Holistic Nursing Care’ Principles and Essentials

Principles and Essentials of Holistic Nursing Care Holistic nursing care refers to a patient as a whole. According to the principles of holistic nursing care, a nurse integrates self-care, responsibility, and spirituality based on such concepts as mind, spirit, body, emotion, and environment (Dossey & Keegan, 2016). A range of...

Patient-Centered Care, Its Benefits and Barriers

Nowadays there is a tendency of increased patient-centered care, according to which the great importance is given to communication, mutual respect, and emotional interaction between healthcare professionals and patients. This implies a transition from the traditional model adopted in health care to the patient-oriented strategies and the engagement of patients...

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg (embryo) implants in another location other than the uterine cavity (Houry & Salhi, 2009). It’s life-threatening complication and at most times not viable. It poses a great risk of internal hemorrhage secondary to rupture and is considered a medical emergency. Most ectopic...

Nightingale Pledge: Historical Role and Ethical Benefits

Introduction Since its inception in the 19th century, Nightingale pledge has been recited in various nursing schools within and outside the United States. However, the pledge has also raised controversies around the world. Consequently, the pledge has been modified severally since its creation in 1893. Opponents of the pledge have...

Nightingale Pledge: Medical Ethics Perspectives

Introduction The Nightingale pledge was developed as an oath students graduating from the Farrand Training School for Nurses (Veatch, 2000). The pledge was created in 1893 and revised in 1935 to improve its scope (Brown, 2003). Since then, it has undergone several modifications in order to fit the values and...

The Nightingale Pledge History and Arguments

Introduction Nursing, as a modern profession, can trace its foundation to Florence Nightingale. This revolutionary figure started the first nurses’ training school at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London in the late nineteenth century. Due to her efforts, people who were interested in nursing could, for the first time in history,...

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Nursing theory and practice has changed tremendously since the inception of nursing as a profession. The changes often occur under the auspices of nursing theories and models, which have been posited by various nursing professionals over the years. Despite all the existing nursing theories and models having contributed to the...

Reflections on RaDonda Vaught’s Conviction: A Tragic Medication Error and Its Implications

Introduction I find myself with mixed emotions regarding the conviction of former Tennessee nurse RaDonda Vaught for criminally negligent homicide in the tragic death of a patient due to a medication error. On the one hand, upholding accountability within the medical profession is unquestionably vital, particularly when a patient’s life...

Comparing Healthcare Systems: How the Netherlands Surpasses the USA

Introduction The population’s health is the most influential factor in the state’s social, cultural, and economic development, directly affecting all spheres of society. Public health protection is a significant state task, the major priority of activity, and one of the objects of social policy. At the same time, healthcare systems...

Application of Two Nursing Theories in Practice

Introduction Nursing theories represent frameworks that professionals can use in their practice to provide care that shows respect for patients and improves their outcomes. They help distinguish nursing as a distinct discipline that is separate from medicine and other related sciences, assisting nurses in understanding the unique needs of their...

QSEN Competencies for Healthcare Teamwork

Introduction The QSEN competencies are a collection of six essential abilities for every healthcare team. Patient-centered care, cooperation and collaboration, evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), safety, and informatics are some of them (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). Each competence has its own set of expectations for the...

The Rehabilitation Center Visitor’s Experiences

A place that has a special significance to my loved ones and me is a rehabilitation center. Accordingly, the present essay focuses on describing such a facility with the purpose of explaining the dominant impression of an individual upon setting foot in the institution’s lobby. When a person first enters...

Advanced Nursing Practice vs. Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction Nursing has recognized several misconceptions about the differences between advanced nursing practice (ANP) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN). The public should be notified of the distinct responsibilities of APNs and ANPs within the healthcare system and the significance of the advanced practice. The importance of advanced practice techniques to...

The Competencies of Nurse Practitioners

Introduction There are specific requirements in the work of nurse practitioners that determine the effectiveness and professionalism of their work. Moreover, they determine the quality and success of the services provided to society. The core competencies become the main components of the activity of any nurse, which these specialists must...

Nursing Shortage and Its Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction The shortage of staff in the healthcare system is a growing challenge that has a significant effect on the delivery of medical services and consequently, patient outcomes. Due to their low numbers after distribution to various facilities, nurses are faced with increased workload and long shifts. Overworking can result...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women

Introduction Polycystic Ovary Syndrome condition has become a major issue in women. Therefore, the reason I chose PCOS disorder for research is that recent causes of low fertility and increased masculine symptoms such as increased levels of male hormones in women have become prevalent. On the same note, women have...

Cultural Influences Affecting Health and Healthcare

Culture plays a significant role in shaping individuals’ beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors toward health and healthcare. These aspects can affect the way people perceive and manage their health, as well as impact their interactions with healthcare providers. One way culture can affect health is through traditional healing practices. Many cultures...

Pharmacology and Medicines Optimisation

Introduction The chosen scenario involves a 46-year-old male with seasonal rhinitis. Martin has been treating the symptoms with the over-the-counter (OTC) drug Piriteze 10 mg once daily. Following his recent diagnosis of hypertension, Martin was administered 10 mg of Enalapril. To ensure that Martin’s prescriptions do not interfere with his...

The Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition

Introduction Health coalitions play an essential role in overseeing the functions and capabilities of the system. In addition, their sphere of influence includes tracking the funding of Accountable Care Organizations. These activities are essential to the operation of the health care system in the United States and must be performed...

Family Ecomap and Genogram Analysis

The objective of this study is to question a household and then create a genogram and ecomap to highlight their interfamilial links along with their environmental support networks and stresses. In addition, the essay will evaluate the ecomap and genogram by examining a family’s connections, support programs, and concerns during...

Healthcare Quality Initiatives and Their Importance

Introduction Healthcare quality is a continual improvement process to ensure the delivery of the highest quality and safest health care. The degree to which a collection of intrinsic features satisfies requirements is the definition of quality (Mannion & Davies, 2018). The quality improvement initiatives of the past few decades have...

The Importance of Bioethics Principles

Respect of Autonomy The necessity to ensure that the patient actively participates in their care and prognosis makes autonomy crucial. Respecting patient autonomy entails recognizing that patients who are capable of making decisions about their own care have the right to do so, even if those choices run counter to...

Nurse Practitioner Program: Self-Assessment

Introduction Before completing the nurse practitioner program, nurse practitioner trainees should do a self-assessment. It will allow them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the program, assess their clinical competencies, and set the proper goals. They must understand their strengths, create a plan to build on them and...

Informed Decision-Making in Healthcare

Physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals have specific knowledge that they use to treat patients. However, patients may feel excluded when their treatment depends solely on the ideas and opinions of their healthcare provider (Légaré et al., 2018). One of the core principles of modern medicine is patient-centered care, where...

The DNP Role: Module Reflection

Throughout the past semester, an insightful and transformational journey occurred to me since I improved my theoretical understanding of the DNP role and the importance of nursing research in constructing evidence-based practice. Moreover, I was encouraged to explore the theories of nursing and the importance of transformational and implementation science...

Psychoanalytic Theory Intervention Application

Introduction (Fiction) This paper is about a family that lost a child after a shooting at Tangle Wood School in Greenville. The news took the family by surprise, and everyone began to experience severe suffering. As a result, sleep, eating, and communication with other people worsened. Such factors lead to...

The Clinical Systems’ Impact on Outcomes and Efficiencies

Introduction The healthcare sector deals with human life and hence quality in service delivery is of uttermost importance. Stakeholders in this field have embraced the use of various clinical systems for easy operations and better patient outcomes. Improvement in technology has helped the health sector in advancing its procedures especially...

The Role of Nurses in Budget Planning

Introduction Modern health systems present health professionals as equal participants in the public health system. Nurses can overcome inequalities in access to health care and the provision of knowledge about health and medical education, using professional knowledge and competencies in the largest group of medical professionals. It is the professional...

Obesity as a Global Health Issue

Introduction and Purpose Obesity is a medical condition characterized by abnormal or excess body fat that accumulates to the extent that it causes adverse health effects. People are classified as obese when their BMI (body mass index) is over 30kg. Obesity is correlated with various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular...

American Nurses Association and Its Significance

Over three million nurses in the United States are represented by the American Nurses Association (ANA), established in 1911. It has grown from having fewer than twenty members to millions of nurses since its founding and has become a leading organization for improving health care and nursing practice. There are...

Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Introduction Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs target RNs looking to advance their education. As a BSN-prepared nurse, I have more opportunities and job options coming in handy than I would with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). With detailed research about BSN including its...

Maintaining Cost Benefit Analysis in Nursing

Based on the recent researches, maintaining CBI has a nurse-knowledge-related problem. Many units are now dealing with an inflow of newly graduated nurses as well as temporary nurses who might not be familiar with the residents of the unit due to the loss of experienced bedside nurses. Inexperienced nurses could...

Doctor-Patient Relationships in Medical Anthropology

Introduction The doctor-patient connection requires open communication and trust between the medical professional and the client. A cooperative connection between patients and healthcare professionals is one in which the individual deliberately requests the doctor’s help and the clinician willingly acknowledges the individual as a patient. Fundamentally, the doctor-patient relationship can...

Nurse Autonomy in Practice

Introduction Nurses are on the front lines of patient care, and as such, they are uniquely positioned to provide high-quality, individualized care. However, nurses are often constrained by institutional policies and procedures that limit their autonomy in practice. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction with the nursing profession. Allowing...

Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study

Introduction The case under study has exposed the importance and the need for different healthcare experts’ cooperation for better patient outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration is the joint participation of numerous specialists in the medical field working with patients and communicating each other’s distinctive viewpoints in providing the highest quality care (Vatn...

Diabetes: Anatomy and Physiology

Introduction A person’s health is an essential concern since it directly affects their ability to live a fulfilling life. The health of the organs is crucial for optimum functioning because the effectiveness of the body depends on each one. One of the most essential topics in healthcare training is anatomy...

Episodic or Focused SOAP (Nursing) Note on Rhinitis

Patient Information: 28-year-old KJ Asian female S CC itchy eyes, a runny nose, ears felt full HPI: 28f-year-olde male suffers from discomfort caused by a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sensation of a blockage in ears. The symptoms started 9 days ago and included production of clear and boggy mucus, photophobia,...

The Medical Model of Mental Illness

A medical model is called a direction in psychology that provides an explanation for mental illness through physical causes. The medical model connects emotional and mental problems with biological ones (Huda, 2021). In modern medicine, there are two models of mental illness – biomedical and biopsychosocial. In combination with medical...

Applying Lean Principles in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector in the United States continues to experience numerous deficiencies that demand a comprehensive approach to their resolution. To alleviate a portion of these factors, the five principles of Lean, which require a product to be value-efficient, streamlined, customer-oriented, and of the highest possible quality (Ward, 2019)....

Lean Management: Jidoka and Poke-Yoke Principles

The constant improvement of various facets of an organization’s functioning is a fundamental aspect of its work. At the same time, it is vital to ensure the absence of critical mistakes or their effective management when they emerge. Under these conditions, the concept of lean management acquires the top priority....

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action

Canada is a country with a population of high cultural and ethnic differences due to a variety of communities that occupy the land. The Truth and Reconciliation commission follows a righteous mission of identifying the scope of issues that Canadian indigenous peoples face and developing strategies to address and resolve...

Mental Illness and Mental Health

Mental health issues are often overlooked in general medicine. This creates a number of concerns, including the inability of many affected patients to reach care until it is too late, the failure to limit interference to their daily lives, and the lack of alternate or home support in regards to...

Application of Environment Theory

Nursing theory is a complex discipline designed to answer the most common questions of nursing science and practice. It studies the history and philosophy of nursing, its role, and its place in medicine and society. Also, this theory investigates the patterns of organization of nursing care and scientific research in...

The Characteristics of Sleep Deprivation

Abstract The term sleep deprivation can be defined as a psychological condition in which a person does not get the needed amount of sleep. The disorder can be evident for adults if they don’t attain seven to eight hours duration while sleeping. On the other hand, children will be associated...

Career in Healthcare Administration

Health care management and administration is a vital field in healthcare that relates to the governance and oversight of medical facilities and healthcare staff. Healthcare administrators are leaders within the healthcare sector that ensure the functionating of the department, medical practice, or hospital to which they are assigned. Their roles...

The Asylum-Madness: The Rise and Fall

Challenges The rise of the asylums happened in the 1800s, and at that time, it was a widespread type of institution for mentally ill people who had severe disorders and required special care from professionals. Eventually, when the patients were sent to the asylums, they usually stayed there for the...

Effects of Poor Workplace Culture on Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The role of workplace culture cannot be underestimated nowadays, especially knowing that the diversity of employees continues to increase. The influence of different factors on employee performance and patient outcomes cannot be ignored either, as these may be linked to safety, health, and wellbeing (Rider et al., 2018). Therefore,...

Life Expectancy and Technology

Life expectancy has increased significantly with the development and discovery of new devices and medicine in the last century. Health technology played a substantial role in this process, making healthcare more accessible to people and improving the quality of life. For example, diagnostic tools, such as wearable trackers, x-ray machines,...

Clinical Reasoning Cycle in a Patient with Duodenal Ulcer

Patient Situation Mohamed Salah, a 48-year-old man who is a recent immigrant from the Middle East, is taken to the hospital with a history of epigastric discomfort, vomiting, as well as occasional black bowel movement for further evaluation. He is set to undergo an upper endoscopy this morning. He has...

Patient-Centered Healthcare Coordination Plan

Introduction The ultimate phase of the development of care coordination planning is creating a final care coordination plan. This program will facilitate an essential part of the care coordination process. As defined in assessment 1, care coordination is the way of converting several operations and interdisciplinary teams to solve a...

The Future of Disability and Inclusion

Introduction Individuals and communities do not have to accept disability as their fate. Positive decisions taken today can help avoid developmental disabilities, counteract their implications, and contribute to the creation of more appreciative social and physical environments for persons with disabilities. Disability is not a minority concern in the United...

Using the PICO (T) Framework and Evidence for Developing Care Practices

Introduction In developing patient care practices, the PICO (T) study design is justified because it addresses the effectiveness of the care plan. Through this schema, patient satisfaction is improved. This paper presents a study of a practice problem related to the diagnosis of endometriosis. In addition, sources of evidence are...

Financial and Management Problems in a Dialysis Center

Introduction Patients with renal failure need a life-saving supportive procedure known as dialysis, which allows filtering waste from their blood, the function that their kidneys can no longer perform. It is an expensive treatment covered by the Medicare end-stage renal disease (ESRD) program, implemented in 1973 (Anumudu & Eknoyan, 2020)....

The History of Mental Health Legislation in England and Wales

Introduction Madness and insanity challenge people at different times in their lives. Early civilisations did not have enough knowledge about mental health but related these disorders with something supernatural. Mental health services in England and Wales are determined by many social, cultural, political, and medical events between the 18th and...

Pollution and Children’s Health

Pollution can be found in the air, water, soil, and chemicals, among other places. Essentially, it exists in today’s world due to all the resources and fossil fuels that are emitted. Human exposure to air pollutants is a significant public health concern because it is a leading cause of illness...

Scoliosis: Causes, Effects, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction In the context of present-day public health concerns, the issues of posture are often overlooked. However, while the shift in the focus of health management is understandable given the greater threat, addressing musculoskeletal concerns is also necessary. Due to the effects that abnormal spine curvature and the associated issues...

Nurse Turnover as a Crucial Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

It is exceptionally important for new hires to navigate the intricacies of quality management and improvement, both of which are integral to the operations of any healthcare organization. The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators is a national database which provides in-depth reports of nursing-sensitive quality indicators in an effort...

Healthcare Environment: Challenges to Teamwork and Collaboration

Background Collaboration among staff members is one of the vital requirements for effective management of key tasks and responsibilities in the healthcare environment. Owing to the necessity to manage patients’ information continuously and share the relevant data with fellow healthcare staff members, one must ensure that none of the information...

Peplau’s Theory of Nurse-Patient Relationship

Introduction Peplau theorized the main goal of care is to create an interpersonal, therapeutic relationship to allow nurses to assist their clients in identifying their felt problems. The therapeutic relationship is considered a healing technique essential for providing professional assistance to clients. This professional relationship focuses on the client’s problems,...

Communication as a Barrier to Providing Healthcare

Medical professionals face language barriers working with patients from diverse backgrounds. Diversity is based on race, gender, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, religion, socio-economical levels, and education. English medical professionals experience difficulty communicating with patients who do not speak English as the primary language. The language barrier results in the professional not...

Medical Humanities and Their Impact on Medicine

Introduction Unlike most disciplines of medicine, medical humanity covers a wide range of fields, including social sciences, arts, and humanities. This field of study is the most complex, involving, and considerate because it seeks to strengthen the quality and practices of the involved activities of medical humanities. The discipline is...

Collaboration Problems in Nursing Practice

Introduction Interdisciplinary collaboration is a partnership between the patient and all healthcare workers involved in delivering personalized care. Interprofessional partnerships are instrumental in the implementation of health reforms and the improvement of patient outcomes. It is based on values like partnerships, sharing, and interdependency (Rosen et al., 2018). This paper...

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Interprofessional Teams

Introduction Teamwork is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon that is often studied from the perspective of team members’ relationships and their impact on outcomes. The more effectively teams work, the more their members can learn and live within the context of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes (Schmutz, Meier,...

Aspects of Healthcare Costs

Introduction Despite the transformations that the healthcare system is currently undergoing, the cost of healthcare remains high worldwide. The high prices have become an issue of concern even in the most developed countries. However, the United States’ budget for the health sector is higher than in other developed countries but...

The Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem

Abstract The theoretical models continually guide nursing practice, and the nurses follow and learn them intuitively. This paper examines the self-care theory of Dorothea Orem in psychiatric mental health practice. Orem has used a philosophical foundation to define the role of individuals and nurses in maintaining self-care, which she called...

An Advanced Practice Nurse’s Main Role

Introduction The role of any medical worker is hard to overvalue; these people make an enormous input into the development of clinical organizations and patient treatment. In particular, nurses are a significant link between the patient and the doctor; thus, it is essential to look at how the nurse’s role...

Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The hospital sector management is a very dynamic and at most ever-changing occupation that has the opportunity to undertake a varied number of duties and responsibilities. As a manager in the sector one is supposed to be flexible enough and ready to handle whatever duties he is allocated without...

The Impact of Education Access and Quality on Health Equity and Patient Outcomes

Introduction It has been acknowledged that several social determinants influence people’s health. These social factors include income, race, unemployment, social support, and education, among others (Coughlin, 2019). Although multiple factors shape people’s behaviors and their health outcomes, education is one of the central domains that require specific attention as it...

Healthcare Delivery Models in Germany, the UK, and the US

Healthcare delivery system models are popular and are influenced by several factors, including financing, efficiency levels, and the significance of healthcare. These models have the objective of enabling citizens to receive quality healthcare services at a cost-effective rate. There are four major healthcare delivery models: the national health insurance model,...

Cardiology: Heart and Circulatory System

The primary function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the organism, a process in which the liquid undergoes numerous transformations that enable it to support many crucial bodily functions. It accepts deoxygenated blood, pumps it to the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, and back, and then...

Importance of Getting Immunized

Introduction Human body functions properly when it is in a good state of health. The body has mechanisms within itself that help it maintain a good state of health by defending it against attacks from diseases and infections. The white blood cells are known to defend the body against such...

ADHD Awareness

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder characterized by excessive activity and difficulties with regulating emotions and focusing on specific tasks. Recently, there has been a lot of debate about whether ADHD is a disorder or a different cognitive ability. Indeed, ADHD causes behavioral problems in children and...

Importance, Scope, and Definition of Clinical Supervision

Introduction Psychologists are essentially more concerned with the study of the human mind. People need not subject their minds to dogmatism. Hence, issues that are akin to critical evaluation of human behaviors must be clear and concise. For this reason, consideration of supervision in the clinical context demands a clear...

Nursing: Recruitment, Retention, and Future

A nurse is an increasingly prosperous profession today since it encompasses various tasks and duties that other healthcare professionals cannot perform. The current statistics show a great demand for nurses, and it is expected that the nursing profession will increase by 12% by the year 2028 (Cornell & Vaughn, 2020)....

Krahe Health Care Facility’s Quality Data Analysis

The staff needs to review information on patient satisfaction, quality, and likelihood to recommend because it will improve Krahe Health Care personnel’s understanding of how their work impacts the patient’s perceptions of this facility. For example, Thapa and Joshi (2019) report that patients recognize quality based on the nurses’ explanations...

The Importance of Community Health Education

Contribution of Community Health to Addressing the Causes of Death of Young People The health efforts the community makes can affect the leading causes of death for adolescents and the adults in many ways. Adolescents aged between ten and fourteen years have the lowest risk of death compared to other...

The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Case Study

The notion of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stands for a health condition the patient struggles with when having faced a stressful experience that later affects one’s cognitive-behavioral patterns. In the following case scenario, Sam is dealing with mental health issues due to his traumatic experience during the Vietnam War, where...

Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is one of the respiratory diseases that affect both adults and children. The condition is an infection that causes inflammation of one or both lungs. The illness’s seriousness ranges from life-threatening to mild, with children, individuals with weak immune systems, and people aging more than 65 years more susceptible...

Postoperative Fever: Risk Management

What is postoperative fever? It is temperature rise above the normal temperature (38 C) on two consecutive days after the surgery. The systematic approach and differential diagnosis help institute proper management and narrowing down differential analysis. Possible causes of Postoperative Fever Also known as Rule of W, they include: Wound...

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health

Introduction This paper investigates the influence of socioeconomic status on people’s health. According to literature, socio-economic status refers to a measure of an individual’s rank in terms of income, occupation and education. Research has established a positive correlation between health and socioeconomic status. That is, people who are in lower...

Patient Identification Techniques

Correct patient identification is critical for an effective treatment process. Identification is the process of matching patients with the treatment plans and transmitting data on their identity without errors throughout the process. In the United States, an algorithmic approach to identification is widespread, and in some institutions, a biometric one...

The Effectiveness of the Internet in Healthcare

The internet today has become indispensable. The various areas that the internet has impacted on include the way friends and family communicate, facilitation of trade of goods and services, made research on different topics easy, and it has acted as a means through which people can entertain themselves through (Kardia...

Use of Nursing Theory in Practice

Is nursing a science? Nursing is a science as being a nurse means to study new methods and ways of performing tasks. The developments in science are successfully applied to nursing practice. Science is described as the process of acquiring new knowledge and applying that knowledge into practice. Nursing perfectly...

Nursing Care: Differentiated Practice Model and Patient Safety

Introduction The practice of nursing is the most challenging and demanding as compared to other jobs since nurses are also called upon to provide patients care in hospitals and homes. This requires nurses to put their patients as their priority in order to ensure quality service delivery and guarantee quality...

Nursing Work Overload: The Neuman Systems Model

Theory Description and the Rationale for Selecting the Theory There are many different nursing theories that aim at explaining the peculiarities of the health care system and the conditions under which people are able to get the required portion of help and assistance from nurses. Unfortunately, the cases of nurses’...

Quantitative Studies on CAUTI in Nursing Homes

Introduction Nursing home residents are highly susceptible to various healthcare-related infections (HAIs). Their transmission can lead to the quality of life of such patients substantially declining and the necessity for hospitalization. Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is among the most prevalent infections in assisted living facilities and requires effective prevention...

Influence of Regulatory Agencies on Curriculum Development

The national council of state boards of nursing is national organization whose membership includes boards of nursing in 50 U.S states and the recognized territories of United States of America. The US territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. The state boards of nursing...

Medical Ethics: Performing an Unnecessary Test

It is unethical for any health care professional to prescribe or administer medical tests or treatments to protect themselves against potential liability. They need to do what they believe is in the patients’ best interest. In Mr. Wilson’s doctor’s case, it is ethical to order a coronary angiogram since he...

Saline Instillation in Endotracheal Suctioning

Introduction Patients admitted to an intensive care unit need to be intubated to keep their airways patent. This procedure is called endotracheal suctioning and implies inserting a tube into the patient’s trachea and connecting it to a ventilator. The suctioning is performed to remove secretions that tend to accumulate in...

The Changing Role of Nurses in the Modern Society

Research problem The article by Mills and Fitzgerald (2011) focuses on the changing role of nurses in the modern society. The authors’ focus was to determine the new position that nurses in the modern society are taking within their areas of practice as the demand for their services continues to...

The Poster Analysis and Critique

The poster under analysis is called The Lived Experience Of Registered Nurses Navigating An RN-to-BSN Degree After 10 Years or More Away From Formal Education: A Phenomenological Study. Author The author of the poster is Clare E Owen. Author’s Affiliation The researcher is Master of Science in Nursing and registered...

Obesity: Background and Preventative Measures

Introduction In human physiology, eating is one of the most essential processes in our life which supplies the human body with energy and mineral elements. Every epoch nation creates its own values and standards towards eating and eating habits based on cultural and economic perspectives. The beginning of the 21st...

Sociology of Aging in Today’s Society

Aging is the process through which an organism matures and grows old. It is characterized by progressive biological and psychosocial impairment of normal functions, as a result of internal and external influences. This paper shall explore a personal reflection of what aging entails. In our societies, it is an acknowledged...

Roy’s Adaptation Model for Family Nurse Practitioner

In an attempt to enhance research and practice in the field of nursing, a number of theories have been put forth to help advance the skills and experience of practitioners in this field. One of the most prominent grand theories in nursing is Roy’s Adaptation Model. Roy has been updating...

Sexually Transmitted Disease: Public Health Campaign

Abstract Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect many people in different parts of the world. Many youths are currently engaging in unsafe sexual practices. New infections are being recorded every day. A powerful campaign will encourage more youths to change their behaviors. This essay presents effective messages that can deal with...

Health Information Systems: Using and Importance

Health information systems (HIS) are unique technological solutions that have been created for specific medical processes. They replace paper patient records and bulky file folders and speed up information transfer inside and outside the hospital. In this case, the problem is not the knowledge to use technology, but the ability...

Frequency Resolution Ability: Psychophysical Tuning Curves Measurement

Background Frequency resolution refers to the ability of the ear to filter one particular sound frequency from other competing sound(s) occurring in different frequencies (Lutman & Wood 1985, p. 1). In most cases, the masking/competing sound may be presented in much higher intensities relative to the target sound without necessarily...

Reflective Account Using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Description When I was working in the ophthalmic ward during the daytime shift, I encountered an 86-year-old British woman. The lady (will be referred to as Mrs. B for privacy reasons) came to the hospital in the company of her daughter. The patient was scheduled for cataract surgery in the...

Heart Disease and Stroke: Project Proposal and Budgeting

Introduction This paper is a project proposal for the management of heart disease and stroke in Minnesota. It outlines a leadership and strategic plan for addressing the high incidences of the health conditions in the state. The first section of the paper describes the community’s health problems and explains why...

The Public Health Issue Analysis

Cholera is a highly contagious disease. It could cause death and widespread human suffering as manifested during the 2012 cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone, where thousands of people lost their lives and many more were infected in the latest outbreak to ravage the country (World Health Organization, 2012). Owing to...

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Definition of the problem A female patient was suffering from a terminal ailment and she was admitted in the intensive care unit for specialized treatment (Zalon, Constantino & Andrews, 2008). She was experiencing unbearable pain before she decided to call for the nurse for assistance. She complained that she was...

Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes

According to Ahme, Muniandy, and Ismail (2010), type 2 diabetes consists of a combination of dysfunctions that are characterized by inadequate secretion and peripheral insulin resistance of insulin. According to Khardori (2013), a combination of genetic factors such as metabolic disorders and environmental conditions contribute to the prevalence of type...

Family Health Assessment Using Gordon’s Patterns

This family health assessment was conducted on the family of the Browns based upon the Gordon’s functional health patterns. The family is composed of three adults, the father Christopher Brown, the mother Mary Brown and their eldest son Martin. There are also two minors, Chris and Paul. The thesis of...

Behavior Intervention Plan for Tantrums

Abstract E.J. is an 8-year-old boy who was diagnosed with autism and referred to the Functional Behavior Analysis that revealed tantrums as interfering behavior. It is suggested that his tantrums occur when he fails to obtain peers’ attention to satisfy the need for sameness. This paper presents the behavior intervention...

Diabetes and Diabetic Foot

Problem Identification Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs when the body fails to regulate the level of glucose in blood. There are two types of diabetes mellitus, type I, and II, classified according to availability of insulin in the body. Type I diabetes occurs due to failure of pancreas...

Healthcare Accreditation and Licensing

Introduction Patients’ safety and well-being are some of the most crucial components in any healthcare system. Accreditation is a practice aimed to assess this component of in-hospital care as well as the overall quality of provided care against established standards. Certification of accreditation guarantees patients and stakeholders that a healthcare...

Physical Versus Chemical Restraints in Intensive Care Unit

Introduction The use of physical and chemical restraints in acute and intensive care began ages ago. Of these two restraint methods, physical restraint has attracted the most negative attention and criticism from both the health care sector and the human rights organizations. However, both chemical and physical restraints continue to...

Artificial Sweeteners and Their Misrepresentation

Introduction Sugar is considered a cornerstone of many health issues that plague modern civilization. It is a known fact that Americans consume an excessive amount of sugar every day. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose, or cyclamate, were invented as a potential solution to this problem. They interact with the...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents: Premises and Implications

Abstract This paper aims to examine the risks of excessive engagement in plastic surgery among adolescents, the factors that motivate this age group to change their appearance, and potential health risks. Unrealistically high beauty standards and the availability of appropriate procedures have become the main reasons for the spread of...

Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Improving quality in health care is one of the essential tasks that should be pursued in any medical institution. The quality of hospital services depends on external factors, such as industrial manufacturing processes (Hall & Roussel, 2017). However, doctors themselves can also actively influence this factor by holding various kinds...

Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is...

Nursing: Identifying a Problem

Introduction During the process of education, the students have to learn new material and identify the problems which are observed in the sphere of nursing. However, the theoretical aspect of the problems is not always similar to the practical one. The point is that many students learn about population and...

Patricia Brenner’s from Novice to Expert Model

Ozdemir, N. G. (2019). The development of nurses’ individualized care perceptions and practices: Brenner’s novice to expert model perspective. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(2), 1279-1285. This article analyzes the relation between individualized nursing care as a quality indicator in nursing conducive to positive outcomes. The article’s central premise is...

Interrelationships Reflection in Humanities

Studying humanities can help individuals make a better sense of the human experience by providing alternative ways of perceiving reality. In essence, being more understanding brings healthcare providers to a new level of sensitivity and self-awareness and cultivates professionalism as well as skills in therapeutic communication and critical thinking. Therefore,...

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Introduction Nursing, as one of the most important professions in human society, requires a large number of skills and dedication to learning. The intricacies of providing care demand a wide variety of knowledge including both physical and mental training. The report made by the Institute of Medicine outlines the ways...

The Iowa Model of EBP

In this discussion post, the committee’s approach presented in the video will be evaluated according to the Iowa Model, and additional steps will be offered for the improvement of evidence-based policies. Evidence-based practice (EBP) committees are often established by healthcare agencies to ensure patient safety and promote quality care through...

Infection Prevention and Control in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) are the main contributors to mortality and death and hospitals’ sickness rates. In recent years, there has been a success in the control of infections in the hospital setting. However, HCAI is one of the significant burdens facing the healthcare sector globally (Swanson, 2020). The public...

A Branch of Medicine Description: Urology

Introduction The choice of a medical specialty is a crucial step that requires certain responsibility, knowledge, and assessment. It is not enough to know the definitions or qualities that professionals should develop. A reasonable choice includes clear definitions, equipment discussions, the description of procedures, and the work of physicians. In...

Paracetamol Synthesis and Reactions

Paracetamol is an analgesic, originally discovered in the late 19th century. It was initially developed as a metabolite of phenacetin, a common analgesic at the time, but overlooked due to several research errors leading to its side effects being overestimated (Brune et al., 2014). It remained relatively unknown until its...

Disease Management and Effects Regulation

Introduction Managing diseases is extremely significant, to an individual’s health or well being. Disease management entails the excellent healthcare interventions that aim at regulating the effects of a disease. It is, therefore, imperative for patients or individuals to manage their diseases to maintain their well being or wellness. Body In...

Medication Error: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Nowadays, patient safety still requires continuous improvements that are based on evidence and lead to the elimination of health care system deficiencies. The sentinel events that will be analyzed are medication errors taking place at Clarion Court, Minnesota. This patient safety problem has been deteriorating for six months what seen...

Writing Goals Technique: Dental Hygiene Specialist

Writing goals is a popular technique used in psychology, human resource management, and career planning. Its efficiency has been proved by examples of successful specialists in different fields. Simple as it may seem, writing goals though has certain peculiarities and requires appropriate skills. If to represent goals as destinations, and...

Nursing: Learning Needs Assessment

Introduction The nursing profession is a very sensitive job and requires a lot of commitment on the side of the practitioners. This is because the jobs deal with life and some silly mistakes can lead to loss of life, permanent injury, or disability on the patient. As a result, many...

Medical Emergencies in Dental Setting

Introduction A medical emergency refers to a disease or harm which is acute and presents a great risk to the life of an individual or the long-term health. These emergencies might need help from personnel who must be appropriately and ideally qualified to carry out the exercise, though some of...

Nutritional Analysis and Recommendations

The current report contains the analysis of the food intake for one week, from June 2 till June 9, and the recommendations on how to improve the diet and make it more nutritious and balanced. It should be noted that the average caloric intake during the indicated period equals 1798...

Training and Education in Health Care Organization

Introduction Training is a process through which job-related skills are passed to the employees. It involves undertaking a set of activities aimed at preparing an individual to work in the real world. It is appropriate for new employees and experienced workers who desire to improve their skills and meet job...

Community Health: Assessment of New York’s Chinatown

Introduction Good health is a necessity for all individuals because it determines their quality of life and productivity. The government takes necessary measures to ensure that the community has healthy living. Nevertheless, health disparities among communities living in New York, a city that contributes significantly to the American economy, continues...

COVID-19: The Impact on Mental Health

Around December 2019, in the city of Wuhan, China, there were reports of a virus called COVID-19 which caused severe pneumonia. A month into the new year, the cases started showing up all over China and Europe and, subsequently, turned into a global outbreak. In the beginning of March 2020,...

Analyzing the Notion of Wound Care through the Prism of SWOT

Background Wound care management has now become of the most challenging aspects of nursing on a global level due to the increasing pattern of wound incidence caused by various chronic diseases and accidents (Powers et al., 2016). Thus, the tendencies of would care between different facilities are now being modified...

Malignant Melanoma: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Mr. J is a 42-year-old construction worker who has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin cancer. The first symptoms of the condition noticed by the patient included the changes in the size, color, and surface of the mole on the man’s face. In addition, the man reported having the...

The Stages of Prenatal Development

Introduction One of the fascinating processes in nature is prenatal development which lasts nine months from the moment of conception to the actual birth. During this time, the fertilized egg evolves into an embryo and later into a fetus. There are a total of three stages of prenatal development, and...

Nursing History: Brief Overview

The completed interview in Phase 2 presented numerous ideas that nurse practitioners can utilize to expand their philosophies and become more proficient in medical practice. Clinicians who want to succeed in their respective fields should be aware of emerging changes and apply appropriate theories. The first section of this paper...

Dr. Jones: Case Study Analysis

A situation in the case study demonstrates the facts that are in favor of Dr. Jones. First, Dr. Jones was not on shift and was resting with his family when the hospital needed help with urgent patients. At the same time, the hospital was paying members of a competing group...

Cosmetic Surgery: Modern Trends

Appearance is of great importance in the contemporary world. People see images of beauty and perfection everywhere around them, including television and social media, and often feel pressure to meet these standards. Cosmetic surgery has been on the rise over the past years, and people use it as a way...

Pros and Cons of Living Arrangements for the Elderly

As people get older, they often face the decision of where and how to live since they might need help in simple everyday actions. There are multiple options for the seniors, benefits, and drawbacks of which will be considered here. Living in their own home is applicable for relatively independent...

The Safety in Nursing Analysis

Safety is one of the major factors affecting patient outcomes. It is an important part of effective and cost-efficient healthcare (Hood, 2014, p. 489). However, the research indicates that there is a gap between the current safety standards and the general state of the healthcare system. The issue continues to...

Nursing Leadership Health Policy

Introduction Community health nursing is an integral part of healthcare as it is concerned with the well-being of all residents. Therefore, the promotion of a good environment for community health nurses (CHNs) can improve the state of healthcare in all parts of the country. In particular, these professionals can have...

Cultural Beliefs in Health Education

Introduction Various cultural beliefs across the globe have emerged to have a significant impact on health service deliverance in the community. These cultural beliefs seem to contradict healthcare delivery from professionals, thereby posing serious harm to the health conditions of their followers. However, some beliefs also promote healthcare provision across...

Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students

Introduction Many people think that kids will eventually grow up to be healthy individuals, without being given the attention they need; they ignore the fact that children of all ages need a vigilant eye on them, for proper growth and development. For the body’s functions to carry out normally, it...

What Is E-Health: Discussion

Introduction The role of information technology has only been growing over the period of time in virtually every aspect of the life of human beings. The case with healthcare should be no different. But in reality very little practical application of IT that will open up the possibilities of improved...

Negotiation in Nursing: Approaches and Advantages

Introduction Negotiations are the quintessence of nursing, the main point of which is to resolve a given problem and achieve a compromise. This process can remind of a game, when partners seat on opposite sides of the table and play with different levels of skills. A qualified nurse is expected...