Food Deserts and Health: Sociological Perspectives on Food Choices

The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and...

FDA’s Role in Regulating Medical Devices: Safety and Standards Explained

Among the existing variety of regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remains integral and indispensable. Healthcare organizations, nurses, and even patients may address it for help and evaluation. The medical marketplace continues developing, and the task of the FDA is to obtain...

Why People Avoid Flu Shots: Side Effects and Misconceptions

Introduction Flu vaccinations are considered to be an important part of population health programs in most developed countries. However, the published statistics on flu vaccinations reveal that many people opt against flu shots. For instance, according to Petty, only 48.6% of Americans obtained flu vaccinations in 2016, which means that...

Florida’s Medicaid Program: Rationale, Funding Structure, and Impacts

Rationale Florida’s Medicaid reforms initiated in 2006 aimed at statewide coverage expansion of the managed care system. In 2005, former governor, Jeb Bush, signed into law a federal waiver proposal to move recipients from the fee-for-service model to managed care (Senior, 2016). The rationale for this healthcare reform was to...

Nurse Shortage: Full Practice Authority in Florida

Introduction The shortage of the nursing staff is becoming more apparent with the growing population of aging people. Continuous cuts of state budgets and, as a result, hospitals’ budgets, makes people unable to access high-quality healthcare, especially when it comes to rural areas. The increased scope of nursing responsibilities is...

A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties

Introduction While the roles of nurses of all types are similar in a way that they all deal with treating patients, some differences may be outlined. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse practitioner, whose duties include caring for patients of all age groups and promoting well-being...

The Legalization of Fire Weapons

Introduction Legalization of weapons has been a topical issue for discussion for a long time. Although the majority of the world population seems to be against the legalization of fire weapons, there exists an opposite viewpoint which justifies the legalization with rational and logical reasons. This paper aims to consider...

Organizational Change at Acme Corporation: Addressing Turnover and Profitability Issues

Introduction Acme Corporation is depicted in the scenario as having considerable issues, such as increased staff turnover and lower profitability. The company’s leadership is unaware of the underlying source of these issues and has a clear plan for dealing with them. The problem has been aggravated further by recent changes...

Medicare & Medicaid: Evolution and Impact on US Healthcare

The modern US health industry is market-based, inherently raising the subject of financial incentives and reimbursement for patients. As the fee-for-service traditional delivery of care is experiencing significant challenges, many healthcare providers along with relevant stakeholders are considered lower-costing value-based care. The most well-known programs are Medicare and Medicaid which...

Financial Accounting Principles for Enhanced Decision-Making

Use of financial ratios The first group contains the return on capital employed. It is a fundamental ratio used to assess the financial health of an institution and a suitable measure of profitability of an entity. Even though it is not adequate, it provides a good indication of how a...

Impact of TV File-Sharing: Value Shifts & Cultural Change

The Topic of the Article The article (or essay) “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Michael Z. Newman is devoted to the topic of TV file-sharing (for example, with the help of BitTorrent) and its impact on the shifts in the TV’s value and status. Outline of...

Moral Dilemma in Abortion: Utilitarian vs. Christian Ethics

Introduction The presented study touches upon one of the most difficult and yet common dilemmas in the modern world. Jessica is a working woman with hopes and aspirations for a successful and financially stable future. Unfortunately, it is in jeopardy due to a fetal abnormality that her unborn child has...

Comparing Fascism and Communism Ideologies: Key Differences and Similarities

In rejecting comparisons between communism and fascism, one historian wrote, “to say that communism is as worse because it made more victims, or that term is shocking and obscene.” What are the similarities along these lines? If they were so similar, then why could not their adherents co-exist? In other...

Volunteering: Developing Competencies and Supporting Communities

Volunteering is an opportunity that makes it easier for learners and leaders to develop adequate competencies, support others, and achieve their potential. The experience guides them to associate with others, improve their philosophies, and address the challenges different communities or social groups face. This paper gives a personal reflection and...

Key Responsibilities of Family Nurse Practitioners

It is commonly accepted that the roles of advanced nurse practitioners in the sphere of health care can greatly vary in accordance with the location of the practices. The responsibilities of a nurse practitioner can include the diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease, the performance of minor procedures and surgeries,...

Design for Change Proposal: Reducing Falls in Orthopedic Patients

Design for Change Proposal Every year, approximately 30-40% of orthopedic patients identify falls as the reason for why they address the emergency departments of their local hospitals (Hill et al., 2015). Besides, nowadays, falls are the frequent causes of mortality and morbidity among older adults (Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013)....

Fall Prevention Programs for Elderly in Nursing Homes: Implementation and Impact

Introduction The elderly are usually at a higher risk of falling at home and their respective nursing homes or clinics. These events are capable of causing both serious and non-fatal injuries. The affected individuals will have to be admitted in order to receive high-quality services. Both the affected institution and...

Exploring Wound Healing Through a Case Study of a Foot Injury

Introduction The case of 6-year-old Carlton, a child who suffered a severe cut on his foot while playing on a sandy beach, presents a chance to investigate the complex systems governing the body’s reaction to damage and the subsequent wound-healing procedure. The next day, Carlton’s injury, which his mother had...

Addressing Facial Pain After Whiplash: Peterson’s Insights

The article by Peterson (2015) presents a clinical case of facial pain after whiplash. The patient, a 41-year-old woman, was treated primarily with deep neck flexor and proprioceptive training, which was proved to be effective. The patient was symptom-free for months after ten intervention sessions for eight weeks. The case...

Training Needs Assessment at Fabrics Incorporation

Introduction Training needs assessment is a prerequisite for functional performance in an organization, irrespective of its size. Training needs assessment encompasses processes such reward, job design, and performance among others. This paper will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the training process model with regards to the Fabrics Incorporation case...

Nursing Workplace Bullying: Critique of Etienne’s Study

Introduction Workplace bullying is a persistent behavioral pattern of mistreatment that an individual or a group of individuals direct at others with an intention to cause physical or psychological harm. Lately, this phenomenon has been drawing much attention from researchers, for more and more employers are starting to heed not...

Storming Phase in Group Process: Key Strategies for Leaders

Introduction The commonly used framework of the group process, which, for example, is presented by Pessagno (2013), includes the storming (or exploring) stage as its second element. This stage (or phase) is difficult to navigate since it refers to the uncertainty period that is characterized by members experiencing conflicts in...

Navigating the Storming Stage in Group Counseling

Introduction Interaction is one of the remarkable features of group counseling. It is also an important premise and a type of therapy that helps participants to solve certain issues. All groups go through four major stages such as forming, storming, norming, and performing that are characterized by different kinds of...

Experimental and Descriptive Studies in Healthcare Research: Methods and Findings

Experimental Research The article by Shackelford, Weyhenmeyer, and Mabus (2014) is based on the study of 586 participants of different ages and ethnicity from nine counties of Illinois. The research confirms the fact that women, belonging to different racial and ethnic groups can have a diverse risk of developing certain...

Executive Team Roles in Developing and Implementing Effective Training Programs

The executive team that works in the organization can contribute to the development and implementation of training programs significantly. It is important to note that the leaders’ knowledge and experience can be used actively when it is necessary to design or improve training programs in a company (Lee-Kelley & Blackman,...

Current Research Insights on E-WOM and Its Role in Service Supply Chains

Electronic or online word of mouth can be listed among the promising concepts in business management that are currently underresearched. As for the general definition, the term “word of mouth” or WOM is used to refer to either positive or negative statements made by people who have the experience of...

History of Nymphomania: Changing Views on Female Sexuality

Throughout history, views and scientific theories regarding female sexuality have been changeable and controversial. In her article, Carol Groneman examines the history of the phenomenon of nymphomania and the major changes in its perception by society, as well as its diagnosis and treatment by contemporary doctors. The author argues that...

Evidenced-Based Practice in Nursing: Motivation vs. Barriers

Introduction The major role of the nursing profession is to provide high-quality health services. The implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the most important strategies to achieve this professional role. EBP refers to the contentious, judicial, and explicit use of the current empirical or scientific evidence in informing...

Evidence-Based Diabetes Management Practices and Their Efficacy

The prevalence of onset type-II diabetes remains the major health concern in the Eatonville population. The rate of the disease and its diagnosis remains at approximately 24.4 percent. Overall, this level of morbidity in a population is particularly high for disease and can be technically considered an epidemic. Towns around...

Overcoming Barriers in Evidence-Based Nursing Practices

For successful advanced nursing practice, it is essential to establish a proper environment and empower nurses to utilize evidence-based practice (EBP) that is based on scholarly research. Even though the advantageous role to patient outcomes is recognized as one of the pillars of the healthcare area, many nurses still struggle...

Managing Retirement Plan Risks with Evidence-Based Strategies

Background Meeting the needs of employees and maintaining their engagement levels high is a crucial step toward improving the overall performance quality within an organization. In the case under analysis, the threat to the retirement plan can be viewed as a significant obstacle on the way to building trust-based relationships...

Evaluating Evangelical Theology: Transcendence vs. Immanence

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of “divine transcendence and divine immanence” (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that “One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century...

Tellico Dam Debate: Economic Growth vs. Environmental Ethics

Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...

Ethical Dilemmas in Cinema: Multiculturalism in Dog Day Afternoon & John Q

Introduction Today, cinema is one of the most popular kinds of art which attracts millions of spectators all over the world. Its rapid rise is related to the spread of technologies and the creation of a new digitalized society. Therefore, like any art, it could be used by creators to...

Implementing Ethical Leadership Models in Organizations

Leadership is an essential element at all levels more especially in organizations. Leadership entails directing other elements, through influence, to get things done. On the other hand, leadership style entails the manner and approach taken by leaders in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are various leadership styles,...

Ethical Strategies for Human Protection: Consent and Privacy

Abstract This paper dwells upon ways to mitigate human protection, confidentiality, and privacy issues. The evaluator has to obtain written consent, code personal information and can resort to the assistance of other professionals if necessary. This is the way ethical issues can be addressed. Introduction Any research has to be...

Strategies for Effective Estate Planning and Trust Management

Estate Planning Minimizing Tax Liability One of the main benefits of estate planning for businesses is the possibility of reducing tax liability. If an owner fails to account for these expenses before death, the firm may suffer a significant financial loss in the form of estate tax (Herzberg & Boone,...

Essential Elements of Doctor of Nursing Practice in Healthcare

Introduction Essential VIII proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) as a part of its Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials is concerned with advanced nursing practice. It incorporates seven sub-competencies, including those related to health assessment, intervention development, evidence-based practice, and various interpersonal skills (relationship development,...

Does a Falling Tree Make a Sound? Realism and Metaphysical Perspectives

Introduction The question about whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound when there is no one to hear it is a philosophical puzzle, which has elicited unending debates in various circles. As Livingston argues, humans need coherent answers to archetypal patterns (12), and thus the answer to...

Science vs. Skepticism: Environmental Issues and Modern Views

The concept of science has always been considered detached and objective, representing the ultimate truth for the global community disregarding the ethnical, cultural, linguistic or geographical differences. Science reflects the laws of physics, nature and space that affect the human activity and exist without the possibility of human interference with...

Comparative Study of Environmental Legislation in the US and India

What major event caused the Congress of the United States to enact a series of strong environmental legislation? During the 1960s-1970s, the new wave of the U.S. environmental movement contributed to enacting the series of strong environmental laws. The changes in the environmental legislation realized by the Congress of the...

Driving Innovation and CSR in Global Business Strategies

According to Chuang (2013), “leadership is a key component of all organizations but its function and capacity are getting more complicated with increased involvement in globalization and technology development” (p. 1). It means that in the globalized and culturally diversified environment, the management should necessarily take into account multiple issues,...

Implementing Enterprise Architecture at Connected Cars

Modern companies cannot be imagined without the implementation of innovative technologies into their functioning. In such a way, the enterprise architecture (EA) becomes closely connected with the work of the IT sector as it provides numerous opportunities for the further growths and evolution. The fact is that the use of...

Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection: Sommer and Paxon’s Insights

Summary The article by Sommer and Paxon (2003) focuses on the approaches that are applied in the detection of network intrusion. Sommer and Paxon (2003) reveal some of the measures that may be applied in the detection of intrusions such as observing network traffic, detection of anomaly through observing normal...

Energy Drinks’ Effects on Heart Rate: An Experimental Study

The increased consumption of energy drinks by young people makes health care practitioners and researchers focus on studying the effects of these beverages on the people’s health (Rath, 2012). Much attention is paid to discussing the effects of energy drinks on changes in the heart rate because of threats of...

Employment Programs for Non-Native English Speakers: Strategies and Benefits

Abstract Accessibility is one of the most important aspects of any program. Therefore, possible language and cultural gaps have to be taken into account while developing an action plan. The present program takes place in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, and participants have a different level of proficiency in English. The...

Impact of WWI on British Women’s Employment Opportunities

Introduction Military conflicts often align with significant social changes within states due to the underlying causes of confrontation and the changes that occur during their management. World War I is one of the most common examples of how social changes were propelled by the necessity to fight the oppressor and...

Factors Influencing Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Employees’ philosophies and ethical standards affect the decisions they make in the workplace, the pace at which they acquire new competencies, and the extent to which they enjoy their work. Therefore, it is critical to cultivating the atmosphere in which staff members feel fulfilled and are eager to build commitment...

Fort Lauderdale Rally: Emma Gonzalez’s Powerful Address

Speeches are delivered to encourage people to act and change the existing status quo. The speech under analysis was given during a rally in Fort Lauderdale where a school shooting claimed 17 students’ lives. Emma Gonzalez, the speaker, was a senior student who survived the shooting. In her emotional and...

Emergency Management and Response to the Twin Towers Attacks

Introduction It is necessary to note that September 11 can be regarded as the day that shaped the concept of terrorism, acts of terrorism, as well as emergency management. The attacks on the so-called Twin Towers are associated with the largest number of victims and responders to various emergency situations...

Key Findings from the El Portal, Florida Community Health Assessment

Defining the Community The given paper is devoted to the detailed community assessment with the primary goal to determine its current state and problems that might affect its further development. The selected community is El Portal, Florida. It is a comparatively small diverse enclave placed between Miami Shores and Miami....

Electronic Patient Portals: Enhancing Patient Care and Engagement

Introduction The establishment of electronic patient portals became possible with the development of the Internet and online websites that provided information directly to the user. Patient portals today can be defined as secure websites or web pages that provide users with necessary information related to their treatment and/or condition anytime....

Combination Inhaler for Asthmatic Children in India: Marketable Healthcare Product

Question 1: Describe a healthcare product and/or service that you think would be marketable in an international market of your choice. How would you go about ensuring that intellectual property and other legal issues are addressed when introducing this product into the selected market? Healthcare marketing is a developing field...

Ruptures in Organizational Workflow and Their Impact on Quality of Care

Problem The clinical problem under discussion is the ruptures in organizational workflow and their impact on the quality of work and care given. Broadly defined, the workflow is an array of tasks, and the human resources required to fulfill them as intermediary steps to achieve the predetermined objective. In a...

Comparing Online News Sources on Election Coverage

Introduction Three different online news sources were selected for this assignment. The ABC News (2016) is a source that is generally considered to be one of the most authoritative and trustworthy news outlets. It focuses on the breaking news from all over the world and allows the readers to read...

Political Campaign Strategies: Bush’s 2000 and 2004 Elections

Introduction When it comes to gaining power over the whole country, political leaders do their best to persuade people that they are the correct and the only choice. Election campaigns involve hundreds of people working on the image of the candidate. They use a variety of resources to attract the...

Developing Fall Prevention Programs for the Elderly: Strategies and Implementation

Introduction It is projected that one-third of the elderly people aged above 65 and more than half of those aged over 80 years experience at least one fall each year. According to Smith-Ray, Irmiter, and Boulter (2016), falls among the elderly increase with age. At the age of 75 years,...

Effective Team Development: Stages and Leadership Insights

5 Stages of Group Development Developing an effective team comes with challenges and expectations at every stage of its development. An effective team must go through five development stages, namely, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. That was the case with the environmental cleaning team we formed. At the forming...

Supplier Evaluation Process: Tool Proposal for Efficiency

Introduction The main purpose of a supplier evaluation process is to find the inefficiencies and optimize these weak points. Production processes in various fields of economic activity acquire more complex forms, lose their integrity from the regional to the global level, are formed by new factors that have a significant...

Effective Persuasive Arguments: Methods & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are many important qualities that a person has to develop as a leader. For me, to be a successful leader means to be good at persuasion and details. When my employees know what I want to do, their cooperation and support are priceless for...

Impact of Work Environment on Nurse Retention in the US

Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover In the United States of America, various factors influence the availability of registered nurses. The total number of licensed registered nurses in America exceeds 3.3 million (Rosseter, 2014). This number could be construed to be adequate for the health needs of the country. However, many...

De Beers’ Monopolistic Position

DeBeers and monopoly Why some firms are more competitive and successful than others has long been a matter of marketers’ concern. In any market, whether ice-cream or electric engineering, competitiveness of firms depends on a variety of factors, including their ability to manage resources effectively and external market conditions. Firms...

Effective Leadership Models: Strategies for Enhancing Organizational Success

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the most important foundations for excellent performance. Leaders ensure the achievement of the established organizational goals through the use of various strategies and methods aimed at effective management of teams. In nursing practice, leadership is essential as it results in proper patient health outcomes,...

Enhancing Professional Growth Through Effective Interpersonal Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Even though workplace communication is a natural phenomenon that remains self-sustainable in most corporate settings, it still requires managing numerous hindrances that may make workplace conversation more productive. For instance, reducing the levels of emotional strain and the pressure of workplace-related constraints should be regarded...

Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution: Techniques and Best Practices

When two and more people need to cooperate while performing their duties, conflicts are inescapable. It is vital for employees to be able to recognize and resolve them because they can lead to the loss of productivity, preventing appropriate cooperation and collaboration in the future. Effective conflict-resolution strategies can provide...

Strategic Leadership and Management in Nursing Environments

Introduction Healthcare facilities are integrated environments where multiple factors can influence the quality of care provided to patients. However, without the availability of a necessary number of nurses in healthcare facilities, practice settings will be unable to function the way they should. Because of this, it was chosen to focus...

Students Studying Abroad: Impact of the 1999 Bologna Treaty

Introduction The Bologna treaty was characterized by a series of reforms undertaken by 45 European countries. The reforms aimed at creating an integrated higher education era in Europe. The 1999 Bologna treaty presented and emphasized on six objectives which were directed towards the establishment of a European Higher Education era...

Exploring Self-Improvement in Ottessa Moshfegh’s “Bettering Myself”

Introduction At a time when everyone is striving for self-improvement and personal growth, Ottessa Moshfegh shows the other side of this process. Her story, Bettering Myself, is not a failure’s path to success but the inner development of a character with varying degrees of success. Moshfegh challenges readers to question...

Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes

Introduction to Evaluation There are different barriers to the implementation of the project that need to be considered. It is also necessary to review methods for collecting and analyzing data. However, the main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice...

Using SMART or SWOT Techniques for Effective Policy Analysis

How economic concepts are used by planners for policy analysis Policy analysis is a crucial aspect of public administration, and each person should understand a variety of economic, technological, strategic planning, and other issues, use them to analyze such problems as mass shootings and return on investment in human capital...

Examining Trends in Economic Inequality Across Australia: An Overview

David Donnison discusses the phenomenon of increasing income inequality, which has led to declining standards of living for a significant portion of Britain’s population. The author claims that the widening gap between the rich and the poor has introduced challenges regarding access to basic health care for most Britons (Donnison...

Classical vs Romantic: Mozart and Mussorgsky’s Timeless Works

Introduction Works of Classical and Romantic music possess a special charm to music lovers. On the one hand, the intellectual, rational, and orderly époque of Classicism, which spanned approximately seven decades from 1750, produced impeccable models of such genres of symphony and concerto. On the other hand, the emotional, intuitive,...

20th-Century Music: Prokofiev, Respighi, Orff’s Works

Introduction Music has always been a sensitive mirror of major social processes, attitudes, and trends. So was the case in the twentieth century, when the tendency to the scientific perception of the world, employment of technology, and progressing mechanization of life characterized contemporary society. At the same time, composers did...

Appraising Evidence with EBSCO, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PubMed: A Guide

Abstract The paper reports the results of the evidence search conducted by using two databases: EBSCO/CINAHL and Medline/Pubmed. The purposes of the assignment, as well as search criteria, are briefly stated in the introduction. The following section, Methods, and Results, describes the tools and approaches used during the search and...

EarthWear Clothiers: Client Engagement & Audit Report

Global or multinational companies appoint external auditing teams to review their financial disclosures and statements. The external auditing team requires to have sufficient knowledge of the client’s industry to understand its opportunities and threats in the market. Another main requirement is that the staff of the external auditing team should...

Health Policy Review for Early Care and Education: Key Issues and Developments

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the biggest modern health problems. In the United States, more than one child in five (age 2-5 years) is overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). As stated by Cunningham, Kramer, and Venkat Narayan (2014), the number of the US...

Early American Republic: Articles of Confederation vs. 1787 Constitution

The American road to independence was not easy and stable. It was characterized by several unpredictable changes, sudden decisions, conflicts, and compromises. The states, including the government and ordinary Americans, had to make numerous attempts to prove their rationale for independent existence. Therefore, such activities as numerous drafts of policies,...

Interventions and Education Plans for Dysplasia Patients: Effective Strategies

Introduction The purpose of the educational program is the provision of secondary intervention for the female adolescent of 14 years old with congenital vascular dysplasia of a lower limb (Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome). The patient complains about the progressive swelling of the right lower limb. The talocrural area is increased in volume....

Dyslexia: Overcoming Barriers in Learning

Summary of the Disorder Dyslexia is one of the widespread learning disorders that affect the population on a large scale. According to some estimates, as much as twenty percent of individuals have it in some form or another (Lapkin, 2014). Despite such an impressive presentation and a growing body of...

Open Communication: Key to Effective Conflict Management in Organizations

Introduction Choosing your battles entails calculated tactics, forethought, confidence, and solution-focused strategies to distinguish between dysfunctional and functional disputes, articulate Robbins and Judge (2015). In the context of organizational behavior, the ingenuity of disentangling adverse collisions and instituting effective conflicts is imperative especially for managers and leaders of team groups....

Evaluating Nursing Models at Douglas Gardens for Patient Care Excellence

The choice of a nursing care delivery model can depend on multiple factors including cost-efficacy and availability of financial resources, ongoing quality improvement endeavors in a hospital, level of hospital-wide realization of customer focus principles, a need to reduce staff turnover rates, and others. At the same time, well- implemented...

Addressing Climate Change: Urgent Actions for a Sustainable Future

Introduction As early as the 18th century, people realized climate change was a massive threat to Earth. For a long time, it has been a major social crisis. Clemens et al. (2020) establish that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 in response to the first...

Children’s Mental Health and Domestic Violence: A Critical Analysis

The problem of domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue for a coherent society. The fact is that due to the disregard of this stigma and the lack of actions aimed at the reduction of its incidence, the problem became extremely sophisticated. In accordance with the relevant statistics, about...

Domestic Violence in the USA: Prevalence and Prevention Strategies

Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices...

Domestic Violence: Awareness, Impact, and Solutions

The modern society still suffers from several social problems that deteriorate the quality of peoples lives and result in the appearance of numerous health and psychological issues. Regarding the fact that a human being is a central value in the modern world, these stigmas should be eliminated. This domestic violence...

Intimate Partner Violence: Factors & Interventions

Dynamics of Partner Violence: Psychosocial and Cultural Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the imparting of harm in relationships, often through physical force or psychological abuse, which may range from gaslighting and emotional manipulation to bodily harm. From childhood to late adulthood, many factors affect the likelihood of people to resort...

Developing DNP Competencies: Insights from AACN Essential VIII

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers a comprehensive overview of the essentials of Doctoral Education for nurses. In particular, the Essential VIII, which is termed “Advanced Nursing Practice,” states that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program needs to develop the following competencies in its...

Understanding the DNP Degree: Practice vs. Research Focus & Impact

Introduction A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree is the final advanced training level in nursing education. DNP graduates often find it hard to incorporate this degree into their professional life. The purpose of this paper is to use knowledge learned from the DNP guidebook by Chism (2017) as well...

The Divorce Debate: Impact on Children & Perspectives

Defining the Issue Regardless of the premises and the gravity of consequences, divorce is always a devastating event. The ones who usually suffer are the kids of those two people who decided to split up. For the most part, we cannot blame just one person out of the couple for...

Expanding Freelance Writing Opportunities through Skill Development

In the world of freelance writing, new skills tend to equal more jobs for freelance writers. Freelance writers who continually diversify their skills gain access to new avenues of work, new clients, new freelancing opportunities, and new sources of income. Several questions arise however when the freelance writers consider diversifying...

Understanding Politics: Lessons from a Political Science Degree

Introduction Aristotle is famous for his statement that man is a natural animal. I realized the true meaning of this statement only after I had enrolled in a degree program in political science at the university. The course introduced me to the world of politics, and how politics runs society...

The Human Rights and Freedoms of Canadian Citizens

Introduction I agree with the study guide on The ‘Discover Canada’ booklet. I feel is very important for those who wish to become Canadian citizens. This offers the basic concepts with which the citizens benefit by enjoying equality rights, religious rights, and so on. The employment of these rights is...

Business Impact Analysis in Disaster Recovery Planning: Key Insights

Methods for Establishing Component Priorities Business Functions and Processes Disasters, be they natural or human-instigated, are rather difficult to forecast and, thus, extremely hard to handle (Johnson, 2014). As a result, it is crucial for an organization to design a comprehensive disaster management plan (DMP) in case of a disaster...

Socratic Insights on Self-Awareness and Leadership and Strategies for Personal Growth

Introduction The knowledge of ancient thinkers often proves beneficial in the quest for self-improvement and personal growth, delivering profound insights that are just as applicable today as they were hundreds of years ago. Socrates discusses these ideas in Alcibiades I and makes a strong case for the virtues of self-control,...

Diabetic Retinopathy in Hispanics: Miami’s Public Health Data and Trends

Introduction The community that will be addressed in this paper comprises individuals living in the city of Miami, Florida. As the windshield survey revealed, the community does not appear to be suffering from serious social problems. This paper pertains to the population of Hispanics/Latinos in Miami who have diabetes. The...

Review of Type 2 Diabetes Study by Lucha-López et al.

The Article The article that has been chosen for the analysis is called “Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: A cross-sectional study in Spain” and it has been written by Lucha-López et al. (2014). Three years ago, the work...

Diabetes in Children: Rising Incidence and Early Detection

Introduction Due to the fact that diabetes is most frequently met in people over 65, there is a common delusion that it can be classified as an age-related disease. However, more than 200,000 children and adolescents in the United States currently have the same diagnosis (Hamilton, Knudsen, Vaina, Smith, &...

Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes: New Diagnostic Tool by Oram et al. (2015)

Introduction Nowadays, it has become significantly difficult for physicians to differentiate between Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) especially for T1D, which is treatable with insulin injection and T2D that is treatable through the intake of a specific diet and loss of weight. Oram et al. (2015)...

The Impact of HBCUs (Black Colleges) on Racial Diversity in STEM Fields

Workforce In the modern world, it becomes hard to neglect the need for the workforce in such fields as science, technology, engineering, and math, also known as STEM. Many communities and specific organizations pay their attention to the development of this sphere and the necessity to improve the level of...

Teaching Hamburger Prep: Social Learning & Lesson Redesign

Video summary The Capture 20110630 (2011) video demonstrates a learning lesson whereby a teacher is instructing students how to prepare hamburger. He begins by highlighting that making hamburger is a quite a demanding task since there are several factors that have to be considered. For instance, the choice of hamburger...

Data Security: Methods & Challenges in Schools

Concerns for information security take diverse structures in various frameworks and applications. Single clients might be worried about individual protection, and wish to restrict access to private information records. However, associations like the school, hospitals, and government agencies provide security to protect information identified with exclusive interests. The instruments for...

Information Technology Strategies for DesignerTopFashion Company

ERP systems ERP systems may not be the most appropriate solution for all types of organizations. For which of the following do you believe that ERP systems would be suitable: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management program that helps organizations to use a system of integrated systems to...

Analyzing Depression Treatment: Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Introduction Depression, or depressive disorder, is one of the wide-spread mental disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017), more than 300 million people all over the world, or 4.4% of the population are diagnosed with depression. The prevalence of depression depends on some factors. For example, unemployment, poverty,...

Access to and Quality of Dental Health Care for Low-Income Populations

Introduction to Population and Problem The identified problem associated with the launch of health policy is linked to access to dental health care among the low-income population of Miami, Florida. Without insurance, dental care is quite expensive, and with the rising wage gap and the increase of the federal poverty...

Understanding Rhabdomyolysis: Pathology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Treatment

Introduction Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its chemical contents into the bloodstream, resulting in damage to organs and other tissues around the body. It was first recorded in 1908 after an earthquake (Stahl et al., 2020). The condition typically happens when exposed to intense...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

“In and Out of Africa” by Fred J. Lincoln Documentary

In and Out of Africa is a documentary film that engages the viewers into an intelligent and perceptive overview of African art and culture. The documentary explores authenticity, racial politics with humor and irony, as well as emphasizes the role of transnational trade in shaping African art. The movie intertwines...

Understanding Death and Dying Through Nursing

Birth and death are the two things that a single person can never avoid in this life. It is possible to avoid illnesses, financial challenges, hunger, psychological disorders, etc. Still, human birth and death remain to be unchangeable: one day, a person appears in the world, another day, a person...

Comparative Ethical Views on Death and Dying in Hinduism vs. Christianity

Introduction Death and dying are essential notions in many belief systems. In some religions, death brings an end to a person’s existence, whereas, in others, the soul continues to exist in the afterlife. Hinduism and Christianity are among the most popular faiths in the world, although they vary greatly in...

Criticisms of Existing Database Design Models: Analysis and Recommendations

Purpose (What are the objectives for writing the paper?): The author undertakes a critical review of the previously proposed models of data management and proposes an inclusive framework to unite them in new database design. Design / Methodology / Approach (How are the objectives achieved? Include the main methods used...

Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance

Introduction Daily stretching refers to a consistent weight-training program. This may include Aerobic sessions, jogging, and physical workouts. Beginners of a body exercise program have targets and goals in mind, which motivate them to train on their weight. The need to exercise your body can have short-term or long-term benefits....

Customizing Hospitality Services: Marketing and Management Strategies

Introduction What really can be given to a well-off client to show that you recognize and appreciate their business? You might think of filling their hotel suite with caviar or the best champagne as a welcome gift but again if that is what they wanted, they would have ordered it...

Keeping Customers Satisfied with Their Products and Services: Key to Success

Introduction Customer service management is an essential aspect of the successes of any business (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt, & Zablah, 2014). The success of every company is as a result of keeping their customers satisfied with their products and services. This project will examine and discuss various results of successful customer management....

Sexism in Healthcare: Examining Causes and Solutions

The healthcare system’s ultimate aim is to meet the medical needs of all citizens without any form of prejudice. Unfortunately, this is not the reality in most regions or countries across the world. Since males dominate this field, the challenge of sexism affects the experiences of both caregivers and patients....

Culturally Competent Care: Insights from Johnstone et al. (2016)

In order to determine the modern characteristics of culturally competent care and the principles used in nursing practice for patients with different backgrounds, the experience of various authors may be useful. As one of the examples, the study by Johnstone, Hutchinson, Redley, and Rawson (2016) called “Nursing Roles and Strategies...

Culturally Competent Care: Managing Diversity in Nursing for Better Outcomes

Five Areas that Can Affect Nursing Care The person interviewed during the earlier exercise was from the Hispanic community. Competent nurses should be able to provide adequate care and support to patients from this American racial group (Ohana & Mash, 2015). However, some barriers or areas have the potential to...

Friedel on Cultural Improvement Using Technological Progress

Throughout the history of human development, technological innovations have always accompanied cultural, social, and political dimensions of life. People strive to introduce technological improvements as a new form of material culture, as well as intensify the nature and role of innovation in advancing society. Within this perspective, Robert Friedel presents...

The 2014 California Police Assault: Legal and Moral Implications

On July 4, 2014, there was news in both mass and social media about a California High Patrol Officer who attacked and viciously beat a Black woman for apparently crossing the road at a wrong location. The force used by the officer on an unarmed officer demonstrates racial intolerance that...

Cultural Competence in Beginning Nurses: Reyes et al.’s Insights

Introduction The American population is characterized by many ethnic and social groups. The current level of diversity influences the performance of different healthcare professionals in an attempt to deliver quality care. This issue of “cultural diversity faces all healthcare practitioners across the globe” (Loftin, Hartin, Branson, & Reyes, 2013, p....

A Nurse’s Hispanic Cultural Competence: Purnell Model Analysis

Overview The interviewee’s name is CS and she is of Hispanic origin. CS’s paternal family emigrated from Mexico to find a better life in the United States two generations ago and first settled in Texas. CS was born in California, United States. Her father had come to America at the...

Cryptocurrency’s Impact on Developing Economies: Analysis and Effects

Introduction Those who live in developed countries like the USA and Canada got used to stable currencies and now take them for granted. The EU citizens have unfettered access to the euro, and Americans to dollars, and they may think that there is no urgent need for the emergence of...

Immediate Response in Crisis Situations: Key Steps and Approaches

In a crisis situation, the immediate response is vitally important. Timely help to the survivals and the prevention of the disaster spread are the steps to be taken. As long as the situations may be different, each needs a peculiar approach. Back Home Again: Evacuations End, but Colorado Fire Still...

Social Control Theory: Criminological Context and Consequences

A Summary of Social Control Crime as one of the threats to human safety and a destructing force for society is often explained from the point of view of sociology. All governments develop a system of controlling techniques and mechanisms to deter crime and ensure the safety of the citizens...

Crime Scene Safety: Protecting Evidence and Personnel

Protective Equipment Traditionally, a line between the items used by the first responding officer and the crime scene personnel is drawn. The former must utilize the items such as biohazard bags, bindle paper, barricade tape, and first-aid kits. The list is not restricted to the specified components and may include...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Finance: Challenges & Strategies

The modern business world can be characterized by a considerable focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Companies cannot simply make money as they are expected to contribute to the development of the society (Postrel, 2017). Moreover, paying money is already insufficient as corporate citizens are encouraged to invest their “time,...

Evaluating Corporate Financial Health: Key Analysis Techniques

Corporation Interim Reporting Interim reporting refers to “the reporting of the financial results of a period which is shorter than a full financial year” (“IAS 34 — Interim Financial Reporting,” 2019). The interim reporting by publicly listed companies involves the preparation of financial statements including balance sheet, cash flow statement,...

Corporate Behavior for Business Managers: Principles and Practices

Introduction Every organization, company, manufacturer, and other businesses hire managers that play significant roles in production processes. Organizational behavior is an essential aspect of managers’ professional experience. The following paper will discuss the importance of corporate behavior for managers from various modern organizations. Discussion In the previous decade, people who...

Direct vs. Indirect Care Providers: Roles and Skills Analysis

Introduction The health care industry has many areas that may seem unrelated to the health care services’ provision. Nurse administrators, nurse informaticists, and many other positions are not related to the provision of the health care services, and they are called indirect care providers. Direct care providers are occupied in...

Ontology & Epistemology in Research Design

Research Paradigm The importance of philosophy in the process of research cannot be overestimated since it refers to the basic beliefs about the properties of reality, knowledge and the studied phenomenon. Being among the elements helping researchers to understand the world, ontology refers to “the form and nature of reality”...

Saudi EFL Learners’ Use of CDMs in English Discourse

Introduction Expressing negation through conversational exchanges can serve many functions (Gönen, 2011). An actual engagement of EFL Saudi interlocutors in a conversational exchange to negate can clearly reflect their inadequate knowledge of the pragmatic functions of CDMs in spoken discourse (Lewis, 2011). The way they frequently negate, by means of...

Contractor Performance Impact on Project Scheduling

Abstract The primary purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the influence that the performance of the contractor has on project scheduling and complications that may be introduced. The overall impact that they may have is enormous, and it may be regarded as one of the biggest challenges....

Continuous Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Key to Success

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is an extremely important aspect of the everyday life of any contemporary healthcare organization. Since healthcare is one of the most dynamically developing spheres, growth, change, and the ability to transform in order to follow the latest standards and best practices are the major tasks of...

Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music – A Biographical Film

Introduction This paper dwells upon the film which goes under the title Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music. The film features Bill Monroe and a number of famous musicians talking about bluegrass and the impact Bill Monroe had on the development of this genre of music as well as other...

Nurse Development & Leadership: A Learning Conversation

Introduction Health professionals in leadership positions apply their skills to mentor others, solve emerging problems, and support the delivery of exemplary medical services. A short interview was conducted whereby the targeted individual was a Nursing Director (ND). The male professional is aged 40 years, has a family, and manages a...

Techniques for Analyzing Graphs and Visual Data in Research

The use of socio-cultural theory in education was introduced by Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist who was also the founder of the theory. In socio-cultural theory, he explored broad interdependence between social and individual learning processes (Ormrod, 2011). Lev Vygotsky postulated that the observed step-by-step changes which occur in children’s...

Managing Congestive Heart Failure: Strategies to Reduce Patient Readmissions

Introduction The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people. Moreover, one of the central problems regularly encountered by cardiologists is high readmission rates. In order to change the situation and achieve positive results in the fight against this disease,...

Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly: Causes & Symptoms

Congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly is a complex health problem that arises due to structural or functional cardiac disorder. The condition affects ventricle’s capacity to pump blood. According to Lazzarini, Mentz, Fiuzat, Metra, and O’Connor (2013), CHF is prevalent amid the elderly due to age-related issues. The majority of...

The Idea of Group Harmony: Confucian Lessons from Japan

Introduction The world is characterized by different faiths and beliefs that are guided by specific norms, principles, and notions. Human beings from a given society or nation can study other cultural beliefs in an attempt to identify various best practices that can be adopted to improve their lives or experiences....

Transformational Leadership in Healthcare Management: Personal Analysis

Introduction An opportunity to apply leadership skills in the healthcare sector effectively is the key to not only successful management but also patient positive outcomes due to the competent work of all employees. Regarding my personal aspirations, I strive to develop relevant attainments through ongoing training and interaction with colleagues....

Computerized Provider Order Entry and Its Benefits

Introduction It should be noted that at the global level, millions of errors related to the appointment and distribution of drugs are predicted. This leads to several millions of preventable adverse effects and millions of dollars that represent the costs of the necessary subsequent medical care (Charles, Cannon, Hall, &...

Chlamydia trachomatis: Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines

The priority diagnosis is Chlamydia trachomatis, a widespread disease that can hurt the reproductive health of the patient. The disease can go unnoticed but can cause severe damage to the reproductive system of a woman. Subjective Data Patient’s CC/HPI: symptoms similar to UTIs, started two days ago; severe lower abdominal...

Where and How Sex Education Should Be Conducted Among the Young People?

Introduction The early sexual participation of young people increases the risk of jeopardizing their education by dropping out of school. In addition, early sexual debut puts the health of teenagers at risk, particularly through sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy. In spite of the eminent consequences of early sexual acts,...

Personal and Professional Commitments

What are the personal and professional commitments of an employee or a student? Read this sample to learn the answer! Here’ you’ll find plenty of professional commitment examples. Introduction Professional commitment of a person who is involved in working for various social services has to correspond to one’s personal commitment...

Current Ratio: Financial Liquidity Insights

Agency Problems Owners of a Corporation A corporation is owned by the shareholders who purchase the shares of the corporation. In return, the shareholders obtain a share certificate and are entitled to vote during the corporation’s annual general meetings. They also share in the dividends of the company in proportion...

Community Libraries’ Role in Promoting Civic Engagement and Involvement

The community library plays a vital role in empowering the community with regard to civic rights and democratic participation. Education reinforces the participation in democracy and civic life by triggering an informed decision making in the light of the power of consents (Seigel, 2003, p 17). Unfortunately, in many schools...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Its Features

Posttraumatic stress disorder is simply a disorder that can develop in human beings following a life-threatening event that has occurred in his or her life. Any individual who has ever experienced such an event tends to keep away from things that might remind them of the past traumatic events. Posttraumatic...

Improving Communication: Case Study of University Housekeepers

Introduction Communication is an essential element for successful operations within an organization. The passage of information from one point to another in a firm has different channels. During this process, there are always numerous obstacles to successful communication. Ineffective communication can lead to the failure of a business, as not...

Health Care Crisis in the USA: Need for Sustainable Reform

Introduction Health care in the United States of America is currently in crisis and soar need for sustainable reform. One of the barriers on the way to meaningful changes is political polarization, for the schism in opinions as to what direction healthcare policies shall take leads to inaction. Unfortunately, in...