United States Military Veteran Suicides and Causes

Abstract This paper is a literature review to gather information on the different causes of suicide in the US military. Ten peer-reviewed articles were selected, and the findings showed that military separation, mental illnesses, problematic intimate partner relationships, childhood trauma, and a history of suicidal ideation are the leading causes...

The Surgical Procedure and Psychology

Abstract Many scholars believe that personality is something permanent. However, some researchers have been focusing on different surgeries that make it easier for people to change their appearances. The argument presented in this paper is that individuals who elect to have plastic surgery develop different personalities. The surgical procedure is...

The Big Five Personality Inventory for Leaders

The Big Five personality test allows analyzing such dimensions of one’s personality as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. That is why the test is frequently abbreviated as OCEAN (“The Big Five personality test,” n.d.). The results of the inventory help to understand one’s abilities to exercise self-discipline and explain...

Predictors of Postpartum Depression

Giving birth to a baby is a happy occasion, yet numerous women cannot experience the feeling. The phenomenon of postpartum depression affects the quality of women’s lives, as well as their self-esteem and relationships with their child. To prevent instances of depression and the associated issues, a detailed assessment of...

Love Is in the Gaze: Love and Sexual Desire

The article “Love Is in the Gaze An Eye-Tracking Study of Love and Sexual Desire” by Bolmont, Cacioppo, and Cacioppo has explored how the human gaze differs depending on whether it is related to the perception of love or lust. The study hypothesized that an individual’s gaze may vary based...

The Words Children Hear Picture Books and Language Learning

In the article “The Words Children Hear Picture Books and the Statistics for Language Learning”, the authors have observed the speech development benefits associated with reading picture books to children. The study hypothesis was that there is a link between the degree of a child’s vocabulary development and the quality...

Cyberbullying Issue and Interventions

Introduction The 21st century is known as the age of communication. It is now possible for individuals to remain connected with thousands of their peers thousands of kilometers away. However, this progress did not come without a price. The borders of what is considered public and private have shifted considerably,...

Biology and Happiness Relationship

Introduction Human beings engage in numerous activities, establish appropriate relationships, and formulate decisions that can eventually make them happy. Researchers and theorists in different fields have been focusing on the most effective mechanisms to transform emotions and empower more people to achieve their potential. It is also evident that positive...

Reassessing Personal Life After Psychology Course

Introduction The study of various psychological theories and concepts may allow taking a new look at the world and changing the perception of usual communication, behavioral, and other habits. After completing this Psychology course, my vision of certain aspects of life has become different, and new views have emerged regarding...

Psychiatric Personality Disorder in Adults

Dementia Social Activities Dementia is a health condition that manifests in acquired cognitive impairment, which tends to “cause limitations of memory, self-care, and family, social, and occupational functioning” (Perese, 2012, p. 512). As a result, patients with dementia often experience social isolation. At the same time, there is a distinct...

Social Psychology: Prejudice and Stereotypes

Define prejudice. How is it explained through the ubiquitous social phenomenon? Prejudice is a disposition towards a specific gathering, sorted with various components, for example, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious convictions, and political perspectives (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). A misguided judgment is that prejudice originates from the superior...

Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder

Micic et al. (2016) argue that any job that involves ‘shifts’ can lead to a Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder. The fact that the said disorder relies on the breaking of the regular sleep pattern supports the premise. One of the regular jobs that involve shift-taking is nursing. Indeed, nurses often...

Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments

Introduction The outline is based on the article Development screening and assessment instruments with an emphasis on social and emotional development for young children ages birth through five, published on the website of the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (Ringwalt, 2008). The four components of a mental status examination The...

Single Afro-American Mothers’ Experience: Theories

Theories Commonly Applied in this Study Single African American mothers’ experience of relationships with sons is always unique. In this qualitative investigation, the focus is to investigate the experience of these single African American females of being mothers to their adolescent sons. According to Williams and Smalls (2015), single women...

Alcohol and Its Major Behavioral Effects

Alcohol is among the most popular psychoactive drugs in the world alongside caffeine and nicotine. One of its primary pharmacological effects is the inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS), for which reason it was used as an anesthetic in the past. The mechanism of the anesthetic effect lies in...

Single African American Mothers: Research Methods

When planning for a research project, one of the most important factors that must be considered is the appropriate research method that should be used. The methodology articulates the steps that should be taken, from the initial stage of data collection to analysis, and finally, the presentation in the most...

Group Counseling Management and Duties

Introduction Before the session commences, I must ensure I have informed the participants on the length of time necessary during the process helping to deter some people within the group not to use too much of the “air time” when the time for asking and answering questions comes. This will...

Children’s Emotional-Mental State and Therapy

Case You see a 7-year-old child for a WCCU. The mother is present for the visit and reports that during the past 12 months he has become more “clingy”. He will separate from his parent as long as he can see them nearby. For example, he will play soccer but...

Child Maltreatment Detection and Care Plan

The case of a 7-year-old boy is not purely physical. His condition probably has psychological roots. Such attachment to a mother is not common for this age. The case is not simple since the situation has lasted for a year. Moreover, it is complicated by the fact of repeated nightmares....

Cognitive Theories and Developmental Models

In my opinion, Van Gogh is a perfect representation of a person fitting into the Peak and Decline model. His most famous works were produced between his 20s and late 30s, and in a decade, he created more than 1.000 pieces of art. Although he committed suicide at 37, it...

Human Thinking and the Processes Involved

This week’s reading allowed me to develop my understanding of the human mind and the concept of free will. I have learned more about various scientific and philosophical notions of human thought, as well as of the mechanisms involved in our thinking processes. The perception of the human mind as...

Behavior Modification: Sweet Tooth

Introduction Human behavior is the subject matter of behavior modification. Behavior is what people do and say (Miltenberger, 2011). The characteristics that define behavior are as follows. Behavior involves a person’s actions. It is described with action verbs. Behavior is not a static characteristic of the person. Behaviors have one...

Diversity Psychology: Foreign Language and Cognition

Language is a unique tool that helps people to investigate a surrounding reality and express their feelings, emotions, and attitudes. At the same time, it apparently impacts the environment as a person sees the world through the prism of his/her mother language (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). It has formed...

Personality Traits in Theories and Examples

Trait Theorists According to Gordon Allport, an American psychologist and one of the founders of personality psychology, personality is a dynamic feature within an individual’s psychophysical system that determines his or her characteristic behavior and thinking and dictates unique adaptation to the environment. At the centre of the dispositional personality...

Aggression, Its Conditions and Coping Methods

The frustration-aggression hypothesis There is a hypothesis that aggression is conditioned by frustration from some situations. Suggested by Freud, it was further developed by other scholars (Burger, 2015). This hypothesis states that “aggression is always a consequence of frustration … that the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence...

Attachment Theories in Child-Parent Relationships

Ainsworth (as cited in Burger, 2015, p. 143), singles out three types of relations between parents and a child. First of all, there is a secure type of relations. It presupposes mothers’ attention and responsiveness to a child. Infants in this type of attachment feel secure and “tend to be...

Aggression Management and Coping Methods

Aggression is a perilous power as it can trigger an outburst of feelings, negative emotions and result in undesired consequences. For this reason, psychologists state that it is critical for a person to release his/her anger to preserve intellectual sobriety and avoid poor outcomes (Chester, 2017). There are different ways...

Emotional Contagion Research in Psychology

The research in question was meant to identify the effect of emotional contagion – a phenomenon in which people transfer their emotions to their peers using various modes of communication. The experiment was organized on Facebook and measured the effect of including words with positive and negative emotional load. The...

“Direct and Indirect Exposure to Violence” by Zimmerman

Is the Problem Clearly and Concisely Stated? Yes, the author of the article states the problem clearly and concisely. First, Zimmerman underlines that exposure to violence is a crucial topic for consideration due to the impact it has on young people. Then, it is stated that exposure to violence could...

Emotional Contagion in Facebook: Psychological Research

The experiment described in the article was intended to research the ability of individuals to change their emotional state depending on the indicators used by their peers. The researchers modified the participants’ Facebook news feed by removing content with positive or negative expressions. As a result, the participants produced posts...

Adler’s Children: Individual Psychology Theory

After birth, children start to make assumptions about their surrounding environments. A child’s position in a given family will dictate his or her developmental process. It is also notable that children will develop unique personalities based on a number of motivations, observations, and experiences. That being the case, parents have...

Life Development in the “Star Wars” Movie

Introduction Human beings go through different stages in life. It is worth noting the fact that each stage of life has got its various demands and expectations which are associated with it. Essentially, being able to master each stage gracefully and deal with the challenges of each stage enables a...

Early v. Late Maturation: Bringing Puberty to Life

Nowadays, precocious maturation has become rather widespread across nearly all human populations (Seeker, 2016). Simultaneously, there exist individuals whose puberty starts late (Steinberg, 2017). Because adolescence is a period during which children are subjected to significant changes and stress (Nickel, 2010), it is paramount to be aware of the potential...

Anorexia Nervosa, Its Etiology and Treatment

One of the eating disorders that affect a significant number of young individuals nowadays is anorexia nervosa. The etiology and treatment of this disorder are discussed below. Etiology Generally speaking, it is unknown which factors have the greatest impact on the development of anorexia nervosa in individuals, but it is...

Memory and Eyewitness Identification

It appears that it is tremendously complex to identify a person whom one had seen previously on a low-quality picture. Human memory has various limitations that might have a significant impact on our choices, even if someone else’s life depends on them. The following paper will discuss a case of...

Big Five Personality Traits and Leadership Effectiveness

Introduction The Big Five Personality Inventory is a reliable tool that is used by individuals to assess their personalities and competencies. The framework can guide people to develop superior skills in areas such as leadership. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of my personality and how it can...

Depression and Self-Esteem: Research Problem

Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a systematic research of phenomena using methods involving the analysis of numerical data; these methods are usually mathematical, statistical, or numerical (University of Southern Carolina Libraries, 2017). The data is commonly collected via polls, surveys, etc.; after that, it is systematically generalized to a wider...

Psychology: the Experimental Approach

The experimental approach allows for making conclusions about causal relationships between variables. In experiments, the conditions of the experiment (potential confounders) are kept on a constant level, and the independent variable (IV) is manipulated to see how it affects the dependent variable (DV). The conditions being kept constant permits for...

The Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem

Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents, and high self-esteem does not mean...

The Experimental Approach: The Causal Relationship Between Independent Variables and Dependent Variables

The experimental approach permits for concluding causal relationship between independent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs) by observing change in DVs resulting from manipulating IVs in a controlled environment (Cozby & Bates, 2015). Mogilner (2010) exemplifies an experimental study using a factorial design to test the impact of time- and...

Father Absence Impact on Daughter Sexual Behaviors

Research Topic The research topic of the proposed study is the exploration of the influence of father absenteeism on attachment development in adult women with the focus on the mother-child and female – intimate partner dyads. This study aims at identifying the difference (if any) between the way females (who...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Setting the Scene I have been having trouble coping with the fact that my son Ryan was recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). We all started worrying about him when he was four years of age, and he could not speak fluently. Although he was able to use...

Anxiety and Social Interactions

Introduction One behavior that I would like to modify through a reinforcement therapy schedule is my anxiety when it comes to short social interactions. While I am lovely when it comes to communicating with people over the internet through email or messaging services, talking directly to a person often sets...

Burnout and Retaliatory Behaviour Intents in the Workplace

The article called “Burnout and Retaliatory Behaviour Intents in the Workplace – An Exploratory Study” by Mamidenna and Viswanatham (2014) targets misbehaviors and retaliatory behaviors as a vital group of workplace behaviors that harm the managers and employees. The exploratory study is based on the results provided by such research...

Rape Trauma: Intervention and Therapy

Abstract This paper includes a brief analysis of the intervention aimed at addressing the needs of a rape victim. The 14-year-old African American female exhibited delinquent behavior and depression symptoms. The therapy included elements of CBT, motivational interviewing, and play therapy. The major goals of the treatment were achieved and...

Importance of Self-Reflection Course

Self-reflection is very important for people as it can help them understand their needs, their wants, and set some goals as well as develop a thorough plan to achieve these goals. One of the most valuable outcomes of this course for me is my ability to self-reflect effectively. Previously, that...

Domestic Violence: Control and Prevention

Summary of Social Problems Human beings in different communities encounter numerous conditions. Most of these conditions are usually unbearable or undesirable. Such social problems are encountered in every part of the world (Crosson-Tower, 2012). The first condition covered in class is homelessness. Many people across the globe “do not have...

Personal Development Planning: Important Habits

Introduction Habits in connection with personal development refer to behaviors that are repeatedly assimilated over time and can either be good or bad (O’ Neil 2015 (a)). They are, usually, seven in number; habits of being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, prioritizing first things first, win-win situations, seeking...

Social Psychology Research and Social Media

How can applied social psychology research influence awareness and develop responses to diversity? Applied social psychology research can influence awareness of diversity because, even to carry out a study on the topic, it is necessary to identify both loci of diversity and its marginal manifestations; such identification makes diversity explicit....

Psychology History and Contemporary Movement

Principles Titchener aimed to develop psychology as the study of immediate experience, the contents of the consciousness. He “set as goals for psychology the determination of what, how, and why of mental life”, where “what” was elements of mental activity, “how” involved the way these elements combine, whereas “why” dealt...

Counseling Therapy: Josie Case

What are the key advocacy issues or risk factors impacting this case? Cultural factors In most cultures, people with disability are often victimized and secluded from societal activities. The victimization coupled with seclusion results in low self-esteem among the special group of individuals (Lago, 2005). Josie has undergone victimization and...

Psychological Impact of Crisis on People’s Lives

When people’s lives are overwhelmed with a crisis, their psychological and physical well-being is affected. Frustration and aggression can affect them if the misfortunes are not resolved successfully. Therefore, it is important for the people who are hit by a crisis to strive to bounce back to their positive sides...

Client’s Status and Its Changes

Client’s Status with Regard to Biological Changes Joe is passing through a critical developmental stage that is characterized by a number of biological changes, some of which he may not clearly understand. The first change that he may find unique is deep voice that was not there before. He is...

Psychology: Prejudice as Disease Protection

Abstract This is a psychology paper which discusses the relationship between prejudice and protection from diseases. This is an investigative paper that seeks to justify the argument made by Huang, Sedlovskaya, Ackerman and Bargh in the year 2011 that ‘prejudice evolved to protect us from disease and be reduced with...

Hunger and Homelessness Consequences on Development

Consequences of Hunger and Homelessness on Children’s Development The article “New study reports strong links between food insecurity and negative developmental consequences for young school-age children is available on the FRAC website. The article discusses the consequences of hunger and homelessness during the early developmental years on children’s growth and...

Military Social Worker’s Qualities and Skills

Military social work is a special field of the social work profession that has emerged as a response to an ever-increasing demand for psychological help for armed forces members, veterans, and their families. Military social workers are the ones who understand multifaceted behavioral health problems, psychological and physical conditions, and...

Psychological Issues After a Crisis or Disaster

It is almost impossible to avoid crisis and hard to lead a disaster-free life. According to a developmental psychology theory by Erick Erickson, crisis and major life changes have similar features but distinct magnitudes and impacts on one’s life. How an individual or community copes with different life crises has...

Big Five Personality Inventory and Personal Results

Introduction In recent years, the Big Five Personality Inventory has gained a lot of popularity in casual and professional circles. The development of such systems has been going throughout the last century with mixed results. However, recent research has shown a measurable level of effectiveness in utilizing the Big Five...

Social Psychology: Understanding and Applying

Social psychology, the study of how people perceive each other and relate to each other, can be employed in a variety of ways to explain both the current trends in society and the possible future changes. In this paper, we consider the ways it can make prognoses, and then propose...

Human Cognitive Development and Group Decision Making Process

Human Cognitive Development The 2-years-old Charlie will use his senses and motor movements to play with flour while imitating what others are doing when mixing the flour in what is termed as acquiring direct knowledge of the world through trial and error learning. Owing to the fact that Charlie is...

American Psychological Association Format

One of the immediately apparent advantages of the American Psychological Association format is that it creates a working image that is pleasing to the eye and makes the paper comfortable to follow. It instantly makes the paper look more professional, and the uniform guidelines for running headers, title pages, text...

Careers in Development and Personality Psychology

Abstract This paper focuses on development and personality psychology. It identifies the type of education needed to become a professional, describes a range of duties as well as works settings and income. Attention is paid to the most interesting things related to the areas. Two real-world human experiences are discussed...

Individual Differences Influencing Development

The two main individual differences that have influenced my development to the greatest extent are temperament and parenting style (Simpson, 2008). I have selected them as they were intertwined for me. The temperament is one of the conditions for the formation of certain properties of the psyche of a person....

Developmental Disorder Overview: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

One of the developmental disorders often diagnosed in the middle childhood years is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children suffering from this condition experience three basic difficulties: hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsive behavior (Harris & Westermann, 2014, p. 189). This disorder interferes with the child’s development on a cognitive level of functioning. A...

Cultural Differences Influencing Child Development

The interview with an acquaintance from a different cultural background revealed certain interesting characteristics. Having been raised in a Jewish family as an only child, she was influenced by traditional values and beliefs, as well as cultural conventions a great deal. Education was a primary focus throughout her childhood, to...

Developmental Psychology: Full Brain Maturity

It is worth noting that over the past 20 years, new technologies in transport, medicine, and electronics caused large changes in the life and habits of people. In general, life expectancy has increased, and means such as telecommunications and the Internet have provided a large amount of information that is...

Adolescence from Developmental Perspective

The adolescent period is commonly considered to be paradoxical due to the cognitive changes that young people undergo during this period. Hence, this age is notable for the development of formal cognitive operations that allow adolescents to construct the so-called “contrary to fact” propositions (Coleman, 2011, p. 41). The appearance...

Careers in Clinical and Counseling Geropsychology

Clinical psychology Introduction Psychology is a vast field of intellectual endeavor. As a result, there are numerous areas of specialization. Some of the more popular specializations under the umbrella of psychology are listed as follows: clinical psychology; counseling psychology; educational psychology; neuropsychology; geropsychology or the psychology of aging. For this...

Career in Clinical, Counseling, Forensic Psychology

Abstract The paper presents the self-assessment results that were obtained with the help of O*NET Interest Profiler Instrument of U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The paper also describes the job opportunities for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders. On the basis of the self-assessment results, there has...

Psychology and Personality: Jung Typology Test

Introduction Jung Typology Test is an instrument that was built on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ theory (Humanmetrics Inc., 2016b). It helps to discover a type of one’s personality that is characterized by certain strengths and inclinations. It also allows establishing individual’s learning and communication styles (Humanmetrics Inc., 2016b)....

Nature vs. Nurture: Genes of Effective Leaders

I know two people with a genetic propensity to become effective leaders. The assumption of the genetic basis for their inclination towards leadership roles was based on the conclusion after observing two sets of parents. Person A grew up in a home wherein the mother and father were pillars in...

Personality in Classic and Modern Theories

Psychoanalytic Aspects of Personality In this week’s learning, the subject of the greatest interest is the eight aspects of personality. In this context, the topic about traits contains intuitive information about human nature (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). The traits consist of a person’s motives, skills, and to some extent their...

Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives

Abstract The paper discusses such branches of psychological science as biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, social psychology, experimental psychology, and forensic psychology. The paper covers the main concepts, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each branch. The prospects for the future career in each of these...

Compulsive Buying in Women: Psychological Research

Connecting Research Question to Methodology Some women try to buy as many clothes as they can, some try to make their house as ‘full’ as possible while some invest in their looks or focus on their children’s performance and achievements (at school, in the workplace). All these efforts can be...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience higher levels of anxiety every day, even if stressful situations are not present (Sue, Sue, Sue, & Sue, 2013). The disorder is usually accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms that can vary (insomnia, loss of consternation, tension, etc.) To diagnose the patient with GAD,...

Holmes & Rahe Stress Inventory and Management

The Holmes and Rahe rating scale was developed to measure the amount of (long-term and short-term) stress in an individual’s life. My results are as follows: 38 – major change in financial state; 36 – changing to a different line of work; 29 – major change in responsibilities at work;...

Erikson’s Psycho-Social Development Theory in Use

Introduction Erik Erikson believed in strong ties between an individual and society. The researcher noted that people’s development is closely connected with societal roles played. In other words, people develop through finding themselves in human society, community, etc. Erikson developed the Theory of Psycho-Social Development that is based on eight...

Atypical and Biopsychology: Brain and Behaviour

Explain how psychoactive drugs exert their effect on the brain The ability of psychoactive drugs to alter consciousness is connected to their impact on the brain cells activity and on the work of neurotransmitters namely (Coon, 2005). Neurotransmitters can be defined as the “chemicals that carry messages between brain cells”...

Psychology: Child’s Brain and Physical Development

Abstract Recently Art Kramer conducted research devoted to the connection between the child’s brain and physical development. The researchers found out that children who are in a good physical state have more than 10% bigger hippocampal volume than those who are not fit. They underlined that the body’s condition is...

Loss and Grief Studies in Psychologist’s Career

Before starting the examination of the unit materials and becoming involved in the class activities, I have concerns regarding the discussion of the topic of loss and grief because it is a challenging for not only beginners in counselling but also experienced counsellors. I am oriented to making efforts to...

Veterans Court Designing: Three Crucial Stages

Understanding What Veterans Face It is no secret that the battlefield changes a person forever. Many veterans suffer from the traumatic things they have experienced during their military careers. These lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal tendencies. Experts say that about one-fifth of all veterans suffer from these...

Psychologist’s Discrimination Against Deaf Student

A news report by Only Forex Trading (2013) tells about a group of deaf customers who were discriminated against in a Starbucks coffee shop. It is stated that the people were laughed at, and the police were called to kick them out. In our opinion, the situation was extremely unpleasant...

Construct Development, Scale Creation and Process Analysis

Construct Development and Scale Creation Construct Emotional Intelligence. Operational Definition Emotional intelligence forms a very important foundation through which researchers examine various aspects of social intelligence involving human relations relative to the criterion of assessment. Furthermore, it is certain that various personality attributes including perceiving emotions, facilitating thought, understanding emotions,...

The Concept of Meditative Walk

Introduction Mindful walking refers to relieving one’s stress through taking a walk aimed at eliminating overwhelming stressful thoughts. Various psychologists and scholars argue that mindful walking is an effective tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. Such an argument holds since the exercise allows an individual to get rid of...

Conjectures Through Graphing: Video Analysis

The use of socio-cultural theory in education was introduced by Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist who was also the founder of the theory. In socio-cultural theory, he explored broad interdependence between social and individual learning processes (Ormrod, 2011). Lev Vygotsky postulated that the observed step-by-step changes which occur in children’s...

Challenges in Veteran Mental Health Care

How has this topic influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? The topic of veteran research influenced the care I will provide to this population because it provided an understanding of mental health issues that people deal with after being in the military. It is due to...

Sensation and Perception Processes

Describe the five basic taste qualities that humans perceive Since taste and smell are chemical senses, sensations delivered by them are harder to explain and describe to another person. However, when one describes the way a given thing tastes, he or she can refer to common and widely known gustatory...

Homosexuality and Adolescence Development

Transgender disorders and homosexuality The development of a human being can be listed among the most interesting questions that have been discussed during the course. In general, this question under consideration is even more essential because it involves ethical concerns and refers to the right of people to be understood...

Human Development Psychology Issues

Transgender Disorders and Homosexuality Homosexuality and transgender identity are regarded as a deviation from the norm in many societies. Homosexuals and people having transgender disorders have been victimized and pursued for centuries. Different theories concerning homosexuality and transgender disorders exist (Ettner & Guillamon, 2016). For example, some believe that people’s...

How Environment Impacts Physical Development

Methodology The study uses a quantitative methodology to answer previously identified research questions. Many researchers report that negative emotions have a significant impact on physical development in this age group, and this assumption was used to develop one of the research tools (Dubois-Comtois, Moss, Cyr, & Pascuzzo, 2013; Elsaesser, Gorman-Smith,...

Differential Psychology as a Future Career Field

Introduction Psychology is concerned with peoples’ behavior at three different levels. These are the characteristics common to all people, the unique characteristics common to a group of people, and characteristics unique to each individual. This implies that while there are certain characteristics common to all people, there are those that...

Domestic Difficulties Influence on Early Sexual Debut

​Introduction The periodical that I have chosen for my abstract submission is called the International Journal of Research in Nursing. It is a peer-reviewed nursing journal providing the new authors with the possibility to extend the knowledge about the modern approaches to nursing practice. It encourages new authors to submit...

Non-Disclosure of Patient Information

What is confidentiality? Confidentiality refers to the non-revelation of client information to other people without the client’s consent or legal requirements. Why is confidentiality an important aspect of the therapeutic relationship? In therapeutic counseling, a confidential relationship between the Counselors and their clients is important. Counselors are required to protect...

Scientific Underpinnings of the DNP Project

Scientific Support Do you have research evidence to support that your selected intervention is an effective approach to your selected practice problem? If not, you need to change your selected intervention; you intervention must be based on current research evidence. You must have at least 10 primary references, either primary...

Wikis and Blogs’ Impact on Psychology

Without any doubt, online communication is one of the most widely-spread types of communication between people. Being far from each other, people get an excellent opportunity to share news, discuss various themes, meet new friends, organize their days, and entertain. Of course, writing letters and chat communications are excellent and...

Substance-Related Disorders and Dual Diagnosis

Reassuring the patient. It would be appropriate to show empathy by acknowledging and understanding Rebecca’s nervousness about the D&A service, while at the same time addressing her exaggerated or unfounded fears. Other health services. Rebecca is in need of a social worker to help her establish normal relationships, and a...

Educational Psychology: Developing Learners

The concept of developing young learners has always been of great interest among educational psychologists. It is against this reason that psychologists have developed myriad of theories that can assist teachers understand and nurture young learners. One of the common theories that have been applied in respect to child development...

Child Observation and Developmental Problems

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that Arron has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects (Sandwell). At this age, a child should also have well-developed...

Individual Counseling: Collaborative Goal Setting and Effectiveness

Collaborative goal setting is one of the conditions of effective counseling relationships. The individual counselor should create the atmosphere of acceptance and sincerity promoting the collaboration. To achieve a reliable counseling alliance, the counselor and the client should equally understand the purpose of the teamwork. In the case of Sienna,...

Rational Emotive Therapy for Identifying Emotions, Thoughts and Solving the Issue

People have a way of expressing their inner feelings. Rational Emotive Therapy helps to identify a person’s emotions, thoughts and provides a means for solving the issue. The paper would discuss the RET method. Activating Event One day the police found my colleagues and me chatting in a food café....

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a way of thinking in which the critical thinkers arrive at conclusion through logical means. It can be viewed as a logical way of arriving at a conclusion. A critical thinker uses reasoning and logic in order to understand the truth as opposed to mere opinions. Skills...

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

Introduction Children develop in unique and unpredictable ways. What is normal for one child is absolutely unacceptable for another. Children are personalities, and they display different character traits. Yet, all children pass the basic developmental milestones. Piaget is fairly regarded as “a giant in the field of human development” (Sigelman...

Cognitive Development: Future Study’ Basis

Abstract This paper identifies the domain that I will address in my final research paper. Three theories that address the domain are briefly presented. The reasons for choosing this domain are given, and the expectations about the future study are provided. The paper is grounded on a review of basic...

Social Psychology: Developing an Aggression Questionnaire

Social psychology is the scientific study of how human behavior is influenced by external factors such as the environment (Baumeister and Bushman 29). It investigates how others influence human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Social psychology argues that the actual or implied presence of other people determines how we behave (Smith...

Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience

Abstract Human cognitive development has always been a subject of scientific interest. Currently, scholars prove that it is directly connected with the intellectual abilities of people. Cognitive neuroscience is a prominent step towards the understanding of human nature. Cognitive neuroscience employs functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate various neuron...

Child Development: Life of Kennedy

Introduction The play years are very important in a child’s development and learning since they form the basis of its future. Two different children will never develop or learn in the same way. This paper follows the life of Kennedy who is 5 years old. I will use theories and...

Counseling: Clinician as Christian

A practical example of Christian A practical example of Christian counseling can explain its principles fully. There are many approaches to counseling, the main of which are psychology-based, Bible only, and open-minded approaches. However, in the case which is being analyzed, the integration of all the systems is inevitable, as...

Combat Trauma and Its Demographics

Description Combat trauma is a classification of psychological trauma, which is specific to combatants and other individuals in war situations. Psychologists describe psychological trauma as damage or injury to the head that occurs due to events that cause a lot of distress. Such events may occur once in a victim’s...

Origin of Psychology Research Method Worksheet

Psychoanalytic The psychoanalytic perspective involves the affiliation between unconscious and conscious psychological state. This perspective is not suitable for teamwork but it takes place between the analyst and the patient. One of the key persons linked to the psychoanalytic perspective is Sigmund Freud. Sigmund developed several theories such as psychosexual...

Erikson’s Psychosocial and Freudian Psychosexual Stages

Introduction Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud are great psychologists who came up with different theories that seek to explain the formation and development of personality. Erik Erikson came up with psychosocial theories, which explains that personality development depends upon epigenetic elements and the influence of culture in a given society....

Deviance Causes and Effects: John’s Case

John’s Deviance Story Deviance among members of the society results from different sources. In most instances, some events occur in the life of an individual, and their cumulative effects lead to deviance. Usually, one occurrence causes the other, leading to the formation of a causal chain of event. This paper...

The Pattern of a Conflict: Tracing Your Own Life

The Way It All Begins Even though conflicts are considered mostly as a negative phenomenon, people need conflict as a part of the communication process. Without conflicts, people would not develop in a normal way, since conflicting tactics teach people valuable skills, such as the ability to keep their cool...

Child’s Angry Outburst Management and Family Therapy

General Information and Goals Presenting the Problem Mrs. Smith and her husband had problems with their child, who had conflicts at school. Parents could not manage it, as they both worked full-time and could not use flexible schedules. Mrs. Smith contacted the agency, as she received several calls from school...

The Impact of Depression on Motherhood

The Literature To study the impact of depression screening on prenatal and postnatal motherhood and effects on early interventions, a rigorous selection criterion was applied in collecting relevant data for analysis to answer key questions (KQ) on the impact of early interventions. The study was assessed against predetermined benchmarks to...

Cognitive Development: Scholarly Sources Analysis

Article 1 The research by Dehaene et al. (2010) focuses on the correlation between cortical development and education. The study hypothesized that literacy positively contributes to the level of cortical organization. The researchers employed fMRI to establish the responses of the brain to various stimuli among adults who had different...

Affirmative Psychotherapy for American Jews

Summary of the Article Reconstructionist. The Jews belonging to this denomination are rather progressive in their visions, and they focus on such important concepts as God, the Torah, and the People of Israel. They accept the principles of modern culture, share traditional rituals, but concentrate on modern ideological views while...

Foster Care System and Child Welfare Programs

Introduction Children in families that have violent or coercive parents and guardians are likely to have experienced physical abuse are more likely to develop psychiatric and behavioral problems (De Arellano, 2008). They will have difficulty in adjusting to normal environments they may become traumatized and sometimes develop traumatic disorders. Urquiza...

Religions Through Hyperactive Intentional Stance

Hyperactive intentional stance looks at cognitive systems that generate effects resulting in the creation of religion. A mind conditioned to a set of thinking and biases creates forms of religions. Daniel C. Dennett observes that the first step to comprehend the human mind as a possible place for religion is...

Cognitive Neuroscience

What is meant by “the method of converging operations”? Why is it important for neuropsychology? Method of converging operations refers to experimental operations used to eliminate alternative hypotheses that explain experimental results. Neuropsychology is the study of the brain in relation to behavior. Therefore, numerous experiments are carried out in...

Depression and Workplace Violence

Introduction Workplace violence is a growing problem in organizations and businesses and is recognized as “a critical safety and health hazard” in the United States (Chenier, 1998, p. 558). Injury caused by accidents and violence in the work environment has been regarded as a significant social problem. But the accident/injury...

Neurobiological Behavior and Lifespan Development

Feldman’s Article Review The article, “A neurobiological model for the effects of early brainstem functioning on the development of behavior and emotion regulation in infants: Implications for prenatal risk”, by Geva and Feldman (2008) proposes a theoretical model that employs the three observational levels to study prenatal risk. The study...

Working With Mandated Ordered Client in Group Counseling

The Most Difficult Type of Client (s) To Work With In Treatment Group counseling is important for character transformation and psychological treatment. Professional counselors act as stewards during group counseling sessions (Harel, Shectman & Cutrona, 2012). Ideally, a standard group counseling session is normally composed of persons from different backgrounds....

Tabula Rasa: John Locke’s Memory Metaphor

Locke’s memory metaphor tabula rasa reflects the idea that a person acquires knowledge in the process of gaining experience from the surrounding world. Therefore, when a human is born, his/her mind is empty. All individuals are equal in terms of position, status, and potential to expand their knowledge. Nowadays, the...

Group Experience and Dynamics in Organizations

Key Dynamics and Issues about Group Experience Since various groups pursue different interests, the dynamics that are witnessed in many sets of people are not new in terms of group experience, as discussed here. Task and Maintenance Roles Mostly, group task and maintenance roles in the organization, whether in the...

Perception and Attention in Examples

The Perceptual Process Perception entails the processes of selection, organization, interpretation, and response to stimuli gathered from the surrounding environments through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2007, p. 70). Additionally, perception utilizes the cognitive processes involved in information processing. Accordingly, perception occurs...

Thagard’s Mind Theory, Its Use and Modification

Representational power When examining the nature of the multi-agent system there are a few factors that needed to be taken into consideration, the first is the fact that humans have complex behavioral systems which to this day are still not completely understood (Samson & Apperly, 2010). As such due to...

Meditation for Prevention Destructive Behaviours

Introduction Statement of the problem Meditation is a very simple thing yet very critical to the well-being of every human being. According to physicians, very many people suffer due to inadequate power to meditate upon their lives. The daily life of human beings has got a lot of experiences and...

Personal and Professional Development

Competency Based Interview Preparation Test The design of the Competency Based Interview Preparation Test captures a person’s propensity to exhibit certain behaviors in the work place modeled after the behavior displayed by good performers. Employers rely on these tests to provide them with an objective and effective assessment of a...

Personal Development in the “49 Up” Documentary

Introduction Starting from the opening scenes, the plot of the documentary 49 Up reveals various factors that can influence human lives directly. The main purpose of Michael Apted as the director of these series was to prove that not only childhood background but also other environmental factors can have a...

Substance Abuse and Frustration Relationships

Substance abuse is often considered a serious problem facing society today. Individuals who abuse various substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and morphine encounter difficulties accepting social realities (Gibson 16). A report released by the Harvard health institute indicated that substance abuse is high among frustrated individuals. Other literature has...

Stroke and Alexia in Cognitive Neuroscience

Stroke One of the neuropsychological syndromes that interest me in the study of psychology is stroke. The condition develops whenever there is a significant disturbance in the overall supply of blood throughout the brain. Scientifically, the syndrome is referred to as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (Brazis, Masdeu & Biller, 2011). Stroke...

Motor Skills and Movement Coordinations

To master a particular task, motor skill is usually developed with the help of the brain. The skill entails a series of movements that are complex and are learned with time (Graziano, Taylor & Moore, 2002). Hence, the motor cortex assists in the development of the complex movements which are...

Human Developmental Disabilities in Students

This paper highlights different health conditions exhibited by students in the The United States of America and various parts of the world. It is an integrated focus on disabilities and disorders in the development and well being of the human body. The paper gives basic examples of sentences that use...

Cultures and Worldviews in Counseling

Introduction According to Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002), it would prove quite inappropriate, on the part of a counselor, to pay little attention to what happened to be the particulars of the treated client’s ethnocultural affiliation. The reason for this is that, while aware of what accounts for these particulars’ discursive...

Behavioral Style: DISC Platinum Rule Assessment

Individual dimensions of behavior The Disk Platinum Rule assessment that I have recently undertaken indicates that my prevailing behavioral style is dominant. It also shows that I value directness and openness in relations with other people. These character traits are closely connected with the dominant behavior style (Robbins & Judge,...

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic

Do Kendra’s presenting problems result from patterns of interaction with others? Indeed, Kendra seems to be having personal problems especially when it comes to interacting with other people. It is evident from the case study that she feels quite uncomfortable mixing with peers and other acquaintances. For instance, she is...

Students’ Procrastination and Attentive Therapy

Procrastination Describe the research study/studies you would conduct to determine whether your treatment is efficacious. Make sure to explain why each part of your study is important. What can you conclude from these studies? Students were replacing high priority tasks or responsibilities with tasks that are of lower priority. To...

Infant Development and Family Situation Analysis

Abstract Giselle is two-month-old. She has good reflexes and normally develops except for being underweight. Her mother (Joelle) takes care of her, but she needs to enhance her knowledge regarding infant’s nutrition. Moreover, her grandmother should also pay more attention to their nutrition to provide proper advice and support. Changing...

Concept of the Mid-Range Theory

Mary Ainsworth is a clinical psychologist who is most well-known for her contribution to developing the attachment theory. The focus of her research was early development attachment that a child may have with a primary caregiver. Her most cited contribution was the Strange Situation process, which was an assessment to...

Single Mothers and Sons Relationships

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

An Introduction to Psychology Research Methods

What are the similarities between descriptive and inferential statistics? What are the differences? When should you use descriptive and inferential statistics? Descriptive and inferential statistics have various similarities that can be explored. Most notably, they can be used in the analysis of data without any problem which leads to the...

Child’s Communication and Developmental Influences

Parents, Listen Next Time Your Baby Babbles Agnew (2014) published an article on a detailed study of how parents should dedicate their attention to let their babies understand that they are trying to communicate with them. Besides, babies use the babbling mechanism to communicate with their parents and if given...

Human Services and Professional Competencies

Introduction Human beings are the most complex things on earth as agreed by most of the philosophers and socialists. Not only the human body, rather human nature is difficult to predict and understand in various situations. Since human psychology is difficult to understand at times, this generates social issues and...

Patient Case: Donald Suicidal Behaviors

Questions to Consider What symptoms of psychosis does Donald display, and how long have these symptoms been evident? In the case study, Donald displays delusions and hallucinations, as he perceives himself as being demon possessed. He also displays dramatic mood changes such as depressed moods, lack of self-awareness resulting to...

B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism and Biography

Abstract B. F. Skinner was a distinguished psychologist renowned for advancing various theories on human behavior. His works received critical reviews from numerous scholars. This paper analyses three journals, each providing a different point of view on behaviorism as suggested by Skinner. Delprato and Midgley’s “Some Fundamentals of B. F....

Definition of Psychological Terms and Creating Sentences

Deafness This can be described as a condition whereby an individual suffers from partial or permanent loss of hearing. Some scholars define deafness as a condition that results from hearing impairment due to an infection called otitis media (Friend, 2011). Deafness can also be defined as a condition that entails...

Self-Esteem and Depression in Quantitative Research

It is paramount to choose an appropriate research topic which features a high degree of scientific merit and a good research methodology. This paper discusses two possible studies (the quantitative and the qualitative ones) which have been previously proposed by the author, and evaluate the components of their scientific merit....

African-Centered Psychology for Single Mothers

The proposed study will have theoretical implications for psychology because it will allow for developing a better understanding of single African American mothers’ experience of their relationships with their sons. According to Doody and Noonan (2013), theories such as black psychology theory and general system theory will be utilized to...

Group Counseling for Children and Disabled People

What are some concerns about doing groups with children? Working with children is always a complicated process as no matter how long one works with this category and how much experience one has, each time work is a hard affair with a great many difficulties. Working with children, one is...