The Brain Is More Than a Bag of Chemicals

The brain is one of the most complex body organs, and addressing the issues that relate to it can be sophisticated as well. The TED Talk video gives an elaborate description of the common misunderstanding of the brain like a bag of chemicals and that related ailments can be resolved...

Historical Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Career

Illinois-born Ronald Reagan is considered one of the most influential presidents in the history of the United States. He started his career in public media but eventually pursued a political career. His success as a politician can be proven by viewing public approval ratings after he left the presidential office....

Customer Care Innovations Implementation

I have worked for a company that is involved in the sphere of online sales. I would suggest the following inspiring vision statement for it – the best customer is a satisfied customer. Given the fact that the firm has to constantly get in touch with clients, it is essential...

Health Care is a Birthright

The provision of healthcare services for the world population is a challenging task. It is complicated by insufficient coverage of people, whereas this circumstance is a clear violation of their rights. As follows from the World Health Organization’s principal conclusions, the observance of access to medical facilities should be a...

Financial Statements and Their Purposes

What are the four financial statements? The four financial statements are the Income Statement, the Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity, the Balance Sheet, and the Cash Flow Statement (Celender, 2020). What is the purpose of each financial statement? The Income Statement shows the profit and loss balance for a...

Ethics in the Workplace and Company Reputation

Ethics is a branch of philosophy, the object of study of which is morality. The study of ethics lays the foundations for a person’s intelligence, nobility, decency, and good manners. Unethical behavior in the workplace is a violation of generally accepted moral and ethical standards (Wheeler, 2017). It negatively affects...

“Better Brain Health, DW Documentary”

The primary reason people have limited access to healthy foods is the fact that humans’ food choice is influenced by business models that promote unhealthy products in their check-out. Most stores have candy bars and junk foods that contribute to obesity. Currently, sugar is being added to almost all products,...

Business Letter to Amazon: The Amazon Key In-Home Kit Launch

Addresser Information Addressee’s Name Dear Insert the Name, Today the role of innovation and technological progress continues to grow and influence different spheres of life. I am interested in starting my independent coffee shop business that meets the local expectations and needs. Your company, Amazon, is known as one of...

“How to Talk to Girls at Parties” Story by Neil Gaiman

How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a fantasy story by Naiman, set in 1970s London. Enn, the main character, narrates it after thirty years from the action. He and his friend, Vic, in their teenage years decided to meet young ladies. They study at the school for boys...

Abbas from “A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge”: Character Analysis

“A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge” is a graphic novel created by Josh Neufeld, a cartoonist who published the work as a webcomic at the beginning. It explores the story of the natural disaster of 2005, hurricane Katrina, through various characters and viewpoints. The author inspects the horrid story through...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Trial of the Chicago Drama by A. Sorkin

A single story can be a basis for forming judgments in a person or a group of people about others. This situation is dangerous since the insufficient amount of information does not allow a person to form a complete picture and give an objective assessment. Thus, it is important to...

How Black Lives Matter Movement Fights Racism

Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013 in the United States, the international movement of activists who oppose violence against black people. In the summer of 2013, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was first used on social networks. The reason was the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who killed African-American teenager Trayvon Martin....

Autonomy and Social Justice for African American and Latino Populations

Data on this objective is vital because it shows other illnesses affecting patients with CKD; this is key in developing treatment measures for those with concurring diseases. These study objectives are formulated so that the findings will promote autonomy and social justice among the study population. Autonomy is the patients’...

The Third-Culture Kids Phenomenon

The following summary reviews four significant articles that are dedicated to the theme of third-culture kids. Bonebright provides an article can be viewed as a significant insight into the topic. The author exhaustively explores this phenomenon appealing to the related reliable literature on the mentioned individuals. It is claimed that...

Organizational Culture vs. National Culture

Creating a strong workplace culture that will allow keeping organizational behavior in order and promote corporate values in decision-making practice is paramount for any company. However, when building the required set of values and introducing staff members to them, managers often face the challenge of balancing organizational culture with national...

What Is More Important – Love or Justice?

Love and justice are the two concepts that form the basis of ethical and moral principles. These two principles cannot exist without each other, and without each it is impossible to imagine the natural tendency of the human soul, character, and nature. However, the question of the importance of the...

“The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by Edward Gibbon

In the work “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” Edward Gibbon names the main reasons for Rome’s fall: external enemies, the strengthening of Christianity, and illiterate governance. Gibbon claims that the Romans were unaware of the extent of the danger and the number of their enemies. Although the...

Using of Five Concepts in Counselling

Five concepts, including empathy, witnessing, respect, the stages of grief, and one’s relationships with grief, permeate counseling suffering clients. Empathy is a basic ability all counselors should have, so I would frequently ask myself whether my skills in communicating it are sufficient (Neff & McMinn, 2020). Next, the concept of...

Effect of Soda and Plastic Bag Tax Policies

Within modern society, it is crucial to be acknowledged about the core principles of the economic theory and its implications on every aspect of daily life. According to Mankiw, there are four key economic concepts, including “scarcity, supply and demand, costs and benefits, and incentives,” which illustrate the underlying reasons...

Abbreviations and Medical Errors

The ability to communicate one’s thoughts to others clearly and concisely is a cornerstone of any people’s collective activity. For this reason, miscommunication leads to misunderstanding, which, in turn, negatively impacts the outcome of the work. Mistakes related to the exchange of information in the medical sphere, however, are additionally...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Benneton Advertisements

Introduction Benneton ads use inclusivity to their advantage, as a tool for communicating a message and attracting customers. Research into customer behavior has shown that people are more likely to buy when they can see people similar to themselves associated with a certain product. Therefore, inclusivity plays a large role...

International Language School: Case Study

Introduction There are many fields in which the study process relies heavily on local and regional specifics. However, in studying Business nowadays, in the era of globalization, it is crucial to understand how general rules and tendencies within the sphere can be applied internationally. As an example of structural changes...

Aerodynamics in the Explanation the Functions of Air

The prior understanding of the forces of flying was based on the assumption that air is what pushes things upwards. Aerodynamics is the primary explanation behind the functions of air and flight. Exploring the topic of aerodynamics can be fun and engaging because it requires an observation of the object....

Promoting Youth Cultural Diversity Awareness

Due to rapid growth in various neighborhoods, society is diverse in terms of races, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and sexual orientations. There is also a significant disparity between the extremely wealthy and the poor (“More diversity activities for youth and adults,” 2022). As a result, cultural and social class diversity has...

Ronald Takaki’s “A Different Mirror” Book

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America is a book written by Ronald Takaki (published by Little, Brown and Company for the first time in 1993 and revised by Back Bay Books in 2008). The main idea is to describe the essence of multicultural America through the prism of...

Analysis of Investment Decision

Generally, the dilemma of whether to make investments or finance pending debts is a challenge. There are several factors that an individual must consider before opting to invest or pay current obligations. Based on the given situation, I bear three key personal liabilities which include a loan for the vehicle,...

The Mexico Profundo Article by Batalla

Batalla, Guillermo Bonfil. Mexico Profundo: Reclaiming a Civilization. University of Texas Press, 2012, pp. 4-39. This article discusses the Indians who rejected civilization and continued their way of life, preserving their primitiveness. There is no exact information about how many of them are left (Batalla, 19). In addition, the article...

Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water

Biogeochemical cycles are the transportations and transformations of chemicals in ecosystems (UCAR, n.d.). Some chemicals can be a part of a plant or an animal one day and then be a part of a river the next day. Biogeochemical cycles are of extreme importance for the planet, as they help...

The American Yawp: Poking the Slavery Epoch

The United States has a troubling history of plundering and subjugating other people. Gross human rights violations have been perpetrated under the guise of the ‘White Man’s humanly duty’ to save the world. This modus operandi was perfected at home when slavery was a glorious industry, thanks to inexhaustible but,...

The “US Tech Investor Joe Lonsdale…” Article Analysis

Introduction The chosen article, “US tech investor Joe Lonsdale refuses to apologize for ‘loser’ paternity tweet,” from The Guardian, describes an imagined community of masculine men who must put efforts into the well-being of their families. Lonsdale particularly emphasizes men in “important positions” to highlight their significance to society and...

The Food Insecurity Issue and Methods of Solving

Introduction The central problem of the given speech is to inform the population about the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. It is especially problematic that some people do not have access to healthy food, while 40% of food produced in the USA...

Love in “Lay of Guigemar” Book by Marie de France

Marie de France devotes a special place to the disclosure of the concept of love and how it happens. Her works often feature selfish love, as well as love sincere and genuine. Such a true love occurs between Guigemar and the Queen. Their love is presented as an external force...

The Starry Night Painting by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh, in his classical painting titled Starry Night, created one of the most brilliant paintings globally. Contemporary culture centralizes this artistic work as a great masterwork of history (Art in Context Para 4). Van Gogh’s painting can be understood from numerous perspectives of social orbs since the image...

Chinese Culture: Collectivism and High Context

Introduction The origin of glorious culture of China occurred in ancient times, which is why I became interested in this topic. I am attracted to this culture because China is a huge ancient country, which can be paralleled only with the world of ancient Rome. Therefore, today I will explain...

Slavery Experiences Depicted in Primary Documents

Introduction The Slave trade was associated with acts that infringed upon natural human rights. The enslaved were subjected to poor working conditions, including low wages, harsh treatment, and a lack of basic needs such as food and shelter. Consequently, the majority of the enslaved people died while others suffered from...

Chronic Bronchitis in Children

As an expert in the treatment of cough problems, I would try to receive more detailed information about the issue of the seven years old patient. It is unclear what could be the initial cause of the problem as the child could catch SARS from school or catch a cold...

Capital Punishment as Ineffective Crime Deterrence

Capital punishment is meant to serve as deterrence of crimes. However, it seems as if it does not deter crime as expected. States that have capital punishment also record high rates of homicides, unlike those without capital punishment. Therefore, capital punishment does not act as a deterrence to crimes because...

Animals Division and Classification

Introduction Animals are often taken for granted, being viewed as either pets, or an instant threat, or an annoying pest. However, understanding the role that animals play in people’s lives is essential. In a large category of animals, four smaller subgroups can be identified. These are farm animals, pets, wild...

Naked-Eye Angle Measuring Tool

Jacob’s Staff Design Jacob’s staff, which is also referred to as a cross-staff, is the simplest tool used to make qualitative conclusions regarding the angle and height of an object concerning the observer. It was commonly used by navigators and astronomers before the telescope was invented (Winterburn). The simplest form...

Decisive Action Training Environment (Date) Overview

Military operations and the relevant environment for activities are highly dependent on a wide range of factors included in a region’s PMESII-PT. In the case of Caucasus, the political sphere affects the operations through a bipolar form of governance, such as democracy and autocracy. Military power concentration also influences the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Why Some Students Cheat

It is almost impossible to find a person who has never cheated in school or university. Reports reveal that more than half of high school students admit to plagiarizing papers or cheating on tests, and seventy-four percent report copying their friends’ homework (Simmons, 2018). Interestingly, both successful and failing students...

Influence of Participation in Strategic Change

The article under consideration, “Influence of participation in strategic change: Resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement,” written by Rune Lines, examines strategic change implementation. It highlights the importance of participation in the process for a positive outcome and reflects the possible adverse effects of employees’ failure to contribute to...

The Relationship Cafe: Cultural Analysis

The Relationship Cafe will serve the Miami area community with a mission to create a peaceful world by teaching our parents, children, and couples the life skills they need for more respectful relationships. Children ages five to seventeen, parents of children who have difficulty disciplining them, step-parents who are trying...

Relation Between Humor and Sex Appeals

Contemporary advertisement strategies are well-defined and are being used on a regular basis. They attempt to gain the customer’s attention and indirectly persuade clients to better perceive ads’ information. The appeals used in the advertisement “True Fruits – Awkward Eat Banana” are humorous and sexual (The Star Ads, 2019). This...

Marriages and Reduction of the Number of Divorces

Marriage is a centuries-old institution, but like many other traditions, it varies from culture to culture and changes over time. Among the trends recently noted in the U.S., some inspire hope, and others cause concern. Among the positive trends are the declining divorce rate (Wang, 2020). However, some researchers are...

Maternal Mortality of HIV‐Infected Pregnant Women in Tanzania

Between November 2004 and September 2011, Li et al. (2014) conducted a study to determine the risk factors for mortality rates in expectant women in the Republic of Tanzania. The study involved a prospective cohort study in HIV care and treatment clinic settings in Dar es Salaam city. Data were...

Orlando International Airport Fire Rescue

Orlando International Airport (MCO) is located in Orange County, Florida, approximately six miles southeast of Orlando. The airport is situated in the vicinity of popular tourist sites and attractions, making it one of the busiest in the country for domestic and international flights. The MCO is capable of receiving aircraft...

“Peloton Faces Backlash…” by Lauren Thomas

Peloton faces backlash after disabling the free-running feature on its $4,000 treadmills. Peloton has faced negative reactions from its customers after the company disabled free run settings on its expensive treadmill Tread+. This would have made the users pay extra membership fees on a monthly basis. Peloton’s response was that...

Comparing Troy Maxson (“Fences”) and Walter Lee Younger (“A Raisin in the Sun”)

A raisin in the Sun and Fences are two plays that show African-American families dealing with their daily hardships and tensions. Both families face discrimination, and both have internal problems as well. The storylines of two main characters are in many ways parallel to each other: Troy Maxson and Walter...

Leadership: The Key Principle in Nursing

The healthcare system requires managerial strategies to deliver the services proposed effectively. Medical practitioners have the role of caring for their patients and ensuring that they reach the intended goal, which is patient recovery. In doing so, there are strategies and schemes that they have to adhere to in actualizing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Non-Consent: Reforming the Law of Rape

Rape is a serious crime that entails a lengthy prison sentence for the offender and causes severe psychological trauma for the victim. Rape can destroy years of life and should involve an appropriate punishment from the legal system. However, about half of the states in the US consider non-consent to...

Accountability Act in Electronic Medical Records Use

Cari’s post is especially valuable for understanding the intricacies of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) implementation. The discussion clearly explains how HIPAA impacts the social workers’ use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), outlining the concerns related to patient data accessibility. Indeed, when performing their work responsibilities and...

Healthcare Policy: Affordable Healthcare Act

Healthcare policies are concerned with the quality and quantity of care citizens receive, with most of the funding typically coming from the taxpayers. The USA does not currently have public healthcare, although this is often criticized by the supporters of free medical care for all. In 2010, President Barack Obama...

Cultural Diversity in Healthcare

At first glance, medicine and culture do not have much in common. Nevertheless, there are many intersections between them because medicine develops in the context of culture; it is influenced by the peculiarities of the country’s historical development, traditions existing in society, and even national character traits. Similarly, the development...

Plague, Religion, and Society in Literature

In the context of modern society, the notion of plague stands for metaphoric labeling of an all-destructive force that cannot be either stopped or controlled by human beings. In the Late Middle Ages, the plague pandemic has become a world-changing precedent that changed people’s perception of life once and for...

Hardware Components and Operating Systems

Hardware is the physical component that is necessary for the system to function. These are all electronic circuits of a desktop PC or laptop, including the motherboard, graphics card, central processing unit, webcam, power supply, keyboard, etc. All of these components can be compared with family members. The motherboard is...

The Book “China in Ten Words” by Yu Hua

Revolution is one of the ten words from the Yu Hua book China in Ten Words, and the author argues that revolutionary passion is one of the main reasons for current Chinese economic miracles. He sees a danger in such a tendency, as they resemble events such as The Great...

White-Collar and Corporate Crime

White-collar crimes have increased in the modern world due to improved technology. Typically, these criminal activities are financially-motivated and are nonviolent. The term was introduced in 1949 by Sutherland, a sociologist, who stated that most of these acts are exercised by people of high social statuses in the source of...

The Tell-Tale Heart Story by Edgar Allan Poe

“The Tell-Tale Heart” is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. While reading it, I did not see any signs of difficult language or complex structure. One might imply that it is relatively easy to read then. However, this is when the story’s comprehension comes to mind. Psychedelic in...

The Proactive Aviation Safety

There are many indications that commercial air travel increases, meaning that the number of incidents will also increase without specific measures to decrease the accident rate (Cusick et al., 2017). ASRS seems to impact safety because of the staff. All ASRS staff members are aviation professionals who have high experience...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991

Concerning the policies of prevention of destruction from a volcanic eruption, it is critical to have expertise from volcanologists who have skills in identifying when and how such catastrophes will happen. In recent decades, the theories and methods of understanding how volcanoes work significantly increased. For example, volcanologists frequently use...

Autonomic Neural Control of Heart Rate

Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter produced by the parasympathetic nervous system, goes to the brain, lowering heart rate. Taking calm, deep breaths decreases blood pressure if stress, coffee, or excitement raises the heart rate. Heart rate will stay elevated no matter how long one works out. After the parasympathetic stimulus is eliminated,...

Singapore and the United States Comparison

Despite the rapid development of technology and society, some countries lag behind others in some aspects. Therefore, the comparison of States is of particular importance. This work examines the similarities and differences between countries such as Singapore and the United States of America. This process is necessary to identify those...

Macy’s: The Marketing Issues’ Challenges

This post raises many excellent points regarding the marketing issues’ challenges. First, I would like to address the advertising of luxury products. Kotler and Keller (2016) highlight the importance of targeted branding and a selective approach to the luxury products’ industry image. However, labeling Macy’s as a high-end, luxurious brand...

Oral Language Development Stages

Reading is one of the most complex and significant forms of human mental activity that performs psychological and social functions. In order to read correctly and at high speed, the coordinated work of several analyzers is needed: visual, speech motor, and speech hearing (Olulade et al., 2020). The process of...

Globalization and Indigenous Communities in Canada

Globalization is a complex process that has both negative and positive consequences for nations. In Canada, indigenous people feel both the austerities of environmental and cultural destruction and the potential for development. For instance, negative influences include the diffusion and elimination of languages and cultures. Positive impacts feature benefits of...

Scientific Management and Its Key Principles

Economic efficiency is important when executing projects since it helps maximize profitability. Scientific management is a theory that involves the analysis and synthesis of workflows (Mumby & Kuhn, 2019). The theory’s main objective is to improve economic efficiency through labor productivity. Although the theory majorly applies to engineering processes, non-technical...

The Extent of Poverty in the United States

Introduction Nowadays, the issue of minority-majority group relations is ubiquitous. However, while one nation transcends the oppressive form of relations, another might still utilize it, consciously or subconsciously. In this respect, the countries such as the USA and Rwanda might be considered not so different. Discussion When it comes to...

Marriage in Experience of Men and Women

The family life crisis is a highly challenging time for two individuals when they realize things are not going as planned, given their attitudes, expectations, stereotypes, limits, and life experiences. How eager partners are to talk and settle differences will determine if the crisis can be overcome. They must have...

Grammar and Children Development

Introduction Grammar is a language concept that encompasses the rules guiding the correctness and interpretation of sounds, words, and sentences. The basic components of grammar are phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics (Nelson & Greenbaum, 2018). The combination of these components should be taught thoroughly for children to develop adequate writing...

Racial Issues in the “Fences” Play by August Wilson

My favorite play from this course’s reading is Fences by the playwright August Wilson. The drama relates the story of Troy Maxson, a former player in the Negro basketball league trying to provide for his family. Because of his race and the color barriers in sports, he was prevented from...

Safety During Emergencies

Introduction The information learned in this course is essential to safety during emergencies. In addition to preserving the lives and health of emergency responders and the public, such information can contribute to career success. It is ensured by the correct attitude to information about preventing fires and other force majeure...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in the American Colonies

Reflecting on indentured servitude, I envision young European men and women who committed to years of labor in exchange for passage to the colonies. These individuals were often impoverished and had limited opportunities in their home countries, making the prospect of a fresh start appealing (Lawson, 2018). Nevertheless, their journey...

PR and Media Academy: How to Get Yourself the Media You Deserve

Introduction PR and Media Academy: How to Get Yourself the Media You Deserve is the title of a video that provides advice for real estate agents on how to handle public relations. Tristan Ahumada hosts the Lab Coat Agents, and their guest is Christine Haas, a public relations mogul, TV...

Implementation of Three Strikes Law in California

The author’s key question in “Implementation methods used to carry out the Three Strikes Law in California” is whether the Three Strikes Law should be changed or repealed in favor of a different punishment structure. Gasca (2018) presents the top-down and the bottom-up approaches to the implementation of laws and...

Uber, Inc.: Sustainable Mobility

In my Module 2 innovation proposal, I wrote about Uber diversifying its application to allow scheduled pickups. Despite the implications regarding its potential success proving to be accurate, more thorough research uncovered that this idea was not new to the market (Kieu et al., 2020). Moreover, Uber itself has already...

Split Variables in IBM SPSS Statistical Software

The IBM SPSS software provides an option to split a file into groups. The membership of cases in groups is determined by the value of a split variable for that case. It is possible to use virtually any variable as a split variable, but using only a certain type of...

Developmental Psychology: Full Brain Maturity

It is worth noting that over the past 20 years, new technologies in transport, medicine, and electronics caused large changes in the life and habits of people. In general, life expectancy has increased, and means such as telecommunications and the Internet have provided a large amount of information that is...

Profitability of Sole Proprietorships

In recent times, many people prefer to work for their profit rather than benefit “the big boss.” Modern times and free access to the Internet give people a much better chance to sell what they are good at and get profit from it. The popularization of social networks such as...

Time Value of Money in a Medical Organization

There are three phases in the strategic planning of any organization. These are programming, budgeting, and controlling processes, which together make “a formal management control system” (Vraciu, 1979, p. 126). This paper aims to discuss how a medical organization may use the concepts of the “time value of money” and...

Online Advertising: Advantages and Disadvantages

Online advertising includes advertising through the internet. There are different advertising options in online advertisement which include; searching engine advertising where keywords are used to search for product and the advertisers pay per click campaigns through the three main search engines – Google, Yahoo and MSN; and display ads which...

Business Markets and Consumer Markets

The business market consists of all the companies that purchase goods and services to reproduce them or generate other products or services that are sold, rented, or distributed to others. On the other hand, consumer markets are directed towards individuals and households. In light of this, business markets require separate...

The Ethics of Wealth: Amassing Fortune

It depends on each case of a person involved in personal wealth creation. In this paper, I would like to suggest that when discussing Bill Gate’s example, one can argue that wealth accumulation under one man can be even more ethical than its redistribution among many individuals. To support this...

Differentiating Identity Theft: An Exploratory Study of Victims

The main research question is whether including existing credit card fraud as a type of identity theft will affect victims’ profiles (Copes et. al., 2010). The aim is to gather more understanding of what constitutes identity theft, thus suggesting solutions to decrease identity theft rates. To introduce the solution to...

An Institute of Medicine Report

In 1999, the IOM Report established change intervention objectives for the healthcare industry, especially regarding nursing practices, pharmacology, and patient safety. The report highlighted the importance of quality change so that hospitals, clinicians, and patients can obtain better and efficient tools to address diseases, preventive methodologies, and health risk mitigation...

The Depiction of Religion and Hypocrisy in “The Summoning of Everyman”

The notion of God was created by humans to describe the facts and events they were unable to comprehend through the lens of their knowledge. Many modern people have skeptic views on religion, yet this unique moral play can find a relatable topic even nowadays. This essay discusses the ideas...

Absentia Ltd.: Business Negotiation

The upcoming negotiation process with Absentia Ltd. must not be equal or worse than Grouse’s offer. The latter company is offering of total present values equal to $17.5 to 19.5 million and the upfront $7.5 million in cash. Therefore, Grouse’s offer can be considered to be the best alternative to...

Hillbilly Elegy Reflection Essay

Vance’s Position and Personal Opinion After reading Hillbilly Elegy, the author leaves the reader with the question of whether he agrees or disagrees with the position of learned helplessness with the hillbilly culture. According to Conley (2019), learned helplessness is “a sense that we are unable to stave off sources...

Aspects of Adolescent Drinking

Adolescent drinking can be caused not only by various objective factors, such as social, economical, family, and educational conditions but also by the personal characteristics of an individual. Teenagers prone to alcoholism are characterized by a lack of decision-making, increased egocentrism, lack of social interests, and separation from adults (Kail...

Popular Research Paper Topics

LTPAC in Light of NPSG Overview

Introduction Modern medicine has the property of versatility and universality, so the history of helping a new patient in a given clinic is usually recorded in electronic databases. At the same time, not all medical organizations, even in developed countries, have established a universal network that allows various specialized physicians...

“Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White: Analysis

Charlotte’s Web is a novel by American author E. B. White. It was first published in 1952 and is intended for children. The story of the novel revolves around the friendship of a livestock pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. The book is considered to be one of...

Women and Migration: Rates and Effects

Understanding the topic of women and migration means being able to embrace a sizeable range of factors affecting the topic in question. Therefore, the key talking points to be included in a lecture on the issue of women and migration will have to concern three main areas, which are the...

The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior

Deviance mainly refers to the contravening of norms and standards as set out in a particular society. Crime, on the other hand, involves the violation of laws set by the government aimed at controlling erratic behaviors. Crime thus represents a form of social deviance since it involves breaking the law...

“The Greatest Common Factor” by Khan Academy

Exploring new mathematical models often involves difficulties in perceiving information and an inner desire to find more straightforward explanations. If geometrical patterns are understandable due to their visual representation, it seems more challenging to work with abstract numbers. It is necessary to be completely honest to say that I have...

Vietnamese Folklore Music of “Then”

The chanting of “Then”, also known as the “melody of god”, is a reflection of the religious life and spiritual activities of the Tay, Nung, and Thai ethnic groups from the mountain provinces of Northern Vietnam. Over time, UNESCO experts have proved that this music carries universal values that go...

Vulnerable Population: Dependence on Field of Interest

The concept of population vulnerability depends on the field of interest. In health, vulnerable populations are those susceptible to different diseases. Essentially, people from low-income families, often malnourished and exposed, the elderly, and those with inherent pre-existing conditions are considerably defenseless to illnesses. These groups have suppressed immunity and may...

Ideal Tragic Hero: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Introduction The tale of King Oedipus has become one of the best-known Greek tragedies, mostly due to the controversial nature of the fate that Oedipus meets. However, stepping away from the specified controversy and considering character development, one will have to point out that Oedipus is the perfect tragic hero....

The Biblical Creation Story

The Biblical account of the creation story portrays God as the creator of all matter who exists beyond time. The Christian understanding of the creation is that God as the master architect whose power is unfathomable. The Middle Eastern texts, however, propose the versions of the creation which appeal to...

Christian Worldview. How God Allows Suffering

A good, loving, and all-powerful God allows people to suffer, especially Christians, so that they can grow to love Christ more and establish their faith in him. In effect, God allows people to suffer so that they can understand his providence when he comes through for them. Notably, one tends...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Barbie Doll Controversy in a Latinx Community

Introduction Barbie is an American plastic doll that was introduced to the market in 1959. At first, the toy represented a figure of a young adult American woman. However, since that time, Barbie has changed hairstyles, clothes, and accessories. Finally, the overall appearance of a doll has changed dramatically for...

Healthcare Accreditation Mitigating Risk Compliance Issues

Accreditation in healthcare is an evaluating process of healthcare organizations that encourages them to stay at the specific level of standards and maintain progress. According to the research by Carrasco-Peralta, Herrera-Usagre, Reyes-Alcazar, and Torres-Olivera (2019), health professionals perceive the accreditation process positively as it furthers the organizational change, improves patient-centered...

The Importance of Nutritional Labeling on Packaged Food

Nutrition Labels Due to urbanization and globalization, the role of nutrition has been taken seriously. These changes have caused a shift in the eating patterns of individuals across the nations. There has been an increase in the eating of packaged food as individuals find it convenient to use. Moreover, this...

Virtual Tour to Sistine Chapel

I visited several of the 26 Vatican museums in the Vatican City. Some of the museums include Pinacoteca, Pio-Clementino museum, Sistine Chapel, and Raphael’s Rooms. The museums display a rich religious heritage, and in particular, the history of the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy. Some of the collections in these...

Progressives: Individuals Aspiring for Change

Between Native and Mexican Americans being pressured, child labor, women inequality, and political corruption, American society of the late 1800s and early 1900s were desperate for change. Furthermore, industrialization, urbanization, and immigration were well underway, bringing countless benefits and a similar number of challenging social problems. Without concerned American citizens...

Male vs. Female Investigators in the United States

Introduction The job of an investigator requires specific skills connected with communication, logic, and critical and analytical abilities. It does not exclude the presence of creativity in the methods and approaches to the job that help to unite all the necessary qualifications to perform productively. However, the attitude towards the...

Schools’ Access to Students’ Social Media

The wide use of digital technologies nowadays has raised concerns about individuals’ privacy. Many people think that personal information contained in digital sources should not be available to a third party. In particular, there is an opinion that schools should not monitor students’ social media because it would breach students’...

Racism and Injustice in “Monster” Novel by Myers

As a rule, observing people in a courtroom in reality is beyond boring. Once the realm of the place where justice is supposed to serve is deprived of its mystery veil, it is rendered nearly mundane. However, “Monster” takes several steps further to examine the courtroom events, people, and even...

Diamond Capacity Measuring and Supply Chain Management

The continuous flow process type model is the most commonly used model to measure the capacity of firms in diamond value chain stages. The model allows for examining how much service a firm can produce given its resources and the demand. This information is important for assessing a firm’s potential...

Retinal Detachments: Floaters and Dark Areas

The retina is a light-sensitive layer placed behind the eye. When light enters an individual’s eye, the lens concentrates the information onto the retina. The retina converts the image to electrical signals that are transferred to the brain via the optic nerve (Agarwal & Gupta, 2021). In conjunction with the...

Racial Stereotypes and Prejudice in Modern Society

The black people have always been suffering from oppression throughout history, starting from the period of colonization and until nowadays. Although society seems to be awakening from ignorance and the Black Lives Matter movement made a massive shift in people’s minds, there are still numerous problems and struggles that black...

The Business-Level Strategy of Starbucks

The Starbucks coffee shop chain is ubiquitous and one of the fastest-growing food and beverage companies. Starbucks was founded in 1971 by two passionate coffee lovers. It was planned to create a company to purchase coffee beans, roast them, and sell to other companies at the initial stage. Starbucks is...

Christian Doctrines of Humanity

The Christian doctrine of humanity teaches that a human was created in the image of God. The monistic view is that all humans are a unit of body and soul. There are three substances created by God according to the doctrine, which is the human body, mind, and soul. Monist...

Nelson Mandela’s and Francois Pienaar’s Leadership

I admire Mandela’s leadership ability to identify a problem and set aside personal feelings to help South Africa heal. He is high integrity, forgiveness, hard work, compassion, and innovation leader. He tried to help everyone. We can agree that these two men are honorable leaders who know how to lead...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Children and Adults

There is a difference between the AAC systems that people with degenerative diseases need compared to others using AAC. For example, if a child has cerebral palsy, then long and extensive motor training and practice may be necessary for ACC’s effective and full use. (Beukelman & Light, 2020). Patients diagnosed...

The Abolition of American Cotton Slavery

The high rate of development of capitalism in the United States in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries can be comprehended by considering the role of plantation slavery in the process of production establishment. Slavery and the end of the North-South War directed the impoverishment of...

The Daughter – Home: Song Analysis

The last few years have been a severe challenge for me concerning many aspects of life. In this case, emotional struggles and overall mood were the main reason for trying to find solace in expressions of creativity, such as music. Particularly strong in this matter, I remember the song this...

What Is Colors and Emotions Association?

There is a close connection between the colors and people’s emotions. Each object around has its color, which affects perception. Associations that colors evoke were formed through generations of ancestors and personal experiences. For example, blue and light green are more likely to cause pleasant emotions due to association with...

Emotions Formation by Nature vs. Nurture

The realm of psychology has always been an intriguing topic. For example, when it comes to emotions, previously, there were experts and ordinary people who leaned towards a notion that all emotions are intrinsic, genetically driven responses to specific chances and barriers shaped by nature to aid humanity in survival....

The Role of Education as the Foundation of Ethics

Introduction At first glance, it seems effortless to describe who an ethical person is because this concept is familiar to everyone. It seems enough to pluck a few pseudo-synonyms from several associations with the word ethics, and immediately the illusion arises that a polite, kind, respectful person is ethical. However,...

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Quantitative Reasoning: Calculating Cost of Meal

Introduction This task examines the benefits of cooking a meal yourself compared to buying a ready-made meal. Specifically, the cost per cooked portion is £1 per person, which is equivalent to £3 for a family of three. Accordingly, the key objective of this analysis is to determine whether cooking a...

The Level of People’s Happiness

Happiness has been a factor that many scholars and scientists have focused on for a long time. There are many indices that are created specifically for monitoring the level of people’s happiness. While some countries tend to take the highest ranks on the lists, others are on the bottom, indicating...

Universal Babbling in Language Acquisition

Babbling is a period of childhood development and a condition of vocabulary acquisition in which a toddler attempts to explore with articulating sounds but cannot yet create identifiable phrases. Moreover, Morgan and Wren (2018) described babbling as a phase of pre-linguistic speech advancement characterized by repeating consonant-vowel sounds. When babies...

The Influence of the Renaissance on Religion and Politics

The Renaissance replaced the Middle Ages and was characterized by many significant changes. A considerable number of changes occurred in religion, which in that period occupied an important place in the development of Europe. Under the influence of this and other factors, there were also changes in politics. The Renaissance...

The Structure and Functions of the World Bank

Introduction The presentation highlighted the structure and functions of the World Bank and the United Nations in the global arena. The discussion centered on the reasons behind the formation of the two organizations and their sources of funding. A comprehensive assessment of their specific roles concerning the alleviation of poverty,...

Public Health Career Opportunities

Introduction Public health is an important aspect of modern reality in the whole world. With the ecological situation changing for the worse, while vital medicals are rare, it is important to help provide society with necessary healthcare. Public health may have a positive effect on students’ development and accomplishment of...

How a Person Can Overcome Racial Biases

Racial biases have long become ‘a thing’ in the US internal social policy, and this ‘thing’ proceeds with getting more attention. There are wide public discussions regarding racial prejudices in every imaginable sphere of life, such as work, education, healthcare, and even some surprisingly specific areas like the detection of...

The “Who Gets to Graduate?” Article by Paul Tough

Introduction The difficulties that low-income and first-generation university students encounter when navigating higher education are examined in Paul Tough’s piece “Who Gets to Graduate?”. A summer bridge program at the University of Texas and a psychological initiative that aids students in acquiring a “growth mindset” and overcoming self-doubt are some...

Medication: The Costs Minimization

After the diagnosis, most patients are required tp purchase different types of drugs to facilitate treatment. This results from the problem of insufficient funds available for the government to offer free drugs to the sick. Due to economic and social factors, some patients may find it difficult to purchase those...

SWOT (Strategic) Analysis for the Los Angeles Housing Authority

A public organization called the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) offers low-income Los Angeles citizens affordable housing options and services. HACLA, founded in 1938, oversees more than 80 affordable housing complexes in Los Angeles, providing homes for more than 60,000 people (HACLA, n.d.). The goal of...

Video Games and Aggression in Statistical Analysis

If there is a correlation between two variables that tends to be close to linear (that is, if one variable changes, the other also does so), this tendency can be demonstrated on a Cartesian coordinate system by drawing a straight line to which the data points converge. How scattered the...

“The Necklace” a Short Story by Guy de Maupassant

Materialism is the belief that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. Do you agree? I do not agree that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the most desirable things in life. All of these things are fickle and have temporary value. Focusing only on them blinds...

Aristotle’s Involvement in Social Issues

Introduction It may seem complicated to penetrate deeper into philosophy as such an endeavor requires people to concentrate on elevated matters while living up to their potential. Some people succeed, while others cannot find answers to philosophical questions even as they mature and continuously pose such conundrums to themselves. However,...

Good v. Evil in the “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee

Starting with the title and ending with the plot, the whole book notes the connection of the narrative with harmless birds. The title “To Kill a Mockingbird” is associated with a specific situation that occurred in the plotline. Atticus buys special air rifles for his children for shooting sports. And...

The Institutional Review Board Before Implementing Dpi and Qi Projects

Prior to conducting studies, it is critical to give necessary consideration to the potential ethical issues and the degree to which they are safe and ethically appropriate. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) was established to protect human rights by reviewing planned research on human subjects and giving approval to organizations...

Impact of Cultural Interaction on Classical Age Empires

Greece’s fortunate location in the eastern Mediterranean provided ample trade opportunities. The onset of Macedonian rule allowed the spreading of Greek culture as far as India. Influenced by the contact, India adopted political unity under the Mauryan Empire (Wiesner-Hanks, 2017). With Ashoka the Great converting to Buddhism and popularizing its...

Author’s Microcosm in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Although Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” is a fairly short story, it manages to wrap the reader completely in its narrative and recreate the microcosm of the author’s life by using a myriad of intricate details. Tan incorporates quite many descriptive details in the text, primarily, adjectives and adverbs, to add...

The Novel “The Screwtape Letters” by Clive Staples Lewis

Lewis’ Screwtape Letters is a novel that provides advice in reverse, presenting temptations and people’s attitudes towards them in the context of religion and faith. Screwtape, the devil, teaches his nephew, Wormwood, to tempt people and make them suffer, which is expressed by means of irony. The author aims at...

Narcotics Use and Opioid Crisis in the United States

The world’s rapid progress not always represents positive changes but is also responsible for creating dangerous substances like novel psychoactive substances (NPS). NPS is a new type of psychotropic narcotics, matters of abuse, that pose a significant public health threat due to wide availability (Khaled et al., 2016). The primary...

“The Tyger and The Lamb” by Blake

The literary concept of poetry is one of the most challenging aspects in terms of encoding the writer’s intentions and ideas behind the lines, especially when analyzed decades after their first publications. A prime example of such a challenge would be the poems written by Robert Frost, an American poet...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Innovative Robotics Era: Review

AI-powered technologies have been implemented in the retail sector for long decades, but a truly innovative robotics era is yet to come. From vending machines to a robot barista serving drinks, the use of automation devices corresponds to fast-changing market demands and aims to enhance customer experience and improve a...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Steve Jobs, one of the founders and shareholders of Apple, is famous for introducing unique strategies that tend to evoke general interest to his model of business. One of the major constituents dragging mass attention to Jobs’ success formula is his speech. The three rhetorical components of the man’s...

Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?

The artistic compositions can influence more than we can imagine. The individuals subject to art therapies indicate their arousal in both physical and mental levels. Considering the mentioned, music and art therapy are not simply for pleasure, but they can also bring a remedy for patients who went through trauma...

Cheating or Infidelity in Relationships

Such phenomena as cheating and infidelity have long existed in various societies where traditions about sexual relations are established. They have different forms – sexual, emotional, and even online (Sternberg & Sternberg, 2020). The fact of infidelity violates promises and agreements between partners and leads to a loss of trust....

Computer Ethics and Data Protection

Computer ethics is the natural analysis and social impact of computer technology and the justification of policies and their moral uses. The main challenge in ethics is the gaps in implementing the strategies arising from new aspects of technology. Ethics involve practices, procedures, and standards governing technology consumption without violation...

The Uses and Modifications of Ancient Mythologies

Mythology refers to a branch of knowledge that deals with myths, especially the sacred tales and fables told by different religions, cultures, and traditions. Mythos tell various stories regarding the crucial elements of human life: the origin of humans, the meaning of life, good and evil, death, and life after...

View on Cisneros’ “Barbie-Q” and Atwood’s “Happy Endings”

Many authors have designed short stories with limited length and are characterized by plot setting and conflict. In the story, “Barbie-Q,” Cisneros tries to explain how the American society views women to be materialistic and perfect whereby, in reality, they have their flaws (Cisneros,1991). Cisneros shows that the girls’ Barbie...

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois Fighting Discrimination Against African Americans

Being two of the best-known leaders in the African American liberation movement in the late 19th and early 20th century, Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois represented entirely different approaches toward the promotion of equality and the fight against discrimination of African American people. While Washington encouraged...

Life in Eighteenth-Century New England

The most crucial objective prerequisite for the liberation movement in the colonies was the progress made by the middle of the XVIII century in socio-economic relations, political and cultural life of American society. There were signs of forming a new nation, which was a powerful impetus in the struggle for...

The Steps of Primary Source Study

A multi-pronged approach to reading primary sources allows learning and analyzing more information. However, themes such as ‘Identify the source’ and ‘Analyze the source’ stand out. Identification is important because it is the first step towards understanding the source. In particular, questions: “Who created this source, and what do I...