Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity

What determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies. The myth of Iphis is a prime example of it. According to Moore (2021), the myth is about “a girl, raised as a boy, who loves another girl...

The Definition of the Humanities

In the contemporary, digital world, the ability to stay a human being is as essential as it was centuries ago. Humanities play a considerable role in different areas of activity, showing their influence on the process of every person’s becoming a mature individual. It is regrettable that people scarcely have...

Woman’s Identity: “Professions for Women” and “The Unrepentant Whore”

Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical, the principal purpose of...

Social Work Interventions

Introduction Interventions are evidence-based practices aimed at meeting the demands of underserved members of a given society. In some cases, such initiatives are implemented in such a way that they re-pattern a beneficiary’s life. Experts in the field of social work should be aware of various intervention models and replicate...

Understanding Diversity and Respect in American Culture

Summary In the beginning, the speaker describes the difficulties she experienced the first time she publicly decided to wear a hijab in line with the Muslim religious faith practices. Several feminists confronted her for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. These feminists felt that the speaker...

Article Critique: Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Introduction The title of the article is “The mental health of indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research” by Sarah E Nelson and Kathi Wilson. The study explains that indigenous people usually suffer from mental health issues more than other people around the globe. The disproportionate burden is...

Foundations of the Humanities: Finding the Ancient in the Modern

Throughout unit five Finding the Ancient in the Modern in Foundations of the Humanities, I have discovered many fascinating thoughts to reflect on and subjects to observe from the different perspectives. The ideas presented in the study materials are still relevant nowadays and connected to the personal way of thinking...

Rhetorical Analysis of “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” by Deresiewicz

Introduction A rhetorical analysis considers a text as the instrument of communication and persuasion and describes how the text accomplishes those aims. It elucidates the main ideas and claims of the article; then, it explores whether the article managed to convey them to the reader or listener. The analysis introduces...

Racial Inequality in the USA: Problem & Solution

Introduction In the current world, the USA still has challenges in overcoming racial inequality. Whether people practice racial inequality for job promotions or payments, some individuals have to handle unfair practices that prevent individuals of a different color or gender from benefiting from the job opportunities. In the 18th century,...

Cultural Sexism Versus Other Macro-Level Factors

Cultural sexism refers to the way people are perceived solely because of their sex. Sexism is mainly used as a negative term and implies things such as discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, and gender-based hatred such as misogyny. Cultural sexism, in particular, refers to sexism, which can be seen in media, art,...

Older People and People with Disabilities: Social Protection Programs

At present, federal financing is available for people with disabilities and the elderly. Nevertheless, it is considered adequate as such groups of society are often forced to rely on charities, loans, and competitive grants. Additional support also involves non-federal organizations with limited resources (NIH National Institute of Aging, 2017). For...

De-Platforming as a Positive Tendency

Introduction Social media and web resources are significant sources of information and considered places where any opinion can be shared with the community. It is a widespread issue that some platforms users utilize their accounts to promote ideas that can be regarded as offensive and unacceptable or even extremism. One...

Classless Society: A Critical View

Demand for social justice and equality has recently arisen with a new strength. Achieving the American Dream manifested itself in upward mobility that has linked to the opportunity with education and employment (Kendall, 2017). However, the idea of creating a more just and fair system without inequality and oppression is...

Clicktivism and Slacktivism in the Activism Context

Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet currently play a vital role in distributing information. Due to the active development of these phenomena, the community identifies the emergence of such concepts as slacktivism and clicktivism. These technologies are characterized by information technology to mobilize large numbers of people to support...

Lady Gaga’s “Women in Hollywood” Acceptance Speech

After her debut as a leading role actress in Ryan Murphy’s A Star Is Born, Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, won the “Woman in Hollywood” reward presented by Elle magazine. On occasion, Lady Gaga gave a deeply emotional acceptance speech, during which she admitted having...

Ethical Loyalty Dilemma in Decision Making

Introduction The term ethical dilemma refers to a conflict arising from two courses of an action that are moral in nature. It implies engagement between acceptable codes of conduct and principles associated with them. There are four different ethical dilemmas: short-term versus long-term, truth versus loyalty, individual versus community, and...

Anarchism vs. Socialism

Governing ideologies represent a combination of ethical principles, ideals, doctrines, and symbols that would explain how society should work and be controlled. It is primarily concerned with how the government would be allocated, and to what ends it should influence a society. Because of the variety of influences from cultural,...

Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments and Counterarguments

Introduction The voluntary ending of one’s life with the direct or direct doctor support of one’s life through the delivery of a deadly substance is termed physician-assisted suicide (Vandenberghe, 2018). Suicide with aid is not permitted in many nations, although suicide with assistance has been legalized in some countries. For...

“Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids” by Murray Milner Jr. Review

Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids, a research book that sociologist Murray Milner Jr. wrote, describes and explains the status-based relationships between teenagers. The book’s main purpose is to elucidate all aspects of status relationships and describe tools that can be used for further investigations. According to the author, “the book...

Unethical Behavior in the Sporting Industry: The Caster Semenya Ordeal

The Situation Over the years, sports have been one of the main reasons people come together. People from various backgrounds meet and compete regardless of their economic, political, or social differences. There have been cases of unethical behavior in sport by participants, officials, or management of the game, but the...

The Concept of “Everything in Moderation” in “The Sacred Vine” Poem

One of the main problems of modern people is their tendency to fall into the extremes. Many of the difficulties they have are likely to be caused by overindulging in something or by complete abstinence from it. It has become too difficult to avoid overusing the advantages of the modern...

Ship of Theseus: Paradox Analysis

Representing a peculiar thought experiment, the concept of the Ship of Theseus might seem fairly simple. However, further contemplations reveal that the notion in question, as well as the dilemma that it provides, are exceptionally nuanced. Implying a question of whether replacing every part of an object (specifically, a ship)...

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Each person is a participant in the communication process daily. People use verbal and nonverbal communication, which are significantly different from each other. Verbal communication involves using words through one channel, and nonverbal – messages transmitted in a way other than words – gestures, clothes, the use of space, and...

Discussion of Marijuana Legalization

There are two different opinions about the legalization of marijuana. Many people believe that the legalization of this plant will have extremely negative consequences. Abuse of this drug can lead to an increase in crime, dangerous situations on the roads, and mortality growth. Also, there is an opposition opinion that...

The Six Cs of Effective Communication

Regardless of the mode of interactions, whether oral, written, or audio-visual, the six Cs of effective communication are essential to incorporate into one’s message. The qualities are intended not only to promote the credence and goodwill of the one transferring the message but also to help receive a positive response...

“Shame”, “White Lies”, and “Salvation”: Summaries

Shame by Dick Gregory Dick Gregory’s story Shame demonstrates that poverty is about multiple hardships and pain; yet, there are still many ways to reach happiness and pride by respecting someone and making small actions. Shame narrates about a little boy Richard living without a father in the ghetto; he...

Effect of Racial Oppression on Psychological Development

Introduction Racial oppression refers to integrating political power and irrational hostile judgment that discriminates against a predominant group, such as blacks in America. For example, there was a reckoning monument in America to remember what happened to black Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, back during the seventy years of war. Among...

Portrayal of Sexuality in Older Adults

Any issues pertaining to sex tend to be highly sensitive. It does, after all, concern deeply intimate experiences, which may evoke substantial emotional reactions even from mentally stoic people. The sensitivity is even higher when the discussion concerns people of old age. Modern society has numerous stereotypes, which devalue older...

Gun Control in the United States

Gun ownership has been a political tradition in the United States right from the first day. The main reason for this is self-defense as the natural and undeniable right guaranteed appropriately by the Constitution. On the contrary, the modern history of the USA goes with gun violence. This term does...

Misrepresentation of Women in the Media

Women are misrepresented and underrepresented in the existing news media. Around the world, they are featured far less than men are, being invited to interviews as experts only in 13% of cases, while constituting only 37% of the reporter base (Rattan). These facts alone are evidence enough of underrepresentation, but...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Controversy

Introduction Intelligent design and evolution all provide explanations on the origin of life in the universe. There exists considerable scientific evidence to justify the plausibility of the two theories, however, a great debate that has been there for a long time is to what constitutes science. Many public schools in...

Arguments For and Against Immigration

Introduction Immigration is a matter that has sparked a debate regarding its impact, especially on western countries like the United States of America. Being at the top of the political discussion, researchers like Huntington in “The Hispanic Challenge” have voiced their concerns on immigration. One of the reasons for immigration...

Marijuana Addiction: A Sociological Perspective

There is more open help for marijuana law change than any other time in recent memory with surveys showing the greater part the nation is supportive of sanctioning marijuana. In the course of recent many years, activists and market entertainers have effectively changed marijuana utilization and dispersion in many US...

Qualitative Health Research Ethics: Autonomy, Justice, and Beneficence

Introduction Qualitative research has come into play with the onset of patient-centered and evidence-based practices due to arising ethical issues. There is a common consensus that qualitative research is a mainstay method in evidence-based practices such as physical therapy and as such ethical issues are paramount in such type of...

Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid?

Probably, the most defining characteristic of modern society is the availability and abundance of information. At no other point in history has an average person been able to update their knowledge on current events and receive information as quickly as now. However, there is considerable concern regarding the endless supply...

Technology: The Bias of Communication

The improvement and increase in technological structures influence society and the people in it. A good case study showing the changes brought in the society by technology is the continuity of westernization in the middle east and other states in the world. Despite the fall of the Western Roman Empire...

Is Sobriety Truly an Achievable Goal?

Introduction Different theorists present powerful arguments to guide human beings to solve ethical dilemmas and pursue their goals in life. The application of moral concepts to the challenges of alcoholism and substance overuse remains a common practice today. Aristotle’s teleological virtue ethics supports the notion that is it impossible for...

An Overview of the Driving Forces of Morality

The life of a modern human is in many ways full of excess and diversity. Issues and needs that troubled the average person a few decades ago now do not seem relevant. The individual, then, endowed with a diversity of possibilities and choices, should probably be more morally fulfilled and...

Role of Ideology and Institutions in Gender Inequality

Introduction There are many types of inequalities evoking the concerns of scholars, and one of them is related to gender. Its investigation has shown that it still exists in the present-day society while it has definitely changed its form (Amis et al. 2018). The perceived male and female occupations play...

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

In society, people work together to fulfill a variety of tasks and responsibilities, attributed to them both by their own life and the others around them. To understand how society functions and how internal and external factors influence it, philosophers and sociologists have attempted to analyze social trends and tendencies...

Multitasking: The Impact on Communication

In his research on the impact of people’s increasing tendency to multitask, Clifford Nass dwells on the issue of paying attention to each other in a conversation. The multitasking behavior is a common phenomenon in modern times. Specifically, multitasking is driven by the need to use mobile phones or computers...

Standpoint Theory and Sociological Perspectives

Standpoint theory is regarded as a feminist theoretical perspective which argues that social position is the source of knowledge. The theory denies the idea that traditional science is objective, suggesting that theory and research have marginalized women and thinking among feminists. The standpoint theory is a critical concept considering that...

Globalization Effect on Social Movements

A social movement is an independently organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a specific goal, usually a social or political one. Modern movements often use technology and the Internet to mobilize people around the world (Cosma, 2011). Adapting to communication trends is a common theme in...

Public Transportation: An Investigation of Barriers For People With Disabilities

Public transportation is often called mass transit or urban transport, including town buses, light railway, passenger trains, trolleybuses, underground transit, and ships. These days, investments in efficient and sustainable transport networks will help stabilize the global energy market and reduce public transport’s impact on environmental pollution. It also supports economic...

Critical Thinking: Dignity and Justice

The issues of human dignity and commitment to justice are widely discussed in Christian literature. The importance of these two notions for the promotion of the common good was specifically emphasized by Pope Paul IV. In his works, he claims that the inviolable nature of the former provision leads to...

The Theme of Mistreatment in “Cesar Chavez” by Diego Luna

The film Cesar Chavez covers a currently relevant theme of mistreatment of immigrants in the United States. The movie’s central conflict revolves around the titular hero’s struggle to establish non-exploitative labor contracts from farm owners in California (Luna, 2014). As Cesar Chavez and his agricultural coworkers are predominantly immigrants, they...

Therapy Comparison: Gestalt, Feminist and Cognitive-Behavioural

It is important to point out that among all three therapies, CBT is the most specific and solution-focused one, which views the majority of issues as manifestations of proper or improper interconnectedness of key three components, which are thought, feelings, and behavior. The core theoretical basis is rooted in the...

Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles

The reality of unmanned automobiles is approaching as such corporations as Tesla are testing the possibility of using them. The technology has certain advantages, such as saving time for drivers, preventing DUI incidents, and making roads safe, potentially eliminating the existing limits. All vehicles will be autonomous in the best-case...

Addiction: Relapse Dynamics and Prevention

Addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is a chronic disease. Treatment for such dependence can continue for a long time, but the possibility of relapse will still be preserved. Traditionally, relapse is perceived as a return to substance use after a long break. However, Washton and Zweben (1996) note that...

Reflections on Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a nonprofessional and apolitical community, which gathers members having problems with alcohol consumption worldwide and supplies them with mutual aid. The main aim of such a fellowship is to reject alcohol abuse and support each other in achieving sobriety. The main criteria for entering it are...

Nonverbal Communication and Its Cultural Aspects

Figure 1 above presents a photo of two people interacting. The most evident nonverbal communication in this picture is facial expression. Notably, the woman’s face conveys happiness, joy, delight, and glee even without saying a word. Some of the feelings depicted in the photo, including joy and happiness, match those...

Los Angeles: Health Risks Community Assessment

Los Angeles Community Issues Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in California, with a population of over 4 million people, whereas Los Angeles County is inhabited by more than 13 million residents. Los Angeles demonstrates a striking misbalance in living conditions for rich and poor, including the recent...

Ethical Issues in Animal Cloning: Acceptable Risk?

Introduction Presently, ethics has saturated rational components of, notably influencing most human behaviors. Several actions executed by individuals reflect their ethical attitudes as regards to the section of society affected by such actions. Furthermore, inquiries regularly emerge concerning an executed act whether it was morally correct or ethically erroneous. Notably,...

Assessment, Goal Setting, and Review in Counseling

Introduction Counseling phases and their relationship with theoretical and practical implications are of exceptional interest to researchers worldwide. Successful consultation outcomes are highly dependent on various factors, even such as advisor’s attitudes (Clark, Moe, & Hays, 2017, p. 259). Proper understanding of the client’s needs, expectations, and views are essential...

Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments

Introduction Drugs and substance abuse have been one of the major challenges that the youth face in almost every society. This paper seeks to air opinions on how to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs in colleges and university campuses. The paper will give a review of a...

ASCA Ethical Standards and Virtual Standards

Introduction The ASCA is a code of ethics for school counselors because it comprises the responsibilities, principles, and morals that people must adhere to be successful. The liability of each staff member is to support students regardless of origin, race, previous educational level, and other reasons for discrimination (American school...

Essentials of Negotiation

Negotiation is the process of discussion aimed at reaching a compromise or a mutually beneficial solution to an issue. It is a complex skill that involves analyzing information and making strategic decisions, often under time pressure. Naturally, there are common mistakes one should try to avoid when negotiating. One fundamental...

Virtue Ethics, Ethical Egoism, and Rawlsian Theory to the Criminal Justice System

Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is an ethical approach stemming from virtue theory inspired by Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher (384-322 BCE). It discusses the type of person that an individual should become to live an ethical life and thus emphasizes persons and character as opposed to responsibilities and consequences of actions...

Addiction Treatment: Standards and Best Practices

Introduction The safe and effective delivery of care, as well as positive outcomes for people seeking addiction treatment, depends on the counselor’s application of the best practices and adherence to the established ethical and legal standards. Organizations such as the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) and...

The Problem of Legalizing Drugs

The problem of drugs legalization is a topic for debate in many countries where politicians, sociologists, philosophers, and other experts try to address the consequences of using drugs illegally. In his article “Don’t Legalize Drugs,” Theodore Dalrymple focused on the situation in Britain. Dalrymple’s position is that drugs should not...

The Problem and Perspectives of Suicide

Introduction Suicide is one of the most debated social issues across the globe. Though various views have been raised about the different reasons why people commit suicide, no specific reason has been suggested and empirically verified. Despite that sociologists are not in particular interested in the reasons why people commit...

Egoism, Altruism, and Social Contract

Egoism in conventional understanding is usually viewed as the act of selfishness, absence of altruism, or the concept of caring too little about others. In this essay, I intend to examine in detail the connection between ethics and social contract. I plan to focus on the argument by psychological and...

Should Behavior Be Made Illegal Because It Is Considered Immoral?

Morality and legality are different terms, which stem from a similar concept of judgment on the basis of violation or adherence to certain norms and values. Hart’s views are based on distinguishing moral values from laws because morality cannot be fully reliable. Devlin suggests that these two systems should reflect...

Adverse Effects of Smoking Marijuana on Probation

The use and distribution of marijuana is controversial issue in many countries around the world. The attitude towards this culture can be very different, even within the same state. For example, in the United States, some states allow the use of marijuana, but federal law prohibits it. Thus, a person...

Mental Disorders and Homelessness

Mental disorders can emerge from drug dependency or addiction; paranoia or schizophrenia; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (combat-related and other); neurocognitive deficits; domestic abuse, as well as other types of mental disorders. About 15 percent of people with extreme mental illness were homeless over one year in California (Smartt et al., 2019)....

Counterfeit Products and Sociological Theories of Crime

Introduction There has been an increase in crimes across the world and in various social entities. This has attracted new research attention and raised many concerns among researchers. For the last two decades, counterfeit products in Canada have increased significantly despite the changes made on the relevant policies. This paper...

The Theory of Generalized Other and the Role of Media in Self-Identity

The generalized other is a social science term, particularly in symbolic interaction. It is the general concept that a person can possess in popular perceptions regarding behavior and ideas in a society. It is the attitude of a wider community and people’s opinions, which reflect individuals’ traditional positions. This essay...

Research Involving Animals: The Animal Rights Debate

Background and introduction Research involving animals has for a very long time raised intense debate. Different individuals have varying opinions regarding whether conducting animal research is acceptable and justified. The discussion surrounding animal testing consists of two positions. Some individuals are in favor of using animals in research while others...

Understanding the Policy Context

Understanding the policy context requires an examination of the societal beliefs and assumptions about people, as well as a consideration of their issues and possible solutions. A social policy refers to public or governmental authorities’ decisions made in regard to allocating resources, duties, and rights (Laureate Education, 2013). Royal Garden...

Identifying Child Abuse Scenario

‘Red Flags’ that Suggest Possible Abuse There is no definite way to identify child abuse; however, there are some signs which help suspect and verify its occurrence. Physical abuse most often manifests itself in injuries and bruises (Hoft & Haddad, 2017). Another important detail to observe is the history of...

The Impact of Societal Change on Female Fashion and Identity in the 60’s and 70’s

Alterations in how people perceive themselves and the world around them, being a part of the cultural change, are inherently tied to a greater range of factors lying outside of the culture spectrum. Namely, political, economic, technological, and environmental changes play a massive role in cultural development and in shaping...

Streaming Service for the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the entire planet, and no corner of the world remained untouched. In order to mitigate the consequences of the outbreak, governments implemented strict lockdown protocols in multiple areas. As a result, millions of people remained confined in their homes...

Black Lives Matter Movement Analysis

Introduction The current Black Lives Matter protests spur numerous questions and, consequently, lead to specific societal changes. Fueled by the long-lasting history of racial oppression, activists demand the transformation that will abolish the contemporary White dominance in favor of equality for all. This essay will examine the reasons for the...

Conflict Resolution: Conflict Prevention Methods

Due to human nature, people very often come into conflict with each other. Differences of opinion or personal problems can be a cause for such disputes. However, any collision can be avoided by using specially designed conflict prevention methods. This essay aims to analyze the current conflict situation and apply...

Immigration: America Needs Its Newcomers by Quindlen

In her essay America needs its newcomers, Anna Quindlen claims that immigration has always played a crucial role in the history of the US. One of the primary evidence of their current contribution is the sheer number of foreigners working in the most labor-intensive industries. Anna Quindlen states that America...

Picnics Become Popular Around the Globe During Pandemics

This paper explores picnicking and how it varies across different countries. Although fancy outdoor dining dates back to the beginning of time, the tradition has evolved tremendously from a reserve of the noblemen to a universal activity which can be enjoyed by anyone (Matchar 2). Picnics are on the rise...

Teenage Suicide in South Africa

Introduction Human beings are social entities who are usually attached to specific societies where they live, learn, and grow. They are equally accustomed to the norms and values upheld that are specific to that society. For that matter, communities are vital to the support of human life as they are...

Unnatural Causes: Becoming American

Mexican migrants find it beneficial to come to a new country, look for some opportunities that are unavailable in their native country, and have better earnings. They cannot even guess how dangerous in terms of health their migration may be. They want to believe that it is possible to measure...

Ethical Issues of HeLa Cells

Introduction HeLa cells are an essential tool for various biomedical researches, which have significantly contributed to the development of science. The history of them has multiple ethical issues to discuss. Henrietta Lacks, the African-American woman, who had vaginal bleeding, was treated in a segregated section of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the...

Innate Human Aggression and Warfare

Introduction Warfare can be described as a set of techniques used by a group to cause war (Carnagey and Anderson, 2007). Ideally, the organized, armed, and prolonged conflict between nations and parties due to extreme aggression and social disruption is referred to as war. It is quite ambiguous to suggest...

Women and People with Disabilities in the Workplace

Introduction The workplace environment is the place many people spend much time in, as every person needs to sustain themselves and support their families. Working can often be hard and tiring, and the need to be able to work while not feeling additional stress is something many people would value....

“Gender Wage Gap”: The Pay Disparity Issue

Introduction In the article Gender Wage Gap, the pay disparity issue is discussed, whereby in the past women were allowed to work in service and clerical occupations only, hence they could not support themselves financially. Arguably, Blau and Kahn state that one reason why there are instances of the gender...

Factors that Contribute to the Housework Gender Gap

Introduction The issue of gender as it applies to housework in heterosexual couples is not a recent problem in the United States and other countries. In the United States, the problem of gender inequality in household chores emerged in the second half of the twentieth century when the female labor...

The Code of Ethics: Term Definition

The results from the game show the core values that describe my code of ethics include independence, impartiality, wisdom, and awareness. I value individual rights and the well-being of everyone in society. These two aspects work together to achieve the best outcomes. I also strongly value the universal principles of...

Aging Out of Foster Care

Introduction and Review of Past Literature Foster care recipients often face the risks of adverse life outcomes and health issues of different nature, so foster care systems are to create the best possible circumstances to support such citizens’ healthy physical, emotional, and psychosocial development. However, aging out of foster care...

Reporting Behavior Among Victims of Crime

The reporting behavior among victims of crime remains relatively low despite the availability of critical infrastructure. According to Boateng (2016), satisfaction level in police operations is among the prominent predictors of crime reporting by the victims. For instance, where the degree of trust in law enforcement is low, the offended...

Foundations of Leadership in the Army

People need leaders to communicate the goals and vision for errands and to help them achieve goals. One example of this is informal leadership, where individuals follow a person whom they consider credible or knowledgable. Picture 1 is the graphic organizer of this essay, which will focus on the foundations...

Empowering Youth Engagement in Society

Checkoway, B. and Gutierrez, M.L., 2006. Youth Participation and Community Change. New York, Routledge. This is a very informative book that not only talks of the benefits that the youth get from participation in the community but also the positive changes that can be accrued from their participation in the...

Legalizing Euthanasia: Pros and Cons

Introduction Many consider the preservation of life to be the higher purpose of humanity’s existence. Thousands of doctors graduating each year take an oath to use their considerable skills to assist those in pain and prolong their existence by all means possible. However, the question of survival becomes more complicated...

Fear of Sex in American Society

Sex is visible in media and popular cultures across America, and various sexual practices are acknowledged in society. From the Internet to media advertisements, sex or sexual orientation is noticeable. However, these aspects have not stopped people from having well-established fears of sex and sexuality (Schwartz, 2010). The following evidence...

Cultural Exploration: Mr. Jesse Holmes

Introduction The given cultural exploration will primarily focus on Mr. Jesse Holmes. He is African American and was old enough to experience the first wave of Desegregation Programs among American Magnet schools of the 1970s in St. Louis City. The given individual was chosen because his experience of being in...

The Search for Order, 1877-1920 by Robert H. Wiebe

Several decades between the Reconstruction period and the end of World War I represent a significant time for America. It was characterized by a critical change in all aspects of the economic, political, and social life, as well as the reconsideration of the human worldview. Robert H. Wiebe’s contribution to...

Are Rich Countries Morally Obligated to Assist Poor Countries?

The problem of unequal distribution of benefits is relevant not only for one single country but also for comparing the levels of economic development of different states. While some powers are becoming more affluent and more influential in the world arena, the governments of countries with weaker economies are forced...

Socio-Economic Plan: Homelessness

Homelessness is a significant public health problem impacting millions of individuals within the United States. Its prevalence has been associated with inadequate low-income housing. In response to the soaring housing prices, several states have adopted rent control and stabilization regulations to curb the widening socioeconomic disparities. Approximately 182 cities and...

Gender Stereotypes in Commercials

Gender stereotypes are widespread in the media and often employed in commercials. They are especially noticeable in products that were traditionally seen as more popular among a particular gender. For instance, home appliances or makeup commercials are typically directed at women. Automobile advertising, on the contrary, tends to concentrate on...

Responsibility of Mltinational Corporations in the Field of Human Rights

Introduction Multinational corporations in the field of Human Rights have great power, force, potency or effect in the entities of the current world order. Without a doubt, it is trite to comprehend that the possession of controlling influence of some multinational corporations, go far ahead of the power of some...

Egoism and Altruism: Hybrid Nature

It is effortless to describe altruism and egoism in their pure forms. Altruism is the selfless actions of a person for the benefit of another; egoism – human actions aimed at maximizing benefits for themselves, ignoring others’ interests. The films and books The Hunger Games demonstrated that selfishness could be...

Aspects of Immigration: Cultural Adaptation

Is it possible to leave one’s old life behind and start over in a different country? How hard is it for a person to realize they no longer belong to the country they grew up in, given that it is going through the stage of tremendous change? Ramin Dabiri knows...

The Culture of Communication and Interaction

Communication is an essential component of any culture. Every day people engage in interpersonal and group interactions either locally or internationally. Businesses are continually establishing strong relationships with new partners, students find common ground with their teachers and classmates, and individuals build global friendships. However, millions of contemporary world citizens...

Specific Patterns and the Concept of Time

Introduction It is hard to disagree that all people tend to make plans for the future and have specific aspirations and ideas concerning their lives. One, either consciously or subconsciously, evaluates his or her past, social and family background and current status, education, and many other factors in order to...

Sex and Gender Beyond the Binaries

Sex and gender are terms used to define every single individual, and they are mostly understood in a dual form. Although one might confuse these intrinsically different concepts, it is highly important to understand their underlying meanings and manifestations. The objective is to illustrate how gender and even sex are...

Lying as an Intrinsic Part of Human Condition

Arguably, there is no more rudimentary experience in a person’s life than lying or being on receiving end of lies. The amount of art that investigates the issue through the prism of fiction (which potentially makes this exploration less genuine) is glaring. Among the greatest liars, there is an array...

TOK Exhibition: The Ethical Responsibilities

One must credit people who have created knowledge by citing their names in written texts or mentioning them and their contributions when discussing a topic. The first real-world object is the textbook used for the TOK course by Popov (2016) titled “IB theory of knowledge – A student’s guide.” When...

Economic Inequality as a Social Welfare Challenge

Introduction Over the centuries, society and social welfare as a separate notion have been considered highly individual matters that are closely correlated with the human perception of the aforementioned welfare in the first place. This perception is frequently formed through the prism of social background that is influenced by the...

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. As some states began implementing various levels of decriminalization for the substance, marijuana remains a highly illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level prompting discussions at the policy...

National Origin Discrimination at Work

Introduction The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that everyone is equal from the very birth. The principle of equality is of paramount importance not only for the individual but also for the state, striving to establish fair social relations. Departure from this principle, discrimination on various grounds, poses a...

Ethical Literacy in Humans: Do We Deserve Cats?

Ethical behavior has always been one of the most important questions for humanity because people, unfortunately, tend to overlook the crucial value of their attitudes. Our surroundings are built in a way that requires humans to collaborate and create opportunities for mutual development and peaceful coexistence. Nevertheless, not everyone realizes...

Alcohol and Its Effects on Domestic Violence

Alcohol was invented as a beverage drink just like the others such as soda and juice. Of late alcohol has been abused because people are consuming it excessively. In ancient times alcohol was reserved for special occasions such as feasts but today most people have turned it into their hobby....

Physical Differences of Criminals and Non-Criminals

Introduction Discourse on the origins of criminal and antisocial behaviour has continued for many decades. Criminologists have developed many theories and concepts in their quest to understand and explain the genesis of the criminal. One of the most frequently discussed and controversial ideas is biological positivism. Adherents of this concept...

Captivity in Zoos Adversely Affects Animals

Introduction The ethical, economic, and scientific issues related to the life of animals in zoos have been at the center of debate for the past several decades. On the one hand, zoos might be described as good places that provide favorable conditions for animals and save them from death in...

Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field and report about the elevated levels of the identified health issue within the last decades, which is primarily caused by the medication prescription (Paulozzi, Kilbourne, & Desai, 2011). Although the...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Social Values

My research question is if society must keep its values and get back to them after the profound life changes after the pandemic or establish new morals to follow. The social scientific background of the issue contains academic literature about social principles, peer-reviewed articles discussing human and social behaviors, and...

Increasing Tuition Fees in the UK Higher Education

Introduction Different countries deal with the issue of higher education funding differently, through either private or public sector financing. According to Murphy et al. (2017), in the UK, full-time domestic students could attend public higher education institutions free of charge until the end of the 20th century. Later on, tuitions...

Internal Racism in the Movie Amreeka

The movie Amreeka tells the story of Muna, a non-religious Palestinian woman who works in the banking sector. Every day, on her way to work, she has to cross the Israeli border, on both sides of which people are hostile to her because of her birthplace and religion. After winning...

War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win

Introduction The Problem The global problem of drug use continues to pose a serious threat to health, safety and well-being of humanity. Today, drug addiction among children and youth is of particular concern. The United States is one of the countries where the most critical situation shaped in this area....

Adoption Issues in the Modern World

Introduction The issue of adoption is particularly acute now, given the significant stratification of society and the growing population of the Earth. It is a chance for the child to have a family and not to face adverse psychological and material consequences of its absence. At the same time, there...

Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function

Alcohol abusers suffer from a variety of adverse physical and psychological outcomes. While mental health can be improved with the help of specialists, family support, and different group therapy methods, it is much more complicated to deal with the destructive effect of alcohol on one’s body. The case study under...

The Otherness of Black People

There are many reasons why the construct of otherness still has a lot of power in our culture. Hall points out that from the linguistic standpoint, the difference matters because it is something that helps us distinguish meaning1. Another argument comes from the field of linguistics as well: in the...

The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior

Deviance mainly refers to the contravening of norms and standards as set out in a particular society. Crime, on the other hand, involves the violation of laws set by the government aimed at controlling erratic behaviors. Crime thus represents a form of social deviance since it involves breaking the law...

Slavery and Human Rights Violation

For many years in its history, humanity has not opposed slavery and human trafficking. Slavery has not always been economically effective, but it has always been beneficial to slaveholders and slave traders – that is why it has existed for so many centuries and exists to this day. The struggle...

Social Constructions in the “13th” Documentary

13th is a documentary by Avu DuVernay, which explored the perpetuation of hidden slavery in the US in its historical continuation, evolving into different forms of “socially-acceptable” practices that were used to keep black Americans as second-grade citizens (DuVernay 2016). I approached the film with a degree of bias towards...

Three Types of Friendship

Even though there are such types of friends as romantic, childhood, and internet one, childhood friendship is the steadiest among these kinds.Romantic friends form opposite-sex relations.Having an opposite-sex friend presumes viewing things differently. Such friends broaden the field of one’s interests. Male-female friendship may lead to a romance or end.Childhood...

The Power of Conformity: Asch’s Experiments

The inherent need to be a part of the community is often seen in modern society as a negative phenomenon, yet, in essence, it is a neutral force that may incite one to take a specific action. The latter, in turn, may be positive or negative, yet the very concept...

Causes of Racism and Racial Discrimination

Black Lives Matter movement reveals that racism still exists globally, and it is more dominant in the US. The recent killing of George Floyd showed that racism is a hierarchical process that has become a pandemic. The perception that blacks have a likelihood to commit crimes than whites forms the...

Saving the Animals: Stop Animal Testing

Medical researchers have been using animals as test subjects for potential human treatments for centuries. Initially, the main reasons for that included the lack of resources to study the drugs or therapy methods in alternative ways and an overall unemotional attitude toward any creatures other than people. However, today those...

Roiphe’s Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow: Rhetorical Analysis

Author In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. Anne Roiphe is an American feminist author, and her work is noteworthy for its examination of the conflict between the desire for family and relationships and that for career and self-determination....

“Stanford Prison Experiment Ethics” by Philip Zimbardo

Introduction In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an infamous study, and he called it the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). This research is often considered influential in psychology. The experiment went beyond the traditional academic discourse and was referenced in movies and mass media reports (Le Texier, 2019). However, the research has...

Heterosexuality as a Standard

Adrienne Rich’s analysis of heterosexuality reveals its compulsory nature: In the present day, men enforce heterosexuality on women by means of various social and cultural leverages. Although Rich is convinced that women are more victimized by the imposed heterosexuality, its standardization affects both sexes; therefore, society should stop considering heterosexuality...

Conflict Theory: Definition and Main Concepts

Definition and Analysis Conflict theory is a concept used in a wide range of disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, criminology, communication, education, among many others. This theory takes its roots in Carl Marx’s teachings since class struggle is based completely on a conflict. Therefore, the main aim of Conflict theory...

Role of Women in Public Relations

Public relations is a top industry that requires professionalism, experience, and success. For a PR professional, there is a huge number of daily struggles that he or she has to overcome and find some other innovative ways to handle them. There is no exact job description for public relations because...

Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics

Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings. Equally, sexual orientation elicits various ethical issues, including discrimination and alienation. Thus, transgender people cannot be generalized to limited ascriptions that male-to-female transsexual persons prefer males...

Ethics, CSR, and Ignatian Values

Introduction The three ethical schools of thought include ethical universalism, ethical relativism, and integrated social contracts. Ethical universalism asserts that a mutual agreement regarding evil or good across different cultures forms the basis for universal moral conduct applicable to all people (Thompson, 2016). Ethical relativism is based on the notion...

Overcoming the Odds: Is It Really Necessary?

The stories of overcoming the odds may be considered both good and bad for society because there are always two sides to the consequences of one’s actions. According to Carney and Patel, for example, the role of people who overcome the odds and contribute to society is enormous because they...

Italian American Women and Their Cultural Tradition

Every culture devises gender roles for its members and expects them to fulfill said roles because it should supposedly be good for society at large. Yet for most of human history, genders were far from being treated equally and held in similar regard – most societies one finds in human...

“Civilize Them With a Stick” Article by Dog and Erdoes

The topic of this week is education, and it includes an analysis of the history, purpose, formats, trends, and sociological perspectives on this subject. Dog and Erdoes’ (1999) article “Civilize them with a stick”, deals directly and theoretically with this week’s topic. This article concerns the research which Dog and...

Commercial Sex Problem Discussion

Statement of Position Commercial sex presents an ethical and economic dilemma, which inspires a hot debate in Australia and across the globe. Concerning the proposal to adopt commercial sex in Victoria, I would support criminalizing the policy. The legislation’s potential adverse outcomes to women, girls, boys, and the entire society...

Intimacy Implications and “Sexual Revolution”

Introduction Global changes in people’s sexual behavior, called the “sexual revolution,” have been taking place in the world since the middle of the last century. In a number of countries, this process continues to the present day. The essence of the “sexual revolution” is a radical breakdown of traditional norms,...

“Beyond 90°” by Kemi Adeyemi

Introduction Inequalities in the distribution of power, prejudice, and the representation of some groups as the deviation from the universally accepted norm remain significant issues today. In her analytical article, Kemi Adeyemi gives a new meaning to the well-known physical notion of learning. This essay aims to explore the term...

The Speech “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

Introduction There are a number of speeches that were delivered by various people in the history of America. “I Have a Dream” is a speech in history that was conveyed by Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial. King was compelled in his address to talk about black Americans who...

Violence: Deviant Behavior of Theodore Bundy

Introduction Violence is one of the forms of deviant behavior, unfortunately, promoted in and by the media. Media violence, in its different types, makes abnormal behavior more aggressive and transforming into criminal behavior. Today, even cartoons have the reflection (mostly hidden) of violence. One of the most vivid examples of...

Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making

Introduction Building a city for humans to live and thrive in requires the construction of many industrial sites, living next to which is unsafe and unappealing. Such things as wastewater managing plants, landfills, electrical plants, toxic waste dumps, and incinerators, or Locally Unwanted Land Uses, present genuine dangers of polluting...

Qualities Needed for a Successful Society

The notion of success is a highly subjective concern defined by personal needs and aspirations towards a prosperous future. Within the current materialistic society, the idea of the success of a single individual or the society, in general, became more problematic as it revealed its arrogant side. According to Burke...

The Game Theory: Application in Everyday Interactions

Game theory is a mathematical tool that theorizes hypothetical models of conflicts between participants and demonstrates that confrontation does not have to be negative. The study of game theory allows to expand the scope of worldview and gives a qualitatively new perspective on the structure of human relations. It is...

Computer Ethics: Ethics, Laws, Definition & Privacy

The continuous development of technology and the rise of social media significantly shape the modern life of people. The majority of them use different devices (tablets, laptops, or smartphones) to access the Internet and exchange information with other human beings for various purposes. Computer ethics emerged as an answer to...

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” by M. Gladwell

Introduction The book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, written by Malcolm Gladwell, offers an insightful analysis of people’s first impressions. The author uses a variety of anecdotal stories to show how people approach situations and other persons, not always relying on rational thinking but rather on their “gut...

Feminism and Criminology in the Modern Justice System

Feminist and crime research is an innovative and revolutionary discipline. Despite society’s movement towards justice and gender equality, women are still underrepresented in stereotypically masculine industries. The research methodology in this area is divided into quantitative and qualitative as well as in formal investigation. The critical distinction is the existence...

Femicide in Mexico: Effects of Colonialism

Introduction The gender-based violations and crimes against female citizens may consist of emotional, physical, sensual, and sexual abuse. This problem is considered a severe obstacle towards the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by women internationally and is strongly condemned in developed countries. Femicide is the murder of women, usually following...

Analyzing Social Problems: Health Disparities

Introduction Seeking primary medical care is a fundamental human right that every United States citizen is entitled to. However, in reality, some people have more freedom in choosing a healthcare provider while others cannot receive even the most basic treatment. Healthcare disparities have been a growing social issue in the...

Introduction to Social Economy

Introduction International NGOs, also known as INGOs, are global independent organizations that act in humanitarian or social areas. They are intended to make a contribution to the efficiency of the government in terms of social economy (Hossain and Sengupta 10). By advancing the rights of vulnerable population groups, these organizations...