The Main Historical Events of the 21st Century

Introduction It seems that the millennium has changed relatively recently. However, the 21st Century has managed to be remembered for critical historical milestones and changes. The world has dramatically transformed over 20 years, and the speed of these processes is growing every year (Wince-Smith). In addition to the global agenda,...

Resolving Discrimination Against Queer (LGBTQ) Community

Introduction Everyone has the fundamental right to live safely, free from harm, repression, racism, and stigma. Worldwide human rights legislation places responsibilities on States to guarantee that everyone, without exception, has access to these rights. Even though we commend the growing efforts being made in many countries to defend the...

Stomach Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Stomach cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops in the organ’s gastric mucosa cells. The pathology is found in different organ parts, first affecting the epithelium and then growing into the stomach tissue and neighboring organs. The life expectancy of a patient with a tumor is 10-15 years and...

Systemic Racism in the US: Systemic Racism and America Today

Discrimination in the US is an issue that has been dealt with for decades; however, there are no signs of it ending. Although personal discrimination cannot be eliminated, systemic discrimination can be stopped with adequate efforts. Every American citizen requires an equal opportunity when it comes to utilizing the US...

Geronimo Operation: Reasons Pro and Contra

Introduction Pakistan’s CIA and American agents worked to catch one of the most dangerous terrorists. As a result, no one received the promised 25 million for information about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden – success was achieved by a small group of analysts from Langley, who, through detailed analysis,...

The Development of the Preschool Child

Introduction The summary description entails the video, pretend washing, where the main protagonists are two girls donning yellow and lime dresses. The girls are three and appear to have normal physical development based on size and stature (Pretend Washing, 2013). The girls are happy and attentive as they engage in...

Precedent and Causation in Law Enforcement

Introduction Consistency in the decisions made by judicial servants is vital since it portrays dependability and reliability of thought. The concept of precedent is based on judges making rulings based on past legal proceedings, primarily if covering similar issues (Ashwin, 2022). For instance, rulings enacted by higher courts must be...

The BMW Company’s Advantages and Disadvantages

BMW is one of the leaders in the vehicle production market, producing cars and motorcycles. It was founded in 1916 and is based in Germany but is valued and purchased worldwide. For over a century, the company has built a strong reputation and is known for its high-quality approach to...

Health Disparities Among African Americans in the US

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the health status of black people residing in the United States. Black people are exposed to significant health risks as a result of the disparities they experience in relation to their health. Discrimination faced by black people has been a significant...

Prison Population and Healthcare Models in the USA

Introduction In essence, vulnerable populations are viewed and identified on three critical bases. Firstly, it can be used to refer to people whose options in life are overtly few due to the conditions in which the find themselves. Understandably, these conditions might be either natural or artificially encountered. Secondly, they...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Article of Confederation and the New Constitution

Introduction Even though the conservatives in historic America believed in the culture of a centralized system of governance, federalists and their associated allies believed in a system of effective citizen representation in all decision-making levels of governance. After a series of debates, arguments, and counter-arguments, the United States of America...

Issues Related to Body Image in Young Women

Introduction Modern society is extremely judgmental towards women in all aspects. A predominant element in which women are either criticized or praised is their body. Our society strives for perfection, and this affects women especially teenage girls. Fitness magazines, clothing lines and dietary supplements push women to the edge when...

Congestive Heart Failure Education and Follow-Up

Developing an Evaluation Plan This section discusses how the proposed solution (education and follow-up) will be monitored and evaluated to assess its effectiveness in reducing congestive heart failure (CHF) readmission rates in geriatric patients. The section will also detail the variables that will be assessed when evaluating project outcomes. Available...

Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage

Introduction Access to health care services has been a problem in the U.S. for a long time. The American health care system is stated to have been the most costly in the world in 2000, whereas occupying only the 37th position in performance and 72nd in the overall degree of...

Federally Qualified Health Center: Leadership Interview

Organizational Background Legacy is a “full-service, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that identifies unmet needs and gaps in health-related services and develops client-centered programs to address those needs” (Legacy Community Health, 2015). It exists since the end of 20th century in the Houston area and provides the clients with a...

O’Sullivan’s “The Great Nation of Futurity”

Welcome to our essay sample on The Great Nation of Futurity by John L. O’Sullivan. This paper explores the themes, purpose, historical context, arguments, meaning, and other important aspects of the manifesto by John L. O’Sullivan. “The Great Nation of Futurity”: John L. O’Sullivan & Promotion of Freedom and Rights...

Fad Diets and Their Dangers for Mental Health

Introduction Because the epidemic of obesity in the USA has not been eliminated, the debates about developing healthy and effective diets still occur. Fad diets have emerged as a miraculous tool for quick and easy weight loss. There are lists of various fad diets, and the most famous ones are...

Workplace Integration Programs for Nurses

Introduction Patient satisfaction and timely access to healthcare services remain the key priorities in healthcare. Given the existing shortage of qualified nurses in the United States, healthcare providers in the country can be interested in using the fruits of globalization to deal with this problem. This position paper proposes a...

Strategic Executive Leadership and Integration

Introduction Power and the discretion to bring major revolutions is a crucial determinant of a leader’s potential influence on the performance of an organization. Managers face many internal and external constraints as they execute their duties. About the internal constraints, the CEO’s discretion can be limited by several internal organizational...

Apple Inc. Analysis: Company’s Performance

Examine the countries where your company does business according to where they rank on the Hofstede cultural dimensions. Think of some examples of how a U.S. manager would need to modify his or her behavior when communicating with associates from one or more of these foreign countries. Apple is an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

World War I and American Participation

Introduction The untimely assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 triggered WWI. However, this war had its roots in the 19th century when prevailing issues such as imperialism, militarism, nationalism, particularly the then-emerging Pan-Slavic philosophy in Eastern Europe and the rising patriotism in German-speaking countries, played a huge role in...

Personalized Digital Advertising and Its Benefits

Introduction With the development of IT technologies, Internet advertising has evolved, too. Such companies as Google and Facebook are constantly changing, adjusting to the new conditions so that their advertising platforms work. Today, digital advertising utilizes many techniques based on programs that detect, track, and analyze the actions and reactions...

Role of Men and Women in Susan Glaspell’s Play “Trifles”

Introduction There has been a significant change regarding the position that women held in the 19th century and the present-day community. This shift is apparent not only in America but also everywhere around the globe. Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, which forms the basis of this paper, reveals the extent to...

Impacts of Long Working Hours on Nurses’ Lives

A proper healthcare system is crucial for every country and all its citizens as their health and well-being depend on the quality of hospitals and medical institutions. Unfortunately, while caring about the patients, it is usual to forget about the medical staff, and especially nurses. As there is a huge...

9/11 Commission Report’s Critical Thinking Analysis

Introduction After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a special commission was formed to investigate the details of this tragedy. The commission began a comprehensive inquiry that required it to use critical thinking. The published report is extensive, describing the events, identifying key questions, defining components, presenting evidence, and discussing implications and...

Fate vs. Free Will in Beowulf, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer

Nowadays, it is being commonly assumed that name, the Christian worldview defines the essence of Western civilization, as we know it. However, the close reading of the earliest Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon poetical pieces, such as “Beowulf”, “The Seafarer”, and “The Wanderer”, provides us with insight into the spiritual foundation of...

Gender and Cultures in Conflict Resolution

Introduction In many modern societies, conflicts between states and within the states have resulted in many wars or sometimes-severe violence cases. The wars have resulted in immense destruction of lives and millions worth property. In addition, many conflicts have resulted in disruption of many political, social and economic organizations in...

Unhappy Marriage in “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin

Choplin’s story is set in a time when many females were supposed to play the role of a housewife and a homemaker. This was a time where roles for females and males were defined by society such as women took care of the house while the man was responsible for...

“TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture”: General Idea and Sub-Points

Introduction The essay the TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture is written by Douglas Kellner, a famous sociologist. He is famous as a representative of the so-called “third-generation” critical theorists. During his career, the sociologist wrote many articles and essays which were devoted to the role of television in the...

Euthanasia: Ethical Theories About the Topic

Introduction Euthanasia is a controversial topic with many people from all walks of life arguing for and against it. I take a moderate stand and say that it can be allowed if six conditions (based on the law in the Netherlands) are met. Some academicians and associations are of the...

Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution

Introduction The Constitution and the Articles of Confederation both marked the path towards the beginning of the democratic tradition in the United States. These documents and the process of their creation laid the foundation for this nation, and it is critical to analyze them. The comparison of the main provisions,...

The Mechanical Age and Present Day Times

The point of this course venture is “the effect of the Industrial Age and the ascent of private enterprise.” This theme was picked as a result of the solid conviction that the reflections about the past and consistent paralleling of the past encounters with the cutting edge ones are the...

Strategic Planning in Nonprofit Organizations

Introduction According to Bryson (1995), strategic planning is the process of making choices. This process usually takes place when leaders need to be supported when making their goals international. This is a managerial tool that is used for the purpose of assisting the organization to perform better. In other words,...

The Poem “From Blossoms” by Li-Young Lee

The Preliminary Chart Evidence from the Poem Inference from this Evidence “From blossoms comes / this brown paper bag of peaches” (Lee, lines 1-2). The poet appreciates nature and its gift – the peaches. He is glad and excited about eating them; this is pure childish happiness. From laden boughs,...

Livy’s and Qian’s Attitudes to Self-Sacrifice

Introduction Scenarios of self-sacrifice occupy an essential place in the literature of ancient writers and, as a rule, aim to reveal specific values ​​and moral obligations that a particular character follows. However, such plots are part of not only fictional works but also serious historiographic records. As an example, one...

The Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity

Introduction Humanity has known the bipolar disorder since the epoch of ancient Greeks. Nevertheless, it was until the 20th century that people were able to differentiate bipolar disorder from other forms of psychiatric disorders. Berns and Nemeroff (2003) argue, “The German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin was the first to draw attention...

Multiple Sclerosis and Assistive Technology

Introduction A sizeable proportion of the young population is affected by the multiple sclerosis thereby predisposing them to a bleak future due to the progressive functional losses occasioned by the attacks on the nervous system (Blake & Bodine, 2002, p.299). Multiple sclerosis refers to the degenerative nerve disease that is...

Computerized Clinical Documentation System

Tele-home nursing seems to be beneficial for those patients who do not have an opportunity to get to the hospital, but I, for one, would not consider a tele-home health nurse as my future career. Though the technology use has become extremely beneficial for nursing lately and offered numerous alternative...

Applications of the Internet of Things in Business

Introduction Technological advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Internet of Everything (IoE) have made businesses more actionable and viable than ever. IoT propagates the idea of sensors (physical objects) being connected anytime from anywhere through the internet. IoE further includes the interconnectedness of people, data, processes, and...

Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Incivility consists of all the behaviors that are rude, disrespectful, or insolent in a workplace. Incivility may lead to emotional pain, which might threaten the working conditions. Some workers decide to be impolite to fellow employees knowingly without considering their feelings, while others may be discourteous without their conscience....

Social and Psychological Studies of Genocides

Any genocide is a catastrophic phenomenon, the occurrence of which at first glance seems fundamentally inexplicable. The horrors of this process seem to be contrary to human nature, and reflections on human losses and the incredible cruelty of what is happening significantly destroy the idea of ​​what a person is...

Deterrence and Truancy Theory in Justice

One of a government’s fundamental obligations is to protect its inhabitants from crime, although crime prevention can take numerous forms. There is evidence that corruption is disproportionately concentrated in economically challenged places and that poverty reduction can help to reduce crime. Reducing crime rates can also be achieved by addressing...

Tesla Inc. Structural and Cultural Design

Introduction Tesla Inc. has an organizational and cultural structure that aims to empower its workforce to enhance its production and innovation. A company’s corporate culture shows the values and customs of the workers that elicit the workers’ decision-making and behaviors. Employees develop innovative solutions that stand out best in the...

EBP Guideline for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

Guideline Developers The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) clinical guidelines are the recognized standard and most synoptic evidence-based practice (EBP) policies. One of the guidelines is the NCCN Guidelines for Patients with colon Cancer. The guideline was developed by a multidisciplinary panel comprising members of the NCCN institutions. The evidence...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Epidemiology and Treatment

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and significantly affects the patient’s personal life, family, and work. People with generalized anxiety disorder feel excessive concerns about typical everyday activities. A generalized anxiety disorder differs from normal anxiety because the degree of disturbance is higher; it lasts longer and...

How Has Art Nouveau Influenced the Development of Art and Design?

Art Nouveau is a style that arose in the second half of the 19th century and united different branches of advanced art under common stylistic principles. This is not only a painting style; it is manifested in design, fashion, and architecture. When someone talks about the Art Nouveau style, listeners...

Surrogacy, Its Benefits and Risks

Introduction Many couples around the world wish to have children, but some are unable to conceive or carry a baby due to various reasons. People who cannot go through the process of having a child often resort to surrogacy. The concept refers to the practice of a woman undertaking gestation...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Case Study

In this work, a case study of a patient who needs to be prescribed treatment is carried out. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (or CBT) is a technique that highlights the unconscious motivations of a person, brings them to a conscious level, helps to change beliefs and behavior that cause unstable and other...

Analysis of Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case Study

Since the Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade ruling in 1973, around one out of every three pregnancies has resulted in abortion. It is one of the most difficult and contentious problems, sparking passionate legal, political, and ethical arguments. The modern abortion issue involves a clash of conflicting moral concepts as...

Tax Reforms From a Judeo-Christian Perspective

Introduction Tax is a primary method used by most governmental organizations to collect revenue. Tax cuts are the depletion and changes made to taxes paid by citizens, saving taxpayers money (Martinez, 2017). The government implies many forms of tax cuts, including on assets, revenue, sales, and profit. Expansionary fiscal policy...

Communication Theories in Workplace Relationships

Interactions in the workplace are the typical expectations for conversations between individuals in various roles within a business or company. I have chosen this type of interaction because it involves face-to-face engagement; therefore, it is more productive than printed or audio-only exchanges. As such, during work operations, staff would recognize...

Homeland Security: Physical Security Incident Case Study

Introduction A security breach at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, rekindled the federal government’s interest in strengthening the building’s physical protections1. Due to the similarities between this occurrence and other security breaches, such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, the congressional investigation into the incident is...

Connection Between Criminal and Terrorism Organization

Introduction It is no longer a robust surprise that there is a strong connection between criminal and terrorist organizations. A criminal organization is a proceeding criminal endeavor that reasonably attempts to benefit from illegal exercises often in the extraordinary public interest. Its proceeding is kept up with through the defilement...

The “Alias Grace” Novel by Margaret Atwood

Introduction Alias Grace is a historical, narrative approach to exploring themes of cruelty and redemption within the context of class distinctions and gender norms, particularly within the 1820s-1860s Canada. In Alias Grace, Margaret Atwood takes the audience back to a time when women were not seen as human beings; they...

The Hewlett Packard Firm’s External and Internal Environments

Hewlett Packard (HP) is one of the largest technology companies in the US that sells its products and services worldwide. The company’s field of activity is characterized by high competition due to the growing consumer demand. Therefore, to determine strategies for obtaining a competitive advantage for Hewlett Packard, it is...

Saudi Arabian Special Schooling and Legislation

Introduction The Saudi Arabian education system appears to be radically evolving from the time when the system was first founded. In fact, having been in existence for over 78 years, just the affluent and kids from the elite families enjoyed the Saudi Arabian education system privileges from the onset. Now,...

Revenue Management of Catheter-Related Issues

The main task of any healthcare organization is the fulfillment of patient needs through the provision of high-quality service at minimum cost. Revenue management practices, including financial regulations and billing requirements, help hospitals to stimulate social-economic development. Since revenues serve as the primary stimulus for the organizational growth and sustainability,...

McDonald’s Company Evaluation and Financial Analysis

McDonald’s Cash Flows The factors that could contribute to McDonald’s cash flows include inventory, accounts payable, sunk costs, low profits, and over-investment. The McDonald’s menu consists of more than 200 food items, and introducing the “Create Your Taste” burgers implies that all the ingredients necessary to produce the burgers must...

First US Constitution vs. New Constitution of 1787

The Articles of Confederation and the New Constitution: Comparison and Contrast Prior to the ratification of the US Constitution that was created in 1787, the state-operated under another document known as the Articles of Confederation, which became effective in 1781 (“Comparing the Articles and the Constitution,” 2010). Even though the...

Nursing Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction Nowadays, a nursing leader and a manager have different approaches to quality improvement and the patients’ satisfaction. However, it appears that both approaches to leadership styles, which differ as much as the definitions of a leader and a manager themselves, are not as efficient as the situational leadership approach....

The Ivory Furniture Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial data, along with other pertinent information, assist company managers in investment and financial decision-making. This information equally provides very useful signals to customers and creditors in determining the financial performance of a firm in which they have either extended credit, invested their funds, or even consider viable in...

World War I and the Role of the United States in It

Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism When considering the factors that led to the eruption of WWI, one must mention nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. Due to the increasing influence of Pan-Germanism originating from the Napoleonic wars, the levels of nationalism were on the rise in Germany at the time, causing the state...

Effective Models of Leadership

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the most important foundations for excellent performance. Leaders ensure the achievement of the established organizational goals through the use of various strategies and methods aimed at effective management of teams. In nursing practice, leadership is essential as it results in proper patient health outcomes,...

Psychotherapeutic Group: Treatment of Mild-To-Moderate Depression

Introduction This manual is dedicated to a psychotherapeutic group that is intended for patients with mild-to-moderate depression. It will be a short-term psychoeducation group that will use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The aim of this manual is to provide direction and employ high-quality sources dedicated to depression and group therapy to...

The Appropriation of Technology From External Sources

Introduction In today’s world, organizations are adopting various technologies to help them perform better in their processes. However, technology is rapidly changing from day to day therefore the organizations are usually faced with many challenges especially when they want to adopt new external technology. Challenges that need to be addressed...

False Consensus Results in the Constitutional Decay

The graphic story, They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei et al. uses imagery to narrate a historical event following the Pearl Harbor bombing by the Japanese. Specifically, Takei provides a memoir on how his family and other people of his descent were forcefully transported to the internment camps. They...

Researching the Issue of Tuberculosis Disease in the World

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is among the serious infectious diseases reported in countries across the world. It mainly affects individuals’ lungs; however, brain, spine, and kidney can also be attacked. The condition is described as latent when the body’s bacteria is inactive, showing no symptoms, and not contagious. A person can...

Comparison of Healthcare Agencies

Introduction Public health refers to the science and art of averting diseases, extending life, and promoting health via the implementation of organized efforts and informed choices by the public, associations, public and private communities, and the individual persons (Institute of Medicine, 1988). The field is concerned with the general health...

Epidemiology Overview: Miami

Different states suffer from various illnesses. It is apparent that they have a vital influence on the communities, as they change the lifestyles and attitudes of inhabitants. A primary goal of this essay is to analyze what illnesses affect the citizens of Miami, Florida (zip code: 33125). Three diseases such...

Telehealth: Implementation Plan

Introduction Healthcare forms a large and irreplaceable part of every person’s life, supporting their well-being and ensuring that their needs throughout the years are met. Medical professionals make it their job to examine and aid people for the sake of improving public health and making sure that society stays operational....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Communication Workers of America Union’s Profile

A union is an organization of workers with a common objective of achieving different beneficial goals such as attainment of wages and benefits, improved safety standards, protection of the integrity of their trade or careers. The union is mandated to accomplish this through continuous negotiations with relevant bodies to obtain...

Social Media Influences on Young Adults

Introduction It is not a secret that social media plays an important role in the lives of people living in contemporary society. Various platforms appear and advance every year, giving individuals a possibility to entertain themselves, communicate with their friends, follow the lives of celebrities and influencers, and enrich their...

“Family Evaluation” Book by Kerr & Bowen

Introduction Bowen’s family systems theory is a psychological approach that many people have analyzed. The model reveals that an individual’s actions consider the Family as an emotional force and utilize systems to explain the unit’s specific communications. The book Family Evaluation was published in 1988 and referenced by many researchers...

The Ideology of Political Liberalism and True Democratic Ideal

Introduction “True democracy … will not condemn those whose devotion to principle leads them to unpopular courses, but will reward courage, respect honor, and ultimately recognize right.” Understanding the cornerstones of the political context is indeed a complex issue because of the various political ideologies that govern modern society. As...

Global Management and Cultural Diversity

Introduction The level of international trade and associated economic activities have expanded in recent years, hence, greatly influencing the global economy. This phenomenon is attributed to augmented transportation, communication, technological connectivity between countries, increased mobility of financial assets, and factors of production. These underlying factors are believed to have resulted...

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in American Musical Theatre

Introduction The theater is one of the most significant social factors contributing to shaping the modern era as well as the media. It is essential to note that cultural products relate directly to existing patterns and prejudices in society. For example, the advantage of white representatives on the stage serves...

Democracy in Iran & Culture and Politics

Introduction Although, to some observers, democracy may seem as the undoubtedly superior form of government, it is not universally present in the world. Many countries still lack the traditional features of democracy, such as universally applied human rights or the working separation of powers – sometimes due to their cultural...

Coordination and Continuum of Care in Nursing Homes

Understanding continuum and coordination of care Care coordination has various meanings depending on whose scholar is describing it. However, the basic understanding is that it refers to the appropriate delivery of healthcare services through the organization of several participants, including patients, their families, nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals (Swan...

Problems That Hinder the Adaptation of Technology in Education Institutions

Information and communications technology are arguably the most dominant transformational factors in the education landscape. Many schools worldwide are increasingly embracing various technological hardware and software to enhance learning. Tablets, computers, and internet connectivity are rapidly proving to be significant and integral parts of education for students and teachers. However,...

The US and China Judicial Systems Comparison

Introduction The US criminal system is under the judicial system, which is divided into federal and state courts. The federal court includes the Supreme Court that deals with federal issues such as trade disputes, limitary and government lawsuits. In the US, criminal cases are heard by trial courts that have...

The Catholic Church and People’s Mental Health

Introduction It is hard to disagree that an extended number of people can struggle with their unstable mental health. Teenagers frequently suffer post-traumatic stress disorder; young adults can be diagnosed with anxiety or panic attacks; and older people often develop depression due to their loneliness. Statistics show that “7.1% of...

Tuberculosis Transmission, Manifestations and Social Concerns

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that has the potential of having serious impacts and primarily affects the lungs. According to research, approximately a quarter of the population of the world is infected by TB (Harding, 2020). In other words, there are those individuals with TB bacteria; however, they are...

Mythology in The Hunger Games and Moana Films

Modern movies and pop culture play a significant role in defining society’s perception of the heroic journey and the image of the hero. Moreover, apart from the apparent connection with the heroic qualities of characters in superhero movies, the influence of classical perceptions of heroic journeys can be traced to...

How Sugar Affected the Cuban Economy

Introduction For centuries, sugar has been considered a commodity of high trading value. Sugar plantations were profitable to the extent that sugar was called “white gold” because of the high demand for it on the market. Being extracted from a plant called sugar cane, it has been the backbone of...

How Human Activities Cause Climate Change

Introduction Scientists and various leaders globally have seriously debated the causes of climate change. Weather experts’ agreement and understanding have shown that climate is evolving due to greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Climate change refers to extended shifts in temperature and weather patterns that are due to natural causes....

Chinese Architectural Principles

Summary Chinese architecture stands out with eccentric features stemming from its conventional culture and civilization. Most traceable principles are Confucian teachings that guide the architectural designs and art in China. Despite the impacts of globalization and cultural; disruptions by modern civilizations, Chinese architectural features are still traceable. Most Chinese architectural...

The Basel III Agreement in Banking

Introduction Basel III necessitates banks to maintain specific leverage percentages and reserve capital levels to keep risk within international financial standards. The deadline for adopting the new standards has been continually shelved to its current date of 2023 (BIS, n.d.a). The United Kingdom delayed the adoption of the remaining Basel...

Accor Hotel Group: Evaluation

Introduction Accor Hotel Group (AHG) is a world-leading hospitality enterprise with several unique strategies. It has 5,300 hotels, 10,000 food, and beverage venues, over 40 brands, and employs over 260,000 people across 110 countries (Accor, 2022). AHG is one of the industry’s most diverse and integrative hospitality ecosystems and a...

Repeasantization: Impact on Agriculture

Introduction As the world developed and new technologies emerged, all areas of society, including agriculture, were transformed. While for an extended period, the main workers on farms were peasants, later they were partly replaced by machine and automatic labor. This process is called the industrial revolution, in other words, the...

Decision Making Using Sustainable Mining

Process of Decision Making It should be understood that the decision-making process is a very complex and responsible step. Many people underestimate its importance, putting the development of the product itself in the first place. However, despite this, choosing the right solution is the final stage of product implementation and...

Marketing and Technologies Discussion

Introduction This paper uses the Gibbs reflexive cycle model as it provides an opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of one’s feelings from the experience and knowledge gained. It better reveals the positive aspects and gaps in the subjective understanding of the material and makes it possible to re-evaluate the implementation...

Providing Care Using Telemedicine

My video will focus on a very important topic, namely distance medicine. I have reviewed several articles and identified three main ones on which my work is based. The first is an article by Giulio Nittari and others, which is reliable because quotations from books and methodologies in the medical...

Psychology of Aging: Stages of Development

Introduction The psychology of aging examines the various biological, social, and economic issues that individuals experience in different stages of development. Researchers use behavioral, cognitive, and psychosocial theories to examine the issues linked to various development stages influencing individuals’ thinking, physical health, and behavior at each stage. Middle and late...

The Bulgarian Market Analysis for JTI Tobacco Company

Japan Tobacco Inc. is one of the largest tobacco companies that operates in a large number of countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe, as well as Northern America. In Europe, JTI has been an important player for sustaining the economy of the countries, especially Bulgaria. The company sees a...

Essay on Soldier’s Home: Analysis of the Characters

If you need to write a Soldier’s Home analysis or theme essay, this sample is for you. Here, you will find Soldier’s Home summary and see the story explained. Introduction For those who have done through the nightmare of the war, life can never be the same again. Sadly, it...

Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism: Concepts and Values

Introduction Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism all believe in nature gods. There doctrines revolve around things such as rain, oceans, sun, and other unique physical features. Shiva, Indra, Varuna, and Surya are the most important gods in these religious orientations. Even though Aryan is the religion, Brahmanism represents the sacrificial...

Transitional Care Management Intervention

Transitional Care Management (TCM) is seen as an effective tool to decrease the rate of readmissions in patients with CHF. The TCM often involve some services provided within a month after the discharge but this period is rather long. This paper dwells upon an intervention that involves the provision of...

Heart Failure Patients and Phone Intervention

Introduction The majority of patients with chronic heart failures have various difficulties due to their needs to be frequently hospitalized. The families of such people are obliged to take them to the medical institutions when their relatives complain about severe chest pains. Unfortunately, the necessity mentioned above lowers the level...

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Anorexia Nervosa: Psychological and Physiological Therapy

Anorexia Nervosa: Overview and Symptoms Becoming infamously well-known in the 20th century, when beauty standards reinforced the images of painfully slim people, anorexia nervosa (AN) still remains one of major health concerns. Although the phenomenon of anorexia nervosa is typically viewed as the effect of the environmental influences, particularly, the...

Childhood Vaccination: Policy-Priority Issues

The issue of vaccinations is often discussed on an international level. Governments do not underestimate the importance of immunization. However, it is regularly undermined by citizens, who believe that vaccination of their children is not necessary. In fact, many states, including the state of Florida, have special exemption policies that...

Nurse Education Comparison in Poland and Jordan

Introduction Poland and Jordan were selected for comparison. The primary motivation for choosing them was the desire to obtain new knowledge on the operation of the nurse education system because I had some background knowledge of the education systems of other countries. Moreover, I wanted to find whether my initial...

End-Tidal Capnography and Evidence-Based Practice

The end-tidal capnography is used to monitor the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Kerslake & Kelly, 2016). No use of capnography can result in adverse situations or severe damage, even death. To ensure that patients’ life is not at risk, medical personnel need to use capnography more often. The equipment...

Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Nursing Change

Introduction The present paper considers the introduction of a mechanism for reporting staffing issues, concerns, and suggestions as a planned change intervention for the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing [BWHDN] (2016). This change should contribute to the solution to the ever-present problem of nurse shortage (Maenhout & Vanhoucke,...

Disaster Operations and Decision Making

Normal Decision Making Versus Crisis Decision Making One of the main differences between normal and crisis decision-making is that the emergency response process involves a wide variety of personnel and agencies (Huder, 2012). The video by Aksecmiami (2013) indicates that, in an emergency, “the federal government interfaces with state, local,...

Climate Change as Political Leaders’ Primary Concern

Introduction Climate change has become a significant concern within the past several decades. Its effects are becoming more evident, and many local and national strategies for their elimination start to emerge. Every individual can contribute to decreasing the impact of climate change but may not be possible to eliminate it...

Scott Pilgim vs. The World: Is It a Good Movie?

Introduction Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a 2010 action-comedy movie directed by Edgar Wright, based on a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley. It stars Michael Cera as the eponymous Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year old slacker from Toronto, who falls in love with Ramona Flowers and must battle...

Cultivating Healthful Environments: Incivility in Nursing

The development of a healthful environment is an important aspect of competent health care. It is not enough to improve the quality of care and eradicate medical errors, but it is expected to support nurses’ progress, enhance professional skills, and identify the required number of personal qualities. Incivility is a...

Effective Supplier Evaluations: Creating a Tool

Introduction The main purpose of a supplier evaluation process is to find the inefficiencies and optimize these weak points. Production processes in various fields of economic activity acquire more complex forms, lose their integrity from the regional to the global level, are formed by new factors that have a significant...

Brief Motivational Intervention: Mindfulness Based Therapy

Introduction Substance abuse is one of the leading social problems in the United States. In particular, alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the country. The American Psychological Association (2004) defines substance abuse as “ a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress,...

A Qualitative Study of Pregnancy and Maternal Mortality in the US

Abstract This paper explores how women endanger their pregnancies by their behaviors and what barriers to healthy lifestyles they encounter. Qualitative research using a semi-structured interview with a recent mother was conducted. The findings show that pregnancies are threatened by an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, and barriers to healthy...

Ethnic Diversity in Poems by Pat Mora, Chrystos and Naomi Shihab Nye

Ethnic Diversity The issue of exile and the search for true identity is a significant topic in American culture. People with diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds live in one country and have to defend their traditions and worldview (Schilb et al. 78). For the authors such as Pat Mora, Chrystos,...

Just-in-Time Idea for General Motors

Introduction Business organizations need to implement superior measures to improve their operations and maximize profitability. The selected company that can benefit from a new strategy is General Motors (GM). In 2014, this organization had a scandal that exposed the major challenges that were affecting its business operations. This project presents...

Communication as a Front-line Supervisor

Introduction Effective communication is essential, especially if one is a front-line supervisor who has to engage with many people. Front-line supervisors handle staff members, facilitate them, and resolve various among them. Sometimes front-line supervisors also communicate with customers, although the circumstances of such interactions may not be favorable. The sheer...

Is the World About Us?

One of the central branches of philosophy studying the nature of being is called ontology, and the question of being itself is one of the major topics in philosophy. The formation of this discipline began precisely with the study of the nature of being. Ancient Indian, Chinese, and Greek philosophy...

Applying Theory to Public Health Practice

A Definition and Description of the Four Theories The theory of reasoned action, health belief model, theory of planned behavior, and the trans-theoretical change model are the most commonly used theories in public health (Glanz & Bishop, 2010). The theory of reasoned action predicts human behavior by analyzing human attitudes....

Bullying: A Concern for Modern Communities and Educational Establishments

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there lies a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

Evaluation of Concept of Learning Organization

Introduction The environment in an organization that is skilled to facilitate organizational goals is referred to as a learning organization. The learning environment is instrumental in the competitive commercial world. Learning organizations shift from typical worker training to instilling problem-solving, learning, and professional skills among worker. This paper shall evaluate...

Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment

Suicide risk assessment is a significant activity because it allows social workers to identify clients’ suicide ideation and offer some ways to minimize it. Dr. Sommers-Flanagan utilized a comprehensive approach to working with Tommi, and he performed a few essential steps. The social worker began with a cognitive assessment to...

And Tango Makes Three: A Book Banned in Vain?

And Tango Makes Three is a real-life story that was shaped into the literary form by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell. The book tells the readers the story of two penguins from the Central Park Zoo, who hatched an egg together and practically gave birth to another penguin named Tango....

Improving Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

Introduction One of the current trends in the American democratic society is to make sure that all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender, race, and sexual orientation, are provided with equal opportunities and rights. Diversity is a key to improved understanding of other persons, and while a growing percentage...

African Culture and Non-Western Modern Art

Culture is often defined in many ways, it refers to the beliefs, ideologies, customs, and social behaviors of a particular society. Africa is one of the rich continents that is rooted in the splendor of indigenous cultures. However, over the past years, these cultures have slowly eroded with evolution giving...

Archaeological Obsidian Hydration Dating With Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Knowledge of history is key to the survival of civilization. It is important to understand how people lived before and what mistakes they made that led to entire nations fading from existence. The Mayan civilization is an excellent example of a nation collapsing, and the mystery of its failure continues...

The Chinatown Film Directed by Roman Polanski

Introduction The movie, Chinatown, tells the story of unacceptable levels of betrayals and corruption that leave a trail of destruction in their wake. The degree of betrayal is extensive that even relatives do not respect the blood relationships enough to avoid treachery toward their kin. A father rapes his daughter,...

McKinsey & Company’s Success, Challenges, and Failures

Introduction McKinsey & Company, Inc is a famous consulting company serving a huge client base worldwide and is widely known for its incomparable success. The firm holds offices in more than 50 countries all around the globe and serves more than a thousand companies from various sectors, such as commercial...

Aspects of Human Embryos Cloning

Background Cloning of human embryos, also known as reproductive cloning, refers to purposefully producing individuals who are genetically identical to one another. Every single freshly created person is an exact copy of the pioneering specimen. Identical twins, also known as monozygotic twins, are natural clones. Every cell in a clone’s...

The Theology of Christ Through the Ancient Ecumenical Councils

Introduction The Savior who entered the world granted humanity many great benefits, one of which is that human beings rediscovered their true purpose and dignity. Christ, who became a person, demonstrated to humans how valuable they are in the eyes of God. However, the perception of this revelation can only...

The Christian Worldview and Its Concepts

Introduction Depending on whatever dominance one chooses to accept, the Christian worldview today has a wide range of elements. Many Christians disagree with those who believe God is three distinct persons—the father, the son, and the holy spirit. This has led to numerous questions about key aspects of the Christian...

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World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism

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Bronzer Tanning Solutions Company’s Strategic Plan

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African American Revolutionary Era

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Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care: The Teaching Plan

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Confucius. His Unique Contribution to World Religions

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Human Resource Selection: Interview Questions

Introduction The process of interviewing potential candidates is a significant part of Human Resource Selection. Interviews vary depending on specifics of the job, but their main purpose remains to evaluate applicants’ abilities according to the same criteria. For this objective it is important to prepare a set of question, the...