Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Differences

Cultural and emotional intelligence have a certain similarity in the way they work because both require the person to examine the situation before acting upon it. Rash decisions are often incorrect and lack understanding of the subtle intricacies of human behavior. However, while emotional intelligence deals with more universal aspects...

Sartre’s Student’s Dilemma

The dilemma encountered by one of Sartre’s students is frequently analyzed in works on ethics and philosophy (Statman 17; Detmer, Sartre Explained 169). The problem is that a young man is torn between the desire to revenge for his brother’s death and fulfilling his duty as a son (Statman 17)....

Natural Law: Fact, Theory and Sign of Contradiction

The fundamental principle of practical reasoning refers to a rule that should be followed while reasoning, thus leading to rational conclusions. At the same time, the above principle is to be followed directly without applying any other rules in terms of reasoning (Setiya, 2014). The structure of rational assumptions should...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Existentialism Is a Humanism”

The passage “Obviously I do not mean that whenever I choose between a millefeuille and a chocolate Ă©clair, I choose in anguish. Anguish is a constant in this sense – that my original choice is something constant. Indeed, this anguish is in my view, the complete absence of justification at...

Genetic Variants Influencing Effectiveness of Exercise Training Programmes

Introduction Intended Audience: Healthcare professionals, medical students, academics Author Background: All three authors have extensive medical backgrounds. Writer’s Angle: The authors examine human predisposition towards obesity from the genetics point of view and observe how this predisposition is affected by physical training and other factors, such as diet, socioeconomic factors,...

Managerial Economics: Production Output Rate

The cost schedule and output rate Marginal cost is calculated by determining changes in the total cost when the rate of output increases by a single unit (Mankiw, 2016). The fixed cost remains the same for all rates of output. The average fixed cost is calculated by dividing it by...

Aristotle and Augustine on Doing Wrong

Aristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC and was a student of Plato, had a huge intellectual range and thus was involved in many different branches of science, such as biology, chemistry, history, political theory and, most importantly, philosophy. Among his many philosophical works, a...

Moral Education and John Locke’s Philosophy

Introduction Social problems, such as poverty and abuse, are effectively overcome through education (Addams, 1910). However, the aforementioned problems are still experienced by society regardless of increasing access to education opportunities. Locke (1693) argued that social problems would be overcome if schools focus more on moral education than just the...

Marketing Manager Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary A manager working in a marketing department has to be involved in the formation and shaping of the organization’s marketing initiatives. This is a leadership position that includes people and resources management for the purpose of helping the organization retain the existing customers and attract new ones. The...

Mailroom Clerk Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary An indoors job focused on the sorting and delivery of mail that comes in and out of the organization. Mailroom clerk has to work with a variety of kinds of mail. Since this is a large long-term organization, mailroom clerks have to process large amounts of mail. Sometimes,...

Integrity in Relationships and Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles....

The Big Five Personality Inventory for Leaders

The Big Five personality test allows analyzing such dimensions of one’s personality as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. That is why the test is frequently abbreviated as OCEAN (“The Big Five personality test,” n.d.). The results of the inventory help to understand one’s abilities to exercise self-discipline and explain...

HIV Transmission and Syringe Trade-In System

Introduction An ongoing harmful issue distressing those choosing to administer drugs is the perspective of proliferating blood pathogens including HIV, AIDS, and liver-related Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, all of which are exceptionally life-threatening. These illnesses, classified as viruses, are transferred via the reusing of needles and other unsanitary practices...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

Same-Sex Marriages and Human Rights

Introduction The issue of human rights has captured the attention of many scholars, activists, politicians, and philosophers for many centuries. After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the concept of “civil liberties” gained a new meaning that continues to dictate human relations in the United States. Many...

“The Rhetoric of Video Games” by Ian Bogost

In his article “The rhetoric of video games,” Ian Bogost writes about how video games are sophisticated statements reflecting the real life of people, their interactions, feelings, and worldviews. The games that we play can make arguments about society, persuade people to take a specific side in them, and express...

Industrialization Achievements in the 19th Century

Life without electricity, heating, and other amenities seems unbearable for modern people. However, all these conveniences were invented only at the end of the nineteenth century. Innovative findings forced the transformation of the industrial sphere as new materials, manufacturing techniques, and appliances were evolving. Many scientific discoveries during this period...

Cognitive Bias in Robin Adams’ Murder Case

Cognitive bias could be highly detrimental to the criminal investigation process. One of the first steps to avoid different kinds of bias is to have knowledge of them (Ditrich, 2015). It is equally vital to be able to identify them. In this essay, Robin Adams’ murder case will be examined...

Industrialization: Social and Economic Development

The Second Industrial Revolution had unfolded from 1870 to 1914. It was characterized by an unprecedented pace of urbanization and increases in production volumes, and a large number of path-breaking inventions was the primary factor that triggered the progress. The present case study is devoted to the review and analysis...

St. Augustin’s Teachings on Grace

The Christian Church has many outstanding figures and saints that contributed to its development in various periods by creating the theological basis for its existence and further evolution. However, St. Augustine of Hippo can be considered one of the most prominent persons whose works, sermons, and writings contributed to the...

The Effect of Scalability on Virtualization

Companies that use physical resources in order to store large quantities of data may be at a disadvantage because the scalability of physical resources is limited. Buying more computers and other equipment takes up the company’s property and costs money. Therefore, some organizations may choose to apply a virtualization solution...

The Emergence of Rococo Art and Architecture

The Late Baroque Style The baroque style of art was embraced by many people in Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries. The style was characterized by beautiful but exaggerated images. This form of art depicted darkness, nudity, and violence (Neuman 18). According to art historians, the Baroque style embraced...

Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory

Introduction Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. In the most basic terms, it is responsible for the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information on conscious and subconscious levels. The following paper discusses the differences between two such mechanisms, namely working memory and procedural...

Teaching Strategies in a Classroom and Virtual Setting

In order to meet educational goals and enhance students’ performance, educators tend to use various teaching strategies. The development of technology has led to the creation of several settings. For example, virtual and classroom settings are now available to both instructors and learners. It may seem that these settings are...

Local Newspapers Decline and Its Danger

With the development of new technology, the most popular and cost-effective ways of presenting information widely used in the past become outdated. In the United States, the abovementioned tendency manifests itself in a variety of trends such as the decline of local newspapers. Nowadays, more and more companies in the...

Todd McFarlane’s Leadership Approach

The contemporary global business environment dictates which capabilities, talents, and competencies company leaders should have. It is true that expertise and experience are vital to managing organizations well, but they may not be enough. Personal character traits, innovativeness, and inquisitiveness are important for being successful as well. This essay will...

The Impacts of Peak Oil: “A Crude Awakening”

The Actor-network theory presents a model to show the dynamics of science. ANT explores the structures and work of sociotechnical elements. Nowadays, it is used in various studies, including but not limited to economics, medicine, market, and management. The purpose of this paper is to explore how ANT can be...

Elderly Nutritional and Medical Rights

Introduction Pestinika and his wife were generous people who offered help to an elderly person in need of better nutrition and health care. They were free to do so and agreed verbally to offer their help. They received payment from the government to take care of the patient who had...

“Annie” Comedy Show: Pros and Cons

Introduction Attending the “Annie” show was one of the things I would not have wanted to miss at the hobby center during this season’s musical. This show was staged in the Sarofim Hall, a hall with its uniqueness of art pieces. It is noteworthy that its elegance provided an exceptional...

James Madison as an Early Leader of New American Republic

Introduction The current American political system is attributable to the devotion and ingenuity of the Founding Fathers of the nation. Some of these heroes include George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. This paper explains why James Madison stands out as the most influential figure in...

Big Five Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness

Introduction The Big Five Personality Inventory is a reliable tool that is used by individuals to assess their personalities and competencies. The framework can guide people to develop superior skills in areas such as leadership. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of my personality and how it can...

Authoritarian Parenting Impact on Children’s Health

Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping children’s capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style may be defined as a collection of strategies and ways of...

Think Tanks’ Influence on the US Government Policy

Think tanks are often mentioned in journalist’s reports regarding political decisions and legislative changes in the US. These institutions affect the US government by conducting researches and publishing reports that help government policymakers with their choices. In addition, experts formerly employed by think tank institutions often proceed to work for...

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis

The introduction of reproducibility and repeatability as the means to remove the threats of machine errors as well as human ones is crucial to the performance of a company. Herein lies the importance of carrying out the corresponding analyses typically known as gage studies (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014). Considering the...

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Views of Predestination

The question of predestination has always been topical for the Christian Church. Being one of the main dogmas of faith, it triggered multiple debates about factors impacting the divine providence and individuals lives. For decades, theologians argued about the role or prayers in furthering predestination and the ways in which...

Theory of Continental Drift

What was Pangaea? According to the continental drift theory, over 300 million years ago, all the continents were joined together forming a single landmass surrounded by water. This landmass is called Pangaea. List 4 type of evidence which supported continental drift The continental drift theory supposes that over 300 million...

Citizen Advisory Board: Benefits of Public Trust

Introduction Citizen Advisory Boards are designed to ensure that members of the public are actively involved in the policy-making process. According to Miller (2018), these councils were constituted as a way of addressing the concern that members of the public are often ignored when enacting and implementing policies that affect...

Modern Technology and Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction: Technology and Children The 21st century has been marked by a rapid and ubiquitous surge of technological advances in nearly every domain of people’s lives. Modern technology, particularly, digital tools that contribute to improved data processing, has been in existence for more than a decade, thus, shaping children that...

“Hot Stocks” and Investment in Media Companies

The stock market and the sphere of securities are areas that can help to make a good profit if the participant is well aware of all their features. However, without the relevant knowledge and reliable information on the nuances of buying and selling stocks, a newcomer can waste money. An...

Chapter 10 of “Criminological Theory” by Lilly et al.

Abstract This paper elaborates on the problem of feminism and criminology. The paper addresses the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011) as the source material. Based on the provisions of the authors, it is possible to explore the history of the feminist movement. Primarily, this paper...

Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions

Introduction The identification of gender discrimination is a social issue that requires much attention from public opinion. Thesis statement: gender discrimination is a social construct that prevents women from progressing, and the main beneficiaries are insecure men who fear competition in different life aspects. Gender discrimination causes Describing the background...

Publicly vs. Privately-Owned Enterprises

Introduction The two most prevalent forms of company ownership in the world are private and publicly owned enterprises. Each form of a property provides its shareholders and the company with certain advantages and disadvantages. Privately-owned businesses usually make up for the majority of the small and medium sectors, whereas many...

Domestic Violence Issues and Interventions

Introduction The issue of domestic violence in the US affects many people every day, and public awareness about it can have a significant impact on its severity. While some may think that in 10 years the rate of domestic abuse has decreased, some statistics and studies show that the nation...

Child Behavior in Relation to Parenting

Introduction Although parenting influences all affiliations within a family, its impact on parents-children relationships is vital as it may affect the children’s future negatively. Positive parenting necessitates parents to concentrate on improving their children’s behavior and acting as role models to ensure their wellbeing. Through positive parenting by friendly, loving,...

Domestic Violence: Causes and Effects

Background The phenomenon of domestic violence is upsettingly common in the present-day setting. Although it varies depending on the area and its unique characteristics, such as individual anger issues, education levels, social prejudices, etc., domestic violence can occur anywhere (Pearlman et al. 49). The persistent nature of the phenomenon alters...

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotypes are Hard to Change Stereotypes are very hard to get rid of, and the reason is connected to the emotional nature of attitudes. Often, when a person is presented with factual information that contradicts their prejudice, they discount it in an illogical manner. Devine’s two-step model of cognitive processing...

Academic Integrity in a Nursing Program

Introduction I think there is academic integrity in my nursing program. Academic integrity is a requirement that all students should observe in the course of their studies. The broad definition of academic integrity is the dedication to honesty and morally upright behavior in academic endeavors (Wong, Lim,& Quinlan, 2016).). This...

Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective

Introduction Drug legalization is a highly controversial ethical problem, with a plethora of arguments for and against it. The controversy provokes debates about addiction, substance abuse, as well as the rate of a related criminal offense, medical benefits, and other topics. For this reason, it is appropriate to evaluate drug...

Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Descartes: How to Achieve Knowledge

Descartes was the first philosopher to criticize the empiricists’ view of the process of achieving knowledge in the seventeenth century. According to Descartes, human senses cannot be trusted, as there are no reliable signs to distinguish whether a man is asleep or awake (158). There are, however, some undeniable truths,...

Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective

Introduction The quote “Man’s life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth
” is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by d’Holbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks, 2006). The main...

Appreciating the Natural World

Nowadays all people live in different communities, and various religions are spread among the population. During its history, humanity accumulated and explored a significant amount of knowledge about the world around. The world is changing, and all these changes affect the population in whole and certain human beings in particular....

Herd Behavior in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The story innocently titled “The Lottery,” written by Shirley Jackson would be generally expected to have a positive theme. However, the plot narrates the events of the annual lottery, which takes place in the most ordinary setting of a small village (more specifically in its main square). The purpose...

Problem-Solving Skills in Nursing

The one or two problem-solving or creativity areas in which I am most strong are: In my opinion, one of my strongest areas in terms of creativity and unusual ways of solving problems is the skill of finding individual approaches to people. In a broader perspective, communication skills concern not...

Teaching Grammar: Subjunctive Mood

The text is a lyric from the song by BeyoncĂ© Knowles called “If I Were a Boy”. It has been chosen since it vividly illustrates the grammar rule to be explained. In addition, the song is popular, and it is quite likely that almost all students know it and remember...

The Brand Called You. Tom Peters’ View on Branding

How does Tom Peters describe a brand? Tom Peters defines a brand as “a promise of the value you’ll receive” in exchange for your time or/and money. Every company tries to stand out, showing that only they can satisfy their customers in the best possible way. Nowadays, with so many...

Alcohol and Its Major Behavioral Effects

Alcohol is among the most popular psychoactive drugs in the world alongside caffeine and nicotine. One of its primary pharmacological effects is the inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS), for which reason it was used as an anesthetic in the past. The mechanism of the anesthetic effect lies in...

“The Experiment” Sociological Documentary

The primary discipline presented in the film is sociology. The documentary sought to establish the point at which people accept or fight inequality. During the study, 15 males were selected to participate as guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. On the first day, the participants acted individually and normally...

“Gross National Happiness in Bhutan” Article by Kelly

There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account...

Apple Inc: Main Line, Markets and Performance

The main line of business The Apple Inc company deals with designing, manufacturing, and marketing a wide range of products such as media devices, personal computers, mobile communication, and portable digital music players. Furthermore, the company sells a wide range of software, networking solutions, applications, peripherals, and third-party digital content....

Domestic Violence: Control and Prevention

Summary of Social Problems Human beings in different communities encounter numerous conditions. Most of these conditions are usually unbearable or undesirable. Such social problems are encountered in every part of the world (Crosson-Tower, 2012). The first condition covered in class is homelessness. Many people across the globe “do not have...

National Organization for Women

The interest group that I have chosen is called the National Organization for Women. As it is clear from the name of the group, it tries to unite people in order to struggle for equal rights for women and demonstrate that unfair treatment and violation of women’s rights still present...

Doggerel by a Senior Citizen by W. H. Auden

The piece of literature I selected for the analysis is Doggerel by a Senior Citizen by W. H. Auden. I believe that it is the poem reflecting the attitude (to people and the world as a whole) that is still relevant today and is shared by many. It was typical...

Car Wash Company’s Employee Management

Introduction The situation in the Car Wash may lead to its eventual collapse. When employees are not satisfied with their work environment, they will not work to their full potential. In addition, they may reveal the secrets of the business to competitors. When a competitor learns about its rival’s weaknesses,...

Psychology History and Contemporary Movement

Principles Titchener aimed to develop psychology as the study of immediate experience, the contents of the consciousness. He “set as goals for psychology the determination of what, how, and why of mental life”, where “what” was elements of mental activity, “how” involved the way these elements combine, whereas “why” dealt...

“Mathematics Dynamic Assessment” Article by Allsop

Research-Supported Assessment Practices for Struggling Students The four research-supported assessment practices for struggling students highlighted in the article include (1) assessment of students’ interests and experiences, (2) concrete-representational-abstract assessment within authentic contexts, (3) error pattern analyses, and (4) flexible interviews. Assessment of students’ interests and experiences is basically done to...

Psychodynamic Approach: Creativity and Bipolar Disorder

Should the board of trustees fire Samuel because of his poor decisions? Are there other options available? Analyzing the given case, we could state that first of all, Samuel is a good worker and leader. He can function in stress and make necessary decisions when he is in remission. It...

“Every Child, Every Day” by Allington and Gabriel

Although the article was written by Allington and Gabriel (2012) focuses on elementary students, the same rules can perfectly apply to secondary education. I would not state, however, that all of these strategies are implemented in it. Due to the complexity of the provided texts, not every student has the...

Price Wars in the Wireless Market

Who are the key players in the industry? Out of the five cell phone companies, two of these hold a larger market share. These are Verizon Wireless, with 32%, followed by AT%T at 29%. They account for 61%, which is more than half of the US’s mobile subscribers. From the...

Cultural Hierarchy and Media Effects

Lay Theories of Media Effects by Ellen Seiter In this text, Ellen Seiter presents the results of her interviewing the three pre-kindergarten teachers about the problem of kids and television. Speaking of the teachers’ positions, I entirely disagree with Sara Kitses from a Montessori pre-school. Her primary objection to television...

The Surface and Air Transportation Regulation

Introduction Governments intervene in the private markets by coming up with regulatory policies that govern the markets. Through regulation, governments adjust income distribution and resource allocation to what they consider appropriate. They do this to ensure the welfare of the people by preventing unfair practices such as monopolizing the markets...

McGregor’s Theory Y and Management Style

Introduction Douglas McGregor, a social scientist, came up with two different views of human nature regarding employees’ motivation. The first one is theory X, which holds negative assumptions about human nature. It explains that man is inherently lazy and needs to be compelled. He is also self-centered and lacks ambition....

“Reversal of Fortune” Article by McKibben

The life of human society is closely interconnected with a wide range of problems, and the burden of choice remains one of them. There is no doubt that various communities can live by their own rules but there is no society that would be able to avoid choosing between material...

Preventing Opioid Abuse and Addiction

The genetic influences on drug use were proved after certain investigations on humans and animals (Hart & Ksir, 2013). A person has a unique physiology that may cause addiction. Enkephalins and endorphins are the morphinelike neurotransmitters that can be found in the brain (Hart & Ksir, 2013). They have endogenous...

Psychedelics and Hallucinogens: Harm or Help?

Today, people demonstrate different attitudes to psychedelics and hallucinogens. Some people think that such drugs as a possible way of treatment and believe that the chemical structure and the pharmacological properties are appropriate enough to be helpful to American society. There are also the people who treat drugs carefully because...

“How to Turn Negative Social Media Into a Positive” by Ciccotelli

How to deal with negative social media responses Contemporary marketing strategies are taking to social media which offers a cheaper and faster means of advertising products and services. Advertisements are commonly seen on social media including Twitter and Facebook, and as such, customers can easily interact with their brands directly,...

“The Starry Night” Becomes “The Bright New Day”

Introduction Art has always remained a source of inspiration for a lot of known figures around the world. For those who study it and express a desire to learn more about the world of post-impressionism, it is nearly impossible to stay indifferent to the works of such famous artists like...

Third-Party Contract and Legal Rights

Introduction The aim of this paper is to analyze a case study on a third-party contract. The paper’s analytical focus will be on an intended beneficiary and their legal rights. Discussion Under contract law, a third-party beneficiary is a person who benefits when two parties to a contract fulfill their...

Moral Issues in 21st-Century Conflict

Introduction The ability to easily find information does not equal in importance to having actual knowledge. What a person really needs is the actual truth since only reliable facts help in the decision-making and achieving the desired outcome. To illustrate, let us say that a doctor needs to assess a...

Human Thinking and the Processes Involved

This week’s reading allowed me to develop my understanding of the human mind and the concept of free will. I have learned more about various scientific and philosophical notions of human thought, as well as of the mechanisms involved in our thinking processes. The perception of the human mind as...

Teacher Beliefs and Views on Educational System

My Ideal Educational System Based on Classical Thinking To me, the ideal education system would involve both teachers and students in the learning process equally. This is one of the core concepts of Plato’s writings on education, which are explained by Shim (2008) in detail. Specifically, Shim (2008) explains that...

Chapter 2 of “Centrality and Commonality” by Tu Wei-Ming

Chapter 2 of Tu Wei-ming’s essay on Chung-Yung is dedicated to the concept of a profound person and its understanding from the perspective of the Doctrine of the Mean. A profound person is an important concept because it encompasses a range of characteristics, abilities, and skills necessary for a person...

Introducing Order Into Life: Getting Priorities

Introduction Maintaining order in one’s life is an essential step toward creating a harmonic environment and, therefore, increasing life satisfaction rates (Sirgy, 2012). The reasons for choosing specific tools for managing the crucial elements of one’s routine are arguably very subjective; therefore, the efficacy of a certain device may vary...

The Story of Wildflower

Introduction All that travelers knew, was that the Emerald Forest was about 350 kilometers north of Prague. Pilgrims from all across the world, who were lucky enough to hear of that magical place made sure to invest all their efforts and pay that forest a visit. Many folks would hear...

Children’s Early Literacy Achievement and Parents’ Role

Purpose and/or Hypothesis The purpose of this research is aimed at exploring the relationship between parents’ interaction with their children while sharing storybook reading and achieving children’s literacy. The main hypothesis is confined to the idea that interaction between parents and children should be studied to define and challenge theories...

Educational Psychology and Learning

Introduction Teachers make a difference. Nowadays people pay more and more attention to the qualities of the teacher and the educator. The offered chapter one and video clearly demonstrate the difference between the above notions expressed in different approaches to teaching. Main body First of all, the teacher is the...

Visit to Africa: An Unforgettable Experience

Introduction Ladies and gentlemen, I still have a vivid memory of my visit to Africa on a safari to see wildlife. The safari was a vocational journey that turned out to be very educative. We visited Serengeti in Tanzania to witness the great migration of the wild beasts before moving...

“Ordering of Medication” the Bill by Senator Denise Grimsley

Introduction SC/SB 152: Ordering of Medication filed on August 19th, 2015 with the effective date of July 1st, 2016 relates to the revision of a licensed physician’s authority in the area of ordering medication to a certain patient, providing authorization for a nurse practitioner to order medication, and other matters...

“Use It or Lose It” Budgeting Approach

Introduction The company budget is based on the ‘Use It or Lose It’ budgeting approach. As such, various departments have the propensity to utilize idle financial resources toward the end of every financial year. It is generally observed that this spending tendency is ostensibly based on the notion that the...

American Economic Recovery Process in 2012

Is this really the worst economic recovery since the Depression? According to the article, some experts assert that the U.S. is experiencing the worst economic recovery in history. However, Rampell states that the economic downturn was severe but not comparable with the events of the Great Depression. The reason why...

Events and Causes of World War I

Militarism World War 1 took place between 1914 and 1918. A number of authors and scholars have come up with possible causes of the First World War. It took place between rich countries. Some countries came together and formed alliances and thereafter united to fight nations. Various events led to...

Employee Retention Committee’s Meeting Failure

Omissions and Occurrences The presented case study describes a situation where an Employee Retention Committee is attempting to have a meeting, but it fails for a variety of reasons. The committee consists of only four people but the organization was mishandled almost completely, and no results were achieved at all....

Interpersonal Qualities for Good Relationships

Introduction Having strong interpersonal qualities is essential for creating healthy relationships with others, particularly at the organizational level. Sound interpersonal relationships imply that individual and collective productivity is achieved since the “we feeling” is developed to attain common interests (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). Interpersonal skills like respect, friendliness, sympathetic joy...

Workplace Diversity & Inclusion: Personal Philosophy

Abstract The strategy of leveraging differences is new and provocative in the field of managing diversity. Therefore, effective personal philosophy should be based on uniting the traditional and new approaches in order to compete within the market and address the employees’ interests. Introduction My personal vision of diversity and inclusion...

Responsibility in Personal Perception

Introduction Responsibility is a diverse term that has several definitions. It may refer to the acquisition of personal qualities and values that make people aware of their duties and expectations and thus go on to accomplish them and deal with the consequences of their decisions and actions. Responsible people realize...

Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Career Choice

It could be stated with certainty that teachers have an immense influence on the development of various outcomes of their students. Moreover, it is possible to observe that a good teacher does not only serve educational purposes, but he or she also shapes their students’ attitude toward career choices and...

Factor Analysis vs. Principal Components Analysis

One of the main differences between factor analysis (FA) and principal components analysis (PCA) is that FA attempts to find “unobserved variables” (factors) in a set of original variables, whereas PCA transforms the existing variables into several new variables (components) (Field, 2013, sec. 17.3.0-17.3.2; Warner, 2013, p. 830). Therefore, in...

Affordable Health Care Act in Sociological Aspect

Facts Firstly, the primary goal of the Affordable Health Care Act is to make the healthcare system inexpensive for any individuals despite their race and social class (U.S. Department of Healthcare and Human Services, 2014). The primary goal of this feature is to provide the high-quality healthcare services by “protecting...

Christian Life in the “Everyman” Moral Play

Everyman represents all humanity and critical issues related to all the people, including Fellowship, Material Goods, and Knowledge. In the play, Everyman strives to answer an eternal question of what a person should do to achieve Christian salvation (Lester 107). Comparing my own life with time when Goods lays the...

Silver Fiddle Construction Project Risk Management

Potential Risks When it comes to defining the key risks associated with the project one must point to the fact that the project is very costly and requires a substantial amount of time. Therefore, the lack of financial resources should be viewed as the primary risk, whereas the lack of...

The Concept of Meditative Walk

Introduction Mindful walking refers to relieving one’s stress through taking a walk aimed at eliminating overwhelming stressful thoughts. Various psychologists and scholars argue that mindful walking is an effective tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. Such an argument holds since the exercise allows an individual to get rid of...

Philosophy and Business Ethics Role

Understanding, accepting and applying ethical standards Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics play a very important role to individuals and certain groups. First, all workers want to feel good during their work and enjoy proper working conditions, only in this case, people can present successful work and results. Proper understanding...

Facilitation Skill and Style Self-Assessment

Current Facilitation Skill Set Currently, I am able to design and implement interventions for processes in responding to complex organizational, academic, and organizational issues. These include designing effective programs, utilizing instructional design techniques, program-planning techniques, executing needs assessment, and evaluating adult learning programs. In this regard, I have the aptitude...

Group Discussion: Training and Development

Icebreaker To make sure that the audience is engaged with the subject matter and is ready explore the opportunities that case studies provide, one may consider inviting the participants to take an active part in the deconstruction of the phenomenon of a case study. However, apart from focusing on what...

Sephora Direct’ Company’s Marketing Issues

The paper answers case questions that could help Julie Bornstein, Sephora Direct’s vice president, double the budget required for digital marketing and other social media initiatives. Budget allocation and Cutting Costs Assuming that Julie Bornstein obtains the additional funding, the allocation of funds should be based on priorities. For example,...

Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems

The minority students still lag behind The NCLB has attempted to create an enabling environment for all the students. In the process, those from the minority groups still lag as the whites continue to benefit. The NCLB should have been specifically set to cater to the racially segregated. Federal underfunding...

Stress-Reducing Measures and Activities

Introduction As Linda (2008, pp. 3-8) argues, regardless of how an individual’s life may be comfortable, stress is inevitable in every individual’s life. Therefore, to reduce the negative effects that are associated with stress, every individual must try to identify any stress reducing activities, it is one of the primary...

Team Problems and Tips for Solving Them

Team relationships The first advice I would offer Sally is to make her expectations known to Tony because Tony does not seem to know fully what Sally expects from him. Doing so would make Tony work towards meeting those expectations. Secondly, Sally should build a relationship with him as one...

Effective Leader and Communication with the Command

The role of the leader in the team Margo Santelli is the head of the group operations and she has four unit managers who are responsible for carrying out sales and handling client issues. From Margo’s point of view, the four managers were chosen because of their qualifications. She does...

Teaching of Political Science

Introduction Political science background offers numerous opportunities for students in different spheres of life (Rowh, 2003), this is why the teaching of political sciences turns out to be crucially important at any time. One of the major purposes of my life now is to become a teacher of political science...

The History of Finland

Introduction After reading the above book I was able to learn a lot about Finland. The author discusses in detail every topic in the book. The author also uses layman’s language to put across facts about Finland. The following were some of the things I was able to learn from...

“Thus Spoke Zarathustra” a Book by Friedrich Nietzsche

Introduction You outcast, who cast yourself out, you do not want to live among humans and humans’ pity? Well then, do as I do! Thus will you learn from me too: only the one who does learn. (Nietzsche 233) The passage in question can be found in the fourth part...

Music in the Movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

Introduction: The Essential Details Movie title: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Composer: Jon Brioni Music styles: Pop, soft rock (“Everybody’s Got to Learn Sometime”), psychedelic pop (“Light&Day”), art rock (“Mr. Blue Sky”), filmi songs (background music), trip-hop, electronic, indie (“A Dream upon Waking”). When the Music Is an...

Environmental Problems and Social Movements

Introduction Environmental safety has come to be among the most volatile topics of discussion at the local, national, and international levels. With the emergence of global warming, greenhouse effects, and other environmental issues, countries have resolved to use a united approach in solving these problems. There are very many factors...

“Direct and Indirect Exposure to Violence” by Zimmerman

Is the Problem Clearly and Concisely Stated? Yes, the author of the article states the problem clearly and concisely. First, Zimmerman underlines that exposure to violence is a crucial topic for consideration due to the impact it has on young people. Then, it is stated that exposure to violence could...

Pagtatanong-Tanong Indigenous Research Method

Researchers and scientists must be aware of the cultural attributes associated with a given population whenever conducting a given study (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). The presented case study describes a research team that is traveling to the Philippines for a research study. The group is expected to be complete...

How a Blender Works: Commercial Speech

How a Blender Works Specific Purpose: to show my audience how a blender works and benefits that it can bring to one’s everyday life. Central Idea: a blender is a useful gadget that can assist in various cooking tricks as well as save the time of its owners. Introduction Hello,...

Christians and Going to Church

What is the purpose of the church? A church has a huge purpose; Slick presented the purpose of the church as thus: To worship God (John 4:23), study the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15), pray (Acts 2:42), love one another(Phil. 1:1-4), help each other (Gal. 6:2), partake of baptism...

Sociology of Food and Eating

­­­­­My schedule Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day one Four slices of bread, glass of milk and one juice box One can of cream-style corn Chocolate chips, onion and tomato, two boxes of macaroni and cheese Day Two Four slices of bread, a glass of milk and one juice box. One can...

Personal Experience in the Covert Conflict

Introduction I experienced the negative consequences of the covert conflict while living with the roommate who avoided expressing the real emotions and feelings. My roommate chose to mask negative emotions under ignoring behaviors. Covert conflicts can develop over a long period of time, and our conflict was lasting for several...

Cognitive Development: Future Study’ Basis

Abstract This paper identifies the domain that I will address in my final research paper. Three theories that address the domain are briefly presented. The reasons for choosing this domain are given, and the expectations about the future study are provided. The paper is grounded on a review of basic...

Employee Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing

Mental health issues are currently contributing to a high number of ailments such as stress and fatigue, all of which result in employees’ absenteeism and, consequently, poor organizational performance. Managers are bestowed with the power to create an environment that is conducive to all employees. As revealed in this paper,...

Christianity History from Various Viewpoints

Introduction Views on Christianity as one of the world’s major religions are largely shaped by the experience of generations and those laws that are considered inviolable and eternal. Nevertheless, some opinions can be considered settled due to the fact that they are influenced by people’s certain worldviews, and particular ideas...

Christianity and Feminism: Differences in Beliefs

Although nowadays, the role of religion in the world is lowering, Christianity remains one of the dominant and most influential systems of beliefs. It is not only a religious conception but also a philosophy that impacts the minds of many, though some of them may not even know about this....

Chapter 1-2 of “Are Prisons Obsolete?” by A. Davis

Prisons are a seemingly inevitable part of contemporary life. From a historical perspective, they make an impression of a plausible tradeoff between the cruel and barbaric punishments of the past and the need to detain individuals that pose a danger to our society. However, the penitentiary system still harbors a...

“A Tale of Two Schools”: Educational Differences

According to Dynarski (2016), “education is deeply unequal in the United States, with students in poor districts performing at levels several grades below those of children in richer areas” (para. 1). It means that economic disadvantages often translate into academic achievement gaps in students. The video “A Tale of Two...

Carbon Cowboys: Environmental Protection & Energy Efficiency

The firm’s premise is Climate Change is real, but if you do not believe this is the case, it still makes sense to embrace clean, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. Discuss your understanding of: renewable energy, energy efficiency. The major difference between renewable energy the non-renewable one is...

Social Experiment: Wrong Outfit in a Wedding Event

Introduction It is my cousin’s wedding and the invitation card was specific on the dress code. The reception was to capture an official theme consisting of official dressing code, preferably grey or dark suit/dress. I did not expect everyone to dress as was directed. I opted for a casual trouser...

Early v. Late Maturation: Bringing Puberty to Life

Nowadays, precocious maturation has become rather widespread across nearly all human populations (Seeker, 2016). Simultaneously, there exist individuals whose puberty starts late (Steinberg, 2017). Because adolescence is a period during which children are subjected to significant changes and stress (Nickel, 2010), it is paramount to be aware of the potential...

Probability Theory and Assessing Risk

Probability theory The basic probability theory is a tool that is used in decision making and risk management to solve difficult analytical problems by use of difficult integrals (Durrett, 2010). The results depend on random occurrence of infinite or finite events based on events that occur in a given probability...

Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society

What impact did the Industrial Revolution have in society? The Industrial Revolution is one of the most meaningful events in the history of humanity and its altered the social life greatly. First, it preconditioned the gradual rise of the level of comfort available to people as the appearance of new...

Counterterrorism Efforts in the Global Arena

The modern international relations are characterized by numerous tensions arising from conflicts in areas traditionally associated with terrorism and extremist groups. The war in Syria can serve as perfect evidence of the complexity of the global intercourse (Hoffman, 2017). Under these conditions, security concerns acquire the top priority as nations...

Depression and Self-Esteem: Research Problem

Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a systematic research of phenomena using methods involving the analysis of numerical data; these methods are usually mathematical, statistical, or numerical (University of Southern Carolina Libraries, 2017). The data is commonly collected via polls, surveys, etc.; after that, it is systematically generalized to a wider...

Implementation of Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Title I of the ECPA’s restricts people and organizations from intercepting any kind of communication, be it oral, wire or electronic. Service providers and operators are rather exempted on condition that they are using the information in performing their legal normal employment duties. This includes them that the law has...

Morality Play: Everyman

This paper discus Everyman, a morality play performed during the medieval ages. The morality plays are also known as allegory essays and focuses on the behavior of man in earth and life after death. In this play, the main character is Everyman who has been used symbolically to represent the...

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Sociologists examine social occurrences at varying extents and from diverse standpoints. From actual understanding to an extensive overview of society and social norms, sociologists analyze all perspectives from specific experiences to the big picture. There are three primary theoretical perspectives used in sociology and include the functionalist perspective, the conflict...

American Revolution and Its Justification

Speaking about American Revolution, people tend to focus on a range of issues that seem to be the most doubtful. Much attention is paid to the justification of English taxes and American resistance. In addition to that, historians argue whether it was possible to avoid revolution or it was inevitable....

Marc Chagall Paintings

Introduction In this paper, I wish to discuss about Marc Chagall an artist of the 20th century; I find one of his art prints dubbed “Lovers in moonlight” very appealing to me since it reminds me of a wonderful event I once experienced during my childhood (, 2011). Biography of...

McDonald Corporation: Operations Management and Productivity

Introduction Operations management is a key aspect in an organization and centers on planning and control of an organization whether a product or service through study of concepts from several engineering angles such as design, industrial and management which comprises information systems, production and accounting. Customers of different companies order...

Use of Digital Technology

The digital technology has greatly acquired popularity in the recent decades. The use of digital techniques for accomplishing major social activities has equally been on the rise in public utility sites such as the social network websites in the internet. A plethora of internet users has often posted information of...

Social Media in Real Life: Causes and Effects

Social Media in the 21st Century The introduction of innovative digital technologies has reinvented the realm of communication, providing people with numerous opportunities for keeping in touch without any interruptions. Though social media deserves to be praised and appreciated for the innovative solutions that it provides, its effects on real-life...

How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?

Introduction The author of the article presents a road map for the study in the “introduction” section. The author also provides a theory section and a literature review. That being the case, the author uses “cultivation theory” to underpin the research. The theory is appropriate for the hypothesis because it...

Power and Wealth as a Source of Strength

Administering life A good example of ‘administering life’ is when human beings link money with power. Wealth is seen as a source of power. Rich people in society are highly regarded as compared to poor ones. Society has a way of linking wealth with power; this is a belief that...

Communication Technology Business Units

Fact 1: why is this problem? This is found to be a problem because the flow of information from one point to another is indeed very crucial to any business venture. Through information technology, business units are in a position to fully equip themselves with the transfer of knowledge as...

Heroes and Killers of 20th Century: Joseph Stalin

Introduction The website named “Moreorless: heroes & killers of the 20th century” by the author and producer Bruice Harris was developed for society all over the world. It is intended to present all necessary materials about heroes and killers of the 20th century from the author’s point of view. Among...

Services Marketing: Service Encounter Diary

Encounter I had to use the services of this website because I needed to buy an airline ticket online. This organization appeared to me quite reliable and efficient. They helped me to make this reservation; however, a week later, they sent me an email and said that the airline company...

The Main Functions of Computer Components

BIOS The main function of BIOS in a computer is set up the hardware, ready for loading and the eventual starting of an operating system. The first function of the BIOS once the computer has been turned on is to initiate the process of identifying the system devices. These devices...

Apple Company: Strategy and Problems Analysis

Historical Major Competitive Advantages for Apple Apple’s historical competitive advantages included: development of easy-to-use personal computers; innovative industrial design in the development of the computers such as the use of graphical user interface (GUI); technical elegance; development of superior software, and; employment of horizontal and vertical integration. Analysis of the...

The Goals of a Banking Institution

Following the interview between a member of our research team and one of the directors of a bank, a multinational bank with branches all over the world, we were able to deduce the firm’s goals as follows; The vision is to be the champion of the socio-economic prosperity of the...

Metrics and Performance Measurement in Operations Management

Introduction Metrics is indeed a powerful management tool in aligning company strategies and objectives and ensuring people are working towards a common direction. Going beyond metrics practice in trying to improve processes and products, managers should strive to fulfill predictable requirements in designing and managing metrics to ensure they are...