Inheritance and Polymorphism in Programming

Inheritance is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming. It allows classes to receive, or inherit, all the behaviors and attributes of other classes (Farrell, 2016). Classes that inherit from others can still have behaviors and attributes unique to them (Farrell, 2016). Therefore, inheritance is a useful technique when...

The Difference Between Data and Information

A good illustration of the difference between data and information is a website of Upwork Global Inc. available at This site represents a platform for freelance workers and employers who need to hire professionals for a one-time project or a task. The starting page explains that Upwork is a...

Moving Passengers Large Groups Though Airport Terminals Quickly and Efficiently

Introduction The aircraft industry is one of the most highly-developed brunches in the contemporary world, so a considerable number of people use it every day. With the progress of the aircraft infrastructure, launching new routes, and applying the low-cost pricing policy, the number of airport users increases with impressive rates....

The Present and Future of the Business Communication

The global economy is changing rapidly these days along with technological advancement. Innovations bring both opportunities and challenges for business. E-mail, voice over IP, smartphones and social networks have already revolutionized means of business communication. The progress does not seem to stop, and new technologies will be invented and implemented....

Project Management Body of Knowledge

According to John (2004), project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) can be referred to as the combination of processes and knowledge areas which are widely recognized and generally accepted as the best practice to be applied during project management process. It has a set of guidelines and practices written by...

Security Measures in Logistics Management

Introduction Since time immemorial, the infrastructure system has been one of the most vulnerable elements of the state system, the primary goal of military occupation. Transportation systems nowadays are prepared to face a range of natural and manmade threats. However, even despite the development of security measures and technology, new...

Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering

Abstract This is a report about two subjects offered in the second year of Swinburne’s engineering degree course. These subjects are Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering. They provide the students with the knowledge and skills required in the construction and design of roads and buildings and other related...

UH-72A Lakota Utility Helicopter in U.S. Army History

Overview The US military sanctioned the acquisition of the utility helicopter UH-72A Lakota in the year 2005. The light utility aircraft has been manufactured by the EADS of North America. The helicopter is well equipped to support some operations like evacuation among others. The aircraft is designed in a manner...

A New Building Construction Project Analysis

The following activities (see Table 0) have been scheduled for constructing a new building for AXBC PLC. All task durations have been given in days. Activity Optimistic time Most Likely Time Pessimistic time Predecessors A 1 2 4 B 3 6 12 C 1 2 3 A, B D 2...

Problematic Nature of Technology Led Development

Technology has been defined in many ways but the basic idea that still holds is that it is a new way of doing things while utilizing the least amount of energy when performing a task. This further explains why children in today’s generation will never understand why they should work...

Digital Divide in Sub Saharan Africa

Introduction The Organization for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD) 2001 refers to the economic divide as, “… gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard both to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to their use of the Internet for...

Contextual Computing. Application in Personal and Professional Scenarios

Outline This paper explains the application of contextual computing in personal and professional scenarios. It is clear that there are no technical barriers for the growth of contextual computing. But the chief hindrance is the attitude of people. The other minor barriers are environment problem, government regulations…etc. The people and...

Reflective Learning in the Era of High Technological Progress

The era of high technological progress is so fast and effective in many industries and spheres of a man’s activities now provides the educational system with plenty of innovations urged to optimize the educational process and to make it more efficient and versatile. Students of today have forgotten about those...

Information Systems That Apply to Parks & Recreation

Introduction The contemporary world of rapid development of Information Technology has made each sector of life with ease and efficiency. Information technology has found its place of importance and application in the daily as well as business life of people. “The term information system refers to information technology that is...

Bill Gates and Carlo Slim Helu Compare and Contrast

Introduction Pursuit of entrepreneurship is a decision people attempt to achieve. However, ability to achieve ones aims as a successful entrepreneur depends on several factors. The attributes of a successful entrepreneur depend on the personal traits, motivation, behaviours, needs, and decision process and entrepreneurship essence. Stanworth, at al (1989) argued...

Restoration of the Slains Castle

Introduction Slains castle is at least the historical memorial of Medieval Scotland. Originally, this castle is the notable place for tourists, for historians and for the archeologists. The castle stands on a windswept cliff and faces the Cruden Bay in the North-East of Scotland. It was the family castle of...

Cryptography for Electronic Voting System

Executive Summary There have been several concerns pertaining to the implementation of the electronic voting system, making it necessary to address those concerns effectively by ensuring a secure mechanism. To achieve this, it becomes necessary to focus on various security mechanisms in relation to cryptography. A review of these mechanisms...

Effect of Information and Communication Technology in a Corporate Organization

Proposal At the beginning of the 21st century, information technology and communication become an integral part of the corporation. Information technologies help organizations to manage and control all processes, develop their infrastructure and change. The most rapidly developing topic related to technology in recent years has been IT, with the...

Effective Communication: Email Etiquette Definition

Introduction Electronic mail or email is one of the most popular ways of communication in recent times. It allows for almost instantaneous communication with anyone online. Due to the rapid speed with which information is transferred through email, it is possible for users to make mistakes or violate the societal...

The Stresses and Deflections of a Uniform Cross-Section Beam in Bending

The stresses and deflections of a uniform cross-section beam in bending A beam or as it is called flexural member can be often met in mechanical structures and machines and presents one of the most interesting examples of the mechanics of materials. In mechanics it is an object of bending...

Identity and Access Management for Cloud Security

The importance to guarantee data security in the cloud is crucial in the contemporary conditions of fast technological development. All measures are to be taken in order to prevent personal data leakage. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is considered one of the most effective ways to provide cloud security. This...

Emergency Preparedness and Prevention in the US

Introduction Natural and man-made disasters occur on the Earth more and more often, bringing death and suffering to people, destroying the economy, causing damage to the environment. People around the world are trying to prevent trouble, and if it happened, then overcome it with the least loss and quickly restore...

Managing Projects and Its Principles

Introduction Project management is a process that uses carefully planned and organized efforts that seek to accomplish specified aspects of a project. A project has been defined as any work that happens once with a clear begging and a clear end and which has an intention of creating an impact...

WBS Tool: Planning the Week

Introduction Making a plan for a week is of extreme importance for managing one’s time. In order to improve time efficiency, one can treat a week with all its tasks as a program with a pool of projects. These projects can be organized using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with the...

Collection Methods in a SIEM

Introduction SIEM is referred to as the process of grouping data from multiple sources, including databases, network security devices, operating systems and applications, for security management (Amoroso, 2012). The SIEM technology performs a myriad of operations; nevertheless, the collection functionality is the most critical. The modern SIEM technology has been...

The Fundamental Role of Artificial Intelligence in the IT Industry

Introduction As the progressively evolving phenomenon in computer science, artificial intelligence is aimed at machine learning and providing software to address the problems in a way similar to human intelligence. Artificial intelligence facilitates the process of digitization and its impact on the further development of traditional companies. High-tech leading companies...

Insider Threat in Civil Aviation

Introduction In the last several decades, aviation has experienced a significant number of challenges that arose because of its strategic importance for the modern world. As an integral part of the international discourse and relations, air transportation becomes the primary target for malefactors and terrorist groups trying to destabilise the...

Boeing 737 Max: What Went Wrong

Introduction When Boeing Commercial Airplanes introduced Boeing 737 Max, it marked an important milestone in meeting the needs of its clients. The Narrow-body aircraft, which received Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) certification on March 8, 2017, and made its first delivery to Malindo Air on May 6, 2017, is fuel-efficient (Wallace...

Three Fears About Screen Time for Children

Introduction Technology on the whole and various gadgets, in particular, are integral to the life, work, and education of nearly every individual. Nevertheless, while adults and even adolescents are using devices such as phones or tablets excessively, people hesitate when it comes to the use of gadgets by preschoolers. A...

Access Control Methods: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction The concept of access control is confusing to many people. Some consider it as the act of preventing external sources from accessing information stored in a system. They are unable to differentiate between access control and identity verification or authentication. Sicuranza, Esposito, and Ciampi (2015) define access control as...

Graphing Calculator’s History and Usage

History of calculator The electronic calculator is a vivid example of how accelerating the speed of technological change may be. The abacus, which is also called a counting frame, is known to have been used by Babylonians in 3000 BC to calculate arithmetical processes (“Chronological calculator timeline,” n.d., para. 3)....

Cybersecurity Strategic Plan and the Best Practices in the Healthcare Sector

Technology is changing at a rate that most institutions cannot keep pace with; hence, introducing a large that makes organizations susceptible to cyber breaches. To counteract this growing complexity, risk management strategies have also become more sophisticated. Moreover, security leaders are inclined to apply best-practices approaches to the diverse risk...

North American Public Library Websites’ Evaluation

Web 2.0 is a general term used to refer to new technologies, services and applications design that allows its users to interact and personalize websites (Berube, 2011). Currently, several public libraries have adopted the technology in an attempt to renew and expand their services (Landis, 2010). With the adoption of...

Artificial Intelligence Through Human Inquiry

Introduction The last week’s readings and media sources prompted me to think more about the creation of artificial intelligence and the problems associated with it. In particular, the presented debate regarding singularity versus co-existence seemed very exciting, as I believe there are both benefits and drawbacks to both scenarios. Much...

Design Science for Certifications Verification System

Abstract The present article sets out to employ the ever-evolving knowledge of design science in information science research to conceptualize the problem of incorrect academic certifications doing rounds in places of employment or in academic institutions, which primarily originates from illegal activities such as forgery or identity theft. To prevent...

Art and Science of Project Management

Case Study Analysis: A Day in the Life Rachel’s Schedule Efficacy Being a project manager means addressing a range of issues related to planning, communication, and problem solving, which Rachel’s case is a graphic example of. A single look at Rachel’s schedule will show that she plans her day in...

Mayo Clinic’s Cybersecurity Risk Analysis

Cybersecurity risks are some of the most prominent risks to emerge in the 21st century. With the ongoing digitalization of all medical records, hospitals become one of the primary targets for phishing, information theft, and cyber terrorism (Kim, 2018). Since all modern hospitals operate technology that has specialized software and...

Schedule Delay Analysis in Construction Projects

Abstract This research project is devoted to the analysis of schedule delays and the techniques that can be used to evaluate the probable delays on the basis of the existing information regarding the parties involved in the dealings and several external factors that are typically generated by the environment. The...

ABC Manufacturing Company’s Project

Introduction Technology is redefining the approach that manufacturers take to run various activities. One of the main areas of manufacturing that has been redefined by the emerging technologies is in warehousing. Firms are moving away from the manually-managed warehouses to automated warehouses because of the need for efficiency and reliability....

Safety Risks in the Modern Aviation Industry

Introduction The modern globalised world cannot exist without the aviation industry which is the key factor guaranteeing the stable and fast intercourse, transportation, conveyance of air passengers, and cargo delivery. Being a strategic mean of transport, aviation also provides numerous opportunities for the further development of the international relations, states...

West Island Line Project of Mass Transit Railway

Introduction For my assignment, I have chosen the Mass Transit Railway (MTR), a Hong Kong-based company. Out of the various ongoing projects, I plan to do the Project Management Report on the West Island Line (WIL) project. The length of the route will be about 3 km, and the capacity...

“Stakeholder Management Influence on Trust in a Project: A Quantitative Study”: Article Review

Introduction Trust between stakeholders is a paramount issue in business. Lack of integrity and honesty between organization partners may result in adverse relationships, which will further undermine performance outcomes. de Oliveira and Rabechini in their article called “Stakeholder management influence on trust in a project: A quantitative study” discuss stakeholder...

Professor-Student Communication Using Technology

Introduction To begin with, it should be said that innovative technologies have become an essential part of modern life. Innovations have entered all the spheres of human life (education is not an exception) and have made it easier. No one dares to say that innovative technologies have created conditions which...

Fifth Wave of Technology

Technology can be regarded as one of the major forces contributing to the evolvement of business. When it comes to computing, five major waves have been identified. The first four waves include the introduction of computers in the 1960s, the development of small computers in the 1970s, the creation of...

Project Information Systems Complexity

Abstract Information systems projects are complex enterprises subject to high rates of failure. Indicators that determine success or failure include stakeholder specification, budget and time constraints, and stakeholder satisfaction with the functioning system. Many of the issues which arise are due to poor communication with relevant stakeholders. Effective communication has...

Project Cost and Finance Management Challenges

There are numerous challenges in project cost and finance management. The cost management functions are quite complex as different projects come with different complexities. Many emerging projects pose different challenges in terms of their characteristics (Akampurira, 2013). The complexities then call for varied management practices. Resource Planning Resources in a...

Cybersecurity in Cruise Ship Industry

Introduction The world cruise industry continues to be characterized by a significant growth rate. In the global cruise community, two such American giants as Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL) and Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) dominate. The modern cyberspace and the level of development of information technologies provide unique opportunities to manage...

Materials and Processes in Manufacturing

In grinding, it is highly important to know properties of different materials. For this purpose, various standard and non-standard methods are used (Kreibig and Vollmer 46). The report at hand is going to sum up the key assumptions concerning the shape, color, and brightness of sparks produced in grinding, which...

The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society

Book Information Book Title: The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society; Authors: Larry D. Rosen, Nancy L. Cheever, and Mark Carrier; Publisher and date of publication: Wiley Blackwell (New York, NY), June 2, 2015; Authors’ background: Larry D. Rosen has been known as a research psychologist and educator, who...

Security Risks for Emirates Airline: Contingency Planning

Introduction This paper is a contingency plan to manage information technology (IT) security risks for Emirates Airlines. The plan specifies key steps the organization could take to address such risks by specifying the policies and procedures that company employees should follow and what the airline’s management should do to maintain...

Technology and Learning Experience

Introduction Technology has transformed the education sector as people try to find easy ways of passing knowledge. Assistive technologies have benefited learners who suffer from various physical or mental problems. Normal students have also benefited from advanced technology as a new era of online learning become popular in the global...

Foams Effectiveness in Fighting with Aircraft Crash Fires

There are many aircraft crashes, which occur in many parts of the world. The crashes often result in large fires which if not contained lead to massive loss of property and human life. Airport managers worldwide make sure that they put in place the most effective mechanisms of fire fighting...

Digital Technologies Role in Communication and Social Life

Abstract Digital technologies have had various effects on the communication and social life of many people all over the world. While some of these effects are positive, there are negative effects of using digital technologies nowadays. This paper provides an overview of various aspects of digital communications, and how such...

Commercial Aviation: What Does Future Bring?

Introduction Commercial aviation, which is a component of civil aviation, is the business of operating aircraft to transport people and goods on hire. The airliners used in the transportation of passengers and cargo range from single-engine freight planes to the Boeing 747. Commercial aircraft were accepted after the Second World...

The Role of Computers in Education

Introduction The use of computers in the modern age has brought a lot of improvement in human lifestyle: accuracy, reliability, quality, and speed. It is not in contention that the world has gone digital and it is now almost impossible to execute tasks in any field without the assistance of...

Hybrid Intelligent System for Credit Approval in Banks

Executive Summary The use of credit by consumers necessitates the use of an approval process by banks to vet suitable candidates to avert lending risks. The major risks a bank deals with when forwarding credit facilities is fraud and default. Banks use credit rating as the first line of defence...

Technological Advances in Intermodal Transportation Industry

The intermodal industry has seen major changes supported by development in technology. Intermodal is the transportation of cargo in an intermodal compartment or vehicle, utilizing various modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck), with no handling of the cargo when moving from one mode to the other. The following are...

Federal Aviation Administration, Its History and Role

Introduction The Federal Aviation Administration is an important organization in the aviation industry. It has always played a critical role in aviation regulation and control of the air safety. This essay provides a brief history of aviation as it appeared earlier than the Federal Aviation Administration. Knowledge of the aviation...

Technology History: The Cost of Technological Advances

Introduction In contemporary world, where almost everything is handy and convenient due to technological advancement, one may appear ignorant if he or she happens to taunt technology. Technological growth has led to the development of products that mankind would have never thought. Nonetheless, in spite of the progress that humanity...

The Basic Computer Applications

Word processor is also known as a document preparation system. It is used for composition, formatting, editing and even printing any form of printable material. Microsoft Word is the one used mainly in our organization, though we use WordPerfect in cases when we are using MS-DOS. Most of the documents...

Public Key Infrastructure

The modern business environment is competitive, and organizations are required to ensure that they have the necessary tools for coping with this competition. In the technological environment, different products and services require the use of digital signatures to enhance security. Currently, public-key technology provides a viable means of securing services...

Information Assurance: Principles and Practice

Definition Johnston and Warkentin (2010) define information assurance (IA) as the “practice of ensuring that information within an organization is kept secure, reliable and private” (p.12). Johnston and Warkentin (2010) regard information assurance as a practice that provides organizational managers with the direction and security mechanisms for keeping information assets...

Use of Technologies in the Educational Process

By the moment a school child learns to read and write, tasks should become more and more challenging and engaging. Teachers in contemporary schools often face a problem of involving students in the learning process. The young generation of students was born in a digital world. The Internet and other...

Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development: Article Critique

In the article, Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Intervention Development, Dearing (2009) investigated the diffusion theory by focusing on seven key issues – “intervention attributes, intervention clusters, demonstration projects, societal sectors, reinforcing contextual conditions, opinion leadership, and intervention adaptation” (p. 503). He found out that these issues accelerated the...

Concept of the iPhone

Introduction The iPhone is a series of smartphones designed by Apple Inc, a US based company that is known for the application of innovative and cutting-edge technology in various products including home and office electronics, music gadgets and computer and phone software. The first iPhone was released on June 2007...

Technical Communication: Social Networking

Social networking can be defined as a virtual environment in which individuals form groups for a common goal of socializing. Traditionally, social networking is mostly done offline by groups of friends or people sharing a common interest. Technological advances have, however, changed the social networking concept to the point where...

Water Crisis in Nigeria: Project Management

Introduction In the World Economic Forum’s list of the most significant global risks for humanity over the next ten years, in terms of potential impact, the problem of lack of drinking water comes out on top (McNally et al. 2019). It has confidently circumvented failed attempts to mitigate climate change,...

Uber: The Systems Applications and Products

Chapter 9 Case Review The problem addressed in the case study was the organization’s adoption of a new SAP system. Versum continues using its IT infrastructure after being split from its parent firm (Laudon, 2021). However, the holding company quickly demanded that Versum converts to an autonomous IT structure within...

Using a Formula to Identify Communication Channels

To calculate the number of communication channels for effective project management, use the formula (N(N-1))/2, where N is the number of team members. In case the team is represented by five people, the total number of required communication channels is defined as (5(5-1))/2=(5(4))/2=20/2=10. Therefore, a project with five people requires...

Security Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Security remains one of the most significant factors in improving the quality of life of the elderly and people with disabilities in care facilities. In this context, security refers to the physical safety of the residents, the confidentiality of personal information, access to medication, availability of IoT functions, proper...

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architectures

Businesses gain from hybrid and multi-cloud deployments because they provide flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and scalability in cloud infrastructure deployment. However, significant problems must be overcome to adopt hybrid cloud infrastructures effectively. This post examines the unsolved difficulties, hurdles encountered while installing hybrid and multi-cloud architecture, and potential solutions to these issues....

Difference Between SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs

Introduction The importance of meteorological notifications, such as SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs, should be considered. They assist flight crews and other aviation services in making informed decisions based on weather conditions that may affect flight safety. SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, and AIRMETs are critical for guaranteeing flight safety. Although all...

Position on AI’s Role in Education

Introduction Educational establishments make significant contributions toward defining the future of a nation. These establishments ensure that young individuals master specific knowledge and skills, which will be further needed to succeed professionally and impact society. That is why appropriate organizations and the government are expected to do their best to...

Electric and Gas-Powered Vehicles Compared

With the development of technologies and the growing need to take care of the environment, new models of vehicles started to appear. A non-professional may fail to see any differences, but electric cars are actually not the same as their gas predecessors and colleagues, and the similarities between them can...

Digitalization: Impact on Companies

The technological revolution has changed the way businesses operate, causing them as well as customers and the general public to be more reliant on electronics, digital platforms, and software. The research topic of interest for this work is the impact of digitalization on companies. The reason behind choosing this issue...

The Article ​”Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” an article by Nicholas Carr (2008) mostly examines the premise and effect of how the Internet influences our studying, thinking, and writing routines. It also alters how our minds attempt to conform to evolving times in the context of reading. From my perspective, I agree...

MySQL Security Policies and Controls

Introduction MySQL’s use as an open-source management framework for relational databases is widespread in the data industry. In reality, some of the globe’s most popular websites and web apps, including YouTube, Facebook, WordPress, phpBB, and Twitter, utilize this technology (Isiaka et al., 2020). Therefore, this essay sheds light on MySQL’s...

How AI and Machine Learning Influence Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Research Methodology The chapter presents an in-depth analysis of the view that technology has significantly influenced the fashion industry. The research seeks to understand whether the correspondents’ view of AI in fashion is a new concept or whether the idea is lucrative enough to influence fashion users’ purchasing patterns and...

Vulnerabilities of Information Systems

Introduction As businesses progress into the era of advanced technologies, digital transformation increases its strategic potential. Implementing information technologies such as information systems directly impacts the quality of business operations and customer experience. According to Rainer and Prince (2021), information systems “collect, process, store, analyze, and disseminate information for specific...

Common Technological Tools Discussion

Summary Technology is an essential aspect of improving learning. When students with learning disabilities are allowed to utilize their abilities by using technology, they often succeed and overcome more challenges. Assistive technology tools help the students with special needs to learn like others. Any helpful software that supports teaching and...

Aviation, Wildlife Trafficking and Collecting Data

Introduction: Wildlife conservation is one of the major concerns of the modern age regarding the critical deterioration of the environment and climate change. For this reason, much attention is given to protecting animals in their natural habitat. Thus, illicit wildlife trafficking remains a serious problem impacting the outcomes of conservation activities...

Boeing 373-MAX Management Analysis

Introduction Project management is an essential part of the activities of a company or business in any field. Primarily, it includes an assessment of the scope, risks and planning of the project. In-depth analysis of project management aspects is especially urgent in industries such as aviation, since the liability for...

Image Processing With MATLAB Software

Introduction The paper presents Matlab code for three questions. The first question tackles image processing mechanisms. It touches on average, Gaussian and medial filtering techniques. The second question presents a detailed user interface program from which users can open and execute files. The file choice, in this case, is audio....

How to Use Project Management Techniques to Improve the Supply Chain Process

Siemens-Energy is one of the leading technology companies in the world. One of the areas of specialization for the firm is industrial gas turbine manufacturing. According to Sadler (2020), Siemens has emerged as one of the preferred brands in the industrial gas sector. The company has two major production plants...

Launching Solar Panels in Senegal

As domestic markets become saturated and highly competitive, new ones should be explored in different foreign countries to enhance the performance of business organization. Therefore, it is necessary for firms to venture and offer their products to emerging markets to meet the customers’ needs. Most companies believe that the game...

Artificial Intelligence in Aviation and Human-Machine Interfaces

Abstract The intensive introduction of new and emerging technologies characterizes the current trend in the development of society. The following study analyzes the research results to determine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on aviation. As computerized capabilities continue to improve and become more widely available worldwide, their introduction into...

The Skolkovo Project Development Failure

Introduction The construction of the so-called technological town is becoming increasingly widespread in the modern world of development. These territories are intended for the concentration of various kinds of specialists, who are provided with convenient and beneficial conditions for productive activities and creating a contribution to the country. Henceforth, the...

Computing Device: Development and Characteristics

Lord Byron, the famous English romantic poet, had little interest in technology. Moreover, he sympathized with the Luddites, a movement against mechanical weaving machines. In his 1812 speech in the House of Lords, Byron defended Ned Ludd’s followers, mocking the mill owners who had replaced workers with automated looms (Isaacson,...

A Reflective Analysis of OneDrive’s Features and Benefits

One of the main tasks during the educational process is word processing, which includes developed skills for writing research papers, lab reports, and other assignments. Modern digital technologies significantly optimize the writing process by offering the student virtual applications and OneDrive cloud storage. OneDrive belongs to Microsoft’s MS Office family,...

Harnessing Technology in Britain

Introduction Technology in the United Kingdom has gone through various cycles. Britain’s many breakthroughs and discoveries began to emerge concerning the successful deployment of creativity in multiple industries. The notion of technology was extensively used in the industrial sector to increase the organization’s efficiency and productivity. Further, the technological concept...

Discussion: Plato, Writing, and Google

With the development of technology and all the new means it brought, writing has changed. The mere process of leaving ink on the paper altered little, although the pixels replaced the paper, and the keyboard substituted the pens. More importantly, the very reason why people continue to write has changed....

Meteorological Hazards in Aviation

Introduction Meteorological hazards, such as floods, storms, earthquakes, and rising seas, can endanger lives and have a negative impact on economies. Such events as wind, shear, turbulence, and severe thunderstorms are particularly harmful to aviation. For example, according to Goodman (2019, p. 479), “weather was responsible for 32.6% of the...

Consumer Behavior Prediction: Data Analytics

Building a model of consumer behavior is a multicriteria complex task that depends on many factors, ranging from the specifics of the business industry to global changes in the market. However, promising developments in artificial intelligence, composable data, the development of data fabric standards, and information technology, in general, make...

Data Security Concepts for Business Organizations

Executive Summary The future of a company greatly relies on data security, being one of the fast-rising issues; it can potentially make a company grow or leads to its downfall. Every company is mandated to become aggressive and develop strong and reliable data security since big data can be both...

Use of Microsoft Office Suite Application by a Real Estate Appraisal Specialist

The selected career field is real estate appraisal: this segment is in demand nationwide, and related companies’ employees use diverse technological software to maintain work productivity. The most popular applications are the Microsoft Office Suite because of the well-built ecosystem and the functionality services such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and...

Teaching Computer Science to Non-English Speakers

Introduction Learning computer science (CS) presents many challenges in itself – however, it becomes increasingly more complicated if the learner has the additional disadvantage of not speaking the language CS is taught in. The current learning methods may not always be as accommodating for non-native speakers as they could be,...

Pro-Forma Projected Expenses and Operating Costs for Robotics

A pro forma projected financial statement A pro forma projected financial statement is a leveraging tool for hypothetical assumptions and data for the future value of a project performance during a period yet to be covered. It forecasts financial statements for future periods in a business (Laurie, 2019). For this...

Why an Electric Car Is the Best Option

Electric cars have been brought to the market to encourage low-emission vehicles, which will have side advantages for society, the environment, and the economy. Structurally, the main difference between electric and traditional cars is that electric cars use battery power consumption instead of burning fuel. Even though gasoline is considered...

Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Artificial intelligence attracts more and more attention. Bill Gates believes that among all modern innovations, AI has the most significant potential to change our lives: to make them more productive, more efficient, and easier. AI has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. Not all people really understand what...

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Finance Industry

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a new technology that allows the employees to access all the company’s data, websites, and apps using only one set of log-in credentials. However, like any system with such ambitious functions, SSO has its benefits and drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks can be mitigated through the...

Technological Progress: Dangers and Negative Effects

Introduction Modern people live in an era of a technological revolution; new inventions appear almost every day. However, the pace of technological progress significantly accelerates the development of the negative aspects of technology. Such negative changes include global warming, pollution of the planet, and the danger of technology being used...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business

For many people, the concept of artificial intelligence is still something related to the area of science-fiction type of dystopia. However, this image seems to be closer to fading into obscurity with each passing day as AI becomes more common in people’s everyday lives. Uzialko (2022) notes that today, not...

How Does Weather Affect Pilots Flying?

Introduction This paper will concentrate on aerodynamics and the way weather affects pilots flying and causes major weather-related accidents. This research paper will focus on the impact of each type of weather, such as hurricanes, storms, icing, and turbulence zones. It is also necessary to consider the weather conditions, the...

The Digitalization of the Education Process

With the digitalization of the education process and the transfer of most of its stages to online settings, the services claiming to assist students in building essential academic skills such as critical thinking have gained quite strong popularity among learners and educators alike. Though services such as Anki are admittedly...

Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism

Ampuja M., Koivisto, J., & Nordenstreng, K. (2019). Historicizing and theorizing media and cultural imperialism. Media Imperialism: Continuity and Change, 31. This source explores the relationship between the concepts of cultural imperialism and media imperialism. The authors highlight the similarities behind the origin of Western domination within cultural and media...

Business Model Canvas and Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The business model canvas is the most commonly used tool in developing a business strategy. Its application ranges from schooling to entrepreneurial simulation to real-world company planning. Furthermore, the business model canvas is a means of describing, assessing, and constructing business models, with nine building elements that demonstrate the...

The Neutrality of Technology

Technology accompanies a person for a very long time. However, in modern society, the question of the neutrality of this aspect of society’s life has arisen. It is worth emphasizing that technologies can be used both for positive purposes, such as computers to search for information, and for negative, hacking...

The Contact Lenses Product Flow Optimization

Background & Objectives Summary This interim report highlights details in the proposed lean implementation procedures and Product Flow Optimization techniques in producing AI-powered contact lenses. This report emphasizes the background, the desired objectives, and the proposed methodology. A Gantt chart is provided for the tentative timeframes for the project. The...

Accidents Due to Impact of Weather Actualities

The first mishap occurred in the 1977 Tenerife Islands collision involving two Boeing 747 planes, including Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200. Low visibility is the primary weather problem that caused the accident. Boeing 747-200 underwent refueling, which increased the time it took to take off. In addition, after Boeing 747-200...

The Sinking of the Titanic and the Collapse of the Hyatt Hotel

Engineering failures are the mistakes engineers make when constructing projects, leading to destruction and often causing human life losses. Indeed, there have been many historical events exemplifying the situations of engineering failure. The investigation of such failures is commonly approached with failure analysis, which allows for identifying the causes of...

Cloud Computing and Data Security Solution

Cloud computing is crucial in our new connected society and it is particularly relevant today since it offers many opportunities to enterprises (School, Hospital, Institutions). At the same time, cloud computing also has certain issues, and one of the primary ones is data security and integrity. The issue of data...

Open-Source Licensing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Often, the term ‘open-source licensing’ means special rights and benefits that allow people to use the program’s source code for users’ needs with minimal restrictions. Thus, the data obtained from free access can be changed, distributed, and modified, eliminating potential costs and establishing limits and boundaries (Tomsho, 2016). It...

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) and Its Essentials

VLAN usually facilitates communication between switches by dividing one button into two or more mini-switches. Thus, it allows administrators to make one switch to two virtual physically. These virtual switches will usually take the form of numbers-names. The traffic flows going to the switch port, thus, remain within the same...

Lucky Me Animal Rescue: Project Management

Projects are the driving force behind change for any organization, especially when it comes to organizing and operating a collaborative event. Accordingly, the way to create business value of an organization through the implementation of project activities depends on the capabilities and resources of the organization, as well as on...

Why Do Humans Rely So Much on Technology?

Technology has always played an indispensable role in people’s lives. Be it the invention of the wheel or the development of an innovative digital tool, technological advances quickly percolate into people’s everyday routine, shaping it both on personal and professional levels. Though the idea of being overly dependent on technology...

Human Democracy and Technology Development

Introduction The extension of market ties beyond national boundaries contrasts with liberalism due to the international nature rather than the state form. Through the use of the principle, this disagreement may be handled in two methodologies: by restricting international and commercial relationships or by internationalizing political institutions. As to comprehend...

Chicago Executive Airport’s Master Plan

In 2014, the Chicago Executive Airport’s (CEA) Board recognized a need for creating a new master plan because the old one has not been updated since 1984. The new master plan comprises three phases: phase I was developed in 2014-2015; phase II was created in 2017, and phase three was...

Smartphone Use Among Students in Higher Institutions

Introduction In the 21st century, technology has become an essential element of our life. Cellphones now account for the vast majority of all internet services, with more than half of the world’s inhabitants having access to smartphones and the internet. Because of the ease with which we can communicate via...

Sustainability of Air Transport Systems

Introduction Air travel is an essential part of our world today as it helps connect people from various parts of the world to social and economic opportunities. Zhang and Graham (2020) argue that has also enabled the growth of businesses through globalization and improved people’s livelihoods through employment. Aviation has...

Is New Technology Making Us More or Less Intelligent?

Introduction The concept of intelligence, which people have been attempting to define for many centuries, means different things to different people. Some might define intelligence as one’s problem-solving abilities or might associate it with adaptive social skills, while others might interpret the concept as the creative capacity one holds. Whatever...

Preflight Planning Considerations

Introduction In this paper, there is a plan to fly an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), which will be DJI Matrice multi-rotor aircraft on flight lines 25 meters apart from one another. There is a need to consider safety-critical aspects that ensure that the flight does not have constraints while in...

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology

Introduction The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) recently requested a technical report regarding the comparative software relevance, usability, hardware and monetary requirements of Moodle in the global learning management systems (LMS) market. The impetus for this was the desire of this educational organisation to expand its course...

Composite Materials in Airplanes

Introduction Composite materials are typically made of more than one element with different chemical or physical properties. Combining these materials helps bring out new tackles with different features separate from the individual component. However, it is essential to realize that the two materials that make composite structures must not melt...

Analysis of Our Biotech Future by Freeman Dyson

The article “Our Biotech Future” by Freeman Dyson discusses the hopeful, in his view, future of biotechnology and its daily uses. The author believes that biotechnology will become reasonably inexpensive and common in the 21st century, comparable to how physics-based and computer technologies have grown very cheap and widespread during...

Discussion of GPS Using in Sports Science

In terms of athletic performance, GPS is a relatively new concept. Sports like football, rugby, GAA, and American Football are among the most common examples of its application. For players and coaches who are willing to give out a lot of money, a high-tech gadget like a wearable device may...

TechFite Firm’s Emerging Technology Solutions

TechFite is a company that specializes in manufacturing medical devices used in space programs. TechFite currently experiences concern about the company’s security system, as due to its connections with a governmental agency, security should be the company’s top priority. The issue is that the company currently experiences financial difficulties because...

Comparing Prince2 and Scrum Methodologies

Executive Summary The aim of this report is to compare two project management methodologies, Scrum and PRINCE2, where the key similarities and differences are summarized. The methodology used in the report is a review of the literature. Therefore, past studies and scholarly publications are explored as the key sources of...

The Effects of Technology in the American Workplace

Introduction The modern world is characterized by different levels of economic development and various places of these countries in the technological revolution. The impact of innovation on the labor market is frequently viewed through the perspective of creating or destroying jobs. At the same time, technology and digitalization also positively...

A New Line Maintenance Project for B787 Aircraft

Introduction Table 1: Project Scope Statement. Project Title: A New Line Maintenance Project for B787 Date: 26 January 2022 Prepared by: Project sponsor British Airways (BA) Engineering Project Justification B787 is one aircraft that is suffering from quality issues following the notification from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The aircraft has...

The Google Platform’s Impact on People

Nowadays, the Internet plays a vital role in everybody’s lives. People use it daily to find answers to the most common questions, find a recipe, browse the nearby coffee shops, or order a book. Google is one of the biggest search engines and might give a billion responses to any...

The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma

Abstract The paper’s primary purpose is to demonstrate the impact of the digital era on the implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Moreover, it aims at defining the concepts of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 by raising the preliminary research question “How the Digital Era impacts the implementation of Lean...

Encoding and Saving Data in DNA for Business

Introduction Innovational Proposal Today, data archiving processes severely slow down the data processing centers by using the tape drives, hard drives, and solid-state drives. Microsoft and University of Washington researchers, on the other hand, have developed a completely automated system that encodes and saves data in DNA for the subsequent...

Cyber-Attacks on the Colonial Pipeline Organization

Colonial Pipeline Company is an oil company based in Texas, Houston and carries jet oil and gasoline to the southeastern part of the states. On May 7th, 2021 it experienced a ransom with cyber-attack that resulted in computerized equipment running the pipeline being invaded by the hackers. As a result...

Internet as a Revolutionary Innovation

Technology advancements have transformed how humans work, socialize, cook, and even seek medical care. Between 1945 and 2,000, different scientists invented tools and appliances that shape the life of many people in 21st century. One of the major discoveries is the Internet, which over 50% of the global population use...

Internet Censorship: Freedom of Expression in the Arts

Introduction The role of the internet in modern society can be emphasized enough. Many countries have embraced this technology and used it to boost their economies and other aspects of life, including education. Most importantly, digital trends have been adopted by corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), all of...

NoSQL Database Types: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays, there is a wide choice of NoSQL databases, which differ in structure and principles of storing information. Based on these characteristics, one can identify four major NoSQL database types: column-oriented database, key-value store, document store, and graph database. Each type has strong and weak points and is suitable for...

Artificial Intelligence in Machinery

Introduction The advancement and growth of computer technology have increased the intensity of worldwide competitiveness. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), many firms predict that the future of manufacturing operations will alter radically, from planning, scheduling, and optimization. Today, AI has effectively addressed fundamental manufacturing problems such as predicting and avoiding machine-related...

Technology and Employment Relationship Management

Introduction Technological advances have been credited for most of the new trends in the contemporary economy, including employment relations. People’s daily lives have been affected by innovations where tasks are either re-invented or reassigned from humans to machines. Around the workplace, similar changes have been reported where worker relations are...

Multi-Cloud Security: Presenting Best Practices

Most organizations resort to various security means to protect their databases and physical networks that have to be hidden from the outside world. As cyberattacks are presently the central issue, most organizations integrate different security software programs to eliminate the risk of being hacked. A particular security software program has...

Using Blockchain in Real-World Applications

Andreou, A. S., Christodoulou, P., & Christodoulou, K. (2018). A decentralized application for logistics: Using blockchain in real-world applications. Cyprus Review, 30(2), 181-193. The article focuses on how blockchain technology can be applied to optimize transportation and logistics processes. In particular, the authors explain that this technological advancement can help...

Hardware Components and Operating Systems

Hardware is the physical component that is necessary for the system to function. These are all electronic circuits of a desktop PC or laptop, including the motherboard, graphics card, central processing unit, webcam, power supply, keyboard, etc. All of these components can be compared with family members. The motherboard is...

How Apple and Google Plan to Reinvent Health Care

Living in the times of scientific and technological progress, one has access to dozens of thousands of applications that are easily accessible with a smartphone. Long gone are the times when it could only be useful for teenagers playing games or consuming content – now all kinds of data can...

What Barriers Can Interfere With a Wi-Fi Signal

Research notes WiFi is a great invention of humanity that allows fast and almost effortless communication between users of any world and access to the Net. WiFi is, in fact, the key to the digital data environment, so any access point, whether private or public, with a password (if available)...

Gasoline and Electric Motors Comparison

Modern technological development and environmental challenges move motor production towards replacing gasoline machines with electric ones. The latter is known for being more sustainable, yet the power of the former has significant advantages, and the raw materials usage, safety, and affordability must also be considered upon selecting the best solution...

Categorization and Data Representation

The correct presentation of data is one of the most important tasks associated with processing information. Regardless of the area, the data should be presented accurately and not allow different interpretations. One of the convenient tools for implementing these principles is categorization. Using this method, one can concisely present the...

Network Security, Threats and Vulnerabilities

In my understanding, a cyber vulnerability is an opening in one’s security that presents an opportunity for malicious agents to perform a cyberattack. It presents a chance for attackers to act upon their threats once discovered. At the same time, a cyber threat is an already discovered opening in one’s...

Cybercrimes: The Effect on Public Administration

Abstract In today’s period of online processing, most of the information and data is online and thus susceptible to cyber threats. Researchers and crime scholars argue that conflicts and wars between countries will occur in cyberspace as opposed to physical spaces in the future. The first documented cybercrime occurred in...

Ethical Aspects of Digital Privacy

As digital technology develops and worldwide network is implemented and utilized in more and more fields of human life, digital privacy becomes a significant concern. Even though data collection and analysis may be beneficial in terms of provided services, statistical researches, and even safety, its uncontrollable usage and no necessity...

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market

Agrawal, A, Gans, J. S. & Goldfarb, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence: The ambiguous labour market impact of automating prediction. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(2), 31-50. Web. The article in question considers the impact the spread of artificial intelligence technology may have on the labor market. The authors define their...

Difference Between the Antivirus and Anti-Malware

Security is an integral part of every computer, whether it is a personal or business device. Failure to protect the machine makes them vulnerable to varied sources of viruses. Antivirus and anti-malware are the two most common types of security software which have been developed. Even though the two terms...