Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American Foodstuffs

Introduction The Alaska Natives are one of the oldest tribes in America. The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society. Studies have indicated that over 5 million people who live in the United States are identified as either American Indians...

Concept Comparison and Analysis across Nursing Theories

Introduction A number of nursing scholars significantly contributed to the growth of the nursing practice. They used their academic knowledge and professional experience to design incredible models, which are currently used for educational purposes. The theories have been adopted by several institutions, which include learning institutions, research centers and health...

Person-Centered Care: Nursing Model

Patients with learning disabilities need help and attention from a nurse as they have difficulty performing simple daily activities. While working with such a patient, it is necessary to maintain a careful balance between support and the patient’s autonomy. The Roper Logan & Tierney Model of Nursing aims to encourage...

The Importance of Patient Safety in Nursing

Introduction The importance of patient safety in nursing cannot be overstated. It is a critical concept that requires constant attention and effort from healthcare professionals. By using evidence-based practice, effective communication, and proper infection control measures, healthcare professionals can ensure patient safety and prevent harm while providing healthcare services. This...

Nurses Responsibilities: Futile Care

Introduction Futile care acknowledges that the patient has reached a point in their sickness where medical care is not beneficial. Most healthcare professionals face the ethical dilemma of determining when to withdraw futile care. The main controversies in medical futility entail the disagreements between the families and the medical practitioners...

MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter App

Introduction Esther Nia, a 35-year-old woman, sought help to improve her health and prevent potential problems. The patient noticed that she was gaining weight and exceeded her optimal weight by 40 pounds. Moreover, Esther has a family history of obesity and is therefore concerned about her health. The woman tried...

Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene Martina King created the Theory of Goal Attainment in the early 1960s and was one of the foremost and most sought-after nursing theorists. Her work is used in several service contexts and taught to thousands of nursing students worldwide. King, a respected worldwide leader, had a substantial influence on...

Non-Verbal Communication in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction In the nursing profession, proper work with patients plays a vital role in the overall treatment process. While the patient is in the hospital, the nurse becomes his guardian, the closest person to him in the place. Therefore, it is critical to establish proper communication between the patient and...

External Quality Assessment and Proficiency Testing

What is EQA? Medical laboratory quality management is developing rapidly and keeps evolving every day. However, analytical quality is still the primary issue since none of the other laboratory quality attributes are relevant if analytical quality is not achieved. Quality control (QC) was first introduced to the medical sphere long...

The Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Introduction At my last job, we struggled with the issue of professional burnout in a collaborative setting. Since many nurses have been employed at the facility for a considerable time, many have started to lose their sense of purpose. Perlo et al. (2017) supply that “with increasing demands on time,...

Application of Goal Attainment Theory in Nursing Practice

Imogene King On January 30, 1923, Imogene King was born in West Point, Iowa. In 1945, she graduated from St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing in St. Louis, Missouri, with a nursing degree. King graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Louis University in 1948, and in...

A Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Utility of Schizophrenia

Introduction Various psychotherapy models and theories are advised to treat various mental health problems and anxiety disorders. This research focuses on using cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), a person-centered psychotherapy technique, to aid a patient in alleviating anxiety and depressive symptoms. The study contends, in general, that CBT incorporates distinct concepts from...

Nursing Informatics Policy and Its Influence on Healthcare Delivery

The development of nursing information structures is an essential factor in improving the delivery of health services. It includes the development of regulations that will make the mechanisms of the individual and the healthcare institution interaction safe and convenient. In addition, the goal is to provide patients with confidence in...

Constructing Team Values in Healthcare

Introduction A leader in the healthcare industry must possess certain leadership traits and skills in order to promote healthy team values and implement organizational changes successfully. In particular, a leader has to demonstrate interpersonal connection through listening and showing respect, exhibit commitment to the goal, have decent emotional intelligence, and...

American Nurses Association and Its Significance

Over three million nurses in the United States are represented by the American Nurses Association (ANA), established in 1911. It has grown from having fewer than twenty members to millions of nurses since its founding and has become a leading organization for improving health care and nursing practice. There are...

Discussion: Neglect in Nursing Homes

Introduction Ignoring residents is a common form of neglect in most nursing homes. Although it is not violent, nursing home neglect is commonly regarded as abuse. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, a federal statute that addresses patient rights and nursing facility reforms, defines nursing home neglect as abuse....

Ethical Considerations and Counseling Skills in Therapy

Maintaining Boundaries One of the ethical issues I encountered during the practicum is lack of boundaries between a professional and a client. On meeting some of the patients at the site, I unknowingly formed a relationship that went beyond the professional lines which proved to be a challenge when attending...

Psychiatric Assessment of a 13-Year-Old Ninth-Grader

Introduction Daphne is a 13-year-old ninth-grader who was brought to the psychiatrist for assessment since she was struggling with her behavior and academics. Her challenges were linked to the difficulty encountered starting and completing her schoolwork and following instructions, which led to failing grades in math. Daphne has had challenges...

Depression: Psychoeducational Intervention

Introduction Understanding the threat and dangers of depression to an individual deepens, pushing researchers explore interventions to treat it. The disorder can affect individuals of different ages and significantly interfere with their lives. At the same time, interest in psychoeducational interventions in cases of depression is growing. However, this approach...

The Future of Nursing Education

I agree with the current vision of the profession as it continues to maintain the reaching of established goals and recognizes the need for introducing new changes. Education continues to be a prevalent topic within discussions of the future of nursing, as accessibility and progression academically continue to be vital...

Hansen vs. Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Litigation encompasses controversial cases addressing legal issues. The case that will be discussed further, namely Hansen v. Baxter, highlights the importance of awareness of the legal and ethical issues when entering the market. In March 1991, Andrina Hansen was admitted to Mt. Sinai and was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer....

The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Introduction Elderly patients in general, and individuals aged 70 years and older in particular, face a distinctive set of risks associated with age-related changes. The issues within physiological and physical health, economic status, social and environmental well-being, and functioning are characterized by particularities that are different for the elderly in...

Ethical Issues in Health and Wellness Coaching

Introduction Health and wellness is a field of science that has become a common healthcare practice functioning as a conduit for community or public health. Historically, researchers have tried extensively defining the terms health and wellness to establish a comprehensive understanding of the roles definitions and diverse types (Perlman et...

Case Formulation in Psychiatry

Case formulation allows doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses to see each patient’s unique story that led to their psychological breakdown. Nurse practitioners peer into the behavior of the patient and notice different details. Case formulation also takes into account the details of each patient’s past and teaches nurse practitioners to...

Evidence-Based Culturally Sensitive Practice With Jehovah’s Witnesses

Abstract It may happen that a patient refuses some treatment or intervention, referring to their cultural, ethnic, or religious prohibitions. For example, the Christian denomination Jehovah’s Witnesses does not allow its followers to accept blood transfusions, making leukemia treatment and surgical interventions quite challenging. Chaer and Ballen (2020), Garoufalia et...

Patient Data Protection in Nursing Informatics

Through the advancement of science and technology, healthcare providers run functions efficiently – from treatment to information management. Ethical decisions are required during which the healthcare professionals need to be honest and trustworthy. Given that the world keeps on changing in terms of unique work ethics, new technologies, different healthcare...

The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Achievement

Introduction Sleep is a basic necessity for every person because the entire organism receives the required rest while an individual is sleeping. However, not all people understand this fact, which results in the deprivation of sleep, and this issue is typical among adolescents. Objective and subjective reasons can result in...

Caring for Patients With Diabetes

Most people with diabetes cannot take care of themselves, so they need outside help. In the presence of a complicated form of the disease, professional care is required. The main tasks of care are the systematization of medication intake, preparing a competent diet, providing moderate physical activity, and monitoring the...

Lady Gaga’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that affects those who have experienced or witnessed a horrific tragedy. Catastrophic incidents, accidents, terrorist acts, war assaults, death, sexual brutality, or injuries are examples of terrifying events (American Psychiatric Association, 2020). Family and individual functioning may be disrupted due to...

Drug Misuse and Its Effects on Children

Introduction Drug misuse refers to using a substance in a manner, not per applicable legal or medical guidelines. Health and body functioning are negatively affected, and the condition may manifest itself in drug dependence or an array of other harmful and problematic behaviors. A person’s toxic or chronic use of...

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare

Summary Interdisciplinary cooperation has been on the rise in the last few years in healthcare system and its impact has been substantial. The increased focus on preventative healthcare services and demand for holistic patient-centered care has led to the integration of human services in healthcare to ensure the delivery of...

Private Hospitals’ Health Facility Capacity

In the Australian healthcare system, private facilities are owned by companies or a collection of corporations. Private hospitals are notable from the public facilities that can offer services under the government bills at the service centers. Company-owned healthcare institutions provide a wide range of options for patients to choose the...

Financial and Management Problems in a Dialysis Center

Introduction Patients with renal failure need a life-saving supportive procedure known as dialysis, which allows filtering waste from their blood, the function that their kidneys can no longer perform. It is an expensive treatment covered by the Medicare end-stage renal disease (ESRD) program, implemented in 1973 (Anumudu & Eknoyan, 2020)....

Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility

Introduction Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children. The facility introduced a career development plan to increase employee proficiency and productivity as part of a probe by the Qatari nation at large to increase and competency of workers....

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotic Surgeries

Robotic or robot-assisted surgery is a new technology that allows surgeons to operate with better control, precision, and flexibility. Since its introduction, it has been used for a wide range of procedures by hospitals in Europe and the United States. However, complications can occur despite the reports of surgeries’ better...

Discussion of Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is as a specific language utilized by healthcare personnel to describe the components of a body, illnesses, and medical interventions. The basis of medical terminology is the Latin language, and in some cases, these words have little or nothing in common with the modern English words. Nurses, physicians,...

Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits

The name of the country and foods and/or beverages commonly consumed I chose Japan as the country of choice for the assignment. The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki (Murakami et al. 108). Under MyPlate, sushi and...

The Benefits of Physical Fitness and Nutrition

There is considerable evidence of people striving for a healthier lifestyle by switching to more balanced diets and approaching daily exercise. Positive effects of these activities are sometimes doubted and considered to be perceived. However, researchers display statistical evidence of fitness and nutrition impacting people’s overall health status. This paper...

Telehealth Innovations and Their Benefits

The high degree of development of information technologies provides more opportunities for their use in various areas of human activity, especially in providing various services. Nowadays, the possibility of providing qualified medical care globally has become a reality thanks to the development of telemedicine services. Telehealth is an applied area...

The Action Research in Healthcare

Action research is a methodology used to identify clinical practice problems and develop potential solutions to improve the quality of care. Hockley and Stacpoole (2014) define action research as “a critical, dynamic and collaborative process where the researcher engages in spirals of planning and action, observing and reflecting with those...

Telemedicine and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction Telehealth is using communication and digital technologies such as mobile devices and computers to access health care services. The technologies can be used from the office or at home, and it keeps an individual in constant touch with medical practitioners. Telemedicine is a mode in which medical care is...

Peplau’s Theory of Nurse-Patient Relationship

Introduction Peplau theorized the main goal of care is to create an interpersonal, therapeutic relationship to allow nurses to assist their clients in identifying their felt problems. The therapeutic relationship is considered a healing technique essential for providing professional assistance to clients. This professional relationship focuses on the client’s problems,...

Noise Pollution and Its Effect on Health

The modern medical practice strives to keep pace with the times, provide the most technologically convenient and humane solutions for patient care and respond to the latest requirements of the healthcare system. Medicine is a part of the modern world as a hermetic established system in which the results of...

Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Outline In this article, I use the phenomenon of Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative disease to study the syndrome of professional burnout in nurses who provide care to such patients. This is a comprehensive project that consists of two key sections, namely the study of Alzheimer’s disease and the study of nursing burnout...

Competing Needs and Quadruple Aim in Healthcare

Competing Needs Competing needs form an area of increasing concern for policy-makers across various industries. In fact, this issue is particularly topical for the healthcare context, as the number of stakeholders and other parties involved is highly considerable. Patients, medical managers, clinical teams, and authorities are engaged in a continuous...

Healthcare Institutions: Budgeting, Planning, and Implications

Introduction Budgets are used to help improve the financial stability of an institution, whether corporate or in healthcare. Preparing an effective budget can help identify areas for improvement, areas that are effective, and overall cost-efficacy within the institution. Within inpatient settings, nursing managers are responsible for monitoring budgets. In some...

Ethical Issues in Medical Social Work

Code of Ethics and Medical Social Work Ethical standards are integral to the work of all social professionals. The reason for the existence of ethical standards as a system is the need for a unique guide to help navigate controversial situations (Cole, 2012). In addition, the presence of such a...

Medical Personnel Shortage: Evidence-Based Proposal

Introduction Medical personnel shortage is the main threat to the modern worldwide healthcare system and one of the leading healthcare barriers. There are several reasons for this issue, including the aging and retirement of medical workers and their transition to higher-paid jobs. It leads to the remaining of their positions...

A Discussion Board Post on Nursing Values and Ethics

Professional values and ethics determine competence among individuals working for profit-making entities. Medical practitioners, similarly, are expected to participate in activities and decision-making which enhance quality services to clients. Several ethical values and morals exist for healthcare expert working in different healthcare settings (Tilley et al., 2019). For instance, nurses...

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

Introduction The scope of professional nursing has continued to evolve for the better, with the inception of modern clinical practice as well as the embrace of technology in healthcare provision for quality and safety. Nurses have remained the backbone of the healthcare system as the chief primary care providers whose...

Patient Identification Errors. National Quality Strategy

Patient identification is regarded as an essential process in healthcare facilities, directed at ensuring the correspondence between patients and respective medical procedures via accurate communication of patients’ information. Patient identification errors (PIEs) can result in significant physical and mental harm and additional care cost, thereby complicating the treatment and nursing...

Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion

A significant role in maintaining and forming the principles of a healthy lifestyle and motivation to preserve health is played by medical workers, particularly nurses. It is possible to form skills for maintaining health and the need to strengthen it at the preclinical stage. A nurse should give the necessary...

The Diversity of the Rosalind Franklin University Community

I am firmly convinced that my life’s mission is to help people lead fulfilling lives, which is impossible without being healthy. Therefore, I would like to become a person who can treat people to increase their life expectancy and quality. I believe that every person deserves healthcare, both people from...

Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration

Leadership is an essential component of effective healthcare management. The quality of healthcare management and medical leadership defines the quality of care provided to patients (Sfantou et al., 2017). The healthcare team’s working process needs to be adequately regulated by the hospital administration to provide exemplary patient care. Healthcare management...

The Importance of Teaching in Nursing

Introduction Nursing can be considered as one of the most important parts of medicine since the representatives of this profession are closely connected with both patients and doctors. The lack of nurses is now a vast problem globally, and enough knowledge to teach others is one of the key strengths....

Healthcare Documentation: Standards and Regulations

Health care facilities manage patients’ life and health daily; quality medical care relies on ably trained nurses and doctors, high facility equipment, and good record keeping. Health care documentation records the facts about a patient’s health involving both past and most recent examinations, tests, illnesses, treatments, medical records. Medical patient...

Compensation Structure in Healthcare

Introduction The compensation structure is a necessary element that deserves exploration in every successful company. There are various other essential factors, yet the overall firm’s success depends directly on employee performance. The wage structure is a strategy that assists with evaluating the amount of financial gain an employee receives, according...

Competence for Nurses: Why Is It Important?

Introduction Nursing competence is the skill set that is required to provide quality patient care. This concept includes direct skills of care providing and the ability to build trust with patients, their families, and other health care professionals. At the same time, the level of competence and requirements for a...

Performance Appraisals in Healthcare Settings

Performance appraisal is an annual examination of the results of the personnel’s performance that provides the chance to find the methods to improve operations and understand the role of each member in the organization. Although the purposes of this assessment are honorable, it often fails to follow this strategy. It...

Sociological Analysis of Health and Illness

Sociology refers to the study of the origin, development, and structure of human societies and the behavior of individual people within the society. On the other hand, health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence...

Nursing Shortage: A Critical Discussion

Issue Definition Although there are persistent accounts of labor shortages in many other professional domains, nursing seems to enjoy the dubious distinction of perennially suffering from this condition. Nursing literature, however, demonstrates that there is no single definition or measure of nursing shortages (Buchan & Aiken, 2008), thus the need...

Imogene King – Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene King Imogene King was born on January 30, 1923 and she was a pioneer of nursing theory development. After earning a diploma in nursing, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from St. Louis University. King later earned a Master of Science in nursing degree from...

Case Study: The Clinical Moral Dilemma

Public morality is one of the most dynamic social constructs that characterize the degree of development of a population. The impermanence and non-conservatism of ethics respond to the lack of unambiguity that exists between the ethical question and the answer (Kruijtbosch et al., 2018). Indeed, decisions to help a poor...

Complementary Alternative Medicine

Introduction Healthcare professionals consider emerging concepts and ideas to improve care delivery. Some combine traditional practices with evidence-based medical procedures to meet the demands of more patients. These practices would be essential when providing patient education. This paper describes the major issues surrounding complementary alternative medicine (CAM) and its place...

Emergency Room Treatment for Patients With Stroke

Learning Objectives To discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnosis of the disorder (stroke). To delineate the diagnostic criteria and management approaches for the disease. To present the emergency room guideline for relevant treatment of patients diagnosed with a stroke. To present a review of three current research articles...

Healthcare: Interprofessional Collaboration

Describing the Changes of Attitude to Health Professionals The matter of quality services improvement as well as patient safety enhancement has been the major concern of health care professionals. In this respect, the introduction of interpersonal collaboration as well as nurse reforms can greatly contribute to educating nurse specialists because...

Case Study: Community Blood Center

The healthcare system is highly dependent on blood donations that hospitals receive from local and national centers. However, those supplies may be expensive, especially if a community has a monopolist. The case under consideration describes an attempt to establish a new blood center that would provide affordable material to hospitals...

Nursing: The IOWA Model

The IOWA model is designed to introduce evidence-based practice into nurse practitioners’ activities to combine their practical knowledge, scientific theories, and each patient’s desires. Most other evidence-based practices do not consider the subtleties of treatment of patients and their preferences, thus being a mechanical and formalized “cookie-cutter approach” (Dontje, 2007)....

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

Introduction People do not always understand the severity of eating disorders and the difficulty of their treatment. Perhaps, that happens because, for the general public, food intake seems a natural and easily controlled action. Despite this misconception, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) are serious psychiatric disorders. They usually...

Speech: On the Importance of Blood Donation

Attention Getter Who among you likes needles? (Pause) To be honest, I hate needles. (Transition) But they can be a tool that makes you feel better and increases your happiness. And not by injecting any illegal substances! I am talking about blood donations. Thesis Statement (Statement of Purpose): I want...

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Public Health

Qualitative and quantitative studies are the two main approaches to conducting research on a wide variety of topics. Quantitative research is usually deductive – that is, its conclusions are more specific and less encompassing than its base assumptions. It focuses on “measuring variables and testing relationships between variables” in numerical...

Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values in Healthcare

The differences of each of the selected organizations While there are striking similarities in the overall mission, vision, and values of the four healthcare facilities, notable differences are also present. Johns Hopkins Medicine stresses the relevance of patient-centered and family-centered healthcare, innovative research and effective treatment of childhood diseases while...

Variables in Nursing Research

Variables play a critical role in nursing research; thus, clearly defining and properly employing them is essential. There are three types of variables present in most studies – independent, dependent, and extraneous. Undoubtedly, it is vital to compare independent, dependent, and extraneous variables and determine how to control the third...

Concept of Self-Compassion in Gestalt and Existential Methods

Counseling can offer numerous strategies to deal with traumatic events in one’s life effectively. The concept of self-compassion can be utilized in different therapeutic approaches and provide people with tools to address their issues or transition from one stage in their life to another. This post will examine self-compassion in...

“Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human” by Ramachandran

Introduction Written by Ramachandran, the book The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes us Human is a must-read research on the main incredible and contentious topics in the field of neurology specifically the human brain. Ramachandran presents an eye of a teller of tales for compelling case learning...

Root Cause Analysis for the Patient

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) identifies the root causes of events as well as problems experienced by an organization with an aim of seeking problem-solving skills (Stamatis, 2003). Thus, the root cause analysis is based on eliminating or correcting the main causes of a problem instead of addressing the problem by...

Organizational Structure of The Ambulatory Surgery Center

A Description of the Organizational Structure or Design of Your Practice Setting The Ambulatory Surgery Center I worked at was not sufficiently equipped with all technical devices necessary for performing daily operations. Though the Medical Director of this center was a good manager, the organizational structure left much to be...

The Ageing and Diabetes Care

Introduction It is imperative to assert that age advancement and vulnerability to diabetic conditions are inseparable when clinically analyzed. The occurrence of diabetes is not limited to age or sex of an individual but its prevalence in the elderly people raises greater concern due to the risks it poses. Furthermore,...

Canada’s Public Health System

Introduction Canada is a progressive country, not far behind the United States, the UK, and other developed countries in Europe. But it has a big problem with its health care system. There are discrepancies in the implementation of health care plans at the federal level down to the provincial level....

William Farr Contributions to the Field of Epidemiology

Epidemiology defined Epidemiology is the study of distribution and factors of disease occurrence in the human community and the treatment of this study to manage health issues. The information got on the basis of epidemiologic methods is widely adopted. William Farr is considered one of the modern founders of epidemiology...

Sickle Cell Disease Analysis

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) also referred to as Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) is an autosomal blood disorder that occurs in individuals who possess a pair of recessive Sickle Cell genes. Sickle Cell Disease is usually characterized by the abnormal appearance of the red blood cells (Alexander, Baldwin, Money & McDaniel,...

Theory Use in Public Health Campaign

Introduction In the last decade, researchers have discovered the need for theoretical innovation in public health practice (Green, 2000; Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Most theoretical knowledge has largely centered on specific fields of public health, such as behavioral psychology and biomedical science (Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Some researchers have also...

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea

Introduction From a clinical viewpoint, amenorrhea can be defined as a health condition that is exemplified by the absence of menstruation. Nevertheless, a patient can only be diagnosed with amenorrhea if she misses more than two menstrual periods in a consecutive manner (Gould, 2002). Clinically, there is a difference between...

Dentistry: Code of Ethics and Professionalism

Professionalism is always associated with professional ethics and the ability to respect client’s needs. Unsurprisingly, dentistry has its own Code of Ethics and, therefore, the perceptions of how a true professional should interact with the clients. Dentists commit to society and the society, in its turn, awaits high-standard help from...

The Chronic Psychological Stress

All people in the world come across with stressful experiences in life. It is a major problem that leads to many of the life disturbances such as emotional, physical and mental changes and in the long run precipitating factor to the development of various diseases. It is proven that the...

Aspects of Nursing Education

Concept of Excellence as it Relates to Nursing Education The concept of excellence in nursing education refers to the practice of ensuring that nurses who graduate with diplomas, associate degrees, baccalaureate, master’s degree or doctoral degrees not only have the theoretical knowledge but also practical experience to handle patients (Wittmann-Price,...

Nursing Staff Reduction: Problem Statement

In medical organizations, the cutbacks related to the decreasing patient number and resources inevitably lead to the nursing staff reduction. The decision-making process of the nursing leader that I involved in the accomplishment of this task is always rather complex as it is impacted by multiple factors such as QSEN...

Normal and Abnormal Urine: Composition and Characteristics

Urine, one of the main waste products of the human body, can be an indicator of health and abnormal changes to the body. The first important subtopic is the composition of the discussed by-product of metabolism. Normal urine contains about 96% water, and the remaining 4% is presented by different...

Antibiotics: Definition, Uses, and Examples

Definition Antibiotics are drugs that are used in the treatment of infections (Lancini, Parenti & Gallo, 1995). The main causative agents of these infections are bacteria alongside other microorganisms. The ability of a microorganism to produce a substance that can hinder the growth of infection was initially used as an...

Partnering to Heal: Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention

Introduction Control of healthcare-associated infections requires concerted efforts of healthcare providers, caregivers, visitors, and patients. Healthcare-associated infections emanate from the spread of pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, from one person to another in a hospital environment. These pathogens usually cause catheter-related urinary tract infections, central line-associated bloodstream...

Levels of Measurements and Concepts of Validity

Abstract The process of research entails collecting data and making meaningful conclusions from the data. Significant conclusions are influenced by the process of data analysis, which is in turn affected by the type of data collected. Therefore, it is important to decide the appropriateness of data to be collected with...

Leadership and Change in Healthcare Management

Executive Summary The system of caring is undergoing several changes in modern society. But the need for leadership in this sector is well recognized for further growth and development. Nursing is one of the most essential professions in the healthcare industry. The paper outlines the essence of leadership and change...

Endocrine Functions of the Kidney

Introduction Kidneys have many tasks in the body and endocrine functions are some of the most important functions that they perform. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone mechanism helps the body to fight against chronic ailments as will be discussed in this essay. This paper seeks to discuss the endocrine functions of the kidneys...

The Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender

Introduction The Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common dementia-related maladies that arise from damage or death of brain cells. Various health researchers have come up with theoretical frameworks that are aimed at alleviating the condition. This essay examines the health promotion model by Nola Pender with a view...

Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone: Evaluating Public Health Interventions

Executive Summary This paper is a policy brief that explains the urgency of evaluating public health interventions introduced during the 2012 cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone. The problem statement stems from the failure of health agencies and public health stakeholders to follow up on the progress of past health interventions...

Contrast of Health Care Systems: Italy v. the United States

Introduction Provision of health care services is one of the most important functions of any government. Every nation would wish to see a healthy population, as this would translate to the growth and development of the national economy. It is for this reason that governments strive to ensure that their...

Professionalism and Professional Values in Nursing Practice

Professionalism and professional values lie at the core of the nursing practice ever since Florence Nightingale realized in the nineteenth century that nursing should not be just scientific comprehension and technical proficiency, but a profession established on explicit human values (Rassin, 2008). Professionalism and professional values not only guide and...

Mental Illness: The Case Study

This document presents the results of John Doe’s mental illness assessment histories. The interview was conducted to collect information about the client’s mental health condition. It contained open ended questions about John Doe’s mental history. The first part of this document highlights the assessment histories that will be performed while...

Myocardial Infarction: Key Issues

Abstract Individuals with myocardial infarction experience abrupt blockage of coronary arteries leading to deficiency of oxygen supply in the heart. Due to numerous conditions arising from the reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery, doctors have adopted the use of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to refer to the condition....

Linking Activity Theory and Aging Adult

Introduction Since Havinghurst and Albrecht’s first study of the importance of activity engagement in successful aging in 1953, activity theory has become an important area in gerontological research. The notion that successful aging is inseparable from active lifestyle is as old as social gerontology. As people age, they are forced...

Professionalism and Professional Values of Nursing

Introduction Professionalism can be understood as the concept that demands special knowledge, as well as an elaborate academic experience in carrying out certain duties. In nursing, professionalism may entail the ability to have considerable skills in caring, diagnosing, treating, counselling, and imparting health education to individuals who require medical assistance....

Philosophy of Nursing Leadership: Transformational Leadership Philosophy

Introduction Presently, the modern economic environment has changed from what it was in the past. The poor state of the economy impacts nursing practices in several ways from budget cuts to layoffs and service delivery. The success of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to the prevailing economic...

Ethical Considerations in Medical Imaging

Summary Modern civilization has witnessed a myriad of changes, especially in the healthcare sector. For instance, changes in modern medication and technology in healthcare delivery have resulted in opportunities and challenges for healthcare professionals. Besides, emerging changes in medicine and healthcare delivery have also been associated with debate on ethical...

Typhoid Fever: Health Promotion Pamphlet

Introduction Reporting of communicable diseases to the public health department is fundamental in the control and prevention of infectious diseases. Health care providers are required to report either suspected or confirmed cases of reportable diseases as soon as possible. When infectious diseases and related conditions are reported, medical therapy and...

Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is...

Nurse Turnover Quantitative & Qualitative Research

Introduction It should be noted that evidence-based care practices are fundamental to effective care. Qualitative and quantitative research is a tool for obtaining new medical data and results. In the context of this study, an analysis of nursing turnover associated with dissatisfaction with work processes due to stress is provided....

Role of a Nurse Manager Overview

The notion of healthcare has significantly evolved in its semantic paradigm over the last decades. The perception of the job description, however, has been mostly modified in the field of nursing care and management. If previously, the major emphasis was placed on the service quality, nowadays it is the organizational...

The Process of Food Poisoning in General

Food poisoning is a foodborne syndrome that results from the intake of contaminated foods. It is a common illness that often results from the consumption of food and drinks that are contaminated by bacteria toxins, parasites, and viruses and can also result from ingestion of noninfectious poisons and heavy metals....

A Case Analysis of a Mental Patient Sandy

Introduction This study is a case analysis of a mental patient who goes by a fictitious name, Sandy. The patient has a history of mental disorders and therefore has undergone several psychosocial, social, and biological interventions to treat his condition. According to the patient’s mental history, he has previously been...

A Branch of Medicine Description: Urology

Introduction The choice of a medical specialty is a crucial step that requires certain responsibility, knowledge, and assessment. It is not enough to know the definitions or qualities that professionals should develop. A reasonable choice includes clear definitions, equipment discussions, the description of procedures, and the work of physicians. In...

Risk Management in Health Care

Introduction The history of risk management in health care organizations dates back to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi. This code stipulated severe punishment for medical practitioners who through malpractice caused injuries or even death to patients. The escalated law suites occasioned by malpractices made health care providers face an unprecedented...

Nursing Informatics: Rural vs. Urban Setting

The attempts at integrating nursing science with the data management tools that have become available due to the digitalization of the industry and the recent technological breakthrough have led to the creation of nursing informatics. A nursing informaticist plays an important role in ensuring that patient data is arranged properly...

The Merits of Value-Based Care System

Introduction The approaches to the establishment and organization of healthcare systems may vary based on the selected central priorities. As opposed to fee-for-service systems, value-based healthcare or accountable care shifts emphasis from the volume of services to their quality and the extent to which the offered services promote health improvement...

Kinesiology: Volleyball Spike Overview

The process of human functioning is a highly sophisticated matter that has been constantly studied by scholars of various fields, as it represents a combination of social, physical, mental, and biomechanical endeavors. Thus, one of the major sciences related to the notion of human physical activity is the process of...

Nursing Process and Plan of Care

Phase 1: Assessment This phase is the initial start to the nursing process consisting of gathering information about the patient, their disease, and physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, spiritual, and environmental information. Nurses can obtain subjective data such as observations and patient communication or objective data through examination and measurable vital...

Physical Therapy and Sprain/Strain

Introduction In this section, we will profoundly discuss sprains and strains in context, define them, and provide insight about therapeutic treatment approaches. In continuum, we will define, discuss, and conversely expound on therapeutic treatment approaches. As such, this section is a summative expose on clinical comprehensibility of sprains and strains...

Training and Education in Health Care Organization

Introduction Training is a process through which job-related skills are passed to the employees. It involves undertaking a set of activities aimed at preparing an individual to work in the real world. It is appropriate for new employees and experienced workers who desire to improve their skills and meet job...

COVID-19: Prevention Strategies

While Covid-19 is spreading around the world, authorities and healthcare professionals are trying to avoid a sharp increase in the number of cases. For this reason, as the experts say, flattening the curve is vital to avoid overloading the healthcare system and reduce mortality. The attempts to control the spread...

Impact of Smoking on a Pregnant Woman

Smoking has various effects on a pregnant woman; it affects both the unborn child and the expectant woman. Prolonged or excessive smoking is even more detrimental to the health of a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, there is a sizeable number of women who still smoke when they are expecting a child...

Health Information Technology Service Management

Healthcare is one of the most important services provided to people, as the need to be healthy is shared by all humans. It is crucial that healthcare management keeps improving with the introduction of new technology. The implementation of IT in health services has been a work in progress for...

Verbal Orders in Medicine: Challenges, Problems and Solutions

Introduction Quality health care is the primary goal of any health institution, and it highlights patient safety as the chief principle. Quality patient care implies avoiding errors, learning from the mistakes made, and applying safety practices to deliver proper care. It is necessary to state that several factors condition the...

Comparison of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and 2 diabetes originate when an individual’s blood sugar is too high for a body to handle. A hormone called insulin helps the glucose in the blood to get into cells to be used for energy purposes. In type 2 diabetes, a body cannot produce a sufficient amount...

McCormack and McCance’s Person-Centred Care Nursing Framework

In the present day, the concept of person-centered care is becoming immeasurably significant within nursing on a worldwide basis. It is frequently used to describe the standards of health care delivery that are characterized by the significance of the patients’ needs regardless of their cultural, religious, and individual peculiarities. As...

The Sociological Effect of COVID-19

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has generated an international medical crisis that has resulted in a profound influence on how we perceive daily lives and personal interrelations. This has gone a long way to creating sociological effects on individuals, families, and society. The levels of contagion, coupled with...

Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan

Healthy People 2020 Goals Boosting lifespans and quality of life Eliminating health disparities between groups Ensuring healthy physical and social environments Supporting health across life stages First two goals are plan priorities Note: Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are...

Malawi Health and Education System Analysis

Introduction The social sectors of developing countries are often not high enough due to various criteria, for instance, economic, political, and other factors that hamper progress in specific areas. In Malawi, the state in which agriculture prevails over other fields, the topical issues of education and medicine are raised periodically...

Nurse Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, and Patient Safety

Introduction Patient safety, as defined by the National Patient Safety Foundation, is “the avoidance, prevention and amelioration of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from the process of health care” (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2016, para. 12). Patient safety is an expected characteristic of hospital stays. Although patients, their families, and...

Florence Nightingale’s “Environmental Model” Critique

Meaning The Environmental Model developed by Florence Nightingale in the second half of the 19th century is one of the first theories in nursing practice that became the basis for future nursing activity. Nightingale’s model mostly described how nurses must take care of their patients and what environment they must...

Ethical Principles: The Principle of Double Effect

The principle of double effect, sometimes referred to as “the rule of double effect” is a comprehensive guideline often applied in various fields in making ethically controversial decisions that are permissible to human beings and with the supreme purpose of achieving the most ethical ultimate good and equally withstanding the...

Day Care Centers: Health Risks

Introduction In the world today, most families have both parents going to work to make to boost family income. Their children, with no one to take care of them, end up at childcare facility centers, where they spend substantial time during the day. The advantages associated with daycare centers about...

Maternal Health Nursing Theories and Practice

Introduction Maternal health nursing is one of the most important nursing practices currently developed. This type of nursing helps mothers to build the proper system of interactions between themselves and their newborn children. Such practice is essential for the institution of family and society in general. That is why it...

Euthanasia – Mercy Killing or Assisted Suicide

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Proponents of the practice believe that individual freedoms of choice that exist in life also extend to the end of life. They also argue that the sentiment of humane treatment afforded animals...

Developmental History Research of a Child on a Specific Example

Introduction Filling and analyzing the developmental history of a child, the main critical purpose of such analysis is the identification of any disorders and deviations of the development, at the earliest stage possible. Such identification can be seen as a function of primary and pediatric care. The significance of analyzing...

Impact of Technology on the Healthcare System

Introduction Over the past ten year there has been a drastic change within the health care set up a factor that has greatly influenced the trend within the health care setup. The increment in the use of technology has greatly contributed to the immense changes and influences in the patient’s...

Nurse Manager’s Interview on Health Policies

Introduction Every day, nurse managers must have to make decisions that determine working conditions of their subordinates, quality of patient care, results of their treatment, and reputation of the hospital. A manager needs to know all the details related to medicine and healthcare, as well as organizational features, to evaluate...

Importance of Effective Communication in Nursing

Introduction Workplace communication is a critical component of professional interaction among colleagues as its effectiveness directly impacts a variety of performance indicators. In nursing practice, effective communication affects a wide range of competency and healthcare outcomes. Oral communication among staff helps to eliminate misunderstandings and mitigate conflict. Productive communication enables...

Egyptian and Filipino Heritage and Health Beliefs

Every ethnic group develops its heritage under the impact of diverse factors both inside and outside of the place they inhabit. In turn, cultural heritage including customs, traditions, and beliefs, influence different spheres of life of the ethnic group. Thus, traditional beliefs about health determine the healthcare behavior of people...

Professional Nurses’ Involvement in Health Policy

Nurses possess adequate competencies and philosophies that can be adopted to transform the future of care delivery. These professionals continue to dictate the quality of services available to different populations. In the recent past, different stakeholders have been keen to encourage and guide such caregivers to be involved in policy...

Euthanasia and Morality Debate

Definition of Euthanasia and a Brief Introduction to the Debate Euthanasia may be defined as the assistance provided to people who deliberately want to die due to suffering too much pain because of being terminally ill. There are two major issues people usually dispute over when speaking of the morality...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons

Introduction Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system. While increasing the availability of data and enhancing analytics techniques, they facilitate practices that were previously considered to be an area only for human experts. Although there are several...

Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions

Introduction Healthcare disparities present a significant problem surrounding the delivery of medical services. Inter-group differences related to access to care or the quality of treatment run counter to the principle of equality. Considering this problem’s significance and impact, the purpose of the paper is to expand on disparities, contributing factors,...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

The Impact of Work-life Balance on Nurses

Introduction Topic Work-life balance is a critical factor that has an impact on employees’ motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. However, for nurses working in hospitals, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. This problem causes nurses to experience other job-related issues, such as burnout, stress, deterioration of personal relationships, and exhaustion,...

Transcultural Assessment Model by Giger and Davidhizar

Formal Paper A cultural approach to health care providers is one of the most important elements that ensure improved patient outcomes. There are various nursing theories that define culturally-competent qualities and strategies to assist patients with their needs. This paper focuses on the use of the model developed by Giger...

Contemporary Nursing Practice in the US and World

Introduction The nursing profession is among the most significant ones both in the US and in the world. This medical personnel provides care for the patients in hospitals and other healthcare settings while assisting doctors with treatments. However, it is evident that the nature of practice for nurses has evolved...

Organizational Climate and Nursing Care Practices

What were the name and type of measurement method used to measure Caring Practices in the Roch, Dubois, and Clarke (2014) study? The Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Short Scale (CNPISS) was the method used to measure Caring Practices. It is a short 5-point scale method, where the results can be rated...

“How Do We Heal Medicine?” by Atul Gawande

According to Gawande, modern health systems are becoming more and more complex as technology and specializations develop. People are seeking out the best treatments and specialists, but that does not always result in the best overall healthcare (TED, 2012). High-reliability organizations (HROs) are becoming a central concept in healthcare as...

Johns Hopkins Hospital: Quality Measurement and Assessment

Introduction Johns Hopkins Hospital is one of the most recognizable health facilities in America. It is known for the diversity of medical services offered and a high number of patients who seek them. However, the daily operations of the hospital’s operations and the safeguard of its patients’ safety and quality...

Electronic Health Records Implementation Examples

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are becoming increasingly popular with the growing demand for convenient and high-quality healthcare services. Nowadays nursing care greatly depends on EHR because of the convenience of having all health information about a patient. One of the most important benefits of Electronic Health Records is the option...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...