The Lancasterian Education System: History and Overview

In the early 19th century, there existed problems in the education sphere because not many parents could afford to send their children to school. It was evident that a new decision was necessary to make school education more accessible and preserve decent outcomes. Joseph Lancaster, an English developer, made a...

VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles

Reading and writing is one of the various learning styles that are recognized by educators. Individuals who indicate a preference to reading and writing exhibit some distinct studying habits. In this scenario, a subject was put through the VARK questionnaire and the computed results were used to analyze his/her learning...

Sex Ed and Power in Relationships

The initiative of specialists regarding the need to address social issues by incorporating them in sex education is the latest trend. However, it has already proven to be efficient in terms of lowering rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases through the empowerment of students (Singh, 2015). Therefore, the outcome...

Monitoring and Observation of a Preschool Pupil

Mentoring program aims to improve the quality of learning and to meet the expectations of the pupils, administrators, and parents in an education program. First, the mentor must understand the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats which the mentee has when establishing the objectives of the coaching. According to the Child...

What Makes Family Learning in Prisons Effective?

Education is the only way to make children a part of the community. Although most formal education occurs in schools, scholars increasingly insist on family education, which creates a positive intergenerational pattern. In the process of family education, parents get the opportunity to help their children improve their academic performance...

Disabilities Education Amendment Acts

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendment of 1997 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA 2004) may be regarded as a highly significant part of the United States legislation. They establish the equal right of all children with disabilities to get appropriate public education free...

Music as an Accelerator of a Learning Process

Throughout the ages, music has been an imprescriptible part of humans life. The music of ancient people could tell the researches a lot about their historical events and lifestyle. Currently, people also use music for various purposes: to celebrate a festival, to relax and meditate, or to going for sport....

The Benefits of Taking Online Classes

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the majority of public and private sectors, including the education system. As the quarantine restrictions tightened, most universities switched to online delivery methods. The development of online education platforms over the past decade made this transition possible. Before the pandemic, many colleges already provided...

“Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart”: Drawbacks of the Article

The given article represents the writing by Naomi Schaefer Riley for the Wall Street Journal. The journalism genre demands expressiveness and creativity; thus, some writers mix models to get more fruitful texts, and this article is no exception. In general, the author seems to be utilizing Toulmin’s argument mainly as...

Turnover Around Teachers: Educational Research

Teacher turnover is a considerable bother not only for public schools but also for private schools worldwide. Therefore, private schools need to understand the reasons for teacher turnover in order to design efficient strategies for addressing the problem. In the article titled “Factors affecting job turnover: A case study of...

“Turning Data into Better Decision Making” for Students

Decision-making requires knowing how to find relevant information and work on it. For this purpose, Anderson and Williams wrote the article titled “Turning Data into Better Decision Making: Asking Questions, Collecting and Analyzing Data in a Personal Analytics Project” (2019). In it, they provide insight into decision-making using their students...

Education: Personal Statement

Dear Admission Committee of the Global Technology and Development Program, I want to present my statement of purpose for the application for an MSc in Global Technology and Development, Concentration in Applied International Development (GTD-AID) at Arizona State University. I have profoundly researched many degrees offered by several universities. However,...

College Readiness in High-School Graduates in Houston-Area Public Schools

Texas public school system has been facing many challenges in recent years, including low college readiness levels. Only 50% of graduates meet the university admission criteria, “with larger shares of Asian and white students college-ready, while black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students remain behind their peers” (Greater Houston Community Foundation,...

Formation of Prejudices Among Schoolchildren

Prejudice based on national, ethnic or religious grounds causes many conflicts among representatives of different communities. First of all, biases arise based on insufficient education of people regarding one or many regions, traditions, customs and beliefs of the people who live in this territory. Psychologically, to protect oneself from negative...

Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study

Freeman-Brown’s Interaction with the External Environment Organizations regularly use and develop internal resources and are influenced by their external environment. Therefore, managers need to have continuous control over the factors of external and internal environments. The external environment of an organization “includes the factors outside its boundaries that affect its...

Supporting At-Risk Students Overview

At risk students exhibit different characteristics, and this means that they belong to a varied group. For instance, one student with learning disabilities could have reading difficulties, while another one could find it hard to express themselves in writing. Disabilities may also range from mild to severe, and individuals’ coping...

Counseling Services in US Education System

Education policy consists of many components, the totality of which ensures the effectiveness of the whole process. This area includes many solutions, for example, the provision of medical services of various profiles to ensure the health of students. The purpose of this essay is to study the problems associated with...

Finance: Teaching and Evaluation Plan

Introduction The considered adult education scenario will include a three-session program on the professional development of financial managers and the assessment of career growth prospects for the position of financial director (CFO). Each of the sessions will consist of two-hour classes with mentors and contain both theoretical and practical tasks...

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Ethics Program and Sexual Abuse Scandals

Academic institutions have a range of responsibilities to meet to ensure that they meet the needs and secure the rights of students, protection against sexual abuse is one of the foundational responsibilities. Given the vulnerability of the target demographic, academic authorities at universities must ensure that all educators adhere to...

The RS 204 Course: Emerging Logical and Critical Thinking

Each semester provides students with new academic disciplines to help them learn new skills and consolidate their views on already known theories and practices. In particular, the educational institution helps learners develop personally and professionally. The course covered in this essay is RS 204: these were useful and productive lessons...

Remote Education and Associated Hazards

Distant education has become remarkably prevalent in the 21st century. Due to the COVID pandemic, it became essential to reduce all social interactions between students to minimize the potential damage. Even though children and young adults are less susceptible to the virus, social communication limitation prevents the further spread of...

Principal Skills of Kindergartners at the Emerging Level

Introduction The listening skills of kindergartners at the emerging level or level 2 relate to the ability to perform various tasks such as matching objects with oral descriptions and repetition of gestures after the teacher. Moreover, children at this level should be able to identify people and places and classify...

Electoral College Assessment in the United States

The Electoral College is an indirect system for electing the President and Vice-Presidents of the United States. The College itself is 538 people, each representing a particular state, thereby expressing the people’s will. However, despite the rich history of this system, there are many questions about it. Experts highlight many...

The Analysis of Social Injustices

Abstract The American education has been plagued with a number of issues in the recent past including school violence, increased school drop-out rates and inequity in to mainstream education access (Apple, 2008). While reforms have been continuously undertaken, they have not addressed the plight of children with special needs. Other...

Why Some Students Cheat

It is almost impossible to find a person who has never cheated in school or university. Reports reveal that more than half of high school students admit to plagiarizing papers or cheating on tests, and seventy-four percent report copying their friends’ homework (Simmons, 2018). Interestingly, both successful and failing students...

Should Public Colleges and Universities Be Tuition-Free?

In his article “Should Public Colleges and Universities Be Tuition-Free?”, Bernie Sanders makes proposals to make higher education more accessible. Bernie Sanders, United States Senator from Vermont, was born in 1941 in Brooklyn, New York. He studied at Brooklyn College and the University of Chicago (Sanders). Sanders was the mayor...

Problem Solving Process in Education Planning

The U.S. is considered a rich country due to its large pool of services and goods. There exist various resources such as forest, metal, water, land among others, and human capital (skills, technology, and knowledge) which assist in boosting growth of the economy in the nation. Even in an abundance...

Conflict Style Assessment and Analysis

Conflict is one of the inevitable aspects of the professional environment. It is evident that good relationships in a team contribute to the effective performance of any company; that is why it is vital to know how to resolve any disputes. According to the test, my most prevalent conflict style...

Analysis of the Article “Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies for Students With EBD”

Introduction The article “Evidence-based teaching strategies for students with EBD” (Ryan, Pierce, & Mooney, 2008) is grounded on the analysis of scholarly researches. The examined papers compare the effectuality of different kinds of interventions in the schooling of children with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). The chosen article is dedicated...

An Evaluation of Participatory Leadership Model PLM

Introduction Research Motivation Good leadership is vital in both the performance and success of education. However, there is an urgent need to understand the challenges facing school leadership. Various leadership models are being implemented by organizations or institutions today to achieve their goals (Barth, 2001). This study will focus on...

Fashion Merchandising and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education

Research Problem There has been substantial research about the ability level, motivation and self-efficacy at schools specialising in STEM education. Nonetheless, there is limited research on vocational choice, career development and aspirations of STEM students. Having observed this gap, this research study sought to fill this gap (Piotrowski & Hemasinha,...

Urban Education for Black and White Children

Thesis Statement Due to the lack of resources for early childhood education, inconsistent financing options, budgeting issues caused by the decisions of the education board, and the presence of institutional discrimination in American education in the urban setting, African American students receive fewer options for advancing in their studies. Problem...

Plans for Developing Professional Practice in the Workplace

Developing professional practice is an undertaking that should be considered an ongoing endeavor to continually grow and remain relevant and up to date in a person’s area of interest and/or expertise. Planning for assessment and evaluation is good practice. It will hopefully keep one abreast of new practices/ideas and understandings...

Proposal on Implementing Change in the Welsh University

Introduction The Welsh University in the UAE, being a local affiliate of the main university located in the UK, was recently tasked by the Chancellor to perform a major transformation from a traditional to a digital educational model. It is expected that this change will be implemented in one year,...

Nursing Education-Practice Gap: Critical Analysis

The problem of initial entry into the profession after graduation is not specific to nursing practice. However, nursing education is designed to train prepared professionals and therefore has a more practice-oriented focus than some academic disciplines. Beginner nurses are often not ready for occupational activities due to subjective factors and...

Technical Writing: Sample Instructions

Simple and healthy recipes that are easy to make are always the right choice to diversify one’s nutrition and learn some new cooking skills. The recipe for cheese wheatmeal cookies is exactly the kind of easy-to-prepare and healthy recipes, and, for this reason, we are going to cook them today....

Applying for Georgia Institute of Technology

In my educational path, I have already managed to gather a number of different accomplishments. They include getting Math, Science and Engineering (MSE) Study High School Diploma, participating in the National Student Leadership Conference and many others. However, I wish to go further since I want to upgrade my qualifications...

NCU`s Degree Is a Driver of Positive Changes: Personal Experiences

Northcentral University is known as an educational institution that, for more than twenty years, trains professional workers in many spheres from economic and political to technological ones. In other words, the University contributes to the education of people who can make positive changes in the world around them. I do...

The Most Segregated Schools in the USA: Schools in New York City

It is reported in the video that schools in New York City are among the most segregated in the USA. Although the region has a vast diversity of the population, schools are still able to reject students of primarily African American and Latin ethnicity. This paper will discuss questions related...

School Segregation in Richmond, VA

Racial diversity in the US is an inherent part of ongoing globalization and migration processes. The multiculturality of the American population results in growing diversity in classrooms. The impact of such a tendency on school culture is undoubtful, and it is an essential part of the educational process that helps...

Fictional Memoir of Kerry Brodie

My journey began in childhood when I learned to cook with my grandmother. I always liked to get new skills and be close to people, so this process has become one of my favorite activities. However, years passed, and we spent less and less time together. I had new things...

Citing Sources in Business Administration Research

Proper citation of sources is an imprescriptible part of writing an academic paper of high quality. Scholarly articles used in an essay should be reliable, peer-reviewed, and up to date. Besides, using sources and correctly citing them is about ethics and respect for the efforts of the writers. The current...

Classroom Management Areas for a New Teacher

Introduction Learning is a complex process that requires teachers to have organizational and disciplinary skills. Classroom management is defined as “the use of procedures and teaching techniques that promote a safe and efficient learning environment” (Cini, 2017). It is a specific set of strategies used by educators to arrange students,...

Middle School Physical Development Program

Physical activity programs have the potential to play a crucial role in children’s development. They are indispensable for combatting obesity, improving overall health, supporting the formation of exercise habits, and cultivating a positive self-image. In addition to assisting physical development, such programs can indirectly contribute to linguistic, cognitive, social, and...

The Need for Curriculum Change Among African American Students

Summary of the Article The theme of the achievement gap between African American students and their European American counterparts is widely discussed in the current literature. Recent research by Wang et al. (2020) aimed at contributing to the current body of knowledge on the topic. The purpose of the study...

My Experience With the English Course: Learning Strategy

The ability to write clearly is a necessity in the modern world. After completing this English writing course, I am positive about my progress towards acquiring the said skill. An array of reasonably challenging tasks have pushed my limits as well as exposed a few insecurities about my writing competencies....

Public Education Definition and Analysis

Public education is a core element of ensuring a nation’s prosperous future. However, modern education is not caught up with the drastic changes occurring in the world. Public schools do not teach people about managing personal finances, psychological health, and habits, promoting well-being and happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to...

Research Methods, Fallacies, and Citing Sources

This week, the module topics pertained to the issues that one encounters while conducting research, specifically, fallacies. Fallacies are essential to understand because they may present some risks to research and subsequently flaw one’s study in both analysis and findings. In addition, different research methods were discussed in order to...

Education. Susan Carter’s Voicing the Doctorate Article

Background Susan Carter’s Original knowledge, gender and the word’s mythology: Voicing the doctorate (2012) is focused on understanding the ‘voice’ of doctoral writing and the functions it performs in establishing an academic identity for authors. The article was inspired by the 2010 International Doctoral Education Research Network conference, which the...

Paraeducator Qualifications and Responsibilities

Introduction Paraeducator, also known as para-pro, instructional assistant, educational assistant, classroom assistant, or teacher’s aide, is a person who assists students under the supervision of a certified teacher (Douglas et al., 2019). Qualifications Qualifications necessary to be employed as a paraeducator are very heavily based on educational institutions and state...

ADHD and Socially Constructed Impairment

Introduction ADHD is a complex mental health disorder predominantly diagnosed in children, but often persisting to adulthood. Although it can have a spectrum of different symptoms, mostly attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterised by increased impulsivity, difficulties in controlling attention, and hyperactive behaviour. ADHD severely complicates the life of people suffering from...

Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

In an attempt to promote figures of reflection and analysis that will call for more attention to American education issues, Huber, in this chapter, reflects on the Carnegie academy for the scholarships of teaching and learning thinking in relation to disciplinary styles in the scholarship of teaching and learning. She...

Not Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

A gifted student can be generally defined as an individual exhibiting outstanding achievements and capabilities in one or several areas, including intellectual, creative, artistic, or physical areas of performance. Since the definitions and criteria for the operationalization of giftedness are multifaceted (and often reductionist), it is difficult to present an...

“Workplace Spirituality, Employee Wellbeing and Intention to Stay” by Aboobaker et al.

Introduction Aboobaker et al. (2019) aimed to test how workplace spirituality affected teachers’ intentions to stay. The researchers designed a self-reported questionnaire and distributed it among 523 university teachers in India. The data received was analyzed using regression analysis and mediation to understand the relationship between the variables. The results...

Learning About Persuasion Through Feedback

Convincing people allows the author to prove one’s point of view and show different perspectives on controversial issues. Persuasive writing is a valuable skill that unveils the student’s ability to compose an argument and logically support it. However, it takes a long time to learn to do it properly and...

Sex Education Among Young People

Dispensing contraceptives Dispensing contraceptives to students in high schools has long been a controversial topic for many parents, teachers, and concerned citizens. These people argue that giving out free condoms would only encourage teenagers to have more sex. While this might be true to a certain degree, a recent survey...

Formality vs. Informality Comparison

The English language is a paradigm of lexical diversity, a variety of semantic meanings and structures. Hence, when used in different utterances, one smallest lexical unit might bear a significantly different semantic load, which later modifies the whole conversation flow. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to learn...

Using Signal Phrases for In-Text Citations

Any theoretical science is built upon the previous findings, which need to be acknowledged to pay respect to the author and provide the reader with a possible background for understanding. The readers must understand what theory the writer is drawing upon for efficient scientific processes. More importantly, the citation approach...

“Clear and Simple as the Truth” by Francis-NoëL Thomas

It is believed that if students want to improve their writing, they need to learn mechanical skills such as punctuation and grammar. However, there is another opinion, and Francis-Noël Thomas and Mark Turner expressed it in their book Clear and Simple as the Truth, which was written in 1994. Its...

The Teaching Plan for Mental Illness

Introduction The current teaching plan targets adolescents and young adults who struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. The proposed seminar falls under the domain of educational policies and health promotion interventions that could not only address but also prevent mental health concerns and substance abuse among the chosen demographic....

Workplace Burnout Among Teachers

Introduction and Summary Teacher turnover is often caused by increased stress and burnout. Therefore, addressing workplace burnout among teachers can be a viable strategy to improve teacher retention rates in both public and private schools. In the article titled “Spirituality and prayer on teacher stress and burnout in an Italian...

Math Vocabulary Strategies in Student Achievement

What is your dissertation research project about? I have been busy researching the effects of mathematical vocabulary on students’ performance in schools. Mathematics, being a separate discipline from language, comes with its fair share of vocabulary, some of which involves the use of some words which have a different meaning...

Analysis of Changes in the Educational Systems of the USA

The educational system of the United States includes both school and university studies. While the first option is supported by state and federal governments, higher education differs in terms of the type of privacy and prices for the educational programs offered. Throughout the last several decades, educational systems have been...

SIOP Model in the United States

The SIOP Model represents an evidence-based framework of sheltered instruction that has been widely used across the educational facilities in the United States. The components of the SIOP Model include preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice or application, lesson delivery, and review or assessment. Lesson preparation is the...

Coaching at the University Level

Physical education is an indispensable part of a learning process, from elementary school to university. Sports not only help students develop their physical abilities but also relieve tension, build confidence, and improve self-discipline and teamwork skills. In this sense, coaching, specifically at the university level, plays a crucial part. The...

Workshop Delivery Method for International Student Cohort

This paper will be focused on evaluating and analyzing the practice that proceeded during the first semester of 2017 under the BPD3100 course unit. This unit is a training session that includes fourteen weeks of different types of workshops that are aimed at analyzing current trends of start-up businesses, their...

Social and Cross-Cultural Integration: Esperanza’s Case

Due to the intensifying process of globalization, many communities observe active immigration. As a result, local schools with homogeneous language environments face the necessity to provide education to children speaking other languages. It is vital for both their academic potential and socialization. Esperanza’s case demonstrates how a teacher may manage...

Dress Codes Impacting Education

Introduction Your introduction is interesting and engaging; the opening sentence draws readers in by encouraging them to think of the possible answers to the question you ask. Although you present the debatable issue clearly, the sentences in your introduction seem disconnected. It is advisable that your introductory paragraph would benefit...

How is Systemic Racism Becoming a News Spectacle?

Introduction Your opening has a hook for the readers and contains a well-developed thesis. I would advise mentioning who George Floyd is briefly to clarify the person for readers who might be unfamiliar with him. Judging from your introduction, it seems like you tend to adhere to a Rogerian argument...

The Learning Basics of Research

Introduction Researching a topic can seem like a complex and strenuous study that takes much effort with minimal returns. However, there are scientific algorithms that streamline this process and make it less complicated. These include but are not limited to separating research into stages, understanding the unit analysis, comparing and...

School-Funding System in New Jersey

Introduction This research paper aims to provide an insight into the benefits of the New Jersey school funding system. The paper will provide a review of its reliability. Further, the paper will compare the school funding system in New Jersey and other funding systems performed in other states. In conclusion,...

Challenging Educational Barriers for African-American Female Students

The problem of educational barriers that African-American women face is high on the current agenda as inequalities in learning lead to adverse outcomes in overall academic accomplishment, future career, and life in general. With better educational opportunities, the target group can attain higher incomes and be capable of providing a...

Expert Letter from an Assistant Manager

Dear Immigration Officer, My name is Katherine Chiao, and I am an Assistant Manager in the CRM department at Officine Panerai. I have earned a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing at New York University. This letter is written in support of Ms. Wang regarding her educational training and future role...

The Need for a Literacy-Rich Classroom

The creation of an appropriate environment is a vital consideration when it comes to teaching kids, and it ensures the efficiency of the studying process. The present-day educators highlight the need for a literacy-rich classroom that reflects the proper application of technology, and this concept will be useful for me...

Wellness Policy Cocnept for Northern Tioga School

Introduction Healthy nutrition is a decisive factor that affects students’ health and academic performance. Along with activities of physical activity, physical education, education on healthy eating, and access to drinking water, providing the opportunity to eat balanced meals will make children’s lives more satisfying. This paper aims to create a...

The Problem and Promise of Common Core

Common Core standards were put in place in order to set a minimum amount of knowledge and skills acquired by the students regardless of their state of origin. Its purpose is to eliminate the gap between top performers and bottom ones, and thus, in theory, the Common Core standards can...

Description of Learning Disabilities and Learning Strategies

Learning may be defined as a permanent change in the individual’s behavior and knowledge due to experience. Any person learns to walk and speak; he or she subsequently receives knowledge in school and at work. Children may learn more quickly in comparison with adults. First, as a part of its...

Educational Studies: Problem Statement & Significance

Statement of the Problem The examination of self-efficacy in relation to pre-service elementary teachers has been the focus of several educational studies, with results suggesting that it is one of the most fundamental aspects affecting teachers’ behaviors, attitudes and effectiveness in the classroom context (Albayrak & Unal, 2011; Haverback &...

Brown v. Board of Education

Among the various social development aspects, school integration deserves particular attention due to its troublesome implementation and significant possible benefits. The Brown v. Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court became a starting point of the apparent attempts to ensure educational equality for all races’ representatives. Admitting that “separate...

The Integration to Curriculum for Early Education: Anti-Bias Aspects

Ideas to Incorporate into Anti-Bias Learning Process Nowadays, children are aware of diversity from a very early age, and educators have to consider it. A teacher who values diversity increases the remarkable impact on how children perceive the differences in people and society. Moreover, children reflect the attitudes of their...

The Issue of Plagiarism: Copying, Downloading, or Self-Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of cheating when a person uses someone else’s ideas for their research. Intentional plagiarism presupposes such actions as direct copying, downloading, or self-plagiarism. Unintentional coping represents incorrect paraphrasing or the lack of citing (Das, 2018). The latter type occurs due to the lack of students’ knowledge....

North Shore Medical Center: Teaching Experience

Introduction This paper is devoted to describing and analyzing teaching experience received at North Shore Medical Center with a vulnerable social group. The two-day educational series was organized according to the previously developed teaching plan and focused on primary prevention and health promotion regarding influenza. The paper will reiterate the...

Nursing Role: Course Reflection and Personal Assesment

Introduction Nurses need to engage in continuous learning to acquire additional insights to develop their philosophies and improve their patients’ experiences. In this class, I have identified and considered the best competencies that match my current and future goals. Some of my outstanding knowledge and skills include the ability to...

Blass’ Toolkit for Postgraduate Research Supervisors

Blass, E. & Bertone, S. (2013). Developing a toolkit and framework to support new postgraduate research supervisors in emerging research areas. There is no use denying the fact that nowadays society constantly undergoes different and very important changes. Processes of modernization and computerization lead to increase in the tempo of...

Education for Native Americans: Difficulties

Theoretical Framework The American educational system is developing in the field of support for all categories of the population. Thanks to this, Native Americans who live and study in their small communities have access to all the achievements of science. In particular, although the study of computer science was not...

Relevancy of School Resource Officer Presence in Reducing Deviant Behavior in Middle School

School Resource Officers (SRO) refers to individuals entrusted with the duty of law enforcement, law counseling, and law educating through the act of oath (Kahlenberg, 2003). The job description of an SRO entails security maintenance, as well as safe learning environments through assistance and directions from the school administration. This...

Comprehension in ‘all Children Read…’ by Temple and Al.

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Muijselaar et al. (2017) focuses its attention on the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension. The paper describes a quantitative cohort study that aims at creating a linear regression model with reading comprehension as a dependent variable and reading strategies as the independent...

“Assisting Preservice Teachers Towards Becoming Culturally Responsive” Article Analysis

Overall Comments Assisting Preservice Teachers Towards Becoming Culturally Responsive is a must-read article by Starker and Fitchett whose aim is to assist pre-service teachers towards becoming culturally responsive so that they can teach in societies that are diverse in terms of culture such as urban centers. The researchers chose the...

School Age Health Literacy

Being health literate means maintaining a high standard of living and eliminating issues that may negatively affect well-being. Children need to have various health-related skills, depending on their age. School-age health literacy is crucial, as children need to know how to comply with health recommendations and make better health-related choices....

Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect

Problem Addressed and Chapters Related to Course Textbook The main problem the author addresses in his book is the problem of education. In the first chapter called “The Problem of Education”, the author claims that education is good in general. He gives a definition to the word education and answers...

Academic Standards Alignment with Proficiency

Introduction Learning English is relatively easy for native speakers of this language. On the other hand, non-native speakers of the English language are often faced with the daunting task of having to master the various phrases, idioms and sentence structure of the English language. In addition, they have to contend...

Differentiation as a Teaching Method

Introduction Differentiation is a teaching method where a teacher takes into consideration that students are different in their personality, social lives, and in their religious beliefs. This calls for a differentiated approach when the teacher is giving instruction this model requires that teachers give different content to students as per...

Health for All: Community Teaching Plan

Introduction The proposed community teaching plan is intended for university/school health centers. However, it can also be implemented in any other setting if the audience is similar to the one targeted by the initial program. The location of teaching is North Shore Medical Center, as agreed with its managers. As...

“Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” by Marilyn Jager Adams

The current research study is based on the summary “Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” written by Marilyn Jager Adams. The reading instruction is analyzed with a view to different methods and approaches suchlike logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic. Such aspects as the impact on reading instruction and implications...

“Metacognitive Reading” by Meyer et al.

Some may feel that topics of the LGBTQ community are often neglected when it comes to spreading awareness in the educational facilities. However, scholars presented an article describing findings on teachers’ attitudes and experience with LGBTQ topics in elementary schools, where most instructors are open to such initiatives; thus, they...

Homeschooling: Way to Provide Knowledge to Learners

Introduction The paper is devoted to the investigation of homeschooling as one of the ways to provide knowledge to learners in a specific environment. Because of the increased sophistication of modern society, there are new disputes regarding the ability of this option to suffice new conditions. The work offers the...

Earth Science Education Research Paradigms

Instructional Environment The instructional environment is an 8th grade science classroom. The classroom is attended by 10-12 students who are seated in a circle around an instructional board. The class contains various instructional posters representing various phenomena related to the Earth science discipline, e.g. natural phenomena, earth crust, etc. Quantitative...

Classroom Assessment Techniques: Designing Units of Instruction

As a crucial and an operating factor motivating students to read, understand and perform, a designed unit of instruction not only assists to manage time, but also to achieve the ultimate goals in education. It is appreciable that people like Merrill, Kemp, Gagne, Bloom, and Kirkpatrick among others acknowledge that...

The Major Affective Domains to Math Instructional Environment

Abstract A productive outlook for mathematics learning in a classroom situation is characterized by the virtuous ethic of accommodation in the conventional inter-and intra-social student interactions. It is required of students to manage mathematics instructional materials effectively, be actively involved in the learning process, and uphold a humane supportive attitude...

Response on Crisis in Schools

School Crisis Response The speed of one’s actions is crucial when an accident or an incident happens. It is important to calmly access the situation and follow the guidelines for resolving any given situation and find the quickest possible resolution. The first step in responding to a crisis is calling...

Development of a Class Tardiness Policy

Introduction Having faced the problem of class tardiness, every teacher would agree with the famous proverb, “Better an hour too soon than a minute too late”. Class tardiness is one of the serious violations of the class disciplines which strongly affects the learning process. While the negative effect of class...

Studying Abroad: The Benefits of the Opportunity

The number of study abroad programs has increased in the past decade significantly (Anderson and Lawton 86). In essence, Anderson and Lawton have projected a growth of eight percent annually (86). Colleges and universities have traditionally enrolled students in overseas institutions in an effort to improve their performance (Franklin 170)....

Observations Techniques for Early Childhood Educators

Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) should be able familiar with different techniques applied for assessing the children’s gross and fine motor skills. Each approach, however, has a varied level of objectivity or longevity of observations, which affects the results of these observations. The two observation techniques that RECEs can use...

Key Elements Determining Success or Failure of Learning

Introduction: Wealth and Poverty at Schools “A tale of two schools” provides a short overview of the elements that constitute a financial core of any school. The video depicts two contrasting sides of education, which are poverty and wealth. These two extremities determine the level of learning in a country...

Play Materials for Child Educational Centers

Introduction Being on a tight budget should not mean that any children under one’s care should lose out on full development. The identification of the particular stage at which the child is in should enable a teacher to identify the most important type of play that the child requires. Most...

Reading to Write Paradigms: Ways of Thinking Through

Introduction A transition to senior English is a movement between paradigms in the academic world. The paradigms set for study, and their respective texts, offer students tools for a seamless transition between reading and writing. Appreciation for literature helps a person to become a good writer or at least improve...

The Educative Process of Modern Research Students

Introduction Science has always been an integral part of human life as it influences the further development of society and promotes its evolution. It is also obvious that research work is the aspect that guarantees reception of new information and data which is vital for the development of science. That...

Inclusive Educational Classrooms for Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction Problem Statement Lots of special education elementary schools do not fulfill their educational requirements, as students of these schools do not meet the academic standards in reading in research. These schools are involved in teaching students with learning disabilities, and these students do not show progress while studying in...

The Origins of Professional Coaching

Introduction The origins of professional coaching go back to the industrial revolution in the form of apprenticeship and mentorship initiatives. The earliest research on coaching intrigued a surge of interest for both companies and employees who came to value the process for its ability to influence behavior performance and productivity...

Active Participation by Teacher Impact on Students

Abnormal psychology is taught in two sections: at 9:30 am and at 11:30 am. Students who have classes at 9:30 am are more talkative and also seem to perform better in midterms and finals. This suggests a hypothesis that active participation by a teacher positively impacts the results of their...

Culture and Special Education Relations

In this essay, I will explain procedures and options which help students with disabilities undergo a transition from high school to adult life. Much like students from multicultural backgrounds who face discrimination due to their race, students with disabilities also represent a special attention group whose educational needs are not...

School and Transition Into Adulthood

Introduction The poem “A Rose that Grew from Concrete” by the rapper and poet Tupac Shakur, while short, contains a multitude of themes for interpretation. In it, Shakur describes rose that disregarded nature’s harsh laws and grew from a crack in the concrete, learning to survive put of the sheer...

The Future of Kaplan College Education System

Introduction Attaining college qualification presently is a key topic in the public, state and local domains. Economists, policy makers and education experts concur that in order to sustain, build a strong and vibrant nation, secure a long term economic growth and social stability, the United States education system should be...

Legal Foundations of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

Introduction The former United States president Gorge W. Bush proposed the No Child Left behind Act of 2001 ‘NCLB’ and signed it into law on January 8, 2002 (Lewis, 2010). The Act came as good news to the education fraternity as its provisions were very friendly. NCLB required that all...

Sustainability Initiatives by Canadian Colleges

The issue of sustainability has become a growing necessity among higher education institutions across the world. The growing concern about climatic change, student accommodation challenges and rising cost of energy have sent higher education institutions back to the drawing board, as they try to come up with strategies towards sustainability....

Issue Relevant to Learners With High Incidence Disabilities

Introduction Approximately eighty five percent (85%) of the students recognized as having disabilities also have learning disorders, mental retardation, communication problems, or expressive disabilities. A considerable ratio of students with higher-incidence disabilities are attended in the common education classroom. In several cases, causes of these high-incidence disabilities are generally unknown,...

Taylor’s Framework for the Professional Development of Doctoral Supervisors

The article written by Stan Taylor centers around the changes in supervision practices which became necessary due to the new ways and methods of doctoral education. Last several decades have brought transformations in terms of formalization, growth and diversification of the candidate population, diversification of modes of and diversification of...

Family Resources: Aid Programs for Families

Introduction Early childhood education is fundamental in laying down the educational foundation of a child. It kicks starts the child’s brain in preparation for a lifetime learning process. As such it requires the availability of adequate, affordable, and accessible resources that can facilitate provision for the health, developmental, emotional, and...

Conducting Nursing Education: Nursing Studying Approaches

Substantive Response 1 It is the right point of view that training materials should be communicated to the staff nurses using clear and simple language. It will ensure that they will absorb information as quickly as possible and will be able to implement it in practice. Combining various styles of...

Infrastructure Help Professionalism: Special Education

The efficiency of professionalism In special education, several factors may determine the efficiency of professionalism, including leadership and infrastructure. From the point of leadership, educators must focus on their development in teaching qualities and mathematics as one of the major tested subjects. Good leaders must understand the law, policies, assessment...

Leadership in Education: Preparation and Implementation of Educational Leadership

Introduction The university’s reputation and achievement heavily rely on the educational and faculty leadership patterns. Quality leadership simplifies the process of integrating and implementing new university-based educational standards and practices. The university objectives, including the provision of quality training and educational services, conducting extensive research projects and discoveries as well...

New Approaches in Teaching to Enhance Teaching

Contemporary education places biases in terms of the efficacy of testing because of the increased pressure on teachers. Testing restricts creative and innovative approaches to delivering knowledge to students. Therefore, “teaching to the test” excludes improvements in teaching approaches. To eliminate a test focus approach, an opposite strategy is introduced...

Early Education Professionals Preparation

The Standard Overview and Importance The standard reviewed is “Building Family and Community Relations”. That part of the early educator’s job is extremely important. As the research indicates, family support can help prevent such severe problems as chronic delinquency (Yoshikawa 1994, p. 28). Helping to bring families together can prevent...

Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools

Introduction There is some inconsistency in the definitions of curriculum-based assessment from standard to rather detailed. Wegerif and Mercer’s 1997,p.530) Curriculum based assessment incorporates any approach that uses direct inspection and recording of a student’s performance in the school curriculum as a foundation for obtaining information to make instructional assessment....

Changing Hearts & Minds: Training Programmes for Mid-Career Workers in Singapore

Research Goals The reading chosen for this review is research by Huam Chak Khoon and Nick Jewson titled “Changing Hearts & Minds: Training Programmes for ‘Mid-career Workers in Singapore” published in January 1995. This research is an attempt to provide detailed coverage on the topic of how to train older...

“Promises Aren’t Enough” by Rodrigo Canales

The article Promises Aren’t Enough by Rodrigo Canales, B. Cade Massey and Amy Wrzesniewski has been published on 22 of August 2010 in the Sloan Management Review periodical. Authors of the article, Rodrigo Canales and B. Cade Massey, are assistant professors of organizational behaviour of Yale University’s School of Management,...

Critical Reasoning and Patterns of Change in Mindset

Introduction To think critically does not mean just being critical. The most complete definition of critical thinking which I go along with, states that critical thinking is the process involving mind discipline and used for active and masterful conceptualization, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information generated by, or acquired...

Important Concepts of Teacher Professional Development

Important concepts in the article Feiman-Nemser (2001) presented three important concepts in the article. The central ideas in the teachers’ professional development include the pre-service preparation, new teachers’ induction and the continuous professional development. According to Feiman-Nemser (2001), the central ideas are interconnected and critical in the teacher’s professional development...

Teaching Chemistry in Secondary Schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The implementation of technology in different areas of education is becoming widespread worldwide. According to Vision 2020, education should strive to meet labor market demands (“National Transformation Program 2020” 60). In the secondary schools of Saudi Arabia, chemistry teaching can be characterized by the use of various methods and learning...

Health Literacy Program for Children in a Low-Income Urban Area

Information on health literacy is essential for children, because health literacy, not to be confused with general literacy, is well-defined as the point at which people can acquire and understand elementary health facts and amenities required to make correct health choices. In today’s hurried lifestyle, we have to guarantee that...

Identifying a Conceptual Framework

Thijs and Fleischmann (2015) propose that meaningful teacher-student relationships are developed when the concept of attachment is effectively applied in the implementation of educational practices. The proposal of the two researchers is aligned with the principles of John Bowlby’s attachment theory. This theoretical framework is applicable in diverse learning environments...

Mathematics Performance Among African Americans in Los Angeles

The media is full of reports on discrepancies in performance among students from different ethnic backgrounds. These reports have had mixed results. On one hand, the groups affected by low performance have seen the need to put more effort while those that are at the top of the class have...

Race to the Top Program in Development of Leadership

Successful funding can bring significant changes not only to the external state of the educational system but also to student results. The main idea behind the funding initiative Race to the Top, which was implemented in 2009 by the United States Department of Education, is to encourage the improvement of...

Journal Entry and English Composition Course Reflection

At the moment, before taking the English Composition Course my writing skills are rather intuitive, lacking profound theoretical knowledge. I have always been assured that certain rules and schemes may only disturb writers’ flight of thought and limit their opportunities for the realization of the creative concept. It is very...

Synthesis of Ideas From Essays by Tan and Rodriguez

It is commonplace that foreign students face numerous challenges whenever they take up a different language. In America, for example, all learning takes place in English, and foreign students are expected to adapt quickly. Consequently, theories exist concerning the suitability of this requirement, with scholars presenting their views for or...

Teaching Strategies and Their Application

Meeting the needs of a diverse learner Diverse learners can perform well academically because they exhibit the characteristics necessary for excellence. They have positive attitudes towards learning, are obedient, have excellent social skills and perform excellently in other areas of the school curriculum such as sports. However, they may have...

Teaching Communication Skills for Elementary School Students With Autism

Introduction Documentation by research has shown that non-handicapped youths can be of great assistance in teaching social skills for students with autism. The major successful system for handling the students with autism in a comprehensive situation may be comprised of playing games that are well integrated. Once training has been...

American Psychological Association Referencing Style

Why is APA style used to document ideas in writing? The most common and widely used style in writing is American Psychological Association (APA). It provides a standard system for acknowledging the works of other individuals for their contributions to the writer’s work. Arguably, APA style is used to document...

Retention Rates & Modalities Rate of African American Children Aged 4–9

Abstract To improve students’ performance, it is important to understand what prevents them from studying efficiently. In other words, students’ motivation must be explored. However, motivation issues can be approached from several angles. Defining the key tests that locate major motivation problems, a teacher can solve most of the related...

Doctoral Education: New Ways and Methods

Nowadays great changes can be observed in the sphere of education. Last decades introduced new ways and methods of doctoral education. That is why, it is necessary to understand and adapt to them, implementing new elements and creating new ways of teaching. Moreover, the sphere of supervision should also be...

Formulation of Meaningful Research About Gap Year

Introduction The research questions associated with the gap year for students are mainly based on the concepts of the usefulness, or harm of the gap year, and the consequences of this gap for students, and their communication patterns. However, the regarded aspects do not consider the opportunities of the qualitative...

School Leadership Training and Development in Australia

It is apparent that Australia has a long history of teaching and implementing programs in schools similar to the way it has been carried out in public universities. Such programs are meant to encourage learners to build leadership and development skills in schools (Bates & Eacott, 2008). Even though it...

“Waiting for Superman” by Karl Weber

Abstract The American education system remains one of the education systems in the world that needs reform. In this education, there is a lot of investment but there is actually not enough information to show this. In this paper, the focus is on the book waiting for superman by Karl...

“Gap Year” Between High School and College

Introduction A gap year is generally regarded from various perspectives, and while some consider it useful for students, others do not agree that such a gap may be useful. Considering the fact that the opinions are opposite, the thorough research of the considerations should be arranged, with the further assessment...

Stress Affecting First-Year Students

Introduction The first year at the university is a highly significant time for students. This is the time when students are most vulnerable to academic failure, as well as most likely to experience social, emotional and financial problems. “The process of entering university has been likened to moving from one...

Analysis of Cultural Disconnect in Virtual Learning Environments

Introduction There has been a cultural disconnect in learning environments, in both basic and higher education (Romaine, 2009). Language has emerged as the most significant contributor to cultural disconnect within the educational centers (Gollnick, & Chinn, 2002). The introduction of virtual learning environments worsened the situation in institutions of higher...

Earning a Doctorate in Business Administration

Doctorates are the highest academic degrees attainable by scholars in universities. The qualifications enable the holders to impact positively on the social lives of other people and their own. Individuals pursuing doctorates must have goals, which should also hold personal or professional strengths. These enable the realization of the objectives...