Sony: Marketing and Business Analysis

What have been the key success factors for Sony? Sony Corporation is one of the worlds’ most recognized and respected companies. Since its humble inception as a radio repair shop in 1957, it has now grown into a huge multinational with interests in electronic items, multimedia, music, films and televisions...

Group Dynamics, Managing Conflict, and Managing Stress and Employee Job Satisfaction

“High cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity.” Do you agree or disagree? I agree that high cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity because productivity is also defined as the ratio of resources used to produce the output. The quality of decision-making within the group...

Sony Company’s International Business Strategy

Effective international business strategy prepares managers for heightened international competition. It gives them the potential to negotiate and manage firms and organizations in varying cultural settings. The strategies help the managers to be able to market their products across the continent. Managers should address international business with a discipline-based framework...

Corporate Organisational Culture and Regional Issues

Organisational culture is crucial to the success of any company since it shapes employees’ attitudes and behaviours, as well as organisational values and internal processes. However, corporate culture does not exist in a vacuum; it is influenced by the external context of the organisation, including the local culture. HSBC Holdings...

Performance Management in Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Introduction Stimulating employees to work effectively with the necessary level of dedication is one of the most significant areas of activity for managers whose business is based on using the workforce. Implementing the necessary strategies to increase motivation, creating sustainable systems of control over diligence, and similar organizational tasks form...

Impression Management Strategies and Cultural Differences

Introduction The world of business is continuously improving, and organisations, as well as their leaders and managers, must work hard to succeed. Nowadays, there are many tactics to control people and information. Impression management is one of such processes, the essence of which is to influence human observations and opinions...

Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel is a luxury hotel and casino on the shores of Marina Bay in Singapore. It is famous for its rooftop Infinity Pool and panoramic views of the whole of Singapore (“Singapore Luxury Hotel”, n. d.). The complex has everything for recreation and entertainment, including...

Lead Like Jesus: Critical Book Review by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Thesis and Purpose of the Book In the book Lead Like Jesus, the authors Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges develop an entirely new approach to leading and influencing people – servant leadership. The idea is hardly unique as it is familiar for people from the Bible for thousands of years....

Strategic Analysis of Pepsico

Executive Summary The present paper provides a situational analysis of Pepsico, Inc., the second-largest food and beverage company in the world. As of late, Pepsico has been going through some difficulties due to political, economic, and social volatility and its apparent unpreparedness for changes. This essay investigates the situation using...

Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing

Introduction The primary objective of marketers is to inform and influence a target audience to buy a particular product or service. Therefore, they use the most suitable and effective ways to promote or advertise their products. Large companies carry out a marketing function to improve their position in the target...

Burger King: Global Emerging Market

Introduction Burger King is a popular fast-food chain that has a strong presence in many markets all over the globe. Recently, the company started planning an expansion to Sub-Saharan Africa in order to improve financial performance by reaching a new market (Gray & Fontanella-Khan, 2018). However, there are several important...

FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview

About the Interviewee Claude R. who is among the key financial officers of FedEx was born in Jackson. Almost eighteen years ago, he graduated from the University of Mississippi and started his career in goods delivery (FedEx, n.d.). During that period, FedEx was a young and promising company providing freight...

Coca-Cola: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, due to the globalization and development of economic relationships, every organization should follow certain strategies in order to stay competitive in the market. It is also significant to analyze the strategies that are used by companies to assess where an organization stands, what measures bring advantages, and what...

The Role of Time Management in Leadership

Introduction Modern leaders pay much attention to time management as it is one of the constant and irreversible things in the work of any organization. Once it is wasted, it can never be returned or used again. Therefore, the task of any leader is to make sure that time is...

Transformational Leadership of Jesus Christ

Introduction Nowadays, there are many different models of leadership, and one of the most common is the concept of transformational leadership. The leader-reformer motivates followers by increasing their awareness of the importance of combining their interests with a common goal and creating an atmosphere of trust. The transformational leadership model...

Employee’s Job Satisfaction: Emirates Group Case

Executive Summary This study aimed at examining the relationship between communication, as an independent variable, and job satisfaction, as the dependent variable. The study analyzed previous studies on communication and job satisfaction in a bid to establish any relation between communication and employee job satisfaction. Also, the study looked at...

Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market

Abstract The introduction of a product in a new market requires comprehensive research on its suitability, sustainability, and competitive advantage. Reflectively, the process is intrinsic of market demand, uniqueness of the production, and its value addition above rival competitors. This paper researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt products in the...

The Consultant Role in Providing Services to the Client

How do the roles of consultant, consultee, and client differ? Give two examples of how these roles can change depending on the job. Consultation is a helping relationship in which mental professionals either work with individuals or groups in various settings to help them work more effectively or face a...

Sales Management and Marketing

The firm’s success depends not only on how well each department performs its work but also on how well the various departmental activities are coordinated to conduct core business processes. List and briefly describe the five core business processes outlined in the text. The following are the five-core business processes...

Probability Theory and Assessing Risk

Probability theory The basic probability theory is a tool that is used in decision making and risk management to solve difficult analytical problems by use of difficult integrals (Durrett, 2010). The results depend on random occurrence of infinite or finite events based on events that occur in a given probability...

The Modern Workplace Characteristics

This paper aims to discuss the peculiarities of the modern workplace. Moreover, it will describe the challenges faced by employers and employees. Overall, it is possible to single out the following characteristics of the contemporary workplace: Increasing emphasis on autonomy and creativity of employees as well as the flexibility of...

Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction The question of leadership effectiveness has stormed the behavioral sciences for a long time. There has been extensive research on the effectiveness of leadership style and of theories in different areas of work such as business, nursing, education, military, and politics. The leadership in each case has been adjudged...

Market Pricing Usage: Advantages and Disadvantages

Market pricing is a process through which pay structures are setting almost selectively by gathering, evaluating, and matching the data on job salary surveys to settle on the payable rates in the external market. In market pricing, use is made of pay survey data to recognize the comparative value of...

Trends and Changes in Marketing Management

What is the most important market segment? The importance of a market segment to a business is determined by two variables namely, the attractiveness and the suitability of the segment. The segment is considered to be attractive if it has a high growth rate, low competition, and large size. It...

Mountain Dew Brand Marketing Strategies

Mountain Dew was one of PepsiCo’s brands in the carbonated soft drinks category. In 1973, BBDO New York, PepsiCo’s “agency of records for Pepsi”, became the advertising agency for the Mountain Dew brand (Harvard Business School par. 4). BBDO was a leading ad firm that attracted high-end clients because of...

Abel & Cole Company’s Marketing and Consumer Behavior

What characteristics affecting consumer buying behavior are at play when customers intend to buy from Abel & Cole? The cultural characteristics which affect consumer buying behavior are mainly changes in people’s preferences and tastes. Consumption habits have changed and they are mainly defined by sub-cultures of different populations. Customers in...

Sky TV Business Analysis

Introduction Sky TV is a major pay-television provider in the United Kingdom and the neighboring areas. Sky TV offers various choices to its customers including TV broadcasting and internet broadband options. Sky TV’s PESTLE analysis mainly focuses on the business environment under which Sky TV operates. The PESTLE analysis is...

Amazon Company: RFID Technology Implementation Plan

Introduction Amazon Corporation is one of the leading competitors in the global e-commerce market segment. Founded in 1994, the corporation has grown very fast through the constant acquisition of businesses, introduction of superior products, and appreciation of emerging technologies to improve its operational model. The company has an effective research...

External Factors Affecting Pepsi in the Middle East

Introduction Pepsi is among the top food and beverage companies in the world. With its headquarters in New York, the company is heavily involved in the manufacturing and selling of different brands of beverages and foods. While expansion into foreign markets has presented the company with a wider customer base,...

Costco Corporation: Porter’s 5-Forces Analysis

Costco began its operations in the United States in 1976 where its first business location was an abandoned airplane Hangar. Costco experienced extraordinary revenue growth during its first six years of operation. Costco has changed its name twice in the course of its history. Also, Costco has since operated in...

Employee Monitoring, Its Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction The increased development and use of technology in the workplace has led to the widespread practice of employee monitoring. Through the use of information technology, employers can monitor the activities of the employee that is utilizing company-owned online accounts, software, and electronic devices. In the growing concern for digital...

Nokia Corporation Strategic Management

Introduction This paper is aimed at examining strategic management in Nokia Corporation. In particular, it is necessary to determine whether this management function corresponds to the current needs of this company, and external or internal environment. One of the major tasks is to show Nokia’s strategies are formulated and implemented....

Axel Springer Company’s Strategic Leadership

Evaluating Mathias DöPfner’s Strategic Leadership Mathias DöPfner showed exceptional strategic leadership skills in spearheading the digital transformation of Axel Springer. As discussed in the case study, he faced numerous challenges both internally and externally but still managed to execute various innovative plans effectively. It is because of the strategies he...

Coca-Cola Company’s Global Operation and Cultural Diversity

Global Operation and Cultural Diversity Coca-Cola is an example of a company that commits to supporting cultural diversity among its employees in many countries around the world. The company’s policies on diversity are largely based on the fact that the company operates globally, and an important factor in its success...

General Motors Company’s Transformation Process

Forms of Transformation Processes used by Companies and Their Relation to the Facility Layout Selecting the most appropriate transformation process and facility layout is one of the keys towards achieving success in the company’s performance. In general, there are many forms of transformation processes, and each has particular facility layout....

Application of Leadership Theory

Effective leadership is essential for a successful organization. However, it is not a simple role to fulfill, and it can involve a lot of different situations, goals, and interactions. This is why there exist many leadership theories that can be applied in various situations. This paper will provide a case...

General Motors Company: Strategic Implementation

Introduction The following essay is concerned with the strategic implementation aspect of organization. The essay examines the strategic implementation of the General Motors Company where I work. The essay determines as to whether it is true that the implementation is the most difficult aspect of strategic management. The main objective...

Ford Motors Company: Corporate Governance

Introduction The issue of governance has been proved to be of paramount importance for organisations that wish to remain competitive in the ever-changing market. Organisations have to embrace it in an effort of attaining their goals and objectives. Corporate governance is an important part of any organisation. Many definitions have...

Eastman Kodak Company’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Business level strategies are the specific actions required to ensure an organization meets its objectives and compete equally with the other businesses in the market. Business level strategies help to determine who the customers are, what the customers need and how they expect the product or service to be....

Bidco Oil Refinery Ltd.’s Performance and Ethics

Analysis of the company’s mission, vision, and performance Bidco Oil Refinery Limited is a multinational company that specializes in edible oil production. The company has its headquarters in Thika, Kenya. It started in Kenya as a textile company in 1985. Due to the increased market liberalization in the country, the...

Crisis Management Planning and Its Effectiveness

Crisis management planning is an organized way of mulling over the misfortunes that may affect an organization or individuals. In crisis management, flexibility is highly essential as opposed to a step-by-step process to accommodate possible dynamics. Flexibility helps in the diagnosis and addressing of specific issues. Although a crisis is,...

General Motors Process Improvement: Lean Principles

GM process analysis with Womack and Jones lean thinking principles Lean philosophy is the approach to process improvement that sees the elimination of all types of waste as its primary objective. It can be whether the excess lead time, using the excess amount of inventory or number of workers for...

Human Resources Management: External Influences

Introduction Like any sphere of management, human resources management can face external influences. There is a wide range of such influences, including political, economic, and social. To ensure that successful human resources management is not undermined by a certain external impact, it is necessary to analyze topical issues, explore possible...

E-Commerce Future in the Market Environment

Introduction The dynamic e-commerce business environment keeps on evolving with the ongoing technology revolution. E-commerce is changing the way customers experience shopping and the traditional brick and mortar establishments are experiencing stiff competition from this development. Globalization coupled with the mobile telephony revolution and increased access to the Internet implies...

Small Pizza Restaurant’s Inventory Management

Introduction Inventory refers to the number of valuable goods available in an organization at a particular time to ensure customer demands are met efficiently (Axster, 2006). Inventory management refers to the efforts taken by the management of an organization to ensure the maintenance of an efficient and economical amount of...

Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management: Work-Life Balance

Introduction In any organisation, the HR department has the objective of handling issues that relate to employees. Functional responsibilities of the HRM include training and development, recruitment and selection, employee conflict resolution, deriving employee motivation and job satisfaction programmes, and taking active roles in the establishment of remuneration programmes (Kramar...

Annie Company: New Product Strategy

Annie’s Target Market and Why Annie’s should focus on its current core consumer segment because it has proved so successful. It is most likely to consist of well educated, younger mothers who understand the benefits of consuming healthy foods among children. This consumer segment believes in progressive, healthy living derived...

Lenovo Group Ltd.’s Operations and Information Management

Executive Summary The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of operations and information management and related concepts. The description of operations and information management is informed by literature review. The influences made by operations management on different spheres are discussed. In addition, the researcher critically analyses the...

Creativity and Innovation in Business

Critical Discussion of the Importance of Creativity and Innovation Creativity is a powerful thinking process whereby an individual focuses on new imaginations, intuitions, imaginations, ingenuities, and ideas (Byron 2006). Creative people find it easier to address the issues affecting them and others. Creativity is also associated with new risks. However,...

Marriott Hotels: Organisational Leadership and Strategy

Introduction Background of Study The key objective of this research paper is to analyze the role of leadership in a complex and global hospitality industry. In order to do so, this paper selects Marriott Hotel International in order to discuss the affect of leadership on this global organization. Marriott International...

General Motors’ Operations Strategy and Value Creation

Nowadays, General Motors is a widely known corporation, which has the offices and services present in the different parts of the world. The company was established in 1908, and since then, it aims towards the constant innovation and development of the new products (Pelfey, 2006). Today, it is present in...

Accenture Consulting Services’ Strategic Information Systems

Introduction Strategic information systems (SIS) are structures developed in response to the business initiative of a given company. The networks play a number of roles in contemporary organisations. According to Newman (2006), the primary purpose of the system is to give organisations a competitive advantage over its rivals in the...

Spotify and South Korean International Market

Introduction This paper focuses on Spotify as a music streaming company. The aim of the report is to recommend South Korea as an ideal international market for Spotify. The analysis below is based on macroeconomic factors. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of the music streaming industry in South Korea...

UniQlo SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis

This UniQlo SWOT analysis studies the clothing brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. It also includes a UniQlo competitor analysis which identifies potential threats to the brand. Finally, this report explores the internal and external risks faced by UniQlo in the Chinese market. UniQlo SWOT Analysis: Strengths The company has very...

The Sustainable Supply Chains Concept

What is a Sustainable Supply Chain? Sustainability refers to the utilization of resources and the production of goods/services in a manner which takes into consideration not only the impact of a company on the environment but also its ability to ensure that the resources it utilizes are sourced in a...

A Social Identity Theory of Leadership by Michael Hogg

Introduction Hogg, M.A. (2001). A Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5(3), 184–200. Hogg’s article presents a vivid analysis of the social identity theory, which describes leadership as a group process rather than the role of an individual. The proponents of this theory review the meaning...

Apple Corporation Ethical and Social Responsibility

Abstract The report aims at finding out whether practicing strong business ethics and good corporate social responsibility has an impact on the operations of Apple. In essence, these two concepts provide a coherent framework that is used to explore the relationships within the business and communities in which they are...

Business Administration Students’ Main Concerns

Introduction In the recent past, the number of students enrolling at institutions of higher learning has dramatically increased in line with the shifting expectations in the job market. However, of concern is the fact that many of these students enroll into disciplines and courses they have scant information about, leading...

Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors Companies’ Analysis

Promotional strategies of Maruti Suzuki India Every organization needs promotional strategies and approaches as they have a huge impact on the reception of the product. In this case, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has unique products that must be aggressively promoted in order to beat the tough competition in the automobile...

Nike Company Change Techniques and Decision Making

Changing Decision Making and Introduction of New Products at Nike Nike’s downfall started when the managers developed the feeling that their decisions were final and correct with regards to the operations of the company. However, deteriorations in market performance forced the management to acknowledge the need to change how decisions...

Diamond as a Commodity

Origin Diamond is an important mineral resource. Diamond is one of the hardest minerals and enjoys the application in a variety of fields. The nature and value of a diamond make it a luxurious mineral. It is used in the making of jewelry and rings. Moreover, diamond is used in...

Shangri-La Hotels Company Management

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is a deluxe hotel chain that operates in Eastern Asia, the United States, Australia, and Europe. There are several competencies of this orthe ganization which need to be discussed. The main strength of this institution is its ability to take into account the cultural backgrounds of...

Hewlett-Packard Company’s Global Supply Chain Management

One of the key elements of supply chain management (SCM), the design of the agility strategy remains a major challenge for a range of companies due to the need to embrace a huge number of factors prior to responding to a specific issue properly. Hewlett-Packard is one of the organizations...

Leadership Styles in Business

This paper focuses on different leadership styles in business. Get some inspiration for your leadership styles essay introduction, main body, or conclusion with us! Good Leaders The World’s history has seen a number of great leaders; Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King were a few of...

Sustainable Solutions: Stakeholder Identification and Value Analysis

Enterprise Level Strategy Costco is a leading American wholesale corporation. It operates as a warehouse club that offers a variety of goods and services to its members. The organization’s mission is to offer high quality goods and services to its members on a continuous basis. To achieve this objective, the...

The Chope Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction The success of any business depends on its pricing strategies, competitive environment, and its scaling approach. Among the renowned companies in Singapore that consider all three factors is Chope. Headquartered in Singapore, Chope has thirteen investors including Square Peg Capital and Ant Group (Singapore restaurants, n.d.). Arrif Ziaudeen launched...

Analysis of Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies

Introduction This paper is a strategic analysis of three large companies – Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies. Strategic analysis is a way of researching and turning the database obtained from the analysis of the environment into an enterprise strategy. It allows to assess the internal capabilities of...

Data Visualization Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities

Abstract Data Visualization Managers collect information, analyze it, look for the meaning inherent in the data and try to visualize the result to be understandable to the mass reader. The work of a data analysis specialist combines computer science, statistics, and mathematics. They analyze, process, and model data and then...

Effective Communication Within Teams

Introduction Optimization of organizational activity is an essential indicator of the competitiveness of any company, especially in the face of constant global challenges. One of the tools for achieving goals is special communication skills that help improve performance in general and individual business processes in particular. Effective communication between employees...

Acer Inc.’s Strategies in International Markets

Introduction Acer, Inc. is a company based in Taiwan, serving several nations. It specializes in advanced electronics technology and is headquartered in Xizhi, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Acer is a company that can provide innovative and high-quality products at a lower price than its competitors. Acer’s competitive advantage lies in...

Organizational Structures: History and Development

Introduction The tenth chapter of “Principles of Management” by Morden & Morden provided general information about the history of organizational structures, their development, and the implications of emerging organizational structures. Generally, an organizational structure refers to how authority, work, and information flow within an organization. Traditionally, organizational structures were hierarchical...

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Product’s Risk Analysis

Introduction Many organizations have set out policies and procedures to protect and safeguard themselves against risks. How a business adopts and handles threats is influential to business success. The way a company handles risk-related issues is essential to other stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, and the government. In order...

Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Employee Performance

Corporate Culture Affects Staff Performance at IHS Towers An establishment’s culture is its members’ collective set of shared values, opinions, and life experiences. Culture is made up of several categories, including common values and behavioural conventions. Corporate culture has become a hot topic in business and management study in recent...

The Zappos Company’s Financial Considerations

Zappos is an active business entity that conducts its operations online. The organization stocks a wide range of products, including shoes, clothes, and appliances (Askin & Petriglieri, 2016). Accordingly, Zappos is a subsidiary of Amazon but operates independently. The following section covers the online retail firm’s financial consideration by focusing...

The Planning Process in Business

The planning cycle is a step for strategy creation for medium-sized and small projects. The cycle enables one to have the ability to effectively implement the plan, cut costs, and ensure the company’s long-term viability. The planning stage will involve priority recognition, so the main thing to be characterized by...

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines’ Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Background Businesses have relied on communication for different purposes, including marketing, sharing crucial information regarding products and business processes, and keeping in touch with their customers. The sharing of corporate social responsibilities (CSR) information has been vital over the past two decades due to the increased attention the public...

Chapter 4 of Dugan’s Leadership Theory

Chapter 4 of the book primarily focuses on the person-centered theories of leadership. These include strength-based leadership, emotionally intelligent leadership, leadership challenge models, and trait-based leadership frameworks (Dugan, 2017). In the case of the former, the author provides an overview of the standard set of desired traits of a leader....

Crisis Management in an Organization

Crisis management or communication refers to how an organization identifies a threat and responds to it effectively. Crisis management in an organization can viewed as a procedure whereby the old systems are no longer maintained so as to mitigate certain threats associated with them. This means that crisis management also...

Costco Wholesale Corporation: Accounting Research

Introduction Costco Wholesale Corporation is one of the leaders in the retail store chains in many aspects. This company was established in 1983 in Seattle, Washington, expanding in 2021 to more than 800 warehouses worldwide (Costco Wholesale, 2021). The main features that define their whole business model are the membership...

Financial Strategies of Different Organizations

The financial strategies of different organizations across different business sectors The different financial strategies used by organizations from different business sectors. Oil & Gas Industry The financial strategies employed by organizations in the oil and gas industry are a result of thorough decision-making processes amidst constant price fluctuations. Their overall...

Home Depot: Five Forces (Porter’s Model)

Nowadays, Home Depot is recognized as one of the most popular store chains in home improvement goods. It has few strong competitors in the market, considering that the company is successful in designing its strategy to address five primary external factors in the industry. Overall, the analysis of Home Depot...

Development Strategy: The Case of Cochlear

Introduction Setting policies, processes, and priorities in order to increase a business’s or organization’s competitiveness is the practice of strategic management. Strategic management often focuses on efficiently allocating personnel and assets to accomplish these objectives. Strategic management in the realm of administration includes the development and execution of the main...

The Followership and Servant Leadership Comparison

Introduction It should be emphasized that servant leadership and followership are companions in the processes of leadership and the direction of actions in organizations. A servant leader mostly cares about people’s growth, development, and well-being, while a follower leader is ready to follow in the team and organization. Followership and...

Nike’s Operations and Market Analysis

Nike, Inc is one of the largest suppliers of athletic apparel and footwear not only in the American market but also globally. This brand is considered the largest provider of sportswear and equipment worldwide, with its own network of retail stores used for product distribution (Nike, 2021). Since the market...

Total Quality Management Approaches and Techniques

Introduction In the current epoch of unprecedented rivalry emerging from the outstanding variety as well as availability of goods and services, quality is among the most important parameters that enable firms to outcompete the other. Quality management, therefore, has become one of the focuses of strategic planning; a variety of...

The 1996 Mount Everest Tragedy: Case Study

Although climbing very high altitudes will always be risky, proper preparation may prevent disasters. Indeed, the 1996 Mount Everest tragedy demonstrated that such a dangerous adventure requires physical and mental endurance, planning, and adequate guidance. Fifteen people died during the 1996 endeavor because of several critical mistakes of the leaders...

London Club House’s Strategic Human Resource Management

Importance of Strategic HRM and Values for LCH The importance of strategic HR management lies in improving the atmosphere, or “creative climate,” for employees (Iqbal, 2019, p. 181). Large companies are always united by ideas and values, which are sincerely followed by employees. Developed strategic HR management keeps employees in...

Tesco Group’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis

Introduction The UK-based Tesco is a grocery and general merchandise multinational retailer organization with its headquarters located in Hertfordshire, England. Besides being the 15th most valuable retail brand globally, Tesco is also among the most valuable brands in the UK. Additionally, Tesco is the leading grocery retailer in the United...

The International Marketing Planning Theory Application

Introduction International marketing planning theory involves using marketing principles across national boundaries to achieve the objective of an organization. According to the theory, international marketing is the act of directing the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in multiple countries for profit (Samiee and Chirapanda,...

The iPad Pro Features and Marketing Strategies

The Positioning Statement (TA) The iPad Pro is capable of any work thanks to its versatility. The device is a fascinating and effective tool for getting things done, whether someone is focusing on a project, engaging in creative activity, or playing a compelling game. Additionally, the iPad Pro runs complex...

The Importance of Critical Thinking for Effective Human Resource Management

This paper discusses the significance of critical thinking for managers and leaders and especially a view of critical thinking as a set of skills rather than one element. Yet, as critical thinking is essential for tasks such as planning, it is also vital for effective human resource management in the...

The Leadership Gold Book by John Maxwell

Good leadership is a crucial skill that is always needed to make a difference. It has the capability of increasing an organization’s profitability well as positively impacting the lives of numerous individuals. Therefore, learning more about leadership makes a difference in individuals’ lives and helps them to impact other people’s...

Analysis of Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc.

Introduction Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (CEC) is an energy company that produces, transmits, distributes, and sells electricity. The company generates electricity from water, solar, gas, and heat sources and sends it through a network of transmission lines, high voltage substations, and control centers. We are also investing in infrastructure development...

General Electric Capital and the 2008 Financial Crisis

Introduction General Electric (GE) is a multinational corporation that operates in multiple industries including energy, home and business solutions, financial services, and technology infrastructure. Formed in 1878 as an electricity company, the corporation has since expanded its operation into various sectors spanning over a hundred countries (Hoffman, 2013). Its profitability...

“Maple Leaf Foods”: Company’s Issues and Their Management

Introduction Contemporary businesses strive to be sustainable to be successful in the market. Sustainability in an organization involves being environmentally friendly and engaging in social participation to assist the society in achieving its objectives (Ellery & Ellery, 2019). Like other modern businesses, Maple Leaf Foods is working to become the...

A Self-Assessment of Leadership

Introduction Every leader has distinct characteristics evidenced by the skills portrayed by a leader in dealing with others. Leaders are the principal decision-makers in any organization, crucial for team management, process improvement, and talent management. Democratic leadership is one of the most important types of leadership for leaders to follow...

Bontang LNG Plant Project in Indonesia

Project cost and funding mix Kimura et al. (2020) state that the company is a joint venture between the Indonesian Government (Pertamina) – 55%, TotalFinaElf Indonesia – 10%, VICO Indonesia – 20%, and Jilco – 15%. According to Bontang LNG Plant (Liquid Natural Gas Project), Indonesia (n.d.), the project was...

How Proper Communication Can Satisfy a Workplace Problem

Establishing an appropriate pattern of interaction in the professional environment is an essential task for management executives. Consistent and efficient communication between employees, customers, and senior workers is a significant benefit, which ensures the creation of strong relationships between individuals. In the case presented, an employee and a customer are...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Healthy Marketing Strategy

The Coca-Cola Company is an American food company, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of concentrates and syrups. The Coca-Cola company is also a global leader in the production of soft drinks. The company’s most famous product is the Coca-Cola drink, which has expanded into an international market. At the...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Who Will Control Business?

Large corporations that create resources for human comfort and well-being rarely think about their actions on the environment. Environmental pollution is a severe problem, and the fight against it has been going on for decades. Corporations must be aware of their responsibility and understand how their activities are connected to...

CrossHelmet: Marketing Strategy

Introduction A data-driven integrated communication strategy for CrossHelmet’s Kickstarter campaign would increase brand awareness, generate more sales, and differentiate the company from competitor smart helmets. In this paper, a yearlong promotional drive is developed for CrossHelmet based on the analysis of the product, characteristics of the most likely customers, and...

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Assignment

Dexcom Corporation is a healthcare company that distributes generic, branded, and specialty pharmaceuticals in the United States. The firm’s main goal is to offer quality health care and enhance the quality of care through the products provided in the market. This paper will identify business-level and corporate-level strategies and evaluate...

International Business Within Cultural Dimensions

Introduction Culture is an essential part of every person’s outlook on life, values, and goals. It is no surprise that culture and its dimensions dramatically affect business on the international level. When different mindsets clash with each other, the prospects of business partnerships can be undermined, and on the contrary,...

Internationalization on Example of Sony Company

Introduction In the modern world, Sony is a multinational enterprise that produces and sells various goods, such as gaming consoles, TVs, smartphones, technological devices, and even movies. Sony is a Japanese corporation with its headquarters in Tokyo; however, it developed over time and currently functions in regions like China, Europe,...

Samsung Products and the Impact of Technology on Marketing

The products offered by Samsung very significantly, occupying various spots on the market and demonstrating different growth patterns. One of the highly developed brands is Samsung QLED, a home television (TV) appliance that manifested remarkable market expansion during previous years. Furthermore, the market share of this product is tremendously high,...

Communication Problems in a Workplace

Many people had once faced situations at work when a misunderstanding interfered with work and entailed harmful consequences. Problems are associated with internal communication in the workplace and seriously affect the effectiveness of all processes. It is necessary to solve it promptly by forming a team spirit, and the manager...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Pay Ranges

When applying for a new job, there is often a choice between starting in the middle, or at the very top. People seek pay based on what is available while referring to their perceived skills at performing said jobs (Ledic, 2018). Different ranges offer a different set of advantages and...

Organizational Stress Management: Why It Is Important

Stress is a frequent phenomenon, not only in life but also at work. The sheer number of cases and tasks, plans and reports, associated problems, and turmoil are a part of the array of stress factors that can affect employees, and it cannot help but be worrying. At the same...

Ineffective Leadership in Business

Introduction Ineffective leadership transpires when the management in a certain firm fails to execute the company’s vision by losing focus on the culture and tone that is set for a particular business. In business, leadership is necessary to organize members and plan for the metrics required for entrepreneurship. The corporate...

Nike Inc.’s Products, Performance, and Opportunities

Introduction Nike, formerly known as Blue Ribbon Sports and later renamed in 1971, is the leading manufacturer of sports-related products. The company is headquartered in Oregon and was founded in 1964. Nike is a shoe company that designs, develops, and markets various athletic footwear, apparel, and equipment, and accessories (Liu,...

Bribery Charges Against Samsung Company

Ethical issues in business create many problems that can extend negative effects on its reputation, productivity, and profitability. Companies are forced to bear responsibilities when their leaders or employees engage in unethical practices. They offer a reflection of the organization’s beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and language that defines its culture....

Business Plan: Smooth Residential Cleaning Services Limited

Executive Summary Cleaning companies in the US have focused primarily on corporate services. For years, these services were required in firms as opposed to homes. However, with a significant number of people looking for more than one job to enable them to pay for their needs, the pressure to get...

Cultural Issues American Managers Face in China

Introduction The Chinese market is earning increasing recognition for offering unlimited opportunities to global corporations, spurring massive inflows of foreign direct investment. This trend is attributed to several socio-economic and political developments in China, including increased adoption of the rule of law, sound institutional reforms, and high research and development...

Classical Organizational Theory

The main focus of the classical organizational theory is changing the management process to improve work performance. Different researchers attempted to create an effective system regarding three different aspects of management that can increase work efficiency. For instance, Henri Fayol was trying to construct a theory of classical management to...

Risk Management at Walmart and the Retail Industry

Risk management is an essential aspect of running a business. The process can be divided into two main stages – risk assessment and risk treatment. The first part includes the identification of the risks, their analysis, and evaluation (International Organization for Standardization, 2018). The second part deals with choosing the...

Compliance vs. Ethics Comparison

The fact that ethics and compliance are commonly confused demonstrated that they are close in meaning, yet there is a vast difference. As for me, the distinction between these two words seems to be in the fact that compliance rests on a pragmatic basis, while ethics is social and intuitional....

Negotiations: Strategy and Tactics

Outline Introduction. The nature of the negotiations in the world. Prenegotiation planning and differences. Strategy and tactics of distributive and integrative bargaining. Communication, bias, managing difficulties and individual approaches Applying leverage in negotiation. Conclusion. References. Introduction In a narrow sense, negotiations should be examined as one of the methods of...

Job Evaluation Methods and Their Effectiveness

Job evaluation involves measuring the worth of jobs within an organization and ensuring a reasonable wage differential. Evaluation methods can be non-analytical, such as ranking and classification, or analytical, such as the point method. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (1991), a full understanding of the classification standards...

Nike: Multinational Corporations and Culture

In the epoch of globalization, multinational corporations (MNCs) became powerful and international actors on the international stage. This position was achieved partly due to the practice of attracting external resources from third-world countries. Alongside globalization, in the modern world, global stratification is an immensely significant phenomenon that refers to the...

Elements of Strategic Planning in Health Organizations

Strategic planning process Strategic planning process is a critical component of the health care delivery system. Its application cuts across governmental and private practice institutions. Ordinarily, it consists of four main steps which include situational analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation (Duncan, Swayne and Ginter 2006). All these...

Porter’s Five Forces Model: JW Anderson

Jonathan Anderson is enthusiastic about Fashion design, and his beautiful clothing and accessories brand him among the forward-thinking investors. Anderson has developed the Loewe and JW Anderson brands at the center of his amazing career, which renders his business sustainable in contemporary markets. JW Anderson faces stiff competition from Stella...

Leadership in Healthcare Overview

Introduction Professionals in the healthcare sector need to develop and apply the best leadership styles to support the delivery of personalized medical services. They should also have appropriate models for improving their competencies continuously. Practitioners who focus on emerging ideas and meet the demands of the followers and patients will...

Total Quality Management and Business Ethics

Introduction Total quality management and business excellence “is the culture of an organization committed to customer satisfaction through continuous improvement” (Taylor & Francis Group, 2011). As explained further “this culture varies both from one country to another and between different industries, but has certain essential principles which can be implemented...

The Economist: Report on Outsourcing and Offshoring

The current trends, outsourcing and offshoring, affect the business activity of the present-day companies. The former means an organization’s initiative to send the work to be done outside of firm. The latter is sending work overseas to other companies or their own branches in other countries (Collins, 2020). According to...

New Product Failure Overview and Analysis

Introduction Failed start-ups are not unique to a competitive business environment. However, in case large brands suffer losses due to unreasonably designed projects, this causes significant resonance and serves as an example for other organizations. As such a failure, the case of Coca-Cola in 1985 will be considered, in particular,...

Sole Proprietorship: Benefits of This Business Structure

If I were to start my own business, I would choose sole proprietorship as the best business structure for a start. Its advantages are ease of organization and low organizational costs. It is the most convenient structure for a small business in terms of taxation and less risky than a...

Wal-Mart Scenario: Sex Discrimination

Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962; it is an international retail outlet that runs several discount department stores. It’s an American public cooperation operating discount stores, supercentres, and neighborhood markets. It has been reported that Wal-Mart is not in line with Equal Employment Opportunity Committee regulations, due to...

Amazon: Elements of Marketing Mix and Business Success Analysis

The approach to the marketing mix theory is changing dramatically due to the transformation of business processes and customer behavior, as well as the evolution of the digital age. Researchers state that the rapid development of the digital environment and related products “have redefined the routine lives of individuals and...

Disciplinary Actions: Progressive and Positive

Managing a company is a challenging and demanding task that requires the employer and employees to perform their duties. However, in some instances, one of the sides underperforms and needs to be motivated. In most cases, it is a certain employee that does not satisfy the management’s needs, forcing the...

The Business Process – Reengineering

Introduction In a fast-paced business environment, it has become a necessity for organizations to come up with strategies to improve service delivery while reducing operational costs. Business process reengineering has to do with identifying, analyzing, and redesigning an organization’s major business procedures with the key aim of increasing or improving...

Strategic Analysis of Facebook

Introduction Facebook is an American-based organization that operates in the United States while it has a global market for its products and services. Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and other colleagues decided to establish this social media company in 2004 (Brügger, 2015). As of 2012, this social networking platform...

The Visionary Leadership

The article by Burt Nanus (1992) discusses visionary leadership and how organization leaders can re-vision for a sustainable and competitive future. The author acknowledges that every business manager needs an idea on which they can focus all their attention to implementing it and emphasizes on prudence in the process. Indeed,...

4Fingers Entering Vietnamese Market

Executive Summary 4Fingers is a successful business with operations in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Since entering new markets requires a thorough analysis, the purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive description of the attractiveness of the Vietnamese market, including market size, growth rate, pricing trends, and competition. Besides,...

Charleston, WV, and The Carolina League

The city council in Charles Town, West Virginia, has a keen interest in hosting one of the expansion teams of the Carolina League. The city officials believe that representing an expansion team would benefit the Carolina League and the city itself in numerous ways. The purpose of this paper is...

Organizational Culture and Recommendations for Its Improvement

The organizational culture is closely connected with its values and many areas of its functioning, including employee relationships between themselves and with the employer and working process characteristics. According to Schein and Schein (2016), it can affect corporate morale, employee engagement and satisfaction, organizational effectiveness and performance, and company image....

“The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn

Introduction The Fred Factor is the best-selling book and is written by Mark Sanborn, who is well known internationally as an author and speaker on team building and leadership. The book, in narrating the real story of Fred Shea, a postman, underlines the significance of being fervent about one’s life...

The British Petroleum Company Plc: Corporate Governance

Introduction Corporate governance and business ethics are key aspects of the success of an organization. Corporate governance deals with policies, customs, processes, laws, and institutions that affect the way an organization is run. It affects the way that an organization is controlled, directed, and administered (Agalgatti and Krishna 2007, p.121)....

Organizational Culture in the Army

The army is a large organization. It involves multiple units that have different tasks. For instance, there is a unit that is involved in the recruitment of soldiers. A second unit deals with the management of the training process. A third unit consists of deployed soldiers in different wars. The...

“Contemporary Marketing” by Boone and Kurtz

“Contemporary marketing “written by Boone and Kurtz provides us with key marketing principles. The book covers the most up-to date issues including one-to-one marketing, customer care, strategic marketing as well as guerilla marketing among other topics. The book begins by giving the reader a concise definition of the term marketing...

Pizza: Marketing Communication and Strategy

Marketing Marketing by definition is the organizational activity that includes communicating and convincing potential and actual consumers of one’s goods to buy them, and finally delivering the goods to them. Various organizations and enterprises apply different marketing management strategies to help achieve its organizational goals and objectives. The very first...

Worker’s Performance Issues: Problems at Home and a Manager’s Response to Them

High-quality employee performance is the main objective for any manager since this affects the performance of the business as a whole. Employee performance is thus something that should be taken seriously by management and this is the reason why the human resource department should have adequate personnel to ensure that...

Persuasion in Business Communication

Communication is a process by which information is passed from a source to a receiver. This means that for communication to take place there has to be an expression of thoughts, opinions or transfer of information. This can take place through written or spoken word or through symbols and actions....

Outsourcing at a Glance: A Theoretical Framework

Outsourcing theory Outsourcing is the exercise of utilizing external service providers with the job of performing in-house endeavors. This has attracted a rising interest in recent years as managers consider whether it is in their best interest to perform activities in-house or externally. Outsourcing is a contractual agreement whereby an...

Systems Analysis & Design for a Mobile App to Enrich Search Results

Technology Solution Today, businesses are not only using mobile apps to deliver goods and services to their customers but also to increase their returns on investments. Many businesses are rapidly coming to the realization that their can effectively interact with their customers through the use of mobile apps. This is...

Tom Ford: Brand Strategy Report

Introduction The main reason why a company undertakes a brand strategy is to offer diverse and a unique market for its products. It mainly comes when the company needs to expand its current market operations to capture more customers. Product branding establishes inherent values which attract buyers in the market....

History of Project Management

According to Marion (2002), project management is an activity that is concerned with organization and its processes. It is more commonly associated with applications in computer engineering and information technology. The process of project management entails the management of resources and teams that are involved in the project this assists...

Cross-Cultural Management and Challenges It Faces

Cross-cultural management describes how an organization operates across its cultural context and the difficulties it encounters such as diversity in terms of values and beliefs of different cultural groups. These diversities have a bearing on the modes of management from leadership, motivation and negotiation (McCaughey & De Cieri 2002, p....

Role of Intermediaries Analysis

Discuss the role of intermediaries in Business-to-Business (B2B) In order to provide an answer to this question, it is first of all, necessary to understand what an ‘intermediary’ in a B2B transaction actually does. In real terms he/she could be said to bridge the gap between the buyer and seller,...

Swatch Group’s Brand Audit and New Positioning

Brand Mantra, Core Brand Values & Brand Identity Swatch Group is repositioning and rebranding its products due to the vast competition that it is facing from other dealers worldwide, by doing so Swatch group is trying to recover its customers and retain the market share. Swatch Group should start more...

Wal-Mart’s Compensation Strategy: Analysis and Recommendations

Summary of the Company Situation Compensation for workers is an important aspect of business because it partly determines the amount of money that is utilized for expenditure. The business management is aimed at acquiring the least costly compensation scheme possible to keep at minimum the company expenditure. At the same...