Introduction There are various forms of business and collective management on which the success of a group of people or a specific individual depends. One of the popular leadership styles is transformational leadership, which has attracted increasing public attention in recent years. This method helps to inspire employees to achieve...
Topic: Business
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
Introduction Manufacturers have several goals in mind when it comes to their channels. The most important of these goals are to reach the desired customer, drive sales, and increase profits. A successful channel partnership between manufacturers and distributors is dependent on the goals that drive success for both parties. By...
Topic: Goals
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Introduction Success at work can be achieved by possessing a proper combination of skills. However, some abilities are considered more critical than others for achieving favorable outcomes. Some of the most valued ones include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and time management (Rios et al., 2020). By developing the necessary skills...
Topic: Success
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Entrepreneurial leadership is a contemporary and innovative method of management that combines leadership abilities with an entrepreneurial mindset. Furthermore, entrepreneurial leadership involves creating innovative products, processes, and options for growth in established firms, collaborating in societal structures and interacting with neglected societal problems, engaging in political agendas, and influencing the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1590
Pages: 6
Introduction Organizational change involves strategies that alter routine operations for improved competition and increased profitability. The change is influenced by factors including cultural, technological, political, social, and economic. ALDI is one of the most promising retail stores in Australia. The firm has about 580 stores across the country, and over...
Topic: Business
Words: 1628
Pages: 8
Company Background The bakery Sweet Delicacies is to operate in Warwick town at a store in Cape Industrial Estate. The Sweet Delicacies Company’s mission is to be the best in Warwick town. The bakery’s primary focus will be producing exceptional cakes and bread with distinct flavors. Delivering outstanding service to...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2276
Pages: 8
Introduction Nintendo Company has been in existence for more than a century. Its founder Fusajiro Yamauchi specialized in the manufacture of playing cards. However, with time, the company shifted its operations to the production of electronic toys and video games. Resources According to Firestone (2011), Nintendo has adequate resources to...
Topic: Nintendo
Words: 442
Pages: 2
Introduction The company that was initially chosen for this assignment is the Coca-Cola company. The home country that the assignment will be analyzing is the United States while the host country is Canada. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand that operates worldwide. International leaders need to be well-versed in a...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 2044
Pages: 7
Return on Equity (ROE) Return on equity, also known as ROE, is a measure of a company’s financial performance that is determined by dividing net revenue by the total amount of stock owned by stakeholders. ROE is commonly referred to as the return on net assets since shareholders’ equity is...
Topic: General Motors
Words: 850
Pages: 3
Introduction Rob Miranda has been a fountain of ideas since he took the role of chief executive officer (CEO) of Growing Places. For example, he created areas for women to breastfeed their babies during work breaks and put Video cameras in schools for parents to “visit” their children from their...
Topic: Business
Words: 2573
Pages: 9
«What.” is a well-known digital agency in Switzerland that provides a wide range of innovative services to people interested in business promotion. The company has been operating on the market for more than seven years and has successfully implemented many valuable and practical concepts. Nevertheless, the need for innovative business...
Topic: Business
Words: 4717
Pages: 17
Introduction Amazon and Facebook are giants and are among the brightest representatives of their industries. However, both of them do not possess a perfect reputation within many frameworks. Numerous problems have been reported by newspapers, scholars, and mass media, shedding light on the companies’ insignificant business practices. Such a state...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 2945
Pages: 13
Introduction Organizations must recognize the significance of work-life balance to construct a strong and healthy team. There are various approaches to promote this idea, such as allowing flexible schedules and pauses, investing in ergonomic furnishings and tools, making mental health support services available, and developing an environment of understanding and...
Topic: Work-Life Balance
Words: 1321
Pages: 5
Introduction In the development of an organization, management plays a crucial role. Moreover, the leadership style directly affects the employees’ development within the company, the organization’s success, its corporate culture, and the retention of specialists (Stone et al., 2020). Accordingly, depending on the type and functions of the business, the...
Topic: Management
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Promotions are key indicators in determining the success of an employee. Promotions take years, whereby the growth is measured after some time. Promotions are not entirely determined by the employee or manager’s control (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). However, organizations can only promote few employees. Hence, situations where top-performing employees expect...
Topic: Employee Benefits
Words: 339
Pages: 1
Problem Problem statement Thousands of employees in servicing, selling, and making traditional vehicles face an unoptimistic future since most countries are preparing a transition to electric vehicles. The widespread adoption of the upcoming electric car is an essential development that nobody is talking about. From corn growers to metal fabricators...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 1528
Pages: 5
Introduction Changing and updating the marketing plan for a company is a necessary step in gaining more attention and keeping a place in the market as the trends and customer preferences change. Major companies change with time to enforce their strong position, while smaller brands reinvent themselves to grow and...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 388
Pages: 1
Reflection in a Professional Setting Reflection in a professional setting is an essential skill to build and maintain if you want to succeed and progress in many aspects of life. Reflection is taking the time to pause and think deeply and objectively about our experiences, actions, and beliefs to gain...
Topic: Teamwork
Words: 1476
Pages: 5
Any successful business relies on international cooperation on different levels in the modern globalized world. While incorporating workers from different backgrounds and cultures into a team is a general practice, communicating with international clients can have issues for both sides if certain cultural specifics are not considered. Intercultural communication is...
Topic: Communication
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation known worldwide for its high-quality computers, smartphones, media players, tablets, and other accessories. Since its founding in 1976, the business has consistently ranked among the world’s biggest technology companies, among such powerhouses as Amazon, Facebook, and Google (Komalavalli & Laroiya, 2019). The company...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1400
Pages: 5
Introduction Amazon is one of the largest and well-known companies in the US and the. In terms of market capitalization, it trails Apple, and terms of the number of workers, Amazon trails Walmart (DePillis, 2018). Amazon is unrivalled terms of its significance to contemporary life and its power to change...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
Introduction Nestlé, a multinational corporation headquartered in Switzerland, manufactures the well-known coffee brand Nescafé. Henri Nestlé launched it in Switzerland in 1867 (Nestlé, n.d.-a). During the coronavirus outbreak, Nestlé has not been able to produce at “normal” levels, according to Mark Schneider, CEO of the multinational food and beverage corporation...
Topic: Coffee
Words: 5066
Pages: 18
Leadership can be defined as the exercise of influence over other people to direct their efforts most effectively toward a common objective. Leaders who can connect with their followers and engage their support by appealing to their shared values and goals are more likely to achieve their objectives (Morgan, 2020)....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1738
Pages: 6
Introduction The Topic and Its Context Leaders of various organizations strive to apply strategies to boost the performance of their subordinates. Workers are the driving force of organizational success; hence, correct methods of coordinating their work are essential. The tactics of motivation and communication with employees define the leadership styles...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
The Disney Corporation is one of the leaders in the entertainment industry. It generated a stable annual income, which comprised around $67B in 2021. The company’s internal analysis shows it has numerous strengths, such as streaming services, recent acquisitions, and unique value. Moreover, its core competencies include a focus on...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
Introduction An affiliation’s ability to compete in the marketplace assures its long-term prosperity. The generation and dissemination of value for the consumer are both influenced by a company’s economic position. This investigation concentrates on Starbucks and how it has been able to give its client’s value proposition for its product....
Topic: Marketing
Words: 3354
Pages: 12
Introduction Having done a critical evaluation, I think the consumer electronics sector would be the ideal option for my case study. Within this sector, Apple and Samsung are chosen as the organizations to investigate. Among the products that Apple is known to specialize in is hardware, which includes personal computers,...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1932
Pages: 7
Enterprise systems provide value by both increasing operational efficiency and providing firm-wide information to help managers make better decisions. SCM – Supply chain management systems automate the flow of information among members of the supply chain so they can use it to make better decisions about when and how much...
Topic: Business
Words: 334
Pages: 1
Introduction Servant leadership is one of the popular leadership theories that can be applied in different organizations to increase their effectiveness, improve the general performance of employees, and enhance the relationships between leaders and their followers. This paper studies servant leadership, explicitly comparing and contrasting its traits with the major...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2230
Pages: 8
Introduction The definition of the business environment includes all possible internal and external factors as a set that affect the corporation. External factors include economic factors since each corporation needs to adapt to a recession or decline in the economy. Another factor is the legal one since when government officials...
Topic: Business
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Introduction Many organizations have set out policies and procedures to protect and safeguard themselves against risks. How a business adopts and handles threats is influential to business success. The way a company handles risk-related issues is essential to other stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, and the government. In order...
Topic: Samsung
Words: 1956
Pages: 7
Introduction Effective recruitment and selection are among the most important ways through which an organization can enhance the effectiveness of the employee management system through the strategical use of onboarding. Onboarding refers to the process of helping newly sourced talents to adjust to the social-environment and performance of the company...
Topic: Business
Words: 966
Pages: 3
Coca-Cola is a major multinational corporation with a well-developed supply chain management. The company’s working capital is appraised as the biggest, which ensures stable positions in the beverage industry. Its financial aspect is available online to demonstrate its transparency to the public. This paper aims to dwell on the working...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction It is challenging to overestimate the significance of people for any organization. This statement equally refers to executives who develop strategies and make decisions and ordinary employees who work to ensure that managers’ plans can be implemented. That is why organizations and chief executive officers (CEOs) should draw significant...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 4969
Pages: 18
Introduction The contemporary globalizing economy implies the rapid international growth of companies in all spheres. In particular, with the advancement of technologies and transportation, the management of company facilities across countries’ borders has become easier and more efficient. Such a state of affairs validates the expansion of multiple companies to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Introduction SWOT analysis is an effective method for assessing the main performance factors of an organization or business. The purpose of the use is to identify the areas of opportunity and the main threats to the enterprise, covering all the necessary aspects (Clark, 2017). SWOT analysis includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...
Topic: Tesla
Words: 533
Pages: 2
Abstract The objective of this research was to show the relationship between reverse logistics and sustainability by analyzing the following case studies. These cases are analyzed to understand the relationship between reverse logistics and sustainability. The study analyzed two cases of reverse logistics in the European Union and China as...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 2702
Pages: 9
Introduction Modern technological progress implies a high level of competition among the leading players in the market. Manufacturers of gadgets, smartphones, and laptops, such as Apple, Samsung, and Google, adopt each other’s technology and try to provide customers with a better product than the competitor. Each company chooses a specific...
Topic: Apple
Words: 944
Pages: 3
Introduction A diverse workplace entails a variety of individual variations within an institution. Workplace diversity comprises color, sexuality, ethnicity, mental and physiological impairments, and other unique characteristics. An inclusive workforce is one where individuals with all types of diversity and impairments feel accepted and their efforts are recognized (Agarwal, 2021)....
Topic: Workplace Diversity
Words: 1824
Pages: 8
Introduction As the new head of human resources at Java Corp, a homegrown cold coffee and tea business, a qualified individual needs to fill the executive director role in the soon-to-open office in London, England. This will be a two-year assignment, and there is a need to plan for a...
Topic: Business
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Corporate strategy is a continuous process of establishing a business’s value, setting goals for profits and growth, and training employees to achieve them. It is different from business strategy in that it is concerned with cost leadership, differentiation, and focus approaches rather than just competing in a market. Product, personnel,...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 392
Pages: 1
How Companies Can Manage Events with a Global Impact Global disruptions like the Covid-19 pandemic have a dramatic effect on global trade and often come as a shock to businesses. The appropriate response for companies typically involves building organizational resilience to anticipate current challenges as well as anticipate and address...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 399
Pages: 1
The impact on the development of the leader Dan Bane’s father was a founder of a successful grocery store in Dallas. When Bane was only 17, he read his father’s will and learned that he would receive the bulk of his estate when his father died if he agreed to...
Topic: Business
Words: 1255
Pages: 5
Introduction International business is a unique civilizational phenomenon due to its scale and nature. Every year the concept of domestic business becomes more challenging to separate from the global one for marketing specialists and economists (Peng and Meyer, 2016). Markets are constantly intersecting, and their players are tirelessly looking for...
Topic: Apple
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Optimization efforts are needed in the case of Mega Telco’s customer churn model to get better scores and hence enhance forecasting performance to increase business value. Organizations are attempting to build algorithms that will allow them to predict which clients are most likely to change and take appropriate action (Klepac,...
Topic: Business
Words: 450
Pages: 2
First-level supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their department and report to a store manager or other supervisors. They may be responsible for hiring and training new employees, scheduling, assigning work tasks, overseeing inventory and stock levels, and addressing customer complaints or problems. To attain outstanding results, the...
Topic: Management
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Introduction Accor Hotel Group (AHG) is a world-leading hospitality enterprise with several unique strategies. It has 5,300 hotels, 10,000 food, and beverage venues, over 40 brands, and employs over 260,000 people across 110 countries (Accor, 2022). AHG is one of the industry’s most diverse and integrative hospitality ecosystems and a...
Topic: Business
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Introduction Target is an American transnational retail organization with a highly diverse business strategy. The corporation is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and has about 30 years of retailing experience. Target acquired its current name in the 1990s after separating from its parent organization, Dayton-Hudson Corporation (Alghalith, 2018). The present brand...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
Introduction Traditional organizations were founded on the notion that the leader controls subordinates and that the organization’s strategy is dependent on the leader’s authority over followers. Daft (2017) acknowledges that there are four stages of leadership: control, participation, empowerment, and service. For instance, subordinates are supposed to be passive in...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 1108
Pages: 4
Nowadays, Home Depot is recognized as one of the most popular store chains in home improvement goods. It has few strong competitors in the market, considering that the company is successful in designing its strategy to address five primary external factors in the industry. Overall, the analysis of Home Depot...
Topic: Home Depot
Words: 305
Pages: 1
A business-level strategy is an approach that that aims to identify how a company should compete in each of its divisions. Corporate-level strategy, on the other hand, is an organizational plan that aims to define what type of business a firm should or intends to be. As such, the present...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1266
Pages: 4
Introduction The Deming Prize, named after Dr. W. Edwards Deming, was established in 1951. To reconstruct Japan’s economy after WWII, the Japanese government encouraged the formation of industrial organizations. This initiative resulted in the formation of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE). JUSE gathered experts and executives from...
Topic: Business
Words: 1691
Pages: 7
Abstract The current paper extends the CSR literature empirically by investigating the linkage between CSR and job satisfaction and employee retention. Besides, the paper cites the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the employment industry. The pandemic has seen many employees’ working contracts terminated, suspended, or even forced to survive...
Topic: Social Responsibility
Words: 6587
Pages: 24
It is hard to disagree that the importance and value of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) cannot be overestimated. OHS allows for improved employee productivity, reduced workplace illnesses and injuries, retained workers, and numerous other advantages. Schools are no exception because educators and students need to be aware of the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 299
Pages: 2
It goes without saying that for any specialist who wants to succeed in his career, it is essential to get an insight into his future profession in order to analyze his strengths and weaknesses and assess his suitability for this job. At the same time, constant development is required –...
Topic: Health
Words: 1342
Pages: 5
Introduction. Leadership in the USA Historical influence: democracy, freedom of speech, and fight for independence shaped the modern American leadership style; The top characteristics of a strong leader include performance orientation, self-sacrifices, decisiveness, autonomy, and integrity (Brodbeck et al.,2007); A constant battle between competition and collaboration, collectivist and individualistic values;...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 383
Pages: 2
What it signifies to dine out is changing, thanks to food trucks. A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks. And the upheaval that the market sector has been going through concerning the existing...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 683
Pages: 2
States are forced to respond to the pandemic, limiting reserves for industries other than medicine. As part of such measures, an increase in the critical rate of state-owned banks is being undertaken, allocating funds directly to the most critical aspects of solving the problem. While the entertainment industry is a...
Topic: Entertainment
Words: 1934
Pages: 7
Introduction Dell is one of the largest computer companies established in the 1980s. Since its inception, Dell has achieved great success as a company specializing in the PC market. Dell struggled to maintain a competitive edge during its 2013 privatization (Case Study). Investor Carl Icahn took to social media to...
Topic: Dell
Words: 1742
Pages: 6
Introduction The UK-based Tesco is a grocery and general merchandise multinational retailer organization with its headquarters located in Hertfordshire, England. Besides being the 15th most valuable retail brand globally, Tesco is also among the most valuable brands in the UK. Additionally, Tesco is the leading grocery retailer in the United...
Topic: Tesco
Words: 3699
Pages: 13
Summary This interview covered such areas as job application and interview requirements, worker-employer interaction, use of social media, cybersecurity, and training. The interviewee believes that candidates should be selected based on the experience and skills necessary for a specific position. The manager states that consistency, empathy, honesty, genuine support of...
Topic: Business
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Introduction A deeper understanding of the individual an organization is trying to reach is required for personalization and segmentation. It is the breadth and scope of that knowledge, as well as how it is put to use, that makes all the difference. Also known as one-to-one or individualized marketing, personalized...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 2788
Pages: 10
Importance of Marketing for a Business Marketing is an integral part of the business as it engages customers. Marketers have the task of studying the market – its trends and buyers’ needs. They create forecasts of a specific demand and how the business can satisfy it. As a result, companies...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 300
Pages: 1
Abstract The current business climate influences any marketing strategy’s success. The marketing manager must thoroughly analyze the market while designing a marketing strategy to identify the most influential environmental factors. Regulators and the general public are becoming concerned about the potential dangers of energy drinks. The marketing manager’s job is...
Topic: Beverage
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
Abstract The current paper demonstrates the impact of organizational structure and managerial practices on business performance on the example of Dow Corning. Throughout its history, the company had varying degrees of success under functional, divisional, and matrix management systems. It continually adjusted its needs and operations, depending on the period...
Topic: Organizational Structure
Words: 1389
Pages: 5
Introduction An assessment of the company’s performance is needed to understand whether or not the management in place has been effective. This can be determined by checking how much market share the firm currently has in comparison to the past. Market share can be computed as a percentage of sales...
Topic: Performance
Words: 3906
Pages: 14
Introduction Organizations have distinct cultures that evolve based on combinations of multiple factors. Starbucks is a company with a unique system of processes that have formed in response to several issues. After being founded in 1971, the corporation went public in 1992 as it completed its initial public offering (IPO)...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 935
Pages: 3
Introduction A team is two or more people who work together to achieve a common objective. Moreover, a team might be formed for long-term cooperation or only meet for a few hours and complete a small task. From this perspective, group dynamics refer to how individual team members’ duties and...
Topic: Business
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Introduction A business report is a formal document designed to guide managers and policy-makers in organizations toward making informed decisions. As a result, business reports rely heavily on factual data and research resources to analyze concepts and provide practical recommendations to improve organizational processes. On that account, it is critical...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1159
Pages: 4
The No. 1 toothpaste company on the Russian market, Colgate, has existed for more than two centuries. Now its net income for the quarter exceeds billions of dollars (Colgate-Palmolive, n.d.). The appearance of toothpaste on the market in history contributed to the first step toward the company’s global success. The...
Topic: Brand
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Introduction In the contemporary business environment, international marketing enables an organization to compete effectively. Most organizations go global to increase their market share and succeed (Alon et al., 2020). H&M is one of the companies using internationalization as a strategy to achieve a competitive advantage. For example, the company wants...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 2196
Pages: 8
The Brief History Bvlgari is an Italian brand with Greek origins that has captivated the world. The company’s founder, Sotirios Bulgari, was born in 1857 in a small village in the Pindus mountains in northern Greece. For generations, the area was renowned for the art of silversmithing and craftsmanship that...
Topic: Brand
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Strategic management of a brand and its portfolio is a complex multi-criteria process simultaneously aimed at the main goals of increasing revenue, recognition, reputation, and sustainability in business development. For this management, many different tools reflect its activities for consumers at different levels of perception (Hossain et al., 2020). PepsiCo...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 276
Pages: 1
Introduction Thank you everyone for coming to this workshop. Today we are going to learn about the role of power in solving conflicts in a workplace. Conflicts are common in a workplace and they occur do to various factors including poor management, lack of communication, conflict of interest and conflicting...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 515
Pages: 2
Introduction Modern management and leadership strategies define the quality of work and the success of a business in various ways. There are many ways for individuals to improve their performance, and the article by Herminia Ibarra and Anne Scoular for Harvard Business Review in 2019 focuses on understanding the role...
Topic: Business
Words: 597
Pages: 2
Introduction Puma SE is a German corporation that manufactures casual and athletic apparel and footwear. With $6.8 billion in revenue and more than 16 thousand employees, the company is the third-largest sports brand worldwide (Puma, 2022). Significant challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic and environmental issues, enabled Puma...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 1890
Pages: 7
Introduction Inventory management is critical to a business’s success since it ensures that there is never a surplus or a shortage of goods on hand, reducing the danger of stockouts and erroneous records. The topic of the cost/benefit model is essential and relevant since it highlights efficient and effective assessment...
Topic: Management
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Introduction The services provided at a beauty center are varied and may range from haircutting to massage. Additionally, such salons have a section for makeovers, makeup, manicure, and pedicure. The hypothetical beauty salon chain named Paradise aims to offer beauty-based services that would attract and broad target market. Along with...
Topic: Business
Words: 1902
Pages: 7
Introduction Based on the observations by Breen, the primary operational issue with Morrison Company was ineffectiveness and inefficiencies in production controls that resulted in supply shortages. Inefficiencies at the organization were attributed to deficiencies with the integrated circuits (ICs). The lengthy economic recessions had hindered chip manufacturers from upgrading their...
Topic: Business
Words: 878
Pages: 3
Abstract Teamwork is a dynamic and complex process that enables the exchange of diverse opinions and perspectives. This study focuses on exploring the issue of team performance in connection to leadership approaches, team dynamics, and motivation, as well as diversity. It was found that the most productive and effective teams...
Topic: Team Leadership
Words: 6058
Pages: 22
Nike is a famous brand in the present world because millions of people throughout the globe wear its products. In addition to providing consumers with clothes and accessories, the brand also affects individual self-identity, and I can confirm it using a personal example. I can state that for me, Nike...
Topic: Nike
Words: 280
Pages: 1
Introduction The global oil industry includes thousands of companies that are different in terms of size, revenue, strategies, and operations. Such types as international oil companies (IOCs) and National Oil Companies (NOCs) are often key players in the market, while the so-called hybrid companies are starting to play a more...
Topic: Business
Words: 2764
Pages: 10
Introduction One of the remarkable features of the globalization era is the wide availability of information, including of a preferably closed nature. In particular, with the development of information technology, every individual can share their opinions and experiences online, which can generate a public outcry if the issue being communicated...
Topic: Nike
Words: 2715
Pages: 10
Business Plan Pitch Pharma Supplies LLC is a medical courier company that will be involved in transporting medical tools to patients and healthcare practitioners, samples to medical workrooms, and transport donor organs and receiver patients to health facilities. The main objective of the business is to become one of the...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 1708
Pages: 6
It is evident that the COVID-19 unexpected challenges make most major companies change their strategies and adapt to the new circumstances and the needs of their customers. It is possible to say that all organizations were in relatively equal positions, but thanks to the outstanding skills of their managers, some...
Topic: Business
Words: 281
Pages: 1
Executive Summary Siemens has implemented anti-corruption measures, detailed standards and ethics, and stringent corporate norms. Prior to the bribery scandal, Siemens had a superb reputation. Bribes have long been accepted as a business norm at Siemens. When calculating the project’s cost, Siemens workers used a famous tax phrase that literally...
Topic: Business
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Reflecting on the chapter on ethics and other professional responsibilities for human service workers provides valuable insight on how ethics codes are critical to a productive and correction provision of services. It is important to note that ethical behaviors can be manifested in legal, ethical, and moral perspectives (Summers, 2016)....
Topic: Management Skills
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Project cost and funding mix According to Wapmuk (2021), the project cost of the Indorama Eleme Fertilizer & Chemicals Limited is USD 1.2 billion. The total debt financing is USD 800 million, and equity financing is USD 400 million. The main subjects of the financing were the International Finance Corporation...
Topic: Business
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Luxottica is an Italian eyewear company that practically dominates the eyewear industry. With the reach and extent of their power, it is apparent that other companies in the industry face serious challenges in competing with them. Naturally, several questions arise from this predicament: could Luxottica be considered a monopoly,...
Topic: Monopoly
Words: 372
Pages: 1
The first country that the company should choose to expand its business in Italy. This country has a long tradition of cooking pasta and pizza, but it lacks specific associations with chocolate brands. Accordingly, Chocolate Bliss has the opportunity to overcome Ghirardelli and other competitors in their effort to win...
Topic: Chocolate
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Introduction In the contemporary age, many organizations encounter serious challenges that affect their position in the global market. As such, the Nokia Corporation is suggested to have experienced a severe issue when promoting its 5G services in North America, failing to provide the residents of this region with the necessary...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 2802
Pages: 10
Government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are doing a lot more than some might give them credit for, yet the humanity is still far away from reaching any of its sustainability objectives. Over the past decades, the global community started to recognize the role the private sector could potentially play in...
Topic: Business
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Reflective Logistics/supply chain requires a myriad of skills, such as green logistics, purchasing, performance measures, and order processing, which are essential for creating a substantial impact in the clothing industry. Among the functions associated with the position includes providing support in surveying, pre-staging and ordering, inventory, and projecting performance measures...
Topic: Communication
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Introduction The 21st century embodied technological progress that has encompassed most spheres of human activity. In the current age, new advancements are developed at a rapid pace and introduced across various spheres of work, leisure, and entertainment. Furthermore, this unprecedented level of progress leads to profound transformations of the industries....
Topic: Business
Words: 3259
Pages: 14
Elon Musk is one of the most notable entrepreneurs of the modern age who is advancing and promoting the adoption of many innovative technological solutions. Elon Musk is also the CEO of Tesla, one of the Fortune 500 companies which operate in the industry of car manufacturing. Elon Musk has...
Topic: Business
Words: 591
Pages: 2
The following paper aims to define and illustrate how power is facilitated in business settings. The roles of leadership and power in the business world will be categorized and explained, as this is essential in understanding the structures of business groups. The work will also analyze the functions of organizational...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1368
Pages: 5
In response to the increasing competition in many industries, corporations are restructuring themselves to operate globally. The international configuration of businesses gives access to cheaper resources and costs, large produce markets, and subsidized financing opportunities (Deng et al., 2020). For instance, an organization may adopt a multi-domestic system where all...
Topic: Business
Words: 598
Pages: 2
Evaluating the financial situation of the organization and its capabilities is an important task to establish an understanding of its development. Several economic and financial success indicators can provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s past and current activities, examining the overall progress achieved over the years. This paper focuses...
Topic: Hilton Hotel
Words: 1418
Pages: 5
Introduction In the modern world, Sony is a multinational enterprise that produces and sells various goods, such as gaming consoles, TVs, smartphones, technological devices, and even movies. Sony is a Japanese corporation with its headquarters in Tokyo; however, it developed over time and currently functions in regions like China, Europe,...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 944
Pages: 3
Abstract This report presents an international business proposal for the expansion of the GMI company through the marketing of Progresso soups in Santiago, Chile. The report focuses on the country analysis and the possible measures the company could take to allow the successful marketing of Progresso Soup products. Progresso Soups...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 2277
Pages: 8
The processes of change management and strategic planning are complex and multi-dimensional as they entail the collaboration between relevant stakeholders, each of which has their defined roles and responsibilities. The strategy change cycle is among the primary processes of strategic management that links the processes of planning and implementation and...
Topic: Business
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Running a successful, best-performing business implies possessing particular personal aptitudes and characteristics. Company executives might have leadership makings, management orientations to lead a company and its members into a top competitive position at a vast expanse of rival firms. These two performance components are indispensable parts of a business administration....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) tools comprise a number of marketing instruments designed to ensure efficient and consistent communication with the target audience. The tools include advertising, sales promotions, public relations activities, social media, direct marketing, public relation, and sales campaigns (Juska 2017). According to Percy (2018, p. 4), marketing communications...
Topic: Communication
Words: 850
Pages: 3
Goals are the everyday aspects of the decision-making process that gives an individual or a business that sense of clarity, concentration, motivation, and direction in the goals set. Through establishing smart goals, a person or a company get an opportunity to create a specific target that has to be aimed...
Topic: Goals
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction The present report aims at assessing Saudi Arabia’s bus industry based on the literature review. The report utilizes the traditional approaches to industry assessment, including the marketing mix (4Ps), SWOT, and PEST approaches. The report claims that, despite the pandemic, both internal and external environments are favorable for the...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 1082
Pages: 4
Financial statements reflect the financial impact of transactions and other events by combining them into large classes according to their economic characteristics. These large classes are called financial statement elements. Elements directly related to the measurement of financial statements in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. Only...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction Management is a complicated process that consists of various activities, including organizing, planning, directing, staffing, and supervision intended to achieve organizational goals. In this regard, diverse concepts and practices have been developed to improve the management efficacy and the overall performance of a company. This paper aims at describing...
Topic: Business
Words: 659
Pages: 2
Job Description Administrative assistants offer administrative and clerical tasks to managers, workplace employees, and visitors. The administrative assistants handle all the tasks to ensure productivity and positivity of the organizations. The prospective candidates must be able to help managers, other employees, and company visitors. The candidates should provide polite and...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1089
Pages: 4
A cause-related marketing campaign is a campaign in which a company aligns itself with a good cause in order to improve its reputation, boost sales, and make a positive difference in the world. One of the most well-known and impressive campaigns of such type is Nike’s Colin Kaepernick 2018 marketing...
Topic: Communication
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Workplace conflict is a substantial danger to employee well-being, according to numerous researches. However, such conclusions are based on a broad measure of conflict or its specific type. When looking at the different sorts of workplace conflicts, the existing literature divides them into three categories. Firstly, task conflict, then process...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent regulations to reduce its spread, many countries have had to implement restrictive measures on people’s freedom of mobility. One of such measures includes regulations and recommendations that aim at reducing the number of people who physically attend their workplaces. In other words, governments...
Topic: Business
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction Conflicts are frequently perceived as an unavoidable negative aspect of personal relationships between people that could have adverse consequences. Even though the aspect of conflicts being an inevitable component of people’s relationships is sourced in a sociocultural character of human nature, it does not necessarily have a negative character....
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1247
Pages: 4
Introduction Contract management is the sphere, which implies achieving compromises between different sides and fulfilling their interests, which may contradict each other in some cases. In this context, misunderstandings and conflicts are highly likely to arise, and in order to avoid them, the contract manager’s Code of Ethics has been...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 2320
Pages: 9
Introduction The Coors Brewing Company is a US brewery and beer corporation that began in 1873 in Golden, Colorado, as a holding business. The organization is managed by the heirs of the founder, Adolph Coors. Since its formation, the Coors Brewing Company has sustained high production levels and expansion, making...
Topic: Business
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
Executive Summary Samsung remained the biggest smartphone maker in the world until Huawei surpassed it in April 2020. The market share of the North Korean company dropped only to 17%, which is enough to stay ahead of Apple and Xiaomi, who are their main global rivals (Singh, 2020). Such changes...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 2301
Pages: 8
Nokia Corporation also referred to as Nokia, is a Finnish multinational company that was founded in 1865 as a paper mill and is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile phones. In order to ensure the achievement of the set objectives, organizations require performance measurement which controls checks and balances of...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 562
Pages: 2
The concept of leadership has attracted the attention of leaders over the recent past. I believed that leaders are born, as Shapiro (2020) argues, but this perception has changed as I continue to learn more about this concept. My personal experiences and knowledge gained from books and interaction with other...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2664
Pages: 9
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the system of corporate governance in the UK. Corporate governance is “the system by which companies are directed and controlled” (Cadbury 2002, p. 7). There have been significant developments in the UK’s corporate governance system since the...
Topic: Business
Words: 2465
Pages: 9
Micro problems Poor communication among stakeholders; Workers’ failure to adhere to processes and rules (NASA, 2004); Neglect of personal responsibility, accountability and competence; Employees’ inability to raise concerns to the management; Excellence is not valued among team members; Workers are hesitant to adhere to safety culture (NASA, 2004); Loyalty and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 490
Pages: 2
This new energy drink aims to cater to the consumer’s demand for healthier options with less sugar and caffeine. Moreover, this beverage is manufactured in a local community, which is another selling point for conscious customers who want to support local brands. Some issues include intense competition in the market,...
Topic: Beverage
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Introduction Shoe Dog is a true story about the founder of Nike, Phil Knight, and his struggle to come up with a strong shoe brand. The title shoe dog is symbolic of the struggles involved in the shoe industry’s manufacturing and distribution aspects. Phil explains how his dream of building...
Topic: Business
Words: 1080
Pages: 4
Identification of the Main Problem Brandon Miller aims to establish a business that is the distribution of Fiji water for Monroe and Wayne market areas. However, before making a decision, he intended to conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis to ensure that this opportunity is an affordable and profitable one....
Topic: Water
Words: 877
Pages: 3
Colonel Cars Inc. plans to introduce an innovative speaker system in their cars’ steering wheels and prepares an advertising campaign centered around it. Although both the speakers and the campaign are kept secret, the competitor, European Motor Works (EMW), manages to launch a similar campaign before Colonel Cars starts its...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Whirlpool Corporation is one of the leading companies in the manufacturing of kitchenware and laundry products. The company has focused on improving the quality of its goods to attract more customers. Whirlpool is headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan, United States, and ships its products to various countries. Thus, it...
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Monitor and control process is an essential step in regulating the overall performance of a firm’s sales force. One should be aware the developing step involves nine critical stages. These include identifying the process, defining measures, setting a measurement system and standards, obtaining results, comparing the outcome, communicating, generating alternatives,...
Topic: Business
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Executive Summary Starbucks Corporation, one of America’s most prominent brands, is a globally renowned premier roaster, marketer, and retailer of specialty coffee headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1971, the company has registered immense growth over the years to become the world’s largest coffeehouse brand, with a global footprint of...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 2285
Pages: 8
The success of the Candy Crush Saga app business model can be attributed to the perfect combination of the identical components of fun and pain that fit in the short attention span of customers (Shanley). This bite-sized entertainment convinces users to pay for extra levels because of their psychological vulnerability...
Topic: Business
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Managing an organization in the contemporary world is a quite challenging for many organizational leaders. This observable fact has been necessitated by a combination of several factors relating to the continued uptake of technology, diversity within the workforce, as well as corporate goals and values among others (Clifton & Harter,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 287
Pages: 1
Introduction A meeting is a gathering of two or more people aimed to discuss a topic, often in a formal or business setting. The effectiveness of a meeting is determined by its agenda, the role of the meeting’s leader, and the environment. To organize a successful meeting, the person responsible...
Topic: Business
Words: 2212
Pages: 8
Introduction Sustainability is one of core Volkswagen’s business strategies for future growth and development. The company has set strong and measurable goals for decarbonization, responsible supply chain practices, e-mobility, and digitalization (Diess & Osteloh, 2021). The company is faced with multiple threats to its financial well-being and has incurred some...
Topic: Corporate Sustainability
Words: 1095
Pages: 3
Expanding a company to the international market results in increased employment and healthy financial development. For example, Impact Confections Company can diversify its products by selling them outside the USA. Impact Confections Company is a candy-producing organization established in 1981 in Janesville, Wisconsin city, U.S. (Helton, 2019). Warhead candies are...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Effective communication is critical to not only personal career success but also for any employee and manager in an organization for a variety of reasons. Communication skills, particularly the ability to work effectively in a team setting, are the most important factors that enable individuals to excel in their job...
Topic: Communication
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Introduction Marketing plays an essential role in every business, irrespective of its size, specialty, and others. An adequate marketing strategy allows companies to reach targeted customers to achieve prosperity and economic benefits. That is why every firm should take significant efforts to implement an effective marketing strategy to achieve these...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2776
Pages: 10
The ultimate goal of studying the concepts of management and organizational behavior is to improve the effectiveness of organizations and the efficiency of their activities. The management and organizational behavior can be considered as controlled factors by which the organization can be transformed from a less active state to a...
Topic: Business
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Situation You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation that sells organic juices at most major retail stores. You have been hired as the West Coast Distribution Manager. After about five weeks on the job, you get the following email: Sir/Ma’am, You are hurting this company. You...
Topic: Business
Words: 562
Pages: 3
Introduction Conflicts may occur in any setting where different groups of people interact, such as in a workplace. However, since the workers have different backgrounds, simple issues can escalate into violence or disharmony within the job environment. Thus, it requires both expertise and organizational regulations to bring sanity among the...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1107
Pages: 4
Introduction In recent decades, societal development in different industrial representations experienced unprecedented growth. It was based on running various social and economic systems that brought developmental value while also consumed a significant number of resources that potentially caused environmental issues (Zuofa and Ochieng, 2016). Respectively, organizations faced the requirement of...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 3120
Pages: 11
This paper will review 2 successful and 2 unsuccessful leaders, with the examples of success being Steve Jobs and Jack Welch, leaders of Apple Inc. and General Electric, whereas failures would be presented by George Fisher (CEO of Kodak) and Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, who was the CEO of Nokia. Steve Jobs...
Topic: Business
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Any organization is based on a team of workers, without which the functioning of an entire enterprise is impossible. The variety of characters, interests, and needs makes the collective the most complex and unpredictable system, in which there is a constant struggle of opposites. Thus, the development of an organization...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 918
Pages: 3
The IBM Hofstede study is useful in understanding national cultures, but its usefulness in understanding how this relates to workplace values is rather limited. Hofstede’s culture theory does not acknowledge diversities in national practices and hence their institutions. Territorial differences exist within any given nation, such that individuals in one...
Topic: IBM
Words: 593
Pages: 2
Among the core areas of information management is Enterprise Resource Planning, which is a concept that was first embraced during the early 80s. It was used to merge the functions of finance, manufacturing and business logistics, and was mostly implemented with a sole objective of facilitating the execution of business...
Topic: Business
Words: 1014
Pages: 3
Introduction The evolution of e-commerce has undergone several stages, from being a novelty that lacks security and efficiency to an integral part of a modern person’s life. Some researchers focus on how consumer preferences changed the perception of shopping, leading to more retailers developing their online shops. This paper aims...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 2138
Pages: 8
Job evaluation involves measuring the worth of jobs within an organization and ensuring a reasonable wage differential. Evaluation methods can be non-analytical, such as ranking and classification, or analytical, such as the point method. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (1991), a full understanding of the classification standards...
Topic: Business
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction The year 2009 was marked by the resonant case of the investment advisor Bernie Madoff who admitted to committing eleven federal crimes and received a 150-year prison sentence. The convict ran the biggest fraudulent scheme in the history of the United States known under the name of the Ponzi...
Topic: Business
Words: 1401
Pages: 5
Abstract ‘Super Greens’ restaurant is a new medium-sized restaurant to be located in a busy locality of Westminster in the neighbourhood of some aristocratic areas like Upper Brook St.Our restaurant is supposed to provide organic food to consumers. Being dedicated to sustainable development, the restaurant purely focuses on organic foods....
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 5078
Pages: 18
Description of the Business Standley’s Bakery is a new bakery store that is based in Ruston that will be primarily selling cakes and cupcakes in Ruston and its neighbourhood. Although Ruston has several bakery stores, it lacks a store that provides high-quality organic cakes and cupcakes at an optimal price....
Topic: Business
Words: 2358
Pages: 10
Brief statement of facts In this question, there are three parties, Perry, Athena and Dion. Athena has a house in Templestowe that she has agreed to sell to Perry for $800,000, an offer which is open until 30th January. However, Dion, who had previously bought property from Athena, offers $600,000...
Topic: Business
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Translating a strategic plan into reality can be quite challenging. However, history knows many talented leaders who made it possible through meticulous planning and innovation. A prime example of such a leader is Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of the world’s largest furniture retailer IKEA. Kamprad had humble beginnings: he came...
Topic: Business
Words: 281
Pages: 1
This paper aims at analyzing different advertisement strategies and mistakes made by businesses that lead to losses or closure. A food restaurant in the United States has been struggling to pay workers and make a profit. The business is among the poorly rated with an average daily income of less...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1027
Pages: 6
In the fourteenth episode of the second season of the Dilbert TV series, the main character faces an ethical dilemma that makes him choose between his personal principles and various temptations. Moreover, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the product, which becomes the source of this dilemma,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 641
Pages: 2