The Story of Forrest Gump

Introduction The story of Forest Gump is aimed to narrate a story of a man and his journey all through the way of life. During the story, he meets significant historical personalities, impacts pop culture, and experiences notable historical events of the century. This story reveals the fact that anyone...

Pop Art and Modern Technology in Artworks

Introduction Postmodernism of pop art refers to the historical events in the early 1960s that resulted in the advent of the new era of artwork. According to Osterworld (2003), pop art combines high and low art. Andy Warhol was a pop art revolutionist through the presentation of his artwork by...

Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Music Video: Analysis Example

Blank Space Video Analysis: Introduction A music video is a short film integrating song and imagery. It is produced for promotional and artistic purposes (Machin 52). Music videos have evolved significantly over the years. Most of the traditional and modest scenes in the videos, which mainly involved bands and artists...

The Devil Wears Prada Film’s Critical Analysis

Introduction The Devil Wears Prada focuses on the courage of employees who do not care about the job’s specifics, even though they are interested in getting it. This does not prevent them from success because of their confidence and high qualifications. The devil is expressed in the head editor Miranda,...

Vietnam War in Political Cartoons

Stick ’Em Up! (Valtman) The 36th President of the USA, Lyndon B. Johnson, put a considerable amount of effort into holding back the intensification of the war in Vietnam. Before the election that was prepared to be held in 1964, his main aim was to avert the adverse consequences of...

“Psycho” Film by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho is an American psychological thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960; Robert Bloch and Joseph Stefano are the film’s screenwriters. This movie was definitely the most important milestone in the thriller-detective genre. Its spirit and influence are still clearly felt in almost every film and TV series about maniacs...

“Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali: Painting’s Description

The chosen artwork is Persistence of Memory (24.1 x 33 cm) by Salvador Dali. It was written in 1931 and is located in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Ling, 2017). The prominent elements in the composition are watches, mountains, the fluffy object located in the center, and...

The “Lions for Lambs” Film Analysis

Introduction When it comes to defining the discursive significance of a particular movie, it often becomes rather indispensable subjecting it to a textual analysis. In my paper, I will explore the validity of this suggestion at length, in regards to the 2007 film Lions for Lambs, directed by Robert Redford....

Negotiation Situation in “The Godfather” Movie

Introduction When people negotiate, they aim to reach an agreement regarding a particular issue or conflict. Those involved should possess various skills, such as verbal and written communication, leadership, rapport building, and decision-making, to ensure that they succeed in the process and receive the intended outcomes (Watershed Associates, 2021). They...

Lighting and Landscapes: The Movie “Call Me by Your Name”

Throughout the movie Call Me by Your Name, both lighting and landscapes play a central role in promoting the metaphorical semantics and emotional background. Elio is generally shown in darkness in a number of scenes, such as in the bathroom (Guadagnino 00:06:15-00:06:19). The dark lighting setting can also be observed...

Adolescence: Social Concepts in “Mean Girls” Film

Mean Girl is a popular movie for adolescents of a comedy genre. It is a story of a young girl Cady who has spent her childhood being home-schooled in Africa. She comes back to the USA and enters the American educational system to discover that it is the same jungle....

“Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser” by Frida Kahlo

Introduction According to many historians and researchers, most of the famous works by Frida Kahlo portray the unique challenges encountered by Mexicans from 1930 to 1960. She used her traumatic experiences to describe the nature of the country’s heritage. From the 1940s, Mexico was keen to establish its cultural identity...

Film Studies: Watching Movies Now and in the Past

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Consequently, different people have different activities that they enjoy doing during their free time. Some like watching movies; others prefer listening to music, while others fancy visiting new destinations. The movie industry has seen numerous changes from early times. These...

The Protagonist in “A Beautiful Mind”

Introduction John Nash, the protagonist in the chef-d’oeuvre film, A Beautiful Mind, stands out as a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. This fictitious character is based on a real person going by the same name. This paper entails a case study of John Nash, which creates a personal profile based on...

Indian Culture, Tradition and Classical Music

A summary of the Indian culture and tradition Since it has been evolving for thousands of years and differs from area to region, India has a rich and distinct culture. Many religions were formed in India, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and many more (Kumar, & Downey, 2019). In Hindu culture,...

Art as a Form of Communication

To try and define what art or artwork is is a gargantuan task. Perhaps, more challenging than creating art or deciphering the central idea that the author put into their work. Art is extremely personal, but, at the same time, it is available to all. Art does not discriminate against...

“The Silence of the Lambs”: Characters, Storyline, and Themes

Introduction Psychology often interests people who are not scholars or students of the corresponding faculty. As such, movie directors and screenwriters find phenomena that this scientific field describes as inspirational. Obviously, mental disorders receive special attention from film creators due to the fact that people like to observe the unusual...

“Breathe” by Michael Smith: The Theme of Love

When emotions cannot be expressed, words act as a release medium. Songs are primarily used to display affection, grief, or disapproval of something. “Breathe” is a six-minute religious devotion song choreographed by Marie Barnett and sung by the renowned Christian musician Michael Smith. The song’s lyrics are dominated by the...

Cultural Analysis and Inferences from the Movie 42

Introduction Culture is a central aspect in anthropology that gives insight into a people’s history, values, and perceptions. Over the years, visual arts, particularly films, have been used not only to inform but also to indicate people’s cultural artifacts. Every film author wants to communicate a particular theme and influence...

True Leadership in the Invictus Film

Introduction The success or failure of any organization depends largely on the form of leadership in place. The concept of true leadership stands out clearly in the film Invictus. Mandela is released from prison after 27 years of incarceration, forgives the people that imprisoned him, and unites a sharply divided...

Cinematography: Terrence Malick’s “The Tree of Life”

“The Tree of Life”, directed by Terrence Malick, is a beautiful and emotional film filled with wonderfully captured moments of human existence and thrilling imageries of nature, architecture, and outer space. The cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, does justice to Malick’s vision and style using his special cinematic techniques. One of my...

Paul Cézanne’s “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses”

“Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” It is primarily important to mention that looking at different art creations is a chance for every individual to develop themselves, look at the world from the perspective of the creator, and enrich their knowledge. I believe that every person has...

The Broken Column’ by Frida Kahlo: Analysis

Introduction Frida Kahlo painted The Broken Column in 1944. It is an oil painting on masonite, 13 inches wide, and 17 inches high, displayed in Museo Dolores Olmedo Patino in Mexico City. The picture is a self-portrait of a woman in considerable physical and mental pain, but in no way...

Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí: Contrastive Analysis

It happened that two of the most prominent artist names in the history of the fine art of the 20th century belong to Spain, and these names are Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. Calling the names of these two artists side by side, people tend to oppose them, which is...

Gender Roles in Hung Liu’s Paintings

Hung Liu is one of the most famous painters of the 20th century who expresses Chinese and American cultures. She was born in Changchun, China, in 1948 and moved to the United States by the end of the 20th century (Nigris 192). Liu is known to often portray courtesans, entertaining...

Arnold Schoenberg’s Musical Style

Arnold Schoenberg establishes himself as one of the leading radical composers of the 20th century by establishing a novel approach to harmony and composition development (Schoenberg: Biography). He extended the style that was demonstrated by preceding German composers of the Romantic period: Brahms and Wagner. Notably, Wagner and Brahms worked...

Baroque, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism

The baroque style appeals to the public through the use of theatrical, dramatic images and forms. Baroque artists are mostly known for their realistic, meticulous portrayals of biblical and mythical scenes. The style emerged in the 17th century when the Catholic church commissioned famous artists to create artworks, which would...

Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”: Review the Song

Introduction Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” is a song that mostly anyone knows because of its catchy tune and easy-to-understand lyrics. What is hard about getting that the song is about dreams being broken, right? However, what many do not understand is that the song speaks about estrangement and...

Disney Movie “Beauty and The Beast”

Introduction The notion that physical appearance is used as a measure for ugliness or good look has been used so frequently in the movie world. In many instances, physically unattractive individuals are made to believe that they have a negative impact on people who watch them as far as scariness...

Proof Scene by David Auburn: Catherine Monologue

Introduction What can I say about myself? I am Catherine; I am a usual young girl. However, not so usual and not so young, in fact. What do you know about me? That I am a daughter of an extremely endowed father, a genius, a mathematical God. He is the...

“West Side Story” and “Romeo and Juliet” Movies Comparative Analysis

Despite the fact that the both cinematographic adaptations of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”: “West Side Story” (1961) and “Romeo + Juliet” (1996) exploit essentially the same motifs of love, revenge and “corporate solidarity”, the semantic message, conveyed by these movies, varies significantly, which can be explained by particularities of...

Madonna and Feminism in Her Songs and Everyday Life

This essay is centered around the famous singer Madonna and feminism in her artistry and activism. Read it and learn about Madonna feminism and its influence on society. Introduction Gender is one of the most influential and interesting themes addressed in a cultural artifact. Feminism, motherhood, gender parity, violence, machismo,...

Analysis of Piano Trio No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich

Introduction In this work, it is required to characterize the performed musical work. The analyzed performance of Piano Trio No. 2, written by the Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich was held at Mountain Bay College as part of the chamber music festival. This concert took place in 2020, while Shostakovich’s suite...

Sociology of “Avatar” Movie by James Cameron

Avatar is a science fiction movie created and produced by James Cameron. The film was released on the 10th of December, 2009, to high praises from critics that marveled at its innovative and impressive visual effects. The movie follows the colonization of Pandora by the humans whose aim was to...

The Lied and the Melodie: Similarities and Differences

Introduction The lied and the melodie are varieties of songs that have their similarities and differences. They both originated in the 19th century, during the era of Romanticism; the first one was from German composers, while the second was from the French. Primarily, these were poems sung with an accompaniment...

Musical Style of Luis Miguel

Luis Miguel is a legendary figure in the history of Spanish music and one of the most successful musical artists in Latin America. He was born in Puerto Rico, but he is sometimes called The Sun of Mexico because that is where he started his career and won his fame....

Influence of the Greek Art on Contemporary Artist Works

Ancient Greece represents one of the most investigated and at the same time enigmatic spheres of culture. No doubt, art, music, theatre, science, literature, painting, architecture, and democracy of the Greeks influences modern culture even many centuries after. Actually, the ancient Greeks introduced the humanities. The current government, architecture, literature,...

Prisons in “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont

It is a reality that prison populations in the United States are rising. The reasons are many, including economic factors, the changing cultural environment, problems in education, lack of enough infrastructure to prevent crime, and too many more to list. Even the media has been blamed. The rising crime rate...

Freud’s Ideas in Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” Film

One of the themes that Freud finds in the relationship between humans and society is that “taboos, laws, and customs impose … restrictions, which affect both men and women” (27). According to the philosopher, there exists a constant struggle between one’s drive to reach happiness by means that may clash...

Vincent Van Gogh and Salvador Dali Comparison

Introduction When it comes to analyzing historical personalities, it is easier to approach those whose contribution can be measured by the economic and political impact their activities produced on contemporaries. The picture is quite different from people of art as there are no objective parameters that determine why one master...

Quentin Tarantino: Influence on World Cinema

Introduction Hollywood is a place where many talented or, at least, lucky people demonstrate their skills and gain popularity. Some individuals need more time to be recognized in the film industry, and Quentin Tarantino is one of those whose road was not quite fast but efficient. Today, this filmmaker is...

K-Pop Music Genre Popularity Analysis

K-Pop, or Korean pop, is a musical genre rapidly gaining popularity. This genre is characterized by singing talents and brilliantly choreographed dances that these artists demonstrate during performances. Nowadays, K-pop has turned into a whole culture and lifestyle for artists and their adored fans around the world. The context of...

Aging Theory Analysis in the Film “Up”

The film Up directed by Docter (2009) shows a storyline about the 78-year-old grouch Carl Fredriksen who believes that life bypasses him. To keep the promise made to his deceased wife, he decides to fulfill his dream of a great adventure by tying thousands of balloons to his house and...

The Main Character’s Traits in the “Precious” Film

Introduction Precious is a 2009 American drama film that is based on the novel Push by Sapphire. The plot is centered around a young African American girl Precious that is obese, illiterate, and pregnant by her father. A 16-year-old girl, experiencing tremendous pressure from the world around her, is able...

Nudity and Nakedness Compared in Art

The Ways of seeing chapter begins by explaining the difference between a man and a woman in terms of their presence. It says a man’s presence depends on power embodiments like moral, physical, temperamental, economic, social, and sexual. When this power is strong, the man is striking and when it...

“Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra” Composition by Benjamin Britten

Benjamin Britten Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra is both a study guide and a musical masterpiece. It combines the harmonious sound of many instruments and their unique tonalities. The significant components are woodwind, brass, percussion, and strings. The first category is based on flutes, oboes, bassoons, and clarinets. The...

Review of “Anxiety” Short Film

The short film Anxiety introduces the viewers to the life of a young and beautiful girl, Madeleine, who is suffering from anxiety. It is essential to say that every person has experienced anxiety and tension at least once in their life before an exam or an important meeting. Anxiety is...

The Difference in Career of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

Viennese Classical period was the time that introduced the greatest compositors in classical music. Unified by the patronage system and its consequences, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven have different career development scenarios. Starting with Mozart, it is commonly known that his career started exceptionally early on tour throughout Europe (Tommasini, n.d.)....

Discussion of Famous Paintings

The Work of Claude Monet Claude Monet’s “The Water Lily Pond” was the piece of art I chose. The painting was created in the year 1899 from a mature garden. Oil paint was used to create the Water Lily Pond. This work of art was produced during the Impressionism period....

Race and Culture in The Hate You Give Movie

The Hate You Give is a movie produced by Angie Thomas and based on the same novel. It is a portrait and projection of fundamentals giving a backdrop of the current situation that America is facing. The movie orchestrates the prejudice of justice by killing Khalil Starr’s friend shot by...

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Mean It by Lauv and LANY

Introduction The modern music industry is so vast and developed that it offers music and music videos for all tastes. The song that the author of this work has chosen to analyze is Mean It. The singers are Lauv and LANY. The author believes that the genre of this song...

Video Editing: Past, Present and Future

Introduction Video editing refers to the process of selecting and combining short motion picture films commonly referred to as shots into comprehensive narratives that are eventually used in creating a finished film. A video is a sequence of still pictures that are used to represent scenes in motion. Video editing...

“The Lord of the Ring”: “The Hero’s Journey” Concept

Introduction “The Hero’s Journey” concept was designed by Christopher Vogler incorporating the principles of the psychology of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell’s mythic studies to contemporary storytelling (Vogler 15). In following the archetypes of Carl Jung and the ideas of Joseph Campbell, Vogler provides the most universal myth pattern that...

Themes in Maus by Art Spiegelman: Memory, Guilt, & More

Introduction Art Spiegelman’s Maus makes a powerful impression on the reader, not only through the book’s theme but also through its representation. Written and published in the form of a comic book, Maus portrays tragic topics in a seemingly entertaining way. Doherty remarks that Spiegelman’s creation presented “an unsettling aesthetic...

The Impact of Korean Pop on the Global Culture

Introduction Music has been an important part of culture throughout the centuries. Korean pop or K-pop is a term used to describe popular music performed by Korean bands or solo artists. It has become a global phenomenon, gaining widespread popularity outside Korea and affecting the global culture. Currently, K-pop is...

“On Typology” the Essay by Rafael Moneo

There are many famous forms of art, for example, literature, painting, music, and dancing. However, some people forget that architecture is also a form of art that is able to delight and amaze many humans, including both professionals and ordinary ones. There are many articles and essays about the complexity...

“The Birth of the New Avant-Garde” by A. Astruc

Introduction: The Central Argument of the Novel In his famous novel called The Birth of the New Avant-Garde: The Camera Stylo Alexandre Astruc argues that cinema is getting a new life and gradually becoming a means of expression, which is why every filmmaker has an opportunity to communicate through their...

The Wiggles Musical Group: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The Wiggles is a children’s musical group formed in Sydney, Australia, that mainly deals in children entertainment. It was formed in 1991 by four members namely: Anthony Field, Philip Wilcher, Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt and Greg Page although later other members joined such as Sam Moran who replaced Greg...

Art’ and Money Relations

Since time immemorial, art has been the primary means of aesthetic expression and the indicator of the cultural development of society. While the cultural value of many artworks exceeds material dimensions, it is hard to imagine how the masterpieces would be preserved without being involved in commodity-money relations. Fine arts...

Salvador Dali’s Mad Tea Party Painting Reviewed

The Mad Tea Party is an engraving by Salvador Dali created in 1969. It depicts a melting clock on a tree trunk, a key, and many butterflies (Dali, 1969). The work is based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, which served as inspiration for Dalí (Martin & Jacobs, 2018). The...

“The Iron Lady” Movie Review

The 2011 motion picture by Phyllida Lloyd titled The Iron Lady is a biographical film showing the life and career path of one of the most famous politicians in the history of Great Britain. In the opening sequence of the film, Margaret Thatcher is shown as an elderly lady at...

James Brown’s Song “Say It Loud” and Its Impact

Introduction: “Say It Loud” — The Anthem of the Civil Rights Movement Written in 1968, James Brown’s “Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud” became an unofficial anthem of the Civil Rights Movement. It asserted Black people’s rights, pride, and beauty. In the middle of the twentieth century, African...

Franz Schubert’s “The Lovely Maid of the Mil” Song

The song cycle originally called “Die schöne Müllerin,” which is translated as “The lovely maid of the mil,” is written by German composer Franz Schubert. The composer was fascinated with folk songs and scenes and tried to reveal and increase their significance in Germany’s culture through this cycle, which imitates...

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper: Critical Analysis

Nighthawks is a 1942 oil painting by Edward Hopper featuring three people having drinks at a diner at a corner of the street at night. This work represents American realism of the XX century since in his art, Hopper painted contemporary American life. As his work is praised for the...

Analysis of “Sleepy Hollow” Film Directed by Tim Burton

Introduction Sleepy Hollow is an American film released in 1999 and based on the story The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow written in the early 19th century. The movie features Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci as the main characters and Tim Burton as the writer and director. Unlike most movies...

The Theatre of Absurd History

Introduction The theatre of absurd is attributed to the origin when a French philosopher Albert Camus through his myth which he wrote in 1942 did outline that the humans situation sand surroundings are in basic terms on no use, lacks meaning and are literally absurd From the movies that followed...

Jean-Léon Gérôme’s Painting “The Duel After the Masquerade”

The Duel After the Masquerade (oil on canvas, twenty by twenty-eight inches) is a Jean-Léon Gérôme’s painting. It was produced in 1857 and today is located in the Musée Condé in Chantilly, France. Gérôme was a famous painter and sculptor, known for his works in the traditional style of academicism,...

American Hard Rock in Relation to Society

Historical background of rock music The American hard rock can be traced from the 1940s. Its history is pegged on the development of the rock and roll and country music. The inception of the music has no clear origin, but it has grown through the fusing of different types of...

Isolation and Mental Health in the Interstellar Film

Introduction In Christopher Nolan’s film Interstellar, loneliness plays a key role in the storytelling and progression of the plot. The director skillfully operates with human emotions, contrasting the great cosmic discoveries with human feelings and emotions. Since people are social beings, it is vital for them to communicate because, in...

Interpretation of Supernatural Representation in Modern Art and Media

The term supernatural refers to the phenomenal ability to overcome the power of natural laws. Supernatural concepts such as angels, demons, magic, and deities are mainly founded on elements in the Christian religion; however, many religions and folk traditions in different cultures also include elements of the supernatural. In ancient...

The “Seated Statue of Khafre” Sculpture Analysis

Introduction The “Seated Statue of Khafre” represents the old Egyptian Kingdom, 2575-2525 BC, best known for the Sphinx and the three Great Giza Pyramids. The statue depicts the fourth dynasty and is one of the most iconic and significant surviving sculptures that ancient Egypt offers. The statue’s function transcends the...

Defining Art in the Past and Present

Mimesis The ancient Greeks approached art as a form of mimesis. They were convinced that the major objective of creativity is to imitate or copy reality. Such a definition may prompt artists to develop their skills in order to convey shadows, light, and other peculiarities precisely. However, it can be...

Summary of Book “Ways of Seeing” by John Berger

In Ways of Seeing, which is a book adaptation of the short television show by the same name from 1970s, John Berger talks about the importance of seeing in the daily life and art. From childhood, people learn to recognize and place themselves in their surroundings based on what they...

The Painting “Toy Pieta” by Scott Avett

Introduction The painting Toy Pieta by Scott Avett was one of the first ones I saw after entering the website of the North Carolina Museum of Art. It grabbed my attention from the first second, and even though I spend a considerable amount of time exploring other available works, I...

Guy Debord’s “The Naked City” Analysis

The Second World War brought devastation to the world and change the thought, affecting all spheres of life. Carefully optimistic philosophic movements could no longer provide people with answers they sought, and it gradually shifted to skepticism, sarcasm, and deconstruction of everything. New philosophical and art movements began appearing, varying...

“Brokeback Mountain” by Ang Lee

There is a famous American western that revolutionized modern cinematography by rising important issues of gender and sexuality. The name of the movie is the Brokeback Mountain and by making sociological problems described in the movie so open for public, Ang Lee put them on the top of the most...

The History of African Total Theatre

Introduction African theatre has been described by Kennedy as that of “festivals and rituals share a common dramatic experience in a communal setting through group participation. They celebrate life and examine the survival scene. And in the midst of this communion of vibrations is the use of regalia, dramatic expression,...

“8 Mile” by Curtis Hanson Review

Introduction The movie “8 Mile” vividly portrays a hip-hop culture and its manifestations in modern society. The movie describes the life of a working-class fellow Jimmy “B. Rabbit” Smith Jr., and his desire to become a hip-hop artist. This is an impressive life story portraying family violence and abuse. This...

“Death in Venice”: Mann’s Novel v. Visconti’s Film

Introduction The origins of inspiration haunted the imagination of endless writers, composers, and artists of all kinds. When the book inspires a director, he or she usually has a choice: change a story and a name or let it remain the same, thus, opening a film to the comparison. In...

“Catch Me If You Can” by Steven Spielberg

Introduction Catch Me If You Can is a biographical drama film that depicts the personal and criminal life of Frank Abagnale, who engaged in a series of financial, forging, and fraudulent crimes at a young age. The plot is inherently interesting as it portrays the origin of Abagnale’s skills, intentions,...

Misrepresentations of Arab Women in Hollywood

Misrepresentation of various ethnic and religious backgrounds in Hollywood movies is not a new phenomenon: indeed, the only culture that Hollywood filmmakers can represent without bias or mistreatment is the modern American culture. Characters of other national, ethnic or religious backgrounds, such as Latino, Muslims, and even Europeans, are often...

Negotiation Tactics in the Twelve Angry Men Film

Introduction Twelve Angry Men is a provoking film highlighting the power of negotiation and persuasion. The movie revolves around a jury tasked with determining a young man’s destiny who allegedly murdered his father (Orion-Nova, 1957). The twelve jurors, each with unique personalities, values, and attitudes, must navigate their biases and...

“Don’t Look Up” Movie Directed by Adam McKay

Introduction The Netflix video ‘Don’t Look Up’ pays attention to two astronomers who endeavor to alert humans regarding an approaching comet that is going to destroy the entire society. The movie depicts the response to climate disaster to the government, media as well as celebrities. In addition, the impact occurrence...

The “Saint Mark” and “David” Sculptures by Donatello

Saint Mark and David inspired humanism, an intellectual movement of the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, artists gave up on middle-age traditions in architecture, painting, and sculptures, mainly for church decoration, and adopted humanist beliefs. They shifted their focus from religious arts to capturing detailed human bodies; this was an art...

Real and Escapist Life in the Film “The Slumdog Millionaire”

The film, Slumdog Millionaire is an exciting and breathtaking story of an orphaned boy (Jamal) in Mumbai who uses his impeccable intelligence and strength to rise from rags to riches. The events of Jamal’s life are narrated in the movie through flash-forwards and flashbacks. Set in the slum, the movie...

Creativity and Its Importance for Art

Creativity is generally the ability to generate alternative ideas and possibilities crucial for solving problems, entertaining ourselves, and communicating with others. In architecture, creativity means putting effort into creating the physical framework that enables us to live the way we do instead of falling into the lifestyles passed through generations...

“Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci: Iconographical Interpretation

The Last Supper mural was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in the years 1495-1498 and belongs to the High Renaissance period. The work is located in the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan and depicts the last supper of Jesus and his Apostles. In particular, Leonardo portrayed...

Principles of Suspense in the Film “The Fugitive”

Introduction The film “The Fugitive” is an action thriller film directed by Andrew Davis. It shows the story of doctor Richard Kimble, played by actor Harrison Ford, who is accused of his wife’s murder. The protagonist tries to clear his name and find and punish the actual killer. The mentioned...

Crash’ by Paul Haggis: Character Analysis

Crash Plot Overview Paul Haggis’s drama Crash was released in 2004 and received mixed reviews from critics around the world. The theme of “crashing” runs through the whole story, connecting completely different and strange people. No matter how or where it happens, it is safe to say with absolute certainty...

The Museum of Western Heritage: Visit Experience

Visiting museums may be very beneficial for enlivening a lot of important things related to historical matters in one’s mind. From time to time, when I have a chance to visit this or that museum, I find it very interesting and even inspiring. It helps me to put together the...

“The Sound of Music” Opera Review

Introduction The world of beautiful is larger when it is accompanied with the art of music and its implementation in opera. The concerts provide a spectator with an appropriate aesthetic pleasure maintained in the manner of singing and performing events on the scene. More efforts are made to make a...

Deciphering the Meaning of Animals in Films

Introduction In looking at the use of animals in film, with the possible exception of family type, feel-good animal stories, animals are usually symbolic when they are seen in anything more than a cameo type appearance as pets and other casual uses which simply give realism to the film. Most...

The Movie “The Devil Wears Prada”: Recommendations

Based on what has been presented so far, this analysis recommends that Miranda should attempt to pursue a leadership path that integrates sufficient relationship behavior into it. The fact of the matter is, the employee churn rate within the Runway is far too high to consider it to be a...

David Hockney: Art Medium Technologies Usage

Introduction Hockney used different forms of technologies to explore and hone his craft. He was adept at using different technological innovations from a pencil to photocopiers. He even experimented with fax machines and a device known as the Quantel Paintbox. Although Hockney utilized different forms of technologies as his mediums...

Politics in “The National” Band’s Songs

Introduction Despite not being an explicitly political band, the New York-based indie/post-punk/alternative rock band The National frequently refer to the political issues and changes in their music, as well as use their band image, lyrics, and songs to support presidential candidates (such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton). Some of...

Documentaries: How Art Made the World: More Human than Human

Introduction The BBC documentary “How Art Made the World: More Human than Human” explains why human beings form close associations with their cultures. God created human beings in the same manner. This common human identity does not prevent individuals from embracing various cultural practices. These unique and distinct cultures always...

Jane Martin’s “Beauty” Drama

Introduction Beauty is an important aspect in many societies. Many people are conscious of how they look. The reality is evident even in medieval communities, where people used to put marks on their bodies to enhance their physical appearances. In contemporary society, obsession with beauty and physical appearance is manifested...

Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling

Introduction Food photography has developed throughout time via improvements in technology, techniques, and interest. Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art. The trend of food photography began as...

Leadership-Followership in the “Hotel Rwanda” Film

Introduction To a great extent, leadership refers to a process of social influence exhibited by superior individuals that optimizes the efforts of others toward attaining a specific objective. The film Hotel Rwanda by Terry George elaborates on the powerful story of Paul Rusesabagina, a restaurant manager who deployed his leadership...

The “Crack Is Wack” Painting by Keith Haring

Introduction The paper will consider the painting “Crack is Wack” which Keith Haring created. The artist used catchy slogans to make a quick and effective statement. One of the most prominent examples is “Crack is Wack”, a mural about the crack cocaine epidemic and its consequences in New York City...

Roma by Alfonso Cuarón: A Film Analysis

Introduction Out of all film genres, drama is the one that most often enables people to ponder social issues. The movie Roma directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is one such drama movie. At the same time, while covering major social problems, Roma manages to tie them to the personal struggles of...

“Twelve Angry Men” Movie Analysis

Introduction The movie “Twelve Angry Men” is considered one of the best court dramas in the history of world cinema. It is a story about making the correct decision and the ability to reflect. A New York court is hearing the case of an 18-year-old immigrant who, according to the...

“The Salt of the Earth”: Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies

Introduction Salt of the Earth is a 1954 film directed by Herbert Biberman. The movie was created by Hollywood’s blacklisted filmmakers, with the participation of a large number of non-professional artists. This acutely social film did not have the right opportunity to gain public recognition for a long time due...

“Bubba Shot the Jukebox” by Mark Chesnutt

Introduction The given music analysis will primarily focus on a song called “Bubba Shot the Jukebox,” performed and recorded by Mark Chesnutt. It is important to note that the song was written by Dennis Linde, and it is a country song, which was released in 1992 under the label of...

“Requiem for a Dream” by Aronofsky

Is the Mental Disorder Appropriately Portrayed? The targeted movie for this exercise is “Requiem for a Dream”. The film is directed by Darren Aronofsky. This movie narrates the story of Sara Goldfarb and the people around her life. The health issue outlined in this film is addiction. According to the...

Mise-en-Scene of “Blade Runner” Film by Ridley Scott

Based on the opening scene of Blade Runner, the viewers can see that Los Angeles is presented as a modern and developed city. In addition, the fact that it is presented at night is another important element. The author wants people to see the lights and fires of the city...

“Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear” by Neill

The movie Sherlock Holmes and The House of Fear was directed by the famous director of the 20th century Roy William Neill. Despite the fact that he did not have finances to create high-budget works, Neill was one of the most influential producers of the 1910-1940s. Throughout those years, he...

String Quartet Op. 33 No. 3 Analysis

The first theme, consisting of birds’ sounds, chirping, and trills, occurs three times throughout the quartet. Each time it is slightly modified, the essence remains the same and traced through the entire work (Jabet, 2017). For the first time, this theme constitutes the whole first movement. The second time, it...

Monet’s “Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare”

Claude Monet is one of the most revered painters of modern times. During his long life between the nineteenth and twentieth century, Monet has extensively contributed to shaping Impressionism. The movement spanned from 1830 to 1926 and influenced many significant avant-gardes of the twentieth century, including Fauvism and Cubism (Hanafy...

“Salon de la Rue Des Moulins” by by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

  Introduction In the current essay, a painting “Salon de la rue des Moulins” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec will be analyzed in-depth, considering the context in which it was created. A brief overview of the painting, the artistic movement, the artist’s style, different influences, and personal reflection on learning will...

An Analysis of the Family Depicted in the “Room” by Lenny Abrahamson

Film Description The limited universe of the Room is shown through the eyes of Jack. He is not too traumatized by everything he has experienced since he does not know another life. It is a film about the salvific power of solipsism, which, excluding a broad and understandable context for...

Film Production: Camera, Lighting and Sound

There is no universally accepted definition of mise-en-scene. People engaged in film production do not agree on different concepts the term might hold. In the most general sense, it denotes the design aspects of film production. The term was first used by Les Cahiers du Cinéma, an influential French film...

Ideology in “The Matrix” Film

An ideological analysis seeks to discover the system of ideas behind a body of work. There is a close connection between ideology and science fiction because science fiction is a form of art that seeks to explore ideas. Unlike fantasy, science fiction borrows on the pre-existing social, political, and technology...

“Dragon Ball Z” by Andrew Kincaid

Reading Response The article written by Andrew Kincaid analyzes the role of Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) in the development of anime culture. Kincaid believes that the series has established an attractive anime format that has since been adopted by other anime makers. The author supports his thesis by examining the...

“Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Benjamin

Introduction The shift towards capitalist values in the modern world has marked a distinct change in the perception of art, which prompted numerous attempts to explain the phenomenon. The current paper analyzes the essay “Work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Walter Benjamin in order to determine...

Film Studies: “The Sound of Music” by Robert Wise

“The hills are alive with the sound of music”– this eternal line from the song with which the movie begins echoes through our imagination as we speak of Europe or Salzburg (The Sound of Music). Lush green countryside with snowcapped mountains in the background is a nature lovers’ paradise. The...

“Life is Beautiful”

The absurdities and atrocities of the Nazi and Fascist regimes that dominated Europe in the late 30s and 40s, and the world-engulfing conflict they spawned provide rich fodder for movie makers and other artists. Following a tradition of laughing because it is less painful than weeping, Life is Beautiful (1998)...

Liberty Leading the People Painting by Delacroix

Introduction Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix can be considered one of the most iconic paintings in the history of art. Delacroix depicted the events of the 1830 French Revolution against the monarchy in a monumental work executed in Romantic style. French nation’s fight for civic freedoms inspired the...

Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism

Introduction Popular music, and rap music in particular, has always played a major role in addressing social and economic issues of the mankind. Many rap songs were written with the idea of reflecting topical problems and making people think over the ways to resolve them. Kendrick Lamar’s music has stood...

“The Neighbor’s Window”: Film Review

All people at a certain moment doubt their own choice and think how their life would have developed in a different situation or layout. The characters of the movie “The Neighbor’s Window” Alli and her husband Jacob, watching the life of their neighbors, begin to remember their youth and regret...

Stevie Wonder: The Artist’s Story

Introduction An in-depth study of musical theory is impossible without a conjugate study of the biographies and creative paths of eminent artists in a particular field. It is paramount to recognize that the history of music is not objective but rather is written by the musicians and artists who make...

The Movie “Alien” Overview and Analysis

The movie Alien, a science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon, revolves around the concept of putting humanity first and views everything from a human viewpoint, which is, in retrospect, a wrong mindset. However, the issue of alien life should be reviewed from a...

Review of “Kung Fu Panda” Movie: Educational Psychology

In every classroom setting or learning space, each student is unique in their particular way. Each student has a special way through which they learn and master information. Therefore, every student should be understood, and the one shoe fits all ideology should be ignored. There are different modalities of learning...

Polanski’s and Kurzel’s Film Adaptations of Macbeth

Introduction Film adaptations of plays have been common throughout the existence of the movie industry. However, even more so than book adaptations, plays are notoriously hard to get right as they were specifically created to be played out on stage. This is even more applicable to Shakespeare’s work, which has...

Analysis of The Great Gatsby (2013)

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a full-feature adaptation of a book by the same name written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The novel has received a number of adaptations throughout the years, with 2013 one being the most recent. Its production has been quite expensive, and the end product...

The Use of Costume as a Style in the Movie ”The Matrix”

The Matrix is a premier American science fiction action film directed by Wachowski sisters and later released on March 31st, 1999. Since its onset, the movie has won four Oscar awards. One of the main reasons why the film has managed to achieve a high standard is due to the...

Cole’s Painting “The Oxbow and Gogh’s “Olive Trees With Yellow Sky and Sun”

Introduction Many painters from different movements have managed to produce admirable works that glorify God’s creation and guide people to address most of the social, economic, political, and psychological issues they face in their lives. Some of the famous painters of the 1800s whose artworks continue to attract the attention...

Criticism of the Painting by Pawel Kuczynski

The work is a painting depicting a boy or young man, with his head pressed against an open book lying on a desk with a vise. Other books are stacked on the desk; no labels are visible, and text in the two open books is illegible. The proportions are realistic,...

The Language of Dance in the “La La Land” Movie

One of the basic human needs that most people satisfy every day is communication. There are many interesting ways of communication, and each of them is suitable for different situations. As an art form, dance is an extremely powerful, though not so obvious form of communication. According to Karkou et...

“The Kite Runner” Film: History and Cinematography

Director Marc Forster was recognized as a world-renowned professional director in 2000. The reason for this recognition was his psychological horror film All Together. It is worth noting that he worked not only on the direction of this film, Forster also was a screenwriter. Marc Forster was born on January...

Beethoven’s vs. Mozart’s Life and Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven rate among the most outstanding composers in the history of classical music. They both died over 150 years ago but their works continue to be studied, performed, and admired all over the world. Although both composers are equally popular, their music still differs...

Classical Arab Music

Introduction Diverse factors define a person, community, or groups conforming to different ideals. Cultural practices are the most noticeable attributes, which distinguish groups from each other. An example of a cultural factor, used to characterize communities, is music. The classical Arab music is a one of the most distinct features...

Greek and Roman Interiors: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The Greek and Roman interior styles are commonly referred to as classical architecture. The Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by classical Greek style according to Greek history. However, they advanced their architecture so that they looked different from those of Greek. In fact, they created new architectural style. This...

Analysis of “Never Change” by Jay-Z

Crime may be viewed by some as an intrinsic aspect of American culture, particularly when it comes to music. Many kinds of music explicitly or implicitly laud or allude to crime in their lyrics. “The Bowl” by Rush and “Survival of the Fittest” by Mobb Deep. Criminological ideas can be...

“Girl With a Balloon” by Bansky

The name of Bansky art is “Girl with a Balloon” was seen stenciled on a wall at London’s West Bank in 2002. The period was characterized by the largest anti-war protest after the bombing of Iraq implying that there was high need for hope despite turbulent times. Bansky image, 27.5...

Music: Benefits and Positive Influences

Introduction Music supports emotional health, manages stress, and increases psychological well-being. Scientists suggest that a person’s preferences in music can provide insight into various aspects of their personality (Hooen et al. 12). From ancient times, people used music as a motivation for battles. Moreover, some people associate the healing process...

Aspects of the Film “Fruitvale Station”

Introduction Movies about discrimination against black people have always had an increased interest from the audience. The film Fruitvale Station is a 2013 autobiographical drama about Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old African American man who was shot by the Bart police in Oakland in 2009 (El-Mahmoud, 2020). Oskar has a...

The Movie “Liar Liar” by Tom Shadyac: Moral Issues Analysis

The philosophy behind morality helps to train mind in the disciplines of logical and critical thinking to distinguish between good and evil and what merely appears to be both of these things. As normative ethics became widespread, more theories and addendum were proposed by scholars and philosophers. Over the years,...

Sound Differences in Renaissance and Middle Ages Music

Music from different periods has a distinct sound and character due to several factors taking place at that time. The political situation and overall state of society, technical abilities, different kinds of musical instruments, concerns, and motives of people from that time all contribute to the sound of period music....

Cultural Identity and Theater Aesthetics

Theater in the twenty-first century is characterized by the examination of various topics related to diverse aspects of human life. Cultural identity is one of the areas explored with the help of theatrical aesthetics. It is noteworthy that the issues related to identity have been recurrent throughout the history of...

Cubism as an Artistic Movement

Introduction Cubism was an inventive movement which began in 1907 in France and its main aspect was featuring the surfaces of geometrical planes. The Cubist movement developed as a new wave art movement and was initiated by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, simultaneously. European sculpture, literature, music and painting were...

Music and Mathematics Relationship

Introduction There are a lot of speculations concerning the relationship between mathematics and music. The best dimension thou in which an individual can comprehensively understand the relationship between these two subjects is in participatory of both entities. Without participating it would be difficult to blend and understand the two subjects....

The History of Hip-Hop Culture

Executive Summary Hip-Hop culture emerged in the Bronx, in New York City some 30 years ago. It is the subculture that has been involved with four elements, rap, graffiti, break dancing, and disk jockey. Most of the historical studies prove the fact that Hip-Hop was the contribution of the low...

Art and History. Bull Headed Lyre of Ur

Introduction Interpreting different pieces of art throughout the history of humankind’s development allows connoisseurs to transfer back in time and feel what artists felt when making their pieces. By using the example of the bull-headed harp with an inlaid sound box from Pu-abi tomb (“King’s Grave”) the present exploration will...

Zavattini and Neorealism: Analysis of The Essay

Introduction Cinematography can be seen as a reflection of trends and beliefs existing in the society. Neorealism became people’s response to the atrocities of the war and the path to understanding the world and all of its dimensions.1 Italian neorealism is regarded as one of the most influential movements in...

The Painting White Center by Mark Rothko

Introduction Mark Rothko (1903-1970) is a prominent representative of the New York School of modern art, who created paintings in many styles throughout over forty years of work. White Center (Yellow, Pink, and Lavender on Rose), 1950, is one of his signature paintings incorporating the motif of “soft, rectangular forms...

Ancient Greek Sculpture: Periods and Characteristics

The art of ancient Greece is typically characterized by several periods through which the historians view its development. Three of the most prominent periods are archaic, classical, and Hellenistic. Each of these periods has particular distinctive features that reflect the transformation of views and values within the Greek society and...

Music of the Renaissance

Background The Renaissance era (1400-1600) refers to the period that marked the revitalization of art and rebirth of music. Musicians and artists of this time composed and performed style of music that was different from that of the medieval era due to the influence of the ancient Rome Greece classical...