Domestic Abuse Problem Analysis

In the context of present-day developments, domestic abuse appears to be a pressing concern. According to Alshammari et al. (2018), “intimate partner violence (IPV) or domestic violence and abuse refer to the victimization of an individual by an intimate companion” (para. 9). However, domestic abuse may also regard not only...

Events That Led to the American Revolutionary War

Several different events and ideas caused the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783). For example, the Proclamation of 1763 was signed by King George III and ended colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains. It irritated numerous Americans who believed that the continent was the land of freedom. Simultaneously, Britain...

The Psychodynamic Theory. Gateways to Mind and Behavior

The psychodynamic theory is a psychological perspective that originated from the works of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis, which focused on the unconscious level of awareness and the interactions among personality structures. In contemporary society, it encompasses all psychological theories that attribute human behavior to the influence of unconscious interactions of...

Toyota Motor North America. Executing Global Strategy

It is important to note that although the given analysis and summary will primarily focus on Toyota Motor’s North American division, the latter is heavily influenced by Toyota Japan. In the case of the corporate culture, the company harnesses loyalty and hard work, where the employees are put in a...

Safety and Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Health care is one of the necessary elements in the life of every individual; therefore, people are ready to pay a considerable amount of money for treatment. As a result, the demand for complementary and alternative medicine has recently increased due to the desire to stay healthy (Stanhope & Lancaster,...

The “Somm” Documentary Movie by Jason Wise

“Somm” is a documentary movie directed by Jason Wise and first presented in Canada in 2013. The film reveals the sommelier profession and shares the stories of people who dedicated their entire lives to wine production and degustation. Only around 200 people in the world have the Master of Sommelier...

How Price Changes Alter Their Demand and Supply Graph

Complementary goods are items that are preferably used along with each other. One such good is more practical and popular among consumers if used in conjunction with another compliment. Thereby, any changes in the price of one good directly affect the demand and supply of another. Complementary goods affect each...

The Brand Value of Apple

Among the many companies that have increased in the volume of operations and the brand value, Apple occupies a significant place. According to the data from ratings, the company’s brand value has grown from 23344 in 2011 to 214396 in 2018, which is the highest brand value among the fast-growing...

Impact of the Internet on Consumers’ Opportunities

Today, modern technology provides opportunities for consumers to play a pivotal role in brands’ advancement, such as product appearance, quality, and even operation. Furthermore, I agree that people are now more open to accepting advertisements and purchasing displayed items (Ortiz-Ospina, 2019). In other words, with social media, people have changed...

Researching of Amino Acids in the Human Body

It is important to note that there are approximately 500 amino acids, but proteins in the human body are mostly comprised of 20 amino acids, which can be further categorized into three main groups. There are essential amino acids, nonessential amino acids, and conditional amino acids. The former group includes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reaction to the Purchase of Victrola

In the paper, a description of how an urban factory worker has bought a Victrola to play records that reminded him of music he grew up listening to is provided. Essentially, the narration can be interpreted in two distinctive ways. First, the purchase of Victrola is a sign of embracing...

Media Company Consolidation and Its Beneficial Impact

Media company consolidation is the merging of different media content creators. This can be done for various purposes: for example, for a variety of content, structure for working with an audience, or ways to generate income (LoPucki & Verstein, 2020). In my opinion, this process has multiple advantages, so I...

Literary Movements and John Keats’ Poems

La Belle Dame sans Merci is a poem written by John Keats in 1819 that appeared in Keats’ letter to his brother. The poem is written in the style of a traditional ballad and tells a story of a knight’s encounter with a beautiful lady with dreamlike powers, described as...

The Role of Gothic Cathedrals in the Popularization of the Catholic Church

When Gothic architecture first emerged in the 12th century, it made an immense impact on the popularization of faith and the attraction of new followers. Derived from the religious buildings of the Romanesque era, Gothic cathedrals were constructed specifically to represent the divine nature of God (Zhekova p. 18). For...

A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe Review

The literary canon concept is used to describe the most valuable and influential texts of a particular time. The current paper argues that a short story “A Man of the People” written by a Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe, should be included in the literary canon to be taught as part...

Strategic Goals of Habitat for Humanity

Strategic planning has a significant role to play in non-profit organizations. It helps to anticipate and skillfully manage changes and effectively address problems that may arise (Poister, 2010). Bryson (2018) defines it as a set of concepts, processes, and tools for determining what an organization does and why it engages...

Online Communication and Its Impact on Society

The concept of social capital has dramatically impacted many lives because it established the relations in the society so that it functions effectively. The majority of daily communication is realized via social networks, which simplifies life in general. I have never used social media platforms to build friendships solely because...

Communicating Knowledge in Nursing Practice

I chose to describe one of the conclusions of the article “Nurses’ Active Empathetic Listening Behaviors from the Voice of the Patient” by Myers et al. The researchers state that good communication in nursing practice is instrumental in creating a positive relationship between a nurse and a patient (Myers et...

The National vs. the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

NSPE is The National Society of Professional Engineers; nowadays, this organization is the crucial national entity that aims to address various professional issues associated with licensed PEs within the scope of all disciplines. Then, ASME is The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; this organization is dedicated to promoting art, sciences,...

Nursing Home Care For Elderly

The role of a community health nurse in providing essential care for the elderly at home cannot be underestimated. They help provide a patient with necessary services and medications following the treatment plan (Næss et al., 2017). In addition, nurses are capable of monitoring the health condition of an elderly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fibrinogen: Structure, Function, and Importance

Structure Fibrinogens are molecules that are usually found in the blood plasma. It is a 340-kDa glycoprotein composed of two sets of disulfide-bridged Alpha-, Beta-, and gamma-chains (Weisel & Litvinov, 2017). Fibrinogen is formed after FGA, FGB, and FGG links. These genes are clustered around the human chromosome 4, which...

Hiring Paths for Students and People with Disabilities

Regarding hiring opportunities available to students specifically, one key finding is that a person does not have to be actively studying at the time of filing an application. In some student programs and opportunities, an individual is still considered a student if he or she has been out of school...

Sensory Experience of South Beach, Miami

Brightly colored, Miami’s one of the most famous beaches, South Beach, can be described as an earthly paradise. The breathtaking view of the ocean, with its bright blue and green color and pure water, already bestows you with this sense of being in a utopian world. Gazing at the horizon,...

Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia Brands’ Transparency

I have examined the websites of Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia – the three leading companies in the transparency index. Their contribution is undoubtedly admirable; however, in my view, the most remarkable report was made by Patagonia. Since Hart (2019) mentions that this brand was included in the index for the...

Methods for Improving the Quality of Healthcare

The healthcare quality issue I have found in my clinical setting is the shortage of nursing staff. It decreases the quality of patient care. The total number of nursing staff in the hospital does not meet healthcare quality requirements (Davies et al., 2019). The shortage of medical staff is noticeable...

Discussion of Violence of African People in Literature

In this chapter, the author writes about the violence against African people as it is shown in the films “Amistad” and “Beloved” and examines them from the perspective of trauma. Even though these pieces are not the only ones narrating about the enslavement of these people, their distinguishing characteristic is...

Desdemona and Lago’s Conflict in “Othello” by Shakespeare

In this passage, there is a conflict between Desdemona and Iago over women’s nature, which ends with the victory of a rational and objective way of thinking. The woman argues with the man and is indignant at his feeble mind. Although she does not have so much experience in life,...

Challenges of Intimacy and Sexual Relations

Both TED Talks by Peggy Orenstein and Philip Zimbardo, although exploring different gender perspectives and general topics, emphasize the barriers that young men and women encounter when attempting to formulate their own understandings of intimacy and sexual relations. By using data from their research involving actual participants, the two speakers...

James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery

This thesis will focus specifically on Baldwin’s core works, namely, “Now Go Tell It on the Mountain,” “Notes of a Native Son,” and “Nobody Knows My Name.” The specified works can be considered seminal in the evolution of Baldwin’s philosophy and his attempts at shaping the societal perception of race...

The Grady College’s Internship Program Advertisement

The advertisement chosen for this assignment is posted at the website of Grady College, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The ad features the College’s Internship Program, developed for international students (The advertisement, 2021). The advertisement itself is a picture of students from different countries who are happy to take...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Plot of “The Little Match Girl” by Hans Christian Andersen

The stories written by Hans Christian Andersen have never been particularly cheerful, often having rather grim undertones and serving as cautionary tales rather than a fun pastime. However, even among Andersen’s rather grim narratives, “The Little Match Girl” takes a special place due to its somber plot. The story opens...

Are Printed Dictionaries Becoming Obsolete?

Lexicographer James A. H. Murray, the fin-de-siècle-editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, introduced the concept of the modern dictionary that have been in use from Victorian era to the present day. Thus, the very idea and shape of the printed dictionary have not changed much for more than a hundred...

Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution

The US constitution and the Minnesota state constitution are structurally similar in terms of having a preamble where an introduction to the document is presented. Moreover, both the MN and US constitutions have a bill of rights where the legal rights of citizens are listed. Furthermore, the two documents have...

Validity and Reliability in Applied Research

Validity and reliability are among the primary concepts used by researchers to assess the quality of research. More specifically, reliability is concerned about the general consistency, while validity emphasizes the accuracy of a given measure (Cohen et al., 2017). An applied research’s validity is regarded as the extent to which...

John Deere Company in View of Globalization

John Deere is one of the most successful agricultural machinery companies in the world today. In 1963, the company became the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of agricultural and industrial equipment (Korinek and Stiglitz, 2021). Globalization has significantly affected the company both negatively and positively. One of the significant adverse...

Business Management Strategies

Running any business requires the investor to have the proper business strategies and tactics tailored to meet all the needs. I own a small campervan and RV/Motor home rental company located in a major city. The company operates six days a week and has a total of seven staff. In...

PepsiCo Firm’s Integrated Business Planning

PepsiCo’s transition to integrated business planning (IBP) seems rather convenient and beneficial for advancing financial integration and other crucial aspects that contribute to achieving strategic goals. As the company has united its departments, the shared data regarding delivery, manufacturing, and sales is now easily accessed and can be used to...

Aspects of Mental Health Services

Mental health illnesses affect a large proportion of the population, yet there are still contractions in the research findings and approaches to the provision of mental health services. According to Cubeiro (2018), 25% of the population is affected by some type of mental health disease. This is a large proportion...

The Evolution of the English Language

The evolution of language is a frequent phenomenon in the modern world and implies a process of its change. Every language changes all the time, but people who are not involved in linguistics tend to notice only small details, such as the appearance and rapid distribution of individual words. The...

Martin Luther King and His “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

Martin Luther King is one of the most prominent speakers who used strong arguments to support his claims. Thus, in the “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he combined appeals to moral and legal aspects to make sure people listen to his words and are ready to discuss them. Employing these elements,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The New Deal: Successes and Failures

It is important to note that the New Deal was comprised of regulatory changes, financial and economic reforms, public projects, and aid programs to overcome the effects of the Great Depression. There were both successes and failures of the New Deal, where the former included the Emergency Banking Act, the...

Researching of Mass Media Literacy

Mass communication refers to how organizations tend to generate and transfer information to the general public. The evolution of mass conversation has greatly helped through the diverse roles in people’s daily endeavors. First, communication helps in surveillance where it serves as ears and eyes, especially to those seeking to know...

Civil and Criminal Law Penalties and Differences

There are differences between civil law and criminal law penalties as they relate to coding violations. As it is known, penalties for violations of civil law are usually softer than penalties for committing an actual crime. Overall, the criminal law system is more complex than the civil law system because...

Idolatry in Peru and Eradication of Faith

After reading these primary sources regarding the removal and prohibition of idolatry in Peru, I conclude that the measures taken by the Holy Church were against the traditions of these communities. They were antagonizing the long-standing ways of living of indigenous people through direct interventions and prevention of any worship...

Veil of Ignorance: Emergence, Definition, and Impact

Veil of Ignorance emerged out of a thought experiment conducted by John Rawls. In conducting the experiment, he sought to examine arguments about justice, integrity, parity, and social stature in a structured procedure. The Veil of Ignorance constitutes part of the social contract theory that is used to examine inklings...

Wolves Change the Course of a River

Hunters wiped wolves out of the Yellowstone National Park years back. However, they were reintroduced in 1995, and their impact on the park is remarkable. According to the video, the wolves created a trophic cascade—an ecological process that starts at the top of the food chain and trickles down to...

Correlation Research Method in the Article about COVID-19

The correlation research method belongs to the group of non-experimental methods, using which the researcher identifies two variables and compares the relationship between them based on statistical data. The study “What does and does not correlate with COVID-19 death rates” by Knittel and Ozaltun (2020) uses this method for establishing...

Heed Their Rising Voices Advertisement

In the newspaper advertising, Heed Their Rising Voices, the authors write about peaceful protests of Black people for their rights and against discrimination. “Again and again, the Southern violators have answered Dr. King peaceful protests with intimidation and violence. They have bombed his home, almost killing his wife and child....

Destructive Atlantic Hurricane Season in 2017

Undoubtedly, disasters are one the deadly occurrences that damage property and interfere with the livelihood of society. Some of the disasters that may affect the community include floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, and severe storms. According to Morganstein and Ursano (2020), a disaster makes people lose their possessions and homes and...

Discussion: Treating Smoking Dependence

A controlled study was performed to determine the efficacy of Mindfulness Therapy (MT) in treating smoking dependence among 40 adults. Half of the participants received the standard therapy for smoking dependence, while the rest received the MT. After 16 weeks, the participants were asked to fill out the Nicotine Dependence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Creon’s Ideas of Leadership and Power

Creon’s portrayal of Athenian power and leadership tells us that for anyone elected to be a leader, his mind, his soul, and his will are aligned with the throne’s purpose. In other words, what the leader intends for his country and the people must be reflected in the skills he...

Negative Performance Management

Example Suggestions for improvement The manager of an IT company gives a negative performance review to one of the employees. He focuses on the person while giving feedback on his poor execution of the given task. The manager is confrontational and uses character-related and judgmental vocabulary such as “you are...

An International News Story: How China Builds Its Foreign Policy

Introduction The Lithuanian authorities agreed to open a representative office in Taiwan, considering that it does not contradict the principle of one China. However, what happened prompted an immediate reaction from Beijing leaders (Shirouzu and Sytas). The Chinese authorities believe that this action is contrary to the commitments made by...

Compassion: Defining an Abstract Term

Several moral virtues or qualities attributed to people are abstract, which makes identifying or properly understanding them difficult. Compassion, then, is one of such qualities. It can be most quickly described as a mix of feelings about the trouble of others. Usually, compassion entails feeling concerned, worried, and pitying the...

Predicting Financial Crisis of 2008

The financial crisis of 2008 was one of the most significant economic disasters in world history. Even though numerous countries and separate businesses were caught by surprise by the emerged problems, many experts state that the crisis could be predicted. In particular, the accounting information of KB Home, including the...

Organizational Culture and Its Influences

Organizational culture has a significant influence on people and administrative processes. Culture forces people to think, act, and act as it requires. For example, if an organization focuses on the quality of products and services, much attention will be paid to the convenience of customers, meeting their requirements, and even...

The Significance of Primary Care Delivery

In general, all objectives of the improvement of the access to health care provided at Healthy People 2030 are highly essential as they contribute to the well-being of every person in the United States. However, from a personal perspective, the objective called “Increase the proportion of people with a usual...

Emotions That Drive Action: Benedict Arnold and Michael Jordan

People experience a range of emotions that can have both positive and negative effects. Hence, some of them can become a drive to make a serious decision or start acting. These emotions are the strongest and have an exceptional value. Thus, this work will explore how inner experiences and feelings...

Personnel Assessment and Selection

In order for the hiring manager and the human resources (HR) manager to cooperate successfully, it will be crucial for them to build mutually positive relationships. The latter will provide the team with enough opportunities for data-driven analytics that could be utilized to innovate some of the processes across the...

Proceedings of Anti-Jackson Convention in Richmond

The agenda of the authors is to reasonably prove that Jackson is not suitable for the nation’s highest office. Citizens thought that his election would be dangerous. This view is supported by such prejudices as inexperience in public service, intemperance of character, and propensity for violence. These three aspects are...

Massive Rise and Fall of Lumber Market Prices

The negative change in market conditions last year was influenced by several events. The main problem is that the raw material market has been subjected to a rush of demand. The latter has mainly appeared in countries such as the U.S. and China, as well as in Australia. The reason...

Great Depression: Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt

The Great Depression was a major economic downturn in American history in the 1930s, which affected the entire globe. The primary cause was the burst of the stock market bubble, which led to its crash. It took place during Herbert Hoover’s presidency, which started in 1929. During his presidency, he...

The Black Death: Impact on European Society

By the beginning of the epidemic of the Black Death in 1346, Europe was considered overpopulated, and the standard of living was rapidly falling. The inhabitants suffered from wars, famine, disease, and poverty. Poor sanitary conditions combined with the lack of space in houses led to the rise in illnesses....

“Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare Summary

Julius Caesar is a history play written by William Shakespeare. The plot of the piece concerns Brutus and Cassius’ conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar and, in some way, the consequences of these actions. The play’s first act establishes Caesar’s influence and the motivations for his assassination, which lies in the...

Large Companies as Entrepreneurs

In the conditions of modern competition, the compliance of the internal environment of the company with the growing market requirements is the most important factor of successful activity. It causes the need for its constant transformation. The main driving force of economic growth today is innovation, implemented both in production...

Shift in Transportation Discussion

Before the production and introduction of cars into everyday use, goods and parcels were transported using trains. However, over time, there was an awareness that the railway transportation system has significant drawbacks. Hence, this thoroughly contributed to the emergence of companies such as UPS, which began to deliver goods using...

Queer People (LGBTQIA) in Healthcare System Context

Nursing is built around support and advocacy regarding patients and their interests. However, not every group of people can expect the same level of assistance, as there are individuals who are highly marginalized within healthcare systems. One such group includes LGBTQIA people, whose issues are still largely ignored within many...

“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review

The chosen reading is Bock’s “Building a bridge: Founded by marine veteran-turned-actor, arts in the Armed Forces seeks to unite military, theater communities.” Bock has overviewed the activity and benefits of the non-profit organization Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF). This topic is described through the stories and interviews of...

The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching Asteroids

In recent years astronomers are becoming more interested in studying the space objects situated relatively close to Earth. While the cosmos is still not fully discovered and has potentially numerous unknown aspects, it represents both the field of scientific research and potential danger. Therefore, this paper aims to identify two...

Paul Romer’s Nobel Prize

Economics is a complex subject that contains numerous problems affecting humanity. Paul Romer, who received the Nobel Prize award for his explanation of the continuous growth of markets, provided people with an understanding of a critical concept of how markets behave (Cowen). The writer’s praise for Paul Romer is well-deserved,...

Probability: Applying Probability Theory

Probability theory studies the objective patterns of mass random events. An event is something that may or may not happen when a certain set of conditions are met. Among the possible events, there are reliable and impossible ones. If some event happens for sure, it is called true. If some...

The “Exterminate All the Brutes” Documentary

Raul Peck says in his work that a large chapter of the world story has been told from a biased Eurocentric point of view. This approach cannot be accurate and proper since one of the greatest sins, genocide, remains out of sight (Peck, 2021). It applies to such complex topics...

What Makes a Written Piece a Story: “Things Fall Apart” by Achebe

Naturally, the narrative element of a written piece is essential to present and describe a story from scratch. However, there are more elements that make the text more complex and exciting to the reader. For instance, a basic narrative cannot give characters their personalities, and thus, writers opt for using...

Demographic Groups Comparison in Social Work

Introduction Social work implies contacting individuals and employing a personalized approach to address the challenges and needs for assistance for each person. However, comparing different demographics and groups can facilitate the establishment of efficient techniques for combating issues and providing help. It is especially vital in the framework of social...

Choosing the Right Business Type: Considerations for Startup Success

When starting one’s own business, it is essential to consider various questions and address possible challenges. The decision-making process in such a situation should be based on useful and trustworthy information: future business owners need to think about funding, the main idea of their company, target audience, employees, and many...

Marketing Interconnection With Organizational Departments

The marketing process directly correlates with organizational success. Through effective marketing, companies can examine the market through a STEEPLE analysis. Indeed, cooperation between the marketing department and other elements within an organization is vital through assistance and insight into efficient strategies and business processes. Namely, the departments that primarily benefit...

Body Ritual Among the Nacirema: Discussion

The Nacirema tribe can be described as being mythical and full of mystery. It is a tribe whose people believe in mysterious shrines that endow one with power. Such power is measured by the number of shrines that a household possesses. It is, therefore, not wrong to say that rich...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Alcohol Consumption

Introduction Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, or FASDs, have severe implications for the well-being and health of individuals in all stages of their lives. Symptoms often include low body weight, hyperactivity, poor memory, and coordination, learning disabilities, attention difficulties, speech delays, inadequate reasoning and judgment abilities, issues with sleep, and problems...

Musicians: Nicki Minaj Discussion

Introduction For a musician, being influential means demonstrating the unique features of his or her style, being innovative, empowering others to introduce new techniques, and changing the industry. In the 21st century, there are multiple influential artists and one of them is Nicki Minaj. She was born in 1982 in...

“Talking Tombstones and Other Tales of the Media Age” by Gary Gumpert

While discussing the case of horses of San Marco, Gumpert brings up the idea of art scarcity. The discussion revolves around comparing paintings created only once and books for which such a restriction seems illogical (Gumpert 20). Books are usually reprinted, and this process does not seem to lower one’s...

The Role of PR in Project Success

The stakeholders received the project well due to the propaganda and PR it comprised, especially during its initial stages. The media presented BAM as a nation-unifying concept that would ultimately lead to economic and technological advancements (Ward, 2009). Furthermore, the media portrayal was oriented towards several categories of the population,...

Colorectal Cancer and Other Cancer Signs and Diagnoses

The reasons for increased colorectal cancer rates and decreased cervical cancer rates in Western society may be related to preferred lifestyles. In addition to excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, the number of male sex relationships has increased (Brenner & Chen, 2018). Other factors like physical inactivity, overweight, obesity, and a...

Message to The Customer: Analysis

The Direct Approach Dear customer, unfortunately, your order will be delayed by three weeks. The delivery company apologizes for the inconvenience and offers you a 50% discount on your next order as a bonus (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). The late delivery of your order is due to the fact that...

Assessing the Impact of Emissions Regulations on Travel Patterns

A researcher is interested in a topic or problem when performing research. Every successful research effort begins with a clearly stated study topic. Selecting a topic is a continuous process that scholars use to investigate, clarify, and improve their concepts. The topic of the research article by Davies and Armsworth...

Rwandan Genocide Analysis with Foote’s Typologies

In 1994, a horrific event took place in Rwanda where large numbers of people were massacred during the Rwandan Civil War. The act targeted the Tutsi – a minority group in the country. The Hutu militias killed approximately 600,000 individuals within a period of 100 days (Meierhenrich, 2020). The conflict...

Adequate Supply of Registered Nurses

In hospitals with a high patient-to-nurse proportion, healthcare workers experience dissatisfaction, burnout, and patients suffer from higher rates of death and abandonment than those in organizations with a lower patient-to-nurse ratio. Some states and even countries have begun passing laws to limit the ratio of patients to nurses. Despite this,...

Developing a New Information System

I absolutely agree that integrating a new information system can completely change the nature or direction of a business. Understanding business processes is essential to dealing with these organizational changes. The introduction of information technology can lead to administrative changes of varying degrees, from minimal to far-reaching (Laudon & Laudon,...

The European Commission and Google

The lawsuit filed by the European Commission against Google has become one of the landmark legal battles for the right to privacy. Having drawn a legal line between the right for a company to promote its product and the right of individuals to retain their privacy, the specified case has...

Pre-Group Meeting: Managing Groups and Teams

Pre group meeting is a platform that allows attendees to acquire information to make an informed decision about whether the group is good for them, meet the facilitators, ask any special questions, and get a sense of the physical atmosphere. The pre-group interview is a supplement to established organizational intake,...

Instructional Leadership and Teaching Practices

Instructional leadership is a form of leadership that enhances teaching and learning by promoting best practices. Instructional leadership was introduced in the 1940s with a minimal growth trajectory for its literature experienced up to the 1980s (Hallinger et al., 2020). The principal’s role as an instructional leader was emphasized by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Childhood and Adulthood Mental Disorder

Introduction Mental disorders are health conditions that determine emotional and behavioral changes in an individual. Teens and adults experience episodes of disorders ranging from high to low depending on one’s daily activities. Discussion Childhood and adolescent mental disorders are compared to adult mental disorders in various ways. These include; they...

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Integrated Response

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) constitute a direct threat to national security. The specific role that Department of Defense (DOD) would have in case of the use of weapons of mass destructions (WMD) within the territory of the United States would be coordination of crisis management activities (Department of Defense,...

Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits

It should be noted that companies engage in stock splits in order to manipulate and change the price value of each stock and influence trading liquidity. According to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (2022), a stock split is “an increase in the number of shares of a corporation’s stock without...

The Influence of Neuromodulators on the Human Brain

Introduction The YouTube blog “November 30 – Dopamine and Serotonin and Us” is dedicated to the topic of neurodiversity and the influence of neuromodulators on the human brain. One such neuromodulatory molecule released during a reward-giving action (for example, sex or food intake) is dopamine. Lauren Theresa McCarthy Debiak describes...

Unveiling the Magic of “A Christmas Carol”

The Morgan Library & Museum (MLM) is a repository of some of the most inspiring and unique pieces of art and literature. However, of all the items that the museum has to offer, the original manuscript of “The Christmas Carol” stands out most. Having been interpreted multiple times and reiterated...

Music in Films: The Psychology in Film Music

Often, music plays the role of a mood transmitter of a cinematic picture and sets the tone. “Dexter Opening Theme” throughout the introduction, despite its ease, builds tension and suspense. Hence, quite upbeat, joyful music plays against the background of the morning routine of the main character (Ramanjiah, 2011). It...

The Criminal Act Component of Murder

Introduction Murder is a violation that contains the elements of criminal behavior, a criminal goal, a cause, and an injury. In most nations, the criminal act component of murder is commonly defined as conduct that kills the victim (Montaldo, 2019). A person who commits a crime may execute the deed...

Unveiling Freedom: Deciphering “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction “The Story of an Hour” is a famous and exciting short story by Kate Chopin. This literary piece describes the thoughts and feelings of Louise Mallard, who is told that her husband, Brently Mallard, tragically died in a railroad accident. Main body The author fails to present much information...

MS Office Excel to Design WBS

To develop a project successfully, one has to identify the key milestones in its evolution prior to the implementation thereof. For these purposes, the MS Office Excel software (Warburton & Kanabar, 2013) was used. With the addition of a WBS-related extension, which allowed introducing the BS score into the project...

Foreign Aid Effect on the Country’s Economy

An ongoing debate surrounds the provision of financial aid to the developing countries that lack domestic resources. Over the decades, the researchers have revealed the pieces of evidence of both the positive and negative influence of foreign aid on the economies of the recipient states.1 The proponents of foreign aid...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Natural Death Act and Life-Sustaining Treatment

A natural death act is a form of a living will be supported by a statutory enforcement. The common form of the act is a declaration to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment in terminal state occurrence. A person must sign it over 18 years of age and in a state...

“The Awakening” Analysis by Culley and Chopin

The article “The Awakening: an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism” kicks off by giving the novel The Awakening appreciation for being among the few fiction publications that front a female protagonist. The author then goes ahead to explain how the gender of the main character causes her to...

The Best and Worst Ways for Companies to Promote Their Product

Nowadays with the rise of technology, the abundance of information online and growing consumerism, among other issues, it is twice as important to have a smart healthcare marketing strategy. Understanding the uniqueness of your brand is key to building the right initiative. For example, one of the best marketing strategies...

Economic Costs of Waiting Lines

To perform an economic analysis of waiting lines and define their economic costs, it is necessary to consider several variables. These include the waiting cost per period for each unit, the average number of units in the system, the service cost per period for each server, the number of servers,...

Descriptive Epidemiological Methods in Nursing

Introduction Diagnostic testing remains one of the topical issues related to clinical practice and the entire healthcare system. Healthcare professionals sometimes overuse these procedures to ensure the diagnosis is correct, and the treatment they plan to assign will be successful (Merrill, 2019). At the same time, some tests are not...

“All Quiet on the Western Front”: Movie and Novel

The military drama directed by Lewis Milestone, which came out in 1930, is based on the famous novel by Erich Maria Remarque. An adapted script by Lewis Milestone and George Abbott was made for this film. Censorship at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the film All Quiet on...

Comparing PhD and DNP Degrees

Both DNP and PhD degrees are considered the highest level of nursing education, which demonstrates that a nurse is a clinical expert in her or his field. However, there are crucial differences between the two rooted in the focus of studies. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Health Insurance Exchange: Economic Perspective

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a significant federal statute, the goal of which is to ensure that all US citizens have equal access to health insurance. A health insurance exchange or marketplace is defined as an area where residents may identify the conditions for having health insurance (Mulligan, 2017)....

The Development of a Pain-Management Plan

The development of a pain-management plan requires evaluating the client’s and his family’s health and general information. Different facts, such as previously prescribed medicine and occupation’s specific conditions, provide vital information to help create a proper pain-management plan. To acquire information, nurses can use different sources, such as medical records,...

Efficient Team Management Overview

Effective leadership and management are crucial in encouraging wait staff to become a team while providing exceptional service. After learning more about effective leadership, I acknowledge that impartiality and consistency are essential for efficient staff management. Workers feel especially unmotivated after being unfairly treated. Various situations can stimulate this feeling,...

Use of Paretto Charts in Healthcare

Pareto Chart Answers for Flipgrid Video In clinical settings, the creation of Pareto charts may be useful for understanding the impact of factors affecting one or another health problem. Since these factors are arranged in descending order, it becomes evident which of them requires more attention from nurses. The care...

Rhetorical Appeals: The Benefits of Using Rhetoric Instruments

Rhetorical appeals make an individual’s speech more appealing and effective as the speaker can achieve the established goals. The benefits of using these rhetorical instruments can be demonstrated with the help of a print advertisement by Penguin Books (“Save paper,” n.d.). Ethos, the rhetorical appeals related to the authority of...

Helping Future Fathers: Fathers’-to-be Behavioral Patterns

Since the early stages of pregnancy examination, a set of rules was defined for future mothers, identifying their diet, behavioral, and environmental patterns. However, over the last decades, researchers have started to pay attention to the ways both parents should follow for a child to develop properly. Some of these...

The Miranda Rights: Overview

Although the Miranda rights are widely known and associated with the situation of a suspect’s arrest, there are also exceptions related to circumstances when these warnings should be read. The Miranda rule is applied to individuals who are regarded as suspects and who are under interrogation (“Miranda v. Arizona (1966)”;...

Article Review: “The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Trust in Government”

Introduction The purpose of their present research is to assess the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the public trust levels towards government officials. The research applies the trust concept to and measured in dwellers of several counties within Mississippi and Louisiana. The authors assume that the level of trust is...

Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel is an essential software to all organizations regardless of the industry under which they operate. They can be embedded in various functions performed by each department ranging from assigning tasks to accounting. As a finance officer, Microsoft Excel is vital in conducting basic financial accounting. Spreadsheets are giant...

The Removal of Cash Equivalents

Under the current rules, the statement of cash flows features both cash and cash equivalents, short-term stable liquid investments that can easily be converted into cash. However, the FASB is currently considering eliminating the second category, working purely with money, and reclassifying noncash transactions as different categories on the statement....

Renaissance Music: “Ave Maria” by Josquin Des Prez

“Ave Maria” by Josquin des Prez is a prime example of Renaissance art. Due to the presence of the parties of several voices, this work becomes full and voluminous. This gives the listener the impression of something large-scale and majestic. Four voices can be noted in the work: superius, altus,...

Large-Scale Cultural Transformation Evaluation Models

To implement the latest models of patient-centered care, it is essential to understand the evaluation models and targets that have to be addressed. According to Bokhour et al. (2018), leadership commitment is the most important aspect, as its cooperation is vital to the implementation of initiatives. A model that focuses...

Health Information Technology Influence on Care Delivery

Electronic Health Records (EHR) have become an integral part of healthcare delivery. The majority of medical institutions chose in favor of EHR due to the benefits they provide for patient care (Reisman, 2017). The significantly helps medical workers to be more efficient and make decisions more quickly. In turn, Health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Antismoking Ads and Youth Smoking Prevalence

In the modern world, a significant amount of attention is paid to social problems, including youth smoking. The article in question elaborates on the influence of antismoking advertisements on youth smoking rates. It is believed that promoting a healthy lifestyle that excludes such habits can have an impact on people...

The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US

This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States. Most probably, this right implementation is likely to achieve the most criticism from other nations of the world during the Universal Periodic Review. As the UN report from 2015...

COVID-19 Pandemic: What We Can Learn From the Past?

Events people witness in the twenty-first century look as they are entirely new: humanity’s progress in technology, economics, and society keep developing and have already reached the highest level of all times. However, there are still disastrous occasions leading to deaths, military conflicts, and environmental catastrophes. The brightest recent example...

The Charleston Super Sofa Tragedy of 2007

The tragedy that occurred on June 18, 2007, in Charleston, South Carolina, claimed the lives of nine brave firefighters of the local fire brigade and changed the life of the city in many ways (“Charleston 9” 00:03:42-00:03:50). That day, the brigade came to a call at the Charleston Super Sofa,...

The Shawshank Redemption Film as a Realistic Story of Two Prisoners

The Shawshank Redemption is an American motion picture based on Stephen King’s novel, one of the most recommended films for many years. It was composed and coordinated by Frank Darabont in 1994. The film describes Andy Dufresne’s fate, a man falsely accused of committing the homicide of his wife and...

Religion and Its Role Among African Americans

Religion is subjective and plays different roles for varying groups of people. Some individuals practice religion because of family traditions and others because of their strong belief in the afterlife. The difference in such factors leads to variations in how worshiping affects people’s lives. For African Americans, religion has had...

Individuals Targeted During Genocide in Rwanda

The Rwandan genocide remains one of the unspeakable happenings that led to the slaughter of many innocent citizens. The primary target of this heinous human act included around 800,000 members of the Tutsi and Taw ethnic groups (Jaji 49). The majority of women were raped during the period of this...

Case Brief – Procunier v. Martinez, 416 US 396, 1974

Facts In the mentioned case brief, the Supreme Court created a specific protective standard of the free speech rights of inmates according to the First Amendment. The case was founded when Martinez and other inmates decided to bring a suit against the Department of Corrections of California since it violated...

Targeted Killing: Counter-Terrorism

Targeted killing represents a part of consequentialist philosophy in counter-terrorism since defining it as a suitable method to fight against the enemy depends mainly on the results of the operation. For example, removing an aggressive and known extremist leader who threatens to kill many civilians could potentially result in saving...

Picnics Become Popular Around the Globe During Pandemics

This paper explores picnicking and how it varies across different countries. Although fancy outdoor dining dates back to the beginning of time, the tradition has evolved tremendously from a reserve of the noblemen to a universal activity which can be enjoyed by anyone (Matchar 2). Picnics are on the rise...

The Theory of Generalized Other and the Role of Media in Self-Identity

The generalized other is a social science term, particularly in symbolic interaction. It is the general concept that a person can possess in popular perceptions regarding behavior and ideas in a society. It is the attitude of a wider community and people’s opinions, which reflect individuals’ traditional positions. This essay...

Howard Schultz, Starbucks and a History of Corporate Responsibility

Ethical business conduct is a topic of dramatic importance, given the constant news about immoral behaviors by both large and small businesses. As such, the recent developments in the field of corporate ethics and citizenship are promising, though the field is still far from achieving its intended objectives. Well-defined criteria...

Ethics of Innovation in Relation to Leadership

Innovation has traditionally been in and out of fashion but is still defined as the most significant route for organizations to quicken the pace of progress. However, the globalization erodes the topographical boundaries and market barriers that once prevented organizations from understanding their hidden capabilities. Therefore, an organization’s ability to...

English as an International Language

It goes without saying that English may be defined as an international language, and there are multiple arguments that may support this statement. First of all, English is spoken in multiple countries around the world as a native, second, or foreign language by millions of people. It is used habitually...

“Leadership Characteristics and Digital TransFormation”: Article Critique

The first noticeable mistake is in the article’s abstract. While an abstract should contain all the significant points of the study, the authors did not mention their key findings in the abstract. Instead of clearly stating the findings or results, the authors noted that “the results represent an important step...

Paralegal Confidentiality Issues

As a paralegal working with different attorneys, the author has to handle substantial amounts of confidential information. As Cannon and Aytch state, the attorney’s duty to protect this information extends to their paralegal assistant (55). In the scenario, there are opportunities for accidental exposure through monitors or files left in...

Cross-Functional Teams: Assessing Workforce Diversity Issues

Workforce surveys are effective tools to identify the employees’ current perceptions of management and their attitudes to the organization. Nevertheless, senior managers often discuss surveys in the context of many challenges and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is possible to identify benefits of employee surveys and discuss managers’ fears. Benefits of Workforce...

Core American Values: Minority Rights

It is hard to disagree that several core American values are an exceptionally significant element of people’s lives and wellness. According to researchers, minority rights “are the normal individual rights as applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual minorities; and also, the collective rights accorded to...

Flashbulb Memories and the Evolutionary Mechanisms

Brown and Kulik (n.d.) discuss the prevalence of so-called flashbulb memories and the evolutionary mechanisms that can be connected to them. Flashbulb memories refer to the detailed recollections of the events of high perceived significance that are strong enough so that the person can remember the accompanying circumstances years after...

Why I Am Interested in Animals

The topic of the relationship between people and animals is one of the most relevant, acute and burning. The world of animals is one component of the entire natural environment. In nature, everything is interconnected and balanced. Animals contribute to the constant natural selection that takes place in both the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Digital Health Interventions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Description of the study “Digital health interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes” written by Pal et al. (2018), is qualitative research that involved the data collected from four focus groups of twenty patients. This study aimed to determine the patients’ perceptions about the diabetes self-management education (DSME) limitation in...

“Hunt a Killer” Game and Reasons for Its Success

One of the best examples of golden opportunities that imply the infrequent occasions and several opportunity windows’ simultaneous opening when a company creates substantial value disproportionate to invested resources is a “Hunt A Killer” game ( Introduced in Baltimore in 2016, this game was expected to revolutionize the industry of...

Nursing Shortage: Possible Interventions and Solutions

The worldwide shortage of nurses remains a significant problem in the field, forcing specialists to overwork themselves and put patients in danger. The healthcare industry in the United States is already experiencing difficulties in operation and pricing, and the nurse shortages decrease the efficiency of the system even further. The...

The Case About the Number of Chips

The case about the number of chips in cookies has accounting and ethical sides as the reduction of chocolate lead to costs decrease, and the managers involved might have a conflict of interest. When the new manager noticed that the number of chips could be reduced to save the costs,...

Climatology: An Introduction to the Theory of Climate

By definition, climatology denotes the study of climate. Climate for its part refers to a set of weather conditions that characterize a given location (Monin, 1986). With these definitions in mind, theories of climatology refer to the ideas that attempt to explain some climatic phenomena. There are two well known...

Theme and Symbols in Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

“The Rocking-Horse Winner” provokes various emotions, including fascination and concerns about the boy, pity and disappointment about the mother, and misunderstanding of adult behaviors. Such attitude may be explained by the theme, morals, and symbols Lawrence uses. There are two evident topics in the story: a conflict between material and...

Job Description: Analysis, Design, Mutual Respect

There is a number of essential differences between a job description, job design, and job analysis. The former is a document that outlines and summarizes the key elements of a job, such as duties, responsibilities, and tasks. In contrast, both job design and job analysis are processes where the latter...

The Concept of Universal Basic Income

With the current political and economic climate, the concept of universal basic income provides many advantages. The majority of the support it receives is directly proportional to the desire to right systematic errors such as income inequality, poverty, and the unsure future of automation in the workplace. Many of the...

Aeneas and Dido in Virgil’s “Aeneid”

Ancient epic literature tends to portray their protagonists as incomparable heroes of unparalleled strength and skills. However, Virgil’s “Aeneid” takes a different route, creating a character that matches Aeneas’ character remarkably, sharing a range of similarities in her choices. Due to the parallels in Aeneas and Dido’s fates, their willpower...

Direct and Indirect Distribution Channels

There are two types of distributions channels: indirect, which includes a chain of producer, wholesaler, retailer, and customer (sometimes without a wholesaler), and direct, which cuts of the intermediaries. Recently, I have purchased a portable fan via Amazon due to the high temperature in our house. My parents wanted the...