Ballet Nutcracker: A Kaleidoscope

Introduction The Nutcracker is a world-renowned ballet that has been captivating the audience for more than a century. Composed by Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky in 1892, the ballet was originally choreographed by Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa. It is also important to note that the libretto was adapted from “The Nutcracker...

The Phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance

Introduction The cognition of a person is a unique and complex process that involves multiple systems and affects the whole body. In the process of evolution, humanity managed to improve its ability to cognize the surrounding world and explain the majority of phenomena that are important for it. The desire...

Abraham Lincoln, His Failures and Success

Perhaps the best instance of persistence may be seen in Abraham Lincoln. He was a person who refused to quit despite numerous challenges. He lost elections several times before finally becoming the president. He had reasons to quit in many instances, but he chose not to stop trying. Eventually, Abraham...

Donald Trump’s President Impeachment

Since the beginning of his presidency, Trump has made a plethora of questionable decisions and taken quite a range of actions that might not coincide with the existing code of ethics or even common sense. Therefore, the doubt concerning his legitimacy as a president, that is, the person who represents...

Steen’s The Dissolute Household and Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus Paintings

The variety of themes, forms, and techniques used by artists throughout history is wide, and it can be argued that no two paintings by different artists are the same. Comparing and contrasting works of art that are thematically or visually similar reveals their true differences, which usually reflect variations in...

The International Business Expansion

Middle East The Middle Eastern business culture is substantially different from the Western conception, which can complicate the adoption of an American approach. Per Browaeys and Price (2019), it is heavily centered on family, with a large share of MENA enterprises owned and operated by them, and reputation, which takes...

Berkshire Industries: Motivations and Options

Executive Summary The case “Berkshire Industries PLC” gives a detailed examination of the situations that led to the introduction of a new incentive plan capable of meeting the demands of both workers and shareholders. The company had grappled with various challenges before, such as the ineffectiveness of the original reward...

Black Lives Matter: Fight Against the Inequality

The movement known as Black Lives Matter is one of the most controversial initiatives of present-day American society. Its beginning was justified by various brutalities against the representatives of this population group. However, despite the initial reasonability of such actions in ensuring the safety of this category of citizens, it...

Hurricane Katrina: Improvised Communication Plan

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept through the city of New Orleans (Lachlan & Spence, 2007). The hurricane caused extensive losses in the Gulf Coast region. In the aftermath of the damage, thousands of residents were left homeless. As the victims escaped from the region to safer grounds, millions...

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

There is a heated debate occurring in the past decade about the advantages and disadvantages of paying college students whose outstanding athletic performance could potentially earn them money and popularity. There is a manual produced by the National Collegiate Athletic Association that covers many aspects of this issue, but there...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nature or Nurture: Tabula Rosa

The impact of genetics and the environment has been a topic of lasting research that has not been finished so far. Psychologists still have no definite answer to the question regarding the role of nature and nurture. Some researchers stress that people inherit a set of specific traits that define...

Human Resource Strategy in Operations Management

Human resources management (HRM) and operations management (OM) are immensely closely related. The critical functions of human resources are to search for appropriate candidates for vacant positions in an organization, train staff members, and communicate with them. Operations management, in its turn, bears responsibility for controlling the process of production...

Institutions Violent – What Should Do and Factors

Introduction Human service professionals often encounter acts of violence in their daily work. James, Gilliand, and James (2008) have noted that violent behaviors in institutions are mainly precipitated by such elements as gender, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, gangs, as well as deinstitutionalization. Increased cases of violence have been...

The Use of Costume as a Style in the Movie ”The Matrix”

The Matrix is a premier American science fiction action film directed by Wachowski sisters and later released on March 31st, 1999. Since its onset, the movie has won four Oscar awards. One of the main reasons why the film has managed to achieve a high standard is due to the...

The IOM Report in Nursing

Introduction The American Association of College of Nursing indicates that there are varying research expectations for different academic levels of nurses. As such, this implies that nurses play different research roles in accordance with their academic qualifications. In particular, the Baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels occupy different niches in...

The Link Between Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease

Background and Significance of the Problem The relationship between hypertension and kidney disease has been disputable for decades. Recent studies suggest that there is a definite link between the two disorders and it has been suggested that the relationship is cyclic (Buffet & Ricchetti, 2012). Buffet and Ricchetti (2012) that...

“Hospital-Acquired Infections in the Elderly” by Meltem et al.

In this literature analysis, we shall reflect on a peer-reviewed quantitative research article that has connections to the subject of our research. Our research is meant to explain how does the use of isolation precautions compare to the application of PPE (personal protective equipment) affect the levels of hospital-acquired infections...

Costs and Effects of Substance Abuse

Summar There are a number of factors of social, economic, environmental, biological and psychological factors that are recognized as the most common determinants of substance abuse. Among them, there are homelessness, incarceration, the level of income and education, gender, age and sexual orientation (Substance Abuse across the Life Stages, 2015)....

Criminal Law: the US Law System Structure

Introduction The American legal system is guided by various clauses of the US Constitution. “The US legal structure includes federal courts and state courts” (Siegel & Schmalleger, 2010). Federal courts execute legal issues stated in the US Constitution. “They have limited jurisdiction because they can only hear cases approved by...

Acquiring Cheaper Healthcare Insurances

Introduction Public healthcare in the United Kingdom is provided by the National Health Service where all citizens with permanent residence status have free access to healthcare. The provisions of public healthcare differ from one territory of the United Kingdom to the other (Triggle, 2008). Healthcare programs throughout the United Kingdom...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflection on Hume’s Speech and Lecture

Introduction It is reasonable to expect conflict when there are deviations in opinions, backgrounds, and attitudes. Disagreements have been an integral part of human history, and have led to massive acts of violence and bloodshed. However, disputes are possible to resolve without resorting to arms but with reaching agreement based...

Classifications: Cell-Phone Users, Relationship, Class Items and Drivers

Cell-Phone Users Cell-phones have become powerful devices that make it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and communicate effectively. Analysts group users of such innovative tools depending on their favorite applications and aims. First, there is a group that relies on them mainly for interacting with other people. Some...

The Purpose of Administrative Law and Public Administration

The term “public administration” refers to all activities undertaken by public agencies, whether internal or external. It is the responsibility of the on-site managers, who are generally free to organize their agencies’ work in ways that will facilitate the achievement of their goals. As a result, the various state and...

Diabetes in African Americans and Effectiveness of Educational Sessions

Introduction Diabetes is a significant public health problem in the United States (US). According to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, over a tenth of the population has diabetes and related conditions, and the number of new cases continues to rise rapidly (Diabetes statistics, 2020). The US is not alone in...

Article Analysis: Compare and Contrast

The given analysis will primarily focus on the two articles, which are “Why I Quit Street Racing, and Why Some People Won’t” by Jack Baruth and “Do Motorcycles Really Make You Stronger AND Smarter?” by BSFC. The core emphasis of the assessment will be mainly put on propaganda techniques and...

Ballet Genre Marginalization of People of Color

Ballet dance traces its origins to the fifteenth century, during the Italian Renaissance. The genre has since evolved into a popular concert dance in many countries such as Russia, France, United Kingdom, and the United States (“Dance Resources”). Each country integrates its culture into the dance, which has led to...

The Past in the “Educated” Memoir by Tara Westover

Educated is a memoir by Tara Westover, where she explicitly describes her challenging way toward education. Born in a conservative family isolated from mainstream society in the mountains of Idaho, Tara decides that a university education is the best way for her to start a new life full of opportunities....

Why Adolescents Take Drugs: Human Development

Delinquent and irresponsible behaviors such as substance abuse, violence, and unsafe safe practices produce serious social and health implications that contribute to declining performance in school, underachievement in life, and moral decay in society. Unfortunately, many teenagers underestimate the harmful and long-term impacts of experimenting with cocaine, LSD, codeine, marijuana,...

Preventing Forest Fires in California with Forestry Changes

Forest fires are remaining a significant issue in the California environment. From the beginning of the 21st century, California has been experiencing an increase in forest fires, destroying citizen’s lives and property. Thus, it should be the government’s primary concern, especially during climate change, increasing temperature, and weather conditions. However,...

“American Civil Liberties Union” by Robert C. Cottrell

The document from which the information has been obtained is “American Civil Liberties Union,” authored by Robert C. Cottrell. American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that was founded by Albert DeSilver, Roger Baldwin, and Crystal Eastman in 1920 in response to raids and arrests of anti-war activists by Attorney...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Feminist Movement: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

The phrase or term that women’s rights are also human rights was usually a common term among the various feminist movement. The term was first used in the late 1980s or the early 1990s. However, this phrase can also be traced back to the late 1830s, when campaigners and well-known...

The Character of Miss Emily in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction Miss Emily is an especially complex and interesting character who is undoubtedly worth deep consideration. In his short story, “A Rose for Emily,” William Faulkner introduces the woman who deserves sympathy despite multiple negative personal qualities. Even though readers do not know how Emily herself perceives her life and...

Crack Selling Subculture in Chicago

Introduction The Titanic Stones was a posse from Chicago’s South Side at the start of the 21st century. They started moving to Rockford as they saw undiscovered heroin markets constrained by nearby crooks who could not contend with their drug associations and brand of brutality. The film delineates the spread...

The Project Management Magazine “PM Network”

The PM Network is a magazine that publishes articles on project management offices or officers (PMO), proving to be a valuable resource for every successful project manager or beginner. The articles discuss various subjects but are mostly linked to project management (PM) principles and may include case studies of actual...

Analysis of the U.S. Nuclear Attack on Japan

Introduction The attack of the U.S. on Hiroshima was one of the most devastating military actions in human history. Nowadays, the historians still discuss whether it was done in order to force Japan to surrender, or to intimidate the USSR. Different sources reflect different sides of the situations and present...

The Role of Women in Sophocles’ Antigone

Sophocles draws attention to various problems in his tragedy Antigone. The themes of justice, traditions, and family are still actual in society nowadays. One could also notice the huge role the women characters play in the tragedy and the overall morale of the piece. Hence, this research will analyze the...

Reflection about Training and Development of Employees

Introduction Selling is an employee’s profession that requires a customer-centric sales strategy. Sales are made through person-to-person conversation. The discussion may occur in person or over the telephone, but the core of a good result is contingent upon the seller’s ability to establish trust in customer relationships. Establishing credibility and...

Hozier’s “Take Me to Church” Song Analysis

The song “Take Me to Church,” to which the singer owes his success, poignantly narrates about deep and devoted love. Its songwriter, Hozier, constructed the song by solely using metaphors and comparisons to talk about two different but parallel notions. For instance, the unambiguous meaning of the composition lies in...

RADAR Technology Analysis and Overview

Introduction In the contemporary digitalized world, the application of various technologies has found its positive feedback across multiple spheres. One of the most significant technologies that have yielded numerous opportunities for airline route regulation, autonomous vehicle functioning, weather forecasting, environmental protection, and others is Radio Detecting and Ranging (RADAR). It...

Homosexuality as a Problem in the Conflict Theory

The term “sexual behavior” encompasses various actions that people engage in to show their sexuality. Sexual arousal is a part of these behaviors’ biological and cultural aspects. Sociologists in sexuality study sexual attitudes and behaviors rather than physical anatomy or physiology. Sexiness is defined as a person’s ability to have...

Nagel’s Argument on Consciousness

In Nagel’s “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” the author explores the nature of consciousness and offers several arguments to support his ideas. Nagel criticizes the reductionist approach to viewing consciousness and argues that this phenomenon is more complex by using the comparison with bats. This paper will...

Elasticity and Its Coefficient

The economic sphere of society’s life and the market function according to certain laws. Knowledge of these features is essential for the effective operation of any business and understanding the impact of price and non-price factors on changes in supply and demand. To make different decisions on development, companies and...

Buddha, Tolstoy, and Raymond’s Martin Views on the Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life Many influential philosophers throughout history have offered a response to the issue of what, if anything, makes life worthwhile, albeit they rarely state it in these terms. The systematic endeavor to determine what individuals have in mind when they think about the issue or what they mean...

Mexico: Famous Artistic Contributions

Introduction Mexico has a plethora of talents who have contributed to global art. The Mexican artists have established genres in music and art that are cherished internationally. In this discussion, the most well-recognized Mexican artists who worked since the 1920s and until modern times will be discussed. However, there are...

Native American Tribes Before and After European Influence

When Europeans discovered America in 1492, there were more than 2,000 different cultures flourishing that, while having similarities, were different from certain perspectives. An example is a fact that the Native Americans spoke several hundred different languages depending on the tribe and the locations where individuals would either settle or...

“La Noche” Painting by Mary Weatherford

Mary Weatherford is one of the leading figures among modern abstract artists. Almost all of her works are presented in the form of chaotic lines of different colors. A distinctive feature of her works is the use of neon vet, which is a glowing line of various colors and lengths....

The Family Concept and Its Definition

Introduction Family is a controversial concept that varies among cultures. According to the Oxford dictionary, a family is a group of people consisting of one or two parents and their children. The significance of family cannot be overstated. They significantly impact people’s lives and help them grow as individuals. Those...

Dealing with Trauma: Implications for Professionals

Introduction When working as a counselor with clients who have suffered traumatic episodes, it is essential to provide integrative care that is based on evidence and best practice. The process of working with traumatized populations involves an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon, an accurate selection of approaches, and the mitigation...

The “Antigone” Play by Sophocles: A Short Analysis

Introduction Sophocles was a prominent tragedian who contributed to the development of Athenian drama. His Antigone shows the conflict between divine and human laws and puts unwritten rules of life above all. On the one hand, religious beliefs rooted in the traditions of a tribal community ordered people to sacredly...

Euthanasia as a Medical Ethical Dilemma

Working in the medical field does not only mean solving complex clinical cases associated with severe illnesses. It also includes the ethical dilemmas faced by both experienced doctors and young nursing staff. These involve controversial situations related to the life and well-being of the patient. Such situations are formulated by...

Global Warming and Climate Change and Their Impact on Humans

Ocean Heat Wave Prediction Heat waves in the ocean can adversely impact humans and wildlife by disrupting the food web. However, in her article “Today’s seasonal climate models can predict ocean heat waves months in advance”, Lindsey explains something that people can do to protect people and ocean life. The...

The Victorian Age Through the Prism of Satire

The Importance of Being Earnest belongs to Oscar Wilde’s famous high-society comedies. The author, breaking the canons of entertainment theater, brings to the stage a satirical mockery of the mores of his contemporary bourgeois society and invites the audience to laugh at the surrounding reality. Wilde, a lover of passage...

Mental Health Crisis and Stigma

Mental health is no less important than physical health. In some cases, it plays a significant role and can only worsen the condition of individuals in the absence of proper treatment. In modern society, mental awareness and the emergence of more specialists who work in this field are gaining a...

Aspects of the Trading Conditions of Online Brokers

Introduction One of the strategies for increasing equity capital is financial investment, which in the classical sense implies investing funds with a return on their value. As a rule, private investors do not have direct access to the assets of a public company and have to use the services of...

How Women Leaders Catalyze Positive Change Amidst Discriminations

Summary Leadership is a major determinant to lead a positive change in any organization. It constitutes making policies and strategies geared towards achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Successful leaders, whether men or women are mandated to practice democratic making of decisions to include all their workers, ensure they are...

Women in “Beowulf”, “Inferno”, and “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”

Female characters who played a prominent and crucial part in events occur in the books of different times regardless of the real position of women in society. The authors gave them extraordinary powers, strength, and influence on others’ actions and decisions. For instance, Wealhtheow from Beowulf demonstrated how the Germanic...

Grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Introduction In A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor explores such themes as family, prejudice, and finding grace, showing that human compassion could have transformative power. The juxtaposition between the two main stereotypical characters, the Misfit and the grandmother, is used to transfer the key message that in...

“Where the Hell Is God?” Book by Richard Leonard

Suffering and evil are common topics that cause people to question their beliefs. Theodicy provides a logical solution to the existence of evil on Earth, although some may take this philosophy as an explanation of people’s misery. One’s traumas and death may cause alienation from God among those affected by...

How Organizations Can Reduce the Loss of Biodiversity

Critical Analysis of the Issue Biodiversity loss and species extinction have implications for the future prosperity of economies and corporate strategy. As economic activities are the greatest contributor to today’s environmental problems, greater accountability is required from companies (Dasgupta, 2021). Proactive solutions aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG...

Hindu Nationalism in Modern India

Introduction Hindu nationalism today is an expression of political, social, and social will and tradition. Its foundation is the ancient cultural and spiritual practices that have been established and developed for the most part in the territory of modern India. Its origins and connection are clearly linked to the religious...

Neurobiology: Recent Exploration of Brain Functioning

Research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the conclusion that during learning, plastic changes occur in the neural network of the brain. More precisely, a unique property of the brain is neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change as a result of experience and to...

The Civil War and the Cold War

History is a very significant subject that displays people’s attitudes and behaviors in relation to their own, as well as foreign cultures. There were several major events in American history that shaped the country in a way that has led to its present state today. The Civil War and the...

The Modern Prometheus: Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This Frankenstein analysis focuses on Victor’s motivation, various themes, and parallels with mythology. Check it out if you need ideas for your analysis of Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Analysis of Frankenstein: Introduction Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster...

Aggression and Violence Towards Animals

Specific purpose: to inform my audience regarding the abuse of animals. Central idea: violence against animals is commonly undervalued; however, abuse of animals can consequently lead to cruelty and aggressiveness towards a human being. Introduction A. Opening statement: Attitude towards animals is an important aspect of human life that affects...

Psychology: Humor Theory Concept

Many people believe that cracking a joke about others provides them a platform to prove themselves as smart. In fact, a good sense of humor is definitely a positive characteristic trait in a human being and people do like to enjoy funny things, no matter how trivial they are. Unfortunately,...

Immanuel Kant’s Views on Professors Fingerprinting

Immanuel Kant’s views Immanuel Kant would have opposed the directive, that all professors must be fingerprinted, through the categorical imperative argument. The categorical imperative, developed by Immanuel Kant, consists of two formulations. The first formulation has two criteria. The first is universalibility, which states that the reason to do something...

“Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

Les Standiford managed to create a composition where history can be read as easily and thrilling as a good novel. A captivating double biography of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick is merged with the history of the Foundation of American Industry and the ruthless steelworkers’ uprising that turned two...

City Life vs Country Life: Essay on Similarities and Differences

City Life vs Country Life Essay: Introduction Living on a farm has been described by many people as the best experience one may have. Some say it is cheap and healthy, while others claim that people brought up on farms have good family values. Yet, people like comparing farm life...

Problems Facing the Caribbean Societies

The Caribbean societies face several problems, which are attributable to the legacies of the system of slavery, including male marginalization, violence, crime, gender issues, and male identity. During slavery, the Caribbean societies suffered the most since they were the targets of colonialists given the productivity of their lands and the...

Concealed Handguns in Texas Colleges

Introduction Over the last few months, the debate on gun control has increased especially after recent high profile shootings such as the shootings in the University of Texas, the Connecticut school massacre, and Northern Illinois University. Such horrific deeds have raised political, social, moral, and legal debates concerning gun laws....

Popular Research Paper Topics

European Colonialism and Regression of Africa

This paper reveals relationships between Europe and Africa, particularly how the first one influenced the regression of the latter. I present the explanation of the following statement: “colonialism in Africa was a one-armed bandit” providing convincing facts and arguments. The highest peak of colonialism in Africa took place in the...

Quality Initiatives Improving Patients’ Outcomes

Although the healthcare sector has seen substantial regulatory changes in the last decade, deficiencies in the quality of care still persist. In order to improve the quality of healthcare, it is important to consider the role of quality initiatives in improving patients’ outcomes. Incentives should be implemented to increase patient...

Cancer Treatment Research: Informed Consent

Dear potential participant, you are invited to become a part of the research project dedicated to cancer treatment methods in Hispanic patients. You are welcome to discuss this invitation with your friends, relatives, or anyone else before accepting this invitation. Please, be sure to take your time to make an...

Pioneer Generation Package for Singapore’s Elderly

Abstract Over the course of their life, the senior citizens of Singapore have contributed immensely to the development of the state in terms of its social, political and economic life. As a sign of appreciation for their efforts, the Singaporean government has created the Pioneer Generation Package, which provides the...

Evidence-Based Practice: Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction In the context of contemporary approaches to patient outcomes, there are a number of frameworks that support traditional and evidence-based practices. Evidence-based health care is often opposed to the sometimes practices inherent in the daily work of medical practitioners. It is also important to point out the fact that...

Personal Power of Workforce

Personal power denotes the capability to influence or modify a result. From where does one obtain such power? Personal power does not imply how physically powerful one feels but the application of ideas, knowledge, and sentiments to perform in a manner that will ensure the satisfaction of own needs positively....

Childhood Obesity and Parent Education

Introduction The issue of obesity is now trending globally. The absence of physical activity among individuals struggling with overweight is also prevalent. Moreover, these two problems combined have a great impact on children and may increase premature mortality rates in middle age (Muthuri, Onywera, Tremblay, Broyles, & Fogelholm, 2015). The...

Self-Efficacy Motivation in Mathematics Learning

Introduction A major challenge facing mathematics teachers and teacher trainees is how to deal with the negative attitude many students have towards the subject. They often discover a disparity between their students in that some take naturally to the discipline, while others appear unable or unwilling to grasp its constituent...

Fashion Affecting People’s Health

Introduction Reading fashion magazines can tell one a lot about fashion. Very often, magazines have pictures of slim girls wearing cozy clothing. Lots of people put much focus on such figures as well as their clothing, forgetting that there is some link between the fashions displayed and the health of...

The Meaning of Human Existence

Meaning of Spirituality Spirituality refers to the sense of connection to a higher being or purpose that goes beyond normal human understanding. In that regard, it is the connection that humans have to the divine. Spirituality can also be defined as the connection humans have to concepts that are hard...

Autistic Children’s Behavior Problems

Introduction The term “autism” originated at the beginning of the twentieth century and was coined by a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (Feinstein 5). Bleuler identified autism as a mode of thinking, opposing it to another mode: logical and realistic (Feinstein 6). Thus, the historical definition of autistic thinking,...

Family Nurse Practitioner in Professional Organizations

Introduction The nursing profession, in addition to professionalism, requires dedication and endurance, bordering on self-sacrifice. The specialist working in this sphere should not only know the theoretical part of medicine well but also be an excellent practitioner. The qualification of a nurse is essential both for patients and management. Self-education...

Global Climate Change and Health Concerns

It is particularly critical to evaluate the potential impact of global climate change on human health now when the global community has enough time to work out the relevant prevention strategies. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the most critical points of concern and provide an overview of...

Territorial Incorporation and Expansionism Traditions

The present paper is devoted to contrasting the doctrine of territorial incorporation (DTI) with colonialist (CTTE) and imperialist (ITTE) traditions of territorial expansionism. Venator-Santiago describes CTTE, ITTE, and DTI as three approaches to territorial expansionism that differed in multiple ways, including the purpose and way of acquisition and the resulting...

High-Dose Cytarabine Project and Implementation Plan

The use of medicines is an integral part of an adequate modern treatment for cancer patients. More than half a century of clinical chemotherapy along with data on the effectiveness of antitumor agents and their combinations has been enriched by the extensive experience in identifying complications of drug treatment. However,...

Woolworths’ Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy

Integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy is Woolworths’ competitive advantage. It is also connected with Woolworths’ pricing strategy and customer demographics. Keep reading to learn more. Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Woolworths has adopted various business-level strategies and integrated them to drive its operations in the highly competitive Australian retail sector. This approach is...

Transgender Patients and Challenges in Health Care

Recently, the society has been more accepting of different ethnicities, world views, religions, and genders. According to Roussy’s (2016) report for CBC News, it is estimated that there are currently twenty-five million transgender people around the world; however, many of them are denied their main human rights such as equal...

Gender-Based Discrimination during Surgical Training

Writer background: All authors–Adrienne N. Bruce (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Alexis Battista (MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, MD, USA), Michael W. Plankey (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Lynt B. Johnson (Division of General Surgery Department of Surgery, MedStar Georgetown...

Deviance, Crime and Social Control

Selected Topic The selected topic from the class text is “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”. The term deviance “refers to the violations of established contextual, cultural, or social norms” (Zembroski, 2011, p. 241). Crimes occur when someone breaks existing laws and social norms. This analysis shows clearly that all crimes...

The Modern Prometheus: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster created by Victor Frankenstein is a well-recognized character, and the gothic story of Frankenstein has inspired numerous big-screen adaptations. However, the passage of time did not dim the brilliance of Shelley’s novel; rather,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Studies

Introduction In modern nursing practice, there are many patients who suffer from pressure ulcers that are also known as bedsores. These sores may be observed on the skin when a person has to sit in a chair or lie in a bed for a long period, so that tissue pressure...

Suture and Their Most Common Types

Introduction The video presented by Zenn (2013) describes the most common types of sutures in a rather engaging and informative way. Being a specialist in an emergency room department, I have frequently observed professionals performing sutures. However, this video lesson was useful in explaining the detailed process of suturing simply....

The Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors

Abstract The research on the growing need for various blood donors in the United States of America is proposed for submission to the American Journal of Nursing. The information below is to address such points of this paper as research steps (problem, purpose, question, hypothesis, and methodology). Steps in implementing...

Effective Strategies for Women with Emotional Problems

The modern world is associated with various issues people have to handle. Some of these issues are related to interpersonal relationships, emotions, and development. Some women’s inability to find solutions to these problems makes them unhappy and unhealthy (psychologically and physically). These females fail to develop proper relationships with others...

Women’s Oppression in The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is one of the best examples of Gothic literature. Being considered as the scary writing at the times when the story was written, however, some time passed and the story has been interpreted from different perspectives involving various angles of consideration. A close...

Healthcare Informatics Foundations and Concepts

Clinical Informatics and Multi-Agent System Whenever it comes to the description of clinical informatics, the theory of a multi-agent system (MAS) arrives as the most suited to cope with the mentioned task. The major advantage of a multi-agent model is that it considers the whole cycle of a clinic’s decision-making...

How Hospitals Approach Price Transparency?

Article Summary The article “How hospitals approach price transparency: the issue of price transparency has become more prevalent in health care recently, but hospitals may have different views of the concept depending on their relative charge levels” by Houk and Cleverley (2014) has addressed the problem of price transparency in...

“Soldier’s Home and Out of Season” by Ernest Hemingway

The themes of alienation and isolation frequently occur in the short stories by Hemingway. The writer focuses on the separation of the protagonists from the outer world by creating circumstances and situations that prevent him/her from establishing relations with other people. Soldier’s Home and Out of Season are among the...

Reading Fluency Activities for 4-5th-Graders

Title of the book: My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother Author: Patricia Polacco is the author of many books for children, for instance, Some Birthday, The Keeping Quilt, or Rechenka’s Eggs. Her works are praised by educators and parents. Brief Synopsis: This book tells the story of a little girl named...

Free Speech and First Amendment

The constitution of the united states, under the First Amendments provides that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” (Cohen 36). The constitution continues to add that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Manager Skills Analysis and Development

Execution skills are regarded as important to a manager. Effective management can develop desired outcomes as planned. Heads of organization opt to enroll into institutions so as to broaden their skills. Based on my skills analysis, I required a skills improvement strategy. My colleagues pointed out my leadership potential coupled...

Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace

Chapter Summary When people are working together, conflicts are inevitable; however, when solved and managed effectively, they can lead to better understanding among team members and yield high performances. There are different methods of solving conflicts that a leader can adopt depending with the situation at hand, some situations calls...

New Urbanism and Negative Criticism

New Urbanism refers to the architectural philosophy that was adopted after the end of the Second World War. It sought to implement a paradigm shift in traditional town planning (Gordon, 150). The main aim of the new type of city planning was to reduce overreliance on automobiles by planning city...

Is the United States of America an Empire?

Even though over a century has passed since the War of 1898, there is still much controversy surrounding the question of whether the USA should or should not be considered an empire. Many scholars, politicians, and other actors have expressed their opinions on the issue. The present paper will discuss...

Personality Type and Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction Certain actions of a person as a professional, a leader, or a social agent can be influenced by his or her personality type. According to Carl Jung’s theory and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology, it is possible to determine a variety of personality types with reference to four different aspects...

Selling Ideas to Children and Building Societies

Child play is one of the major ways children learn about the world around them, which is employed in the educational system. The use of toys and games for academic purposes has been properly researched. Of course, toy marketers develop thousands of new items each year to address the demand...

Public Policy Meeting on the Violence Against Women Act

Introduction This paper provides a summary of the public policy meeting regarding the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). It addresses the purpose of the hearing, its participants and provides the background information on the committee. Moreover, the paper reviews one of the topics that were discussed during...

The Skeletal System and Its Functions

The skeletal system is one of the most significant ones in the body, along with the muscular and nervous ones. This paper provides detailed information about it, addressing its anatomical location and description, cells and tissues present in it, and the functions it has. Moreover, the report features data about...

Transforming Military Logistic Systems in the Department of Defense

The importance of transforming military logistic systems to a viable supply chain management process is critical. For this reason, this blog will focus on materials from two articles. The first article, Transforming Military Support Processes from “Logistics to Supply Chain Management”, by Scott Haraburda highlights the importance of changing the...

Nursing Research and Its Impact on Practice

Nursing research has a tremendous impact on modern nursing practice. First and foremost, research helps nurses understand changes in the healthcare environment, patient populations, and legislation and provide a proper response. Knowing the basic principles of analysis allows a health practitioner to tell a biased study from a reliable one...

Electronic Health Record Implementation Results

General Points It should be noted that the primary purpose of the research was reached. The efficiency of the EHR system has been assessed by the two parties, which were healthcare specialists and patients. In the course of the study, all workforce members who use EHRs took part in the...

Information Systems: Computerized Provider Order Entry

Introduction Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is a concept that is gaining popularity in modern healthcare settings across the world. According to Brown et al. (2017), CPOE refers to an electronic method of entering medical orders of a patient instead of using the traditional paper method. The purpose of the...

Healthcare Robotics Impact

Introduction Today, robotics enters many spheres of life, including education, social life, and healthcare. The use of robots in healthcare allows advancing patient care and achieving better health outcomes. These physical systems that may change treatment processes, diagnostics, and patient monitoring provide an opportunity to assist more people. In general,...

The Impact of Blockchain on Identity Management

Introduction Identity and access management is essential in the modern world. It is so because this system makes it possible for a high number of people to have easy access to particular information and services. At the same time, identity management is responsible for denying access to those individuals who...

MeiHomeLoans to Apply SDLC Diagram

To effectively implement a specific system, solution, or software in an organization, it is appropriate to apply a systems development life cycle (SDLC). The SDLC methodology allows for planning, building, and implementing an information system that addresses an organization’s needs. MeiHomeLoans (MHL) is a small mortgage loan company employing 250...

Human Resources Process and Legal Requirements

Introduction The workplace presents a delicate surrounding that is full of different types of personalities and risks. The varying demands of safety, comfort, and work-life balance generate numerous problems for human resource managers. The practices of human resource departments have assisted in the creation of safe and comfortable environments for...

Reality TV. ‘Hard Knocks’ analysis

Introduction Television audiences are certainly aware of the ways television ‘puts reality together’, and talk about how various formats, or editing techniques, can create different degrees of ’reality in popular television. However, viewers of reality programming are most likely to talk about the truth of what they are seeing about...

“Attributes of a Good Nurse” by Aydin et al.

Introduction The selected article for this critique is a mixed-methods study, using qualitative methods for data collection and quantitative tools for statistical analysis and categorization. The article’s title is Attributes of a good nurse: The opinions of nursing students, which was written by Er R. Aydin, Mine Sehiralti, and Aslihan...

The American Retrenchment of 1969 – 1980

Introduction The history of the United States of America is a combination of the successful and failing policies taken by the Governments led by 44 Presidents. The focus of this paper is one of the most difficult periods in US history – the period of economic stagnation, political scandals and...

The History of Salem Witch Trials

The Salem witch trial – is a court trial in New England in 1692 in the settlements of Salem village and Salem town, in the state of Massachusetts. On the charges of witchcraft (“witch hunt”) 19 people were hung, 1 person was crushed by stones and from 175 to 200...

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Personality by Cloninger: Understanding Persons

Introduction The value of books has long been duly appreciated by the humanity. Books contain knowledge and wisdom, as well as induce readers to thinking and sometimes even change their perception of reality. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons by Susan Cloninger is one of books which are informative and educational,...

The Impact of the Great Depression on Education

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Al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufism Analysis

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Addressing Mental Health in Schools

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The Effect of Climate Change on the Environment

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Government-Funded Welfare Program

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Depression Treatments and Therapeutic Strategies

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Roosevelt and Obama: Critical Analysis of Two Speeches

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Isolation of Lycopene Analysis

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Role of Risk Management in Security Organizations

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Health-Illness Continuum Review

The health-illness continuum, also termed the illness-wellness continuum, is a graphical illustration of the well-being concept. Essentially, it proposes that wellbeing encompasses mental and emotional health, and the presence or absence of illness (Moreira et al., 2020). The health-illness concept lies on the fundamental basis that relying on the presence...

The Use of the Internet to Solve Crimes

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The Personal Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes of an Individual

Introduction This paper is about the evaluation and summary of an article published in the Journal of Sexuality and Disability in November 2000. The article, “Sexuality and the chronically ill older adult: A social justice issue”, is an attempt to describe and analyze the complicated relationship between the personal sexual...

The Search for Order, 1877-1920 by Robert H. Wiebe

Several decades between the Reconstruction period and the end of World War I represent a significant time for America. It was characterized by a critical change in all aspects of the economic, political, and social life, as well as the reconsideration of the human worldview. Robert H. Wiebe’s contribution to...

Spiritual Needs Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Caregivers should “respect the cultural diversity of their patients” (Mueller, 2010, p. 198). This practice will encourage them to offer quality support to their patients. The Spirituality Assessment Tool (SAT) can produce the best relationships between nurses and patients. Nurses should be aware of their patients’ religious beliefs. Caregivers...

Clinical Management Functions and Regulations

Running a clinical institution can prove to be an elusive and challenging task for all the individuals mandated with it, as they have to ensure that there is a consistent harmony between the Ambulatory Surgery Center management and the patients who show up for cosmetic and other surgeries, for example,...

Models of Magnetism and the Nursing Workforce

Introduction Healthcare services management aimed at improving the effectiveness by using a set of principles, methods, and means of activating the force and motives of nurses. In order to reveal the topic, it seems appropriate to consider magnetism and the nursing workforce. Initially, components and forces of magnetism appeared in...

The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

In his Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine article, reviewing Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818), Walter Scott introduces the idea, that the novel, dealing with the supernatural, as a possibility for personal reflection. Scott advocates questioning the morals and conventional train of thought by submitting a character of an ordinary man to...

Stock Markets in China and the Reforms

Introduction The China stock market, which is the Asia’s second largest by capitalization, is highly underdeveloped and relies on rumors for trading. The market is dominated by state-owned enterprises, which have no credible system of financial reporting and book keeping. The grim picture of this situation is evident from the...