Is Transracial Adoption Appropriate?

Historically, the question of the adoption of children from different races was controversial. For example, the National Association of Black Social Workers released a document against transracial adoption in 1972 (Nelson & Colaner, 2018). Although modern society has become more tolerant of white-black adoptions, cultural and racial identity issues for...

The Emergency Action Plans for Athletes

The Significance of the Topic The significance of Emergency action plans (EAPs) has become an essential topic of study among scholars and professionals responsible for athletes’ welfare. The sports industry involves not only state-of-the-art medical achievements to provide excellent performance but is complex from the organizational point of view. EAPs...

Compensation of College Athletes

Introduction The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has been in the spotlight severally concerning paying college athletes. The debate is whether the compensation college athletes receive is fair considering how much money schools make through tickets, advertising, merchandising et cetera while some athletes only receive free tuition. Many have deemed...

Evaluation of Training Program for Incoming Foster Parents

Background information Nursing homes play a crucial role in facilitating children’s welfare. Since children have various needs and capabilities, understanding how to deal with each one is an essential skill. Child welfare organizations are bodies charged with the regulation of childcare programs to ensure that needs are met according to...

The Issue of Athletes Suffering From Unbearable Heat

The article, written by Tom Ambrose (2021) and published in the Evening Standard newspaper, reports on the issue of athletes suffering from unbearable heat during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021. The main part of the article tells how a Great Britain team’s runner Jessica Judd, after a...

Remarriage and Step Families: Myths and Challenges

Introduction Remarriage is when individuals get married for a second or subsequent time. Stepfamilies are a familial form of relationships, which incorporates family members who are not related. Categories of Remarried Couples Hostile. Hostile detached. Conflict-avoiding. Validating. Volatile. The hostile-detached couples are unhappy and often end up divorcing (Viscuso, 2018)....

An Evaluation of a Family of Origin

The family unit is important in shaping the personality of people and influencing their genes. Naturally, people inherit their genes from parents and may share similar physical and biological characteristics. Moreover, the family is the first environment where a person learns basic survival skills and other aspects of life. In...

Effects of the Strength Training Using Resistance Exercises

Introduction The measurement of force is a set of methods, tactics, and strategies to evaluate sports achievements. As practice shows, such assessments evaluate the abilities and capabilities of people engaged in physical activity. Besides, these measures are designed to ensure fairness and equal conditions among all athletes. In truth, resistance...

Surviving the Death of a Parent

In the article “The Death of a Parent Affects Even Grown Children Psychologically and Physically,” published in Fatherly, Krisch explains how parental loss affects adults. Although people are aware that they are likely to outlive their parents, this knowledge does not make the death of a parent easier to process...

Variation in the Types of Families in the USA

A family is the smallest unit that makes up a society and comprises parents and their children living together. The ideal family consists of a mother, father, and children while the extended family lives separately but meets on special occasions. The formation of a family is guided by moral and...

A Personal Health Promotion Plan

As part of my health promotional plan, I aim to devote a minimum of 210 minutes to physical activities per week. I am usually quite busy with my work and studies; thus, it was decided to divide that time equally between five to seven days of the week so that...

Comparison of Periodized and Non-Periodized Resistance Training on Maximal Strength

The article that was assigned for the task is called “Comparison of periodized and non-periodized resistance training on maximal strength: a meta-analysis.” The paper is considered to be an assessment of information that is related to sports medicine. The text represents a study that possesses both findings and limitations on...

Two Parenting Approaches: Authoritative and Authoritarian

There are different approaches to providing good nurturing and education for children, and psychologists argue which is the best. They imply different assumptions about the children’s behavior and provides different parenting methods. The child’s development is a complex and individual process: it depends on the child’s character and the conditions...

Compassion: Defining an Abstract Term

Several moral virtues or qualities attributed to people are abstract, which makes identifying or properly understanding them difficult. Compassion, then, is one of such qualities. It can be most quickly described as a mix of feelings about the trouble of others. Usually, compassion entails feeling concerned, worried, and pitying the...

The Level of Privilege of an Individual

At first thought, I would consider myself an unprivileged individual. However, after investigating this topic more deeply, I believe that there is no simple answer to the question of privilege. There are several factors about my background and identity that put me at a disadvantage compared to some other people....

Elite Athletes’ Mental Health Issues

Currently, the framework for elite athletes is insufficient in the scope it covers. According to Purcell et al., a comprehensive framework solves the gaps in the current models (2019). The existing literature shows that these current frameworks are based on are under-researched. This inadequacy in research forms the basis for...

Rick Steve’s Iran: Views and Observations

Iran is a country in the Middle East that has a vast history of about two thousand five hundred years BC. There have been conflicts between Iran and the western countries. The conflicts have resulted in the loss of lives of many people, thereby affecting the economy of the countries...

Helping Adults to Navigate Issues of Discipline

Introduction In a variety of existing controversies and approaches, no one can deny the fact that family plays an important role in a child’s development. Adults take responsibility for their children in many ways, including their behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes. Among general parenting strategies, punishment, and discipline are commonly used...

Paternity Leaves After Children’s Birth

Introduction After childbirth, some fathers, especially those not in committed relationships, barely take time off work to care for their children. On the other hand, mothers are forced to take time off work before and after the mother delivers. Fathers barely get time off, and if allowed to get time...

LeBron James: From High School to NBA Champion

Rise from High School to NBA Champion LeBron James is currently an American basketball athlete playing for Los Angeles Lakers. The rise of LeBron to NBA stardom draws inspiration due to the struggles he faced while growing up in Akron town. LeBron was born on December 30th, 1984, and in...

Work Experience at Ibis Hotel Adelaide

The hospitality industry and tourism, in particular, are filled with opportunities for motivated individuals to develop their careers. However, successful progression is dependent on the mastery of specific skills. The first is teamwork which refers to the willingness to collaborate with a group of people to accomplish a specific goal....

How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid

Most people are afraid of something, even if they do not admit so. Children are often scared of monsters under the bed, the darkness, heights, or going to the dentist. Adults can be fearful of those things, but they are also afraid of public speaking, failing exams, or being fired....

Elimination of Men’s Olympic Sports

International Olympic Committee has made a decision to remove wrestling from the list of sports for the Olympic Games 2020. The decision allowed the IOC to evaluate other sports for inclusion in the Olympic rotation. Jordan Burroughs, a 74kg gold medalist at the 2012 Olympics, has posted on his Twitter...

Steroids in Sports: Overview and Analysis

Mazzeo, F. (2018). Anabolic steroid use in sports and in physical activity: Overview and analysis. Sport Mont, 16(3), 113-118. Web. In her article, the author describes the problem of the use of doping by athletes. Sport is one of the most common activities for both adults and children, but some...

My Family’s Social Class and Mine

The concept of social class does not have a clear definition due to a large amount of factors that may change it. However, sociologists like Weber have implied that it is generally determined by similarity in income, influence and rank. Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Kahl have expanded on this concept...

Latinos Childbirth and Perinatal Care

Objectives Latinos are one of the group among Americas rich culture who have ties with Latin America. These people have a rich culture when it comes to how they conduct their day-to-day life. In regard to childbirth and perinatal care, they have a unique way of ensuring pregnant women and...

Diversity Dimensions and Their Impact on Relationships

The three primary dimensions of diversity are age, race, and gender. These primary dimensions are also known as inside measurements. They integrate parts of range over which, generally, people have no control. Therefore, they are the focus of this course, and many different practices developed for a range of work...

Cohabitation: A Free Relationship

I have chosen this topic because the number of people who want to live in a free relationship without committing themselves is growing day by day. However, the opinions of psychologists and people who dream of starting a family in this regard are radically different. Some women find positive cohabitation...

System Requirement Report: Injury and Health Risk Management in Sports

From the case study analysis and assignment 1, it is evident that other is a need for Dragon boating club to have a commercial software packaging for financial information supply. The club is making consistent and huge cashflows creating an urge to have a system that will make the financial...

Hallway Scenario Overview

Introduction Tears are part of our life and crying is important as laughing. All people can be covered with emotions and become sad. When something goes wrong, people usually express their feelings by crying, which is healthy for mental health. Some people need help when they cry, and some people...

Emotions: Fear and Freedom

This book tells that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. At the same time, it is fear that is the beginning for an individual who lives in doubt, and fear and attempts to control everything around them. According to Farnell, throughout life, such people should...

Personal Experience: Developing Leadership

Leadership has various concepts and theories that combine critical skills into standard systems. However, experience teaches leadership qualities best of all. I started as a shepherd at the United Methodist Church in Springfield, Virginia, with my pastor’s approval. My responsibilities included Bible study and counseling for a congregation of young...

Programming Philosophy and Fitness Phases in Sports

In programming “philosophy,” the main difference lies in the combination of fitness phases in sports. For block programming in conditions of sports training, it is characteristic to establish a more tough competition schedule. This type of programming involves a tight schedule and an entrenched hike with a short period of...

Why Practicing Radical Self-Love Is Beneficial?

Modern society is full of destructive stereotypes and mindsets about body and appearance. Developed throughout the generations, traditional images of how people must look to be accepted by society are now well-established. Even though discrimination rules the world since ancient times, people started fighting it just recently. Movements that aim...

Beijing Winter Olympics and Its Global Sponsors

Introduction Olympic Games are not only the site of athletic competition, but the Olympics are also the place where popular brands sponsor sports teams to receive a return on their investments in the future. Indeed, sporting events are considered powerful ways to raise awareness about a brand, increase its strength,...

Intramuscular Anabolic Signaling and Endocrine Response

The article “Intramuscular anabolic signaling and endocrine response following high volume and high-intensity resistance exercise protocols in trained men” has the purpose of examining mTORCI signaling. mTORCI signaling during the training on two different protocols: HV (high volume) and HI (high intensity). This study has several main findings. First of...

Experience of Symbolic Loss and Actual Loss

Studying the main principles of symbolic loss is especially significant for understanding human grief. Many authors have stated the importance of acknowledging symbolic losses and the consequences that are caused by such occurrences (Harris, 2017). Even though symbolic loss is exceptionally different from the actual one, it is still essential...

Aspects of Female Friendships: Intimacy

Friendships is a common phenomenon in relationships among human beings, but its content and dynamics can vary depending on the characteristics and categories of individuals involved in them. Intimacy can be considered as a critical element of friendships, which can have a great deal of influence on the overall strength...

Sports: Effectiveness of Traditional Strength

Muscle strength is the ability to move a load, overcome resistance, lift a weight, work against gravity, or stretch a spring, overcoming the elastic forces arising in it. There are sensitive periods for developing and building muscle strength, that is, periods when the body is most ready and open to...

Marriage Issues and Divorce Rates in America

The problem of varying divorce statistics in different states of the USA requires consideration due to the uncertainty of the exact reasons for such data. A large number of states in the South have extremely high divorce rates, which can be attributed to demographic and social problems. However, one needs...

Magnesium in Enhancing Bodily Strength in Athletes

Introduction Magnesium comes as the fourth most abundant mineral found in body cells. However, the two ounces or more of magnesium present in the regular human body exists as magnesium ions instead of metal. That is, positively charged atoms of magnesium found in solution form or compounded with tissues like...

Camping Rushbrook Provincial Park in Ontario

Introduction: Place and Activity A recreational activity that I have taken into consideration is camping. It happened two years ago when we were in Canada. The campsite is called Algonquin Provincial Park and is 230 km from Ottawa. More precisely, we stayed on the shores of Canisbay Lake, located near...

Assessing Past Leadership Experiences

Introduction Creating conditions for the productive work of colleagues and subordinates is a responsible task for any leader involved in team activities. In my practice, I have faced examples of both good and mediocre leadership, and this experience is useful for me to compare individual approaches and draw conclusions about...

The Palace of Fine Arts and Its Features

Summary The Palace of Fine Arts is the largest and most important stage space in Mexico City. It is one of many public buildings that began during the government of Porfirio Díaz, who was in office from 1876 to 1911. The building features murals that were executed by some of...

Resting Metabolic Rate in Weight-Cycling Collegiate Wrestlers

The article explores the energy expenditure’s role in weight regulation by looking at its components, the thermal effect of physical activity (TEA), the thermal effect of food (TEF), and resting metabolic rate (RMR). Its purpose is to research the effect of weight-cycling change on metabolic rate and energy in humans....

Muhammad Ali and His Legacy: Informative Speech

Introduction Sports activities form an important part of humanity’s culture and development. Evidently, they have a strong impact on a person’s physique, but they also contribute to mentality and emotional maturity. While many people do exercises and workouts on an amateur level, others dedicate their entire lives to sports. Boxing...

Forest Walk as Thought-Provoking Outdoor Experience

Nature is our mother, and humans cannot exist without it. It is rather hard to choose just one experience of my contact with nature that shaped my attitude toward the environment. Still, I remember one walk with my friend in the small area of forest near the city that provoked...

Emotional Health Management in Athletes

Currently, due to the increased competition, athletes may frequently suffer from mental health problems. Elite sports organizations rarely provide a proper environment that stimulates both the physical and psychological development of contestants. Therefore, athletes might crumble under pressure, lose their social connections, and succumb to means of escapism such as...

Categories and Biomanufacturing Methods of Glucosamine

Many athletes have to experience serious health problems. Not everybody is capable of fully enduring all possible pressures. They are exceptionally high in people engaged in challenging sports or attending gyms. It is essential to use special means to strengthen the joints, the load on which is significant. Glucosamine can...

Why India Should Be a Target for a Class Trip

It is very logical to organize a trip to India, as it is an extraordinary country with very unique geographical, demographical and geopolitical circumstances. As such, India’s unique aspects should imply that this country’s people have distinct cultures and traditions. India, historically, is also one of the centers of global...

Personal Leadership Experience: Position and Leadership Style

Leadership Position Recently I had the opportunity to hold a leadership position in a group project that I was assigned in one of the classes at the university. The group project required the construction of a concept map in a group of five students. Although I was not appointed or...

The Dominican Republic: Reasons to Visit

Attention step Nowadays, due to the recent lockdown, young people have become more prone to stress and anxiety (Salari 3). Traveling to the Dominican Republic can provide a life-changing experience to help you forget about day-to-day hardships. A simple fact: the Dominican Republic is the most visited destination in the...

General Good and Happiness Definition

The general good and happiness can be defined as states and conditions in which people are satisfied with the course of life actions. At the same time, it is obligatory to emphasize that in order to achieve total happiness, it is necessary to highlight individual contribution. Any person can start...

Individual Factors of My Political Participation

The current American political landscape is experiencing unprecedented levels of polarization. The effects of polarization have influenced the process of family socialization, which is the development of its cultural and personal identity (Iyengar et al. 1326). On an individual level, certain factors influence a person’s political participation. Such factors can...

Single-Parent Households Issues

It goes without saying that intimate relationships and family structures have dramatically changed over the course of time. In preindustrial societies, kinship systems were the main form of social organization that provided members cooperated by marriage, adoption, or common ancestry with basic life necessities (Kendall, 2014). In turn, in industrialized...

Velocity-Based Training in Sports

Main Objectives in Velocity-based Training As the name implies, velocity-based training (VBT) is an intensity strategy that stresses the speed with which a load is moved rather than the weight of that load. During a training session, the speed output is constantly monitored by equipment that can provide instantaneous feedback...

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

The debate concerning actual monetary compensations to college athletes for their participation in diverse competitions, especially when it comes to football or baseball, did not start yesterday. Some note that every kind of effort and achievement should be rewarded accordingly, so college athletes should be paid. Others emphasize that these...

Michael McCorkle Jones: Biography and Achievements

Michael McCorkle Jones is an American football quarterback for the National Football League’s New England Patriots (NFL). He played collegiate football at Alabama, where he has named a consensus All-American and won the College Football Playoff National Championship in 2020 (Al-Khateeb, 2021). Jones was taken in the first round of...

Trauma and Emotions and Their Effects on the Body

Trauma and Emotions Finding the connection between emotional health and physical well-being is a promising field of research because the topic touches on different medical disciplines and approaches. From a clinical perspective, Garland (2018) describes trauma as a wound caused by tissue damage and accompanied by rupture of the skin...

Adaptable Abilities of Workers in the Hospitality Industry

The assignment’s task was to discuss the adaptable abilities I have created at ICHM and on industry arrangements. I will likewise ponder these abilities I have procured and portray where I figure my vocation may take me later on. Hospitality is one of the concepts of civilization, which, thanks to...

Striving to Overcome Difficulties

Introduction In a world where competition is constantly growing, it is necessary to learn and apply new knowledge in work. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, found that people demonstrate two attitudes to their learning opportunities (21). These attitudes are fixed and growth mindsets. As a high...

American Lifestyle: The Impact on Health

Intensive movement forward to a high-quality rhythm of life is manifested in all spheres of American life. For example, high-speed movement in private cars on the streets and even within cities, the rapid development of the transport system, and the dynamic development of science and technology. Life in the USA...

Sustainability Proposal of Green Initiative in Business

Environmental management has been an ongoing concern for businesses globally. Businesses have created green initiatives to curb the rising cases of carbon emissions from industries leading to corrosion of major contributors to a clean environment for human existence (Popescu C. & Popescu G., 2019). Global warming is why most businesses...

Experiment on Effect of Energy Drinks on Athletic Performance

Experimental research is a study that a researcher sets up to evaluate a given situation, such as a drug or treatment intervention. The expectations that researchers have on the outcome of the experiment are referred to as the hypothesis. Other cases of using experimental design may include the cause and...

Impact of Airbnb on the UK’s Economy

The hospitality industry has proven to be critical for economic growth and development across the world economies. In the UK, the hospitality business contributes significantly to the gross domestic product. Before the coronavirus pandemic emerged, such businesses as cafes, pubs, bars, catering, campsites, hotels, and other accommodation generated an estimated...

The Positive Role Models in Sports

Sport has a large impact on people’s lives, especially those of true fans of certain sport arts. Undoubtedly, football fans know such public figures as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, or Neymar. Hence, many companies sign contracts with these sportsmen for advertising, marketing, or popularity reasons. It can be concluded that...

Researching of Marriott International Company

Marriott International is a hospitality company with approximately 2,800 Marriott-branded properties located in the United States and other countries. The company is a global operator, franchisor, and licensor of the hotel, residential, and timeshare real estate. Marriott International’s portfolio of hotel property brands is the largest and most attractive in...

Intention Statement: Abstaining from Shopping

Many psychologists claim that people who shop forget about their problems for a while. Their mood lifts, they become livelier, and they look at the world differently. However, the question of whether this process is a cure or a problem remains to this day. Some doctors consider addiction to shopping...

6-Week Program for an Athlete Preparing for the NFL Combine

Introduction. Weeks 1-4 Objective: Increase strength, speed, and power. Monday: lower body effort; begin with 10-15 minutes warm-up with dynamic movement. Exercises Lateral leg swings: 3 sets, 12 reps, 30 seconds rest period. Front leg swings: 3 sets, 12 reps, 30 seconds rest period. Both exercises should be done with...

The Santa Cruz Neighborhood in Seville, Spain

Santa Cruz is a famous site and tourist center located in the neighborhood. The site is found along the streets of Calle Tintes, Calle Vida, Calle Gloria, Calle Susona, and Calle Aire (Risso 115). The latitude and longitude coordinates of Santa Cruz are 37.3842° N and 5.9903° (Risso 116). Around...

Discussion of Individual Differences and Emotions

Introduction Without any doubt, a whole range of emotions lives in any person. It can be joy, anger, happiness, resentment, delight, hatred, and many others. Depending on the personality, nature, essence, qualities, intelligence, genetic factors, or life situation, each emotion makes itself felt, and each individual manifests it in their...

Baseball Magic: Baseball’s Rituals and Traditions

In sports and baseball, in particular, rituals and traditions play a role of paramount importance. Many prominent players observe their actions prior to favorable game outcomes and prefer to maintain a similar routine as long as good luck persists. In fact, luck is a major part of athletes’ beliefs, which...

Facilitating Language Development

There are different strategies that parents can employ to facilitate their children’s language development. The first technique is by being an active conversational partner for the child (Santrock, 2019). Parents should give their children adequate attention, especially when they start to develop capability of intelligible speech. The second technique is...

Gay Marriage Redefines the True Meaning of Family

Introduction In the last decade, the concept of family has changed significantly in part due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the USA. The contemporary understanding of a family unit and its purpose in broader society has undergone meaningful transformations shifting from the focus on the goal of procreation...

Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Obstacles to It

Diversity and Inclusion Reflection My reaction to the word “diversity” is grounded on events happening in the world – I immediately think that diversity is necessary, but still, there are problems with achieving it. I am sure that it is a significant and influential issue and assume that now one...

Course Social Sciences of Sport

Soccer is a popular sport known to promote the sustainable existence of community members. Plays have a special place in human culture, as they teach society to improve their lives every day. The lessons, which can be learned by engaging in sporting practices are honesty and morals. The physical activities...

Reasons Why Kids Should Not Play Tackle Football

Physical activity, including many types of sport such as football, plays a major role in the lives of children. However, several articles have noted an increasing number of safety hazards resulting from such activities. Of course, measures have been taken to avoid serious injuries and allow kids to practice tackle...

Parental Caregiving Assumptions and Best Practices

There are several biases about parental caregiving the society might have. Many people believe that when they become adults, and their parents reach a certain age, it inevitably leads to shifting the roles of their parents. Society has a deep-rooted bias connected with the fear of death, and aging is...

Adventure Tourism and Economic Leakage

People’s pursuit of unique and exciting experiences led to a major growth of the global adventure tourism market. Adventure tourism includes such activates as bungee jumping, parachuting, and river rafting. According to Allied market research (2021), the global market for adventure tourism has generated around $100 billion in 2020 and...

Maintaining a Social Balance in Olympic Sports

Introduction The struggle for gender equality has become an essential part of the development of society and a reflection of civilizational progress. Numerous movements of activists supporting women as a vulnerable group are aimed at creating conditions in which females can count on equal conditions in education, politics, and other...

“Flow, the Secret to Happiness” by Csikszentmihalyi

Happiness has been an ambiguous topic for centuries, and everybody has tried to answer the question of what brought this ecstatic state. While some people consider material well-being to be a source of serenity and happiness, others put a value on creativity and freedom. Nevertheless, it remains either a question...

Developing the Coach-Athlete Relationships

Introduction One of the most crucial factors affecting the performance of an athlete is their individual relationship with the coaching staff. In sports, it is important for each player to have a bond with their coach. Trusting and understanding relationship between the two ensures that an athlete reaches their full...

Discussion of Genetic Testing Aspects

Should prospective adoptive parents be able to request and receive genetic information regarding the infant they are considering prior to adoption? The primary aim of the adoption process is to ensure that the children move into a safe and loving environment. The parents are expected to cater to the adopted...

Parenting: The Family Resource Guide

Introduction Who are the parents to their child? Teachers, mentors, friends. A child is a big responsibility, so parents are responsible for putting resources into them and helping them develop. Parents need to handle difficult situations so that their children can grow up psychologically healthy. This quick guide will help...

Emotions: Why Do Lovers Love?

From the loftiest attribute or significant promise, the strongest interpersonal attachment, to the simplest pleasure, love spans a variety of healthy and supportive emotional and mental experiences. The love of a parent differentiates from the love of a husband, which distinguishes it from the love for items, as an illustration...

Cheap Knives vs. Expensive Knives

There is a tremendous difference between cheap and expensive knives when it comes to their characteristics. They define the applicability of one or another option to various tasks, while both types have their pros and cons. Therefore, to distinguish the knives by the price, it is vital to assess their...

Perfect Family Myths on Divorce and Parenting

Introduction Family is the central concept in social sciences, the first agent of socialization in a child’s life, and the most precious thing in life for most people regardless of their age, gender, race, or nationality. There are numerous types of families: nuclear, extended, blended, and joint, to name but...

Parenting Assessment and Interventions

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the effect of parenting styles on decisions and children’s behavior. In particular, it focuses on difficulties such as the maltreatment of children and families at risk as well as the treatments that may be used to address them. To that end, the...

Rising Kids: Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is one of the major issues in society. During their lives, people enter various stages of their evolution characterized by changes in their roles, statuses, physical abilities, and cooperation with other individuals (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). The importance of these issues preconditions the emergence of various norms, expectations,...

Sports and Religion: The Relationship Analysis

Introduction In Understanding Power, Noam Chomsky argues sports “occupy the population and keep people from trying to get involved with things that really matter” (99-100). He claims spectator sports allow people to exercise their intelligence in ways they are not always allowed in political and social life. This territory is...

Ways To Cope Emotions and Stress

There are several theories on how people experience emotions that have been put forward throughout the years, all attributing emotions to separate causes. The Schachter-Singer Theory is a cognitive theory of emotions, according to which a person first experiences a physiological response to a stimulus and is then left to...

Compression in Sports and Its Main Advantages

Compression creates warmth throughout the muscles, which directly prevents muscle strain and fatigue. This causes a substantial reduction in the risk of injury. In fact, a recent literature review illustrated that athletes employing compression wear or equipment experienced a 64% increase in the reduction of ankle sprain risk and an...

Having a Pet for Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, in the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Professional Value Statements in Teaching

I accomplished a lot of creative work as part of my English Learning paraprofessional job using my digital literacy and creative thinking skills which benefitted my students by provision of more interesting learning material. To ensure that the students were truly interested in learning, I wrote and edited high-quality content...

Racial Identity Based on Personal Experiences

Racial Identification Reflection Racial identity is the unique complexion of the skin that human beings can be associated with, including the ethnic backgrounds and social settings based on the culture, such as language and style. Child development also has some aspects of racial identity because, at six months, children can...

Friendship and Epistemological Viewpoints and Possible Problems From Partiality

In recent years, analytical philosophers have shown increased interest in friendship and its influence on epistemology. They mainly seek to examine friendship concerns and disputes about bias that lack clear objectives regarding morality concerns. Several fundamental ethical theories emphasize impartiality and fair treatment as essential moral and ethical goals by...

Understanding the Different Family Structures

A nuclear family is a type of family that consists of a married couple with or without kids. In the latter scenario, one of the partners may bear more responsibility for raising and taking care of the child, or both parents try to divide this duty equally. There are no...

Family Therapy Schools: Bowenian and Structural

The early communications theory is a source of several concepts fundamental to family therapy. It is focused on improving relationships within a family by studying verbal and non-verbal exchanges between family members (Nichols & Davis, 2020). The first concept is the attention to actions that lead to conflicts (Nichols &...

Tennis Injuries: Trends and Patterns

Tennis is a valuable activity that attracts people who enjoy physical competition. However, as with almost every sports game, injuries often occur in practice. Moreover, since tennis can be played by people who perceive it as a professional sport, some might attempt risky moves to win. This report explores what...

Bowen’s MFT: Summary and Analysis

Introduction Marriage issues and family conflicts are inseparable aspects of relationships, which is why they should be seen as developmental opportunities. The described approach also applies to the scenarios that involve confrontations due to the trauma experienced by a spouse, particularly, the one that manifests in the development of a...

Differences in Parenting Styles in the East (China) and the West (America)

The introduction in the essay “Differences in parenting styles in the East (China) and the West (America)” is short and straightforward. The thesis is clearly stated, the author managed to indicate the main point of the story. The language used by the author is simple and easy to understand for...

Persuasion Techniques: Aspects of Culture

People often get themselves pets, someone for a child, someone to always have a loyal and devoted friend nearby, someone for other reasons. Unfortunately, there are life cases when pets no longer have a place in a person’s life, and then the animal can be abandoned on the street. There...

Athletes Coaching Philosophy Statement

One cannot get anywhere without clear goals in mind. Personally, my main goals are the following: Success. A sense of fulfilment and accomplishment is always pleasant, especially if an individual deserved the credit; Gaining respect. Personal achievements are only one side of the coin. The other one — respect for...

The Sports Coaching Guidelines and Routines

It is important to establish proactive measures to avoid trouble among the team players. In this case, the prominent factor to implement is the policies that foster band coordination as the routine structure with individual and group consequences for misconduct. An effective crew operates under the spectrum of equal contribution...

A Financial Plan of a Middle-Aged Adult

Introduction People always have a mental image of what they expect their future life to look like. Ideally, a major number of people set minimum standards to provide better conditions than they are in their families for surviving, but they usually have a desire to have a higher life quality....

Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age

In chapter 6, ‘Doing Sports Chaplaincy in a Fatherless Age,’ the various themes include fatherhood and fatherless biblical overview, fatherlessness in the contemporary era, and the duty of sports chaplains in caring for players’ souls. According to the biblical overview, God’s fatherhood is a significant belief and story throughout the...

Essay “Joyas Valodoras” by Brian Doyle: Meaning of Love

In his essay Joyas Valodoras, Brian Doyle reflects on the relationship between hummingbirds and their hearts, the lives of humans, and blue whales. The work is a profound reflection on life and death and the experience that a real living being experiences in the interval between these events. The essay...

Hyatt Regency Miami’s Human Resource Training on Job Satisfaction

Abstract This article analyzes employee satisfaction with work, commitment to the organization, and other metrics that affect employee performance. The hypothesis is put forward that guests’ satisfaction depends on the satisfaction of the employees, and as a result, improving the competitiveness of the hotel in the market. The article deals...

“Parenting and SES: Relative Values or Enduring Principles?” by Roubinov

Parenting is one of the most critical aspects of social dynamics, where children’s development and growth are affected by the choices their parents make along the given process. The concept is present in many areas of life, and one might argue that it is prominent in the literature and arts....

Airbnb and Its Impact on Ritz-carlton

Introduction Despite its noticeable acclaims, Ritz-Carlton is not impervious to the effects of disruptive technology. The company, as well as many other major hotel and hospitality chains, have been facing an imposing issue in the face of Airbnb services. Airbnb is a service company that is based on innovative technology....

The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

A club’s balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local community’s support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits...

Meditation as a Regular Practice

The real purpose of meditation is to increase awareness and consciousness. It causes a subsequent change in our perception of the external world. To date, there have been many studies that have confirmed the enormous benefits of meditation for mental and physical health. These practices can provide an invaluable sense...

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother Review

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, is indeed an examination of the disparities between parenting styles and the principles that children and parents all across the world teach each other. The Tiger, being a natural metaphor for force, instills dread and reverence in most people. Therefore,...

Sociological Imagination and Prejudgment Analysis

Prejudgment Human perception is largely based on experience, but the latter is not always first-hand. Sometimes, it is the stories we hear or the lack of experience that lies in our subconscious and determines the way we perceive certain people, events, or objects. While this is not inherently a negative...

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Monopolistic Power

Summary The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) creates opportunities for students to learn and compete, while also participating in sports. The association is a non-profit organization that has developed its history to become an influential institution with the ability to moderate all collegiate athletics in the United States. NCAA has...

Cross-Sex Friendships: The Main Benefits

Although this is a subject of a very long debate, I believe that men and women can form platonic friendships. In the clip from “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal’s character, Harry, claims that the reason men and women cannot be friends is that sex always gets in the way....

The Intimate Relationships Development

According to Delamater et al. (2015), three factors play an essential role in how intimate relationships such as friendships and love develop between two people in determining whether the relationship will grow or die. The factors include self-disclosure, trust, and interdependence, which contribute to the level of mutuality between people...

John Gottman: What Makes Marriages Work

In his research on love and relationships in couples John Gottman and his team utilized diverse types of data. Additionally, the information was collected in different ways by implementing validated questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physiological measurements, etc. Therefore, such types of data as the couples’ story of how they met, heart...

A Modern Family Institution in America

It is hard to disagree that socialization is an essential process that should properly appear in children’s lives. It allows individuals to function effectively and successfully in their social worlds and learn about various social expectations. Family is considered the primary one among many agents of socialization, including social media,...

Mental Health: Current Situation and NCAA Policies

Athletes are one of the groups that face highly increased health risks in their lives, and it applies fully to college and university athletes. The rigors of studying combine with the pressure put in them as athletes combine to make university athletes susceptible to mental health issues. Even though one...

Achieving the State of Joy and Happiness Project

Introduction Feelings of joy and happiness have always been highly desirable due to their beneficial influence on one’s body and mind. To achieve the state of happiness, psychiatric research promotes the importance of mindfulness incorporation. Research by Rodrigues et al. (2017) suggests that mindfulness-stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy serve...

Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports

Sports activities at any level and especially at the professional and international level are more than just entertainment. Competition is at the heart of these actions, be it in the form of a competitive struggle between teams of athletes or the achievement of an individual record or training norm. That...

Simone Biles: The Talented Gymnast

In the podcast by The Daily, Juliet Macur, a sports reporter from The New York Times, and a host of the show discuss the life of Simone Biles. She is considered to be one of the best and most talented gymnasts in the whole world. She tried doing gymnastics on...

Sports Chaplaincy and Its Foundation Elements

The relationship between attitude and presence as foundation elements in sports chaplaincy (SC) relies on the responsibilities of chaplains in guiding athletes spiritually. The concept has evolved over the years in various continents across the globe to incorporate the role of chaplains in sports. SC plays a significant role in...

Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows

Having a pet is morally, emotionally, socially and physically good for individuals. Every person should get a pet if they are able. The variety of pets and animals to choose from allows for certain variety in terms of both care and requirements, letting people with no experience also experience having...

How Fragile Human Life Is and How Easy It Is to Lose It

Practical implementation turned out to be surprisingly different from what we learn in theory. Medicine and healthcare never attracted me more than having general knowledge of the human body. Still, at school, when we were taught to behave in urgent situations, I remember imagining how I can once save a...

The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

Life is a unique adventure that carries us through various experiences, some of which we remember until the end of our days. Sometimes, it seems like people’s existence has been partly thought through, and some of the circumstances we simply cannot impact. Situations we get involved in and humans we...

Parental Listening, Encouraging, and Trusting

Introduction Teenagers are particularly susceptible to certain emotional and social challenges due to their vulnerability in terms of mental health, physical changes, environment, and other factors. Moreover, this is a period of transition from dependency to independence, which may also manifest itself in various behavioral changes. While often wanting to...

Cardi B’s Hair Controversy in Mixed People

Cardi B is an American rapper who rose to fame in 2017 and has been known for sharing a lot of her personal life on social media platforms. On November 14th, 2021, she posted a mirror selfie on Twitter, showcasing her grown-out hair, saying it is the result of being...

Sports Ministry Plan Using Cross-Cultural Leadership

While most people view sports only as a competitive luxury industry, it is actually a valuable tool for economic development and humanitarian action. It can catalyze human cooperation, peace-building processes, and individual resilience. South Africa, in particular, has a vastly diverse population that is capable of waiving historical divisions to...

Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC) and Exercise

Summary The Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is based on pre-stretching and resistance principles that occur during typical human movements, such as jumping, walking, running, bending, and extending the arms. Pre-stretching improves performance during exercise and is linked to storing and releasing energy in the tendon. Specific training methods enhance preliminary muscle...

Uncertainty as the Risk’s Subset

Although risk and uncertainty are different concepts, the paper argues that uncertainty could be regarded as a risk subset. Risk is a situation when a companys decision might turn either into a win or a loss of its assets. The concept of uncertainty refers to the unpredictability of the future...

What Counts as a Family? Media-Based Response

It is known that relationships within the family are the most significant ones for any individual. In the video entitled “Dedicated to My Family” (2007), the young girl Nicole explains what the concept of “perfect family” means to her, revealing the details of her personal background throughout the story. I...

Opposing American Football Ban Due to Health Reasons

One of the opposing views regarding American football from the perspective of players’ health is the dubious nature of the claim that the described risks are universal. According to Shaffer, the evidence in this respect is contradictory because the researchers cannot agree on the dangers for everyone or only individuals...

Emotions: Types and Importance

For humans as social beings, a sense of love is inherent. Love is a complex feeling, which causes such emotions as warm feelings, affection, and passion. Usually, one determines three fundamental mechanisms of love: libido, attachment, and partner preference. Main biological components are the next neurochemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, estrogen, vasopressin,...

Parental Incarceration’s Impact on a Child

Introduction Parental incarceration is a matter of significant concern in modern society since it has many negative consequences for imprisoned parents, all members of their families, and their children, specifically. The most dangerous impact of parental incarceration is associated with the fact that the child (or children) of an imprisoned...

Sport and the Repudiation of Global

Summary Understanding of sports in terms of globalization is interpreted in different phenomenon depending on the author’s perspective. According to Rowe (2003), the sport continues to repudiate the concept of globalization. Indeed, sport focuses on the production of difference while ignoring the idea of being a global concept. However, the...

Why Understanding Personal Biases Is Important

Early this year, I recall a colleague arguing that an increasing number of people are reluctant to get vaccinated against coronavirus because the seriousness of the illness had been exaggerated. Thus, the perceived consequence of the vaccination was likely much higher than the risk of infection. It was difficult to...

Hotel Industry’s Market Structure in Jacksonville, Alabama

It is impossible to capitalize on the presented opportunities without the analysis of the competitive landscape. Without the knowledge of the market price, there is no chance for a firm to establish an optimal price for its product, especially if there are multiple competitors that provide a similar or nearly...

Marriage and Family Therapist License Obtaining

What I Learned I learned that marriage and family therapists within California are considered licensed by what is termed as the BBS, which is known as the Behavioral Board of Sciences. To be licensed as a licensed marriage and family therapist, there are various requirements that one has to meet....

Characteristics and Specialties of Same-Sex Families

The family type I selected for the course project paper is the same-sex family. With an increase in queer representation and visibility in modern society, discussion of the characteristics and specialties of same-sex families now is vital for family studies. There is a significant lack of literature on the topic...

Initiating Tourism Recovery: New Approach to COVID-19 Travel

Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners that novel traveling measures are required to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on world tourism. Central Idea: Supplementary policies are needed to improve the economic state of the world countries and elevate the interest in international travel. Introduction Attention Getter: The consequences of COVID-19...

Family and Personal Development in Literature

Everybody belongs to a family, and regardless of whether these are blood ties or not, they are crucial in shaping an individual’s life. The main characters in the texts go through challenging experiences but overcome them with the help of their loved ones. Houran’s mother leaves his father, Rashid, for...

Occupational Therapy Volunteering at Camp Erin

Most of us do not know how to be around grieving people. I was deeply grieved after losing my mother to cancer until I was invited for a camping weekend at Camp Erin, where I am currently a volunteer. You or someone you know might be the next person in...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

“Doping Control in Sport” by Overbye

The given article review will primarily focus on the doping control in sports, where the selected research investigates the elite athletes’ perception and trust in regards to the doping system within their corresponding areas. In short, the article reveals that two-thirds of all athletes in the sample found the current...

Sensory Experience of South Beach, Miami

Brightly colored, Miami’s one of the most famous beaches, South Beach, can be described as an earthly paradise. The breathtaking view of the ocean, with its bright blue and green color and pure water, already bestows you with this sense of being in a utopian world. Gazing at the horizon,...

Adoption of Children by Queer Couples

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) families have historically faced serious challenges in adopting children in the United States. February 2020 marked 51 years since Bill Jones has successfully adopted his son, Aaron (Bewkes et al.). In 1968, Jones broke one of the most persistent barriers to gay rights...

The “Value Life as It Is” Manifesto

Life is beautiful in any of its manifestations: the cry of a newborn baby is beautiful; the falls of an infant who learns to walk are beautiful. The many failures we all experience in our path to success are also beautiful because they are an indispensable part of life, and...

Assertive Communication at Work: Family Communication

Communication frequently involves controversial dilemmas and conflicts, which require solvation. In such cases, decision-making may be the most significant and the most complicated action. It may be particularly difficult if these conflicts or disagreements involve close people and family members. A wide variety of specific approaches to communication may be...