Early Childhood Art Education: Personal Position

Introduction Art is an indispensable part of human existence as people explore their creativity through different forms of art. Chen-Hafteck (2007) points at the role music play in people’s lives since their early days. Colbert (2006) mentions children’s storytelling as a type of artmaking and simultaneously a peculiarity of developmental...

Bilingualism in Children: Pros and Cons

Children learning more than one language have plenty of advantages associated with their memory, cognitive skills, reading, communication, etc. Bilingualism helps a child to develop and reveal his or her abilities and develop them. Research results show that children who speak one language more than others have better preconditions for...

Pre-Teaching Conceptualization and Teaching Practice: Simile

Concept: Decide what it is you want your students to know two years from now about what you’re teaching them. Identify at least two levels where this falls on Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy with examples. It must be at the Application level In this pre-teaching conceptualization, the students will be learning...

Motivational Theories in Curriculum Development

All of the separate motivational theories focus on deciphering the best methods of motivating individuals, and are most commonly applied to employee motivation. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that people are motivated by their needs which can be organized in a hierarchical order, where every next category of needs only...

Implementation of Multicultural Education in Schools

Multicultural education has been implemented in my school in a number of ways. It all began with a rigorous policy change of the institution. This was necessary because multicultural education cannot do well when conventional learning ideals are fully preserved (Wasonga, 2005). The implementation of multicultural education demands a thorough...

Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons

When the time to choose one particular profession comes, many students face several doubts and challenges. It is not very easy to make one clear decision and be sure about its correctness in the future. This is why it is better to evaluate all pros and cons beforehand to make...

Misbehaving Students and Behaviour Management

Section One Context of Behavior of Concern Anderson exhibits undesired behaviors during the ESL lesson. When he is asked to answer questions in class, he makes animal-like noises and sometimes bangs his books on the table. Worse still, when his teacher asks him to walk to the front of the...

Traditional vs. Virtual Learning Environment

Defining the Problem Situation With the development of the ICT system, the traditional learning environments are in the process of developing new virtual spaces designed for learning. Participants have to adjust to new methods of communication and learning with teachers and peers through a differently organized learning environment. The emergence...

Least Restrictive Environment and Inclusion

As stated by McGovern (2015), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires the US public schools to support the learning process the students with diverse disabilities who “need such supports…to benefit educationally” (p. 117). The development of an appropriate learning context for disabled children is required by the Least Restrictive...

Harvard Referencing Style: Origins, Uses and Purposes

Origins Though the principle of parenthetical referencing is used not only in the Harvard referencing system but also in a range of other ones, APA is the most well-known specimen on those, Harvard referencing is considered a prime example of the phenomenon. According to the existing data, the Harvard referencing...

Coping with Stress at University

Abstract Stress is one of the major challenges that students face in universities. Studies have found out that many institutions of higher education do not help students cope with stress thus increasing the prevalence f stress-related problems such as anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. The main reasons why universities do...

Homeschooling: Argumentation For and Against

Introduction Education is a fundamental component for the development and ultimate advancement of the society, and for this reason, all governments, therefore, insist on the provision of education for the children and youth. How this education is dispersed may vary from school-based education to homeschooling. Homeschooling refers to a form...

Online vs. In-Person Learning: Comparison & Contrast

In the last several years, with the persistent COVID-19 pandemic, online education has become more popular among learners. Only a decade ago, online education was considered inferior, and it was primarily claimed that real experience with face-to-face learning was the most optimal way to study. However, nowadays, with the constant...

Professional Boundaries in Early Childhood Education

Preschool age is the time of the most active cognition of the world that surrounds the child. The kid begins to make discoveries every day and gets acquainted with various objects that are around. Early childhood is characterized by peculiarities of psychophysiological development, and each child has individual characteristics of...

The Traditional School Model and Professional Learning Community Model

The traditional school model (TSM) and professional learning community model (PLC1) are the two common learning methods. TSM is a teacher-centered delivery of giving instructions to students in a class. Mastery of academic learning in the taught subjects such as writing, reading, math, and social studies is required. PLC1 entails...

Developmentally Driven Grade Levels

The level of cognitive perception of the information among the school students has now become a subject for a continuous discussion over the past years due to the rapid development of sociological studies and views on education in general. Previously, the children groupings at schools were unanimously formed according to...

The English Language Arts Class

Abstract The provision of feedback to teachers is a part of their professional development, helping them in identifying areas for improvement and ways to achieve higher results. This feedback report includes a detailed analysis of Danielle Troetti’s English Language Arts class given in the eighth grade. The major objective of...

TED Talk Analysis: Tim Urban’s Speech on Procrastination

The modern world cannot be imagined without communication and the virtue of public speaking. Today, when communication has become easier and more accessible than ever before, people feel the need to define their identity to draw the audience’s attention (Schultze, 2020). The issue became especially relevant when platforms like TED...

Teaching Special Education in the General Education Classroom

Introduction There are many parallels between a special education teacher and a general education teacher. In fact, they may share the same students, as children with identified special needs do often need to spend a portion of their day in the general education classroom as well as another portion in...

The Need for Philosophy in Modern Education

Philosophy Plays a Significant Role in Education in Scotland For children and adolescents aged between 3 and 18 years, Scotland offers the Curriculum for Excellence that is expected to provide students not only with relevant knowledge but also skills that are essential in the 21st century. Among the three convincing...

Variables Impacting Test Design

Test reliability is an essential factor that should be considered in the process of designing tests. Kubiszyn and Borich (2016) define the matter as “the consistency with which [a test] yields the same rank for individuals who take the test more than once” (p. 338). In other words, the reliability...

Elementary School Departmentalization: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The profession of a teacher requires the constant exploring and development of knowledge. A teacher needs to be skilled in the implementation of the teaching methods, techniques, and ideas according to the conditions and situations. It is extremely interesting to investigate the educational approaches that could benefit both teachers...

Education Reform and Policy Information

Background The central idea of all five reports is that ambitious goals that the USA educational system sets for itself require correspondent ambitious efforts but for the moment, the situation is far from acceptable. In particular, the tests system is not well-adjusted to the standards, and often even to the...

Narrow Conceptions of Curriculum in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Generally, in curriculum studies, as in other educational contexts, researchers define curriculum as a document that describes the content of a subject area and, in varying degrees of detail, the teaching strategies to be used to facilitate student learning and performance in that area. This limited view of the...

Early Literacy in Children

Early literacy Early literacy includes all the phases of learning processes which children go through as they grow. This normally begins with children of about 5-8 years although others begin earlier depending on individual parenting. The goal in early literacy is to help kids to be fluent and instill in...

Literature and Composition in Education

Introduction Literature and Composition are formed to enlist students in the careful understanding and essential examination of creative writing. In the course of careful interpretation of a particular genre, learners intensify their perception of the ways an author utilizes words to give both meaning and satisfaction to their readers. As...

Concepts of Vocational Training

Introduction Vocational training is specialized training for a particular career or trade. The training in most cases does not consider professional skills, but lays emphasis on the practicability of skills learnt, hence linking to the working fields. Vocational skills help workers to improve their working styles, speed, and performance, hence...

Reasonable Approach of Swain’s Output Hypothesis

The urge for studying English as the second or third language is prescribed today with a particular mandatory character. Being Lingua Franca English comprises today the huge scope of international relationships. Swain’s hypothesis demonstrates the argumentation of output significance for mastering foreign language. DeKeyser (2007) admits the significance of Swain’s...

Plagiarism, Its Reasons and Solutions

Introduction Plagiarism is one of the most frequent problems in academic writing. According to Hosny and Fatima (2014), it is deemed as “a common phenomenon among students of all ages and specialties.” However, the background of each case is unique, which adds to the complexity of the picture. The factors...

Ableism in Schools of Georgia State

In 2015, the state of Georgia was found to segregate children with behavioral problems and disabilities from their school peers. The state had a separate educational program for such children; approximately 5,000 were involved in it (RBS NewsHour, 2015). Within this program, children were excluded from their mainstream classes and...

Teaching and Learning Concepts and Techniques

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the main concepts and techniques that were examined during classes. Much attention should be paid to the conceptual framework components that can throw light on some of the main principles which should be followed by educators daily. In particular, it is necessary to...

Observation on the Teacher and Students

The class starts when the teacher greets students and asks them to place their books on the desks. It is an English classroom where students learn how to concentrate and respond to comprehension. One of the teaching methods that the teacher applies is reading the comprehension loudly for the whole...

Observation of the Students With IEP

Introduction The purpose of this study was to observe the first-grade classroom of 15 students. Two of the students have a learning disability while one has a behavioral disability. They, therefore, have to learn according to the Individualized Education Program (IEP). According to Siegel (17), IEP may refer to several...

Lesson Observation: Giving Children the Notion about Poetry

Teacher about the Lesson The teacher defined the aim of the lesson as “giving children the notion about poetry and getting them interested in it”. The assignments that she planned to give to the students were focused on developing such skills as active listening and listening comprehension, oral presentation, visual...

Blended Learning and Flipped Classrooms

The different publications in the current learning and teaching practices involve the use of blending courses and flipped classrooms. The two teaching practices facilitate effective and active participation in the teaching and learning practices. Blended learning involves the use of traditional face to face teaching and instructional technique and the...

Key Skills in Education and Employment

Introduction Today’s workplace is in dire need of proficient workers who possess the necessary skills for the accomplishment of competitive tasks in industrial processes. Matching key skills acquired from middle-level colleges and the world’s universities with the workforce has become the leitmotif of the 21st century. Business organisations require skilful...

Labeling in Special Education

Currently, there is an intense debate about labeling and its effects in the area of special education. Some people believe that labeling is helpful because it distinguishes those students who have learning problems from those who are regarded as normal. Additionally, they also believe that it creates cultural solidarity. Arguably,...

Education Impact on Life Quality

There is an old axiom which says that good quality education is the key to a successful and fulfilling life. This axiom could never be further from the truth, especially now in the 21st century when competition for existing career positions is increasingly high. The intense competition has triggered a...

Inquiry in the Field of Education: Critical and Historical Analysis of Inclusion of Students with Disabilities

Introduction One critical shift in the developments that have been taking place in the field of education is the movement from special education for students with disabilities to the emphasis on the creation of inclusive learning environments. Special education emphasizes the fact that students with disabilities possess physical, psychological, mental,...

Hogwarts School System’s Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Schools are often viewed as the preparatory stage for young individuals where they learn the way how to live independently in society. Apart from the enormous amount of knowledge, both theoretical and practical, students receive an opportunity to socialize, make connections, and build plans for the future (Blommaert et...

Early Childhood Profession Competencies

Introduction Professionals in the field of child education must possess the information, skills, and abilities essential to their students’ success. Child psychology and development processes, pedagogical skills, and the capacity to establish a secure and encouraging classroom setting for better learning engagements are viable competencies of an educator. Solid educational...

Formative Assessment in Education

Formative assessment is a form of evaluation that is done periodically within the classroom set up by the teacher to expose and improve the learners’ abilities. A teacher’s decision on whether to maintain the learning approach, materials, and environment depends on the nature of the classroom as depicted in the...

Genetic and Environmental Impacts on Teaching Work

Effective interaction with schoolchildren requires not only teachers’ devotion to their profession but also evaluating a number of aspects that can affect educational activities and involve the target audience in a continuous learning process. In particular, genetic and environmental factors are important criteria that are to be considered when promoting...

Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) For Anxious Students

Introduction A behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is the most critical part of the planning process, aiming to undertake a student’s behavior that impedes education. BPI provides many benefits for the learners and simplifies the teacher’s work in various forms. Additionally, such planning offers more scope for monitoring behavioral patterns, subsequently...

Learning Activities for English Language Learners Support

To design activities for kindergarten-level learners, it is vital to consider the characteristics of ELL students and language acquisition principles. The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) was established to measure the English language proficiency (ELP) of New York state ELL students. According to the NYSITELL,...

The Process of Resume Creation

Over the past years, the process of resume creation has gone far beyond, indicating one’s professional experience and qualities. Resume and cover letter completion now require basic education on the formatting and style peculiarities, including knowledge of the current labor market tendencies. Moreover, the competitiveness levels in the market have...

English Language Learners Programmes for Schools

English language learners or ELL’s are students who do not have the English language as a first language. The term may also be used to refer to a course taught to improve the language skills of students. English is taught not only to pass the English language but also to...

Better Mood and Better Performance

Summary In this article, the authors, Nadler, Rabi, and Minda (2010) sought to explore the idea that cognitive tasks relying on behaviors, including rule selection and hypothesis testing are likely to benefit from positive moods using the category-learning framework. The study was experimental because the researchers induced different changes, specifically...

Education for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers

Introduction The importance of education is emphasized by the United Nations and other international organizations. However, their efforts in ensuring access to equal opportunities do not necessarily lead to a successful outcome. The provision of this fundamental right is complicated by specific conditions of the present-day world, such as varying...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff

Introduction In this paper, an article by Gerald Graff called “Hidden Intellectualism” will be analyzed. The author of the reviewed article is a professor of English and Education who wrote a number of works on literature and education. In the article at hand, he addresses students, administrators, and educators, aiming...

The Aspect of Educational Blogs

Introduction Using blogging as a way of conveying message or presenting opinions and facts has grown to become very popular in education sector. Many institutions have embraced these means, including at the public schools and tertiary colleges. Blogs can be very beneficial when we want to share important information and...

The Sweet Time of The Childhood

Sometimes it is said that childhood is the most perfect period of a human life. During this period a person gathers different characteristically traits and attributes which develop inside the person and ultimately shapes his character. From the perspective of developmental psychology, childhood is a stage which is promptly divided...

Visual Communication: Approaches for Dyslexic People

Introduction: presentation of the idea Reading and writing are one of the most important skills that are valued in society, as it is the key ground for a successful education. In terms of time, these skills are considered to be a relatively new ability. Reading and writing systems have developed...

Strategies of Learning English

Introduction Inspiration and stance play a major role in for student to boom in English learning. Language proficiency requires high level of background 0f critical thinking, ideas, synthesis of complex issues and events (Rojas, 2007). Over dependent on proficient language skills and general lack of manipulative activities in many social...

Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students

Curriculum adaptation as a topic is about what the teacher must do to the curriculum so that all the learners are catered for. The main idea is that the curriculum is made for the students and not the other way round. Therefore since it is easier to adjust the curriculum...

Education: Impacts of Societal Forces

Introduction School improvement plans involve goals and activities designed to improve students’ performance. The plan consists of steps on how the set goal and objectives will be achieved and the inputs of all stakeholders. A society is made up of a population with varied competence, nationalities and cultural heritage. Due...

Student Assessment and Testing Methods

Introduction According to Harp (1996), assessment is the act of putting together data on the level of achievement of a learner whereas evaluation is the interpretation of that data based on the identified strengths with an aim of coming up with appropriate learning goals (p73). Assessment continuous throughout the life...

Inclusive Education for Children with Autism

Purpose of the study The study seeks to establish if some specialized programs can be employed to cater to children who are frequently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This has been occasioned by the upsurge in the number of cases of special autism programs in several districts in different...

Equality in Education Question

Introduction There are several opportunities of life where people have always looked for equality among them being education. This is taken as a deceitful concept although when analyzed objectively, equality represents a natural concept employed by learners to express justice requirements that they may need to maintain within their societies....

Education Philosophy as It Relates to Adult Learning and Higher Education

Abstract This paper deals with the philosophy of education relating to adult learning and higher education. It begins with the reflection of lived experience, which allows stating core values and beliefs of an educator, as well as factors able to influence them. The paper considers the educational philosophy of self-discovery...

The HASS Curriculum and the Integration of Diverse Perspectives

Introduction The Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) encompass a broad range of aspects pertinent to social, civic, and citizenship education. In the latest iteration of the Australian Curriculum, HASS includes studies of History, Geography, Civics, and Citizenship, as well as Economics and Business, with the primary teaching document being called...

The Problem of Educational Gap

It is generally accepted that good education is a way to success and prosperity. Still, present-day education system of the United States is characterized by social disparities in opportunities that students of different schools receive. The major cause of these disparities is unequal funding of educational institutions, which leads to...

English Composition II: Course Overview

Main Objectives and Benefits for Students English Composition II represents a middle step between Composition I and students’ professional writing. In this course, students are to “develop rhetorical skills for informed inquiry” (”English Composition I and II”). That is why English Composition II involves several aspects, such as writing, critical...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Education

Child educators are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas. At the same time, they are expected to uphold their ethical responsibilities towards the children and their parents. Making a difference between ethical dilemmas, ethical responsibilities, and knowing which those are is paramount for a successful education and child care. The purpose...

School Bullying and Legal Responsibility

Introduction Nowadays, a plethora of American schools face the issue of bullying, and the students who offend their peers and classmates are not controlled by any governmental organization. The harm that they cause to their teachers, students, and other school attendants is tremendous. Therefore, the following paper will discuss and...

Quality of Education: Graduation Requirements

Introduction Education is one of the essential parts of the success of the person living in the modern world (Gebel and Heyne 2014). Throughout history, education has played a crucial role in a person’s ability to become a respected member of society and attain a valuable profession. Therefore, education has...

Training Manual: Performance and Materials

Ensuring training transfer The analysis of the training field reveals that the theoretical knowledge of training cannot be completely applied in practice. In this regard, the skills acquired in the course of training do not always correlate with high performance and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a...

Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Education

It has been noted that, with the advancement in technology, the concept of globalization has come to be part of human development. The world has experienced a high rate of free movement of goods, services, capital, and, more importantly, human beings. The world is characterized by interconnectedness and interdependence. According...

Sports Clubs in the College and Their Priorities

One of the most frequent extracurricular activities in college in any country is connected to sports. The vast majority of students are eager to find some time, effort, and desire to forget about the basics of education and spend this time playing the favorite sports game. In this article, the...

Special Education: Class Management Plan

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of human development. An education system aims at providing people with knowledge and skills which would help them deal with daily challenges. The skills and knowledge acquired through the system should be reflected in the social-economical aspects of the people. Education should not...

Study Method Preferences in Teachers and Students

Introduction Foreign language teaching is a complex process that has to take into the account the perception of the studying process not only by the teachers but by the students as well. If these perceptions do not align, the chances of miscommunication are significantly increased. Ganjabi (2011) found that in...

Mathematically Gifted and Talented Students Identification

Introduction The concern over recognition, identification and provision for gifted and talented children in society has always been muddled in myriad of controversies. For instance, there are those who perceive this category of children as invaluable resources whereby they are admired and honoured. On the other hand, they are perceived...

Richard Posner’s “The Little Book of Plagiarism”

Introduction Richard Posner’s book, The Little Book of Plagiarism, provides an explicit, concise, and explorative issue of plagiarism, which has been bedeviling the socio-cultural landscape in the fields of art, music, literature, and film. The widespread media punditry has been catalyzed via increasing theft of intellectual property by renowned scholars...

Instructional Methods for Teaching Science

Introduction The goal of education, as expressed by many scholars, is principally learning. It has been proved that education is most effective when the teacher and learner are clear about the learning objectives and expected outcomes. This explains why it is important to incorporate performance and behavioral objectives into teaching...

Reading Workshops Strategy for Primary School Students

Introduction For students at elementary schools, reading is a complex process that requires the application of numerous skills ranging from question-asking to decoding. Good readers understand the meaning behind written words, know how to pronounce them, use clues from the context to understand unfamiliar words, as well as use the...

John Dewey’s Naturalism and Pragmatism in Education

John Dewey is undoubtedly one of the most important American philosophers and educators. The consistency of his worldview and wide-ranging theories are the key characteristics of his work that make him so appealing to new generations of educators. Dewey’s naturalism and pragmatism led him to develop a doctrine that promised...

The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles

Introduction The VARK Questionnaire is a helpful tool that is used to determine a person’s learning style and to provide him or her with important suggestions regarding the application of appropriate learning strategies. It is possible to distinguish between aural, visual, kinesthetic, read-and-write, and multimodal styles (The VARK questionnaire, 2017)....

Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Its Importance, and Effects

Introduction According to Albert Bandura, the self-efficacy theory is representative of an individual’s belief in his/her ability to complete a given task successfully (1986). As stated by Murphy and Alexander on the self-efficacy theory, individuals or teachers’ decision about their ability to teach any given task is entirely dependent on...

Free Tuition for University Students

The issue of funding in higher education is a popular matter of discussion for both educators and politicians. At the same time, students and their families are the party most interested in reduction or abolishment of university tuition fees. At present, Prince Edward Island is considering the introduction of free...

Types of Portfolios and Models of Teaching

Special Challenges Associated With Effective Communication Using Grades Educators encounter unique challenges with standardized grading systems in practice. Notably, teachers often find it difficult to understand and apply current guidelines for using standardized grading systems effectively. They have to provide an accurate and fair reflection of the learner’s current level...

Good Observation in Teacher’s Career and Policies

As of today, classroom observation continues to remain the main methodological instrument of assessing the professional adequacy of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process as a whole. After all, the assessment technique’s theoretical premise draws from the assumption that, when it comes to evaluating teachers’ performance, one...

Inclusion and Disability in Education

The purpose of inclusive education. The difference between inclusion and “mainstreaming” School population becomes increasingly diverse, and inclusive education is meant to address such rapid demographic change and adjust and develop teachers’ professional skills to stimulate the academic achievements of diverse students. While mainstream education implies the absence of a...

Librarian Management Consultancy: Challenges and Solutions

During this project, I worked in a suburban public library, located in a more or less affluent community. This library serves the needs of approximately fifteen thousand people of various age groups. I cooperated with an acquisition librarian whose primary responsibility was to order new books for the library. Five...

Ethical and Cultural Issues in Group Work

Group Scenario The targeted scenario for this analysis is a group composed of teenage students in a learning institution. The members of the group are from different social, cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds. Some of the individuals have been known to abuse certain drugs and engage in risky sexual behaviors....

Why College Students Drop Out of School?

Most students enter colleges with the aim of increasing their future earnings and having more career options, but not every student manages to successfully graduate the college. Dropping out of college has been attributed to unpreparedness to the life in college and to the level of education, overwhelming work, and...

Transformational Leadership and School Change Innovation

Abstract Based on an interview with M., her leadership style and the change process she represents align with transformational leaders who inspire their followers to strive for moral excellence. M. has created a blended platform to better serve the highly varied student and employee body. When asked if she felt...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Training

There are various scenarios when remote job training is crucial. People that learn quickly prefer remote learning since it does not slow them down. They can complete work and move on to other tasks as work is planned. In many remote learning scenarios, employees must solve problems on their own...

Financial Literacy Lessons for Children

Introduction As Amagir et al. argue, “children and adolescents can only realize their full potential as citizens if they are financially empowered and capable” (56). Teaching children financial literacy is the key to building a society in which citizens know how to properly manage their funds, and now, we will...

Learning Process in Different Contexts

To solve the psychological and pedagogical problems of interaction of participants in the educational process, the technology of contextual learning is recognized as the main one. Many researchers consider this technology of teaching to be a priority, especially in the context of the transition to the competence-based paradigm of education...

Information Processing in Child Development

Information processing development is an essential aspect of cognitive growth. In middle childhood, information processing intensifies as the child improves their literacy skills. The processing speed between ages 5 to 18 increases as the brain can manipulate complex details (Bergin & Bergin, 2019). Inhibition also greatly advances, just like cognitive...

Kindergarten Choice for Children

Going to kindergarten is difficult and quite stressful for a three-year-old child. The baby faces a new environment, the absence of parents nearby, and new, unfamiliar people. To ensure the most comfortable process of adaptation and stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to choose an institution based on essential criteria....

Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students

When conducting rigorous research into a topical issue, it is natural to expect serious challenges at each stage. In order to overcome them, it appears useful to categorize these challenges per each stage of the project. In terms of planning, the time factor may become a problematic point without due...

Anti-Bias Curriculum in Early Childhood Classroom

The bias in the early childhood classroom affects the formation of undesirable attitudes towards different social groups, which impacts their general dysfunctional integration into modern society. Adequate socialization in the current realities presupposes the celebration of society’s multicultural nature and the realization of everyone’s equal status. If children are exposed...

Flipped Classroom: Benefits and Limitations

Introduction The flipped classroom, or inverted classroom, is a novel teaching methodology that uses modern technology and online resources to facilitate better learning outcomes. The methodology involves moving traditional lectures and other learning materials out of the class and delivering them through online means such as recordings and similar content,...

An Ideal Public School: An Exemplary Institution

There is no doubt that every child deserves the right to have access not only to quality health care but also to quality education that paves the way for a productive and happy future. Our nation is proud of the US school system, and other countries take an example from...

Evidence-Based Strategies for Classroom Behavior Management

Disruptive habits impede the learning process, the flow of lessons, and escalate teachers’ and pupils’ stress levels in classrooms. Behavior management is a critical skill, which helps teachers mitigate pupils’ challenging conduct and promotes positive practices. Educators are trained to identify and implement evidence-based strategies which eliminate problematic habits within...

Hidden Costs of Integrating Computers in the School Settings

Current technological advances cover a broad spectrum of facets of life, including the educational system in the United States. Such progress in technology promotes faster adjustment to the rapid changes and innovations produced by modern high-tech society. More specifically, there is one controversial issue regarding the present approach to education,...

Principles for Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction The United States Department of education, working closely with the Council of Governors, has been struggling to ensure that there is a universal implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across the country. The initiative is a typical standardized approach to teaching content and learning approaches in formal...

The Direct Instruction Process: Review

Direct Instruction is one of the most commonly used approaches to teaching. The teacher effectively guides the students in learning the new skills and providing the necessary knowledge to support them. During the instruction process, the teacher will initially present the relevant background information to the students. After that, the...

Classroom Activity Showcasing Application of Motivational Theory

Using Discussion to Motivate Students Motivation is a force that enables us to achieve a set goal. It is an essential aspect of learning for it plays a big role in the process of teaching and learning. It helps students to enjoy their lessons in class and therefore enhances learning....

Parental Involvement in Education

There is no use denying the fact that the issue of education is very important in the modern world. One of the main purposes of society nowadays is to guarantee stable development for children and make education affordable and efficient. That is why, a great number of papers are devoted...

Journal Entry and English Composition Course Reflection

At the moment, before taking the English Composition Course my writing skills are rather intuitive, lacking profound theoretical knowledge. I have always been assured that certain rules and schemes may only disturb writers’ flight of thought and limit their opportunities for the realization of the creative concept. It is very...

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities

Nursing Students’ Attendance at Learning Activities in Relation to Attainment and Passing Courses. A Prospective Quantitative Study The authors of the article are Rejnö, Nordin, Forsgren, Sundell, and Rudolfsson. It was published in the journal Nurse Education Today in 2017. The article was selected to exemplify a quantitative study design....

Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School

Introduction The environment, our society, the advancing technology and science at large are very important components in life as they guide the advancement of the world in the specific lines hence are continuous when conflicting concerns arise. Many scholars, environmentalists, scientists, politicians, managers and other concerned people who believe that...

The Article ‘Anybody Listening?’ by David Daniels

In this paper I am reviewing the article; ‘Anybody Listening’ by David Daniels. It has been the subject of several debates and reviews. It is about using discussion classes as an effective teaching methodology in college. David Daniels is an established and revered author with this as one of his...

It Is Important to Go Abroad at a Young Age

Introduction I am male Korean American who moved to America when he was hardly seventeen. I had to struggle to come to terms with issues related to cultural diversity, hitherto hostile climate, language barrier and economic hitches. I had to learn to be independent since it was my first trip...

Which Country Has Better Education: Australia or USA?

Abstract What comports a quality education? Is it just the first rate grades one gets on paper upon graduating, or is it more holistic? Is a university education worth getting at any price, even if it means the student will have loans to pay for years to come? With these...

Teaching Charts as Effective Strategies

Introduction An effective teacher is one who maximizes the achievements of students by working in accordance with an explicit set of principles that have order, coherence and relevance in particular instructional context (Killen, 2006). Teachers use teaching charts in order to look at the target behaviors differently, see behavior more...

Can Retention Be Good for a Student?

Introduction Retention has been found to have negative impacts on student victims while trying to help them in learning, although the current curriculum is stuck to this practice. These negative impacts include emotional harm, and further deterioration of performance. According to the National Association of School Psychology (2003), students may...

Time Management for Adult Students

Introduction The term time management means the effective organization, scheduling, budgeting of a person’s time for creating more effective work and output. It is also a unique skill to manage or utilize time. Time management among the adolescents constitutes various layers of meaning and wide range of activities such as...

Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities

Executive Summary Choosing a career involves consideration of many factors both internal and external to the individual. One needs to introspect to determine where his true passion lies – be it providing service to others, expressing oneself through art, coaching others to optimize their potentials, etc. It also takes assessing...

The Role of Environment in Learning

The environment in the context of learning can be defined as the surrounding of the learner in terms of both physical and emotional dimensions. This therefore implies that both physical and emotional aspects of the environment influence the learning process. The environment plays a very significant role in the learning...

Education in the 21st Century: Philosophy Statement

I believe that Education in the 21st century is something unlike any learning experience in the past decades. These days, classroom learning is no longer the only tool by which a child is capable of learning material. All classrooms and students are now wired to the internet and are therefore...

The Effectiveness of Competence-Based Curriculum on Primary School Students’ Achievement Level

Literature Review Since 2000, many nations across the globe such as Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Kenya and Zambia have been adopting competence-based curriculums in their education systems. The curriculum is developed and implemented in line with a country’s competency framework that values the needs of learners and the local population...

How the Internet Changed Academic Paper-Writing

Researchers and students use deductive reasoning to break down their concepts and ideas. This process usually revolves around the development and presentation of arguments. Such kind of practice is known as academic writing. Third person perspectives and formal voices are usually used throughout the process. Modern technologies have transformed the...

Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students

Introduction College with its numerous assignments, hectic schedule, and exams requiring total commitment and concentration is more or less stressful for everyone who enters tertiary education. However, the ways humans react to stress and cope with mentally and emotionally challenging situations may vary considerably. In their article “Stress tolerance: New...

Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options

The senior year of high school is an overwhelming time for many students. They have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study. In addition to that, they still need to attend classes...

Collaborative Partnerships in Early Learning

Introduction For young children, early learning is a prerequisite of success in future academic life. Appropriate educational strategies can help young children to develop basic skills and abilities that are necessary to progress to school-level education. While developing teaching plans and delivering instruction to young learners, educators must consider a...

Tracking the Progress: A Writing Reflection

Introduction Even as I am writing this, I cannot help thinking how hard it is to be impassive with one’s own work. Some people are too much in love with themselves to take critique, much less be the source of this critique. Some people are their own strictest accusers and...

Facilitation Skill and Style Self-Assessment

Current Facilitation Skill Set Currently, I am able to design and implement interventions for processes in responding to complex organizational, academic, and organizational issues. These include designing effective programs, utilizing instructional design techniques, program-planning techniques, executing needs assessment, and evaluating adult learning programs. In this regard, I have the aptitude...

Concept of School Administration: A Critical Examination

The paper is a critical examination of the concept of school administration. My opinion is given regarding the concept of administration being a greedy work. Additionally, it is apparent that administration is an important aspect when running schools especially in the desire to ensure that there is great improvement academically...

Singapore Math Curriculum: Correspondence with Standards

Introduction Mathematics as the subject performs a number of significant functions in the life of any student. The way of how a curriculum is introduced and implemented by teachers influences considerably the work of a teacher him/herself and the possibilities of the learners to comprehend new information. This is why...

The Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities

Title & general information Title: Reading Fluency: Implications for the Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities Authors: Elizabeth B. Meisinger., Juliana S. Bloom and George W. Hynd Name of journal: Ann. of Dyslexia (Annals of Dyslexia) year of publication 2010, Volume 60, pages 1–17 Introduction Aim of the research: the...

Multicultural Education Issues and Perspectives

The main factors and dimensions in the multicultural education ideology and their theoretical basis One of the most important issues of a modern educational system is multicultural education. Our contemporary world tends to multicultural. Thus, from a global perspective, this question should be in the spotlight when educating children in...

Postgraduate Education in Student Life

There may be a variety of reasons why you are reading this article to comprehend the essence of postgraduate education. It may be your parents who make you believe that a Master’s degree can positively influence your future and your career. It may be your friends who have already decided...

Art Education and Human Development

The general response to Art Education and Human Development by Howard Gardner This book looks into the value given to arts education by the governments and other stakeholders considering the strides arts education has made in recent years. Before appreciation of democratic processes, many totalitarian regimes considered artists as people...

Value Philosophy of Education

Education is an important part of any society. It contributes to the development of culture and its achievements. There are different views on educational methods and strategies. However, one of the most popular concepts promotes approachable style. The main goals of this paper are to discuss main educational issues and...

Inclusive Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become widely spread in the United States today, resulting in developing the debates on the appropriateness of inclusive education for students with ASD. In 2014, the prevalence of ASD was one in 59 children, and this figure allows for speaking about the necessity of...

Kindergarten Children Under Observation

Introduction This is an observation essay carried out in a kindergarten center. The observation exercise was carried out by just observing kindergarten kids for one day. The observation exercise was conducted as soon as the children reported for school up to the time they left for their homes. All the...

School Library Management and Organization Plan

Introduction Creating an environment in which a student feels comfortable and inclined to study is essential for the efficiency of the academic process and the further performance of a learner. Of all elements that an academic environment must include, instructions and information resources should be regarded as the most important...

Speech Disorders in English Language Learners

The development and acquisition of language skills and speech by children have always been of particular interest for linguists. The way children learn and produce language differs drastically among various age groups. Although there are possible violations of the norm, there are cases when children face difficulty in receiving and...

Teaching Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impulsive actions that are not related proportionally to the age of the affected person (Wender, 2000). It affects children at the age of 6-12 years where the disorder causes a lack of attention and leads to poor performance in...

Future Leaders’ Pre-School and Kindergarten

Introduction Maria Montessori, Loris Malaguzzi and Rudolf Steiner were great educationists who developed the Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf theories of education respectively. These three approaches to early education are progressive and their influence on educational practices has spread all over the world. The school I will develop is called...

Special Education for Exceptional Children

“Emotionally disturbed” & “behaviorally disordered” The terms, ‘emotionally disturbed’ and ‘behaviorally disordered’ are associated with emotional impairment, conduct disorder, and behavioral challenges (handicap). Behaviorally handicapped children exhibit adverse behaviors making them considered handicapped. These children thus need special education for personal adjustment. Teachers perceive children who are behaviorally disordered to...

Nonverbal Intelligence in Special Learners Assessment

A range of situations can cause an evaluator to use tests of nonverbal intelligence as primary instruments to assess children at different stages of their development. The first reason to choose this test in order to evaluate children’s cognitive abilities in contrast to verbal tests is the children’s age (Overton,...

Should the US Adopt the British Tradition of a Gap Year?

Traced back to the British traditions of the Grand Tour related to the Victorian period and hippy movement during the 1960s and 1970s, currently, the gap year spread to other countries and is recognized as a beneficial instrumentality (Heath 2007). Serious consideration should be given to the cultural context of...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Students

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an immensely significant problem for the suffering children in the domain of education. This psychiatric disorder hurdles the learning of an adolescent by negatively impacting on the capacity to concentrate or focus during the process of learning. Children with ADHD find it difficult...

Modernization of the UAE Education System

It is observed that economic and social development inevitably invokes the necessity for the change of the public educational systems to meet the needs and interests of the transformed society. The purpose of the paper is the evaluation of multiple aspects of modernization of approach to education that recently took...

Assessment Tools in a Language Arts Classroom

Introduction Performance assessment is gaining popularity among educators throughout the world. Therefore, teachers ought to be updated on the most recent and most effective assessment tools. They must learn how to utilize the tools efficiently in assessing student understanding and performance on certain objectives. This paper compares some of the...

“Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Doug Lemov

The fourth and fifth chapters of the book “Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Lemov (2010) offer insights into the lesson-planning techniques that can be of use for a teacher of mathematics as well as other disciplines. The fourth chapter focuses on planning as such while the fifth one described...

Saudi Arabian Special Schooling and Legislation

Introduction The Saudi Arabian education system appears to be radically evolving from the time when the system was first founded. In fact, having been in existence for over 78 years, just the affluent and kids from the elite families enjoyed the Saudi Arabian education system privileges from the onset. Now,...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by Jack Richards

Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes In Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by R. Jack, the fifth chapter, Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes involve a lecture on planning goals and curriculum development. In decision making, this forms a crucial dimension, especially in curriculum development. It is assumed that people are generally...

Educational Article “The Hurried Child” by David Elkind

David Elkind in his article The Hurried Child addresses the society’s plan of trying to draw the future of its children closer, than it is. The message comes up at a time when parents are endeavoring to hurry their children into adulthood. Many people have set out to unravel the...

Understanding Student Professionalism

It is commonly thought that professionalism can only be discussed or evaluated within the context of work-related responsibilities. While this claim is true to some extent, at least traditionally, the current demonstration of value erosion and breakdown of ethics within the wider society has forced academic institutions to come up...

Higher Education: The Key Advantages

Modern young people question the need to enroll in higher education institutions. They see that success can be achieved without a diploma and studying at university seems like wasted time. The main problem is that employers do not constantly evaluate the diploma, as they pay attention to the candidate’s work...

Higher Education and Social Influences in the US

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Collinge, Alan. The Federal Student Loan Program is Finished. Medium, Web. In this article, Collinge heavily criticizes the federal student loan program, claiming it must be abolished. In particular, he argues that the federal student loan program is an extremely inefficient way of funding higher education in...

The “Who Gets to Graduate?” Article by Paul Tough

Introduction The difficulties that low-income and first-generation university students encounter when navigating higher education are examined in Paul Tough’s piece “Who Gets to Graduate?”. A summer bridge program at the University of Texas and a psychological initiative that aids students in acquiring a “growth mindset” and overcoming self-doubt are some...

The Law of Business Associations: Educational Course

Course Description An exploration of the legal mechanisms that are set for effective management of business organizations. Topics include characteristics of a company, types of business organizations, formation of business organizations, management of companies, and termination of a company. The course is a 1000-level law course, and in-depth knowledge of...

Experience With a School Administrator and Psychologist

Introduction School administrators and psychologists are very relevant professionals in any educational setting. In this case, school administrators play a pivotal role in ensuring the school’s operations are smooth and the proper management of staff and facilities. In addition, the administrators are crucial in overseeing various tasks in educational institutions...

Observation of a Child Building a Tower

Keyave is sitting on a chair, and in front are multi-colored panels on the left side of the table. One by one, he randomly unstacks the panels and puts them on the table. Keyave starts to build a tower by placing one panel flat on the table without its color....