Childhood Obesity Statistics, Causes, and Prevention Strategies: A PICO (Nursing) Question

Identification and Description of the Clinical Problem Obesity is when the child has a significantly higher body weight than is considered appropriate based on weight and height. A body mass index (BMI) “between the 85th and 94th percentile is in the “overweight” range, whereas BMI ≥ 95th percentile for age...

Exchange Rate Determinants and Long-Term Economic Factors Affecting 4D Travel

Introduction As a travel agency, 4D Travel (Dalal’s Deliciously Delirious Departures) plays a crucial role in the tourism industry by providing tailored travel packages to meet clients’ diverse needs and preferences. These packages streamline the travel planning process and offer significant cost savings by bundling essential components such as transportation...

Boosting Popcorn Demand With Eco-Friendly Alternatives and Strategies

Introduction Modern successful businesses involve the pragmatic management of many aspects of their functioning and the application of innovative approaches. With the advent of new food alternatives, cinema popcorn has lost its leading position, and demand for it has decreased. The essay will explore alternatives to address this problem. Given...

The Lais of Marie de France: Idiosyncratic Perspective on Love in Medieval Literature

Critical History The ‘Lais of Marie de France’ is an omnibus edition of works by a medieval female writer. The collection consists of twelve narrative poems, among which are Bisclavert, Cheverfoil, and Lanval. Glyn Burgess, who studied her works, notices, that ‘the theme of love is certainly the fundamental preoccupation’...

Key Insights into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Understanding Causes and Treatments

Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a psychological and emotional response to a traumatic event (Elzouki, 2012). There is a higher probability to develop PTSD if a person went through a disaster, emergency situation, or traumatic situation. However, it is difficult to diagnose PTSD due to several comorbidity issues. It...

Comprehensive Understanding of the Renewable Energy Concept: Trends and Innovations

Introduction This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy. In the past, the world has totally relied on traditional energy sources like gas, oil, and coal. The global growth of industrialization in the entire world especially in China, India,...

Key Functions and Importance of a Disaster Recovery Team in Crisis Management

In order to be able to tackle any disaster promptly and efficiently, the disaster recovery roster of any organization should include a number of critically substantial individuals. First of all, there should be a disaster recovery lead and a disaster management team. These two will coordinate the whole process of...

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine: Insights from T.R. Reid’s Second Opinion

Lessons from the Video The video “Second Opinion with T. R. Reid: Inside Ayurvedic Medicine” gives a critical analysis of Ayurvedic medicine. After Reid’s surgeon in Denver suggested that his shoulder should be replaced using surgery, he decided to pursue other medical options in India. The most outstanding lesson from...

Business Writing Essentials: Crafting Effective Letters, Memos, and Emails

Business Writing Steps (Pringle & O’Keefe, 2003) Communication plays a pivotal role in all facets of life. As such, it is always important to consider various factors in order to ensure that the message being communicated is received and understood. While writing any communication within an organization, the following steps...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Identifying Clinical Problems and Best Practices

Clinical Problem and Associated Changes Pressure ulcers are areas of the skin of degenerative or necrotizing nature resulting from prolonged compression of the shear or displacement between a person and the bed surface. As a rule, pressure ulcers occur in the sacrum, buttocks, heels, legs, and at the position of...

Nevada’s Public Health Policy: Key Meetings and Recent Changes

Introduction The following paper will outline the outcomes of the public policy meeting, which took place on the 16th of May 2017 in Nevada City, California. The meeting was devoted to the state’s health care situation; during its course, various aspects of citizens’ health behavior and care delivery within the...

Cancer Causes: Identifying Possible Trends and Research Directions

Introduction: Cancer and Its Leading Causes In 2014, cancer topped the lists of the leading causes of death in the world. Despite numerous treatment strategies, the instances of cancer development remain just as numerous. Because of the shift towards a more sedentary lifestyle and development of bad habits, as well...

IT Certification and Accreditation: Ensuring Quality and Standards

Introduction Certification and Accreditation (C&A) refer to a federally permitted standard procedure to make sure that Information technology systems meet security prerequisites and uphold the accredited security status all through the system life span (Harris, 2002). Because certification and accreditation is a requirement for all information technology systems, frequently it...

Miami Suburban Community: Insights from a Windshield Survey

Introduction of Community The chosen community is a suburban area in Miami, Florida. The area is especially popular among families with children and older adults. The community is relatively healthy, with good access to medical care and health resources. The area is well-maintained, with parks and recreation zones popular among...

Innovative Nursing Care: Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle

Introduction A model for innovative nursing care delivery in this study is “Nutrition for Active Life.” The population of the suggested model includes young people aged 18-25 with overweight and obesity. They make one of the vulnerable groups among comparatively healthy population because overweight and obesity increase the risk of...

Immokalee City Development: Weighing the Options Between Farming and Gambling

Immokalee is a city in Florida with population of more than 24 thousand people. According to United States Census Bureau, the population of the city is constituted by the following race categories: white alone (43.2%), black alone (18.9%), American Indian (1%), Hispanic people (75.6%) (Immokalee CDP, 2014). At that, 42.6%...

Franklin D. Roosevelt: From Privilege to Presidency

Background The essay first traces Roosevelt’s privileged background as one of the factors that led to his rise up the hierarchy of American politics. It also discerns the fortitude of good timing such as a resurgent Democratic Party and the need for progressive reformers like Roosevelt by the polity. The...

Gender Representation: Term Definition

Outline This paper will examine two films by John Ford of different time periods which proved to be very successful in influencing the world of films during their respective periods. It is interesting to examine the two films Stagecoach (1939) and The Searchers (1956) which are of different time periods...

Project Creation, Various Aspects

Outline In this article the various aspects of project like project definition, characteristics, project management definition, project life cycle, problems in managing a project are covered and its PowerPoint presentation is made. Introduction Today we see different types of project and it has a wider meaning. Construction of a house...

Portrayal of Racism in Forster’s ‘a Passage to India’

Outline The following paper discusses portrayal of racism in ‘passage to India’ by bringing the relationship between the concept of racism and the contents of the novel. The analysis focuses to establish whether the content of the novel establishes at any point either resistance to racism, or it submits to...

The Role and Impact of Incoterms in International Trade

Introduction It can be challenging for entities in an international trade transaction to agree on the delivery conditions, the party responsible for the goods while in transit, and the mitigation of unforeseen risks. Thus, adopting Incoterms, which refer to clusters of standardized regulations in international sales contracts, can be helpful...

United Healthcare Services: Overview of Operations and Services

United Healthcare United HealthCare Services, Inc. (UHS) that was founded in 1977, is a part of UnitedHealth Group, Inc (UHG). UHS provides a wide variety of healthcare services, including “Medicare plans, Medicaid plans, medical plans, consumer-driven health plans, dental plans, vision plans, disability plans, life insurance plans, critical illness plans,...

Unilever: Key Aspects of Business Administration and Corporate Strategy

Product development Product development has been defined as the process of creating new or dissimilar features that provides new or extra benefits to consumers. This could involve alteration of the prevailing product, its appearance, or design of a completely new product that gratifies a newly identified consumer preference or market...

Engaging Television Audiences: Strategies Employed by Producers

Introduction The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that television producers are successfully engaging viewers in program-related second screen activities. In the past, viewers played a passive role when it came to watching television programs. They had to know the right time for their favorite programs and watch them...

Transitional Employment: Supporting Intellectually Disabled Individuals

Activities Several specific activities should be performed to enable transitional employment for adults with intellectual disabilities. First, the organisation should take care of developing a special set of rules that would allow the company to hire these adults with no limitations (Frye & Hemmer, 2012). Second, the management of the...

Discovering Content Ideas: 5 Unconventional Approaches

The wonderful thing about writing a regular blog post is that you have a steady writing assignment. The challenging thing about such a gig is that you need constant streams of fresh content. How can you generate endless new ideas – ideas that seize reader attention, reel them back in...

Multimodal Learning Preferences: Understanding Different Learning Styles

Introduction The choice of learning strategies is important since it predetermines the success of the learning process. People have diverse learning preferences. Some learn better through visual strategies, and some are more successful with reading or writing strategies. There are tests and questionnaires which help to determine learning preferences and...

Self-Determined Learning: Implementing Effective Instructional Models

In this article, Participation of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities in the General Curriculum: The Effects of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction, the main aim of the study was to find out how Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) affects the performance of the children with varying degrees...

The Laramie Project: Exploring Themes of Identity and Community in Kaufman’s Play

The Laramie Project was supposed to highlight and unfold the story of how a town responds to tragedy, controversy and worldwide media attention. The citizens gave a chronology of events and how they were able to combat the disaster. The paper would discuss the unfolding events and their consequences in...

Nursing Goals: Insights from the Institute of Medicine Report

Introduction The field of nursing has been evolving over the last decade to meet the increasing and changing societal health needs. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a special report to address the role of nurses in the fast-changing health care industry. The concept of patient-based care requires...

Gettysburg Address: Lincoln’s Perspective on the American Civil War

Abstract The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States. However, the remarkable war led to the collapse of the Confederacy States thus making it easier for the leaders to bring the...

Comparing the Benefits of Marriage vs. Cohabitation in Modern Relationships

There was a very long period of time in the history of human relationships when marriage was the preferred method of indicating a permanent coupling between a man and a woman. Since marriage had a huge historical significance in society, pairs who chose to live together or cohabit were shunned...

Marriott’s Global Presence, AI Integration, and Competitive Edge in Singapore

Understanding Marriott’s Position Marriott is one of the largest hotel companies with a global presence in the world market. The main field of activity of the organization is the hotel business, in which the company covers all price categories, as it has hotels from a low-price category to a luxury...

Understanding the Goods Declaration Process for U.S. Home Use

Introduction Items purchased overseas for use in the United States (U.S.) by the resident must be disclosed using the Goods Declaring Procedure for Home Use in the United States. It encompasses shipments sent or delivered by courier from outside the country and transported into the United States. At the time...

CDS: Professional and Scholarly Tasks

Executive Summary The report essentially entails how the CDS has helped the learners carry out researches and assignments in other modules of study. The report has discussed how the CDS prepares the learners for both the professional and scholarly tasks in the outside world. To a large extent, the report...

Enhancing Digital Media Strategy for Roadrunner Sport Company’s Success

Introduction Roadrunner Sports was founded by Michael Gottfredson in 1983. The organization is located in California with various retail stores in San Diego, Washington, Georgia, and Virginia. The organization is involved in charity work through activities such as offering sponsorships and donations to the needy. The organization has embraced the...

Quality Initiatives for Better Patient Outcomes in Healthcare Services

Although the healthcare sector has seen substantial regulatory changes in the last decade, deficiencies in the quality of care still persist. In order to improve the quality of healthcare, it is important to consider the role of quality initiatives in improving patients’ outcomes. Incentives should be implemented to increase patient...

Best Practices in Pressure Ulcer Management: Evidence-Based Care

The present paper considers the process of translating evidence into practice, using the example of the implementation of pressure ulcer management practices, which are based on high- and moderate-quality evidence. It is suggested that the engagement of the staff is crucial for the successful implementation of the practice. It is...

Patient Data Management with Personal Health Records: Benefits and Challenges

Introduction With current advancements in healthcare technologies as well as the increased attention of healthcare facilities to the optimization of their operations, the topic of personal health records (PHR) has never been as relevant. PHRs refer to applications and tools that patients can use for securely managing information about their...

Conflict Resolution Styles in Healthcare: Improving Team Dynamics

Introduction Conflict is a common occurrence in the workplace. Despite the improvements both in the theoretical understanding of the issue and practical techniques intended for effective conflict management, it remains a significant detrimental factor in the field of health care. The current paper explores the modern theories of change, conflict,...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: Innovations in Intensive Care Units

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is designed in such a way that it can provide adequate and timely care to high-risk patients. The current use of modern technology and informatics is transforming how ICU units deliver exemplary care to their patients (Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian, & Navidhamidi, 2014). The narrator of...

Managing Organizational Changes at Mitra Organizations: Effective Strategies

Introducing changes to an organization is always a challenging task. Even in case the smallest details have to be altered, the entire system has to be shaped so that the alterations in question could lead to an improvement instead of harming the firm. The situation in Mittra’s organization, the case...

Revisiting Classic Comedy: Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein

The film Young Frankenstein is often viewed by many critics as one Mel Brooks’ best works because it eloquently demonstrates the best elements of parody as a cinematographic genre. To some degree, this movie illustrates the way in which classical literary archetypes can be dramatically transformed. In particular, Mel Brooks...

Innovation’s Role in Boosting Export Success in Competitive Markets

Introduction The approaches behind a company’s competitiveness and global triumph have at all times attracted the focus of a huge set of business and economics studies. In this regard, the innovation endeavors of a company might represent the major course stimulating the organization’s venture in foreign markets. The comprehension of...

Public Health Benefits of Alternative Transportation Solutions

Topic HP2020 Topic: Environmental Health; HP2020 Objectives: EH-2 Increase the use of alternative modes of transportation for work. Transportation is an important determinant of public health. At the same time, the issue receives modest attention on the institutional level, which necessitates promotion at the community level (Litman, 2013). The project...

Holistic Healthcare: Improving Patient Satisfaction Through Whole-Person Care

Introduction The modern environment of economic growth, technological advances, and the quick pace of urbanization have led to a significant increase in patient expectations, and, subsequently, the decrease in satisfaction rates (Kravitz, 1998, p. 280). Therefore, there is an expanding gap that arose between what general practitioners consider important and...

Uber’s Key Competencies, Weaknesses, and Financial Challenges

Internal Analysis The performance of Uber is heavily dependent on its strengths and weaknesses. These parameters are inbuilt into the company operations and nature and are entirely controllable from within. Strengths are exploited from within to gain better market share and increase productivity and profitability. Uber is a global brand...

Transitioning to Digital Healthcare: The Role of Electronic Health Records

Introduction Within the framework of this paper, the researcher will concentrate on the review of one of the key aspects of health IT. This technology is called the electronic health record and is used to store and generate the data regarding the patients’ state, safety, care quality evaluation, and possible...

Nurse Understaffing Issues: Empathy and Care Centers in Healthcare Systems

The contemporary health care setting I will discuss in this paper is Empathy Care Home Health. This organization is aimed at providing high-quality care for its patients using the limited resources available for this purpose. The proposed project will focus on the lack of personnel, which is one of the...

Elizabeth Fernea’s Ethnographic Insights into Life in an Iraqi Village

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...

Impact of Digital Medical Records on Healthcare Efficiency and Patient Care

Information technology is transforming the world from the large volumes of files in the offices to a paper free environment and health care sector is not left behind given the advantages attached to this technology. Electronic medical records can simply be defined as digital medical records –i.e. medical records stored...

Advancing Patient Care with Electronic Health and Medical Records Systems

Introduction In the era of the modern technology, electronic health records are used to keep the information about patient’s mental and physical conditions, personal background and various illnesses (Carter, 2008). Using this approach allows retrieving the data rapidly and avoiding the loss of the information. For instance, nurses can easily...

Telemedicine and Electronic Health Records: Transforming Modern Healthcare

Introduction The quality of modern health care delivery can be significantly improved with the adequate utilization of patient care technologies (Cassano, 2014). The evolution of IT industry provided the basis for the continuous drive for innovation in the medical field. Health care organizations (HCOs) recognized the need for the development...

Balancing Equality, Freedom, and Security Rights in the U.S. Framework

Introduction In spite of the fact that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) many years ago and focused on promoting the principles of humans’ freedom and dignity in different communities, human rights violations are still observed in various countries, and the United States is among...

Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Effects on Quality of Life and Health Management Strategies

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases, which are known in the world. Apart from being a critical health problem, it affects various aspects of the lives of people who are diagnosed with it. Therefore, the disease in question might change the lifestyle due to its complications...

Political Dynamics and Business Challenges Faced by Bre-X Minerals in Busang

Introduction The case study provided establishes various political constraints encountered by David Walsh, the president of Canada’s Bre-X Minerals Ltd, a company that was given the opportunity to engage in gold mining in Busang, Indonesia. Bre-X encountered political pressure from Indonesian officials who wanted the government to restrict the foreign...

Impact of Contemporary Artists on Modern Culture: Trends and Innovations

Introduction Contemporary art can be considered intriguing and provocative. To support this idea, it is possible to refer to the works of such famous contemporary artists as Anne Collier, Walead Beshty, Janice Kerbel, Valentina Liernur, and Yuki Kimura are presented in Creamier: Contemporary Art in Culture. On the one hand,...

The Role of Container Tracking Devices in Global Intermodal Transport Efficiency

Introduction People have accustomed to the globalized world and its opportunities. The availability of potentially all products from any part of the world is not regarded as a privilege of the chosen. The development of international intermodal transport of goods contributes significantly to the availability of products as their cost...

A Comprehensive Biography of President Bill Clinton: Achievements and Challenges

President Clinton’s eight-year term as the president of the United States of America was certainly the most concurrently contentious and effective presidency in America’s history. He was respected for his economic and social policies and received criticism for his moral selections. I admired his administration strategy, where he used public...

Analyzing “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff”: Themes and Insights

There are many ways to view religion and interpret various events related to a specific religion. There can be the moments of joy and the moments of sadness, the times when God seems a threatening, powerful and mysterious creature, and the times when God appears a caring and loving Father...

Analyzing Business Growth Trends in China: Opportunities and Challenges

The economy of China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with “an estimated annual growth rate of 10 percent per annum from 1978 to 2005,”, as Naughton stated (34). China has the highest population in the world, with an estimated 1.3 billion people, according to the...

Baccalaureate vs. Associate Degree Nurses: Impact on Nursing Practice

Differences in competencies It is obvious that the provision of the high-quality medical care and services is one of the main tasks of the modern healthcare sector. However, the increased complexity of the environment and new challenges result in the great level of demands to professionals working in the given...

Exploring Religious Philosophy: Concepts of Right and Wrong Beliefs

From the point of view of Hinduism samsara is a cycle of being born, living, dying and then being re-born again. This cycle will repeat many times, while the person is tied up by their own karma, which is the law of causes and consequences that determine an individual’s quality...

The Impact of Big Data on Healthcare Delivery and Patient Outcomes

Description of Published Health Article For purposes of this paper, we choose to use an article by Chirowa, Atwood and Van der Putten (2013) to demonstrate the use of big data in public health. The article explores the relationship between gender inequality, health expenditure, and maternal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa....

Strategies for Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Patient satisfaction is considered to be among the main determinants of care quality. Nurse communication is a significant factor contributing to the decline in patient satisfaction. Furthermore, communication issues can lead to medical errors and impaired treatment outcomes. According to Pierce and Dietz (2013), the process of patient handoff...

The Role of Athletics in Higher Education: Impact on Student Development and Community

Athletics Athletics is a collective term used to refer to competition in different sporting events like walking, throwing, jumping and running. Competitions involved in athletics include race walking, road running, track field and cross-country. Athletic competitions are simple because they do not involve the use of expensive equipments. Athletics is...

Analysis of the American Society for Pain Management Nursing: Practices and Innovations

Introduction Professional organizations for nurses can be seen as an appropriate platform for sharing knowledge, developing professional networks, and self-development. Many professional organizations exist, and they often focus on specific aspects of nursing. Registered nurses choose an organization that can best respond to their professional needs. This paper includes an...

Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”: Satirical Critique of Anglo-Irish Relations and Poverty

Publication Year and Historical Context of “A Modest Proposal” Swift’s 1729 work, A Modest Proposal, satirized the tense Anglo-Irish relationship and the declining standard of living among ordinary people. The Norman invasion in the late 12th century marked the start of 700 years of interaction between the two islands, which...

Patient-Family-Centered End-of-Life Care: Palliative and Hospice Strategies

Case Background A 66-year-old Korean American woman with metastatic breast cancer is hospitalized for severe pain and weakness. Her 39-year-old daughter lives nearby but is not her healthcare agent. The patient has a 42-year-old son abroad, with whom she has minimal contact. Both she and her daughter speak English, though...

The Divine Origin of Prophetic Bible Texts

Introduction Prophets are individuals with contact with a divine being who serves as an intermediary offering predictive information about the future. Much like other religious texts, Christian works were based on the writings of men. However, divine inspiration ended after the completion of the 66 chapters therein. Moreover, millions of...

Analyzing the Ethical Considerations of Obamacare and Trumpcare Policies

Conflicts Between Ethics and Obamacare / Trumpcare The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was introduced by Obama to improve access to health care services and promote their quality, focusing primarily on adults aged between 19 and 64 years. It allowed more than 25 million previously uninsured persons to...

Strategies for Prevention and Delay of Type 2 Diabetes in At-Risk Populations

Introducing the Topic There are numerous health concerns affecting the quality of life, and type 2 diabetes is one of them. Regardless of the critical role of genetic specificities in determining predisposition to type 2 diabetes, the influence of lifestyle is as well significant (Asif, 2014). Therefore, it is essential...

Evaluating the Business Model of The Desert World Company

Introduction This proposal presents the Desert World as a proposed provider of unique desert life experiences. The Desert World project would offer state-of-the-art facilities for the hot weather of Dubai through developing a huge ski centre, which would be close to the Dubai Shopping Mall. The closeness of the project...

Strategies for Improving Work-Life Balance Among Nurses in Healthcare

Solution Nurses may choose their profession for a great number of reasons: personal values and ethics attempts to be at service for the community, self-realization, development of positive social identity, etc. (Mullen, 2015). Driven by personal motives, nurses put the needs of other people before their interests and needs. It...

Effective Strategies for Product Launching and Communication in Business

Literature Review of Marketing Activities in the Launching of New Products Launching a new product into the market is a very critical process in marketing management. According to Hauser and Shugan (2008, p. 78), when introducing a new product, a firm will need to engage in a series of activities...

Key Business-to-Business Marketing Practices for Successful Engagement

Introduction This report focuses on analyzing and synthesizing information about the best business-to-business marketing practices found in seven different articles. The paper will first explore the main themes raised in the articles, then link the articles to the B2B marketing course, and finally, discuss Building long term customer relationships in...

Six-Step Training Model for Developing Global Leaders in Organizations

Abstract The paper discusses the six-step training model for global leaders used to develop their cultural intelligence. The model was presented in the article by Earley and Mosakowski (2004). The researchers state that while referring to the cultural intelligence, it is important to avoid mixing the concept with the idea...

Enhancing Security Awareness in Healthcare Facilities to Protect Patient Information

Security awareness is an essential constituent for developing a comprehensive and efficient security policy. Nevertheless, to make it productive, it is critical to focus on elaborating a well-thought and detailed awareness plan. Therefore, the paper at hand aims at designing a multidimensional framework aimed at raising security awareness in a...

Enhancing Employee Engagement at Melrose Hotel: Effective Strategies and Results

Employee Engagement Strategy Three principal dimensions of employee engagement involve work, peers, and customers. Engagement with work denotes the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by the employees in performing their direct tasks and is associated with greater productivity. This aspect is the most important for the initial phase since Melrose Hotels...

Evolutionary Economics Explored: Micro, Meso, and Macro Perspectives and Theories

Evolutionary economics has made most scholars change their view of neoclassical theory given the dynamism of understanding certain market occurrences. Technological learning has been at the centre stage of the development process since effective comprehension of changes in the economy requires co-evaluation of technologies, as well as the institutional compartments...

Impact of School-Based Sex Education Programs on Teenage Pregnancy Statistics

Abstract This essay provides an overview of school sex education and teenage pregnancy in the United States. The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, United States is one of the leading countries in the developed world that...

Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Status of Fetuses with Down Syndrome

Theories The given case offers a sophisticated ethical issue related to the determination of the moral status of a fetus. The fact is that there is a crucial abnormality in the development as the embryo has not developed limbs and will not likely to do it. Additionally, there is a...

Terrorism, Its Prevention and Impact on Muslim Communities

Global Terrorism and Racial Profiling The current situation is complicated by the accelerating development of humankind, globalization, and the digitalization of all processes. Thus, the possibilities of communicating one’s own views and conflicts on geopolitical, social, or religious grounds have increased. One such problem of the present time is terrorism,...

Scope of Practice and Licensure for Nurse Practitioners in Florida: Rules and Barriers

Introduction The activities of nurse practitioners are coordinated not only by ethical and professional guidelines but also by official requirements for the work of medical specialists. The specific rules governing how to obtain the necessary licenses and certificates vary locally, and different regulations may apply. These regulations, in turn, can...

Evaluating the Feasibility and Impact of Community-Based Sustainability

Introduction The global community has been involved in measure to ensure that the world adopts sustainable living standards. For the last few decades, every country has been formulating laws and regulations that are focused on reducing the rampant environmental degradation. Sustainability, in most cases, focuses on the environment and the...

Comparative Analysis of Zehfuss’s and Barkans’s Works on Memory and Guilt

World War II was one of the biggest tragic events in modern history, and its adverse consequences made all involved parties reflect on the moral implications of the participation in any military conflicts and responsibilities it may impose on both individuals and nations. The readings Wounds of Memory by Maja...

Policy Trends in Long-Term Nursing Care: Current Developments

Introduction Health policy is a highly complicated issue as it deals with a whole variety of problems that have to be taken into consideration. Policies can affect both separate individuals and organizations determining their access to certain health care services, availability of medications and technology, etc. (Shi, & Singh, 2014)....

Fiscal Policies: Analyzing Budget Deficit, Surplus, and Balance

Budgeting is a crucial component of public administration that requires rigorous planning, meticulous implementation and management, and a deep understanding of the specifics of the systems that are being financed (Shafritz, Russell, & Borick, 2015, p. 472). Public administration budget is typically comprised of taxes, insurance, and borrowing, and it...

Miami Community Issues: Insights from Windshield Surveys

Introduction to the Community The Miami community is rarely viewed as the one with problems. However, a closer look at some of the aspects of its life will show that the economic and infrastructure-related issues demand immediate resolution. Thus, the foundation for a healthier environment and, therefore, a drop in...

Immigrant Experiences: Lithuanian vs. Chinese in the USA

The United States of America has always been a country of great opportunities and many people tried to start a new life there. Immigrants from all over the world have come to the New World in their search for better life. In the first part of the twentieth century, the...

Organizational Culture: Defining Best Practices and Key Concepts

Observables artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions for the firms General electric is a company that is focused on the management of time. Time management is applied at different levels starting with an individual employee who should be at the right place at the right time. Through the management of...

Vacation Trends: Comparing Domestic and International Travel Destinations

While receiving the opportunity to have a rest and use the vacation time, the Americans can be challenged with the necessity to choose between travel destinations which are similar and different in many features and aspects. Thus, it is important to compare and contrast the opportunities and details of vacationing...

Implementing Core Competencies in Nursing: Comparative Insights

Comparison of Core Competencies Nursing professionals have different core competencies depending on the peculiarities of their profession. A lot of diverse features can be found when comparing those competencies that are developed for a nurse practitioner (NP) and for a nurse administrator. Differences can be observed already when focusing on...

Analyzing Fictional Public Organizations: Structures and Functions

Introduction The organizational structure of complex organizations varies from one organization to another depending on the nature of operations they undertake and the degree of interaction with the external environment. As a system comprising inflows and outflows, an organization can be either an open system or a closed system (Pinfield,...

Ireland vs. Poland: Evaluating Nursing Education Standards

Introduction In this paper, the author compares the nursing education in Ireland and Poland. The particular interest of these two European countries was caused by the certainties that are inherent in these countries. Before reading about the history and current educational system, the expectations of the nursing education systems in...

A Comparative Study of Fascism in Nazi Germany and Its Influence on Islamic States

Volkswagen as a fascist object Post-war Germany appeared to be a very miserable habitat, as the enormous war compensations had to be reimbursed. These expenditures have altered the economy of the nation, and poverty was prevalent. As a result, a lot of citizens were not able to afford a car,...

Comparing Core Competencies of Nurse Practitioners in Delivering Quality Healthcare

In order to be a qualified specialist, a nurse is required to possess certain knowledge base, experience, and specific skills. When all of the above combines, the outcome is a competent expert in nursing, able to provide quality service to the patients. In order to be a knowledgeable specialist, the...

Public Health Issues in Naranja Area Community: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction The community of concern is that of the Naranja area, which is a suburban area located southwest of Miami, Florida. The population of the area is racially diverse and generally has low access to healthcare. The majority of people in the area are young Hispanic residents aged under 10...

Key Implications for Nursing Practice: Current Trends and Future Directions

There is no doubt that practices applied by nurses have a significant influence on the quality of lives of patients. In his article, Stavrianopoulos (2016) evaluates the effectiveness of one of the methods utilized by nurses working with patients who suffer from heart failure – regular telephone conversations between patients...

Assessing Health Resources Available to Northern Miami Community Residents

Introduction of Community I live in Miami, Florida. The community I will use for the assignment is the northern part of the city. Their atmosphere is friendly, and the community is largely peaceful. There are many families with children, middle-aged people, and also elderly citizens. Windshield Survey Vitality Since I...

Evaluating Asthma Control Education Programs: Research and Effectiveness

Evaluation Plan Purpose The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program aimed at improving the quality of life of children suffering from asthma. It has been estimated that approximately 7 million of American children are diagnosed with this disorder (Rapp et al., 2017). Asthma...

Hydroquinone for Age Spots: Benefits and Risks

Introduction Age spots or hyperpigmentation are prevalent dermatological disorders that commonly arise in middle-aged people, particularly those constantly exposed to sunlight. While these spots pose no health dangers, they can be unsightly, causing many to seek professional assistance to lessen their exposure. Hydroquinone is one of the most often used...

Lesslie Newbigin’s Proper Confidence and Its Impact on Missionary Thought

Introduction Lesslie Newbigin’s contribution is considered among the brightest minds behind the missionary thought of the twentieth century, even though his reflection on Evangelism has not been widely studied. In the age of rising pragmatism and consumerism, through his writing, Newbigin aimed to comment on the disappearance of hope in...

Health Assessment of North Miami Community: Key Issues and Recommendations

Introduction The community selected for this assignment was North Miami, a large community that is in a relatively good condition; however, it included some of the problematic areas. This review is focused on the primary characteristics of the community in terms of socio-economic dynamics, living conditions, and health-related issues. North...

Addressing Health Needs of Vulnerable Populations in Miami’s Communities

Introduction The community explored in this assessment is Miami, Florida. It is a highly urban area with a well-developed infrastructure that focuses on providing vital health and education services to its citizens. The vulnerable population consists of drug and alcohol addicts, particularly youth and young adults. The purpose of the...

Economic Nationalism’s Role in Shaping US International Trade Policies

The economic success of each country can be seen through its international economic relations as far as the exports and imports are a concern. Being a global enterprise, the various economies of the world have developed as a result of diversifying its markets and an effective imposition of policies, which...

The Constitution’s Creation: Analyzing Drafting and Ratification Challenges

Introduction The transition from the Articles of Confederation to the new Constitution was not smooth and both documents imposed either limitations or new complications to the lives of the American people despite their initially positive aims. The changes provoked numerous debates among the states, authorities, and the people of the...

The Vietnam War: Interplay Between National Security and Media Freedom

According to Errington & Miragliotta, the American government used national security to inflict more control on civil autonomy and media (2007, p.6). National security influenced the media to put across their preferred views. National security manipulated the media to portray the opponents as untrustworthy and weak individuals. National security used...

Impact of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Professional Sports: Ethical and Legal Issues

The issue of using performance enhancing drugs by professional sportsmen or the question of doping can be discussed as socially significant because many people today orient to the athletic competition as the important element of the modern world. However, modern professional sports can also be considered as the great business,...

Moral Theory and Abortion: Philosophical Perspectives and Debates

Introduction The concept of moral status is a topic that is highly debated by scientists of various branches. Many situations that involve the evaluation of the moral status cause a dispute. One of these controversial topics pertains to abortion and fetal abnormality. While discussing the grounds and implications for abortion,...

Overview of the Health Medi-Cal Budget System: Structure and Functionality

Review of Medi-Cal System The California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal) budget system focuses on low-income populations. Its costs are usually divided between the state and the government. It is expected that the government will cover 90 percent of costs by 2020. Medi-Cal contains the two types of payment such as...

Early Social Interaction Strategies for Children with Autism: Approaches and Benefits

Introduction The bulk of the available literature and research does not explore the different factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the Early Social Interaction (ESI) program. Therefore, this paper analyzes an article addressing how the involvement of parents in the ESI programs affects the outcome of improved social and...

Crime and Health Issues in Flagami Community: Current Status and Solutions

Introduction The community under analysis is Flagami, where mostly emigrants and people with low social status live. The vulnerable population of this community, as a rule, is subject to a rather high mortality rate due to the involvement of local people in crimes. The purpose of this paper is to...

PESTLE Analysis of Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao Agency: Strategic Insights

Introduction This paper is aimed at examining the external environment of the advertising agency Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao or WRSX. It should be mentioned that this company interacts with various manufacturers or service organisations (Learning Dynamics 2011). Therefore, this work of this agency is partly dependent on the performance of...

Analysis of “12 Angry Men”: Themes and Dramatic Techniques

Introduction This is an American drama movie where a group of 12 men is involved in discussing the judgment for a murder case involving a slum boy. The twelve jurors argue about the evidence presented in this case where an 18-year-old young man is claimed to have killed his father...

The Creation and Ratification of the American Constitution: Historical Context and Impact

Introduction The United States had two constitutions. The first one, known as “The Articles of Confederation,” came into effect in March 1781. The second one, “The Constitution,” succeeded The Articles in June 1788. The documents may seem similar, but they have a lot of differences when analyzed in more detail....

Character Analysis of Beatrice and Hero in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the philosophical sense of this word. After all, as this...

Middlesex County College’s Approach to Ideal Bureaucracy: Structure and Effectiveness

Introduction Bureaucracy is a term that has been defined by a lot of scholars. One of the most famous scholars who influenced the study of bureaucracy is Max Weber. The well-known sociologist defined bureaucracy as a hierarchical authority structure that uses legal order and has its own set rules. Weber...

Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches: Methodological Insights

Introduction There are two basic approaches to research: quantitative and qualitative. They use different data and methods; also, they can be connected to different attitudes towards knowledge and research (Polit & Beck, 2017). The present paper considers the examples of these approaches and compares and contrasts them. It demonstrates that...

Ooooby’s Social Innovation and Its Impact on Food Access

Introduction The researcher seeks to discuss innovation and social innovation and attempts to discuss how social innovation has been by Ooooby, an organization whose headquarters is in Sidney. The researcher also identifies various performance measures the organization uses to achieve its goals. The case study about Ooooby also involves research...

Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech

Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Thesis Statement Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion...

Institutional Policy Analysis of the Affordable Care Act: Implementation and Effects

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations National Improve cost-efficiency of health services The state-wide improvements contribute to overall result (Liverani, Hawkins, & Parkhurst, 2013)...

Mental Health Rates in the Context of Healthy People 2020 Objectives

Introduction The Healthy People 2020 initiative states major goals for improving the health of Americans and tracks progress in achieving these goals. The measurements are performed based on 26 leading health indicators (LHI) divided into 12 topics. One of the significant aspects of the initiative is regular reporting on the...

Trends in Racial and Ethnic Childhood Obesity in the US: Statistical Insights and Implications

Intended audience: The author’s intended audience is comprised of educators, policymakers in the field of healthcare, students, and parents affected by the impact of having obese children in the family. In addition, the secondary target audience is the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected by the effects of childhood...

Investigating Pfizer’s Palace Coup Scandal: Case Analysis and Implications

Introduction Corporate management is complex as challenges are often diverse. The ability of the managers to maintain efficient performance and the ability to prove resilient to the management wrangles are considerable factors that make managers proficient (Yukl & Lepsinger, 2004). More frequently, controlling the top management officials where personal interests...

Predictors of Postpartum Depression in Women’s Health: Key Risk Factors and Insights

The article written by Katon, Russo, and Gavin (2014) is focused on women’s health. It discusses predictors of postpartum depression (PPD), including sociodemographic and clinic risk factors. This paper will analyze the research article under discussion in order to prove that it is an authoritative source of information that can...

John Heilpern’s Journalism Techniques: Innovations and Influence

In the frames of the current journalistic trends, the participative approach to writing prevails, allowing authors to express their personal attitude to the events. Willis (2003) noted that “What you give up in terms of arms-length objectivity, you more than gain in terms of understanding and empathy” (p. 21). The...

Management and Challenges of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Adolescents

Introduction While type 2 diabetes associated with middle-aged and older patients is of more frequent occurrence, type 1 diabetes is rarer and predominates among younger people. The fact that type 1 is not so common implies difficulties in collecting data. However, in recent times, researchers give attention to this problem...

Evolution of War Depictions in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

In the history of literature there were many writers who became the living witnesses of the horrific realities of their times; some of them were Erich Maria Remarque (who was a soldier during World War I), Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi (who survived in concentration camps during the World War...

Exploring State Power in Sociological Studies of Deviance: Theoretical Perspectives

The purpose of this paper is to establish the connection between the state power and the sociological studies of deviance. The objective will be achieved by several steps. Firstly, I will give the definition of the power in sociological context and the power of the state. Secondly, I will determine...

Key Farce Elements in Theater: Analyzing Their Role in Playwriting

Farce is an inevitable element of theater and plays. Having a personal point of view about which elements of farce the theatric performances are to follow, Eric Bentley has created several aspects which are believed to be the part of farce. The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for...

Evaluating Evidence-Based Practices: Effects on Patient Outcomes and Care

Introduction In the context of contemporary approaches to patient outcomes, there are a number of frameworks that support traditional and evidence-based practices. Evidence-based health care is often opposed to the sometimes practices inherent in the daily work of medical practitioners. It is also important to point out the fact that...

How Brain Functions Influence Weight Loss: Mechanisms and Findings

Background of Study In the introductory section of the study, Bruce et al. (2014) pointed out that weight-loss is commonly associated with the decrease in rates of many different health issues of both physical (elevated blood pressure, high level of cholesterol, diabetes, hyperlipidemia) and psychological (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem) nature....

Analyzing Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech: Themes and Global Impact

Introduction The Cold War was the main geopolitical conflict of the second half of the 21st century. The ideological and economic confrontation between the US and NATO against the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Pact began in 1946 with Winston Churchill’s speech, where he condemned the Soviet Union’s...

Addressing Communicable Diseases in Miami-Dade County: Current Trends and Responses

Research and present on the local, state, national, and global trends such as incidence, prevalence, and populations at risk for their communicable disease group. Good health and well-being are among the SDG goals aimed at transforming the world by the year 2030 (World Health Organization, 2015). The progress towards the...

Assessing Health Disparities: The Status of African American Minority Groups

Health status among the present-day American population has been significantly increased due to the recent technological advance in health care. More and more diseases are cured, and many complex questions are answered. However, despite the fact that the progress has led to the prolonged life of the population, African American...

Domestic Violence Among African American Women: Integrity and Support Systems

Introduction: The Author’s Intent and Its Interpretations Of all the equality issues, the one regarding render profiling and the means of fighting it might seem somewhat overlooked. Despite the fact that considerable efforts have been made in order to attain equality between men and women in the XX century, at...

Strategies for Controlling Infectious Diseases in Miami: Insights from Healthy People 2020

Introduction Communicable or infectious diseases are a burden of the contemporary society. Immunization stimulated substantial progress in eliminating infectious diseases but their cases are still frequent due to healthcare access disparities and many other reasons. According to Healthy People 2020 initiative (2018), the US healthcare system targets 17 infectious diseases...

Opioid Pain Relief: Key Concepts, Risks, and Safe Practices

Introduction Patients in healthcare facilities experience pain, which is treated with opioid drugs. Mild to severe cases of pain are common, and they make the patients uncomfortable. Opioids are extracted from opium plants or can be manufactured in the industry. They function by blocking signals for pain where the opioid...