Marketing Variables and Research for Auto Dealership

Competitors’ Strategies This is very crucial to the success of the auto dealership. It has to have competitor strategies for various activities. These include the types of products they intend to launch in the near future and their financial status. This information will help the company to plan for the...

Management: Personal and Professional Development

Introduction Management is an important part of any business. Many success stories in the business world have been due to effective management practices. This paper is an analysis of the concept of management and how it relates to business. It embarks on a series of research questions into the most...

Human Resource Management: Turnover and Retention

Introduction In the sphere of human resource management (HRM), much attention is paid to distinguishing such notions as ‘turnover’, ‘turnover intention’, and ‘retention’. Even though these concepts are usually linked to each other, for this study, it is important to focus on the employees’ turnover intentions as a result of...

Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions

Summary The paper is focused on the concept of ultimate branding opportunity. In the first part, the complexity and types of products are discussed. Then, readers may learn information about the strategies that firms utilize to adjust their product lines with the purpose of responding to the changing market conditions....

Competencies in Organizational Management of Health Program

Introduction Healthcare management is a dynamic profession in the United States considering that the field experiences new and demanding challenges each year. As a result, healthcare managers and leaders are under intense pressure to carry out a wide range of roles using limited resources (Garman et al., 2006, p. 360)....

Organizational Requirements for a Dynamic Work Environment

Introduction In a competitive and rapidly dynamic corporate world, it is important for an individual to diversify their areas of knowledge to become successful. Through experience and vacation jobs, I learnt that the business environment is ever changing. Therefore, organizations require an intellectual person who can quickly adjust to the...

Role of Financial Institutions in Global Marketplace

The financial system is a multiple and complex concept. What makes it even more complicated is the fact that it should properly function worldwide. Since financial institutions provide the majority of financial services they are considered to be the core element of the global marketplace. The definition of financial institutions...

The Value of Diversity in a Workplace

Diversity is commonly defined as knowing, perceiving, tolerant, valuing, and celebrating variations between individuals with value to sexual category, rank, culture, age, bodily and intellectual capability, race, sexual orientation, religious practice, and civic support standing (Esty, et al., 1995). I write this piece principally to educate business owners and managers...

China’s International Entrepreneurship & Business

The nature of international entrepreneurship China represents a unique country geographically isolated from the rest of the world. Historically, it follows its own economic and political traditions and way of life. In response to the shifts in global production systems, China has amplified its search for policies that will secure...

Online Business: Amazon vs Traditional Booksellers

The online business that I am going to compare and contrast is the online bookseller, Amazon, against any traditional bookseller. The question is really, how are there any traditional booksellers still in business? Amazon enjoys so many competitive advantages over the traditional bookseller and has so transformed the way in...

International Merger and Acquisition

Abstract Merger and acquisition refer to the process where one company acquires another to help in improving its operations. The process leads to the acquired company adapting the control mechanisms of the acquiring company. One of the examples of mergers is the one between InBev and Anheuser-Busch. The success or...

Business Ethics – Libertarian View

The Libertarians have acknowledged that employers have some moral obligations to protect the welfare of the employees. Employers must disclose the safety risks during the employment process so that their employees will have to make an informed judgment about where they want to work. They view that provided the business...

Disney Corporation: Company Analysis

Introduction The Disney Corporation is a popular company in the entertainment industry. This report will briefly examine the history of the company and discuss its products and services. The financial position of the corporation in the last five years will also be briefly discussed. This paper aims at presenting a...

Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management

Introduction Outsourcing is a strategy used in supply chain management to reduce the overall running costs of a firm. For instance, firms procure material inputs or services from outside instead of generating them from within. The strategy aims at reducing the primary cost of establishing such a production or service...

DataClear Company Analysis: Global Market Position

Short Term and Long Term Issues Having been one of the pioneer companies in data processing, the DataClear Company was a real need in the world of software about ten years ago. The company experienced its ups and downs knowing exactly what the users wanted at the specific tie of...

Compensation and Reward Programs Analysis

Introduction Compensation and reward programs are seen as an integral part of business success. Carefully crafted reward and compensation programs go a long way among other things to motivate employees. When an employee is assured that the company has his/her best interest at heart they encouraged to go the extra...

Strategic Planning and Outsourcing

Introduction Strategic planning is very important in business management. Doing business entails managing scarce resources to ensure a good return on investment. While making decisions in business, there is the need for decision-makers to evaluate all factors involved in coming up with the best decision. Strategic planning defines a strategy...

Contemporary Theories on Leadership

General trait theory and grand person theory According to Trait theory, there are various characteristics that distinguish between leaders and followers. These characteristics are innate, that is, people are born with them and as a result, there are those people that are born leaders while others are born followers. Regarding...

Modernization: Varied Strategies in Our Modern Society

The modernisation process has always had this important feature: it is not possible without constant efforts to assist it. During the history of humanity, such remedies as sport, music, and art have been effectively applied to aid this process. With the beginning of an industrial era, science and technology have...

ERP Software in Inventory Management

Introduction Inventory management, ERP software will come in handy as the business needs to coordinate the way it receives goods and tidies away the goods. By using ERP software, the business will ensure that there is always enough space for new items and that all items in total are accounted...

Consumer Behaviour to BRL Hardy Company

Introduction Consumer behavior refers to reactions by consumers to either purchasing or failing to buy a commodity. The reaction is subject to a number of factors such as time, place, need for the product and the process of purchasing the product. This paper seeks to discuss consumer behavior with respect...

Perpectives of the Catering Business in Bulgaria

Introduction The Bulgarian market and economy have achieved a high level of stability in recent years, thanks to their good business policies put in place since 1998 to stabilize their currency (O’Brien & Christian, 2008). The country has been classified as a functioning market by the United States and the...

Purpose of Coaching in Management

Introduction According to Northouse (2007), a number of theories and strategies have been developed to enhance the performance of individuals within an organization and the organization at large (Peltier, 2009). Most of these theories and strategies focus on the managerial organ of an organization. The management plays a critical role...

Management Functions and External & Internal Factors

Internal and External Factors that Impact the Functions of Management Several internal and external factors impact the functions of management. Among them are the buyers, suppliers, competitors, local government, unions, employee groups, the financial community, owners and shareholders, and trade associations. Globalization, Technology, Innovation, diversity, and ethics are common factors...

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Description

Introduction Leadership is the ability of an individual to assist others in achieving their goals or objectives. In our normal daily activities, we come across several leaders such as the manager at work, the supervisor at the laundry place, the football coach in school to mention but a few. These...

Performance Management Issues of the Organization

Introduction Performance management refers to the activities that are undertaken in a certain company, organization institution, department and an individual to ensure that all the set goals and objectives are met in an efficient and effective way. This is a concept that is usually applied mainly in the work places...

Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

Workplace ethics is one of the most important issues today as it determines the moral standards and values of employees. The case of Wilson shows that standard ethical principles cannot be applied to all situations and problems occurred in the workplace. Every employee can expect workplace safety and healthy working...

Implementation of a Customer Relationship Management

Introduction Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the approach and the process that an organization chooses to adopt and implement in order to maintain customer loyalty amongst current customers and to attract in prospective customers. Purpose of CRM CRM strategies are designed to build upon current customers and to ensure that...

Decision Making Influence in Business

Introduction There are very many things that influence decision-making in a business scenario. Ethics is one of the things that affect it widely. These are the rules and regulations that govern the ordering and values of a certain group of people or an organization. Alex has established a business that...

Reframing Organizations: US Marine

The public opinion on the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy can be mainly assessed from the position of discrimination. In that regard, taking the US marine as an organization, such policy can be seen as a crisis that changes the original definition of such organization, and thus, require a certain...

GE Energy and GE Healthcare: Strategic Customer Relationships

Overview of the case study Having realized the numerous benefits of IT, many companies can now advertise and market their products through customers’ sites. This is besides continuous monitoring throughout the world. GE energy grabbed these opportunities thereby creating customer relationships that have had varied benefits and returns for the...

The Competitive Advantage in the Aero-Engine and Global Retailing Markets

Introduction Competitive advantage refers to the ability of a company to make profits or returns more than the amount that it should make with regard to its capability and competencies that gives it an edge over its rivals (Kurtako, 2004, p.7). For a company to be said to have a...

International & Comparative Human Resource Management

Introduction to IHRM International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is a subject whose definition is not simple, neither is the work of a HR manager. The operation of multinational corporation (MNC) differs from organization to organization and depends on several factors. Loosely defined, IHRM is the procedure of procuring, assigning, and...

Environmental Management System: Implementation, Maintenance, and Improvement

Introduction In essence, the ISO 14001: 2004 is based upon the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act or PDCA. It can be further described in the following manner: Step one: Plan – establish the objective and processes necessary to deliver the desired results Step Two Do- Implement the process described in the...

Behavioral Finance and Personal Investment Decisions

Behavioral finance is a hypothetical insight into behavioral and psychological aspects that are involved in evaluating investment decisions. In light of the above statement, the outcome of any investment decision largely depends on two variables namely psychological and behavioral. Behavioral finance encapsulates two variables majorly cognitive psychology and the limits...

Creative Decisions for Effective Change

Introduction Quality of decisions made is core to the success of any organization. For the success of everyday operations within organizations, there is a need for an effective decision making process. As organizations continue becoming complex, attainment of short-term as well as long-term objectives depend on the decisions made by...

Ford Motor Company: International Finance Manager

Introduction The selected company is Ford Motor Company and the person is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of this company in charge of management of international financial operations. As is well known, Ford Motors is a global automobile leader that sells its products in 6 continents. It has nearly 246,000...

Apollo Corporation: Case Study

Introduction The main purpose of this report is to analyze the conflict between the company Apollo Corporation and the labor union, and namely, unlawful termination of the employee, who was attempting to unionize the workers of the corporation. This issue can be interpreted from two perspectives, particularly, the employers and...

Job Structure and Pay Structure

Introduction Introducing an effective pay structure, appropriate to the job structure can be an effective organizational strategy for any business entity. Such a pay structure can work as the tool for retaining employees who have potential and competence. The job structure is the definition of the roles and the responsibilities...

Zain Company: Marketing Strategy

Zain Company is the biggest telecommunication network in the company that has proved its success for nearly two decades of presence on the world arena. In the course of time, the network has managed to create the customer’s demand and keep a large market segment despite a vigorous competition perceived...

Organizational Problems: Stress and Burnout of Employees

Stress and burnout are the major causes of employee-related problems in organizations. Stress is defined as happenings that cause anxiety, discomfort, and tension. Stress not only affects the performance of employees in the workplace but also affects their personal lives negatively. Stress responses refer to the physiological and behavioral effects...

What Qualities Should a Leader Have?

Outline This journal project discusses about different qualities of a leader like creativity, credibility, and the ability to handle conflicts in an organization. For the success of any organization it needs a good leadership. A good leader should have the ability to communicate with his followers and understand their feelings...

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co: Company Analysis

Treating the organizational setting and its leadership challenges as a unidimensional system based on differing levels of hierarchical or functional responsibility does not reflect the divergence of leadership behaviors that exist or the skills needed to demonstrate potential for new environments. Cycle time, life stage, and cultural conditions warrant examining...

Marketing Project for the RedBull Energy Drink

Situational analysis Redbull is an energy drink which is produced by Red Bull GmbH which is a private limited company located in Australia. The firm was established in 1984 within the soft drink industry. The energy drink has managed to attain a significant market share of 46. 8% compared to...

Pepsi: Principles of Supply Chain Management

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that Supply Chain Management is one of the most crucial factors, required for successful business development. The fact is that these principles are generally intended for improving the cooperation practices with the suppliers and consumers of the company’s product or services. The...

The Effects of Affirmative Action in the Present Day

Introduction Today, the problem of affirmative action is neglected by many organizations and considered an old-fashioned issue. Modern companies prefer to introduce social corporate responsibility policies and ethical rules including equal opportunities and equal treatment norms. I am interested in the topic of affirmative action because of personal concerns and...

McKinsey & Company: State Farm Insurance Assessment

Introduction State farm insurance refers to an association of companies that render financial and insurance services. It is a dominant industry player and holds a large chunk of the market compared to its competitors. It ensures cars and homes in America and Canada. State farm initially dealt with insurance of...

Procter & Gamble: Annual Report Analyzing

Introduction Procter & Gamble provides a wide array of personal products to customers by its focus on providing branded consumer goods. By selling its products in over 180 countries around the world via primarily many means like the mass merchandisers, grocery stores, membership club stores, drug stores and in high-frequency...

Social Values in Branding

Branding In the business world companies or business, ventures create an edge over their competitors in the market, by making their products unique from similar products in the market. A brand is, therefore, a unique symbol, mark, or word that discerns a certain product and or company from similar ones...

The Caux Round Table Principles of Ethics

Introduction Carrying out certain business operations, every enterprise has to follow the established ethical principles, which are also known as the Caux Round Table Principles of Ethics. There are 13 of them on the whole, and their overall essence is in the fact that business companies should be driven not...

TNT Express Company’s Supply Chain Management Components

As any company that operates in the sphere of transportation and logistics, TNT Express has to pay special attention to the development of supply chain management; in particular, its management has to concentrate on such aspects as planning and control, work processes, and organizational structure. It should also be taken...

Luxury Products and Normal Goods

Introduction Marketing communication, with respect to the marketing mix, is one of the pillars of product and service promotion. In its simplest terms, it refers to making decisions on the most appropriate ways to communicate with consumers in a bid to foster product awareness, knowledge with respect to distinct features,...

The Concept and Power of Company Alliances

The importance of alliances in focus To begin with, the system of global management is versatile in its methods and practice of saving the previous as well as reaching new positions for high-end companies and those which are developing fast or slow. The reason is that the most of global...

Antecedents of Brand Loyalty: The Case of Coca-Cola

Abstract This paper defines the importance of brand loyalty as a desirable outcome in the total marketing mix and personifies brand bonding in the case of a college student who cannot live without Coca-Cola. A refreshment needs to be created by advertising, demand for Coca-Cola grew via an unusually fortuitous...

The Reason for the Worldwide Popularity of Starbucks

Introduction Starbucks is an international company that operates on a global scale. Its organizational culture is influenced by the multinational environment and socio-economic changes. International staffing and development help to organize HR in accordance with the needs of the company. On the other hand, there is a positive impact of...

Marketing: Good Relationship With Customers

Abstract Aim of this paper is to develop a good relationship in a company with customer by employing different strategies. Paper starts with discussing different programs which include handling customer complaints, providing information about new or existing products, placing orders, receiving feedback from customers and tracking orders. Paper also analyzes...

Coca-Cola Case Analysis

Summary of the case Coca-cola is the largest beverage company in the world and employs about 71,000 people in over 200 countries. It has a range of products which includes: diet coke, coca cola, sprite and fanta. There is concern from coke that the move towards healthy eating and drinking...

XYZ: Business Management and Leadership

In any organization – modern or contemporary – there are managers. These managers are the elements that keep the organization’s engine running. Therefore, these managers have functions that can be broadly described through the POLC model, which is planning, organizing, leading, and control. Every manager has to perform all these...

Employee Benefits Plan and Design for BAE Systems

Introduction The company I chose to do my project on is BAE Systems. I chose this company, because my sister works for them. She has worked in the Colorado Springs, CO office for ten years now. She feels that this company is a good company to work for; and they...

Strategic Analysis of Arnold Leisure Centre

Executive Summary Arnold Leisure center is a sport, Leisure recreation outlet lead by a local authority. The core competence of its strategy is dedicated to the highest involvement of grassroots. The organization is more active for corporate social responsibility and equal opportunity. To organize the strategic analysis of the organization...

Improving the Housekeeping Department at DWTC

Executive Summary Dubai’s meteoric rise in the Gulf region is well known all over the world. The construction of state-of-the art hotels and skyscrapers fill headlines and business magazines from every corner of the globe. A company called Dubai World Trade Centre was able to capitalize on the early success...

Challenges Faced by Managers in Social Care Services

Introduction When one takes a new responsibility as a manager in any organization, he or she is usually optimistic of steering such an organization towards achievement of its objectives. However, these hopes might be unrealistic and unachievable because of several challenges that these new managers face within the organization. For...

Nestle Company: Sustaining Growth and Development

Introduction Nestle company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle in Switzerland and is currently one of the nutrition, health and wellness company in the world. It is the largest Switzerland’s industrial company and also the largest world’s food company according to Malik, Ali, Rana, Ilyas, & Khan (n.d.). The...

Energy Saving Light Bulb Manufactures Ethical Issue

Introduction Owing to the negative effects that global warming is having on our planets, debates have raged on as to the best way to alleviate the degradation of the environment. One of the ways that have been proposed and to some extent embraced in some countries is the use of...

People-Oriented Organization: Information Sharing

Introduction Information sharing is an important part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information sharing is “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass information on, but does...

Scottish Real Estate Market Analysis

This business report deals with the analysis of commercial real estate market conditions in Scotland. The demand and supply theory in the real estate market context is included in this report for assessing the future market conditions. The economics, dynamics and interactions between use, investment and development sectors are discussed...

Motivation Techniques at Workplace

In the business environment, motivation can be defined as the internal state that activates behavior and energizes individuals to goal-oriented behavior. It is a composition of design beliefs that directs these needs me to take action. Motivation can include things such as inspiration, encouragement, and support. Motivating factors are the...

Operations Management: Ford vs. Firestone

Introduction Operations management refers to all sets of strategies and activities that are geared towards the careful management of processes to produce and distribute products and services. According to Bjorn & Rune (1999:294), the set of activities that are involved in operations management includes product creation, development, production, and distribution....

Information Systems at Boeing Corporation

Managers and business organizations invest in information technology and systems because such strategies provide real economic value to the business. The decision to implement or sustain an information system presumes that the profits on this investment will be higher than that of other assets. These higher profits can be expressed...

Human Resource Management and It’s Functions

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is the logical and strategic approach to the management of the most important assets (the employees working there and contribute to the fulfillment of the business’s goals individually or collectively) of an agency or organization. The term personnel management has been substituted by the terms...

An UAE Event Management Firm’s Marketing Plan

Introduction Worldwide event management has been treated as a tiresome and unappreciative task. The cause is event management is a completely new idea of the present modern and fast world. Events are the programs like a party or an assembly of people for a purpose like a celebration or a...

Leadership, Team Building and Communication

Introduction The case of the River Café shows that effective leadership, communication and team building are the main success factors for every organization Communication and leadership are two essential parts of modern organizations, so my interests are to investigate the relations between these two concepts and their impact on staff...

Alton International Pte Ltd.: Supply Chain Management

An Outline The following was the team’s plan for the study of Supply Chain Management in the business situation at Alton International (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore Operations. Actual site visit Purchasing Department Sales and Marketing Department Human Resource Department Warehouse & distribution Department Customer Service Department Presentation of conclusion and...

Blue Star Inc.: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Ethics and morality are philosophical concepts that are understood differently by different people. There are some rules in the society that are aimed to be the norms of the behavior. Business is the same world where norms of behavior also exist. The ethical code of behavior states some issues, according...

The Roles of Organization Design in Proper Business Management

Organization design is a process of creating roles and designing reporting relationships in an organization. It is a guided process that integrates people and technology within the organization management and is aimed at improving the collective responsibility in the handling of duties thus ensuring success in achieving set objectives (Roberts,...

Ford Motor Company Organization

The organizing function of management is a critical management activity that is closely connected with planning and leading. At ford Motor Company, organizing plays a crucial role in the manufacturing and retail sector used as a coordinated effort in order to adjust and balance its resources, and produce programs of...

ING Group’s Information Audit and Policy Development

Executive Summary This document gives a short summary of ING’s business and how this business is affected by the information that the company must process on a daily basis. The document further stresses the need for this information for the proper functioning of the company and need to have the...

Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.’s Strategic Management

This is a report on Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. and its strategic position on the market. The company owns casinos, hotels, and golf courses. Historically, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. sought to compete against the industry’s leaders by increasing its presence in foreign markets. The company’s mission states: “Each of our brands will...

Tsingtao Beer vs Heineken Managing Across Borders

Introduction Business management comprises organizing, planning, directing, facilitating, and leading a group of people and other resources to accomplish a desired economic goal. The success of any business entity is largely hinged on the ability of the management to wade through constantly changing business challenges and emerge with an optimal...

Business Ethics and Employees as Stakeholders

Introduction Decades ago the asbestos was the main and most likely the favorite construction merchandise among many clients. In line with Trevino and Nelson (2004), it is estimated that “over 3,000 products contained some kind of asbestos components”. This automatically shows that the management had to do what they could...

Personality and Leadership Assessments in Application

Introduction Before getting started, first of all, we have to define a leader. A leader is someone who can guide, has the ability to inspire others, and can lead over the people in a positive sense. The role of a leader is also based on his powerful personality. The personality...

Conflict Resolution: A Constructive Approach

Introduction The case analysis suggests that in the workplace, conflicts are caused by misunderstanding and a low degree of participation in problem-solving. Clearly, if the parties can agree on mutual objectives then the problem is far easier to resolve than if they have conflicting objectless and personal agendas. A year...

Corporate Culture. Whistle-Blowing for Businesses

Introduction In recent years, there has been a resurgence of public attention to whistle-blowing. Several factors have contributed to this resurgence. Recent cases of whistle-blowing have been well-publicized, including three high-profile cases in 2001 involving Sherron Watkins of Enron, Coleen Rowley of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Cynthia Cooper...

Control and Monitoring Plan

The control and monitoring plan for achieving the financial and operational objectives must include the various measures that the company proposes to undertake. For starters, if the company is proposing a 1% increase in productivity every year over the next five years, it means that the company needs to invest...

Criminal Scheme: Utilitarianism and Deontology

Normative ethics refers to the attempt to understand or figure out what individuals need to do or whether their moral character is reasonable. Normative ethical systems are divided into three categories which include; teleological ethics, virtue ethics and deontological ethics. Deontological and teleological ethics are considered as action based or...

CVS Caremark Company’s Motivational Problems

Introduction Motivational problems at work places are a great hindrance to performance and creativity. Motivation can be termed as a strong desire or urge that drives, maintains and invigorates a person to keep on going towards achieving his/her goals or targets. There are different things that motivate people, and vary...

Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental Analysis

There are a great number of factors, which can neither be controlled not influenced by a business, but they are of great importance for it, especially in cases which concern business planning or product development. This is why it is necessary to be aware of them, and PESTLE analysis makes...

Internal Communication Process in Organization

Communication climate in the organization The communication climate in Katz day care centre is effective and ideal for smooth functioning of the organization. The organizer of the child care centre is considering creation of better communication environment as an essential factor for the growth of the day care business by...

Improving Decision Making and Customer Service

Introduction Decision making and customer service are interrelated issues based on organization’s strategic plans and management systems. The case of the King County Library System vividly portrays that decision-making determines overall success of the organization and its development. Also, leadership style of Bill Ptacek enables him to be accepted by...

Business Practices and Human Rights

To talk about success and social responsibility in business, in the same breath, is not just necessary, but also quite possible, provided the people at the top are convinced of the need for an ethically run organization. In the last few decades, there has been an increased need for taking...

Competitive Advantages for Yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is an internet services provider in the global community; it has grown for a period of time now as a portal company. The company has had its share of challenges and success just like any other company in the market. The company has a huge market share and...

Corporate Social Responsibilities of a Company In India

Introduction This report contains the major corporate social responsibility and environmental issues that the company will encounter when it relocates to India, a developing country. With the changing times, there is a lot of pressure that mounts on companies from the stakeholders i.e. the employees, customers, governments, the communities, and...

Human Resource Management and Organizational Strategy

Organizations employ many types of resources to realize their strategies and achieve their goals. These resources include labor force, which is nowadays approached in a less mechanistic way and referred to as human resources or human capital. Towards the middle of the 20th centuries, management scientists gradually came to understanding...

Effective Leadership Skills in Practice

It is a common belief that leadership is important for organizations and societies to function. Leadership is an overall activity that is visible in people and even animals. Whereas it is easy to identify leadership in a situation, it is difficult to define it precisely (Avery, p.4). There is no...

Service Delivery System and Successful Franchise

Introduction The concept of franchising is definitely not a new one and can be traced back to the early days of governmental licensing and even the method used by the clergy for the expansion of churches. Modern concepts of franchising emerged in the United States in diverse business areas as...

Oxfam International: Company Activities

Introduction Oxfam international has started its pace since 1942 as a charity. This paper focused different area of Oxfam’s marketing. How Oxfam apply exchange process in order to operate its marketing, as a charity unique criteria of a service, application of marketing mix for services, list of publics both for...

Impact of High Labour Turnover on the Hotel Industry

Aims and Key Questions Industrial revolution brought with it a paradigm shift in the type of industries and increasing focus on service industry. Hospitality sector saw a great boost and a lot of action since the need for such services increased. Now with the spread of industrialisation and growth in...

Non-Executive Director: Definition and Responsibilities

Introduction A company whether it is a big or a small company, it will derive advantage from the exposure and experience that a good non-executive Director can transform. Non-executive Directors can offer a priceless involvement in the corporate decision-making practice, in influencing corporate strategy and in the distribution of resources...

Bertelsmann AG: The Way to Success

Introduction Bertelsmann AG is a corporation that is based in Germany and was founded in 1835. It conducts its business in almost 63 countries as of the end of the year 2007 and has 102, 397 employees. The company primarily serves and markets media as it is included in the...

Shortage of Skilled Workers in Middle East Construction Industry

Introduction In recent times, the construction industry in the Middle East has been facing the risk of rising labour cost and labour shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors. It has primarily been driven by an elevated liquidity environment because of high petroleum revenue, the government’s idea...

Balanced Scorecards for Performance Measurement Systems

Introduction The use of balanced score cards as an approach in the strategic planning process of management has developed over time among other statistical approaches. It particularly fuses financial and non-financial measure s of performance in a single scorecard yielding a holistic snapshot view of business performance entailing business processes,...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Operations Management

Executive Summary Operations management is an essential function of any organization irrespective of size and motive. All organizations do some or all of the requirements of operations management, even if there is no separate staff or department for this purpose. This paper reviews operations management in business with reference to...

Recruitment and Retention in Global Management

Introduction Today the analysis of forms and methods of organizing the activities of international companies is becoming a typical direction. The analysis of management in international companies is important to conduct in the stage of development, to demonstrate the various changes during the different phases. Human resources management occupies the...

Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Budgets

In general, budgets are both planning and control mechanisms that, although essential to control (particularly cost control), serve as a balance between planning and control. They refer to future periods of time and translate company plans into financial resources. They furnish a guide for future expenditures, and by helping to...

Starbucks Corporation’s Entry into China

Company Background The Starbucks Company is a popular brand operating in over 40 countries around the world. The company was initiated in 1971 in Seattle, on the concept of the Italian roadside café’s and bistros which served snacks, small meals along with freshly brewed espresso coffee. The business process of...

Lawsuit Defense Strategy Analysis

A decision tree or tree diagram is a decision support tool that uses a graph or model of the decisions and their possible consequences, including the chance of event outcomes, resource costs and utility. The decision tree is used to identify the strategy most likely to reach a specific goal....

Acme International Expansion Program

Introduction Acme is widely known for its services all over the world in the production and provision of services. The idea of starting up a Greenfield production plant is one of its steps in meeting its goals as a multinational organization. The company has therefore selected a steering committee that...

Role of Financial Manager in Company

A financial manager in an organization is the individual who, following the accepted principles and processes of accounting, is charged with the duty of managing the organizations’ financial programs, tasks, and systems in the general areas of accounting, staff payroll, the accounts payables of the organization. He also has the...

The Two Faces of Leadership: Considering the Dark Side of Leader-Follower Dynamics

Section One This article speaks about leadership and the traits a leader should or should not possess. In today’s world, which is now better known as a “global village”, leaders are in a one-on-one competition with each other, with fear of one surpassing the other. What is of utmost importance...

The Field of Employee Relations

Introduction The employee relations have been changed last 30 years for many reasons for developing for information dissemination, employee feedback and employee assistance program. These are a most important factor which provides significant change. By virtue of the European Communities Act 1972, UK incorporated all EU law in domestic law....

Employee Relations and Trade Unions

Employee relations is a term used to describe the legal environment of the employment relationship. While traditionally, this has been the major focus for business entities, there has been a shift in accepted wisdom. Businesses now focus on a wider range of factors and place a greater emphasis on other...

General Electric Company’s Supply Chain

The General Electric Company, better known worldwide as GE, is a multinational enterprise, holding a large share in the global economic market. GE is the world’s third largest company, offering a wide range of home appliances, other products, and services. The company works on a four “E” principle, which helps...

Financial Management of Aldar Properties UAE

Business Overview Aldar Properties is currently the largest property developer in Dubai. Established in October 2004 as a real estate developer, Aldar has initiated ventures in the areas such as residential units, retail, commercial buildings, the entertainment industry, and five-star hotels. Currently, Aldar is the second-largest real state developer in...

Impact of PCAOB on Accounting Information System

Synopsis of Rule 3100 Rule 3100 deals with the follow-up of professional auditing standards set up by PCAOB for the registered public accounting firms. According to this Rule a registered public accounting firm has to follow professional accounting standards set up by the PCAOB, during their auditing processes. The auditing...

Accounting for Decision-Making. Dakota Office Products

Introduction When Dakota Office Supplies was confronted with the problem of reduced profits despite having improved sales the company identified the reason for such a scenario as the weaknesses in the costing system. Therefore the company proposed to introduce ‘Activity Based Costing System’ (ABC) in their organization to improve the...

Human Resource Management and Performance of the Organization

Introduction A strategic approach for organizing the most valued assets of management is referred to as Human Resource Management. Valued assets are said to be the people who are working for the company and contribute to the success and progress of the company. The success of the company relies on...

Modern Technologies in Business Management: Accounting Information System

For an accounting degree to be recognized by an Australian professional bodies like ASCPA, ACA and NIA, it must include an information systems unit. Information systems unit is the way in which a business firm keeps and maintains its books of accounts. The well maintained books of accounts form part...

Boost Juice Store in Adelaide: Strategic Management

Introduction Organizational structure can be defined as the approach in which a business is structured with regards to management and it usually determines the overall performance and achievement of an organization. Businesses are faced with a lot of challenges in there undertakings as a result of the ever changing and...

Pay for Performance: Fact or Fable

Introduction Employees are the key drivers of any organization be it profit either making institution or charity organization. People working in any organization determine the success, market competitiveness, and future of that organization. This is the reason why in every organization there is a personnel department. This department helps in...

Risk Management in Security and Criminal Justice

Introduction In any profession, there are several risks at hand that are inevitable. Especially for people in the security and criminal justice sectors, their responsibilities revolve around various risks that need to be managed effectively, unless they want to expose the lives of other people and themselves to various dangers...

Career Management in Business

Introduction From the research conducted I understand that a career is a coordinated set of errands that are carried by a person to satisfy a purpose and also achieve his or her objectives and goals. It is a unit in an organization that remains unchanged thus a career is a...

Exxon Mobil: The Major Reasons for the Success

Introduction The main idea of the paper is to identify the major reasons for the success of Exxon Mobil in then world market and trace the major processes that took place in the company’s finance over the past years (Exxon Corporation, 2007). To start with, Exxon Mobil is the largest...

The Role of Financial Manager in a Fortune 500 Company.

Size A fortune 500 company has been in activity for 500 years in the western world having a tiny fraction of human civilization time span. They have been producing material wealth with immense success and are the major vehicle for the sustenance of world population that is exploding because of...

Management: Performance Measurement in Organizations

Introduction Performance measurement is vital in all organizations because the organizations need to verify the validity of the selection methods; they also need to do performance measurement in order to improve productivity of the organization. As much as this may seem an important and key aspect of management, still it...

Starbucks Corporation’s Sustainable Marketing Principles

Introduction In the modern world, it is very popular to be involved in business activity. While social and mass media proclaim new business trends, business conferences, meetings, and workshops are held by various companies in different parts of the world. The words as “businessman” or “businesswoman” become more and more...

Nokia Company’s Changes in Corporate Strategy

Introduction It is not easy to find a person without a smartphone in 2019. However, just a few decades ago, this was hardly the case: most of the world used wired phones. When precisely the change came around is difficult to say. IBM introduced the first device characterized as a...

Nintendo Financial Statements and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Nintendo financial statements are lacking corporate social responsibility, which is important in the modern corporate world. This information is vital for the current corporate world Social responsibility. Take two interactive software as a section of social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is described below. Social responsibility concerning the management of...

Communication in Contemporary Management

Communication is the exchange of messages between people for the purpose of achieving common meanings. In their work, managers use two major types of communication, verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication is the written or oral use of words to communicate. While written communication occurs through a variety of means, such...

Google’s vs. Welocalize’s Human Resource Planning

HR planning is one of the key business processes aimed to hire and retain a skilled and talented workforce that would assist them in meeting various strategic goals. HR planning systems include a plethora of activities concerned with the evaluation of organizational workforce needs, development of projections for manpower development,...

Managerial Accounting Concepts in Health Care Industry

Introduction The continuous increase in the cost of providing health care has resulted in additional pressure on the health care providers to extend their services to their patients in a more cost-effective manner to meet the challenges of retaining the patients as well as maintaining the revenues. To meet these...

Theories and Practices of the Compatibilities Within Diversity, Equality and HRM

Overview The following paper shows a critical analysis of theories and practices of the compatibilities within diversity, equality and HRM. In an era of international networking and mobility, the social and cultural composition of communities in which people live and work is becoming increasingly diverse. (Kram et al., 1996, 108-136)...

Japan: Impact of Culture on Business Management

Abstract Japanese culture influences the work practices and business practices in the country. The culture of stressing the process than the results has brought out large changes in the way the work is done in the companies. The loyalty to the companies that they work for and the pride that...

Target Canada Company’s Divestment and Price Wars

Introduction Divestment is the practice used to minimize unnecessary losses related to subsidiary assets and prevent detrimental effects on core businesses. As it follows from the case of Target, the company failed to stand out from its competitors when serving customers in Canada and had to give up its subsidiary...

Marketing Concepts of the Miller Lite Brewery Co

Miller Brewery Co is the second-largest beer company in the US, located in Milwaukee. The company was founded in 1855. In a century, the company was merged by W.R. Grace and Co. And in 1969, it was acquired by Phillip Morris. The next changes took place in 2002 when Phillip...

Profit Maximization Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Traditionally, the duty of company’s management is to improve the financial welfare of the shareholders of the company by maximum profits provided it is under the law. This is the canonical law and economics account (Elhauge: 2004) Companies are therefore liable for any act(s) that causes more that usual...

Sky Clear Airline: Company Analysis

Introduction Sky Clear Airline is a company specialising in commercial aviation. The organisation operates in local and international markets. This essay will present the analysis of Sky Clear Airline using the Balanced Scorecard tool, McKinsey 7, SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis. In addition, the paper will address the issues of...

Transformation Process at Concept Design Services

Introduction to the Problem Within the sphere of operations management, paying attention to transformational processes within organisations is considered fundamental. Operations management represents a set of actions ranging from planning to supervising in order to make adjustments leading to the higher profitability of organisations (Galloway, Rowbotham & Azhashemi 2012). Transformation...

Effective Supplier Evaluations: Creating a Tool

Introduction The main purpose of a supplier evaluation process is to find the inefficiencies and optimize these weak points. Production processes in various fields of economic activity acquire more complex forms, lose their integrity from the regional to the global level, are formed by new factors that have a significant...

Negotiation Plan Development: Elements & Tactics

Introduction Negotiations are an important business instrument that helps companies make good deals, thus increasing profits and extending the scope of their activities. Negotiating is a skill that can be learned, so procurement specialists should be trained to do their best at the bargaining table. This training guide will explore...

Product Design in Food Industry: A McDonald’s Case Article Critique

Summary Creating a new product that is expected to fascinate customers in the food industry is both exciting and challenging. Numerous opportunities for combining existing flavors and creating new ones, as well as exploring different cuisines, are barely possible to embrace, yet the competition and restrictions that product development in...

Huawei Technologies Co.: The Road to Rise

Introduction Huawei is an international telecommunications and technology corporation based in China which has experienced extraordinary growth to become a leader in providing various products and services. The company is characterized by its innovation and strong dedication to the consumer market. However, Huawei’s close ties to the Chinese government have...

Supply Chain Management and Voko-Ninja

Abstract Supply chain management (SCM) is an important organisational concept that describes all processes connected to developing a product, managing supplier relationships, working with distributors and ensuring that customers are satisfied. The broad scope of tasks and issues that SCM resolves within an organisation implies a need to use the...

Yang Sing Hotel: Project Planning and Control

Introduction The Yang Sing Hotel was a potential project that had the capacity to achieve success in the city of Manchester as one of the top luxurious hotels in the country. However, the case study shows it was forced to close its doors after operating for less than eight months....

Supply Chain Management Analysis

Summary The process of supply chain management is concerned with the control of materials and information throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers to the producers of components and subsequently to store shelves. Therefore, optimization is an essential factor of supply chain management that can ensure that all of the...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play an important role in improving all business processes. For example, Company N can implement an appropriate ERP system to overcome certain issues and barriers preventing it from development. The first issue is the focus on paperwork and manual paper processes. ERP systems allow for...

Alphabet’s Financial Ratios Analysis

Introduction Alphabet is a large multinational company working in a field of innovation and technology, which also owns Google. Financial ratios help examine and analyze a company’s financial status. Based on debt and equity, assets turnover, liquidity, and return on investment, one can make a judgment regarding Google’s strengths and...

Incivility in the Workplace: Types, Examples

Incivility in the workplace is a specific type of corporate aggression that is characterized by abusive behavior from managers, supervisors, or colleagues against employees on a permanent basis. It includes the employers or co-workers’ constant ridiculing and berating of colleagues or employees, ignoring their requests and needs, avoiding conversations, addressing...

The United Arabic Emirates Telecom Sector

Introduction The Arab region is one of the fastest in the world regarding telecom services penetration growth. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) telecom sector is the second-largest contributor to the UAE Federal Government budget after oil revenues (Ellam, 2008). Two major companies with comparatively equal share distribution represent the telecommunication...

Quality & Environmental Management for Business Excellence

Organizational performance is critical since it determines the competitiveness of a given organization and its ability to meet the demands of different stakeholders. Companies pursuing this form of excellence should take into consideration the major factors, processes, resources, strategies, and practices that can deliver positive results. The concepts of sustainability...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization

Introduction The concept of management is often conflated with the phenomenon of leadership, which makes the role of a manager in an organization quite obscure for an uninitiated person. However, on closer inspection, a manager performs a range of set functions within a corporate environment, ensuring that a company delivers...