Group Structures and Goals Accomplishment

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my practice, I am responsible for a range of tasks to be accomplished by my employees. The goals may include leadership training provided to the crew leaders and team members as a part of process improvement activities. Performance management and safety issues are especially...

Legal Business Categories Definition

Introduction The structure of a business is essential to its functioning, as it defines the legal framework that surrounds the company, including taxes, ownership, and the overall status of the enterprise. A successful entrepreneur should understand the differences between various forms of organization, their advantages and disadvantages, and the conditions...

Organizational Change’s Effect on People

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have been working for more than thirteen years as a successful leader managing people and organizing their functioning in the most effective ways. At the moment, I am a section leader for the Mixing Department at the Bridgestone Aiken plant. There are 191 employees...

Most Effective Leadership Styles in Modern World

Introduction Management is a broad and controversial topic that regularly gives rise to new theories regarding effective and ineffective management styles. The essence of leadership styles is vital for the effective work of companies and the efficient management of subordinates. In management nowadays, several styles are distinguished, each of which...

The Walt Disney Company’s Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizational culture is a multifaceted phenomenon that is also difficult to define. Generally, it consists of the elements that can characterize an organization’s beliefs and values, as well as its key practices and principles (Warrick, 2017). The Walt Disney Company (2019) vocally upholds the significance of creativity, but its...

Enterprise Risk Management and Assessment

Introduction Enterprise risk management (ERM) is an essential practice in businesses that are enthusiastic about dealing with uncertainties and their impacts on the realization of organizational goals. It allows companies to direct their effort to the most relevant risks that may hinder the achievement of corporate objectives. The future performance...

Business & Reconciliation Call to Action in Canada

The selected Call to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRCC) is #92, focusing on the business and reconciliation category. It encourages the corporate sector to adopt the reconciliation framework in its values and operations. This includes building relationships and consulting indigenous people, ensuring equitable access to...

Rayovac Corporation’s Strategy Analysis

Rayovac is a large producer of consumer batteries and lighting goods, which operates in the international market. Its history dates back to over one century ago, and extensive business experiences helped the company to achieve one of the leading positions in the American and global markets. Rayovac commenced a rapid...

Corporate Governance and Hedge Fund Activism

Introduction Corporate governance can be defined as a system of norms and rules implemented to control how a company is managed. Boards of directors play a primary role in corporate governance. According to Tricker, their main duties include but are not limited to the selection of chief executive officers (CEOs),...

ABC Company Opens Father Branch in Jeddah

Introduction When planning to open a new branch in the market, it is important to monitor external environmental forces that may affect the level of success of a firm. Forrest et al. explains that the ability of a firm to sustain its operations depends on how effectively the management and...

Pret a Manger Company’s Foreign Entry Mode Selection

Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market...

Axon Enterprise, Inc.: SWOT Analysis

Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in technology and weapon items for law enforcement and is one of the leading companies in its industry. A necessary activity of such a corporation is performing a SWOT analysis in order to be aware of the company’s situation. SWOT analysis is a general tool examining...

Issues of Ice-Fili in the Early 2000s: Case Analysis

Ice-Fili was a top ice cream manufacturer in Russia in 2002. By that time, the company had managed to overcome the consequences of both the Soviet Union dissolution and the financial crisis of 1998. However, the company and its managers also faced a few key issues that deserved specific attention....

Importance of Intercultural Competence in Business

Cultural studies are rapidly developing and influencing every sphere of activity nowadays so that different approaches have been applied to the understanding of what intercultural communication is. Living in the intercultural society in the period of globalization presupposes incessant interaction with diverse representatives of one’s nation, so the interpersonal connection...

Best Practice Companies: Netflix

The companies that operate in the context of technological advancement and the active inclusion of millennials into the workforce need to adjust to the new requirements within all the spheres of performance. One of the most crucial elements in the work of any company is the sphere of HR management,...

Technological Factors of the United Arab Emirates

Technological Infrastructure: UAE and U.S. Innovations in technology open a plethora of opportunities for rapid and extensive progress in an array of domains, from personal communication to business to industry. Therefore, the analysis of the technological infrastructure of the UAE and comparison to the one of the U.S. as a...

“Leading Change” by John P. Kotter

Leading Change: Overview The book Leading Change by John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, explores the concept of change management in great detail. The author begins with a thorough explanation of reasons for failure on the part of managers to realize new strategic goals, motivate employees,...

Cannabis in the Workplace: Human Resource Guidelines

Introduction This memo is a response to the inquiry made previously about the current state of the law concerning marijuana use in the workplace. I have reviewed some recent and Ontario Human Rights Commission publications to provide relevant information concerning rights and obligations relating to cannabis use. Before delving into...

United Airlines’ Employment Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Sexual harassment in the workplace is one of the most heinous and underreported crimes in the world. The rising effectiveness of awareness campaigns, the popularity of the #MeToo movement, and the increasing attention from the media and the press have managed to turn the tide and bring about the...

Car Wash Company’s Employee Management

Introduction The situation in the Car Wash may lead to its eventual collapse. When employees are not satisfied with their work environment, they will not work to their full potential. In addition, they may reveal the secrets of the business to competitors. When a competitor learns about its rival’s weaknesses,...

Effective Logistics Network Design

Introduction Designing an effective logistics network is critical for the success of a firm. Crandall, Crandall, and Chen (2015) define logistics as “the management of the flow of items from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations” (p. 68)....

Marketing Manager Job Description and Total Compensation

Job Summary A manager working in a marketing department has to be involved in the formation and shaping of the organization’s marketing initiatives. This is a leadership position that includes people and resources management for the purpose of helping the organization retain the existing customers and attract new ones. The...

Change Management Simulation and Lessons Learnt

Organizational changes are the type of alterations in the companies’ functioning that may be driven by a variety of factors. It is not easy to achieve a change (Anderson, 2017). There are many issues to take into consideration prior to planning and implementing such adjustments. No one can guarantee that...

McGregor’s Theory Y and Management Style

Introduction Douglas McGregor, a social scientist, came up with two different views of human nature regarding employees’ motivation. The first one is theory X, which holds negative assumptions about human nature. It explains that man is inherently lazy and needs to be compelled. He is also self-centered and lacks ambition....

Using One Thousand Dollars to Develop the Handball Team

Introduction One thousand dollars is not a lot of money for transforming my handball club team. However, this is a substantial amount that can be used accountably and wisely to make a difference in one day. Such an amount can be a supplemental budget that can see the team members...

Balanced Scorecard: Development and Implementation

Introduction A balanced scorecard is a tool that is used to manage performance levels in organizations and is focused on the achievement of strategic goals. This concept was introduced in 1992 and was met with positive reactions from most businesses and economists. It lists key factors that should be taken...

Supply Chain in “Isn’t It Obvious?” by Goldratt

Summary Paul White is a struggling manager of a Boca Raton branch for a company called Hannah’s Shop. He received news about the store’s poor performance earlier that day. He confessed his work-related frustrations to his friends. He wondered how he failed when he was more than willing to adhere...

Marketing Intelligence and Its Importance

Competitive Intelligence and Analysis Definition As suggested by Chen, Chau, and Zeng (2002), “The goal of Competitive Intelligence (CI), a subarea of Knowledge Management, is to monitor a firm’s external environment to obtain information relevant to its decision-making process” (p. 1). In this respect, competitive intelligence is the analysis of...

Organisational Behaviour Impact: Hong Kong Airlines Limited

Introduction Background information Organisational behaviour has become one of the most important areas of research as scholars seek to find its relevance in improving the performance of organisations. Several scholars have defined organisational behaviour in various ways. Singh (2010, p. 78) defines organisational behaviour as “The study of human behaviour...

Human Resources: Social Media Policy in Companies

Introduction Social media plays a vehement role in our life, as it is involved in the majority of the interactions. It is one of the tools to express the freedom of speech and ideas and share the views and opinions of the other members of society. Nonetheless, sometimes the statements...

Workplace Security and Intellectual Property Theft

Security at Workplace Commonly the term of security includes the actions of the vulnerable things, places or people protection from something that impinge to harm. Security plays a significant role in the order maintenance. The workplace security is meant to prevent any damage to human health or property. Workplace security...

Resourcing and Talent Planning

Be able to undertake core talent planning activities Introduction Workforce planning is the mechanisms that employers use to acquire employees with the right skills, competence, and experience. When carrying out workforce planning, employers are guided by the resources available, the mission and objectives of the companies as laid down in...

Leadership and Professional Development

Introduction and Rationale This year I am looking forward to sharpening my leadership skills; I decided after learning that leaders can be made. I have also realized that people can develop good leadership skills if they desire and have the will power to do so. Effective and successful leadership skills...

Production and Operations Management

Appreciation of Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) Operations cost will reduce for firms that import raw materials (Reflections on RMB appreciation 2013, para. 8). Mainland firms that use local raw materials will not be affected directly. When investors are paid using US dollars, appreciation of the Renminbi causes investors to value the...

Role of Groups and Teams in Organization

Groups and Teams Teamwork is a critical approach to the success of any project or business organization. Teams and groups are encouraged in an organization because they make it easier to realize the targeted goals and objectives (Rickards & Moger, 2000). I am presently working in a small company. The...

Pestle Company’s Corporate-Level Strategy and Management

Pestle Management The PESTLE analytical tool is important for managers because it helps them to examine the external factors that face the organization and in the process, the managers can be able to think about the potential impacts of these individual factors on the business (Renewal Associates 2003). A PESTLE...

Paul Entrepreneur’s Four Shortcomings

Does Paul need to be an inventor? Paul does not need to be an inventor in order to be an effective entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs do not have to invent new ideas in order to be successful. A successful entrepreneur does not have to come up with original products or services for...

Shui Fabrics Company: Operational Costs and Strategy

According to Ray Betzell, the rate of returns on investment that Shui Fabrics was making was too low compared to the expectations of the Americans and that was the reason why he said that the Chinese manager Chiu Wai could not be pleased by the way things were happening; as...

Human Behavior in Complex Social Organizations

Introduction Organizational behavior within a social company is regarded as one of the key factors that determine success. It is explained by the fact that organization and its structure define business performance, while the most important activity aspects are defined by the company’s profile, aims and objectives, as well as...

Decision-Making Psychology: “Groupthink” by Janis

Introduction Before his death, Irving Lester Janis was a retired professor from the University of California and a renowned psychologist based at Yale University. Janis was a nonfiction writer and he did extensive studies on team dynamics, which led to the book, Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes....

“Vacant Positions” Presentation Analysis

Introduction Attendance of the ‘Vacant Positions’ presentation held on 21st December 2010 in Mykonos Grand Hotel presented me with an opportunity to gain more insight into the hotel industry. The presentation gave a comprehensive analysis of the hotel industry. Through the presentation, we were able to evaluate the feasibility of...

How to Become an International Businessman?

I want to become an international businessman. In my opinion international business is an exciting field. In order to pursue this career, one should acquire certain skills and traits that are paramount to succeed in this field. The plan to become an international businessman requires three supporting details or supporting...

Business Ethics Role in the Organization

Introduction Ethics in the office is usually taken for granted. When we are busy with our job, focused on increased profitability, we usually forget simple things that are needed in ordinary business dealings, or common conversations with office mates. This is true for me. I have been a leader most...

Sara Lee Corporation’s Strategy in 2011

Sara Lee’s corporate strategy Sara Lee changes its business strategies so that it can manage to align its operations with market demands. When the company was being formed, it acquired different industries so that it could increase its overall global market share. When this strategy became successful, the company began...

Professional Development for Strategic Managers

Executive summary This report contains an evaluation of personal skills alongside professional skills that every significant person requires to successfully manage leadership. It offers a step-by-step analysis of the pest practice principles, characteristics, and behaviors that allow individuals to effectively achieve good leadership. Effectiveness in leadership requires a proper plan...

Metrics and Performance Measurement in Operations Management

Introduction Metrics is indeed a powerful management tool in aligning company strategies and objectives and ensuring people are working towards a common direction. Going beyond metrics practice in trying to improve processes and products, managers should strive to fulfill predictable requirements in designing and managing metrics to ensure they are...

Williams-Sonoma Inc.’s Online Strategies and Future

If Williams-Sonoma continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in 5 years? With the strengthened supply chain operations that resulted from sourcing east coast functions of FY2007, Williams-Sonoma has the potential of emerging a leading company amongst its competitors in the next five years. This is...

Team Building and Leadership Styles

Leadership styles for different situations Autocratic leadership Under autocratic leadership, the leader has complete control over employees. Workers are not given a chance to express their views on pertinent issues affecting the organization (Biech 20). Most people dislike working under this type of leadership. As a result, a company or...

Mission, Vision, and SMART Goals for New Business

Mission and vision statement for the new business The mission statement will be to represent and make student opinions and preferences known to local merchants and national chains while at the same time seek to gain funding from any market research firm within the area. The vision statement will be...

BP Company’s Case in Texas City

Culpable decision in BP Texas city case BP explosion accident in Texas City resulted to death of 15 workers and injury of 170 people. A short time prior to the accident, James Baker the US secretary of state had published a report detailing the unprofessional mission BP was undertaking (Hopkins...

Internet Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior

Internet Marketers’ strategies to trigger consumer recognition of needs and evaluating alternatives Internet marketers have to generate a lot of enthusiasm among the majority of potential clients, especially the youth through creating interaction procedures where site viewers can discuss or comment on products. This interactive form of advertisement enhances the...

Prices and Sales in Australia’s Mobile Market

Market development strategy In the modern contemporary telecommunication industry, several factors, both internal and external, influence companies in the industry when developing pricing strategies. The following are the external factors that influence pricing strategies adopted by companies in the telecommunication industry in Australia: The competition among the firms; as every...

Developing Business Performance: Principles and Strategies

Introduction Operation Strategy refers to the actions chosen, mandated option, and is stimulated by an organization within its operations functions to be able to meet the mission and objectives. A firm must make decisions that are in line with its strategy. The decisions must bind with the organization’s rules and...

Company Policy on Email Use and Text Messaging

Reminder of Key Company Policy on acceptable use of Email and text messaging I would like to begin by offering warm greetings to all employees of the company. It has come to my attention that many employees are not following the company policies about the use of email and text...

How CSR Is Being Defined in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, CSR is a formal business strategy and obligation that is captured in annual reports and other forms of reporting by organizations. However, it is not a mandatory undertaking in the country. Nevertheless, the voluntary nature of the activity has been handled professionally in many business levels from the...

Celebrity Endorsement, Its Reasons and Factors

Factors considered when deciding which celebrity to use for product endorsement varies on how the celebrity will be used (Aaker & McLoughlin, 2010). For instance, the celebrities can be used as an added interest to a company’s advertising campaign, or as the central feature of the advertising campaign. The main...

Strategic Processing Styles in Decision-Making

Dr. Gary observed that people use a decision strategy to navigate through their decision-making moments in life. In the Organizational Engineering (OE) model developed by Dr. Gary Salton, he postulated that there are four kinds of strategic processing styles. Someone is either a Reactive Stimulator or Logical processor (Ungvari, 2011)....

Lego Company’s Successful Innovation Strategy

Why Lego Almost Went Bankrupt in 2003? Lego has been associated with core family values and constant innovation and development. However, in the early 2000s, the company almost went bankrupt due to its innovation strategy. In 2003, the company lost $300 million and the prognosis for the next year was...

Beautification Job Salaries in the United Kingdom

Introduction For ages now, beautification has held its position as being of prime importance to many people. At least every sane human being cares about how they look due to their concern for their image to the general public. By this, I mean that beautification is one of the things...

Lean Supply Chain Management Strategies

What are the similarities and differences between lean and agile supply chain strategies? Lean supply strategy focuses on cost reduction, minimization of waste, and maximization of overall performance (Vonderembse, Uppal, Huang, & Dismukes, 2006). The Lean approach suggests planning-based production that “supports the flow of value, let the customer pull...

Apple Inc. Company’s Resources and Position

Are any employees of your company represented by labor unions or covered by collective bargaining agreements? Are any of these employees working outside of the United States? For now, Apple has no employees that are represented by labor unions or covered by collective bargaining agreements because they are considered to...

Business Centre in Abu Dhabi: Business Plan

Executive Summary Business summary Learning the Arabic language has become a necessity for business people and investors in Abu Dhabi. People doing business at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre come from many countries of the world. Most of them speak English but many have the difficulty in speaking English....

Globalization Influence on Product Development

Introduction Globalization has caused many threats and opportunities, which have caused firms, adapt their marketing strategies to meet these challenges and chances. Firms that respond with appropriate marketing strategies have found to help them improve their performance. While global market opportunities enable firms to access resources available worldwide, global threats...

Chip Manufacturer’s Production Specifications

What Are the Elements That the Production Manager Should Consider in Determining His Company’s Ability to Produce Chips That Meet Specifications? To identify the company’s ability to produce the chips of the designated size, the production manager should consider the data such as the p-value and the confidence coefficient. The...

Leadership Simulation Using ExperienceChange Model

Theories Employed To complete the online simulation of managing organizational change, I used the ExperienceChange Model. The model is based on models developed by Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, Edgar Schein and David Nadler (Chisholm & Warman, 2007). First, I wanted to apply Kotter’s model. The method involves the establishment of...

Managing Organizational Changes

Introduction Organizations should inherently adapt and change consistently to remain competitive and effective. In the modern economy, shaped by global factors and shareholder vision, organizations are often driven to change by environmental and external factors. These may vary, ranging from new technologies and practices to shifts in political and economic...

Ethics, Values, and Morals in Institutions

In the workplace, the significance of ethics and ethical decisions should be emphasized. The term ethics refers to the study of peoples’ conducts based on their behaviors with the aim of stressing on the right and wrong (Cady 4). On the other hand, the dissimilarity between ethical decision-making process and...

Human Resource Onboarding Program

An onboarding program refers to a strategy that organizations use to equip new recruits with requisite skills to enable them to discharge their duties without challenges. The primary objectives of this program are to assist new hires, especially recent graduates to familiarize with a company, minimize the time it takes...

Stakeholder Theory and Perspectives

Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management Stakeholder theory In a corporate, the management of human resources will mainly be concerned with defining and implementation of good management practices, while it overlooks the conflicts that may arise from employment and implementation of the same management practices. In most cases, the management...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as a sum of organizational activities aimed at the assessment of the organizational impact on a wider societal good and the subsequent measured and deliberate responsibility-taking process. The global economic crisis of 2007-2008 brought to the fore the importance of CSR as...

Employee Unionization and Recruitment Process

Why the Nursing Staff May Want To Unionize The quest to unionize could be informed by the desire to get better pay. In support of this statement, some nurses in The Saga of Truly Good Hospital were complaining about low salary increments. The desire to get proper remuneration is highlighted...

E-Commerce Start-Ups’ Challenges in the UAE

Introduction E-commerce is a quickly-growing economic phenomenon. With Internet penetration levels growing around the world, and more and more people getting access to it via their laptops, personal computers, and smartphones, it is natural for Internet commerce to follow suit and expand. Numerous companies are adopting e-commerce in order to...

Dell Technologies Company’s Disaster Recovery Plan

Dell Technologies Overview: Goals, Objectives, Size, Layout, and Structure Dell Technologies has been known as one of the leading companies producing computers and computer technologies (Dell Technologies, 2018b). Furthermore, the goals of the firm were changed to more sustainable ones. In a recent update, Dell published its “2020 legacy of...

Customer Needs and ACME Standards

Real-World Scenario: Agility The following grids represent all stakeholders relevant to the case study under consideration, based on their power along with their interest in the project. Figure 1 illustrates the “perfect grid,” where all stakeholders are placed based on their supposed roles in the project (Thompson, 2018). Here, Rebecca...

Carlos Ghosn’s Leadership at Nissan Motor Co.

Diagnosis and Rescue Immediately Carlos Ghosn was hired at Nissan, he embarked on a journey to understand some of the things that were hindering the country from realizing its goals. In addition, he identified things that would hinder him from achieving his goals at the company and immediately established ways...

Amazon Inc.’s vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Inventory

Introduction Managing inventory levels for companies that sell goods is a significant task. A company needs to maintain optimal inventory levels because having too much inventory increases cost such as storage, wear and tear, and interest. In addition, capital which could have been used for other income generating investments is...

Starbucks Company’s Information Technology Approaches

Introduction Starbucks Corporation uses a powerful business model to produce and market its products to many customers across the globe. With over 182,000 employees, the company remains a leading roaster and retailer of quality coffee. It also has numerous brands that support its business image such as Starbucks VIA, Seattle’s...

Fabulous Cosmetics Company: Marketing Management

Marketing mix According to Stone (2001) the marketing mix comprises four components commonly referred to the 4ps. They include the price, product, promotion and distribution (place). The marketing mix of the Fabulous Cosmetics was formulated using the SMART principles. Marketing objectives and goals The following are the specific marketing objectives...

Adidas & Bamboo Bike Studio: Competitive Advantage

Abstract Business competitiveness is attained if the management integrates appropriate managerial skills and makes appropriate decisions with consideration of the nature of products and services offered. This paper examines some of the issues that can contribute to organizations attaining competitive advantage over their competitors in the sports apparel industry. Marketing...

Business Networking Strategies for Collaboration

Business networking is one of the most essential marketing strategies in the world (O’Donnell, 2013). Business networking provides mutual benefits for the companies involved. Moreover, the activity enables companies to reach marketing leads and referrals that would otherwise be difficult to find using conventional advertising techniques. In the recent past,...

Starbucks’ Corporate Culture and Innovation

The success of Starbucks can be attributed to several elements of the organizational culture. In particular, the senior executives of this company lay stress on the need for empowering employees who are also called partners. These people are encouraged to take initiatives to meet the main requirements of clients. In...

Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring

Organization Mission The mission of the Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will operate within the periphery of innovation and responding to the desire of the customers as a leading venture in the energy industry in the city of New York. In order to achieve this mission, the proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy...

Heriot-Watt University’s New Engineering Contract

Introduction The purpose of this report based on NEC3 ECC contract is to provide sensible proficient advice. The Principal of the Heriot Watt University intends to build a £100 million Postgraduate Student Accommodation and Outreach Centre project in its Malaysia campus. The report provides advice on the following issues discussed...

Reframing Organizations: Leadership Style

At the back of today’s fast-paced globalization and the establishment of new businesses around the world, which have resulted in increased competition, there has been a need for organizations to frequently change the way in which they conduct their activities to meet the ever-growing and dynamic customer expectations. This situation...

Workforce Diversity Effects on Employee Performance

Introduction Discrimination in the workplace is a very complex, but, unfortunately, quite common phenomenon. This kind of discrimination is driven by another multifaceted process – the integration of diverse workforce. Due to the increased diversity in organizations, many managers and leaders fail to address it appropriately and apply suitable management...

Marketing Principles Examples in Companies

Revitalizing existing products or services The first way that businesses are using ethnography to spark innovation is by revitalizing an already existing product or service of the business to meet the varied needs of the customers. The second way is by using ethnography to penetrate markets that hitherto they knew...

What Is Organizational Culture?

Companies have to create environments in which their employees are motivated to deliver excellent results each day in order to operate efficiently. Organizational culture is considered to be among the crucial components that help businesses operate because it helps create a unified vision of objectives and targets. This paper aims...

Best Practices in Business and HRM

Introduction Human resource management has gone a long way from being an obscure and novel approach to a legitimate and widely recognized concept among all modern business practices. Academic efforts dedicated to studying and expanding the field of HRM have broadened the views on the subject and significantly improved the...

Amazon vs. Walmart: Internet in the Retail Industry

Introduction During the last several decades, the retail industry has undergone considerable changes and achieved a number of positive, as well as negative results. On the one hand, there are fast and multiple distribution channels that can be used by different companies worldwide. On the other hand, significant competition and...

Tsingtao Company: Marketing in a Global Context

Executive Summary Tsingtao Brewery Import and Export Co. Ltd is one of the biggest beer manufactures in China that is also active in the global market providing both import and exports of its products. The company has a potential for further globalization because it provides product of high quality for...

Apple Company’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction Apple is one of the leading multinational technology companies in the world. It was created by Steve Jobs in 1977 and had pioneered the computer industries in the 1980s. Apple singlehandedly created the smartphone industry by presenting the first iPhone in 2007. Associated with quality, innovation, and status, Apple...

Healthcare Marketing Communication and Strategies

Choosing marketing channels to introduce a product or services When selecting marketing channels, an organization should consider the costs of using such distribution. The cost of distribution will heavily impact the final consumer prices of a product, and as such, a producer who wants to control product price outside its...

Canada eh Company: Business Model

Abstract The description and representation of ways used by an organization for capturing, creating, and delivering value to its targeted customers are carried out using a business model. Canada eh will use the model in its attempts to describe the targeted customers and analyze the particular goods that they value....

Ann Fudge as a New CEO of Y&R and Her Management

Five-Factor Model Applied to Ann Fudge, the CEO of Y&R Ann Fudge’s management style is open, which makes it easy for her subordinates to collaborate with her. She is positive and receptive to new ideas her workers propose, and this inspires them to perform better. She encourages her staff to...

Red Bull Company’s Strategic Marketing for Millenials

SWOT Analysis of Red Bull Strength The Red Bull Company boasts of an integrated marketing strategy that shifts from traditional advertisements to conventional practical approaches that appeal mostly to generation Y. This segment of the population, comprising 16-29 year-olds, forms the largest share of Red Bull’s market, which has enhanced...

The UAE Aviation industry Issues and Strategies

Introduction The global aviation industry has been marred by numerous challenges over the recent past. From the volatile global oil price and the global economic recession to rising cases of terrorism and cyber threats, the aviation industry is in a precarious situation where individual companies have to find ways of...

Emaar Properties Company’s Entry into Turkmenistan

Introduction The companies that wish to expand to the international markets must take additional caution in exploring the opportunities and threats pertinent to each target country. The current paper contains a report for the Emaar Properties, a real estate company from the United Arab Emirates, on its international market entry...

Employee Engagement and Its Role in Performance

Introduction Many companies implement various strategies that are geared towards boosting their success. For instance, some engage in establishing a culture or an atmosphere that is in tandem with their mission and vision while others emphasize the need for engaging their workers who are regarded as crucial assets that have...

Partnership- and Corporation-Related Concepts

Partnership Formation A partnership is formed between two or more individuals who enter a contract to invest in a business and share its responsibilities. There are different forms of partnership, and it is not always necessary that all partners provide finance for the company. Moreover, it is not essential that...

Organization’s Pattern, Design and Strategy

Introduction A leader of an organization can take advantage of various tools that help develop a proper strategy for the firm’s further development. In the modern world, new business models and revolutionary industries emerge providing many challenges for executives. Systems theory allows one to observe an organization and identify internal...

Leaders and Their Ethical Responsibilities

Can you give an example of behavior that is legal but unethical? Could you imagine a situation that would find you engaging in such unethical behavior? One of the examples of behavior that is legal but unethical is the engagement of large western brands in the cooperation with suppliers or...

Starbucks Corporation’s Marketing and Advertisement

Based in Seattle, Starbucks Corporation specializes in a variety of hot and cold beverages, as well as in coffee equipment and accessories. The company opened its first branch at Pike place Market in 1971. Currently, the corporation includes over eight thousand retail branches throughout the globe, with every store having...

Empress Luxury Lines Company’s Fraud and Ethics

Summary Empress Luxury Lines has been grappling with economic constraints that hit the company since 1990. Predicting lucrative opportunities due to economic growth, the company ordered more fleet of ships hoping to pay them in due course. Unfortunately, stock markets grumbled down during the 1990s, September 11, 2001 terror attacks,...

Logistics Operations and Strategic Planning: Ethical Issues

Introduction Reverse logistics managers and strategic planners possess informational needs that should be satisfied to ensure the success of processes (Karim, 2011). Currently, several information systems (IS) exist that help inform their decisions, including the Executive Information System (EIS) used by executives to access timely, meaningful, and relevant strategic information...

Whirlpool Company’s Strategic Sourcing

How can we weigh the performance criteria in Exhibit 2? Exhibit 2 shows the various performance criteria that can be used to evaluate the potential supplier’s performance. It also provides factors that constitute the mark for each criterion. For instance, potential supplier’s quality should be determined by a range of...

Lean Process and Operation Management

Introduction The modern business environment presupposes the use and utilization of practices that guarantee the best possible outcomes and minimize the input. In other words, there is a high need for the optimization of all processes to generate a competitive advantage and ensure that a company can achieve all existing...

Supply Chain Management as a Business Improvement

Supply chain is a necessary part of any kind of business. It is of high importance for the business and carries a number of benefits if it is properly managed. Supply chain management is capable to providing a business with competitive advantage is a number of aspects such as time,...

Girlfunk Jewelry Company’s E-Commerce Business Plan

Executive Summary The Girlfunk Jewelry is a business that will specialize in the avant-garde line of sustainable jewelry targeting the celebrity customer segment. The business is based online and will have a strategic e-commerce platform for ordering handmade jewelry designs, which incorporate retro junk into high fashion futuristic funk. The...

Host Europe Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

As stated in the ISO 26000 guidelines, when enterprises act in an ethical and fair way, they contribute to the development of social welfare. Ethical conduct implies fair recruitment and HR activities, implementation of green technologies, charity, consideration of needs and interests of diverse stakeholders. By following the principles of...

The Role of Decision-Making Process: Infographic

In contemporary societies, people and businesses make decisions frequently. Notably, in business entities, decisions need careful scrutiny and assessment so that the outcome is not detrimental to growth and revenues. Due to the seriousness of the impact that business decisions have on organizational progress, it is important for them to...

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Concepts

Introduction It is evident that any company or brand, which strives to be successful in the contemporary market, has to apply a profound theoretical framework to its marketing practice. The development of strategic marketing theories has a relatively long history: numerous scientists contributed to it by the elaboration of fundamental...

R. Kiyosaki’s Contribution to Cashflow Technologies Inc.

As the CEO of the Cashflow Technologies Company, Robert Kiyosaki implemented strategic task orientation leadership skills on organization task management level to encompass actual and expected outcome of sustainable performance. Through designing personal task management model levels, his task orientation module remained active in developing dependence of interest attached to...

Marking Information System for Customer Management

General description of the Marking Information System Title Marking Information System (MIS) General description The purpose of the MIS or Marking Information System is to help the firm to extract data specifications from the databases. For example, customer managers can create lists of customers giving preference to certain kinds of...

Hi-Fi Equipment Market in India

Introduction The market of Hi-Fi equipment comprises several sectors. They include media players, Blu-ray players, headphones, sound bars, speakers, and other products necessary for high-quality sound reproduction. The global Hi-Fi market has been experiencing an increase in recent years due to the development of wireless technologies. Taking into account geographic...

Employee Performance Evaluation Challenges

Introduction Employee evaluation is one of the most important functions of human resource management in an organization. The activity has a myriad range of benefits to an organization which are deemed important for success. For instance, the evaluation of employees not only enables an organization to enhance labor productivity but...

Nestle Company’ Employee Benefits

The article under consideration entitled “Another Big Company Steps Up to Improve Maternity Leave” was written by Emily Peck on June 29, 2015. The author provides readers with information about recent changes to the maternity leave regulations at the Nestle company. The distinguishing feature of the innovation refers to the...

Organizational Change Theories and Practices

Organizations that implement change successfully will record positive outcomes within a short period. Any form of transformation will present new ideas, practices, and initiatives that can deliver desirable results. The issue of proper leadership is critical since it supports the entire process. This paper describes some of the key aspects...

Tata Motors and Fiat Auto: Joining Forces

Explain the business opportunity in India Business opportunities in India are good considering the fact that India has a population of about 1.2 billion people. The luxurious living among Indians and their capital abilities provides a good domestic market for the companies and other businesses operating in the country. However,...

“Navigating the Future of Work” by Hagel et al.

Introduction The workforce, the workplace, and the conditions of the market in the 21st century are very different from what they were in the past. The modern market is driven by innovation, meaning that skills, knowledge, technologies, and practices are quick to become obsolete (Watson 2016). With the planet’s population...

Weyco Inc.’s Smoking Ban in Deontological Ethics

Introduction The paper aims to analyze the case study of the smoking ban used in Weyco Inc. from a deontological (non-consequentialist) perspective. Deontological ethics are based on the assumption that an individual’s actions are defined not by the consequences of a deed but their moral obligations or duty. Moreover, deontology...

“Leadership for Sustainability” by Metcalf & Benn

The review is based on the article by Louise Metcalf and Sue Benn, entitled “Leadership for sustainability: An evolution of leadership ability.” The article was published in print in vol. 112, no. 3 of Journal of Business Ethics in February 2013. The article was published by Springer, and it could...

Procter & Gamble Company’s Creativity and Innovation Processes

Executive Summary Creativity and innovation are the key instruments of success in the corporate world. They aid in mobilizing resources with new aspects to create wealth. Creativity and innovation therefore lead to wealth creation. Organizations such as Procter & Gamble manage to achieve competitive benefits when they become creative and...

7 Practices of Effective Ministry

7 Practices of Effective Ministry is the book written by Stanley, Joiner, and Jones with seven main tasks for effective leaders being discussed. The peculiar feature of the book is the authors’ intentions not just to teach the reader but to share a story that demonstrates how to use hints...

Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings Restaurants’ Operations Management

Summary of the Firm Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings is a full-service casual dining restaurant located in Kanata and is the only location this franchise offers in Ottawa. There are other locations in Markham, Keswick, Barrie, and Whitby. This restaurant specializes in smoked ribs, wings, beef brisket, and pulled...

JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s Unethical Behavior

Introduction JP Morgan Chase & Company is the largest bank in the United States that offers banking and other financial services. It has a market capitalization of approximately $2.145 trillion. It was founded in 2000 after the merger of two financial institutions namely J.P. Morgan & Co. and Chase Manhattan...

Telstra Corporation Limited’s Financial Analysis

Abstract The research paper develops an in-depth analysis of the financial position of Telstra Corporation Limited through an analysis of its performance in the last two fiscal years (2012 and 2013). The analysis aims at developing an in-depth understanding of the company’s position and future performance, which may indicate the...

Keurig Coffee Machine Product Pricing

The evaluation of Keurig’s coffee machine must start from its estimated pricing range and product qualities as perceived by the market. When it comes to household appliances, customers are often looking for the fair price versus performance as a primary criterion of judgment (Kotler, Keller, Sivaramakrishnan, & Cunningham, 2013). Other...

Emotional Intelligence Role in the Adequate Leadership

Introduction In recent years, emotional intelligence (EI) has been recognized by many as a critical component of managing organizations efficiently. The previous environmental assessments provide an understanding that the healthcare industry is subjected to many changes; thus, a leader of an establishment must be prepared to adapt his or her...

Staffing Problems with Staffing Solutions

There is a staffing problem that needs an urgent solution. The concern for many organizations is how to deal with staffing issues. The success of any employer relies on the quality of staff the organization has. It also depends on how one acquires and maintains them. The exit programs must...

Merger & Acquisition vs. Other Growth Strategies

Considerations for a Merger and Acquisition strategy Software developing companies requiring high levels of internal structure integrity. Companies who want to defend their assets from external influence (retain full control). Management of intellectual property data requires clarity of a business structure and subordination. Opportunities for expansion and growth as opposed...

Panda Express and Clif Bar Companies’ Business Practices

Abstract This paper delves into the business practices implemented by Panda Express and Clif Bar and attempts to showcase the effectiveness of developing positive attitudes in the workplace and its impact on employee performance and retention. Introduction The power of a positive attitude on the part of employees supposedly enhances...

IPhone Product Promotion and Politics in China

Promotion The history of Chinese culture shows that each company that wants to enter the country’s market has to consider Chinese traditions and beliefs. Apple should also pay increased attention to its marketing strategy since its core principles are heavily based on its American origins. Currently, Apple’s plan does not...

Marketing Strategy: Selecting the Distribution Channel

Product Description Business organizations should use appropriate strategies to deliver quality products to their consumers. Effective distribution channels make it easier for companies to market their products successfully. The targeted products are hand-crafted sculptures and paintings. Skilled sculptors and painters will be hired to produce superior masterpieces. As well, some...

Business Problems: Corporate Fraud

Executive summary Corporate fraud is a major challenge that has persisted in the business environment for the past decades. Despite the numerous efforts made to curb this problem, some of the approaches are reactive, while others have been counterproductive. This report identifies the trend of the occurrence of corporate fraud...

PESTLE Analysis and the Resource-Based Theory

Introduction Organizations often determine their intended objectives and goals before establishing their specific course of action to help them accentuate and realize their goals. However, the most appropriate course of action can only be verified after a thorough analysis of the industry’s characteristics to determine the forces that influence its...

Digital Marketing Plan for Taylor St. Baristas Company

Taylor St. Baristas: Estimating Current Situation Estimation of the current situation is a vital step for understanding the online marketplace and finding ways to use social networks for marketing purposes. Taylor St. Baristas is a chain of coffee shops. As for now, it is a network of nine shops located...

Managerial Role in the Workplace and Organization

The modern environment gives rise to numerous challenges in the sphere of business. The increased number of opportunities also means a great rivalry. In such a way, there is a need for an efficient management system that will be able to maintain the functioning of a certain organization at the...

Evaluation Metrics for Talent Development Project

While deciding on the implementation of the talent development project, it is necessary to analyze resources that need to be used in the program and to focus on the project goals or expected outcomes. The three main evaluative metrics that should be referred to by the decision-maker are the measurement...

Google Company: Digital Media Transformation

Why Google Missed the Video Opportunity Google Strategies Having been hugely successful as a web search engine, Google Inc. decided to expand its portfolio by launching a video sharing engine known as Google Video. However, this move was not as successful as they had hoped. The failure resulted from the...

New Leadership Theories: Servant, Spiritual, Authentic and Ethical Leaderships

Swanson, Territo, and Taylor (2016) cite four leadership theories that they characterize as the “new” ones. They are geared towards a more ethics-based approach to leadership and emphasize the importance of moral decision-making (Zhu, Zheng, Riggio, & Zhang, 2015). It appears that all the theories have their merits, which makes...

Teamwork and Employees’ Mutual Help

Introduction to the Topic Area The performance of an organization largely depends on the existing organizational culture. It has been acknowledged that companies with strong cultures can be characterized by good communication and collaboration, as well as a favorable atmosphere, which results in employees’ commitment to the established organizational goals...

Devil’s Den Organization’s Ethical Dilemma

The case study, Dilemma at Devil’s Den, presents us with numerous organizational challenges. The foundation of the case is on ethics, morality, and individual’s system and the manner in which it impacts on his/her perceptions and behaviors. The structure of the case study looks at the impacts of rewards and...

Encouraging Employees Through Times of Hardship

Introduction The article How to Keep Your Employees Motivated in a Downturn by Peter Twemlow (published in The Guardian newspaper on the 20th of November 2012) investigates a highly important topic of employee encouragement in the period when the company is going through hard times. The recommendations the author provides...

Innovation Management and New Product Development

Introduction The demands and challenges of the world’s population are increasing rapidly. These needs range from organisational inadequacies to corruption, from environmental conservation to disease or from transport to technology. This aspect means that entrepreneurs have an array of opportunities to create a business venture. Entrepreneurship entails not only the...

The Fender Music Foundation: Arts Organization Study

Brief Description The Fender Music foundation is a non-profit national music organization that deals with charity and provides musical instruments to communities, schools, and other facilities across the country. Mandate The organization’s mandate is to promote musical education by supplying the localities with much-needed musical instruments and raising funds for...

Market-Based Compensation Program Effectiveness

Introduction This memo is about market-based compensation program effectiveness. It offers a working definition of a market-based compensation program and then uses that definition to describe features of the program that a firm would consider when planning and implementing it. The definition and arguments offered are based on secondary scholarly...

How E-Commerce Can Help Reduce Production Cycle Times?

Evidently, one of the most significant effects of the internet revolution is its impact on business. Nowadays, individuals and organizations are increasingly using internet technology to enhance their business under the contemporary context of e-commerce. Electronic commerce is increasingly helping individuals and organizations retain consumer attention and expand their markets...

Local Food Venture and Its Operations Management

Introduction Building a small business enterprise is a complex task that encompasses the knowledge of entrepreneurship and operation management. This case study examines a model of expanding a local food venture to a permanent location and franchise. It allows us to take business management theories and apply them, learning from...

Car Industry’s Marketing: Advertising and Promotion

Car industry has been developing day by day in many countries. The major purpose of this industry is to create, develop, improve, market, and sell motor vehicles, cars in particular. The progress of car industry is perfectly noticeable. For example, Marsden tells that during the 1970s, car industry in Britain...

Creativity in Generating Business Ideas and Innovation

Introduction Creativity has been an essential ingredient of economic growth in the post-industrial economy. Innovation in technology, business processes, and industries has led to the “Creative Age” that has fuelled economic growth (Florida 2014). This has resulted in the development of two distinct classes – the creative class and the...