In the 17th century, one of the most prominent philosophers of all time, René Descartes, put forward his view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Urban (2018) states that, in Descartes’s view, matter is spatial, and it possesses attributes confirming it, while mental entities have no such...
Topic: Mind
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Middle adulthood is accompanied by several physiological changes. Although this is unavoidable, the value of physical activity in this age group cannot be overstated. After 30, the body loses 3-8 percent of its muscular mass per decade, and after 60 years, the loss increases (Toh et al., 2020). Rheumatoid arthritis...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 859
Pages: 3
Every person is afraid of something; fears often guide people through life without them realizing it. Some people are fearful of being vulnerable, so they never open up to others. Some people are scared of being let down, so they do everything on their own. Some people are afraid of...
Topic: Fear
Words: 937
Pages: 3
Development psychology is a broad branch of science that studies such an essential aspect of human life as the human psyche in the various life stages. Particular attention is paid, for example, to childhood and old age. Naturally, such an extensive science has many studied areas, topics, and questions. The...
Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 597
Pages: 2
Introduction Over the past decades, the number of publications on the problem of the regulation of emotions in norm and pathology in the psychological literature has increased many times every year (Anastasi, 2013). However, despite the fact that this topic is increasingly becoming the object of systematic research in both...
Topic: Cognitive Psychology
Words: 1577
Pages: 6
In forensic psychology, both quantitative and qualitative research designs can be used when the available data is presented in the qualitative form, in words or categories. Depending on the purpose of the research, the data can be coded to determine themes, as it is in the qualitative research, or it...
Topic: Forensic Psychology
Words: 564
Pages: 3
Psychoanalysis Theory The psychoanalysis theory involved an elaborate study on one person. The main analytical method used by Freud was case studies. The case studies were meant to analyze and find the key factors that initiate the general behavior of an individual (Weiner 2003). The main assumption is that one...
Topic: Human Behavior
Words: 507
Pages: 2
Introduction Human beings are by nature social beings and therefore it can be understood that at one time in a person’s life, a person must establish a relationship of a particular nature. Relationships come in various forms and they involve a certain degree of intimacy. People enter into relationships optimistic...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Introduction Cognitive theory is usually a learning theory that tries to explain the human behaviour based n their thought processes. The logic in human helps them to make decisions and choices that are more sensible to their lives. The individual thoughts are the paramount determinant of the emotions and behaviours...
Topic: Human Behavior
Words: 2328
Pages: 8
Children grow and develop so rapidly that parents often cannot keep up. These children imbibe a lot from the people and environment around them that helps them develop their personalities. It is an accepted belief that no man is an island, and it is with other people that children learn...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 1352
Pages: 4
The workings of the human mind are perhaps the last frontiers that are yet to be unraveled by science. Despite the advances in neurobiology and better technology, the cognitive aspects of the brain defy satisfactory explanation. Mark Pettinelli, through his book The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts attempts to...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
Retail business is one of the largest businesses in terms of revenue generated and certainly the largest business in terms of number of participants. We all are retail buyers and buy different merchandize to satiate our needs and aspirations. Though we all indulge in shopping, there is a special relationship...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2905
Pages: 20
Human beings have been set apart as the only species capable of literacy. Just what is literacy, and how does it develop in an individual? Venezky, et al (1990) provides an elaborate explanation, emphasizing writing as well as reading: “Literacy is minimal ability to read and write in a designated...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1365
Pages: 5
The contemporary world of high technical and technological support provides many opportunities for making business online. In this respect, gambling stays in the first position among other entertainments on the Internet. Being a sphere of solely adult concernment, the situation shifts toward rejuvenation. More and more teenagers are getting involved...
Topic: Teenagers
Words: 2391
Pages: 8
Sigmund Freud is one of the early contributors to psychoanalysis. Freud perceived personality structure in terms of the interactions of the id, the ego, and the superego. According to Freud, personality arises from our effort to resolve the conflict existing between our biological impulses and the social restraint against them....
Topic: Sigmund Freud
Words: 773
Pages: 2
Psychology is a rather difficult topic to write about because it involves lots of personal attitudes and opinions, and what is right for one person can turn out to be absolutely wrong for another. But, at the same time, this is quite an interesting topic because of several reasons. Firstly,...
Topic: Self-Concept
Words: 608
Pages: 2
Teenagers may be the most complicated population group to understand. This hardship in communication stems from the fact that all adolescents are undergoing drastic emotional, hormonal, and physical changes, as well as social ones (Newman & Newman, 2017). It may be natural for teenagers to test the limits of their...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1669
Pages: 6
Abstract Integrative practice is a relatively new approach in psychotherapy, which has been in dire need of additional research. Studying the problems related to mental health from the perspective of multiple disciplines and theories allows detecting the hindrances to recovery that would not be noticed otherwise. Therefore, the incorporation of...
Topic: Psychotherapy
Words: 862
Pages: 3
There is no doubt in modern science that there is a definite relationship between the psyche and the brain: the brain is, as it were, a vessel containing our soul. However, a problem was known since the late nineteenth century as a psychophysiological problem that continues to be discussed today....
Topic: Functionalism
Words: 610
Pages: 2
This week’s reading allowed me to develop my understanding of the human mind and the concept of free will. I have learned more about various scientific and philosophical notions of human thought, as well as of the mechanisms involved in our thinking processes. The perception of the human mind as...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Introduction False memories are remembrances of events and experiences that never occurred, or they denote event recalls of incidences that occurred differently from how one perceives them. Through the use of findings from researches, analyses, and theoretical frameworks, it can be shown that false memories arise from coaching or accidental...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1157
Pages: 4
The conservation tasks implied measuring whether the number of the objects and the length are the same while changing the parameters of the lines. In the case of the video “A typical child on Piaget’s conservation tasks”, the child is younger than seven years old. In this instance, the child...
Topic: Cognitive Development
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Describe a famous case study in the history of psychology. Then explain what did the field of psychology learn from this case study? How does the scientific community view the results of case studies like these? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? Such a research method as...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 963
Pages: 4
The Most Difficult Type of Client (s) To Work With In Treatment Group counseling is important for character transformation and psychological treatment. Professional counselors act as stewards during group counseling sessions (Harel, Shectman & Cutrona, 2012). Ideally, a standard group counseling session is normally composed of persons from different backgrounds....
Topic: Counseling
Words: 816
Pages: 3
Stages of counseling The first step in counseling is problem identification, which is also referred to as social anxiety scenario. In this stage, the issue should be acknowledged and be explained in detail. Moreover, the needs of the client ought to be understood. Identified skills used The skills that should...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 635
Pages: 2
Moral development is the development of an understanding of right and wrong in children in order to later apply this knowledge in situations with moral choices. It also covers the development of a strong and independent character, which, when faced with such a situation, will make the right moral choices,...
Topic: Moral Development
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Abstract Aggressiveness is a genetically determined characteristic of humans. However, it should be reduced to avoid other people and self-injury. Punishment is a widely used method to prevent aggressive behavior. However, it was demonstrated in several studies that the conception of punishment is not an effective approach to decrease aggressiveness....
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1179
Pages: 4
What Do You Hear at a Concert? Music perception explicates the subjective responses elicited by auditory stimuli – in this case, concert music. From every music signal perceived, I will get information about its pitch, tonality, loudness, timbre, and combination tones. A fundamental attribute of simple or complex tones is...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1485
Pages: 6
Introduction Biology is regarded to play a certain role in the development of specific characteristics related to personality. Similar genes inherited by children from their parents influence their behavior. Although this approach might be argued by some psychologists, the impact of biological differences in personality is obvious. The purpose of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1503
Pages: 6
Introduction Throughout a lifetime, people experience a great number of events that can change their perspective on the world. The process of transition that starts when such an event occurs can be difficult for the person, but by the end, a new way of life can begin. This transition process...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1397
Pages: 6
Introduction When people are motivated, they accomplish goals. In the workplace, workers can be very productive when they feel they are a part of a team, or part-owner of business. They feel this sense of belongingness and so they strive for the company’s success. This is one of the many...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 4453
Pages: 17
According to Piaget and Vygotsky, private speech is the act of communicating with oneself for the purposes of self-guidance and self-regulation. Private speech is normally characteristic of children aged from two to seven. Piaget argued that the notion of private speech represents a developmental dead-end, in contrast to his views,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 578
Pages: 3
Introduction Patricia (Patty) Hearst, an heiress to a media empire, gained notoriety after her kidnapping and subsequent involvement in terrorist acts alongside the American group Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) in 1974. One should state that Stockholm Syndrome can explain the behavior and contradictory decisions of Hearst during her involvement in...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Introduction Foster care is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States. Various circumstances, including high mortality and other crimes, mainly cause the growth. Foster care is sometimes viewed as a temporary home for children, especially those with no one to look after them. Children can also enter foster care if...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 2221
Pages: 8
Introduction In Richard III and Godfather II, one can fully trace the main characters’ history and formation, making it possible to understand their motives in favor of choosing a criminal path. The hero of Shakespeare’s work, Richard the Third, is the main manipulator of the tragedy, who skillfully uses any...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Introduction The story of Tony Walker, a British man who was profiled in the 7-up documentary series, has been chosen as the case study for this research project. Since his mother was a stay-at-home mom and his father drove a lorry, Tony’s early years were marked by financial hardships. He...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 339
Pages: 2
Collaborative therapy is a philosophical and postmodern treatment model which encourages and promotes a change process that assists clients in finding solutions through mutual relations between them and therapists. The therapy process is collaborative and meaning-making and mainly occurs in conversations between the two parties. Moreover, it is generative and...
Topic: Family
Words: 2511
Pages: 10
When applying CTQs and CTDs to the topic of dreams, one might follow several steps combining CTQs to ask questions and guide the thinking process and CTDs to shape the answers to those questions. Step 1 CTQ: What is a dream? Asking this question allows a critical thinker to start...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 391
Pages: 1
The question about whether leaders are born or made has been a subject of many debates and speculations. Studies have supported different arguments from both sides of this question, and there is still controversy whether leadership traits are inherent in people in nature or developed through life experiences. If the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Introduction Based on Carl Rogers, fully functioning individuals are connected with their personal and profound wishes and feelings. Schultz and Schultz (2008) show that owing to the link between an individual and the self, Rogers expresses that one recognizes their feelings and places profound trust in their character. Consequently, unrestricted...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
Introduction Personality characteristics strengths are believed to be are the basic mental attributes that determine an individual’s distinct condition and make him feel real, active, and involved in life. The online Character Strengths Profile, which is formed based on the results of passing the survey, ranks the good characteristics in...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 683
Pages: 3
Introduction Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development is an important framework for understanding the personality of an individual. It assumes that people move through the three levels of moral development during their life. At the same time, the moral understanding of every person is associated with cognitive development (Gibbs, 2019). Discussion...
Topic: Moral Development
Words: 296
Pages: 1
The industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists tend to use special methods when recruiting and selecting staff to ensure the right person will do the job. One of the major methods is the interview; it is typically implemented in mid or large-size companies. The information received from the interview is dynamic, which means...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 277
Pages: 1
It is important to note that the identified bad habit is cuticle biting, which is similar to fingernail biting. I have developed this problematic behavior within the past few days through associative learning. It is a mild form of dermatophagia, where one engages in an obsessive-compulsive activity. It is harmful...
Topic: Dermatology
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Introduction Consideration of the psychological profile and attempts to explain the behavior of serial offenders is usually quite complicated, as it contains many variables that do not allow determining something universal for all offenders. Nevertheless, behavioral theories describe some correlation between biological, social, and psychological factors that might contribute to...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 930
Pages: 3
The psychoanalytic theory explains how humans behave in terms of the interaction of personality components that involve the id, ego, and superego. Cognitive behavior focuses on how people think, act, and emotionally feel. It is an approach conducted against the backdrop of systems, including the premise that members of a...
Topic: Family
Words: 587
Pages: 2
Introduction Many theorists have come up with different ideologies regarding human behavior in social interaction. But the main four well-known theorists who have proposed different ways in which people behave in social interactions are: George Kelly Julian Rotter Albert Bandura Carl Rogers George Kelly’s Behavioral Concepts George Kelly’s four concepts...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 307
Pages: 1
LeBron James The legendary basketball player LeBron James is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. James achieved a great deal of achievement both on and off the field. Many factors have contributed to his success; two theories can help explain it: social learning theory and cognitive development theory....
Topic: Success
Words: 1151
Pages: 4
Sigmund Freud’s book The Future of an Illusion is a psychoanalytical work discussing the tenets of civilization and the impact of religious ideas on society. Success in any community is dependent on controlling people’s desires and harnessing their collective ability to create wealth. However, wealth congregates around the minority upper...
Topic: Sigmund Freud
Words: 338
Pages: 1
Personality psychology focuses on the differences and similarities in various patterns of personality. A personality is a combination of traits, feelings, and thoughts that define a person as unique and dissimilar to others. Personality consists of motivation, behavior, and emotions, and each of these patterns influences how people view themselves...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 1110
Pages: 4
Introduction The learning process involves acquiring knowledge, emotional responses, attitudes, motor skills, and values. Psychologists believe that learning is a long-lasting transformation in behavior because of an experience. Scientists and psychologists throughout the years have discovered various learning theories. Some learning happens automatically without people being able to notice it...
Topic: Management
Words: 1482
Pages: 5
History of Attitude in Social Psychology The late 1910s and early 1920s were a crucial time for the study of attitudes. By the late 1920s, the attitude had established itself as a distinct branch of social psychology (Baumeister & Bushman, 2017). In current social psychology, attitude has emerged as one...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1063
Pages: 4
Introduction Professional psychology implements tools to assess individuals’ attitudes and intelligence. Psychological tests can be traced back to the Han dynasty in ancient China, where public officials were given competency assessment tasks (Reynolds et al., 2021). Later, psychiatrists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries introduced various types of evaluation to...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 868
Pages: 3
When it comes to solution-focused brief therapy, the core concept relies on exploration and search for solutions. The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude. A therapist helps a client to identify the...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 298
Pages: 1
Abstract This work deals with studying the effectiveness of modernist and postmodern therapy. The first is called structural family therapy, and the second is called solution-focused brief therapy. The main difference between these two approaches is the focus in the process of work. The latter method aims to focus on...
Topic: Family
Words: 1540
Pages: 6
Introduction This paper is focused on the subject of early childhood, particularly, the first 12 to 36 months as it is an extremely important period in terms of a kid’s initial development. At his age children stop relying exclusively on their inborn reflexes and start building upon coordination, problem-solving skills,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 907
Pages: 3
Human life as a complicated process is primarily based on the decisions people make with respect to their feelings and expectations. However, sometimes, it is barely possible to find a reasonable explanation for their actions. To define the possible patterns that contribute to one’s decision-making process, various scholars did their...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 297
Pages: 1
Introduction Trauma is a mental disorder and almost everyone experiences the condition during their lifetime. Trauma can be defined as an emotional and psychological disorder emanating from strange experiences such as disaster, breakup, conflict, war, or any other stressful occurrences in life. Terrorist attacks, wars, and natural disasters in the...
Topic: Memory
Words: 918
Pages: 3
The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer In the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago. The woman did not tell her parents about her pregnancy and abortion, which may indicate that she is afraid of being...
Topic: Bible
Words: 606
Pages: 3
Abstract The study will explore the impacts of Group Dynamics on the productivity of an organization. A survey will be used as the method of study where random sampling will be used as the technique for data collection. The sample size will be 100 out of which half will be...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1754
Pages: 7
The concept of cognitive dissonance can help explain a victim of an abusive relationship’s emotional state and psychological motivation. The term suggests that a person is in that severe situation when their actions contradict their beliefs and views. An extended stay in this state ultimately leads to a feeling of...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 381
Pages: 1
Introduction The nature vs. nurture debate has been an ongoing issue in different fields of study, including psychology, sociology, and genetics, among other related areas. At the center of this debate is whether human genes are pre-determined or wired in a specific way that cannot be altered or they can...
Topic: Television
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Introduction The first video named the Stanford Prison Experiment presents a real socio-psychological experiment held in 1971. The US Navy sponsored the study as they had intentions to reveal the reasons for severe conflicts between the guards and the prisoners in the prisons (Vsauce, 2018). Phillip Zimbardo, the lead researcher,...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Ethical issues and guidelines deserve consideration before religion and spirituality can be integrated into therapy. This article asserts that religious or Christian counseling to be specific, aims at promoting the spiritual growth of the patients apart from alleviating signs of diseases or resolving psychological problems. However, there is a difference...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 856
Pages: 3
Introduction In the contemporary western society, rising children who uphold moral values, integrity and hard work has become a big challenge. The life lessons that the children are consistently exposed to serve to perpetuate the incorrect moral behaviors that they internalize. It is important to recognize and appreciate a child...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 579
Pages: 3
The inventory questions were an essential eye opener about the things that matter most to me. Most of my answers were reflections of my background, beliefs and values as will be illustrated below. Reflection on the process of completing the inventory questions As I was completing the inventory questions, I...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 922
Pages: 3
Introduction Psychological analyses indicate that children who have undergone molestation are likely to experience anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, physical injury and may be susceptible to more abuse in the future. When a child has been molested by a family member then this is likely to lead to even...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 1691
Pages: 5
The Nature of Emotional intelligence The term Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a widely accepted term which means the ability or a special and professed skill to make out, evaluate, and manage the emotions of one’s self, others and particular groups. There are three models of Emotional Intelligence. Ability EI Models,...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 999
Pages: 3
Most of the juvenile cases reported are committed by youngsters who fall between the age group of 11 to 17. Many reasons cause the increase in the number of juvenile delinquents this may include; cross-cultural marriages, illiteracy among parents, and peer influence. The most notable cause that has seen the...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 1139
Pages: 5
It is important to achieve personal excellence since a lot of people are unable to extract the maximum from life in terms of happiness, satisfaction and a sense of achievement. The prime reason for such a situation being that personal potency is not recognized and claimed by people. Hence it...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2465
Pages: 8
Sexuality is a part of each person’s development, and studying even one’s own sexuality is a life-long process. Despite all the diversity of people, there still exist universal processes concerning human sexuality. One of such processes is the sexual response cycle which follows one and the same pattern, irrespective of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1062
Pages: 4
Introduction Extrasensory perception pertains to an experience associated with awareness of either messages or beings without the employment of any of the five senses of the human body. There are four major types of extrasensory perceptions that have been popularly described for decades. Mental telepathy is a form of extrasensory...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1579
Pages: 5
Introduction James Fowler is involved in the study of the development of faith. Faith as Fowler states is that holistic point of reference which concerns the relation of man to the universe. He, therefore, identifies six stages through which he believes all faithful travel in their lives (Berger, 2000, Notes,...
Topic: Belief
Words: 2409
Pages: 8
The character of Rodney McKay on the television show “Stargate Atlantis” proves to be most interesting. His behavior makes for an interesting blend of comedy and cynicism especially when he displays a blatant disregard for the feelings and needs of others. In one episode of Stargate Atlantis, he is given...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2810
Pages: 10
Introduction Research into spheres of intelligence, personality and their interplay is often built on discussing various traits or capabilities that unite people. For example, theories regarding personality traits separate people into groups according to their relatability to certain behaviours and feelings (Pérez-González & Sanchez-Ruiz 2014). Similarly, the information processing approach...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 3339
Pages: 12
Introduction Barbara Rogoff’s book The Cultural Nature of Human Development makes numerous topical points on how cultural conceptions influence people and society. The chapter “Thinking with Tools and Institutions of Culture” deals with how people, more specifically children, apperceive mental and social skills from sociocultural intercommunication and how these interactions...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 583
Pages: 2
The book A Child Called “It” is a memoir written by Dave Pelzer. In the work, the author describes the pains and abuses he experienced in the hands of his mother (Pelzer, 1995). Throughout his early childhood, Pelzer’s mother was charming and friendly. She treated every person in the family...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Self-reflection is very important for people as it can help them understand their needs, their wants, and set some goals as well as develop a thorough plan to achieve these goals. One of the most valuable outcomes of this course for me is my ability to self-reflect effectively. Previously, that...
Topic: Self-Reflection
Words: 1373
Pages: 5
The article by Marion, Laursen, Zettergren, and Bergman (2013) reflects the impact of past peer relationships on adulthood. The research includes the examination of the mentioned issue in a long-term perspective focusing on a buffered-effects model and a direct-effects model. In particular, the authors state that adult life satisfaction directly...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 556
Pages: 2
When the psychotherapeutic group successfully reaches the working phase, the clients and the leader may concentrate on the specific issues that made them participate in the therapy. By this stage, the group has acquired such characteristics as a considerable degree of cohesion, empathy, trust, and support. Cox, Owen, and Ogrodniczuk...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...
Topic: Internet
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Introduction There are many aspects of people’s lives that have a significant influence on their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Some individuals require psychological help to become happy and enjoy every day of their existence on Earth. The following paper is intended to provide a definition of joy in a broad...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 556
Pages: 3
Personality As a personality concept for my work, I selected Alzheimer’s disease. Having analyzed the portrayal of this disease in the movie Away from Her, I should note the accuracy of the representation of this concept. The movie presents the following realistic aspects of the lives of people with Alzheimer’s...
Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 871
Pages: 4
Identification of the Study The case study chosen for this paper is presented in the ninth chapter of the “Special education in Ontario schools” and titled ‘The Case of Scott’. The case study examines a boy who is kept in custody for three months; later Scott will go to a...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 820
Pages: 3
Identification of a Specific area where Counselling is used This paper focuses on the area of identity formation where counselling is needed to help young people and children to gain confidence in tapping and utilising the underlying potential to the maximum. Young people experience various physical, cognitive and behavioural challenges...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 1999
Pages: 8
Discovering the Human Brain The development of technologies in the field of medicine has become quite a natural process since the society has sought to understand the human body better for many thousands of years. The emergence of new possibilities has provided access to the study of even the most...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 646
Pages: 3
Application of Behavioral Theory It is possible to say that personal traits manifest themselves through decisions and behaviors. As the behavioral theories of personality suggest, individuals learn particular behaviors when influenced by various environmental factors associated with specific macro- and micro-social contexts. It means that a child learns how to...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1537
Pages: 6
Introduction Psychologists have demonstrated increased interest in understanding the factors that come into play for people to admire and like others. The general consensus is that people have different conceptualizations of what they find attractive, hence the need to understand how they arrive at decisions on what is admirable or...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 573
Pages: 3
Definition of Psychology Considering the word’s origin, psychology is the doctrine of the human soul. This science generally studies human behavior, thoughts, feelings, and mind. Undoubtedly, psychology is found in everyone’s life, whether paying attention to it or not. This diverse science consists of various subdivisions that study different theories,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 808
Pages: 3
Introduction Mike is an Asian American teenager who lives in Virginia with his parents and two sisters. Despite a close relationship with his sisters and mother, the boy has difficulty communicating with his father. The father pressures the child and insists on choosing a profession Mike does not like, and...
Topic: Communication
Words: 374
Pages: 1
Introduction Gibbs’ reflective cycle is a model for analyzing a personal experience, and it is extensively used in fields such as nursing or counseling, where a specialist should work with people. It contains six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. It can be used after each counseling...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 1052
Pages: 5
Introduction Billy Milligan is a man known for his multiple personality diagnosis. His case is causing much controversy as to whether his mental disorder was real, or whether it was a way to get away with his crimes. 24 subpersonalities of Milligan are described, 10 of which were the main...
Topic: Abnormal Psychology
Words: 498
Pages: 2
A board game is considered a general term that includes the process of placing, moving, or removing pieces on the board. The main format of such a task is a game in which pieces are moved in a certain way on a board marked with a template. Board game therapy...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Childhood attachment patterns influence their behaviors in adulthood. Attachment refers to a close emotional bond that children develop with their caregivers. Secondly, children develop different attachments and exhibit them in different ways. Psychologists argue that attachment styles depict how children interact with their parents, and they have recognized four main...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1160
Pages: 4
Introduction Notably, some psychological or mental conditions usually appear to be more beneficial than harmful to the health of adolescents. For instance, perfectionism seems to be a positive attribute that can significantly contribute to an individual’s success in life. However, at certain levels perfectionism can make an individual develop negative...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 951
Pages: 3
The task of choosing only two of the nine types of fighters and defending against the other seven is an example of an exciting topic for discussion. At the same time, however, it demonstrates the narrowness of perception of most reasoners, who are led to the conditions set without elaboration...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 667
Pages: 2
Human beings are complex creatures whose thinking processes and behavior depend on their values, morals, and ethics. While frequently being used interchangeably, the three concepts have specific distinctions. At the same time, an individual’s morals, values, and ethics are interconnected and affect one another. Moreover, although not often and not...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 859
Pages: 3
Introduction The process of human development is complex and quite intricate. However, several theories can be distilled as the foundational premise for understanding the subject matter. These are Piaget’s, Freud’s, and Erikson’s ideas of cognitive and social development. Although the three theories seemingly have very few characteristics in common, further...
Topic: Erik Erikson
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Introduction Every era faces unique challenges, and the ability of one generation to connect to another can sometimes be challenging. Additionally, recognizing the worries and fears of young people today is a battlefield many contend with. Guardians may wish to understand and assist their child, but knowing where to start...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 378
Pages: 1
Stress is a condition that arises when an individual’s resources are inadequate to deal with the responsibilities and pressures of the situation, and it can jeopardize goal achievement for both people and organizations. Situations that are unplanned, unmanageable, unclear, imprecise, or strange or involve dispute, damage, or performance standards are...
Topic: Management
Words: 366
Pages: 1
Penny, one of the heroines in Yalom’s Love’s Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy, conceived and gave birth to twin girls, yet, unfortunately, the welfare took them since she could not provide for them. The guilt of losing them to welfare tormented her soul. She did not talk to her...
Topic: Psychotherapy
Words: 454
Pages: 1
Introduction Fear for one’s health and the well-being of loved ones, financial stress, economic instability, and social isolation creates an ideal habitat for triggers that threaten mental health. Psychologists are asked to devote time to physical and psychological states in such a difficult time. Today it is important to remember...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Today, animals live in nearly every household. Dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, and other animals are considered family members. Such a tendency suggests that people become more compassionate while protecting and caring for animals. The interaction between humans and animals has a beneficial effect because it helps people cope with emotional...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 547
Pages: 2
Chad presents with the symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety. The parents’ frequent fighting and discussion of separation align with the son’s onset of changes in his mood and activity. Chad expresses hopelessness about the future; he does not have a good sleeping schedule and experiences both insomnia and excessive...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 325
Pages: 1
The relationship between the client and counselor presents an important factor for therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, counselors must use the theoretical foundation to guide their practice and focus on the combination of thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions (Corey & Corey, 2022). Furthermore, while counselors can experience trouble understanding the way of...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 325
Pages: 1
Introduction Some notable historical figures capture the public’s attention and remain long in the people’s memory due to their extraordinary personalities and actions. Cult is one of the fascinating topics because it simultaneously intrigues and scares the audience. The ability to gather a group of people and organize the community...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Self-awareness is a characteristic defined by one’s comprehension of their personality and beliefs. In some way, it can serve as a guide in helping others, depending on the scale of that feature. Unsurprisingly, this implies that self-awareness may play a rather significant role in human services. For the following essay,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Alwaely, S. A., Yousif, N. B., & Mikhaylov, A. (2020). Emotional development in preschoolers and socialization. Early Child Development and Care, 191(16), 2484-2493. Web. This article focuses on the emotional maturity of children of preschool age and shares ideas on how to mitigate current issues with empathetic connections. Alwaely et...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 1064
Pages: 3
Current cognitive‐behavioral therapy is a general concept for scientifically validated treatment for well-diagnosed psychopathologies with particular therapeutic approaches. According to David et al. (2018), CBT is the most investigated kind of psychotherapy, and no other type of cognitive therapy can be deemed substantially stronger than CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy has...
Topic: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness, which involves being appreciative and thankful towards specific individuals or the world. The feeling of gratitude enables someone to express warmth, kindness, and generosity to other people. In psychology, gratitude has been associated with various physical and mental health advantages (Jans-Beken, 2021, pg....
Topic: Psychology
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Introduction Non-verbal is the first type of communication a child can exhibit. Expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body movement are the aspects of non-verbal communication that a child can employ to express emotions, feelings, desires, or thoughts. Thus, educators are to understand such cues and respond to them accordingly. Working...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 566
Pages: 2
This study aims to analyze and develop the teaching of developmental psychology. Also, the research concepts integrate interpersonal spirituality with developmental systems. Based on attachment theory, relational spirituality is one of two theoretical frameworks for comprehending a person’s attachments and religious growth. To understand why some people are more robust...
Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Attachment styles play a critical role in shaping the emotional response in the child and, subsequently, in the emotional functioning of the adult. The relationship between the child and the caregiver allows for the conceptualization of oneself and others, which forms the concept of emotional connections in the early stages...
Topic: Personality Development
Words: 376
Pages: 1
The problem of child abuse and its effects on the subsequent years of a person’s life is of increasing concern to memory scientists and clinicians. They believe that memory loss can be caused by physical, emotional, or psychological stress. Although memories can be forgotten for some time, according to the...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 331
Pages: 1
Introduction The summary description entails the video, pretend washing, where the main protagonists are two girls donning yellow and lime dresses. The girls are three and appear to have normal physical development based on size and stature (Pretend Washing, 2013). The girls are happy and attentive as they engage in...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 1218
Pages: 4
Introduction The field of psychology, based on the use of flexible theories and practical frameworks for assessing behavioral, cultural, intellectual, and other functions, has long studied the question of relevant impacts on different skills. The ongoing debate regarding the opposition of genetics and environment as the factors that determine the...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 860
Pages: 3
About 75 years after its publication, How to Win Friends and Influence People was named Time magazine’s 19th most influential book in 2011. It is one of the best-selling novels of all time, with over 30 million copies sold globally (“How to win friends & influence people,” 2022). In this...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Sexual violence is a common public health concern, with one in every three women globally experiencing physical or sexual assault at some point in their lives. Sexual abuse can range from sexualized behavior to more serious abuse such as personal touching and rape. The psychological and mental consequences and...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Program assessment is a unique type of psychological research, and whether or not it counts as research may be a point of contention. A systematic examination, comprising research formulation, testing, and assessment, to develop or contribute to generalizable information is referred to as research. Program assessment is limited to a...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Introduction Social psychology is the science of how people’s ideas, attitudes, beliefs, desires, and aspirations are formed in a social setting due to their actual or perceived encounters with others. Thus, it examines human conduct concerning people and the contexts in which interaction and feelings occur. People are frequently influenced...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
Early adulthood is one of the crucial periods in the continued formation of personality, and many essential changes occur during this period. One of the psychological approaches that aim to explain and interpret this period is Erikson’s theory. Erikson interprets early adulthood as a time of the interplay between intimacy...
Topic: Erik Erikson
Words: 467
Pages: 2
Awareness and perception have a great impact on human behavior. Awareness is one’s knowledge of a fact or situation or concern about the situation while perception is the way through which a person understands or regards something. These two nouns are similar because they represent human flaws, being not the...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Myers & Dewall (2018) identify the beginning of psychology history in 387 B.C.E. when Plato identified the brain to be a centrum for the mental process. At the same time, Aristotle believed the heart to be a core organ that is responsible for mental decisions in 335 B.C.E (Myers &...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 619
Pages: 2
The relations between an individual and authority are complicated, and people have to learn how to behave regarding their personal principles and the social standards set. The work of Stanley Milgram (1963), “The Perils of Obedience” is one of the sources where captivating and educative information on how people should...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1959
Pages: 7
Introduction Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn. While contemporary books provide many insights into how conflicts emerge and how to address them, literature classics can often provide invaluable information on the topic. For instance, Shakespeare’s...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1663
Pages: 6
Introduction The modern cinematography industry has produced numerous pieces of art that depict an accurate representation of mental struggles and intend to give viewers an insight into other people’s minds. These films can be used to engage the audience in conversation regarding various vital topics that can be puzzling for...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
Sigmund Freud argued that children develop psychologically through five distinct stages. Each phase is characterized by different erotogenic zones and personal conflicts (Desai, 2018). During infancy (birth to 1 year), the child draws much pleasure by placing things in the mouth. Oral stimulation makes the baby trustful and comfortable due...
Topic: Sigmund Freud
Words: 394
Pages: 1
The rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation. In fact, when someone hears words as windows or apple, they instantly think about computers rather than the actual things these words refer to. When living in such a...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 577
Pages: 2
In the final project, the case of Dalia will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period. Teens usually experience overwhelming emotions and several changes in their relationships with parents, peers, and community members. In addition to certain physiological changes,...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Introduction Personality is a thing that defines each individual’s approach to life and determines how they perform in various spheres of life, including education and work. It is valid to say that people are often not completely aware of certain personality traits they have and do not comprehend how those...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...
Topic: Stress
Words: 1469
Pages: 5
Behaviorism appeared as a critical response to psychoanalytic theory that was suggested by Sigmund Freud. Many notable psychologists such as Edward Thorndike, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Skinner, and others were convinced that in order to explain natural laws of human behavior, psychology should develop scientific methodology and conduct an...
Topic: Behaviorism
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Human minds shape the world where an experience of the reality is limited or enhanced by human’s cultural beliefs. In this case, we see and understand our world from what can be formed in our minds. Based on this ‘ways of knowing’ generally we refer to the deductive way of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1297
Pages: 4
Introduction Several philosophers as well as psychologists have conducted researches in the quest to understand human beings and be able to explain their behaviors. The 19th and 20th centuries were characterized by increased findings particularly in the field of human personality. Among the many schools of thought that emerged, especially...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1610
Pages: 6
Introduction Reality of society is peculiar for its diversity and inequality in accordance with different ranks. In fact, people are trying to express themselves in life to make more emphasis on the uniqueness of their personalities. In this respect it is great when one community of people can impress other...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2760
Pages: 10
Middle adulthood is the stage of development between my 35 to 45 years and is normally exited between the ages of 55 and 65. Between the ages of 35-65, people experience a great deal of changes in their lifestyle; their careers, finances, marriage and leisure activities (Wrightsman, 2002, p 178)....
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1731
Pages: 6
Everybody knows that all people in the world differ in their abilities and potential. It is often the case that what is easy for one person, may turn out to be extremely difficult for another, which can be vividly traced in the learning experience of different students. Some students find...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction Cognitive development is part of human development and refers to the abilities of individuals to acquire “thinking, problem solving, concept understanding, information processing abilities and overall intelligence,” (Oakley, 2004, p. 2). Various cognitive changes take place as people grow from infancy to childhood, teenage, adulthood and finally as they...
Topic: Cognitive Development
Words: 2765
Pages: 10
“Critical thinking entails fair mindedness with specific traits such as intellectual humility, integrity, courage, autonomy, empathy, perseverance and confidence in reason” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 6). Critical thinking involves fairness and it implies in-depth thinking with highly insightful thinking. A critical thinking mind treats every opinion as relevant to...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Since the early days of human psychology, many are interested in discovering the principles behind motivation. This is an important topic for many including managers, teachers, and parents. The ability to understand the intricacies of motivation will help them to create strategies and teaching tools that will encourage the people...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 914
Pages: 3
Problem description There is a problem with meeting new people and making a new friendship that is essential for an outgoing personality. Even though conducive environments can be provided, there is still a problem in initiating and sustaining a conversation, especially with strangers. There is a certain fear of rejection...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 821
Pages: 3
Introduction In human perception and reflection of reality, there is an issue which has been the focal point of research for psychologists and linguists: whether it is the language or the thought that develops first, which of them determines the course of the other, and what exactly is the nature...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Introduction The value of books has long been duly appreciated by the humanity. Books contain knowledge and wisdom, as well as induce readers to thinking and sometimes even change their perception of reality. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons by Susan Cloninger is one of books which are informative and educational,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Lifespan development is the growth of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that incurs throughout life. It is multidimensional and encompasses the psychoanalytic models of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional growth. The conceptional rationale for the transition from infancy to early childhood is determined by a series of crucial developmental stages...
Topic: Developmental Psychology
Words: 930
Pages: 3
Introduction Research has shown that, both organizational and home stresses are great threats to reputation because it causes a lot of anxiety. Such kind of stress will have effects equally on both employees as well as employers. (Eaker, 2000 p66) argued that, “The anxieties generated at place of work are...
Topic: Home
Words: 1226
Pages: 4
Abstract The studies of visual illusions provide a wide scope of rational approaches toward the way of proper optimization of such distortions in everyday life. The area of the research props up against the Muller-Lyer illusion and its correlation with the normal conditions for an individual. This study provides a...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1094
Pages: 4
The working environment is considered to be the principal cause of depression and stress. The case study analysis depicts Michael’s stress sufferings at work; being a 40-year-old experienced airline pilot, the man completely devoted himself to his work. The analysis of possible causes leading to stress and depression is based...
Topic: Stress
Words: 1241
Pages: 4
A basic assumption of cognitive development is that individuals create new knowledge in their goal-directed activities; in turn, new knowledge leads subjects to identify new goals. Empirical research on culture and cognitive development have been influenced by two constructivist treatments which differ in their description of the role of social...
Topic: Cognitive Development
Words: 1925
Pages: 7
Introduction Piaget (1896-1980) was a Swiss philosopher who contributed immensely to developmental psychology. He challenged earlier propositions about child development mage by earlier psychologists and philosophers to come up with his own. In his theory, jean argues that we absorb information and knowledge according to our brain constructs that are...
Topic: Human Development
Words: 754
Pages: 2
Sexual abuse and harassment remain prevalent in contemporary society and have a significant influence on the lives of many people. For the most part, these issues affect women, but men may also suffer from them. One of the key problems that emerge in association with sexual harassment and abuse is...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 639
Pages: 2