The Process of Socialization

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that socialization is one of the essential and very complex processes that define the personality of an individual. From the sociological perspective, a person is not born as a fully developed and functioning social actor, but he or she has to go through a...

Integrity in Relationships and Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles....

Social Dynamics and Its Problems

It is argued that teaching and studying are determined by social dynamics (Colvin, 2005, p. 10). Some of the most influential factors which affect these activities in the classroom are the classroom atmosphere (which influences the students’ enthusiasm for learning and their engagement in classroom activities significantly), relations and expectations...

Gender Identification in Coed Dormitories

Nowadays, in the dormitories of the American University, the implementation of effective policies and norms plays an important role. The point is that students from different parts of the world are allowed to live in American dormitories and free to develop their personal needs, religious interests, political persuasions, incomes, and...

Veteran Suicide Rates: Addressing Mental Health Challenges

The increase in suicide rates among veterans frightens and reveals the magnitude of mental challenges experienced by the group. The most worrying aspect of Clay Hunt’s interview was the revelation that 22 veterans die daily from suicide (CBS News, 2013). Unfortunately, many recruits to the army fit the profile of...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist Theories

Critical Race Theory During the recent three decades, Critical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one. The theory was formulated by researchers for the legal context in the 1980s-1990s, and Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic...

“What Does It Mean to Be Gendered Me” by B. Lucal

Response In her work What It Means to Be Gendered Me, Betsy Lucal, a professor of sociology, examines the problem of a person who does not visibly represent their gender and has to survive in the system with strict gender frames. The author illustrates her analysis of this issue with...

Controversial Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” Film

Introduction: Overview of the Scene An ethical dilemma presented in the final scene of the movie Gone Baby Gone is extremely controversial, and there is no right answer to it. In the plot, a detective, Patrick Kenzie, was hired by a single mother and a drug addict, Helene, to find...

Ethics as Learned and Not Natural Behavior

Introduction Ethics is a very common topic nowadays, which encompasses knowing what is moral and immoral. There are no doubts that ethics are very essential in all aspects of life. Throughout the history of human kind, there are numerous theories and thoughts that have been developed to explain ethics and...

Modern Social Stratification in Weber’s Theory

Introduction Social stratification has been an integral aspect of society for centuries. Factors for social stratification differ by country and the stage of the society’s development. Social stratification inevitably leads to inequality due to division into social classes. Moreover, the aspects of racial and gender inequality should be considered (Keister...

The Gender Dysphoria Concept

Abstract Formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), gender dysphoria is a discrepancy between gender and sex, which is characterized by feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s biological sex. People with this medical condition desire to live as the opposite sex. Therefore, their behaviors, attitudes,...

Sexuality in “Love Beyond Gender” by Alysia Abbott

The question of sexuality has always been an ongoing issue for human society. Being one of the basic instincts, sexual interest impacts the life of an individual and predetermines the choice of a partner. Sexuality plays a crucial role in the process as it conditions this very choice and results...

What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and...

The Concept of ‘Responsibility’

The concept of ‘responsibility’ The peculiarities of the modern world’s development make people often think about the idea of responsibility because they should be responsible for each their step and every word. I agree that the concept of ‘responsibility’ can be discussed as one of the major elements which form...

Camus’ The Stranger and Rousseau’s ‘Natural Man’

Camus’ The stranger is a depiction of the natural man displayed by Rousseau. Rousseau brings out the characteristics of the natural man as being truthful and mostly affected by natural occurrences. He argues that the true nature of man is guided by self-preservation and pity; hence actions are not determined...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

Comparing Speeches by Dr. King and Alicia Garza on Justice

Introduction The speeches delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Alicia Garza from the Black Lives Matter movement are two of the most influential and moving speeches of the modern era. Both speakers had the power to capture their audience with their passionate delivery and body language. While both...

The Moral Complexities of Active and Passive Euthanasia: James Rachels vs. Philippa Foot

Introduction Evaluation of euthanasia as a phenomenon of social life is complicated from a moral point of view, as it requires the analysis of individual ethical issues associated with the interruption of life. Euthanasia can be carried out through specific actions performed by medical personnel, in which case, it will...

Human Duties to Animals: Kant, Singer, and Scruton’s Views

Introduction The duty of humans toward animals is a subject that is highly contented due to individuals’ differing opinions regarding the rights of animals vs. humans. Immanuel Kant, Peter Singer, and Roger Scruton offer insightful philosophical and ethical reasoning on how humans should treat animals and the relationship they should...

The Willowbrook State School Study: A Violation of Ethics

The Details of the Research Mistreatment Case Introduction The use of ethical and moral standards to direct investigators in their actions of investigations is known as the moral principles for study. These principles include kindness, innocence, reverence for persons, and fairness. The Nuremberg Code, created following World War II to...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy

Legal Issues in the Case Study The provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare. One of the legal issues is whether it is legal for the PT to leave the patient to get out of...

Roosevelt’s Speech to the 77th Congress: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction On January 6, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a speech regarding the union to the 77th congress. Roosevelt indicates that US security is threatened through false propaganda, and although still in war isolation, the nation must be ready for the upcoming war. In his address, the president uses...

New York and California Immigration Policies Comparison

Immigration policy is the regulations and statutes governing are allowed to enter a country, including determinations of citizenship and visa issuance. New York and California have taken different approaches to the immigration, while both states have some of the most liberal policies in the nation. There are also key differences...

The Food Choices Movie Analysis

The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products. In this documentary, director Michal Siewierski investigates the effects that people’s dietary choices have on their health, the health of the environment, and the lives of...

Social Constructivism Theory Applied to Current Event

Introduction Social constructionism, often known as the social construction of reality, is a sociological and communication theory investigating the formation of a collective perception of reality. Social constructionism is a viewpoint that holds that most of human existence occurs as it does due to interpersonal and social forces. Even though...

Intercultural Communication Competence

Summarizing Intercultural communication is one of the most important and relevant areas for research to this day. Researchers need to understand what leads to positive interpersonal communication and have a good effect on relations between people of different cultures and what has a negative impact and leads to conflicts (Grothe,...

Sociological Positivism Theory in Police Practice

Introduction Social positivism is a theory that comprehensively researches the social world and its influence on an individual’s behavior. Positivists depend on the empirical nature of data, believing that what is observed is the truth. They employ specifically data quantification because it considers facts, not people’s subjective interpretations. Positivism is...

Pre-Group Meeting: Managing Groups and Teams

Pre group meeting is a platform that allows attendees to acquire information to make an informed decision about whether the group is good for them, meet the facilitators, ask any special questions, and get a sense of the physical atmosphere. The pre-group interview is a supplement to established organizational intake,...

How the Concept of Brahman-Atman Can Benefit Human-Environment Relationship

Introduction The philosophical and religious beliefs enable people to arrange their lives in certain ways and ultimately shape their vision of various phenomena. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and it possesses numerous insightful concepts which, to this day, influence the way millions of people perceive...

Daily Life in the 21st Century vs. 1000 Years Ago

Introduction Over the ages, the social system has undergone a significant transformation. Compared to the lives our ancestors led generations ago, today’s everyday lives are very different. According to Bryceson, a modern industrialized community has only recently emerged, having evolved from agrarian communities fewer than 5.000 years back (128). There...

The Issue of Human Rights Violation

Introduction Good morning, I stand here to bring to your attention a crucial issue that has gained more significant attention than ever. First, it is essential to mention that human deserves the right to have a good and safe life. With this in mind, I would wish to question everyone...

Transgender People in the Olympic Games

Introduction The new guidelines state that transgender athletes may be permitted to compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. New Zealand heavyweight athlete Laurel Hubbard will become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics (Safer 3). Hubbard was one of five weightlifters from that country to...

How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners

The given report is focused on the video titled “How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” uploaded by the Think Media channel. The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tools for building online influence. The structure and format...

A Review of the Book “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken” by Behrendt

Introduction Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt (2005) are the authors of “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken.” The book discusses a wide range of contemporary issues, one of which is marriage divorce. The book’s tone is laid-back and unpretentious as the authors begin the book with a tragic story...

Reading Critique Assignment: Only Disconnect

The reading under review is a 2010 essay, Only Disconnect, written by Gary Shteyngart for The New York Times. Humorously and brilliantly, the author brings the dehumanization, disconnection, and loss of identity facilitated by modern technology to the forefront. The essay is rhetorically effective and relays a clear and believable...

Communication: The Transmission of Information

Communication has always been an integral part of human lives, to the point that society, as it is, would not exist without it. As a fish that does not perceive water, people often forget the meaning and importance of communication. It is a symbolic process whereby the information is transmitted...

Aspects of Monologic Communication

Monologic communication is a mode of communication where one person speaks while the other listens. However, because communication is just one-way, there is no interaction between individuals. The monologic communicator is only concerned with achieving his or her objectives and shows no genuine interest in or care for the attitudes...

Ethical Relativism Regarding Queer (LGBTQ+) Community

The idea that ethics is based on cultural or personal standards is known as ethical relativism. In other words, the moral standards of the culture or one’s perceptions in which a behavior is engaged to determine whether it is acceptable or unethical. The same behavior could be morally acceptable in...

Social Communication: The Role of Culture

Communication and culture have a highly intricate and close interaction. First, cultures are produced through communication; that is, communication is the means of human connection through which cultural features are established and communicated, whether they be conventions, roles, norms, rituals, laws, or other patterns. Individuals do not seek out to...

The Rise of Female Sex Tourism

Many travelers are looking for sexual adventures – and are willing to pay for it. Minors are victims as well; however, many tourist destinations shy away from addressing this issue. Experts underscore that sex tourism is a very varied phenomenon found in almost every country in the world. Even though...

Zombie Apocalypse Team

An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an...

Human Subject Protection in Research Ethics

IRB review of research initiatives involving human beings is mandated under federal rules. Before any research operations begin, the IRB must either approve the study or decide it is exempt. The IRB is not able to approve or make decisions on completed research. It is not regarded as research when...

The Theory of Social Stratification

The key meaning behind the concept of social stratification is the classification of people to the different social classes that possess or lack certain privileges. There is an evident pattern that displays that each society organizes their resources unequally, which leads to the unavoidable stratification (Tumin, 1953). The level of...

Effective Communication and Negotiation

Introduction Effective Communication is an important skill that plays a huge role in social and business settings. Individuals who have mastered the art of communication can be considered generally better negotiators. William Ury and Herb Cohen are some of the most renowned negotiators who have left a mark as masters...

Sexual Division of Labor: “Encanto” Meeting Hartsock’s Theory

Having charmed millions of people worldwide, “Encanto” has become the Disney hit that has allowed for a strong emotional connection with all of its characters. However, the film also represents a curious character study from a sociological standpoint, namely, due to its being grounded in the history and social paradigms...

Performance Report and Recommendations for Florida Re-Entry Subdivision

Ex-offenders often encounter an atmosphere that discourages them from becoming productive citizens when released in the United States. Studies have shown that within three years of their release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested (Astrada 2018). With almost two million individuals jailed in the United States, recidivism damages both convicts’...

Social Movement Framing in Pictures

Importance of Framing for Social Movements When defined this way, social movements may sound similar to special-interest organizations, and they do share some characteristics. A social movement is an organized attempt by many people to achieve or prevent social, political, economic, or cultural change (Shuster & Campos-Castillo, 2017). It is...

Nature vs. Nurture in Formation of Identity

Introduction The question of what affects the formation of personality genes or upbringing has worried humanity since ancient times. This is due to the fact that it is challenging to separate the effect of genes and environmental factors. The results of the research conducted by specialists contradict the well-established belief...

Aspects of Green Social Theory

Introduction The green social theory represents a newer branch of social work that has emerged in response to sustainability concerns of the global community. The theory is concerned with the impact of declining environmental stability on humans. Therefore, instead of focusing on immediate environments, green social work extends to the...

Discussion of Marriage and Divorce Impact

Marriage can provide evident economic benefits to both parties, such as the division of labor within a family. Divorce, on the other hand, can be costly if the spouses do not have any previously agreed upon terms of separation. The economics of marriage and divorce are complex as they are...

Labeling and Social Reaction Theory

“If you repeat a lie one thousand times, it becomes the truth” – this line is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, who was the minister of propaganda in the Nazi Germany. This sinister message is perfect for describing the mechanism of labeling and how it affects individuals, both those being branded...

Gender Stereotypes in Academic and Family Settings

Annotated Bibliography Adamiak, Marzena. “Gender Stereotypes in Emmanuel Lévinas’ Concept of Subject.” Gender in Focus, 2018, pp. 195-206. The article aims at providing the reader with a reflection on the development of gender stereotypes and their effect on the people. The source will be essential in providing information on how...

Social Darwinism as an Idea by Herbert Spencer

Social Darwinism is a broad group of beliefs that applied Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection to explain specific sociopolitical and economic viewpoints. As mentioned in the discussion, supporters of this theory believed in “survival of the fittest,” which holds that only certain people rise to positions of prominence in...

Reflective Ethics Paper: The Moral Problem

Philosophy may be described as the pursuit of knowledge. Based on this viewpoint, we can attribute ancient Hebrews as exceptional thinkers and ethic founders since they had a lifelong love for knowledge. Morality dictates that philosophy must value the pursuit of understanding morals and ethics in the proper and hopeful...

Discussion and Reflection: Moral Compass

Theories The first theory to discuss is the common good lens. This approach assumes that everyone has to contribute to life in the community, improving it through such things as empathy for others, compassion, and providing help, especially to the vulnerable ones. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2021) states that...

Meaning of the Ethics and Ethical Problem

Ethics is a set of knowledge, ideas and regulations that have been developed by humanity, which characterize, from a moral point of view, the difference between right and wrong. An ethical problem is an ambiguous question about the morality of an act or opinion. The moral aspect of any dilemma...

Intercultural Conflict Communication Style

There are various approaches to characterize conflict resolution styles, and one of them is the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory. It was developed by Mitchell Hammer in 2005 and, according to it, there are two dimensions that an individual’s conflict-solving technique consists of – the analytical one and the emotional one...

Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World

A majority of contemporary work in social sciences is centered on exploring issues of social inequality and prevailing gender-based judgments. The article by Yamin, “When Misfortune Becomes Injustice,” examines the struggles and misfortunes of Brazilian women in the reconstructing socio-economic systems of the government (Yamin, 2020). Referring to concrete examples...

America After World War I: A Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl

Introduction It is extremely likely that one has heard at least once in their life that the United States is one big melting pot. As a person gets older, they start to debate whether America is actually a melting pot – or if it is a salad bowl. In order...

The Life of Nelson and Winnie Mandela

Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918, was the son of the head of the Tembu tribe, an ethnic group of the Kosa. His first name, which was given at birth, is Rolihlahla, which means ‘to tear a branch of a tree’ in the Kos language, a figurative...

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

Intercultural communication is important in the modern world due to the close relations between countries and cultures and their influence on each other. However, not everyone has the skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. These skills can be developed with the help of a person experienced in communication...

Freedom in Action via Cultural Relativism

Introduction Although encouraging awareness for cultural diversity, cultural relativism may sometimes be detrimental. At its most extreme, cultural relativism allows no place to criticize other cultures. Essentially, I will analyze the proposals of Savater demonstrated in chapter 6 of The Question of Life regarding freedom in action via applying cultural...

Celeste Ng’s “Everything I Never Told You” Book

Silence or Broken Communication One of the most significant reactions to Celeste Ng’s book- Everything I never told you, is about the relationships among Lee’s family members, which are characterized by tension caused by silence or broken communication. The characters opted to remain silent when they should talk about their...

“How to Deal With Difficult People” Talk by Johnson

In his TEDx Talks speech titled “How to deal with difficult people”, Jay Johnson (TEDx Talks, 2018) shares some useful methods on how to talk with people that we do not like very much. He argues that the best way to deal with somebody unpleasant is by changing ourselves and...

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Comparison

Introduction The ability to communicate with each other is a rather beneficial skill. However, it is essential to remember that there are several different types of communication, and one should be aware of the social functions of each and develop various social skills. The purpose of this paper is to...

Significance of Forgiveness and Its Importance

Introduction All people at least once in their lives faced the choice of forgiving or not forgiving someone who made a mistake or offended them. It can often be very difficult to overcome oneself and forgive, but in fact, there are several reasons why this act is necessary. First, mental...

Female Population of India

Introduction It is hard to disagree that it is essential for humans to be aware of cultural differences and know how females are treated in various areas. Such a knowledge allows persons to learn how their own counties can be improved. The area selected for this assignment is India, and...

“Why Summer Makes Us Lazy”: Rhetorical Analysis

Summer is traditionally considered the time of year associated with rest, vacations and recovery, and the last thing you want to do in summer is work. It is the theme of the relationship between summer and people’s productivity that the author explores in his article. Throughout the text, the thesis...

Machiavelli’s and Christine de Pizan’s Views on Virtue

Introduction Virtue is explicitly expressed in different terms and analyses from The Prince and The Book of the City of Ladies and other Writings. The two pieces of literary writings are the works of Niccolo Machiavelli and Christine de Pizan respectively. Empirically, de Pizen describes virtue in a homiletic perception...

Analysis of Reflexive and Selective Attention

Background Our brains are effective after selecting specific information for processing. Attention has several instances that include selective and reflexive attention. Selective attention prioritizes detailed information over others, and visual stimuli in the fringes spark reflexive attention (Banich & Compton, 2018). The eyes’ adjusting to lighting in the dark is...

Ethical Decision Problem: What Ought I to Do?

Every day a person has to choose from a variety of options. Some of them might be right, and some might be wrong. The word ‘ought’ is very important in the field of ethics. Of course, when faced with a difficult scenario, people’s minds ask, “What ought I do?” One...

Literary Theory: Perspectives and Approaches

The study of literary texts always involves the problem of multiple meanings because of interpretations. One need only think of any of the movies, books, or even songs whose familiarity was shared with a friend. In this case, even close friends, who usually have similar worldviews and interests, will see...

Challenges Facing Science in Modern Society

Science is an area that has faced a lot of controversy in modern society. Science is worth understanding and pursuing as it involves evidence and intensive research and findings. Basic knowledge of distribution, production, and processing borrows the knowledge of science heavily. Most people view science as a complicated issue,...

Homosexuality: History and Theoretical Perspective

Any behavior that differs from the norms and standards set out by society is considered deviant. From this perspective, homosexuality, or attraction towards the same sex, opposes the traditional views of relationships between men and women. Several social theories can help gain a better understanding of the history of homosexuality,...

Analysis of Milgram’s Study of Obedience

Introduction The twentieth century left an enormous legacy of controversial psychological research, and Milgram’s study was no exception. Indeed, the American psychologist Stanley Milgram’s series of 24 experiments was one of the most famous social psychology studies (Gridley and Jenkins, 2017). Milgram also conducted studies about conformity in Norway and...

Relational Dialectics and Conflict Management

Relational dialectics can be described as a concept of communication theories that analyses contradictions and tensions that exist in relationships. It was developed by Leslie Baxter who prescribes three primary relational dialectics including Autonomy connection, novelty-predictability, and openness-closeness. Autonomy connection is the desire to be bonded physically and mentally in...

Ethics Education in Daily Life

In The Significance of Ethics and Ethics Education in Daily Life, Michael D. Burroughs talks about the implications of ethics on everyday life and the importance of developing skills necessary to make ethical decisions. Burroughs challenges the differences between theoretical ethical values and principles and the way we act in...

“Make Your Influence Positive” Media Clip Analysis

The media clip reviewed in this paper is titled “Make Your Influence Positive.” It was created as part of the Child-Friendly campaign conducted by the Australian NGO in 2008 (Kiniri). The clip was also featured by various media outlets around the world, including New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the...

Selflessness and Motivation for Ethical Behavior

Introduction Over the past few decades, corporate public sector scandals have become rampant, which leaves many people to question why the available rules cannot prevent unethical behavior. Some ethical breaches often tend to violate organizational formal rules. However, others can be perceived as falling within a dangerous grey area or...

Physical Disability in the United States

Many people with a physical disability might experience discrimination in everyday life or at work. According to Bonaccio et al. (2020), many social organizations in the USA are trying to defend the equality of people with disabilities. However, this group of people still shows a low level of employment. Finding...

Adolescent Pregnancy: Applying the Theory of Paradox

Background of the Issue Prior to gaining a deeper understanding of how the United States of America copes with the issue of adolescent pregnancy, it should be crucial to take a look at 42 million teenagers. They are developing well and represent an important population cohort that generates lots of...

History and an Individual: The Sociological Imagination

There is a close link between history and an individual, which Charles Mills has suggested. He defined the sociological imagination as a particular state of mind of a researcher that allows us to understand people’s social structures and behavior (Corrigall-Brown, 2019). This is the ability to look at familiar things...

The Social and Cultural Rules

Social and cultural rules define the expectations and behaviors as dictated by shared beliefs of a special social group. Although sometimes these rules are not spoken, they present social standards that support appropriate behaviors and determine acceptable actions and interactions of people. This implies that they are influential in diverse...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy

Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia. Being a member of a definite gender implements specific societal roles. These roles may vary in different cultures, but they are precisely determined in most...

Importance of Active Listening for Life

Recently, I have held a conversation with a client who was complaining about the delay he has been subjected to in trying to obtain an environmental approval license for his prosed housing project. I was actively listening to the client by keeping myself engaged in the conversation positively. He stated...

Characteristics of Social Awareness

Introduction The phenomenon of social awareness addressed the importance of acknowledging the fact that every human, being a part of society, bears the responsibility to meaningfully interact with others in order not to cause harm. Life coaches, whose primary task is to help clients to move on with their life...

William Blake’s Poetry and the Modern Republic in Crisis

Introduction Blake’s society was in the midst of revolutionary fever, and the hope of a better future prompted the poet to express views he hoped would guide the people to freedom. His poems show that apparent evil is the manifestation of energy working to oppose the established order. This new...

Spiral of Silence Theory

Introduction One of the primary people’s needs for a successful life is unity. It means that everyone has to receive support from peers regarding their opinions in order to feel comfortable in communication. This motivation helps them agree on essential matters while preventing them from expressing themselves authentically. This mechanism...

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

In society, people work together to fulfill a variety of tasks and responsibilities, attributed to them both by their own life and the others around them. To understand how society functions and how internal and external factors influence it, philosophers and sociologists have attempted to analyze social trends and tendencies...

A Single-Story Perception – “The Danger of a Single Story”

Today, many people consume information online, which leads to a distortion of their understanding of certain events because social media tend to channel one-sided perspectives. In her speech “The Danger of a Single Story,” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie contends that being familiar only with one aspect of complex phenomena entails negative...

Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity

The sense of belonging is a critical part of an individual’s identity. Therefore, while longing for individualism, people still need to be a part of a broader community. The participation opportunity in question allows them to share knowledge and information, while also comparing their social status to that on of...

Rhetorical Effects of Grammatical Choices in “Only Disconnect”

Language is a phenomenon that has a huge impact on human consciousness, although often, people themselves do not notice it. The use of different phrases, verb tenses, and noun lines can make a strong impression on readers. These techniques can make a piece interesting or boring, dynamic or calm, neutral...

The Universality of Human Rights

Introduction “Human rights are “universal” rights in the sense that they are held “universally” by all human beings” (Donnelly 2007, p.4). Human rights are also said to be universal because most cultures and societies have upheld the concept of human rights throughout their history (Donnelly 2007). Therefore, the concept of...

What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media?

In the era of social media, viral campaigns are launched to generate public interest or promote a product. The power of word of mouth strengthens the social media’s influence on people, contributes to the emergence of the crowdculture (cultural branding) concept, and implicates various social media marketing strategies (Holt, 2016;...

Correlation Between Social Media and Communication Skills

The way people communicate has been altered significantly by the advances in information technologies. Moreover, the growing popularity of social media continues to enhance the way people perceive their interlocutors and their ability to reach a broad audience when it is needed. The perception of social media varies significantly, and...

Being Human: Human-Computer Interaction

Computers are everywhere. Computers already pervaded the homes and offices of many industrialised countries. Computers used to be considered as mere machines, tools to help man become more efficient. A complex machine that is a great help when it comes to processing a considerable amount of data. Computers can be...

Ideal Society: Impacts of Culture and Socialization

Culture refers to shared beliefs, norms, and traditions that bind a specific group of people. It encompasses a variety of characteristics, including language, religion, identity, and behavior. On the other hand, socialization denotes the lifelong process of acquiring the necessary skills to adequately function in a given community. This progression...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Activism

Introduction Social movements are an important driver of social change since they help minorities to get lacking rights and liberties. Although much progress has been made in the field of civil rights recently, there are still social movements fighting for the rights of oppressed population groups, and one of them...

Analysis of “This Is Water” by David Foster Wallace

The speech “This Is Water” provided in the paper is an address to the students of Kenyon College made in 2005. In it, David Foster Wallace reviews some particularities of people’s minds and their unconscious attitude to the events and circumstances around them. The author uses the young fish asking...

Prison Staffing and Correctional Officers’ Duties

History The nature of the work of correction officers within the American prison system is highly misunderstood. The actual responsibilities of the different sections within the prison department overlap. There is no clear-cut rule on the nature of the work or the roles these officers play in inmates’ lives (“Evolving...

The Power of Conformity: Asch’s Experiments

The inherent need to be a part of the community is often seen in modern society as a negative phenomenon, yet, in essence, it is a neutral force that may incite one to take a specific action. The latter, in turn, may be positive or negative, yet the very concept...

Gender-Assigned Social Norms: Male Socialization Experiences

Introduction People’s upbringing and assimilation in society mainly depend on their genders and the roles a particular social environment assigns to genders. While socialization as a process of acquiring a set of values and rules of behavior in a given society is essential for all groups, gender defines what specific...

Advocacy Letter to the Minister of Indigenous Services

Dear Mr. Miller, I write this letter to address the problems in An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, Youth and Families, or Bill C-92. I believe that the policy was a significant step towards government collaboration with Inuit, Metis, and First Nations representatives, as it strengthened the...

Roiphe’s Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow: Rhetorical Analysis

Author In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. Anne Roiphe is an American feminist author, and her work is noteworthy for its examination of the conflict between the desire for family and relationships and that for career and self-determination....

“Stanford Prison Experiment Ethics” by Philip Zimbardo

Introduction In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an infamous study, and he called it the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). This research is often considered influential in psychology. The experiment went beyond the traditional academic discourse and was referenced in movies and mass media reports (Le Texier, 2019). However, the research has...

Critique of “We Should all be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In April 2012, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a speech entitled “We should all be feminists” at the TedxEuston event in London. TEDx talks are regular events across the world that invite speakers of various backgrounds, from philosophy to medicine, to share their experience and expertise. By 2012,...

Types of Shoppers and Their Approaches for Buying

Shopping may seem like a straightforward activity and something that all people do similarly. However, most people have a different approach to buying groceries, clothes, electronics, and household and other items. There are many categories of shoppers, including impulse and need-oriented buyers, bargain hunters, loyal customers, and those who prefer...

Computer Ethics: Ethics, Laws, Definition & Privacy

The continuous development of technology and the rise of social media significantly shape the modern life of people. The majority of them use different devices (tablets, laptops, or smartphones) to access the Internet and exchange information with other human beings for various purposes. Computer ethics emerged as an answer to...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

Sleepy Hollow General Hospital: Conflict of Interest

Background Statement The organization under review, the Sleepy Hollow General Hospital, experiences an issue in the incoherency in hip and knee implant supply. The investigation has shown that orthopedic surgeons in the facility purchase their equipment from different suppliers that vary significantly in price, quality, and use. The financial executive...

The History of Youth Style and Resistance

Introduction Once one understands fashion, it becomes easier for one to understand the complexities of relationships between the individual and society. It sums up many of the strains in the modern life experiences and particularly lays emphasis on the function of consumerism in that understanding (Miles, 1998, p. 95). At...

Why Humans Should Not Visit Mars

Over the past few decades, developments in the field of space flights and space exploration have gone so far that the time has come to wonder if it is worth sending people to Mars. Such a step would actualize the potential of space exploration. On the other hand, the appearance...

Gender Stereotypes: Should Real Men Wear Pink?

Nowadays, studies regarding the topic of similarities and differences between men and women are becoming more relevant for social studies. Some of the most well-known facts about gender stereotypes usually relate to clothing. Even in the 21st century, there is a strong belief among people that real men should not...

Nonverbal Communication as an Essential Part of Conversation

The field of nonverbal communication has been gaining interest from researchers as it plays a crucial role in establishing connections and understanding others’ intentions. Nonverbal communication includes many dimensions such as body language, emotions, and emotional intelligence, personal space and contingency, the tone of voice, and distinctive signals such as...

Women and Their Roles in the Family and Workplace

The modern society focuses on success and self-expression. Today’s world had become more tolerant to different cultures, nationalities, and gender roles shifting. There are many reasons why men and women are changing their social roles more often. It is promoted by changing in economics and structure of society. There is...

Respect in the Army: Values and Standards

Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued that respect towards...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “All Animals are Equal”

Introduction People have been raising issues concerning human rights and equality. These rights and equality are mostly based on race, ethnicity and gender. There have been arguments that all human beings are equal, each and every human being has equal rights as the other and he or she is entitled...

Social Phenomena Theories: Bureaucratic and Classical Theories

Introduction Theories are very important sources of scientific enlightenment. In many cases, a theory in a research study often appears in the form of discourses and time-tested ideologies. Scientific theories are used to explain certain social phenomena (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, the scope of this essay will be limited to two...

A Change in the Way You Deal With Other People

Introduction Since no man is an island, it is convenient to learn how to handle other people in our lives. Before handling other people, it is worth noting that people are different. Some people are difficult to handle or impossible, while others are easygoing. An efficient way of dealing with...

Biometric System Modules: Implementation and Operation

Because ID theft occurs in 1 out of 20 individuals with an estimated 54 billion in fraud, biometrics is the future for security that should be implemented by businesses and the government to reduce Identity fraud. Biometrics addresses the recognition of people grounded on their genetic or behavioral traits. It...

Communication Strategies for Crisis Management

Introduction Often during various crises events like natural disasters, vehicle accidents, oil spills, and others there are groups of people who may need assistance. Since these groups may be quite populous or some means of communication might be unavailable, effective communication systems and strategies are to address every person’s calls...

Victorian Period Corset Controversy

Introduction The practice of wearing corsets has historically provided women the perfect, sculpted hyperbolic female body. The corseted figure becomes an almost permanent body modification as the internal organs and ribs gradually adjust to its shape (Riordan 2007). This practice has been the reason for a long debate, which is...

Children’s, Young People’s and Family Rights

Abstract This document will base its discussion on children rights in consistence to the 1989 convention; it will then embark on the legality of the convention going further into highlighting the children rights as outlined in the convention. It will then narrow down to the special children’s groups to analyze...

Ethics: Types and What Is It For

Ethics is a major part of philosophy which subject of studying is morality. Morality does not form a special area in human life, but it is present in people’s every relation (the relation surrounding people surrounding, to the nature, to animals). Ethics have a close connection with sciences about humans...

Female Gender and Changes over the Last 150 Years

Introduction Even now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, there is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that gender is the set of biological and social characteristics that distinguishes men from women. The word “social” is crucial in this case. In fact, physical characteristics of a...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

Angelina Jolie’s Rhetorical Speech on Female Empowerment

Have you ever wondered why it is mainly women who talk about the problems of other women? And why among these female speakers there are so many Hollywood artists? And, finally, what is that all for? The point is, famous females have the privilege to use their fame to share...

Ethical Theories and Principles

Sometimes, it is difficult to tell unambiguously whether a deed is right or wrong. Moral principles do not always find their place in legislation, and people should decide how to act in a challenging situation based on their feeling of rightness and wrongness, as well as common sense. In such...

Sexual Activities and Responsibility Among Youth

Introduction With the availability of social media platforms where young people spend most of their time interacting with friends, various stakeholders are concerned about issues related to the content shared, including privacy, information leakage, and the possible destruction of one’s self-image. Such platforms have led to the establishment of friends...

Millennials & Boomers: Insights from Keith Spencer’s Essay

The essay “Why Millennials Will Miss Boomers When They’re Gone” by Keith Spencer gives the reader a view on the generation gap between Baby Boomers and millennials. It goes into great detail, describing those generations’ differences, the reasons for those and what important lessons readers must learn. The essay is...

Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Human beings encounter different challenges, conflicts, and differences that make it impossible for them to achieve their objectives. The presence of such problems will affect relations, activities, and social goals. In any given organization, disagreements will affect employees’ morale and eventually result in poor performance. These issues explain why a...

“How to Think Like a Sociologist” by Sternheimer

In her article, Karen Sternheimer claims that in the present day, more and more people are taking sociology classes in their higher institutions. It is essential to learn how to think like a sociologist not only to gain higher grades in university but also to develop an entirely new image...

Identity in Latin America: Sarmiento, Martí, Ortiz

This paper aims to investigate the position of three different authors on the problem of identity in Latin America. The issue of social and cultural identity is of immense importance for nearly any individual in the majority of countries. It is evident that if people do not find ways to...

Karl Marx and Max Weber: Suffering in the Society

Many sociologists, including Karl Marx and Max Weber, have tried to explain different contemporary issues in our society. In this paper, I will discuss how Karl Marx and Max Weber have explained the nature and cause of suffering in society. In addition to this, I will discuss Max Weber regarding...

Canada’s Progressive Social Values and Its National Development

In recent decades, progressive values have been gaining increased recognition all over the world. In Canada, progressive public policies have long been implemented by the government and supported by the general public and are considered to be inherently linked to the Canadian national identity. Further implementation of these policies is...

The Empowered Woman and the Skirt

Topic Introduction and Thesis Although the fashion industry is often viewed as a rather superfluous area, the clothes that people approve for wearing in public can be considered as a direct representation of societal attitudes and philosophies. The specified phenomenon becomes especially clear when considering as simple an item of...

Human Trafficking and Ethical Behavior Breaches

One of the serious crimes known to violate human rights is human trafficking. Idang (2013) defines human trafficking as “the forced transfer, recruitment, and receipt of people for purposes of mistreatment or exploitation” (p. 50). More often than not, the victims are compelled to engage in prostitution, offer forced labor,...

Gendered Images Displayed in a Shopping Mall

A commoditized society is instrumental in transforming and creating images of identity and interpretation. The commoditized image projected through the set images forms the hyper-reality that becomes more real for us. Lauren Langman (1993) points out that various objects, images, and events attaches a new symbolic value to our perceptions....

The Bogardus Social Distance Scale

The use of the Bogardus social distance scale in social research The Bogardus social distance scale could be used by social scientists to understand some important phenomena in life. Babbie (2014) asserts that the scale is used to estimate how people can maintain social contacts with people from different social...

Transgender Issues in Cis- and Trans-Made Movies

When transgender and transsexual persons’ experience has finally started to present a point of interest to the audience that is willing – either sincerely or pursuing some personal interest – to understand them, the representation of trans community on the screen can be seen. However, what the mainstream broadcast mostly...

Capitalism Reimagined: Comparing Adam Smith and Karl Marx

Comparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes. Hence, he points out that the main consequence of the capitalist economy is the division of labor that signifies the...

Black Lives Matter Movement: Essay Example

The Black Lives Matter social movement is concerned with important issues of racism and police brutality. BLM also became one of the most popular essay topics for high school and college. Here, you will find a free example of a Black Lives Matter movement essay complete with an introduction and...

Morality Concepts Analysis: Theories and Principles

Morality: moral pathways This concept is used in the determination of what is good or right and what is bad or wrong. It is a concept that has been the subject of much debate with various individuals having different viewpoints on the matter. One such viewpoint is the concept of...

Communication in Negotiation: Process and Barriers

Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Even more, communication and ability to think is a phenomenon that makes the humankind unique. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations. The capacity of making other people behave and act in a particular way is a...

Persuasion and Relationships in Negotiating and Disputes

Introduction: Power of Persuasion and its Role in Negotiation A success of negotiation is fully dependent upon the persuasion skills of the communicants. Persuasion helps people to address multiple issues and challenges, to attract attention as well as to arrive at mutually consistent and correct decisions. It is crucial to...

Elizabeth Fernea’s Ethnographic Insights into Life in an Iraqi Village

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...

Structuralism Concept in Philosophy

Background Identifying the Main Theorists in the Field While analyzing the theory, it is imperative to highlight the difference between structuralism tendencies presented in American and the ones developed in Europe. The latter is associated with the study of structural linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure who focuses more on synchronic...

The Trouble with Diversity: America’s ‘Celebration of Diversity’ Policy

The foremost thesis that is being explored throughout Walter Benn Michaels’s book The Trouble with Diversity, can be defined as follows: the current governmentally-endorsed policy, concerned with promoting ‘diversity’ in just about all spheres of America’s public life, is being conceptually fallacious, because the actual effects of this policy’s implementation...