The Importance of Respiratory Therapist

Health is the main consideration of people in different age and of different welfare. To be healthy means to be successful, powerful and happy. There is a tendency in modern world to the allied health professions. This is a relatively new profession (referencing to the fact that medicine exists for...

Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis

Meta-analysis is the method that is used to surpass information to the public policy by nurses. The first stage of meta-analysis is getting the research questions and perusing through it. Secondly, there will be reading the available materials found on the research questions. Data collection is the next stage which...

Locating Credible Databases and Research Nursing

Promoting evidence-based practice among nursing staff is a responsible task for the management of healthcare institutions. As an example of such an activity, the case of a nurse from the surgical department will be reviewed. She asked to clarify the peculiarities and ambiguous aspects of such a diagnosis as a...

Cultural Assessment in Healthcare Setting: Hispanic Americans

Demographics The term “Hispanic” is used to mean a group of people that share similar cultural and national identities from the Caribbean, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America. This ethnic group is made up of several subgroups following their cultural heritage such as Mexican Americans, Latin Americans, Spanish...

The Effective Implementation of a New Handover Process

Summary The aim of this report is to examine the handover process of patients. The report proposes a change of the handover from the traditional office-based style to the bedside handover style. The reasons for the change of the handover style include disruptions to patient care caused by the traditional...

Nursing Understaffing : PICOT Question

For a long time, the labor market has experienced a severe shortage of medical personnel, especially nurses. Hospital staff suffering from a lack of labor is forced to work longer and with many patients during the day, which affects the effectiveness and quality of services. Moreover, the world pandemic of...

The Role of Effective Communication in Nursing

Executive Summary Purpose: The purpose of this project was to discover a way to facilitate effective communications between nurses, patients, and their family members, leading to better outcomes. To that end, it was decided to implement an educational program that would improve nurses’ communication skills through role modeling and simulation...

Pros and Cons of Universal Healthcare in the US

Introduction Medicare and Medicaid are healthcare programs that were established in the 1960s in the United States of America making medical services affordable for defined categories of the population including the elderly and the poor. The financing of Medicare in the United States has come a long way and has...

Ethical Dilemma in Palliative Care Nursing

Introduction Medical approach to management of patients with chronic diseases has changed over time due to changes in technology, the fact that people acknowledged new rights of all human race, scientific advancement in the health sector and the use of patient advocacy. These have also influenced decision making and care...

Cruzan vs. Schiavo: Comparative Case Analysis

Introduction Today’s healthcare paradigm has become highly dependent on the notions of ethics and respect for individual freedom and world perception. Despite decades of continuous struggle for adequate healthcare ethics application, there still exists a variety of issues both public and government are to reconsider in order to create an...

Nursing Informatics in Healthcare

Abstract The development of innovative technological solutions and the active promotion of digitalization in every aspect of people’s lives have also affected nursing substantially. Namely, the creation of nursing informatics as a separate field that has helped in improving the efficacy and quality of care has served an instrumental function...

Health Promotion Concepts and Factors

Health promotion is a complex process that involves different aspects of human life and relations with the environment. The healthcare model involves social, economic, and personal development issues important for every individual. Participation in healthcare promotion is intended not only to lead to a more efficient and effective delivery system...

Ethical Considerations of Organ Conscription Policy

The issue of organ donation is acute in most countries, since transplantation has undoubted benefits and can save hundreds of people, but at the same time, it raises moral questions for many people. The organ conscription policy causes many controversies because the state takes organs from all deceased people who...

The Aging Process: Francine’s Case

Senescence is different from one individual to another and various factors are deemed to influence the process, among them being environmental factors, as indicated by Zastrow et al. (2019). The case of Francine suggests that alcoholic drinking, a lack of connection with family and friends due to her sexual orientation,...

The Performance of Nurses: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

The goal of realizing the plan is to introduce changes that will help improve the performance of nurses who care for the elderly and the quality of service in… hospital. The primary approach to implementation is the use of Levin’s three-stage theory of change and transformational leadership style to enhance...

Ethics in Nursing Overview and Analysis

On a daily basis, nurses face ethical concerns about their actions. Nursing ethics plays a significant role in the acceptance of her literate and responsible decisions. In particular, its principles describe the areas of self-determination of the patient, ensuring his safety, confidentiality, justice in relation to him and others. This...

Discussion: Postpartum Complications

When a female patient complains of headache, blurred vision, and epigastric pain after delivery and Pitocin infusion, nursing priorities should include prevention of excessive bleeding and evaluation of possible complications after the episiotomy. Regarding the already made incision, such problems as increased blood loss, infection, pain, discomfort, and new hematoma...

Professional Association Membership

The creation and membership in professional organizations is a common practice in various fields as they contribute to the development of the skills of participants and the system of their work in general. However, nursing associations are especially important and necessary because people’s life depends on constant communication and obtaining...

Writing Goals Technique: Dental Hygiene Specialist

Writing goals is a popular technique used in psychology, human resource management, and career planning. Its efficiency has been proved by examples of successful specialists in different fields. Simple as it may seem, writing goals though has certain peculiarities and requires appropriate skills. If to represent goals as destinations, and...

Aromatherapy as a Treatment

Essential oils are considered to be the medicine for everything from headaches to depression; thus, not many bother to research the benefits and contraindications of aromatherapy, primarily to using it. Limited research on the effectiveness of aromatherapy and therapeutic use of essential oils; however, some empirical studies refer to benefiting...

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

It is of utmost importance to develop new patient care practices or implement changes to the existing ones, thus making them reflective of the recent trends in the field. The so-called PICO(T) method is used to guide the process of data collection since it allows practitioners to formulate specific questions....

The Role of a Registered Nurse in a Multidisciplinary Team

Introduction The problem of nurse role and responsibility has been debated a lot, and still, there is no definite definition of it. Nurses in the multidisciplinary team are responsible for a lot of things and perform a great many roles. Being a nurse, much work should be provided, moreover, nurses...

Community Health Nursing: Home Care

The health and general well-being of citizens should always be a priority for local authorities. It is hard to deny that it is not enough to give people equal access to the healthcare sector. Besides making the healthcare system simple and available for patients, it is also important to control...

Stages of Life and Influence of Age in Healthcare

Life occurs in different stages from birth, childhood, teenagehood, youth, and adulthood, after which death occurs as the end of life. As people transition from one stage to another, they interact with the healthcare system to cater to their different health needs. In this process, individuals experience care differently. For...

Nursing: The Five Stages of Grief

Who is the nurse theorist we associate with the five stages of grief? Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is the nurse scholar identified with the five stages of grief. She intended to learn what the patients were contemplating while they were dying. With her first-hand study, she developed the famous five-stage theory popularly...

Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing

Ensuring a safe environment for patients is among the primary concerns for nurses. It could be difficult, as many factors impact safety within the health care setting. One of them is connected with medicine administration, which is an essential part of a nurse’s job. While it may feel routine, the...

Health Information Technology Service Management

Healthcare is one of the most important services provided to people, as the need to be healthy is shared by all humans. It is crucial that healthcare management keeps improving with the introduction of new technology. The implementation of IT in health services has been a work in progress for...

National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) and Clinical Laboratory Support

With the development of clinical pharmacy clinical staff started specializing in different clinical areas. (Stephens 2003) The course in Clinical Laboratory Support is aimed at people who work in pathology laboratories. It has been designed to “allow staff in these posts to learn underlying theory and gain credit for their...

Florida Nurse Practitioner Community

Introduction Florida is the state with the restricted practice of NP. Due to House Bill 607, starting from July 1, 2020, the restrictions will lessen for several categories of specialists. Initially, the full powers and the list of specialists to be allowed to have independent practice in HB 607 were...

Musculoskeletal Examination Based on the Patient’s Age

2-Day-Old Infant History questions: Are the baby’s legs and arms symmetrical? Is there any tenderness in the abdomen? Pertinent physical exam findings: Full hip abduction, equal gluteal folds, negative Barlow’s sign is normal (Tappero & Honeyfield, 2018). Maneuvers to perform Palpation, reflex tests, congenital hip dysplasia assessment (Tappero & Honeyfield,...

Nursing Leadership Regarding Holiday Coverage

In hospital policies, the approaches to resolving the issue when nurses request the same holiday time are usually described. However, in cases when units discuss holiday coverage separately, it is a responsibility of a nurse manager to address this problem effectively. The focus should be on meeting the interests of...

Why We Should All Be Wearing Face Masks

Introduction The ability of face masks to reduce infection is a matter of great concern during this pandemic period. The goal of Gray’s (2020) article is to teach people the importance of wearing a face mask in public. Thus, the reason for wearing a mask is the argument presented by...

Administrative and Financial System in Healthcare

Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities are complex systems because their successful work requires high qualifications in clinical practice and administrative tasks. Moreover, the management task is even more complicated than in most industrial enterprises, since the primary interaction occurs between people, which requires constant monitoring and reporting. For this...

Video Reflection on Interprofessional Collaboration for NURS4010

Personal Experience A patient named Lauren has been admitted to the ICU after being admitted and diagnosed in the emergency room with diabetic ketoacidosis. She was a 34-year-old female and had type 1 diabetes. As an on-call nurse in the ICU, I received the patient during admission. During handover, the...

Health and Physical Education Curriculum

Learning Ambassadors in the sphere of health and professional education have enriched schools with their vast experience and contributed to the development of standardised physical education in a range of elementary schools. One of the examples became Sandusky city school in Ontario. The weakness of that was that it lacked...

Applying Middle Range Nursing Theories

Introduction Obesity becomes one of the most critical problems among children worldwide, especially in some populations. The surveys regarding Mexican-American school-age children in the US reveal the fact that this population is more prone to obesity compared to the White population. Several reasons affect the rapidly growing rates of obesity...

Impacts of Grand and Middle-Range Theories on Nursing Practice

Nursing practice, as a professional discipline focused on the promotion of human health, derives from a broad pool of knowledge that comprises a plethora of theories, principles, and pieces of research evidence. In fact, theories and models drive the practice of nursing and substantially affect it. Theories significantly vary in...

Ethical Principles: The Principle of Double Effect

The principle of double effect, sometimes referred to as “the rule of double effect” is a comprehensive guideline often applied in various fields in making ethically controversial decisions that are permissible to human beings and with the supreme purpose of achieving the most ethical ultimate good and equally withstanding the...

Cultural Beliefs in Health Education

Introduction Various cultural beliefs across the globe have emerged to have a significant impact on health service deliverance in the community. These cultural beliefs seem to contradict healthcare delivery from professionals, thereby posing serious harm to the health conditions of their followers. However, some beliefs also promote healthcare provision across...

Western Psychotherapy and Traditional Healing Practices

Introduction Therapy is a form of treatment thought to be suitable, worthy and beneficial by both the patient and the therapist. Therapy aims at reducing pain and this happens by unearthing underlying issues that may be causing the pain. The pain may be physical or psychological. However, regardless of the...

Developmental History Research of a Child on a Specific Example

Introduction Filling and analyzing the developmental history of a child, the main critical purpose of such analysis is the identification of any disorders and deviations of the development, at the earliest stage possible. Such identification can be seen as a function of primary and pediatric care. The significance of analyzing...

Namibia’s Mobile Clinics & Nurse Training Program

Introduction This training program is meant to facilitate in the training of native Namibians who wishes to become paid workers of one of the three mobile clinics that shall operate across the country. The idea is to enable the creation of multifunctional clinics that shall seek to attend to the...

Sugar as a Medicine in Europe and the Arab World

Introduction Nowadays, sugar is one of the most commonly used dietary substances that is primarily known for its sweetening properties. Nevertheless, the role and meaning of sugar were by far more versatile in the past than they are today. It was a luxury and was not so widely accessible to...

What Is E-Health: Discussion

Introduction The role of information technology has only been growing over the period of time in virtually every aspect of the life of human beings. The case with healthcare should be no different. But in reality very little practical application of IT that will open up the possibilities of improved...

Nursing Skills and Behaviors Assessment

Undoubtedly, nursing is one of the most essential, irreplaceable, stressful, and complicated professions in the modern world. Every day, nurses help save hundreds of lives, provide psychological support and care for patients and families, improve their skills, and train other employees. This work brings tangible satisfaction, but also requires tremendous...

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services

The sixth edition of ethical and religious directives for Catholic healthcare services was created under the patronage of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and sought to guide Catholic doctors and nurses in their work. The document provides insights about social and spiritual responsibility, professional-patient relationships, issues in care...

Opportunities Created by Technology in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Introduction: The Target Audience The major purpose of this brief is to inform my colleagues about the potential of technology to create health promotion opportunities. Thus, nurses will be considered as the target audience. I will present the brief to them and invite them to discuss it with the aim...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Problem Statement and Thesis The influence of sexual and reproductive health literacy on health outcomes of individuals could hardly be underestimated in the contemporary public health sector. However, it should be stated that the particular focus on the role of sexual and reproductive health education in the adaption of women...

Adolescent Mental Health: Depression

Adolescence is characterized by numerous physical, emotional, and psychological changes in people. Sometimes, teens’ behaviors can be predicted by taking the necessary measures. However, in some cases, it turns out to be hard for children aged between 12 and 17 years to understand their emotional or physiological needs, which leads...

Health Informatics Trends

Executive Summary Health informatics is the scientific field that addresses biomedical information, insights and data as regards their maintenance, retrieval and use in the resolution of issues and decision making. The informatics website creates a dependable source of enterprise information technology resolutions and software development services. American Medical Informatics Association...

Ethical Case Study on Childhood Vaccination: Key Issues and Debates

The nursing practice in the USA is a demanding profession that consists of daily care about the patients. Given the responsibility for human health and lives, nurses have to perform within the strictly defined rules in different dimensions, including organizational, professional, and ethical. The problem of moral behavior of nurses...

Euthanasia Decision Regarding Christian Worldview

Introduction The selected case presents the story of George who is suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is a terminal condition that results in the loss of muscle control and coordination. Professionals providing services to patients with similar illnesses should focus on different issues to achieve their objectives, such...

Marlaine Smith’s Nursing Theory of Unitary Caring

Scenario In the case under analysis, a nurse must address the needs of a woman who has recently lost her husband to a heart attack. After a sudden heart failure, the man was brought to the hospital but died almost instantly. It was expected that his wife would say goodbye...

Enhancing Patient Hand Hygiene to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections

Background of Study/Summary Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are some of the leading causes of prolonged stays, high costs of healthcare, and unprecedented mortality and morbidity rates among admitted patients. The clinical problem that led to the study was the role of observing hand hygiene among both patients and nurses in the...

“The Effect of Orem’s Self-Care Model on Fatigue in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis” the Article by Afrasiabifar, A., Mehri, Z., Javad Sadat, S., & Ghaffarian Shirazi, H. R.

Introduction The main objective of the empirical study was to measure the effects of Dorothea Orem’s self-care model on fatigue and its self-management in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). As such, fatigue is defined as a subjective MS symptom yet it is one of the most prevalent in patients with...

Nursing Research and Its Components

Introduction Nursing research is an important aspect of nurses’ professional practice since the possibility of studying a specific topic or problem in detail makes it possible to improve individual qualifications. For employees of this profile, it is essential to be aware of the key principles of work in this direction...

Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care

Basic components Implementing a patient-centered approach has become a critical requirement in the clinical care environment due to the necessity to address patient-specific needs and create a positive environment in which recovery can occur at a faster rate. Therefore, the introduction of a theoretical framework that could assist in performing...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention in Hospital Settings

Introduction Many patients suffer from various conditions that require prolonged hospitalization. This evidence-based practice has remained a risk factor for pressure ulcers. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed description of this topic and its significance to nursing practice. It goes further to present three PICOT questions...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Introduction Caring for patients is a core element of practice in nursing. Not only can the lack of caring behaviors in a hospital lead to individuals’ dissatisfaction with rendered services and ways of treatment, but it also may threaten the healthcare quality in general. The Theory of Human Caring developed...

Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness

Introduction The application of various nursing models in practice is not only a possible technique of care but a necessity caused by the uniqueness of each patient and the obligation to provide qualified assistance in accordance with a specific situation. One of such techniques is the nursing theory of health...

Hospital-Acquired Infections as a Project Topic

Before starting work on a capstone project, it is crucial to identify the major aspects related to it. The present paper offers an overview of the issue that will be the focus of the project, along with the setting, description, and effect of the selected problem. The significance of the...

Breathe: Stress Management for Nurses Program

Background Patient safety is typically viewed as the number one priority in nursing, aside from the focus on patients’ recovery. Therefore, addressing the factors that define the degree of threat to which patients are exposed in the clinical setting is especially important to discuss. Among the essential factors upon which...

AIDET Communication Framework in Nursing

Introduction The quality of communication between nurses and patients in a clinical environment defines patient outcomes to a significant degree. Due to the problems in data management, some interventions or treatment strategies may result in the aggravation of a patient’s condition, an increased length of hospital stay, or the development...

Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory in a Mental Health Setting

Proposed Nursing Theory Restraint and seclusion implemented alongside sedative medication have a traumatic effect on the majority of mental health patients. Such treatment is often deemed unethical due to the fact that doctors and nurses implement the procedure whenever they encounter a patient that does not respond to traditional methods...

Vaccinations for Children: Issues and Recommendations for Positive Change

Introduction Evidence-based projects improve nurses’ practical skills. They integrate theoretical knowledge into health care. The discussed issue is vaccinations. Vaccines are recommended for children (Alexander, Lacy, Myers, & Lantos, 2016). Some parents are afraid of vaccines. Education about vaccines’ benefits is vital. Importance of Evidence-Based Projects Master’s degrees focus on...

The Negative Impact of Long Working Shifts on Nurses’ Efficient Practice and Health

Introduction The nursing profession is often associated with working long shifts and being available on-call. Even though having employees present for long hours may aid work processes at medical facilities, staff might be suffering from adverse psychological and physiological outcomes of such a schedule. Nursing practice requires a high degree...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Katie Eriksson’s Theory

Introduction The nursing profession is a responsible occupation that requires commitment and hard work. Despite the fact that this area is entirely related to medicine, it has some philosophical concepts that can be applied in order to analyze the essence of this field and its key aspects. Moreover, in addition...

Larry Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competencies

Introduction to the Model Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competences was developed at the end of the previous century by the professor Larry Purnell. While educating undergraduate students, he found out that nurses are to be aware of the ethno-cultural beliefs of patients and created a model that can be used...

Johns Hopkins Hospital: Quality Measurement and Assessment

Introduction Johns Hopkins Hospital is one of the most recognizable health facilities in America. It is known for the diversity of medical services offered and a high number of patients who seek them. However, the daily operations of the hospital’s operations and the safeguard of its patients’ safety and quality...

Implementation of Cycled Lighting in Intensive Care Units

The Strength of Presented Evidence The articles analyzed in the previous paper examined the influence of cycled lighting on the health outcomes of patients’ treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). Hospital conditions, especially in ICUs, could impact patients’ recovery due to experienced sleep disturbance and disrupted circadian rhythm. Changing lighting...

Barriers to Collecting a Health History

Introduction A competent healthcare specialist cannot succeed in therapeutic care unless he or she is capable of collecting a sufficient amount of reliable information about the health history of a patient. Since the obtaining of the data about prior health issues of an individual is essential, it is vital to...

Organizational Culture and Values in Hospitals

Organizational Values Hospitals provide high-quality care while maintaining efficiency. Focusing on patients’ well-being and safety. Respectful environment supporting differing opinions and perspectives. Integrity in upholding legal and ethical standards. Ensuring availability of treatment and quality of service. Transparency and responsibility in any operational practices. Organizational values in a medical facility...

The Use of Self-Transcendence Theory in Nursing

Pamela Reed’s Self-Transcendence Theory views people as individuals who develop throughout their life with the help of interactions with others, and within changing environments that either positively or negatively influence people’s overall well-being (including both mental and physical health). The story of Mrs. Richards, a patient who presented to the...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...

Suture and Their Most Common Types

Introduction The video presented by Zenn (2013) describes the most common types of sutures in a rather engaging and informative way. Being a specialist in an emergency room department, I have frequently observed professionals performing sutures. However, this video lesson was useful in explaining the detailed process of suturing simply....

Patient’s Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Summary This case study examines a 15-year-old female, who suffers from dyspnoea and non-productive nocturnal cough. The patient denies pains in her chest and other symptoms. Three differential diagnoses identified for the given patient are as follows: asthma, COPD, and pneumonia. Taking into account that COPD is more attributable to...

Chickenpox: Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction Chickenpox is one of the more common communicable diseases in the world. It is also known as varicella, and it is highly contagious. It includes a variety of easily identifiable symptoms, and complications could happen in certain cases. This paper will present a list of epidemiologic information about the...

Healthcare Workforce and Human Resource Management

Human resource management is an essential part of the healthcare industry due to the increased demand for qualified medical professionals. The case study of the CEO’s report of General City Hospital demonstrates important shifts and obstacles of the current healthcare system. CEO’s statement was mainly focused on describing relevant key...

Policies Enhancing Safety and Reducing Violence in Emergency Departments

Introduction It is not a secret that work in emergency departments relates to great responsibility and stresses, which often causes scandals, for example, between the employees of clinics and their patients’ relatives. To avoid any misunderstanding, it is necessary to provide full protection and countermeasures to violence through the training...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories have emerged as an attempt to systematize the nursing practices and the knowledge relevant to the field. Since then, many of them were modified to include other healthcare fields or focus on certain aspects of nursing. King’s Theory of Goal Attainment is one example of such frameworks,...

Nursing: Transitions Theory by Afaf Ibrahim Meleis

Not many patients are able to cope with transitions associated with interventions and interactions. There are many ways to support and guide people, and the theory of transitions is one of the available options. This theory is the result of long and serious work that Afaf Ibrahim Meleis began in...

Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project

Introduction Today, burnout and occupational stress are often associated with the nursing practice because of the number of tasks that nurses should perform daily (Khamisa, Oldenburg, Peltzer, & Ilic, 2015). Working in stressful environments, nurses experience significant physical and emotional pressure. Such stress leads to nurses’ burnout, and then, to...

Adolescent Health Care: Factors and Impact

Important Factors of Influence Many factors affect individuals in the stage of adolescent development. People of ages from twelve to eighteen are exposed to multiple spheres of influence, including social, biological, environmental, and cognitive changes. However, the most important factors that impact the development of persons of that age are...

Childhood Obesity: Data Management

Childhood obesity is one of the most alarming health issues the US society is facing. Wright et al. (2016) state that approximately 30% of American children are overweight or obese. It has been acknowledged that obesity in children persists in their later life (Manios et al., 2013). This health condition...

Finance vs. Accounting in Healthcare: Roles & Success

The success of a health care organization depends primarily on the extensive understanding of accounting and financial management by its executive and managers. Finance and accounting are both used to monitor and manage the financial resources of an organization. Finance and accounting are important aspects of an organization’s long-term attainment...

Holistic Approach to the Practice of Nursing

Introduction Holistic care is a model of patient care, which can be regarded as core to the science of nursing in general. According to Zamanzadeh, Jasemi, Valizadeh, Keogh, & Taleghani (2015), “the philosophy behind holistic care is based on the idea of holism which emphasizes that for human beings the...

Clinical Decision Support System

Introduction Information systems are a rapidly developing technology being integrated into the healthcare sector, which seeks to modernize the operational and clinical capacities of medical facilities and its staff. A technology known as the clinical decision support (CDS) system can combine research, protocols, informatics, and patient data into databases. Its...

Importance of Professional Relationships in Effective Healthcare Delivery

Health care providers should be in a position to develop healing and helping relationships in their clinical settings. The nursing process becomes a powerful model for ensuring that the needs of different individuals or colleagues are met. This essay describes how I will establish a helping relationship with my patients...

Madeleine Leininger’s Contributions to Transcultural Nursing Theory and Practice

Summary “Provision of culturally competent health care: An interim status review and report” is an article written by Carol Lynn Esposito for the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association in 2013. This article aims at reviewing the current nursing literature that relates to the recent progress of the...

The Circle of Caring Model in Nursing Practice

Nurses identify and implement evidence-based concepts to maximize the health outcomes of their patients. The Circle of Caring Model is a powerful theory that guides practitioners to engage their colleagues and health beneficiaries. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this theory and how it differs from holistic and biomedical...

Congestive Heart Failure and Orem’s Theory

Incorporating Theory Agboola, Jethwani, Khateeb, Moore, and Kvedar (2015) found that the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) could be controlled effectively through outpatient follow-up and patient education. The proposed treatment is in line with the Orem’s theory, which was developed by Dorothea Orem in 1950s (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). The theory...

Virginia Henderson as a Nursing Theorist

Virginia Henderson, the architect of nursing, made a huge contribution to the theory, practice, education, and research in the field of nursing. This theorist provided one of the most accurate definitions of nursing profession and, most importantly, a scientifically grounded theory of nursing that is based on a holistic approach...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Nurse training and specialization are vital in addressing various health care issues. Apparently, there are numerous issues associated with health care, including global nurse shortages, the need to provide quality care, and the necessity to reduce the cost of care while augmenting patients’ outcomes. Advanced training of nurses is...

Informatics Competencies Essential for Modern Nursing Practice

Core competencies are the skills an employee is required to have to perform their job effectively. This concept is universal among many different fields of work. However, having specific competencies is especially prioritized in the medical field. Even different types of nurses require different core competencies. This paper will compare...

Volunteering in Elderly Care: Lessons and Experiences

The Holy Bible encourages human beings “to be devoted to each other and show brotherly love” (Romans 12: 10). We are all expected to share good moments with others. This practice has the potential to support our emotions and spirits. This knowledge encouraged us to express our kindness to a...

Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Checklist

Explain the process that was used to develop the Quality Program To develop the quality program, Simpson, Peterson, and O’Brien-Ladner (2007) utilized “Shewhart and Deming’s plan-do-study-act methodology” (p. 185) to create an initial checklist for screening. The study was given to different doctors and nurses to gain feedback. After the...

Nursing Theory: Orem’s Self-Care Deficit in Modern Healthcare

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is focused on the provision of outstanding care to all patients and the improvement of the quality of their lives. It means that health workers should incorporate knowledge from different areas to attain enhanced results and assist individuals in their recovery. Under these conditions, nursing...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Theory of Nursing

Name of the theory The Neuman Systems Model appeared in 1972 and 1974 in Neuman’s books “A model for teaching total person approach to patient problems” and “The conceptual models for nursing practice” (Gigliotti, 2001). These books explained her perceptions of nursing and healthcare and. The books described the openness...

The Integration of Theory into Nursing Practice

The integration of theory into nursing practice can be discussed as a challenging process because many nurses do not understand the role of theory in their work, and they are more focused on completing patient-oriented tasks. In their article, Tracy and DiNapoli (2012) discussed how it is possible to apply...

Nursing: A Science or Art?

Introduction The debate over whether the nursing profession is a science or art has been ongoing, and the proponents of each point of view put forward contrasting arguments to support their opinions. As debates proceeded, it became evident that nursing has more apparent characteristics attributed to the scientific side of...

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Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing

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Introduction The nature of the nursing profession requires nurses to make numerous decisions based on careful consideration of laws and ethical standards. Taking into consideration that nurses are confronted with dozens of ethical challenges in their practice daily they have to be familiar with the codes of ethics outlining how...

Watson’s Theory for Oncology Intervention Project

Applicable Nursing Theory Utilized For current project, Jean Watson’s theory of human caring seems suitable. The theory’s principles incorporate such values as spiritual care, equality, and kindness (Watson, 2013). Therefore, the theory is closely associated with the suggested interventions since relieving pain and eliminating adverse outcomes of treatment is one...

Miami Health and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Introduction The results obtained using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework reveal that Miami faces various health risks such as climate hazards, sedentary lifestyles, accidents, water and food contamination, drug abuse, and homelessness. This community assessment paper gives a detailed analysis of these health risks. The discussion also outlines the resources...

Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Despite the fact that there is no one universal definition of a conflict, Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) defined it as a “process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party” (p. 373). In a professional setting, conflicts can arise from...

Multinational Family Assessment and Care Plan

Family Composition A family under the evaluation consists of three members: a mother, a father, and their son. This nuclear family is considered multinational as the 31-year-old mother is Chinese and 38-year-old father is American. Each of the family members performs a certain role. In particular, the father acts as...

Preventing Medical Errors

Introduction Medication is an essential practice in every healthcare setting. Nurses and healthcare providers should administer the right drugs to their patients. However, this clinical practice is usually associated with numerous errors. Forni, Chu, and Fanikos (2010) argue that “medical errors are either systemic or individual” (p. 14). Healthcare institutions...

Understanding Ethics and How We Approach Ethical Decisions

Chapter I of the book Health Care Ethics is entitled “Understanding Ethics and How We Approach Ethical Decisions.” It comprises of three sub-parts. The part that should be summarized is “How We Approach Ethical Decisions.” In the following chapter, the authors discuss aspects that influence the making of moral decisions....

Nursing Theory of Vigilance and Its Values

Abstract The nursing theory of vigilance is grounded on the philosophical underpinning that care is the essence of nursing practice and vigilance is the essence of caring. Nurses cannot provide quality patient care without being vigilant. The theory was developed by Jeanine Carr. Professional vigilance can be defined as a...

Communication and Clinical Interviewing in Nursing: Strategies for Effective Patient Interaction

Pre-writing Communication is the movement of information from one person to another person through an appropriate channel. Good communication is very critical in the nursing profession. It is necessary for nurses to develop healthy relationships with their patients. Nurses should always strive to prevent distractions from interfering with the communication...

The Role of Nursing on the Patient Health Improvement

The need to improve the health status of patients through the alteration of their health behavior calls for patient education. Healthcare providers and other health professionals have a responsibility of ensuring that patients are equipped with the necessary information that can help them in improving their health status (Bastable 67)....

Nutrition: How to Prepare Scrambled Eggs?

Our life consists of millions of actions and processes which we perform every day. Usually, we do them unconsciously, without even thinking about them or taking into account some peculiarities of their behavior. However, each process has its algorithm according to which it carries. Peculiarities of this algorithm determine the...

Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation

How communication skills are used in health and social care Health and social care communication involves interpersonal relationships with healthcare professionals on one hand and clients and patients on the other. This process largely depends on the healthcare professionals or workers as they are the privileged class, i.e. their background,...

Food Safety and Information Bulletin

The health-conscious consumer looks for nutrient-packed salad bars, natural foods, rare meat, and raw seafood at meal time but the microbes in fresh foods or in foods processed with minimal heat pose greater health risks than the nutrient loss that occurs in cooking or the chemical additives and pesticide residues...

The Application of Group Therapy for Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders are at increase in recent times and there are many interventions of researchers to assess and understand the recent steady growth of the incidences. This paper presents the group proposal for the treatment of the adults who are affected by eating disorders. It has addressed various topics,...

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Theory and Risks

Introduction Plastic surgery is a medical practice that mainly consists of reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. It is normally done so as to either correct or restore the functions or features of the various body parts. It is important to note that the word plastic is derived from a Greek’...

Collaboration Among Medical Professionals for Medication Plans

Introduction Those knowledgeable about medications recommend working together to improve patients’ medication plans. Pharmacists use their expertise alongside other medical professionals to ensure patients’ medications are balanced and adjusted correctly. This is crucial to keep the patients healthy. Main Body A pharmacist’s main job in this teamwork is to review...

Reducing Pressure Ulcers in Healthcare Through Staff Education

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the area of healthcare is one of the most significant in the U.S., meaning that medical workers have to be skilled, educated, knowledgeable, and qualified to provide high-quality services. Unfortunately, a number of severe issues do not allow providers to improve patient outcomes....

Parkinson’s Disease: Epidemiology, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction For the condition to be profoundly explored, Parkinson’s disease was chosen. This illness is characterized by its wide presence in many countries worldwide. Significantly, the issue correlates with the aging population, which has more adverse effects. According to Bloem et al. (2021), “Parkinson’s disease represents a fast-growing neurodegenerative condition”...

Comparing Healthcare Systems: How the Netherlands Surpasses the USA

Introduction The population’s health is the most influential factor in the state’s social, cultural, and economic development, directly affecting all spheres of society. Public health protection is a significant state task, the major priority of activity, and one of the objects of social policy. At the same time, healthcare systems...

The Importance of Clean Water for Health, Nutrition, and Development

Introduction Natural resources are essential to humans because they provide them with vital needs. They include the access to clean water, which supports breathing, nutrition, development, expected growth and all physiological processes. With this component, the population’s quality of life is greatly improved. Providing clean water is one of the...

Roy’s Adaptation Model in Diabetes Treatment and Patient Care

Introduction The concept map in this study demonstrates how Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) is used in treating diabetic patients. The concept map is intended to give a visual picture of the intricate interactions between the RAM’s elements, the progression of the disease, and the educational implications for patients and medical...

Scope of Practice and Licensure for Nurse Practitioners in Florida: Rules and Barriers

Introduction The activities of nurse practitioners are coordinated not only by ethical and professional guidelines but also by official requirements for the work of medical specialists. The specific rules governing how to obtain the necessary licenses and certificates vary locally, and different regulations may apply. These regulations, in turn, can...

Saudi Arabia’s Health Information Systems: Governance & Challenges

Introduction A health information system (HIS) can be defined as a structure used to manage data in a healthcare facility. The information includes patients’ age, status, medication, and diagnosis reports and histories. Electronic health records facilitate easy retrieval of data when needed by doctors during diagnosis sessions (Alshahrani et al.,...

Depression: Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Patient S. H., 32, female, Caucasian, single, was referred by the patient’s mother since the patient has been exhibiting changes in behavior. Problem The patient complains about lack of sleep, tiredness, loss of interest in leisure, irritability, and trouble concentrating. She states that these symptoms have been prominent for two...

Business Intelligence in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Business intelligence has become a significant aspect of the modern world. It includes various techniques, tools, methods, and strategies that help business practitioners convert raw data into meaningful pieces of information, improving the performance of companies that apply business intelligence to their activities (Business Integrity Services, 2021). The concept...

Cultural-Based Substance Abuse Treatment in Guam

Abstract Substance misuse is becoming a significant problem in Guam, with methamphetamine usage contributing to increased theft and criminal activities. The One Sky Center Substance Abuse Cultural-Based Interventions Methodology, which acknowledges the importance of cultural traditions in supporting long-term rehabilitation, is the foundation of the study. The program used a...

Evaluation of the Intervention

Introduction The nurse must become more relevant to the population’s needs, namely her patients. She should become a well-educated professional, an equal partner, working independently with clients and contributing to the community’s health. The nurse currently plays an important role in providing medical and social help to the elderly and...

The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations

The implementation of self-help kiosks as a cost-saving strategy is a growing trend in healthcare organizations, as these kiosks aim to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide patients with the same level of care. While this approach offers advantages, it is crucial to consider potential drawbacks associated with reduced staffing...

The Effect of Globalization on Healthcare

Globalization is the phenomenon describing tight relationships between global cultures and economies. It increases the interdependence of the countries by promoting reduced tariffs, an expanded job market, and a competitive environment. As the technologies, information, and development of science become available for everyone, globalization speed increases rapidly. Its technology diffusion...

The Hispanic Cultural Group Healthcare

Introduction The United States of America is home to people from diverse cultural backgrounds from different parts of the world. There are about seven classes of cultural groups in the country. Hispanics or Latinos constitute the second largest and most expanding cultural group in the United States. The Hispanic cultural...

Patient Safety Events and Prevention Plan

Introduction Patient safety lies at the core of healthcare organization concerns. Any behavior by professionals that leads to adverse events has to be investigated by the hospital and outside organizations to determine whether a different approach should and could have been chosen to prevent a negative outcome for patient health....

Duplication of Healthcare Facilities Within Regions

Hospitals operate in a unique market, which can be entered by distinct participants. Each separate institution, whether already present in a region or recently opened, can affect the functioning of other facilities from the same sector. As a result, such an area is likely to have multiple medical organizations that...

Understanding the Three Levels of Prevention

Primary prevention refers to interventions that aim to prevent a disease or condition in individuals at risk but who have not yet developed the disease. Examples of primary prevention include vaccination, healthy lifestyle promotion, and environmental interventions (Kisling & Das, 2022). It plays a hugely significant role in public health,...

Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare

Strategic quality management significantly impacts how firms develop and implement their goals. Healthcare executives bear a great deal of responsibility for locating relevant tools that make it easier to implement innovative ideas. According to this viewpoint, healthcare providers should prioritize their patients’ health above all else. One method is to...

Pharmacology and Medicines Optimisation

Introduction The chosen scenario involves a 46-year-old male with seasonal rhinitis. Martin has been treating the symptoms with the over-the-counter (OTC) drug Piriteze 10 mg once daily. Following his recent diagnosis of hypertension, Martin was administered 10 mg of Enalapril. To ensure that Martin’s prescriptions do not interfere with his...

The Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) place a significant economic and healthcare burden. It has been determined that over 35 bacterial, viral, and parasite infections are sexually transmissible (Chesson et al. 203). Approximately 2.4 million instances of sexually transmitted diseases were reported in 2020, according to the CDC (Hopkins Tanne 1275)....

A Doctor of Nursing Practice-Prepared Nurse in the Work Area

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-A prepared nurse plays an important role in ensuring patients receive high-quality and safe care. Similarly, DNP-prepared nurses are directly involved in improving the healthcare system – they provide a link between health policy and practice. Beeber et al. (2019) observe that hiring practicing DNPs is...

Motivational Interviewing and Description Tool

Motivational Plan Design The national equity atlas is the first determinant of health assessment and analysis. The globe is defined by economic and social inequity that harms the health and livelihood of people. The outlook of the familial breadwinners rationalizes the community. When a family is mapped based on financial...

Understanding Self in Professional Practice Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Introduction Gibbs’s reflective cycle is an important element of nursing practice, as it allows them to improve their practice, find strong and weak sides, and fix them. Therefore, I will use it to reflect on my practice, describe and evaluate it, to understand how I can improve it. Lack of...

Non-Verbal Communication in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction In the nursing profession, proper work with patients plays a vital role in the overall treatment process. While the patient is in the hospital, the nurse becomes his guardian, the closest person to him in the place. Therefore, it is critical to establish proper communication between the patient and...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a federal agency that works to improve the overall health of the general population by promoting healthy behaviors, preventing disease, and being better prepared for emergencies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concentrates its efforts on promoting health...

The Superiority of Ancient Medicine Over Modern

Introduction Authors’ stance toward their source can be either objective or subjective. Hasler’s stance toward his source is objective because he selected informative and reliable sources when writing this article. He did not merely choose one or two sources that would support the idea that his article was an objective...