The Impact of Social Change on the Education System

As social change occurs, the education system too undergoes some transformation. This is marked with the need for an education system that advocates for equality and social justice. It has been mentioned that the political ideology influences what is taught by the education system. Changes are noted in the curriculum...

Social Change Through Technological Innovation

Social change has been characterized by technology and innovations by individuals. There has been a manifestation of technology and innovations in social interactions. As people interact in various ways technology has been utilized to enhance aspects of human life and social contacts. The mass media contributes a lot towards social...

Warm-Up: The Effect on Athletes’ Performance

It has been acknowledged that warm-up has a positive effect on athletes’ performance as well as their overall physical state. Although it is sometimes assumed that warm-up may lead to a decrease in muscle power or strength, Sim, Byun, and Yoo (2015) found that there was no such a link...

United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism

Introduction The concepts of national security and human security emerge as interrelated in the context of the modern-day United States foreign policy. However, these conceptions differ in terms of the objectives they target. On the one hand, national security is an approach to state policy where the interests, territorial integrity,...

“Artificial Intelligence: A Competitive Advantage for the US Army” Review

The document offers a substantial review of how the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may become a crucial competitive advantage for the US military. After briefly describing the current state of things with regards to the military application of AI technologies, it proceeds to list and explain the most feasible...

The Age of Enlightenment and Its Issues

The Age of Enlightenment is a controversial period in history, and its evaluation should include both advantages and drawbacks of the time. However, it is usually considered an exciting era full of opportunities and freedoms (Keane). Even though the perception of the Age of Enlightenment is primarily positive, this time...

Difference Between Research- and Evidence-Based Practice Projects

To investigate a clinical problem, nurses should select the most relevant method, focusing on a research project or evidence-based project. Depending on the purpose of the intended improvement, it is possible to recognize between several distinctions of the mentioned projects. Research is a systematic exploration that aims to generate new...

Cowboy Traditions in Louisiana

The cowboy culture is one of the most recognizable parts of U.S history, for Americans and foreigners alike. Even though the image of a cowboy is firmly cemented in people’s minds and pop culture, real-life cowboys had a lot more diversity in them than one could think. Looking at the...

The Role of Social Media Within the Society

Social media is one of the most frequently used ways of modern socialization and communication. With the advancement of technologies and the Internet, the popularity of social media has grown rapidly. It is used for personal needs, creativity, recreation, business promotion, and other purposes. I use social media websites, such...

Kreon in “Oedipus the King”: Analysis of the Character

The embodiment of the rival for Oedipus is Creon who does not represent the same interpretation that takes place in Sophocles’ Antigone. In Oedipus the King, this character does not want to obtain power and aspires rather a share of it. The chorus reaffirms the reliability of Creon’s words, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Travelling in the Broad and Local Context: Personal Experiences

Travelling is an exciting activity that brings both enjoyment and knowledge: every person can find something unique visiting other cities and countries. Some people travel to learn something new about other countries and continents; others would like to change their environment or enjoy new experiences. In the broad context, when...

Religion Is the Opiate of the Masses

Sociologists have defined religion as a social institution that involves practices and beliefs which society considers sacred. Different members of the community share virtues in light of symbols and rituals as an identity of spiritualism. Religions often have ethics and set rules that guide the way of living among its...

Pancreatic Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

The pancreas is a unique and multifunctional part of the human body. It simultaneously acts as the only gland in the human body in which exocrine and endocrine functions are performed. The pancreas consists of a wide variety of cells; therefore, there are many risks of cancer lesions. The most...

The Covid-19 Pandemic Analysis

Coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a contagious virus that began in December 2019. It causes an infection on the upper throat, sinuses, and nose. Coronavirus’s highly infectious nature has made it increasingly difficult to prevent it from continuing spread (Driggin et al., 2020). The illness is transmitted through contact with infected...

Binge Drinking May Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

The article suggests that binge drinking can be associated with the increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease which is one of the most known and common illnesses of the nervous system. This claim is based on the researches of the professionals from Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research who propose that...

Oppression of African Americans in the Selma Film

The selected moment focuses on the scene after Martin Luther King Jr., Cooper, and other SCLC leaders march towards the registration office in Selma, where they get arrested for Cooper fighting back the sheriff Jim Clark. The given part’s major player is King himself, who talks to Cooper about the...

The Book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain

The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a classic bildungsroman that can be relevant for people of all ages. The main theme of the topic is a moral and social maturation that the main character, Tom, goes through. Being away from society as a child who did not...

Social Media and its Effect on Children

Many popular social media platforms have been launched in the last two decades, and it may be challenging to imagine the modern world without them. They have attracted billions of individuals worldwide and have significantly affected different aspects of their everyday lives. Without any doubt, the most active users of...

Five Types of Customer-Introduced Variability

When it comes to distributing service to customers, the most significant phenomenon refers to the fact that it is challenging to predict their behavior. Service managers should consider this fact by determining the amount of accommodation that they need. It is an essential issue because more accommodation implies more cost....

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept Overview

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that emphasizes businesses’ obligation to be socially responsible and to give back to the community (David, 2013). The concept especially applies to large corporations: as they grow and expand, they accumulate a great deal of power that depending on its use, can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Virtual Machines Overview and Analysis

Virtual machines are often called virtual computers because that is what they are. A virtual machine emulates a computer and can run an operating system and a collection of applications, just like any physical computer would. However, while it provides the exact same functionality, it is not based directly on...

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Main Principles

The use of information and communication technologies has long changed the way the healthcare is delivered. Telehealth is one of the inventions that contributed into such changes. Basically, telehealth is the delivery of such services as “health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, consultation, education, and therapy” (Hebda & Czar, 2009, p....

A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms

The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. First of all, moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake. This term was introduced by seismologists Kanamori and Hanks in the 1970s (Rafferty, n. d.). Moment magnitude of an...

Nelson Mandela: Ceremonial Speech

It is challenging to deny that a few people have left their marks in history, and each of them has impacted the world significantly. This ceremonial speech will be about Nelson Mandela, who was one of the most influential individuals in the 20th century. This person is acknowledged because he...

Serum Neurotrophic Factors in Adolescent Depression by Pallavi et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to compare the serum concentration of neurotrophic factors in depression patients and healthy control. Besides, the article analyzes correlations between serum neurotrophin levels and clinical severity. The main study variable(s) The primary variables are serum level, brain-derived neurotrophic factor...

Management of Production Costs

The development of the world economy poses new challenges for various manufacturing businesses. In order to avoid financial crises, present-day companies need to elaborate a management plan to adjust their activities to shifting conditions (“7 essential features,” 2018). However, such a complex process implies the change in production costs as...

Status With Authority in the Field of Nursing

When equating status with authority in the field of nursing, it is possible to cause some confusion in understanding nurses’ or leaders’ roles depending on the aspect of power. In the field of nursing, there is a hierarchy of roles that are associated with individuals’ professional status and assigned authority....

Nine Misconceptions About Language

Language is a subject not exempt from misconceptions, some of which are pervasive even among students studying linguistics. In an attempt to alleviate the situation, in the chapter “Nine Ideas About Language,” Harvey A. Daniels (1985) closely investigates nine such misconceptions, relying on compelling arguments and their rather extensive analysis....

The Advance Directive Forms

Advance directive form Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) is one of the most common forms related to end of life care programs. This form lists the main options for doctors to intervene in a critically ill patient. In my opinion, this form describes various options for treating patients...

Multinational Business Finance and Currency Trade

According to Eiteman, Stonehill, & Moffett (2015), interest rates in the U.S. and in Europe are rather low and do not get higher than 1%. Such things might have happened because governments and the Central Banks of the countries had low premium rates in the period of the global financial...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Technology Trends in Hotel Management

Technology usage for various purposes is becoming increasingly prominent among various hospitality providers. According to Ivanov and Webster (2019), hotels are now implementing automation in various areas, such as check-ins and cleaning, and some companies are experimenting with hotels staffed fully by robots. By doing so, they can save the...

Medicare and Medicaid Coverage Gaps

Although Medicare and Medicaid are important programs in order to provide all Americans with health care services, there are still coverage gaps. The three components of Medicare are the hospital, medical, and pharmaceutical coverage offered to older Americans. In this context, the related gaps include the absence of coverage for...

Entrepreneurship: Relationship Marketing

One of the most difficult and expensive tasks that any business owner faces is finding new customers or retaining old ones. Many companies dedicate different parts of their marketing department on one of these functions. To retain customers that companies already have relationship marketing is used to attract repeat business...

Nutrition and Hydration for Young Athletes

Training is not the only issue that determines the athletes’ success. It is necessary to remember that nutrition and hydration are equally significant for every person who engages in regular physical exercises, and young individuals are not an exception. Thus, the present speech will demonstrate that adequate hydration and nutrition...

New Deal: Purpose, Positive Aspirations

The New Deal in the United States was a set of programs, infrastructure projects, economic changes, and legislation initiated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to create financial support and solve manufacturing, agriculture, water supply, and employment problems. The most important task was to save and stabilize the US financial system....

Reginald Williams on the American View of Healthcare

Reginald Williams makes the case that the American view of healthcare as a privilege rather than a right is fallacious. He provides examples of the police and the fire department, which also deal with threats to human health that can often spread yet are funded by taxes and provided free...

Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race by Nicolaides & Wiese

In the chapter named “Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race” by Becky M. Nicolaides and Andrew Wiese, the authors discuss suburbanization and its effects on racial segregation in postwar America. They claim that, while white people could access the market freely, which gave them access to property ownership and...

Slavery and Slaves in the United States of America

It is hard to disagree that slavery has been a major problem in the U.S. for centuries, and tremendous efforts have been made to eliminate it. In 1843, Henry Highland Garnet, an African American newspaper editor, gave his speech called “An Address to the Slaves of the United States.” In...

Socio-Historical Context of the Book of Romans

Paul wrote to the church in Rome when Jews were coming back to the city after their expulsion. A new emperor had assumed control of the empire, replacing the one who had dismissed the Jewish leaders. Besides, the Gentiles became in charge of the church’s leadership and changed the practices,...

Religion in Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Minister’s Black Veil”

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short stories “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Minister’s Black Veil” reveal a central theme of religion that has played an important role in society. Both stories are filled with dark gothic motives that create an atmosphere and help convey a message. However, the elements of the grotesque in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medicare: Choosing a Healthcare Facility Based on Quality and Safety

Medicare’s official website contains sets of different types of information with a focus on Medicare programs. The database of this agency also includes data helping people to choose the most appropriate healthcare facility (, n.d.). Such variables as available services, sufficient staffing, and social components are highlighted as primary aspects...

Eugenics and Sterilization in the United States

Eugenics in the United States was one of the controversial subjects, which did not get as much attention as it should have. Individuals like Laughlin were among the active proponents of eugenics-based sterilization programs, which advocated for making mentally impaired and ill sterile. There was a strong belief that intelligence...

Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Medicare Spending

The Affordable Care Act is gradually decreasing costs by means of the restructuring of payments to Medicare Advantage. This has occurred because the government was spending more money per enrollee on Medicare Advantages compared to Original Medicare. Therefore, the financial impact of the ACA implied significant cuts, which were carried...

Coca-Cola Inc. Applying Factor Mix’s Principles

The learning activity identifies marginal decision rule as a vital determinant of a firm’s factor mix. Should the marginal gain of an additional business unit surpass its cost, the operation’s sum should be increased. If the profit is below the cost, the sum should be decreased. Net gains are maximized...

Role of Technology in Enhancing the Power

Technology plays a key role in enhancing the power and reach of most presidents. For instance, Telegram has promoted communication between most state presidents and military officers. Such conversations happen in real-time thereby creating a greater control over a leader’s subjects. The instantaneous communication further guarantees prompt feedback from the...

Role of Congress in Country’s Economy

According to the provisions of the commerce clause, Congress is vested with the authority to regulate the entire country’s economy. The power implies that it also can control commerce between and among states. However, some critics argue that Congress exerts excessive control over commerce and limits individual states’ ability to...

Effective and Ineffective Ads: Share a Coke Ad

The advertisements of two rival multinational beverage corporations may be regarded as examples of effective and ineffective campaigns. From a personal perspective, the Share a Coke ad by Coca-Cola is one of the most positive and heart-touching (Brand News, 2015). In general, this campaign that implied the personalization of every...

Hitachi Power Systems: Case Study

The studied class text provides useful ideas and concepts that project managers should take seriously. The case of Hitachi Power Systems outlines some of the key aspects that corporations need to consider if they are to dispel some of the common myths. At this organization, every project team relies on...

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Website

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a non-profit organization that has 125,000 members from more than 128 countries. The site of the organization includes various sections devoted to different topics, including books and publications, educational leadership, and professional learning. It provides both free-of-charge content, for example, in...

“The Waste Land” Poem by Eliot

The Waste Land is considered a literary masterpiece of the twentieth century. Eliot has written a by no means an easy-to-read poem, which is full of references and other authors’ devices. In particular, the second part of the poem is especially noteworthy of the use of juxtaposition and allusion. These...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Nature Conservancy in Hawaii: Program Fundraising

The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii Program: Background Information The Nature Conservancy is an organization working across the US since the 1950s to “conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends” (Aloha United Way, 2020, para. 1). The organization is operating worldwide and has protected 119 million acres of land...

The French Revolution and Structural Theory Applied

The French revolution is perhaps the most perplexing event in the history of modern Europe. The revolution commenced in 1789 and ended towards the latter stages of the 1790s. The watershed event involved the redesigning of the country’s political culture through the overthrow of monarchical and feudal systems of governance....

Electronics for the Dump Overview

The modern world is filled with high-tech gadgets that are renewed every quarter, making people buy new items and discard outdated ones. The current situation on the market is called the materials economy that aims to design products that will function for only a certain period to encourage buying new...

Governments and the Protection of Rights

Civil liberties have become fundamental in the global space, shaping economic and political developments among various nations. The Bill of Rights in the United States of America aims at shielding the freedom of speech and religion. Meanwhile, it tends to cover the fundamental civil liberties, including owning and bearing arms...

The Ethical Practice of Nurses Caring For Chronically Ill Patients

Those nurses who work with chronically ill patients need to pay much attention to these patients’ autonomy, desire, and will. Therefore, the most effective organizational environment should include many opportunities for respecting patients’ interests, views regarding their disease, and independence. In spite of the fact that all patients’ rights should...

Discussion of Principle of Least Action

The principle of least action is a natural principle, according to which natural processes tend to evolve towards the most energy efficiency. Fundamental physical and chemical processes are governed by the principle of least action, seen in material formation, heat transfer and electrical currents, taking the path of least resistance...

Subdermal Contraceptive Implants: Work Mechanisms and Effectiveness

Contraceptive methods have increasingly gained popularity over the last decade. They are perceived as one of the most effective ways to prevent unplanned pregnancy, and for this reason, they have massively gained acceptability among women. This paper discusses the subdermal contraceptive implant, exemplifies how it works, and provides statistical evidence...

Evaluation of UFO Arguments in Articles by Hynek and Condon

The articles by Hynek and Condon are both dedicated to the topic of UFOs and their public perception. Despite the ten-year gap between the publications of both pieces, the general idea of the authors is the same – subjective experiences ought to be considered with caution. However, the implications of...

Significance of the Emancipation Proclamation

The Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy was a pivotal series of events that had profound consequences on the history in the United States and abroad. Among others, it yielded one of the most critical documents in the history of the country, the Emancipation Proclamation. Although the Proclamation...

Review of Shakespearean Sonnet 116

Eternal love is the main point of Shakespearean sonnet 116. The great poet states that, “Admit impediments. Love is not love/Which alters when it alteration finds” (Shakespeare 251, lines 2-3). Shakespeare also believes that love cannot be shaken or destroyed, and it should serve as the guiding star for the...

Behaviors of Manipulative and Difficult Patients

Behavior that would make me label a patient as difficult is when a patient somatizes. This type of patient manifests all the psychological stress they have been going through physically. For example, a patient may decide to punch holes in walls and injure themselves when stressed. Other symptoms may be...

Social Media Marketing: Memes as a Branding Strategy

Through the last decade, memes evolved from funny and entertaining images into a communication tool. While previously memes fit only into one or several contexts, current memes present more of a trending template that could be used to describe a wide variety of situations. Thus, memes allow individuals to make...

Anti-Federalist Position of the US Constitution

Supporters of the Constitution often appeal to the rights that this document bestows and protects. However, there is doubt as to whose interests the Framers are so furiously promoting. As noted by Richard Henry Lee (1788a), the clauses of the Constitution are based more on the monarchic sentiments of the...

The Irishman: Analysis of Scorsese’s Film

One of the interview series that I enjoy is BBC Radio 1 film interviews with Ali Plumb. One of my favorites is the interview with Martin Scorsese, filmed as a part of a promotion for Scorsese’s film The Irishman (BBC Radio 1, 2019). What I like most about this interview...

Schizophrenia: Causes and Symptoms

The leading causes of the development of schizophrenia include heredity, an unfavorable environment, and negative social conditions. Many scientists are of the opinion that schizophrenia develops as a result of the impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, in the brain (McCutcheon et al., 2019). Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances that...

Methods in “Remembering, Imagining, False Memories, and Personal Meanings” Study

Study Summary According to the study, memories are closely linked with the imagining system. When a person tries to imagine something, memories are used as a source of data. When a person tries to memorize an event, imagination may have a significant influence on the final perception of the past....

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometric Security

In the modern world, innovative technologies are spreading in all spheres of people’s lives. One of the most effective and, at the same time, controversial technologies is biometrics. Due to its great popularity and implementation by various organizations, the question arises of the advantages and disadvantages of this innovation. Therefore,...

Offshore Havens and Hidden Riches of World Leaders

Introduction A current events summary is a concise assessment of an event that has occurred recently or will arise in the near future. The article is possible to be analyzed utilizing the methodology of descriptive (positive) dissection. The work is considered to be completed using at least one of the...

Symbols in “When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom’d” Poem by Whitman

The poem “When Lilacs in the Dooryard Bloom’d” is one of the masterpieces of Walt Whitman containing deep symbolism. It is used to convey feelings and emotions and help readers to understand the central message of the author. The star, the lilac, and the bird are the three words that...

“The Most Dangerous Game” Story by Richard Connell

The short story by Richard Connell called “The Most Dangerous Game” quickly grabs a reader’s attention with its action-filled scenes. However, there are more mature topics within the story that highlight a question regarding the exceptional value of life and the error of black-and-white worldviews. This essay will analyze the...

Joe Biden’s New Reform on Healthcare

The article by McCausland discusses the suggestions of the new system in the healthcare coverage proposed by Joe Biden. The policy’s expectation is to address rising well-being costs incorporating giving more oversight of health care coverage charges and practices and diminishing medical services extortion and misuse (McCousland, 2021). As Dependency...

The Labels Adolescents Use to Describe Their Gender Identity

The article presented for discussion explores the labels adolescents use to describe their gender identity. The researchers observed a division of the subjects into two subgroups. The first is people who use the standard labels provided, such as male/female, transgender, gay/lesbian, or heterosexual. One of the research questions was to...

Analysis of Giving Back to Society

Charities may serve many purposes and play a different role for both recipients and donors. In the digital era, it has become easy for people to show their support to any group they choose. Both donations and community services can be seen as expressions of one’s opinion or willingness to...

Intersectionality Research Study

The main question of this study regarding intersectionality is the experience with prejudice that Asian American women face in STEM fields. The rationale behind the study is the prejudice and the social stereotype that Asian Americans always excel at STEM subjects, while on the other hand, there is prejudice against...

Rising Kids: Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is one of the major issues in society. During their lives, people enter various stages of their evolution characterized by changes in their roles, statuses, physical abilities, and cooperation with other individuals (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). The importance of these issues preconditions the emergence of various norms, expectations,...

Sustainability’s Role in the Company’s Operations

This essay address three ways where sustainability plays a part in the operations and function of H&M compared to Zara and other fast-fashion companies. In recent years sustainability has been a necessary condition for the function of companies. H&M actively applies it in its production and operation. Firstly, the company...

“Salvation” by Langston Hughes

In “Salvation,” Hughes discusses his personal experience with the church and the Christian faith and criticizes the religion. Specifically, he addresses his disappointment, criticism, and cynicism toward the institution of the church and the concept of salvation in itself. The author states that there is too much preaching, praying, and...

The Problem of Elder Abuse: Relevance and Management

Elder abuse is not an uncommon social issue, although it gets significantly less recognition than aggression between spouses or violence against children. For instance, child negligence or harassment is also exposed to massive discussion, and the case of struggles in orphanages are known for many years of history. However, when...

“Women in Sunjata”: The Way Women Were Treated

The epic of Sunjata features stories of adventures and achievements of the Mande people, both male and female. Thus, the stories allow valuable insight into the roles that women played in society when the epic took place. Similar to the way women were treated in other ancient societies, such as...

Black and White Colors in “Othello” by Shakespeare

In Othello, a tragedy written by the outstanding English poet and playwright William Shakespeare, black and white colors are frequently mentioned and attract particular attention. At first sight, they refer to skin colors as Othello is a Moor who marries Desdemona, a young and fair Venetian lady. However, black and...

Ada Wilson Factory’s Processing Costing

Processing costing is the most viable accounting method to be used by Ada Wilson Factory to account for the cost of manufacturing NFL footballs. The process costing method will be used because the Factory produces NFL footballs in large quantities, and the products are similar. In addition, the method assumes...

The “How Much Does Your Name Matter?” Podcast Review

Racism is still a critical topic because it is presented in various forms that are challenging to control legislatively. The podcast “How much does your name matter?” discusses unique African American and white names that cause racial discrimination. For instance, the podcast’s guest, Steve Levitt, talked about their research that...

English Settlements in New England and South

It is important to note that not all English settlements contributed to the development of the United States equally. Some of them were more influential and impactful in American history compared to others. The core social, political, economic, and cultural changes emerged in New England, where the South was relatively...

Market Segmentation Methods of House Cleaning Service

House cleaning service includes a window, floor, rug, upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning administrations utilized by private residential owners. Geologically, the market is arranged into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific like China and Japan, and a few pieces of Latin America and the Middle East. The demand for such services is...

Confidence Interval in Medicine

Notably, the confidence interval (CI) can be applied to medicine to enhance the quality of clinical decisions. He and Fineout-Overholt state that healthcare professionals may use CI to interpret research based on reliability and validity. Briefly, CI demonstrates the level of uncertainty related to the sample statistic. CI helps healthcare...

Benin Bronzes Returning Back to Nigeria

The Benin Bronzes are a contentious issue because they form a significant appreciation in the general culture of the African culture both to the Nigerians and the African continent as a whole. According to Dan (37), another controversy results from who is dignified to retain ownership after they are deaccessioned...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Oates

Connie’s characters showcase the quintessential teenage protest and self-discovery. She argues with her mother. She is enraged that her older sister is always set as an example. Connie does not want to be obedient and agreeable, but seeks to look older, communicating more with boys. However, deliberate adolescence seems a...

Factory Wages During the Strike

It is possible to predict that the factor wages will remain the same throughout the strike and negotiations compared to earlier in the year. Several factors can be provided to justify this statement. First, the wages are not the major point discussed as the company’s pension and the possible shift...

Review of Mount Vesuvius Eruption

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was one of the most devastating natural disasters of all time, virtually destroying the city of Pompeii. The video by History Channel (2021) thoroughly explains the causes of the tragedy and speculates on what might happen in the future. The eruption in...

Personal Reflection on Clinical Progress

My clinical progress this semester mainly consisted of expanding my clinical knowledge base. The College of Emergency Nursing Australia (CENA) Practice Standards for the Specialist Emergency Nurse identify clinical expertise as the key domain of emergency nursing (CENA, 2020). According to the 1.1.2 and 1.3.1 Practice Standards, the diagnosis of...

Airport: Definition and Functions

Firstly, it is important to note that the word to be defined is a term airport, which is a structural complex comprised of buildings and runways designed to enable a proper and safe landing and take-off of aircraft vehicles with civil transportation purposes. In addition, airports are critical for the...

Sex Chromosomes’ Impact on Metabolic Diseases

Research A research article I found said that genetic specificities of sex chromosomes impact the likelihood and severity of developing diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac ischemia, obesity, aneurism, or atherosclerosis (Arnold et al., 2017). It is important to add that not only sex chromosomes determine biological sex of a person,...

The Pender Health Promotion Model for Behavioral Change

The Pender Health Promotion Model is used to initiate behavioral change. The central feature of this prevention model is that it emphasizes the proactive interventions people should adopt to avoid illness in general. This model describes the important role of nurses in supporting patients in preventing disease through self-care and...

Family Counseling: Triggers and Reactions

Family counseling can be described as a process by which professionals can help navigate patients in their healing and understanding of their feelings. In this regard, my role as a family counselor is to identify the issues and find the emotional triggers and reactions to specific actions of others. For...

Globalization and Democratic Peace Theory

The modern world is characterized by the emphasis of many states on the policy of globalization. Under this strategy is understood the establishment of cooperation between nations and governments, as well as the unification of mankind in the face of common problems of both androgenic and natural nature. Based on...

Business Values’ Impact on Pastors

The global spread of business principles created a new way of perceiving life, mainly consisting of profitability dynamics, leadership ideas, and applying different types of management to common concepts. These changes partially affected the religious system, among other areas of life. Although the interpretation of beliefs and actions taken out...

The Sectional Crisis That Culminated in the Civil War

Sectional crisis refers to the division between the free North and the slave-owning South in nineteenth-century America. This split had formed distinct cultural identities between the South and the North, ultimately leading to the United States Civil War in 1861. Therefore, it was a significant turning point in American history....

Hyponatremia: How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

Coaches frequently tell their players to drink a lot of water before they are thirsty. Some schools, like Mississippi State, do hydration tests before each practice to ensure their players are adequately hydrated. Walker Wilbanks’ untimely death as a football player may have been averted if he had not consumed...

Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia

Due to the expansion of modern technologies, the information and creative environment have become interactive, and artists strive to create a work and interact with their listeners or viewers. I think that the development of culture at this time is unpredictable, as there are many subcultures that can unexpectedly gain...

The Efficiency of the Venn Diagram

The Venn diagram is widely used in several branches of human activity and types of science, as it allows for an accessible and easy way to structure information for the reader. This diagram is often used when classifying any complex concepts. Therefore, it is beneficial in teaching, as it allows...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Authentic Sexuality in the Marriage

Sex permeates our culture and is present in places other than the home, such as the job, the street, and the media. However, despite all the focus and even fixation placed on sexual activity, human sexuality continues to be perplexing and unsettling. Authentic sexuality is hard to define in a...

Electric Soap Advertisement by Dobbins

An electric soap advertisement by Dobbins connects its product with the seven stages of man’s life depicted by William Shakespeare in his famous comedy As You Like It. An advertisement artist quoted Shakespeare to illustrate how Dobbins electric soap accompanies a man throughout his life, from infancy in his mother’s...

“The Elephant in the Village of the Blind” by Linda Brewer

Peoples experiences and backgrounds severely impact how they perceive the world around them and the phenomena that occur in them. This power is realized by storytellers who use a change of perspective as a unique tool in storytelling. Hence, an excellent example is “The Elephant in the Village of the...

Plague Caused by Contact Between Humans and Animals

Plague has always been one of the major diseases that has killed large numbers of people over the centuries. It struck the imagination with her deadly power and was perceived as a punishment of the gods or God. For Europeans living in the 14th-18th centuries, regular outbreaks of the plague...

“How Trees Talk to Each Other” TED Talk by Simard

It seems that in her speech, Suzanne Simard utilized a number of fundamental scientific skills that make her performance and the reported work significant and coherent. Firstly, throughout her whole TED talk, she establishes many connections between the theme of forest intelligence and common sense. For instance, she depicts a...

Promise: The Primary Response to Evil

Though I personally find all responses to evil through the perspective of religion to be largely incomplete and irrational, the concept of promise is likely one that has the largest contradictions and falsehoods. Promise as the primary response to evil can be seen in large religions such as Christianity, Judaism,...

Martian Meteorites That Have Landed on Earth

When asteroids and related outer-space objects crashed into Mars eons ago, they sent pieces of Mars’ core into space. These drifting rock pieces occasionally enter Earth’s atmosphere, where gravitational pull draws them inward (Siegel, 2018). Meteorites fall to Earth worldwide, but they are easier to locate in scorching or freezing...

Twain’s Thoughts About “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”

Introduction Notably, those who leave Omelas would have Mark Twain’s approval. The writer would probably be relieved to discover that not everyone is destroying their innermost subconscious. This thought is reflected by Mark Twain’s title for his essay “The Damned Human Race” (42). Discussion Twain outlines a situation in which...

The Concept of “Return to Normalcy” in the US

The United States of America has gone through various stages of its development, and some historical moments negatively influenced the progress that ancestors have achieved. The concept of “return to normalcy” was developed by Harding during his presidential elections, and this idea can correlate with the modern world (Lindbergh, 1927)....

The American Serial Killer in New Orleans

By the end of August 1918, panic had gripped New Orleans. The man who would become known as the ‘Axeman of New Orleans’ stormed into many Italian grocery stores at night and brutally attacked the store owners and their families. From May 1918 through October 1919, the unidentified American serial...

Environmental Justice Movement

Many social activities have taken place throughout the history of humankind, and one that concerns quite a large and vulnerable group of individuals is named Environmental Justice Movement (EJM). The problem that inspired the EJM centers around the disproportionate exposure to pollution faced by poor and minority populations (Banzhaf et...

The Importance of Entrepreneurial Education

Introduction Entrepreneurial education has become a complex subject that students need to master. It is a major tool for training numerous skills in young individuals. It teaches basic management activities and flexible skills that are complementary to fundamental things (these include business communication and public speaking). This is the ability...

Psychology of Work in a Coronavirus World

The idea of working from home is one of the greatest innovations in any industry. The COVID-19 pandemic taught the world that organizations could continue to function by working remotely. It is thus essential for employers to consider mechanisms that allow their staff to work from home permanently (Goldstein, 2017)....

Aspects of Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

Introduction Chapter 12 regards Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and OSHA Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs). It details procedures regarding contact with harmful chemicals and blood in daily routines at work. Key terms include blood, bloodborne Pathogens, Chief, clinical laboratory, decontamination, and engineering controls. Discussion The main pathogens addressed include Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Human...

The Insurance-Based Inequity Discussion

Humanity continues to fight cancer, trying to prevent people’s deaths. From 1991 to 2018, the cancer death rate in the United States decreased by more than thirty percent (Lin, 2022). However, cancer prevention and treatment are currently in a state where having health insurance is vital for patients. Even though...

Choi and Storr’s Idea of Higher Morality of Markets

Introduction Since the 19th century, humanity has constantly been arguing about the morality of market societies versus non-market ones and whether the market is a driver of societal corruption. This discourse began with Karl Marx, who stated that “the market transforms man into “an abstract being, an automaton, and […]...

The Life’s Extreme Environments

For humans, suitable life conditions are associated with joy and comfort. However, this particular stance on life is not universally shared. An example of deviation from what is considered to be the norm of living is extremophiles. These organisms are capable of surviving in the utmost hostile habitats, for example,...

Bharti Airtel Limited: Strategic Outsourcing

Bharti Airtel Limited is an Indian multinational telecommunications corporation that was founded in 1995 by Sunil Mittal. At the time of the company’s establishment, Mittal’s starting capital was $900 (Palepu & Bijlani, 2012). The company mainly provides services in the field of mobile communications, broadband and telephone services, and long...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Features

It is important to note that research designs can be divided into three distinct groups. These include quantitative studies, qualitative studies, and mixed-method studies, with the latter being the combination of the former two. The key features of quantitative research design are the use of numerical values as well as...

The Features of the Christian Approach to Medicine

Introduction Understanding the features of the Christian approach to medicine and treatments may seem complicated if the information is structured incorrectly. However, your response presented the information in a clear sequential order that fully reflects the main elements of the Christian worldview and its connection with medical ethics. Discussion I...

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Sexual Assault and Partner Violence Intervention

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Training Football Athletes: Key Aspects

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Lawful Permanent Residents in Honolulu

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Brain Development in Early Adulthood

Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one’s lifespan. The constant process of brain development is a primary reason for many researchers to believe that early adulthood should be considered another life-stage of “prolonged adolescence” (Hochberg & Konner, 2020,...

Lighting and Landscapes: The Movie “Call Me by Your Name”

Throughout the movie Call Me by Your Name, both lighting and landscapes play a central role in promoting the metaphorical semantics and emotional background. Elio is generally shown in darkness in a number of scenes, such as in the bathroom (Guadagnino 00:06:15-00:06:19). The dark lighting setting can also be observed...