Nurse Practice Act Changes in Florida

Introduction Regarding the important changes in the Nurse Practice Act of the Florida state, it possible to mention that the most recent event is the change in the advanced practice licensure. The post with this news was published on the Florida Board of Nursing website on October 4, 2018. It...

Communication in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication as a basic human ability to verbally and non-verbally exchange information is of grave importance in professional nursing. It is fundamental for each nurse to be able to communicate properly in order to comply with practice standards, fit within legal or ethical boundaries, and be able to address...

Saint Louis Medical Center: Budget Development Assignment

Introduction Healthcare managers regard budgets as crucial tools that help them to regulate their facilities’ finances and other processes to guarantee efficient and sustainable operations. This paper provides an evidence-based workforce budgeting framework that seeks to help Saint Louis Medical Center (SLMC) in controlling financial expenditures in its Cardiac Unit....

Childhood Obesity: Methods and Data Collection

Extraneous Variables There are four main extraneous variables in the proposed study. First of all, parent’s health literacy might affect the success of education on lifestyle changes. Secondly, differences in medications used to manage childhood obesity could also influence the outcomes of the intervention. Lastly, the children’s lifestyle, such as...

Nature and Humans in Williams’ “Refuge”

The work of an American environmentalist and writer Terry Tempest Williams “Refuge: an Unnatural History of Family and Place” deals with the issues of life in its multiple manifestations. In this book, Williams delivers a story of her life experience as a woman, a daughter, a person who loves nature,...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Katie Eriksson’s Theory

Introduction The nursing profession is a responsible occupation that requires commitment and hard work. Despite the fact that this area is entirely related to medicine, it has some philosophical concepts that can be applied in order to analyze the essence of this field and its key aspects. Moreover, in addition...

Life with Heart Failure: Research Methodology

Extraneous Variables In addition to the main variables, including the readmission level of people with congestive heart failure (CHF) and patient well-being, some extraneous criteria may also be taken into account. In particular, the degree of exercise as one of the components of the intervention can be considered. According to...

Hilton Hotel’s Staff Training and Development

With the increasing pace of work, customer expectations tend to grow as well. The hotel industry is characterized by the need for timely and high-quality service to satisfy customers and keep them loyal. In the Hilton Hotel, the customers note that some employees may be unfriendly and inefficient in providing...

Pressure Ulcer Intervention and Its Effectiveness

Abstract The paper focuses on one of the biggest problems of the modern healthcare system: pressure ulcers. Although considerable breakthroughs in medicine have enabled medical workers to save people’s lives and provide them with the highest quality of care, a viable approach to managing pressure ulcers has not been found...

Managing the Problem of HIV Among Gay Men at the Community Level

Addressing the Problem of HIV at the Population Level among Gay Men in a Local Community Since there are noticeable disparities in the degree of HIV contraction among gay men belonging to different ethnicities, a detailed analysis of the factors to which the vulnerable groups are exposed must be due....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wasted Resources and Efforts in US Healthcare

Currently, the healthcare expenditures in the United States continue to grow with exponentially high rates with policymakers attempting to slow the number of wasted resources and efforts in the industry. This assignment briefly describes three manifestations of wasted resources and efforts in health care, such as poorly managed care transitions,...

Wasted Efforts in American Healthcare

To provide proper medical and nursing care, it is of great importance to developing a good resource management strategy. For instance, any assets available to care providers should be used in a way that maximizes their effectiveness and prevents extra expenses. Nowadays, waste resources in modern healthcare systems include money...

Chapters 25-26 of Jordan’s “Fundamentals of Choral Conducting”

Basics for choral conductors working with instrumentalists include such aspects as verbal and gestural communication, using the baton, articulation, and bowing. Verbally, the conductor is recommended to address instrumentalists in the same fashion he or she would attend a choir. The best course of action in terms of tuning the...

Taco Bell Restaurant’s Target Market in Queensland

The expansion of Taco Bell to Queensland, Australia is a viable solution to attract more customers and increase the company’s profits. As a quick-service restaurant, Taco Bell is a cheap dining option for people who want affordable, crunchy, and fast eating. It is possible to choose students (17-24 year-olds) as...

Healthcare Delivery Models in Nursing Practice

Using personal experience in nursing practice is an important component of successful work, and following specific patterns of care helps to achieve good patient outcomes. Various healthcare delivery programs aimed at helping people with various ailments have several advantages since their use not only contributes to faster treatment but also...

Nurse-Patient Interactions Study Methodology

Data Analysis Plans The present section proposes a data analysis plan for a study dedicated to the interactions between nurses and patients with a focus on the patients with heart failure and their readmissions. The following research question is the central one: how can nurses improve the level of caregiving...

Nursing Care During the Pre-Discharge Period

Introduction This research aims at studying the interactions between nurses and patients during the pre-discharge period. The main research question is “How can nurses improve the level of caregiving for patients during the pre-discharged period?”. There are also several supplementary questions concerning the improvement of the efficiency of their performance...

College Experience and Bachelor of Nursing Degree

Background, Goals, and Aspirations The decision to enter a college to become a nurse was a turning point in my professional development. I have always wanted to promote well-being among vulnerable populations and encourage patient education, and the experience gained in college shaped me as a nurse. Although the studying...

Registered Nurse Who Creates History

Years Selected Nurse Has Been an RN The selected nurse has been working in the environment of nursing and healthcare for 6.5 years. Over the specified period of time, the nurse managed to acquire a significant amount of information about meeting the needs of a wide range of patients, including...

Character Analysis in “The Yellow Paper” by Gilman

The Yellow Paper is a short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and published in 1892. The text is written in the first person, and it reports the inexorable plunging of the narrator into dissociation and madness. The Yellow Paper lends itself to several interpretations, and it reflects the cultural...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hegemony vs. Counter Hegemony: Power & Speech

Hegemony is commonly defined as a method of subordinating another population by forcing consent to domination and a foreign ideology. A key concept in hegemony is the naturalization of power relations by creating an illusion that the domination is status quo. Language and culture are common means of achieving this....

The 9/11 Attack Justification and Its Plausibility

The events that occurred on September 11, 2001, will always remain a national tragedy for the American nation. The terrorist attack that took the lives of nearly 3,000 people is an example of an unquestionable crime that has affected the American population in a tremendous way (Mash, Fullerton, Benevides, &...

Low Nurse Staffing in Hospital Settings

Introduction The problem of low staffing levels in the nursing setting has existed for many years (McHugh & Ma, 2014). Causing a significant drop in the quality of provided services, the issue has led to a steep rise in the number of medical errors, negative patient outcomes (e.g., instances of...

Advanced Practice Nurses in Primary Family Care

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Education

Introduction The completed course has equipped me with skills that can transform my care delivery philosophy. I have understood the importance of practice approaches such as cultural competence and multidisciplinary teams. The purpose of this personal reflection is to outline the knowledge acquired after completing this nursing course. Skills and...

Healthcare Professionals’ Cultural Competence: Personal Assessment

Introduction It is necessary to note that that the role of cultural competence has been increasing over the years. The issue is that many health care professionals do not view some of the points as significant and frequently disregard them. However, the health and well-being of an individual could be...

Theories of Value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo

Theories of value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo explain why goods are exchanged for certain amounts of money in the market. Both theorists stated that labor is the basis of all value and that the value of a good can be estimated by the number of labor hours needed...

Research and Global Health: Obesity and Overweight

The article “Overweight and Obesity among Children: An Evaluation of a Walking Program” by Zuraikat and Dugan (2015) reveals that indeed obesity is a health issue that needs to be addressed with urgency not only in the U.S. but also globally. The two authors confirm that a walking program may...

Childhood Relationships & Adolescent Mental Health

The research article by Shin, Cho, Shin, & Park (2016) aimed to analyze the relationship between adolescent psychological adjustment and early peer relationships. This topic is important to consider because the way in which children socialize at the early stages of their development influences their future behaviors. Peer relationships encompass...

Towns and Their Roles in Feudal Europe

In Feudal Europe, towns commenced emerging at the crossroads of trade routes and became the centers of crafts and commerce. The development of trade contributed to economic growth and, as a result, the capitalist relations among urban citizens began to take shape. The city administration was the major institutional arrangement...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Defense Mechanisms in Psychological Practice

Psychological defense mechanisms protect individuals from experiencing unpleasant emotions, such as anxiety and guilt. Each person without exception utilizes them though may be unaware of this. In my life, there were a lot of situations when various defense mechanisms helped me to cope. For example, some time ago, I started...

Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges

The issue of organizational control and surveillance is one of the most critical aspects of a manager’s job. At Bridgestone Aiken, it was essential to prompt diligence and a constructive approach to problem-solving in the workplace, which was rather difficult given the diverse environment and the multiple opportunities for cross-cultural...

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations: Experience

Introduction Establishing control in the context of the Bridgestone Aiken company was a crucial landmark on the way to improving the quality of the produced goods. Although the overall workplace environment within the specified setting could be defined as quite employee-friendly and comfortable, the lack of control and the absence...

Leading Theories Testing and Application

Introduction While being rather basic, Mayo’s HRT worked miraculously well in the Bridgestone Aiken setting. The members of the Mixing Department were particularly impressed with the willingness of the organization to create the setting in which they feel most comfortable and remove the factors that they deem as distracting. Culture-related...

Communication Principles in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication is equally important in personal and professional life. However, in health care, improper information exchange could lead to adverse or even lethal patient outcomes (Hood, 2018). Due to this factor, communication as an aspect of the nursing profession can be considered vital and worthy of discussion. In this...

Evidence-Based Practice in Hospital Nursing

The selected organization for this learning activity is the hospital I work for. The leaders at this facility encourage practitioners to use different national databases to identify and incorporate EBP whenever delivering patient care. Some of them include the Joanna Briggs Institute, PubMed, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and...

Chronic Pain Management Studies: Population of Interest

Chosen POI The population of interest selected for this paper includes patients on chronic pain management. Such patients represent a significant population whose issues are numerous and complex. In particular, in the sphere of caring and treatments for patients with chronic pain, there are several ever-present pressing issues such as...

Scholarly Activities Available for American Nurses

Overview There is a wide range of scholarly activities available for nurses in the United States of America at the present moment. It is necessary to state that such engagements increase medical personnel’s competitiveness, competency in specific spheres of knowledge, and make them aware of certain problems that are important...

Health Statistics on Breastfeeding in the U.S.

Women of reproductive age, representing several races, including Hispanics, African Americans, and Asians. The population evaluated was of the nation in general and Florida State in particular. Their health and social status were not taken into account. The data was analyzed and gathered with the help of several sources. These...

Medical Education of Patients

Healthcare institutions need to develop measures for improving the medicines use safety Problem description Negative consequences Nowadays situation Raising awareness Solutions Note: Safe medicines use is the basis of healthcare, and ignoring safety rules leads to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Nowadays, many medical institutions face the problem of negligence...

Nursing Professionalism and Professional Values

The profession of nurse is frequently underestimated in terms of its significance in the patient treatment process. However, even though a doctor takes more responsibility for direct medical interference, it is the nurse who ensures proper communication and patient care. For this reason, nursing implies a number of moral, ethical,...

F. Nightingale’s Philosophy and Millennium Goals

Nightingale’s Influence on the Perception of MDGs Florence Nightingale’s legacy had a tremendous influence on my perception of all the Millennium Development Goals that have to be reached today. Her opinion is important to me not only because she was a notable person in the sphere of medicine, but also...

Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common consequences of operations and anesthesia, which delay the recovery of the body and worsen people’s well-being. Patients are usually offered antiemetic medications to relieve symptoms; however, aromatherapy is also an effective and safe alternative to medicines. In this work, a PICOT question will be used...

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

During the past decades, researchers have been questioning the regularities of human illness patterns in order to establish the main factors of disease development in the human body. At first, scientists had a tendency to compare human health conditions on the basis of the health state of other people. It...

Transcultural Nursing: Interview with a Russian Patient

The interviewee: profession or career, culture of origin The interviewee that agreed to participate in my course project is a migrant worker of Russian descent. For the sake of anonymity, I shall refer to the interviewee by his first and last name initials, which are A.D. He is a 36-year...

Motivational Strategies for Nurses

Motivation in the workplace can be understood as a process that impacts employees’ behaviors and attitudes towards their responsibilities. In the nursing area, motivation morale is significant since the actions of nurses largely determine patients’ health outcomes and their overall well-being. The failure to achieve the standards set leads to...

Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore,...

Breastfeeding Practices as a Health-Related Topic

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The selected health-related topic is concerned with breastfeeding practices. The nursing practice issue is related to educating pregnant women and those who have just given birth on the significance of breastfeeding for the infants’...

Leininger’s Culture Care Theory in Nursing Practice

Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity Theory or the Culture Care Theory (CCT) is a concept that defines transcultural features of different natures. By applying this model, nurses can gain a better understanding of their patient’s perception of medical care, allowing a medical professional to be more sensible regarding patient needs. This...

Malnutrition in Patients: Causes and Stakeholders

Nursing Issue Malnutrition in patients occurs when nurses ignore patient needs, or healthcare facilities face a financial burden. Even though this issue is not typical for all hospital settings, it has a crucial influence on people’s well-being. Many patients face the impeded recovery, the effectiveness of their treatment reduces, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Registered Nurse Course Reflection

Before enrolling in the RN-BSN program at WCU, my perception of nursing leadership and management roles was very limited, as I viewed managing positions as distant and authoritarian at its core. However, with the introduction of the nurse management role in patient care during classes, I learnt a multitude of...

Asthma Management in Children: Research Critique

The article “Does participation in the community outreach for asthma care and healthy lifestyles (COACH) program alter subsequent use of hospital services for children discharged with asthma?” appeared in the Journal of Asthma. It was written by Pinto, Navallo, and Petrova (2019). The purpose of the study was to define...

Roy’s Adaptation Model vs. Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Introduction As valuable and useful guidelines used in nursing practice, special theories and models are utilized, which are designed to address specific cases and promote the necessary principles of work. The evaluation of individual concepts can reveal their significance in relation to a specific care environment, thereby helping to choose...

Workplace Violence as a Nursing Care Issue

Nursing Care Issue Workplace violence is one of the major issues in professional nursing. Whether it is patient-to-nurse or nurse-to-nurse violence, this problem is still present in many places. Outcome A plan for quality improvement can lessen the rates of violence, increase workplace safety, and protect nurses from patient aggression...

Nurse Understaffing and Medication Errors Project

Practice concern/problem The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may...

Nurse’s Previous Abusive Relationship and Practice

Domestic violence is a widespread occurrence with long-term negative social and health impacts. Almost a third of women (30%) are likely to experience some form of domestic violence and abuse, twice as likely as men (Bradbury-Jones & Clark, 2016). Nurses often directly work with patients who may experience abuse during...

The Nursing Profession: Public Image, Self‐Concept and Professional Identity

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing medical patients with proper care. It involves many aspects, including ethical standards, continuous learning throughout the career and even conducting research for improving the quality of care provided in the hospitals. In addition, nurses communicate closely with the patients and their...

Nurse Understaffing Issues in the Hospitals

Nurse understaffing is a complex issue that has a direct influence on patient safety and the consequent adverse events that occur in hospitals. Since there is a correlation between nurse understaffing and poor patient outcomes, there is a need to address the issue as soon as possible. Studies conducted on...

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

IOM Report Discussion The four recommendations proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced a considerable impact on nurses and nursing organization across the U.S. The IOM report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health identified the four major issues in nursing that need to be addressed in...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

Efficient Communication in the Nursing

Introduction Efficient communication is critical to the nursing profession, as it assists in the treatment process, fosters a positive organizational climate, and improves patient outcomes. Poor communication, on the other hand, can lead to medical errors and poor quality of care, which make the work of nurses more difficult (Hood,...

Management of Pressure Ulcers: Using Protocols as the Key Strategy

Background and Key Objectives: Pressure Ulcers and Protocols Pressure ulcers (PUs): common occurrence in inpatients; PUs management: essential task for any hospital nurse; Cost of care for PUs: excessively high because of health complications; Mitigation of the risk of PUs development as the current priority; Patient safety levels: current health...

Life-Work Flexible Work Schedules in the Nursing

Introduction Topic The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations. Context/Background Flexible...

Idea Screening During New Product Generation

Idea screening is an essential step during the generation of a new product. It is necessary to select one concept that will be the center of the project from the multitude from suggestions generated during the ideation stage. Understanding the optimal methods that can be used to do so is...

The Concept of Patient-Centered Care

Introduction The present paper will consider one of the nursing competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC). PCC can be defined as a form of holistic care that is suited to the specific needs, preferences, abilities, and circumstances of patients and aims to empower them along with their families (Constand, MacDermid, Dal Bello-Haas,...

Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing

Introduction Modern nursing is primarily based on patient-centered care (Hood, 2018). All nursing theorists, such as Nightingale, Watson, Orem, and others stress out the value and importance of patients as well as their physical and emotional states. Since the purpose of medicine is to promote health, it is only natural...

Nursing Professionalism in Social Media

Introduction As a rapidly growing networking platform, social media is an interactive way of sharing information, learning news, and connecting with others that became an integral part of modern society. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram are regarded as beneficial tools for professional networking and education of its...

Patient Fall Prevention Study: Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to provide a synthesis of recent scholarly studies focused on the identified research problem. Since the research question is concerned with the potential of various educational programs to reduce the incidence of patient falls, the review of literature will revolve around this topic....

Team Nursing Model in Intensive Care Unit

The success of patient care efforts is inextricably connected with the effective selection and use of the models of nursing care delivery. Such models describe the basic principles used to organize care and distribute responsibilities. If I were the manager of the ICU where I work, I would advocate for...

Houdon’s Painting in the Kimbell Art Museum

Art pieces relating to the period 1607 AD – 1865 AD can be found in the exhibitions of the Kimbell Art Museum, located in Fort Worth, Texas. In this context, particular attention should be paid to the descriptions and analysis of the pieces of French sculpture exhibited in American museums...

Family Practitioner’s Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Medicine has been my profession since my early age. I graduated from Medical Science University of Cuba, as in General Medicine 24 years ago, but my specialty has always been Internal Medicine. In 2008 I came to this country looking for new opportunities to continue contributing my knowledge...

Family History of the Tynes and Lemane

The history of my family is always an interesting topic for me as it is a good chance to find out something new and improve my understanding of our traditions and the chosen culture. My parents came from two different families, Tynes and Lemane. Within the frames of this week...

Elderly Education for Fall Prevention: Nursing Study

Studying the problem of falls among the population of elderly patients is necessary due to the high risks of mortality and morbidity associated with them. Injuries related to falls in older adults are common and represent one of the major causes of long-term pain and functional impairment among the target...

Nursing: How to Develop a Strategic Mindset by Sherman & Cohn

Article Summary The article by Sherman and Cohn (2019) is dedicated to one of the most significant aspects of healthcare professionals’ work: strategic thinking skills. As the authors note, these skills nowadays serve as “a critical differentiator” among those applying for leadership positions (Sherman & Cohn, 2019, p. 14). Promoting...

Nursing Conflicts, Their Types and Implications

Conflicts are an indispensable part of any working environment. In the nursing profession, researchers outline several types of conflicts: intrapersonal – occurring within one individual, intragroup within one group, and intergroup between two or more groups (Higazee, 2015). Aside from that, conflicts can be competitive when groups or individuals compete...

Teamwork and Conflict Management in Nursing

Uniting forces is of extreme importance in the medical field, where excessive self-reliance may lead to adverse patient outcomes. A nursing leader should accept that building team cohesion is not an easy task, and conflicts are a natural part of it. A good understanding of key factors influencing team familiarity...

Pediatric Obesity and Self-Care Nursing Theory

Introduction Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation. The discussed research project is proposed...

Student Veterans’ Experience: Photovoice Methodology

The article featured in this critique discusses an analysis of the lived experience of student veterans that uses photovoice methodology. The author postulates that the population group has trouble adjusting to student life. He then evaluates a group of volunteers who used cameras to convey their transition experience. As a...

Mandatory Overtime for Nurses Should Be Eliminated

Nurses are consistently faced with mandatory overtime, which leads to high levels of distress and exhaustion. The realities of the healthcare sector require nurses to work long hours and dedicate extensive time to the profession. Mandatory overtime should be eliminated, as it affects nursing performance, creates dangers for patients and...

Patient Safety and Nursing Satisfaction Project

Problem Conceptualization When caregivers are not well, deterioration in the quality and quantity of patient care may occur. The research has indicated that nurses’ workloads and schedules can pose problems for addressing the issues mentioned above (Roberts & Grubb, 2014). This paper provides an intervention defining whether the implementation of...

Are a Firm’s Cash Flow and Profit Different?

Cash flow refers to the net change in the cash position of a company from one time period to another. This means that if a company takes in more cash than with the cash it sends out, the cash flow is considered positive. In the case, when a company has...

Pressure Ulcers Study and Defense of Solution

The healthcare issue discussed in the final paper is pressure ulcers. Since this medical condition is dangerous and expensive to handle in its late stages, innovative strategies of treatment and early diagnosis are needed. Investigation of ethical and cultural inquiries on pressure ulcers, as well as an analysis of the...

Distress in Patients with Gynecologic Cancers

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR439: Evidence-Based Practice Purpose of the Study Using information from the required article and your own words, summarizethe purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Cancer is a devastating disease for patients, including mentally and emotionally, leading to common demonstrations of distress, which...

Senior Oncology Nurse’s Professional Interview

Introduction Analyzing the professional activities of a person working in a related industry in the same area is a successful method of learning valuable information about the specifics and nuances of his or her responsibilities. This work is an interview with a senior nurse practicing in the oncology department for...

Puberty: Its Role in Development

Susman, E. J., & Dorn, L.D. (2009). Puberty: Its role in development. In R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (p.116-151). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Main Points Historical and theoretical perspective on puberty Puberty changes affect physical morphological characteristics Understanding the neuroendocrinology of...

Pressure Ulcers as a Patient Safety Issue

Introduction Individuals with poor mobility are at high risk of having pressure ulcers (PUs) that are defined as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in combination with shear” (Lyder, & Ayello, 2008). My proposal focuses on...

Bloodstream Infections as a Clinical Issue

The PICOT question concerning the continuous changing of IV tubings to prevent the occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) bears high importance in the acute care medical-surgical settings as it is directly linked to dealing with morbidity, mortality, and costs of health care for the population. It has been...

AIDET Nursing Communication Framework

Initial Intentions of the AIDET Strategy Implementation (p. 2) Importance of nurse-patient communication quality improvement Evident problems in patients’ data management (Kelly, Runge, & Spencer, 2015) Strategies for effective communication about nurses AIDET communication for sensible hospital changes Opportunities for nurses, patients, and educators Background of the Offered Inquiry (p....

Raeburn’s Painting in the Kimbell Art Museum

It is always interesting and challenging to visit museum exhibitions and examine works created during different epochs. Each collection presents a unique chance to learn about history and the people who inhabited various periods, including their style of life and their interests. Every painting possesses its own intrinsic meaning to...

Professional Conflict Resolution Skills in Nurses

Introduction It is quite hard to imagine a team that consists of members who have no conflicts and whose opinions on important questions are always the same. Nevertheless, there are a lot of ways to resolve the conflicts that occur between the co-workers and mitigate their negative impact on the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organizational Structures and Their Differences

To function properly, an organization has to have a specific structure according to which the relationships within its context are built, and the principles of the corporate culture are redesigned. An organizational structure defines the distribution of power across a company and the hierarchy within it. Thus, the quality of...

Nursing Care Plan and Nursing Diagnosis Development

History and Physical Examination Jessica has come to the emergency room with a complaint about the decrease of vision in the left eye. She qualifies the decrease as sudden; it started in the morning of the day of her visit, and the vision continued to decrease for several hours; Jessica...

Safety Officer at the Palmetto General Hospital in Miami

The interview was conducted with a Safety Officer at the Palmetto General Hospital in Miami, FL. The discussion was centered on the current safety-enhancing practices and the analytical tools that were being implemented in the facilities at the time. Currently, Palmetto General Hospital does not have the highest ratings which...

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are five behavior strategies in a conflict, such as withdrawal, coercion, compromise, concession, and cooperation. In my view, cooperation is the most effective strategy of behavior in a conflict. It implies opponents’ desire to the constructive discussion of the problem, paying attention to the...

Impact of Inadequate Nurse Staffing on Patients’ Health Risks: Proposal

Subject: Inadequate nursing staffing Research Question: Does low staffing in the nursing setting affect patient outcomes negatively? Claim: Low levels of nursing staffing have little to do with the actual quality of care since the latter depends on nurses’ competence, nurse-patient communication, and the available resources to a much greater...

“The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness” the Article by T. Rose

Main Points One-dimensional thinking prevents people from recognizing talent. Talent and individuality are often complex and multifaceted notions. The facets of talent or individuality are frequently independent of each other, and there is a need for emerging criteria to measure or evaluate it. It is challenging to produce an objective...

Opioids and Alternative Treatments of Chronic Pain

The investigators are interested in the evaluation of alternative treatments for managing chronic pain in various groups of patients. The topicality of this issue comes from the growing concerns about traditional opioid therapy and multiple negative aspects. That is why, Penney, Ritenbaugh, DeBar, Elder, and Deyo (2016) conduct a qualitative...

Nursing Malpractice and Liability for Negligence

The selected article presents two cases that focus on nursing malpractice and the issue of liability. In the first scenario, several primary problems led to the suits. The first one was that nurse Lunsford failed to act by the provisions of the state’s nursing code of conduct. The issue of...

Transcultural Assessment and Questions Planning

The proposed date and location of the assessment The proposed date for this assessment will be December 1, 2018. The respondent will be encouraged to sign an informed consent form (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). The best location is the interviewee’s home. I will visit the individual at their place in...

Bedsores as an Evidence-Based Practice Issue

Healthcare workers do their best to save lives and improve the health of their patients. However, in the course of staying at a hospital, a person that remains immobile for a long time can develop pressure ulcers ― injuries that cause skin damage due to the prolonged pressure on some...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurse Turnover and Its Effects on Patients: Study

Subject: High turnover of nurses Research Question: This paper will examine the underlying causes of nursing turnover and identify the effects that this problem has on patients. Claim: The ability of nurses to meet patients’ needs is largely dependent on their emotional and intellectual wellbeing; if their psychological state deteriorates,...

Obesity Caused by Fast-Food as a Nursing Practice Issue

Practice Issue The topic Obesity Caused by the Consumption of Fast Food. The nursing practice issue related to the topic This assignment will be focused on the consumption of fast food as one of the factors that increase the prevalence of obesity among children. The scope of the practice issue...

Collaboration and Team Work in Nursing Education

I have found both collaboration and peer review to be very effective forms of learning because they enable exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. I feel more comfortable about collaboration, as all the participants contribute equally and have similar responsibilities. The shift of roles in peer review, when one passes judgment...

Horizontal Violence and Bullying in Nursing

The term horizontal violence refers to the aggressive behavior of one or several members of the group to another member of the same group, also includes provoking conflicts and personal bullying. Unfortunately, this problem is widespread in the nursing environment, and it leaves a negative impact on care quality and...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model, Its Pros and Cons

Nursing Care Delivery Model One of the main tasks of nursing teams’ leaders is to provide consistently high-quality patient care. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to adhere to a specific work strategy so that the level of medical services delivery could be sufficiently high. As a...

Jean Watson as a Nursing Theorist

In the history of nursing theory, there have been many prominent persons whose ideas are still relevant today. Among the most famous approaches there are the ones created by Callista Roy, Florence Nightingale, Dorothea Orem, and others. The scholarly works of these professionals allowed many healthcare workers of the past...

Communication Module for Nursing Undergraduates

Qualitative Study There have been concerns about the quality of education that nursing students and other healthcare professionals are getting especially in communication skills. The objective of this qualitative article was to explore the experiences of first years nursing students concerning the blended learning design, which is adopted in a...

Corticosteroids in Asthma Treatment: Literature Review

Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are among the most significant treatment alternatives in stubborn asthma attributable to their effectiveness in restraining the inflammatory reaction. The medical gains of long-standing treatment with inhaled corticosteroids are constantly highlighted in national (the US and UK) and global directives. Nonetheless, in their study, Loke, Blanco, Thavarajah,...

Opioid Use Disorder and Patient Education

What is the PICOT question? P- (Patient, population, or problem): In patients diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder, I- (Intervention): does Naloxone education for both patients and their families C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): compared to Naloxone education for patients prescribed Suboxone, O- (Desired outcome): reduce opioid overdose deaths T-...

Hospital-Acquired Infection in Geriatric Units

What is the PICOT question? Do the use of hand hygiene and aseptic techniques result in reduced infection and mortality in a 6-month period compared to the lack of sanitation practices in patients aged 50-60 years old at risk of hospital-acquired infection and subsequent mortality? P- (Patient, population, or problem):...

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Organizational Change Leadership in Nursing

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Theories and Quality Improvement in Nursing

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Visual Loss: Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment

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Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Application

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Society During the Early Renaissance in Europe vs. Contemporary Society

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Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis

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Congestive Heart Failure Studies: Data Analysis

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“New Technology in Clinical Practice” Study Analysis

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of the study is to examine the way how the integration of new technologies in clinical practice is perceived by healthcare providers and patients focusing on the use of a handheld device, Vagus, specifically designed for Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) screening...

Falls in Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

What is the purpose of this research? In their study, Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) consider the opportunities for reducing the threat of falls among patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Seeing that the identified demographic is especially prone to falls, it is essential to address their needs with an appropriate...

New Technology in Clinical Practice by Pals et al.

What is the purpose of this research? The goal of the study is to define patients’ and healthcare practitioners’ perspective on innovative control tools (a device for measuring heart rate and the cardiac autonomic reflex) for identifying the presence of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in diabetic patients in a hospital...

Balance and Gait in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The study aims to investigate how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) affect elderly patients’ gait and balance − the factors that contribute to falls-associated morbidity. Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) suggest that differences in these parameters may be used in...

“Nursing Malpractice” Article by E. Croke

Although much attention is given to educating nurses “on the law and their professional responsibilities”, nursing malpractice is still a burden of contemporary healthcare (Croke, 2006, p. 3). The major aspects that cause problems leading to cases of malpractice include duty, breach of duty, foreseeability, causation, injury, and damages. In...

Patient Assessment, Health Patterns and Family Characteristics

How should you use Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns to assess individual health? What health screening interventions do you regularly participate in? Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns present a valuable framework for evaluating a patient by a nurse. An individual’s health assessment may begin with the identification of living conditions, background, and...

Individual vs. Social Needs Priority

Introduction In modern conditions and the accelerated development of civilization, the role of the individual in society is becoming more significant, in connection with this, the problem of individual freedom and responsibility to society more and more often arises. The first attempt to justify the point of view of explaining...

Studying Orchestral Scores by a Conductor

Introduction Studying the orchestral score is the very first stage of the conductor’s training before rehearsal. Merely reading the score without analyzing the parts does not cover the entire range of artistic meanings embedded in the composition. In the process of preparing, the conductor should pay serious attention to the...

Is Capital Punishment a Justifiable Action?

The issue of the justification of capital punishment was raised by political scientists, historians, sociologists, writers, and other authors throughout the development of civilization. At the dawn of history, in primitive societies, ancient cultures, and medieval states, the death penalty was commonplace and beyond doubt. During the Renaissance and Enlightenment,...

Interpersonal Relations Theory and Essential of Nursing Education

Discuss how the Theory of Interpersonal Relations relates to Essential IX? Are there any incompatibilities between this Essential and Peplau’s theory? Explain your answer. Essential IX of master’s education in nursing essentially outlines several nurse roles suggested in Hildegard Peplau’s theory. For instance, the requirement of nursing graduates to have...

Nursing Metaparadigms and Philosophical Beliefs

Introduction The use of personal nursing philosophies as the foundation for nursing practice has attracted many scholars interested in establishing how these philosophies lead to positive patient care outcomes by not only enhancing the proper application of nursing knowledge but also stimulating the development of the nursing theory (Petrovskaya, 2014)....

Physical Assessment in Health Care

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Jessica Chief Complaint: losing vision in her left eye. It began this morning when she woke up, and it is progressing. It is painful for her to look around. History of present illness: The patient denies any trauma or injury. Losing vision started...

Prevention of Ethical Implications

Mrs. L was born in China and has been living in the United States for three years. She is 75 years old and was recently diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. All the necessary treatment information has been provided to the patient as part of her nursing care and patient education....

Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Adult Problems

Introduction It is necessary to approach the study of mental health comprehensively. It is a well-known fact that even small but acute stresses experienced in childhood can provoke psychosomatic disorders in adulthood. However, data on the degree of pathogenicity of stress factors and the proportion of their participation in the...

Online Advertising in the Modern World

Introduction In the modern digital world, the primary concept of advertising, primarily for smaller companies, is done online. With billions spent on online marketing and online shopping becoming more popular, a significant portion of purchases is done offline, and it is important for retailers to capitalize on the ability to...

Primary Care Nurse Practitioners in Adult-Gerontology

This course has helped me understand that currently, nurse practitioners in an adult-gerontology primary care are in demand and more of them are needed to provide comprehensive healthcare for adults. Nurse practitioners in an adult-gerontology primary healthcare usually practice in many different institutions and therefore, have many options in choosing...

Nursing Skills for Medical Research

Abilities Gained Throughout the course, I have encountered a variety of new tasks and assignments that have helped me to develop a range of abilities that I previously lacked. Some were relatively easy to develop, while others took more time. Overall, the abilities I have gained allow me to address...