Restraint and Seclusion in Healthcare

Introduction Restraint and seclusion (RS) are some of the controversial methods that are commonly used in healthcare. Restraint stands for the physical restriction of patients’ ability to move freely with the help of chemical, mechanical, or physical means (Muir-Cochrane, Baird, & McCann, 2015). Seclusion represents the confinement of patients in...

Culture Incorporation in Early Childhood Education

In order to understand the importance of incorporating culture in early childhood education, it is important to start by defining culture. The term culture has varied definitions but basically, it entails the things that people develop together, what is shared amongst themselves and generally how they live together. Being more...

Physical Exercise Effectiveness for Obese Adults

Introduction In healthcare, practice change is a common phenomenon because medicine changes quickly, and so do social trends and tendencies. Healthcare strategies aimed at the resolution of various public health problems usually target large population groups and communities known for the inhomogeneity of their demographics. As a result, implementing a...

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

Introduction DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) was a legislation that was developed to provide the opportunity for undocumented students to attend university or even at least college. This legislation stipulated that states would be allowed to offer in-state tuition rates to those foreign students who had lived...

Human Immunodeficiency Viruses in Preventive Nursing

Research Project The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care was selected for submission of the research. It is the official journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. The reason for choosing this particular journal is that it is a peer-reviewed journal that has an outstanding...

Personal Philosophy of Adult-Gerontology Care Practitioner

Advancements and innovations in public health practice helped to increase longevity, but the aging population tends to live longer with various chronic and acute health problems (Davitt, Madigan, Rantz, & Skemp, 2016). In the context of Adult-Gerontology Acute Care settings, nurse practitioners are responsible for the provision of high-quality care,...

Promoting Early Child Development and Learning

Introduction The Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation provides a framework for the activities of early childhood educators. In this work, I summarize one chosen standard, explain its importance, and mention the means to learn more about this standard. Summary and Rationale for the Chosen Standard: Promoting Child Development...

Ho Chi Minh’s Input to Vietnamese Independence

What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? Although the role of Vietnam in World War II is quite often overshadowed by the superpowers participating in it, it would still be wrong to overlook how much the country contributed to the resolution of the conflict. Ho Chi Minh claimed in...

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Example

Big Ideas of Social Psychology: Essay Introduction Social psychology studies have helped to build societal thinking about life. There are many ideological thoughts about people’s behaviors. The different beliefs shape the way people do things. The paper would explain the three big ideas in social psychology and give reasons why...

Western Imperialism in the Early 20th Century

Should the field of history be mainly left to the professional historians to research and debate among themselves, or is it important for everyone to study history? In my opinion, everyone needs to learn the history and not leave research and debate over it only to professional historians. Every person...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Gun Laws and Homeland Security Strategies

The government of the USA has developed a range of gun policies that are meant to ensure the security of its population. They affect homeland security strategies, making it easier to prevent and investigate crimes associated with the use of firearms. The effects of these laws do not only decrease...

Advertisement Fallacies and Wishful Thinking

Critical thinking is very important as it enables a person to think rationally and make wise choices. The most important aspect I have learned in critical thinking is how to be wary of fallacies, specifically wishful thinking fallacies in advertisements for women’s products. This means that before I make any...

Community Needs and Education Opportunities

Interview Questions What language does the majority of this community speak? Are there any linguistic or ethnic minorities in this area? How many people of this community are impoverished? How many kindergartens are located within this area? What effort does the local government take to promote childhood education? Are there...

Nursing Advocacy Role in Healthcare Reforms

Discussion Post Nowadays, it is widely known that nurses not only provide medical assistance but also can contribute to the political life of the country by actively participating in the development of policies (Arabi, Rafii, Cheraghi, & Ghiyasvandian, 2014; Milstead, 2013). It could be said that all of the characteristics...

Cultures and Worldviews in Counseling

Introduction According to Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002), it would prove quite inappropriate, on the part of a counselor, to pay little attention to what happened to be the particulars of the treated client’s ethnocultural affiliation. The reason for this is that, while aware of what accounts for these particulars’ discursive...

Databases Usage for Personal and Professional Purposes

Think of a database you have used at work or for personal use. How did it help you organize data? For someone who is only starting to explore the possibilities of the Internet, the creation of a database seems rather redundant. Indeed, even after starting their own web page, users...

Global Food Security: UN Speech

Speech to the UN from the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Problem of Global Food Security Mr. Chairman of the United Nations, On behalf of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, allow our delegation to consider urgent aspects that are currently discussed on the UN agenda. This is of...

Modernization in Post World War I Turkey and Iran

After World War I, the important and contradictory process of modernization of Middle Eastern countries could be observed. One of the most interesting examples is the political evolution of Iran, where the conservative clerical elite tried to conduct a technical modernization of the country. Another example is the complicated development...

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Views of Predestination

The question of predestination has always been topical for the Christian Church. Being one of the main dogmas of faith, it triggered multiple debates about factors impacting the divine providence and individuals lives. For decades, theologians argued about the role or prayers in furthering predestination and the ways in which...

Slave Experience and Africa and Europe

The history of African slavery goes far in the past. It has faced many changes related to the diverse political, economic, and religious factors that influenced the character of slave-master relations and the general tendency of enslavement. The emergence of the European slave trade influenced the history of Africans and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Trolley Problem and Self-Driving Cars

Introduction The Trolley Problem is ethics thought experiment that deals with the choice of saving several people by killing one. It has found widespread use in various moral and ethical discussions, such as law, medicine, and, recently, artificial intelligence (AI) and automated vehicles. This essay will discuss my views of...

Twitch: Organization Analysis

The rapid development of digital technology throughout the 00s has made possible the spread of fast and high-quality Internet connections around the world. In 2011, Justin Kan launched Twitch, which allowed a large number of viewers to watch live how other people play video games (Dave). According to Investopedia, “,...

Puberty: Its Role in Development

Susman, E. J., & Dorn, L.D. (2009). Puberty: Its role in development. In R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (p.116-151). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Main Points Historical and theoretical perspective on puberty Puberty changes affect physical morphological characteristics Understanding the neuroendocrinology of...

Spotless Cleaning Services Company’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction The company chosen for the SWOT analysis is Spotless Cleaning Services and the four factors that are selected are listed below. For each of the factor, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analyzed. The overall objective is to ensure that an analysis is done of the company’s competencies...

“Way to Wealth” and Crevecoeur’s Letters Connection

The history of the American nation development has many impressive scenes full of patriotic consideration and points on strong country creation with support of suchlike strong people inhabiting it. John de Crevecoeur: Letters from an American Farmer is a work where the author pointed out several reasonable arguments and explanations...

Formal Ontological Debate Between Craig and Dacey

This debate revolves around the question of whether God exists or not. William Craig supports the idea that there is some higher power governing the lives of all living beings, whereas Austin Dacey rejects this hypothesis. In this paper, we need to assess the quality of the arguments, which these...

Bildungsroman Novel: Satire in Voltaire’s “Candide”

Bildungsroman is a German word/term which refers to a coming-of age novel. Coined by famous German philologist, Johann Carl Simon Morgenstern, the bildungsroman novel traverses the psychological, moral and social molding of the main, character/protagonist from childhood to adulthood. In most cases the impetus for such a journey is sparked...

How Charlotte Beers Can Provide the Best Stewardship for the Ogilvy Brand?

Introduction The issue in analyzing particular case studies or stories of business success is that they can be suited to any purpose or aspect, such as marketing strategies, leadership, creativity, HR management, etc. Faults and achievements can be interpreted to point to specific aspects as the basis of success or...

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

From the 16th to the 18th century, absolute monarchs asserted total sovereignty on the basis of divine rights although at this time in history they were bound by certain elements of law. Absolute monarchs strived to remove the contending institutions and jurisdictions in their provinces and were able to acquire...

Should Death Penalty Be Abolished in the US?

The death Penalty has always held popular support in the United States since the colonial days. The entire premise of the death penalty hinges on the rationale that the perpetrators of heinous crimes must ‘pay for their crimes with their life so that they cannot commit any more such crimes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Need for a Strategy to Counter Cyberattacks

Introduction The government, institutions, and companies are fast integrating computer systems and computer networks into their activities and processes. This is bound to increase in the future at an accelerating rate. The resulting infrastructures that are highly computer-supported are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and cyber-terrorism. This includes activities where computer criminals...

The Topical Directions of Contemporary Research in the Sphere of Education

The present paper is devoted to topical directions of contemporary research in the sphere of education and presents the range of topics of great significance for educators. The choice of the topic has been inspired by various spheres of personal and professional experience along with outside sources, such as current...

Empathy Exercise in the American Workplace

Introduction In many workplaces, some people are mistreated for the same gender, race, or even cultural differences. This mistreatment results from some senior people discriminating against their juniors by denying them some genuine rights and freedom at work. Devah and Lincoln (2005) defined discrimination as “discrimination involves formally or informally...

Contemporary Theories on Leadership

General trait theory and grand person theory According to Trait theory, there are various characteristics that distinguish between leaders and followers. These characteristics are innate, that is, people are born with them and as a result, there are those people that are born leaders while others are born followers. Regarding...

Applications of Skills Gapping in Organisations

Introduction The greatest challenge for organizations is to identify the workforce which will meet its needs in terms of service provision. Many organizations find it difficult to match the job opportunities they have and the workforce to employ. Each area of the organization requires different skills and expertise to ensure...

Human Resource Management and Creating Advantage

Human resource management is the process of managing people in their places of work and it involves activities like controlling, evaluating, organizing, planning, and directing the workforce to achieve the organizational set objectives. This paper discusses the roles of human resource managers in creating a competitive edge in line with...

Project Plan Development: Project Management Tools

A project involves carrying out a series of events with the purpose of meeting given objectives. In order to meet the set objectives, the activities undertaken should be commensurate with the organizational policies of the team (Wysocki, 2011). The project agencies usually undertake scheduling in the initial periods of the...

Political Sciences. Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis

Joseph Elis’ book ‘Founding Brothers: The revolutionary generation’, revisits the US political history by focusing on the revolutionary leaders that collaborated to form the first independent government of US territory. These revolutionary leaders are often known as the Founding Fathers, but the book refers to them as the founding brothers....

“Kids Behind Bars”: Juvenile Justice System

Introduction The video Kids Behind Bars addresses several important questions regarding juvenile justice, the most important of which is the necessity of rehabilitating and reforming juvenile delinquents. Even though the juvenile justice system currently tends to “get tough” on juveniles and treat them as adults, this approach seems to be...

Virtues, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

Introduction Throughout the history of humanity, a variety of concepts explaining ethics and morality existed. Among some of the most significant of these concepts are virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. In the following paper, different outlooks on ethics and morality will be examined on the basis of the three...

The Need for a Literacy-Rich Classroom

The creation of an appropriate environment is a vital consideration when it comes to teaching kids, and it ensures the efficiency of the studying process. The present-day educators highlight the need for a literacy-rich classroom that reflects the proper application of technology, and this concept will be useful for me...

“Shell Games” by Craig Welch: Summary and Evaluation

Summary In the prologue, Craig Welch tells a story about two detectives, Ed Volz and his partner Bill Jarmon, of the Washington department of fish and wildlife trying to track down smugglers of a geoduck, the world’s largest burrowing clam consumed as seafood. One night, they meet dealers with information...

“The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Cofer

Your Last Name “The Myth of the Latin Woman” is a memoir essay written by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and it reveals the challenges Hispanic women have to go through due to their identity. The author recalls her own childhood while describing how different life was for her compared to the...

Differences between Gasoline and Electric Cars

Introduction With increased public concern about global warming and environmental protection, electric cars have become a popular trend in the automotive industry. Electric cars are considered a sustainable alternative to conventional gasoline automobiles. Both types of vehicles provide people with mobility but with different driving forces and an unequal impact...

Great Wall Between the USA and Mexico Border

Introduction The United States receives thousands of illegal immigrants. Consequently, the issue of illegal immigration is discussed largely by U.S officials with signs of a lasting solution remaining just but a mirage. Mexico remains the main source of illegal immigrants into the U.S. A 2010 survey revealed that more than...

Bush Administration’s Response to the 9/11 Attacks

The terrorist attacks on American territory on September 11, 2001, on the one hand, were a continuation of the previous practice of anti-American terrorism, and on the other, they had unprecedented consequences for the United States and its policy in the world. Despite the fact that the threat of terrorism...

Automation for Minimal Human Intervention

Introduction Automation is the technology used to perform a process with minimal human intervention. Automation is concerned with discovering methods of increasing productivity, reducing idle time, cutting waste, and improving product quality. Nowadays, producers in every industry are active users of various software systems, aiming at the efficiencies of substitution...

Second Life Program for Virtual Nursing Education

All spheres of modern life are influenced by the technical innovations, developed for the last ten years. Medical care is not the exception. Different types of medical equipment are used during curing for many years. The innovations in the educational sphere have come later. Today the software and other innovations...

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Every kind of research demands a clear and properly structured methodology for it to be successful. What is demanded from a researcher is that he or she should understand the main components of the scientific research method and be ready to ground his or her thoughts and ideas reasonably and...

Role of Medical Facilities Leaders

Introduction Medical facilities need leaders to mentor, control, manage, implement, and make strategic decisions that facilitate delivery of quality, timely, and affordable medical care services. Leadership is an art of managing and developing strategies to be followed in an organization: the delivery of quality medical services depends on the quality...

Assess of the Health Status of the Society

Introduction A community’s health is assessed by some predetermined factors which give the description of the various facets of the society. The following factors form the basis for judgment whether a community fulfils the health standards or not (Joyce, 2005). Health Management This is also known as health perception and...

Nursing. Journey North: A Virtual Experience

Journey North provides a great experience of living and working in a northern community. Although the nursing station there resembles any other in the country, the working conditions can be described as extremely tough. The nurses are expected to withstand an enormous amount of stress and be ready to rely...

The Role of Person-First Language

Treating people with disabilities in a tolerant and equal way is one of the most important goals in modern society. A person-first language is an effective tool that helps to show respect for human beings with diverse problems and illnesses. However, there is an opinion that this method of communication...

Telehealth in Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia

The use of telehealth in Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia (VNA) The Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia (VNA) was the healthcare organization chosen to study the applications, challenges, attributes, and capabilities of telehealth. To obtain answers to pre-prepared questions, C. McEnvoy was the personnel interviewed through telephone. The...

Correlation Between Vaccines and Autism

Vaccination has long been the most effective way of preventing or completely eliminating infectious diseases. Prior to vaccination, large numbers of people with different backgrounds suffered from smallpox and other diseases. Nevertheless, opposing vaccination has become a major trend in Western societies, which have been leading the world in the...

Why I Would Be a Good Nurse

My personal values and philosophy of the nursing profession will help me to become a passionate and dedicated nurse. Entering nursing school, I would be able to develop my personal skills and master professional knowledge. I suppose that the main qualities of a nurse are based on universal principles of...

The Community Oral Health Program: Pluralist and Elitist Perspectives

Introduction Most influence groups interested in public health issues are known to derive their power from various sources (Heaney, 2006). Sociologists and other scholars have developed a number of perspectives with the view to demonstrating how influence groups become powerful actors in health promotion, advocacy and policymaking (Longest, 2010). This...

Substance Abuse Therapy Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction Although a great majority of those individuals who are involved in substance abuse believe that they have what it takes to manage and monitor their substance consumption, very few of them manage to strike this delicate balance of maintaining a healthy inclination to substance use in the long run....

Mars Rover “Curiosity”: Review

New Mars rover “Curiosity” landed Mars on August 6. According to the comments of its creators, the purpose of this sophisticated device is in participating in long term robotic exploration of Mars (Webster par. 2). In particular, the mission of this Mars rover is to attempt answering the question that...

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory for a Family Nurse Practitioner

The research process is one of the sources that derive theory development through the study of concepts and their related propositions. Notably, the research process answers many research questions and derives other research questions depending on the research outcomes. In the context of a study about Family Nurse Practitioner, we...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jack Welch’s 4 Principles in “Winning”

Jack Welch’s book, titled “Winning”, provides a framework of qualities required for the success as a business leader in an enterprise. These qualities include the necessity of a strong mission and concrete values, the absolute necessity of candor, the power of differentiation, and giving value to each individual, respecting their...

HRM Software for Business and the Affordable Care Act

Signing into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 was a significant step, which considerably influenced health care in the United States. The idea of making health care more affordable was appealing to millions of Americans. However, different issues arose in the process of the implementation of the ACA....

Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Control

These days, juvenile delinquency presents a topic of multiple discussions. Researchers are extremely interested in exploring the reasons, which are highly likely to prompt a teenager to commit a crime. Robert Agnew and Timothy Brezina (2017) have introduced a General Theory of delinquency, which involves observing the major direct causes...

The Forbidden Fruit in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Imagine something that makes you happy. Might it be a long-awaited meeting with a friend or an excellent mark for the exam? What about the death of the beloved husband? In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin tells about Louise Mallard, who dies of a heart attack when she...

The Heart and the Digestive System

The article about the heart shows its representation, including the respective parts. The parts of the heart include the arteries and veins that take blood into and out of the heart. The article describes where the heart lies within the body system and how it functions within the body to...

Mona Lisa and Its Impact on Humanity

The modern world cannot be imagined without the cultural aspect in all its forms and manifestations, as it provides people with the ability to think in paradigms that contravene the conventional patterns of outlook and perception of life. Hence, art, being an extremely extensive concept that encompasses various forms such...

Diversity and Discrimination in Restaurant Industry

Introduction This paper addresses how diversity is important for an organization and how companies can reduce allegations of discrimination at the workplace. Diversity as a Good Business Practice Diversity at work is a mix of the population from across cultures, religions, sects, disabilities, and gender. Having a diverse workforce is...

Preventing Workplace Stress: Effective Methods

According to Anthony-McMann, Ellinger, Astakhova, and Halbesleben (2017), in an era of economic instability and high competition in business, “many factors increase mental stress in the workplace” (p. 166). HR specialists have long complained that stress during work is one of the main reasons for staff turnover. Constant feelings of...

Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh’s Crime

On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, security guard and former U.S. Army soldier, performed the deadliest terrorist attack on the territory of the United States, which remained in this status until September 11, 2001. The bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured more than 500 (Jenkins, n.d.). The...

Mountain Resources: Auditing Unproved Gas Properties

In auditing financial statements, it is important to gather evidence and offer absolute assurance of all the general accounting principles and other appropriate standards. Finding information about the business and the risks of a company is important for investors. Moreover, the audits are relevant in preventing frauds of any kind....

The Movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” by Ang Lee

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a Chinese movie that reveals Asian culture, worldview, and values. Ang Lee, the film director, showed the importance of solid morals, true love, and traditions in an adventurous manner with various scenes of martial arts fights and emotional dialogues. The plot moves around the Green...

Labour Shortages Threaten Housing Supply

The article summarized here is titled “Labour shortages threaten housing supply,” written and published by The Economist author unknown in September of 2021. The thesis of the article is that while demand for new homes is high, there is not enough labor in the form of supply to build them,...

American Gothic Novel “Wieland” by Brown

Wieland as a Gothic Novel Wieland is a great example of an early gothic novel. The gothic elements of its storytelling and narratively play an irreplaceable role and critically frame the main points of the discussion. To be precise, the use of the more supernatural elements is used as a...

Romantic and Realism Literary Periods in Britain

English literature has existed from the beginning of time, developing spontaneously regarding forms of writing from different eras and periods. Realism and romantic periods originate from grouping literary works according to specific time frames exhibiting certain features. The periods help in understanding various characteristics of literary works according to the...

The Five Pillars of Islam in the Muslim Culture

The pillars of the Islamic religion are crucial for its general practice and shared ideas. To be more exact, they constitute the basic norms of religious custom and are widely accepted by Muslim people. In addition, fulfilling the five pillars is compulsory for those who consider themselves the followers of...

Economic Examination of US Waste Disposal Programs

Introduction The environmental and economic considerations are closely intertwined, and their connection can be seen from the evaluation of the importance of various waste disposal programs in the United States. The link between the two aspects is conditional upon the fact that the efficiency of measures intended for better management...

BMAC Firm’s Influence Diagrams and Decision Trees

BMAC, a research and development company, faces a dilemma that might impact its future development and growth. At the moment, it has an option to invest $2million to continue with a specific drug development research project. However, it can be a risky venture because of the lack of guarantees that...

The Box Man by Kobo Abe: A Short-Form Analysis

Passage “The seaside smell of rain is quite like a dog’s breath. The place is not all that suitable as a rain shelter, for the drizzle is directionless as if expelled from an atomizer. The bridge girders are too high. This entire location is unsuitable. Everything—being at a place like...

Homo-Sapiens Migration: The Reversal of Human Phylogeny

The human species originated from humanlike creatures of the hominids group that has a scientific name of Homo-sapiens. Scientific evidence suggests that first primitive Homo-sapiens appeared around 300,000 years ago. The further evolution and migration process of Homo-sapiens started approximately between 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. This essay will answer...

Lessons From Memoir “Night” by Elie Wiesel

In “Night,” Elie Wiesel describes the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust. After reading this book, I realized how strikingly different the perception of the horrors of this period was between Jews and people of other nationalities. The fact is that in ordinary life, we do not think...

The Importance of Teamwork in Business

Introduction Teamwork is a group’s ability to collaborate, effectively communicate, foresee and fulfil the needs, and inspire trust in each other, culminating in a coordinated combined effort. Teams are recognizable social work units of two or more people who share numerous features (Schmutz et al., 2019). Therefore, based on this...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Violations

A complainant sued AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. for violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The case is based on the allegation that the captioning devices at Tyler Galleria, one of AMC’s movie theaters located in Riverside, California, failed to work appropriately on several occasions. The complainant claimed...

Influenza (H2N1) vs. COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease spreading across countries or globally. For example, COVID-19 and influenza outbreaks are pandemics that struck the world, affecting human lives. The influenza pandemic came in different forms, including H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2. Its mortality is associated with pregnancy, underlying conditions, and...

“The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” by Katherine A

Introduction Taking retrospect at the entirety of one’s life is a challenging task. However, parting with regret for any missteps made during this lifetime is even more excruciating. In “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” Katherine A. Porter depicts the torment experienced when being unable to reconcile with a mistake made...

Affirmative Action in Civil Rights Movement

Affirmative action has been in the spotlight of the political, and in particular, liberal agenda, since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Affirmative action policies implemented by organizations or institutions imply consideration of an individual’s sex, race, gender, sexual orientation, and age when providing them with educational or employment opportunities. It...

Preventing Infections in Abdominal Surgery

In this article, the formulation of the goal corresponds to the formulation of the problem, each of which touches on the topic of infections in places of surgical intervention, namely in the field of abdominal surgery. The exact words are used in the goal and the problem, which eliminates the...

Early and Late Specialization Models for Athletes

Deciding to pursue a professional sports career, an athlete chooses an early or late specialization model. There is much research made on the subject of which one is safer or effective; however, it is still a subject of debate in the coaching field. There are many factors that the model...

Discussion of Youth Services Provide Care

How Youths End Up in Care In Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba, youth services provide care to youths between 18-29 years old and under the care of directors. The following conditions must be satisfied for youth to end up in such care provision units in these three provinces. Firstly, the youths...

Graffiti as a Monumental Form of Art

Introduction For a long time, graffiti has been a complicated subject for discussion. It is often called street art, and appears all around the globe. Often framed as an act of damaging public property, it is at the same time an important cultural and artistic statement in and of itself....

Norbert Elias’ Idea of Monopoly Mechanisms

Human relationships continue developing and improving regularly, affecting the creation of new political and economic norms and regulations. According to van Krieken (2019), some issues of dualism are always present in the world: individual vs. society or agency vs. structure. At the same time, technological and structural shifts promote the...

Aspects of McDonald’s Avatar Marketing

It is important to note that marketing is a field that is constantly evolving due to the heavy integration of technology as a primary tool and instrument. The article on avatar marketing aims to provide a well-constructed definition of the concept with its core characteristics. The authors develop avatar typology,...

“Watson and the Shark” Painting by J. S. Copley

Introduction One of the most well-known paintings of John Singleton Copley was Watson and the Shark. It was created in 1778 and is believed to be inspired by a real-life situation that the artists took from the life of a fourteen-year-old boy named Brook Watson (Copley). This work generated an...

Importance of Learning More About Autism

There is a well-known phrase that states: “Knowledge is power”. Being aware of the differences that people around one have can help them make the lives of those people easier. One example of those who are ‘different’ is individuals with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD. As per Centers for Disease...

Industrial Imperialism: China and Japan

It is important to note that Asia has always hosted one of the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful empires throughout history. However, the industrial revolution was the key turning point when Europe was able to supersede Asia and subjugate its nations. The given analysis will focus on the comparative analysis...

Hoarding Disorder and Theoretical Orientation

Introduction Hoarding disorder is a psychopathological symptom complex manifested by an extreme disregard for her appearance and health, social isolation, apathy, a tendency to accumulate junk, and a lack of shame. The patient’s first symptoms began to manifest in kindergarten when her teacher began to notice that the girl left...

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Jonathan Kozol

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American poet, essayist, unitarian pastor, theologist, and philosopher. During his life, he left a significant legacy of various works in literature, philosophy, and theology. He was ahead of the time in fighting for the rights of African Americans and freedom from their enslavement, as well...

Literature: The “Mimesis” Book by Erich Auerbach

Introduction In this book, Erich Auerbach has adopted distinct rhetoric and philosophy of communication that significantly advanced my theoretical knowledge of concepts. For instance, the author assumes a persuasive form of writing whereby he coins around words to present an idea or a thought. Firstly, the book has boosted my...

Redemption in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by O’Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find is a masterpiece by Flannery O’Connor; this work contains thought-provoking topics for discussion. One of the most concerning issues is the theme of redemption, which is found in the book’s episodes. O’Connor links the characters to Christian belief, goodness, and grace, intentionally creating...

Poker Players’ Behaviour at the Table

At the poker table, manners are just as crucial as correct formal etiquette in determining a personality. It requires more than just possessing the correct cards and being able to rank the various poker hands to understand how to play poker. Before the person sits down at the table, there...

Trade and Supply Chain Improvement Initiatives

The ability to operate supply chain (SC) and trade processes in an efficient manner is inextricably connected to modern states’ economic success and status in the international market. At the national level, optimal performance in this regard can be ascertained using a vast array of strategies. To promote trade and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sleep Deprivation

Introduction Over the past years, lack of sleep has become a health issue affecting a significant number of people across the globe. Many individuals do not obtain enough quality sleep, which then affects their health, and their capacity to undertake their daily routines. SD is caused by aspects such as...

The Time Warner Cable Business Brief

On the one hand, Fox News’s takeover has many advantages, which are supported by the quantitative values ​​​​of this platform in the form of the number of subscribers, growth over the past year, and profit. The audiences of CNN and Fox News are significantly different, which promises a 95% post-acquisition...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Preventive Measures

Sexual harassment is an issue that continues to be witnessed in society today, with women being most affected, especially in the workplace. It entails any physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct based on sex and usually has adverse effects on the dignity of women and men at the workplace, this includes...

Nurse Practitioner Program: Self-Assessment

Introduction Before completing the nurse practitioner program, nurse practitioner trainees should do a self-assessment. It will allow them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the program, assess their clinical competencies, and set the proper goals. They must understand their strengths, create a plan to build on them and...

Madness of Ophelia in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Introduction In the tragedy “Hamlet,” a special character causes much admiration and compassion, yet is a very controversial figure. This is Ophelia, daughter of the royal adviser Polonius, who can be called the embodiment of femininity in the traditional sense because she is beautiful, sweet, and uncomplaining (Shakespeare). However, Ophelia...

PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Practice Improvement Plan

PICO Question In hospitalized ICU patients (P), does the use of chlorhexidine caps (I) have a lower infection rate (O) compared to those that do not use chlorhexidine caps (C) on central lines ports? Plan I plan to test the efficacy of the chlorhexidine disinfectant cap in ICU patients I...

An Environmental History of Roadkill Article by Kroll

Introduction While driving on a highway, few people notice animals hit by cars, and a rare individual thinks of how automobiles affect wildlife. In his article on the history of roadkill, Gary Kroll presents an argument regarding the significance of protecting wayside fauna and the development of road ecology. While...

The “Caring for Your Introvert” Article by Rauch

Introduction In his article “Caring for Your Introvert: The Habits and Needs of a Little-Understood Group,” Jonathan Rauch comprehensively explores the world of introversion. With a focus on educating the extroverted majority, Rauch debunks stereotypes and sheds light on introverts’ unique characteristics, habits, and needs. He breaks down his primary...

Communications: Technology and Personal Contact

The process of globalization has affected many areas of people’s life. It has changed our economy, business, and finances; it resulted in the high rate of migrations and traveling; it made an impact on education and interactions in the society of the world. Communication has become a crucial part of...

Taste Technologies and Transformations

Pork used to be the most popular meat on the territory of the United States up to the beginning of the twentieth century. This was happening because this meat was easier to breed for the families of farmers that grew grains and lived near the woodlands.1 Pigs gained weight easily...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Electronic Health Record in Reducing Patient Falls

Introduction The journal selected for the research project is International Journal of Nursing Studies, which is an international forum for publication. It accepts scholarly papers that reveal scientific excellence, contribute to the field and are focused on the significant issues. The papers should be related to nursing, midwifery, and other...

The Problem of Youth (Students) Drinking

Last week, two students were temporarily arrested by law enforcers for demonstrating unbecoming behavior and damaging property belonging to private citizens after engaging in an off-campus binge drinking. Later in the week, another college student sustained serious injuries after he was run over by a motorist, but after preliminary investigations,...

Florence Nightingale’s Model in Nursing Practice

Description of theoretical concepts and empirical indicators in the articles on Florence Nightingale’s model In their article, Selanders and Crane (2012) focus on nursing advocacy. The purpose of this theoretical article is to provide a safe health care environment by employing nursing leadership strategies in connection with egalitarian human rights....

Harvard Referencing Style: Origins, Uses and Purposes

Origins Though the principle of parenthetical referencing is used not only in the Harvard referencing system but also in a range of other ones, APA is the most well-known specimen on those, Harvard referencing is considered a prime example of the phenomenon. According to the existing data, the Harvard referencing...

Illegal Immigrants in the United States

Introduction Illegal immigrants are those people who have gained access to the United States of America without proper authority and will be deported if found as such. It also means those who have entered the United States of America legally after which they fell out of the required status and...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Treatment and Care

Additional subjective data The overall picture seems clear; however, there might be a certain need for some additional information. The patient should also say how she feels in the mornings and whether her throat is stronger after eating and heartburns. Additionally, it is also important to get to know whether...

Schizophrenia: Physiological Basis of a Mental Illness

Schizophrenia is mental illness with a genetic basis and its complexity is presents in form of chronic psychosis and the cognitive ability of the individual becomes impaired. The definitive cause of schizophrenia is not established yet. However, various contributors including genetics, malfunctions in the brain, and environmental factors have been...

Ayurvedic Medicine in “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid”

Introduction Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of medical knowledge integrating the information on disease prevention and management, human temperaments and physiology, as well as healthy lifestyles. The given school of medicine has existed in India for over several thousand years and influenced the development of many other traditional healthcare schools,...

Social Media Techniques for Communication Management

Communication is an integral part of modern society, as well as the business world. It is not only a way to exchange information or attract people. Communication is a means to improve management and job performance and achieve positive results and competitive advantage (Clampitt, 2016). Nowadays, many organizations underline the...

Comparison of Arizona and Texas

THESIS: Although Arizona and Texas have differences such as nicknames, different touristic places to visit, economic fact sheets, they also have many things in common; the similarities between Arizona and Texas conclude in their weather which is hot and dry, in their location in the border with Mexico, common historical...

Diversity, Inclusion and Minorities

Introduction The current demographic trends in America have set new standards for greater diversity. Consequently, critical disturbing social changes have been cited as challenges ahead. The melting pot concept of America is now being replaced with the ‘mosaic society’ to reflect changes brought about by a diverse society in the...

Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosis: Therapy and Prevention

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious medical condition when a blood clot (also known as a thrombus) emerges in deep veins of a human body (Chung et al., 2014). Usually, such parts of a human body as legs and thighs are the places where DVT occurs. It has to...

Vaccines and Autism Relationship and Debates

The link between vaccination and autism is hotly debated in the media despite the fact that the alleged evidence is definitively disproven by the scientific community. The following paper contains the analysis of two articles, both of which deal with the matter from different perspectives. The first is an anti-vaccine...

Polypharmacy Risks and Effects in Older Adults

Discuss the Challenges of Polypharmacy in Terms of Risk Factors, Potential Drug-Drug Interactions, and Adverse Effects in Older Adults Due to the increased life expectancy, the number of older adults living with several comorbidities has grown in the past decades. To control several comorbidities at once, patients often have to...

Meritocracy in American Society: Dream or Reality?

Throughout the entire course of political studies, a variety of new terms and concepts has been studied. However, it has been chosen to focus the research on meritocracy and whether American society can adopt it to improve the state of political and social affairs. In this essay, a reflection on...

The Marble Column From Sardis

There is a range of ancient Greek architectural forms that interest researchers due to their unique appearance and technical properties. When it comes to the importance of ancient Greek architectural trends, it needs to be said that many of them still inspire modern architects who use various materials and techniques...

Computerized Patient Order Entry: Risk Mitigation Plan

Introduction: CPOE Implementation The results of the SWOT analysis reveal that the major organizational strengths of CPOE implementation include a high level of practitioners’ compliance with professional standards and a smooth team collaboration. The opportunities include a possibility to improve knowledge management, assess employee skills, and develop an awareness of...

Gadgets and Items Useful for College Students

With college costing so much, a student needs to take a hard look at their expenses and pare away the excesses. The money thus saved can be crucial later. The following are some thoughts on more places to save. While a computer is almost always a necessity for a student...

Silence in the Elie Wiesel’s Novel “Night”

Warning of the Impending Doom The people of Sighet found it hard to believe Moishe the Beadle due to certain reasons. The first is because of the status of Moishe the Beadle in the society that they lived in. He was poor, and thus was not particularly liked by the...

Understanding Sexual Harassment Law in Action

Based on the scenario, does Paula have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile work environment harassment? Based on the scenario, Paula is viable to hostile work environment harassment. Sexual harassment can either be a hostile environment or quid pro quo (MacKinnon & Reva, 2004)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Passage 3 in Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy

The third passage in Descartes’s Meditations attracts my attention the most because it reveals the author’s initial but grounded thought on the subject and provides an opportunity to consider why he has started his discussion (1). While the first passage seems to be introductory, this one summarizes the most critical...

National Archives: Digital Field Trip Reflection

Introduction National Archives is a unique source providing an insight into the history of the United States genesis by presenting the founding documents, known as the Charters of Freedom. They include the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (America’s founding documents, 2017). For the research, we...

Group Decision-Making and Its Dynamics

Brief description of decision-making Decision-making is in a group is sometimes a complex process that requires wide consultation because a common ground has to be reached out of divergent opinions. Last year I joined a youth investment group and our main aim was to pull ideas and resources together to...

Calvin’s Reaction to the Council of Trent

The evolution and formation of the Christian Church were complex processes impacted by the appearance of various perspectives on basic dogmas, rituals, cannons. For this reason, there were many attempts to structure all existing ideas and outline a unified vision that should be followed by all adherers. For instance, the...

“Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal” the Article by McChrystal, S., & Rose, G.

Introduction The interview with Stanley McChrystal provides an essential insight into the strategies and tactics that were used to destroy al Qaeda and conduct counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq. As the threat of terrorism remains evident, analyzing McChrystal’s responses would be useful in detecting issues and designing effective recommendations. McChrystal’s replies...

Culture Shock on the South and the North of the USA

Different countries or even parts of the same country evolve differently and develop their particular set of values, norms, moral benchmarks, behavioral patterns, and languages. All these elements constitute a specific culture that applies to both the place and the people who live there. That is why it is so...

Individual vs. Social Needs Priority

Introduction In modern conditions and the accelerated development of civilization, the role of the individual in society is becoming more significant, in connection with this, the problem of individual freedom and responsibility to society more and more often arises. The first attempt to justify the point of view of explaining...

Hospital-Acquired Infections as a Project Topic

Before starting work on a capstone project, it is crucial to identify the major aspects related to it. The present paper offers an overview of the issue that will be the focus of the project, along with the setting, description, and effect of the selected problem. The significance of the...

Teaching Sessions for African American Children With Asthma Issue

Introduction Patient education is critical; It helps to control patients’ health; Asthma depends on various environmental factors; African-American children are at a high risk of asthma; Patient education on asthma lacks proper research; Teaching sessions may be useful to address the identified health concern. The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited Many...

“The Effect of Orem’s Self-Care Model on Fatigue in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis” the Article by Afrasiabifar, A., Mehri, Z., Javad Sadat, S., & Ghaffarian Shirazi, H. R.

Introduction The main objective of the empirical study was to measure the effects of Dorothea Orem’s self-care model on fatigue and its self-management in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). As such, fatigue is defined as a subjective MS symptom yet it is one of the most prevalent in patients with...

Hepatitis C Intervention in Wynwood Community

Introduction In order to promote the change among the community members living in Wynwood (Miami, Florida) and educate them regarding Hepatitis C, it is necessary to implement the intervention according to the MAPIT model. The components of this model developed in the context of the Healthy People 2020 program are...

Street Art, Graffiti, and Instagram

The modern digitalized world provides humanity with a plethora of social media resources by which a user might search and consume diversified information. Nowadays, each intelligent citizen tends to be an active part of society by expressing his position or supporting somebody else’s one. Hence, platforms and methods that may...

Women in British Literature and Poems

Women are an often-discussed topic in literature, not only in terms of their modern emancipation but also in terms of their previous idealized state and their ‘proper place in any given time period. As women gained more rights, more complete education, and greater freedoms, they began to respond to what...

Self-Concept Model: Brief Description

Psychology is a rather difficult topic to write about because it involves lots of personal attitudes and opinions, and what is right for one person can turn out to be absolutely wrong for another. But, at the same time, this is quite an interesting topic because of several reasons. Firstly,...

Marketing vs. Accounting: Comparison of Two Professions

Introduction While applying for a job, a person should consider all the merits and drawbacks of the future profession. Thus, it is necessary to find out the jobs perspectives for further promotion. Then, one should study the salary rates and benefits packages. An applicant should be aware of the degree...

Aspects of Development and Functioning of the Brain

The human brain is a complex formation that is undergoing constant research and triggering multiple theories concerning its development and functioning. Inter alia, an attempt to explain the brain phenomenon was made by Howard Gardner who developed a theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Gardner states that to explain the...

Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Analysis

Emily Dickinson was a famous American poet. She was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a brilliant family with respectable community ties. Despite that, she lived rather a solitary and isolated life. After graduating from the Amherst Academy, she entered a Mount Holyoke Female Seminary and returned home to Amherst. She...

Buddha’s Four Noble Truths

Life is all about suffering Life symbolizes suffering. Human nature is imperfect, just like the world in which we live. Every human being has to endure some sort of suffering in their lives. Suffering includes physical affliction such as pain, exhaustion, injury, old age, and even death in the end....

“Pan’s Labyrinth” by Guillermo del Toro

A Spanish language fantasy film set in post Civil-War Spain (1944) during the Franquist repression, Pan’s Labyrinth was written and directed by acclaimed Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, who, along with fellow Mexican filmmakers Alfonso Cuaron and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, is known as the Three Amigos of Mexican/Spanish Cinema. The...

Human Relations: “Mending Wall” and “A Fance an Onion”

The problem of human relations to each other has been reinforced in literature from the beginning of the twentieth century. More and more literary works manifest the idea of the “raising wall” among the people. The conception of separatism has gained force within the last 100 years. Sociologists believe that...