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429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Are you looking for a good drugs research title? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has prepared a list of engaging drug essay topics and questions for your project, discussion, debate, and other assignments.

💊 TOP 7 Drug Presentation Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Drugs

  1. The Consequences of Drug Abuse
    Drug abuse negatively affects all spheres of human activity. It leads to serious disturbances in the work of internal organs and their dysfunction.
  2. Teenage Drug Addiction Problem
    The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both positive and negative effects. This essay aims at discussing the phenomenon of teenage drug addiction.
  3. Shoppers Drug Mart: History, Founder, SWOT Analysis
    This paper aims to provide a full review of Shoppers Drug Mart’s internal and external operations. The author examines the history of the company and its founder, Murray Koffler.
  4. Effects of Drug Use on Society
    Every society encounters a variety of problems that it needs to address, and one of the most common is drug use among the population.
  5. Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It
    This paper aims to examine several theories explaining drug addiction. The theories for analysis are biological, psychological, and sociological.
  6. Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs
    The present paper will explain the content of three articles relating to the issue of Alcohol and drug use while also providing a personal reflection on the readings.
  7. Case Study of Drug Addiction
    The case study provides a platform for evaluating treatment priorities and agencies crucial for the full recovery of substance abuse patients.
  8. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs: Use Consequences
    Although tobacco, alcohol, and drugs cause severe physical and mental health problems and spoil a person’s social life, the image created for them contributes to harm devaluation.
  9. How Drugs Influence the Crimes
    This essay discusses five major questions about ‘Drug and Crimes’, namely, what is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior?, etc.
  10. Drug Addiction and Best Treatment Practices
    This paper will determine the role of treatment in the recovery process and analyze the best evidence-based practices.
  11. Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction
    The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern.
  12. The Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs
    The information herein identifies particular risk factors that expose the global community to the objectionable concerns linked with the goods.
  13. Shoppers Drug Mart Company’s Retail Networks
    The paper presents the analysis of business concept applications on the example of the Shoppers Drug Mart company. It suggests ways to maintain the market share of retail networks.
  14. Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective
    The focus of the paper will be mainly on marijuana use, and such utilitarian principles as the principle of utility and the felicific calculus will be primarily applied.
  15. Causes and Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Addiction
    Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors.
  16. Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions
    The problem of illegal drug use is a major health issue in the United States, it affects thousands of people, the specified concern must be handled on the level of state policies.
  17. Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs
    When a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a legal protection that shelters an invention from being used, copied, or traded without permission.
  18. Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug
    The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and external circumstances.
  19. Drug Testing in Pharmacology
    The aim of this paper is to analyze and review drug tests within the population of third-world countries and define whether these trials are ethical.
  20. Mandatory Drug Tests for Nursing Students
    Nursing schools have therefore tried to address this issue and one of the most commonly used tools is the mandatory drug test.
  21. Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Families
    Because of the lack of control that a substance abuse patient has over their actions, families of the people that develop chemical dependency are under constant threat.
  22. Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction
    As a result of drug misuse, there are changes in the functioning of neurological pathways in the human brain, with the associated physical; and mental health deterioration.
  23. The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption
    This paper discusses that drug abuse and corruption deserve attention. It introduces causes and reasons for drug abuse and corruption.
  24. “Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett
    The war against drugs in the United States has reached a new level. Such an outcome is conditional upon the recent measures that politicians are discussing.
  25. Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace
    Alcohol and drug abuse is one of the major causes of accidents in the workplace. Random alcohol and drug tests would discourage employees of organization from abusing alcohol or drugs.
  26. Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development
    Within the context of a potential intervention for drug abuse, the roles and competencies of leaders are the primary emphasis of this paper.
  27. Drug Misuse and Its Effects on Children
    Health and body functioning are negatively affected, and the condition may manifest itself in drug dependence or an array of other harmful and problematic behaviors.
  28. Drugs and Social Life in Iceland
    The nature of drug use in Iceland can be described as experimental — young people see something new in them and decide to try it out.
  29. Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior
    Various groups of drugs greatly vary and relate to violence in different ways. Any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts punishable by law.
  30. Drug Addiction among Nurses
    The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Drug abuse among nurses is a serious problem that threatens the quality care that is offered.
  31. Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs
    The classification of drugs as either legal or illegal provides a baseline foundation for the effect on victims and the attribute of addiction.
  32. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays
    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the measurement of chemical or biochemical parameters in the lab to inform drug prescribing procedures.
  33. Juvenile Drug Abuse Problems Analysis
    This essay describes the problem of juvenile drug use and applies the relevant delinquency theory. Additionally, the interventions or programs to fix the issue will be highlighted.
  34. Apis Mellifica as a Homeopathic Drug for Headaches
    Homeopathy is one of the systems of alternative medicine. The paper investigates the effectiveness of using a homeopathic drug to address headaches.
  35. Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations
    It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers. However, it also affects various aspects of society.
  36. Drug Dependency: Construction of a Rehabilitation Center
    Creating a program that would act as a foundation to help drug addicts recover from drug usage would help lessen drug dependency.
  37. The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime
    Drug trafficking is among the recently organized crimes, and it has a direct influence on the economy as it earns a lot of money.
  38. Drug Dealing on College Campuses
    Regardless of the attention given to the issue, the effects of drugs on students are always understated. It is typical because the entire scope of the problem is rarely understood.
  39. Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech
    The illegality of drugs makes it impossible to research the actual numbers of people using drugs and situations making these persons initiate drug abuse and harm their health.
  40. The Phenomenon of The Use of Prescription Drugs
    The need to have a prescription before the drugs are acquired is usually applied in order to prevent illegal distribution, and effective use of such medicine.

❓ Research Questions About Drugs

  1. How Can Illegal Drugs Be Prevented From Entering Prison?
  2. Can Economic Aid Make a Difference in the Flow of Drugs?
  3. Are Novel Drugs Riskier for Patients Than Less Novel Drugs?
  4. Can the Drugs Problem Be Tackled Primarily Through Legal Enforcement?
  5. Do Drugs Are Barriers to Our Future?
  6. Are Anabolic Steroids Really Pernicious Deleterious Drugs?
  7. How Can Kids Best Be Convinced Not for Do Drugs?
  8. Have Newer Cardiovascular Drugs Reduced Hospitalization?
  9. Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods in the U.S.?
  10. How Dangerous Are Drugs?
  11. Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Overprescribed for Treating Mental Illness?
  12. How Dangerous Are Drugs and What Can We Do About the Drug Problem?
  13. Are Drugs Taking Away the Excitement in Sports?
  14. How Antidepressant Drugs Work Effect Us?
  15. Does Medicaid Pay Too Much for Prescription Drugs?
  16. Are Drugs More Detrimental to Educational Attainment?
  17. Are Diet Drugs Are Safe for People?
  18. Can Pharmacogenomics Improve Drugs Safely?
  19. Does Price Reveal Poor-Quality Drugs?
  20. How Are Biosimilar Drugs More Extensive Than Those of Generic?
  21. Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods?
  22. Does Previous Marijuana Use Increase the Use of Other Drugs?
  23. How Are Drugs and Alcohol Affecting the Teenagers?
  24. Are Any Drugs Derived From the Ocean Presently Approved?
  25. Are the More Educated More Likely to Use New Drugs?
  26. Does Coffee Contain Drugs?
  27. Has the Time Come to Legalize Drugs?
  28. How Cost-Effective Are New Cancer Drugs in the U.S.?
  29. Are Adolescents With Abusive Parents at a Greater Risk of Abusing Drugs?
  30. Can Production and Trafficking of Illicit Drugs Be Reduced?

👍 Good Drugs Research Topics & Essay Examples

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  1. Adderall Drug’s Impact on Cognitive Performance
    By exploring the effects of Adderall on cognitive performance, this research will contribute to an understanding of how this drug affects the brain and behavior.
  2. Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice?
    Drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. The problem of whether drug addiction can be viewed as a disease or a choice remains topical.
  3. Drug Addiction as Moral Failure
    The paper shows that drug abuse cannot be viewed as a moral failure. Kuhar’s scientific examinations made him come to that conclusion.
  4. Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors
    Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences.
  5. Negative Effects of Drugs on Voice
    The essay explores the influence of drug intake on the singer’s voice and illustrate the importance of the topic for the singer’s vocal cords maintenance.
  6. Drugs and Alcohol Influence on Drivers
    Excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs deprive the driver of conscious control over the vehicle, leading to catastrophic consequences.
  7. The Practice of Nursing Research: Drug Round Tabards
    The study has several implications for hospitals and nurses involved in medication distribution. It demonstrates that the implementation of drug round tabards is worth attention.
  8. The Effects of Drugs on a Man’s Reproductive System
    In this article, the author examines the reasons why drug and alcohol abuse negatively affects the reproductive health of men.
  9. Drug Abuse in Homeless Community
    The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being.
  10. Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse
    Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field.
  11. Miami Drug Wars of the 70s and 80s
    Drug use is a subject that has raised controversies for decades. This paper focuses on the drug wars in Miami outlining their social, political, and economic impacts.
  12. Combating the Local Drug Distribution
    This annotated bibliography discusses articles dedicated to combating the local drug distribution and eliminating the Drug markets.
  13. The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book
    In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse.
  14. Arguments For and Against Allowing Drug Use in Sports
    The main argument supporting the drug use in sports is that the drugs are medicines, improving the organism ability to mobilize its potential.
  15. Criminalizing Drug Usage: Effects and Consequences
    This paper critically examines the views that criminalization of drug use leads to greater social problems and harms individuals.
  16. Drugs and Drug Related Crimes
    Obviously the current strategy of the government isn’t working and it is backfiring. The government needs to do something new.
  17. Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs
    “War on Drugs” has both positive and negative impact on criminal justice, creating certain stereotypes and putting pressure on the law enforcement agencies.
  18. Mechanism of Action and Clinical Application of Antiviral Drugs
    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first reported in 1981 by the Centers for Disease Control, with the identification of the HIV-1 as the causative agent.
  19. Performance Enhancing Drugs Legalization in Sports
    The question that was going to be answered through various arguments in this paper was whether these drugs should be legalized.
  20. Drug Interactions Prevention in Nursing Guidelines
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed new guidelines to dictate how and when medications should be provided.
  21. The Crisis of Drug Addiction
    This essay will focus on the crisis of drug addiction in general. It will also include some factors that lead to drug abuse. The paper will cover the dynamics of drug addiction in the USA.
  22. Drug’s, Poverty’s and Beauty’s Effects on Health
    Some serious health outcomes emanate from frequent consumption of drugs, poverty, and a stringent adherence to the global trends of beauty.
  23. Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community
    The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems.
  24. Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents
    The current paper focuses on the topic of drug abuse and alcohol-related crimes among teenagers, showing that substances remain the most notable factor in juvenile crime.
  25. Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity
    The boosting effect of drugs on creativity is a myth because changes in thinking are a brain reaction to a narcotic that is temporary yet severe.
  26. The Anti-Drug Programs in Boston
    The history of drug abuse across the US has been a challenge for decades. There were various anti-drug programs introduced in Boston to curb the spread of its use in the city.
  27. Victimless Crimes: Drug Abuse and Sex Work
    This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology.
  28. Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program
    Successful addiction treatment is comprised of three aspects, constructing the addiction treatment: body, mind, and soul.
  29. Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments
    The paper will give a review of a treatment approach to drug abuse and describe the effects of substance abuse on a person who is in college.
  30. The Problem of Legalizing Drugs
    The problem of drugs legalization is a topic for debate in many countries where politicians, sociologists, philosophers, and other experts try to address the consequences of using drugs.
  31. Doctors’ Knowledge on Drug Prescription
    The reason why doctors have little knowledge of the drugs they prescribe is misplaced priorities during clinical trials.
  32. Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Development
    Drug development is a lengthy process but rightly so since the result should be playing a curative role and not disease inducer.
  33. Medication Safety and Drug Therapy Process
    This article reviews the literature on medication safety from a global perspective. It discusses how the drug therapy process has influenced medication safety.
  34. Reducing Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults
    According to recent studies, one of the leading causes of severe complications is adverse drug events (ADEs) due to unaccounted drug-to-drug interactions.
  35. War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win
    The spread of drugs is showing a steady growth trend; its adverse consequences are very multifaceted both for the drug addicts themselves and for the society in which they exist.
  36. A Right to Experimental Drugs
    The question of whether patients should have access to experimental drugs for treatment is based on the ethical standards governing the protection of humans in this area.
  37. Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction
    The moral model of addiction is a notion that has very little in common with biological or genetic components of addiction. The disease model of addiction is a lifelong addiction.
  38. Food and Drug Administration History
    The paper provides a brief introduction, background, and history of the FDA and the ways in which it operates, and the practices implemented.
  39. Psychotherapy and Counseling for Drug Abuse Treatment
    Drugs are the biggest vice of humanity, along with the mental and moral deviations, horrible diseases of modern times, social neglect and abuse it causes and goes along with.
  40. Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Firm Analysis
    Eli Lilly and Company is an American drug firm whose head office is situated in Indianapolis. Eli Lilly and Company cares about its clientele by monitoring the benefits and risks of its drugs.

✏️ Topics about Drugs for Argumentative Essay

  1. The legalization of recreational marijuana: pros and cons.
  2. Should drug users be criminalized or treated?
  3. Are drug companies liable for the opioid crisis?
  4. Are safe injection sites effective in preventing drug overdoses?
  5. The gateway drug theory: reality or a myth?
  6. Are mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses justified?
  7. The impact of zero tolerance drug policies in schools.
  8. The therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances.
  9. Why is drug testing essential in the workplace?
  10. Should drug education programs be mandatory in schools?

🌶️ Hot Drug Topics to Write about

  1. Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation’s Retail and Services
    Shoppers Drug Mart pays significant attention to the development of an efficient retail network that makes the business attractive to customers.
  2. Computerized Entry of Drug Prescribing Order
    The core of CPOE lies in the idea that it can replace recipes that are written manually with electronic orders. This approach involves reducing text recognition errors.
  3. Drug Dependency and Behavioral Addictions
    Drug dependency is often described as a chronic brain condition that causes the patient to seek out drug substances without control or consideration for their negative effects.
  4. Drug Criminalization: Causes and Effects
    A comparison of the points made by opponents and proponents of drug decriminalization shows the differences between their overviews of the causes of drug crimes.
  5. The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work
    Employees should not sleep with their bosses to get promotions and pay raises because it does not conform to honesty and fairness.
  6. The History of Drug Addiction and Control
    The paper states that drug initiation can be considered a system of relations between the adolescent, family, drug culture, and society.
  7. What Are the Costs of Drug Addiction to Society?
    The essay will explore the overwhelming economic and social costs of drug addiction to society and outline how can confront and reduce the costs of drug addiction.
  8. The Drug Legalization Debate: A Complex Issue With Compelling Arguments
    Numerous social issues and concerns require close attention from the American government, including the problem of drug legalization.
  9. The Aspects of the Drug Use and Media
    The paper states that it is true when the media portrays drug and alcohol use in a glamorous light or when characters do not experience negative consequences.
  10. Drug Abuse in Pregnant Women: Effective Ways to Combat
    Several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution.
  11. Monitoring Analysis of Drug Courts: The Value of Drug Courts
    The value of drug courts is expressed in their positive impact on drug-related crime statistics in the first years after completion of a drug treatment program.
  12. Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States
    Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems.
  13. The Issue of Misuse of Prescription Drugs
    The paper discusses the growing problem of prescription drug abuse in the United States, its consequences such as addiction and overdose, and possible solutions.
  14. Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options
    Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  15. Disclosure and Nondisclosure in Drugs Prescription
    The case focuses on the ethical and legal implications of prescribing new medication currently in the development stage for a child under the age of 12.
  16. Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion
    There are reasons why nurses are at risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work with nurses who illegally use drugs.
  17. Drugs and Violence Go Hand in Hand
    From the point of view of American researchers, substance abuse increases the chances of subjects being drawn into conflict relationships.
  18. Alcohol in the Drugs and Behavior Context
    It is no secret that alcohol and human health are incompatible things. The most significant influence of alcohol falls on the cerebral cortex.
  19. Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations
    The campaign conducted by Alcohol and Drug Foundation is a vivid example of how the theories and practices of PR can help alter people’s behavior.
  20. Illegal Drugs: Types and Influences
    Illegal drugs include substances that affect the body and the brain of a person. They are divided into several groups, depending on the method of use and the impact on the brain.
  21. Wellbutrin and Lexapro: Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitters
    Wellbutrin and Lexapro are effective drugs in the fight against depressive disorder. However, the drugs are addictive.
  22. Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America
    The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually.
  23. Incretin Mimetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes
    In patients with type 2 diabetes, there is a significant decrease in the incretin effect and a decrease in insulin secretion in response to an oral load.
  24. Drug Addiction: The Brain Disease
    Drug addiction acts similarly to neurological diseases. Substances directly affected the brain, with addiction being the most acute phase of substance use disorder.
  25. Random Drug Testing at the Workplace
    Employees in law enforcement, public health and safety, and national security should all be subjected to random drug testing.
  26. Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety
    Though numerous new technologies have been developed to improve healthcare delivery, drug errors continue to be an issue in the United States.
  27. Drug Repurposing in Cancer Treatment
    This article examines the concept of drug repurposing in the context of pharmaceutical companies’ innovation policy: the methods and economic feasibility of repurposing drugs.
  28. Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs
    It is necessary to examine whether terminal patients have a moral right to the experimental treatment and suggest possible outcomes for this type of cure.
  29. Public Policies Related to Drug Addiction
    Public policies related to drug addiction need to be enforced in a compassionate manner that pays attention to the unique needs of American society.
  30. Economic Evaluation: Prevention of Suicide and Drug Overdose
    The economic evaluation of the provided scenario was conducted in four dimensions: cost-of-illness, programmatic, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses.
  31. The War on Drugs in the United States
    The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on Drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon.
  32. Zero Discrimination for People Who Use Drugs
    From all of the above, it follows that HIV-infected prisoners should have the same access to timely and high-quality medical care as the population.
  33. The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana
    Drug usage is one of Indiana’s most serious societal problems, affecting the state’s health, economy, behavioral, and criminal elements.
  34. The Effect of an Antimicrobial Drug on Gene Expression
    This paper critically evaluates methods and techniques that can be used to assess the effect of an antimicrobial drug on global gene expression.
  35. Drugs: Myths and Misconceptions
    Starting from the very beginning of the twentieth century and ending even today, drugs as a topic have been surrounded by a mass of myths and misconceptions.
  36. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Transmission Involving Drug Use
    Preventive techniques need to target drug addicts and sex workers to combat the STD epidemic and offer interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviors and drug use.
  37. Psychotropic Drugs Usage, Effects, Consequences
    Numerous aspects determine the effectiveness of drug therapy with psychotropic medication, for example, the appropriateness of the choice of pills for the disease.
  38. The Problems of Drug Misuse and Abuse and Their Management
    This research aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  39. Drug Prescription Issues and Abuse
    This paper aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  40. History of Drug Use in Incarceration
    The history of drug use in prisons go beyond 2008 with some documents indicating a steady rise in drug use between 1980 and 2008.

✍️ War on Drugs Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. The war on drugs: the causes of its failures.
  2. The impact of the war on drugs on minorities.
  3. The link between the war on drugs and mass incarceration.
  4. Alternatives to the war on drugs.
  5. The war on drugs and human rights violations.
  6. The economic costs of the war on drugs.
  7. The effects of the war on drugs on drug prices and availability.
  8. The impact of drug prohibition on drug use patterns.
  9. The influence of the war on drugs on drug-producing countries.
  10. Unintended adverse effects of the war on drugs.

🎓 Most Interesting Research Topics about Drugs

  1. Rohypnol and Illegal Drugs in Clinical Trials
    The current paper discusses Rohypnol. It is a generic drug known as flunitrazepam which contains lorazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam.
  2. Media Misinformation About Drug Use
    The United States is one of the countries with the strictest policies, rules, and regulations against the peddling and abuse of illicit drugs.
  3. A Spontaneous Reporting System for Drug Safety Surveillance
    Post-marketing in clinical trials uses a spontaneous reporting system for drug safety surveillance where potential AEs induced by the drugs are detected.
  4. The Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on Date Rape
    While drugs can affect mental health and make the victim forget everything, the perpetrators indulge in alcohol abuse to escape the blame and deny non-consensual sex.
  5. Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons
    Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide.
  6. Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains
    As with any other infectious disease, TB exhibits specific signs and symptoms that help distinguish it from other illnesses.
  7. Correlation of HIV, AIDS in White Males Who Are Injection Drug Users
    The testable hypothesis for this work states that socioeconomic status is correlated with HIV/AIDS in white males who are injection drug users.
  8. Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients
    The paper uses various drug addiction assessment methods to examine the severity, give clinicians insight into the problem and assist in psychotherapy.
  9. COVID-19 Epidemic and Alcohol and Drug Addiction
    The sudden life changes during the COVID-19 epidemic make it difficult for people who suffer from alcohol and drug dependence to fight their addictions.
  10. High-Level Drug Trafficking in Australia
    Media articles explain the problem of narcotics trafficking across the Australian border. Australia is an effective participant in international drug trafficking organizations.
  11. Drug Addiction and Stigmatization
    The horrifying nature of stigmatization is one of the perplexing factors of drug addiction, so society should understand the role of mental and physical help for such people.
  12. Drug Addiction: Analysis of Goeders and Guerin Research
    Goeders & Guerin (1994) point out that anxiety and stress may be involved in drug use and increased risk of dependency, as these are involved in the etiology of cocaine use.
  13. COVID-19 and Drugs at Schools as Public Health Issues
    This paper discusses two articles on community and public health issues, specifically, concerning COVID vaccination and drugs at schools.
  14. Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative
    There is a significant unmet need for the treatment of many neglected diseases, as well as for patient groups impacted by these.
  15. Drug Abuse at the Workplace and a Policy to Address It
    In this proposal, a policy to address worker substance abuse and addiction, will be discussed, with both its major goals and potential benefits being outlines.
  16. Drug Legalization: Arguments For and Against
    Some people would say that the U.S. should stop the war on drugs because this war caused enormous imprisonment of small-time drug dealers.
  17. Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drugs
    The United States Department of Justice reported that Apotex Corporation, among other drug manufacturers, paid over $400 to settle violations of the False Claims Act.
  18. The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens
    The drug-resistant pathogens phenomenon has endangered the efficacy of drugs such as antibiotics which have helped transform modern medicine and saved countless lives.
  19. Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports
    The use of drugs is prohibited in professional sports. As for the drugs that do not improve performance, they also require control.
  20. Forensic Drug Analysis Course: Reflection
    The most interesting part of the course is the study of various techniques for the analysis of substances and their impact on forensic research.
  21. The Adverse Consequences of Substance Use Tool and the Psychoactive Drug History
    The patient is a 25-years old White male, homosexual, currently single. He has a medical history of having a severe case of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, clinical depression.
  22. Vaccine and Antiviral Drug Supply and Distribution Problem
    Once the cause of the vaccine and antiviral drugs supply and distribution problem is established, it becomes possible to offer a solution.
  23. Drug Addiction Treatment & Benchmark Program
    Drug addiction is an illness that has no easy cure but instead requires in-depth research to take into account various therapy factors.
  24. The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South”
    The purpose of this paper is to explore how the Mexican drug war and cartels and their influences on Hispanic culture are reflected in this Netflix series.
  25. Improving Drug Administration in Healthcare Facility
    The improvement plan consists of consecutive steps to be followed by a medical facility to ensure drug administration safety.
  26. Decriminalizing the Simple Possession of Illegal Drugs
    The decriminalization of illicit drugs has been mentioned as one of the most effective ways of dealing with the crisis in America.
  27. National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
    This paper will consider the fourth principle of the organization’s ethical code, which reads: “Working in a culturally diverse world.”
  28. Law Enforcement of Drug Business on the Demand Side
    Law enforcement of the drug business on the demand side would not be an effective method of reducing the market.
  29. Evaluating Harm Reduction Program for Drug Users
    The target population of this quantitative study includes substance users with a focus on drug addicts. Harm reduction program addresses the needs of drug addicts who seek help.
  30. Effects of the War on Drugs on Latinos in the US and the Role of Stereotypes
    Analysis of the effects of the war on drugs in the US on the Latino community, including the link to mass incarceration and the role of stereotypes in the anti-drugs efforts.
  31. Drug Cartels in Mexico: Definition, Background, Mexican War on Drugs
    Mexican drug cartels, as one of the most powerful and well-known internationally, present the primary focus of interest in the research paper.
  32. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization
    The paper explains why the FDA has created a global strategy for fulfilling its mission and what are the costs and benefits to society of a more globalized food market.
  33. Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction
    Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations.
  34. Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation
    Understanding that the consumption of particular drugs causes physical changes is essential in ascertaining the probability of a specific type of domestic violence.
  35. Drug Production During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19
    The essay argues that the US healthcare system is not suited to properly address crises as COVID-19 has illustrated.
  36. High U.S. Drug Prices: Health Policy Log
    This paper presents a health policy log on why are U.S. drug prices so high, including a brief summary of the topic discussed, and an analysis of the health policy issue.
  37. Why Adolescents Take Drugs: Human Development
    Delinquent and irresponsible behaviors such as substance abuse, violence, and unsafe safe practices produce serious social and health implications.
  38. Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
    Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfill to increase recovery rates.
  39. The Influence of Drugs and Social Media
    Limitless online resources are used to search for helpful information and to harass, torment anonymously, or provoke others.
  40. War on Drugs: Causes and Problems
    Ever since a declaration on the war on drugs was made a few decades ago, arguments have not been far off. Top on the list of these disputes has been the issue of drug legalization.

📌 Easy Drugs Essay Topics

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🔎 Current Research Topics on Drugs

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This article has covered:

✏️ Catchy drug titles for essays Whether you’re looking for a topic about illegal drugs or those used in medicine, StudyCorgi has a suitable title for you.
❓ Drug research questions Searching for drug research project ideas? On this page, you’ll find topics about various drug-related issues, including drug trafficking, drug testing, and drug addiction.
✅ A+ drug essay examples You’ll find many samples of persuasive and argumentative essays, analytical papers, and informative essays raising awareness of drug abuse and other drug-related problems.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi. "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

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