Postcolonial Theory: Being “Civilized” and Exploitation

The postcolonial theory focuses on the analysis of the relationships between representatives of “developed civilization” and local colonists. Historically, they were typically unequal and were accompanied by the imposition of norms and values of the dominant nation on “uncivilized” savages. The notion of the superiority of “civilized” people resulted in...

Reducing Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Introduction Prejudice is a societal phenomenon that manifests as a hostile or negative attitude towards people because they belong to a specific group. Even though bias manifests in irrational opinions and views, discrimination is often expressed through unfair treatment of a group or a person. Despite civil rights and women’s...

Ability, Disability, and Erasure

Disability refers to the situation when the abilities of the individual are limited by his or her mental or physical disturbances. People with disabilities are frequently being oppressed even in modern society, not to mention the earlier one. This oppression is called ableism and signifies that disabled people are being...

The Fattening Room: Advantages and Disadvantages

I am of the idea that the fattening room is both advantageous as well as disadvantageous to the community based on several observations. To expound, based on Simmons’ ideas, it is evident that the time spent inside the room exposes the teenage initiate to depression. For example, Margaret Bassey Ene...

Theory of the Self-Expression

Internalized Conversation Mead George Herbart, a theorist in his book Mind Self and Society describes the communication system as a cycle of gestures or significant symbols which culminate into communication involving more than one individual. A gesture is made by the first party and it attracts a response from the...

Communication in the Movie “Parent Trap”: Communication Disorders

Introduction Communication is a fundamental, basic life skill. These skills are acquired by individuals through learning in school. Communication is a diverse process that allows human beings to interact with the environment and themselves. Therefore, people derive happiness, satisfaction and approval from others based on how they communicate. As a...

Feminist Criticism of Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark”

Hawthorne appears critical about Aylmer’s actions in that the ultimate result of his actions is the death of her wife and not the redemption it was meant for. Men like Aylmer cannot overcome the limitations that nature brings no matter their efforts. On the other hand, the author seems to...

“The Power Elite” by C. Wright Mills

The book The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills discusses the relations between the wealthy social class of rulers and their impact on global political and economic power. The author vividly portrays that a strong sense of tradition, an abiding respect for the common ways, will frequently serve to deter...

Representations of Disability, the Example of “Forrest Gump” Film

The world is not ideal and there is always much grief and injustice in it, this is why some people have turned out to be deprived of certain benefits that ordinary people have because of the dysfunction of their bodies. Handicapped people have had different names and labels in the...

Conflict Management and Team Building

Conflicts can arise from serious and, sometimes, insignificant causes, as well as offensive words or actions. It is vital to study conflicts and the methods of dispute resolution, as disagreement can lead to permanent damage to people’s relationships. Communication is one of the most crucial elements in stable and healthy...

Sexual Activities and Responsibility Among Youth

Introduction With the availability of social media platforms where young people spend most of their time interacting with friends, various stakeholders are concerned about issues related to the content shared, including privacy, information leakage, and the possible destruction of one’s self-image. Such platforms have led to the establishment of friends...

America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life

America Anonymous is an ambitious project by a New York Times bestselling author and tenured professor of writing and literature, Benoit Denizet-Lewis. The writer is known for his non-fiction, characters’ multidimensional personalities, and in-depth profiles that hide not a single detail from the reader. Denizet-Lewis is bold and unapologetic in...

Ethnicity, Class and Social Stratification in China and Japan

Introduction The Chinese ethnic, social and class stratification have been reflected n the different fifty-six ethnic groups with Han being the majority group and the other fifty-five being the inferior clusters in the population of China. These groups account for only ten percent of the country’s population, and most of...

The History of Slavery: Impacts on Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

Virtue Ethics in Stanford and Milgram’s Experiments

Character and Virtue Ethics The philosophical notion of virtue ethics claims that an individual’s ethical thinking relies primarily on his or her character traits. According to this theory, people’s moral choices are governed by their character traits rather than by set moral rules or the probable consequences of their actions....

Men’s Superiority Theory and Inequality Issues

Introduction Since time immemorial, the society has presented men as more superior to women, despite the apparent cases where the latter category has engaged in activities or held positions similar to those of the former class of people. The topic of the reluctance of men to allow women to break...

Multiculturalism as a Threat to Gender Equality

Introduction: Women’s Rights in the XXI Century. An Overview Gender equality has always been an issue within any society. Whether the problem can be openly discussed as it is in the present-day society, or silenced, as it was before the feminist movement was born, it persists and managed to invade...

Glass Ceiling for Women in Today’s Society

Introduction Glass ceiling is a term that describes invisible obstacles on a woman’s way to a leadership position. The circumstances have improved over the past decade, and now there are more female leaders. However, the situation still needs more improvement, and a number of ways exist to provide it. What...

The Trolley Problem and Ethical Theories

Moral dilemmas and questions are something that individuals face daily. In cases with a clear answer, most people will follow their code of ethics without giving it much thought. When people consider how they have navigated the moral sea, their ethics become clear. The trolley dilemma is an example of...

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir: Book Review

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir is a revolutionary progenitor of modern feminist thought. The book is appropriate for adults of all sexes and genders, be it men, women, or someone else. Younger age groups, however, may find the book difficult due to its philosophical nature. De Beauvoir’s texts...

Social Class and Discrimination Practices

Introduction People are united into different social groups by social interests, which are the real reasons for action. Various individuals form them due to their positions and roles in social life. The social structure of society and its dynamics are critical themes in contemporary society. This is because there are...

Organizational Ethical Dilemmas, as Portrayed in “Snowden”

Introduction Controversies involving the conduct of government officials and prominent leaders are a typical occurrence in public life. It is not unexpected that there has been a revival of interest in the study of ethics. This research analyzes the ethical challenges faced by organizations, as shown in the film Snowden...

Pre-Group Meeting: Managing Groups and Teams

Pre group meeting is a platform that allows attendees to acquire information to make an informed decision about whether the group is good for them, meet the facilitators, ask any special questions, and get a sense of the physical atmosphere. The pre-group interview is a supplement to established organizational intake,...

The Scottsboro Boys and the Central Park Five Cases

Race has always been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. All types of racism and slavery shaped how Americans operated in American society. Extremely high levels of unawareness and ignorance led to the unintended utterance of racist remarks that opened the door to racial discrimination. Violent...

Slaves and Servants: Primary Source Analysis

Introduction A person, owned by another person, as a rule, does not have freedom of speech. In this document, planter and servant describe the life of slaves and servants in America in the eighteenth century. However, their descriptions do not match because the planter claims that servants’ rights are taken...

Coser’s Theory and an Example of a Social Conflict

Social conflict results from growing contradictions that appear as a conflict between diverse social groups. Social conflicts unavoidably arise and worsen as a result of the heterogeneity of society and variations in status and well-being. Because this process involves disputes and their resolution, Coser saw social conflicts as one of...

Child Beauty Pageant Disadvantages

Beauty pageants of children have grown in popularity over the previous decade, notably in the last few years. Today, shows like Toddlers and Tiaras and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo are very popular among population. These shows portray the glitzy side of beauty pageants. However, there are other disadvantages to...

Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

According to Albert Bandura, the picture of reality is the result of people’s experiences received from others. Such a type of experience is called vicar ensuring the everyday learning (Johnson, 2019). People always have personalities such as parents, teachers, work colleagues, friends, and popular people to be the role models...

Globalization and Technology Impacts on Ethics

Introduction Technology and globalization have immensely contributed to a variety of shifts in political and social spheres as well as economic sectors. These shifts have led to greater interdependence, giving rise to the concept of globalization. The primary impetuses behind globalization are the proliferation of new technologies and the loosening...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Discussion

Maslow’s hierarchy is one of the popular theories of motivation. It is a particular description of human needs from the lowest desires to the highest. Based on this theory, a large number of concepts are currently used in numerous areas of life, including business, education, the health sector, and so...

Social Order, Its Nature and Future

Introduction The concept of order is quite difficult to both understand and interpret. The order itself is a set of elements and their interaction with each other. It is not easy to conceive of how people act according to preordained norms in either plan in today’s world. These can be...

The Process of Formation of Ethnic Identity

Ethnic identity as a process and structure is formed in the development of human activity and communication. Awareness of the ethnocultural features of the community determines ethnic self-identification. Identification is the most critical process in the formation of ethnic identity. Similar processes of human social activity are beginning to occur...

Pronatalism in Functionalist and Conflict Theory Views

Introduction With the ever-changing social demographics around the globe, families are facing extinction. On the one hand, some want to continue parenthood, while on the other, people are opting not to have kids. Seccombe (2017) defines marriage as a legally recognized relationship consisting of economic, social, and sexual responsibilities between...

Unequal Opportunity of Urban Youth

Introduction The social problem affects young people in the U.S. aged 16 to 24 years. The U.S. Department of Labor (2017) estimates that in 2017, “about 1 in 5 people in this age range—6.7 million people—were neither working nor in school” (p. 19). Not only does this mean a looming...

Technology Impact on Communication

Communication is one of the key aspects of human life, and people interact with their neighbors, friends, and family daily. The introduction of modern technologies has changed the way people communicate, and in the twenty-first century, the percentage of those who use technologies and various gadgets has dramatically increased. The...

Analysis of Theories in Communication

Introduction Stanley Deetz developed the critical theory of communication to explore ways of ensuring the health of organizations while increasing diverse human interests’ representation. This was achieved first by indicating that corporations have become not only economic but also political institutions. The theory points out various ways through which decision-making...

Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools

The article “Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools,” written by Karin A. Martin, narrates about the dependency of one’s gendered perceptions on social constructions instilled in schools. The scholar’s observations serve for determining the link between these two phenomena while discussing them in detail by the sphere of influence...

Rawls’ Social Contract Theory and Software Engineering Ethics

Introduction John Rawls defined the characteristics of a just society through his social contract theory. In his theory, four conditions characterize a stable society: equal and free individuals, justice being open to public scrutiny, just sharing of surplus, and a responsibility to the social contract to ensure continued cooperation. Rawls’...

The Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs

Special supplements and their applications are widely researched by scholars. The implication of such artificial substances has been shown to be of significant importance for various scientific fields (Negro, Marzullo, Caso, Calanni, & D’Antona, 2018). My thesis statement for this research paper is that from a legal perspective, utilizing performance-enhancing...

Characteristics of Feminism: Inequality in the Aging Experience

Introduction Feminism as a social movement that arose to achieve equal rights for women with men has affected not only the social sphere but also other areas. In particular, many supporters of feminism expressed their ideas in creativity, and the world literature knows many examples of works in which the...

Ethics, Truth, and Reason in Eight Theories of Ethics by Graham

The concept of morality has always been considered subjective, as there are no specific rules regarding truth or falsehood in ethical considerations. Graham (2004) argues that people perceive it as a personal opinion, although it is only a kind of relativism since ancient times. Thus, morality is the personification of...

Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries

In the present day and throughout history, homelessness and poverty have always been a highly crucial issues in almost every society across the globe that cannot stay unnoticeable. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2015), every year, “at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in...

Social Norms and Behaviors on Public Transportation: On the Bus

The world of people, communities, and societies is an organism that functions according to certain rules and norms, which are expected and regulated. There is a great number of social situations that people participate in, each one of them having its etiquette and expectations. The culture and the attitudes of...

Social Construction of Serial Killers

Introduction Serial killing is a homicide category occurring when an offender murders more than three victims unknown to the criminal. It is a product of current social and cultural inclination, which criminologists can use to accentuate motivations (James, 2019). Different social constructions of serial murders are the social structure, social...

Theory of Self-Presentation and Digital Communication

Goffman’s theory of the presentation of self has become the framework for a broader understanding of behaviors and motivation. According to the theory, an individual acts in a way as if they are an actor on a stage, which is referred to as “impression management” intended to present oneself to...

Importance of Listening Skills

Listening is an essential skill for daily conversations and for conducting interviews. There are six main strategies required for effective listening during any interview: concentrating on the conversation, avoiding judgment, reflecting, clarifying questions, using a summary, and sharing one’s ideas (Agarwal, 2019). Active listening during interviews is a valuable technique...

What Is Cancel Culture, and Can It Go Too Far?

Have you ever said or done something that could be considered offensive or objectionable in your recent or distant past? A relatively recent phenomenon known as Cancel Culture refers to the widespread practice of withdrawing support for public figures after they had done or said something considered objectionable or offensive...

The Role of Psychology in Othering of Disability

The distinction of people as those related to a dominating group and others has been a subject of an ongoing discussion of sociology and psychology. As the contemporary world becomes more inclusive in terms of eliminating discrimination, the discussion of othering as a concept becomes particularly relevant. This phenomenon exists...

Shantha Sinha: Fighting for Children’s Rights

Introduction Using child labor is, without any doubt, one of the most significant problems in India nowadays. Even though according to the statistics, provided by Sasmal and Guillen, the number of young people involved in this process is declining, the issue remains crucial (p. 270). Thankfully, some local activists vigorously...

Speech Defending the Construction of Bicycle Lanes

Introduction City officials should be convinced of the necessity of building bicycle lanes and other facilities like bicycle parking and rental. An immediate solution is required, because, even though the bicycle is an eco-friendly and convenient transport, there are few bicycle routes in the area, and cyclists often endanger their...

Listening Skills Importance in the Working Environment

Introduction Communication occurs when two people can internalize what each of them says or implies. For this to happen, the communicators must listen to each other and provide the expected feedback. Being attentive to what others say is critical in both organizational and individual development. However, listening has been neglected...

Housing Segregation: Ghettos and Gated Communities

Introduction Gated communities provide their residents with certain exclusivity. They are chosen even before they move in, so that an appropriate environment for a particular neighborhood is maintained. As this type of community is so selective of its inhabitants, it makes segregation inseparable from its image in society. They can...

The Issue of Gender-Separated Sports

I argue that gender separation in sports is both useful and necessary, and there are several reasons for that. Gender-separated sports provide better opportunities for all gender involved while also respecting gender-related patterns of building social relations, and replacing gender with other criteria, such as athletic performance, would likely undermine...

The Poverty as an Ethical Issue

Introduction There have been arguments that politicians prefer their constituents to remain poor in order to manipulate them easily. Although an unfortunate explanation, one can argue that the premise is true due to the fact that vulnerable people are easily manipulated due to their desperation. They will literally do anything...

A Specific Theory of Persuasion: Social Judgment Theory

Introduction Choosing a specific theory of persuasion that would align with the selected persuasive appeal is necessary for contextualizing the appeal and determining its effects. It was chosen to focus on Social Judgment Theory, which implies that the position of an individual on a particular issue depends on the preferred...

Leadership and Influence Process

A group of people always needs a reliable leader who will manage their activity and set the right direction. Otherwise, the productivity of people’s work, no matter what they do, is often low. Only led by the right person, a group of people can become a closely-knit team. Surely, a...

The Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Sharanda Jones’s Case

Introduction In the 1980s-1990s, the United States witnessed the crack cocaine epidemic. At that time, people excessively used cocaine, which led to increased crime rates. Since the late 20th-century society was not free from cultural and racial prejudice, representatives of particular minority groups or ethnicities felt higher pressure on the...

Ethical Consideration in Group Counseling

Introduction There has been an advent in the use of group counseling for the benefit of members of the community in realizing personal and community goals. Group counseling serves various purposes in schools, colleges, universities, churches, and the community. Group counseling is whereby a small number of people come together...

Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

Introduction Butler argues that gender is not a static identity but can be constituted and constructed through the acts and performances, hence, gender depiction is arbitrary and biased depending on cultural, political, and theatrical perceptions. She views sex and gender as quite different entities of self that have been constructed...

Class and Virtue: Differences Between Low and Upper Class

Introduction Since ancient times, class relations and class values have been discussed by scholars, educators, politicians and ethnologists. Person’s virtuous behavior can be habitual and effortless in different circumstances, but this does not alter the fact that for human beings in general class relations and social position are tempting. Hence,...

Ethos, Pathos, Logos in Mary Fisher’s 1992 Address

The address under analysis was delivered in 1992 by Mary Fisher, a woman who had HIV and wanted to change Americans’ treatment of the disease and those infected by it. The speech’s call for action was changing the public’s and government’s attitude toward HIV and AIDS. The appeal was aimed...

Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Human beings encounter different challenges, conflicts, and differences that make it impossible for them to achieve their objectives. The presence of such problems will affect relations, activities, and social goals. In any given organization, disagreements will affect employees’ morale and eventually result in poor performance. These issues explain why a...

Rhetoric of “Virtual Promise” by Claire Giordano

Online courses are becoming more and more popular in the contemporary world because of rapid technological development. Claire Giordano, a student, wrote a persuasive essay, “Virtual Promise: Why Online Courses Will Not Adequately Prepare Us for the Future,” where she discusses the pros and cons of taking online courses. She...

Responsible Human Being: Personal Account

The question of responsibility is not the easiest one. When I was a child, parents tried to explain to me the notion of responsibility, its significance, and ways of application. Understanding of the idea was quite difficult because I did not have enough experience to link this abstract term with...

“Why Humans Have Sex” Article by Meston and Buss

“Why humans have sex” is the article that discusses the reasons people become engaged in sexual relations, including the most frequent and infrequent ones. It is written by professionals in sexual psychophysiology, Cindy Meston and David Buss. The authors claim that the common belief that people have sex only “to...

Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?

Introduction It doesn’t necessarily take much for your roommate to behave like a jerk: being incredibly messy, borrowing your things (or eating your food) without as much as asking , being offensive towards your friends or simply not willing to compromise on anything are just a few of the most...

Sex and Gender as a Social Phenomenon

This essay provides discussion on how the social constructionism can be comprehended in the aspect of sociology. The research explores several relevant appeals to gender and sex regarding the matter of sociology (Brickell, 2006). We will establish the differences between sex and gender; define the term of gender identity; interpret...

Poverty in “Serving in Florida” and “Dumpster Diving”

Poverty and food insecurity are the issues that have been troubling American society for many years. Numerous citizens of the United States live below the poverty level and find it difficult to support themselves and their families. Some of them lack necessities such as food, housing, and health insurance and...

Socrates and Krishna Teachings

Introduction In the history of philosophy, Socrates is arguably one of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived. From Plato’s accounts, the Socratic method of philosophizing and teachings on how to live are so revolutionary that Athenian leaders see him as corrupting young minds. Though he claims to have no...

Building Communities From the Inside Out by John P. Kretzmann and John L. McKnight

Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets by John P. Kretzmann and John L. McKnight is an approach about reconstructing macro social work in communities. The knowledge included in the article runs from macro social work strategies and is used to disseminate...

Social Studies: Teaching Civic Values

Introduction Social Studies refer to “the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities in order to promote civic competence” (Waring, 2011, p. 43). Social Studies curriculum provides a coordinated and a systemized study drawing upon various fields of humanities such as Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology, Political Science, and Religion...

Effects of Video Games on Players

The video game industry has grown into a multi-billion venture over the years. New games are produced by video game companies constantly. These games are in a variety of genres, ranging from violence to educational games. In recent years, there have been increased arguments about the impact of video games....

The National Alliance to End Homelessness’ Activity

Introduction The impact of housing on people’s health and well-being is substantial. Although homes typically offer security and shelter, poorly constructed or unaffordable housing can adversely affect residents’ health and safety. Therefore, it is vital to take further action to ensure that every individual has access to affordable, safe, and...

Occupational Therapy: The Key Features

Introduction Occupational therapy, or ergo-therapy, is a field of medicine that aims to help a person in everyday life develop, restore and maintain the skills necessary to perform activities that are significant for the health and well-being of this individual. The work of an occupational therapist is not equivalent to...

Definition and Meaning of Respect

Introduction People in modern society have many options for how they relate to each other. Friendliness, dislike, love, hate, and many similar social behaviors play a significant role in human relationships, but there is one of the most important. Respect is a strong reverence for someone or something caused by...

Racism and Pessimism in Wilson’s Play “Fences”

Racism is considered a collection of beliefs, behaviors, and practices perpetuating an unequal distribution of power among ethnic and racial groups. Racial discrimination is the subjugation of certain ethnic or racial groups in order to preserve the advantages of others, hence developing and sustaining socioeconomic inequities. Discrimination may be detected...

Innovative & Creative Thinking in the Modern World

The process of thinking is a complex and mysterious phenomenon because it is difficult to determine the line where thoughts turn into thinking. Often a person can register passing words, ideas, and concepts in their head, but this process occurs without intentional effort. On the contrary, a person can unconsciously...

Workplace Violence and Harassment

Character Analysis: Contributors to Domestic and Workplace Violence Workplace violence may take many forms and can have far-reaching consequences for employees’ health and well-being, job duration, employment stability, and career satisfaction. According to Hango and Moyser (2018), workplace harassment encompasses verbal abuse, demeaning behavior, personal threats, physical assault, and sexually...

Confidentiality in Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

Introduction Every occupation has codified and binding standards of honesty and professional integrity to ensure that people are treated with dignity and fairness. Experts who treat specific individuals, such as lawyers or doctors, commonly have confidentiality agreements to cultivate clients’ trust and respect their right to privacy. Speech-language pathologists and...

The U-Curve Model of Intercultural Communication

Introduction Creating a safe and welcoming environment for all participants is one of the core requirements for positive and productive communication. However, in some settings, achieving the goal of peaceful opinion and knowledge sharing becomes especially challenging due to the collision of perspectives, beliefs, and other cultural characteristics of individuals...

Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Introduction In a climate of obstruction among segregationists and the indifference of most white citizens, federal and civil rights laws in the South, the stronghold of American racism, were not enforced. The status of a discriminated and disenfranchised racial minority has been a daily reality for many generations of blacks....

The Homelessness Issue in the World

Introduction Homelessness, which sometimes is known as houselessness, is a condition that is characterized by a lack of stable, safer and adequate housing. Homeless people live under trees, in the streets, and sometimes under bridges. Moreover, people who live in private boarding houses with no valid security of tenure and...

Negotiation Scene From Personal Experience

Introduction Living in an area can be overwhelming, especially if one does not have funds to cater to all the expenses associated with the place. In most cases, parents prefer a situation where you stay within the homestead, and if you have to vacate, it is either after you have...

Steve Job’s Speech at Stanford: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford university commencement address illustrates how rhetorical components should be utilized while giving a discourse. The speaker uses humor, individual encounters, and perceptions from their life, among other expository strategies, to interface with his crowd in his discourse. He likewise requests to his crowd’s ethos, pathos,...

Family as the Primary Agent of Socialization

Introduction Socialization is an incredibly essential process that should appear in the life of every child. This process lasts during their whole life and allows individuals to function effectively and successfully in their social worlds, as well as learn about various social expectations. Precisely socialization provides people with many vital...

Gender Bias in Sports Commentary Observations

Gender inequality in sports is a major problem, which encompasses gender discrimination, the wage gap, unequal representation of male and female athletes, less media attention and the biased coverage of women’s events. According to Adams and Tuggle, despite the growing participation of women in competitions at all levels, “coverage of...

“Why I Won’t Buy an iPad” by Doctorow: Rhetorical Analysis

The purpose of the essay is to determine whether Cory Doctorow has effectively convinced his readers on why they should not buy IPad in the “Why I Won’t Buy an iPad (and Think You Shouldn’t, Either)” essay published on Boing Boing in April of 2010. This appears to be the...

Celeste Ng’s “Everything I Never Told You” Book

Silence or Broken Communication One of the most significant reactions to Celeste Ng’s book- Everything I never told you, is about the relationships among Lee’s family members, which are characterized by tension caused by silence or broken communication. The characters opted to remain silent when they should talk about their...

Structural Oppression, Marginalization and Alienation

There are various instances in the Bible where structures oppressed, marginalized, alienated, or created or enhanced privilege and power. The stories of Moses and Jesus discussed below are such occasions. In Moses’ narrative, he is hiding and placed in a reed basket by his parents so he could float on...

Essential Questions to Ask Your Future Self by Meg Jay

Meg Jay has paid attention to the problem of the empathy gap between present and future selves in her speech “Essential Questions to Ask Your Future Self”. The video was filmed with the support of media organization “TED” in May 2021, and due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the location was...

“Why Summer Makes Us Lazy”: Rhetorical Analysis

Summer is traditionally considered the time of year associated with rest, vacations and recovery, and the last thing you want to do in summer is work. It is the theme of the relationship between summer and people’s productivity that the author explores in his article. Throughout the text, the thesis...

Relationship Between Urbanization, Globalization, and People

The relationship between urbanization, globalization, and people is one of the most interesting and provocative topics in many discussions. On the one hand, humans do everything possible to enhance progress through urbanizing populations, creating more technologically advanced cities, and sharing experiences globally. On the other hand, urbanization and globalization are...

Grit! By Angela Duckworth: ”The Virtue of Hard Work” by Smith

In her article “Grit! By Angela Duckworth:” The Virtue of Hard Work “, Esfahani Smith discusses the definition of “grit” and reviews the information of the original book. Referring to Duckworth, Smith describes grit as “a combination of passion and perseverance” in order to reach an achievement. Smith cites the...

Objective Social Structure: Race, Gender, and Class

Introduction It is important to note that the concept and perspective of objective social structure place social elements above individual subjective interpretation. The implication of such understanding can be most clearly seen in the context of major demographic factors of a population. These aspects include race, gender, and socioeconomic class,...

A Good Conclusion in King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

Concluding thoughts are essential, as they are the final impression a reader receives from a speech or a piece of written communication. Garner (2017) emphasizes that the primary purpose of concluding thoughts is to prompt readers to take action. He further states that the last words should not be perfunctory...

“Feminist Rethinking From Racial-Ethnic Families” by Zinn

Abstract The current paper explores “Feminist rethinking from racial-ethnic families,” the structure of the text, the themes raised by the author, and the target audience. The article was written by the American sociologist Dr. Maxine Baca Zinn for her joint book with another scientist Bonnie Thornton Dill Women of Color...

Gender Inequality in French Hospitality Industry

Introduction Challenges of gender inequality in numerous organizations have continued to be manifested in the current century. Nevertheless, constructive development has been recognized where there has been the establishment of clear gender roles and significant gender parity participation in the global workforce. Presently, consideration has been directed towards corporate leadership...

Grocery Stores as Public Spaces

Why did you choose your site? The selected site is a grocery store. It was selected primarily due to the impact they have on urban experiences. It is important to note that the grocery store has been heavily affected by technology, and in recent times, has also been affected by...

Gender Inequality Essay Based on “The Story of an Hour” and “Boys and Girls”

Introduction Gender inequality has developed its roots from the ancient traditional practices that considered the girl child inferior in comparison to a male one. Traditional society stories describe a clear depiction and elaboration of girls’ and women’s inability to achieve their goals and dreams. The story “Boys and Girls” tries...

Object Relations Theory in Social Work Systems

Systems theory is a concept applied in social work to describe how various forces tend to influence behaviors and outcomes. Professionals working in this field need to be aware of various psychodynamic models and apply them accordingly to achieve the intended goals. The object relations theory is a framework that...

Division of Labor and Traditional Gender Roles

Labor within the family was traditionally divided along gender lines, with the male and female genders being assigned specific responsibilities. Men were assigned the tedious tasks that involved the use of immense power, and this was attributed to their general physical strength (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The labor men performed...

Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist Manifesto

Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood. Using rhetorical language, she paints a rather impressive new perspective of the seemingly familiar and clichéd picture of a married woman. Her essay is...

Chomsky’s “Media Control” Rhetorical Analysis

In the Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda article, the author Noam Chomsky begins by analyzing two models of democracy. One of the models is in which the public is governed and another in which the public is actively involved. Further, the theme of democracy and other political systems...

The Concept of Socialization

Socialization is how culture is learned and is critical for human existence and survival. Effective mingling is essential for a person to be considered fully human as interaction is a means of human survival. People communicate with each other to express feelings and send requests and information. Communication can be...

Famous Early Sociologists and Their Ideas

The Most Intriguing Early Sociologists From the ones mentioned in the textbook, the most intriguing sociologists are Martineau and Mead. The former is fascinating for being the first female figure in sociology, and her contribution to the development of the scientific field was extremely valuable. Surprisingly, she was able to...

“Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media”: Book Overview

The role of popular media in shaping our behaviors and whether it directly contributes to violence elicits a strong debate from various quarters of society. In her book, Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media, Nickie D. Phillips discusses how the idea of rape culture has permeated people’s collective...

Community Resources for Older Individuals

Old age is a critical period that often results in the deterioration of various spheres in an individual’s life, for example, one or more of either physical, social, or mental domains. However, with the right community services to support elderly individuals, it helps improve their quality of life and delay...

Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism

Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders. MacKinnon and Fiala (2018) argue that sexism is one of many forms of discrimination that leads to inequality in society. According to The King Center (n.d.), Marin Luther King also considered sexism a...

The Social Construction of Aging

Introduction Aging is a life process that makes a person old. The aging process is associated with memory loss, skin wrinkles, weak muscles, and also trouble balancing. Aging is said to be a result of normal biological body changes. Aging can also be a result of some of the impacts...

The Social Movement’s Success or Failure

Introduction Social movements refer to organized groups, which are purposeful and determined to achieve common goals. The main objective of social movements is to create social transformation through the generation or resistance of change. Social movements can be local, regional, or international, depending on the issue they are advocating for...

The Cancellation of Colin Kaepernick

In his article, Ta-Nehisi Coates (2019) writes about the “cancel culture” that existed for a long time but became popular in the last few years. As an example, he takes the cancellation of Colin Kaepernick, an American football player, and civil rights activist. The main idea of the article is...

The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption

Drug Abuse Deserves Attention Although drugs may appear to affect the users only, their adverse effects impact transcend are registered beyond the immediate consumers. Families and communities who relied on the person using the substances are negatively affected when the user neglects their responsibilities. For instance, children may fail to...

Aspects of National Communication in Cuba

Introduction In interpersonal and intergroup relationships it is paramount to be aware of the cultural notions of other people. In order not to be rude or offensive, it is vital to know the patterns of communication, which are utilized in the native country of the other party. There are multiple...

The Portrayal of Child Abuse and Neglect in Media

Introduction The topic of child abuse and neglect is a heavy one, but it requires an additional spotlight to attract society’s attention to this issue. This long-standing societal problem, when brought under the public eye, can be dismantled by peer pressure from the community on the government to take necessary...

Does Media Violence Cause Violent Behavior?

Looking at the recent trends, one can note that the public is becoming desensitized to seeing blood on screen. With films becoming continuously gorier and the rise in popularity of violent video games in the past couple of decades, even young kids have most likely encountered such media in their...

Social Distancing as Prevention

Introduction Social distancing or physical distancing is a complex of non-pharmacological sanitary and epidemiological measures aimed at stopping or declining the spread of an infectious disease. Social distancing means limiting close contacts between people, even if they are not sick, not being in any of the risk groups. It is...

Socialization: Definition and Theories

Introduction Socialization serves as a kind of connecting bridge between two such dissimilar phenomena – personality and society. There is an extraordinary variety of theoretical approaches to socialization in social sciences, and each scientific school offers its approach. This paper analyzes the concepts of socialization and resocialization and particularly focuses...

Stages of Formal and Informal Interviews

An interview is an exchange of information between two people in the form of questions and answers. People might experience formal and informal interviews during their lifetime. Formal interviews include interviews for getting a job or applying for a study program. Informal interviews do not follow strict procedures and are...

Why Should Smoking Be Banned in Public?

Smoking is one of the major causes of death in the world. Cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are associated with prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke. Many countries have stringent laws that prohibit smoking in public because of its negative health effects. The major argument for the...

Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Introduction Protestant work ethic In the realms of religious philosophy that governs motivations for wealth creation and distribution, is Protestant Work Ethic or otherwise termed as Puritan Work Ethic which stemmed from ancient classical doctrines from Catholicism. Conventionally, the mainstream church doctrines promoted good works; business with ethics and avoiding...

“Feminism Is for Everybody” Book by Bell Hooks

Since the times of Adam and Eve, humanity has been divided into two parts. Men and women, although living side by side, were opposing each other all the time. Without going too deep into history, somewhere in the 18th century appeared the movement called feminism, meant to fight for women’s...

Bourdieu’s Notion of ‘Cultural Capital’: Critical Examine

Introduction Major themes in cultural theory have heavily borrowed from the close relationship between the systems of meaning and human action. It is also evident that other theories in their attempt to give comprehensive explanations have been forced to take a position on this issue. Taking the example of symbolic...

The Great Debaters – Film Synopsis

Produced by Oprah Winfrey and starring a two-time Academy Award winner, Denzel Washington, The Great Debaters is a 2007 American biopic period film chronicling the success of the 1935 Wiley College Debate Team. Located in Marshal, Texas, Wiley is a historically black, private liberal arts college and was founded by...

The Moral Value of Prostitution

Introduction For years, prostitution has been viewed as an immoral act. From the Victorian age to the contemporary age, prostitutes have been criticized and even had to face the hand of the law for going in contrary to its stipulations. Mostly, the practitioners of this informal profession have been accused...

How Poverty Impacts on Life Chances, Experiences and Opportunities for Young People

Introduction Poverty presents many obstacles and impediments in the life of young people lives; these can be analyzed and understood through a series of social work concepts and theories. The paper shall specifically dwell on the social exclusion, class, and labeling theories to place youth poverty in its social context....

Cross-Racial Relationships in “The Lunch Date” Movie and Short Stories

Introduction In the present day, hundreds of majority and minority groups peacefully coexist in the limited space, daily interact and cooperate for survival. However, there still exist invisible boundaries between them, associated with majority’s prejudices against the less represented as well as the latter group’s wrongful identity and convictions. Short...

The Poor Will Always Be With Us

Poverty is one of the main social problems affected society since ancient times. Some researchers suppose that poverty can be illuminated by hard work and better education, increased wages and stable economic development. In the book, Nickel and Dimed B. Ehrenreich describes her investigation of poor working class conditions and...

American Modern Social Problem

Introduction The U.S. is the 3rd largest nation in the world next to Russia and Canada. The total population of the United States is approximately to be 294 million people. The United States has a number of both publicly and privately financed insurance plan whose purpose is the provision of...

Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives

Within several contemporary perspectives and modern social topics, functionalism and rational choice theory were chosen together with their sociological approach to analyze the issue of poverty. The discussion is supported by Gans’ (1972) research on the positive functions of poverty and Luebker’s (2014) analysis of redistribution and poverty in terms...

Feminist Theory Applied to the “Passengers” Film

Traditional male-female relationships continue to be central to the plot of most modern movies. However, despite progressive attitudes in society, the representations of females are viewed through the scope of sexuality and voyeurism, which differs from reality. The film Passengers is a modern blockbuster that creates an intimate setting for...

Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective

Introduction Drug legalization is a highly controversial ethical problem, with a plethora of arguments for and against it. The controversy provokes debates about addiction, substance abuse, as well as the rate of a related criminal offense, medical benefits, and other topics. For this reason, it is appropriate to evaluate drug...

Comparison of Three Codes of Ethics

What elements do they have in common? The main similarity between how AAMFT, APA, and ACA’s disciplinary codes refer to the implications of a Hippocratic Oath (do not harm), within the context of how these organizations’ affiliates are being expected to go about executing their professional duties, is that the...

Ethical Issues in Information Technology

​Introduction IT ethics may be defined as an analysis of the impact of information technology on the profession and society at large. It involves taking a look at how professionals in this sector need to be making their decisions. This course has exposed me to the importance and challenges that...

Jules Ferry’s Speech on French Colonial Expansion

Jules Ferry, a politician of the early Third Republic, is famous for his strategy of secular education and the fruitful extension of France as a colonial empire. He served as the Prime Minister of France for two terms. At that time the French imperial expansion started. Although criticized, he had...

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

Diversity and Social Inclusion Persuasive Arguments

Abstract This paper contains two persuasive arguments – one relating to the concept of diversity and another, concerned with the principle of social inclusion. In the first part of the paper, the concept of diversity (in its Western interpretation) is exposed to be discursively erroneous. In the second part of...

Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory

Introduction Ethical theories have enabled human beings to assess whethethe r their actions and consequences of their actions are ethical or unethical. Human beings can assess their athe ctions basing on deontological theories and consequences of their actions basing onthe teleological theories. According to Immanuel Kant, deontological ethics perceives morality...

Modern Issues of Gender Studies

Background of the Study Public responsibility in society and individual domestic set ups have been raising questions about gender. The general social evolutionary trend that has seen women rise up to take up roles that were previously played by men has also been a debatable issue in society. Arguments over...

Infidelity and Societal Impact on Family Values

Introduction Infidelity is the main cause of divorce in America today. Infidelity is a vice that is causing stains in families, among many other ills that come with it. It has been shown many times that groups of people sharing common beliefs and attitudes tend to behave in the same...

Ethical Analysis of the Bakun Dam Project

Introduction Utilitarianism distinguishes right from wrong based on the outcomes. As such, it is a representation of consequentialism. The locus of utilitarianism is choosing a course of action that produces optimal good for the largest number (Chen, 2021). Keeping the previous argument in mind, the ethical analysis of the Bakun...

Children and Aging Adults as Vulnerable Groups

Introduction Society is one of the most dynamic systems in which people rapidly change their social groups and, in most cases, become more vulnerable. This paper, using groups such as children and aging adults as examples, will reveal existing problems and suggest solutions. The most vulnerable period of a person’s...

Public Administration and Ethics

Introduction It is hard to disagree that, in most cases, adherence to the universal and one’s moral values is the key to positive social interactions and the promotion of the good. The code of ethics and moral principles should guide professionals who aim to earn society’s trust and meet people’s...

Living in a Personal Identity and Finding a Purpose

Introduction Everything that surrounds a person undoubtedly shapes their identity. Since everyone has their perception of accomplishments, occurrences, and people in their lives, I firmly believe that the same things can evolve the identities of multiple people in entirely different ways. Speaking of my own experience, one thing that has...

Domestic Abuse in Married Couples

Acts that violate the rights of a weaker partner in a partnership are termed domestic abuse. Family settings are common locations for the incidence of gender-based violence, which the perpetrators virtually always conceal. The shame associated with naming and shaming perpetrators of domestic abuse has contributed to an increase in...

Cyberbullying Through Social Learning Theory Lens

Introduction The growing popularity of technological society and developing online interactions often create new dangers for users. Potential offenders now have more anonymity due to the rising of social media to establish relationships and consider targets for criminal activity. Cybercriminals have created a wide range of activities, many of which...

Communication: Response Styles and Their Effects

Introduction How a person organizes his interpersonal connections can be determined by the way they communicate. According to Urea (2013), communication styles are made up of individual traits that are visible in the communication act. This includes particular methods of message reception and decrypting, individual traits for message analysis and...

Social Stratification and Inequality

Every society has categories and classes that determine how people live. Social stratification is a term that describes the social standing system. Factors like race, money, power, and education form the social status that people see, which differs one group of people from others. Even though countries mostly do not...

Social Worker in the Field of Child and Family Welfare

Introduction At the moment, there are many approaches to working with families and children to achieve their well-being. In the 2020 UNICEF report, the United States was ranked 34th in child well-being (UNICEF Innocenti, 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to understand the responsibility and the need to work in this...

Female Firefighters in Male-Dominated Profession

Professional activity is one of the critical components of human life, due to which one develops as an individual, obtaining material and psychological means for existence. For many centuries, gender indicators significantly influenced career choices. Women had to demonstrate their strength, endurance, and courage in order to prove that they...

The Use of Conversational Devices in Communication

Introduction The introductory part’s central idea is that people can use different conversational devices to establish communication. By using a variety of linguistic phenomena, individuals can control how others utilize reasoning to justify their claims. Arguments maps can be created by several means, which is curious to observe in arguing...