Apple and Procter & Gamble Companies’ Product Portfolio

Product Portfolio Management Portfolio management is vital to successful new product development. Portfolio management focuses on resource allocation. That is, it shows how a business utilises its capital and people resources and identifies specific development projects for investments. Portfolio management also reflects project selection. It ensures that organisations have a...

Disciplinary Action Plan for Customer Service Improvement

One of the customer service representatives (CSRs) at a small start-up company has developed a problem manifested in late arrivals at the workplace and the lack of understanding of the company’s recently launched products. The hiring manager appreciates the work of the CSR and would like to avoid dismissal. The...

The Ford Motor Company’s Environmental Analysis

Introduction This report is aimed at examining the functioning of Ford Motor Company. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the external and internal environment of this corporation. One should show how the company can minimize the impact of negative factors and how the organization can make use of...

Makey Company’s Case: Total Rewards

Introduction Makey uses various strategies to support its mission and vision. The use of employee compensation addressed most of the challenges affecting the firm’s performance. This essay begins by defining the term total rewards. The essay uses the case of Makey Company to analyze how total rewards can transform the...

Employee Participation in Business Process Reengineering

Abstract In a highly competitive business scenario, it has become imperative for the organizations to review the business systems and processes continually and implement changes to meet the market expectations. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is one of the management techniques for bringing radical design and transformation of strategic organizational systems...

Westlake Lanes Company: Issues and Analysis

Background of the company Westlake Lanes is located in Oregon, United States. The company is a family business in downtown Raleigh and was founded in the early 1970s. The company is located on 11,000 square feet of an old mill in the downtown acquired on a long term lease. Dane...

Acer Group: Corporate Strategy and Challenges

According to the Acer group website, in 2006, Acer had 5,300 employees working for them in over 100 countries worldwide. Open employee communication among employees is encouraged which not only allows the company to understand employee concerns but also helps employees to find common ground and build lasting relationships. The...

Market Segmentation, Orientation, and Positioning

Market segmentation Market segmentation is critical for the success of the organization. As such, firms have to be tactical while deciding on the market segment to be targeted by a particular product or service. The reason is that consumer demands are varied depending on several factors including age and income....

US Economy and Its Impact on Transportation and Logistics

Introduction The US economy and transportation and logistics management are intertwined. A strong economy makes the management of transportation and logistics more effective. Quality transportation and logistics management results in a strong financial system. After years of recession, the US economy is gradually recovering. Indeed, the fluctuation in the economy...

The Walmart Company Operational Methods and Strategies

Background Wal-Mart is an American international retail company that operates chains high-discount warehouse stores and departmental stores. The corporation has been ranked first among public corporations in the whole world. The Walton family owns over 48% of its stake, making them the major shareholders of the company. Wal-Mart owns 8,500...

Wheatgrass Company’s Business Plan

Introduction: Implementing a Socially Responsible Marketing Plan A wheatgrass business represents a profitable venture that includes a variety of farming activities. The industry of wheatgrass cultivation, however, produces a wide range of environmental concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to developing a socially responsible marketing plan for the wheatgrass production launching....

The Rationalisation Concept in the Work Process

When considering how human beings can get more out of work and life, it is important to consider the concept of rationalisation. Rationalisation as a concept has been defined by Max Weber a leading authority on issues of economy, employment, work, and capitalism. Rationalisation is a concept that applies to...

Best Buy Core Competencies, Resources, and Capabilities

Best Buy Essay: Introduction Best Buy, originally known as Sound of Music, is a giant retailer of consumer electronics that operates numerous stores in such countries like the USA, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, and China (Hoffman 22-1). The company was founded by Richard Schulz in 1966 and focused on buying audio...

British Petroleum Company Risk Assessment

The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. Thus, many companies tend to implement research on development of ways to reduce negative impacts of industries on the environment (Where do companies stand on responsible...

Burger Hut Company Competitive Strategy

Executive Summary Burger Hut is a small company, yet it is striving to enter the global economy environment and operate in the world market. While the entrepreneurship is likely to face rather tough competition with the companies such as McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, etc., operating in the same market, it...

Decision Making: Selection of Suppliers

The supplier selection process is quite complex due to the wide range of unpredictable and uncontrollable factors, and thus, it requires wise decision-making addressing the arising issues. Besides the cost, considered the primary basis for this choice, there exists a row of crucial parameters. In the following paper, the research...

Blockbuster Company Supply Chain Strategy

Creating a strong supply chain is the first step toward improving the performance rates of a company. A well-designed supply chain allows improving the firm’s overall performance by enhancing the cooperation between its departments and providing opportunities for timely deliveries and, therefore, an increase in customer satisfaction rates. By deploying...

Porter’s Diamond Model & Template for International Business

Are you looking for an essay example on Porter’s diamond model in international business? Then you are at the right place! Here are some questions that you might be interested in: Which of the elements in Porter’s diamond model of national advantage takes into consideration companies that locate near the...

Logistical System: Private and Public Warehouses Combining

A coherent logistics system presupposes that a strong link should exist between every single element of the company’s production processes (Ismail, 2008). The reasons for combining private and public warehouses into a single system, however, may not be obvious to an outside observer at first. The above-mentioned approach is traditionally...

“Trendsetters Glamorama” Beauty Salon Business Plan Sample

What is a beauty salon business plan? Keep reading to find out! Here, you’ll get an idea of how to write it with the example of Trendsetters Glamorama salon business plan. Executive Summary Trendsetters Glamorama is a proposed full-service salon and day spa with an upscale and therapeutic atmosphere for...

Professionalism Definition, Concept, and Major Determinants

Professionalism can be defined in the strict sense as the process of executing daily tasks in a specific, competent and accepted manner guided by the set standards (Freidson, 2005). The required standards are determined by one’s environment, self and career and set by other succeeding professionals who have been on...

Management Issues: Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction Today’s workplace is characterized by widespread diversity due to the high level of interaction between diverse people from all over the world. While the traditional workplace was homogenous, today’s workplace is likely to be made up of workers with differing cultural, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. As we develop...

Web-Based Systems and Computer Services

Web-based systems for data storage, assessment, analysis, and further application have become rather common nowadays. More importantly, these systems can be used for both personal and professional purposes, which has opened a plethora of opportunities for business and entrepreneurs all over the world. However, defining the web service that provides...

The Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage

The minimum wage law was intended as a humanitarian act which would stimulate the economy as well. Most agree that employees who work full-time hours should be paid a wage sufficient so as to allow them to provide for their most essential needs which current minimum wage does not accomplish....

Ethics of Working Environment

The study of ethics also referred to as moral philosophy, is a subdivision of philosophy that tackles and deeply addresses the morality and principles that are put in place in the business workplace. This is good, and the evil, the dos, and the don’ts meant to be observed in the...

Scientific Management and Human Relations Management

The competitiveness of an organization ultimately depends on how well its management can apply various approaches to enhance the productivity of employees, who are considered the main assets of the company as they offer the skills and performance that are detrimental to success. Managing employees is among the crucial tasks...

Bias in Decision-Making: Advantages and Disadvantages

Managers’ cognitive biases can negatively affect their decision-making process leading to suboptimal results. They normally include confirmation, overconfidence, loss aversion, bandwagon, information availability, and anchoring biases, as well as prejudices towards others based on religion, ethnicity, gender, age, and group identity, to name a few. Although a person cannot avoid...

Accessibility in the Workplace and Its Impact on an Organization

Introduction Inclusion and diversity laws require organizations to ensure physical accessibility of the workplace by all employees, no matter their disability. It also encompasses technological accessibility, such as in computers and files necessary for one to perform in their career. Addressing accessibility issues in the workplace is important because some...

Corporate Social Responsibility in TOMS Shoes and The Body Shop

Introduction TOMS Shoes and The Body Shop are two companies that are known for their efforts toward promoting ethical and social good. TOMS Shoes has a “One for One” business model, where for every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is given to a child in need. This effort helps...

The Management Style in a Grocery Store

Introduction In the development of an organization, management plays a crucial role. Moreover, the leadership style directly affects the employees’ development within the company, the organization’s success, its corporate culture, and the retention of specialists (Stone et al., 2020). Accordingly, depending on the type and functions of the business, the...

The Starbucks Firm’s SWOT (Environmental) Analysis

Introduction Starbucks Coffee was founded on superior quality, environmental awareness, and client happiness. Recently, the business has fueled expansion by going beyond coffee and providing a growing menu with a selection of gourmet dishes. The extra goods muddle its reputation as a coffee brand and complicate its supply chain operations....

The Billabong Brand’s Marketing Mix Strategies

Introduction The marketing mix is the theoretical basis on which all promotion methods are built. The two most basic tasks of the marketing mix are to increase the perceived value of the product in order to provide the company with a long-term perspective and profit (Keller & Brexendorf, 2017). The...

French Communication Pattern and Listening Habit

Effective communication is extremely important to ensure successful business relation. Multiple factors need to be taken into consideration when approaching business partners from other companies and particularly from other countries. I believe that to approach a businessperson from another country, it is essential to try to predict the challenges that...

The Netflix Firm’s Learning Organization Concept

A learning organization is adept in knowledge creation, acquisition, and transfer, as well as behavior modification, to consider fresh information and insights. Netflix began as an entertainment business that mailed DVDs and offered online streaming and video-on-demand. Currently, Netflix has 103.95 million customers worldwide, 51.92 million of whom are in...

Apple Inc.’s Change Project Implementation

Statistical Technique The statistical techniques refer to the control and design frameworks used to analyze various aspects at different company levels. Some standards determine the effectiveness of control and quality measures. For Apple, there are several choices, such as Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Six Sigma form a...

Blueland Expansion Assessment Analysis

Blueland’s Product’s Relevance to the UK Market Blueland’s product is highly relevant for the United Kingdom’s market since the company aims to reduce the number of single-use plastic bags from everyday products, and that matter is concerning in the UK nowadays. The process of reducing the usage of plastics in...

The Netflix Firm’s Change Management

Introduction Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Mark Randolph, who noticed a free niche in the video rental market associated with the inconvenience of using existing salons and services. Using an innovative approach in this business, they created the world’s first DVD rental. At the moment, the Netflix Internet...

Employee Onboarding and Orientation

Introduction Effective recruitment and selection are among the most important ways through which an organization can enhance the effectiveness of the employee management system through the strategical use of onboarding. Onboarding refers to the process of helping newly sourced talents to adjust to the social-environment and performance of the company...

The Zappos Business Analysis and Strategy

Company & Business Description Company Purpose Zappos will seek to create value for its target market, such as young and adult fashion lovers with medium income levels in the U.S. and abroad, by offering a wide selection of clothing and home product categories online. The pride of place will be...

Delta Airlines: Strategic Management

Introduction One of the highly competitive industries in the global marketplace is the airline sector mainly because of the focus on the variant service experience. Since the advent of social media platforms, a significant percentage of the customers have attained significant product and service knowledge from a wide range of...

The Fashion Channel Competition Issue and Solution

Problem Statement The Fashion Channel (TFC) faces problems represented by the inability to compete with rivals due to the firm’s unwillingness to accept changes. TFC has focused on a broad audience for many years, resulting in the company being used to operate in a certain way while other networks utilize...

Hotel Recruitment Practices Case Study

Introduction The presence of high-quality service in the travel and tourism industry is an essential element for success. Striving for enhanced customer experience, companies in the hospitality industry place great significance on their recruitment practices. The technological changes and advancements of recent years opened many opportunities for expanding recruitment channels,...

The Importance of Entrepreneurial Education

Introduction Entrepreneurial education has become a complex subject that students need to master. It is a major tool for training numerous skills in young individuals. It teaches basic management activities and flexible skills that are complementary to fundamental things (these include business communication and public speaking). This is the ability...

Project Risk Analysis and Management Processes

STEEPCOIL is an important model used to categorize and identify risks. As shown in the table below, it separates risks based on social, technological, economic, environmental, political, commercial, organizational, information technology, and legal aspect (Steyn, 2018). In addition, the method is preferred because it categorizes risks in specific sections, which...

Expo2020 Dubai’s Accounting and Financial Management

Introduction Expo 2020 is the continuation of the World Expos that began over 170 years ago to provide a platform to showcase the world’s greatest innovations and creativity across industries. Thus, Expo2020Dubai, hosted by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, where innovation is an essential factor of development, is an...

Environmental & Best Safety (EBS) in China

Organizational Culture and Problems The given article EBS in China, written by Lin Liu and colleagues in 2018, explores the company Environmental & Best Safety (EBS), its background, and initiatives. Generally, EBS seeks to offer goods and services that protect employees in risky circumstances as a global leader in protection...

Apple Inc., Samsung, and Google and Their Business Models

Introduction Modern technological progress implies a high level of competition among the leading players in the market. Manufacturers of gadgets, smartphones, and laptops, such as Apple, Samsung, and Google, adopt each other’s technology and try to provide customers with a better product than the competitor. Each company chooses a specific...

Responsibilities of Business to Society and Stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategy used by businesses and other institutions that have evolved to the point where they can benefit society. The more successful a corporation is, the more responsibility it bears for upholding standards of ethical behavior. First and foremost, firms are accountable to their shareholders...

ABC Inc. Strategic Management

Introduction Although there is still widespread agreement that strategic thinking is required for efficient firm management, it is usually absent or, at best, poor (Bonn, 2001; Liedtka, 1998). The implementation gap is marked by a long history of misunderstandings among both scholars and practitioners, with the terms strategic thinking, strategic...

Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Performance

Introduction Traditional organizations were founded on the notion that the leader controls subordinates and that the organization’s strategy is dependent on the leader’s authority over followers. Daft (2017) acknowledges that there are four stages of leadership: control, participation, empowerment, and service. For instance, subordinates are supposed to be passive in...

Qatar North Field Expansion Project

Executive Summary The North Field Expansion project is an enterprise undertaken by QatarEnergy with the support of the government of Qatar to expand the country’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) extraction and output by 67%. It will be constructed in the period 2022-2027 and will feature several new platforms, LNG trains,...

Flow Zone Coffee: The Coffee Shop Concept

Brief Introduction of the Concept The proposed coffee shop concept is centered around combining three services, which include a traditional coffee shop, bookstore, and library. Dubai Healthcare City is a high-tech center with an emphasis on education and teaching on healthcare, where the competitive edge is achieved through intensive learning...

Magna and Linamar Corporations’ Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis Operational and Market Risk At first, the operational and market uncertainties of both Magna International Inc. and Linamar Corporation are visible upon reviewing the annual reports management discussion and analysis section. Regarding systemic risks, there were foreign business problems that impacted the business operations of the two companies....

Satya Nadella’s and Ken Lay’s Leadership Styles

Effective leadership is the most important part of any organization’s success, and analysing strategies used by effective and ineffective leaders can help to understand what qualities contribute to it. Two leaders that will be discussed in this essay are Satya Nadella and Ken Lay. Nadella has been the CEO of...

The General Motors Company’s Change Strategy

Background Not all companies have succeeded at restructuring their operations due to globalization, and General Motors (GM) is one of them. There are significant internal failures that mark its downfall, including safety standards issues, manufacturing flaws in its cars’ parts, and the inappropriate initial response to the accusations on these...

The Pauls Brand’s Marketing Intelligence

Introduction Pauls is one of the leading milk brands in the Australian market. Presently, it remains an acceptable product because it delivers numerous benefits to the consumer. In terms of background, the brand name emerged in 1923 when a firm by the same name introduced it into the market. Other...

The Amazon Company Information

Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among companies engaged in selling all kinds of goods and services via the Internet. It is also a leader in the field of sales of mass-demand goods through the system of Internet services. One of the characteristic features...

Preparing a Budget: Travel Expenses

Expense Details HKD Converted to CAD ($) 1 HKD = 0.17 CAD Flight CI031, CI903 and CI910, CI032 US $ 1,523 Your City (Vancouver) – Hong Kong, China Hot meal provided Duty free for sale on flight 1,982.06 Hotel Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong RHKE...

Role of a Marketing Department in Business

Introduction In the organizational structure of any company, there are main divisions and departments that serve as the basis of its functioning. The marketing unit is the basis of the organization’s interaction with customers and potential buyers. The main task of this branch is to maintain the brand and image...

Personalization in the Airline Industry

Introduction A deeper understanding of the individual an organization is trying to reach is required for personalization and segmentation. It is the breadth and scope of that knowledge, as well as how it is put to use, that makes all the difference. Also known as one-to-one or individualized marketing, personalized...

Factors Contributing to the Gender Pay Gap in the UK

Introduction The pay gap in terms of gender is the difference in the average salary between men and women. This gap is determined based on employer payroll data for each year, and it is calculated using a straightforward and cost-effective solution (“Gallagher,” 2021). The calculations include the needed reporting information...

Human Resource Practice, Leadership and Management

Introduction Contemporary Approaches to Human Resource Management and Development Human resource management is a factor within the organization that prominently influences the asset value and competency in the marketplace. The department deals in the optimal coordination of employees towards enhancing appraisal exchange. The intensification in digital entrepreneurial practices globally fostered...

Aspects of Apple Financial Statement

Apple is one of the well-known organizations, which pays a lot of attention to its financial position in the market. The company’s fiscal period is 52 or 53 weeks; during this time, they consider different accounting strategies to increase revenue and decrease useless expenditures (Apple Inc., 2021). Increased attention is...

Kodak and the Digital Revolution

Introduction The main idea of traditional photography is to create images from the film and use information obtained from the camera’s aperture. This field is characterized by regular innovations and technology to attract the customer’s attention and increase demand. At the end of the 1800s, George Eastman founded Kodak that...

A Leader’s Roles of Designer, Teacher, and Steward

Those organizational leaders who act as designers perhaps have more responsibilities than those who prefer teacher and steward styles. They simultaneously have to perform as restorers and builders of organizational structure and culture and philosophers and creators of guiding ideas and vision (Senge, 2006). During my work experience, there have...

The Pfizer Firm’s Vertical and Horizontal Analysis

Introduction Vertical and horizontal analysis are essential components in analyzing financial statements for the company; both vertical and horizontal analysis presents a significant source of information about the company’s performance for internal users. Therefore, the forms of analysis are used by management to identify issues in the company’s accounting and...

Robots vs. Human Service in the Hotel Industry

Abstract Although robots are more effective, human service is still preferred in hotel service. They can work under dangerous conditions, provide standardized services and work more than human beings. The inability of robots to interact, show and understand emotions effectively makes consumers prefer human service. Humans’ ability to provide personalized...

E-Commerce: The Utility of Internet Retail

Most companies have stopped using traditional selling methods due to the rapid development of technology, as the Internet has become the leading trading platform. In 2022, it is difficult to imagine a severe organization selling any products without a website where you can pay for purchases. E-commerce has no space...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Implementation

Introduction As a Chief Diversity Officer in an organization in the retail industry, recognizing the need to implement a DEI-oriented course is necessary. Since not everyone is ready to support new changes fully, this plan will provide information on the benefits of introducing DEI policies. The changes themselves and their...

Living Beyond the Product: Levi’s Case Study

Any company that establishes market dominance built on a single unique product is successful for as long as the market remains the same. However, markets can change quickly with demand for goods decreasing, prices for raw materials increasing, and new companies entering it. Therefore, brands should strive to live beyond...

Feasibility Study and a Cost-Benefit Analysis

The method compares the cost of the total expected benefits from the project with the total costs of its implementation. The analysis has two goals: 1) at the project justification stage, determine whether the benefits from the project exceed the costs and, if they exceed, by how much; 2) create...

Sephora – A Beauty Products Company

Introduction Sephora is a beauty Products Company created in 1969 by a French beauty products enthusiast. However, in 1997, the business was acquired by Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) (Moore et al., 2020). Over the years, the corporation has grown to become a leading retailer in the European beauty marketplace....

Starbucks Firm’s External and Internal Analysis

Summary It is hard to disagree that many people enjoy drinking coffee outside. One of the most famous companies offering such a service is Starbucks – an international and highly respected retail coffee and snacks store chain that provides people with high-quality goods and services. Despite the popularity of Starbucks,...

Kingsford Charcoal Case Analysis

Clorox’s Present Situation The present situation of Clorox is financially sound and unpromising at the same time. Clorox recorded sales of around $4.1 billion and $394 million in net earnings in June 2000 (Narayandas and Wagonfeld 3). Ultimately, Kingsford represented a large product group within the portfolio of Clorox. Charcoal...

Report on Toyota Car Manufacturer

Introduction and Organizational Structure The Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the largest and most famous car manufacturers in the world. Toyota is a worldwide firm with over seventy distribution hubs and fifty production units. The worldwide firm’s goods and services include specialty steel, auto parts, ship engines, medicines, property...

The Zappos Company’s Management Principles

Introduction Decision-making is a critical process that defines a company’s success or failure. According to Bang et al. (2017), it refers to the practice of making choices through identifying pertinent decisions, gathering data, and appraising alternative resolutions. In this regard, Nick Swinmurn’s executive decision to resign from his job and...

The Vans Resilient Brand’s Analysis

Introduction Vans was founded in 1966 by Paul Van Doren and his brother James. Initially, the company aimed to make long-lasting, washable, and cost-effective shoes in south California (Moon & Kiron, 2002). The firm made sales directly to clients and operated retail stores. Vans product promotion was through giving out...

Business Administration as the Best Major

Argument The thesis argument of this persuasive essay will be that, despite some people’s opposite opinion, business administration is truly one of the most interesting, promising, and best majors for young students. Having experience studying in business administration course, it will be easier to present qualitative judgment about the strengths...

Systems Thinking in Developing Corporate Strategy

Systems thinking is a management approach that focuses on the interrelation of systems and how they operate within the context of larger systems. An excellent example of a system is an organization, as it serves a specific purpose and contains various subsystems such as units. Additionally, as a system, an...

The Concept of Sustainable Leadership

Introduction Sustainability seems to be a buzzword everyone uses nowadays. Whenever I scroll my feed on whichever social media, I am reminded of how much of a grip this concept has on society today. Forbes, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and other globally prominent publications educate a large sum of...

Global Forces and the Advertising Industry

Advertising Industry Aviation Industry Five Forces: Threat of new entrants. Bargaining power of customers. Bargaining power of suppliers The threat of substitute products. Rivalry among competitors. 1. medium 2. high 3. low 4. high 5. high 1. low 2. high 3. high 4. medium 5. high Drivers of Success Innovation,...

Bright Eyes Daycare’s Business Plan

Executive Summary Bright Eyes Daycare aims to prepare its students to prosper as young leaders of the future generation by combining an entire competency-based curriculum tailored to children with enhanced first-class childcare services. Bright Eyes will offer after-school tutoring and extracurricular activities such as gymnastics, arts, dance, craft, and theatre...

Apple and Technology Adoption Model

Apple Inc. is an American tech company producing smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and other devices with a broad range of accessories for them. As a technological company, Apple is directly affected by the technology life cycle – a theoretical concept explaining the customers’ willingness to adopt new products based on...

Barriers to Effective Decision-Making in Organizations

Decision-making is a complicated process, and many barriers can decrease its effectiveness and lead to negative consequences for organizational performance. In addition, those barriers are often connected, meaning that the manager’s inability to overcome one of them can make another more dangerous for the company and the other way around....

Tesla Inc. Structural and Cultural Design

Introduction Tesla Inc. has an organizational and cultural structure that aims to empower its workforce to enhance its production and innovation. A company’s corporate culture shows the values and customs of the workers that elicit the workers’ decision-making and behaviors. Employees develop innovative solutions that stand out best in the...

Power, Politics, and Conflict in Business Organizations

The following paper aims to define and illustrate how power is facilitated in business settings. The roles of leadership and power in the business world will be categorized and explained, as this is essential in understanding the structures of business groups. The work will also analyze the functions of organizational...

Successful Innovation in Toyota’s Market Industry

One of the factors of consumer success and achieving a strong competitive advantage in today’s companies is a commitment to innovation. Innovation should be thought of as any innovation in a company that aims to increase productivity and optimize labor. In other words, many of today’s companies, especially the largest...

Product Differentiation in Industrial Organization

In marketing, product differentiation is generally defined as a tendency to develop a number of important characteristics for a product or a service, in order for those products to be easily distinguished from competitors’ offers. Product owners identify different features that are attractive and beneficial to the consumer, and try...

H&M Firm’s Business Model and Sustainability

H&M is an international fast-fashion company with Swedish origins and is the second-largest global clothing retailer. The brand operates through direct distribution in chain stores and online with solid recognition and various campaigns (Bini and Bellucci, 2020). Their operation strategy allows them to produce goods at affordable prices and address...

Amazon, Microsoft and Google Firms’ Financial Analysis

Introduction In current economic conditions, the issues of accounting and economic analysis of the financial results of the organization’s activities are of great importance. The main advantage of accounting can and should be considered that only thanks to its data is it possible to determine the indicators of profitability and...

Threats and Opportunities Categories of Strategic (SWOT) Analysis

The most challenging SWOT categories are usually categories of threats and opportunities. On the one hand, people are often aware of the threats, because they naturally focus their attention on potential risks more than on the positive aspects (Capacity Consulting, 2018). On the other hand, it is necessary to look...

Accor S.A.: Social Media Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Accor Group is a reputable worldwide leader in hospitality services. During the recent years, the company was working hard on revamping its social media strategy, starting from proactive use of customer-oriented website to active engagement in digital event management. However, as the company is currently more focused on...

Target: Company’s Expansion Utilizing Kotter’s 8-Step Approach

Introduction As one of the largest American department store chains, Target Corporation has multiple competitive advantages, including customer loyalty, quality products, efficient price policy, optimized supply chain and logistics, advanced technology, a disciplined approach towards business management, and commitment to innovations and sustainability. At the same time, the company’s potential...

International Marketing Plan of Progresso Soups in Santiago, Chile

Abstract This report presents an international business proposal for the expansion of the GMI company through the marketing of Progresso soups in Santiago, Chile. The report focuses on the country analysis and the possible measures the company could take to allow the successful marketing of Progresso Soup products. Progresso Soups...

Development Stages in the Industry Life Cycle

The level of market maturity has a strong influence on the degree and intensity of competition. The industry life cycle sets specific rules for the enterprises. Organizations need to understand the market development stages to form an effective strategy for survival and market capture. There are four stages in the...

Sony Firm’s Mission, Vision and Strategy Statement

Businesses often explicitly framework their fundamental statements in order to create an effective working process. The visions ought not to be subject to current benefits or current financial conditions. They are more consistent than other elements and address the profound primary beliefs at the association’s core (Spear, 2017). Since it...

Retail Management: Discussion Problems

Variety and assortment are crucial retail market structure elements and have some distinguishing features. The significant difference between assortment and variety is that assortment refers to the number of different items provided in a category of merchandise. In contrast, variety refers to the quantity of the types of merchandise that...

Marriott Hotels’ Sustainability in the Value Chain

Over the past couple of years, Marriott Hotels has introduced several vital changes to its performance framework, outlining the special importance of its sustainability-driven approach. According to the 2020 report, the company has been changing its framework to show the progression toward greater social awareness, specifically, regarding the company’s impact...

Accounting Methods for Leaders

Introduction ZXY is an investment company that is considering investment in 2 new products. The company specializes in food products meaning they may not have difficulty in movement. The proposed expansion requires $7 million in initial investment. The equipment to be invested in has an estimated life of ten years...

Monsanto Company: Stakeholders Analysis

Monsanto is an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology company that is American based. The company was founded by John Francis Queeny on 26th September 1901 in St. Louis, Missouri, in the united states of America (“Monsanto Company and Monsanto Technology LLC v. Loren David (2007-1104),” 2008). The company was famous to...

Employment Law Paper: Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination at the workplace is a severe issue because it implies that people are deprived of some rights or inadequately treated based on their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and others. American legislative bodies understand that the problem exists. That is why Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act...

Discrimination at Workplace

Employment discrimination is unfair treatment in the workplace when hiring, promoting, and determining wages. Discrimination in employment is characterized by a certain biased attitude of the employer to the qualities of a potential employee that are not related to professional ones. In countries where it is customary to determine wages...

Martini & Rossi: Reinventing Mature Company

For the purpose of discussion, I have chosen the company Martini & Rossi since it fulfills the requirements pertaining to an industry in the mature stage. As it is effectively described by Parnell (2014a), the mature firm serves its clients with sufficient quality and quantity of a product, rarely introduces...

Formula of Incremental Cash Flow

I agree with James’ definition and formula of incremental cash flow. However, in my opinion, more information could be given on the structure of the incremental cash flow, such that it consists of three components: initial investments, operating cash flow, and terminal year cash flow. I believe that it is...

Crisis at ChassisCo’s Athens Plant

Causes ChassisCo was Toyota’s suspension cradle supplier and they worked successfully in two projects until 2004. After successful launches of Suprima in 1997 and Responsa in 1999, Toyota decided to engage the company with another project, Suprima 2003. However, this project did not achieve expected success as it registered poor...

Volkswagen’s Diesel Fraud: Ethical Behaviour and Decision Making in the Workplace

The VW scandal The VW scandal is a case that highlights significant inefficiencies in management. As such, the whole management team would be assigned responsibility for the scandal. This would be led by the CEO, Martin Winterport, who was the company’s head in the fraud case and was responsible for...

Goleman’s and Classic Leadership Styles

For decades, leadership has been considered to be a vital part of an organization’s competitive potential. There is a significant amount of research regarding various leadership styles that led to creating several classifications of their distinct properties. For example, Daniel Goleman’s analysis focuses on emotional intelligence as the basis of...

Marketing Plan: Energy Drink For Women

This new energy drink aims to cater to the consumer’s demand for healthier options with less sugar and caffeine. Moreover, this beverage is manufactured in a local community, which is another selling point for conscious customers who want to support local brands. Some issues include intense competition in the market,...

Risk Management and the Role of Managed Care

Healthcare organization administrators play a prominent role in identifying, and executing risks about patient healthcare policies and ensuring managed care organization (MCO) standards compliance. A healthcare setting is a critical area that requires proactive and reactive approaches to safeguard or minimize uncertain event damages, including injury to patients, workers, and...

The Boston Consulting Group: Monitor and Control Process

Monitor and control process is an essential step in regulating the overall performance of a firm’s sales force. One should be aware the developing step involves nine critical stages. These include identifying the process, defining measures, setting a measurement system and standards, obtaining results, comparing the outcome, communicating, generating alternatives,...

Decision Making in Qantas Airline of Australia

The Qantas Airline of Australia is the most prominent airline in the country as far as fleet size, international flights, and worldwide destinations are concerned. It is also the 3rd oldest airline company in the industry after Avianca and the KLM. It was established in 1920, and its headquarters are...

Performance Management and Appraisal Systems

Performance management is an essential process of communication in any organization. The constant communication between a supervisor and the employees is a way of achieving its strategic objectives. Human Resource faculty plays a major role in the performance management process by designing and implementing performance appraisals. It is upon the...

FedEx: International Logistics Operations

Abstract International logistics is undergoing certain transformations due to technological advancements and other trends related to customers’ needs and preferences. Delivery companies now offer a wide range of services and try to satisfy their customers’ needs. FedEx, being one of the leaders in the market, provides numerous services and is...

The Rules of Effective Meetings

Introduction A meeting is a gathering of two or more people aimed to discuss a topic, often in a formal or business setting. The effectiveness of a meeting is determined by its agenda, the role of the meeting’s leader, and the environment. To organize a successful meeting, the person responsible...

Organizational Change Management for Relocation

Introduction Nowadays, it is apparent that many established organizations struggle to keep up to stay relevant in the market. On the other hand, less experienced executives continue to lead their teams to various successes in the industry. This happens mainly because of the company’s ability to adapt by being flexible...

Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight

Case Summary On October 6, 2013, nearly 50 passengers on an Air China flight that was bound for Beijing fell ill with symptoms such as vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea (Coello 1). The cause of the issue was apparently due to the cabin crew serving the passengers in-flight meals that were...

Healthcare Institution Financial and Investment Appraisal

Introduction The present paper discusses three general aspects of Jiranna Healthcare case study. The first part conducts an appraisal of the firm’s financial performance to help Arizona Health Services (AHS) make a purchasing decision. In particular, the first part assesses sales, expenses, profits, efficiency, profitability, liquidity, solvency, and DuPont coefficient...

DME Sports Academy as a Learning Organization

This essay presents a profile of DME Sports Academy. The discussion draws on the results of field research that included interviews and observations and a review of secondary sources. It incorporates digital articles addressing the larger context of education and multiple creative sources to justify main points. DME Academy is...

Shell Company’s Product Marketing Analysis

The product chosen for marketing Shell is a multi-national British-Dutch oil and gas company. The company is one of the biggest companies in the world, being on the top of the chart as one of the richest businesses in the world. The company primarily positions itself as a dealer in...

Importance of Code of Ethics

Introduction To avoid conflicts of interest, comply with the set laws and standards and bring credit to the profession, the contact managers are expected to hold a specific code of ethics in line with the profession. The skills and competencies needed vary depending on the details of creating and administering...

Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency

The ultimate goal of studying the concepts of management and organizational behavior is to improve the effectiveness of organizations and the efficiency of their activities. The management and organizational behavior can be considered as controlled factors by which the organization can be transformed from a less active state to a...

Taza Chocolate Company’s Distribution Channels

Taza is a small chocolate-making company based in Sommerville, Massachusetts, which manufactures unique stoneground organic chocolate in the classic Mexican tradition. It has a staff of about 20 people and sources all its ingredients directly from certified organic growers, with whom the company maintains personal relationships. Taza distributes its products...

Dollar Shave Club’s Value Proposition and Business Model

Dollar Shave Club’s value proposition and how does it differ from Gillette’s One of the major factors explaining DSC’s success is the unique approach to working with clients and the company’s value proposition. It presupposes a fair price and a client-centric service focused on the increased level of satisfaction among...

Organizational Culture, Structure, and Leadership in the 21st Century

International as well as local companies of the 21st century have to change their missions, organizational culture, structure, power division, reward system, and leadership styles. These changes are unavoidable if the companies want to remain competitive in a global rapidly-changing market. As the world becomes more and more interconnected and...

Conflict Resolution at the Workplace

Introduction Conflicts may occur in any setting where different groups of people interact, such as in a workplace. However, since the workers have different backgrounds, simple issues can escalate into violence or disharmony within the job environment. Thus, it requires both expertise and organizational regulations to bring sanity among the...

Potential Entrepreneurial Business Venture

Description of Venture’s Services Starting a retail and distribution consultancy business venture in the future is one of the most lucrative business ideas. A business venture is a legal, organizational, economic, and financial unit feature created by entrepreneurs to enhance their business operations (Kose, 2020). This venture will be appropriate...

Comparison of Leadership Models and Styles

Introduction An appropriate leadership model is a significant phenomenon since it provides health care professionals with the necessary skills and techniques to influence their followers. I understand this fact and do my best to choose a suitable leadership style. In my working practice, I try to follow transformational leadership principles....

Analysis of Ernst & Young Marketing Strategy

Introduction Ernst & Young is an international firm that provides professional services to at least 140 nations for example the United Kingdom where it is headquartered, China, the United States, and South Africa; its major competitors include KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Deloitte (, 2011). Business line Ernst & Young provides...

Abdullah AlOthaim Markets’ Organizational Overview

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets is one of the leading Saudi food and non-food retailers. The company is famous for meeting the clients’ needs, participating in social responsibility programs, and others (Abdullah Al Othaim Markets, n.d.). That is why it is not a surprise that the business impresses with a significant...

Leadership and Motivation Impact on Repsol Organisational Culture

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of leadership and motivation on the organisational culture of Repsol and to so, this report concentrates on some theories including autocratic and participative leadership style, transformational and action centred leadership model, motivation theories of Maslow and Herzberg, and organizational...

Human Factors in Project Management

The term “human factors” encompasses the various influences on the project that its participants can have. In some cases, they will be positive, such as creativity or motivation, which can drive performance beyond expectations. However, in other situations, they will have an adverse effect, such as when team members engage...

Operations Management of a Care Facility for the Elderly

Introduction Any institution dealing with provision of care to dependent elderly persons should ensure that its strategies are broad enough to cover the wide range of needs of the elderly. In order to ensure quality service provisions in elderly care institutions for the aged, it is important for the management...

The Bakery Store Standley’s Bakery – Project Case of Buisness

Description of the Business Standley’s Bakery is a new bakery store that is based in Ruston that will be primarily selling cakes and cupcakes in Ruston and its neighbourhood. Although Ruston has several bakery stores, it lacks a store that provides high-quality organic cakes and cupcakes at an optimal price....

Apple Inc: Company Profile and Analysis

Introduction The finance manager is the authoritative person who is responsible to look after the financial activities within an organization. Finance is considered the lifeblood of every business enterprise irrespective of the products and services produced by it. The financial capability and efficiency of concern are highly dependent upon the...

The Pomegranate Phone

Introduction The ad about the pomegranate phone is a splendid example of the potential of human fantasy and imagination, which has no limits in producing new ambitions. It shows the future direction for innovation developers, simultaneously inviting them to work in Nova Scotia (the government of this province ordered the...

Ingvar Kamprad: An Example of a Strategic Leader

Translating a strategic plan into reality can be quite challenging. However, history knows many talented leaders who made it possible through meticulous planning and innovation. A prime example of such a leader is Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of the world’s largest furniture retailer IKEA. Kamprad had humble beginnings: he came...

Sexual Posters in the Workplace

Introduction Almost everyone at the workplace has been directly or indirectly offended by some indecent poster or posters at the workplace. The photo of a girl posing in a suggestive way or of a cartoon saying some lewd joke that is only funny to a select few is not an...

Cellular Manufacturing Analysis

Functional Layout The functional layout is process oriented. When a factory has been described as to having a functional layout, it means that the operations which are followed in the manufacturing process are grouped in terms of the basis of the functions, the technology in use and the equipments which...

Leadership in Motivating Healthcare Staff to Increase Performance

Introduction Healthcare workers usually report the importance of effective leadership to stimulate their performance and teamwork because, working in stressful environments, they need additional motivation and stimuli. The problem is that having intensive workloads, healthcare providers are expected to demonstrate high-performance results and efficient teamwork to address patient needs, but...

Multinational Enterprise: Siemens

Introduction Entry into a new market can either be highly profitable or catastrophic for an organization. There are several factors that have to be considered when trying to enter a new market. Some of the factors include SWOT and PESTLE analysis and an evaluation of the best strategies and mode...

Healthy Fast Foods: Sector Analysis

Fast foods The term fast foods refer to foods that are prepared, readily available, and served quickly in restaurants or kiosks (Vendreys, 2011). Fast foods have been in existence for a lengthy period and are most common in urban regions. Fast foods include soft drinks, doughnuts and pastry, French fries,...

Bill Blass: Rebranding Case

Bill Blass was once one of the most valuable brands in the fashion industry; however, it failed to adapt to the new trends in customer preferences after its founder’s retirement. The initial Bill Blass peaked in the early 80s, catching the customers’ attention with urban, colorful silhouettes and innovative designs....

Toyota Production System: Review

As part of the attempt to maximize the utilization of resources, companies have invested in research of methodologies of minimizing resource consumption while sustaining the level of output. Toyota was among the first companies to devise such a strategy. This paper will discuss the Toyota Production System and how it...

Supply Chain Management: Issues and Challenges

Supply chain management Supply Chain Management is the method through which a business brings together all the elements to get its product into the market. It implies the management of a product flow in the production chain. it starts with the purchase of raw materials and ends up with the...

Pursuing Education in a Supply Chain

As I am about to get my Master’s degree, it is evident that further plans are to be prepared and executed. Nowadays, many companies prioritize their employees’ knowledge of the industry (O’Byrne, 2017). Logistics Supply Chain Management is a relatively new sector, which continues to grow and develop. According to...

The Walt Disney Company Analysis

The modern world’s culture is almost entirely dictated by global corporations. Many small companies are part of huge conglomerates that control the media and cultural space. Often this influence seeps beyond the boundaries of general human leisure and affects other aspects of life. This essay aims to analyze one of...

The Effects of Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a highly inefficient workplace practice negatively correlated with the productivity and morale of an organization. The proposed research on the effects of micromanagement will help in growing the company by identifying the existing and potential issues with the style of organizational leadership and setting tools for prevention. Several...

The Use of Data Collection: Personal Experiences

Nowadays, the collection and application of data by big companies is a well-known fact everybody has to face. This common corporate practice, however, has its pros and cons. On one hand, the usage of data can help to significantly improve the user experience and make operations more efficient, on the...

The Current Breadth of Apple’s Product Line

The current breadth of Apple’s product line seems to be quite modest for the company of its size. However, it is important to keep in mind that Apple has to take extensive care of product quality, which explains the small range of product diversity. Nevertheless, there are ways for the...

Pluralism Approach to Employment Relationship

Employee relations have been a pressing issue in Sociology for a long time. The way managers should approach power, decisions, and interact with the front-line workforce is the main focus of the philosophy known as Industrial Relations (IR). Unitarism, pluralism, and radicalism have been defined as the three main conflicting...