Educational (NAEYC) Standard 4: Interviewing a Professional

Early childhood education requires additional attention today as this is the base of the further effective education. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Initial and Advanced Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs are important to be explored by the relevant professionals to improve professional and personal...

Least Restrictive Environment and Inclusion

As stated by McGovern (2015), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires the US public schools to support the learning process the students with diverse disabilities who “need such supports…to benefit educationally” (p. 117). The development of an appropriate learning context for disabled children is required by the Least Restrictive...

Multiple Intelligences Theory in Education

Introduction The paper provides a model of the innovative school development, which is based on the multiple intelligences concept. The approach was elaborated by the professor from Harvard University, Howard Gadner. In contrast to the traditional understanding of human mentality, Gadner’s methodology claims that intelligence should be viewed as a...

Dyslexia, Academic Achievements and Self-Esteem

Abstract This paper provides a review of the literature on the problem of dyslexia and its relationship to children’s and adolescents’ academic achievements and self-esteem. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze, compare, and contrast the recent studies on the topic and identify possible interventions to cope with...

Preschool Teachers’ Professionalism & Initiatives

Introduction High levels of education and lifelong learning are important tools in improving the professionalism of workers of most specialties. However, they are especially valuable for representatives of several professions, and teachers, including preschool educators, are one of them. In this paper, after discussing the importance of good education for...

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

Transformative Education: Main Arguments

Introduction There have been many opinions put forward about creating an effective learning approach in the last few decades when the major changes in the world became prevalent. Scholars have continued to support different approaches to learning with the basis of both ideological and pedagogical assumptions. One of the most...

Scholarship Application for a Web Design and Development Bachelor’s Program

My life is full of numerous challenges, adventures, and emotions, this is why I can hardly agree with the opinion supported by people that it is impossible to get education, bring up a baby, and make the cherished dreams come true. Though it is hard to follow personal interests and...

Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals

Here’s an invitation to my world; as a child, l grew up in a free environment where one could discover and let themselves loose. One day, as we were with my playmates sprinkling water at each other from a nearby stream, one of us saw a frog. I wanted to...

New Experiences for a Future International Journalist

Studying abroad is an eye opening and life changing experience that will help a person achieve numerous goals. For instance, I will be able to achieve a manifold aim, which means I will pursue my academic goals, become proficient in Italian and learn about the country as well as my...

Advancing Nursing Career: DNP, Certifications, and Professional Growth

I am a licensed Registered Nurse who has been practicing for the last three years. I consider myself a lifelong learner who grabs every available opportunity to develop professionally and acquire new competencies in my specialty. Currently, I am a graduate student pursuing a Master of Nursing Science in Administration....

The Benefits and Challenges of Education: Perceptions and Attitudes

Introduction Education has traditionally been a necessary stage in the life of every human being. This idea has been transmitted for centuries in the works of philosophers, artists, writers, directors, and various public figures. Nevertheless, the issue of compulsory education in the modern cultural context has little been studied. This...

Addressing School-to-Prison Pipeline: Discrimination and Inequality in BIPOC (Minority) Education

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a pressing issue in which many children are discriminated against for being part of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Inequality and disempowerment of these groups can reinforce social stratification and encourage many people to act unethically. A critical study of this...

Guess the Animal in Adnyamathanha: A Game to Explore Indigenous Australian Culture

Game Rules A fascinating and informative game, “Guess the Animal in Adnyamathanha,” will allow students to get acquainted with the culture of the indigenous peoples of Australia. The Adnyamathanha are the indigenous people of Australia with their own culture, traditions, values, and language, which students will learn during the game...

The Impact of Attention and Memory on Learning

Instruction and learning involve a complex interplay of cognitive processes, including visual attention, auditory attention, selective attention, and working memory. Visual attention is the capacity to focus on and process visual information, such as images or text. Auditory attention is, the measure of focus on and auditory process information, such...

Effective Studying and Its Main Principles

Everyone learns differently and knowing what style suits them best is essential. The learning strategy empowers individuals and the best learning abilities and contributes to success. Teachers in schools have continuously tried to figure out new approaches for effective learning. Over the years, many strategies have been used to improve...

Effectiveness of Online Quizzes to Assess Students’ Learning

Introduction Online educational tools such as Google Classroom have gained a massive following over the past years due to their reliability in assisting teachers in sharing content with students, irrespective of geographical limitations. As a result, many institutions worldwide have shifted all their education initiatives online or adopted a mix...

Critical Thinking and Active Learning Model

Introduction Critical thinking is the capacity to think clearly and logically without allowing emotions or personal prejudices to cloud one’s judgment. It involves thinking about things systematically and logically to conclude (Liang et al., 2021). Critical thinking is essential because it allows people to evaluate ideas and information rationally and...

Aspects of Mozart Effect Theory

Introduction As a matter of fact, theories of learning may be regarded as a basis of modern educational practices. Thus, in order to stay relevant for appropriate results, they undergo continuous testing, scrutiny, and research. At the same time, theories revolutionized as well, and while some of them were initially...

The Integration of Drama and Visual Arts Lesson Plan

Name of lesson: Integration of Drama and Visual Arts with Historical Knowledge Content taught using creative arts as a pedagogical tool: Historical Knowledge / Community, remembrance, and celebrations The cohort: Levels 3 and 4 (Students from diverse backgrounds) Learning outcomes Students will be able to work with others and collaborate on different creative...

Adult Education: McClusky’s Power-Load-Margin

Introduction McClusky’s Power/Load/Margin is one of the unique psychological models having practical importance for improving the quality of people’s lives. According to this model, the life balance is achieved when there is a positive margin. An adult can efficiently overcome the overload related to life and find resources for education...

Basic Writing, Conflict, Struggle and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy

Min-Zhan Lu, 1991 In the current reading, Min-Zhan Lu addresses the conflicting idea of language in basic writing. Mina Shaughnessy perceived language as a politically neutral method of conveying messages; however, Lu (1991) argues that this perspective is flawed and cannot be used to explain the differences in various discourses....

Influence of Culture on Learning Science

Introduction Culture impacts one’s overview, behavior, and life decisions in multiple ways. A person’s values and priorities are often based on the background, family, and community that an individual belongs to. Furthermore, it is important to consider that how the individual perceives information is partly influenced by subjectivity even when...

Evaluation Approach for Improving Education, Training, and Innovation

There are various aspects that should be considered when developing an evaluation approach. In the case of developing it for the improvement of education, training, and innovation, it is necessary to use basic rules of design while understanding the nuances of the specific area that is going to be evaluated...

Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Introduction Policies promoting affirmative action seek to improve the representation of minority groups and women. In the workplace, this may imply practices that encourage the hiring of disadvantaged minorities. Through affirmative action, special consideration can be given to minority candidates in college applications. Affirmative action has sparked heated arguments, numerous...

Reading Interventions and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Education

Introduction Reading entails the use of touch or sight to take in symbols, signs, or letters and derive meaning from the signs and symbols. The act of reading engages early learners and helps them to make use of the conventional signs and symbols posted at different locations, and in the...

Culminating Project for Last-Year Students

Purpose of Culminating Project The purpose of the culminating project is to evaluate the level of understanding of the information provided during the last year for the students. The aim of this idea is not to blame someone because of the difficulties with any discipline but to improve the system...

The Lancasterian Education System: History and Overview

In the early 19th century, there existed problems in the education sphere because not many parents could afford to send their children to school. It was evident that a new decision was necessary to make school education more accessible and preserve decent outcomes. Joseph Lancaster, an English developer, made a...

Douglass’ Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Frederick Douglass’s Learning to Read and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave share the idea that knowledge is decisive and crucial for the self-awareness of a person. People need to become enlightened to live a good life and contribute to the world’s development. Once the individual realizes his or her place...

Aspects of Writing the Recipe of the Snack

Recipe of the Snack The recipe for cheese wheatmeal cookies is quite simple and healthy, so we cook them today. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Sift 100 g wholemeal flour and 50 g self-raising flour, get 100 g butter and 100 g cheese, one egg,...

Writing in ‘The Best of Two Approaches’ by S. M. Nordin

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Nordin (2017) focuses the attention of language teachers on approaches to writing. The central idea of the paper is to create a synthesized method for teaching writing, which includes the elements of two recent approaches. Before proposing a model for teaching writing, Nordin (2017)...

SIOP Model in the United States

The SIOP Model represents an evidence-based framework of sheltered instruction that has been widely used across the educational facilities in the United States. The components of the SIOP Model include preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice or application, lesson delivery, and review or assessment. Lesson preparation is the...

Effective Practice in Inclusive and Special Needs Education

Introduction Accommodating the educational needs of students with cognitive disabilities is one of the top priorities of instructors working in inclusive classroom settings. Lack of competencies and knowledge regarding effective teaching practices on the subject matter limits professors’ ability to maximize the success of children with special learning needs. The...

Education for Native Americans: Difficulties

Theoretical Framework The American educational system is developing in the field of support for all categories of the population. Thanks to this, Native Americans who live and study in their small communities have access to all the achievements of science. In particular, although the study of computer science was not...

Comprehension in ‘all Children Read…’ by Temple and Al.

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Muijselaar et al. (2017) focuses its attention on the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension. The paper describes a quantitative cohort study that aims at creating a linear regression model with reading comprehension as a dependent variable and reading strategies as the independent...

School and Transition Into Adulthood

Introduction The poem “A Rose that Grew from Concrete” by the rapper and poet Tupac Shakur, while short, contains a multitude of themes for interpretation. In it, Shakur describes rose that disregarded nature’s harsh laws and grew from a crack in the concrete, learning to survive put of the sheer...

Concepts of Women’s Health Education

Introduction Women’s health education in general, is crucial for safe childbirth, healthy living, and successful parenthood. In recent times, women tend to rely upon formally structured antenatal and health educational systems to enlighten them on childbirth and other health related issues (Stevenson 10). Basically, the proposal will investigate the feasibility...

Issue Relevant to Learners With High Incidence Disabilities

Introduction Approximately eighty five percent (85%) of the students recognized as having disabilities also have learning disorders, mental retardation, communication problems, or expressive disabilities. A considerable ratio of students with higher-incidence disabilities are attended in the common education classroom. In several cases, causes of these high-incidence disabilities are generally unknown,...

Teaching Philosophy and Its Impact on Learners

Introduction There is no clear-cut agreement regarding what constitutes best teaching philosophy. Nonetheless, it deserves merit to establish a tentative definition of what constitutes the effective teacher philosophy for the current paper. A teacher/instructor is deemed to have an effective teaching philosophy if he/she has a positive influence on student...

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

The Purpose of the Theory The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) offers actual examples of the characteristics of SI that can improve and develop teachers’ instructional patterns. The procedure comprises 30 points classified into three major parts: Preparation, Instruction, and review/Assessment. The six points under Preparation analyze the lesson planning...

In-State and Out-Of-State College Students’ Dropout and Success Rate

Introduction The recent trends in the U.S. education are rather dangerous as far as they reveal the permanently declining levels of college graduation accompanied by the growing numbers of students that drop out from college due to certain reasons (Beatty, 2001, p. 140; Whitbourne, 2002; Leonhardt, 2009). Scholars have considered...

It Is Important to Go Abroad at a Young Age

Introduction I am male Korean American who moved to America when he was hardly seventeen. I had to struggle to come to terms with issues related to cultural diversity, hitherto hostile climate, language barrier and economic hitches. I had to learn to be independent since it was my first trip...

Education in High- and Low-Ranked Universities

Objective This study has been conducted to know what differences are there in education through high ranked university and low ranked university? In this study, attempt has been made to explain how much the low ranked university have to be upgraded to reach the same level of high ranked university....

The Employee Training Program

The environment is an important aspect of the educational process, as it influences the whole learning abilities of the staff (Burke, 2007). The economic and political changes have a direct relation to the educational level of employees that should be constantly developed (Hauer and Daniels, 2008). I currently work for...

Which Country Has Better Education: Australia or USA?

Abstract What comports a quality education? Is it just the first rate grades one gets on paper upon graduating, or is it more holistic? Is a university education worth getting at any price, even if it means the student will have loans to pay for years to come? With these...

“Literacy With an Attitude” by Patrick J. Finn Review

During the course of recent decades, the quality of educational standards in American high schools has been undermined to such an extent that, even upon being graduated, many of today’s students still have a hard time while trying to locate America on the world’s map. This statement correlates rather well...

The Holistic Development of the Child

Leading scholars have not yet come to the consensus as to what technique is the most conducive to the holistic development of the child. Such term as holistic development is multidimensional; this notion comprise two constituent parts: intellectual and moral growth. Overall, it is quite possible to single out the...

David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”

Introduction David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language. His criticism is reasonable, because he points out some main difficulties of the “basic writers” in the context of educational writing, gives us examples of the students’ essays with the typical mistakes and explains...

Social Theory in the Function of Education

Introduction Social theories seek to explain the construction of individuals into various classes by the existing practices of a community, define and explain these classes as relates to categories of power, prestige, and special functions in the community (Lemke, n.d.). One of such happenings in the society that has constructed...

Role Played by Parents in Education

Introduction Parenting and education are two aspects of a student’s school life that cannot be separated. Going by the fact that school children come from family backyards, the role of the parent in the entire child’s school life is clearly cut out. Moreover, research findings point out that the role...

Concepts of Vocational Training

Introduction Vocational training is specialized training for a particular career or trade. The training in most cases does not consider professional skills, but lays emphasis on the practicability of skills learnt, hence linking to the working fields. Vocational skills help workers to improve their working styles, speed, and performance, hence...

Douglas C. Engelbart: Precis of an Article

Douglas C. Engelbart was born on 30 January 1925 in Oregon. Now he is mostly famous for inventing the first computer mouse and his pioneering works in human-computer interactions, networking, graphic user interface and other IT-related spheres. During World War II, Engelbart worked as a radio technician. After its end,...

Analysis Essay: Comparison and Analysis of Photos of the Houses

For this analysis, I have chosen two photographs, one of a modern house and the other of an old house. The two photographs have a common denominator in that they are both houses that vary to a great extent in regard to their size and time of construction. The modern...

Preschool Education Versus Tertiary Education

Introduction Preschool is where children especially between the ages of two and five are provided with education to prepare them to join ordinary level. Some of the terms commonly used to refer to preschool are; kindergarten, baby care or nursery school. On the other hand, tertiary education is provided when...

How the Environment Plays a Role in Learning

Introduction Learning basically refers to a process of acquiring knowledge and information through interactions with people. This process is supplemented by the environment which is a key factor in any process where information is being shared especially in a class room. Environment refers to all our external surroundings and for...

CDS: Professional and Scholarly Tasks

Executive Summary The report essentially entails how the CDS has helped the learners carry out researches and assignments in other modules of study. The report has discussed how the CDS prepares the learners for both the professional and scholarly tasks in the outside world. To a large extent, the report...

Literacy from the Perspective of Social Theory

Introduction The ability to perceive information and communicate with others using different means is undoubtedly among the essential skills a human being has to possess. While reading and writing are crucial, the standard strategies that relate to literacy fail to consider the implications of the information technology age and its...

Career-Related Service for College Dropouts and CCIS Model

Introduction Not all school children and their parents can afford further education because it requires many financial resources as well as significant mental and psychological efforts. It is a severe problem because higher education is considered essential for a person’s professional success in the future. Even though they enroll in...

Andragogy: Adult Learning Theories

The andragogy theory developed by Malcolm Knowles specifically targets adult learning, implying that adults tend to be more self-directed and responsible for making their decisions. Andragogy is a humanistic theory, which means that it is focused on the learner and focuses on his or her potential for self-actualization, the motivation...

Stress and Solutions for Working Students

Since the increase in the levels of stress that working students experience due to their busy schedules, alternative options for studying need to be introduced into the current academic system. Greater flexibility in schedules coupled with the creation of online classes will lead to a better work-life balance and allow...

Leadership in Nursing: Essential Skills and Theories

To successfully carry out managerial functions, a nurse leader must be able to guide subordinates successfully. Leadership in modern management prevails in all areas of the professional activity of a manager of any rank (Western 25). The labor process takes place in certain social groups, and in each such group,...

Standardized Testing and Its Benefits

Various testing models are designed for the evaluation of student knowledge and cognitive skills. However, all of them have specific limitations that should be considered upon evaluation of results. Standardized testing is designed to determine the actual performance of students by providing them with an identical set of questions and...

Moral Education and John Locke’s Philosophy

Introduction Social problems, such as poverty and abuse, are effectively overcome through education (Addams, 1910). However, the aforementioned problems are still experienced by society regardless of increasing access to education opportunities. Locke (1693) argued that social problems would be overcome if schools focus more on moral education than just the...

Understanding SOAP: A Guide to Effective Essay Writing

SOAP This method is used as an activity to prepare for writing an essay and stands for “subject, occasion, audience, and purpose” (Barker par. 2). It is utilized to define the style of writing, its topic, and the target audience to make an essay persuasive and interesting. Elements of an...

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom created a framework that would help educators focus on the intellectual comprehension of their students. The taxonomy provides a hierarchy of perception levels and is used for creating performance assignments and ensuring feedback from students (Churches, 2009). The taxonomy features three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor,...

Educational Philosophy and Curriculum Development

Exploring the connections between teaching philosophies, educational philosophies, and philosophy. Learning-based curriculum development The articles from the Electronic Reverse Reading I chose are written by Beatty, Leigh, and Dean (2007) and Nygaard, Højlt, and Hermansen (2008). They both focus on educational aspects but highlighting different peculiarities. The article prepared by...

Teachers Difficulties in Working With Children

Course Reflection As a general education teacher, I did not have experience of teaching children with special needs and therefore entered the course with quite a limited background on education based on IEP. After undertaking the course, I can state with confidence – and with big pleasure – that the...

Alumni Associations and Benefits for Colleges

The essence of any alumni association is to help former students get into a new way of life. When the time to graduate from college comes, many students panic and forget what they have to do. However, alumni associations focus not only on student support. The variety of their functions...

College Teacher’s Personality and Skills

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the world. In fact, teaching is a kind of art. A good teacher is not only knowledgeable in his or her field of study; he or she also has the excellent rhetorical skills, the ability to prepossess the...

Effective Teaching Methods by Gary D. Borich

The Effective Teacher The first chapter is quite general, covering mostly the characteristics and traits which are expected from the good teacher as he or she is perceived through the contemporary perspective: able to organize a successful and performance-oriented teacher-student interaction and demonstrating personality traits contributing to the effect. Despite...

Multimodal Learning Preferences: Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning

Learning Style Summary Learning is a continuous process known to take place every single day. Humans should embrace the practice to gain new ideas and concepts that can be replicated in their professional philosophies. The results of the completed VARK Questionnaire have indicated that the user has a multimodal learning...

Teachers’ Professionalism: Evaluation and Analysis

Educators have always been a fundamental part of any education system. Being responsible for the delivery of the most important knowledge to pupils and their outcomes, these specialists play a critical role in the development of society. Today, teachers are also given great attention because of their impact on academic...

Good Observation in Teacher’s Career and Policies

As of today, classroom observation continues to remain the main methodological instrument of assessing the professional adequacy of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process as a whole. After all, the assessment technique’s theoretical premise draws from the assumption that, when it comes to evaluating teachers’ performance, one...

Using a Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum

NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards provide a vision of excellent professional performance in early childhood education. The document is comprised of seven standards that can be efficiently used by the specialists in practice for the improvement of self-efficiency and provision of a high-quality service. The aim of the paper is the...

Building Family and Community Relationships

A child’s environment comprises a sufficient part of the child’s development process. Family and community remain the largest influence on a child throughout the early years, so maintaining and improving it secures the effective result in learning. Standard of Choice In my opinion, the standard that requires the most in-depth...

Learning Disabilities and Their Identification

Cory’s parents had divorced, and the boy lived with his mother in an inner city area. His mother did not allow the father to visit his son and prevented him from any visits. Nevertheless, when Cory was in the first grade, his father picked him up after school. Cory was...

South Africa and Tanzania Education Policies Comparison

Introduction Africa, in the pre-colonial period, encompassed a large number of autonomous societies. Though they had distinct policies and regulations that orchestrated their ways of the norm, some of the policies, especially in education, had some commonality. In the early phase of the colonial administration, some missionaries in Africa believed...

Technical Writing Ethics

Introduction Ethical considerations in writings are of great importance as they determine the popularity of such writings and their significance to the society or the intended audience. In this regard therefore, writers should always be sensitive on what they portray in their works so as impact positively on the target...

School Communication and Involvement of Parents in the School Activities

Background The involvement of parents in the school activities of their children is an important to investigate. Although such involvement might present many challenges, there are many aspects the school can focus on in order to engage parents in the school experiences of their children; communication is one of such...

Anxiety and Substance Abuse Among University of Botswana Students

Introduction The prevalence of anxiety among students is an alarming trend that is increasing due to the heavy curriculum load and lack of support. Accordingly, this problem affects the appearance of addictions similar to those of psychoactive substances. Because of the fact that students are faced with stressors, they resort...

Preventing Plagiarism: Key Strategies for Academic Integrity

Students must grasp the severe repercussions of plagiarism. It is the act of using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit, and it can result in academic failure, including failing a course or being expelled. To avoid plagiarism, it is essential to comprehend what it is and what not...

Effective Study Techniques and the Impact of Multitasking on Student Learning

Introduction The capacity to study efficiently, essential to their academic performance, is one of the most critical abilities for professors to teach their students. Strategies based on psychological learning theories can considerably improve students’ capacity to learn and retain information. Multitasking is one example of a contemporary distraction that might...

Leadership Challenges and Overcoming Opposition at School

The case study presents the situation of Xanadu High at the time when Carol Thomas assumed the position of the school’s principal. Her appointment is met with opposition from Harold James, a veteran teacher who has been twice overlooked as a candidate for the position despite having worked at the...

The Importance of Evaluating Source Validity, Reliability, and Bias in Academic Research

Introduction Evaluating sources for validity, reliability, and bias is an indispensable aspect of preparing for writing an academic research paper. It is important to scrutinize these parameters before using the literature for work to verify that the information employed is correct. Incorrect data can greatly harm the paper’s final result...

Higher Education: The Key Advantages

Modern young people question the need to enroll in higher education institutions. They see that success can be achieved without a diploma and studying at university seems like wasted time. The main problem is that employers do not constantly evaluate the diploma, as they pay attention to the candidate’s work...

The “Who Gets to Graduate?” Article by Paul Tough

Introduction The difficulties that low-income and first-generation university students encounter when navigating higher education are examined in Paul Tough’s piece “Who Gets to Graduate?”. A summer bridge program at the University of Texas and a psychological initiative that aids students in acquiring a “growth mindset” and overcoming self-doubt are some...

Student Classification for Racial Balance

Introduction When applying for school admission or enrolment in the US, people must provide information regarding their ethnic and racial backgrounds. The government uses the data it collects to monitor segregation and discriminatory practices and determine how to allocate financial aid. Some racial categories include Non-Hispanics, Hispanics, Whites, Blacks, Asians,...

Differences Between Proofreading, Editing, and Revising

Introduction Proofreading, editing, and revising are different tasks while writing essays and assignments. The significant differences between the three aspects are the stage of each task and specific areas of correction in a paper. Revising involves checking the overall structure of a paper, including content and formatting (Buenning, 2020). The...

The Dougherty County School System Budget for Fiscal Year 2023

School district budgeting can be considered a tool that allows districts to outline their mission, find room for improvement, and pursue educational objectives. According to Tomal et al. (2013), the budget provides an estimate of resources and plans for the district’s education program. In the state of Georgia, school districts...

Diversity and Learning Environment

Introduction An individual frame of reference affects the responsibility to handle different students in school. This shape the ways of thinking toward another individual. Culturally different influences the principle of beliefs that one has towards another individual. Learners necessitate guidance during their studies. This needs an unbiased moderator to control...

Best Learning Environment in Pre-School Setting

The learning environment plays a significant role in the learning process. This is due to the fact that it dramatically affects the concentration and motivation of students and should take care of maintaining their well-being and safety. Therefore, this work compares the learning environment, green and orange classrooms, to determine...

Special Education: The Role of Collaborative Partnerships

Hargreaves, A. (2019). Teacher collaboration: 30 years of research on its nature, forms, limitations and effects. Teachers and Teaching, 25(5), 603-621. Web. The article features the role of collaboration among teachers and school stuff. A collaborative environment is understood as a space where teachers and school counselors’ exchange ideas on...

Inclusive Education for Disabled People

Inclusion is attracting people with specific disabilities to the general environment. Inclusion in school is essential today, used very actively, and many programs are being developed for this. This type of education is necessary for people with physical or mental disabilities, as this is how they can participate in society....

Academic Performance in Public vs. Private Schools

Introduction People popularly assume private school attendees exceed public school students’ academic performance. Although this statement rings true for an overwhelming majority of countries, there are still unique cases which disapprove this norm. Current literature questions the common belief in the superiority of private education. Researchers still cast doubts on...

Kindergarten Choice for Children

Going to kindergarten is difficult and quite stressful for a three-year-old child. The baby faces a new environment, the absence of parents nearby, and new, unfamiliar people. To ensure the most comfortable process of adaptation and stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to choose an institution based on essential criteria....

“Interleaving Retrieval Practice…” Study by Sana & Yan

Purpose The study investigated the long-term effects of interleaved retrieval practice in ninth- through 12th-grade science classrooms. The essay provides an in-depth analysis of the study, demonstrating its efficiency in light of the applied research design, validity, and conclusions. It covers various aspects of the text, including a description of...

Opportunities and Challenges at School: Reflection

The high school aims to prepare adolescents for father education and lays the basis of knowledge that will later be deepened and wholeheartedly embraced. However, the high school also provides numerous opportunities for self-development and offers challenges one must be ready to face. This maze of chances and difficulties significantly...

Educational Philosophy in Modern World

Introduction My philosophy is rather consistent with the ideas and beliefs articulated by Combs regarding the essence of education. Combs emphasized that educational philosophy should be flexible as the modern world is developing at a high pace and new ideas and frameworks emerge (Ugwuozor, 2019). I support this view and...

Traditional Education: Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogy

The model of traditional education practiced in traditional classrooms has been practiced for an extended period throughout history. However, the rapid development of technology during the last two decades created the internet, an idea with tremendous potential that may be integrated into any sphere. The internet has created an alternative...

Diversity Field Experience in Classroom

Introduction Education is an essential step in children’s development; thus, universal access to it is critical. The United States is a country of multiple racial, ethnic, religious, and economic groups (Gollnick & Chinn, 2017). This paper aims to define the concept of diversity in a classroom and discuss culturally responsive...

Playing in Class as a Means to Education

Introduction As early childhood educators, teachers each have their own perspective on tutoring, classroom management, family participation, and curriculum development. One must advocate for more developmentally appropriate ways to engage in educational programs, provide teaching based on their developmental level, and differentiate for all learners. Children’s play sets the groundwork...

Research in Teacher Decision Making

Work as a teacher involves a wide range of knowledge in various fields. Teachers should be professionals in their area of specialization and be able to give students reliable information. First, they will be authoritative among students, which will positively affect the educational process. Second, this will allow them to...

Mathematics Lesson on Geometric and Number Patterns

To get an idea of the students’ knowledge about geometric patterns, the teacher will assign several heterogeneous groups and offer each group to discuss different patterns. The teacher will ask students to imagine that they are communicating with each other on the phone or Skype and describing to each other...

Applying Technology in the Classroom

The past decades have depicted an incredible change in the landscape of education that was more rapid and extensive than ever before. The factor that was and is the strongest driver for this change, is the involvement of technology in the classroom. In current classrooms, such implementations range from hardware...

Anti-Bias Curriculum in Early Childhood Classroom

The bias in the early childhood classroom affects the formation of undesirable attitudes towards different social groups, which impacts their general dysfunctional integration into modern society. Adequate socialization in the current realities presupposes the celebration of society’s multicultural nature and the realization of everyone’s equal status. If children are exposed...

Professional Standards: InTASC and NPBEA

InTASC and NPBEA Comparison The updated Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards have about 15 cross-cutting themes, which are sometimes explicitly stated or infrared in the document. In many instances, the InTASC standards’ themes are similar to those in the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) standards...

“What Is “Good” Education Research?” by Hostetler

Introduction Hostetler’s argument states that education must improve the general quality of education and at the same time provide acts of service to society at large. The scholar’s position rests on three pillars: the emphasis on whether a human better the current situation of people’s lives. His second argument is...

Using the Walden Library: CINAHL Database

Walden University Library is a free online library that contains a variety of digital materials such as journals, articles, conference papers, dissertations, books, and videos covering various academic and scientific subjects. Students are encouraged to use it in their academic research to improve their writing skills, explore ideas, and gain...

US Education Standard: Causes of Falling

Introduction The education system of a given country should meet the demands of all learners and equip them with appropriate skills to complete complex tasks. The government has a role to provide the relevant support and resources to transform the field continuously. Stakeholders and partners in this sector should also...

Conflict Style Assessment and Analysis

Conflict is one of the inevitable aspects of the professional environment. It is evident that good relationships in a team contribute to the effective performance of any company; that is why it is vital to know how to resolve any disputes. According to the test, my most prevalent conflict style...

Analysis of the Article “Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies for Students With EBD”

Introduction The article “Evidence-based teaching strategies for students with EBD” (Ryan, Pierce, & Mooney, 2008) is grounded on the analysis of scholarly researches. The examined papers compare the effectuality of different kinds of interventions in the schooling of children with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). The chosen article is dedicated...

The Need for Philosophy in Modern Education

Philosophy Plays a Significant Role in Education in Scotland For children and adolescents aged between 3 and 18 years, Scotland offers the Curriculum for Excellence that is expected to provide students not only with relevant knowledge but also skills that are essential in the 21st century. Among the three convincing...

Hidden Curriculum in Online Classes

The hidden curriculum may be defined as a variety of unwritten information and lessons for students. As contrasted with the usage of formal teaching methods, this information is frequently provided indirectly through policies, observations, behaviors, and attitudes. However, the hidden curriculum is regarded as the inevitable and highly essential feature...

Interaction Strategies in Adult Education

Distinct Tradition On page 121 in the interaction strategies and learning objectives, discussion groups in adult education are seen as the primary learning components. Past experiences among the learners shape their thinking and knowledge acquisition (Seaman & Fellenz, 1989). In addition to that, the main objective of learning activities in...

Popular and Scientific Writing: Finding Difference

Introduction The research projects or papers are typically grounded by different sources, including books and scholarly publications from periodicals (magazines and/or journals). When an instructor or a professor issues an assignment, he or she specifies whether the used articles should be from popular (referred to as “magazines”) or academic (referred...

The Issue of Plagiarism: Copying, Downloading, or Self-Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of cheating when a person uses someone else’s ideas for their research. Intentional plagiarism presupposes such actions as direct copying, downloading, or self-plagiarism. Unintentional coping represents incorrect paraphrasing or the lack of citing (Das, 2018). The latter type occurs due to the lack of students’ knowledge....

A Strategic Plan for Troy University

Introduction Troy University (2007) reported that at the beginning, it established as a Teacher’s training school under the state legislation of Alabama and branded as Troy State Normal School in 1887, and after six years of operation, it was renamed as Troy State Normal College. In 1929, the SBE1 shifted...

Narrow Conceptions of Curriculum in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Generally, in curriculum studies, as in other educational contexts, researchers define curriculum as a document that describes the content of a subject area and, in varying degrees of detail, the teaching strategies to be used to facilitate student learning and performance in that area. This limited view of the...

Trends in Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The past few years have witnessed impressive changes/improvements in computer and internet scenarios. The previously huge size of a computer has been reduced in size to as small as a mobile phone. Customary media like television, radio and printed material are being rooted out by the internet. There seem...

Overcrowded Computer Lab as a School Problem

Introduction Florida National University is one of the most popular in the region. It provides gripping programs to study and fascinating facilities to use on the campus. In spite of being an alluring place to attend, the school has some problems which are not critical but might cause trouble, with...

“The Promotional University” by Andrew Wernick

The problem that Wernick is discussing is the rising competition between universities for private funds (157). There is a shortage of funds and the only way out in this case is fundraising a very common method of attaining funds, but one which is becoming a lot of problems. These are...

Head Start Teacher’s Qualification and Challenges

A head start teacher may be understood as an educator who offers his/ her services under the Head start development program for children from low-income households under the age of five. Teachers in this program usually need to focus on developmental outcomes in addition to other academically oriented goals. What...

EFL Teacher Training and Development

The focus of research As every person has the abilities and skills to learn something new, this capability should be used for the improvement of professional skills and knowledge acquisition. For instance, the Cambridge online dictionary suggests the definition of development as an activity “when someone or something grows or...

Academic Honesty: Cheating & Plagiarism

Plagiarism is unacceptable for academic papers writing – it contradicts the law, ethics, and moral principles. Every student, professor, and scholar has to use only his or her own thoughts and conclusions for one’s scientific work. The importance of plagiarism-free academic papers among students is to be discussed below. Academic...

“Gap Year” Between High School and College

Introduction A gap year is generally regarded from various perspectives, and while some consider it useful for students, others do not agree that such a gap may be useful. Considering the fact that the opinions are opposite, the thorough research of the considerations should be arranged, with the further assessment...

SIOP Lesson Plan: US History. Sample Lesson Plan for Teachers

Subject: US History (1877 to present) Unit Focus: Events of the 1920s and 1930 Lesson 1: Length of lesson 1 day Standard(s): Virginia Standards of Learning. World History “6.4.: The students will describe the ideas and events of the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on the Harlem Renaissance (Virginia Standards...

“The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” by Jane Straus

The author of the book The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, Jane Straus, dedicated her book to the main rules connected with parts of speech and punctuations usage. Jane Straus highlights the necessity to develop knowledge in this sphere as the basic one for further linguistic education. The whole...

Summary and Critique of Journal Article

Introduction The paper focuses on students’ learning habits when faced with temptation. The authors portray temptation as anything that would interfere with a student’s concentration levels while learning. Temptation distracts students and makes them stop pursing their activities. Therefore, researchers have implied that temptation hampers the process of learning. Adolescent...

Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School

Introduction The environment, our society, the advancing technology and science at large are very important components in life as they guide the advancement of the world in the specific lines hence are continuous when conflicting concerns arise. Many scholars, environmentalists, scientists, politicians, managers and other concerned people who believe that...

Arts Education and Its Benefits in Schools

The importance of art education in schools Arts play a crucial role in the overall development of students and benefit students by enhancing their ability to achieve. Arts benefits students irrespective of social and cultural distinctions and through the creation of a “learning field” enable them to shed their inhibitions...

Major Events in Higher Education Development

Introduction The history of Higher Education in the United States dates back to the colonial period. The first undergraduate colleges were structured for the training needs of the clergy; the modern-day colleges are structured for the training needs of professional careers (Lucas, 1996). At the start of the 20th century,...

Classroom Plan For Early Childhood Education

Thesis statement A child-centered, developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of the ages 3-5 (pre-school) enhances faster learning of essential skills. Abstract This paper will look at the child-centered developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of ages 3-5 (pre-school). It is important to note that pre-school...

Benefits for Teachers: Social and Medical Insurance

Introduction Teachers have benefits which he will use for pre and post retirement protection. The most commonly used by most teachers is Teachers’ Pension Scheme which is abbreviated as (NUT). The teachers’ pension scheme covers all types of members who are in the teaching profession and members benefit when they...

Cultural Diversity in Barbara Bowman’s Monograph

Introduction In writing this monograph, Barbara Bowman takes the bull by the horn in spelling out controversial cultural issues affecting academic achievement in United States. The article is likely to generate mixed emotions depending on which side the reader decides to take. Nevertheless, the writer has done a great work...

Teaching English Language Learners

Introduction Language proficiency is basic to learning any other discipline. Research has been carried out in the area of teaching the English language learner (ELL). Some argue that proficiency in a native language increases the chances for learning the English language. Others still argue that children need to be taught...

Phonemic Awareness for Children

Children at a very young age need to be taught strategies that will help them be able to understand various practices in academics. These strategies of learning mold them into being able to self learn without any supervision. These learning procedures need to be emphasized at all levels of learning...

Accommodation Policies for Special Education: Philippines, Ukraine and China

Educational Policy for Students with Disabilities in the Philippines A fourth of the parents of disabled children in the Philippines are not satisfied with the quality of the education that their children receive, and the Philippines are not known for encouraging complaints. There is a definite divide between the treatment...

Engaging Students in Learning

Accelerated Reading (AR) Accelerated Reading (AR) as an information system for learning is a reading management software program which aims at facilitating assessment based on the curriculum reading of comprehension books by students, analysis and summarization of the results. It encompasses empowerment of the classroom teacher to engage in the...

Instructional Strategies in Computer Education

Information communication technology has a great impact on the current teaching and learning process. The rapid growth of web-based instruction has raised concern about the quality of online courses new instructional strategies are emerging due to the growth in technology. One of the most important prerequisites of computer education is...

Teaching Charts as Effective Strategies

Introduction An effective teacher is one who maximizes the achievements of students by working in accordance with an explicit set of principles that have order, coherence and relevance in particular instructional context (Killen, 2006). Teachers use teaching charts in order to look at the target behaviors differently, see behavior more...

Can Retention Be Good for a Student?

Introduction Retention has been found to have negative impacts on student victims while trying to help them in learning, although the current curriculum is stuck to this practice. These negative impacts include emotional harm, and further deterioration of performance. According to the National Association of School Psychology (2003), students may...

Informative Process of Education

Generally, any process is described in the simple bow and arrow format and they represent the totality of the process. But education is one of the most important aspects of human life and one can not describe education in the above-mentioned process. Actually, with the globalization of the World, the...

Interview of Two High School Students

I got the opportunity to interview two high school students from two different schools in Illinois. Jeff is 15 and schools at Joliet West High School in Illinois. He is a bright kid but is not motivated. He struggles in school and often postpones doing homework. His priority is on...

Three Theories: Piagetian, Gestalt, and Behavioral Ones

The world of education and science is far huge in methods and means for effective and efficient learning and teaching. In present days the educational environment is rich in methodology and approaches to how the efficiency can be achieved in terms of contemporary stage of scientific progress. Owing to this...

A Juggling Scenario: Middle-Class Standard of Living

Introduction In today’s world, students do not always manage to get to university right out of high school, and many families simply cannot help with the costs. Some university students do not even realize that they need or want more education until they are older, wiser and more encumbered. Therefore,...

Career Counseling Overview: Accounting Career

The career counseling session is devoted to the appropriate career intervention developed for the group of students with common interests and skills. The principal task of the counseling process is centralized around accounting career making. The group of students is to understand the main goals and professionalism they have to...

Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities

Executive Summary Choosing a career involves consideration of many factors both internal and external to the individual. One needs to introspect to determine where his true passion lies – be it providing service to others, expressing oneself through art, coaching others to optimize their potentials, etc. It also takes assessing...

Learning Theories: Behavioral Theory, Constructivism, Multiple Intelligence Theory

Learning is a complicated and time-consuming process. In the course of this process, a person acquires certain knowledge and skills and goes through “measureable change in behavior that continues over time.” (Stanhope & Lancaster 2006) There exists a number of learning theories that can be applied in a group or...

Graduation Rate Between SEC vs. ACC Schools

Introduction The graduation rate surveys were done by the AFCA (American Football Coaches Association) to honor nine ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) schools. The schools had graduated over seventy percent of their football student athletes in the annual Academic Achievement Awards. Boston and Duke Colleges emerged in the top a hundred...