Diverse Teams Within an Organization

The significance of embracing diversity within an organization remains a contentious topic, with people holding dissenting views on whether it is a threat or a strength. Despite such a disconnect between proponents and opponents, corporations are gradually moving toward an overt acknowledgment of diverse teams within their structures (Danbold &...

The Review of the Peers’ Grant Proposals

The review and ranking of the peers’ grant proposals are conducted based on their compliance with the standards of grant proposal writing, their informativity, adherence to the assignment requirements, structuring with all necessary sections present, and the project justification narrative. The following is the ranking of the reviewed grant proposal,...

Applying Analytic Techniques to Amazon Business

Introduction Online stores are a significant element of the modern economy. These businesses account for an essential market share because they provide millions of customers with the ability to purchase products via the Internet. Currently, Amazon is one of the most successful representatives in this field internationally. For example, in...

The UK Juicers Company: Internationalization Theories

Introduction Internationalisation of companies has been rampant over the years with firms seeking to enlarge their client base with focus on foreign markets. In addition, firms have been seeking to promote their market performance as the need to outsource grips markets. Internationalisation adopts two forms namely downstream internationalisation and upstream...

Strategic Planning and Forces That Impact the Industries Development

Differentiation Differentiation strategy is a set of actions that are structured by a company to deliver unique services and goods at an acceptable cost. The customers see as if something different has been done to guarantee satisfaction (Baker, 2001). According to Fred Smith, the founding director of the FedEx, the...

CPA at Family Games, Inc.: The Case Analysis

Brief Helen Strom is a controller and a CPA at Family Games, Inc., a private company. After talking to another CPA and the CFO of the company, Carl Land, Helen faces an ethical dilemma. Carl, representing the interests of the company’s CEO, is convincing Helen to manipulate reported results for...

Financial Supply Chain Disruption in 2020

The financial supply chain refers to the process of monetary transactions which traverse from one trading partner to the other to aid the provision of goods and services. According to the video by Tichenor (0-3 minute), cash flow within the casino is an intricate process beginning with the gamblers placing...

Walt Disney Company: SWOT Analysis

Walt Disney is a globally recognized entertainment brand that most of the world’s population is familiar with since childhood, thanks to the outstanding cartoons the company has created. Meanwhile, in the business world, no player has a guarantee that its success will last forever, relying only on previous achievements. Strengths,...

Leadership Styles: Organizational Change and Quality Management

Leadership is defined as the act of organizing a group of people to achieve a common objective. It entails giving directions to other people mostly to the subordinates by authority and being accountable for the results obtained (Johnson and Hackman, 2003, p.38). Leadership in an organization is an important tool...

Accessory Plus Incorporated’s Drug Abuse Case

Overview of the case Drug addiction is an undesired incident in any given work environment. For a company to deal with incidences of drug abuse and related incidences in the work environment, a clear policy on drug abuse should be established. In the case of Accessory Plus Incorporated, the issue...

Staffing Level, Wages, and Banks Financial Performance

Interpretation The summary under consideration demonstrates the air transportation supply company’s data and focuses on the employees’ salaries, bonuses, and performance. The analysis of this information results in the rise of a few questions. The first question is whether the company indeed needs many employees in its divisions. It refers...

The Creditworthiness of the Ace Company

Executive Summary Trends in Accounts Receivable Notably, Ace’s accounts receivable hiked by $100,000 from 2018 to the year 2019. The increase exemplifies that more customers are paying their balances. The Organization’s sales on credit accounts are the primary factor behind the increasing trend of accounts receivables, reflecting the Company’s receivable...

Concepts of Mergers and Acquisitions

Introduction As the world gets smaller and new issues arise daily, no dimension of life is left behind. Globalization and trade liberalization has seen many practices that were hitherto unknown being adopted in the field of business. One is totally left mesmerized at the new developments that continue to gain...

Collective Bargaining Agreement in Athletic Organization

Introduction The concept of collective bargaining allows employees to negotiate with their employers to arrive at agreements regarding such issues as working hours, conditions, and contract. The current case revolves around a workers’ union that is focusing on a new negotiation with an athletic organization. This paper provides a detailed...

Analytical Techniques for Resource Allocation

Introduction Resource allocation is imperative for turning inputs into outputs. Still, it is paramount to focus on particular strategies and procedures used for estimating the effectiveness of resource allocation and utilization generally referred to as analytical techniques for resource allocation (Longest & Darr, 2014). Some useful strategies are critical path...

Managing an Employee With Psychological Issues

Employees are the most precious assets any firm can have, given their contribution to the success of firms. Employees literally hold a firm in their hands because they run its day-to-day activities. In this regard, every firm should ensure that its employees are fully satisfied in order to get maximum...

Determining the Predictors of House Flip Profitability

Abstract This paper discusses a company that purchases houses, repairs them, and resells them at a higher price afterward to make profits. It is in need of a model that can predict several essential characteristics of a house, most importantly the repair cost and the profit that can be made...

Military Leadership Traits Migration into Business

Recently, society has been observing military people’s tendency to transition into entrepreneurs, and this phenomenon becomes increasingly popular annually. Evidently, military leadership skills and traits are applicable in the world of business today as they are in personal life. The hypothetical conclusion is that military personnel can succeed in the...

Goodwill Non-Impairments

Good will non-impairment describes the absence of goodwill impairment losses when they are expected. While a new enactment was instituted to govern goodwill amortization, experts were worried that companies would use this opportunity to manipulate their earnings. With the formulation of three working papers, the presence of good will non-impairment...

Business Idea for Eco-Delivery Service

Currently, global society experiences a significant rise in environmental concerns. Surveys demonstrate that up to 77% percent are concerned with the damage human activity deals to the Earth (Lampert, 2020). Many people in the US and abroad care about how the products they consume affect the environment during production and...

The Principles of the Code of Ethics for a Company

Code of Ethics Our business’s success depends on the confidence of our customers, partners, and employees in our credibility. Credibility in our case can be ensured by satisfying customer needs, treating all people with respect, and benefiting the community. We can achieve these goals only with our workers who strive...

Introducing TechHelp USB Flash Drives

Students in a College Computer Programming Class TechHelp USB flash drives are specially designed for fast transfers and easy compatibility with different operating systems like Linux and windows. The drive also supports compatibility with Macintosh and Intel machines enabling data to be transferred between computers with different system and hardware...

“A Few Good Man” by Rob Reiner: Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is a theme that combines elements of sciences such as psychology and sociology. With this concept’s help, both the demeanor of individuals and the entire management system as a whole is described. In general, five types of organizational behavior are distinguished; however, regarding the film “A Few Good...

Design of a Quality Program in Hawthorne Corporation Management Group

This paper will focus on the analysis of Hawthorne Corporation Management Group, being a senior analyst of this company I will deal with the development of a sustainable program that will promote and increase the sales of the company. Since I will be working in the chemical plants department, I...

Privatization of Intelligence

The nature and intensity of intelligence have changed during the last decades in response to a higher security challenge because of worldwide terrorism growth. The approach of outsourcing led to an increase in the number of non-state actors that are involved in the intelligence process. Currently, the private and public...

Researching of Sponsorship Renewal

Sponsorship is crucial to most kinds of sport, which is why it is essential to retain key sponsors. However, sometimes sponsorships are not renewed, leaving athletes and their teams distraught. By considering the main reasons behind sponsors’ rejections for providing funding for sportsmen, strategies for avoiding these scenarios in the...

Shell Company Operations in Nigeria Controversy

Shell: Controversy and Criticism Controversy and criticism regarding Shell’s operations in Nigeria became the public’s response to the company’s actions toward addressing or non-addressing the interests of the Ogoni people located near the Niger Delta. Economic and environmental issues associated with the activities of Shell in this region provoked the...

ASOS Company: Business Plan, Fashion Sector

Online retailing is increasingly becoming the conduit through which companies that want to avoid the hassle of owning outlets turn to. E-tailing, as it is popularly known, has created mega-corporations such as www.amazon.com and Staples, Inc that have leveraged the shift of buyers to the virtual world Among the many...

McCallum’s “Followership” Article Summary

McCallum makes the case that business schools are currently too focused on leadership to the exclusion of its counterpart. They aim to attract ambitious applicants who are hoping that by developing their leadership ability, they will be recognized and eventually reach an executive position. To that end, schools are making...

Innovativeness Catalysts of Indian Firms

Innovativeness has become a crucial factor contributing to the firm’s success, and several factors enable it. First of all, innovations are promoted by knowledge and information, which have become a resource of vital importance (Nair et al., 2016). Indeed, today’s science and technology experience unprecedented development rates. The second factor...

Researching of Managing a Sports Project

Sports are a rapidly developing area, which will grow in the foreseeable future. This field incorporates multiple events, people, organizations, audiences, and other constituents of mass appeal. Organizing initiatives on such a scale takes managerial skills and project thinking. Any sports manager should view their activities as part of a...

Analysis of Organizational Inefficacies in the National Center on Education and the Economy

The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) is a non-profit organization offering practical advice to schools, teachers, and students. The mission of the Center is to analyze educational system all over the world, synthesize their best practices and implement them in the United States. This goal presupposes interaction...

Amazon: Investing in Decarbonizing Technology

Amazon, one of the largest and most influential US businesses, has pledged to invest upwards of $2 billion into decarbonizing technologies. The company will consider a wide variety of businesses at all stages of product development. It will rate their innovations on how close it can bring humanity to eliminating...

“Google Set to Announce China Departure as Early as Today”: Trigger, Framing

The trigger of the story is the fact that Google, one of the largest search engines in the world has decided to exit the Chinese market. This fact is further compounded by the apparent urgency of the exit. The singe dominant narrative frame is the disagreement between Google and the...

Organizational Behavior: Definition and Structure

For any employee, manager, entrepreneur, and administrator working in the field of business, understanding organizational behavior is essential. It helps to perform effectively at work, motivate subordinates, create meaningful relationships with coworkers, and represent the interest of the company. This factsheet will analyze three vital components of what organizational behavior...

Combat to Corporate: Military Traits in Business

The Tentative Title of the Study The spheres of business and leadership have become significant subjects of scholarly investigations lately. Researchers endeavor to find out what the most favorable features of a good leader are, what differences exist between leadership and management, and, most importantly, what qualities of a good...

Long-Term Goals and Objectives in an Organization

Organizations’ Long-Term Goals and Objectives Every organization or business has aspirations and future positions they want to occupy as compared with competitors. The future image is broken down into long-term goals and objectives, to which all business operations are aligned. According to the video “9 Startup Funding,” long-lasting objectives are...

Accountability: Self-Knowledge

Individuals are distinctively different from each other. It is easy for some individuals to undertake certain activities but difficult for other individuals to undertake similar activities. Therefore, it is vital for an organization to understand the strengths and weaknesses of its employees. This would reduce the effort that an organization...

Quality Management: Deming Ideas

I think that William Edwards has the best approach to quality management that would meet the needs of CERG. A brief account of William Edwards Deming (1900-1993): He was a renowned American quality management consultant, professor, and statistician, and wrote several books on product quality and management and gave lectures...

Ganamos Reciclando Target Markets and Commercial Model

Any business seeking to enter a new location would be advised to conduct market research to understand the opportunity costs for every potential decision. World Trade Organization (WTO) data is particularly useful for an export-oriented company and provides an overview of possible markets. Entering a new region also brings the...

Perisher Blue Company: IT Strategic Plan

Executive Summary Perisher Blue Company started its operations in 1995 and offers a number of key tourism attraction facilities including Perisher Valley and Smiggin Holes. The other facilities that are only unique to the site are Mt. Blue cow and Guthega which together make the center the leading skiing resort...

Operations, Cash Budgets, and Economic Growth

Working capital management is an essential part of corporate finance theory and practice. It entails the management of an entity’s short-term assets as well as its short-term liabilities – in other words, short-term financing and investment decisions of a given firm (Singh et al., 2017). The primary purpose of working...

Share-Based Payments and the Positive Accounting Theory

Introduction Share-based payments are notable aspects of employee remuneration offered to directors, senior managers, and other employees. Share-based payments mainly include share options and shares offered to senior managers in an organisation. Besides, an entity can offer share-based payments to parties such as suppliers and key business stakeholders. The aim...

Interim Report on JP Morgan Chase and Co. 10K

Balance sheet The balance sheet of JP Morgan & Chase Co. shrunk in 2015. This can be seen in the drop of the value of the total assets from $2,572,274m in 2014 to $2,351,698m in 2015. The decline is equivalent to 8.58%. A further review of the balance sheet shows...

Roles and Functions of a Finance Manager

Health care services are closely intertwined with business management. Each aspect of nursing responsibilities and management of daily operation should be supported by financial issues to ensure that the hospital is run effectively (Ward, n. d.). Though financial duties and responsibilities are imposed on the Chief Financial Officer, each nurse...

International Logistics and Supply Chain Outsourcing

As I studied international logistics, my knowledge base on the subject matter took a positive leap. I conceptualised in my mind how international logistics provides a framework for a cost effective flow of products and services to the customer in both the forward and reverse directions. Effective coordination and timely...

Development and Performance Appraisal Systems

Improving Training and Development and Performance Appraisal Systems Effective human resource management is essential for the success of the organization. Training and development ensure that employees have the required knowledge and skills to perform their job functions. Performance appraisal systems evaluate employees’ work outcomes, which is necessary to inform various...

Business Planning and Analysis

Introduction Business analysis is the detailed examination of business operations in relation to the environment, in order to explain various aspects of a business. The results of the analysis should therefore, be reflected in a business plan. A business plan is a clear outline of a business’s goal and a...

Financial Management: Annual Savings for Retirement

Estimating future retirement needs Planning for future retirement needs should be done carefully. This can be attributed to the fact that retirement is an equally important aspect of the financial well-being of an individual just like investments and purchase of other assets. A challenge that most people face is coming...

Quality Bicycle Products Plans for the Future

Making up mind on identifying various options and choosing the best, at the most appropriate times, is a crucial part of a decision-making process. The implementation of policies by the right personnel, at the precise time and using the best mechanisms, can be termed as sound planning. One way to...

Travel Agency: Case Study

Introduction Collective bargaining has become the standard for guiding negotiation processes between workers and their employers. The current case revolves around the decision by different employees to unionize. The identified travel agency is based in Miami, Florida, and provides services to residents and visitors from other regions across the country....

Generational Differences in the Workplace

In the 21st century global business environment, the increasing rate of globalization has meant that people from different regions find themselves in totally new working environments. Diversity has been a major issue of concern for global business managers in the recent years. However, the article of interest highlights the effect...

United Airlines Marketing Channels: Pros and Cons

United Airlines Television Ads One of United Airlines’ traditional marketing channels for promoting environmental sustainability is television advertising. Environmental United Airlines TV ads are part of the United Eco-Skies program (“United Eco-Skies,” n.d.). The advantage of TV advertising is its broad audience reach. However, the lack of instant and direct...

Creating Needs by Marketing

Marketing is one of the most critical undertakings all companies apply, regardless of their directions and sizes, to communicate and deliver value to customers in a way that benefits organizations. Because of the enormous number of competing companies in the global marketplace, marketers spare no effort in developing strategies that...

Disadvantages of Subprime Auto Loans

One should not seek out promoting subprime loans knowing that he or she will charge borrowers with higher fees, which are unjustified. The main reason is that such borrowers are undesirable due to their higher chance of defaulting. In other words, the target group is risky for the company due...

Zappos: Servant Leadership

Introduction Servant leadership is defined as an organizational style within a company where the leader’s purpose is to serve their customers and help their employees grow within the field. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how this philosophy is supported at Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer....

Enterprise Resource Planning as It Is in Business Intelligence

Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) refers to “a way to integrate the data of an organization in to one single system, using sub-systems that include hardware, software and unified database in order to achieve integration and to store the data for various functions found throughout the organization” (Article Alley, 2010, para.1)....

Risk Management Within the Clinical Setting

Introduction This report aims to critically focus on an aspect of risk management within the clinical setting. The discussion will be based on patient falls and the target group will be nurses or other health care professionals. A critical discussion of the identified risk management will be included, a rationale...

Standard Costing in Management Accounting

Variance Report Standard Actual Variance Sales 12.71 11.67 1.04(F) Direct materials 4.89 5.02 0.13(A) Direct labor 4.45 3.50 0.95(F) Production indirect costs 0.99 1.05 0.06(A) Non production indirect costs 0.72 0.72 0.00 Total cost 11.05 10.29 0.76(F) Profit 1.66 1.38 0.28(F) Explanation of Variance The direct material cost variance was...

Developing a Safe Work Policy for Employees

The key safety and OSHA compliance issues to be reviewed in ensuring that the employees working in the premises are safe; the work equipment and infrastructure in use are not endangered; and that costs related to injuries are not incurred as well as avoiding OSHA inspections include the following. To...

HYY Consulting and Market Investments

The majority of companies become sophisticated when evaluating financial information on investment decision especially those that involve tangible assets. Pogue contends that successful strategic investment decision will impinge heavily on the competitive advantage of a company and will influence what a company does, where it does its activities and how...

Comforta Bed Company’s Promotion Management

Comforta The advert for this essay introduces the famous Comforta Bed to the audience. The advertisement encourages the targeted audience to purchase this quality bed. The advert is appealing and interesting to the customer. Advertisers should use the best aspects to make their products more appealing to their viewers (Advertising...

Generational Gap: Multi-Generational Workplaces

Introduction The active promotion of diversity has become an integral part of practices in numerous organizations, hence the creation of multi-generational workplaces. The described approach allows for the active knowledge sharing and development of substantial experience. However, multi-generational workplaces also incorporate numerous challenges for employees to overcome in regard to...

Diversifying Into a New Industry

One of the effective ways of obtaining a competitive advantage and improving the agility of a business is diversifying into a new industry. The organization under consideration is a US-based company that builds engines for the automotive manufacturing industry. The sector it should diversify into is the software industry, which...

The Role of a Balanced Scorecard in Production and Service Organizations

Introduction For several years, managers deployed financial measures to evaluate the performance of their organizations. However, this culture changed in the 1990s following the development of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC). By capturing organizational internal matters and customer perspectives to measure performance, BSC helped to solve the problem of over-reliance on...

Johnson & Easton Company’s Technology Application

Purpose Johnson & Easton is a manufacturer of personal care products and it is strongly dependent on the efficiency of its supply chain and its ability to meet the demand of the customers. The successful performance of this business requires the use of the most advanced applications supporting supply and...

Training Program Planning and Evaluation

External factors and influences Nowadays companies have to face quite a number of competitive challenges that encourage them to improve the quality of goods they manufacture and the services they provide. Training is regarded as one of the most effective methods to enhance staff performance. The traditional approach to training...

The Role of Followership in Supporting Servant Leaders

Leadership and followership are inseparable as they always depend on each other. However, followership seems to be often overlooked because leaders tend to be in the spotlight due to their power, influence, and authority. This paper aims to discuss the role of followership in supporting leaders and highlight the importance...

Community Based Stress Management Programs and Interventions

Developing Stress Management Programs The effectiveness of stress management programs depends on such factors as income and poverty levels in the society, among others. Researchers have undertaken studies on stress that negatively affects the destitute rural regions of South Africa. According to Crouch (2008), incapacity confronts poor people with distressingly...

Chester & Wayne Company: Managerial Accounting

The preparation of a cash budget is quite vital for a business. Irrespective of the size and the nature of the business, it is important for a company to prepare a periodic cash budget because it has a number of benefits. The budget helps an entity to ascertain the amount...

Organizational Management. Scientific Management

Management is the process by which leaders direct and maintain organizational systems through methodical human effort. It is also defined as the generation and preservation of an internal environment where people work in teams to achieve set objectives (Sherlekar, Khushpat and Apexa, 2017). It is the art of creating the...

Is Manager a Leader and Can a Leader Be a Manager?

Over the past decades, the notions of leadership and management have become so interdependent that some people consider them as almost synonymous in meaning. Hence, to understand whether a manager should be a leader, it is necessary to define these terms. The notion of management denotes the process of coordination...

Sergo Games Outsourcing Analysis

Introduction So games are contemplating outsourcing the production of variety of games. The term outsourcing can be defined as the premeditated application of exterior investment to carry out commerce purposes conservatively run by domestic personnel(Linder, 2004). Outsourcing is done when a corporation takes a fraction of its commerce and gives...

Communication Climate in an Organization

Since communication plays a central role in any organization’s operations, it is essential to ensure the presence of a supportive communication climate to foster employee commitment and satisfaction. As an employee in John Doe Corporation, which is a large international business, I find the climate in my team extremely supportive...

Strategy for Searching Out Key Sources

As world experience shows, in the field of scientific and technical information, the main path of science runs primarily through scientific electronic libraries. Their purpose is to aggregate and organize access to modern knowledge represented by scientific publications. The criterion of a researcher’s information culture is the ability to adequately...

Accountant (AICPA) Code of Professional Conduct

Introduction AICPA Code of Professional Conduct consists of rules, interpretations and ethical rulings and principles issued by American Institute of certified public accountant to govern ethical and professional responsibilities of CPA members. It is divided into, six unenforceable principles which express ideal ethical guidelines and form the framework for which...

SEC Fines KPMG 50 Million Dollars

Executives and professionals are expected to behave in a way that elicits public trust. CEOs, doctors, and accountants are careers that require high ethical standards in the course of duty to maintain general confidence. For instance, accountants depend on impeccable public image to paint a picture of skillfulness to potential...

COVID-19: Strategic Risk Management

Executive Summary The current situation posed by COVID-19 has forced some companies to advise their employees to work from home. Most of the work done is therefore managed virtually with online meetings being the order of the day. The adoption of this method by company management exposes some of the...

Business and Involuntary Migration in Modern World

Introduction Today, businesses need to keep track of global events to inform their decision-making. There is a wide range of emerging economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological global risks that shape the business environment. One of them is involuntary human migration that can be defined as coerced displacement of a...

Well-Being Role of Diversity Management

Diversity in the workplace can be characterized by the presence of employees of different ethnicities, genders, and personal backgrounds. The article investigates the impact of diversity on employee well-being and differentiates between various workforce diversity types, such as surface diversity and knowledge diversity. According to the authors, surface diversity is...

Porter’s Management Strategies Overview

Strategic planning and analysis of various factors are the basis for a successful business. The advantage over competitors is achieved not only by the correct positioning of the company but also by the assessment of the resources available to it. Thus, positioning school and the resource-based view of strategy are...

“Business Ethics” Book by De George

Causal and Moral responsibility Causal responsibility is simply a descriptive sagacity of responsibly. Under the causal responsibility, intention or agency is not imputed to the actual cause of an action. Thus, Causal responsibility does not carry any implication of blame or praise in an action. The causal responsibility is inclined...

Researching Current Events of Business Practices

The article under consideration concerns franchise opportunities in the coffee industry. It begins by listing the advantages of purchasing a franchise, including access to accurate predictions of one’s sales and expenses, an established customer base, brand recognition, and cost savings (Joiner et al., 2020). All those aspects provide security and...

M&J Catering and Hosting Firm’s Business Model

Key Activities For the initial year of M&J Catering and Hosting, the process of prioritization will be essential for putting the emphasis on the most critical aspects of the business. These will include marketing, product development, hiring, and web development. Both marketing and web development are highly intertwined due to...

Classical Conditioning as a Marketing Strategy

Definitions Classical conditioning is a process that manipulates the human brain by associating everyday items with specific terms. During the elections, this guideline is utilized to painstakingly express politicians’ messages to the residents. For instance, they get the artists to sing them at their assemblies (Quickel, 2020). Classical conditioning has...

Ethics in the Workplace and Company Reputation

Ethics is a branch of philosophy, the object of study of which is morality. The study of ethics lays the foundations for a person’s intelligence, nobility, decency, and good manners. Unethical behavior in the workplace is a violation of generally accepted moral and ethical standards (Wheeler, 2017). It negatively affects...

The Role of Leaders’ Values in Organizational Culture

In the contemporary corporate world, there exists a belief that leaders are motivated by their ambitions rather than beliefs. For this reason, international companies are starting to invest substantial funds in developing value-based leadership. Therefore, this response will discuss the role of leaders’ values in the organizational culture. Fundamental beliefs...

Orica Limited Company’s Sustainability Report

Users Perspective of the Oricas Limited 2011 Sustainability Report The Orica Limited 2011 sustainability report exposed how the firm measured its accountability to its stakeholders when the organisation was undertaking its activities. Additionally, it describes the sustainability of the organisation in accordance with the firms location, size, and the economic...

Organizational Parameters that Impact on OHS Professional Practice

There are two fundamental conceptual organizational parameters stated in the Chapter “Foundation Science” (Pryor and Capra, 2012): organizational evolution and maturity in OHS and an organization’s strategy. These two parameters are intertwined in an organization and involve primary OHS professional’s focus. The organizational maturity refers to the level of trust...

“Leadership and Self-Deception” Book by Arbinger Institute

Introduction / Book Summary “Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box” by the Arbinger Institute is a book addressing the problems and misunderstandings that people and organizations face as a result of what the authors call “self-deception”. The book is based on the premise that understanding the concept of...

Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination in the offices and among colleagues is a serious issue in the modern world that is claimed to be tolerant and equal for everyone. This topic and its causes and consequences are widely discussed by specialists in diverse spheres such as sociology, psychology, human resources, and management. It...

Equate: Industry Specifics

Equate is a Walmart-owned brand that is engaged in producing and selling medicines and beauty products. The goods of this label include pain relievers, anti-allergic drugs, skin and hair care cosmetics, vitamins, and other products in this category (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The industry is competitive, and individual market...

Report on company Pfizer, INC.

Introduction Aims of the Report The current paper contains an analysis of the recent major issue faced by Pfizer, Inc, and the way the company solved it. In addition to that, the report critically analyzes Pfizer’s problem-solving approach and suggests alternative approaches to the issue that will be outlined below....

Team Decision Making Techniques

Decision-making is a process when a responsible person analyzes an issue and looks for possible variants of how to solve it. When a group of people is involved, a decision-making process becomes challenging. On the one hand, all the participants share the burden of responsibility, and they can unite their...

Costco: Strategic Management

Introduction Costco is a multinational enterprise which manages a global chain of affiliation warehouses, and offers the products at relatively lower prices than other retailers do. It is an American-based retail store headquartered in Washington, the USA. The corporation is the central organization of other members and it provides goods...

Demographic Trends in Organizational Strategies

USA is one of the most powerful economies in the world in terms of economic and financial growth. Over the past three decades, the rate of employment in the United States of America has been increasing. In the 1990s, the work force growth rate was 1.1 % lower than the...

Responding to Threats Posed by Offshore Manufacturing

Topics and Issues to Investigate The fashion apparel industry of the 21st century centers around low-cost manufacturing. The most profitable global brands such as Zara, H&M, and others take advantage of low-cost labor in developing countries (Camargo, Pereira, and Scarpin, 2020). As a result, Vietnam, India, and Bangladesh are all...

Leadership Theories and Their Role in Organizations

Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower a group of individuals in an attempt to achieve a specific objective. Today, headship is essential for firms’ long-term and strategic existence because it aligns the employees with the company’s strategy (Mango, 2018). Multiple scholars have formulated several concepts to explain...

Effective Leadership and Communication as the Keys to Organizational Growth

Introduction Leadership is the art of motivating team members in an organization to achieve set goals. Front-liner’s characteristics and personalities are vital in ensuring the company remains on course to obtain desired outcomes. The effectiveness of headships varies from an individual to another depending on traits and integrated factors. In...

Opinion Brief: TOMS Shoes and the Body Shop

Socially Responsible Efforts TOMS Shoes is one of the most well-recognized businesses in terms of social responsibility in the corporate world. The reason for that is the fact that the company’s operational strategy is inseparable from its mission. TOMS was founded on the principle of giving away a pair of...

Influence Process of American Business Leaders

Introduction The concept of leadership seems familiar to modern people, as it is at the heart of a successful business. However, it is challenging to define who is a leader and what qualities are necessary to fulfill such a role. Even the most successful and famous CEOs who run immense...

Organizational Strategy: Human Resource Plan

Objective This report seeks to discuss the vital issues that need to be addressed by a company trying to harmonize its human resources division while trying to expand the firm’s work into a new region, Sub-Sahara African. Even though Africa has brilliant opportunities for growth and development, they differ in...

Leadership Types and Necessary Skills

Leadership, both as a process or a skill, has numerous definitions that vary from one author to another, yet the essence stays the same. Northouse (2016) defines leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (p. 6). My definition of leadership...

Josh Schmidt Financial Case: Financial Strategies

Introduction Financial planning is an important tool in establishment and achievement of personal and organizational goals. It is important that an individual plans his or her life’s financial well being in order to establish the financial position at the retirement time. Josh Schmidt planned his financial plan that has been...

Allocation of Fixed Costs in Electric Storage Company

Outline This is a report on the allocation of fixed costs in an organization. The organization selected for the study is the Electric Storage Company (ESC). The module deals with the review of the organization and its treatment of allocated costs. The financial report in the organization that allocates common...

Advertising and Promotion Manager as a Potential Occupation

Choosing an occupation is a profoundly responsible choice for each person, where the United States occupational structure’s awareness is a crucial point of the process. The review of essential sources related to occupational employment and comparing the desired occupation can significantly ease future careers. Therefore, the following essay will conduct...

The Orange Door Health Center: Solution

Strategic Plan for the Orange Door Health Center Addressing Environmental Issues and Perspectives for Development Because three areas will be considered in a strategic plan – staff development, managerial approaches and technological advancement – a transformation of the Orange Door Health Center should be carried out about these aspects (Filipovitch,...

Relations With Third Parties in The Australian Company

Application of the facts A director of a company is a person employed to execute all duties related to the management of a company. According to the case of Salomon vs. Solomon (1897) 31, a company is a corporate entity with perpetual succession. A company can own property, sue, as...

Budget Planning – Different Strategy for Budget

The following is a case study discussion on budgeting strategies for a medium-sized state university. It explores ways in which to deal with the budget cut as well as ways of utilizing the available resources within the stipulated budget. To understand this project, the following is the background information about...

Ethical Behavior as a Corporate Issue

The rules of corporate ethics define the norms of behavior of the company’s employees and the principles of interaction between the functional units of the corporate structure. Moreover, the ethical principles of relations with the external environment of the business, including the state, play an important role. The system of...

Unique Trend in American Nation’s Workforce

In American’s contemporary society, various trends are shaping the aspect of the workforce. For instance, RAND research done by Lynn Karoly reveals various patterns influencing workers in this country. They occur because of such issues as technological change, democratic patterns, and economic globalization (Wolffgramm et al., 2018). These issues show...

Improvement of Flowers Quality

Introduction My flower business specializes in providing customers with the best floral arrangements for their special occasions, including birthday parties, weddings, and anniversaries. One of the biggest problems facing my business is the preservation of flowers. I noticed that they remain fresh for up to five days, meaning sometimes I...

Recommendations for OSHA Standards

Workplace safety is a critical management concern, as it determines whether an organization makes the best out of its employees. Manuele (2019) asserts that companies tend to encounter accident-related challenges, some of which escalate to lawsuits leading to compensations for injured personnel if they overlook safety. However, having a comprehensive...

Risk Management Consultants and Their Services

The name and contact information of references Our team provides risk management services to the organizations which are responsible for holding international events. We are bidding for a project, initiated by the Las Vegas City Council, in particular, the visit of the Pope, Benedict XVI. We have already offered consultations...

Federal Emergency Management Agency Financial Planning

Obstacles to Strategic Financial and Fiscal Planning The governmental policies are intended not only for the implementation of long-term initiatives but also for the mitigation of consequences of disasters. In the United States, there is a special entity engaged with these issues known as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and...

Case Efficiency and Adaptation, Tower Records

Symbiotic Partnership between Monkeys and Wolves Type of Relationship It is clear that Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves have a strong bond involving the fight for survival. Since the monkeys are not bothered with the wolves entering their territory in most cases, it can be noticed that there is an...

Leadership Styles: Transactional Vs. Transformational

Leadership styles refers to the approach that a manager adopts in order to exercise authority in the work place and be able to direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti, 2007). It is the way that a manager resorts to conduct things in...

National Association of Social Workers

Introduction Social work is an essential aspect to individuals as well as community at large. In addition small and organized groups can also immensely benefit from social work services. Studies reveal that it improves human life through education, direct practice, better organization of society, policy formulation and integrated research. It...

Japan & UK Accounting Standards & Corporate Governance

Corporate governance Basically, corporate governance is concerned with the manner in which power is exercised in safeguarding resources of an organisation with the aim of increasing and maintaining shareholders’ wealth. Corporate governance is important in bridging the gap between economic and social goals as well as communal and individual goals....

Success Rate of a Biotechnology Firm

Advancements in biotechnology have been tremendous for the last forty years. Commercialization has been rampant while researchers have engaged in innovation activities that have led to development of technological tools in biotechnology (Zeller, 2001). The year 1980 experienced substantial investments in biotechnology around the globe which was partially influenced by...

Researching of Business Process Management

Summary Using a systematic approach to analyze current organizational problems is a successful business strategy for early detection and further management. However, few companies recognize the importance of business process management, BPM, to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. In the case study under discussion, the automotive component company, which focuses...

Product Mix and Price Variances

Computation of Product Mix Variance Item Expected ($) Actual ($) Gross Revenue 3,500, 000 3,500,000 Discount (325,000) (350,000) Net Revenue 3,175,000 3,150,000 Lab testing cost (1,150,500) (1,400,500) Gross contribution 2,024,500 1,749,500 Direct costs (salaries) (870,000) (870,000) Net contribution 1,154,500 879,000 Product mix variance measures the departure of the actual performance,...

Risk of Fall Evaluation

Problem or Hypothesis There is a rising alarm that the quality of care requires being enhanced and assessed methodically in health institutions across the globe. As Cruz, Carvalho, Lamas, and Barbosa (2014) affirm in the article, the excellence of monitoring is anchored in the pointers that determine the function of...

Stock Transactions and Types of Issued Stocks

Types of Stocks Issued by Corporations The prevailing market conditions and financial needs are the key determinants of the kind of stocks that a company is going to trade-in. There is a huge portfolio of stocks that a company can trade-in. The easiest way to trade in stocks would be...

Ethical Culture and Misconduct at the Workplace

Almost any person’s work is associated with communication with other humans, even in those rare professions where the employee is isolated from colleagues. These relations can be presented by teammates and work colleagues, higher authorities, and subordinate specialists. Consequently, the workplace should have its own distinctive ethical culture related to...

IW Customer Relationship Management Plan

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is crucial for running a business effectively and generating revenue. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), careful management of clients’ information and customer touchpoints can help increase loyalty. International Waters, Inc. (IW) has been in the hotel industry for two years; however, the company faces a...

The Marginal Productivity of Labor in Business Management

Managing labor cost is one of the difficult tasks in business management that should be addressed with committed efforts. Successful managers should determine the best strategies for managing the cost to increase productivity and reduce labor turnover in an organization (Pekka 82). It is in this regard that this study...

Case Study in Business Insights – Marisa Corporation

Large corporations endeavor to diversify globally to enhance their competitiveness, profitability, and market presence. This is a crucial provision when considered critically with respect to the Marisa Corporation’s case provided. The company should consider numerous issues before establishing its operations internationally (Choi & Meek, 2010). It is important for the...

Asset Pricing in Financial Market

Introduction Risk assessment in the financial market is regarded as one of the key insurance tools for effective asset pricing. Since the prices of the assets are formed in accordance with the market principles, and stock investment strategies, the risks play an important role in defining these strategies. Therefore, the...

Choosing the Instrument of External Finance

Introduction There are several sources of external finance that are available to a company. A company can raise finance either through equity financing, bond financing, or bank finance. Each instrument of finance has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several things that the senior management must consider when choosing the...

Financial Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2011-05

Introduction The ongoing convergence of the US GAAP and the IFRS accounts reporting standards aims at providing standardized financial statements for US firms applicable internationally. These standardized financial statements will assist in further clarifying and predicting cash flow trends and hence offer international stakeholders the opportunity to appraise companies’ liquidity...

Document and Workflow Management

Introduction Workflows are processes associated with work processes in administration settings. The technology of workflow helps to support operational processes such as case driven processes. Workflow management system helps to ensure that information reaches the designated computer or individual at the right time (Wil van der Aalst, 2004, p. 74)....

Risk Management for Non-Financial Companies

Introduction Companies, both financial and non-financial emerge with a specific set of objectives. Despite the outstanding differences in the objectives of various organizations, the presence of risk is not deniable. According to Marrison (2002, p. 36), all operations face a certain degree of uncertainty. The challenge facing the management of...

Successful Business Performance: Key Factors

Nowadays, competition in the market is constantly growing, and therefore, companies need to pay attention to their business strategies and marketing plans. Proper presentation of products, the evaluation of customers’ buying behavior, and reducing costs while increasing income are only some of the factors that require careful consideration. In this...

Activity Based Costing: Key Aspects

Introduction Activity based costing (ABC) is commonly used because it gives detailed information on the cost of a product unit that is produced. Under activity based costing, the use of cost drivers is quite significant. These drivers are used to allocate total costs to a unit of the commodity produced....

Five Areas of Effective Task Management

Introduction All organizations have requirements which prompt the implementation of certain tasks in a bid to improve the overall performance of the organization while at the same time ensuring that the organization is at par with recent developments in the specific area of operation. The overall success of the task...

Pevensey PLC: Report About Buying Machine

Introduction This paper is a class assignment that supposes the student to be a graduate trainee at Pevensey PLC with a responsibility to second the company’s secretary, Mary Fulton. It is considered that Mary has requested the graduate trainee to evaluate a project with respect to helping the company in...

Financial Statements: Strategic Management Concepts

Financial statements are defined as formal records describing business activities and financial performance (David, 2013). Financial analysis is a tedious but necessary task: the survivability of business depends on the decisions many of which are driven by the information found in financial statements. Formal records are useful for projected financial...

Tropical Juice Manufacturing Company Brand

Tropical juice manufacturing company is an institution involved in producing and processing freshly blended fruit such as mango, passion, apple, among others. The firm produces a non-alcoholic beverage made from original tropical fruit rich in nutrients and vitamins essential in boosting the body’s immunity (Anjum et al. 2). The brand...

“The Purchase Decision in Pension…” by Gough and Nurullah

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide an analytical review of the article, “Understanding What Drives the Purchase Decision in Pension and Investment Products” authored by Gough and Nurullah (2009). The business article is peer reviewed and has been published by the Financial Services Marketing journal. The article...

Organization in the Work of an Early Care Worker

I think that the article “Expanding the Lens” presents a well-thought-out perspective on the importance of organization in the work of an early care worker. Organization, according to the author, encompasses the values and beliefs held by the members of the organization, and their existence influences the way an organization...

Private Equity in the Business World

Introduction In today’s business environment, capital happens is regarded by many as one of the most important resources (Padget 2011). One way through which companies are able to finance their business ventures is through private equity (PE). According to Snider and Howards (2010), private equity is treated as capital drawn...

Qualitative Research on the Gender Perception of E-Commerce

Research methodology The research methodology that will be chosen for the research proposal will be phenomenology. It refers to the narration of experiences in the perspective of the first person. Phenomenology best reflects the research topic because it applies the aspect of first-person narration. To identify the relationship between the...

Analytical Review of GASB and FASB

All types of organizations are required to furnish their accounts and make them available for external users who may be interested in the well-being of these companies and decide about their investments and associations with them based on information provided to them in the financial statements. Whether an organization is...

Program Value Contribution Article by Cade

The article covers the topic of the determination of program value contribution. Michael F. Cade (2017) discusses the theme of data interpretation related to non-for-profit programs and presents recommendations for transforming financial data into “actionable information” (p. 1). The article’s central message is that the clear interpretation of data on...

Art Careers and Small Businesses Through Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs and artists to kick-start their careers by providing an alternative pathway to raise funds. Usually, entrepreneurs go through the traditional venture capital model by finding potential investors. However, finding the sponsors can be challenging if the project appears too high-risk or abstract. Similarly, the commercialization of art...

Public Scrutiny, Standards and the Planning System

Introduction The definition of the term ‘professionalism’ can be generally disclosed though action performance on the superior level; the key characteristic of any professional model should be highlighted through individual’s specialized knowledge defining his qualifications. Conceptual and legal presentation of professionalism is based on the underline of the Code of...

Chipotle: Company Overview, Vision, and Mission Statements

Chipotle’s mission statement is “To provide food with integrity. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market” (“Chipotle’s mission,” 2016) It is a strong mission statement, as it has many qualities nailed down perfectly. It is concise, inspiring, socially responsible, and broad in scope to be applied to...

Change and Organizations Correlations

Introduction Change is a concept that is undertaken by organizations is to improve the productivity of the organization and occurs at any level of the organization. Organizations do not initiate change just for the sake of it, but they do so at the onset of challenges that require them to...

Scheduling Procedures Discussion

Scheduling is an important process that helps to meet consumers’ demands. In the service industry, it is complicated because service demand metrics, including the type of service, timing, and quantity, are challenging to forecast owing to their variability (Dolgui et al., 2019). However, supervisors use several scheduling procedures such as...