analysis in Business: “Moneyball” Film

Introduction Predictive analysis is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals; it has started to be used extensively over the past several years. Its elements are portrayed in some movies, in which characters use predictive analytics for decision making. Moneyball (2011) can be considered one of the examples of movies...