Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions: The USA and India

What is Hofstede cultural dimensions theory? Keep reading to find out! Here, you’ll learn more about Hofstede model of cultural dimensions and the comparison between the USA and India. Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions of the USA and India: Essay Introduction The Hofstede Country Index is often used to determine...

Ineffective Employee Behavior and Keys to Effectiveness

For the team to work effectively, it is important that each member has certain characteristics that ensure coherency. First, each individual should be focused on achieving the concrete result. For example, every person should set corporate goals prior to individual ones. Second, all workers should have an active position. It...

Environmental Impact of the Football Stadium Construction

Introduction The construction of the 36,000-seater Football Stadium in the district of Tipner, Portsmouth, UK, is a great event for the Tipner community. However, the construction of such a large architectural complex is also a great challenge for the site’s environments and ecological situation. To predict the environmental impact of...

Theories of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead about Human Development

Cooley and Mead Theories: Introduction Socialization is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for an individual to become a member of a community. When children are born, they start undergoing primary socialization taught by people who bring them up (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2017). Although most scholars agree on...

South Africa Spotlight in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies

Introduction Although Neil Blomkamp’s movies were relatively successful with regard to their box offices, the critics’ attention was also drawn to the depiction of Africans and Bantu Immigrants. The director himself pointed out that he did not aim to depict the population of South Africa in derogatory terms, but it...

Lesson Plan: Growing Sunflower

Category   Sets Ambitious and Measurable Achievement Goals aligned to the IN Math & Science standards This lesson plan is meant for first-grade learners. The lesson aims at elaborating the understanding of different features of a mature sunflower and relating these scientific concepts such as factors that support its growth,...

“Bling H2O” Bottled Water in the Australian Market

Bling H2O – the most expensive bottled water Bling H2O water is the world’s most expensive bottled water. The brand’s creator, Hollywood writer-producer Kevin G. Boyd, targeted to sell it to the celebrities who highly esteem their bottled water. I have just heard about this product but I hope to...

John Lewis SANDC Expansion: New Facility vs. Upgrades

Major Facts John Lewis Partnership is one of the leading UK retailers with 28 department stores, 234 Waitrose supermarkets, and other businesses (Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The company’s stores stock over 350,000 goods lines. The retailer’s growth led to the development and introduction of the so-called SANDC (Semi-Automated National Distribution...

Emily Dickinson vs Walt Whitman: Poems Comparison

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are often compared to each other. Why? Well, there are many similarities between Whitman and Dickinson, but the most important aspect is the attitude towards nature that makes them such important poets. So, how do both Dickinson and Whitman show they value nature in 324...

Allegiant Air R&D: Innovation in Low-Cost Airline Industry

Introduction In order to review the Research and Development (R&D) efforts of the low-cost airline carrier Allegiant Air, it is first important to mention that calculating exact costs that go toward innovation because of the specific nature of the airline industry. With fluctuating demands on specific carriers and with the...

Laudato Si’: Pope Francis on Pollution and Environmental Caution

Introduction In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis addresses the danger of polluting our planet and urges people to be more environmentally cautious. He provides a Catholic perspective on these issues and outlines different arguments against pollution. The talking points of Pope Francis In the first 19 paragraphs of his encyclical letter,...

Thomas Jefferson’s Selected Letters: Key Issues and Ideas

Having read Thomas Jefferson’s “Selected Letters”, it is possible to say that each of them contains issues which deserve attention. The ideas delivered by the president are clear and imperative. It is impossible to leave reasonable and argumentative statements without attention. Having read the “Selected letters”, much information seems interesting...

Ode on a Grecian Urn Essay: Analysis of Tone, Mood, and Meaning

John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is a prominent example of an ode. It tackles the theme of beauty and immortality of art. This “Ode on a Grecian Urn” essay explores the poem’s tone, mood, and meaning line by line. If you need to write a paper on this...

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Essay: Comparing Types of Motivation

Are you looking for inspiration for your intrinsic and extrinsic motivation essay? This sample paper will be of great help to you! It will define both types based on theory, provide some examples of how they work, and compare and contrast extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Read on to gain new...

The Political Battle Over Canadian History and Identity

The course of history is an objective process. Even though it can be affected by powerful politicians and unions of states, it does not change the very fact that the process itself should be viewed objectively. Nevertheless, understanding history is a highly subjective performance that is influenced by individual’s personal...

Healthcare Conditions of Vulnerable Population in Miami

Introduction The community discussed in this assignment is the city of Miami in Florida. The population of Miami is diverse; hence, the city is filled with ethnicity-based communities of various origins. Approximately 38 million tourists come to Miami every year. Finance, business, and tourist industries play a major role in...

Alan Wilson’s Career Choice to Change the World

Abstract The case study analysis is focused on selecting the best career option for Alan Wilson. The purpose is to choose the option that is most beneficial to make a difference. Although accepting the offer to work for Grepter in Zurich Alan acts rationally, this choice is most efficient to...

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory: Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the role of personal assessments has been increasing over the years, and some of the proposed techniques are incredibly efficient. Nurse Manager Skills Inventory is one of such tools, and one of its benefits is that it focuses on several important aspects at...

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive Advantage in 2014

Introduction Tesla motors is an American based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian market. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nokola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis in Tesla motors. Competitive analysis...

Police Brutality Against African-American Males: Urgent State Response Needed

Police brutality experienced by the African-American male population is critical, and the emergency of this situation requires immediate response from the state. In turn, the population should be knowledgeable about the services, organizations, and aid available to them in addressing and combating the current issue. Table 1 displays the organizations...

Innovation as a Key to Polaris Industries Inc.’s Success

Our world has changed greatly during the last several decades. Technologies develop, and many things we use in everyday life are constantly enhanced (phones, TVs, etc). The same happens in other spheres; better services and products enter the market and compete for costumer’s attention. But people are not surprised by...

Communication Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Face-to-Face Communication Face to face communication has several advantages. Numerous observers say that face to face contact can never be replaced irrespective of the numerous advancements in technology (Oxford Economics, 2009). It should be noted that face-to-face contact enables the transmission of unspoken or implied knowledge. It also...

Statistical Analysis of Video Games and Their Relationship with Aggression

If there is a correlation between two variables that tends to be close to linear (that is, if one variable changes, the other also does so), this tendency can be demonstrated on a Cartesian coordinate system by drawing a straight line to which the data points converge. How scattered the...

Plato vs. Aristotle: Philosophy, State, and Social Views

Introduction It is worth noting that the two great philosophers Plato and Aristotle had polar views on the essence and the philosophy in general. Aristotle, unlike his teacher Plato, was interested not so much in the inner essence of the being, the fundamental principle of the world as such, but...

Redefining Plagiarism: Learning and Creativity in Writing

The topic of plagiarism becomes one of the most critical issues in writing. In the context of the modern technology-driven world, the concept of plagiarism acquires new perceptions and definitions. In their articles, Neims (2015) and Goldsmith (2011) consider plagiarism in writing as the idea of repurposing and learning opportunity....

Process-Oriented Culture at Pinnacle West Capital Corp.: An Overview

Process-Oriented Organization: Challenges Addressing issues associated with information management implies handling numerous challenges in an organizational environment, and the case of Pinnacle West is a clear example of the specified phenomenon. For instance, with the shift of the focus from people to processes, the threat of mismanaging human resources will...

Studying Philosophy: Benefits for Students

The benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy and the Socratic Method of Teaching Studying philosophy benefits students as it develops their thinking abilities. Philosophical inquiries and debates contribute to the students’ critical thinking and encourage them to look at one issue from different angles. This can help students...

Polypharmacy: Policies for Safer Prescriptions

Introduction The issue of multiple drug prescriptions poses a significant threat to patients’ well-being. Polypharmacy may have far-reaching consequences and negatively affect individuals’ health through various side effects and other unfavorable drug events. The problem mainly occurs because patients are either prescribed with inappropriate medications or when they refer to...

Differentiating Between Right and Wrong: A Philosophical Exploration

Spirituality and Understanding of Concepts Discussing one’s personal worldview has always been a complicated task since many people rarely think about their spirituality, the nature of the world around them, or the meaning of human history. In my opinion, spirituality is the central point that characterizes how a person views...

Improving Elderly Patient Satisfaction with Daily Nurse Visits

PICOT A brief sketch of Methods/Methodology This research will investigate the connection between patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. The sample population will involve from 10 to 20 patients of 65 years of age or older, hospitalized for periods of time of over a week. These people will be split into...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Peplau’s Theory: Insights and Applications

The metaparadigm of nursing covers the concepts fundamental to the profession. In particular, these are elements such as client, nursing, health, and the environment (Black, 2016). They are interconnected and penetrate each other, creating a holistic approach to patient care. My understanding that caring for clients should entail all these...

Vital Role of Statistics in Advancing Healthcare Quality

Introduction As with any other branch of science, health care and medicine fields incorporate a rich knowledge base. Numerous students, professionals, and academics use this information to expand their knowledge, deliver care more effectively, and raise the population’s quality of life. The data records are steadily growing due to ongoing...

Reflection about Statistics and Probability – Essay Sample [New]

Learning statistics is viewed as an essential subject. It is also crucial to do statistics and probability reflection about their role in math, data management, and one’s daily life as a student. This statistics essay sample is going to cover what I have learned in statistics and probability. Essay will...

Argue For or Against the Limitation of Speed Limits

Speed Limit Essay Introduction It is undoubtedly true that driving safety is one of the most widely-discussed topics. That is why there is an impressive number of diverse opinions regarding the traffic rules. The limitation of speed limits may be the most severe issue drivers are dealing with nowadays. The...

Analyzing Gender Through Freud’s Psychoanalytic Lens

There are various ideas raised by various authors portraying the distinct or somewhat similar attributes in regards to how gender is formed. Feminism arises where such factors of social, political, and economic boundaries are addressed. In a bid to evaluate and demonstrate how authors portray gender in their writings, this...

Water in the Atmosphere

Latent heat is the energy that is accumulated or released in a specific thermodynamic system as a result of a constant temperature process (Lutgens and Tarbuck 375). The aforementioned process can be observed in the course of a change of state of matter and the following release or accumulation of...

Great Lakes Chemical Company: Supply Chain Overview

There are different companies in the globe and each produces different products. Though some companies may be dealing with similar products or services, they are differentiated. Furthermore, companies have different policies hence differentials in operation. Supply chain map is the different levels that a product goes through before reaching the...

Common Law: Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is one of the basic tenets of human rights across the globe. It comprises of the freedom to express oneself without the fear of being intimidated, free delivery of the speech, liberated press, freedom to disseminate and receive information and the right to silence as well as...

Waste Management Inc.: Accounting Principles

Nowadays, all organizations have to use unified accounting concepts to ensure sufficient reporting of their financial transactions. Waste Management Inc. was one of the organizations that violated these standards while being accused of financial manipulations and fraud. In this instance, reviewing its accounting principles can help understand the actual financial...

The Impact of Religion in Society

Have you ever wondered how different religions influence society? In this impact of religion on society essay sample, you’ll find an answer to this and other questions about impact of religion on society. Keep reading to gain some inspiration for your paper! Impact of Religion on Society: Essay Introduction Let...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Using Orem’s Theory

Early in the process of my nursing training, I came to a realization that learning the key aspects of the nursing profession suffices not. Given how strenuous the work in health care can be, a nurse needs to have his or her “why” figured out to guide them when the...

Modern Nursing Philosophy: Inspired by Florence Nightingale

Introduction to personal philosophy The patron of modern-day nursing Florence Nightingale saw nursing as fine art that required dedication and personal input (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2015). Subsequent philosophies have built upon the idea of nursing as a higher-order discipline. However, my philosophy of nursing takes a modern approach by incorporating...

Modern Society’s Knowledge Demands and Education’s Role

Modern society introduces numerous requirements to a person for him/her to become successful and build a career. It comes from the increased sophistication of processes and multiple sources of data available for individuals. In this regard, knowledge becomes the central resource of the modern world. It also means the increased...

Developing a Personal Leadership Philosophy: Principles and Strategies

Introduction Situational leadership requires a person to analyze any emerged situation in accordance with his or her team members’ individual skills and experiences. Therefore, novices or people who are not productive enough or do not show good results should receive developing tasks, whereas their leader ought to reconsider his or...

Personality Types & Leadership in Healthcare: Jung Typology Test Insights

In many cases, the leadership qualities of individuals depend on their personality types and associated characteristics that can determine their reactions and behaviors in different situations. The Jung Typology Test is one of the tools that help determine the personality type concerning Carl Jung’s theory and Isabel Briggs Myers’ analysis...

Performance-Based vs. Personal Communication: Impacts on Work Dynamics

It is challenging to imagine the modern world without communication. It is so because information sharing is essential in every life sphere, and teaching is not an exception. Various communication types differ according to the goals and situations when they occur. Performance-based and personal communication approaches are essential elements in...

Assessing Pressure Ulcer Risk: Insights from Balzer et al. Study

Analysis of the Article For this assessment, I have selected the publication What Patient Characteristics Guide Nurses’ Clinical Judgement on Pressure Ulcer Risk? A Mixed-Method Study by Balzer et al. (2014), and it focuses on defining diverse aspects that nurses tend to use when determining risks of pressure ulcers’ occurrence....

Pediatric and Adult Immunization: Improving Awareness on Benefits

Immunization can be discussed as one of the most efficient prevention methods to improve the health status of pediatric and adult populations (Kao, Schneyer, & Bocchini, 2014). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide different types of immunization schedules oriented to increasing the public’s awareness and rising immunization...

Reducing Child Motor Vehicle Injuries with Smartphone Intervention

Pedestrian safety is a crucial skill that should be learned by children to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality from traffic accidents. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2017), children and older adults are most at risk of being killed in traffic crashes. The present...

Structure and Efficiency of Pay Systems in U.S. Organizations

Introduction The private sector is the section of a state economy possessed, led, and managed by remote persons or companies. Its key purpose is to show a profit and hire more staff than the public segment. A private-sector organization is formed by creating a new company or transferring a public...

Cornerstone Café’s Compensation System

Abstract Employees’ compensation is an important factor that management of firms must take into consideration when coming up with strategic plans. Cornerstone CafĂ©’s compensation system is poor and will need to be reviewed to match that of other similar firms within the region. Introduction Employee compensation is one of the...

Addressing Patient Safety Threats from Medical and Nursing Errors

Patient safety remains one of the top priorities in the field of healthcare. Despite significant improvements made in the field in recent years, the number of adverse patient outcomes associated with medical and nursing errors remains at an unacceptably high level by the modern standards. The following paper provides an...

Differential Diagnoses: Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea Analysis

Introduction A presumptive nursing diagnosis is at the center of nursing interventions; therefore, it is of utter importance to learn the process of analyzing diagnostic clues and symptoms (Herdman & Kamitsure, 2014). This paper aims to present three differential diagnoses for a patient who presents with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea....

Enhancing Healthcare Quality: Policies, Safety, and Trust

Over the last decades, quality and safety within healthcare delivery have risen to become major concerns in health policy and research. Medical errors remain the primary cause of injuries, and the relations between nurse staffing and quality outcomes have been highlighted by several studies (World Health Organization, 2016; Waring et...

Patient Safety in Nursing Practice: Key Factors and Solutions

Title Due to the alarming rates of cases associated with patient safety in the delivery of nursing services, conducting a study on the elements that trigger the trend is essential. As such, I am interested in endeavoring on an inquiry on the topic: The Patient Safety in Nursing Practice. Research...

Promoting Patient Safety: Addressing It as a Key Nursing Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The topic chosen for this task is promoting patient safety within hospital set-ups. Errors are common occurrences in nursing practice, and they come with adverse effects by affecting patient safety and health outcomes (Lawati,...

Patients’ Safety in Nursing Education: Key Factors and Competencies

Introduction Analysis of the influence of contexts, tensions, and feeling safe to learn on patients’ safety in nursing education demonstrates that safety is one of the key nursing competencies since it has a strong impact on patients’ outcomes and health care quality (Steven, Magnusson, Smith & Pearson, 2014). Therefore, the...

Senator Bill Nelson’s Stance on the American Health Care Act

Introduction The American Health Care Act of 2017 has been one of the most controversial health bills of the last five years. It is primarily focused on the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and has since been rejected in Senate multiple times. The consequences for its...

Integrating Smart Tech for Better Patient Monitoring & Care

Focus on Monitoring and Quality Improvement as the Means of Integrating Smart Technology into the Hospital Setting Patient monitoring is one of the essential steps toward the enhancement of the quality of care and the promotion of improved patient outcomes in the hospital setting. Therefore, using the strategies that allow...

Analyzing Respiratory Disease Causes in a 55-Year-Old Woman

Introduction This case describes an anamnesis of a patient with a respiratory illness. A woman has suffered from the disease for seven years. The exacerbation of respiratory symptoms occurs several times a year. However, it does not depend on the season. She stated that her co-workers faced the same problem....

Patient Education: Evidence-Based Project for Senior Health

The idea for an Evidence-Based Project From the health care providers’ perspective, patient education is delivering information to patients and interacting with them to expand their knowledge about certain health issues and encourage them to improve their health behaviors. Patient education may occur in many forms, one of which is...

Effective Treatment Plan Strategies for Serious Illness

Determining Approach to Care Helping to cope with a serious illness is impossible without choosing an individual approach to each patient. That is why the foundation of care for Mr. P is a patient-centered approach, which is beneficial for selecting the most appropriate model of communication, treatment, and education. However,...

Innovations in Patient-Centered Care: Approaches for Enhanced Healthcare Delivery

The increased demand for the level of services provided by the healthcare sector resulted in a significant reconsideration of the main approaches used to attain success and improve existing practices to guarantee delivery of the most important healthcare services. With this in mind, the given sphere passes through the period...

Can Technology and Caring Coexist in Nursing?

Nowadays, technological progress affects the development of almost every professional area. Nursing is one of the oldest professions, but within recent decades its concepts and ideas have been revised, challenged, and redefined. One of the factors that heat the discussion about what nursing should be like is the introduction and...

The Role of Children in Medea and Oedipus Rex: Despair, Revenge, and Dramatic Irony

Introduction Ancient Greece is known for its many traditions and norms that have been preserved for millennia, emphasizing the values of family, dignity, and integrity. However, Ancient Greece is additionally known for its literature and well-known plays that carry powerful messages and illuminate themes that are often debated even in...

Performance Management, Compensation, and Data Standardization in Global Companies

Introduction Human resource managers must strategize and execute ways of increasing workers’ efficacy and enhancing performance excellence. Traditionally, enterprises used an annual appraisal system, which had several drawbacks. Many organizations now adopt performance management (PM), which involves continuous identification, measurement, and development of individuals and workgroups to ensure that their...

Patenting Myriad Genetics’ Discoveries

Abstract Supreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon. Nonetheless, I do not agree with this perspective, as the topic is novel, socially beneficial with the recognition of similar discoveries in the past. In turn, legal regulation regarding...

Patagonia Inc. and Metaphors in Sustainability

Case Study Analysis Using Metaphor The paper is focused on the evaluation of two articles containing case studies involving the use of metaphors to understand the peculiarities of the method. The first one is the article by Jerminer and Forbes (2016) that is focused on the investigation of using metaphors...

Case Study on Prostatitis Disease Treatment Methods and Efficacy

Scenario Jack is an 80-year-old male who was admitted to the primary care physician’s office. He is a widowed person, and his family currently consists only of his two sons and their wives. Even though they are in the same state, the client lives independently and is distanced from his...

Implementing Predictive Models and Discovering Patterns in Paramount Decisions

Introduction The decision-making process is a key activity of all organizations. Right decisions are a significant part of businesses’ success, a high level of performance, and competitive advantage. Thus, the choice of an appropriate decision support system based on the company’s needs and purposes is vital. This paper provides an...

Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training

Bill summary Seeks to amend the Public Health Service Act (Congress.Gov, 2019). To raise the number of permanent faculty in palliative care institutions. Beneficiaries: accredited osteopathic and allopathic training institutions. Aim: promote education and research in hospices and palliative care. Specifics of the Bill All palliative care and hospice education...

Internet Alters Traditional Distribution Channels: A Study

Introduction The internet has altered the traditional distribution channel. Where companies depended on catalogs to inform customers about products, they can now access them easily on websites. Purchases do not have to be made on site. Customers purchase and pay for merchandise online. Thereafter, the company organizes to deliver the...

Key Considerations and Risks in IT Outsourcing

Introduction Outsourcing is a tactical organization alternative, and not merely a means of reducing operational costs in a company. Most organizations choose to outsource to reduce costs and reduce the time taken for marketing (Haag & Cummings, 2008). In this paper, I look at some of the considerations and risks...

Causes of World War I: Tensions, Alliances, and Ambitions

The beginning of the 20th century could be characterized by the great tension in the international relations. The leading states of that period of time had entered the new century with their own goals and intentions, trying to promote the increase of their power and preserve the current position. For...

Employee Selection at Outback Steakhouse

How the employee selection methods at Outback Steakhouse help the organization achieve a competitive advantage Competitive advantage is achieved through the optimization of the company’s internal and external environment. If a company manages to leverage its structure, it will be far easier for the company to remain relevant in its...

Our Town America: Selling a Family Company

Case Summary Michael Plummer Sr. founded Our Town America Company in the year 1972 in Florida. Michael Plummer Jr. took over the management of the company after the death of his father. The company had thirty employees. Although, Plummer had worked in the business with his father for nine years,...

Organization Theory: Classical Foundations, Modern Applications, and Business Impact

Bureaucratic system perfectly fits in an unpretentious, legalistic, and rigid social order. It is irreconcilable with intricate, self-motivated, and idiosyncratic societies (Pershing & Austin, 2014). Bureaucratic system is predicted to be substituted by the age of innovativeness, and non-lawful, lenient means of power. Bureaucracy and democracy point toward standards for...

How Employees Expresses Organization’s Fundamental Values

Unethical Behavior One of the situations, when a company manager behaved unethically, was the scandal with Turing Pharmaceuticals owned by Martin Shkreli. In 2015, the company acquired the rights to manufacture Daraprim intended for people infected with HIV. As a result of the transaction, the company received a monopolistic right...

Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Behavior and Performance

In which situations do companies tend to adopt assimilation strategies normally? Assimilation is a type of amalgamation when two or more companies merge. Several things come into play when companies think of merging. For assimilation to work as a merger strategy, it has to be well thought out. Towards this...

Managing Organizational Communication and Conflict in Healthcare Settings

The unavoidability of disagreements in domains such as the family, work, and the society suggests the need for developing mechanisms that can help to address conflicts in these areas. Some of the strategies that have been applied to manage conflicts that result from change implementation processes include collaboration, compromising, competing,...

Nursing Professionalism Amid Organizational Changes

Organizational changes in nursing Today, many facilities support the idea of organizational change to support employees, understand their needs, and avoid conflicts (Kossek, Hammer, Kelly, & Moen, 2014). In nursing, change can be planned and unplanned. Planned changes are easy to cope with because they pass through all important stages,...

Organizational Change: Types and Challenges

Concept and Types of Organizational Change The idea of organizational change is linked to the necessity to update the quality of the company’s services in order to meet the standards set in the market and create a competitive advantage over key rivals. Therefore, organizational change can be described as the...

Organizational Behavior Insights for the Pacific Rim Region

In chapter 13, the writers discuss the impact that an organization’s structure has on its performance, power distribution and the general operation of issues. Organizations need to have formalized structure that can show how they are working for ease in communication and giving of instructions. Well structured organizations have duties,...

Troop Leading Procedures and Orders Process

Troop-leading procedures are essential for building defense and creating strong force protection. Therefore, the relationships between the orders process and the troop-leading procedures have to be clearly established and firmly institutionalized. The specified relationships are founded on the premise of an increase in defense quality and, therefore, are based on...

Enhancing Healthcare Quality: Addressing Nurse Understaffing

Introduction The proposal deals with the necessity to avoid the lack of experienced nursing professionals. It is emphasized that a range of critical changes are required in order to enhance the situation. The need to develop this evidence-based practice project can be proved by quality, clinical, and financial aspects that...

The Role of Opinion Leadership in Intensive Care Unit Environments

It is possible to state with certainty that the concept of leadership plays an immensely important role in nearly every sphere of societal life. It is apparent that some people tend to have more impact on how other members of society behave or perceive themselves. Therefore, the role of a...

US Army Fitness Crisis: Addressing Unfit Recruits and Solutions

The United States Army is undoubtedly one of the most respected segments of the US Armed Forces. Currently, it is the largest recruiting group among the three branches of the Armed Forces. Accordingly, the US Army spends the biggest portion of the government budget allocation to the military. Indeed, the...

Historical Context and Evolution of Opera and Instrumental Music

Opera Aiming at restoring the Greek drama, Peri and Caccini, the members of Bardi’s camerata, introduced the notion of opera. Still, it was during the Baroque period that opera received proper attention and became a particularly elaborate work of music, singing, dancing and design. The notions of opera seria (drama)...

Essential Skills & Courses for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Introduction Although successful as an entrepreneur may depend largely on energy, luck, timing, and a great idea, there are skills and knowledge that are also crucial to launching a business. Although some folks are blessed naturally with the ability to effectively sell their concept or product, as well as an...

Effectiveness of Online Courses in Traditional Universities

Abstract Online learning programs have increased significantly within the past two decades. This is the case since the Internet has made it possible for human beings to exchange ideas instantly without having to travel from point A to B. The selected research question for this proposal is whether most of...

The Rise of Online Colleges: Benefits and Challenges

Education plays a critical role in modern society. The rapid rise and development of technologies resulted in the appearance of drastic changes in essential activities performed by individuals working in different spheres. In this regard, to remain efficient and attain higher levels of performance, people have to possess a solid...

HIV Risk Factors in Old Hispanic Women: Cianelli et al.’s Study

Problem The authors of the article under analysis admit that the topic of HIV infections is widely spread in the United States and underline the fact that Hispanic women aged 50 are under a serious threat of having this disease despite numerous discussions and social practices. Therefore, they suggest focusing...

Sophocles’ Oedipus the King: Fate, Free Will, and Human Responsibility

Oedipus the King is one of the most recognizable literary characters. His name is generally associated with fate, sin, and sorrow. The famous founder of psychoanalysis used the name of the character to depict one of the peculiarities of the human mind. Admittedly, Sophocles’ tragedy has become one of the...

The Bhagavad Gita: A Philosophical Perspective on War, Duty, and Righteousness

Introduction In stark contrast to Sun Tzu’s pragmatic and strategic approach to war, the Hindu scripture, The Bhagavad Gita, presents a more philosophical and moral perspective on conflict. The “art of war” in Hinduism, as depicted in the scripture, does not concern itself with the tactical aspects of warfare but...

Preventing Childhood Obesity: Effective After-School Programs

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the primary health concerns in the United States. It can be explained by the fact that it entails different critical health conditions, including chronic ones, such as type II diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, certain types of cancer, some cardiovascular, psychosocial, and metabolic diseases,...

Obesity in Florida: Health Risks and Solutions

There are two reasons why obesity is an important issue for consideration in Florida. First, the citizens of Florida, as well as the representatives of other states, need to understand that obesity is one of the main causes of health problems. Approximately 350,000 Americans die annually because of an unhealthy...

Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity Therapy: Diet & Exercise Impact

The Connection of PICOT Question, Research Articles, and Nursing Practice Problem Lifestyle interventions are among the components of overweight or obesity therapy. Adult populations can find these interventions complicated or unnecessary because adults accept changes less eagerly. Nevertheless, changes in diet and activity are possible interventions to deal with overweight...

Obama’s Economic Policy Response to the Financial Crisis: An Analytical Review

There were significant expectations laid on the new president after the election. The economic situation Obama had to face when becoming the president was a true disaster. The first step the new president was to take was to define the team that would be supposed to meet the challenge. Obama...

Ethics and Challenges of the Affordable Care Act: Network and Cost Issues

Narrowing the Networks Although the Affordable Care Act (or ObamaCare, as it was also called) was expected to make health care more accessible for all citizens of the US, it has still brought some problems that needed to be solved. The first conflict between ethics and the healthcare reform is...

The Appearance of Numerous Ethical Concerns in Modern Healthcare

The modern healthcare sector is one of the most important aspects that might guarantee societys survival and further evolution. For this reason, it is given such great attention. Besides, the nature of this sector presupposes the close cooperation with patients who should be provided with care and other services to...

How Nursing Understaffing Impacts Care at Palmetto Hospital

Introduction The problem addressed by the present project is nursing understaffing at Palmetto Hospital that is associated with a variety of negative outcomes in the staff cooperation and teamwork that, in turn, translate into the decreasing quality and safety of care provided to the patients of the institution (Rogowski et...

Financial, Quality, and Clinical Aspects in Project Proposals

Introduction The implementation of any project requires the focus on such aspects as financial, quality, and clinical. When crafting a proposal, it is essential to address these areas as this information can lead to the acceptance or rejection of the program (Penner, 2013). The present intervention aims at developing certain...

Nursing Theories and Personal Philosophy: Theoretical Foundations and Practices

Introduction Being a nurse in a palliative care department can be challenging. The patients receiving healthcare services are often in pain and can be overwhelmed by emotional distress alongside serious health conditions. Communication is regarded as one of the key elements of care provided to such patients (Kelley & Morrison,...

Nurses’ Role in Shared Governance

Ethics in Shared Governance Shared governance is a system that allows nurses to participate in operations and activities connected not only to individual patients’ well-being but also to the hospital’s structure. In this type of governing structure, nurses have a chance to obtain more information to care for their patients,...

Nurses’ Role in Prostate Cancer Care: Mr. Alcindor’s Case Study

Occasionally, there are situations when nurses have to take up doctors’ work when communicating with patients. This paper reviews the case of Mr. Alcindor that happened to visit a medical center when a doctor was out of town. A nurse should provide him with information about his PSA results, the...

Evidence-Based Nursing Project: Key Stakeholders & Barriers

The implementation of an evidence based nursing project requires the participation of several stakeholders with diverse interests and personal orientations (Bohnenkamp, Pelton, Rishel, & Kurtin, 2014). Indeed, as demonstrated by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell (2011), it is important for nursing professionals to engage key stakeholders to a project in...

Strategic Planning for Future Nursing Professional Development and Growth

Nursing is a challenging and intense field of work that requires workers to grow continually and self-develop. It has become one of the fastest-growing fields of work. Therefore, this group of medical workers can implement specific long-lasting changes to the healthcare system of the USA. Nurses have proximity to patients...

IOM Report Impact: Nursing Practice and Education

Nowadays, the representatives of the nursing profession start playing more and more important roles in the American health care system. There exist a variety of reasons for that; for instance, nurses are cheaper to prepare than physicians, and deep theoretical knowledge that doctors attain is often not required for the...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Key Concepts & Processes

Introduction Nursing is one of the most challenging and most interesting fields in health care in the 21st century. On the one hand, it is necessary to consider recent progress, technological achievements, and human rights to make sure that high-quality care and assessment are offered. On the other hand, it...

Patient Adaptation Theories: Comparison & Personal Transition

Introduction Many theorists have considered the issue of adaptation and the aspects that are either beneficial or detrimental to patient’s successful progression. Notably, various concepts have been developed, and each of them views this process from different angles. The purpose of this paper is to review one of the main...

Nursing Theories in Practice: Enhancing Knowledge and Outcomes

Introduction The use of theory within nursing practice organizes nursing knowledge and provides a methodical way of gathering information to exemplify, clarify, and envisage nursing practice by translating knowledge into practice (Smith & Parker, 2015). Theories also promote levelheaded and well-ordered practice by inspiring and validating presentiments (Smith & Parker,...

Advancing Nursing Careers: IOM Recommendations

My current career and personal goals explain why I definitely fit into the IOM’s Future of Nursing recommendations. To begin with, the fourth recommendation focuses on the best ways to increase the percentage of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent. After completing my current degree program, I will...

Enhancing Patient Care Through Interprofessional Collaboration

Collaboration is an evidence-based practice that nurse practitioners (NP) can consider to provide high-quality services to their patients. This initiative guides professionals in the health sector to identify the unique needs of different individuals and offer personalized services. This paper presents ideas and insights that support the importance of interprofessional...

CMS Payment Denial & Impact on Healthcare Services

The impact of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment denial on the provision of healthcare services can be discussed from two perspectives. On the one hand, the quality of care can be affected if the payment for required services is denied because they can belong to the...

Family vs. School Nurses: Roles, Skills, and Responsibilities

Introduction Community health nurses operate in a variety of environments ranging from patients’ homes to public clinics. The key goal of community nurses is helping patients access the highest-quality care not only through supervising their treatment but also through educating and advising them on the appropriate measures of health. Since...

Patient-Centered Care: Holistic Approach & Discharge Planning

Introduction Patient-centered care is based on a holistic approach, where each patient is considered as an individual with a set of personal preferences, values, and religious beliefs. The client’s lifestyle is accounted for, and the family is incorporated into the care process. According to Hood, Leddy, and Pepper (2014), nurses...

The Future of Nursing: Evolution, Challenges, and Emerging Perspectives

Introduction As a relatively young discipline, nursing is in the process of constant change and improvement, both within the United States and worldwide. New disciplines and qualifications emerge, legislation changes and new knowledge alters the nature of care. Over time, different career paths for nurses have emerged that do not...

Nursing Education in Poland vs. Ireland: Historical & Modern Insights

Introduction Poland and Ireland have a singular historical background: over the XIX century, Poland experienced wars and Soviet domination; Catholicism shaped Ireland, and a deep anti-British movement led to the foundation of the nation. The proximity of Ireland to Western culture would have suggested a more modern system there than...

Health Risks for Nursing Professionals: Key Findings

Systematic Review There is a variety of jobs related to healthcare and people holding such positions often have severe health issues as their patients do. In order to understand health situation and determine the most important health risks for nursing professionals, a long-term study has been conducted. In their article,...

Project Management in Nursing Doctoral Programs: Overcoming Key Challenges

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) proposes several Essentials of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. Essential VIII will be the focus of the present reflection, which will aim to review and evaluate the current course from the perspective of project management, as well as fiscal considerations....

Defining Nursing Roles and Healthcare Actors in Modern Patient Care

Nursing Definition and Assumptions Regarding Health Care Actors Nursing is responsible for providing safe, timely, and patient-oriented health care delivery. In my opinion, it exists to support patients’ physical and psychological needs that steadily change with time and are rather important for people to improve their health outcomes and prevent...

The Importance of Football for Youth Development and Health

Introduction Football is the most widely played team sport. That is why many parents opt to send their children to football practice. This is an excellent sport for children of all ages because there is virtually no age limit to begin participating. Recently, there have been an increasing number of...

Decision Making in The Iliad

Life is created in such a way, that people should always make decisions. The decision making process has penetrated in people’s life so much that it is we do not always get that we are making decisions. The process of decision making may be perfectly followed in the works of...

Analysis of HVAC System Project

Water Source Heat Pumps and Fan Coil Unit Systems A water source heat pump is comprised of the compressor, 4-Way reversing valve, refrigerant-water heat exchanger, thermal expansion device, coil, and fan. WSHP systems are highly efficient, robust, and quiet. A WSHP system lowers overall building energy consumption by 8% when...

The Aging Process: Francine’s Case

Senescence is different from one individual to another and various factors are deemed to influence the process, among them being environmental factors, as indicated by Zastrow et al. (2019). The case of Francine suggests that alcoholic drinking, a lack of connection with family and friends due to her sexual orientation,...

Actus Reus in English Criminal Law

Criminal liability in English law is defined by the Latin maxim “Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea”, which means that there can be no criminal liability without a guilty mind and a guilty act. In this formula, a guilty act means a wrongful act and a guilty mind...

Women’s Perspectives on Long-Standing Gender Stereotypes: Insights and Impacts

The US society is seen as an illustration of an egalitarian society where all people enjoy equal rights and have equal opportunities. Nonetheless, the power is still distributed unevenly between the genders. Women are still seen as creatures fit for child-rearing and keeping households. Men still think that women cannot...

Ebola Virus: Symptoms, Prevention, and Impact on Communities

Overview Ebola virus disease, also referred to simply as Ebola, is one of the conditions that are known as extremely deadly unless addressed within the shortest period. Because of its extraordinarily short incubation period, it is very easy to spot, yet the management of patients’ needs requires immediate actions, specific...

Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans

I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m. Mr. Evans is a very busy person and the fact that he set aside one hour out of his busy schedule...

Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement

Practice Model of Nursing for Health for All Developer: Faye Glenn Abdellah. Description of the theoretical perspectives The key focus of the theory is on the promotion of more efficient nursing education tools. The strategy is supposed to improve the quality of nursing services (Bluhm, 2014). Pros and cons concerning...

The Importance of Employee Training and Development for Organizational Growth

Effective Training Needs Analysis Training needs analysis refers to the identification process of employees’ development and training needs to enable them to carry out their tasks more efficiently to realize personal and organizational goals. Based on the scenario, the components of an effective training needs analysis include information regarding the...

The Hydrostatic and Hydraulics System of Acme Manufacturing Co

Abstract An industrial operations analysis plays a critical role in assessing the efficient operations of its different units. The following report presents detailed information addressing the prevailing circumstances of the fire suppressing and the Hydrostatic and hydraulics system of Acme Manufacturing Co. As an industrial assessor, the organization of BSCI...

The Art of the Ancient Mesopotamia and Aegean

Ancient Mesopotamia Ivory plaque of a lioness devouring a boy The image proves the statement that the art from the region is fearsome. In the carving, a scene of a young boy’s death is depicted. Moreover, he is being killed by a dangerous animal. This carving demonstrates cruelty and danger....

College Students’ Weight Gain and Its Causes

Many new high school graduates are ill-prepared to live an independent lifestyle while in college. Most of their meals had been, up to this point, prepared by their mother while they stayed at home. The result is that they often lack the necessary skills needed to cook their food. As...

Sharp HealthCare’s Key Users and Record Systems

Physicians as the main users of the health information There are many physicians at Sharp HealthCare with a number of goals and duties to be met. For example, Dr. Marcos Borrero, underline the necessity to provide effective care including the attention to the ethical aspects of family medicine (Sharp, 2016b)....

Integrating Nursing and Non-Nursing Theories in Healthcare Practice

The health of the population is the most valuable achievement of the society. Therefore, it’s maintaining and strengthening is an important task, in which all without exception must participate. The professional and ethical obligation of the nurse to provide, as far as possible, urgent medical care to any person who...

Nurse Understaffing in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The contemporary health care setting is aimed at providing high-quality care for its patients using the limited resources available for this purpose. However, there exist a number of problems that impair the ability to provide such care. The proposed project will focus on one such issue. The current paper...

Improving Handoff Communication in Perioperative Care

In a health care setting, handoff communication between medical personnel plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety and improving the effectiveness of patient care, and problems with this type of communication may lead to highly adverse results. This paper investigates problems that may occur during communication between members of...

Strategies for Nurse Practitioners Adapting to New Workplaces

Introduction This paper is aimed to consider the situation of a 45-year-old nurse practitioner who has changer her workplace after 10 years of work. She has been experiencing certain problems. This paper will advise how these problems might be solved. Consideration of R.T.’s Situation To start with, R.T. should try...

Staffing Standards in Hospitals: Ensuring Patient Safety and Care Quality

Introduction Nurse staffing is one of the burning issues in the US healthcare system that needs effective solutions and proper legislation. The bill H.R.2581 entitled “Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019” dwells upon the standards concerning nurse staffing in all American hospitals (Congress,...

Best Practices for Ensuring Safety in Nursing During Chemotherapy Treatments

Introduction The work of nurses in oncology departments is characterized by not only professional challenges but also other nuances. In particular, adherence to safety measures when using chemotherapeutic drugs is the essential aspect of the activity, which is not always respected. The article “Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus...

Work Features of Nurse Practitioners: Roles, Challenges, and Benefits

Should an NP who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP work in an adult primary care setting? A nurse practitioner (NP) who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP should not work in an adult primary setting because of several reasons. All NPs have to be certified...

Case Study on Nurse Leadership: Challenges and Effective Strategies

The case under consideration describes a situation with a registered nurse at a large psychiatric unit. During one of her shifts, an incident happened and a nurse can have a problem with her license. Legal and Ethical Issues One of the legal issues that can be implied with this situation...

Addressing Nurse Bullying: Legal Interventions and Strategies

Introduction Bullying has been an issue for many years, discussed both in media and on television. However, the primary focus is usually on high school students and bullying among schoolchildren, which is not the only domain where this problem exists. Despite the fact that nursing as a profession implies compassion...

Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Colvin et al.’s Study Analysis

Introduction As it is noted in the article “Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus Self-Assessment” by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016), one of the primary nursing concerns is occupational exposure. Accordingly, the problem of proper adherence to safety guidelines is of immense great because nurses should be aware of...

Innovative Marketing Strategies for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Marketing has traditionally been a concept in commercial sector due to associated costs and strategic aim of selling a product, neither of which pertain to not-for-profit organizations. However, the application of marketing has been broadened in the nonprofit sector as a variety of mediums appeared that could be used to...

History of Nursing: Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Impact

Introduction By far, one of the most famous people in the history of Nursing, Florence Nightingale, inspired a countless number of people, contributing to the fast-paced progress of nursing and the development of new strategies. Helping nurses build their experience and use it successfully to address patients’ problems, Florence Nightingale...

Nightingale’s Theory: Advancing Global Health and Millennium Goals

Introduction Florence Nightingale was a pioneer in the promotion of modern nursing theory. Her theory of care includes a number of issues and definitions to clarify the biological and physical aspects of diseases (Awalkhan & Muhammad, 2016). In addition, her theory can be used to improve the perception of the...

Florence Nightingale’s Influence on Advancing UN MDGs

Introduction There are numerous problems that modern society faces, and that needs to be solved if humanity is to develop. However, as the life and activity of Florence Nightingale show, the solution to these problems should not be expected to be attained from politicians only, because people without particular political...