“Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser” by Frida Kahlo

Introduction According to many historians and researchers, most of the famous works by Frida Kahlo portray the unique challenges encountered by Mexicans from 1930 to 1960. She used her traumatic experiences to describe the nature of the country’s heritage. From the 1940s, Mexico was keen to establish its cultural identity...

Greek and Roman Interiors: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The Greek and Roman interior styles are commonly referred to as classical architecture. The Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by classical Greek style according to Greek history. However, they advanced their architecture so that they looked different from those of Greek. In fact, they created new architectural style. This...

Business Ethics and Dilemmas in the Film ‘Michael Clayton’

A Critique of the Dilemmas Presented The movie “Michael Clayton” addresses a wide range of ethical issues faced by corporations and advocates. The movie highlights how situational factors, corporate cultures, and professional business environment can be viewed from different perspectives. It offers an optimistic account of the moral resources that...

Mise-en-Scene of “Blade Runner” Film by Ridley Scott

Based on the opening scene of Blade Runner, the viewers can see that Los Angeles is presented as a modern and developed city. In addition, the fact that it is presented at night is another important element. The author wants people to see the lights and fires of the city...

Gender Representation in Akira Kurosawa’s Films

Japanese director Akira Kurosawa is considered one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He was taking an active part on many levels of the creation of his films, often serving as a screenwriter and editor. Kurosawa was investigating various themes in his movies, including human identity,...

A Musical Performance by Music From China

China is a distinctive country, and this is evident in all its spheres, including musical culture. In traditional Chinese culture, an important place is given to music that sounds like “ye” in Chinese. However, the concept “ye” means not only musical art but also art in general and everything beautiful,...

“Act Without Words I” by Beckett: Response to the Movie

“Act Without Words I” by Samuel Beckett is an example of the Theater of the Absurd, a designation of the particular type of plays written by different playwrights in the mid-twentieth century. The central idea, characteristic for the genre of the absurdist drama, is a concept of the meaninglessness of...

The “Hero” Film: Shot-by-Shot Analysis

The plot of the film “Hero” (2002) by Zhang Yimou unfolds the historical events that took place in the 3rd century B.C., a time before China became a unified nation. The main character, a lone warrior, known as Nameless (Jet Li), was summoned to visit the King of Qin (Chen...

Lighting in The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

Nowadays, approximately over 300 movies are released every year. Most slip into oblivion, but every once in a while comes a movie that defines a decade. These types of films defy the passage of time and are devotedly devoured by each new generation of viewers. The Godfather is arguably the...

Art, Music, and Dance

Art Art is a distinctive map of the success of all humankind. It shows how people developed in different eras, what they believed in, how their perception of the world collapsed, changed, and was built again. All discoveries, new ideas, goals, and beliefs are reflected in art. There are pictures...

Graffiti, its Significance and Drawbacks

Introduction Graffiti is a type of modern art that is considered for different purposes by different people. Some people use this as a tool for expressing their feelings and expression related to the society and to the life; others prefer it as a way to express their disagreement or agreement...

“Arabian Nights” by Pasolini: A Demonstration of Eroticism and Sex

The translation of fiction, unlike, for example, scientific or political material, is less associated with the need for precise wording. The absence of the need to comply with all authorial norms gives rise to the low formalization with which the translation of fiction realizes excellent creative freedom for the writer-translator....

“Mona Lisa” and “Starry Night” as Manifests of Sickness

The first artifact that I chose is “Mona Lisa” by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Many believe that this masterpiece has been painted between 1503 and 1506 in the Italian Renaissance period. Now, this artifact is part of the permanent collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The second painting...

”Doctor Strange”: Description and Interpretation

Description Doctor Strange, a 2016 action-fantasy film, existing exists as a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Created as a part of an ongoing series of films, this movie manages to both tell its own, unique story and provide a set upsetup for future installations in the franchise. The plot...

Gender Roles in Hung Liu’s Paintings

Hung Liu is one of the most famous painters of the 20th century who expresses Chinese and American cultures. She was born in Changchun, China, in 1948 and moved to the United States by the end of the 20th century (Nigris 192). Liu is known to often portray courtesans, entertaining...

The Shawshank Redemption Movie Review

Twenty-six years after its release, The Shawshank Redemption maintains its top position in the IMDb’s rating of top 1000 movies of all time. This fact alone makes the film unquestionably unmissable and worth paying for watching; however, there is more to it than that. A banker Andy Dufrense is wrongfully...

Oedipus Greek Theatre Period and Its Influence

Ancient Greek Theater and Sophocles’ Oedipus Many distinctive Western cultural institutions trace their roots to ancient Greece, and theater is no exception. The word theater itself comes from the Ancient Greek word theatron, which means “a place for viewing.” The Greeks were the first to define genres like comedy and...

Ideology in “The Matrix” Film

An ideological analysis seeks to discover the system of ideas behind a body of work. There is a close connection between ideology and science fiction because science fiction is a form of art that seeks to explore ideas. Unlike fantasy, science fiction borrows on the pre-existing social, political, and technology...

The Film Review: “Scarface”

Scarface (1983): A Cross-genre Creation The image of a man riddled with bullets, in the last scene of Scarface (1983), screaming in agony creates a rush of adrenalin felt by the audience. Next, the sequence shows, an army of assassins showering bullets at the already fallen body, when the bullet-ridden...

Film Analysis of “Titanic” by James Cameron

Introduction Titanic (1997) is an epic film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. Titanic is an epic film that shows a love story in a setting of a great disaster. The story involves a seventeen-year-old Rose who falls in love with Jack, who rescues her. The whole story...

The Interpretation of Raphael’s School of Athens

The School of Athens is a masterpiece created by Raphael that is viewed as an outstanding achievement of the high renaissance and an impeccable artwork. This pierce of art shows a lively and exciting atmosphere due to the renaissance environment (Bishop 63). The painting could be considered fascinating because of...

“Breathe” by Michael Smith: The Theme of Love

When emotions cannot be expressed, words act as a release medium. Songs are primarily used to display affection, grief, or disapproval of something. “Breathe” is a six-minute religious devotion song choreographed by Marie Barnett and sung by the renowned Christian musician Michael Smith. The song’s lyrics are dominated by the...

Drake’s “Gods Plan”: Visual Analysis on the Music Video

Music videos are created to accompany the songs and promote music artists. They often present specific messages or a story that musicians would like to tell their listeners. At the same time, the direction in which the performer works also significantly affects the clips. These videos are pretty common, and...

“The Scream” the Painting by Edvard Munch

Introduction Der Schrei der Natur, universally known as The Scream, is an oil painting by Edvard Munch. The Norwegian artist painted The Scream in 1893 as part of the cycle The Frieze of Life—A Poem about Life, Love, and Death, where he represented the wheel of life from a partially...

Reality Music Television Shows

Forewords Often, advancement in technology has been attributed to the great transition of the music industry. As such, the role of reality television shows in the advancement and growth of the music industry has tended to be underestimated. In effect, the reality television music shows and their central role in...

Cinematic Techniques in The Silence of the Lambs Movie

The current paper is devoted to analyzing the cinematic techniques applied in the classic horror movie called The Silence of the Lambs, directed by Jonathan Demme. The film was chosen from the AFI top 100 of 100 years. The movie Silence of the Lambs is a classic horror that has...

Music: Benefits and Positive Influences

Introduction Music supports emotional health, manages stress, and increases psychological well-being. Scientists suggest that a person’s preferences in music can provide insight into various aspects of their personality (Hooen et al. 12). From ancient times, people used music as a motivation for battles. Moreover, some people associate the healing process...

The Agbadza Dance: Traditional Dance in Africa

Introduction Dance implicates an expression that originates from the human heart and uses gestures and movements, that revolve around daily events to define ordinary and unique experiences for people. African communities highly regard dance as a sacred art that serves as the pivot around which African lives spout. This paper...

Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci Impact

Vitruvian Man is a very famous and captivating drawing around the world. Its existence was enabled by Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1487 (Vallentin p. 3). The drawing has some accompanying inscription notes founded on Vitruvius Pollio’s work. It portrays a male image in two overlaying arrangements with his...

Film Studies: Watching Movies Now and in the Past

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Consequently, different people have different activities that they enjoy doing during their free time. Some like watching movies; others prefer listening to music, while others fancy visiting new destinations. The movie industry has seen numerous changes from early times. These...

The Lied and the Melodie: Similarities and Differences

Introduction The lied and the melodie are varieties of songs that have their similarities and differences. They both originated in the 19th century, during the era of Romanticism; the first one was from German composers, while the second was from the French. Primarily, these were poems sung with an accompaniment...

Images of the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Signing

Two images depict the same occasion, which is the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty signing. The first image demonstrates the USA government and the tribe leaders meeting at the special place. This place is considered as a traditional place for Native Americans. In the second image, there are colorful traditional clothes...

The “Hidden Figures” Movie by Ted Melfi

Hidden Figures is a 2016 American drama film based on actual events. It tells the story of three African-American women who played a significant role in developing the American space program. The film shows the problems they were facing in segregation in the 1960s and how they fought for their...

Guy Debord’s “The Naked City” Analysis

The Second World War brought devastation to the world and change the thought, affecting all spheres of life. Carefully optimistic philosophic movements could no longer provide people with answers they sought, and it gradually shifted to skepticism, sarcasm, and deconstruction of everything. New philosophical and art movements began appearing, varying...

Video Editing: Past, Present and Future

Introduction Video editing refers to the process of selecting and combining short motion picture films commonly referred to as shots into comprehensive narratives that are eventually used in creating a finished film. A video is a sequence of still pictures that are used to represent scenes in motion. Video editing...

Shubert Music Analysis the Work of Shubert Die SchöNE Müllerin, No 19

Introduction; analysis of the sound Analyzing the work of Shubert Die schöne Müllerin, no 19, and its part ‘Der Müller und der Bach’ I used the technology of LaRue (1992), who suggests paying attention to sound, harmony, melody, rhythm and the growth of form. The work consists of two parts...

Vincent Van Gogh and Salvador Dali Comparison

Introduction When it comes to analyzing historical personalities, it is easier to approach those whose contribution can be measured by the economic and political impact their activities produced on contemporaries. The picture is quite different from people of art as there are no objective parameters that determine why one master...

The “Hidden Figures” Film Analysis

The film Hidden Figures is the story of overcoming gendered and racial stereotypes and prejudice on the way to success. However, it can be regarded as a demonstration of various aspects of leadership that is neglected on the business arena. It is possible to focus on such terms as emotional...

The “Seated Statue of Khafre” Sculpture Analysis

Introduction The “Seated Statue of Khafre” represents the old Egyptian Kingdom, 2575-2525 BC, best known for the Sphinx and the three Great Giza Pyramids. The statue depicts the fourth dynasty and is one of the most iconic and significant surviving sculptures that ancient Egypt offers. The statue’s function transcends the...

Review of “Anxiety” Short Film

The short film Anxiety introduces the viewers to the life of a young and beautiful girl, Madeleine, who is suffering from anxiety. It is essential to say that every person has experienced anxiety and tension at least once in their life before an exam or an important meeting. Anxiety is...

“Bubba Shot the Jukebox” by Mark Chesnutt

Introduction The given music analysis will primarily focus on a song called “Bubba Shot the Jukebox,” performed and recorded by Mark Chesnutt. It is important to note that the song was written by Dennis Linde, and it is a country song, which was released in 1992 under the label of...

Symbolism in the “Queen of the South” Series

Introduction Symbolism is vastly used in cinematography for a variety of purposes. Symbols can give additional background to the story, work as a warning, or draw parallels between the events on screen and the events in the past. In movies, like in any art, almost anything can be symbolic, including...

The Design Principles on Harmony and Variety: “Mother and Child 2”

Any painting can be compared to a puzzle where a variety of elements, including colors, geometrical forms, texture, come together to create a holistic composition and give it interest. Simultaneously, harmony is the principle of design in which these elements are pleasantly combined and arranged. It always reflects the sublime...

“Stealing the Scream” by Munch

The Scream by Edvard Munch has inspired an American poet Monica Youn to depict her impression of the painting and the story of its stealing in her poem Stealing the Scream (Youn). The poet has chosen the genre of ekphrastic poetry to express her idea. This genre implies describing another...

The History of African Total Theatre

Introduction African theatre has been described by Kennedy as that of “festivals and rituals share a common dramatic experience in a communal setting through group participation. They celebrate life and examine the survival scene. And in the midst of this communion of vibrations is the use of regalia, dramatic expression,...

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”

Purpose, Question at Issue, and Assumptions The live concert I viewed is the Queen’s show at Live Aid in 1985 (“Queen – Live at LIVE”). I will analyze the event and one of the songs, in particular, Bohemian Rhapsody. The song’s author is Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist of Queen....

Belly Dance, Its History and Movements

Introduction The culture of dance has been in existence since time immemorial where different cultures have performed the art for several reasons for instance as a way of celebrating the birth of a new child, giving thanks to and worshipping the gods, celebrating much harvest after a harvesting season as...

Ancient Greek Sculpture: Periods and Characteristics

The art of ancient Greece is typically characterized by several periods through which the historians view its development. Three of the most prominent periods are archaic, classical, and Hellenistic. Each of these periods has particular distinctive features that reflect the transformation of views and values within the Greek society and...

The “Lions for Lambs” Film Analysis

Introduction When it comes to defining the discursive significance of a particular movie, it often becomes rather indispensable subjecting it to a textual analysis. In my paper, I will explore the validity of this suggestion at length, in regards to the 2007 film Lions for Lambs, directed by Robert Redford....

Same Song, Different Styles: Musical Elements Analysis

Throughout its entire existence, music has performed many functions in people’s lives. It is intended not only for entertainment but also for education and development. With one type of music, a person rejoices and relaxes, while with the other feels complicated emotions and reflects on both personal and general social...

Claude Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise”

The Impression, Sunrise is a famous painting by Claude Monet. It portrays a misty background set in the French harbor of Le Havre, his hometown. The orange hues contrast with the dark vessel as it seems to be a reflection of the sun rising in the background. There are multiple...

Cinematography and Visuals in the Tenet Film

Introduction Visual perception is one of the essential sources of information for the human brain. This idea has been effectively utilized in the filmmaking industry, allowing directors to transmit profound ideas subtly. Christopher Nolan is a renowned expert in cinematography, which makes his works worth examining from this point of...

Renaissance. Man with a Red Turban by Jan van Eyck

Introduction This is an oil painting purportedly, a self-portrait drawn by Jan van Eyck in 1433. It is evident through the inscriptions which have been translated to English and mean “Jan van Eyck Made Me on October 21, 1433″. Jan van Eyck was one of the pioneers of the early...

Influence of the Greek Art on Contemporary Artist Works

Ancient Greece represents one of the most investigated and at the same time enigmatic spheres of culture. No doubt, art, music, theatre, science, literature, painting, architecture, and democracy of the Greeks influences modern culture even many centuries after. Actually, the ancient Greeks introduced the humanities. The current government, architecture, literature,...

Film Production: Camera, Lighting and Sound

There is no universally accepted definition of mise-en-scene. People engaged in film production do not agree on different concepts the term might hold. In the most general sense, it denotes the design aspects of film production. The term was first used by Les Cahiers du Cinéma, an influential French film...

Laura Pausini: Live Music Event Critique

In this paper, I will present my analysis and reaction to the live concert of Laura Pausini, which took place in Miami on July 26, 2018. The event started at 8:00 PM at James L. Knight Center and lasted for a couple of hours. It was dedicated to Laura’s new...

Art’ and Money Relations

Since time immemorial, art has been the primary means of aesthetic expression and the indicator of the cultural development of society. While the cultural value of many artworks exceeds material dimensions, it is hard to imagine how the masterpieces would be preserved without being involved in commodity-money relations. Fine arts...

Stranger Than Fiction: Critical Analysis of Film

Introduction Assessing the relationship between Ana Pascal, Harold Crick, and Karen Eiffel simplifies readers’ capabilities of relating illusion to the prediction of the future lives of the primary character. Crick is a daring star in Stranger Than Fiction, the protagonist fights to live his life, and a third woman controls...

Hip-Hop & Shakespeare: The TED Talk

The TED Talk video with the British MC and a hip-hop scholar Akala presented an exciting look at the legacy of William Shakespeare. The speaker offers the audience and the viewers to participate in a quiz where he delivers a line, and people have to guess whether it is by...

“Twelve Angry Men” Movie Analysis

Introduction The movie “Twelve Angry Men” is considered one of the best court dramas in the history of world cinema. It is a story about making the correct decision and the ability to reflect. A New York court is hearing the case of an 18-year-old immigrant who, according to the...

The “Freaky Friday” by Mark Waters

Relationships with parents, their attachment, care and love significantly affect the child’s entire life. This paper analyzes the relationship between fictional parent and child from the Freaky Friday film directed by Mark Waters (2003). The movie’s plot centered around the relationship between their mother, Tess Coleman, played by Jamie Lee...

The Power of Art in Society

Art can be considered as one of the forms of public consciousness. At the heart of art, lays a creative reflection of reality. Art cognizes and evaluates the world, forms a spiritual shape of people, their feelings and thoughts, their outlook, and awakens their creative abilities. In its essence art...

Prisons in “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont

It is a reality that prison populations in the United States are rising. The reasons are many, including economic factors, the changing cultural environment, problems in education, lack of enough infrastructure to prevent crime, and too many more to list. Even the media has been blamed. The rising crime rate...

“The Birth of the New Avant-Garde” by A. Astruc

Introduction: The Central Argument of the Novel In his famous novel called The Birth of the New Avant-Garde: The Camera Stylo Alexandre Astruc argues that cinema is getting a new life and gradually becoming a means of expression, which is why every filmmaker has an opportunity to communicate through their...

“Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Benjamin

Introduction The shift towards capitalist values in the modern world has marked a distinct change in the perception of art, which prompted numerous attempts to explain the phenomenon. The current paper analyzes the essay “Work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Walter Benjamin in order to determine...

Postmodernism Film: Run Lola Run Analysis

With the advent of postmodernism as a new philosophy of art, new opportunities were open for filmmakers to discuss topical societal issues. Furthermore, the postmodern cinema invites the audience to participate in the dialogue. Run Lola Run, a movie produced by Tom Tykwer, is the specimen of the era that...

The Aviator’ by Martin Scorsese Film Analysis

Howard Hughes was an eccentric man. He made astonishing decisions in business usually driven by an insatiable appetite for perfection. He was aggressive in all his activities. This made him very difficult to work with because his goals and interests surpassed all other considerations in life. This aspect of his...

Michael Jackson’s Influence on Pop Culture

Introduction Michael Jackson has come to be recognized as the king of pop culture due to his performing, songwriting, acting, and dancing skills. Michael, born in 1958 in Indiana, first came into the limelight after he and his brothers formed a band called the Jackson 5 (Epis 46). As a...

Vivaldi’s “Winter” as an Example of Baroque Music

Precisely the Baroque era is the period of the introduction of instrumental music characterized by extravagant and bizarre textures and harmonies and depicting an extra-musical place, character, or idea. Music of the Baroque era has evident contrast between soft and loud and long flowing melodies. It is more unpredictable and...

“The Neighbor’s Window”: Film Review

All people at a certain moment doubt their own choice and think how their life would have developed in a different situation or layout. The characters of the movie “The Neighbor’s Window” Alli and her husband Jacob, watching the life of their neighbors, begin to remember their youth and regret...

Why Is Impressionistic and Expressionistic Music So Hard to Understand?

Composers have always aspired to the new and unknown. In any era, some musicians kept up with the times and, under the influence of new art trends, revealed and invented their ways through musical means of expression. Expressionism in music is a reflection of the human soul. Expressionism rejects any...

“C Jam Blues” by Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington, C Jam Blues is based on a 12-bar Blues pattern which uses a succession of various tone colours and hence leads to the different variety of this piece done by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. At the start, the music starts with a repetitive melody and is mixed...

Singer Gloria Estefan’s Biography

Gloria Estefan is a famous American singer and songwriter who is originally from Cuba. Estefan gained worldwide fame and success as well as contributed to the popularization of Latin music. Gloria has recorded fourteen studio albums with her songs, many of which have taken the first lines in the world...

“The Iron Lady” Movie Review

The 2011 motion picture by Phyllida Lloyd titled The Iron Lady is a biographical film showing the life and career path of one of the most famous politicians in the history of Great Britain. In the opening sequence of the film, Margaret Thatcher is shown as an elderly lady at...

James Brown’s Song “Say It Loud” and Its Impact

Introduction: “Say It Loud” — The Anthem of the Civil Rights Movement Written in 1968, James Brown’s “Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud” became an unofficial anthem of the Civil Rights Movement. It asserted Black people’s rights, pride, and beauty. In the middle of the twentieth century, African...

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is a renaissance era work depicting the Judeo-Christion God creating the first human. It is a part of a larger composition of paintings on the same ceiling. Unlike many conventional oil paintings on canvas, the Creation of Adam was developed directly on the plaster ceiling of...

Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol. Picture Analysis

The purpose of art is to inspire, as well as to be thought-provoking, but sometimes an artist opts to be just provocative instead. Andy Warhol ranks among the most eminent figures of the 20th-century art. Extravagant on the verge of audacity, he defied traditional perception of the matter and promoted...

Theme of Grief in “The Secret Life of Bees”

The Secret Life of Bees is a novel by Sue Monk Kidd that explores themes of loss, grief, acceptance, and forgiveness. Furthermore, in her book, Kidd raises the topics of race and color. In fact, in 2004, the novel received The Indies Choice Book Award and was nominated for The...

Adolescence: Social Concepts in “Mean Girls” Film

Mean Girl is a popular movie for adolescents of a comedy genre. It is a story of a young girl Cady who has spent her childhood being home-schooled in Africa. She comes back to the USA and enters the American educational system to discover that it is the same jungle....

“Dead Poets Society” Analysis of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphonys 5 and 9

Introduction In the movie Dead Poets Society Ludwig van Beethoven’s two renowned symphonies are used; Symphony number 9 and symphony number 5. The fifth symphony which was a division of PolyGram Classic was also known as Piano Concerto in the movie. This symphony was performed by Berliner Philharmoniker as the...

Heritage Sites and Museums

Heritage sites and museums represent unique institutions aimed to preserve and popularize popular culture and heritage of the nations. Heritage sites and museums represent a basic aspect of human consciousness, a basic dimension for experiencing and understanding nature. To some extent, they define the intimate relationships between individuals within a...

“Number 5, 1948” Painting by Jackson Pollock

Abstract In the context of the mid-20th-century culture, Number 5, 1948 is one of the most wonderful phenomena. It is often considered to be the culmination of Jackson Pollock’s oeuvre. The present paper examines two aspects that made the painting a valuable abstract expressionist pattern and inspired the next generations:...

The Analysis of “Dogon Couple” by Kehinde Wiley

Introduction The modern take on many concepts of art from the past may revitalize outdated ideas with new colors. Artworks change alongside society, and Kehinde Wiley focuses on a single aspect of this shift: the globalization and homogenization of cultures. For this essay, the work Dogon Couple by Kehinde Wiley...

Defining Art in the Past and Present

Mimesis The ancient Greeks approached art as a form of mimesis. They were convinced that the major objective of creativity is to imitate or copy reality. Such a definition may prompt artists to develop their skills in order to convey shadows, light, and other peculiarities precisely. However, it can be...

Sociology of “Avatar” Movie by James Cameron

Avatar is a science fiction movie created and produced by James Cameron. The film was released on the 10th of December, 2009, to high praises from critics that marveled at its innovative and impressive visual effects. The movie follows the colonization of Pandora by the humans whose aim was to...

The Oscar Statuette Production: Material & Process

The production of Oscars is performed with direct materials and primarily by direct labor. As Joseph Petrie states in a video about Oscars, each statue “is done entirely by hand” (“How to Make,” 00:01:11-00:01:14). The main direct material used to make an Oscar is a raw metal, which is melted...

Interpersonal Communication Dynamics in “The Break-Up” by Reed

Introduction For communication to be effective, the parties involved must embrace mutual feelings, opinions, and thoughts to achieve common ground. The absence of effective communication in any relationship causes significant confrontations. As evident in the film The Breakup, Greg and Brook illustrate how the inability to listen actively, nonverbal communication,...

Cultural Analysis and Inferences from the Movie 42

Introduction Culture is a central aspect in anthropology that gives insight into a people’s history, values, and perceptions. Over the years, visual arts, particularly films, have been used not only to inform but also to indicate people’s cultural artifacts. Every film author wants to communicate a particular theme and influence...

The “Ulay Oh”: Music Video Analysis

The music video for the song How I became the bomb of Uwe Laysiepen (stage name Ulay) went viral by showing the reunion of two former lovers. Marina Abromovich, who is an artist, made a performance where she sat on a table with strangers and looked into their eyes for...

Visual and Sound Editing of Memento

Memeno Shower Scene Editing, Transitions, and Their Effect The scene starts with the closeup of the identifiable memento of a liquor bottle. Given the movie’s non-linear plot, the montage has to link the crucial props to the events that happened beforehand. The closeup of a bottle, as an application of...

Analysis of “Sleepy Hollow” Film Directed by Tim Burton

Introduction Sleepy Hollow is an American film released in 1999 and based on the story The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow written in the early 19th century. The movie features Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci as the main characters and Tim Burton as the writer and director. Unlike most movies...

Artworks during Early Civilizations

Art is a very interesting subject that has evolved into many stages from early civilizations to the current generation. Artwork can be categorized into two major groups which are: Auditory art and visual art. Auditory art consists of all kinds of artworks that can be heard by the human ear....

“City Lights” by Charlie Chaplin

The movie City Lights (1931) was one of the best works of Chaplin devoted to a young man who falls in love with a blind flower girl. The young fellow does everything possible to find the money for the operation which can restore the girl’s sight. This movie is based...

“On Typology” the Essay by Rafael Moneo

There are many famous forms of art, for example, literature, painting, music, and dancing. However, some people forget that architecture is also a form of art that is able to delight and amaze many humans, including both professionals and ordinary ones. There are many articles and essays about the complexity...

“Catch Me If You Can” by Steven Spielberg

Introduction Catch Me If You Can is a biographical drama film that depicts the personal and criminal life of Frank Abagnale, who engaged in a series of financial, forging, and fraudulent crimes at a young age. The plot is inherently interesting as it portrays the origin of Abagnale’s skills, intentions,...

Madonna and Feminism in Her Songs and Everyday Life

This essay is centered around the famous singer Madonna and feminism in her artistry and activism. Read it and learn about Madonna feminism and its influence on society. Introduction Gender is one of the most influential and interesting themes addressed in a cultural artifact. Feminism, motherhood, gender parity, violence, machismo,...

Politics in “The National” Band’s Songs

Introduction Despite not being an explicitly political band, the New York-based indie/post-punk/alternative rock band The National frequently refer to the political issues and changes in their music, as well as use their band image, lyrics, and songs to support presidential candidates (such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton). Some of...

The Painting White Center by Mark Rothko

Introduction Mark Rothko (1903-1970) is a prominent representative of the New York School of modern art, who created paintings in many styles throughout over forty years of work. White Center (Yellow, Pink, and Lavender on Rose), 1950, is one of his signature paintings incorporating the motif of “soft, rectangular forms...

The Protagonist in “A Beautiful Mind”

Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, stands out as a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. This fictitious character is based on a real person going by the same name. This paper entails a case study of John Nash, which creates a personal profile based on...

Ethical Analysis of the Awakenings Film

The medical drama Awakenings (1990) is based on a real-life event. The movie focuses on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ work treating people with catatonia, a disorder marked by excessive stiffness and a lack of responsiveness to stimuli. Dr. Sacks began administering L-dopa, a medication generally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, to...

Adolescence Songs: “A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci

“A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci was a famous song during my adolescent years. Some of the most crucial Lyrics are “Each time we have a quarrel / It almost breaks my heart” (DiMucci, 2017, lines 1-2). Essentially, this was a powerful opening considering this was a love song....

Liberty Leading the People Painting by Delacroix

Introduction Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix can be considered one of the most iconic paintings in the history of art. Delacroix depicted the events of the 1830 French Revolution against the monarchy in a monumental work executed in Romantic style. French nation’s fight for civic freedoms inspired the...

“A Time to Kill”: Plot, Impact, and Social Perceptions

Background “A Time to Kill,” is a legal drama film based on the novel by John Grisham. The film tells the story of justice for a Black man who lynched his ten-year-old daughter’s rapists. Carl Lee Hailey connects to White lawyer Jake Brigance in the hope of being acquitted in...

Discussion of Famous Paintings

The Work of Claude Monet Claude Monet’s “The Water Lily Pond” was the piece of art I chose. The painting was created in the year 1899 from a mature garden. Oil paint was used to create the Water Lily Pond. This work of art was produced during the Impressionism period....

Race and Culture in The Hate You Give Movie

The Hate You Give is a movie produced by Angie Thomas and based on the same novel. It is a portrait and projection of fundamentals giving a backdrop of the current situation that America is facing. The movie orchestrates the prejudice of justice by killing Khalil Starr’s friend shot by...

String Quartet Op. 33 No. 3 Analysis

The first theme, consisting of birds’ sounds, chirping, and trills, occurs three times throughout the quartet. Each time it is slightly modified, the essence remains the same and traced through the entire work (Jabet, 2017). For the first time, this theme constitutes the whole first movement. The second time, it...

“Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” by Friedrich

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting by a German artist, Caspar David Friedrich, created in 1818. It depicts a young man standing back to the viewer at the precipice, observing mountain ranges that extend in front of him (Friedrich, 1818). He is wearing a long overcoat...

The Magical World of Sherlock Jr.

Between the years 1920 and 1923 Buster Keaton managed to create 19 short films. His short films are characterized with comic situations that are interconnected with movement and imagery, without putting any weight on the dramatic effect. The comedy and the metaphoric background lie in the imagery, not in the...

Deciphering the Meaning of Animals in Films

Introduction In looking at the use of animals in film, with the possible exception of family type, feel-good animal stories, animals are usually symbolic when they are seen in anything more than a cameo type appearance as pets and other casual uses which simply give realism to the film. Most...

Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”

The movie Crash is a brutally honest film that depicts the harsh realities in today’s society. It tells of a convoluted story that shows how intertwined the lives are of people from all walks of life, from all kinds of races and cultures and value systems. Without shame nor apology,...

The Language of Dance in the “La La Land” Movie

One of the basic human needs that most people satisfy every day is communication. There are many interesting ways of communication, and each of them is suitable for different situations. As an art form, dance is an extremely powerful, though not so obvious form of communication. According to Karkou et...

The Godfather: Management Style Analysis

Introduction Lessons one can learn about leadership or styles of management are in wide availability within the modern media. The different ways in which organizations are now led have been subjects to multiple movies or TV series that depict main characters dealing with important business issues. The Godfather (1972) is...

American Hard Rock in Relation to Society

Historical background of rock music The American hard rock can be traced from the 1940s. Its history is pegged on the development of the rock and roll and country music. The inception of the music has no clear origin, but it has grown through the fusing of different types of...

Indian Culture, Tradition and Classical Music

A summary of the Indian culture and tradition Since it has been evolving for thousands of years and differs from area to region, India has a rich and distinct culture. Many religions were formed in India, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and many more (Kumar, & Downey, 2019). In Hindu culture,...

“The Mission” Directed by Roland Joffe Reflection

The Mission is a historical movie that is based on real events and depicts colonized Latin America in the 18th century. Its main idea is to show how people struggled to save others and set them free. The Mission is related to Open Veins of Latin America and A Short...

Jimmy Page and Brian May Comparison

Introduction As a kind of art, music has the power to touch us in a variety of ways. Rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre, and dynamics make up the heart of music (Gemuhay et al., 2019). It’s impossible to fully comprehend the impact of music since it’s utilized in so many different...

Analysis of Piano Trio No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich

Introduction In this work, it is required to characterize the performed musical work. The analyzed performance of Piano Trio No. 2, written by the Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich was held at Mountain Bay College as part of the chamber music festival. This concert took place in 2020, while Shostakovich’s suite...

The Devil Wears Prada Film’s Critical Analysis

Introduction The Devil Wears Prada focuses on the courage of employees who do not care about the job’s specifics, even though they are interested in getting it. This does not prevent them from success because of their confidence and high qualifications. The devil is expressed in the head editor Miranda,...

Art Creation & Reflection: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The history of art is the history of intellectual appropriation and reinterpretation. No work exists in a vacuum and can be truly original; a quote commonly attributed to Picasso states that “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. In this assignment, we take one of the most famous paintings of all...

“Inception” Directed by Christopher Nolan: Film Analysis

For this assignment, I have chosen the movie Inception and watched it online on the GoToTub platform, HD quality. In my opinion, this work of art is one of the best science fiction films of the last century. Directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the...

“The Eagle Huntress” by Otto Bell

The film is primarily a documentary as it depicts the real story of a young eagle huntress from Mongolia. Moreover, the director showed many details from modern Mongolian nomadic inhabitants’ lives and their traditional occupations. Watching the documentary, the viewer can learn about the living of Altai’s people and the...

The Law and Morality in Arthur Miller’s “A View from the Bridge”

The concepts of law and morality have often been used interchangeably. They all reflect goodness and badness of certain deeds, and are seen as a means to justice – it being the desirable state of society. However, they are different in several key aspects, and what is moral and right...

“Hound and Hunter” Painting by Winslow Homer

Introduction The selected work can be considered one of the famous masterpieces of the American landscape maker Winslow Homer. The picture is full of details and elements that cannot be understood from the first view, and one should look for other interesting signs to enjoy the author’s idea. In fact,...

Episode Analysis: “The Entire History of You”

Introduction The Entire History of You is an episode of series Black Mirror. The creators incorporated various symbols in this show. One of the most significant moments is a scene where the advertisement of a new device is shown. This innovative technology allows watching any moment that a person has...

“Erin Brockovich” a Film by Steven Soderbergh

Abstract Introducing the key principles of qualitative research to the general audience via traditional media is not an easy task; however, despite the fact that Erin Brockovich featured a range of elements that are typical for qualitative research, it still became extremely popular among the general audience and was received...

Kat Stratford from The 10 Things I Hate About You Film

Plot At the center of the film’s plot is Kat Stratford, whose last name is a reference to Shakespeare. Unlike her younger sister Bianca, she is not popular at school, so she has to protect herself from the increased attention of guys. She has to go on dates to control...

Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling

Introduction Food photography has developed throughout time via improvements in technology, techniques, and interest. Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art. The trend of food photography began as...

Servant Leadership in the Remember the Titans Film

Servant leadership is a leadership style in which the leader prioritizes people over performance and acts as a servant to their followers. This type of leadership establishes strong relationships among followers and encourages them to sacrifice their personal goals for the team’s sake (Sarratt & Chadwick, 2020). This paper will...

Interpretation of Supernatural Representation in Modern Art and Media

The term supernatural refers to the phenomenal ability to overcome the power of natural laws. Supernatural concepts such as angels, demons, magic, and deities are mainly founded on elements in the Christian religion; however, many religions and folk traditions in different cultures also include elements of the supernatural. In ancient...

Analysis of a Visit to the Louvre

Introduction The Louvre is one of the most famous sights of Paris and one of the most famous art museums in the world. The trip to the Louvre took place at the end of May. The museum has an official website where the visitor can view all available information about...

Personal Playlist and Its Meaning

Introduction Every individual has had an experience of listening to music depending on their emotional disposition, values they uphold, preferences, or beliefs; they like the imagery created by music or not. Often are the times one’s music preference is associated with their trait. The kind of music an individual listens...

Think Different: A Rhetorical Analysis of an Image

Summary Introduction This graphic depicts the Apple tagline and logo; the campaign employed reasoned rhetorical appeal to arouse viewers’ common sense, beliefs, and values by praising revolutionary leaders and explaining that creative thought causes good change. Apple is based on the pre-existing fundamental reality that a group of historically prominent...

Plot, Genre and Main Idea of “The Blind Side” Film

Introduction “The Blind Side,” which John Lee Hancock filmed in 2009, is based on the true story of a football player that Michael Lewis had told in his cognominal book three years earlier. Notwithstanding the seeming commonness of the plot, it raises several problems, such as social isolation and solitariness...

Hendrick Avercamp, the ‘Mute of Kampen’ Artist

Known as the ‘Mute of Kampen,’ Hendrick Avercamp was a non-verbal artist of the late sixteenth-early seventeenth century who specialised in writing winter scenes. His depictions of the Dutch winter have been highly appraised by patriots because they realistically depicted the daily living of the newly-created Republic of the United...

Formal Analysis of “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte”

Artist: Georges Seurat (French, Paris 1859–1891 Paris) Title: “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte” Movement: Neo-impressionism Date: 1884 Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 27 3/4 x 41 in. (70.5 x 104.1 cm) Introduction A way of better understanding pieces of art is by observing them and drawing conclusions on certain...

Cultural Values of Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People

Introduction Art is a highly subjective matter that influences people in many ways. Culture, and subsequently, works of art, have the ability to carry the influences and impacts of their epochs (Leach, 2014). Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People is a product of the July revolution in France, and it...

Fat Man and the Little Boy: A Comparison with Historical Accounts

Introduction Films have become an integral component of the world’s cultural landscape and one of the primary means of pastime for millions of people. In addition to entertainment, motion pictures have immense potential in terms of another function, an educational one. Films serve as a convenient medium of information, allowing...

Jackson Pollock’s Lavender Mist and Mark Rothko’s Rust and Blue Comparison

Number 1 (Lavender Mist) is a masterpiece created by an abstract expressionist artist Jackson Pollock in 1950. Number 61 (Rust and Blue) was created by the artist Mark Rothko who also belonged to the abstract expressionism art movement. The most apparent common feature of these two pictures is that both...

“Flaming June” by Frederic Leighton Analysis

Art has always been used as an instrument to create awareness, express emotions, and entertain the audience. Consequently, to appreciate an artwork accordingly, it is necessary to conduct full analysis on the artwork and its creator. Flaming June is a magnificent work of art created by Frederic Leighton, a British...

Nick Anderson’s Political Cartoons: Employment and Immigration in the USA

A political cartoon is a type of illustration that enters the space of artistic, mass-media, and political discourses, while being a unique synthesis of literary creativity and fine art. On the one hand, an editorial cartoonist acts as a scriptwriter and a stage director. Whereas, on the other hand ––as...

The Renaissance of the 12th Century: History & Culture

Introduction Renaissance is a name given to a period in history where many changes were witnessed in an otherwise stagnant society. It is a French word which can be construed to mean a new start or a rebirth (Klaus 4). Renaissance means many and diverse changes that happen at a...

“Death in Venice”: Mann’s Novel v. Visconti’s Film

Introduction The origins of inspiration haunted the imagination of endless writers, composers, and artists of all kinds. When the book inspires a director, he or she usually has a choice: change a story and a name or let it remain the same, thus, opening a film to the comparison. In...

Criticism of the Painting by Pawel Kuczynski

The work is a painting depicting a boy or young man, with his head pressed against an open book lying on a desk with a vise. Other books are stacked on the desk; no labels are visible, and text in the two open books is illegible. The proportions are realistic,...

The Wiggles Musical Group: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The Wiggles is a children’s musical group formed in Sydney, Australia, that mainly deals in children entertainment. It was formed in 1991 by four members namely: Anthony Field, Philip Wilcher, Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt and Greg Page although later other members joined such as Sam Moran who replaced Greg...

The Book “A History of Narrative Film”

The book, A history of narrative film, by David Cook offers a comprehensive and modern content that is analytical in nature because it highlights important issues related to film and the process of film making. The book is essential in cinematology because it analyses the old process of film making,...

The Social Worker Role in the Film “Crash”

Introduction ‘Crash’ is a 2004 released film that traces the lives of various characters in different professions over two days as they struggle with racial tensions, dysfunctional family relationships, and work-related ethnic and racial confrontations. The lives and experiences of many of these characters are intertwined and they encounter each...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

Cannibalism and Female Desire in Horror Films

Introduction Horror films comprise video casts with frightening scenes that infringe fear, anxiety, and mayhem to the viewers for many reasons. Cannibalism refers to the aspect where the eating of animal flesh, more so that of human beings, is embraced. Many movies nowadays have cherished the idea of many female...

Acculturation and Assimilation in the Mi Familia Movie

The movie Mi Familia tells the story of a Mexican family, the Sanchez, who immigrated to the United States. The plot revolves around three generations and how each character assimilates into American society. The film depicts the cultural differences between the Latino population and other residents of Los Angeles. Therefore,...