Confidentiality from Ethical and Legal Perspectives

In all moral codes, the boundaries of confidentiality are prescribed, about which the consultant must warn the client. The limits of privacy are usually discussed at the first meeting with the client and during further interaction when newly manifested circumstances require it. Surveys of clients show that, unfortunately, most of...

Euthanasia in Modern World: Ethical & Legal Issues

Buturovic, Z. (2021). Embracing slippery slope on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia could have significant unintended consequences. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(4), 257-258. This article presents a critical account of physician-assisted euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide, focusing on distinguishing somatic and psychiatric patients. While the author maintains an ethical position regarding the...

Aspects of Working on Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is often approached as a complicated and multi-dimensional issue that seems more complex in theory than it actually is. However, striving to be better and to do things that enrich one’s life and make it healthier, more fulfilling, and exciting comes down to recognizing positive practices. Such activities may...

Issues of Female Gender in Modern World

Introduction Literature studies may be utilized to access the vast amount of human experience on gender issues in order to raise awareness among individuals. Books have traditionally acted as guidebooks for behavior, enforcing social norms on female readers through moral norms in the texts (Dicke et al., 2019). Thus, it...

Gender in Traditional Superhero Costumes

Introduction For a long time, an image of a “superhero” was associated with a male character who saves the world from a total disaster. A typical powerful man is always accompanied by a pretty girl who needs help from him. Due to such common aspects, almost all of these individuals...

Annville: Society According to Durkheim

I named my society Annville after my granny, who passed in 2014. I was raised in GA, the US, in a small town called Rome. Annville is located off the coast of GA, which defines a number of societal peculiarities of its members. It seems reasonable to claim that people...

Aspects of the Science of Persuasion

The science of persuasion is an interesting reading that illustrates the necessity to use six techniques to persuade people rather than depending on one’s ability to convince others. Individuals follow the principle of reciprocity. In this instance, a person is more likely to say yes to a person they owe...

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

Intercultural communication is important in the modern world due to the close relations between countries and cultures and their influence on each other. However, not everyone has the skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. These skills can be developed with the help of a person experienced in communication...

Eastern Star Volunteer Service

The organization in which I volunteered for 25 hours is the Eastern Star “Imperial Chapter 431”. This subsection of the Order of Eastern Star is devoted to providing positive Biblical values into society by developing modern society’s charitable, educational, fraternal, and scientific factors (About Order of the Eastern Star, n.d.)....

An Analysis of a Letter by Martin Luther King

The letter from Birmingham Prison, written by famed human rights activist Martin Luther King, is a consistent response to criticism about the rationale behind his and his followers’ actions. King’s activist actions and his spread of awareness of the need for tolerance for race, culture and religion are called untimely...

Democracy in America: Unperfect, But Still Prevails

The article looks at the views of French historian Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and its potential dangers. The scholar praised this political system but noted that it might become a “Tyranny of the Majority” (de Tocqueville, Alexis). Tyranny is generally associated with a dictatorship of political leaders who misuse...

Comparing Two Ethical Approaches: Utilitarianism and Social Contract Ethics

Ethical norms have one important common characteristic – they regulate the relationship between people in society who act for the benefit of others of their free will. In other words, ethical standards are a more comprehensive concept than laws since most members of society obey them based on internal, personal...

Gender Roles in Advertisements

Gender roles were a vital tenet, more so in the conformity era of the 1950s. For men, their roles as the breadwinners dictated their responsibility as the sole providers and heads of the household. Meanwhile, women were supposed to be stay-at-home mothers busy tending to the family’s needs and shopping,...

Discussion of Race and Gender Identity

Nowadays, the question of identity stirs tempestuous debates. The traditional paradigm with a white man in the center of the universe is slowly passing into oblivion. Still, many people defend this model sorting others in men and women, black and white. It is hard for them to think outside the...

Ethics of Care (EOC) and Healthcare

Introduction EOC is a feminist philosophical perception that uses rational and context-bound methodology toward principles and decision-making. Caring is a universal attribute of human relationships and is the basis of many social connections. For people to forge friendships and bonds, the involved parties must feel cared for. This insinuates that...

Aspects of Older Adults and Sexuality

For females, most undergo the climacteric transitional period beginning in their 40s and completed by their 50s. At this time, reproductive capacity slows, menopause begins, and the menstrual cycle is completed. Physical age-related changes occur to the reproductive system, such as thinning of vaginal walls as they become dry and...

Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is a social phenomenon as humans are the only species that exhibit this behavior. It is a range of attitudes and opinions not based on experience or logical reasoning and can result in an unwarranted negative judgment of a group of people and its members (Matsuda et al.,...

The Puritans and Sex Misconceptions

The understanding of sex from the Puritan perspective is frequently misinterpreted by scholars, who claim that it was not an essential part of their lives. Meanwhile, the situation was quite the opposite since these people emphasized its importance while distinguishing it from religious matters (Morgan, 1942). Therefore, it is critical...

Evaluation of “Obscuring Causality in Rape Discourse” by Hilton

Abstract The fundamental problem of the article “Obscuring causality in rape discourse: A quantitative analysis of variation in argument Structure” is the choice of the right word combination that will clearly explain the situation of sexual violence. At the same time, an essential point is a reason why people use...

Human Rights in China and the USA

The culture and ethical standards of any country’s population have an undeniable influence on its structure and rules. In particular, depending on various historical events and regulations adopted by people, there is a different attitude towards human rights. In the modern world, this problem is quite acute because people feel...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills

There are two main types of contact such as verbal and non-verbal means. Verbal communication for a person is the primary and universal way of connection and it is carried out with the help of words, and human speech belongs to its means of transmission. The primary nonverbal means of...

The Possibility of the Afterlife’s Existence and Its Nature

The question of possible postmortal existence has been present in the minds of people for a prolonged period of its presence as being with advanced abilities of the central nervous system. According to multiple pieces of research, such as that by Whitley (2017), these complications of brain structure yielded the...

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany is a brief study of communication, its role, and significance in the framework of development and social changes. The chronological narrative of the work originates from the appearance of mass communications in American higher education institutions and the Marshall Truman plan. The ‘events...

Radical and Reformist Feminism

The belief in the equality of women and men has a long history. However, until the first wave of feminism in the 19th century, there was little to no public support for people who opposed discrimination and fought for equal rights (Hooks, 2014). Less than two centuries ago, the feminist...

Jane Ward’s Arguments on Male Sexual Identity Issues

The idea of fixed sexuality is a complex phenomenon that erases bisexual uniqueness. It would seem that heterosexuality should be clear and inviolable, though, in fact, it is more fluid than other identities. It is the central argument of Jane Ward, who focuses her research on the phenomenon of men...

Human Rights Related to Immigration

The concept of human rights refers to the fundamental freedoms and rights that a person acquires at birth and could be deprived of under no circumstances. Examples of such rights include the right to life, asylum, expression, work, privacy, and equal treatment. Every country is obliged to grant these rights...

Mental Health Among Minority Groups

Summary of the Article The article chosen for the summary and analysis is a quantitative study conducted by George and Stokes (2018) and published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The article’s title is “A quantitative analysis of mental health among sexual and gender minority groups in ASD.”...

Strategies to Cope with Ethical Dilemmas

The navy can help individuals cope with ethical dilemmas they will encounter through cultural and historical training. Troops must be aware of the history and culture of the area they operate in to preserve combat efficiency and promote polite treatment of the population (Haskins, 2010). Unacquaintance with culture can heighten...

Researching of Change and Society

The society people live in has faced many changes with time, emerging generations and new technological advancements reshaping the world in ways the people of the past might not have ever predicted. The most recent and notable generational shift came with the dawn of the digital age, the foundation of...

Researching of Formal Mentoring Program

Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers created the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator examination. Both were well-trained graduate students who completed the assessment using the methodological approach. Despite neither being a psychiatrist, they spent years developing Swiss physician Carl Jung’s concept of personality types. Since then, experienced professionals have periodically updated...

Isidore Auguste Marie François-Xavier Comte’s Social Ontology

Introduction Since the dawn of human civilization, the idea of studying the roots and causes of human interaction has been tempting. Scholars and philosophers made various attempts to systematize the knowledge about humanity in order to understand and anticipate the behavioral patterns of people under different circumstances. One of the...

Identification of Good Responses and Elimination of Bad Responses

It is important to note that the core idea of chapter seven of Summer’s book is centered around the process of identification of good responses and elimination of bad responses. It is stated that “good responses are constructive responses that promote rapport, facilitate collaboration, and build trust; poor responses block...

The US Immigrants’ Characteristics: Level of Education and Motives for Migrating

The new Americans choose to live in the US for various reasons. Some immigrants come to work in the primary labor market with desirable jobs and more benefits, while those who are less educated are employed in the secondary labor market in less desirable jobs. US citizens whose parents and...

Ethical Relativism and Freedom of Speech

In the space of multiculturalism, the problem of ethical values and their equivalence is significant. Different people with their values try to get along in the same territory without conflicts. Modern humanities have thoroughly studied the problem of cultural and ethical relativism, and this position is very convenient in studying...

Different Opinions of Communism From Clara Zetkin and Slavenka Drakulic

Introduction Clara explains the growth and development of the working class and conventional women movements from their homeland up to the 19th century to the beginning of the first quarter of the 20th century. Zetkin shows the strengths and possibilities that arose from women’s liberation in the revolution times. It...

Picture Exchange Communication System Research

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) teaches children that by transmitting the desired image or pointing a sequence of images to another person, they can get what they want. PECS is an alternative communication card exchange system initially created for children with an autism spectrum disorder (Putri et al.,...

Animal Rights: Ending the Dog Meat Trade

Thousands of dogs are being tortured and violently killed every year for food purposes. Traders keep inventing more sophisticated methods of searching for their «prey.» Who would like their beloved pet and best friend to be caught? Who would stay calm knowing that letting their dog out without a lash...

Celeste Ng’s “Everything I Never Told You” Book

Silence or Broken Communication One of the most significant reactions to Celeste Ng’s book- Everything I never told you, is about the relationships among Lee’s family members, which are characterized by tension caused by silence or broken communication. The characters opted to remain silent when they should talk about their...

Social Stratification in the United States

Social stratification, or the so-called social structure of society, is an apparent hierarchy of the public being separated into superposed classes (OpenStax, 2015). Naturally, the concept poses an unequal work value so that people who have a higher status in society are likely to earn more than those positioned lower...

Workplace Ethics: How Restaurants Design Menus

Ethical decision-making is an important aspect of any company’s work, as it allows business owners and their employees to evaluate the effects and consequences of their choices and actions. To evaluate ethical principles and their effects, this essay will analyze an article published in The Globe and Mail on the...

National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics

One must adhere to ethical standards that promote effective work for any organization. Such norms can be both in relation to clients and to colleagues. This affects the work process, as comfortable conditions for employees increase their motivation. Furthermore, the proper attitude toward clients in an ethical aspect will attract...

“Modern Capitalism Needs a Revolution…” by Cohen

Capitalism, unconstrained by any regulatory process, leads objectively to a concentration of production and monopolies – this was Karl Marx’s key idea. Roughly the same idea is repeated in Ronald Cohen’s article (2021) on the collapse of the U.S. economic system, the goal of which is solely to make the...

Sexuality and Male Dominance in East Asian Society

Introduction Throughout history, East Asian countries have been known as patrilineal and patrilocal ones; a major part of the East Asian culture, as well the society’s efforts were focused on a figure of a man. In addition, a person’s heterosexuality has been an unchangeable standard and requirement for many centuries....

Discussion of Internal Migration: Alabama

The current paper is devoted to analyzing the impact of internal migration on Alabama. The state of Alabama, which was recently on the periphery of the American immigration wave, has recently experienced a significant flow of immigrants from all parts of the world. This increase is not substantial, but it...

The Importance of Right to Protest

Nowadays, many activists accuse common citizens of indifference towards injustice. The classmate’s post provides a specific point of view that nobody should be obliged to protest. Indeed, people are vested with power to stand up for themselves and defy unjust laws, but the cost of this fight may be too...

Animals in Zoos as Innocent Prisoners

Unfortunately, many people still believe that animals are well-kept in zoos. Representatives of endangered species spend their lives in cages without any chance to investigate vast territories and eat natural food. They are likely to live much longer than their wild brothers, not facing problems such as fighting for females...

Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations

It seems reasonable to state that being an English professor implies a considerable extent of responsibilities. Moreover, there is clear evidence from the case study that this field may contain many issues related to conflicts and communication. English professors are highly concerned about their image due to the following reasons....

Discussion: Identity and Catfishing

Identity is a broad concept representing a set of factors and properties that explain a certain form of human perception. Recently, particularly with the close introduction of information technologies into human life, the idea of ​​web identity is being discussed more and more often due to emerging ambiguities and nuances....

Nonverbal Communication Norms and Chronemics

Chronemics is the study of time in combination with communication. The way people view and handle time creates nonverbal cues in both verbal and nonverbal communication and affects the communication itself. There are several circumstances requiring one to be on time during some occasions. The first momentous occasion where one...

Cultural Responsiveness in Professional Interactions

Cultural competence is essential for working with clients of different cultural backgrounds. The speech language pathologists (SLPs) should take into account these cultural similarities and differences in order to provide the most effective assessment (ASHA, n.d.). One of the crucial limitations that should always be considered is language. It is...

“Discussion of “”The Hiddenness Problem and the Problem of Evil”” Article”

Introduction The belief in the existence of God continues to be a highly debated subject within the realms of philosophy, philosophy of religion, and popular culture. Proponents of theism and atheism provide numerous arguments and rationales to support their perspective, relying on religious texts and philosophical postulates. Thus, the advocates...

“The Culture of Martyrdom” by David Brooks

The culture of Martyrdom by David Brooks describes the political strategy that terrorists use to instil fear into their opponents. It discusses how extremist groups benefit from the culture of martyrdom. The book reveals how young people are recruited to advance the political agenda of terrorist groups. The use of...

The Affirmative Action Policy as a Debatable Topic

Affirmative Action Policy is designed to provide rights and privileges to groups that have previously been discriminated against based on race, nationality, or gender. The first serious attempt to eliminate all types of social inequality in the U.S was made by John F. Kennedy, who signed “Executive Order No. 10925”...

Affirmative Action in Sociology

Affirmative action means particular policies intended to give rights and privileges to some groups based on their race, nationality, or gender. It appears as an attempt to eliminate all kinds of inequality, specifically, in Western countries. For example, in the United States, John F. Kennedy signed “Executive Order No. 10925”...

Brooklyn Liberation Community’s Description and Aims

Today, when more and more people choose homosexual relations, it is imperative that their freedom of self-identification is respected and protected. Many violations of human rights and abuses concerning homosexual relations have been brought to light in recent years, resulting in the rise of LGBTQ communities created to protect their...

Migration Crisis & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The migration crisis associated with the US-Mexico border in 2019 was a significant dramatic event in United States history. The Trump administration was concerned with the negative consequences of migration and tried to reduce the number of migrants. The economic and political conditions caused severe conflict between Mexico and US....

Creating a Communication Strategy

Introduction In any field, failures and emergencies are possible, the consequences of which are catastrophic and need to be corrected. If the tragedy concerns people’s lives, then it should be treated in a particular way. This is because, in addition to trivial losses in the form of damage to company...

Kantian Ethics: Approval and Objection

Introduction It can be safely said that philosophers are the constructors of worldviews. One of them was Kant, who was the first to build a universal ethical system, namely the Categorical Imperative. According to him, “for an action to be permissible, it must be possible to apply it to all...

Challenges of Intercultural Communication

Introduction Communication is a fundamental aspect of human societies guaranteeing their functioning and evolution. Cooperation and interaction between individuals it impossible without information sharing. Under these conditions, the given unique tool remains fundamental for coordinating efforts and ensuring goal achievement. In the modern world, the high level of globalization increases...

Child Abuse in the Clothing Production

Today, about 21 million people are victims of forced labor. 79% of them, according to the 2016 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, are women and children. Despite the legal prohibition of slavery in all countries of the world, the number of victims of forced labor by the end of...

Abortion Legalization and List of Circumstances

Introduction Abortion is one of the vital moral topics in today’s generation. Emotions run deep, accompanied by heated and endless arguments over the topic. It is tempting and quite challenging to evaluate the issue of abortion based on cultural and traditional standards. Different people have different perspectives when it comes...

Why Same-Sex Marriages Are Ok for All Countries?

I believe that ideas of equality and general happiness are crucial for modern society, and LGBT people are subjects of those rights too. They should be able to marry, live together, and have access to all welfare of society. For me, they are people similar to heterosexual people; they are...

Gender Ideology in the 1930s by Alice Kessler-Harris

Summary and Argument The principal author’s point is discussing the gender influence on society’s perception of the human personality and the legislative restrictions in the America of 1930, which affected the gender ideology. The author analyzes the letters of the American citizens who ask the government to respect women’s rights...

Marino’s Article Regarding Ethics Analysis

Marino concludes that simple studying of ethics theories will not improve a person’s morals; one has to analyze themselves critically and understand their values. This will provoke them to do the right thing. To support his conclusion, Marino uses testimonial evidence through Kierkegaard, anecdotal evidence through his personal experience in...

The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Communication

The world is constantly becoming more and more interdependent, and people need to react to these changes by developing cultural intelligence and flexibility. All the cultures have different cultural peculiarities that were formed throughout their history and development of the nation. It is necessary to consider and respect the cultural...

Prostitution vs. Human Trafficking

Many people believe that making prostitution a legal activity will help raise the status of prostitutes and promote their protection. However, promoting prostitution as a job does not help women but the sex industry. People often do not realize that, for example, decriminalization implies that this process occurs within the...

Gender and Sexual Scripts in the American Culture

The American culture regarding sexual scripts changed a lot over the last 50 years. However, some behavioral and psychological patterns regarding sexual relations remained the same as earlier. By the time Grease’s song “Summer Nights” was released in 1978, young men were expected to have sexual relations, and they generally...

Free Will as Controversial Concept

Introduction Free will has been a controversial concept for many centuries, as there is no way to prove or disprove its existence. However, different philosophical approaches at different times sought to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon and explain its origin. Determinism and libertarianism represent two opposing beliefs about a...

Character, Leadership, and Moral Code in Christianity

What Is Character and How It Is Transformed According to Wright, the character is a set of individual personality traits formed as a result of a person’s behavior and thinking. Character transformation is a daily work and, in a way, even an art; it is essential to understand how this...

Issues We Face While Taking Care of Aging Parents

The trend of adult children becoming caregivers for their parents is one of the most widespread in American society. It is a tough experience for those who suddenly realize that it is time to shift roles with their parents and take care of them. Aging is one of the greatest...

Interactions with People: Categorizing Schemas

In consideration of different schemas to categorize people, bias takes an essential place. I prefer distinguishing people by relation or importance circles. In the closest circle reside family members and close relatives, next circle is filled with friends and acquaintances, others are excluded from the two circles. It is also...

Aspects of Importance of the Liberal Arts

There are different directions in which one can develop; however, the importance of the liberal arts can hardly be overestimated. Covering disciplines such as history, humanities, natural science, and social one, the liberal arts help form knowledge about the world through the prism of a specific aspect, with its approaches...

The Concept of Narrative Identity and Its Importance

Introduction There is a large variety of important sociological concepts and terms that influence the contemporary approach to the field. One of the relatively recent theories that help experts understand the individual and their role in society is narrative identity. In general, this concept refers to a self-constructed perception of...

The Nature of Altruism: Egoism or Self-Sacrifice?

Introduction There can be no doubt that altruism, like egoism, is instinctively inherent in human nature. However, altruistic motives in themselves are too weak and unreliable a support ethics. Natural benevolence usually extends to family members and friends; personal inclinations and sympathy play a decisive role here. The essence of...

Urbanization and Rapid Growth of Cities

Pre-urban settlements have existed for a long time now – at least approximately ten thousand years. However, serious studies of urban life began only in the middle of the 19th century. According to Borer et al., this is due to it being the age when urban places as we know...

Literature to Teach Social-Emotional Development

Summary In the Big Feelings book, a group of children has a shared goal of converting a trash-filled area into a playing ground. The children have different feelings such as happiness, excitement, or hopeful toward the task, hence threatening the finalization of the program. The children need to acknowledge each...

Impact of Privileges on Social Life of Person

Reading the article made me better grasp how one’s social class can affect a person’s living conditions, treatment, and prospects. Being heterosexual brings many factors that benefit a person from a social stance: their sexuality is accepted, normalized, and prioritized while having any other sexuality can result in ostracization (Tatum,...

The Issue of Trolling in the Gaming Context

Nowadays, trolling is no longer just some kind of provocative behavior that causes unnecessary arguments, but also a part of everyday communication. According to Golf-Papez and Veer (2017), “trolling involves deliberate, deceptive and mischievous attempts to provoke reactions from other online users” (p. 1336). People communicate very differently in person...

Gender Identity Evolution and Its Results

Introduction The evolving notions of gender and sexuality lead to their new interpretations correlating with societal conditions. In other words, the specified terms are directly involved in various conflicts of the present-day world while continuously changing their nature. Monitoring these shifts to timely address the emerging obstacles to everyone’s wellbeing...

Why Immigration Is a Controversial Topic in the US

Liberals are alarmed that immigrants are abused in an effort to create cheap labor and inferior social class, while Conservatives wonder, “And… What is wrong with that?” Immigration, illegal immigration, in particular, is a sensitive issue, which continues to grow bigger in scale as modern society becomes more globalized. It...

Criminalization of Undocumented Immigrants in Canada

Annually, tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants are intercepted by the Canadian Border Services Agencies and other law enforcement, most of whom are asylum seekers and refugees attempting to enter the country. From 2017 to 2021, nearly 60,000 migrants were intercepted, approximately 24,000 of whom have been accepted into the...

Aspects of Cryptography

Cryptography, sometimes referred to as cryptology, is the study, practice, and implementation of secretive communication and information transferring. Most often, it employs protocols or tools that can encrypt and decrypt certain information and make it impossible for a third party to interpret it. The different cryptography methods have evolved over...

“On the Value of Social Studies of Science” and “The Sociology of Ignorance”

Currently, the rate of scientific studies has increased as most institutional and governments are interested in new discoveries. Despite the advancement in the research field, there is an increase of resistance faced by scientists producing knowledge for public consumption. Generally, there have been movements like ‘Post-Truth’ that have been attacking...

Why Celebrating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Is Important

The world is remarkably diverse, and people’s communities are becoming increasingly multicultural, multilingual, and multiracial. By developing intercultural understanding in children and adults, people strive to create inclusive communities and instill in everyone a sense of connection and belonging. People welcome their diversity and embrace the differences, commonalities, and shared...

Ethics: Social Media Policy

The use of social media as defined in this policy includes blogs and microblogs, forums, and other online platforms that support a commenting or information-sharing function. All employees should remember that they remain representatives of the company even after hours. Therefore, they must be aware of and follow company policy...

Aspects of Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing can be a great opportunity for a company to hire additional staff while saving money and distributing the workload among more professionals. However, this practice also has many drawbacks, and it can pose potential risks to the project’s success and safety. When deciding whether to employ offshore outsourcing,...

“The Perils of Indifference” Speech by Elie Wiesel

On April 12th, 1999, Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate, delivered a speech on the dangers of indifference. Early in the speech, Wiesel reflected on how the 20th century will be viewed in the new millennium (Wiesel, 1999). He described the numerous violent and inhumane events as darkness...

Immigration of Chinese Students to United States High Schools

Introduction The United States is a popular destination for Chinese students, and their numbers continue to surge annually in United States high schools. The increase of Chinese international students in the United States high school resulted from bilateral trade between the United States and China. Some Chinese students find it...

Discussion of Aristotle Rhetoric

Main Idea of The Text The reading discusses the idea of rhetoric as a means of persuasion. Aristotle (1954) argues effective persuasion depends on the successful use of ethos, logos, and pathos. In other words, persuasion depends on the speaker’s character, effective appeal to the audience’s emotions, and appeal to...

Environmental Justice as Social Movement

Introduction Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many...

Capping on Refugees During Trump’s Tenure

Introduction For a very long time, the United States of America has been offering a safe haven for people running away from persecution, tyranny, and violence. Today, more people are being uprooted from their countries by wars as well as crises. The United States act of providing resettlement t these...

The Role of Institutions on Sociology

From a range of social institutions that form different mechanisms and principles of interaction among people, one can single out the institution of the family as one of the most extensive and understandable for people. According to Kendall (2011), this institute reflects “ideologies and standardized patterns of behavior that organize...

Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche

Introduction Many different theories of morality can give a reasonable idea of how people cope with endless arguments about what is right and wrong, what is good, and what is evil. This paper will consider the well-known theory of Friedrich Nietzsche, which describes the morality of slaves and masters. Nietzsche’s...

Applying the Sociological Imagination

Sociological imagination is a framework that helps individuals to connect their personal challenges or experiences to issues affecting the broader society. Most personal problems are not entirely attributable to personal matters but can also be influenced by social norms, culture, and habits. For example, an individual’s challenge in getting a...

Population, Social Movements, and Social Change

The types of actions engaged in by large but loosely structured individuals or groups are referred to as collective behavior. Collective behavior occurrences are generally spontaneous, stemming from a common experience among the group members. A social movement is a broadly based attempt by a large number of people to...

The Relationship Between Grassroots Movements and Activists

Introduction The Grassroots movement is closely interrelated to the notion of activism. Their resemblance is found in the desire for a decisive change within a certain social reality. Grassroot movements are comprised of individual activists uniting over a shared social concern to spread awareness of the issue, organize those with...

Protection of Animals and Humans From Cruelty

Introduction Animal abuse is a common issue, and it involves malicious harm or major neglect of animals. In most cases, failure to protect animals can lead to safety issues for humans and pets or companion animals. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) supports the exposure of suspicious animal abuse to...

Transnational Corporations’ Cross-Cultural Communication

At the current stage of its development, the world is more globalist than it has ever been. Notably, information about other nations continues to become more and more available for ordinary citizens, and cross-cultural communication can occur through several channels in parallel. The paper examines three, of which each has...

The Role of Individuals’ Hurting Past

Summary The psychodynamic theory forms the subject and focus of this work. The paper highlights troubled childhood experiences and their connection to teenage and adulthood depression. Humanity wills that every community member becomes productive on maturity after healthy growth. Another focus in humanity is the rise of vices and hurting...

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Experiments?

Introduction Experiments on animals are perhaps one of the most controversial issues of modern science. Proponents of animal testing point to the enormous progress in medicine that has become possible thanks to such practices. Opponents consider them cruel and senseless since the results of animal observations are not always applicable...

Heroine’s Journey in “Queen of the South” Series

Teresa Mendoza Similar to the Hero’s Journey, the Heroine’s Journey helps to understand a female character’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors at every stage of her identity’s development. Moreover, in a film or a series, this journey plays a highly essential role in the definition of its main message. Thus, a...

Aspects of Work Phase Skills

The main topic of chapter five of Shulman’s book is centered around work phase skills. These include data sharing, content connections, process identification, obstacle pinpointing, empathy skills, sessional contracting skills, and tuning-in abilities (Shulman, 2016). In the case of Summers’s book, chapter four addresses the importance of cultural competence in...

“The Second Sex” by De Beauvoir and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

Within the framework of this entry, the task was set to formulate an attitude towards one of the specific aspects of inclusion and exclusion from cultural discourse in American society. The decision was made to focus on the gender aspect of cultural integration as one of the most basic. The...

Pink, Duhigg, and Graeber Conversation’s Scenario

I assume that Dan Pink, Charles Duhigg, and David Graeber would discuss the issues of motivation and the related themes as they are specialists in this field. Dan Pink would begin the conversation with the thesis that time does not stand still – living and working conditions constantly change. Managers...

Capitalism and Religion: Sociological Perspective

Religion in the form of beliefs and rituals has always played a significant role in the lives of all the known societies worldwide. Enlightenment and the subsequent development of social sciences led to attempts to rationally analyze the impact of religious traditions on the lives of nations and individuals. In...

Data, Technology, Gender, and Society

Introduction Generally, Anabel Quan-Haase’s text is sensitive to the shifting societal expectations and connected possibilities brought about by the convergence of society and technology. Quan-Haase animates the questions necessary to our continually developing connection with technology by combining historical approaches that are research-based and theoretical to examine the relationship of...

Evolution of Indigenous Rights and Governance in Canada

Like other indigenous people across the world, indigenous people in Canada are the most discriminated against in society. Historically, indigenous people in Canada have been discriminated against in social, economic, and political aspects. Various forms of discrimination instigated towards the aboriginal people in Canada informed the fight against marginalization (Gathii...

Ethical Issues in Social Work With Children

The case of 33-year-old Janie presents a situation where a social worker needs to make a sensible decision. Janie, who had mental problems for the first time, was moved to an outpatient by her psychiatrist. At the same time, the hospital’s risk management director claimed that I needed to communicate...

What Does It Mean to Be American?

Being American is often associated with a sense of pride and gratification. Many US citizens say this phrase as a way to elevate themselves above others. For example, people from the US often find it somewhat strange that South Americans also refer to themselves as Americans (Martinez-Carter). History highlights that...

Analysis of Online Fame and Reputation

Obtaining fame through social media is a frequent phenomenon in the current age, with numerous individuals becoming recognized due to the Internet. As the access to online social platforms continues to expand, various people gain an opportunity to become famous by posting different content. The present paper focuses on the...

Changes in Perception on Same-Sex Marriage and LGBTQ+ People

In the 21st century, the topic of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community and same-sex marriages is actively discussed. While the topic is controversial, arguments for and against arise. There are various opinions and attitudes from different countries and nationalities towards the issue. Over the years, the...

Technology Impact on Communication

Communication is one of the key aspects of human life, and people interact with their neighbors, friends, and family daily. The introduction of modern technologies has changed the way people communicate, and in the twenty-first century, the percentage of those who use technologies and various gadgets has dramatically increased. The...

Aspects of Native American Culture

Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America is a pamphlet written by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. With his writing, Franklin explores some aspects of the Native American culture, such as the transition of knowledge between Indians, and their attitude towards the White people. He contraposes the Indians’ culture with the...

Straw Man Argument in Real-Life Situations

The fallacy titled the straw man argument occurs when a general argument is refuted in a distorted manner. Hence, this type of misrepresentation makes it harder to attack the counterargument in cases where the distorted response is significantly different from the original claim (Ika, 2018). When one’s position is presented...

The Sexual Identity: Adolescent Students

Social skills present an important element of students’ development and foundation of communication and relationships with others. There are three primary concepts of social development, one of which, the theory of mind, suggests that people can learn to read or understand other people’s mental states. Being able to use the...

Body Language as a Core Non-Verbal Communication Signal

Even in the modern highly-integrated, and progressive world, many still overlook the importance of body language as a core non-verbal communication signal. It is instrumental for helping understand and decode what another person is saying and what are the intentions behind their words. However, the role of posture, gestures, facial...

The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights

This article discusses how the ruling on laws about abortions can impact other rights rooted in privacy. These rights include gay rights, contraceptives, marriage, and others not written in the constitution but vested in the human race because people are human (Glenza). The court ruling seems to undermine these inalienable...

Tembi Locke’s Ted Talk: Love and Grief

Introduction The main element of the story of Tembi Locke is drama. A story about overcoming grief associated with the death of a young person is impossible without emotional tension. Tension rises as the woman shares her non-unique but very tragic experience. The drama’s climax can be considered the opposition...

The Controversy Over Abortion Rights

Introduction The controversy over abortion rights has existed for a very long time. People are divided into two movements: the conservative, which opposes abortion, and the liberal, which believes that a pregnant woman, not society, should decide to give birth or not to give birth. The latter seems preferable; however,...

The Significance of Active Listening Skills

Introduction To begin with, I have always struggled with listening to other people since sometimes it seems highly challenging for me to concentrate on the flow of their speech. As a result, after rating my social behaviors based on Hoppe’s (2007, p. 10-11) test, it became clear to me that...

Review of “Fire in the Ashes” Story

In chapter 13, Kozol writes about the story of Martha, a determinist woman leading a church, and Benjamin, a boy with difficult family circumstances. This story is about the difficulty of growing up and tells us that it is possible to overcome difficulties with determination and help from those close...

Academic Ethics in Modern Humanities

‘Friendly’ Satan statue causes anger in Segovia, Spain The new report reports on an event that sparked controversy in the Spanish city of Segovia. In the city, at the initiative of the local council, a statue of the devil was erected, which is referred to the legend from the past...

Dishonesty from Beneficiaries’ Perspectives

Dishonesty can have significant adverse effects on relationships and is widely considered a serious violation of social norms. Nevertheless, people have their reasons to be dishonest, and those can vary from case to case. This essay intends to explore the logic behind dishonesty and the various consequences of being dishonest....

Changing Perceptions of Women’s Roles in Northern Pakistan

Gender roles are a social and biological issue raised to understand human nature. Roles have been changing since the emergence of humans, and, unfortunately, more often than not, women have not been assigned the most pleasant role. Instead of accessible education, women were limited to reading lessons; instead of fighting...

The Fromm and Roderique Talking Points on Disobedience

Commonly adopted social norms play an essential role in governing certain principles in civil society, like maintaining the status quo. Social norms are appreciatively important; however, they are harmful to people and society differently. If all kinds of social norms remain subject to no debate, they usually become powerful to...

Sexual Health and Identity Analysis

Sexual health and identity are versatile subjects with numerous sides and elements to consider. It concerns the majority of different social groups, from teenagers to older people, and intersects with other fields of human lives. In order to understand its core and view from various sides, the best option is...

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Sociological Development

The changes in the social structure began in the 18th century during the industrial revolution. On a very fundamental level, these ongoing modifications provided new working and living strategies, transforming the social design (Risjord, 2014). In this way, the insurgency shifted people’s perspectives from their homes to their workplaces. The...

The Right to Privacy on a Constitutional Basis

Freedom and independence are the foundations of the modern world community. Despite their ancient history, for most countries, these principles were fully formed only in the last centuries. For American settlers, this approach was the only option to free themselves from the oppression of the British crown. That is why...

The Stanford Jail Experiment Critiques

One of the most important critiques leveled at the Stanford Jail Experiment is the length of time it took Zimbardo to call a halt to the experiment, despite strong evidence that circumstances inside the model prison had begun to deteriorate by the second day. On the third day, a riot...

Concept of Separates Microaggression

Some people who, for whatever reason, are not completely accepted by society experience various types of pressure, such as microaggressions. Microaggressions can be defined as slights and subtle hostilities based on race, gender, sexuality, and other characteristics that people cannot control (Cho viii). Although microaggressions may seem harmless due to...

Analysis of Giving Back to Society

Charities may serve many purposes and play a different role for both recipients and donors. In the digital era, it has become easy for people to show their support to any group they choose. Both donations and community services can be seen as expressions of one’s opinion or willingness to...

Importance of Internal Crisis Communication

Disaster risk management and sustainable development are some of the most significant aspects of an organization or government. The main objective of ensuring effective disaster risk management is to help prevent a disaster and mitigate a disastrous event to reduce its devastating effects on an individual. Some of the negative...

Discussion of Sex, Gender, and Culture

Sex is the physical difference that defines the intersexes, females, and males. Through the physiological characteristics, someone’s sex can be determined through their chromosome composition or genitalia. Sex is a biological set of animals’ attributes; other means of sex identification include gene expression and hormone levels. On the other hand,...

Heterosexuality: Do Lesbians Exist?

The article named Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence was written by Adrienne Cecile Rich and was published in 1986. The author’s thesis states, “Coercion and compulsion are among the conditions in which women have learned to recognize our strength” (Rich, 1986, p. 22). The author supports a critical position on...

Gender Differences in Aggression

Aggression is a natural response to the stimuli that a human brain perceives as unpleasant. However, a combination of biological factors and socialization has conditioned men and women to demonstrate aggression and respond to it differently (Nivette et al., 2019). Focusing on social aspects specifically and the notion of gender...

“The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once” by Zhang

Introduction Imagine hospitals run out of vaccines, and there are no other alternatives for combatting the threat of coronavirus infection in the long run. In this case, the situation of humanity is going to be even more tragic, which means that it is critical to consider other options and timely...

The Morality of the Abortion Case

Introduction Abortion is perceived as a morally incorrect action and meets several discriminative opinions from society representatives. Some individuals stand for saving a life of a newborn whose fate is decided by the singular woman carrying it. Ethics as the science seeking morally correct judgments also tries to understand the...

Discussion of Expat Assignment in Barcelona

Introduction The experience of people who decide to take on international assignments seems more advantageous than that of citizens who are unwilling to change their place of residence for this purpose. However, it is not only accompanied by benefits for future professional successes but also incorporates specific challenges and tasks...

Why Is It Difficult to Resist Societal Rules and Norms?

Introduction Social rules and norms are standards or expectations of conduct and thinking founded on shared views inside a sociocultural community. Norms, which are often implicit, provide societal expectations for acceptable and unacceptable behavior that control interpersonal relationships. These rules have a substantial influence on human behavior in a wide...

Fair Treatment of Both Genders and John Rawls’ Theory of Justice

The essence of most ethical theories lies within the teachings of philosophers on the obligations of people and institutions. For example, John Rawls’s theory of justice implies fairness in relation to people. Rawls assumes that people’s beliefs and values predetermine society’s structure, and ideally, in a democratic society, everybody should...

Manuscript by Hinduja and Patchin Critique

Introduction The article by Hinduja and Patchin (2013) is the outline of the author’s research into the matter of the impact that cyberbullying has on the youth. This article’s title is “Social influences on cyberbullying behaviors among middle and high school students,” which reflects the scope of the study. This...

“Brave New Mundo”: How the Migration of Workers From Mexico Influenced the US

Introduction Since the beginning of Mexican migration, the attitude of American citizens and the government toward this event varied at different periods. Neil Foley discusses in the seventh chapter of Mexicans in the Making of America, titled “Brave New Mundo,” how the migration of workers from Mexico influenced the economic,...

Queer (LGBTQ) Community as a Social Problem in Canada

Introduction Over the past few years, there has been an emergence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people into the public limelight of policy and politics in Canada and elsewhere around the world. ‘Gay rights’ have dominated international and national discourses whenever debates on tolerance and diversity are...

Responsible Consumption and Diffusion of Responsibility

A person’s willingness to engage in prosocial behavior in a given situation depends on a number of psychological mechanisms. One of such mechanisms is the diffusion of responsibility, which refers to the change in the willingness to act depending on the number of people involved in the situation. Its basic...

Gender Differences in the Dream Content of Children and Adolescents

Most people have dreams that relate to their real-life and waking experiences, and they are most often a regular part of a person’s sleeping process. However, the gender of people and their age in different ways affect the perception of various experiences, which should also be reflected in dreams. For...

Different Perceptions of New York

The two essays by A. Busch and Elwyn White speak about the diversity of New York. Authors perceive this city differently; for instance, Busch says that New York is very adaptive, and every visitor might take what he needs from this city. White claims that the city is enormously huge...

Scandinavian Social Security: Comparative and International Perspective

Welfare initiatives have become the primary tools that modern developed governments use to combat economic disparities. In this context, the case of Scandinavian countries, namely Sweden, is actively discussed as an excellent example of effective welfare policies. According to Szebehely (2018), the primary purpose of Scandinavian social security initiatives is...

Summary of M. L. King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Introduction A famous leader of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote the letter called “Letter from Birmingham Jail” as a response to eight clergymen who denounced peaceful protests for equal treatment. This letter was written in the city jail in Birmingham, Alabama state after he was arrested...

Social Class and Social Movements

There are differences between income and wealth, and through these differences, one can understand the meaning of social class. Income is what a person earns through their work, while wealth is the assets that a person possesses at the present time. Since income and wealth have different effects on one’s...

Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

All issues related to gender have been rather acute and debated since early times. Indeed, using such questions, one can deftly manipulate people for the sake of one’s benefit. Sometimes, it is done to raise a rating of some political party or politician. Nevertheless, the state of Arkansas recently has...