Personal Values and Ethical Standards

Introduction The subject of personal values and ethical standards is a major prerequisite in social life and business matters. The issue of values and ethics has come to the forefront since the near-collapse of the biggest economy of the United States, which most commentators have blamed on questionable values and...

The Notion of Colorblind Racism

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the matters of racism, or as it is also called “color blind racism”, are often regarded as the strong tendency in treating the immigrants from Latin America countries. Originally, the problem of immigration from Latin America is one of the burning...

Ethics Management: Key Aspects

Prior knowledge of the aspect of ethics in business is limited the basic ideas of morals, which everyone learn from the society. In that regard, it cannot be said that the issue of ethics was outlined or defined in a certain way, rather than drawing a line of distinction between...

Indigenous Australians and Its Problems

The problem of defending human rights and freedoms has concerned people all over the world and it is the most significant purpose of legislation bodies. A special attention should be paid to defending rights of aboriginal population and their rights to their native land. That issue is on the agenda...

Three Major Perspectives in Sociology

Sociology is a relatively new science that has many interpretations and approaches, as any other science. The main complication arises from the fact that sociology is the science about people and their activity, interaction. People are so unpredicted, unexplainable and weird creatures that it is really hard to adopt a...

US Social Scientists and Civil Rights Movement

Introduction One of the most important event of 1960s US was the Civil Rights Movement. The movement gave equal rights to African-Americans in the US which included right to vote. Although it officially ended in the late 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement has had far reaching impact on the US...

Male Business Executives Earn More Than Females

Executive Summary There is evidence of gender pay discrimination in the United States with such figures as those of women in sales occupation, male and female professors at medical school faculties and full-time physician jobs earning lesser than men at equal positions indicating this trend (LCCR & LCCREF, 2000). Women...

Rhetoric. Should the State Know Your HIV Status? by Alfieri

Introduction / Thesis In her article “Should the State Know Your HIV Status?”, Rosemarie Gionta Alfieri sets a case against the proposals to make the practice of HIV testing mandatory. While doing it, she mainly utilizes the rhetorical devices of appeal to Pathos and Ethos, which is quite explainable, given...

Issues of Racial Discrimination: Racial Identity and Socialization

Racial identity and racial socialization are proposed to promote the improvement of African American adolescents in the aspect of race-related difficulties (Miller, 1999; Ward, 1999). Current studies pointed out that discrimination is a condition that has harmful effects on the mental health of African Americans. Also, Comer (1995) emphasized that...

Classism and Class Welfare in the United States

Introduction Classism is considered to be promoted in the form of oppression or prejudice against people through their social class on the basis of higher or lower socioeconomic status; nowadays the notion ‘classism’ is a real issue being widely spread not only in the American society but throughout the world....

Community Behavior Violator’s Experience

Introduction A norm can be described as a pattern of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation i.e. the belief that is shared and accepted as normal, shapes and controls people’s actions in the society. People who do not follow the norms within society are considered rude...

Adolscents and Drunk Driving

Mention any holiday or party and what comes to mind of many a youth are thoughts of alcohol. A party in the mind of these youths is a chance to consume lots of alcohol, which as a result, increases the chances of tragedies one of which is fatal accidents due...

Ethics in Sports Medicine

Introduction We can characterize the medical profession as one which has been reposed on high standards and values of ethical behavior. A particular set of significant codes of ethics has been accepted and developed by the professionals of the medical community which operate as the foundation to the various ethical...

Amnesty for Illegal Mexican Immigrants

Introduction In this paper, we are going to discuss such question as amnesty for illegal Mexican immigrants and possible implications of this policy. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the positive and negative sides of this phenomenon, and the consequences, which this approach would entail. On the whole,...

Contradiction for Universal Legalization of Marijuana

Drugs theme is one of the broadly used for discussion in the world. Youth is in the zone of risk in taking drugs as the adolescent psychological peculiarities are that all must be tried in this life. It is not the secret that drugs comprise a great danger from simple...

Same-Sex Marriage: Marriage Laws Features

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. However, fierce public and state and U.S. congressional opposition to...

Ethics in Society. Abortion Debates: Different Sides

The problem of abortion concerns the social, political, and moral aspects of life. This problem has not been decided up until now. There are still people who believe that depriving the child of life before its birth is not legal and is also a religious crime (Boonin 2003). There also...

Azeri Minority in Iran

Introduction The heated political, social and economic events of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century convincingly indicate that intercultural relations and interactions are important factors in life activities of modern states and nations. This can be expressed in the unity of ethnic commonalities in attaining territorial and cultural...

Thoreau and Emerson Views on Society

There exists a commonly accepted theory that says that the development of civilization and movement of society may be presented in the shape of a spiral; this means that in the course of time humanity changes, but sooner or later it repeats the past at least partially, it appears on...

Cohabitation and Personal and Relational Well-Being

Abstract The paper under analysis provides research in the social sphere of relationships between people. Here the points on cohabitation are discussed, as a constant phenomenon in American society. The prospects of time and morality are projected in the paper in a form of arguments using authoritative sources as well...

Poverty in America: Issue Analysis

The stability of the country can be achieved when it is developed in various spheres of life. In this respect, it is necessary to admit that the level of poverty is evaluated in different countries in terms of how the state power provides reforms in social, educational, economic, or political...

Anti-Smoking Persuasive Campaigns and Factors Determining Outcomes

Introduction Tobacco has become one of the major health issues, affecting most of the American population and other world citizens. Many people are dying from life threatening sicknesses caused by tobacco and it is unfortunate that despite major campaigns to warn people of the dangers of cigarette smoking, they rarely...

Amnesty for Illegally Migrated Mexicans

Introduction The United States has always been a magnet for people from all over world, who regard our country as the place, where they can fulfill their potential and find a better life. Many of them became part of the community and obtained American citizenship. For a considerable period of...

Amnesty for Illegal Mexican Immigrants in the US

Outline The paper begins with an introduction of Mexican immigration to US. It also talks about amnesty for illegal Mexicans entering into American territory. The paper covers the following sub-topics: Impact of the amnesty to illegal Mexicans on US healthcare system and impact on infrastructure and on jobs. The paper...

Utilitarianism as a Science of Society

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based on the idea that human actions should bring the best possible consequences. This theory is referred to by some as the consequentialist ethical theory. It is expressed in the form that asserts that people should always act so as to produce the greatest ratio...

Income Inequality in the Workplace: Feminist Responses

Feminists have devoted considerable time and energy to refuting unfounded attacks and making clear that much work still needs to be done if women are to achieve equality. Feminist responses to the problems of misunderstanding and negative representations of its traditions, however, have sometimes been problematic. Income inequality in the...

Controversy on Gay Marriage in the U.S.

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and...

Historical and Cultural Understanding of Sexuality

Masculinity and femininity are terms used to refer to the gender classification of human beings as either male or female. In this classification of human beings using gender, a human being is either a man or a woman. Gender is a characteristic that is social rather than biological in nature...

Iraq and Afghanistan: Women in Combat and the U.S. Defense Policy

Introduction The current defense U.S. defense policy still restricts the role of women in the military. Although women can participate in several non-combat facets of the military, their role in especially hand-to-hand combat is almost non-existent. Apparently, the widely-held position is that women aren’t suited for such military action. The...

Speech of Persuasion. Pursuit of One’s Goal

Speech If in my quest to achieve my goals I stumble or crumble and lose my soul Those that knew me would easily co-sign There was never a life as hard as mine No father, no money, no chance, and no guide, I only follow my voice inside I fit...

Alexander Wendt’s Identities Critique

Introduction Guzzini and Leander (2006) do not agree with Wendt’s theory that under the anarchy regime, the state society is unable to cooperate into identity formations. Guzzini and Leander (2006) contradict this theory, emphasizing that a lot of other factors influence identity state formation. They also disagree with Wendt’s consideration...

Alcoholism and Its Effects: Beyond the Influence

Introduction In the age-old debate regarding the relative merits of alcohol, one of the most difficult issues has been the determination of what exactly causes some people to drink to such excess that they lose their reputations, their careers, their families and even their lives in their devotion to the...

Women in the UK Criminal Justice System

Introduction The analysis of women in the UK criminal justice system disclosed the attitude to females in criminology perceiving them as workers, offenders and victims. Throughout centuries the criminal justice system ignored women as offenders; the 20th century changed the situation completely impacting the place of females in criminology. (Chesney-Lind,...

Australian Chinese: Migration, Ethnicity and Identity

In the modern world of multi-culture and migration has the pertinent value of discussion and the realization that migration, ethnicity, and identity have much in common takes the serious debates towards finding new meanings to it. Migration is the nature of modern man in a global market. Many of the...

The Problem of Smoking Ban

Smoking is now widely regarded as an activity that can be associated with numerous health risks, not only for the individual engaging in the activity but also for those who are in the immediate vicinity and thus must partake of what has been termed ‘second-hand smoke’. For these reasons it...

Social Trend in the United Kingdom

Households and families Single Parent Families in the United Kingdom In the United Kingdom, most families are single parents and a significant number of children grow up in a family that does not have both biological fathers. One of the social trends that is alarming is that many families in...

Modern Status of Feminism From Multicultural Perspectives

The notion of feminism comprises movements and theories disclosing the issues of women equality, gender differences and supporting female interests and rights. The question of feminism takes a special place in some countries because of the problems of gender inequality. The theories devoted to the feminists’ vision of the problem...

The Problem of Gender Identity Disorder

Outline When a child is growing up, it is expected that he grows up into a normal being and reflecting behavior according to their gender. Boys are expected to grow up into men and take up responsibilities accordingly. Girls are also expected to display the character of a lady and...

Should Mormon Children Be Returned to Their Homes?

A subject that has been popular in the media in recent months is the controversy over the raid at the FLDS compound. The Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints is an off-shoot of the Mormon religion that practices polygamy and is widely regarded today as a dangerous cult. In Eldorado, Texas...

Legalizing Drugs, an Irrational and Harmful Choice

The current trend of relaxing drug laws in Europe and the several U.S. States is disturbing. The two most popular drugs (alcohol and tobacco) have been legalized. These drugs are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, injury and ruined lives due to addiction every year. Why does it make...

Ida B. Wells’ Power of Good Communication Skill

Communication is the instrument by which injustices are remedied. It involves much more than just talking about an issue, anyone and everyone does that. The gravity of message must be clearly understood and the receiver(s) of the message must feel compelled to action or the issue in question cannot be...

W. E. B. DuBois’ Power of Good Communication Skill

Throughout his books and other writings, William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) DuBois focuses on presenting well-written, fair-handed arguments for the fair treatment of African-Americans in this country. Acknowledging the accomplishments of white leaders with sincere language and forthright structure, he also denounces them for their failure to see the logistical error...

Family Violence Problem. Reasons and Facts

Abstract Family violence includes child abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV) and elder abuse. Child abuse is caused by stepchildren, unplanned/prematurely born/handicapped children, young age/inferior socioeconomic position of parents. IPV is caused by urge to control, hereditary experience, economic problems or misconceived machismo. Elder abuse is caused by financial hardship, alcohol/drug...

Cultural Relativism, Universal Jurisdiction and Human Rights

The Human Rights area of different countries has its own peculiar features and structure. Human Rights are the result of people’s fight for independence. Middle East countries have always been characterized by certain unique rules and positions in the sphere of religion and human rights. The contradictions between the international...

American Social Problems of Women and the Elderly

Introduction Social life is a complicated process that is connected with a lot of relationships between the representatives of different classes into which the society is divided. It is not surprising, therefore, that these classes are in constant struggle with each other for power and wealth. However, such members of...

Martin Luther King’s Power of Good Communication Skill

During the Montgomery bus boycott and the subsequent events in the years to follow, King’s inspiring involvement elevated him to becoming the most recognized and beloved leader of the Civil Rights movement in America. This was primarily due to his superb oratory skill and his ability to reach out to...

Poverty and Homelessness in Canada

Introduction The quality of the life of a fellow human being should be considered to be of extreme importance by every human being. Even though this is a utopian hope, there is appreciable concern among many quarters of the society in bringing about a positive change in the lives of...

Illegal Immigration and the Economic Implications in the United States

Introduction Illegal immigration has been a social problem for many years across the globe. People migrate for various reasons like search for greener pastures in terms of peaceful environments, good jobs, or to areas that have socially developed to experience and enjoy the advantages of such developments. Most countries for...

Substance Abuse and Preventive Measures

Substance Abuse and Preventive Measures The use of psychoactive substances has posed a grave threat to the health of multitudes and hence, has drastically intertwined with the socio-economic status of families, communities, and nations around the globe. An astonishing survey of substance abusers would intensify one’s concern over the cause,...

Freedom of Speech Peculiarities

Introduction The term freedom of speech refers to being at liberty to express one’s opinions, views, and opinions without any hindrance or fear of being punished. Even though there is freedom of speech as provided in the constitution of every country, regulations have been provided to guide it to ensure...

Drug Abuse Among Teenagers

The research, which has been carried out, analyzes the causes and effects of drug addiction among teenagers. It focuses on this particular age group because according to statistical data, people from thirteen to nineteen are the most susceptible to this disease. It is necessary to do the following tasks: first,...

The Problem of Balancing School, Job, and a Family in Women

Introduction Traditionally, women have been responsible for looking after families and their children. Previously, it was not as difficult for women to effectively handle all their functional responsibilities, as they were primary service providers in the family and were confined to their homes. In the changing times and scenario, the...

Modern American Social Problems

Immigrants in the American society It is estimated by the United States Census Bureau that most of the immigrants in the United States (almost half of them) reside in big cities like Los Angeles, New York, Miami, or Chicago (“United States Population Clock”, par. 1). The large amounts of people...

Age Discrimination in the United States

Introduction Age discrimination refers to the prejudicial treatment or denial of rights based on age. It may occur directly or sometimes in an indirect manner. When a person hears statements such as these from an employer or prospective employer : “You are overqualified for this job”; “This is an entry...

The American Skinhead, and Greenpeace: Humanitarians or Terrorists

The Greenpeace and American Skinhead movements have come to attract a lot of controversies in regard to their intentions and legality of action in terms of whether they are meeting their objectives by fair or unfair means. There is a lot of concern amongst social organizations as also authorities in...

Sociology. Racial and Ethnic Relations

Racial and ethnic relations have always been quite a controversial issue in the present American society and undoubtedly, these relations require in-depth analysis from different points of view. The main problem we have to discuss is the interdependence of class and race (or ethnic group). Such interdependence can gradually turn...

Refugees of Today Are Essentially an Urban Phenomenon

Introduction The rising trend of refugees has been observed globally from 2002 to 2006 (UNHCR 2007). The migratory trend of refuges crossing international borders is expected to increase in the years to come (Moses, 2006). The number of refugees registered with UNHCR has risen from 9.9 million to 11.7 million...

Importance of Diversity in Life

Diversity is the term generally used to denote the various difference in the cultural, traditional, religious, geographical, gender, and racial differences that may be present in human beings. For example, America is a highly diverse country encompassing Hispanics, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians, etc., thus America is a country with...

Social Science and Sexuality: Aspects of Feminism

Introduction The life of human beings on this Earth has always been a very complicated matter. This has been so due to some factors – natural, physical, psychological, and others. From the initial stages of its existence, mankind tried to structure relations between human beings and between their small and...

The Charles W. Chesnutt Beliefs About the Social Status of Minorities

The issues of race and ethnicity have always been rather important for human beings. The modern society tries to be more tolerant and polite towards the identities of every single race or ethnic group. However, in the past discrimination according to the racial identity was a usual phenomenon. Only the...

Race Has Nothing to Do With Relationships

Have you ever noticed how racial profiling and discrimination discussions have seemed to reach a peak this year because of the presidential elections? Somehow the media seems to want us to believe that the race of a person is a big deal. That the color of skin or a particular...

Riots in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Their Outcome

Introduction The Oaxaca Riots started in the year 2006 when teachers mobilized protesters so that they could demand for better pay since they were amongst the lowest paid civil servants. They evicted the teachers’ union which enhanced them to mobilize more protesters. Those who supported the strike were led by...

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Racism and racial inequalities, segregation, and discrimination are the most important problems that affected American society. Letter from Birmingham Jail was written in 1963 by Martin Luther King. This Letter is addressed to all black people and racial minorities who suffered from racism and discrimination. King appeals to black people...

The Impact of Gesture From Leader to Group

Introduction Communication can be roughly defined as the transfer of meaning from one individual to another. The tricky part about this is that the ideas held in one person’s brain and made clear through their actions and speech are not necessarily the ideas the other person receives as a result...

Fiction Versus Reality: Crime as a Social Phenomenon

While making an analysis of various societies of the world at large, it becomes evident that no human society has ever been free from crimes, perversion and deviance at all since the arrival of man on the Earth. It is therefore the theorists view crime as a social phenomenon and...

Gay Marriages Legality Discussion

Gay marriage is a union that is characterized by the joining together between spouses of similar sex and which is acknowledged legally like the vows of a conventional marriage (Boswell, 1993, p. 215). Gay right’s advocates have been aggressively pursuing for years the entitlement to have their homosexual relationships legitimized...

Crevecoeur’s and Humes’ Sociological Works Comparison

The essay will analyze the article by J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur Immersion Journalism and the article by Edward Humes What is an American. The common theme of these essays is “deference” and “otherness”. Both authors describe different topics and issues but construct their works on the opposition between the...

Declining Labor Force of Men and the Rising Labor Force Participation in Women

Introduction Increased participation of women in the labor force is caused by different factors and social changes that occurred during the 20th century. New economic, social and political ideologies allow women to become equal to men and understand their role in society. Following Claudia Goldin, this process can be explained...

Male and Female Executives in the United States

Introduction It is ironic that in a world that is clamoring for gender equality, the fair sex is still discriminated against in many matters. One of the main areas where this discrimination exists is the compensation received by executives, especially when the posts get higher. The education system in the...

Equal Rights: Struggling Toward Fairness

Introduction The debate on rights has been raging for some time, and is still a topic of discussion in many social forums. Every country now seems to be moving towards establishing a society ruled by justice and fairness, and for those who find it difficult to instill justice in their...

Chinese Migrants Roots in Australia

I am currently a citizen of Australia but not a native (an aboriginal) I am a descendant of Chinese immigrants to Australia many years ago. Many decades ago, people of different origins moved to Australia from all parts of the world, settling there and becoming citizens of the country. This...

The Problem of Homeless Children in Society

Study Summaries Child and Family Predictors of Academic Functioning in Homeless Children by Wayne Holden and Evangeline Danseco This study looked into the differential predictors of homeless children’s educational achievement status. Involving 127 homeless children who were beneficiaries of the comprehensive health care program for homeless children (Holden, 1996, p....

Substance Abuse: The Cause of Social Problems

Introduction Social problems are inherent when members of a society behave in a manner that is contrary to the acceptable norms and regulations. There are other social problems that are not attributed to behavior but to social structures. Examples of the former are crime, juvenile delinquency, escalating divorce rates and...

Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S.

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Race Stratification in USA

Scholars have not yet come to a consensus as to the concept of stratification because it can be interpreted from various perspectives and has many manifestations. In the most general sense, this notion can be defined as a hierarchical division of the society according to certain criteria, which can divide...

Immigration: Today’s Situation in the United States

Illegal and legal migration has a great impact on economic system and social order in the developed countries including the USA and EU. The main reason for immigration is better standards of life, higher wages and stable political system. Thus, it is supposed that illegal immigration deprives many native citizens...

Blogs on Euthanasia: Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical analysis All texts contain ideas that a writer wishes to convey. These are expressed in a unique way depending on the aim, purpose, and audience that a writer wishes to address. The expression of ideas takes various forms. While some can be easily comprehended, others may be complex owing...

Substance Abuse, Lack of Treatment, Prejudice and Incarceration – A Community Health Problem

Substance abuse and poor mental health form some of the biggest concerns of society. People of all ages especially the young are influenced by substance abuse. Child and spousal abuse, school failure, teen pregnancy, becoming infected by sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, frequent disruptions in the family, personal life and...

Pornography as a Health Issue

Pornographic material may be defined as something which stimulates the sexual feelings of an individual. Pornography may be broadly divided into two major categories namely, visual and written. Pornography is also known as smut or obscene material. This paper will throw light upon pornography as a health issue and how...

Desiree’s Baby: The Assumptions About Race

Introduction The world that we live in is one of a diversity of color. White, black, yellow and red- these all exist to paint a beautiful rainbow of humanity. However, this beauty is often obscured by the very same human beings that make up this rainbow. The subject of race...

Dimensions of Black Conservatism in the United States

Introduction Over the centuries people fought for their rights and protested against those who did not treat them right. The Black Nationalists Movement was a protest of African Americans against white peoples to let the black ones integrate into their society. Now that some time has passed the situation changed...

Social Class in America

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. The most you can hope for is a family photograph. Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

Treatment of Blacks by Law Enforcement

Introduction Blacks have for long been victims of various forms of discrimination in many aspects of their lives. They have been denied access to vital areas of life and been treated as sub-human species for many years. The mood has changed to a great extent from the days of legal...

Resistance in Popular Culture

Introduction In the 1970s, with the development of equal rights movement, popular music was enriched by a number of songs, which sought to de-construct androcentrism. ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” belongs to “feminist” music and underlies the resistance and protest against male domination. First of all, in order to create a conceptual...

Peaceful Co-Existence beetween World Religions

There is an African Swahili proverb that says, two giant bulls cannot share one cattle shed. I believe it must be because they would tear each other to pieces. Religious groups around the world cannot peacefully co-exist with each other for the simple reason that they unbendingly believe that they...

American Social Problems: Family and Education

Introduction The family and education are major socializing agents in society and to be particular the United States of America. The majority of the citizens in America go through these two important institutions in society before becoming law-abiding and patriotic citizens of the United States. This follows then that for...

Cigarettes and Fires: Fires Caused by Cigarettes

Cigarettes are hazardous to one’s health in more ways than one. One may not believe it, but more people die from smoking-related fires than they do from any other fire-related cause. Tobacco is designed to stay alight, a factor that plays a major role in causing accidental fires. Smoking involves...

Max Weber’s Sociology Review

Introduction Max Weber (1884 – 1920) – an outstanding German sociologist. One of his major works, “The Protestant Ethic and the “spirit” of Capitalism,” in which Weber has written a comparative analysis of the most significant religions along with analyzing the interaction of economic conditions, social factors, and religious beliefs....

Rate of Occurrence and Protective Factors

Rate of occurrence There are several paradigms that relates to addiction and treatment. The first paradigm argues that the problematic and chemical involvement of a person is actually a response to, or a symptom of either a family dysfunction, or a psychiatric problem. The other paradigms are more involved with...

Gender Symbols Usage in International Family-Oriented Marketing

Introduction Gender symbols are used to identify the life form sex or the human being’s gender. It should be stressed that the differentiation between gender symbols is closely connected with the historical phenomena of Patriarchy and Matriarchy. The structure of the society varied in different countries with the pace of...

Gender Inequality in Democratic Welfare States

Thesis Statement This paper is claimed to evaluate the strategies of Liberal and Social Democratic political forces aimed at the alleviation of gender inequalities. Originally, both strategies can not be regarded as successful, however, the matters of gender inequalities are engrained in the minds of the peoples, and often, it...

Freedom and Social Status of Blacks in America

Introduction We live in time when many descendants of slave owners have come to realization of their historical guilt. However, only very few of them understand that such realization, on their part, draws practical consequences. It appears that the majority of White people in America are not quite ready to...

Misconceptions of Gender and Migration Issues

The article “Misconceptions of Gender: Sex, Masculinity, and the Measurement of Crime” by J.W., Cohen, and J. Harvey analysis the problem of misconceptions related to crime and disobedience. The authors claim that previous studies lack a theoretical bass paying attention to statistical numbers only. By submitting the process of procreation...

Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Years

There is a problem with the way the teenagers and youths are abusing alcohol and underage drinking has become an acceptable behavior in many societies in the world. However, there is a contemptuous issue of whether the drinking age should be lowered and some people are advocating for this. They...

Black Social Movement in the United States

Introduction Although it is widely believed by many historians and sociologists that civil rights movement in the United States began to shape only in the middle of the twentieth century, especially with the arrival on the scene Martin Luther King, we can say that its origins go back to the...

European Citizenship: Term Definition

The issues of European identity, citizenship and nationality are influenced by globalization and integrations processes, new political and social agenda of the region. Intense nationalism characterizes the middle of the 20th century, but it was also the time when people tried to define and express the idea of Europe (Rumford...

Globalization, the Sex Trade and HIV-AIDS

Introduction Nineteen-year-old So-Young stands at less than five feet tall after being chronically malnourished in North Korea. A refugee, she crossed illegally into China with hopes of a better life, but found instead a nightmare of sexual exploitation. An “employer” offered her approximately $1.40 per day in exchange for work—money...

The Problem of Abortion

Introduction The problem of abortion is considered to be a very controversial issue and it is so. First of all, here the opposite views of science and religion should be mentioned. It is a fact that any religious belief is against abortion because it is a real murder and life-stopping....

Human Trafficking and Health Care Professional

Introduction In spite of the legislation that was passed in19th century which outlawed human slavery, today human trafficking and slavery has spread even more than it was at the end of the civil war. Human trafficking which is a modern term for human slavery takes different forms the most common...

Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

Different countries and societies are made up of people with diverse cultural or even linguistic backgrounds. This makes them plural societies. However, because of this plural nature certain issues with regards to race and ethnicity are bound to arise. According to Knight, (1996) race and ethnicity are essentially historical and...

“Illegal Immigrants: They’re Money” by Rodrigez

The focal point of the paper is to present a critical evaluation of Gregory Rodrigez’s article Illegal Immigrants: They’re Money. This article was published in the book Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. The main article was published in the Los Angeles Times in 2007. The author is an Irvine fellow...

Should Animals Be Used in Medical Research?

Introduction We live in times when the voices of self-proclaimed “animal rights activists”, who suggest that it represents a highly immoral deed to conduct scientific experiments on animals, are growing ever-louder, even though that those that are opposed against animal testing do not seem to be in a big rush...

Global Urbanization: Term Definiton

Introduction It is not a secret that the global tendency of urbanization is taking place in the society of today. It is a worldwide tendency, which might be called the problem of today’s society and of the authorities of today. The global character of it requires the global answer, as...

Social Security for the Elderly in the United States

Introduction In the United States, the social security program is an initiative of the government that is intended to assist retirees. As such, it comprehensively covers virtually all the workers; however a majority of the federal employees, as well as those who have been employed by either the local or...

Communication Behavior in Air Force

High problem recognition publics (Air Force officers) will exhibit higher levels of information seeking behavior than low problem recognition publics (enlisted airmen) with regards to Air Force religion guidelines. Abstract Organizations are consistently in a search for ways of interpreting, analyzing, classifying, and categorizing, among other things, the characteristics of...

Refugees as an Urban Phenomenon in Canada

Abstract Globalization has changed the context of migration in recent years. Individuals may voluntarily seek to leave their home countries for better opportunities. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) recognized the changing patterns of migration now that wars and conflicts are reduced. The attraction posed by urban centers...

Illegal Immigrants – They Are Money

Introduction This paper is intended to be a rhetorical analysis of the article “Illegal Immigrants: They’re money” by Gregory Rodriguez. This paper looks at the issue of “illegal immigrants” to the US from the perspective of their value to businesses as cheap labor and as a market for their goods...

Human Relations: Self-Esteem as a Sociological Concept

Introduction There are several definitions of self-esteem with different sophistication and breadths, but everybody agrees that a state of high self-esteem implies that we appreciate our personality in what we are and are hence proud of ourselves. Being more specific it means that we have a positive attitude, we have...

Racism and Social Reform Movements in the United States

Introduction The reconstruction period in the US is a period in the history after the civil war, 1861-1915, where the governments had the task of eliminating the former power authorities in the south, and break the laws and the traditions which were implanted during the years of the slavery. This...

Christian Foundations in Government: Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking or trafficking in human beings is defined as the movement of people without their consent, usually by means of force for the intention of sexual or labor exploitation. Those who are mostly at risk of trafficking are women and children. Trafficking takes the form of kidnapping for...

Ethical Theories & Applications in Public Schools

The present paper is designed to discuss ethical theories and apply them to real and imaginary cases. Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the ethical background of endorsing the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools. In fact, the adoption of such legislation can be justified by universalizability or...

Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease

I have hear people argue that drug addiction should not be considered a disease and should instead be considered as a lifestyle that is detrimental to one’s health, such as cigarette smoking. It is their belief that drug addiction is something that a person can start doing and then later...

Language and Sexuality: Hate Speech

Introduction Sexuality can be seen as a form of identity of an individual based on either biological makeup or due to one’s orientation. Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who...

Major Problems in African American History by T. Holt

Introduction Chapter 7 of the book presents the slave culture from the perspective of the negroes. The life of the negroes who were slaves revolved around their family and their master’s family. On more occasion than one, their own personal family life was sacrificed for the cause of their master...

Wealth to Create Wealth: Social Class in America

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Gender, Race and Class in American Television

The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin by H. B. Stowe vividly portrays different gender roles and superiority of men over women. The passage selected for analysis reveals that men dominated in society and obtained a leading role in lives of women. The passage relates to George Harris, Eliza’s husband. In the...

Metro Sexuality: Term Definition

Recently, there have been a growing number of buzz words that use the ‘metro’ prefix. For example, Metro sexuality, which is the term for heterosexual men having a strong concern for their appearance, is a term that is now quite common, widespread and ordinary. Similar to this, a rather new...

Green Building Design and Delivery

“Anarchy: Understanding transformations in Human and Natural Systems” is a book which has been edited by Lance H.Gunderson and C.H.Holling. The book went into press in 2002 and has a collection of articles on various topics related to sustainability by leading and exalted thinkers on the subject. The Island Press,...

Social Work Ethics: Issues and Critical Debates

Introduction Social works represent a unique sphere based on strict ethical and moral principles and values. Working as a residential counselor in a mental health agency, I understand that social workers are faced with different ethical dilemmas and conflicts, which are difficult to resolve and avoid. Thus, professional knowledge and...

Domestic Violence – A Grave Societal Concern

”I’m not doing anything wrong. If I am, I won’t get caught. If I get caught, I can talk my way out of it. If they “nail” me, I’ll get off light.” (Leigh). The following lines echo researcher/ psychologist Lenore Walker who shares the four most common believes of batterers...

The Psychology of Prejudice

Introduction Stereotyping is a regular psychological phenomenon, given that such stable convictions and assumptions about certain objects and groups allow building the understanding of others. However, stereotyping often refers to the creating purely social barriers, mistreatment, and misrepresentation of the group. The present paper discusses the cognitive patterns, associated with...

Racial Discrimination in the US

Introduction Racial discrimination refers to the unfair systems of social relationships, justified by principles whereby one racial class benefits from controlling the other and uses this control to define its self as well as other people, (Piven F., Richard A. 2007). The system of racism entails degrading and harmful actions...

“The Varieties of Civic Experience” by Michael Schudson

Introduction The “civic” concept is considered to be examined by many scholars in order to identify the major positions of the modern civilization development. Michael Schudson, the author of the famous article The Varieties of Civic Experience, managed to disclose the way he understood the place of this concept in...

Ethics, Value and Decision Making

Introduction Creating a society where ‘age’ is the only concern that would measure inequality, the aging effect would be evaluated and focused on by complete long-term care. In such a society getting older would be considered respectable and people who enter into their old age would be seen with utmost...

Social Inclusion in Canadian Society

Introduction Canadian social welfare covers a lot of political and economical issues centralized in modern society. A number of social programs are created in order to understand the real grounds of Canadian welfare. It is important to stress that some programs are merely based on the identification of the true...

Recognition and Recall of Words With a Single Meaning

Introduction The experiment “Recognition and recall of words with a single meaning” was conducted by Paul Muter (1984) to verify the generation-recognition theory. Muter hypothesized that when a word has a non-unique meaning, subjects would have the usual pattern of recognition failure. However, when a word has a unique meaning,...

Nature vs. Nurture: Raising Sons.

“A young man is so strong, so mad, so certain, and so lost. He has everything and he is able to use nothing.” — Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River (Kindlon & Thompson 2000 Chapter 1).  Nature has physically defined the male and female of any given species. Men have long been...

What Did You Expect: Based on the Ideas of Dorothy Allison

Analytical Introduction The current paper is the personal reflection of thoughts and ideas expressed by Dorothy Allison in her essay about being yourself against all the public stereotypes. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to consider the most valuable ideas by Allison in order to express my own opinion...

Western Civilization: Brief Overview

There were many changes that took place in the western civilization in 1300 AD and they are the social, institutional, economic and intellectual changes. In social there was the rise in nation state in that nationalism took , in institutional there was rise of church that is protestant church, in...

African-American President’s Influence on Black Community

Barack Obama being elected as the first African-American US president became a symbolic event for the entire country. It was especially valuable because such a turn must further prove the development of racial equality in the USA. Thus, the African-American community faced the election most actively and with the highest...

Racial Disparities in Public Schools and Teacher Preparation

The modern system of education in the USA aims at meeting the needs of every student and offers a high quality of knowledge. However, these options are available not to every learner included in the public school system. Many students belonging to minority groups do not relish the opportunity to...

Rhetoric in Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: Travel

Introduction Barbara Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences is a critically-acclaimed collection of thoughts on mundane and unappreciated subjects. However, the wit and quick thinking turned the narrative into an interesting discussion about the small details of life to which most are indifferent....

Unfair Labor Practices in Global Companies

Introduction Global companies such as McDonald’s, Samsung, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Puma, and Umbro are generating billions of dollars in annual revenues. However, their success is founded on unfair labor practices. All of these companies outsource manufacturing and production operations to third-world poor countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Citizens...

Our Society Works Too Much: Discussion

It is clear that industrialization and civilization have turned our society into a working society where people are spending a lot of their time working leaving no or little time for other things that do matter in life such as family, relationships, leisure, and religion, we can further say that...

Gangs, a Social Causation, Societies Disease

Introduction The future of America lies within the hands of today’s youngsters, but there are some serious concerns regarding where these youngsters might take us. Youth gangs, along with the problems associated with them, are growing in many American cities. Children growing up in substandard neighborhoods often perceive that the...

Gender Question in O’Connor and Williams’ Novels

Introduction To fully understand the underlying theme and sentiments that both Flannery O’Connor and Tennessee Williams tried to bring out in their respective writings, Revelation and A Streetcar Named Desire, it is necessary to understand the time and location of the novel and the social milieu in which the characters...

Child Marriage in the Middle East Countries

Child marriage is a significant concern in some parts of today’s world, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. It can be defined as the marriage of a child under the age of eighteen (UNICEF South Asia, n.d.). Although the problem affects both girls and boys, it has a...

Individual Life Space Analysis and Bronfenbrenner’s Theory

Introduction The individual that I decided to write about for this paper is Jonathan. Jonathan is a 20-year-old African American male. He comes from a single-parent middle-class household. The reason why I chose to write about Jonathan for this assignment is that he is someone who I would consider to...

Amphetamine Intoxication and Interventions

Introduction Nowadays, the use of various psychoactive drugs and stimulants is illicit in the majority of countries. It is well known today that such synthetic and semisynthetic psychoactive substances as cocaine and heroin have multiple side effects and lead to addiction. Nevertheless, less than a century ago, they were commercialized...

Being a Man. Feminine View.

Introduction Women believe men lead easier lives than them. In their views, men are given more opportunities and are valued more, thus having more chances to excel in life. While it’s true that women have had to fight over the years to become more equal to men, being a man...

Castleford Regeneration Project and Social Equality

The 18th century was the final historical stage of a lengthy transition from feudalism to a capitalist epoch. The contents of the historical process had included rule affirmation of developed middle-class society and culture’s classical forms. This process elapsed differently in different countries of the European continent. Britain had an...

Making Ethical Choices: Mill vs. Bentham

Gerald Wahr should accept the employment opportunity with Pro-Growth Pesticides despite of his opposition to usage of pesticides. As it is clear from the case, the only way to help his family is to find a job and the interview period has already passed. Of course, it would be impossible...

Institutionalised Racism – Myth or Reality?

Introduction Crime, power and discrimination have been interlinked and will continue to remain so, though the intensity of such interdependence is bound to change with the times. The Scarman Report, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, followed by the Macpherson Report offered solutions to mitigate police excesses based on...

Reproductive Success and Distributive Justice

The notion of social construction helps to define and explain social relations, realities, and the importance of knowledge sharing. Following Beaumie Kim (2001): “Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding.” The four tenets of social...

Women in the UK Hospitality Industry: Climb to the Top

Introduction The “glass ceiling” a term coined by Wall Street in 1986 (Ryan and Haslam 2007) is the barrier imposed on women for attaining management positions which in the UK no longer applies as there are many more women in management positions now than has been in the past 15...

King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Summary

In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. along with 52 other African-Americans set out on a quest to put an end to the segregation laws in the south. It was their mission to march into downtown Birmingham, Alabama to let their disapproval be known. This act of defiance was greeted...

Criminalization of Non-Consensual Sex

Introduction Scientific and technological progress led to the emergence of a new way of life and caused a significant shift in traditional gender roles and culture in general. The way sex and relationships are viewed in society has significantly changed for the last hundred years. The current situation is unprecedented...