241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Abortion is a highly controversial issue because it involves a conflict between a woman’s bodily autonomy and a fetus’s right to life. Due to the complicated nature of this problem, one can come up with many research questions on abortion. On this page, you’ll find plenty of interesting and thought-provoking abortion title ideas and essay examples. Read on to get inspired!

📚 Subtopics for Abortion Essays

Do you need to write a paper on pregnancy termination but don’t know where to begin? Here are some general abortion topics to write about. You can use them as a starting point for developing more nuanced research questions about abortion for your assignment.

👩‍⚖️ Legalization of abortion Abortion essay titles are often concerned with the question of whether this practice should be legalized. You can explore the pros and cons of laws prohibiting pregnancy termination.
🌐 Abortion as a social problem If you need titles for abortion papers in sociology, consider exploring issues like the impact of abortion on family relationships, the stigma surrounding this practice, and pro-choice and pro-life activism.
⚖️ The ethics of abortion Want to study the ethical side of abortion? Consider such aspects as the moral status of the fetus, bodily autonomy, and religious perspectives.
👩‍⚕️ Abortion and physical health Abortion research paper topics can study the health effects of different pregnancy termination methods, like medications and surgeries.
🧠 Psychological aspects of abortion You can write an abortion essay in psychology. For example, research strategies to cope with grief after pregnancy termination and the role of pre and post-abortion counseling.

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Abortion

👍 Good Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Judith Thomson vs. Don Marquis Abortion Debate
    Thompson agrees that murder is immoral, as the Marquis believes, but a woman has every right to get rid of the fetus, and outsiders have the right to help her.
  2. Pros and Cons of Abortion
    Undergoing abortion is a very difficult step to take for any woman and it takes a lot of guts to take the decision. This paper will throw light upon the pros and cons of abortion.
  3. Debate of the Dangerous Consequences of Abortion
    In order to cope with the various problems resulting from abortion, it is mandatory to create an awareness campaign that informs people of the dangerous consequences of abortion.
  4. Fetal Abnormality and Ethical Dilemms of Abortion
    In the case study “Fetal Abnormality,” four characters face the same problem: an abnormal condition of a fetus and the necessity to decide if to save a child or consider abortion.
  5. Abortion: Women’s Health as Their Integral Right
    This paper will elaborate on the thesis that a woman should have the right to abortion as the best ethical decision to ensure her physical and psychological health.
  6. Justifying Abortion From Utilitarian Position
    This paper argues that abortion should be justified since a woman’s body, health and future should depend on her own consensual and conscious decisions.
  7. Discussion of Legalization of Abortion
    The paper presents annotated bibliography of sources aims at providing a clear view of various policies and laws around the globe on abortion.
  8. Thompson’s ‘A Defense of Abortion’ and Hursthouse’s ‘Virtue Theory and Abortion’
    This paper is a reading summary of two articles on the ethics of abortion, such as ‘A defense of abortion’ and ‘Virtue theory and abortion’.
  9. Abortion: Negative Impacts on Women
    Abortion is an issue that evokes controversy, with those opposed to it invoking moral and religious ground as to why it should not be allowed.
  10. Is Abortion Beneficial or Harmful To a Teenager?
    Abortion is the removal of a pregnancy before it is due. It is the elimination of a fetus or embryo from the mother’s uterus before it is due for birth.
  11. Possible Effects After Abortion
    Abortion is dangerous and unethical procedure which can damage health and psyche of a person and that is why it should be prohibited and used only in some cases of emergency.
  12. Ethics and the Right to Abortion
    The paper discusses a case in which a gynecologist must decide to perform an abortion for a woman who is a survivor of abuse in a state that prohibits the practice.
  13. Reproductive Health and Abortion Practices in Fiji
    The legalization of abortion has always been a difficult and contentious topic of discussion, both in the academic field and in politics.
  14. Social Exchange Theory and Abortion Legalization
    While the risk of having financial issues influences individuals, they will be more likely to refuse to give birth to a child because of the possible losses in the future.
  15. Abortion: Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages
    Pro-life and pro-choice have their respective stands regarding the issue of abortion. The question is whether to terminate or keep the pregnancy.
  16. Utilitarianism and Abortion: Mill’s Principle of Utility and Bentham’s Felicific Calculus
    The issue of abortion is often approached from spiritual or religious standpoints, and utilitarianism arguably has the potential to provide a refreshing perspective.
  17. Abortion and Its Moral Status
    Sometimes, our decisions inevitably affect other people’s lives and therefore involve a wide range of moral issues. This is the case with abortion.
  18. Pros and Cons of Abortion: The Importance of Women’s Rights
    For decades, abortion has been a hotly debated subject, eliciting strong and often firmly entrenched beliefs on all sides of the political spectrum.
  19. Abortion: Ethical and Moral Issues
    Abortion is one of the urgent problems worldwide, and disputes about the permissibility of abortion and infanticide have been conducted since ancient times.
  20. Abortion Legalization and Its Implications
    Legalizing abortion has both social and economic implications, leading to political differences and indifferences.
  21. Abortion and Its Legal and Moral Status
    The legal and moral status of abortion is an issue facing great controversy because of individuals’ strong beliefs in cultural values and moral perspectives.
  22. Social and Economic Problems of Abortion
    Ritualizing abortion involves cultural and religious beliefs that are intended to prevent abortions and their consequent impacts.
  23. Abortion: Arguments for Defense
    Abortion should be accepted as a way of curbing unnecessary maternal death and showing compassion to rape victims.
  24. Abortion: Arguments in Support
    This essay will explore the medical reason for an abortion to be performed. It will ask the pertinent question of why abortion should remain legal with limitations.
  25. Abortion: The Ethically Appropriate Procedure
    Based on the available evidence and the considerations of women’s rights, treating abortions as an ethically appropriate procedure seems to be a more reasonable position.
  26. Social Justice Protests Regarding Abortions
    This study aims to understand abortion rights and how they were significant in women’s equality. Roe v. Rode was a case that challenged the rule about abortion.
  27. Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics
    The Christian ethical system approaches the issue of abortion through God’s image and character while utilitarianism is concerned with maximizing happiness.
  28. Abortion Is a Woman’s Right and Should Be Legal
    Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society. Some believe that a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and believe that abortion is murder.
  29. The Controversy Around Abortion in the US
    In the US, the issue of abortion has been facing controversy. The disagreement from society is making it difficult to address the problem.
  30. Abortion With Limitations: Analysis
    Since abortion remains a divisive issue due to the presence of divergent opinions, permitting it with specific limitations is a good decision.
  31. The Abortion Prohibition Issue Analysis
    The paper analyzes the issue of the irrationality of abortion prohibition due to the ideological, sociological, medical, and legal perspectives.
  32. Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society
    Abortions should be allowed for every woman within the framework of respect for human rights and eliminating undesirable consequences for a woman’s health.
  33. Ethical Aspects of Abortion: A Moral Dilemma
    This paper discusses the ethical aspects of abortion, a controversial and highly debated topic that raises religious, moral, and other fundamental issues.
  34. Abortion Ban and Its Negative Consequences
    The choice to ban abortion will have a severe impact on women; doctors must engage judges in case a clinical feticide are necessary, causing a delay that might result in death.
  35. Abortion Abolitionists and Pro-Life Activists
    While both abortion abolitionists and pro-life activists share a variety of fundamental beliefs, they also vary in their approach and interpretation of women’s rights to abortion.

✍️ Abortion Essay Topics for College

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  1. American Democrats’ Pro-Abortion Beliefs
    The US political system consists of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. The chosen news article elaborates more on the Federal Abortion ban from these two perspectives.
  2. Sex-Selective Abortions Around the World
    Sex-selective abortion is a problem that must be addressed if we take into account the place of women in society and the effects of sex choice on interpersonal relationships.
  3. Decriminalizing Abortion for Women’s Health’s Sake
    The debate for and against abortion has caused controversies worldwide, with some groups ruling out the act as heinous.
  4. Ban on Abortions as Current Civil Rights Issue
    Even if a woman leaves a child for upbringing due to an unplanned pregnancy, it will be difficult to talk about a good emotional climate in a family.
  5. The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening
    The paper states that the morality of selective abortion and genetic screening is relative. This technology should be made available and legal.
  6. Right to Abortion and Related Ethical Issues
    This paper applies the utilitarianism approach to ethics in showing that women that have been raped or have some health complications should be free to terminate their pregnancy.
  7. “Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis
    Don Marquis is an author of an essay that argues that abortions are immoral from a non-religious standpoint. He begins with a general discussion on why killing is wrong.
  8. Abortion: A Pro-Choice Rally in Charlotte
    The article discusses the author’s experience at a pro-choice rally in Charlotte, NC, where a Christian preacher attempted to reason with the protestors and spread God’s message.
  9. Women’s Reasons for Seeking Abortions
    The cause-effect essay aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion by exploring the reasons why women seek abortions.
  10. The Advantages and the Dangers of Abortion
    The paper states that the right to abortion allows a woman the freedom to control their body. It also empowers pregnant people to manage their health.
  11. Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Sets Off New Court Fights
    The article discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to ban abortions and give states the right to decide on their local level whether they want to prohibit it or not.
  12. Abortion in Public Opinion and Legislation
    Supporters of abortion believe that embryos and fetuses cannot have full human rights since the fetus is not yet a human being.
  13. Right to Abortion: Ethical Issues
    On the one hand, abortion is the woman’s right to protect her life; on the other hand, abortion touches upon two lives minimum.
  14. Women’s Right to Abortion: Religious Perspective
    Some religious people are right to accept the US court decision on limiting women’s right to abortion. They believe that the act is murder because life starts at conception.
  15. Ethical Issue: Abortion Should Be Legal
    Abortions should be lawful because morally justifiable activities should be legal: it is an injustice to punish behaviors that are not bad.
  16. Roe v. Wade: Abortion Rights in the United States
    Since the beginning of May, the United States has been discussing the possible cancellation of the decision in the Roe v. Wade case.
  17. “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Thomson and Abortion Discussion
    “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Thomson tries to bridge the gap between supporters of abortion, and opponents, who believe that a fetus is a person.
  18. Ethics: Women’s Right to Abortion
    In the current paradigm of medicine and healthcare, abortion has become a relatively safe operation due to the increased quality of competencies and equipment.
  19. “Abortion Law and Policy Around the World”: Source Evaluation
    The paper analyzes article “Abortion law and policy around the world” which was written by Marge Berer and published in June, 2017.
  20. Abortion: The Lifesaving Procedure
    Even though abortion is a form of right to life deprivation, the act is not a crime, as some believe hence should be legalized. It can potentially be a lifesaving procedure.
  21. Why Should Abortion Be Made Legal?
    The paper states that doing an abortion before 20 weeks is permissible and has to be an option for women willing to stop their pregnancy.
  22. Abortion: Effects and Legalization
    The social stigma surrounding abortion has a negative impact on people’s mental health and their willingness to seek safe abortion services despite the legal laws.
  23. Reflection on “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson
    In her moral philosophy essay, “A Defense of Abortion,” Judith Jarvis Thomson implements thought experiments to argue in support of abortion based on two core premises
  24. The Right to Abortion Must Be Protected
    Legal abortion means respecting women’s reproductive freedom, ensuring that all children grow up wanted in safe environments, and improving the general conditions of society.
  25. Abortion Legalization and List of Circumstances
    In some cases where the expectant mother cannot handle a child, abortion in such a scenario needs legalization.
  26. Discussion: Legalization of Abortion Aspects
    The paper argues abortion needs legalization under exceptional grounds, such as when a mother’s life is at risk.
  27. Abortion Issues and Safe Practices
    Fathalla’s Safe abortion discusses solutions to preventing unsafe abortions, including sexual education, increased access to contraceptives, provision of safe abortions, etc.
  28. The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights
    This article raises the question of how people should determine what rights should be guaranteed by the constitution and what rights are core rights from birth.
  29. The Controversy Over Abortion Rights
    The paper states that the confrontation between the two movements over the years has led to the fact that abortion has become a controversial topic.
  30. The Future of Abortions in the United States
    This paper examines the different ways United States legislators have used their power to politicize abortion and argues about the future of abortion rights.
  31. The Morality of the Abortion Case
    Abortion is perceived as a morally incorrect action. This paper investigates the morality of the case and which action is supposed to be right or wrong.
  32. The Issues Surrounding Abortion
    This paper aims to find solutions to the issues surrounding abortion and to justify why the proposals need to be considered when implementing abortion laws.
  33. Abortion: Comparison and Contrast of Arguments
    Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades, with both sides of the argument often feeling very strongly about it.
  34. Abortion Policies: History, Current Issues, and Social Workers’ Roles
    This discussion is aimed at discussing abortion policies with regard to the Constitution, their history, current issues on abortion, and social workers’ roles.
  35. Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement
    This essay argues that abortions should not be publicly encouraged as it represents a serious decision for women that should be undertaken without pressure.

🎓 Most Interesting Abortion Research Titles

  1. Abortion: The Indispensable Woman’s Right
    A woman’s freedom to safe, legal abortion is an integral part of her right to privacy and physical and psychological health.
  2. Women’s Mental Health after Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion: Summary
    The results infer women who were refused abortion experienced higher levels of anxiety, lower levels of contentment, and a similar level of depression as those who had an abortion.
  3. President’s Power to Affect National Policy: The Case of Abortion
    Probably, none of the important and controversial policies can be implemented without the participation of the country’s chief executive.
  4. Affordable Abortions as a Reproductive Right of Women
    This paper examines the issue of abortion affordability as a public health and human right concern from legal and judicial perspectives.
  5. Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights: A Case for Abortion
    If one holds that a woman has the moral right to make decisions about her health and existence, the only reasonable conclusion is to acknowledge the right to abortion.
  6. Abortion Safety as Topic of Sociological Studies
    Sociological studies show that about half of all abortions are unsafe, while every third abortion is performed in dangerous circumstances.
  7. Abortion and Its Permissibility Issue
    Abortion during pregnancy is one of the discussed topics in the modern world, which sometimes becomes more acute in connection with certain incidents.
  8. Christianity Views on Abortion Concepts, the Big Bang, and the Evolution Theory
    The Bible and other Christian articles provide information related to contemporary society, views on abortion concepts, the big bang, and the evolution theory.
  9. Debates: Abortions Must Be Legal
    Access to safe and effective abortions is not only a universal human right but also an indicator of social development concerning women.
  10. A Controversial Topic of Abortion
    Abortion has been a controversial topic globally for many decades. The side of the argument an individual chooses to support depends on many factors.
  11. Ethical Issues and Concerns Regarding Abortion
    The paper is addressing contemporary ethical issues and concerns regarding abortion. The debate over this subject involves ethical arguments.
  12. Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics
    The moral acceptability of abortions has always been a disputable issue. From the perspective of pragmatic ethics, the decision to make an abortion can be acceptable and moral.
  13. Way Forward for Improving Abortion Healthcare
    The healthcare field should ensure the safety of those who want to terminate the pregnancy, the first step towards changing the situation is training enough personnel.
  14. Moral Arguments Regarding Abortion
    The paper describes that abortion laws within the US vary dramatically between states, and to understand the reason for this disparity, it is critical to list the moral arguments.
  15. “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” Act and the Judeo-Christian Worldview
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the H.R. 7 “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” act within the framework of the Judeo-Christian worldview and ethics.
  16. Ethical, Medical, and Legal Aspects of Abortion
    Abortion is a medical procedure aimed at termination of pregnancy “before the fetus is able to live independently in the extrauterine environment”.
  17. Abortions’ Negative Impacts on Modern Society
    Abortion is an immoral act or rather a crime that has diverse negative implications for individuals and the entire society.
  18. The Moral Status of a Fetus and the Acceptability of Abortion
    The case study involves four individuals presenting their views on the moral status of a fetus and the acceptability of abortion.
  19. Decriminalizing Abortion in Victoria, Australia
    The issue of abortion had been rampant in Australia, particularly in Victoria, to the point that it was considered a crime until 2007 when the government decriminalized it.
  20. Abortions. Perspectives, Federalism, Court Cases
    Abortion has been one of the most provocative topics across the globe. People have different views on whether a woman should be permitted to abort her child or not.
  21. The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill
    The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing.
  22. The Controversial Issue of Abortion
    Legal and ethical issues associated with abortion are becoming controversial every day in modern society; some people support the idea of abortion, while others disagree.
  23. Policy Debate: Argument in Support of Abortion
    Abortion is a critical issue in the support of women’s rights because usually women are more affected by the debate than men (both as a gender and individuals).
  24. The Effects of Abortions on the Black Community
    The paper states that it cannot be confidently stated that the ‘trend’ on abortion among the black community is the result of political conspiracy.
  25. Why Abortion Should Be Included in the National Healthcare Plan
    The abortion debate is one of the most controversial and irrational issues that have lacked a concrete solution for a very long time in America.
  26. Abortions: Is It a Legalized Murder?
    The views about abortion are often based on the cultural and ethical values of people and on how an individual perceives the status of the fetus.
  27. Ethics of Smoke-Free Legislation and Abortion Laws
    There are laws that are clear for the population and their importance is undeniable. A bright example is smoke-free legislation, which is crucial for the health of non-smokers.
  28. Providing the Argument Against Abortion
    The paper questions the argument against abortion that is associated with the fact that every aborted child may become a great composer, an artist, or some other prominent person.
  29. Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion
    There are various theories that have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people.
  30. An Exploration of the Abortion Debate
    The essay aims to examine whether abortion is immoral and stands against central religious practices, or rather anti-abortion laws symbolize reproductive oppression.
  31. Legal and Ethical Issues Concerning Abortion in the United Kingdom
    Samantha can legally have an abortion if she meets the legal requirements stipulated in the United Kingdom abortion Act of 1967.
  32. Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life
    The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies.
  33. Mandating Ultrasound Prior to Having an Abortion
    It is hard to stay unbiased when the issue of abortion and human life is under consideration. Each person can support or oppose mandatory ultrasound as well as abortion.
  34. “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions” by Finer
    The article’s “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions” aim is to answer the question about the reasons causing U.S. women to end a pregnancy using quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  35. Abortion Should Be Encouraged in the United States
    The legalization of abortion is a disputable issue today in the US. Feticide should be allowed, giving individuals the freedom to determine the fate of their children’s life.

💡 Simple Abortion Paper Topics

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🌶️ Hot Abortion Ideas to Write about

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🤔 Abortion Research Questions

  1. What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
  2. What Kind of Connection Exist Between Abortion and Mental Health?
  3. Does Abortion Relieve Overpopulation?
  4. Why Many Christians Oppose Abortion
  5. What Similar Features Are Seen Between Abortion and Slavery?
  6. Does Male Age Have an Influence on the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion?
  7. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion?
  8. Why Abortion Should Remain Legal?
  9. What Are the Reasons for the Choice of Abortion in American Women?
  10. What Are the Pros and Cons of Abortion, Prostitution and Gun Control?
  11. What Are Opposition and Conflicting Feelings on Abortion?
  12. Does Rape Justify Abortion?
  13. What Are the Ethical Issues Raised With Abortion?
  14. Who Should Decide the Legality of Abortion?
  15. Does Abortion Have Severe Psychological Effects?
  16. Why Abortion Attitudes Will Always Be Controversial?
  17. Does Abortion Affect Subsequent Pregnancy?
  18. Why the Abortion Controversy Is Often So Bitter Essay
  19. Why the Government Should Ban Abortion Essay
  20. Why Has Abortion Become Such a Political Issue? Who Should Have the Final Say?
  21. Why Doctors Should Not Perform Induced Abortion?
  22. What Are the Religious Arguments Concerning Contraception and Abortion?
  23. What Social, Moral and Ethical Dilemma Causes Abortion?
  24. Why Abortion Laws Should Be Changed for Teens?

📝 Abortion Argumentative Essay Topics

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Does abortion promote gender equality?
  2. Should parental consent be required for minors seeking an abortion?
  3. Is a fetus’s right to life more important than a woman’s right to choose?
  4. Is abortion acceptable in case of rape or incest?
  5. Should waiting periods and pre-abortion counseling be mandatory?
  6. Abortion: a relief or a toll on a woman’s physical and mental health?
  7. Is abortion justified in case of failed contraception?
  8. Should medical professionals be allowed to refuse to perform abortions?
  9. Should medically unnecessary abortions be criminalized?
  10. Abortion: a personal choice or a social matter?

✏️ Abortion Questions for Essay

  1. How do religious beliefs affect opinions about the legality of abortions?
  2. How do restrictive abortion laws influence women’s access to safe healthcare?
  3. What is the role of informed consent in abortion?
  4. How do socioeconomic disparities affect women’s decisions regarding abortion?
  5. What is the impact of sex education programs on the demand for abortions?
  6. What do women experience before, during, and after abortion?
  7. How does the media shape public attitudes toward abortion?
  8. How do societal attitudes toward abortion differ across the world?
  9. How did abortion laws evolve over time?
  10. Do the psychological effects of abortion differ from one woman to another?

🔎 Questions About Abortion for Research Paper

Out of ideas for your paper? Generate them instantly with our toolkit:
  1. How do cultural perceptions of motherhood affect women’s abortion decisions?
  2. How does abortion accessibility influence the rates of self-induced and unsafe abortions?
  3. What is the role of grassroots movements in shaping abortion policies?
  4. What are the long-term health consequences of multiple abortions?
  5. How do technological advancements shape how the public perceives the fetus?
  6. How do mandatory waiting periods affect women’s mental well-being?
  7. Does telemedicine improve rural women’s access to safe abortion?
  8. What is the emotional impact of mandatory pre-abortion ultrasounds on women?
  9. How does the availability of abortion affect women’s economic stability?
  10. How do personal narratives help reduce the stigma surrounding abortion?

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