The Criminal Justice: Strategies and Approaches

For over 40 years now, America has been experimenting with expanding and toughening up every aspect of the countries criminal justice system; as a result, the country’s standard response to any crime is incarceration. Currently, there are, at last, real discussions of reform, although little is being done to reduce...

Health Care Reform Article by Shue et al.

The Objective of the Study The main objective of the research work was the study of Healthcare Reform and public attitudes and the influence of various information sources on it. The importance of this process is due to the fact that “perceptions about the act could potentially affect the implementation...

Abdication of Nicholas and Accession of Kerensky in Russia

The abdication of Nicholas left Russia without a sovereign. This left him without limited power; hence, the inability to dismantle the Duma since most of his army engaged in the war against Germany. Nicholas was left overwhelmed, since his generals and army no longer had confidence in him and, in...

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Overview

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was formed in 1853 after a murder that occurred in the city. It started as a volunteer force that was formulated to assist the existing within the county (“History of the LAPD,” 2021). The police department is found in California state. LAPD is one of...

Ethical Decision-Making for Public Administrators at Abu Ghraib Prison

The subject of prisoner mistreatment at Abu Ghraib Prison has garnered global attention and a prominent role in arguments over the Iraq War. Military police officers systematically abused captives in a manner characterized as psychopathic, brazen, and heinous at the facility. In this context, the troops who committed the abuse,...

Special Response Teams: Safety Issues

Emergency response and disaster management institutions depend on tactical teams and police officers to react quickly and prevent the escalation of crises. However, the first-line response is a high-risk occupation because Special Response Teams (SRTs) arrive at crime scenes as soon as they are informed of security threats. On most...

Freedom of Speech: Restrictions in Social Networks

I think that freedom of speech in today’s democratic society is important. The core value of the United States as a stable state is the ability of citizens to express their views, defend their rights, and demonstrate their approval or disapproval of the actions of the government on an equal...

Republicans vs. Democrats on Separation of Church and State

Religion has always been a rather controversial topic in politics. Most Republicans, like Santorum, have a rather negative attitude towards separating it from the state. While many Democrats, however, while acknowledging its value in American society, believe that faith should not interfere with any political deeds and processes. The following...

The Day of Revenge, BRAVO, and ALPHA Conflict

Introduction In the case presented within the exercise, country BRAVO experiences terrorist pressure from a militant organization based in the neighboring country, ALPHA. Considerations of similar, real-life, and fictional cases are important, as the process of mediating conflict between both state and non-state actors, terrorist groups, is extremely difficult (Ratner,...

Elections an the Role of Ethical Behavior

Modern society is based on the ideas and concepts created by the civilizations of the past. Ethics, morality, and the logic of the structure of society have worried humanity for a long time. Over the thousands of years of the history of civilization as such, many peoples have created models...

Operation Anaconda: Airpower in Counterinsurgency

Introduction Operation Anaconda was a military operation conducted by the international coalition led by the United States against the forces of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in March of 2002. It was a part of the war in Afghanistan that took place from 2001 to 2021 and was initiated...

Lessons from Trump’s Election on Power in America

Introduction Politics and power are two sides of the same coin that determine a country’s progress. In history, Americans have elected leaders with different life perspectives and views. Many people haven’t grasped the concept of a leader’s character reflecting the country’s culture. However, a keen look at past presidents and...

“Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty” by Ivan Eland

The book selected for review is; Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty by Ivan Eland. The author ranks all the American presidents based on their unique charisma and special oratory skills. However, the rankings shifted after positioning them based on their ability to defend the Constitution....

Los Angeles Country Jail: The Case Study

When the justice system works adequately, the number of prisoners might arise due to the power of the law. This occurred in Los Angeles, where the number of prisoners exceeded the acceptable quantity. The case has been discussed in Los Angeles Times and received the public’s attention. This essay will...

Imposing Traffic Congestion Chargers in Auckland

Introduction The congestion of the roads in massive cities is one of the most problematic issues the administration of various countries strives to solve. The congestion pricing system was invented to solve this issue by making some roads payable. The city is divided into zones, and the lowest and highest...

European Territorial Planning Analysis

Introduction Territorial planning is the planning of the development of territories with the establishment of boundaries for zones of different functionality and the definition of objects in a given territory, but nevertheless, this term in a political context means precisely development. In the European spatial planning field, in the context...

Aspects of Social Identity Theory

Introduction Social identity theory is recognized as one of the major theories in social studies. Especially in the last several decades, interest in it has grown considerably. From the theory’s origins in the 1960s to the present, the theory has undergone evident development. The seminal works in this field have...

Martin Wattenberg: Is Voting for Young People?

Introduction Martin Wattenberg’s Is Voting for Young People is an intriguing book that examines the issue of American youths’ absence in politics and the consequences of their ignorance. Is Voting for Young People reviews the low turn-out rate and political apathy of people below 30. Wattenberg highlights that politics turned...

Problems of Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries

Introduction Developing countries pursuing economic and political heights should strive to consolidate democratic forces. It is democratic regimes that receive significant investments, a high reputation, and a level of trust among international businesses. Therefore, as researchers state, consolidation is considered a vital transitional aspect from one state organization to another....

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Selected Goal The selected goal is the Protection of vulnerable communities. Significance of the Goal The goal is important as it addresses key issues that affect the humanity of different communities. Protecting victims of crime from being exploited and re-victimized by society, as well as being murdered through mob justice,...

“The Muslim World…” Book by Angel Rabasa

The book The Muslim World after 9/11 explores the dramatic changes that occurred in the Muslim world’s political environment following the incident of September 11, 2001. Rabasa et al. (2004) focus on factors causing these changes to provide scholars and policymakers with an overview of events and trends that are...

Social Entrepreneurship and Democracy

Social entrepreneurship is an important facet of any democratic society. Through active engagement, citizens can have a substantial impact on social institutions and ensure that they address the vital problems in society. In a pre-democratic context or an emerging democracy, social entrepreneurship can affect the development of the country itself...

Machine Learning for Public Administration

Introduction Research is an ongoing process, and scholars follow distinct patterns to solve their defined problems and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Notably, every analyst attempts to identify gaps in literature through previous documents’ review and maps out the methods and procedures to be used to develop a...

Foot Patrol Discussion Forum: Analysis

Several police departments in the United States engage in foot and other forms of patrols with bicycles and horses. This paper will review the three police departments: Berkeley, Wayne State University (WSU), and Detroit. The Detroit police department has 2200 officers whose task is to police the region of 139...

Aspects of US Foreign Policy Decisions

The idea of people’s influence on foreign policy decisions creates several heated discussions. Primarily, due to the constant polar opposite shifts in views, depending on the current situation and whether it required unity with the public or a stronger focus on the President, bureaucracies, and Congress. In the following text,...

Disarmament and Development: International Measures

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development created by the United Nations (UN) Member States highlights the importance of world community development through achieving prosperity and peace. Moreover, development requires overcoming poverty and inequality and preserving the environment. Conflicts, terrorism, and other threats associated with arms build-up are obstacles to achieving...

The U.S. Supreme Court Election System

The Theme of the Movie This documentary “Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Supreme Court” focuses on the evolution of the U.S. Supreme Court election system, illustrating procedures, nuances, and high-profile cases. The Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh cases are on the radar of most citizens, so it was exciting to delve...

Governments’ Check and Balance Systems

Introduction Undoubtedly, governments’ check and balance systems have been the most popular ones worldwide because they advocate for justice and democracy. This system ensures that no individual or component of the government possesses absolute country during decision- or policymaking. Check and balance typically consists of three branches of government in...

Space Mining and Exploration: Legislative Basis

Easiest Steps The article’s title is straightforward as it offers the readers a glimpse of what to expect, the pivotal moment facing space mining and exploration. The title is followed by the table of contents that lists five sections and subsections, indicating how the author would cover the topic. The...

Implications of the U. S. Endorsement of Jerusalem on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Abstract The conflict between Israel and Palestine may be regarded as one of the most challenging and long-lasting multidimensional conflicts of the 21st century which resolution is currently unreachable. Since 1948, Israel and Palestine are involved into deadly confrontations, even if of the two-state approach is in the heart of...

White Paper: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Government Institutions

Introduction The under-representation of particular population groups in the public sector workforce diminishes the opportunities for a diverse society to develop according to the values of inclusion, equity, and diversity. Due to globalization trends, contemporary societies have become more diverse economically, racially, and ethnically. Moreover, the liberalization of demographic representation...

Department of Corrections: Litigation and Protection

Prison Litigation Reform Act The Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) of 1996, introduced to lower litigation incidences within court systems, continues to draw mixed reactions from the public and scholars. Some of the act’s aims included lightening the caseload for courts tackling inmate litigations, permitting correctional officers to solve problems...

The United States in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine started, it has affected the lives of citizens and government officials around the globe. The Russian invasion has made life for many within Ukrainian settlements difficult as ship ports and export routes for importing grain are being blocked. Prices for food in most...

A New Energy Mix for the United Kingdom

Executive Summary This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the Russia/Ukraine hostility on the UK Oil and Gas industry. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis means that the UK has to rethink its £4 billion oil and gas imports from Russia. The upheaval is triggering numerous problems that are affecting...

Military Spending and the US Foreign Policy

Introduction Military spending has become an issue of debate in recent years as a section of the United States population believes it may be affecting other sectors. The Department of Defense is awarded yearly federal funding to spend on the military from the congressional budget office (Dizaji & Farzanegan, 2021)....

Governance and Corruption in Developing Countries

Introduction When forming a theoretical foundation for research, it is important to carefully explore all of the existing studies and articles on the relevant topic. The literature review is one of the vital elements of all research articles, and therefore they need to be analyzed most thoroughly to ensure that...

Discussion of Managing Disasters in the USA

People in the United States of America are constantly in danger of natural disasters, such as storms and tornadoes. The government helps its residents to recover from such types of events by providing them with funding to rebuild destroyed structures. However, serious actions are not taken to warn people or...

Death Penalty and “Eye for an Eye” System

The argument that the death penalty fits the narrative of the “eye for an eye” idea is valid. However, the state does not seek to punish criminals with the same crimes they have committed but to isolate dangerous individuals from society and ensure public safety. Moreover, the fact that killing...

Counter-Terrorism and Unemployment Approaches

In his speech on terrorism and unemployment, Mohamed Ali outlines the core concepts that drive the vulnerability and exposure of the youth to extremist groups. According to Ali, many youths may find themselves in a type of ‘waiting period’ during their youth in which they are unable to become employed...

Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation

Introduction In many ways, The Rainier Valley represents one of the most diversified Seattle neighborhoods. Overall, it hosts sixty culturally and ethnically diverse population groups, ranging from African, Asian, and Latin American refugees and immigrants to American-born ethnic minorities (The Electronic Hallway, 2005). They speak more than twenty different languages...

Afghanistan’s Transition: Annotated Bibliography

Bose, Srinjoy, and William Maley. 2018. “Contextualising Afghanistan’s Transitions: Influences and Challenges.” In Afghanistan – Challenges and Prospects, 1st ed., 1:1–27. Routledge. This article focuses on examining the transition process that Afghanistan is currently undergoing. The text raises several main factors affecting the country’s current state: its recent emergence as...

Democrats and Republicans in the US Politics

A perfectly detailed perception of what political leaders think about the ordinary working citizens of any country is listed. The narrative that seemed to keep gaining traction amongst many of the voters, of whom the more considerable percentage falls on workers of all backgrounds who have no college degree, about...

The Security Dilemma in the Educational Context of Worldwide Politics

After a grueling day at work, one of my favorite things to do is to relax on the chair with a cup of hot cocoa while watching international news stations. With the help of my wonderful chair, which lifts and leans forward to make it easier for me to sit...

“The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” by Max Weber

Basic Knowledge Max Weber, a German sociologist, gives his ethical views on the protestant religion and its contribution to capitalism. In his argument, he demonstrates various communication skills that advanced the theoretical knowledge of rhetoric and philosophy of communication. Firstly, Weber consistently gathers his facts before staging them in his...

John Gardner: Contributions to Community Leadership

Introduction John Gardner is an American politician who actively promoted the involvement of ordinary citizens in public events. His ideas regarding the involvement of citizens in participation gained great popularity and influenced his career. In addition, he published books in which he developed the concept of the emergence of leadership...

Colorado’s Political Culture and Influence Factors

The political culture that develops in an area or region is influenced by many factors. This is primarily because a given culture depends on society, and it can be defined by various elements, from geography to specific historical events. Therefore, it is helpful to study history and related fields to...

“Dirigisme” Concept and Macron’s Reform Agenda

The dirigisme concept in French comes from the government having a vital and direct role in the market economy and not merely acting as a regulatory tool. French dirigisme has various elements, such as industries lacking autonomy over their operations due to government influence (Ansaloni & Smith, 2018). Market instruments...

Public Policy and Its Administration Decision-Making

Political and Cultural Environment of Public Policy and Its Administration Decision-Making The Cherry County Human Services Department (CCHS) is a state agency of social intervention services providers involved in children’s protection, foster care, and delinquency. The CCHS employees experience continuous overload with highly stressful cases, strict court presentation requirements, and...

Negative Impact of Modern Democracy on Political Process

Introduction In recent years, there has been a lot of work by economists looking for factors that could explain the bias and inconsistency of the political process. The system of concentration of capital has led to the fact that large financial and industrial corporations and banking groups have become stronger...

Presidential Power and Domestic Security Issues

Introduction The issues raised by the author in this chapter relate to the scope of presidential power and authority in various spheres of activity. In this context, Nixon’s War on Drugs and Saturday Night Massacre are initiatives closely related to domestic U.S. security issues. This allows them to be used...

Changing Landscape of Mexican Politics Since Revolution

“Tierra, Agua, Libertad, Justicia y Ley” which translates as Land, water, liberty, and law, often shortened to “land and liberty,” was the rallying cry of the Mexican Revolution, one of the most iconic of the 20th century. Prior to the revolution, Mexico lived in a state of tremendous socioeconomic injustice,...

“America Burning” Revisited Report of 1987

One of the key findings of the America Burning report of 1987 is that fire departments should increase their preparedness for disasters occurring. In it, FEMA (1987) states that “fire departments are generally the first responders to almost every kind of disaster, including natural and technological hazards, and even domestic...

The Issue of Military Aviation Crashes

Introduction Military aviation is one of the most complex elements of the military system. Thus, proper training and adherence to safety standards are essential for specialists in this field. Recently, there has been a large number of aviation incidents causing the deaths of soldiers or loss of aircraft, classified as...

The United States Border Closure Justification

Introduction Borders for countries exist for multiple reasons, but the most important of all is the protection of the nation’s sovereignty. Nevertheless, the borders remain open for travel and immigration, and residents of different nations usually pass through with differing levels of freedom of entry. Migrants typically must meet specific...

Negative Impact of Modern Democracy in the US

Introduction The main cause of social imbalances in the United States is the value conflict. This is a “seismic shift” in cultural stereotypes under the influence of a combination of new social phenomena. Among them are globalization, changes in the demographic balance, growing economic exclusion, the erosion of the middle...

Suffrage Expansion in the United States

Introduction Voting has always been a valuable act for Americans in many meanings. However, it has not always been equal for every resident of the United States. Many groups of people were not allowed to vote, which meant it was impossible for them to choose, influence, and change the place...

American Democrats’ Pro-Abortion Beliefs

The US political system consists of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. The chosen news article elaborates more on the Federal Abortion ban from these two perspectives. The Democratic Party of the USA supports the legality of abortions, while the Republican Party of the USA supports their ban. According to the...

The European Debt Crisis and the EU Erosion

The EU has been showing crisis tendencies for over a decade. Grexit and Brexit are clear manifestations of the EU erosion causes. Grexit is linked to the sovereign debt crisis that peaked in Greece in 2009 and led to the 2015 referendum (Terzi, 2020). In 2016, the UK left the...

Graham Decision and PERF’s Recommendation

Most law enforcement officers are faced with pressure to reform changes to policies and procedures that permit police officers to use force in their duties. However, this pressure emanates from media, often well-intended misinformed populations, and leaders in the community. The police executive research forum (PERF) launched significant guiding principles...

The Declining Number of Voters in the US

The number of active voters in America continuously declines, especially among young people between the ages of 18 and 25. According to the Pew Research Center, in the 2016 elections, only 56% of eligible voters participated in the election. Since the U.S. is a democratic state, the declining number of...

Wallerstein’s World-Systems and Global Stratification

Wallerstein used economic and political factors to study global inequality as the foundation of their world-systems approach. Indeed, the economy is hierarchical when the countries’ development is described; thus, access and use of recourses determine the well-being of the citizens. Wallerstein’s world-systems approach divided the nations as core, semi-peripheral, and...

Discussion: What Is Federalism?

Federation is one of the most widespread forms of government among the most developed countries worldwide. For example, life is built according to the principles of the federation in the United States, Canada, and a number of European states: from Germany to Switzerland. However, despite this unifying element, reality in...

The Customs and Border Services Agency’s Issues

Introduction I recently got admission at Fleming College in their own Customs and Border Services (CBSA) curriculum, and I hope to become a CBSA Executive in the coming years. I am writing this paper for CBSA new immigrants to the social category. While deciding whether to enter this career field,...

The Profession of Arms and Its Crucial Components

Introduction The profession is an integral part of adult life because every person needs a job to make a living. That is why people attend various educational establishments to master an occupation and find a place where this competency and skill can be turned into money. Some adults decide to...

The Politics and Impartial Judicial System

The courts became more critical than they were a few hundred years ago. The main reasons are the fact that the court manages all the federal and state legal procedures and provides clear interpretations of abstract constitutional concepts (Ginsberg et al. 68). In addition, courts in the modern era use...

How to Read the Constitution and Why

In Wehle’s How to Read the Constitution and Why, the author provides both a practical and metaphorical approach to interpreting the most important legal document of the United States. Notably, the scholar is not concerned with speaking about modern politics or the latest comments made by the representatives of the...

Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections in the US

Interest groups represent a collective opinion of like-minded people who want to be heard. They differ in their foundation, as some of these groups are created by professionals, by people who share world views, such as environmental protection, or by companies who seek to benefit from changing policies (“Influence &...

Operation Geronimo Regarding Legal Authority

Osama bin Laden was undoubtedly one of the most significant threats to the security of the United States and the entire world. His atrocities were majorly demonstrated by the 9/11 attack, which remains one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. He orchestrated other onslaughts on American citizens and service...

“Is Voting for Young People?” by Martin Wattenberg

“Is Voting for Young People?” – a book by Martin Wattenberg that analyzes the 2016 election. In turn, the author draws certain conclusions based on a sample of all voters during the voting period. In addition, an essential part of the work is the prediction of voter turnout in the...

The Globalization Impact on the US Foreign Policy

The phrase “globalization” refers to the strengthening of interconnections between an increasing amount of territories, both in terms of the density of those relations and the accelerated pace of engagement. This trend will certainly challenge US foreign policy, much like internationalization did before it. The ability of US to use...

Federalism Cycle and States’ Coping Mechanisms

Federalism is a governing system in which two divisions of government oversight the same region. Federal systems accomplish this by enabling basic policies to be developed and executed through some type of discussion so that all members may participate in making and carrying out choices. As a result, the structuring...

“The Constitution Was Made for Us…” by Bouie

Direct Democracy This news article examines the features of the American constitution. The author’s position is that this document has many political and legislative restrictions for making the necessary changes. This is also connected with the topic of direct democracy since the existing system of elections in the United States...

Elections: Citizen Participation

Elections People vote in elections to select an individual or a group of individuals to hold an official office. The term describes a process by which voters nominate an individual for political or governmental positions. Every two years in November, federal elections are conducted in the USA (“Elections and Voting”)....

The Concept of Brexit and the Effects of This Process

Introduction In March 2017, the European Union for the first time received an application for the withdrawal of a member country from this integration group – Great Britain. As the United Kingdom joined the European Economic Community in 1973, the country almost immediately took a special position in it. Relations...

Western Capacity to Address China’s Rise to Power

Introduction China is presently one of the countries that are militarizing and developing their economies much faster. The government has also transformed its leadership model in such a way that it supports the targeted social and economic goals. These trends have placed China in a strategic position within the wider...

Against the Death Penalty in the US

The U.S. assumes first place globally in many aspects, proving its unique and exclusive nature. However, certain elements are ethically biased, including the number of charged death sentences in the country. In contrast to other developed Western countries, America is the only democracy that does not abolish this penalty, and...

Obama’s Legal Authority in Operation Geronimo

Introduction Bin Laden is infamous for his part in planning the 9/11 attacks, which led to the tragic deaths of multiple people. For many years, both intelligence and military forces had done their best to search the world and identify bin Laden’s location. Finally, the CIA managed to get the...

Compulsory Voting in the United States

In essence, voting serves as the cornerstone of any foundation. Over the past few decades, voters have helped address critical issues like gender equality in a referendum, which continues to be witnessed today. Despite being a civic duty, few people turn out to vote, particularly in the United States, as...

Young People’s Civic Engagement

Nowadays, some people believe that younger generations of Americans do not show sufficient civic engagement. I do not agree with this statement, as there have been numerous examples of young people’s active civic engagement in recent years. I believe that younger Americans influence current politics and society in ways that...

Citizen Participation in a Representative Democracy

The society’s quality of life is determined not only by the government’s influence but also by citizens’ interest in applying efforts to promote their well-being. In particular, the population can contribute through citizen participation – involvement in political decision-making processes and the provision of services (Holum 1). It entails specific...

The Debate on Capital Punishment: Should It Be Abolished?

Introduction Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in the United States. According to Palmer, there are many reasons why death sentence was introduced as the best way of addressing some form of crime. However, there are those who are strongly against capital punishment. In this research paper,...

Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect

Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was found that various promotions and achievement recognition...

The American Government and Civics Test: Impact on the Right to Vote

The council member’s proposal would require all voters to take and provide proof of passing an American Government and Civics test in order to be eligible to vote during the election. This is a good proposal because it helps to ensure that only those who have shown they have the...

Honor Code Regarding Iranian Nuclear Program

Introduction The honor codes in any organization are written to maintain ethical conduct among the members of that company or institution. Honor is defined as a “fundamental attribute of character” and “a virtue which impels loyalty and courage, truthfulness and self-respect, justice and generosity” (Norwich University, n.d., para. 3). For...

International Law and Action: The Rebuttal

Introduction Recently, Country Bravo experienced terrorist attacks from a militant terrorist organization based in a nearby Country, Alpha. Day of Revenge (DOR)’s aim is a violent political change which includes overthrowing the current, democratically elected government of Bravo. Because of DOR’s position, aims, and actions, Bravo has been unable to...

Political Power in Machiavelli’s The Prince

Introduction Written during the European Renaissance period in Italy, Machiavelli: The Prince highlights the political turbulences and intrigues metaphorically. Further, the book is set against the backdrop of art, science, and literature, where it analyzes how leaders can obtain and maintain power in society. As such, Machiavelli argues that different...

Army Principles of Mission Command

Introduction Army principles of mission command are essential components of a successful military operation. It is possible to see the application of these principles during Operation Anaconda. Operation Anaconda was part of the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, and the US Army fought against the United Taliban and al-Qaeda forces....

Police Officers’ Excessive Use of Force

Introduction The police have authorization and training to use force in specific instances due to the nature of their work. However, there are incidences like the shooting of Michael Brown by officer Wilson, that have attracted the attention of the public, media, and legislators due to alleged use of more...

Operation Geronimo’s Legitimacy of Execution

Introduction On April 29, 2011, President Obama, the then-United States of America commander in chief, ordered an operation that resulted in the death of the most wanted man on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) watch list, Osama bin Laden. According to Cox (2020), the president had consulted with the CIA...

Inter-, Non-Governmental and Multinational Organizations

International companies and agencies that operate globally have significant resources to solve global issues. Such definitions as inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs) are met in different reports and official documents. Cooperation between these boards contributes to solving global problems associated with universal human challenges. Turhan...

The Morality and Politics Correlation Analysis

Introduction The polarization of American politics in recent times certainly seems to have increased. There is a growing chorus of voices warning that this optimism is just pure fantasy. Politics can no longer be held back by morals when brutality is becoming the focal point. People’s sense of good and...

Presidential Authority in Operation Geronimo

It is important to note that President Obama had a complete right and legal authority to order the execution of the operation of Geronimo. Pakistan was unable to capture and eliminate Osama bin Laden, which granted the United States a justification to conduct the operation without the nation’s permission. In...

Communism and Fascism Ideologies of the 20th Century

Communism and fascism became the two defining ideologies of the last century. People became adherents of one direction or another and were ready to defend it. Hitler’s ambitions, deeply affected by the ideas of the importance of war, led to catastrophic consequences for all mankind. The currents of the two...

German Leadership in the European Union

The rising influence of Germany within the EU has generated much discussion in recent years. The Treaty of Lisbon’s revised processes for deciding EU foreign policy, which significantly delegated formal leadership to the EU level, have changed the relationship between EU institutions and member states and made it more difficult...

Political Impacts of Brexit Process

Brexit can be defined as a crisis in the United Kingdom and European Union relations. The drastic transformation occurred between the vote in June 2016 and the United Kingdom’s formal exit from the European Union on January 31, 2020 (Davies, 2022). This research pertains to the aspects that Brexit left...

The Hungry for Life Organization’s Analysis

Introduction Human life is precious, and many charitable organizations have been formed to alleviate people from suffering. Hungry for Life (HFL) is one of the international organizations that offer non-profit services to people around the world. The firm has partnered with various global organizations to offer the services and raise...

Activity Based Costing: American Red Cross

American Red Cross is a non-profit organization that distributes relief aid to affected communities and individuals. Moreover, the organization provides shelter, health care services, and water to the victims of a disaster. The organization reconnects families and offers sanitation services during and after a disaster. American Red Cross is responsible...

The Ongoing Crisis in the United States’ Politics

Politics is always a contentious and challenging topic. The events of recent years have further created a divide in the United States society, breaking apart friends and families, while shattering the status quo with unprecedented Supreme Court rulings. First there was Pres. Trump with his chaotic approach to leadership and...

The European Union Facing Global Crisis

The world is going through one of the toughest moments in decades. Russia started the war in Ukraine, causing massive problems in economics for the whole world. However, besides the financial crisis, the European Union has had enough of its own unsolved problems. One of the occasions that affected the...

Cancel Culture and Public Policy Research

Introduction Public opinion has been of particular importance for many years. It contributed to the overthrow of rulers, the change of social trends, and the formation of new phenomena. One of these phenomena was the emergence of a culture of cancellation, which has become widespread in the last few years....

Recruitment of Minorities in Law Enforcement

Three Reasons for Diversifying Police Force Recruiting minorities in gender, ethnicity, and race into the police force is one of the methods of improving community relations. Firstly, these different racial, ethnic, and gender groups treat criminal offenses distinctly and handle suspects in diverse ways. Secondly, Hispanics and Black police officers...

International Law Critique From Realist Perspective

Introduction There are competing general theoretical perspectives in the scope of discussing international law. One of the popular theories is called realism, or political realism which represents a view of international politics that emphasizes general international policy’s competitiveness and conflict. It is usually contrasted with idealism or liberalism, which tends...

Economic and Sovereignty Concerns Related to Brexit

Introduction The issue of Brexit has been a particularly divisive one for the British people, with arguments both in support and against it being said all around the nation. As a whole, Britain’s left seems to be much more eager to support the “remain” option, than the leave one, betraying...

The Possibility of Agroterrorism: Disaster Management Efforts

The U.S. needs to prepare for the low-probability, but the high-consequence possibility of agroterrorism. The Kansas Emergency Plan states that its basic premise is that local administrations are responsible for disaster management efforts (Adjutant General’s Department: Division of Emergency Management, 2017). The Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) is the primary...

Challenges to American Democracy Principles

In my opinion, the surveillance of U.S. citizens and residents by intelligence agencies is a fundamental departure from the principles of freedom and a serious blow to liberal principles. It is evidenced by the fact that respected human rights organizations, such as Human Right Watch, are releasing new internal documents...

The European Union’s Foreign Policy

The foreign policy of the European Union (EU) is, first of all, the issues of ensuring peace and security in Europe and on the planet as a whole and preventing and eliminating armed conflicts. The main elements of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) are civilian and military capabilities,...

High Incarceration Rates in Texas

Texas continues to face a challenge in making progress toward advancing its criminal justice system to the modern standards. Despite the state’s efforts to decrease expenditures on its prison system, there are almost 150,000 offenders currently being kept in jail (Gottschalk, 2021). There are numerous ways to fix the issue,...

Terry V. Ohio “Stop and Frisk” Policy

The stop and frisk policy aroused debate in the US on whether the Fourth Amendment prevents it or not. The new amendment to the constitution gives protection from unreasonable frisks as well as confiscations (MacFarlane, 2018). Additionally, it states that a person has the right to consent to be searched...

Death Penalty Position in Society

Death penalty is the most severe punishment a government may sentence a person to for breaking the law, for example, by committing murder. Its use has been the subject of debate across the world for decades (Udoudom et al., 2019). In my opinion, death penalty should be abolished because it...

Multilateralism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Multilateralism is the process in which several independent countries partner together to seek solutions to the challenges they are commonly experiencing. This collaborative method plays a critical role in fostering good ties between partner countries and enhancing global stability. It majorly involves formulating policies and practices that address the various...

Crisis Response to Active Shooter Situations

An active shooter is someone who is actively shooting in a populous place, and recent armed suspect occurrences have highlighted the importance of a comprehensive approach by police departments and others to preserve lives. According to Sikes et al. (2018), 70% of active shooter situations end in under 5 minutes,...

Patriotism in Relation to Morality and Politics

When relating morality with politics, terms found helpful in this and considered, as per my evaluation, would be patriotism and political conspiracy. Patriotism is generally regarded as morally relevant, and in many cases, as morally good or even obligatory. Patriotic discourse no longer presumes a conflict between two political groups...

Against the Removal of the Confederate Monuments

The Charlottesville incidents have shown how a violent, disruptive minority may quickly derail a rational cultural debate. The American Left is using white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and their self-described “alt-right” sympathizers as ammo to support the false claim that all conservatives are racist. Thus, the majority of people who support keeping...

The European Personnel Recovery Centre

Introduction SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that describes any company’s realistic state of affairs. It is used to help a company or organization identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to competition or project planning. SWOT analysis’s advantage is conducting a comprehensive study of the company, competitors,...

Elon Musk’s Political Preferences

Introduction The article chosen for summarizing and paraphrasing is “Elon Musk is drifting toward the hardcore authoritarian right”. The article expresses concern about the political views of the world’s richest man and tech giant, Elon Musk. After decades of innovation in Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk has become a public...

Article on the North American Free Trade Agreement

Regional Economic Integration is a treaty between nations to minimize and ultimately eliminate tariff and non-tariff obstacles to the free movement of services, goods, or inputs of production. The economic justification for these agreements is that when free commerce is restricted, it delays the development of the country’s goals and...

International Criminal Court and Its Importance

During the last century, human society witnessed numerous crimes of shocking severity and cruelty. For example, the first and the second World Wars showcased the use of chemical weaponry and racial genocide, respectively (Kramer, 2019). Due to the broad scope of such crimes, which resulted in many involved people and...

Improving Police Morale and Community Communication

Abstract As much as the police are a critical element in the city’s life, this work shows those police officers also have many problems. Several other studies have been provided and analyzed to improve specific parts of the police system. This work examines the police department on street patrol. Several...

Neoliberalism as a Model in Politics

Neoliberalism is an ideology that as well serves as a model in politics. The central values of neoliberalism are the free market and fair competition. Lachmann states it is characterized by massive privatization, also known as deregulation, and the reduction of trade unions (2016, p. 2). Rivalry is considered a...

Evaluating the “Expertness” of the Southern Law Poverty Center

Not all information is reliable, even if published in a textbook or written by a respected academic. In Chapter 6 of Thinking Critically, Dr. Peter Facione calls the Southern Law Poverty Center (SLPC) an “expert on hate in America” and commends it for “seeking justice for the most vulnerable members...

Affordable Housing for Low-Income People

In the documentary, Frontline and NPR investigate poverty, politics, and profits in low-income housing. The team conducted a nine-month investigation into the billions of dollars spent on affordable housing construction. They needed to figure out why only one out of every four people in need of housing received it. Moreover,...

Operation Geronimo’s Legal Issues

Operation Geronimo by U.S Navy SEALS during which Osama Bin Laden was executed was conducted on May 2, 2011, and has raised questions on the legality and permissibility of targeted executions. The U.S laws justify the killing since he was a leader of an organized armed group that had engaged...

Public Sector Organization Theory

Mary Parker Follett, primarily considered among the most prominent management specialists in the initial stages of standard management theory, revolutionized the corporate conduct principle by fusing psychology and social interactions with commercial administration. Today’s small enterprises may still benefit from Follett’s management philosophy, notably its emphasis on cooperation and staff...

The US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East

Introduction The National Security and Defense Policy of the United States primarily revolves around the cooperation between the allied countries globally and the efforts to promote democracy in regions with other political regimes. This issue is particularly relevant in the Middle East, where countries such as Syria, Iraq, and South...

Religious Support in the Pluralistic Army Environment

The world is becoming more diverse, including religious views, which can cause serious disagreements. In this case, pluralism becomes an answer that promotes respect for other people’s beliefs without requiring the rejection of own views. Pluralism is necessary for society and the army since communities have recently been divided, contributing...

The Police in the Modern World

The police in the modern world is a body endowed with certain powers and responsibilities. Its mission is to enforce the law, prevent crime, and ensure public safety with community support (United States Police, 2022). Such goals always accompany the actions of the police in advertising statements and official events....

Capital Punishment in Cases of Guy Paul Morin and Ted Bundy

Introduction There is an extended number of complicated and controversial social issues that will probably never be solved completely. The question of the necessity and morality of capital punishment is among such topics. It is well-known that many countries and American states introduced, abolished, and reintroduced the death penalty because...

The Rise of Sexual Assault in the US Military

Introduction Despite all the training within the US military, the number of personnel affected by sexual assault and harassment has increased by the day. For instance, in 2018, more than 20500 members of the military were sexually abused, which included 13000 women and 7500 men (Absher, 2022). Only 203 cases...

Law of Armed Conflict Rebuttal

BRAVO’s actions in JULIET and ALPHA territories were necessitated by the presence of Day of Revenge (DOR) terrorists in the areas. The country faced an imminent threat as its neighbors harbored and protected its most significant concern for democracy. It is prudent to note that while ALPHA and JULIET issued...

Critical Success Factors That Can Improve Its Evaluation in Africa

Introduction The world has transformed in many ways as modern technology and science advance. Despite the unprecedented success in solving pressing global problems, humans fall short of realizing most developmental goals, including poverty, inequality, increasing educated individuals, and climate change. As the world struggles to solve social problems, scholars have...

The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International

To become a member of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International, a person needs to submit an application and pay a membership fee (“Public safety practitioner membership,” n.d.). Several options allow multi-chapter participation, limited online or offline presence, and cover leaders’ and followers’ positions to ensure access to...

Will China Unify With Taiwan by Force?

Introduction The relationship between China and Taiwan is currently in turmoil, and there are ongoing speculations that China is seeking to unify with Taiwan to form one territory. The suppositions of reunion have been trending for some decades, but the pressure has increased late, showing the interest of the Peoples’...

Influencing Public Policy With Action Planning Tool

When entering an environment with significant disadvantages, it is necessary to determine the potential positive impact the person can have on the community. When influencing public policy, one must be careful to determine one’s capabilities and the resources available to change the situation. One 8-steps plan proposed by the Program...

The Issue of Mass Shootings in the United States

Introduction The Columbine Massacre: in the Killer’s Mind is a film documenting the massacre that occurred on 20th April 1999, in Columbine High School, Columbia, Colorado. Dylan Klebold, aged 17, and Eric Harris, aged 18, students at the school, shot and killed 12 students and a teacher, leaving 24 other...

Analysis of Conservatism in the Clinton and Obama Administrations

Conservatism is a widespread political belief that advocates for following traditions in various spheres. Even though this suggestion is not negative, it can face criticism for preventing innovation and development. That is why many political leaders do not follow this approach. In particular, specific examples demonstrate how the Clinton and...

Democratic Political System Analysis

This paper addresses the topic of democratic and authoritarian political systems, comparing the United States and China. The article seeks to answer the question: does a democratic system guarantee people’s will and serve their needs more than an authoritarian government? Previous academic research has defined democracy and argued its essential...

The International and Regional Competition Between Russia and Europe

Background The geopolitical development of the Eurasian continent throughout history has developed according to the principle of polarity, in which ideologies, needs, and desires for territory and influence did not coincide among the most potent powers. Among these, Russia should undoubtedly be singled out as the state with the world’s...

The San Diego Police Department’s History and Work

The police department is the main body of executive power, which is engaged in preserving law and order, ensuring security, and preventing offenses in society. People can feel protected by relying on the work of police departments. An essential factor in the relationship between the public and the police is...

Historical Evolution of the Two-Party System and Functions of Parties

The American two-party system characterizes the dominance of two major political parties that comprise the country’s largest number of elected officials. Of the two parties, the one with the most elected officials is usually referred to as the majority party whereas the other is labeled the minority party. At present,...

Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act

The invasion of Russia to Ukraine earlier this year shocked all nations of the civilized world, urging governments and international organizations to provide military and humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. For example, the federal government of the United States has recently provided over $40 billion in response to Russian aggression to...

Morality and Rationality of Capital Punishment

The topic of the death sentence is tough and philosophical. The notion that there are some crimes that allow applying institutionalized execution to those who committed them is not obvious at all if one thinks deeply and thoroughly about it. In this reply, I would like to share my thoughts...

Historical Roots of Interest Groups in American Society

American history has seen a number of interest groups and alliances of individuals with a specific goal or common interest that attempt to influence society and government policy. Their main way of interacting with the state is through lobbying – the act of applying financial pressure on government institutions to...

Readiness of ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry Division

The given report features the readiness status of the ‘Daager’ Brigade Combat Team of Infantry division stationed in Kansas. The report aims to measure the Brigade’s efforts to meet new standards as the Brigade is to go to Germany where it will serve on a regular basis instead of a...

The Use of Force in Police: Theoretical Analysis

The use of power by the police is one of the burning topics in many countries. Police work is associated with additional issues like human rights, racial or ethnic inequality, immigration, and justice. People expect the police to protect their lives and freedoms. However, sometimes, the use of power by...

Japanese Political Power and Liberal Democratic Party

Introduction Since the outbreak of the Cold War and the growing tension between the US and defeated Japan, the Japanese government had no other option but to revolutionize its approach to political power and economic growth. As a result, Japan witnessed what others called an “economic miracle,” expanding the country’s...

International System and Environment

International System Portrayal The international system is the collection of independent states and other entities that interact with one another. The authors present his ideologies on the international systems and also give the reason why there are differences in the different centuries. Globalization, technology, and growth in population are some...

COVID-19 Impact on Australia’s International Relations

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted Australia’s international relations and foreign policy. In general terms, the virus outbreak challenged Australia’s long-time strategic positioning as a regional middle power. Previously, Australia succeeded in finding the right balance for maximizing economic gains and minimizing security threats. On the one hand, the Australian...

Operation “Geronimo” Analysis: Manhunt Presidency

Obama’s presidency has been marked by controversial decisions ranging from health care reform to the economic aspect. The critical event of this period was Operation Geronimo to eliminate the head of the terrorist organization Osama bin Laden. The decision to carry out this operation still raises a lot of questions....

The Electoral College’s Mission and Functions

One of the main causes of debate in the U.S. is the issue of the integrity of the presidential election. Not all citizens of America know that during the voting, they actually choose not the president but representatives of the states. It is they who will then select the next...

International Law and Its Developmental Process

Introduction Along with the expansion and development of world’s society, international law is improving. This sphere has a number of subjects and sources that predetermine the vector of its development. However, it is worth noting that not all innovations over time can be interpreted as unambiguously positive. It is necessary...