Wireless Network Implementation Analysis

Business Problem Business Unit: Elegant Solutions installs window treatments for home and office use. Issues: They have a large mobile workforce that spends most of the time out in the field with customers. The salespeople follow up on customer leads, visit the homes or offices, take the orders and measurements,...

The Web-Based Learning

Introduction Web-based learning is a popular approach taken in e-learning directions. In that regard, the development of e-learning website, specialized in the preparation of Sat reasoning test, was a good idea to test several features common to web-based learning management systems as well as aligning to usage simplicity as one...

Enterprise Resource Planning

Methods of Measuring ERP Systems Enterprise Resource Planning can be evaluated using numerical methods; but there are also other nonnumeric methods of analysis. However, experts assert that there are no fixed rules that govern the way evaluation of the ERP systems should be done (Chen & Lin, 2008, p. 300)....

Cyber Attack Scenario Development

Introduction In the cyber world, cyber-attacks are quite a common occurrence. The attacks target computer hardware such as scanners, computers, servers as well as software programs such as operating systems and protocols. The recovery of data is made increasingly difficult by the encryption and steganography programs (Britz, 2009, p. 217)....

Security Plan and Recommendation

Introduction Organizational security is a complex and dynamic phenomenon. It is essential for institutions to invest in the best practices and components to ensure the security of persons, information, and the physical set up. This means that the security plan must encompass all the aspects that pertain to it. Such...

Information System for the Newton Public Library

Issues in the existing information system of the Newton Public Library The Newton Public Library operates through the kindness and donations of benefactors, especially Mr. Jimmy Chung. Ever since its inception, it has run through the manual or traditional system, except perhaps a few modifications when computers and the Internet...

Scrum: Extreme Programming Without Engineering

Critics of scrum have asserted that there is no difference between Scrum and XP without its technical practices. This has led to the development of a sentiment that Scrum is just XP without the technical practices and this paper will attempt to validate this claim by comparing and contrasting XP‘s...

Cargo Management Re-Engineering (CRM)

An overview of the Integrated Cargo System This was an ambitious project initiated in the year 2000 by the Customs in conjunction with the government. Now it is called cargo management re-engineering (CRM). The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is part of the CRM. By 2004, the export functionality was successfully...

The Deployment of WLAN (WI-FI) on Open Area Construction Projects

Introduction The economic value of the construction industry is significant and the industry contributes up to 10% of the annual GDP for most nations (Michael 2005, p.2). The industry encompasses the use of many other complementary industries such as electrical, mining, steel and transportation to name but a few. This...

The Importance of Data Recovery Plan

Introduction The issue of information security and privacy is very critical in every establishment. However, important information may be lost through natural disasters and other processes. This can lead to significant inefficiencies in an organization. For example, loss of patients’ health records can have adverse impacts on them. For instance,...

The System of IT Project Management

Project management elements and processes and tools are usually the same irrespective of whether the project is IT based or not. The problem in the management of IT projects however comes in where most people attempt to manage these projects just like the construction or event organization projects. IT projects...

Technical Communication Network Problem in Business

Introduction Any developing company requires an efficient communication network. To achieve great success in this area, transformational action needs to be taken. There is a need for an interconnection that can only be achieved by the use of computer systems. Computer systems have revolutionized the way things are done in...

Risk Assessment of Network: IBS Electronics

Company network analysis The company in analysis throughout the course of this paper is IBS Electronics. The company is a global distributor foe electronic products and components. The company majors with the difficult to find electronic components and parts, selling of electronic components online, delivery of services to customers, and...

Cooling Water System Overview

Introduction Cooling towers are heat exchange devices that remove excess heat from different components in industries and plants by making use of the concept that water evaporation creates a cooling effect. The setup can be in form of a simple heating and air-condition system in a small structure or a...

Autonomous Vehicles as a Replacement for the Human Workers

Introduction The automobile industry was a significant game-changer in the 20th century in terms of technology. It is also safe to assume that the changes that are expected to happen in the automobile industry over the next twenty years will exceed the magnitude of the developments that have occurred over...

Researching the Neural Networks

Introduction A neural network refers to an information-processing model operating in a manner that is similar to the natural nervous systems of the human brain (Stergiou and Siganos, 1997). The novel structure is the primary component of this model comprising numerous integrated processing components (neurons) that function together to offer...

Mobile Forensics: Investigating BlackBerry Devices

Mobile Forensics is a term used in reference to the act of retrieving information from mobile phones (Mobile and PDA Forensics 2007). The current population is increasingly using mobile phones as a tool for personal communication and as such, the device is valuable in a majority of the legal cases,...

The Network Layer: Sub-Network and the Network Layer

The present world has the benefit of cheap and readily available IP networking. This has made many users the world over benefit from the advantages of networks especially as far as data transmission is concerned. The work of transmission of data via networks needs several procedures performed. For starters, host...

Website Proposal Document: Green IT

Introduction Green IT is the important issue in the world of ICT today, and most of the organizations are taking the lead in the adoption of strategies that will boost Green IT for the sake of the climate. Green IT has some initiatives in order to apply it, such as...

Fire Growth and Spread

Fire is defined as “a rapid, self-sustaining, exothermic oxidation reaction that produces heat and light in varying degrees” (University of Maryland University College, n.d., para.8). This definition differentiates fire from other slower oxidative reactions such as browning and rusting. Self-sustaining allude to the capability of the process to prolong even...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Libraries

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is based on the transmission of information through special RFID tags, which was initially used in sectors such as logistics, airline luggage automation or parcel distribution. One of the areas which are receiving a wide implementation of RFID technology in libraries (Kern, 2004). In...

Mobile Forensics: Cell Phone in Everyday Life

Mobile Forensics is the art of extracting information from mobile phones. In the third season of The Wire, David Simon’s critically acclaimed police procedural masterpiece, a core element of the plot concerns trying to monitor prepaid “burner” phones and successfully get the titular wire. They find themselves stymied by the...

How the Knowledge of Human Cognition Improves Computer Design

Abstract The study aims at looking at how the knowledge of human behaviour will help the manufacturers of computers in coming up with better computer designs that are human friendly after incorporating much of how human behaves and relate. After the identification of the dominant human behaviour that can be...

Learning About SQL Databases With Tutorials

The first tutorial, ‘Learning about SQL databases’, focuses on creating and using reports, database security and publishing the web. The tutorial teaches about security and network connectivity, how to connect your web application to SQL server 2005 express edition, getting started with reporting services and how to embed, package and...

Maritime RobotX Challenge System Selection

The robotic competition offers a platform to determine the selection of an efficient system concerning the guidelines and procedures of the challenge. According to RoboNation (2014), the competitors were awarded approximately $20,000 and a WAM-V program to establish a sensory set and propulsion software effectively. In this sense, this report...

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 2001

Introduction On November 23, 2001.The initial global agreement on computer and internet-connected offence was opened for signature in Budapest. The agreement which is know as the convention on cybercrime was developed by the Council of Europe ( CoE ), climaxing a five-year process dating back to 1997.As of July 16,2002,the...

Developing Suspension Carbon Nano-Tubes in Water

Introduction Carbon Nanotubes (otherwise known as CNTs) are distinctive nanostructures which have very notable mechanical and electronic properties and which in recent days of sciences have been marvelously accepted as been of immerse benefit to technology and sciences throughout the world. Presently, the most assured technique for the production of...

Transforms for Digital Image Processing

Functional representation of an image is f(x, y), where x and y are coordinates and amplitude f at any point gives the intensity of an image. Image processing is the conversion of image into image concerned variables using image processing techniques. There are three types of image processing techniques; they...

Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis

Introduction The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in US. The accidents has been grouped into various categories which includes; collision with recreational vessels, collision with fixed objects, flooding /swamping, capsizing and...

Help Desk Management System Characteristics

Introduction Help Desk is a system that helps an organization to clear customer queries related to a specific product that they had bought or wished to buy. Whether it is a simple household item or a supercomputer, customers will have several queries or doubts regarding the product they intend to...

Computing Trends: 3D Printing

Before the era of computer-aided design (CAD), models, lasers and prototypes, individuals were laboriously carving materials from wood or sticking plastic pieces. The revolution of technology in the 1980s brought a solution to the problem. The concept of rapid prototyping resulted in the development of more automated methods. Three-dimensional printing...

The Purpose of Studying Biomechatronics

Everyday world practice regularly shows us that human life is an incredibly fragile phenomenon that can be damaged by external or internal factors. It is enough to look at the human body in detail to understand that, although it is a rather complicated technical mechanism it has too many nuances...

Becoming Effective Wiki Collaborators

Modern technology of content creation implies the communication of the team of creators, contributors, and editors of the information published on the websites, often in a remote mode. One of the essential content management systems used for such collaboration is a wiki (Hawaiian word for quick), a website that enables...

Fire Dynamics Simulator

Introduction Fires can result from negligence, an accident and malicious act causing disastrous fire outbreaks, supported by the presence of air combustion, nitrogen and hydroxyl air. Meanwhile, we employ proper techniques to fight this fire. Individual people and firms have decided to look at the efficient ways and the fastest...

Influence of Google in Modern Societies

Technology innovation has transformed the modern lifestyles of individuals in many communities. I agree with Nicholas Carr that Google is making us stupid by assuming cognitive functions that facilitate effective decision-making. Activities done with hardship in the past are now easy to execute with technology invention in devices and application...

Golden Rice Project: ABC Consulting

Background Vitamin A deficiency is most prevalent in diets that are primarily cereal-based with little consumption of meat or fresh vegetables. Pharmaceutical supplementation and food fortification with vitamin A (VA) are commonly practiced, but these programs have their shortcomings. The inventors conceived Golden Rice exclusively as a humanitarian product for...

Drone Technology Cybersecurity and Information Systems

Introduction In recent times, most organizations are adopting emerging technologies to match the high competition in the market. Information systems (IS) are a set of components, which are integrated and aimed at the collection, processing, and storing of data in providing information, digital products, and knowledge (Yaacoub & Salman, 2020)....

Smart Home in Aging Society: Real Estate Industry

Introduction In the real estate industry, increasing population projects a progressive opportunity in estimating future potential demand on dwellings. The significant increase in global ageing population has been recognised for decade in connection with the trends in morbidity and mortality of older adults has continuously dropped. So does in Thailand,...

Cyberspace: Analysis of Current Information Technology Issue

The cyberspace has developed from a simple academic and research network to a complex communication network used to perpetrate many activities on a day to day basis. According to Spinello (2011), cyberspace have turned the world into a global village; but at the same time, it has hacked into lots...

Protection of Information Assets

Introduction Information asset protection is a very critical aspect of business management process for the successful operations and continuity of any business. Any form of threat to the security of the electronic or computerized information and its process is a definite threat to the quality of business end result (Boran,...

Road Profiling Using Laser Scanning

Road profiling In road construction, renovation or expansion, it is a prerequisite for the engineers and scientists to have accurate and reliable data that will have productive work. Currently, most of our roads are faced with the problem of traffic, therefore, the authorities must have a strict measure on the...

Electrical and Electronic Systems Principle

Most of the electronic systems contain amplifier as a major component. The major function of the amplifier is to boost up the weak signal into a strong signal suitable for transmission. The transistor acts as an amplifier when it is in active region, that is, emitter base junction is forward...

Wireless Local Area Network vs. Ethernet

Given the fact that practically any router has both Wi-Fi antennas and Ethernet plugs, it would make perfect sense to use a complementing connection at a university. For example, libraries could significantly benefit from such a setup, as students would have the opportunity to use high-speed Wi-Fi. In contrast, the...

Autonomous Space Robots Actualization

Developments in space exploration are taking the center stage in powerful world countries, particularly the US and Russia. The inability to refuel, service, and repair satellites once launched into space is a significant concern, as companies and governments lose millions of dollars in value due to minor problems (Vocative, 2017)....

Server Virtualisation Models

Introduction Server virtualization is a technique of organizing several separate virtual machines on one physical system. These virtual machines can be thought of as virtual private servers that hide the physical servers, operating systems, and other network resources from people using the servers. By implementing several virtual machines, various operating...

Airport Security and New Technologies

The biometric software application can uniquely identify or verify an individual using a comparison and analysis of features based on the contours of a person’s face and behavior. This software can compare it with information in the database for subsequent identification. The author’s thesis aims to identify the benefits of...

Information Systems Development Methods

Abstraction In this method, the process of defining and analyzing data requirements to support the business process of an organization is known as data modeling. All data is stored in a model called concept model which has data definitions. It is implemented using logical models. There are different data models...

The Security of Data in Information Technology Areas

Introduction The field of information technology has been faced with many challenges in its development. However, the security of data is arguably the main challenge in the whole industry. Every new product has to include an aspect of security to attract customers. This paper looks at the security of data...

Google Search Reliability as a Research Tool

Google Search is a universal information search tool used by millions of people. Many scholars agree that Google Search is also a useful research tool (Miller and Record, 2017). But this tool has drawbacks and limitations, which should be considered when searching through Google Search. Moreover, awareness when using search...

WebMD Website Evaluation with Harris’s Tools

Introduction With the advent of the internet, there are so many websites online, some have authentic information while others do not. It is important to have the know-how of collecting authentic information from a website. This paper analyzes the website www.webmd.com with website evaluation tools provided by Prof. Robert Harris....

The Radio Frequency IDentification Revolution

Introduction RFID is fast taking shape as manifested by the recent media blitz and newspaper articles about the technology. Not many people are able to distinguish the different categories and benefits that the technology brings. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight on the history, uses and benefits...

Information Security: Law and Policy

Introduction Organizations cannot function effectively without data. In the 21st century, most organizations such as educational institutions, businesses and government agencies depend on modern information systems in undertaking their transactions (Whitman & Mattord, 2011, p. 40). As a result, protecting the data, either held by the firms or data that...

Desktop Migration Proposal Windows 7 to Windows 8.1

Introduction This proposal covers upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1. Currently, HACKM, LLC has around 5000 desktops/laptops that run Windows 7. In addition, many employees will also be connected to tablet computers. Apart from migration to Windows 8.1, the company also strives for efficient and optimal use of Windows...

Modern Computers: Changes Within Our Current Technological World

Modern Computers and Their Functions in Human Lives The use of computers changes human life considerably in different ways. People discover more ways on how to improve their work, communication, and calculations. Within a short period of time, a computer becomes an integral part of this life, and there is...

Titanium Diboride Materials Selection Paper

Introduction Titanium Diboride is a hard compound that consists of Titanium and Boron. Titanium Diboride is useful in designing various products (Huber, 3000). One such product is a capacitor. Apart from capacitors, Titanium Diboride is used in the making of extremely hard materials such as army wares and ceramic cutting...

Site Review About New Technologies

Summary description of its structure and purpose The site PCMAG.COM has rather interesting and clear structure with the help of which it is possible to identify the purpose set by the site developers. Looking at the main page of the site, the visitor is free to choose any interesting for...

Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool

Introduction Computer security and data safety have become the stepping stone for most organizations and individuals. In general data protection and informational safety require increased attention and awareness of the users. Forensic software may be used for various aims, however, the key functionality range is closely linked with data safety,...

BSC: IT Governance Frameworks

The Balanced Scorecard or BSC is performance management and IT governance tool, which is used to evaluate the companys efficiency and identify those aspects which need modification or improvement (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). It helps to develop the policies of the enterprise according to the vision and the initial goals....

Unauthorized Intrusion Into a Database: The Strategies for an Emergency

The companies, which specialize in the development of software solutions, have to attach great importance to business continuity planning because they are exposed to many internal and external threats, for example, the failure of hardware, virus attacks, power cuts, mistakes of the personnel and so forth. Each of these threats...

Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

The term “Anthropocene” was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level...

Technology Integration Into Studies

Introduction There are several barrier related to technology integration into studies. This literature review explores different aspects related to factors that affect technology integration into studies as well as the appropriate measures that need to be considered to address these underlying issues. This section has been put into four sections....

CT Scanners and Techniques

Quoting the words of Jakub Mochon, CT product manager at Siemens Medical Solutions, let us state that “the U.S. health system is very dependent on CT”, it is absolutely evident (Dargan, 2009/2010, p.30). According to the data provided by McCollough et. al., the usage of CT scans has increased dramatically....

Treadle Pump Technology: A Potential Improvement

Introduction Science is the marvel of the present world and modern technologies are an application of science to fulfill man’s long-cherished dreams to control and manipulate the forces of nature for his relevance. But at the same time, it is also very true that the blessings of science depend upon...

Google and Its Advancing Technologies

Tech companies around the world try to outdo one another in coming up with new technologies. For that reason, these companies set aside a large share of their revenue for research and development (R&D). Startups and established organizations also get financial support from governments and NGOs, which helps in advancing...

Computer Crimes against Businesses

Introduction: Facts of the case On February 06, 2014, Ioan Leusca and Dezso Gyapias were charged in a U.S. Federal Court for stealing customer data from automated teller machines (ATMs). The two men had used data acquired from the ATMs to steal from bank customers in Connecticut, New Jersey and...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics

The issue touches on the ethics and legality of OSHA to change the levels allowed for benzene exposure in the workplace after the publication of a new report that reveals the number of deaths caused in places where the level of benzene was above 10ppm yet the required amount was...

How PayPal Works: Guide for Users

PayPal, an online money transfer service established in 1998, has since become the primary form of money transfers, overtaking the traditional system of money orders and checks. With a total income of $7.9 billion, the service allows users to deposit, withdraw, and transfer funds with 26 different currencies globally. Peter...

Research Writing: ERP Systems

All the research journals included in this study, claim that integrated management of information is used across most organizations. Such organizations engage in manufacturing and other services related to management of customer relations. A number of journals indicate that when the process is automated, it uses ERP systems that are...

Evaluating Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Introduction In the context of public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria, project success can only be realized when stakeholder performance is evaluated against a performance evaluation framework. A performance evaluation framework provides well established and evaluated standard measures against which the performance of project stakeholders can be measured to evaluate...

Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in Australia

Introduction In the 21st century, the technological environment is under influence of high degree of robustness (Barry, Atul & Arun 1). This has had a great impact on various sectors of the economy. Amongst the technological sectors that have undergone revolution with a high magnitude, is the information communication technology...

Internet Communication Engineering

Introduction The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of internet users. This upward trend has been accompanied by an almost parallel increase in the process of streaming, which is a data transferring technique which enables users to process data continuously without interruptions in the form...

Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation

Due to globalization, there is greater demand for electricity, as most of the productive activities require energy power. Globalization has brought people, institutions, and governments of various nations together. Through globalization, international trade and capital investments have been conducted internationally through the help of information technology (Ehrfeld 210). The interaction...

Wellbore Stability Explanations

What is Finite element analysis via (FLAC)? And how is it done? Finite element analysis (FEA) could run in 2D or 3D and is used for geotechnical applications in the determination of tunnels, deep foundations, slope stability, seepage analysis, soil structural analysis, and capacity for earth retaining structures (Lee, Y.S....

Operational and Strategic Need for XYZ IT Project

Introduction The Xyz Company is a business organization offering its clients textile products and services within the major category of textile industries. In XYZ organization, communication is a very crucial activity for the growth and development of the company. Since the inception of xyz, communication has been a matter of...

Self-Certifying Names Which Have Been Used by Various System Designs

Introduction Contemporary computing and Information Technology has seen the surge of various forms networking projects to provide especially the cyber landscape with highly advanced features that its infrastructure have not been naturally supporting. Critical challenges in the aspects of naming, addressing as well as mobility and security among other aspects...

Hybrid Energy Harvesting System

Energy harvesting can be described as a process of deriving energy from external sources, such as the sun, thermal power, and the wind. This method of capturing and storing energy is considered safe for the environment, and therefore, is a promising innovation. The energy harvesting systems are the technology used...

Verizon Company’s Information System Proposal

Introduction Verizon is a telecommunication company in America providing services for wired and wireless communications beads on third-generation technology (Verizon, 2011a). The organization is innovative in the telecommunication sector and it provides video and broadband communications and other modes of entertainment through an advanced fiber-optic network. The organization is committed...

How Light Emitting Diodes Work

Introduction Light-emitting diode, usually called LED, is used in a variety of electrical devices They send out signals from remote controls, figure out the numbers on digital clocks, signal you when your electrical devices are turned on, and lights up watches. When put together, they can form large pictures on...

Association of Computer Machinery Code of Ethics: Professionalism

Introduction The Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) code consists of 24 imperatives that are formulated as statements of personal responsibility. It comprises most of the issues that professionals are likely to encounter. The ACM code outlines how software engineers should conduct themselves ethically in their profession, and while relating to...

Information Technology: Code of Ethics

The foremost thesis presented by these authors can be formulated as follows: the way in which codes of ethics help to advance the cause of an organization is not as much concerned with promoting the freedom of innovation, as it is concerned with controlling the actions of the employees. According...

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Low-Income Communities?

Introduction When first introduced in the second half of the 20th century, personal computers were expensive and of interest mostly for business users. However, Moore’s law has been proving itself accurate and today computing is cheap. Despite economic advancements and unprecedented increases in global GDP, only half of the worldwide...

Cryptography System for B Manufacturing Company

Encryption The security of data and information of the B manufacturing is paramount. The computer network represents one area that is vulnerable to security compromise, which might be detrimental to the prosperity of the company. Therefore, it is would be useful to encrypt data or information Schneier, 2001) that is...

Microprocessor: Terminology and Analysis

Introduction A microprocessor, commonly referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), a central place where all data processing is done, is a gadget that distinguishes only binary code as numbers and ascertains basing on the orders by employing assemblage languages. This piece of writing is a detailed explanation of...

Comparative Study on Technological Failures

Institutions of higher learning are increasingly using technology to aid in the learning process. However, this vital resource is prone to constant failures that slow down the learning process. In addressing this problem, Hitch (2002) and Wepner (2004), present similar and diverse ways of dealing with this predicament. Hitch (2002,...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

Web: Ready for Assistive Technology or Not

Abstract This research paper’s major purpose is to discuss and research accessibility issues in relation to websites. The paper questions whether enough is being done to make websites suitable for people with disabilities and from that look at what could be done to improve the area going forward. Do individuals/...

Personal Computer Operating System History Since 1980

Personal computer operating systems have evolved with the development of personal computing power and user expectations and use. The 80s decade of the history of computer operating systems started with the introduction of apple computers that did not follow the then famous IBM architecture. Apple computer introduced the Macintosh which...

Using an Interrupt Function in a C Program

The code fragments that must be included in an interrupt system include the following: 1. Code that covers or uncovers interrupts. This can be achieved through setting the 1 and X bits in the CCR, thus executing the command: ORCC #%00010000. 2. Code that defines system vectors that handles interrupts,...

Aviation: Airport Security Control Evaluation

Airport Operator Security Responsibilities The business of securing a commercial airport is, ideally, a shared responsibility between the airport operator and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Before the September 11 attack, every aspect of airport security was the responsibility of the airport operator, except for passenger screening. Since, September 11,...

Electronic Medical Record Keeping

Concepts Raised by the Case Study Among the paramount concepts learnt in class that are evident in this case is the issue of responsibility. For Google to convince the populace that it can effectively handle their medical records, it must take the responsibility to guarantee secrecy of medical records. The...

Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Literature review Mobile ad hoc networks are typified by wireless multi-hop channels that are connected to mobile nodes, which “do not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure [1]”. In the recent past, the field of mobile ad hoc networking has attracted a great deal of attention from many scholars as a...

Encryption: Corporate Security Technological Solution

Encryption refers to a system that programs a plain readable text into a non-readable status for security purposes. The sender uses an encryption system to send the data, such that the receiver will have to use a key to retrieve the data to a readable form again. The major use...

Cybersecurity: The Current War of Today

Summary Within the last two years, a series of events have happened that are characterized with internet hacking. Some of these activities include spying on google documents, Western companies, spying on Iran’s nuclear sites using Israeli created Stuxnet and spying on US secret cables by wikkiliks. Cybersecurity laws in the...

Denial of Service Attacks and Countermeasures

Introduction Online threats remain a reality for today’s businesses, especially those relying on the internet. Active and passive attack incidents are escalating every day and network administrators are having a daunting task of detecting, controlling or minimizing the effects of such attacks. Stewart, Tittel and Chapple concur in that one...

The Problem of Application of Technologies in Education

Technologies have become an integral part of modern life. Digitalization could be noticed in medicine, building, and transportation, to name but a few areas affected by this process. Still, the implementation of new technological facilities and ways of schooling based on them is a highly disputable topic. In the present...

Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching strategies should be implemented. The recent pandemic has restricted many traditional venues for...

Jet Fuel Quality. Aviation Fuel

Introduction Jet fuel refers to a form of aviation fuel, made up of a mixture of a great amount of various hydrocarbons, which is manufactured for use by aircrafts. It is crucial that the fuel used in a jet be of the required quality because contaminants can be detrimental not...

Program Design and Implementation

The course concerned ‘Program Design and Implementation’ at my workplace provided me with keen ideas on the various design strategies and the methods for implementing them. The knowledge that I acquired from the lessons helped me to develop good designing and programming skills. I’ve been working in the Program Design...

Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries have to be capable of adopting the usage of simulations for validating...

Crisis Management & Emergency Response Planning

Introduction Boeing is currently one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft, satellites, rockets, rotorcraft and missiles in the world today. Companies in the aviation industry can also hire or lease airplanes from this organisation. This corporation’s diversification strategy and business model explain why it continues to compete directly with Airbus....

Business Intelligence Implementation in a Company

Business Intelligence is typically a broad grouping or category of diverse applications and technologies allied to gathering, analyzing, storing as well as offering access to essential data to aid the enterprise end users makes sound business verdicts. Hence, BI aspects encompass such features as query, reporting, decision support systems, online...

Large Scale Software Development

Introduction This report provides information regarding the Resource Scheduling project. The Resource Scheduling project is useful for a consultant company that provides resources of different types to various companies for a particular duration. An example of a company that would require this kind of software is an IT consultant company....

Multihoming and Network Infrastructure Administration

Multihoming is the process of configuring multiple network interfaces or IP addresses on a single computer. In means having as many internet roots assigned to an IP network as possible. This strategy is increasingly becoming popular in many companies as a technique to increase reliability of network applications. Although maximum...

Artificial Neural Networks

In the given magazine article, I would like to provide a simpler and plainer explanation of artificial neural networks to the general public by describing their current state of development. The target audience is comprised of individuals who are not educated and trained in the specified field, but willing to...

Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process

Response 1 I agree with Danielle on the topic of using visual media, such as animations and images, in the educational process. A teacher must implement this method of conducting knowledge when interacting with younger generations. Barry et al. (2015) state that students “are willing to merge their online presence...

The Role of Calibration and Independent Monitoring in Decontamination Processes

Calibration is an important practice that ensures instruments meet their desired standards of operation. To make sure that this obligation is met, standardization bodies have to be set up to check conformity and compliance with the set standards. Therefore, the role of calibration goes hand in hand with the duty...

Marketing: Aviation Product Liability

Introduction Liability is the responsibility that is borne by a party. It is a common term in the insurance business. Aviation product liability deals with the responsibility, mostly financial, that is borne by a party as a result of injury or damage resulting from the products that are used in...

The Need of Cybersecurity in Healthcare Industry

Introduction The purpose of this point paper is to explain the importance of implementing cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations that currently adopt information technologies based on the case of ransomware attacks. Our intention is to sell the technological tools for telemedicine services, as well as provide guidance on the ways...

Artificial Intelligence in Business Administration Changes

Technology is transforming many fields of study by introducing new tools and possibilities for people to communicate, collect data, and use it to test hypotheses. Business administration is not an exception, with more non-technology oriented companies adopting artificial intelligence (AI). This paper will examine how artificial AI is transforming business...

Parallel Programming Analysis

Performance requirements are important to consider when developing a solution. It is unacceptable to have a web service that takes several seconds to reply to a simple request. Therefore, the developer should consider the available methods of improving the performance of their code. Chapter 12 discusses parallel programming, which is...

System Management Within Automobile

Introduction The objective of the essay is to give a brief account of the recent technologies with their respective architectures that can be used in the upgrade of an automobile computer system which enables home system management, or feature upgrades with the onboard system. The important software practices and techniques...

The Ransomware Attack on Cruise Line and Its Customers

In the automated world that is highly dependent on the Internet, it is becoming easier to access personal information. Hackers use sophisticated techniques to breach the systems of big industrial firms and impose threats on businesses. The estimated financial loss for companies for 2015-2016 caused by cybercrimes accounts for about...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a currently accessible technology that makes auto-identification of different objects possible. In other words, it is a system, also known as Auto-ID, that relies on the exchange of data without contact communication. As it comes from its name, the technology works on radio frequency, where...

Agile Domain: Problem Detection and Resolution

The process of engineering of software is one that requires a lot of knowledge and includes the process of gathering, designing, actual development, testing for functionality, use and maintenance. It is rear to find a team which constitutes of members who have all the required knowledge to meet the requirements...

General Understanding of It and Is Concepts

Whether one should purchase or build an information system (IS) is a decision that requires specialized expertise to make. For the upper-management, the outcome of both decisions may be the same, but the cost, risk time and labor requirement may differ greatly. Furthermore, the problem for which system acquisition is...

Strategies for Adequate Technical Support

Introduction Helpdesk is a company’s technical link meant to avail support to the end users. Today, most firms consider the helpdesk as one of the integral part of a management due to its responsibilities to deliver support services, whenever a client or employee makes an enquiry or an urgent call...

iPhone 12 Mini: Apple’s Smartphone Evolution

Introduction The iPhone is arguably one of the most competitive smartphone brands in the world today. The producing company, Apple, has within the past 13 years designed and delivered superior phones to different customers across the globe. Within this period, the technology giant has succeeded in releasing and marketing a...

Artificial Intelligence in the Working Process

Introduction Artificial Intelligence has become a part of the ordinary life of a human in the 21st century. People buy smart houses, cars that drive on their own, and computers that can solve some problems faster than a person. It is claimed that AI has affected many spheres, including the...

Mechanical Failures Spark Nuclear Melt-Down in Three Mile Island Power Plan

Introduction Modern human civilization is built on and continues to be principally dependent on large quantities of energy to sustain it. While fossil fuels and hydroelectric plants have been the primary source of energy for men since the 19th century, these traditional sources have been stretched to the limit and...

Denial of Service Attack on Twitter

Introduction One of the epic inventions related to computers is the internet which has led to a transformation of the world in as far as communication is concerned. The internet via websites presents a crucial front for the achievement of the objectives of most organizations and individuals. As such, it...

Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination

The Rationale Industrial-scale desalination plants cannot be scaled down for use in remote areas due to the complexity of the technology. Therefore, the need for scaled-down desalination plants to meet specific consumer needs for clean water particularly in remote desert and semi-desert areas cannot be overemphasized. That reinforces the need...

Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development

Introduction Software engineering is the activity aimed at developing software programmes and applications appropriate for those programmes with regard to compatibility and usability of programmes by different audience including software developers and ordinary customers/users that purchase and upload these applications for personal use only. Every time a specific programme should...

Artificial Intelligence. Unmanned Mission Communications

Introduction The growth of human knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to advancement in the development and deployment of unmanned autonomous systems. There are multiple examples of unmanned autonomous systems and perform a wide range of activities depending on the medium of operation. Some examples include...

F-16 Unmanned Drone and Data Search

The initiative regarding the production of an unmanned drone for collecting data seems to be a profitable endeavor. However, there are specific issues that should be considered in this direction in order to ensure the correspondence of the project to the international regulations regarding information processing and storage (Lin et...

Information Technology and Systems. Development. Use for Enterprises

Introduction Information technology and systems is the study of the designing, developing, supporting or the taking control (management) of the information that relates to computer systems. It revolves around and includes computer hardware and software applications. This encompasses the ability to control all activities electronically in an organisation. The system...

Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work

The article conveys the idea that the employee’s time spent on the Internet should be appropriately controlled for the company’s informational security (IS). Personal Internet use takes up 60-80 % of the time staff spends on websites not related to work. Time waste on personal activities is qualified as a...

The Project Scheduling and Budget

In order to successfully conduct a project, every involved side must know what to do, when to do, and what is the expected outcome. By expanding on the idea by giving it a rigorous structure for its realization, the success of such a design will be guaranteed. This paper aims...

International Federation of Consulting Engineers

Introduction International Federation of Consulting Engineers or Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) according to French is a global professional body of engineers, which started in 1913. Belgium, Switzerland, and France are the three countries that came together and started FIDIC as an independent body of consulting engineers. The FIDIC...

UPS Flight 1354 Crash, August 2013

Executive Summary This report highlights the underlying reasons for the 2013 UPS flight 1354 crash at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport, Alabama. The accident happened when the flight crew failed to manage the aircraft during descent. It fell short of the runway during a non-precision landing approach and crashed at the end...

What is a UAS Pieces Map

The best ideal module for the design effort for independent control is writing an intricate algorithm with the capacity to effectively direct the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) past barriers. The component will autonomously guide the UAV through a pre-planned track according to the mission. The current project uses a limited...

Speaker Recognition: Multispeaker

Introduction It has always been a problem determining the number of speakers required for a quality sound system especially in cases where speech separation of an individual speaker from a multispeaker signal is required. In this regard, various theoretical approaches such as the subjective threshold hypothesis for the detection of...

Net Neutrality – A Free Internet

Net neutrality regulations are critical to the openness and innovation of the Internet. It is a concept that has been built into the creation of the Internet since its foundations almost 30 years ago. Without net neutrality, major internet service providers (ISP) the likes of Verizon and Comcast would be...

Advances in Autonomous and Automatic Systems

Introduction In the twenty-first century, technological progress is concentrated in the field of semi-automatic and automatic innovations. It can be seen everywhere in both the private and military sectors. This is why it is essential to know the latest advances in this scientific area. This paper aims to review academic...

Aircraft Solutions Company’s Security Assessment

Aircraft Solutions (AS) is a recognized leader in the design and fabrication of component products and services for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. The mission of AS is to provide customer success through machined products and related services and to meet cost, quality, and schedule requirements....

Paired Programming Analysis

Executive Summary In the engineering of software, the software methodology applied plays a significant role in the final product of the process. For example, in a traditional linear model software is created following a set of steps and changes are often difficult and costly to implement. The pressure created by...

Safety Management System (SMS) in Aviation

First, Safety Management System (SMS) is directly related to the provision of safety to the staff that is largely founded on the adherence to and advocating of the established standards by the personnel themselves. Hence, the human factor will be integrated by the related activities of your workers who –...

Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning

Introduction A disaster is a sudden catastrophic event that occurs and hinders the normal operation of a business or organization such as efficient processing of information technology systems that support business functions. Many organizations and businesses invest a lot of resources towards various infrastructures to ensure they remain afloat in...

Database Management and Machine Learning

A database is computerized system of information with the ability to search and process data (Vermaat et al. 556). Data is the collection of texts, images, audio, video, and other items presented in the form of records in the database. Data along with a database management system and applications are...

Loops in Java Programming: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE

Java offers three basic types of loops: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE. Their fundamental function is executing a block of code repeatedly, based on a Boolean condition (Farrell, 2014). However, they differ in how they evaluate their conditional expression (Farrell, 2014). A WHILE loop evaluates its conditional expression before executing, therefore,...

Wireless and Mobile Network and Phone Security Issues

The contemporary world is characterized by an increased use of wireless communication. Such communication entails the use of smart phones and iPods in our daily communications. The use of wireless communication has become very essential which has greatly enhanced sharing of information greatly. Security of the information transmitted over wireless...

Information Assurance and the Role of Time

Cyber security and information assurance refer to steps taken to protect networks and computer systems from being disrupted as well as preventing unauthorized access (Sara, 2008). Cyber security and information assurance aim at providing three things: integrity, confidentiality and availability (Knapp, 2009). Integrity is enhanced through ensuring that users are...

Consistency Management in Requirements Modeling

Introduction There has been an increase in the use of the Unified Modeling Language in many contexts; it is used in application domain, methodology, and platform. For this reason, there has been more concern for customized consistency. There has been little support for customizations that are specific safe for the...

Engineering: Power Management Techniques for Energy Efficiency

Introduction In many engineering applications, there is a need for efficiency. Power management is an elemental strategy for improving efficiency. The idea is to reduce power consumption to the least possible value while ensuring performance is okay. In the design of digital logic, power scaling is a major way to...

Unmanned Control Aerial Systems Review

Introduction Unmanned vehicles have grown in popularity, especially because of their versatility in use. These autonomous vehicles are used in multiple areas such as monitoring disaster areas, an inspection of projects and infrastructure, military operations, and spraying of agricultural chemicals, among others. The unmanned vehicles are also equipped with cameras,...

Emerging Technologies: Intelligence Building

The growing concerns about the emerging threats to security mean that intuitions have to upgrade their security system to include intelligence gathering system based on information technology. In this hospital security as well as information technology officers concerned with security issues do want to upgrade and include intelligent building IT...

The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security

Introduction Globalization is a process beneficial in numerous ways as it supports economic growth and assists in accessing and creating opportunities – the Internet is possibly both one of its most visible facets and a driving force. Web security is one of the issues on which the effects of globalization...

A Planned Change Success of It Projects

Introduction A planned change is a change executed systematically in tandem with organization’s future goals and expectations. It ensures an organization moves steadily in its processes of implementing a given solution. In IT project management, change refers to project management process, where the perceived change facets to a project are...

Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering

Abstract This paper investigates the number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering and analyzes the methods used in numbering. The purpose is to obtain the correct number of clusters in a given document with the least number of errors and achieve an accurate number of clusters. A comparison of the different...

Development and Launch of an Information Technology Product

Introduction Framers Company is in the process of launching a new product. One of the objectives is to provide customers with low prices within a limited time. The company also aims at producing a product that is unique in the market and one that will fulfill the needs of the...