Event Management Analysis: Local Soccer Championship

Introduction Even management requires careful and detailed analysis and planning in order to avoid a project failure and create an impressive and amazing setting for visitors. The event selected for analysis is a local soccer championship. This event attracts much soccer fans and people interested in s[port events. For this...

IKEA: Supply Chain Efficiency

IKEA is a world-class business leader in furniture products serving over 35 countries the world over. Such accomplishment doesn’t come easily and IKEA has time and again proven that its supply chain is the key to its success. When IKEA first started expanding out of Sweden, it supplied its furniture...

Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change

The role of social marketing image in the spheres of business and social life functioning is presented through the promotion of strategic marketing planning process and other concepts leading to considerable environmental changes in the society. It is necessary to investigate the planning of change agencies and social marketing peculiarities....

Organizational Management and Performance: Inter-Organizational Relationships

Organization An organization is formed when a group of people joins together intentionally, to accomplish a common goal or goals (McNamara, 2007). People composition in an organization ranges from two to thousands of people. In every organization, a policy must be put in place to define its conducts and relationship...

Beak & Johnston: Human Resource Managment

Introduction to Beak & Johnston Beak & Johnston is a family-owned business, and has been operating in Australia since 1986. The company produces and supplies pre-packed meat portions, roasts, soups and seasoned meat products to both domestic and export customers. Servicing some of Australia’s largest supermarket chains and countries such...

Cooper Industries’ Interest in Nicholson File

Introduction The most important reason why Cooper Industries was interested in Nicholson File is its pretty good market positioning. Nicholson File at the moment of acquisition holder a stunning 50% of the domestic market for files and rasps. It also had a lower, but still considerably strong positioning, of 9%...

Into the Teamwork in the Organization Management

Introduction In order for an organization to remain relevant and competitive in the face of fierce competition, it is important that the management is in the apposition to deliver on the goals and objectives of such an organization. For this reason, a lot of organizations today are emphasizing cooperation and...

Marks & Spencer Plc.: Supply Chain Management

Introduction Marks & Spencer PLC is one of the leading retailers in the United Kingdom with a claim that it has over twenty-one million customers visiting its stores each week. Over seventy-five thousand people have found their employment in the company in its over six hundred stores in the UK...

Case Study “Tough Guy”: Problems in the Organization

Introduction The problems that this case study presents revolves around the insulting and derogatory behavior of Chip Mazey, the vice president of Hudson Smith Gordon, an investment bank, along with his poor people skills. Case analysis The insulting and derogatory behavior Mazey portrays has led him, a vice president of...

Motivational Problems at Workplace

Managers have the responsibility to make workers motivated since lack of it can be a source of many problems in the workplace. Motivation is the reason why people want to work. There is a gap that exists between an individual’s desired state and the actual state. Motivation, therefore, is a...

Toyota Motor Ltd: Guiding Principles, Philosophy, and Practices

At the end of the day, the insistence of the company on lean and efficient production rests on the strategy of offering the market cars that work reliably and are as affordable as possible. Quality and productivity helped the company penetrate an impoverished domestic market still struggling to surmount the...

Consumer Adoption of Optus Company’s New Technology

Introduction Optus Company is a communication company that provides various communication services to about seven million consumers in Australia every day. The various services that the company provides include mobile, all telephone services (international and local), business network services, internet and satellite services and subscription television. The merge of Sing...

Malaysian Market for Wiper Blades

Introduction Wiper blades are one of the fastest-growing commodities being sold internationally. Because of the increase in demand for vehicles, the wiper blades industry is becoming one of the most lucrative industries. The wiper blades industry in Malaysia had developed into large operations whose products are used all over the...

Assessment of Leadership Capabilities

Leadership skills are the skills demanded in any kind of position from any employee: “These skills include the knowledge of how to control the performance of one’s subordinates or partners, participate in decision making, and bear responsibility for them” (Northhouse, 2004). Accordingly, a leader is to be a person with...

Xbox: The SWOT Analysis

The market of the computer and other innovative technologies expands every day. The computer and Internet became an essential part of people’s lives not only in their working places but also at homes. Microsoft, one of the most powerful companies in the computer field, has launched Xbox, a new video...

Impact of Organization Restructuring on Motivation

Introduction Organizational restructuring may bring positive or negative impacts on the motivation of the members of the organization. Although changes of an organization may achieve cohesion among the members and increased morale due to a change in the culture, it may bring changes that are uncertain, and thus result in...

Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” (p. 1). This definition enlightens us on the existence of a...

Importance of ‘Strategic Planning’ in the Marketing Process

Background Strategic planning is an important aspect of the process of marketing. It deals with the process of defining a strategy and making decisions regarding the allocation of resources for the particular strategy. Strategic planning can be defined as the “determination of the steps required to reach an objective of...

EEST Company: People-Oriented Organization

Information sharing is an integral part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information, sharing is a “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass the information on, but...

Toyota Boshoku: Human Resource Management

Introduction The company which has been selected for this paper is Toyota Boshoku. This paper is based on human resource management activities of the company. This paper is going to help with understanding the extent to which the Human Resource functions and the HR strategies, policies, and practices are integrated...

Ensuring Quality Management with Certifications

Abstract This paper outlines what certification is, what its perceived benefits to the employees are and why managements try and get their staff certified in the first place. It also provides some details of the commonly pursued certifications like the CMA, the CPA, CIA, etc and gives some information on...

Employee Cross-Cultural Training Program

Introduction The current climate in the business environment has become so competitive that organizations are now competing at a global level. Local markets have also become so strained, forcing companies to move beyond borders to seek opportunities. To survive in the globally competitive market, the organization should be well endowed...

Business Communication in Egypt

In the modern world globalization is exerting immense influence on the development of business situation. The market is expanding at an unprecedented rate, thus requiring proficiency at making business contacts and establishing international bonds. Consequently, a profound knowledge of mentality and cultural peculiarities is of vital importance for a successful...

Business Strategy: Applying Critical Analysis

Introduction This paper develops at least one strategic objective from each of the following Balance Scorecard areas: Financial, Customer, Process, and Learning and Growth based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues identified with SWOTT Analysis paper. A great part of the paper will explain...

Entrepreneurship and the Role of Innovation

Introduction Entrepreneurship is the art of pulling together resources and business acumen as a way of transforming innovations into economically viable goods. Entrepreneurship is all about performing realistic business analysis and making a series of sound decisions concerning the business. Mark Pale and Jim Mack came up with a unique...

Cisco Company’s Technological Change Management

Introduction Change Management is considered to be an integral component of IT Service Management. The fundamental purpose of Change Management with regards to this context is to make certain that standardized techniques and procedures are made use of for the competent and timely treatment of all changes to the controlled...

T-Shirt Manufacturing: 4 Important Factors

Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is “in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry — a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward...

Motivation as a Means of Productivity Increase

Assignment 1 Background of the Study It has been noted by scholars long ago that some organizations succeed while others do not, and numerous opinions connect this success to the ways in which the successful organizations motivate their employees to work more effectively and with greater commitment to the organization’s...

Logistical Problems Faced by Qatar Cement Factories

Background According to Christopher (2005) logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory in order to achieve efficiency when it comes to the fulfilment of orders. This means that the company will be able to make a profit but at...

Cereals Company’s Marketing Theory and Practice

This is an organization which manufactures Cereals in Melbourne, Australia. The company’s name is “G’Day flakes”. This particular company is thinking of developing products which must be suitable for the current Australian market. For this reason they decided to understand certain macro-economic factors which may influence their market and the...

Good Time Management and Delegation Skills

According to Estes (2003: 1), time management refers to the act of making an arrangement, carrying out organization, making a schedule, and making a budget for one’s time to make a generation of work that is more effective and productive. This act is of great importance not only to business...

Spotless Cleaning Services Company’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction The company chosen for the SWOT analysis is Spotless Cleaning Services and the four factors that are selected are listed below. For each of the factor, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analyzed. The overall objective is to ensure that an analysis is done of the company’s competencies...

Mattel’s Workforce Strategy: Fostering of Teamwork

Teamwork is one of the most effective tools in management as it enhances collective responsibility towards the common goal of the organization. According to Duke Corporate Education (2005:4), a team may be described as a small group of people sharing a common purpose and possessing complementary skills to pursue the...

Employee Benefits as a Company Policy

Introduction It is vital for great and influential company to present the points on strategic evaluation of employees’ benefits and their further going up the career ladder. The point is that many even global corporations lost their bygone positions among the closest competitors due to a lack of professional liability...

Personal Introspective Journal on Leadership

In this era of globalization and tight competition the role of a good leader is inevitable for the development of any nation. This is a journal project which integrates the ideas of the journal projects of all the weeks. That is the journal project from week 1 to week 7....

IKEA Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction IKEA is a private organization known all around the world. This organization is a home products retailer that was first to use flat-pack design furniture. Its primary business consists in selling this furniture, as well as accessories and kitchen and bathroom items. IKEA was founded in Sweden in 1943...

S&W and Makatume: Strategic Issues and Case Analysis

Take the perspective of S&W’s Director of Strategic Planning to develop a full SWOT analysis of S&W, identifying and explaining at least five factors for each category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and propose a complete strategy (implementation, ramification, and evaluation) which addresses one of S&W’s weaknesses and what you...

Franchising and Service Delivery Systems

This week has been very rewarding for me in the sense that I have been able to learn about something which I have always been interested about. This is the concept of franchising and the importance of service delivery systems in franchising. I know that franchising is an extremely powerful...

Managing the Services Industries

Introduction Each and every industry whether it is service or manufacturing industry operates its business in an environment which comprises of different issues or factors such as the physical environment, tradition and socialization, technology, politics, economics, and social factors. Each type factors have significant impact on almost every aspect of...

Accident and Emergency Clinic Department: Management Accounting Analysis

Executive Summary This is a financial report represented for Accident and Emergency clinic department. The report is prepared mainly to be used by the directors of the accident and emergency clinic and is focus on the financial records available as closing of 30th June, 2008. For the preparation of this...

Organizational Management and Leadership at Hitachi Ltd Canada

Introduction Good administration is the hallmark of good management and the proper and efficient use of resources. Managers become leaders when their personality and character, their knowledge and functional skills of leadership are recognized and accepted by the others involved. Hitachi Ltd. is a leading electronic company specialized in information...

Financial Decision Making for Managers

Introduction Business ethics are standards that are applied to examine certain behaviors in the business processes of corporations. Companies are held accountable if they do no follow ethical guidelines in terms of societal welfare, environmental benefits, and other ethical values. The companies that do not have any sense of responsibility...

The IASB and the FASB and Their Role in the Accounting

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is the U.S.-based organization that issues Financial Accounting Statements (FAS) and other accounting pronouncements that constitute U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) was formed in 2001 as the successor to the IASC (International Accounting Standards Committee). IASB issues its series...

Product Branding in Online Shop

Introduction Branding products in online shops is an essential part of the online shop success; it requires development of sound and effective strategic marketing of the products under consideration and it includes product, the website that is used to sell the product and the marketing strategies employed. Currently not much...

Management Education Is the Key to Successful Career

Introduction Effective and qualitative education is a core of any profession as it gives future private and public employees a chance to master knowledge and skills crucial for effective performance. Management education is important because it supplies future managers and administrators with knowledge and innovative ideas, practical examples and analytical...

Angel’s: The Market Plan

Executive Summary The marketing plan has been formed on Angel’s and the chosen product is Angel’s Carpet, Flooring, Lighting, Beds, Rugs, curtains and blinds which has taken the leading position in the local market. The macro-environments that influence an organisation’s activities are demographic, economic, political-legal, ecological, socio-cultural, and technological. These...

Team Dynamics. Team’s Structure and Roles of It Members

A team is an important unit of the organizational structure of any company. Only people united around a certain task and possessing considerable theoretical and practical skills for its accomplishment can lead the organization to success in whatever field it operates in. Accordingly, teams themselves have a certain structure and...

Global Challenges Facing Organizations

Introduction In their operations, it is common for organizations to face various challenges that are often an obstacle in the operations of the organizations. Likewise, the United Nations, Imperial Tobacco, HSBC and Norwich Union have faced global challenges that have necessitated action to overcome them. The report herein looks at...

The Thai Lay Fashion Company: Franchising

Introduction The Thai Lay Fashion Company is a well-respected garment exporter situated in Hong Kong with production facilities located in China. At present, the company caters to wholesale importers from markets in Europe and the UK. The success and acceptance of the company’s products have encouraged the management to enter...

Applied Management: Developing Leadership Skills

Introduction Leadership development refers to any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization.Successful management requires more than just assigning tasks to the employees to perform. It calls for a leader who can inspire its members to achieve their full potential. To successfully develop leadership skills...

The Role of Cash in Business

Need for Cash Flow Statement Yes, the writer agrees with the above statement that cash flow statements are important for any organisation. Cash is needed for a variety of reasons in garment organizations primarily for: Payment for purchase of garments raw materials Wages and salaries to workers and staff Purchase...

British Airways Holiday Package

Executive summary British Airways is one of the largest airlines companies in Europe and around the world. Along with Lufthansa they dominate the market within Europe, but also from Europe to Middle East and North America (Golden 2007). Despite worldwide financial problems, the British Airways position is that of a...

Online Shopping and eBay Phenomenon

BEBay auction was founded in September, 1995 and is the world Internet auction for the sale of goods and services. As of March 2006, the number of eBay registered users worldwide is about 193 million. People spend more at eBay auctions than on any other site which makes it the...

Bata India Ltd.: Management Accounting Analysis

Introduction Management is the combination of planning, organizing, directing and motivating, performance evaluation and controlling. The accounting is the Process of identifying, measuring, accumulating, analyzing, preparing, interpreting, and communicating information to meet the needs of the intended audience (Melse, 2006). Management accounting is the process of the preparation of financial...

General Electric Supply Chain and Its Competitors

Introduction GE side-by-side refrigerators is stated at Monterey (Mexico), than goods are shipped by truck to Pegasus (the USA) and delivered to distribution center. At this stage, GE has numerous competitors such as Siemens AG and Bosch. Both of these companies create effective supply chains outsourced abroad. Similar to GE...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Barriers to Communication

Thai-Lay Fashion Company is a small-sized company, carried on garment manufacturing and trading business. Their headquarter is situated in Hong Kong with around 20 staff in Hong Kong and 200 staff in China. Their products are exporting mainly to Europe. Communication Barriers at the organization level Communications in business terms...

Daimler Company’s Human Resource Management

Introduction Daimler is a German car company specialized in cars and trucks. The current CEO of the Company is Dieter Zetsche who develops an effective strategic and leadership position of Daimler on the global scale. The application of HRM by Daimler is often discussed from review of human resources investment...

Strategic Planning: Research and Development

Introduction Successful marketing requires recognition and authority at the top decision-making level. Marketing programs must be carefully planned and based not merely on knowledge of internal corporate affairs, but also on knowledge of external environments. A homeostatic point of equilibrium between customer wants and needs, is called for on the...

Due Diligence and Evaluation of New Ventures

Introduction Every week has been a new learning experience for me regarding the start-up of new ventures. A lot of knowledge about the importance of proper venture funding, the types of venture funds and sources available, team building etc have been learnt in the previous weeks. This week also, the...

Integrative Negotiation With a Difficult Employee

It is common to find difficult employees in the workplace. But most of the time their presence is only known to their co-workers and not to the employer. When the attitude of the said employee is brought to the attention of the employer two things can happen. The employer can...

The Relationship Between Customer E-Support and Phone Technology

Methodology The study will involve an American firm located in Canada and will seek to establish, analyze, and draw conclusions on use of e-support in business as compared to telephone using the company. Collection of data and important information will involve both questionnaires and interviews of a sample of 100...

Managing People: How People Can Be Managed?

The main topic of the assignment is managing people. How people can be managed? Mangers’ most difficult and important job is to manage people. Every organization is facing a shortage of talents to manage to change the environment. The world of work is changing. New labor laws, globalization, shifting demographics,...

Cross-Cultural Executives’ Perceptions in Quality Customer Service and Relationship

Introduction The paper is a research proposal for research that is supposed to discuss the cross-cultural perceptions of the marketing executives of MNCs as they deal with different customers in different regions and countries. The effect of their perspectives and strategies necessary to make their view open and rational will...

Life Straw Project Analysis

Introduction Business is a way of making money and being successful, as poor people can become richer when they start making some business. But another aim of businesspeople is the help to those who live beyond the level of poverty. This kind of activity of people dealing with some business...

Innovation and Creativity Factors in Management

Introduction Innovation is one of the core subjects that is important in determining the success of a business enterprise in meeting its customers’ needs. The main objective in innovation is the creation of something new that will lead to positive changes. The difference between innovation and invention is the former...

Apple Computer, Inc.: Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management aims at identifying best growth opportunities and creates defenses against threats to its competitive position and future performance. An analysis of the internal and external environment of an organization is very important for strategic management. The internal environment factors of the firm include its Strength(S) and Weakness...

Lakeland Wonders: Case Study

Executive summary The case of the Lakeland Wonders is the classical example of the conservative outlook of the business world. Cheryl Hailstorm, CEO of Lakeland Wonders, proposes progressive modifications of the company’s development strategies, while the senior management resists them stressing the possibility of failure in international markets resulting in...

Honda vs. Toyota: Comparison

This section continues the discussion of the issues that the company must face. The paper aims to cover some issues faced by the company such as being accepted by the market of the switch from gas to electric, adopting new technical expertise to make this change, coping with additional costs...

Positive Accounting Theory in Management

Introduction This paper consists of two parts. Part A will explain statement about the accounting policy choice literature which is opportunistic policy motivated by various factors while part B will explain Foster’s accounting policy choice from two viewpoints – from an opportunistic behavior and an information and signaling perspective. Analysis...

Service Marketing and Product Marketing Definition

Marketing is the process of distribution of products and services in order to satisfy the needs and wants of the individuals and also achieving the organizational objectives. Marketing can be of two types, product marketing, and service marketing. Both of these types of marketing are unique and need to have...

Business Plan of Thai Lay Garments

Executive Summary Thai Lay is a fast-moving Garment Export Manufacturing unit for men, women, and children. Over the years, this company has produced innovative, attractive, and colorful clothes to suit different tastes, designs, choices, and preferences, including half and full sleeve T-Shirts for men, women, and children, woolen products, and...

“Management: 4th Edition” the Book by Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., and Coulter, M.

Introduction Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, and Coulter, are reported to be among the best authors of the books covering organizational management practices; this paper will therefore critically take a look at the management book fourth edition written by the four authors. In essence this book actually focuses on the management concepts...

Working Capital Management Analysis

Working capital management is often adopted as a strategic managerial accounting function. The main objective of working capital management is to maintain efficient levels of the two components of working capital – current assets and current liabilities – concerning each other. By efficiently managing its working capital the firm would...

Nike’s Ad for Football Women’s World Cup 2019

Early in June, Nike released its empowering advertisement ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 hosted in France. The ad features the biggest names of the tournament, including Sam Kerr, an Australian association football player, and Andressa Alves, a Brazilian footballer. The young star of the given commercial is...

Du Firm’s Possibilities for Expansion Outside UAE

Introduction Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company is a vibrant and multiple award-winning telecommunication service in the United Arab Emirates, which is more commonly known as Du. It has more than 9 million customers providing mobile, fixed-line, broadband internet and Home services using LTE network (“Company Overview”). The company is the second...

Management Issues: Discouraging Auditorium Disturbances

In many ways, as members of management, we find we must conform to rules typically referred to as policies, procedures, and/or simple acts of kindness (courtesies). We assume this responsibility as the governing body for the hundreds of guests that we welcome through our doors every day of the year....

Business Data Analysis: The Ryanair LTD

The overall market position Ryanair LTD is one of the most competitive companies, offering the cheapest flights within Europe. Offering more than 500 destinations, the company’s strong side is providing the possibility to travel freely for the middle-class population, and people below the middle-class level. In the confirmation of these...

Cemex: Global Growth Through Superior Information Capabilities

Statement of the problem The cement industry is rapidly consolidating and stiff competition is prevalent among the top five key players who are fighting for scarce acquisition targets and CEMEX executives should look for ways of accelerating the company grow to new and higher levels. Statement of the argument As...

How Will the W. P. Carey MBA Help You Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals?

Despite coming from an engineering background, I’ve always had a strong inclination towards sales and marketing. This has effectively led me to a career as a sales engineer. After having significant exposure to the consumer durables industry, in the realm of engineering and sales support roles, I have experienced the...

Management Control and Working with Teams

Effective working with teams has proved to be the key factor for success in modern high-tech entrepreneurial organizations. Working in teams enhances individual performance, individual satisfaction and results in the accomplishment of both long term and short term organizational goals and visions. Thus, effective utilization of the individual human resources...

Dual-Career Couple Policy in Organizations.

Introduction The organization recognizes, employs and supports dual-career couples, especially those who show commitment to the growth and success of the company. Definition: Dual career couples Dual-career couples refers to couples whose both parties are professionals and desire to work while they have family needs that require them to be...

Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market Research

Introduction As the question of legitimacy in the rights and use of intellectual property rights continues to hit the entertainment industry, there is however a lack of comprehensive supportive data on the same. Every aspect of excessive use of these rights by the consumers in the entertainment industry remains unknown....

Kingspan Insulated Panels Company’s Challenges

Introduction Kingspan Insulated Panels, part of the Kingspan Group Plc, has established a leading global position in design and manufacture of high quality Insulated Roof, Wall and Façade Systems for the construction industry. King span’s range of insulated panels has been successfully used across the globe on retail, distribution, commercial,...

Workplace Conflict Management Strategies and Examples

Introduction The work in any organization that concerns interpersonal relationships and communication is likely to impose conflicts. The difficulties in mutual understanding have their causes and outcomes, which deter the performance quality and imped the comfortable environment for the employees. It has even more adverse effects in the field of...

The All Geeks Company’s Internet Marketing

Analysis of The All Geeks’ Competitors One of the most significant local competitors of The All Geeks is the Warehouse. The company can be considered one of the largest retailers in New Zealand; its products are presented under different brand names. This year, the company launched its sixth brand, TheMarket,...

Organisational Cultures and Employee Engagement

Introduction Culture can be looked at as a pattern, or general ways of doing things in a community, society, or organization. It consists of fundamental values that people in the organization learned as they solved their problems of external and internal integration. These values worked well enough to be considered...

New Castle Hotels’ Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Introduction High employee turnover or attrition rate in any organization is a problem area for its management and one of its main aims will be to keep this at the level at least with industry standards. This paper deals with the high employee turnover found in the hospitality industry and...

Supply Chain Management for the Sedan Car

Executive Summary The automobile industry has faced many transformations for the last fifty years and this transformation has led to the change of supply chain used. This evolution has produced stylish and expensive motor vehicles like the sedan. One of the characteristic of sedan is the ability of transformations and...

Attracting, Recruiting, Retaining Talented Staff

At the beginning of the 21st century, companies try to attract and retail top talents. The “best practice” approach is based on belief that there is a set of superior HRM practices which, if adopted, will lead to better organization performance. This approach is widely used by organizations because it...

Budweiser: Industry and Competitors

Budweiser is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a large multinational beer company with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. The producer is investing vast amounts of money (as much as $449 million) into the marketing of the beer, which makes Budweiser the most advertised drink in the United...

SWOT Technique: General Analysis

Introduction In business, it is vital to change and adapt to innovation, and it is also crucial to be able to adequately assess the potential of these changes when developing a strategic plan for a firm. SWOT analysis is among the commonly used techniques in business that allow one to...

Principles of Total Quality

Introduction The total quality or the so-called total quality management is a methodology whose goal is to achieve the organizational effectiveness of the work team. Pillars of total quality are the three underlying principles of customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Understanding, applying, and following these three aspects allow the...

Differences Between Job-Order Costing and Process Costing Systems

To create a viable pricing strategy, an organization has to be fully aware of the unique characteristics of the product or service that it is selling. As a result, a choice between a job-order costing framework and a process-costing system can be made. The uniqueness of a product quickly becomes...

The Møller-Maersk Group: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Phases

Introduction Competent work on human resource development (HRD) and talent management is the key to success for any organization since an effectively established algorithm of the leader-subordinate interaction contributes to implementing the tasks set productively. However, in some cases, problems arise in this area when employees demonstrate low production results...

Sephora and Beauty Industry

Introduction Sephora is one of the most prominent companies in the beauty industry. Just like other market players that focus on creating a positive brand image, Sephora designs and implements a range of efforts that help explain the positive outcomes of purchasing from the brand to the target customers. This...

Business Model Development: Vegan Subscription Box

Nowadays, many people make purchases through the Internet, and according to Chen et al. (2018), nearly 15% of online shoppers are subscribed to receive certain products regularly. The subscription e-commerce market “has grown by more than 100 percent a year over the past five years” and allowed retailers generate billions...

Boston Beer Company’s Supply Chain Management

Every company should pay specific attention to supply chain management because it contributes to a smooth and successful overall performance. Supply chains consist of many aspects, which makes it challenging to assess whether they are useful. That is why various metrics can be used to evaluate the efficiency of these...

Managers’ Role in the Effective Training Transfer

Implementing training programs in the workplace provides an increase in the professional qualification of staff members and satisfies the company’s needs for certain types of skills. Such training allows employees to gain new experience and to enhance their knowledge. Learning programs should be developed according to the company’s needs to...

Finding the Shortest Route

Summary Any business aims to optimize its processes in the most cost-efficient way possible. For organizations operating in the sphere of product manufacturing on a large scale, it is imperative to understand the way in which they can manage operations and increase efficiency and productivity (Anderson et al., 2016). Shortest...

Error Measures in Forecasting

In forecasting, error measures play important roles because of their potential in helping to identify the forecasting method that would be the most appropriate in a given context. Each error measure can have certain limitations and thus lead to the inaccurate evaluation of forecasting results, which contributes to the increased...

Waiting Lines Situation at Banking Organizations

Summary Queues represent a common occurrence that people can experience in multiple areas of life (Anderson et al., 2016). For example, people who visit banks are often faced with the problem of having to wait in lines to get help from a bank employee. Therefore, queues are highly standard at...

Protocol Management During Official Events

A protocol for conducting official events is a set of rules and standards that need to be addressed when organizing the interaction between authorities, official representatives, and the media. The current approach to protocol management is based on following rules typical of a modern protocol in contrast to a classic...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Ethical Communication Plan

As the communication analysis of Coca-Cola has demonstrated, the company has often been subject to criticism and has yet to tackle its ethical controversies. One way to go about the issues with brand reputation and communication is to devise a comprehensive ethical framework. This is a necessity for a corporation...

Applied Teamwork Plan Review

Organization Overview The selected company is a call center that provides its services to a wide range of organizations in different sectors. Such outsourced activities make it possible for all partners and clients to realize their goals much faster and fulfill the demands of their respective customers. This firm has...

1-800-GOT-JUNK? Company’s Global Expansion

Introduction Speaking about the expansion, business owners often focus on the pros and cons of new strategies for their companies. However, to get a full picture, it is also critical to evaluate such decisions with reference to positive and negative changes for new communities to be served. This paper discusses...

Institutional Review Board: Main Objectives

Institutional review boards, also called research ethics committees, are institutions which are created to examine cases of human participation in research and ensure their protection. The main aim of IRBs is to secure the physical and mental well-being of people participating in research (Grady, 2015). Essence The ethical examination of...

The Link Between Business Structure, Size, Scale, and Aim

It is important to note that the business structure, size, and scale are in a direct relationship with a business aim because the leaders of companies determine their goals and strategies depending on their size and perspectives for growth. This tendency can be examined with reference to the example of...

Empirical and Normative Theories in Business Ethics

The article by Donaldson (1994) argues that since two theories, empirical, or descriptive, and normative, or prescriptive, are opposing in nature, they take completely opposite logic and, therefore, cannot be relevantly combined in a single integrative theory. However, Weaver and Trevino (1994) discuss three approaches to the combination of the...

The Practice of Strategic Marketing Planning

Introduction An opportunity to create a competitive advantage, overcome financial challenges, receive stable profits and attract a large number of potential consumers are the consequences of following the practice of strategic management supported by modern business organisations. Along with these objectives, the task of building sustainable leadership positions is no...

Procurement, Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Green Procurement, Its Relevance and Influence on Supply Chain Management One of the major concerns of modern society is environmental changes and challenges associated with this process. Large corporations have already started responding to the calls of the public and made green procurement one of their priorities because the focus...

Digital Marketing in Fashion Industry

Introduction The fashion industry is one of the most competitive yet very lucrative businesses in the developed economies. According to Kingsnorth (2019), it is estimated that about 1,875 fashion retailers in North America and the European Union were forced to shut down because of their inability to sustain their operations....

Corporate Gym Marketing Plan

Introduction This marketing plan is a part of a proposal for a corporate CrossFit gym. It will be used by the company’s employees but also be open to the general public and advertised to them. As a result, it will improve the overall community’s health while also generating some revenue...

Generational Differences in Galliford Try Construction Industry

Over the recent past, construction industries have steadily evolved to be among the best ventures globally. The rise is associated with the high demand for accommodation to cater for business, hospitality, housing and a range of other requirements. Although the need for construction services is increasing, the sector experiences various...

Kirkpatrick’s Model: Case Study

Kirkpatrick’s model is a framework that is widely used to measure learning outcomes. It features five levels, each of which represents a category that can be evaluated, including participants’ emotions, learning, behavior, results, and the return of investment (ROI). This paper features a case study of a training program conducted...

Taco Bell Restaurant’s Target Market in Queensland

The expansion of Taco Bell to Queensland, Australia is a viable solution to attract more customers and increase the company’s profits. As a quick-service restaurant, Taco Bell is a cheap dining option for people who want affordable, crunchy, and fast eating. It is possible to choose students (17-24 year-olds) as...

Staffing for the Strategic Success of the Organization

Introduction The significance of staffing might not seem as high in the environment of an average company. Yet, the specified process has an evident effect on the delivery of performance and the overall quality of work. Furthermore, staffing is linked directly to creating premises for the further success of a...

Customer Involvement in LEGO Group’s Innovation Process

Introduction LEGO Group is a successful designer and manufacturer of toys aimed at meeting the changing needs of different children. This company engages its customers through the use of various online platforms, such as its website and social media networks. The concept of innovation is what guides LEGO’s actions, initiatives,...

Stage-Gate Development Process and Its Stages

Introduction Cooper’s Stage Gate process focuses on innovations during project management (Cooper, 2014). This technique divides a project into different stages separated by ‘gates’. These are referred to as the decision points that influence the movement to the next stage. In business organisations, the Stage Gate process is considered important...

Organizational Management, Supervision, Leadership

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal practice at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), managers have always been concerned with developing various methodical ways and processes to reach organizational objectives in a systematic way, measuring metrics and other tools associated with achieving business goals. In my experience, effective managers should have...

Power & Conflict in Individual & Group Behavior

Relationships within work teams are pretty complex due to the intricate balance of power and conflict in the workplace setting. Understanding the principles based on which these relationships develop is the key to resolving workplace conflicts successfully and managing the power dynamics within a team to ensure that staff members...

Organizational Leadership Challenges and Leadership Theories to Overcome Them

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation For almost 14 years of experience as a leader, I have managed to explore many various challenges and obstacles that arise in the way of managers and slow down the process of solving relevant organizational tasks. When I was appointed as a supervisory board member...

Effective Groups, Teams and Participation

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Teamwork skills constitute some of the crucial components of a skill set required to be productive in any workplace setting. Therefore, as a leader and a manager, one needs to encourage staff members to cooperate in the corporate setting. However, as my experience has shown,...

Supervisory Process and Its Multicultural Factors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my experience, the work of a supervisor in a multicultural context should be linked to support for cultural issues and openness to their discussion. Supervisors must provide opportunities for employees to work in multicultural contexts and increase the perceptions of supervisees” multicultural competence. This...

Employee Management Supervision in Complex Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my experience working at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), good supervision is always based on the relationships working in favor of organizations. It offers safe environments for critical reflection, professional support, and challenge. In my experience, setting the standards of quality and expertise for a position...

Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizations

Introduction Social responsibility and ethics are the integral components of organizational performance; they play a relevant part in developing a company’s strategic plan. The researchers define the mentioned plan as the scope of measures aimed at achieving long-term objectives and strengthening the firm’s position in the market (Setó-Pamies & Papaoikonomou,...

Romania: Market Entry Recommendation Report

Executive Summary This report focuses on an analysis of the macro-environmental situation in the Romanian market. The findings were obtained by utilizing the PEST and SWOT analysis tools, as well as Geert Hofstede’s paradigm of cultural dimensions, to investigate political, economic, social, technological, and cultural factors. It was found that...

The Mitigating Effect of Servant Leadership

In every company and organization, the central role belongs to its leader as he or she is responsible for its prosperity and success. There are different kinds of leaders, and it is hard to disagree that the best leaders are the ones who care about their employees. The purpose of...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan

General Description Muja’s Poultry Farm is a farming enterprise located in Houston, Texas. The farm raises domesticated birds in order to harvest them for meat, eggs, and feathers to be used in other types of production (Mountney 119). The farm’s stock consists of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. The farm...

Burger King Whopper vs. McDonald’s Big Mac

Introduction Unrestricted, continuous, fast food alternatives, Burger King and McDonald’s represent the leading chains across the globe. Researchers should seek to establish the company that has cheaper, better quality, and healthier options of the two (Soo et al. 2117). It is for this reason that this paper presents a comparison...

Dealing With Millennial Leaders: Characteristics and Effectiveness

At the end of the 21st century, people began approaching the world in a more complicated manner. Traditional views on leadership, management, and corporative psychology were interchanged by the paradigms that account for the complexity of human character. The context is another crucial factor that influences the ability to lead....

Twitch: Organization Analysis

The rapid development of digital technology throughout the 00s has made possible the spread of fast and high-quality Internet connections around the world. In 2011, Justin Kan launched Twitch, which allowed a large number of viewers to watch live how other people play video games (Dave). According to Investopedia, “Twitch.tv,...

Ethics in Business: Child Labor in Chocolate Industry

Business organizations are required to act ethically if they have to meet the demands of all stakeholders. Unfortunately, some companies will pursue specific malpractices in an attempt to maximize profits. This paper describes a newspaper paper that discusses an unethical business practice and how the affected companies can improve its...

Leadership: What It Means to Be a Charismatic Leader?

Various organizations set different goals and objectives to become successful, and each of them has its strategy that they follow. In the same way, different styles of leadership may work for some organizations and may not work for others. In the current exploration, it was chosen to focus on charismatic...

Online Shopping: Security Concerns vs. Convenience

Results This study is based on the data obtained through a survey that involved 23 volunteering participants (13 males and 10 females). The age of the people who completed the questionnaire ranged from 18 to 35, so the research reveals the views of young adults and adults. The participants were...

Rebranding Project for Local and Global Companies

Introduction The use of such marketing technique as rebranding can be effective for various reasons – insufficiently high consumer demand, inability to withstand competition in the market, and other factors. In order to assess the success of this method, five companies will be analysed to find the best ways to...

Fitbit Company’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit is a company that produces and sells fitness trackers, smart watches, and accessories and develops apps aimed at improving the health and fitness of their users. The company offers a narrow selection of products targeting people interested in maintaining an active lifestyle. The present paper will introduce the three...

Fitbit Firm’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction The three key communication channels used in marketing communication plans are digital marketing, TV or radio advertisements, and sales promotion. The present paper will aim to discuss the recommended use of these communication channels by Fitbit, which will help the company to become more profitable. Communications Channel 1: Digital...

Sunrun Inc.’s Company Analysis

Sunrun, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, is an energy-based service provider founded by Edward Fenster, Robert Kreamer, and Lynn Jurich in 2007. Through its vision, mission, and goals, Sunrun focuses on powering the world with clean and sustainable solar energy attainable through innovation and expert service delivery. Sunrun’s vision...

Importance of Negotiation Contracts in the Business

Introduction Contracts enable the parties that are willing to cooperate to agree on and set a list of rules that will guide their collaboration. Written contracts may consist of different sections, including the preamble, definitions of terms, the words of agreement, and the duties that each side promises to fulfill....

Walmart’s Strategic Aspiration: Mission, Vision, and Philosophy

Introduction As a large retail company, Walmart established its presence in the American market quite a while ago. The organization has been widely popular ever since, becoming global within a relatively short period (“Our history,” 2018). If exploring the history and philosophy of the organization, one has to admit that...

Integrated Marketing Campaign Stories: Subaru’s Short Video Commercials

Big corporations with well-designed brands, company mission, vision, and values integrate their priorities in captivating messages that they address to their target audience through marketing tools. An integrated marketing campaign (IMC) is a combined set of promotional messages distributed through various channels of communications so that brands can reach their...

Edges and Shortcomings of Offshoring

Introduction Background information For the first time, the practice of offshoring began to be applied in the 60s of the 20th century by European and American companies; however, the term itself appeared only in the late 70s. It is important to note that the phenomenon of offshoring involves the separation...

United Parcel Service: Information Technology Management Plan

Introduction Background of the Study Founded in 1907, the United Parcel Service (UPS) is an American-based logistics company. The company relies on its information management systems to undertake most of its operations. This report provides an information management plan for the year 2019. How to use this Report The data...

Coca-Cola: Marketing Department’s Mistakes

Identification The more popular a brand is, the more attention its blunders receive from the public. Coca-Cola, the world’s leader in the soft drinks market, always tries to make its campaigns attractive and unusual. However, the attention driven by the organization’s advertising endeavors is not always positive. Over the long...

Customization Process in BMW

Introduction A customization process providing a client-oriented approach to ensure that buyers are directly involved in the creation of a product is increasingly common in the modern market. In the struggle to engage consumer interest, many companies seek to attract customers by offering new opportunities and prospects for choosing goods....

Human Capital and Knowledge Acquisition

Over the past years, the role of human capital has been significantly re-evaluated. Training, in turn, has been regarded as a valuable tool to gain relevant knowledge as well as raise employees’ competence. However, the role of training in business life has undertaken a crucial change “from a program focus...

What It Takes to Be a Great Leader

Leadership The modern world is experiencing drastic changes in all spheres of activity. Numerous aspects are triggering these alterations, such as the emergence and rapid development of technologies, their growing importance, increasing demands for diversity and effectiveness, and a tendency towards further sophistication of various processes. All these factors are...

Spa Area and Treatments: Monitoring & Maintenance

The spa industry is pretty young and for almost 20 years and it, like any developing industry, has been constantly changing, adapting either to certain economic conditions or to new customer needs. Sometimes the industry itself dictated fashion, having caught the vector of human desires for a change in lifestyle...

The Cemex Way Company’s Success Story

A significant portion of the success of CEMEX Way can be attributed to its three main strengths, which are integration, innovation, and global trading. The post-merger integration (PMI) process enabled CEMEX to integrate its acquisitions successfully by making use of the best-standardized practices. After the company moved to Spain, it...

Paid Search Marketing and Search Engine Optimization

Paid search or SEM is used for referring to the tasks that help Internet search engines such as Google to find a website and then rank it. For organizations who want to promote themselves and attract audiences or customers, the benefit of appearing as early as possible in search engine...