Analysis of “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Octavia Butler’s 1993 publication is a science fiction novel, with the main character, a young black girl, Lauren Oya Olamina, predicting the dire environmental consequences which would befall the world due to climate change. Through her journal entries, Lauren envisions a world full of global warming effects, 13 years before...

Deontological Ethics of Christianity

Deontology is derived from two Greek words, “Deon,” which means duty, and “logos,” meaning science. It is an ethical term that applies the laid down rules to determine whether a thing is right or wrong. The theory argues that rules should be followed without establishing the consequences of the actions...

Domestic Violence and Its Impacts on Children

Abstract Domestic violence is an issue that has raised concern in the society because of its impact on the affected people. Domestic violence has serious impacts on children. When they grow up in a violent environment, they get affected psychologically and sometimes physically. Men and women also get affected in...

Diabetic Teaching, Self-Directed Learning Theory

Nature of the Learner The society provides people with diverse exposures to life so that various individuals respond differently to a range of situations often due to their experiences. During growth and maturation, it is a psychological need for a person to become less dependent on others and more dependent...

The Issues Associated with Pressure Ulcers Among the Elderly

Pressure Ulcers-Introduction Pressure ulcers are of great health concern since they depict the quality of care in a hospital, and greatly affect the prognosis of a patient. Some of the pressure ulcers witnessed in hospitals are as a result of hospital care hence, the reason why they are used to...

Family Value and Nursing Theories

Importance of Family Nursing The importance of family nursing practices was not recognized until late twentieth century when the need for family nursing became a burning issue for the system of health care. In this respect, the family became an integral part of the health care system because the family...

Child Sexual Abuse: Effects and Treatment

Introduction As a relatively hidden pattern of abuse, family violence can take a variety of shapes and forms, including physical, mental, and sexual assault. As the victims and perpetrators are generally known to each other, an interpersonal attack’s psychological impact is more significant. Children are particularly vulnerable, as they often...

Origin and Biochemical Basis for the Therapeutic Action of Morphine

Background Morphine was discovered in early 1800 by 21-year old Freidrich Wilhelm Serturner. Through curiosity, Serturner got interested in the opium medicinal plant which was used by 18th-century physicians. His main concern was the medicinal properties of opium (Clark & Graham, 2008). He however used his free time studying the...

The Analysis of the Film “Dune”

Introduction The film ‘Dune’ by director Dena Villeneuve is based on the novel by Frank Herbert. In the United States, the film was originally scheduled for release on December 17, 2020, but the world premiere was later moved to October 21, 2021. The picture has collected $40.1 million in the...

Normal in Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad and Saunders’ Sticks

Introduction Normal can be considered to be an occurrence or behavior that conforms to accepted rules. Humans repeat patterns of behavior which in many ways makes them predictable. This phenomenon is apparent when characters in Sticks by George Saunders and The Underground Railway by Colson Whitehead are examined. Some are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultural Analysis and Inferences from the Movie 42

Introduction Culture is a central aspect in anthropology that gives insight into a people’s history, values, and perceptions. Over the years, visual arts, particularly films, have been used not only to inform but also to indicate people’s cultural artifacts. Every film author wants to communicate a particular theme and influence...

Has Social Media Ruined Our Culture

Introduction Social media can be described as one of the most disruptive technologies since it has caused massive revolutions in social, economic, political, and even cultural aspects of human life. Businesses have used social networking sites as tools for marketing while politicians use them as campaign platforms. From a cultural...

Observational Research Proposal

Introduction Social networks have made global changes in the sphere of political activity due to the wide availability of various types of information and the increase in its diversification. People began to receive information much faster and the field of political news and election campaigns was no exception. The speed...

Parental Substance Abuse: Negative Impact on Child Development

For this class, the article by Parolin et al., “Parental Substance Abuse as an Early Traumatic Event. Preliminary Findings on Neuropsychological and Personality Functioning in Young Drug Addicts Exposed to Drugs Early,” was chosen due to its relevant topic. There are many families where parents suffer from substance abuse remains...

The Writing Process: Skills and Competencies

Understanding the writing process is one of the critical aspects any person with interest or passion in writing is required to master before they become critical in the art. This process involves various skills and competencies that enable individuals to provide meaning in writing to send a specific message. Writing...

Victimology and Victim Blaming

Introduction Victimology is the scientific study of victims of crime, including their characteristics and behaviors. It is a relatively new field that emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to the growing victimization of individuals and groups. It aims to understand why some people are more likely to be...

The World Cup Preparations in Qatar

Introduction World Cup is a famous football competition organized every four years by the International Association of Football Federation (FIFA) and held in various countries. It is one of the most popular sporting events that attract millions of viewers worldwide, along with the numerous tourists who come to a hosting...

A Review of the Debate between Orpen and MacNeill on the Irish History

The relationship between Ireland and England has been controversial in Irish historiography. Two scholars who have contributed significantly to this debate are Goddard Orpen and Eoin MacNeill, whose works—”Ireland under the Normans, 1169-1333″ and “Early Medieval Ireland: A Scholarship for Politics or a Politics of Scholarship?” respectively, offer contrasting perspectives...

Virtual Reality Technology: Theory, Practice and Research

Introduction Virtual reality involves use of senses to interact with and manipulation of a computer based external environment. Magnetic tracking is used to measure the movement in the environment. In future developments, ultrasonic waves will be used to measure the movements. Currently, the technology has been used widely in a...

The Color Wheel Move Critique

Introduction Directed by Alex Ross Perry in 2011, the movie The Color Wheel fits well within the confines of the French New Wave films. The movie chronicles sibling war between a sister and brother on their way to Boston from Pennsylvania. The French New Wave aspects portrayed in this film...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Essay on Cross-Cultural Communication & Differences

Explore the intercultural difference with our cross-cultural communication essay sample! Here, you can find information on the importance of the topic and gain inspiration for your multicultural communication essay! Cross-cultural communication is a crucial success component nowadays. Globalization and integration contribute to the importance of it.  Cross-cultural contact is vital...

National Australia Bank Analysis

The national Australia bank has many programs which help it to adhere to the ethical regulations which govern all businesses in Australia. For example, in 2004, the bank launched a customer relationship management system which enabled it to win the Cap Gemini financial innovations award in 2006. It also launched...

Working Conditions: Nurses Creating Safe Systems

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure every patient receives timely and quality health care. Nurses and medical practitioners must be aware of the best strategies that have the potential to support the diverse needs of many patients. Several concepts and theories have been proposed to guide nurses whenever...

Medical Research Design: Selection and Comparison

Selecting a proper study design is very important in medical and scientific research. It can affect the quality, reliability, and usability of a study. Specifying the design is a requirement in all medical research papers (“Study designs,” 2016). Typically, the research topic determines what type of study is going to...

Homer Biography

Homer is known to be the founder of the written poetry in the Western cultural history. His works are the first fixed examples of Greek poems that are currently available to the historians. Even though there are still numerous disagreements on the quantitative quality of his writings, the two masterpieces...

Realism Philosophy in Teaching Literacy

Introduction Realism philosophers postulate the presence of a distinct real-world of existence that compels understanding and perception of the actual order of the world. Contrary to divergent subjective thoughts and perceptions that may deviate from the reality of things, realism teaches sanity and common sense in ensuring acceptance. Realism proponents...

Nursing as a Science and Art Combination

Nowadays, many authors of specialized articles and books focus on the discussions of nursing as a form of an art and a type of a science. Some people find it necessary to clarify if it is correct to consider nursing an art and a science at the same time. However,...

Clipboard Tablet Company Strategic Management Process

Clipboard Tablet Company produces three types of tablets: X5, X6, and X7. They are characterized by a different level of popularity among the customers because these products are at different stages of their development. The cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis should be applied to the discussion of the products’ prices in order...

Like a Girl: Always Campaign Analysis

Like a Girl: Always Campaign Analysis Introduction In the contemporary world, shaped by globalization, where the rates of diversity in every society are higher than at any point in the previous history, social issues are especially meaningful and popular. One of the most frequently discussed social concerns today is gender...

Decision-Making Psychology: “Groupthink” by Janis

Introduction Before his death, Irving Lester Janis was a retired professor from the University of California and a renowned psychologist based at Yale University. Janis was a nonfiction writer and he did extensive studies on team dynamics, which led to the book, Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Increasing Student Nurses’ Knowledge of Breastfeeding

Literature Review This present study aims at answering the following question: (P) in the postpartum mother, would (I) post-discharge breastfeeding support phone calls, (C) compared to mothers receiving no post-discharge support phone call, (O) increase the likelihood of breastfeeding success (T) at six-week postpartum? Odom, Li, Scanlon, Perrine, and Grummer-Strawn...

In the Time of the Butterflies and The Great Gatsby: Compare & Contrast Essay

Dystopia is the common setting in Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of the Butterflies and Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby paints a depressing picture of the corruption of the American Dream during the roaring 1920s. On the other hand, In the Time of the Butterflies is the...

Outsourcing in the UK: Influence and Impact

Introduction In this era of globalisation, outsourcing is a common business practice resorted to by different countries. The quantum of outsourcing has greatly increased in the recent years. UK and USA are the two countries which outsource vast amount of business. Information technology is the most commonly outsourced industry. It...

John A Garraty on Great Depression Review

Introduction John A. Garraty is considered to be an outstanding American historian who devoted his life to the presidency of the American Historians Society. He is a significant writer; Garraty is the author of several historical books disclosing the facts of American National Biography. One of the most prominent works...

A Beginner’s Guide to Preaching by C. F. Guthrie

Summary The book under consideration is called “From Pew to Pulpit: a Beginner’s Guide to Preaching” by Clifton Floyd Guthrie. This work serves to be a practical guide for the preachers that helps to choose the appropriate topic. It also learns how to be a good listener and an excellent...

The Social and Economic Importance of E-Commerce

Introduction Electronic commerce, the use of the internet for purposes of buying and selling services and goods (Bidgoli 18), has been gaining importance, in recent years. Many organizations have now embraced e-commerce to enhance the rate at which their products and services access the market. This is in addition to...

Rise of Internet and End of Mass Media Audience

Introduction Questions have been raised considering the viability of the internet as a medium of communication to the mass. This has partly been attributed to the phenomenal growth that it has had over the years and it remains to be seen how well it is going to be fair in...

The Value of PLC Process

Introduction The significance of professional learning community (PLC) to school culture has been proved many times. In the following paper, the two articles “Development of a model for building professional learning communities in schools: teachers’ perspectives in Thai educational context” by Narongrith Intanam, Suwimon Wongwanich, and Nuttaporn Lawthong, and “Collaborative...

How TCJA Impact the Business Bottom Line

Who is Paying Corporate Taxes and Who is Not The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is a legislation that was passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and signed into law on December 22, 2017. It stemmed up from long-term lobbying by firms to decrease the federal corporate incomes which they...

Shared Leadership in the Environment of an Operating Theater

The environment of an operating theater (OT) demands immediate responses and quick thinking along with substantial resourcefulness and the perfect knowledge of established guidelines. Therefore, in order to magnify the efficacy of performance in the OT setting among nurses, the use of shared leadership (SL) principles is required. The aim...

Human Behavior and Social Work Theoretical Analysis: Adolescent Aggression

Introduction This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical approaches to the problem of violence and deviant behavior overall among young people. As will be demonstrated later, this problem appears to be widespread not only in the United States but all over the world, especially in developing...

US Education Standard: Causes of Falling

Introduction The education system of a given country should meet the demands of all learners and equip them with appropriate skills to complete complex tasks. The government has a role to provide the relevant support and resources to transform the field continuously. Stakeholders and partners in this sector should also...

Criminals: Are There More Men or Women?

Introduction Criminality seems to be an inseparable part of humankind’s history, which has been inextricably linked to human activity for centuries. As soon as primitive people mastered the tools, they began to use them for creativity and the deliberate killing of their tribesmen. The history of crime has many of...

Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States

The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking some members...

Charlotte’s Web and Hana’s Suitcase: A True Story

Children’s literature about good and evil, about various events, invented or occurred in the past, but simultaneously related to the present, allows readers to take part emotionally, empathize. Such books are an opportunity for kids to learn about many people and hear different opinions, ideas, and thoughts. Such literature is...

Healthcare Industry: The Quality Management Program

The Industry of Health Care is one of the most significant industries around the world. The demand for measures to improve quality and safety is frequently present in health care. In this field, sometimes it is even more difficult than anywhere else due to constant challenges related to the well-being...

Crimes Against Persons

Introduction The criminal theory helps policymakers develop laws that will aid in creating a better society, where potential victims are protected from crimes. One category of offenses, the crimes against persons, includes a wide range of criminal activities that caused harm or death to another person either willingly or by...

Assisted Euthanasia: Philosophical Perspectives

Introduction The ethics of human relationships is the object of many philosophical teachings and doctrines. At the same time, specific issues and topics are controversial and acute since they are difficult to discuss within the framework of one particular theory due to distinctive views on causes and effects. As such...

Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary

This paper focuses on the Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA). Specifically, the paper covers benefits of EFDA, laws and regulations in Ohio for EFDA, and it presents a single case scenario in which EFDA was particularly useful. An EFDA personnel are highly trained and competent dental hygienists or dental assistants...

Relational Practice: Reflections on Family Nursing

Introduction Engagement with resource family provides nurses with opportunities to apply perspective theories learnt in class. Scientists have developed theories to govern the domain of family nursing. Doane and Varcoe (2005) posit that experience with family is the best source of knowledge for family nursing (p.4). However, a nursing student...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organized Crime: The Canadian Mafia

The Canadian mafia started as a branch of the Bonanno family mafia of New York. In Montreal, the criminal gang acted as the subsidiary of the Bonanno mafia gang. The Canadian based criminal gang organization engaged in drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling and political corruption. The Montreal based organization kept most...

Sexual Assault is a Issue in the Modern Society

Introduction It needs to be said that sexual assault is the topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is described as an action with a body of a person that is performed without his or her agreement. It needs to be said that it is...

“The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” Book Review

The book The Spirit Catches You and You Fall down by Anne Fadiman is one of the highlights of the Hmong culture and the challenges socializing a family from Laos faces in American society. Misunderstandings and disagreements manifested in day-to-day interactions reveal distinctive values ​​and norms in the two cultures....

Mother-Son Conflict in Toole’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”

Introduction John Kennedy Toole’s novel A Confederacy of Dunces unveils diverse issues people encounter in their lives. These problems include but are not confined to relationships with others, ways to fit in the community, and attempts to realize oneself and satisfy one’s needs. At that, family issues, or rather the...

Force Diversification as a Way of Addressing Police Brutality in the US

Police brutality is a social issue of considerable magnitude in the contemporary United States. Understandably, violence and killing can be necessary for police work, especially when interacting with armed and dangerous criminals who pose an immediate threat to public safety. Yet it is not so much the fact of violence...

Women as Agents of Change in Various Frameworks

Introduction Women must be empowered to act as change agents in their own lives in order for programs focused on reducing violence against women and girls to succeed. Because they serve as “community facilitators,” the women who participate in project activities provide a crucial connection to the greater community of...

Bretton Woods Monetary System

The establishment of the US dollar as the global vehicle currency in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference influenced the global economy after World War II. This economic system created a resilient platform for the stabilization of global economic performance in the 1950s and 1960s. However, this system was short-lived...

Chadwick’s and Ure’s Views on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

Introduction In 18 century, Great Britain experienced the industrial revolution due to physicomechanical science’s advancements. In factories, employers started to launch various machines to complete the same tasks as previously but more quickly and require less involvement of workers’ physical power. However, such manufacturers had problems related to the sanitary...

An Interpretation of Dickinson’s Views on Death in Her Poetry

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is a great poetess of the nineteenth century originally from Amherst, Massachusetts, and the world-renowned for her mystic and captivating poetry. Regardless of her parents’ desire for her to become a well-mannered, diligent housewife, Emily Dickinson devoted herself to literature. During her saturated literature path, she developed...

Environmental Justice as Social Movement

Introduction Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many...

Challenges of Intercultural Communication

Introduction Communication is a fundamental aspect of human societies guaranteeing their functioning and evolution. Cooperation and interaction between individuals it impossible without information sharing. Under these conditions, the given unique tool remains fundamental for coordinating efforts and ensuring goal achievement. In the modern world, the high level of globalization increases...

Plot, Genre and Main Idea of “The Blind Side” Film

Introduction “The Blind Side,” which John Lee Hancock filmed in 2009, is based on the true story of a football player that Michael Lewis had told in his cognominal book three years earlier. Notwithstanding the seeming commonness of the plot, it raises several problems, such as social isolation and solitariness...

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Analysis

William Shakespeare and his works occupy an honorary place in world literature. At the same time, the play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, briefly referred to as Hamlet, is one of the most famous. The plot reveals complex themes of revenge, mortality, deception, madness, and other issues. The...

Coca-Cola Soft Drink’s Brand Extension

Background of Coca Cola With a 19-percent increase in perceived brand value to approximately US$36.2 billion by 2019, Coca-Cola retains its place as the world’s most successful brand. In the U.S., Coca-Cola took over Disney’s leading position, which fell to fourth place with an index score of 89.7 after its...

Compensation of College Athletes

Introduction The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has been in the spotlight severally concerning paying college athletes. The debate is whether the compensation college athletes receive is fair considering how much money schools make through tickets, advertising, merchandising et cetera while some athletes only receive free tuition. Many have deemed...

The National Council for Aging Care

The United States is facing an influx in the senior population, hence the need to acquire and use available resources to maximize value and efficiency. Notably, most people in their late adulthood have physical and mental conditions that make them need assistance in daily living. The clients may not have...

Nutritional Changes in Risotto Recipes

Risotto Recipes Recipes help people prepare food and discern the accurate calorie intake in a meal. Making alterations to these recipes results in major changes that determine whether a person is getting nutritional benefits or reducing these foods’ benefits. Portobello risotto exhibits many differences to shiitake risotto, showcasing minor variations...

Buddhism and Denver Zen Center Experience

Introduction In order to experience and learn about other cultures, engaging with them on a personal level is often necessary. People are able to participate in events, travel and talk with professionals in their respective fields in order to better understand that which is foreign to them. This is especially...

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

Introduction High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is currently one of the topical health concerns in the US and other countries across the globe. This is largely due to the consequences and adverse health outcomes associated with it, such as stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Some common causes of...

Conflict Resolution at Walmart

Introduction The present project concerns conflict resolution at Walmart, an international retailer. Walmart offers various products, from groceries to clothes, and employs many people across several countries. Despite being successful in satisfying clients and extending its operations, Walmart has encountered internal issues that cause the business’s staff members’ morale to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Themes and Lessons in Paradise Now Summary

Introduction Paradise Now was filmed in 2005 by director Hani Abu-Assad. This film tells the story of two lost friends who grew up together. In the past, they worked as auto mechanics in the city of Nablus, which is under Israeli control (Paradise Now). Being led by their circumstances, both...

Dating Trends and Mate Selection

Introduction In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process...

Family Counselling and Therapy for High-Conflict Couples

Devlin, J. M., Toof, J., West, L., Andrews, N., & Cole, J. (2019). Integrative family counseling. The Family Journal, 27(3), 319–324. Web. The given article delves into the peculiarities of family counseling and possible therapeutic outcomes. The authors assume that integration affects the counseling profession and can lead to better...

Single-Parent College Students Struggling to Graduate

Colleges receive students from various backgrounds under different situations. The rise of single-student parents in colleges presents an opportunity to learn about the experiences of such students and compare them with other regular nonparent learners. An estimated 26 percent of all undergraduate students, or 4.8 million, are raising dependent children...

Spending Plan: Saving and Spending during Uncertain Times

Monthly spending tracking is vital as it helps people stay involved in their finances. Paying attention to spending ensures that one stays within his budget and spends wisely. People with financial discipline are capable of conforming to their spending and banking to the set plans to attain fiscal goals. Actual...

Crisis Intervention Worker

Introduction This paper will provide a detailed discussion on the work done by crisis intervention counselors. It will highlight what the counselors do in terms of their duties and responsibilities. How the counselors help people and the theories they use to perform their duties will also be discussed. In addition,...

Older and Younger Persons’ Work

Introduction Many organizations hire competent employees in order to achieve their goals. Younger employees embrace the concept of teamwork. Younger employees “require good management strategies to realize their organizational goals” (“Age Discrimination: What Employers Need to Know” par. 5). Older employees have different goals and beliefs. They will work late...

Symbolism in Walt Whitman’s Poem Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

In the poem, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry by Walt Whitman, the poet describes his crisscrossing journey back and forth Brooklyn via a ferry. The poem’s central theme relates to the shared human experiences that transcend both time and space. The poet uses symbolism to explore this theme whereby he connects himself...

European-Native American Relations

The era of the European exploration and colonization of Americas is attractive for many researchers because investigations in this field allow discussing the origin of the mixed American culture. The traditional discussion of this topic is based on the idea that new settlers changed the life of North America’s indigenous...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Leadership Dynamics

Leadership is important in any organization because the effectiveness of leadership influences all processes, relations, and operations in a company (McCleskey, 2014; Schaubroeck et al., 2012). It is important to focus on examining the aspects of leadership in the Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) because there are several issues that can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks

The article, “Four decades of obesity trends among non-Hispanic whites and blacks in the United States: Analyzing the influences of educational inequalities in obesity and population improvements in education”, authored by Yu (2016) reports the findings of a study carried out to investigate the relationship between education, race, and obesity...

File-Sharing Television in Newman’s Article

Television is a rather powerful resource that has been having a massive influence on its viewers ever since it first emerged as a social phenomenon. The impact of television in the process of shaping public opinions and moods has been researched for many decades. Today, scholars realize that this media...

Kant’s and Mill’s Ethical Philosophies

Introduction Human beings have always been troubled by various ethical and moral issues. These issues are associated with the major principles that define what is wrong or right. Principles of human morality usually focus on the distinction between bad and good behaviors. However, societies and individuals have developed diverse values...

Evaluation Process Approaches in Education

Introduction According to Neuman and Cunningham (2009), an effective curriculum must provide an ample knowledge base that mirrors an understanding of students’ development as well as the skills, knowledge and dispositions required to shape suitable learning experiences for students (p.533). There are various aspects that determine the successful development as...

“Party Politics in America” a Book by Marjorie Randon Hershey

Introduction: Title and Thesis Statement The book “Party Politics in America” by Marjorie Randon Hershey is usually regarded as a gold standard in relation to literature touching on power and influence in the country. As the title suggests, the author’s central theme in the text revolves around how politics is...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Quality Collaborative

Nowadays, many ways could be offered to improve the health of certain groups of people and offer initiatives for particular hospitals regarding the needs and expectations of their patients and staff. A successful quality collaborative is a goal several medical centers strive for. Such organizations work to create special conditions...

Healthcare Disparities in the LGBT Community

Introduction Apart from the disparities representatives of the LGBT community face in everyday life, they also deal with some major challenges as to their access to appropriate health care services. Consequently, they are experiencing worse health outcomes, as stated by Kates, Ranji, Beamesderfer, Salganicoff, and Dawson (2016). Some of the...

Nursing Intuition in Trauma Assessment

It is evident that skills and professionalism of nurses are decisive for care process and, as a result, patient outcomes. Nevertheless, sometimes nurses have to apply intuition in their work. In the conditions of an emergence care unit, emergency charge nurses need to make sound decisions to activate a trauma...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Learners: Description Educational lessons targeted at teaching how to overcome the burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will include three types of learners, such as patients, family members, and the healthcare staff. The three-fold approach towards addressing this issue will result in more cohesive efforts for tackling the complications...

Talent Pipeline for Population Health

A Pipeline of Talent for Population Health The unceasing movement for improvements in the quality of care can be deemed as the defining characteristic of the contemporary healthcare environment. The shift of the focus toward the increase in the levels of patient satisfaction along with the speed of the recovery...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children

Introduction Nowadays, many different manufacturers and businesses specialize in producing formula feeding for infants. There are also many controversies as to these products’ ability to provide healthy and nutritious meals to little children that might not have access to breast milk regularly (due to health issues of their mothers or...

The Future of Same-Sex Marriages

Introduction The topic of the same-sex marriage has attracted heated debate over the years in the US. The protagonists and antagonists of this marriage institution have always clashed over moral standards of the society. In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage,...

Costly Healthy Food and State Policies

Introduction Proper nutrition, as it is known, is an integral component of good health. Due to a large assortment today, it is not difficult to choose the products that are most useful for the human body and to follow a correct diet. Nevertheless, the cost of healthy food, as many...

Hobbesian and Austinian Notions of the Sovereign

Introduction The key purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess the main similarities between the Hobbesian and Austinian concepts of the sovereign, precisely outline the constitutive elements of John Austin’s theory, and thoroughly examine how the definition is applicable to the laws in the United States. The Thesis...

Food Truck Business’s SWOT Analysis

Are you looking for the food truck SWOT analysis? Look no more! This essay sample conducts SWOT analysis for food truck business. Here, you’ll find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Market competition is getting stronger and stronger in the modern globalizing world. The companies grow larger, they try to...

Friedrich Nietzsche’s Views on Human and Society

Writer’s Ideas It is paramount to note that there many ways to interpret the section titled “The madman.” The fact that this story can be regarded as provocative should not be overlooked. “God is dead” is a phrase that appears several times in the works of an author, and he...

Children Investments in Theory and Practice

Introduction The concept of investment in children is both intuitive and appealing. The relevance of welfare and education of children is applicable to any political and social context and aligns well with the fundamental psychological and social values of humanity. The following paper provides an overview of areas consistent with...

Writing Skills and Its Effects

Introduction Writing is a skill that grows with time and gets refined with enough practice. Fluency and creativity help writers write excellent articles, consequently enabling the audience to understand the written papers. Depending on how well a writer has mastered writing skills, it affects the quality of work produced. At...

“Catch Me If You Can” by Steven Spielberg

Introduction Catch Me If You Can is a biographical drama film that depicts the personal and criminal life of Frank Abagnale, who engaged in a series of financial, forging, and fraudulent crimes at a young age. The plot is inherently interesting as it portrays the origin of Abagnale’s skills, intentions,...

Community Service Hours for High School Graduation

Introduction In the United States, community service is a mandatory requirement for high school graduation in some states. As a result, school districts expect students to complete a certain amount of hours in service. For instance, in the District of Columbia, students are required to complete 100 hours of community...

Nursing Informatics: Articles Review

Introduction Information technology has transformed many aspects of people’s day to day life, and the main benefit of it is improved access to information. In healthcare settings, clinical systems allow improving the workflow, providing better efficiency, and affecting the quality of care. Clinical systems are used in healthcare to connect...

Codes of Law Review and Analysis

Introduction To keep order in their lands and control their population, territorial states and nomadic peoples formulated specific codes of law or rules and principles to follow. Thus, control and power in these states were based not only on the personality of a leader but also on some laws, instructions,...

Nine West Company Strategy Overview

Introduction Nine West is a designer, developer, and marketer of fashionable women’s footwear. Nine West is involved in wholesale and retail operations. A U.S. women’s shoe market represents a separate market segment in apparel industry (Nine West Group, Inc 2007). As a retailer, Nine West relies on innovations and fashion...

The Types of Economic Systems

Introduction Any system that involves the mechanism for production, distribution and exchange of goods apart from consumption of the goods and services within the different entities can be classified as an Economic System. The various kinds of economic systems and their classifications broadly follow the methods by which means of...

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Introduction Robert Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, California, which is a surprising fact to many people. Although he lived in small apartments throughout the city during his first 11 years, Frost is more commonly associated with the natural scenes of the New England countryside that is used...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Profit for Companies

Introduction Currently, global companies make a significant impact on all aspects of life: economic, social, environmental, and even political, at times. Be it an energy company, or a fashion retail company – regardless of their field, the companies contribute in different ways to the society not only by their end-product...

Humanism in “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

Introduction English Renaissance marks a period in the history of artistic and cultural transformation between the late fifteenth and early seventeenth century. It is linked to the European Renaissance that is considered to begin in Italy at the end of the fourteenth century. The transformation that English society and culture...

The Concept of the American Dream

Introduction European settlers came to North America in hopes of a new life full of opportunities. Their expectations manifested themselves in the idea of the American Dream, which proclaimed that success could be achieved by anyone through hard work in a society based on democratic principles. First established in the...

Safe Patient Handling for Rehabilitation Professionals

Introduction This project has several different objectives and aims to satisfy each of them as completely as possible, with none of them having a higher priority than any of the others. As such, it is critical to understand the distinctions between the various goals and the methods that can be...

Internet Impact on Modern Culture

Introduction Throughout history, a significant number of technologies created by humanity have had a considerable impact on culture. There is now a pronounced sociocultural gap in society between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not. The former have new opportunities, free and prompt access to...

Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Literature review Mobile ad hoc networks are typified by wireless multi-hop channels that are connected to mobile nodes, which “do not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure [1]”. In the recent past, the field of mobile ad hoc networking has attracted a great deal of attention from many scholars as a...

Patient Rights When Interacting With Healthcare Providers

Introduction Good health care is what patients require though compromised by many medical practitioners especially where there are no legislations and polices in place to ensure that health systems adhere to the set standards. Many people may succumb to death due to substandard medical services provided my medical practitioners who...

Aspects of Global Health Issues

Introduction In the current world, global health is the utmost disaster so far according to the study done. The study shows that the new skills brought by science and medicine have failed to attain the mass of the global population. Although outstanding enhancements have been prepared in health conditions globally...

Technology Impact on Behavior of Different Generations

Abstract This experiment will study how technology affects younger generations compared to older generations. It will also consider negative or positive effects on people in terms of their behavioral practices such as socialization, impulsiveness, innovation, ambition. The study will show that younger generations are more impulsive, abrasive, consumed, and lack...

Saturn’s Moons Titan and Enceladus

Introduction The solar system has a large number of natural satellites orbiting various planets, asteroids, and comets. Although most of these moons appear to be identical gray rocks moving in space, careful observation shows that they are diverse and have unique and intriguing features. One of the planets with many...

The Sexual Criminal Case: Review

Introduction Criminal Proceedings are based on the presented facts that enable formulation of credible judgment by the presiding officers. Evidently, cases of criminal nature are complicated and require superior understanding of the presented issues by the parties involved in the suit. In practice, cases of criminal nature are becoming common...

Crimes and the Federal Prison Comparison

Martha Helen Stewart (born 1941) is an American successful businessperson and media mogul. Having been sentenced to serve five months’ jail term, West Virginia federal prison camp was where she was put on counts of securities fraud. In 2001, she sold all her shares to avoid a loss after receiving...

HIV: Populations and Factors that Affect Its Control, Prevention, and Treatment

Introduction In the present day, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be regarded as one of the most serious health issues all over the world. This infection attacks the person’s immune system and weakens it against severe chronic and even terminal diseases. The appropriate and time0sensitive treatment of HIV prevents its...

Prevalence of Myocardial Infarction Among Women

Abstract Myocardial infarction (MI) has been the leading cause of death in different parts of the globe. More American women have continued to record various symptoms associated with heart disease. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of the prevalence of MI among women. The major preventative measures for controlling the...

Share-Based Payments and the Positive Accounting Theory

Introduction Share-based payments are notable aspects of employee remuneration offered to directors, senior managers, and other employees. Share-based payments mainly include share options and shares offered to senior managers in an organisation. Besides, an entity can offer share-based payments to parties such as suppliers and key business stakeholders. The aim...

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The Aviation Industry and Its Prominent Inventions

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The Nursing Education Project Theoretical Framework

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The Policy Standard in China’s Healthcare System

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Symbolism in “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

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Trauma-Informed Counseling Techniques in Indigenous Communities

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The United States Policy on Climate Change

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Nursing Evolving Practice and Patient Care Delivery Models

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Tort Law Case: Clements v. Clements

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Medication Errors Prevention by Information Technology Systems

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Medical Brief on Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland Concerns

First Patient: Tympanic Membrane Concern The first patient appeared to the hospital complaining of temporary hearing loss and pain in the ear. The patient is 33-years old male. He said that he noticed the problem around one week ago when he returned from his scuba diving weekends. Except for hearing...

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Pathology, and Medication

Introduction Osteoporosis is defined as a condition that causes the structure of bone to weaken and leads to fragile bones that have higher risks of fractures. The condition has been classified into several types based on their etiology; localized and generalized osteoporosis are the two initial classifications, which are further...

Miami Population Demographics and Health Profile

Overview The area of what is now the City of Miami was settled by numerous tribes more than 4, 000 years ago (City Data, 2017a). The name Miami stems from the word Mayami (Big Water) used by the chief tribe populating the region (City Data, 2017a). The native tribes were...