Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

It is a mistake to believe that a human’s brain reaches its peak of development in childhood. On the contrary, a brain changes throughout life because it, as a rule, reacts to experience and can be overwritten due to education (Smith, 2020). In brief, a lot depends on how people...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Human Intelligence Context

Intelligence, nature vs. nurture, and genetics play a significant role in human intelligence and the overall thinking process. This argument is explicitly informed by several studies involving these central concepts of the general being. Although some of the concepts are controversial, for instance, that ‘human language is learned through reinforcement’,...

The Role of Resistance in Family Therapy

The Importance of Fighting Resistance At any stage of seed therapy, the specialist has to face resistance from clients. This is caused by different factors and causes but equally exacerbates the process of therapy. The fact is that such a phenomenon gives rise to individuals not only unwillingness to cooperate...

The Lucifer Effect by Phillip Zimbardo

Introduction The Lucifer effect theory holds that everyone can do evil. People have a variety of personalities that affect their behavior, whether they choose to do something or not. Even under the most hazardous circumstances, people may change to whatever suits them best. Phillip Zimbardo’s Stanford experiment demonstrates that individuals...

Five Factors of Personality Differences and Similarities

The five-factor theory of personality is one of the dominating personality theories in psychology that attempt to categorize personality types depending on the manifestation of one of the five primary factors. According to Boyle (2008), the five-factor model, which is also referred to as the Big Five, is comprised of...

Cognitive Development: Case Study on Student

Introduction Cognitive development expands a human being’s ability to process information, which involves acquiring conceptual resources, perceptual skills, language improvement, and other aspects related to brain maturation. It is the development of an individual’s ability to think and understand. The term also refers to a field of study of neuroscience,...

Child Development on Harry Potter’s Example

Introduction A thorough analysis of a child’s gradual behavior in different contexts of their life allows for determining the normativity of their development. Furthermore, comparison and evaluation based on the child development theories lead to a wider understanding of specifications related to a child’s actions and details of their developing...

Attitude in Social Psychology

History of Attitude in Social Psychology The late 1910s and early 1920s were a crucial time for the study of attitudes. By the late 1920s, the attitude had established itself as a distinct branch of social psychology (Baumeister & Bushman, 2017). In current social psychology, attitude has emerged as one...

Structural Family Therapy and Its Application

Model Description The approach to the family as a system is reflected in the name of this therapy. The study of the structure of entities and relationships in the system always takes place under the auspices of integrity. Each person in the family is a critical part of the overall...

Long-Term Memory and Biblical Knowledge Plan

Long-term memory can provide access to multiple opportunities for learning if understood and applied properly. With current research and universally accepted information on how memory encoding and retrieval work, it is possible to design pathways to acquire new Christianity-related knowledge easily. This paper presents a plan for the development of...

Cognitive Psychology: Processes of the Brain

Introduction The three main components of memory are sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and on how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization analyze some of the...

Conceptual Blocks in Solving Complex Issues

It should be noted that conceptual blocks limit a person from the point of view of his or her thinking process. They encourage individuals to look at the problem more narrowly and do not give them the opportunity to reveal their creative potential when searching for a solution. Apart from...

Human Behaviour in the Event of Fire

Factors affecting human behaviour Numerous factors contribute to human behaviour in the event of fire outbreak. Some of these factors include characteristics of occupants, features of the affected building, and fire dynamics (Bruck 2001). Moreover, environmental factors might also contribute to human behaviour during fire outbreaks. The occupant characteristics play...

Interpersonal & Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn. While contemporary books provide many insights into how conflicts emerge and how to address them, literature classics can often provide invaluable information on the topic. For instance, Shakespeare’s...

Violence in Games: TV and Computer Games Violence

Introduction The advent of digital technology has come with mixed reactions from society due to the unknown impact it has had on the community. The advent of digital media is critical in advancing negative impact on the society like pornography on the internet or identity theft. Lately, the media has...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

Motivational Interviewing Case Study

Summary A motivational interview has been conducted with a 37-year-old female individual who suffers from regular overeating in the evening and at night. The female client started her speech by describing how her habit seems to ruin her health and life because she gained weight, and she constantly feels stomach...

Brain Development in Early Adulthood

Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one’s lifespan. The constant process of brain development is a primary reason for many researchers to believe that early adulthood should be considered another life-stage of “prolonged adolescence” (Hochberg & Konner, 2020,...

John Watson and the “Little Albert” Experiment

John Watson is considered to be the founder of behaviorism, a psychological theory that focuses on visible behavior while diminishing the notion of consciousness (Malone, 2014). He firmly believed that every human has the same set of reflective responses, which can be influenced by the use of a process called...

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

Does the Net make people stupid? This question worries a lot of contemporary internet users. The idea of the digital storage of information and easy access to it was inspiring and promising at the beginning of the introduction of the Internet. It remains relevant to believe that the ability to...

How Stories and Storytelling Influence Children

Introduction Literature enhances children’s thinking and imagination. Children who listen to stories have wide imaginations and thinking. Stories help the children to be creative and critical thinkers. Stories also give children a pattern in writing. They will be able to know the beginning, the middle, and the end when writing...

American Psychological Association Code of Ethics

America Psychological Association’s ethical code has four main which are the introduction, the preamble, the general principles, and the standards of ethics. The main issue that the author of this document addresses in this text is the ethical standards that psychologists are supposed to uphold. The introduction has a detailed...

Temperament in Children Development

The events in an individual’s life during childhood vastly influence the personality type of that person during adulthood. In most cases, the roles played by parents contribute significantly to the personality of a child even as he or she grows to maturity (481). During the infancy stage, there is a...

Unconscious vs. Conscious Motivation

Since the early days of human psychology, many are interested in discovering the principles behind motivation. This is an important topic for many including managers, teachers, and parents. The ability to understand the intricacies of motivation will help them to create strategies and teaching tools that will encourage the people...

Collaborative Relationships within Child Protection Work

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze collaborative relationships with regard to child protection. In particular, the discussion will be dedicated to the cooperation of professionals, support workers, governmental and non-governmental agencies, children, families, and communities. Moreover, the paper analyzes some implications of this policy to information sharing...

Causes and Management of Stress

Abstract Stress can be classified in three categories namely; Mechanical stress which is the average amount of force exerted per unit area, biological which can either be psychological or physiological and music stress. The paper I am writing will entirely deal with the biological stress. First the paper, defines what...

Couple Counseling and Its Principles

First, it is of crucial importance to understand that such notions as couple counseling, marriage counseling, or marital therapy denote practically the same process. The only difference is which theory of psychotherapy is preferred by the psychologist, but such diversity of various terms should not create confusion because they are...

The Author’s Personal Experience

Tanya Maria Barrientos starts her essay with an anecdote to make her writing more credible, emotional, and appealing. Clearly, the use of the first-hand experience always makes it seem more credible as people tend to believe personal accounts rather than anonymous stories. Apart from making people believe her, Barrientos uses...

Voluntarism, Experimental and Gestalt Psychology

Experimental psychologists were, in fact, the first researchers to try to study mental processes by utilizing the experimental method to understand the influence of the body and the physical world on the mind. On the other hand, voluntarism came about with Wundt’s discovery that it is possible to measure the...

A Family in Crisis

What biological, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system factors are influencing this situation? The first problem stems from Mrs. Brown’s age (48-years-old). It is likely that she is already entering into her menopausal stage and, as such, the hormonal variances that she is experiencing are contributing towards her...

Child Observation Theories: Theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that A. has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects. A child aged between 2 and 5 should also have...

Self-Esteem Development in Adolescents

Self-Esteem Development Developing self-esteem involves being able to successfully achieve social-emotional developments both in childhood and during teenage. According to Erikson, successful socialization requires that one solves all the eight crises experienced during development. In adolescents, attaining self-esteem involves achieving autonomy, which can renegotiate relationships with parents during the adolescence...

Working Phases: Characteristics, Issues and Concerns

When the psychotherapeutic group successfully reaches the working phase, the clients and the leader may concentrate on the specific issues that made them participate in the therapy. By this stage, the group has acquired such characteristics as a considerable degree of cohesion, empathy, trust, and support. Cox, Owen, and Ogrodniczuk...

Causes and Management of Stress at Work

Stress is a condition that arises when an individual’s resources are inadequate to deal with the responsibilities and pressures of the situation, and it can jeopardize goal achievement for both people and organizations. Situations that are unplanned, unmanageable, unclear, imprecise, or strange or involve dispute, damage, or performance standards are...

Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Introduction It is important to note that adolescence is a complex and intricate stage of human development, which makes a person vulnerable to the social environment and its constituents. The given comprehensive analysis will utilize Erikson’s theory in order to understand the key forces and dynamics behind E. W., an...

Self-Determination Theory of Motivation

Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that people are inclined to growth and change. The theory posits that human beings have three fundamental needs necessary for psychological growth: autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Ryan & Deci, 2020). Autonomy refers to a sense of choice, initiative, or ownership over one’s behavior. People prefer feeling...

School Counselling Responsibilities

Introduction School counseling is one of the services that are essential for the educational system. Children and adolescents in the United States face multiple challenges in attaining their education and getting through school. Hence, having a professional who is willing to help students deal with their emotional, academic, or social...

Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy

Introduction: Existential Therapy Existential therapy refers to a therapeutic style that emphasizes on the holistic nature of the human condition. Such therapy aims at a positive approach that recognizes human abilities, but also takes into account the limitations of human resources. Over the years, many philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard...

Short-Term and Working Memory Measurement

Introduction While long-term memory can store and modify information over a long time, short-term memory can generally hold information in an active state for a short time. Working memory is a type of short-term memory where one can store small amounts of information for a short while. An example is...

Attachment Theory and Personality Development

Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment...

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods In Psychology

Introduction Psychologists use different research methods to study sex and relationships. These methods can be either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative research may consist of surveys, self-report questionnaires, measurements, experimental studies, correlational designs, laboratory and ethological studies, psychometric scales, etc. Qualitative research gathers data through interviews, document and text analyses, observations,...

Correlation Between Childhood Attachment and Adult Anxiety

Introduction Childhood attachment can be the result of severe psychological impairments in adulthood, and parenting aspects are largely those factors that stimulate specific disorders. According to Corcoran and McNulty (2018), parental neglect is a driver of emotional development difficulties in children, and the lack of attention is fraught with anxiety,...

Psychological Struggles of the Main Character from the “Ben X” Film

Introduction The modern cinematography industry has produced numerous pieces of art that depict an accurate representation of mental struggles and intend to give viewers an insight into other people’s minds. These films can be used to engage the audience in conversation regarding various vital topics that can be puzzling for...

Child Growth and Development

The subject of the observation is a seven-year-old boy who has reached second grade at school and becomes less dependent on his parents. He is a clever and active child who knows how to ride a bicycle, roller skates, plays badminton and table tennis. The boy is attentive and can...

Resistance to Change: Reasons and Consequences

Changes that are an integral part of development occur every day and might affect people in different ways. Some of them perceive the constantly altering world positively; others feel less optimistic and show a certain resistance towards changes. Still, the existence of a person under the conditions of continuous moderations...

Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress

Stress is a biopsychosocial phenomenon, as it affects a person’s physical well-being, emotional stability, and social interactions. Stress can also be explained by a myriad of biopsychosocial factors that contribute to its development described by Sarafino and Smith (2017). First, stress is correlated with social support, which implies that increased...

Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect people’s growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in various functional competencies. Researchers and scholars in the fields of genetics and psychology have been keen...

The Big Five Personality Inventory

Introduction Personality is a thing that defines each individual’s approach to life and determines how they perform in various spheres of life, including education and work. It is valid to say that people are often not completely aware of certain personality traits they have and do not comprehend how those...

Correlational Design in Forensic Psychology

Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Correlational designs are actively used in forensic psychology research in order to determine the meaningful relations between different types of variables. Researchers choose the correlational design when it is necessary to find out the presence of relationship between certain factors and persons’ behaviors, but...

The Theoretical Perspectives Associated With Child Development

Introduction Several factors affect growth and development of child. A number of theories try to provide us with explanation on how a child grow and develop in his life. Although the theories on child developments are not entirely true, they provide us with an insight on how changes occur in...

Ethical Lens Inventory: Personal Ethical Principles and Values

The inventory questions were an essential eye opener about the things that matter most to me. Most of my answers were reflections of my background, beliefs and values as will be illustrated below. Reflection on the process of completing the inventory questions As I was completing the inventory questions, I...

The Middle Adulthood: Developmental Theories

Middle adulthood is the stage of development between my 35 to 45 years and is normally exited between the ages of 55 and 65. Between the ages of 35-65, people experience a great deal of changes in their lifestyle; their careers, finances, marriage and leisure activities (Wrightsman, 2002, p 178)....

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Daydreaming? Getting lost for a moment when doing a certain task? Being absorbed in one’s thoughts and forgetting the rest of the world for a moment? These are most common examples of what we call mild dissociation and it is just a normal experience for any person at some...

Are More Attractive People Perceived to Be More Successful?

Introduction The power that accompanies a pretty face has received countless studies for a long time now. Jackson (1992) talks of the benefits of physical attractiveness, about success. Another author, Wilson (2003) talks of a meta-analysis that involved a total of 76 studies, all of which sought to augment the...

Domains: Dispositional View and Social and Cultural View

Abstract This essay describes the comparisons and contrasts between the two domains of personality which are dispositional views and social/cultural views, explains in detail what the two domains are, provides three examples of each domain, offers an explanation of how each domain influences and affects human life, and finally, it...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us Truth?

“All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceive the world: our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than...

Johari’s Window – Model Definition

Introduction This model was developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 to describe human interaction. It tries to define personal awareness in a quadrants manner. It has four quadrants which each illustrate a different view of personality in terms of communication and relationships. Each window represents a kind...

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Introduction The question of how to make people behave correctly has always been significant for numerous scientists. Some of them believe that this result can be achieved with the help of punishment, while others consider the effectiveness of reinforcement. This term stands for those conditions, either internal or external, that...

Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

Introduction Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory aligns with many other behaviorist approaches to learning that imply both classical and operant conditioning. Although, the theorist added two critical points to the already existing models, suggesting that mediating processes take place between stimuli and responses as well as the fact that behaviors...

Doubt and Certainty in Psychology

It is thought that all people’s achievements depend on the level of their certainty about their capability to succeed from this perspective, when in doubt; one cannot perform well enough to be productive or successful. However, the question of the relationship between doubt and certainty has long been at the...

Body-Mind Relationship in Psychobiology

The research topic I have chosen for my project is the relationship between the body and the mind. We will assume that the mind is generated by the body, and that, in fact, the very division into “the body” and “the mind” is an artificial one, but it is very...

Human Growth and Development: the Finkleys Family Case

Abstract The process of the human development is complex and intricate. Being affected by a range of factors, it requires the support of family members and needs to be encouraged actively as both a cognitive and a social change. In the case under analysis, the life of a woman named...

Psychodynamic Approach to Psychology

Introduction Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are known as famous philosophers who made significant contributions to the development of legal studies and criminology in the eighteenth century. Speaking about Beccaria, it needs to be said that he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of criminology in Europe. Being...

Competency Based Clinical Supervision

Introduction Clinical supervision is a social process in which supervisors work together with their supervisees to promote clinical care. Good supervisors observe, counsel, train, assess, inspire, and create a surrounding that enhances self-motivation, knowledge, and professional development. Competency based clinical supervision is a process of supervision that describes the competencies...

Traditional vs. Cyberbullying in Children

Abstract Cyberbullying is a relatively new concept that emerged in the light of progress associated with the development of the Internet and various online communication tools. Researchers investigated the impact of cyberbullying on children and teenagers and compared its effects with the influence of traditional bullying. It was found that...

Weaknesses and Strengths of Reasoning Types

Abstract There are several merits and demerits of different types of human reasoning. To begin with, reasoning can be empirical, ideological, or comparative. This paper focuses on the weaknesses and strengths, of these types of reasoning. Introduction The process of interpretation and making inferences about a certain subject, which is...

Evolutionary Theory of Aggression

Many attempts were made to explain the nature of human aggression, proving that it is a complicated behavioral system that requires extensive research to understand its origin. The recent rise of violence through the acts of terrorism has led to increased interest in the theories of human aggression. Evolutionary psychologists...

Counseling Profession: Origin and Description

Abstract The paper concentrates on the introduction that gives brief information about the origin of counseling and the people who pioneered it. It also gives a somewhat detailed description of their works and how they helped the development of guidance and counseling. Their discoveries and achievements are also highlighted. Introduction...

Van Gogh’s Mental Condition in “Sunflowers”

Introduction Vincent van Gogh has had a complicated childhood, and the hardships of his later life worsened his mental state. The problem of the connection between Van Gogh’s artistic talent and his mental illness is still unsolved. Likewise, it is unknown what the illness was: the most popular versions are...

Psychological Research Methods: Behavior and Mental Processes

Abstract Psychology relies on scientific methods to understand human behavior and mental processes. Among the various research methods, a researcher chooses a research method that is commensurate with his or her objectives/hypotheses. There is no consensus on the main specific research methods used by psychologists, but one thing is for...

Self-Esteem Role in Stress Management

Self-Esteem and Its Role in Promoting and Resolving Stress Self-esteem underscores confidence in one’s beliefs and values. It emerges from attitudes that a person develops towards something, which could be a personal vision such as career objectives, lifestyles, and other personal responsibilities. Psychologists argue that attitudes mold characters that one...

Complicated Relationships between Parents and Children

One can agree that family relationships are vital for the proper development of kids and the establishment of adequate morals and values. Unfortunately, not all adults are able to fulfill their parenting roles effectively. In many cases, parents fail to maintain positive and nurturing connections with their offspring, which has...

Child Abuse and Preventive Measures

Child abuse is a current problem in many countries, including the United States. For modern society, both throughout the country and in local settlements, this issue remains due to the imperfection of protection measures. When such violations are identified, the adequate solution is often to deprive the parents of their...

The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework

Organizational psychology’s field of personnel psychology focuses primarily on hiring, selecting, and evaluating employees and other job-related issues like morale, job satisfaction, and relationships between managers and employees. The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) framework is used to characterize the kind of individuals who make up a firm, which dictates the nature of...

Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

The cognitive development of children determines their ability to understand certain concepts. Adults often experience situations where they try to describe something to a child, but the child does not understand something that seems obvious. Children may lack understanding of what adults say to them, which is determined by what...

The Effectiveness of Psychodrama in Reducing Irrational Behavior

Introduction Psychodrama is a form of therapy that helps people control their activities through dynamic actions. This approach incorporates group dynamics and role-playing to help people who do not understand their emotions like anger, happiness, and fear. Individuals who undergo this form of therapy want to clearly understand their roles...

Selling for Customer-360, Inc.: Cas Study

Laura is a communicative person who is particularly interested in other people’s hobbies and their interest in building trust and positive relationships. She is a good listener and knows how to avoid conflicting situations. When Laura agreed to meet Chris, she was late for lunch, and this is the main...

School Refusal as a Psychological Problem

School refusal is a common psychological problem that causes a lot of stress for a child. At the same time, the entire environment, including family, friends and school staff, is under a certain pressure. Reduced attendance and refusal to return to school can cause both short and long-term effects on...

Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities

In history, rites of passage, rituals, or social practices that signified the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marked this transition exceptionally clearly. Unfortunately, many of these initiation rites are no longer practiced or are not as significant in modern-day and age as they previously were. Additionally, adolescents must navigate emerging...

Nature vs. Nurture: Psychological Issue

Introduction The field of psychology, based on the use of flexible theories and practical frameworks for assessing behavioral, cultural, intellectual, and other functions, has long studied the question of relevant impacts on different skills. The ongoing debate regarding the opposition of genetics and environment as the factors that determine the...

Erikson’s vs. Piaget’s Theories Comparative Analysis

It is important to note that there are eight stages in Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. The conflicts include Trust vs. Mistrust in the first stage, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt in the second stage, Initiative vs. Guilt in the third stage, and Industry vs. Inferiority in the fourth...

Secondary Traumatization of PTSD Among Children in Military Families

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that affects individuals who have undergone traumatic experiences. Children and adults can experience psychological trauma through violence, sexual assault, natural disaster, or war. The effects of PTSD can be manifested through psychological and behavioral changes, mood and sleep changes. Some of the...

Brushing Teeth Habit in Terms of Cognition

Human habits, in many ways, make up and determine people’s lives. They help to reduce the amount of mental activity because these automatic actions do not require a constant thinking process. That said, there are numerous beneficial habits, such as washing your face or making a bed. Thus, they positively...

Perceptions, Biases, and Misheard Song Lyrics

A mishearing of song lyrics is one fun aspect of perception. Scientists associate such deviations with humans’ attitudes, ideas, and ways of thinking, which constitute an individual perceptual set. Thinking of times when I witnessed such misperception, I recall the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus, which became popular at...

Psychologists Erik Erikson, Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell

The three prominent psychologists contributed greatly to the understanding of personality development. Each of them created a unique theory that seeks to cover the whole lifespan of a person and explain how certain occurrences and factors may affect a person. Despite different emphases, it is vivid that the approaches have...

Facial Expressions of Emotions

Summary The written material under analysis is a representation of how the emotional stress becomes a part of our gestures and expression s by means of our unconscious actions and conditioned reflexes. In this respect the statistics given in the book chapters provides the scope of people who are really...

The Theories of James, Wundt, and Jung in Psychology

Psychology fits well under the category of relatively young sciences as identified in the 19th century’s experimental exploration of human beings. Scholars exploring mind-related issues in the context of philosophy, however, discovered the concept of human thinking much earlier. The arguments about this cogency became tense before the 19th century,...

Law Policy and Ethical Setting in Children’s Social Work

Introduction This essay will look at issues pertaining to children’s rights as well as freedoms in a social set up. In section 2, I will draw on my own case experiences to emphasize ethical conflicts regarding confidentiality, control and parents with disabilities. The penultimate part of the assignment will look...

Concepts of Human Interaction

Abstract Human interaction is subject to several variables that directly or indirectly affect the quality of human relations. However, such variables don’t uniformly affect all individuals in the same setting. Family relationships have been identified to be the primary influence of human interaction. Most individuals act out the quality of...

Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology

Forensic scientists often need to rely on the tools developed by psychologists. These methods are useful for determining the extent to which defendants can be held accountable for their actions. These methods are required for making the mental diagnosis that will have profound legal implications. However, at the same time,...

We See and Understand Things Not as They Are but as We Are

Human minds shape the world where an experience of the reality is limited or enhanced by human’s cultural beliefs. In this case, we see and understand our world from what can be formed in our minds. Based on this ‘ways of knowing’ generally we refer to the deductive way of...

Bipolar and Mood Disorders

Introduction Bipolar disorder also referred to as manic-depressive complications, is a mood or brain disorder that influences the change in personal behavior, feelings, thoughts, and perceptions that lead to abnormal shifts in an individual’s energy, mood, and ability to function (Huxley, 2002). These changes are usually different from the common...

Unemployment and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale

The concept of self-esteem is derived from self –theory. Theory of self has been based on a Euro-American view, which has low value on the African –Americans. A basic assumption of self-theory is the need to appreciate oneself and be appreciated by others. This basic assumption, according to Cross (1971)...

Children’s Social and Moral Development

Children grow and develop so rapidly that parents often cannot keep up. These children imbibe a lot from the people and environment around them that helps them develop their personalities. It is an accepted belief that no man is an island, and it is with other people that children learn...

Elements of Group Processes and Minority Group Processes

A group of individuals may decide to come together in order to achieve a particular goal. The grouping of these individuals may bring quite strange fellows together and therefore needs some common knowledge of functionality so as to ensure they work together to achieve a particular goal that brought them...

Visual Perception: Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion

Abstract The studies of visual illusions provide a wide scope of rational approaches toward the way of proper optimization of such distortions in everyday life. The area of the research props up against the Muller-Lyer illusion and its correlation with the normal conditions for an individual. This study provides a...

Organisational Behaviour. Psychodynamic Theories

Introduction Psycho dynamic and family system theories are relevant to the understanding of the group, organization or community and to the development of interventional strategies. “The term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to systems that use motives, drives and related covert variables to explain behaviour. Psychodynamic career counselling refers to counselling approaches that...

Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The purpose of the conducted study, described in the article entitled “Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students” is to determine the levels of test anxiety and academic performance in large cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students and to investigate how these levels are related to one...

Psychiatric Diagnosis of McKay on Stargate Atlantis Show

The character of Rodney McKay on the television show “Stargate Atlantis” proves to be most interesting. His behavior makes for an interesting blend of comedy and cynicism especially when he displays a blatant disregard for the feelings and needs of others. In one episode of Stargate Atlantis, he is given...

Anxiety Disorder Definition: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Introduction Anxiety disorder refers to a mental condition where someone experiences considerable sensations of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness, while fear refers to an emotion experienced in anticipation of a specific pain or danger. Studies have established that people with anxiety disorder...

Informed Consent and Code of Ethics in Counseling

Introduction Professionals must counselors must possess adequate skills and competencies. They should also develop superior philosophies to meet their clients’ needs. Attributes such as ethics, morality, justice, and integrity must guide them whenever supporting their beneficiaries. This paper gives a detailed literature review of informed consent and code of ethics....

“Children Need to Play, Not Compete” the Article by Statsky

Summary As the object of the review, the article “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” by Statsky will be used. In her work, the author argues that for children between the ages of six and twelve, games in which competition is a key aspect are inappropriate (Statsky). As an alternative,...

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotypes are Hard to Change Stereotypes are very hard to get rid of, and the reason is connected to the emotional nature of attitudes. Often, when a person is presented with factual information that contradicts their prejudice, they discount it in an illogical manner. Devine’s two-step model of cognitive processing...

Group Therapy: Process and Practice

Group therapy refers to a situation where one or more therapist or counselor is working with a group of people at once (Finn, 2003). Group therapy operates in the form of several people meeting for two or three days a week to discuss their issues, with the help of a...

Object Relations Theory and Nature-Nurture Debate

Object relations theory, although having some variations, focuses on the significance of early childhood experiences in a person’s adult life. It concentrates on the relations of a child with the most important people, mainly parents. Moreover, object relations theorists claim that “the child develops an unconscious representation of significant objects...

APA Standards and Forensic Psychology Practice

Are the changes in APA Standards 1.02 and 1.03 sufficient? The 2010 Amendments in APA Standards 1.02 and 1.03 are quite sufficient. They relate to the 2002 Standards for resolving ethical discrepancies, namely the discrepancy between ethics and the law (1.02) and between ethical and organizational requirements (1.03). They are...

Psychological Testing: Beneficial or Harmful?

How are tests used for good? Within the context of what can be defined as “good,” psychological tests can fall under this category when utilized in instances involving the testing of an individual in order to determine whether potential aberrations in their behavior exist. In such situations, psychological tests act...

Personal Ethics Statement, Goals and Moral Principles

Personal Ethics Statement A personal ethics statement is a statement that is written to give an individual an opportunity for a person to be in a position to state and clarify one’s goals and moral principles. In this process, there are stages which one needs to put into consideration before...

Child Development Assessments Comparison

The fundamental function of assessments is: to try to uncover weaknesses, to evaluate school readiness, to aid in structuring the curriculum and daily tasks; to evaluate the usefulness of a project; and to give parents advice (Wortham, 2008). Comparing assessments is important as it enables one to identify the most...

Behavioral Problems Caused by Video Games

Introduction Video games can be played by people representing different age groups and even sexes. Their greatest appeal is that they offer a version of reality in which a person can feel invincible or all-powerful at least for a short time. They give access to the environment in which people...

“When Your Child Is a Psychopath” by Barbara Hagerty

Introduction In the article “When Your Child Is a Psychopath,” Hagerty presents multiple stories of people whose lives were and are affected by these persons’ childhood behaviors and their personalities. The author also discusses some interesting findings in the sphere of childhood psychiatry, particularly concerning psychopathy and similar traits. The...

Social Psychology Theory in “American Beauty”

The film American Beauty reveals the story of a middle-class man who experiences a mid-life crisis. The director of movies confronts the topic with a sense of satire on the concepts accepted in American middle-class society through their recognition of personal satisfaction, beauty, and conformity. At a glance, the story...

“Sensitive Line” in Interpretation and Personal Experiences

The concept of the sensitive line seems fairly simple at first. Implying that everyone has a psychological defense mechanism that is activated once something or someone jeopardizes the existence of a person’s ideal image of self, the sensitive line explains the source of numerous interpersonal conflicts occurring in all domains...

Gerald Stano’s Psychological Analysis

Background Born Paul Zeininger on September 12 1951 in Schenectady, New York, Stano was neglected during infancy by his mother (Ecker, 2003). His situation was worse, with doctors stating that it had reached “animistic level”. For instance, he had adopted the survival mechanism of eating his own feces as early...

Using Behavior Modeling as a Training Method

Introduction The use of games and simulations in behavior modeling has been an ongoing process in employee training and other areas for decades now. With the entrant of computers and information technology, games and simulation are even surreal than was the case before. This is because the simulated situations represent...

Mind Development: Physical and Social Environment

Introduction The mind is the manifestation of day to day experiences. This brings to the limelight processes like thought, cognition, emotion, goals, memory and imagination that take place within the brain. It refers to the thought process of reason. The mind is the awareness of consciousness, the ability to recognize...

Counselling Young People: Identification of Formation Where Counseling Is Needed

Identification of a Specific area where Counselling is used This paper focuses on the area of identity formation where counselling is needed to help young people and children to gain confidence in tapping and utilising the underlying potential to the maximum. Young people experience various physical, cognitive and behavioural challenges...

Man Thinking: Nature and the Mind of the Past

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, Massachusetts, introduced a “Man Thinking” as the primary metaphor for a genuine scholar. The components that constitute the “man thinking” are “natural,” which represents a teacher, and “the mind of the Past,” a metaphor for books....

Psychological Attitudes, Their Nature and Origins

Introduction What makes people like lemon tea but hate fishing? To answer this question, an understanding of the origin and nature of attitudes is required. Many theories have been developed to try to understand what makes people have positive or negative attitudes toward different things. This paper will cover the...

Sitting Meditation: Mental and Physical Benefits

Introduction Meditation involves becoming aware of the experiences in life facilitated by taming one’s mind to focus on the significant tasks. The practice of meditation enhances the capability of an individual to achieve centeredness in spite of the surrounding circumstances. Sitting meditation is regarded as the core of formal meditation...

The Role of the Father in the Development of Attachment

Introduction Attachment theory provides a framework for understanding the development of relationships between parents and their influence on the child’s later life. In the first part of the 20th century, it was believed that children formed attachments to people who fed them (Fonagy 2018). John Bowlby questioned these assumptions and...

The Story of Tony Walker: Developmental Milestones

Introduction The story of Tony Walker, a British man who was profiled in the 7-up documentary series, has been chosen as the case study for this research project. Since his mother was a stay-at-home mom and his father drove a lorry, Tony’s early years were marked by financial hardships. He...

Infant-Parent Attachment Relationship

Introduction The topic of infant and parent attachment has long been focused on developmental psychology. Research into the various aspects of infant-parent attachments, including emotional, physical, and cognitive development, is essential to understanding how children develop a secure attachment bond with their parents. This research will provide insight into how...

Yalom’s Use of the Psychotherapy Approach to Heal Guilt

Penny, one of the heroines in Yalom’s Love’s Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy, conceived and gave birth to twin girls, yet, unfortunately, the welfare took them since she could not provide for them. The guilt of losing them to welfare tormented her soul. She did not talk to her...

Tests on Personality: Materials, Scoring, and Technology

Introduction Personality tests explore one’s character, but each appraisal has a specific focus. The three tests that I have selected are Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV). MMPI-A-RF examines pathology in adolescents, NEO-PI-R assesses such major domains of...

Benefits of Animal-Human Interaction

Today, animals live in nearly every household. Dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, and other animals are considered family members. Such a tendency suggests that people become more compassionate while protecting and caring for animals. The interaction between humans and animals has a beneficial effect because it helps people cope with emotional...

Conformity, Deviance, and Crime

The issues of the occurrence of deviance and the ways in which it affects society have been objects of interest in the field of sociology for decades. Deviance can be defined as nonconformity to sets of norms accepted by a substantial number of people in society or a community (Giddens...

Power of the Subconscious Mind in Managing Nic Sheff’s Psychological Distress

Humans have levels of awareness that profoundly determine our perspective on the nature of reality. The conscious and subconscious minds determine the decisions and actions in response to stimuli. However, there is little focus on the power of the subconscious mind in managing situations of psychological distress, which often leads...

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a characteristic defined by one’s comprehension of their personality and beliefs. In some way, it can serve as a guide in helping others, depending on the scale of that feature. Unsurprisingly, this implies that self-awareness may play a rather significant role in human services. For the following essay,...

Video Game Addiction: History and Future Implications

Introduction Video games are arguably the most popular form of entertainment among the youth today. Generally, males play more than females, although this trend has been shifting in the last decade (Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2019). The video game industry is an interesting topic to study since it is filled with...

Cognitive & Emotional Development in Children

In their study, Frick et al. (2018) empirically determine that maternal sensitivity and sustained attention are important predictors of emotional development in newborns. Along with the infant’s temperament, the care environment is a significant aspect that determines the strengthening of cognitive skills at the initial stage of life. This suggests...

The Image in Cognitive Psychology

In the psychology of perception, the development of psychological thought proceeded from the study of individual sensations to the understanding of perception as an integral process. Subsequently, the connection between perception and thinking was discovered to a great extent. A natural question of what comes first – perception or thinking...

Vygotsky’s & Erikson’s Childhood Development Theories

Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory The main focus of Vygotsky’s theory is the belief that learning has a crucial role in the development of children. Thus, the theorist based his opinion on the fact that children should study particular strategies to help make learning more efficient and productive. It is worth noting...

Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing

The Ethical and Social Implications of Testing Confidentiality of results is a cornerstone of psychological research and consent and awareness. The most striking consequences, perhaps sometimes associated with scandals or courts, are connected. Within the scope of the question of voluntary participation, it is difficult to reason when tests are...

Privacy and Confidentiality in Counseling

Adhering to the code of ethics is essential to any counselor’s or psychologist’s practice. It allows clients and professionals to build trusting relationships that are professional and based on mutual respect of boundaries. Privacy and confidentiality are the key principles of an ethical code of conduct. Several organizations have developed...

Solution Focused Brief Therapy or Narrative Therapy

When it comes to solution-focused brief therapy, the core concept relies on exploration and search for solutions. The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude. A therapist helps a client to identify the...

Cultural Diversity Issues in Family Therapy

Introduction Culture has always been a critical topic for discussions in various settings. This is mostly because culture and cultural differences that all the people have make an important influence on the way individuals communicate, create perceptions, form relationships with others, and make conclusions in various situations and challenges. Therefore,...

Everything Psychological Is Simultaneously Biological

Myers & Dewall (2018) identify the beginning of psychology history in 387 B.C.E. when Plato identified the brain to be a centrum for the mental process. At the same time, Aristotle believed the heart to be a core organ that is responsible for mental decisions in 335 B.C.E (Myers &...

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Major Tenets of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comprises a short-term psychotherapeutic treatment that is oriented towards changing patterns of destructive thinking or behavior behind a person’s difficulties and thereby changing how they feel. By definition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the intentional implementation of methodological rigor, applied...

Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling

The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer In the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago. The woman did not tell her parents about her pregnancy and abortion, which may indicate that she is afraid of being...

Causes and Results of Child Abuse

Child abuse can be emotional, sexual, and physical, but all its forms may lead to severe psychological problems. The effects vary from social discomfort to dangerous pathologies, making it difficult for clinicians to treat the problem. The more information specialists learn about the complex factors that influence abused children’s psychological...

Understanding Brain and Learning Conncetions

Introduction The brain is one of the most complicated and multifunctional organs in the human body. Medical specialists, psychologists, and neuroscientists have always been paying special attention to its abilities and role in the organism. One of the main functions of the brain is connected with the process of learning....

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory

The development of an individual is a life-long process that can be influenced by the various factors. Urie Bronfenbrenner identifies these elements as the types of ecological, or environmental, systems. The ecological structures affect the individual or can be manipulated by the person. These processes contribute to the personal and...

Forensic Psychology: Subspecialties and Roles

Forensic psychology involves the use of science as well as the psychology profession in questions and concerns associated with the legal system. Presently, forensic involves the use of empirical knowledge and practices to an adversary process in which particularly scientists with advanced knowledge have a role. The profession of forensic...

Brief Description of the Types of Friendship

Introduction Friendship is a conception that has always got different ideologies from people. People tend to have a diverse perceptions about the issue of friendship. From a general perspective, friendship can be viewed as a relationship based on intimacy. However, the intimacy within friendship normally varies as some people may...

Speciality Guidelines for Forensic Psychology

Introduction A primary goal of this paper is to discover various guidelines, which are vital to the forensic psychological practice. Firstly, the Speciality Guidelines are discussed, and their significance is assessed. Secondly, the Ethical Principles and Speciality Guidelines are displayed, and Speciality Guidelines are evaluated with the assistance of specific...

Merits and Rewards as Motives of Human Behavior

Lous Pojman described merit as any positive quality which forms the basis for allocating positive ascription such as rewards and praise. This means that good deeds deserve positive recognition while on the other hand; a demerit being a characteristic that brings about negative ascription deserves punishments and penalties. However it...

Stress and Performance in the Sport

Introduction Constructive stress is necessary for good mental and physical health. This positive stress helps one to act with optimum performance in order to achieve certain goals (Burton & Raedeke, 2008, p. 328). When stress is poorly managed or becomes overwhelming it results in negative effects. This article will explain...

Psychology: Online Consumer Behavior

Online consumer behavior is rapidly changing in this world of technological advancement. The efficiency and convenience of the World Wide Web is a big contributing factor in how the consumers can alter their purchasing patterns and how easy it is to get access to a vast library of products available...

Psychotherapy. “A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard

Introduction Reality of society is peculiar for its diversity and inequality in accordance with different ranks. In fact, people are trying to express themselves in life to make more emphasis on the uniqueness of their personalities. In this respect it is great when one community of people can impress other...