Analysis of Readmission Penalties

Readmission penalties have been regarded as harsh, disputable, but still necessary measures to facilitate the progress of the American healthcare system. In 2020, 2,545 healthcare facilities under Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) had to pay readmission penalties, which was over 83% of all hospitals taking part in the program (“Map:...

Social Conditions During “If We Must Die”

McKay wrote the sonnet “If We Must Die” in 1919. The audience for this poem was the Black community that was suffering violence due to white supremacy. Even though slavery had been abolished decades earlier, Black people still experiences social injustices. McKay urges his kinsmen to be courageous in the...

Just and Equal Society

Every society has goals, and these goals depend on the population and vary by race, gender, class, disability, and sexuality. For example, some societies repress women’s expressions of sexuality, while other societies create various supporting programs for people with disabilities. These societies base their goals on ethical beliefs and norms,...

Importance of Life in Biosphere

Jane Poynter was one of the first eight pioneer members, known as ‘biospherians,’ to live in an enclosed environment where every aspect of one’s life is developed and maintained from the enclosure. The stay in the research center was not that smooth because the ‘biospherians’ faced their fair share of...

Facilitating Language Development

There are different strategies that parents can employ to facilitate their children’s language development. The first technique is by being an active conversational partner for the child (Santrock, 2019). Parents should give their children adequate attention, especially when they start to develop capability of intelligible speech. The second technique is...

Gender in Workplace and Induction Case Study

Introduction The issue of gender is a central and highly discussed question not only in the realm of work and employment but also in general society. Women face inequality in their everyday lives; however, their work often has a direct effect on their monetary independence, social value, and sense of...

Interrelationship and Coproduction of Science, Technology and Society

Understanding the nuanced connections between science, technology, and society, as well as the role that coproduction as a phenomenon plays in the specified relationships, is crucial for the further technological and social progress. Sheila Jasanoff’s “The Idiom of co-Production” allows encompassing numerous facets of technological progress and connect it to...

Confucius’s Equivalent for the Golden Rule

In Chapter 5 of The Analects, Confucius formulates an equivalent of the Golden Rule. Through Master’s counsels, Confucius defines the concept of universally appreciated conduct. The Master suggests that in order to be appreciated everywhere, one should approach people with sincerity and truthfulness, and his actions should be honorable and...

Philosophy: “Archetypes of Wisdom” by D. J. Soccio

This chapter highlights the basic components one should expect from the book and the main concepts that one should be aware of to ensure they understand the entire book. Its central themes include defining key terms, what the book is about, different areas of philosophy, and philosophical archetypes. The author...

Offering Help in the Workplace

Organizational citizenship behavior has been increasingly popular and focuses on a person’s action that is not openly acknowledged by the existing reward approaches despite its promotion of successful operations in an organization. It embraces factors such as courtesy, painstakingness, voice, help-giving, and sportsmanship. Among the five aspects, help-giving, which entails...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jennifer Hudson Musical Performance Review

Jennifer Hudson is a famous singer and actress from Chicago. Previously, I was not familiar with her music, but stumbling upon her recent recital in Central Park, I decided to listen to her performance. My friends from New York managed to attend the concert itself, but I could only watch...

The Fantasy Genre in Literature

The fantasy stories, such as those listed in the discussion question, are often interpreted in a variety of media because they build an entirely novel fantasy universe and world around the story. For example, it should be noted that “fantasy worlds bend the laws of reality, yet still retain some...

Art as a Form of Communication

To try and define what art or artwork is is a gargantuan task. Perhaps, more challenging than creating art or deciphering the central idea that the author put into their work. Art is extremely personal, but, at the same time, it is available to all. Art does not discriminate against...

New Evian Water Product and Customers Analysis

Evian drinking water is a sort of bottled water produced by the French company Evian Inc. As mentioned by the producer, water is collected from the French Alps consisting of naturally occurring electrolytes and enhanced with zinc and magnesium. Water costs $12.53 for six one-liter plastic or glass bottle. As...

People With Disabilities: Lockdown-Related Disparities

The article by Jesus et al. (2021) focuses on examining disparities that people with disabilities had to experience during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic because of social distancing and lockdown policies. The authors defined that the pandemic disproportionally affected people with disabilities and negatively influenced their health due...

The Dada Art Movement and Its Influence on Contemporary Art

The present paper argues that the Dada art movement significantly influenced contemporary design and art, and its ideas of rejection of art and organized chaos remain demanded even nowadays. The Dada art movement, or Dadaism, originated in Switzerland at the very beginning of the 20th century. Even though it flourished...

Animal Ethics, Welfare, and Veganism

People often have conflicting opinions on whether it is morally permissible to raise, kill, and eat animals in society when other substitutes are available. Some argue that it is morally permissible, while I am of the conflicting opinion and believe that it is wrong. Killing animals and eating them is...

Liability of Death from Food Poisoning

Woeste ate raw oysters at Washington Platform Saloon restaurant and died of food poisoning. Later his estate sued the restaurant and the company that harvested the oysters; however, they are unlikely to win the case because Woeste was aware of his diseases that did not allow him to consume oysters....

Virtualization: Popularity, Usefulness, Benefits, and Challenges

Virtualization is vital for many information technology (IT) data facilities to create a beneficial computing environment. This process introduces a virtual instance that emulates the real hardware and makes it possible to run similar operating systems (OSs) (Tomsho, 2016). Today, many organizations use this type of technology because of its...

The Roman Empire: Documentary About Ancient Rome

History is an exciting and incredibly fascinating topic for research. This is due to the fact that, based on the experience of past years, people at the present stage of development can isolate a lot of valuable things. Thus, this scientific paper aims to study a documentary called “The Roman...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tissue Fluid and Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system of the human body is a complex mechanism that is based on the interaction of many different cells. One of the main elements of the lymphatic system is interstitial fluid, which is also called a tissue fluid, a solution surrounding the cells of all multicellular animals, including...

“The Secret History” Book by Procopius

Procopius has written “The Secret History,” which is a text about the Roman emperor Justinian. This document appears meant to be private and not seen by the general public. It contains some of the personal details of the emperor and his wife’s life, which implies that this history was not...

Explaining the Emergence of Coronavirus Rituals

The worldwide spread of Covid-19 caused a kind of mental pandemic − anxiety, depression and panic attacks became the main mental problems in quarantine. To get rid of them, many people engaged in various relaxation techniques, including rituals. They became the basis for psychological self-assistance during the coronavirus epidemic. In...

Parole Officer Discretion and Affecting Factors

For this discussion, I have chosen the Parole Officer, who oversees offenders released from prison or sentenced to punishment. After being released from prison, most offenders report it to parole officers (Henry, 2021). Probation and parole officers must perform their duties with care, just like all other law enforcement officers,...

The Coca-Cola Company’s 10K Report Analysis

The 10-K report includes many factors involved in the business, and it can be hard for the inexperienced user to study the company via that form. Coca-Cola Company was chosen because of its steady position in the financial market and the well-developed supply chain, which interested me. Upon studying the...

Rosa’s Parks Influence on American History

Rosa Parks is an important figure in the American history of the development of the society of the United States of America. The woman gained fame thanks to her activities to combat racial segregation. Therefore, she became the initiator for the appearance of a bus boycott in Montgomery. This was...

Tantrism and Its Cultural Background

The creation story in question is about Tantrism and the Tantric tradition. This religious tradition emerged in India in the pre-Arian times (“Non-Vedic origins of Tantrism,” n.d.). The Arian culture, which followed, adhered to the Vedic religious tradition, and the Arian people did not support Tantrism. This paper will summarize...

Addressing the Homelessness Crisis in California

Housing costs have become a primary concern for California’s future. According to many residents, homelessness and rising housing expenses are two of California’s most pressing issues. This is unsurprising given that California has the nation’s second-highest homelessness rate and ranks at the top in cost-burdened households, second among homeowners, and...

Job Losses as a Result of the Pandemic

In the Weekly Economics Podcast, Thomas-Smith (2020) describes recent job losses in the United Kingdom due to the pandemic. In this episode, Thomas-Smith invited Alfie Stirling, a head of at the NEF, and Nikki Pound, a support officer in Policy and Campaigns at the TUC, to discuss the unemployment problem...

Historical Evolution of the Two-Party System and Functions of Parties

The American two-party system characterizes the dominance of two major political parties that comprise the country’s largest number of elected officials. Of the two parties, the one with the most elected officials is usually referred to as the majority party whereas the other is labeled the minority party. At present,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Facebook and Twitter: Comparison and Contrast

Facebook and Twitter are two giants of social networks that help the world’s population to communicate with a large group of people. It helps to share your views, ideas, information, news, location and other such things. Comparing these two social media platforms is quite a challenge because they are very...

Monitoring Employees by Employers

Employers and employees have a very shaky relationship. Some workers could feel as though their privacy has been violated and that their bosses do not trust them. The problem in this instance lies within the lack of trust, which can lead to dissatisfaction and reduction in productivity. However, monitoring employees...

Diagnosing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in a Young Man

In the case under consideration, the young man discovered a painless lump on his neck and sought help from medical personnel. He also feels constant fatigue and has a history of tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and mononucleosis. Fatigue and lump without pain give reason to suspect Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) (Mayo Clinic, 2022)....

Aspects of Cocaine Addiction

Introduction Cocaine addiction raises and improves through the allocation of particular brain functions. The key systems which are put into action during the development of cocaine addiction are motivational and rewarding. The changes in the brain due to the affection for the drug result in vulnerability to relapse in addiction...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Air Pollution

In several regions worldwide, quarantines and shutdowns due to COVID-19 have improved air quality. Mobility changes in all types of indoor and outdoor settings have a substantial long-term influence on CO emissions at the national and regional levels (Ravindra et al., 2022). Increasing internal or residential mobility decreases CO emissions...

Project Team: Introduction of New Members

The additional resources for any prospective project are an opportunity that cannot be missed. This outside help expressed in the readiness to contribute may significantly increase the chances of completing a project successfully in a shorter time. In the discussed scenario, the new partner does not have sufficient time to...

Geocentric and Heliocentric Models of Solar System

In the geocentric model of the Solar System, Earth is in the center of the system, with the planets moving around it at the speed called orbital velocity. In the current heliocentric model, however, the Sun is the center of the Solar System. Apollonius, an astronomer from ancient Greece, made...

Biological Patents: Copyrights Issues

Biological patents are inventions done in the biology field by scientists and permitted by law to exclude people from copying, using, selling, and importing the secured invention for a given period. It depends on the jurisdiction whether biological patents cover genetically engineered organisms, gene products, or biological technologies and products....

Evaluation of a Proposed Leadership Development Intervention in Google

The proposed training and development intervention for leadership development in Google is well thought through and provides interesting points. The overall structure of the post is logical and introduces the company under consideration, addresses the existing leadership training practices, and presents the suggested intervention with the timeline established. In particular,...

Violence in LGBT (Queer) Couples

Violence in LGBT couples is a serious societal problem that can affect the well-being of many citizens. Suicide risk factors are much more common within the LGBT community than the national average (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.). These risk factors include psychological stress, depressive disorders, and experiences of sexual...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Shortage: Article Review

The article “Nursing Shortage” explores one of the major problems facing the medical profession in the U.S. The author succinctly gives background information on the shortage of nurses in the country. According to the author, COVID-19 worsened the crisis since many nurses were forced to work under poor conditions. During...

Baroque and Classical Eras: Music Genre

The musical changes between the baroque and classical eras were the creative thinking used in composing the songs. Unlike the classical period, where music was homophonic in texture with more precise and more straightforward forms, the Baroque era music was polyphonic in texture. Additionally, Baroque era ornamented and elaborated melodies,...

Standardization as a Procedural Issue in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that standardization is a major operational and procedural issue in healthcare. Two different doctors treating two patients with a similar condition can use divergent approaches. It is highly difficult to standardize work in medicine because a healthcare service delivery process depends on professional background,...

Sociology: Why Symbolic Interactionism?

Sociology is among the most interesting and appealing scientific disciplines in the multitude of humanities. It is because “sociology is the systematic and scientific study of society and social interaction” (Conerly et al., 2022, para. 1). These are two phenomena in which every individual in the world is involved. The...

Nursing Practice: The Perceptions of Caring

There are several different perceptions of caring in contemporary nursing practice, which all generally imply kindness in attitude towards patients. Therefore, the concept of caring includes different states or purposes, such as general state of the health care service provider, caring as an intervention method, and caring as an approach...

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

The article “The effective principal: 5 pivotal practices that shape instructional leadership” by P. Mendels (2012) deals with improving the principal’s role in the administrative settings. The main emphasis of the article is that the effective principle should rather be successful in collaborative work and unleashing the potential of the...

Embracing Knowledge Management for Sustainable Growth: Insights From Apple

Under the conditions of progressive changes in production and information technologies, the widespread use in the practice of the achievements of science, and positive accumulated experience, tangible assets form only a visible, reasonably small part of the assets of enterprises. The main resources for development are increasingly becoming people and...

Refugees: Poverty, Hunger, Climate Change, and Violence

Introduction Refugees are individuals who leave their homes due to war, violence, any social or political conflict, or persecution, crossing the international border in order to find safety in another country. The most recent example of a refugee crisis was Ukrainian citizens fleeing to Europe and other countries in the...

Elaborated vs. Restricted Codes in Communication

Elaborated and restricted codes are specific forms of language and speech in particular social contexts, including in different orders of meanings. Basil Bernstein claims that English social classes demonstrate a diverse knowledge of each mode of speech and its social and educational consequences (Neuliep). Even though the codes are often...

Eclipse of Civility in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado

In the short story “The Cask of Amontillado,” Edgar Allan Poe writes about how a man named Montresor exacted revenge on his enemy, Fortunato. The story is told by Montresor, who narrates that Fortunato had caused him a thousand injuries and insults (Poe 1). The narrator vows to avenge himself...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The World Systems Theory: Economic Development

The World Systems theory was created by Immanuel Wallerstein and is a valuable tool for understanding the processes of social change and transformation of the history of the world and society. Moreover, the basis of this theory is the division of countries by strength depending on their economic development. Thus,...

James Dimon’s Body Language During an Interview

The video that was selected for the analysis is the interview of James Dimon, the chairman and CEO of the financial holding JPMorgan Chase & Co. During the interview, the non-verbal ques exemplified by Dimon allows for an in-depth examination of his message as well as his personality as an...

The Play “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

The work of Sophocles Oedipus the King belongs to the genre of ancient tragedy. The tragedy is characterized by a personal conflict, as a result of which the protagonist comes to the loss of personal values necessary for life, such as family. Oedipus does not leave his native home, but...

The Information Security Program Improvement

The Information Security Program (ISP) is a set of measures that aim to maintain the structure of the IT sector in an organization. ISP enables the management of the state of sensitive data and maintains its security through various innovations and business solutions. The implementation of ISP in the business...

Compensation for Executives’ Retention

Compensation is considered one of the main elements of employee retention. It can be defined as a financial benefit that an employee receives from an employer (Martocchio, 2020). In many ways, compensation is a key feature that affects employee retention and engagement. If employees — of any rank — are...

Concepts’ Differences and Their Application in Nursing

Introduction: Research and Practice in Nursing Exploring new opportunities for the improvement of the quality of nursing services is a crucial step toward managing patients’ needs. Research serves as a powerful tool for determining how the identified goal can be accomplished. Evidence-based practice (EBP), in turn, provides the foundation for...

Health Care Settings for Older Adults

Feelings of guilt and worry among family members of patients in need of long-term care are a natural reaction. As a charge nurse, I would thus start from addressing the emotional part of the issue by explaining to Suzanne that the reason behind her mother’s condition is not in any...

Factors Affecting the Miami Hospital

Hospital Description The University of Miami Hospital ( is one of the best health care institutions in the USA. It provides a wide range of treatment services, including rare fields like sports medicine (Sports Medicine, 2017). This hospital is a part of the University of Miami Health Systems. Various factors...

Young Adult Fiction’s Influence on the Worldview

In “Darkness too visible,” Gurdon discusses the problem of young adult fiction, which often appears to be too brutal and gory to be introduced to young readers (Gurdon, 2011). As Gurdon (2011) notices, many of the books explicitly use foul language and descriptions of violence and assaults, which can negatively...

TV Show: Cooking Network

In her project, Swenson reviewed Cooking Network for the purpose of studying the portrayal of gender roles that are changing rapidly in the modern society in relation to consumption, domestic work, and television. The author chose Cooking Network as the source of materials due to the diverse representation and content...

Synergy Model for Patient Care and Its Benefits

The article by Kaplow and Reed (2008) describes the unique model of patient care that may be implemented. The name of this model is Synergy; it includes eight patient characteristics that nurses are to take into account, and also contains eight competencies, which nursing staff should realize in their practice....

Anger and Guilt as Moral Emotions

To establish a foundation for discussion, it is critical to explain the psychological profiles of anger and guilt with the help of examples. The development of anger is driven by a violation of autonomy norms (Doris, 2010). This means that anger is a reaction by an individual to injustice or...

John Smith’s Style in “General History of Virginia”

John Smith, the author of “General History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles” does not seem to be a reliable narrator, even though he is talking about his adventures from the times of colonization, he makes the story sound like an ode to himself and his deeds. The...

Philosophy as a College Discipline

A long time ago, one famous Greek philosopher whose works are known to the vast majority of the population said “the unexamined life is not worth living”. These words belonged to Socrates. This expression helps to depict the true nature of Philosophy as a discipline and explains to students the...

Sports Clubs in the College and Their Priorities

One of the most frequent extracurricular activities in college in any country is connected to sports. The vast majority of students are eager to find some time, effort, and desire to forget about the basics of education and spend this time playing the favorite sports game. In this article, the...

Budget Deficit Effects on Legislative Capability

From a democratic perspective, in order to carry out consistent budget management, it is critical to ensure that both executive and legislative parties participate in the process. In spite of the widespread assumption that legislative tools complicate budget management, it should be admitted that they provide a vital framework that...

Bretton Woods System, Its Pros and Cons

Bretton Woods or adjustable pegged system can be described as a “semi-fixed exchange rates system” (Carbaugh 460) that has allowed tying different currencies to each other thereby facilitating interracial financial transactions. The main advantage of the adjustable pegged system is the elimination of uncertainty and risk related to fluctuations in...

Industrialization, Legal System, and Imperialism

Three key developments of industrialization associated with such fields as the science, economy, and law are the manufacturing industry, the shift to the economy based on the large-scale industry, and the labor law. In science, the development of new machines appropriate for manufacturing allowed for focusing on the progress of...

Gay Community and Heterosexism in Language

Some definitions and terms existing in language can be ambiguous and poorly defined so that it is difficult for a recipient of the text to comprehend the meaning. Such a situation could be observed in the case with the terminology pertaining to lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons (American Psychological...

“Parable of the Sower” Sci-Fi Novel by Octavia Butler

Introduction “Parable of the Sower” is a book written by Octavia Butler. The genre of this work is science fiction, more specifically a dystopia, or a depiction of a society that encompasses undesirable or frightening characteristics, for example, scarcity of resources, inequality, and discrimination. In the book “Parable of the...

US Company’s Open-Door Policy in Korean Office

The case under discussion allows investigating the peculiarities of the implementation of the open-door policy and the impact of different cultural norms on the implementation of this approach. In the described case, Bob Smith, the CEO of an American company, implements this policy in his organization. However, the company aims...

Weimar Culture Through Escapism in Modern Art

Contemporary film producers shifted their preoccupation with Nazi-Germany to the Weimar Republic, a distinctive yet, no less intriguing period in German history. Instead of focusing on the Second World War, experts portray a spectacular failure of utopic democracy in the 1920s, driven by internal forces in the country. This essay...

High-Performance Team: How It Can Be Achieved

Empowered teams are also known as high-performance teams. Alternatively, they are called self-directed work teams (SDWT). It has been noticed that work teams that control the day-to-day production, quality, and administrative duties of SDWT have been known to get results since times immemorial. Innovation tends to make team members feel...

“Becoming American Is a Constant Cultural Collision” by Nhu

“Becoming American is a constant cultural collision” by Trang Tuong Nhu is an article that evaluates the position of Mai Nguyen in the middle of a cultural conflict between two distinctly different societies. On one side it was her native culture of Vietnam and on the other hand, there was...

Barna’s Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks: Summary and Response

Summary Intercultural communication is one of the most important aspects of communication. And there are a few stumbling blocks in the genre of communication. The students who are generally on an exchange or go to different countries to study are sometimes the most suffered ones regarding the problem. There are...

Religion and Science Cultural and Philosophical Hostility

The philosophical and cultural tension between science and religion reached its peak in the period of scientism, which was dominant in nineteenth-century society. Olson (2008) defines scientism as the displacement of opinions, perspectives, methodologies, and practices from the framework of research of the ordinary world into the study of people...

Wolfson Campus Opera Ensemble Presents Pippin

Many people would agree that musicals are a wonderful way to spend their free time, and enjoy a relaxing atmosphere full of joy and bright emotions. Not long ago I had a chance to feel the truthfulness of the above-mentioned saying as I to visited “Pippin” musical by the Miami...

Music and Movie Industry Analysis

In the music and movie industry of the United States, the exploration of productivity exhibits significant fluctuations because it has increased and declined over time. Specifically, revenues from the music and movie industry increased exponentially from $2 billion in 1973 to $14.6 billion in 2000, and they dropped to $6.7...

Nursing Case Study: Ms. Robaczynski and Mr. Gessner

In my opinion, Ms. Robaczynski killed Mr. Gessner and committed a moral offense when she discontinued his treatment. Omitting or not starting treatment can be viewed as murder in some cases. I believe that this is such a case since Mr. Gessner was wholly dependent on his treatment. Moreover, healthcare...

Limitation of Speed Limits: Current Situation on the Roads

Over the past decades, a vast amount of transport has appeared on the roads, and the upward trend continues. This often leads to the formation of traffic jams, besides, it may be a cause of the violation of speed limits and accidents. Researchers state that “reducing speed limits often leads...

Content Validity of STEADI

It is important to understand that validity is a broad term that encompasses many components of the assessment. Content validity refers to the extent to which the assessment measures the various aspects of the particular construct question (Aliakbari, Parvin, Heidari, & Haghani, 2015). The term investigates whether the questions constituting...

The Food Chain: Groups and Functions

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three groups of organisms that comprise a food chain in an ecosystem. Each group performs a different function and its members are differentiated by their mode of food acquisition. The producers’ main function includes the capture, conversion, and storage of energy as nutrients in...

The ND’s Pneumonia: Causes and Diagnostics

Pneumonia can be classified in different ways depending on its nature and causes. While some people may develop this disease after receiving a bacterial infection or interacting with a sick individual, others acquire it as a result of personal health factors. ND’s illness can be described as healthcare-associated pneumonia. This...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity

Undoubtedly, to start and develop a business, people need to have specific financial resources. There are different ways to get them: for example, borrowing from a bank or cooperating with investors. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, but both provide a right to exist. In particular, borrowing money...

Six Pillars of a Personal Selling Strategy

Even after creating an impeccable product and performing outstanding market research, one may encounter challenges when trying to sell the said product to the target buyers. The issue of sales management is particularly complicated due to the personal factors shaping customers’ attitudes toward a product or service that a company...

Analysis of Custom Laws, Mayan Law

The law of the Maya has a number of elements that are in some form present in modern law. Mayan law had aspects of proportionality, where more significant crimes warranted greater punishment, similar to most modern systems. In cases where there were repeated offenses, the penalty was increased, which is...

Voice Over Internet Protocol Description

The development of technologies allowed humanity to communicate with each other over long distances. Today, when connecting is no longer a problem, the focus has shifted to the quality and security of networking. The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) was created that allows for faster and cheaper communication. Although VoIP...

The novel “A Man of the People”

Introduction The novel A Man of the People was first published in 1966 by Chinua Achebe, who depicted a wide range of problems concerning the corrupted nature of politics, power, and greed. Despite its date of publication, the novel presents a high relevance even these days due to the acute...

The YouTube Broadway Jazz Class

Bob Fosse’s dance style was introduced in the class, and its key features are isolations of body parts, numerous gestures, and turned-in movements. The famous song “All That Jazz” from the musical Chicago largely contributed to the understanding of Fosse’s style. Furthermore, I discovered many new moves, which are easy...

Training for Speed and Explosiveness

Plyometrics has been known to be one of the most efficient methods of training speed and explosiveness in athletes. With numerous studies supporting this statement, the article entitled “Effects of Plyometric and Explosive Speed Training on Recreational Marathoners” was chosen for analysis. This paper is going to briefly summarize it...

Project Management in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The spread of coronavirus infection was the factor, which defined the research orientation of the global medical community in 2019 and 2020. More specifically, knowledge of the methods for clinical management optimization during the pandemic has proved to be of great importance for scholars (Reeves et al., 2020). They attempted...

Effective Leadership: Leadership Requirements Model

One of the Army’s primary tasks is to serve the American people by protecting the perpetual national interests and complying with military responsibilities. To meet these requirements, one needs to adhere to the leadership based on values and impeccable character, and professional expertise. The Army leadership requirements model (LRM) provides...

Mental Health Disparities Among LGBT Community

What is the health problem? LGBT people are at higher risk of suicide, anxiety, substance abuse, and eating disorders (Cigna, 2017). LGBT people are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide (, 2020). Depression and anxiety are often the result of fearing of coming out and social discrimination...

Franchise Opportunities in IT

One of the most known around the world entrepreneurs is Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook. Initially, the project included only the students at Harvard University, but started to expand rapidly and subsequently spread to other colleges and then the whole world. It was quite a remarkable achievement for a...

Efficiency of Cortisone-Like Steroids

In general, cortisone is defined as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and immunosuppressive hormone in the class of corticosteroids. It may be used as an efficient treatment of multiple serious disorders. Cortisone is especially beneficial for control over allergy attacks and asthma. The administration of cortisone-like steroids in acute asthmatic attacks, either...

What Influences Overall Development

Multiple factors contribute to one’s development and influence them throughout the whole life. The scientists primarily established that genetics and environmental impact play an essential role in personality building (Whitehouse 46). However, psychologists, neurologists, and other educators have been arguing that both nature and nurture parts equally affect the individual’s...

Global Terrorism and Ways of Its Impact

In the 21st century, global terrorism has become a complex problem that all nations need to address from an informed perspective. For instance, attackers have changed with modern technologies since they are now able to engage in cyber-terrorism (Zimmerman 4). More terrorist groups have become more united, capable of communicating...

An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler

An accurate theoretical and practical approach to studying patient safety is necessary to save hundreds of people’s lives. This approach Stichler (2016) uses in her article by examining patient safety and methods to its improvement. The main idea and thesis of Sticher’s article: “Patient safety: A priority for healthcare and...

Newborn Screening Tests Importance

The orientation of the United States’ healthcare facilities on the promotion of population health is explicitly seen in the first months of children’s lives. Hence, infants are provided with a variety of medical services to ensure the proper functioning of their bodies. In this case, the most critical aspect addressed...

Kaptivate Kulture is Preparing for Delightful Debut at Couture Fashion Week New York

Sophisticated and elegant brand of postcard lining jackets Kaptivate Kulture is happy to surprise you with our new designs in the Crowne Plaza Times Square. The event will happen on Monday, at 7:00 p.m., on November 15, 2020. Kaptivate Kulture’s mission is to be a luxury brand that strives to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impaired Nurses in Nursing Practice

In healthcare settings, impaired nurses are not praised because impairment is usually observed due to substance or alcohol abuse. In nursing practice, the definition of an impaired nurse is typically associated with a person who consumes alcohol and different types of drugs, and this behavior affects his or her performance...

The Idea of Green Supply Chains

The proposed article revolves around the idea of green supply chains that can be built using enterprise resource planning (ERP) as the primary tool that can help to achieve the desired goal. The author admits that today, green ideas are topical as they focus on the environmental impacts of a...

Blue Ocean Strategy Is a Marketing Theory

Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing theory that stems from the title of a 2004 book authored by Kim and Mauborgne. In their book, Kim and Mauborgne explain why striking a balance between cost leadership and differentiation can help a digital company create a leap in its value on the...

Healthy People 2030 and the Health Education Code of Ethics

Achievement of Healthy People 2030 objectives is vital for the improvement of the health of the nation. For this reason, today, specialists should be prepared to be ready to function within the proposed framework and facilitate the achievement of the primary goals (Thomas, 2017). Health educators also play an important...

Sugar: Does It Really Cause Hyperactivity?

Few substances are as prevalent in human lives as sugar is. It pervades foods in so many subtle ways that most people do not even notice this ingredient in meals. Yet, sugar has also served as a source of numerous misconceptions, one of which states that there is a direct...

“White Collar: The American Middle Classes” by C. Wright Mills

The topic for this week is dedicated to economics, workers’ alienation, and conformity. The first article I wish to summarize is “White Collar: The American Middle Classes,” written by Mills (1951). This article concerns the research that Mills (1951) conducted about the role of the middle class in American society...

The Film “The Great Debaters” by Denzel Hayes Washington

The firm “The Great Debaters” examines the challenges encountered by many minority groups throughout the 1930s. This American film narrates the experiences of many African Americans during the Great Depression. The film encourages every viewer to embrace the best social values. The issue of racial collaboration is also relevant towards...

The Ethics of Government Involvement in Business

Government regulation is necessary for ethical conduct by businesses since it ensures that there is fairness. Without laws, some companies, especially big ones with many resources at their disposal, would advance themselves through dishonest means. For instance, it would be unethical for a large firm to malign a smaller one...

The Concept of “White Privilege”

In the modern world, the privilege of whites is felt in most areas of human life. It can be defined as the superiority of the white race over the black one and functions in matters of economics, education, medicine, and others. A vivid example is the situation of the house...

Antivirus Software Ensuring Security Online

The number of malicious attacks is continually growing, which is corroborated by increasing connectivity and Internet expansion. The process propels the development of antivirus (AV) software, especially commercial one. Even though this software type does not guarantee absolute protection, empirical studies demonstrate that it still detects and prevents some malware...

“Covid-19 Protection from the Flu Shot?” Study by Duhnam

According to the data, the researchers report that getting the flu vaccine reduced the chances of testing positive for COVID-19 than those who did not receive the flu shot by 24% (Duhnam, 2021). The study found that flu-vaccinated residents are less likely to need hospitalization or mechanical ventilation and have...

“Struggles” of Historical Figures

Although nowadays we have the recent technologies that allow people to become stars in a second, these technologies can destroy the reputation of famous people and impact them adversely. Some people might think that it is easy to become influential and famous today due to the emergence of social media...

Community Assessment: Public Health

A windshield survey is a useful tool for evaluating the situation regarding various societal issues and corresponding trends. It implies systematic observations conducted by professionals from a moving vehicle (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). Their principal objective is to understand the specificities of life in a certain setting for further...

Dissemination of Evidence-Based Change Proposal

The dissemination of research-based evidence plays a vital role in the promotion of population health as it relies on objectivity rather than subjectivity. Various strategies for communicating evidence have been developed to ensure that the intended message reaches the targeted population. Such approaches include but are not limited to narratives,...

Comcast Integration Strategies

Strategies of vertical integration can have a positive impact on a company’s financial success since it helps to take control over several parts of a revenue chain. In this particular case, Comcast is corporate in the entertainment industry. To achieve such an accomplishment, this enterprise has also implemented methods of...

“The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

One of the essential characteristics of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” written by Oscar Wilde, is the detailed presentation of the Victorian culture in the way it was perceived by the author. In this literary work, he reflected on the upper class and mocked their cultural norms. Wilde...

Application of Computer Technologies in Linguistic Practice

Computer technologies, with their ability to process vast amounts of information, are proving to be extremely useful in the field of linguistics. When comparing languages, the translator uses grammar and syntax, as well as the most basic vocabulary of a given language with unchanging words. Computer technologies serve to systematically...

Challenges for Managers in the Workplace

Managing an organization in the contemporary world is a quite challenging for many organizational leaders. This observable fact has been necessitated by a combination of several factors relating to the continued uptake of technology, diversity within the workforce, as well as corporate goals and values among others (Clifton & Harter,...

Christianity as an Other Worldly Religion First and Foremost

It should primarily be stated that responding to an argument that Christianity is an other-worldly religion first and foremost is hard. This is due to the fact that it definitely includes both other-worldliness and this-worldliness and they usually interrelate and produce a cause effect relationship. For instance, Christianity sates that...

Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries...

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W. Szymborska, A. Sexton, A. Bradstreet and W. Shakespeare: Love Poems

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Salvation Army’s Aims and Actions

Hope is a powerful emotion: its presence can guide and inspire, while its lack often calls forth devastation. In the holiday season, joy, happiness, and hope are shared by everyone in the community, representing the core values of the human experience. During this time, many see the Salvation Army as...

Case Study: Farming the Cerrado

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Poems “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and “My Papa’s Waltz”

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Requirements for Nurse Practitioners in California

Requirements and rules for nurse practitioners may vary in some parts of the U.S. For example, independent practice, supervisory agreement, and ‘residency’ hours may or may not be obligatory in some states, and restrictions and barriers can also be different. In California, NPs are now not able to practice independently....

Aspects of Female Friendships: Intimacy

Friendships is a common phenomenon in relationships among human beings, but its content and dynamics can vary depending on the characteristics and categories of individuals involved in them. Intimacy can be considered as a critical element of friendships, which can have a great deal of influence on the overall strength...

The Use of Wordless Picture Books in Language Learning

Wordless picture books are increasingly being used in language learning, and there are many reasons why they are considered helpful for ELs. First, it can be argued that wordless picture books are much more efficient in engaging viewers in the storyline than traditional books with texts and pictures. This, in...

Using Cyclical and Progressive History to Advance Humanity

The cyclical and progressive history concepts are highly significant for analyzing past events and gathering knowledge for the future. From the perspective of a person who believes in cyclical history, historical sciences might be especially advantageous for evaluating the behavioral patterns that emerge throughout the years. Furthermore, it becomes possible...