Hamlet’s Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s Play

Hamlet’s Internal Conflict: Introduction Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies. The plot revolves around the main character Hamlet who cannot make up his mind on whether or not to take revenge over the murder of his father, King Hamlet, the ruler of Denmark. This indecision arises after Hamlet...

Betrayal and Deceit as Depicted in the Play “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare

In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the tale is built on a foundation of betrayal and deceit. There are several instances throughout the play in which significant characters are either directly involved or are the victims of enormous betrayals. The most atrocious acts of treachery and dishonesty are...

Psychological Journey of Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”

Crime and Punishment appear to be one of the most widely spread novels of Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. Despite being created at the end of the 19th century, it is extremely popular both in the author’s native country and outside its territory. All the plot is articulated on the random...

Symbols in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Poe’s short stories are widely known for the mystery and horror they hide. Being famous as an inventor of the detective genre, the writer filled his narrations with seemingly minute details that turned out to have had substantial importance in the end. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of the most...

The Importance of Literature in Society

The emergence of books once revolutionized the teaching process, allowing people to transfer knowledge indirectly, making it more accessible. People can develop new skills independently of others or learn more about the world by merely reading the material on a topic. Written history invites a reader to imagine life before...

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

James Joyce’s novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is often regarded as a search for true identity. The protagonist of this story is Stephen Dedalus who comes from an Irish Catholic family and whose parents often experience financial problems. Stephen grows into an alienated unsociable person...

Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Analysis

Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Analysis: Introduction The short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is a narrative about a girl between the ages of ‘innocence’ and ‘transformative entrance’ into adulthood. Her mother trains her how to be an ideal and respectable lady. She believes that she is the only person who...

“A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns

As a person and as a poet, R. Burns was influenced by two national cultures, Scottish and English. The lyrics of R. Burns were close to folk not only in sound, but in content. He was imbued with a mood of sincere sympathy for working people and mocking contempt for...

Setting & Themes of Raymond Carver’s “After the Denim”

The short story “After the Denim” begins with an elderly couple Edith and James Packer getting ready to go to bingo. When they get there, they notice that a young couple is sitting in the seats they used to occupy. The Packers have been unlucky that day and James is...

Themes in the Story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The story “The Lottery” is a masterpiece written by Shirley Jackson. It describes the small town where the traditional event named “the lottery” is conducted. The “winner” is condemned to being stoned to death because it has been done for years. This essay will examine the three major themes...

Nora in A Doll’s House: Character Analysis

The literary heritage of Henrik Ibsen counts lots of dramatic works, which appear to be very popular and bringing up the problems of today. Actually, the matters, brought up within his works are eternal. So, the books are really worth reading and analyzing. In Ibsen’s dramatic writings the several storylines...

How Money and Wealth Depicted in the Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby”

Introduction Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby documents a classical manifestation of the implications of social status and wealth. Fitzgerald uses numerous examples to illustrate material and wealth as though very influential and make people powerful; it cannot imply or buy happiness for an individual. In essence, wealth is portrayed as...

Sofia Samatar. The Huntress. Character Analysis

“The Huntress” is a fictional short story by Sofia Samatar, which touches on topics of fear, family, and identity. The award-winning author from Virginia, US, creates intriguing, heart-pumping, and blood-boiling literary pieces and “The Huntress: is not an exception. The story discovers the need for adventure and magic within a...

Contrast of the Blake’s Poems “Infant Joy” and “Infant Sorrow”

Introduction The poems by William Blake are vital for their contrasting value. The features in such small poems which are described in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience correspond directly to live. Two poems from these compilations are Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow respectively. These poems are under...

“The Bowl” by Terry Tempest Williams

“The Bowl” by Terry Tempest Williams produced a deep impression on me. Such pieces of writing cannot remain without the reader’s attention since through its lines you can see that the writer put a part of his soul into his work. The style of writing the writer uses and his...

Religious Fanaticism in “The Prophet’s Hair” by Salman Rushdie

Introduction The story written by Salman Rushdie focuses on the theft of Prophet Muhammad’s Hair, a powerful relic that could offer its possessor a blessing or a curse. Most of the story illustrates the horrible consequences that Huma’s family faced when the head of the family and Huma’s father, Hashim,...

Plot in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is an example of a well-structured short story, in which the five parts of the plot, in accordance with Freytag’s Pyramid, may be found. These five steps include exposition, rising action, climax, or the highest point of tension, followed by falling action,...

Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake: Essay

Is The Namesake a true story? Who is The Namesake author? Find the answers in this sample! Learn about Jhumpa Lahiri The Namesake themes, setting, and more. The Namesake: Summary of the Book Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake tells us about the life of two generations of immigrants from India. Gogol...

Symbolism in Walt Whitman’s Poem Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

In the poem, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman, the poet describes his crisscrossing journey back and forth Brooklyn via a ferry. The poem’s central theme relates to the shared human experiences that transcend both time and space. The poet uses symbolism to explore this theme whereby he connects himself...

“How I Met My Husband” Narrative by Alice Munro

Introduction How I Met My Husband is a short story by Alice Munro published in her collection Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You in 1974. The short story was written to show various contemporary issues that happen in marriage, relationships, and common points of interaction such as work (Kumar...

“A Rose for Emily”: The Plot Analysis

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is a mysterious and exciting story that tells about the life of a woman who, at first glance seems unremarkable, but is fraught with the mystery of the murder. Although the story’s events seem to be presented in chronological order, some digressions and...

Social Satire in The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales is an unfinished work by the poet Geoffrey Chaucer, written in the late 14th century, in Middle English. The work is a collection of prose and poetic novellas, united by one common frame: the stories are told by pilgrims heading to worship the relics of St. Thomas...

“Woman’s Work” Poem by Julia Alvarez

Alvarez addresses the domesticated lives of women and the conflict over their duties in a household. Traditionally, women were expected to stay at home and perform homemaking roles such as house cleaning and taking care of their families. From the poem, Alvarez refuses to accept this norm because women should...

Literary Analysis of The Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe of an unnamed narrator who murders an older man who lives in the same house as him. The narrator is then haunted by what he thinks is the rapid heartbeat of the deceased man, coming from beneath the floorboards....

Irony in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

The Necklace Irony: Introduction Several types of irony were added in Maupassant’s story “The Necklace”. Each type performs its own function, but their complex application provides the greatest comedic effect. However, the irony in the story is used not only for comedic reasons. Maupassant applies this technique to show the...

Honor in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

Introduction Honor is the highest respect or reputation that a person has among others. In Shakespeare’s times, honor had a great significance since it determined how a person was treated by society, and it was vividly depicted in the poet’s play, Much Ado About Nothing. In this comedy, Shakespeare managed...

The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour Comparison

Are The Story of an Hour and The Yellow Wallpaper similar stories? Their similarities include themes such as feminism and freedom, but there are also plenty of differences. Find out more in this essay!  Women’s role in society has always been a widely-discussed topic. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins...

Analysis of Madame Loisel Character Traits

Madame Loisel Character Traits: Personality Analysis Essay Introduction Guy de Maupassant’s short story “The Necklace” describes the life of a lady dwelling in nineteenth-century France and experiencing the difficulties associated with her desires to be an aristocrat and her real average life. Desiring to look wealthier than she is, Mathilde...

Death of a Salesman as a Social Drama

Introduction The play, Death of a Salesman, portrays the theme of American dream and its impact on ordinary citizens like Willy Loman and his sons. Miller portrays that for Willy, the pride, the disappointment, the suffering are never so deeply felt, or so variously, as in relation to Biff, the...

Literature: Relationships With Society

Introduction Literature has been used in various communities to address different issues that impact how people live. Moreover, aspects such as the setting, themes, and the moral lesson of a story are involved in literary texts. Individuals have also argued that literature can shape society by educating the public on...

Poems by Gilbert K. Chesterton and M. Oliver Analysis

Introduction Poetry can take many forms and use a variety of rhyme types and literary devices. Despite the diversity of forms, poems have one thing in common: they elicit deep feelings from people’s souls and make readers reflect on important philosophical questions. This essay will discuss two pieces of poetry:...

Themes, Imagery, and Diction of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18

“Sonnet 18” of Shakespeare belongs to the group of poems addressed by the author to Pure Youth, the embodiment of the beauty of features, the clarity of the soul of a young man. The addressee of this poem is the very embodiment of youth and beauty, the combination of which...

Explanation of the Title of the Book “A Man of the People”

Introduction “A Man of the People”, a novel created by Chinua Achebe in 1966, depicts a situation in an African country. The book describes a rivalry between the Minister of Culture, Chief Nanga, and his former student, Odili. Chinua calls Mr. Nanga “man of the people” in the first lines...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth Comparison

Want to know more about the similarities and differences between Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth and their works? This essay example is here to help you out! Keep reading to get some ideas for your Wordsworth and Coleridge comparison paper. Wordsworth In this review, we are going to discuss...

How the Renaissance Affected Hamlet

Introduction The Renaissance period was one in which many creative writers, artists, and songwriters worked together to create and produce magnificent works of art. In this period, many themes influenced the writers of the period. Vengeance, free play of words, and patronage were prevalent in literary works during the Renaissance...

Two Settings in the Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare

Shakespearean works are well known for their depth, symbolism and philosophical view upon different aspects of life. Mirroring is one of Shakespeare’s favorite tools. Mirroring is used to emphasize the contrast and show differences between the sides of the society and the ways of living of the characters. The Merchant...

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

The novel Great Expectations written by Charles Dickens is considered to be one of the most significant and sophisticated works of world literature. The style of the novel is predominantly semi-autobiographical while the author managed to reflect his personal experience and expectations concerning time and people he met. The analysis...

Elizabethan Era Gender Roles in Shakespeare Plays

Interested in Elizabethan era gender roles in Shakespeare plays? Check out this essay! It analyzes gender roles in Elizabethan society and the importance of marriage and gender conformity during the Elizabethan era. Here, we explain why some scholars believe that Shakespeare promoted feminism and how gender roles in Elizabethan England...

“Lanval”: Summary & Analysis of Gender Roles and Courtly Love

The details of the concept of love presented in the literature change with references to different centuries and societies and Marie de France’s vision of love presented in her lais can be discussed as rather provocative for the Medieval society and literature because of the author’s use of the feminist...

“The Man Who Planted Trees” by Jean Giono

The story “The Man Who Planted Trees” was written by the French writer Jean Giono in 1953. It tells the story of an old man who spent thirty years of his life planting trees in a valley in France, transforming the once barren land into a blooming garden. The story...

Man-Nature Resistance in Faulkner’s “The Bear” and Frost’s “Mending Wall”

Introduction In literature, the theme of man-nature relationships is common and delivered in a variety of ways. In the majority of cases, people see nature as a protagonist because, despite multiple intentions, it is hard for a person to gain control over natural processes and changes. It is also important...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Introduction The Metamorphosis is considered to be a well-known novella written by Franz Kafka in 1915; this book is aimed at the disclosure of dramatic actions and transformations making the story expressive and emotional at the same time. It is important to stress that refection play and reality are the...

“The Waste Land” a Poem by Thomas Stearns Eliot

Introduction T. S. Eliot is one of the most significant modernist poets, particularly due to his use of vivid imagery in the exploration of social issues about the British community of the time. The Waste Land, written in 1922, is a long poem that has captured the attention of many...

Agamemnon by Aeschylus: A Tragedy Analysis

General Summary The Oresteia” is a trilogy by Aeschylus consisting of three tragedies: the Agamemnon, the Hoephores, and The Eumenides. Staged in 458 B.C., Aeschylus’ Oresteia is the only surviving example of a complete trilogy on a single subject (Powers 58). In this case, the trilogy focuses on the story...

Theme of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is the most famous novel and it may be considered as a classic of English literature. The novel, like the most part of Jane Austen’s novels, discloses the theme of marriage. Thus, the first sentence of the novel reveals its whole idea: “It is...

Post-Modernism in Literature

The 20th-century literature in its stylistic and ideological variety is non-comparable to the literature of the 19th century, where it was possible to allocate only three or four leading movements. At the same time, modern literature has not given more great talents, than the literature of the 19th century. The...

“Ghosts” vs. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Ghosts were written in eighteen eighty-one as a scathing commentary on nineteenth-century fatalities. The two plays were sensational and often regarded as being indecent. Ghost and a Doll’s House criticized contemporary Norwegian society. A Doll’s House is an earlier play than Ghosts written in 1879 during the European revolution...

“The Happiest Days of Your Life” by Lively

This essay analyses a short story titled, ‘The Happiest Day of Your Life,’ written by Penelope Lively from England. The story is told by a third person omniscient narrator from Charles; the main character’s point of view. The events of this book unfold in South England at a place called...

“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

Introduction Lewis Carroll, the author of the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, managed to illustrate the fantasy world being full of anthropomorphic creatures through the depiction of morality themes; the tale is considered to be a gradual way to self-recognition and values perception. It is necessary to underline the fact...

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House as a Tragedy

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House uncovers many unpleasant things about family life and men’s inclination to force women into submission in marriage. However, it is more than merely one of the sad stories of females’ subjugation. In the course of the plot’s development, Ibsen demonstrates the process of...

The Play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen

The play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen is a play depicting the immorality that was inherent in the society during his time. Set in a country side home, the play revolves around a dramatic turn of events. It seems the events are in some way interconnected and tied up together by...

Analysis of Hamlet’s Second Soliloquy

Soliloquies are widely used in the play, as Hamlet cannot freely express his emotions and share the thoughts that are rooted in his inner drama. Therefore, soliloquies have become unique masterpieces, as the great playwright designed them to represent the painful evolution of all the struggles that took place in...

“The Wind-Up Bird and Tuesday’s Women” by Haruki Murakami

Introduction The story’s central themes are the routine and monotony of human life, conveyed through the narrator’s behavior and symbols. The plot does not describe extraordinary events or essential incidents. The story’s primary focus is to describe the thoughts, relationships, and perceptions of the main character’s life. Thus, monotony is...

Power, Vulnerability, and Resistance in Carol Ann Duffy’s “Circe”

Carol Ann Duffy, a staunch supporter of equality and a fighter for women’s freedom, strives to convey to the reader the idea of ​​the inadmissibility of male domination in the modern world. Her poem “Circe” is a work that carries an overt and even aggressive feminist overtone (Duffy 47). The...

Stream of Consciousness in Joseph Conrad and TS Eliot Literature

Stream of Consciousness Essay Introduction Stream of consciousness is a popular trope predominantly used in the twentieth century fiction. It is essentially a narrative mode that pens down the protagonist’s thought processes either in the form of a monologue or by connecting with his or her actions. Scholars believe that...

Why Shakespeare’s Hamlet Is Still Relevant

Academic research on literary works in college is usually closely linked to history. Using characters from plays and novels as examples, students understand the aristocrats’ lifestyle from past centuries and even learn about the tragedies of Ancient Greece. The critical question remains why such works are still relevant. The answer...

Fanny Price in Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park”

Fanny Price, the heroine of the novel Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, is one of those characters who are always correct and perceives, think, do, and speaks, as she ought to. She is a perfect picture of virtue and morality. That is why she is referred to as “prim, proper,...

Degrading Consequences of Poverty in “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck

Introduction Poverty is identity in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, and the main character Kino, a poor fisherman, manifests a transformation in his identity upon discovering a magnificent pearl, one which he believes, initially, can transform him from a poor and powerless man to a rich and self-sufficient one, beholden to...

The Poem “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by F. Alarcon

Introduction “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by Francisco Alarcon depicts the difficulties experienced by Mexicans in the United States. The writer relies on figurative language and sound effects to catch the readers’ attention and create a sense of urgency to understand the immigrants’ despair. Hence, the author aims to prove...

“Female Masculinity” by Judith Halberstam

Introduction The modern world is more unchained than it was even 50 years ago. People allow themselves an unpredictable behavior, which sometimes frightens them, and does not shame of it. It became to be a norm that we have homosexuals and lesbians in modern society. And more attention is given...

The Cabuliwallah vs. Mini’s Father in Tagor’s Story

There are similarities and differences between the Cabuliwallah and Mini’s Father. The Cabuliwallah is from Afghanistan, while Mini’s father is from Calcutta in India. The Cabuliwallah has traveled from his country to Calcutta, India, to make a living by selling fruits, specifically grapes. He walks from door to door selling...

Laura: Illusion and Reality in the Play “The Glass Menagerie”

Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie portrays a world of illusion to the reader as an escape from the difficulties of reality. Amanda, Laura, and Tom suffer from alienation and the inability to find their place in society, which forces them to focus on their own inner world. Despite being...

Raymond Carver’s “I Could See the Smallest Things” Story

“I Could See the Smallest Things,” written by Raymond Carver, is concise, but it has a powerful effect on readers. The author masterfully attracts attention, forcing them to search for clues about what is happening in the characters’ lives. The story’s plot is constructed around Nancy’s night walk, who hears...

Reverse Colonialism in “Season of Migration to the North” by Salih

Season of Migration to the North is a postcolonial novel written by Tayeb Salih that was published in 1966. In the novel, Tayeb talks about the civilization in Europe and the colonialism by the British on the African community and the Sudanese culture. The novel talks about Mustafa Saeed, the...

Social Issues in the “Little Red Riding Hood” Tale

“Little Red Riding Hood” is one of the tales that seem simple yet addresses complex social issues such as sexual predators, stalking, date rape, and many others. It is the way in which a comparatively old fairy tale shapes relationships and interactions in modern society that seems to be especially...

Lessons Learned from “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Welcome to our essay sample on the lessons from The Metamorphosis! Here, you’ll find The Metamorphosis summary and analysis. Keep reading to get a better understanding of Kafka’s story. The Metamorphosis: Summary The major change in Gregor’s life was the transformation from the human life to that of an insect...

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” a Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Classical children’s literature is full of examples of outstanding works that have become a cultural treasure and are still being discussed with interest today. One of these well-known works that are known to almost everyone in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by the famous American writer...

Critical Comments on “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Williams

Introduction The play presents an analysis of the postwar American society and how the attitudes and institutions at the time restricted the lives of women. The author uses the dependence of Stella and Blanche on men to depict and evaluate how women were treated by men during the early twentieth-century...

Babbie Earl’s Book “The Practice of Social Research”

Introduction The modern world has become increasingly dynamic due to the ever-changing patterns of life and societies. There is a strong relationship that exists between social ways of life and science. Scholars in sociology and science attempt to decode this interrelationship by adopting research practices that focus primarily on understanding...

The Comparison of Classic Greek and Elizabethan Tragedy

The first theoretical explanation of the nature of tragedy is associated with Aristotle’s work Poetics. According to the Greek philosopher, tragedy has an advantage over other genres. It can emotionally affect a person, stimulate cathartic empathy, encourage the reader or viewer to participate in the moral and psychological assessment of...

The Role on Women as Portrayed in The Necklace

“The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant depicts the place of a woman in a social hierarchy of the 19th-сentury France. The story about Madame Loisel, a poor clerk’s wife who dreamt of being rich, reflects the problem of opportunities for development and personal growth for women. A dramatic ending emphasizes...

“The Gift of the Magi” Essay: Summary & Analysis of the Theme of Love

“The Gift of the Magi” Analysis Essay: Introduction O. Henry’s parable-like short stories are a tribute to pure love, non-material values, and devotion. Rehman et al. define “The Gift of the Magi” as the story of love, compassion, and care that stand against extreme poverty (264). The background of the...

Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

Introduction Emily Dickinson was a renowned 19th-century American poet that wrote unique and complex poems. Her style, symbolism, and hidden meanings of poems continue to be studied in the modern-day as she delved into socially controversial topics of her time. One subject matter commonly explored in her poems is the...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction The Novel, Disgrace, revolves around David Lurie, a University lecturer who faces one disgrace after another. Disgrace follows David wherever he goes throughout the novel. The 52-year-old man faces life in a post apartheid South Africa where racial discrimination is still rife. David’s first scandal with Melanie at the...

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee: Feminism and Gender Prejudice

Introduction Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird explores the racism and racial prejudice that negatively affected the black community and the Justice System in Maycomb. A wide range of key elements of gender criticism can be observed in the literature, where the whole notion of gender is demonstrated to...

Family in A Doll’s House Essay Example

Introduction A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is considered one of the most prominent works of this influential Norwegian author. It tells the story of Nora Helmer, a young woman who goes from sacrificing her and her father’s reputation for her husband, Torvald, to becoming independent and free from her...

Vanity, Evil, Immortality in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

Introduction The Picture of Dorian Gray is arguably Oscar Wilde’s most well-known and most debated work. Set in Victorian England, the story revolves around Dorian Gray and his slow descent into a life of hedonism, decadence, and immorality. However, unlike any other self-indulgent character, Gray is freed from the effects...

Symbolism in “A Farewell to Arms” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Most idealists view war as an ideal concept. Idealists support the concept of sacrificing oneself in order that the entire society may benefit. This implies that those who participate in war become glorified and receives dignity and respect. This situation prevailed even at the commencement of the First World...

“The Portrait of a Lady” a Novel by Henry James

Introduction The Portrait of a Lady is one of Henry James’ best novels. In the book, James addresses the conflict between the spirit of independence and social norms. Throughout the book, James uses America and Europe as symbols of these qualities. Precisely, he uses America as a symbol of innocence...

Reader Response Theory: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Reader Response Theory is a theory that focuses on the reader and their experience in literary works. The difference from other theories is that the main focus is not on the author and their works. Through this theory, the reader complements the work with their interpretation and gives a...

The Theme of Death in Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” Poem

The American poetry of the twentieth century is marked with many outstanding works that still draw the attention of the public and literature researchers. Sylvia Plath is one of the authors whose profound poems and vivid language brought her posthumous fame. In this essay, one of her most well-known poems,...

Character Analysis of Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

Henrik Ibsen left a rich literary legacy, including several dramatic works that deal with contemporary issues and seem pretty popular. The issues that he raises in his works are timeless. Worth reading and appreciating. Many stories in Ibsen’s theatrical works are intertwined, which ultimately leads to the disclosure of the...

Historical Context of A Doll’s House

Henrik Ibsen lived during the 19th century, having been born in the early 1800s and dying in the first years of the new millennium. Women in this period lived very different lives from women today. However, it was during this period that women began to question their place in society....

Shakespearean King Lear from a Marxist Perspective

Among the core insights of the Marxist theory is that the class struggle has characterized the history of societies’ development. Because art, both literature and theater, does not exist separately from society, it has become a crucial aspect of the historical process and people’s comprehension of the world. Thus, it...

Shakespearean Double Plot in “King Lear”

Introduction Shakespeare’s use of two plots in a single play is an important literal structure that appears in several of his works. However, his play ‘King Lear’ is the most important work that provides evidence of this literal structure. Arguably, despite criticisms that Shakespeare confused his audience with more than...

Robinson Crusoe’s Symbolism and Footprint

Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is a relatively straightforward novel not full of symbolism. Nonetheless, those few symbols are significant, multifaceted, and can be interpreted differently. Robinson’s discovery of “the print of a man’s naked foot on the shore” is one of the most noteworthy episodes of the work (Defoe, 2003,...

Supernatural Elements in “Monkey Beach” by E. Robinson

Introduction Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach is characterized by memories fueled and triggered by trauma. Lisamarie Hill is the main character who features throughout the novel. She lives in the Haisla community on the Coast of the British Columbian, where she faces many problems in the attempt to discover herself while...

“Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America”: Franklin’s Argument on Tolerance

In “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America”, Benjamin Franklin mocks the manner in which colonists assumed that their culture was better than Indians’, and argues that people should be tolerant. The satire aims at educating the society on the need for the appreciation of everybody’s culture and lifestyle. Tolerance...

“The Fish” Poem by Elizabeth Bishop

Introduction This paper would discuss and evaluate literary traits found in the poem The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop. The focus would be on her tone and particular moral concerns expressed by her in the poem. Elizabeth Bishop’s “The Fish” Elizabeth Bishop is a poetess that is often admired for her...

Plot and Characters of “The Land of Heart’s Desire” by Yeats

“The Land of heart’s desire” is a play scripted by an Irish poet, playwright, and 1923 Nobel winner named William Butler Yeats. Setting The play is set in a room with a floor-to-ceiling fireplace in the center and a large alcove to the right. There are seats and a table...

Punishment in Greek Mythology: Prometheus and Sisyphus

Introduction One of the main themes of classical myths is the punishment of mortals for their crimes by gods, and it reflects the perspectives of ancient people on matters of justice. Most cases are connected to disrespectful conduct and the lack of obedience (Jones 4). In this way, the principal...

The American Dream Concept in “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction The House on Mango Street is the novel by Sandra Cisneros, the famous American author with Mexican roots. The plot of the novel is based on such well-known concept in the philosophy as the American dream, which means a strong commitment to achievement of better life and the pursuit...

“My Son the Fanatic” by Hanif Kureishi

Introduction “My Son the Fanatic,” written by Hanif Kureishi, is a short story, which explores the issue of a father-son relationship and the issue of religion and cultural identity. The father, Parvez, is one of the main characters of the story. He is an immigrant from Pakistan, living in London,...

Review of “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Bradbury

In many literary works, the house is presented as one of the most essential parts of the novel. The authors give it a particular character, like living characters, a specific meaning, add important plot events to attract the reader’s attention to it. In the work “There Will Come Soft Rains”...

Ancient, Medieval and Modern Literature

Introduction Literature turns out to be one of the most captivating things, any person can enjoy any time. It does not matter where this or that piece of writing came from, but its unique style, its contents, and its idea – all this can easily amaze the reader and attract...

Gender Roles in Medea – Stereotypes & Resistance

Euripides Euripides lived and worked in the 5th century BC; he was a tragedian whose plays won prizes at that time and appeal to the readers of nowadays. The tragedian challenged the gender ideology accepted in his society, which attracts many scholars even in the 21st century AD. The author...

The Sir Patrick Spence Poem by a Scottish Writer

Poetry has always been one of the most popular forms of art used by individuals to reflect their feelings and emotions. Using various stylistic devices, rhymes, and rhythm, the author creates a unique image and sounding, attracting readers’ attention, triggering their feelings and emotions, and making them empathize with the...

Violence and Generational Trauma in There There by Orange

“He did what? I’m sure that’s not true, he is not that type of person. I’ll talk to him and see what really happened.” The majority of sexual violence cases often go unreported in the United States. This may be due to society doubting the victim when they come forward...

The Sound of the Trees, and the Noise of the People

Robert Frost was a prolific American poet born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco. Although he holds the absolute record for the number of Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry awarded to a single person, Frost struggled to find any recognition in his early years. In fact, he had to work...

The Poem “From Blossoms” by Li-Young Lee

The Preliminary Chart Evidence from the Poem Inference from this Evidence “From blossoms comes / this brown paper bag of peaches” (Lee, lines 1-2). The poet appreciates nature and its gift – the peaches. He is glad and excited about eating them; this is pure childish happiness. From laden boughs,...

The Social Context and Literary Elements in “The Ballad of Mulan”

Hua Mulan is a Chinese hero of legends who lived during the Northern and Southern administrations. Her story was portrayed through “The Ballad of Mulan,” composed around the fifth or sixth century (Mark). At that point, China was divided into north and south. The northern lines’ leaders were from non-Han...

My Mistress’ Eyes by Shakespeare

Sonnet number 130 is one of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets. The convention of writing love sonnets during the days of Shakespeare was to compare the beloved to everything beautiful in nature and raise the beloved to the level of a Goddess. The greatest poet of this tradition is Petrarch. In...

Theme of Blindness in King Lear Characters: Essay Example

Blindness in King Lear: Introduction In King Lear, the recurring images of sight and blindness associated with the characters of Lear and Gloucester illustrate the theme of self-knowledge and consciousness that exist in the play. The leading images are pertaining to those characters in the play that cannot use their...

David Lurie Character in Coetzee’s Novel “Disgrace”

Introduction J. M. Coetzee’s Booker Prize-winning novel is a metaphor for the twenty-century world and events happening in it. While the book events revolve around David Lurie and his personal and intrapersonal complicated issues, the author manages to present a picture of the present-day difficulties in South Africa and describes...

Analysis of “A Fixed Income” and “Valediction” by Sherman Alexie

The two stories selected for the discussion are “A Fixed Income” and “Valediction”. A “Fixed Income” highlights the plight of minorities in the United States through Sherman’s experience at McDonald’s. He explains that most of the employees at the restaurant are blacks and Latinos. Moreover, these workers are college graduates...

Comparison and Contrast of the Poems Written by British Romantic Poets

Introduction Romanticism is an artistic movement that united various creators from different epochs and determined the characteristic peculiarities of creative thought of the time. Originated at the end of the eighteenth century in Europe, Romanticism influenced the development of art in its many forms throughout the nineteenth century and beyond....

Themes in Charles Dickens’ Novel “Great Expectations”

‘Great Expectations’ is considered as one of the most sophisticated novels of Charles Dickens, the great Victorian writer. Critics rightly comment that this is a semi-autobiographical work by Dickens decorated with harsh life realities, a tremendous experiment in theme and treatment. The novelist has presented the theme of the novels...

Cultural Satire in John Gay’s Beggar’s Opera

The Beggar’s Opera is the first of a new form of opera that was developed by John Gay in the early 1700s as a reaction against the superficiality of the popular Italian opera and its effects upon his culture. This form of entertainment came to be known as the ballad...

Old and New Money in The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the twentieth century, the “Jazz Age” in America. The writer considers many socially and morally significant topics in the novel, such as love, friendship, social division, and money. The last one is trickier than it seems at first....

Love in Wuthering Heights

In her classical literary work, Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë contemplates the topic of love and its importance in each person’s life by portraying the consequences that arise when somebody lacks it. The story continues attracting readers’ attention, as, without exaggeration, it covers an exceedingly crucial issue for contemporary citizens, considering...

A Rose for Emily: Gothic Elements

Gothic Elements in A Rose for Emily: Essay Introduction Gothic elements in any literary work represent the intricate literature that specifically deals with the mysterious, unusual, and supernatural. Writers often deploy gothic elements in a bid to reveal popular themes and motifs such as hidden truths, death, complicated love, eroticism,...

Analysis and Ideas of “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy

“Tess of the D’Urbervilles” can be seen as a straightforward love tale. However, the book covers many topics that Hardy and the society of that time could view as rather debatable. It includes the humanity of people in that society, the social morals, religion, and their conflicts. Hardy only shows...

Women in Literature

The History and Importance of Women’s Literature Literature was one of many spheres in which women were a minority in representation in the 17th century. The tradition of women’s literature was ignored by society for centuries. Women writers were not considered profound creators. Their novels were perceived with significant opposition....

Why Markus Brutus Is a Tragic Hero

Introduction William Shakespeare doubtlessly is on the list of the world’s greatest tragedy authors; for many his name is the first to associate with this genre. However, due to the depth and multidimensionality of Shakespeare’s creations, it is not necessarily possible to identify a certain character in his play as...

The Metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa and His Family

Introduction The Metamorphosis is one of the best-known works of German-language writer Franz Kafka. Originally titled as Die Verwandlung, the short story was first published in 1915. Since its publication, The Metamorphosis received a lot of attention from critics and readers, fascinated by the surreal and tragic story of an...

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Introduction The verses “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare are among the most beautiful. They show poets’ ability to capture the essence of life. They depict the inevitability of choice and eternity; meditate about the most philosophical sides of life. Eternal Life of...

Seamus Heaney’s Stylistic Features

Seamus Heaney (1939-2003) is one of the prominent figures in the modern Irish poetry. Awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1995, the poet was the author of multiple collections of verse, literary essays, and translations. Seamus Heaney is an outstanding creative individual; his uniqueness is reflected through his poetic language,...

“The Road Not Taken”: A Reflective Poem by Robert Frost

“The Road Not Taken” is a mostly reflective poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is primarily about the choices one makes in life. Once someone makes a choice, it is usually for better or for worse, according to this poem. The poem utilizes symbolism as a reflective tool. For...

Okonkwo’s Character Analysis in “Things Fall Apart”

In his work Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe chronicles the tale of Okonkwo, a strong and respected member of the Igbo society in Nigeria. Achebe uses language and style to develop him into a complex and multi-faceted character. He is presented as someone who is both strong and fragile, self-assured...

“The Lesson” by Maya Angelou: A Poem Analysis

I keep on dying again. Veins collapse, opening like the Small fists of sleeping Children. Memory of old tombs, Rotting flesh and worms do Not convince me against The challenge. The years And cold defeat live deep in Lines along my face. They dull my eyes, yet I keep on...

Medieval Society in The Canterbury Tales

Introduction The work and organization of the medieval society proposed in the Canterbury Tales by Charles Chaucer can be easily connected with the organization of modern society. This is a point that can be established if the two settings were to be compared. Chaucer depicts a society wherein work is...

“Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky: Analysis of the Work

The novel Crime and Punishment written by Fyodor Dostoevsky concentrates on the moral issues and highlights the urgent problems of society in the nineteenth century. The protagonists of the novel embody different features of characters who find comfort through redemption. In addition, the novel presents the reader with a great...

“Self-Made Man” by Norah Vincent

Introduction Since the time of its publication, the book “Self-made Man” written by a famous American journalist Norah Vincent has always been a subject of heated debate. The question arises what is the reason for such close attention to this work of literature. The thing is that the author tried...

The Influence of Reading on Our Life

Reading of great books has, all through the ages, been recognized as the most powerful contributor to the development of an individual’s personality. The great thinkers and the philosophers of the world have often identified the role of good books as an influential reformer of personal life and attitude. One...

Biff Loman in Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

“Death of a Salesman” is one of the most significant works by Arthur Miller. In this play, Miller concentrates on the life of the middle class people-presented through the Loman family. The play is basically drawn by the conflicts between its protagonists. Biff and Happy are the two siblings in...

“Dead Men’s Path” by Achebe: A Literary Analysis

“Dead Men’s Path” was set in the Great Britain colonial era in Nigeria. The British were intervening to displace the Portuguese since they were slave trade leaders. The British managed to ban the slave trade; they commenced signing treaties with some leaders in Africa, hence introducing new beliefs and an...

Review of “The Last Leaf” Story by O.Henry

The “Last Leaf” by O. Henry is a narrative that focuses on people’s need to have hope. The story mostly centers on two painters, Sue and Johnsy, living at the top of a three-story building. Johnsy has pneumonia, and she believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside...

Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”: Significance of Letters

Introduction Pride and Prejudice is a passionate epistolary novel written by Jane Austen in 1813. Letters are an important part of this novel as they are used to tell the story, develop the characters and build the exposition of themes. Correspondence was a common way of communication during that era....

The Short Story “Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood

Gender inequality, sexism, and failure to appreciate individual differences are undeniable, intrinsic aspects of human culture. While people in the present-day society hold different stances on each of these topics, there is a wide consensus that humans overly focus on negative events or outcomes. Negative bias is used to characterize...

‘Song of Myself’ by Whitman: Nature and Life Beliefs

Introduction “Song of myself” is written by American poet, humanist, essayist and journalist, Walt Whitman. Whitman is considered famous among American poets and his poetry collection, “leaves of grass” and many of his works were highly controversial during it’s time. (Carew 545) Furthermore, his sexuality was also unclear and it...

Symbolism in A Doll’s House

A Doll’s House is one of the many plays written by a Norwegian playwright and theatre director Henrik Johan Ibsen. Now Ibsen is often referred to as one of the most influential writers of his time and even as “a father of realism”. In this work, the plot revolves around...

Starr Carter’s Two Identities in “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas

Introduction The Hate U Give is a critically acclaimed young adult novel written by an American author Angie Thomas and published in 2017. The book’s protagonist, sixteen-year-old Starr Carter, balances between two worlds: her poor black neighborhood, and her rich white school. She manages two different versions of herself without...

The Analysis of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

Introduction The chosen poem for the current work is Sonnet 18 written by William Shakespeare, and it was first published after the death of the author in 1609. The cultural context around the composition is enigmatic since there is no particular person to whom the poem is devoted. Some scholars...

Oroonoko as a Hero: Analysis of Novel

Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave. A True History by Aphra Behn is considered to be one of the first English novels – it was published in 1688 when the genre was only beginning to emerge. The story’s protagonist is Prince Oroonoko – an African king’s grandson who possesses all the...

“The Dinner Party” Short Story by Mona Gardner

In “The Dinner Party,” Mona Gardner narrates about a table gathering of a colonial official, his wife, and their guests in India. During the evening, a colonel and a young girl become involved in the discussion about women’s reactions to surprising events. The host claims that “…while a man may...

Touchstone and Jaques in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”

Jaques, a character from the play As You Like It by William Shakespeare, creates an unexpected contrast to the entire premise of the Arden Forest. In broad terms, he aligns poorly with the setting of optimism and change for the better conveyed by the rest of the characters. However, upon...

Symbolism, Setting, Irony in Hemingway’s ”Hills Like White Elephants”

Did you know that conflict is an integral part of any romantic relationship, no matter how healthy it may be? Well, the romantic relationship between the American and Jig was no different. “Hills like White Elephants” is a symbolic and expressive story that depicts a deteriorating relationship between two characters....

Puck in a “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare, is comprised of interwoven storylines and characters from European folklore. The presence of several distinct plots makes it challenging for readers and viewers to identify the protagonist of the play. The importance of roles is distributed evenly, which complicates the task...

Henry’s Perspective on War Changing in Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms”

Harsh realities of war may make many people question their views, and literary characters are not an exception to this rule. Henry from Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms is initially eager to play his part in the war, but then is almost executed for no fault, and this lack of...

Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan: Character Comparison

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a story that is centered on three main characters in a love triangle, Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan and Gatsby is Daisy’s old flame since collage days and is still in love with her though she is married. The Great Gatsby demonstrates how the...

The Modern Prometheus: Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This Frankenstein analysis focuses on Victor’s motivation, various themes, and parallels with mythology. Check it out if you need ideas for your analysis of Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Analysis of Frankenstein: Introduction Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster...

“The Garden Party” by Catherine Mansfield

The Garden Party is a short story by Catherine Mansfield that depicts the family of Sheridan and their workingmen from the point of Laura, the daughter of Mrs. Sheridan. The events occur in the 20th century in England, where the differences between upper-class and lower-class families were especially pronounced. The...

Literary Analysis of “The Man He Killed” by T. Hardy

Introduction Thomas Hardy’s poem “The Man He Killed” is a juxtaposition of a real versus imagined situation aimed at depicting the nature of war. Specifically, the persona appears to be troubled about killing. However, the persona is sure that if he had met the man in an inn they would...

“Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth” by D. H. Taylor

The play Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth by Drew Hayden Taylor tells the story of Janice, a woman who was taken away from her biological family when she was a child. At some point, her brother Toronto says that “If you have a sound understanding of where you...

Marxism and Socialism in “Mending Walls” Poem by Robert Frost

Introduction The poem “Mending Walls” by Robert Frost, written and published in 1914, narrates a story originating from rural New England and talks about a fence between two industrious farmers’ estates that separates their properties. It is worth noting that the wall is rebuilt every spring, and one of the...

Development of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career

Chaucer is considered the father of the English language and the founder of realism. His work marked in the history of English literature the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and the establishment of new principles for depicting life and the disclosure of human character. There are three...

Claudius as Hamlet’s Foil in Shakespeare’s Play

In Hamlet, Shakespeare utilizes several foil characters to help readers better comprehend Hamlet’s character. One such foil is Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle, who killed King Hamlet and married his wife to become a king. Although Claudius may not seem as obvious a foil as Laertes or Fortinbras, his decisiveness, immorality, and...