The American Hospital Association: Quality Improvement

Introduction Quality improvement involves a set of activities that healthcare organizations systemically and continuously do to measure healthcare improvement and the health status of targeted patient groups. AHA is involved in various activities that help in quality improvement before and after restructuring: infection control, emergency readiness, reducing healthcare disparities, and...

Altocumulus Lenticularis Clouds in Aviation Context

Introduction Altocumulus lenticularis are static lens-shaped clouds that develop in the troposphere, normally aligned perpendicularly to the wind direction. Lenticularis clouds are appearances of patches in the sky, and they appear in rounded forms. Their layers show white and grey colors in the sky. These clouds resemble spaceships in science...

A Pet Business Project Analysis

Today, many people have dogs, cats, and other pets that become full-fledged family members. Pet owners often need particular assistance in ensuring a happy life for furry friends. The term project will focus on creating a pet business that offers walking, sitting, grooming, and training services. Therefore, the pet business...

Cultural Impact on Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Introduction The cultural background of negotiators plays an essential part in the course of discussion and can be a determinative factor of the negotiation outcome. Hence, culture may become a ground for conflicts, which must be managed using a particular strategy. There is a range of conflict resolution theories, but...

Performance Dashboard in Healthcare

1. Characteristics of healthcare performance dashboards. Due to expansion within the healthcare system, there is a need for sustenance of the required data by the use of information technology. The data obtained should be organized and processed efficiently to assist in decision making. The creation of performance dashboards allows for...

Segmentation in Customer Relationship Management

Customer segmentation is an important part of the business activity in general and a highly effective customer relationship management practice. The information obtained through segmentation allows personalizing goods and services offered by the company and thus ensure its relevance to the customers. Its advantages are best described through its three...

IMDB, Wikipedia, Amazon Website Performance Tests

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a combination of wireless networks, mobile computing, and cloud computing created to bring rich resources to network operators, mobile users, and cloud computing providers. Recently, there has been an enormous increase in the use of tablets, smart phones, and other mobile devices. As a result,...

Germany and the US: Problems and Causes

In 1933, both Germany and the US suffered from economic collapse and needed leadership changes. In his opening statement, Adolf Hitler states the capitulation of Germany in the First World War as the reason for the collapse, the German people having “lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all”...

Testimony of the Ku Klux Klan Victims

Primary sources serve as direct evidence to facts. They provide information from resources that are highly related to the described events or phenomena (Bodden 28). In order to select the primary sources correctly, it is necessary to evaluate their reliability. The purpose of this paper is to analyze one of...

Control Systems in Bureaucratic Organizations

Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is a system of administration based upon the hierarchy of authority that is designed to perform tasks through specific formal procedures or a routine manner. In this case, efficiency is enhanced as tasks are organized according to their complexity as well as in a formal line of control...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Code of Conduct in Healthcare Organizations

The code of conduct indicates the consciousness and responsibility of individuals, organizations, and communities to the society and patients, in particular; it is designed for the personnel’s understanding of the complexity and scale of the challenges that the healthcare institution can face. The code of ethics should be detailed and...

Bric Countries Strategy: Healthcare Market Potential

BRIC countries have a strong potential for investments and development of healthcare due to possessing lucrative economies, large populations, while at the same time having inefficient healthcare systems that leave many potential customers yearning for paid quality healthcare. However, different BRIC countries have different healthcare structure with market potential differing...

Stylistics: Content Analysis Concept

Content analysis is a term used to refer to the act of altering the symbolic composition of a document from qualitative form to quantitative form. Content analysis may also be described as an example of coding. Coding means compiling similar elements or behaviors into a reduced number of categories. It...

American Exceptionalism and Nation

Introduction A nation is a community characterized by two qualities – its limits and sovereignty. Both qualities usually have official and legal definitions for each particular nation. Also, these qualities, as well as other characteristics of a nation can be its internally perceived and promoted features. Specifically, the American nation...

Publicly vs. Privately-Owned Enterprises

Introduction The two most prevalent forms of company ownership in the world are private and publicly owned enterprises. Each form of a property provides its shareholders and the company with certain advantages and disadvantages. Privately-owned businesses usually make up for the majority of the small and medium sectors, whereas many...

Major Reasons for ‘Rise and Fall’ of the Nook Media

Barnes and Noble is a 6.8 billion company with 675 locations throughout the country, which also operates 686 college bookstores that make up the company’s Nook Media unit. During the tenure of William Lynch as the head of Nook Media in 2010-2013, the company suffered significant losses (Berfield). This paper...

World War I and the United States’ Participation

American people will always remember the effects of World War I. It claimed millions of lives and caused the destruction of cultural and architectural masterpieces. Moreover, World War I was also the beginning of the end of the Old World in the form in which it previously existed (Dyer, 2015)....

Nurse Understaffing and Medication Errors Project

Practice concern/problem The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may...

Falls Among Older Patients and Evidence-Based Care

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Despite the advancements in medical equipment and nursing education, falls are still among the primary causes of physical injuries for older patients. There are forecasts predicting an increase of falls in the future, resulting in more substantial expenditures in healthcare (Bergen, Stevens, and Burns, 2016). The...

Critique of Population Health Intervention

Introduction Population-based health interventions are an essential part of the national health system, as they target not only individuals or small social groups but communities as a whole. It means that interventions cover groups at risk and promote healthy behaviors on a large scale. While there are multiple health intervention...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Project Management and Project Success in the South African Defense Industry

Introduction Project success (PS) is the desired outcome in many settings. One of the methods of achieving it is project management (PM) (Anantatmula & Rad 2018; Radujković & Sjekavica 2017). Research on PM is limited (Badewi 2016), and the same can be said about PM in South Africa (Clinning &...

The Approach to the Care of Cancer

Introduction Cancer is considered to be the leading cause of death worldwide. The most common cancers are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, and colorectal cancer. In 2018, the cancer incidence rate was 439 per 100,000 males and females, and the cancer mortality rate was 163 per 100,000 males and...

Reconstruction: Tackling the Confederacy’s Roots

Introduction The reunited US after the civil war may be described as fascinating melange between completely different worldviews on crucial social issues that permeated all aspects of life, from economic to political. Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, and Armitage (2012) outline the Reconstruction era as a way for the US to strengthen...

Small Group: A New Learning Dimension

There are four dimensions of learning commonly described in learning psychology. They are declarative (statement learning) which means requesting information i.e. learning what. Second is technical practical (procedural) learning, which means learning in what way and to what extent things happen (how), third, is conditional (conjunctional) learning, concerned with when...

Education in “Mansfield Park” by Jane Austen

Introduction In the modern world today, the term education is viewed differently than in the past centuries. This versatile word today was limited only to one aspect, which is mostly meant the process of gathering information. However, education was considered. Differently, a statement the audience can authenticate reading novels that...

Cigarettes and Fires: Fires Caused by Cigarettes

Cigarettes are hazardous to one’s health in more ways than one. One may not believe it, but more people die from smoking-related fires than they do from any other fire-related cause. Tobacco is designed to stay alight, a factor that plays a major role in causing accidental fires. Smoking involves...

The Tower of London: Outstanding Place of Interest

Great Britain is well-known for its marvelous history and all things which contemplate the spirit of British culture and presence on the whole. This flow of grave events and historical data can be read out of the art masterpieces and architecture, in particular. I would rather describe this approach to...

A Belief in Helping Strangers

The collision of the two vehicles startled me. I swerved to the side of the road to ensure that I did not become a victim. My husband jumped out of the car before it had even stopped and rushed towards one of the cars that had been involved in the...

Professional Knowledge and Abilities

Business Professional of America (BPA) is an American professional organization that is mainly for American students who are presently pursuing careers in business related fields. In fact, BPA draws members from the students’ fraternities in colleges across the United States of America currently undertaking business professional courses such as business...

Whole Foods Market: Company Analysis

Introduction Whole Foods Market is a Texas based supermarket chain which deals in the supply and distribution of organic and natural food products ranging from bakery products, coffee and tea, groceries, meat and poultry products as well as sea food products. Since it was founded in 1980, the company has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology

Hybrid electric vehicle is a vehicle which uses a mixture of power or fuel source. It was not until 1997 that hybrid electric vehicles became popular with the introduction of Toyota Prius in Japan and then followed closely by Honda Insight which was released in 1999. At first, this new...

Global Warming: Do Human Activities Threaten to Change Climate?

This is a debate that has been there since time immemorial given the fact that change of global climate has continued to be experienced in different parts of the globe. Controversy has always occurred when scientists carry out research on global climate change and establish that it has been caused...

The “Night” Novel by Wiesel Review

Wiesel’s intention in writing the novel ‘Night’ was to give a testimony of the horrors that took place during the Holocaust; consequently, the themes from the book reflect these intentions. Themes in the night When Elie was a young boy, he grew up in a sheltered environment where he assumed...

Women’s Colleges in the USA

Introduction Women’s colleges have a long history in the US. A common definition of a women’s is that they are a bachelor and graduate degree-granting institution, often-liberal arts colleges whose student population comprises exclusively of women. Though some women admit a few male students to their programs, they primarily serve...

Allocation of the Scarce Biomedical Resources

The ranges of possible diseases and the number of theoretical scenarios for human morbidity are truly enormous. Such great diversity makes it extremely difficult to provide all patients with the necessary resources. Consequently, an ethical question arises of setting priorities for the allocation of medical supplies. This paper aims to...

Public Versus Private Organizations

There is always a great distinction between public and private organizations. The management system, structure, culture, motivation, and employee attitudes bring out the difference that exists between public and private organizations. Psychology and economic scholars such as Maslow came up with theories that highlight the difference between private and public...

Policy Review: HB 743 Nonopioid Alternatives

Introduction Many patients are prescribed opioids to manage chronic pains and relieve symptoms of a disease. However, prescription drug misuse becomes prevalent in the United States, resulting in a significant economic and healthcare burden. To counteract this trend, the Florida Senate has issued an HB 743: Nonopioid Alternatives bill to...

Healthcare Team Expertise, Role, and Responsibility

Responsibility of the Healthcare Team Problems with a hip can negatively affect the entire human body and make it challenging to perform the most straightforward activities because it is one of the largest joints of the body. Therefore, successful joint replacement surgery of the hip, which is also called arthroplasty,...

Crime Causation Theories

Introduction Although different types of crime have distinct causes, biological theories explain the foundation of most antisocial behaviors. Criminalities constitute deviant behaviors that violate the prevailing standards or norms and are punishable by the state or other authorities. Criminologists have identified various antecedents to crime and classified them into biological,...

Strategic Management in a Healthcare Facility

Improving a healthcare facility can be a question of applying the right strategic management model. These models have been shown to work if implemented well, but they might need some readjustment to be applied in a healthcare context. The first model to consider is Management by Objectives, which has been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Boarder” Short Story by Isaac Bashevis Singer

The exposition begins when the characters and the setting are introduced to the reader. The dialogues between the characters filled with their constant disagreement serve as the rising action. The story reaches its climax when Moris Melnik decides to let the spoon of salt define the state of things in...

The Ford Motor Company Analysis

Introduction History. The Ford Motor Company appeared in 1863 in Michigan and was founded by Henry Ford. His purpose was to produce safe cars that would be available for the buyers from the middle-class. His idea was to make transportation from one location to another comfortable and fast (Link, 2018)....

Eid ul-Fitr as Significant Religious Occasions

Introduction Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and Eid is one of the significant religious occasions which Muslims faithfully celebrate worldwide. The occasion signals the end of a period of fasting from dawn to sunset, spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually, the day begins with prayers, and a big meal is...

Burberry Case: Burning of Unrealized Stock

The fashion industry is almost always associated with various scandals involving specific products, advertising campaigns, or corporations’ actions in general. Unfortunately, such companies often produce expensive branded items and resort to wholly insane and illogical measures in their policies. It is what Burberry did, sending a massive amount of its...

Shared Responsibility for Victims

Traditionally, it is believed that victims of any crime are innocent people who have been unjustly wronged or afflicted by a perpetrator; however, many criminologists and lawyers believe that they may also bear responsibility for their misfortunes. In other words, they could have avoided the crime but did not do...

The Compliance of Nursing Theories for a Healthy Environment

Introduction A theory refers to a provisional statement that addresses key issues in human life and plays a vital role in shaping their behaviour. Nursing theories are claims that explain the principles of this practice and originate from deductive or inductive interpretations. They enable nurses to predict and describe facts...

Logistic Regression Used in Three Healthcare Articles

Review of the articles The article “Impact of individual-, environmental-, and policy-level factors on health care utilization among US farm workers” discusses the results of a study on the number of US farmworkers who can access US health care. The study considered this question on the levels of individual, environmental,...

The Movie ”Crash” by Paul Haggis Review

Section I There are two main characters in the movie Crash whose behavior can be considered to be a result of their acculturation. These are: Cameron Thayer (the black television director), and the Persian man’s daughter, Dorri. The TV director works in a white-dominated environment and he is so acculturated...

Pursuing a Diploma in Psychology

From my teenage years onwards, I have cherished the dream of becoming a social worker. It was not something of a passing fancy or the concept of false ideology that prompted me to favor this career. I do fully understand the dedication and commitment a person embarking on such a...

Genetically Modified Products: Positive and Negative Sides

Many people do not appreciate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) due to the lack of depth in knowledge. When asking some individual about GMOs, he or she might speak most of the time about the food and its harm. However, it is not a reason to claim only the negative side...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Agents and Agencies in Business

An agent is a person who officially represents and acts on behalf of a principal in cases where third parties are concerned. Ekanem (2020) states that “the function of the law of agency is to enable agents to bring commercial parties into contractual relations to render the parties liable on,...

Sugar in School Breakfast Article by Lengyel et al.

Article Summary The article Sugar in School Breakfast: A School District’s Perspective provides a detailed account of the sugar amounts in students’ food rations. As the parents become more concerned about the effects of increased sugar levels on the children’s health, this study evaluates the learners’ everyday intake of sugar,...

Scandinavian Social Security: Comparative and International Perspective

Welfare initiatives have become the primary tools that modern developed governments use to combat economic disparities. In this context, the case of Scandinavian countries, namely Sweden, is actively discussed as an excellent example of effective welfare policies. According to Szebehely (2018), the primary purpose of Scandinavian social security initiatives is...

The Essence of an Accountant’s Work

There are multiple ways in which an individual can make the world a better place. Among them, a person’s career path remains one of the most important avenues of impacting their environment on many levels. This tendency is natural, as an average individual devotes a considerable portion of time and...

The Role of Attitudes for Organizational Membership

More and more current companies feel the need for ethical behavior. This way of communication eliminates unnecessary tension and struggle in the team and contributes to accelerating many issues through quality communication contacts. An attitude is an evaluated statement closely intertwined with organizational behavior that conveys specific feelings and influences...

Social Stratification and Global Influences

Introduction Social stratification (SS) is among society’s greatest issues resulting in a monopoly of power and diverse socioeconomic groups’ unequal access to wealth and the attributes of well-being. The phenomenon’s detrimental consequences cannot be overstated and range from differences in the quality of life to mental health challenges, including depression...

Mental Status and Spiritual Views in Social Work

Mental status examination and biopsychosocial history are among the most critical aspects of learning during conversations between a social worker and a client. It is recommended to start the interview with generally accepted questions about well-being, which will help establish a trusting relationship with the client. In a conversation, the...

Nike’s Favorite Integrated Marketing Communication Tools

Introduction Integrated marketing communications is a concept revolving around different forms of media implemented by a company being carefully integrated. The marketing communication tool mix implemented by the majority of business organizations includes advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, PR and publicity, direct and interactive marketing, and personal selling (“Nike...

The Early Nile River’s Cities and Economics

The Nile River is the foundation of Ancient Egyptian civilization, carrying its waters from the Ethiopian Highlands and Central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the great river, Egypt turned into a prosperous state of the Eastern Mediterranean in the III millennium BC and remained so until the Roman...

Theology: Japan’s View of Christianity

Christianity is one of the most extensively practiced religions worldwide, and, in some countries, it even has the status of a state religion. At the same time, there are nations, the majority of populations of which historically have been practicing other beliefs. Thus, it becomes interesting to trace the origins...

The Coca-Cola Firm’s Global Standardization Strategy

Issue Identifying The main issue that Coca-Cola faces is competition from other corporates in the industry, such as Pepsi, Starbucks and other companies selling soft drinks and beverages. Considering that Coca-Cola is a multinational corporation operating globally, I would recommend that they follow a global standardization strategy in solving this...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” vs. “The Book of Genesis”

Introduction Ancient literary texts are among the richest sources for research and history analysis. First of all, such works by themselves allow one to get an idea of the culture of a particular people. However, their research can also lead to broader conclusions by detecting intersections and similarities between completely...

Patient-Medical Provider Communications

Introduction For health professionals to succeed in their careers, increasing patient communication, interpersonal interactions, and office service are key attitudes. Given this fact, learning how to communicate with patients more effectively can be quite engaging. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, which applies to health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and healthcare providers who...

The Security Dilemma in the Educational Context of Worldwide Politics

After a grueling day at work, one of my favorite things to do is to relax on the chair with a cup of hot cocoa while watching international news stations. With the help of my wonderful chair, which lifts and leans forward to make it easier for me to sit...

Racism, Social-Economic Status, and the Dominant Story

Disparities in the distribution of social benefits such as education, healthcare, and employment are among the dominant stories in the United States (US). Racism has been part of dominant American stories whenever told, presenting the dominance of the whites and inequality against people of color. Socioeconomic status (SES) is determined...

Tableau vs. Spotfire Platform (SWOT) Analysis

Strengths Tableau is a robust data discovery and exploration program that enables us to display any data, explore numerous perspectives, and seamlessly merge several datasets using a drag-and-drop interface. There is no need for complicated scripting. Publishing the report to the Tableau server simplifies distributing the investigation results. It does...

Ethical Theories: Privileges and Disadvantages

Classical utilitarianism is traditionally understood as an ethical doctrine that asserts happiness as the primary value. All human actions are based on the desire for happiness, understood as the maximization of human activity, the maximal avoidance of suffering, and the approximation of the pleasures of life (Alican, 2021). Utilitarianism determines...

Critical Thinking in Modern Society

Decision-making is critical in everyday life for personal and professional success. Decisions have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. For better life choices, critical thinking must be integrated into decision-making. According to Dill and Zambrano (2020), critical thinking involves scrutinizing provided facts to make the best decision to...

Slave Uprising That Led to Haiti’s Independence

Introduction The slave-owning way could not lead any country to success and prosperity because it was based on people’s suffering. Such regimes constantly disintegrated under the onslaught of external or internal factors. The Haitian Revolution led precisely to such consequences, marking the country’s new history. Therefore, it is essential to...

Media Influence on Crime and Criminal Behavior

Crime refers to an act that has been deemed illegal by the law, and criminal behavior is the thought of an individual that leads them to commit a crime. In his TEDx Talk, James Densley offers a deep dive into the increasingly relevant topic of how violence interacts with social...

Odds and Risk Ratios in Healthcare

Odds and risk ratios are commonly used in medical practice to conduct different analyses of the patient’s health and identify new diseases. Both methods of analysis support each other, and in case of insignificant gaps in RR, OR can conduct additional testing to find solutions to the existing problems. Therefore,...

Elephants in the Music Room: The Future of Quirk Historicism

Summary Quirk Historicism’s introduction discusses the recent trend among music scholars to use objects trouvés and historical micronarratives in their interpretations as a reaction to New Historicism. Musicology may be one of the most inclusive fields in the humanities despite sharing a suffix with taxonomic endeavors like zoology or early...

Performance at the Grammy Awards

The performance of Justin Bieber ft Jaden Smith & Usher with their song Never Say Never at the 53rd Grammy Awards has demonstrated that these singers really deserve the award. The composition of music, actor playing, dancing and lights produced an unforgettable impression upon the audience, appealing to their feelings...

Florida National University: the Lack of Parking Places

The lack of parking spaces has been a persistent problem at Florida National University lately. It causes numerous inconveniences to the university staff, students, and guests. It is apparent, though, that this problem is not unique; many other universities and colleges in the United States experience a similar situation (Batabyal...

The Great Wall of America

Introduction The United States of America is arguably the most developed country in the world. Therefore, many people around the globe dream of staying and working in the United States. With this in mind, many people, especially from less developed nations, work day and night to secure a chance of...

Organizational Growth and Decision Making

Growth in terms of revenue and earnings is the priority of every investor. In most companies, rapid developments lead to decreased performance in stock (Jones 201). Growth and death are not found in every organization. However, it is important to note that stagnation does not necessarily translate to death. Growth...

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics

Introduction In Philosophy, ethics refers to things involving a systematic defending and coming up with the concepts that define right and wrong behaviors in a society. The term originates from a Greek work ethos referring to habits and customs. Ethics defines the best way the society intends human beings to...

King Company’s Management Training Evaluation

One major reason for training employees is to ensure longevity and attainment of future goals. For the employees, training is a platform that encourages them to become productive in the workplace. It is also a platform for solving various employee problems and attaining departmental and organizational goals. In the King’s...

“Let’s Move” Intervention for Childhood Obesity

Introduction During the last several years the United States faced a new health issue that was not so critical before. Childhood obesity turned out to be a crucial problem, as the number of persons who suffer from it has quadrupled over the last thirty years (Dawes, 2014). With the development...

Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Poverty

Introduction In the early seventeenth century, European colonists in the US turned to Africa for slaves in an effort of getting a cheaper, more abundant source of labor when judged against indentured servants (mainly the more underprivileged Europeans). 1619 acted as the year when slavery increased across colonies in America...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Tempest by William Shakespeare: Viewing and Reflection

St. Louis Shakespeare’s production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest was staged in 2010 and performed at the Grandel Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri. The play was directed by Jerry Vogel, the stage set by Cristie Johnston. The cast of this critically acclaimed performance includes Robert A. Mitchell as Prospero, Betsy Bowman...

Applications, Software and System Development

How Does Understanding Various Microsoft Office Applications Enhance Productivity in Education, the Workplace, and at Home? The use of Microsoft Office applications greatly enhances productivity in educational matters, at work, and in various everyday activities at home. Microsoft Word is a program for word processing that is used to create...

Foot Ulcers Management in Diabetes Patients

Introduction The guideline “Assessment and management of foot ulcers for people with diabetes” comprises various recommendations for the selection and utilization of evidence related to the examination, staff education, improvement of appropriate organizational culture, and policy-making in the area of prevention and treatment of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes....

Database Design Proposal for Pharmaceutical Products

Project Problem and Terms In hospital settings, one of the major concerns to administering boards is pharmaceutical product management and utilization. According to recent studies, one of the leading causes of severe complications is adverse drug events due to unaccounted drug-to-drug interactions (Toivo, Mikkola, Laine, & Airaksinen, 2016). Moreover, improper...

US and Canada Health Care Payer Systems

The Canadian health care system is funded by the state and can be described as a system of insurance and health plans for ten provinces and three territories. This system is known as Medicare and it provides free or almost free medical care and medical services to all Canadian citizens....

Healthcare Employee Recruitment and Selection

Brief Introduction to the Topic The recruitment and selection of applicants are the first stages of the staffing process. They are necessary to provide healthcare organizations with highly competent human resources, and they tend to have a significant effect on organizational performance. Therefore, it is necessary to align recruitment and...

Martha Stewart Omnimedia Consulant’s Visualization

Introduction Martha Stewart had been enjoying a successful career up to the year 2001 when she was accused of insider trading and other related charges. These allegations had a heavy blow on her career and her organization, MSO, which she had worked hard to ensure its sustainability and profitability in...

Self-Identification and Presentation in Society

There are many different thoughts about the importance of society and the need to comprehend social expectations. I like the ideas offered by the professor Richard Jenkins about the connection between social identity and society and the necessity for people to know what they are. Jenkins (as cited in Kidd...

Hurricane Katrina and Public Administration Action

Given the path of the Hurricane and its progression, if you were mayor of New Orleans what would you be doing to prepare for the possibility of the storm hitting the city? Given the location of New Orleans, the fact that it is surrounded by various water bodies (a river,...

US Political Surveillance and Homeland Security

Identify the primary law enforcement agency responsible for political surveillance in the investigation of terrorism in the United States Terrorism is a critical issue for the whole world. In the USA, it is addressed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This agency deals with the development of counterterrorism investigations...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” in Healthcare

Introduction Leadership is a complex concept that may refer to a plethora of skills, qualities, and competencies simultaneously. According to Giltinane (2013), it comprises the provision of support to team members, motivation, communication, emotional intelligence, and so forth. At the same time, different leader qualities and skills are associated with...

Best Missing Homework Excuse Ever

Home works are assigned to students because it enhances various educational objectives. Homework inculcates discipline and students would be able to set up study habits. It also helps students to get rid of over strain in classroom education and enables students to become more responsible in their studies. It also...

Life Before the Internet Versus After the Internet

Outline This essay is a comparative study on life before and after the internet came into being. The focus is more on those issues that have affected our life the most, like communication media, relationships, business, etc. This also discusses the similarities that existed between life before the internet and...

Knowledge Management and E-Government

In accordance to, LLC (2009) Efficiency is defined as “the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance” (, 2009). It further defines the term as an “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry’s...

Pacific Islanders Culture: The Tapa

History of a tapa Clothing plays a major role in the molding of a society’s culture. Through this, one can identify the way of life of a given society. The tapa is among the clothes that have been in the pacific islands since the nineteenth century. It is basically a...

Organization’s Compensation System: Goals and Factors Influencing Compensation Practices

Introduction In most organizations the management compensates their employees so as to motivate them and hence increase the organizations level of production or to develop high performance. The research paper discusses the goals of an organization’s compensation system and the various factors that influence a company’s competitive strategies and compensation...

“Sex and the City” and the Issue of Media’s Ownership

Introduction Ever since the sitcom “Sex and the City” appeared on HBO in 1998, this loose set of tales about middle-aged women, challenged by their existential inadequateness, became instantly “critically acclaimed”, even though the show’s ideological message can be best described as rather dubious. By watching “Sex and the City”,...

Professionalism Among the Gold Coats

The following article written by Pam Belluck describes the dementia problem solving at the California Men’s Colony. A group of convicted in murder prisoners help care for old diseased prisoners. In this paper we are going to answer the questions in regard to the Gold Coats and their functions definition....

Movie Review – A Thin Blue Line

Review The movie ‘A Thin Blue Line’ is quite a sensational movie in a non-traditional sense in that it reveals the hidden world by letting the characters involved talk about this world. The movie investigates the murder of a police officer, Wood. Harris gives his account of the story, claiming...

Women’s Demands: Seneca Falls in 1848 and Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The fundamental difference between the demands of women at Seneca Falls in 1848 with the demands of women in the 1960s and early 1970s is the difference between stepping stones. While the convention of Seneca Falls in 1848 was the first stepping stone of woman’s liberation movement, the demands...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Leadership and the New Science” by M. Wheatley

Introduction Today, research on the phenomenon of leadership is becoming more and more critical. This topic is particularly relevant for the development of effective methods of administration. Modern approaches to leadership are diverse and reflect advancements in the development of new concepts. This paper will discuss leadership theories presented by...

Women in Society According: Feminism and Functionalism

It is impossible to talk to about modern feminism without considering the history of the movement and the individuals who were fighting for the rights people take for granted in the 21st century. The work of two activists – Harriet Martineau and Jane Addams – is especially noteworthy. Despite the...

State v. Miranda: Special Relationship With a Minor Child

The central question for this court case was whether a person in a special relationship with minor children would be held responsible for them in proportion to the parent. This category included post facto reporting of a child’s physical or psychological problems resulting from care to the relevant services. It...

Community and Domestic Violence: Elder Abuse

Major types of elder abuse There are various forms of abuse that the elderly may go through. Major types of elder abuse include psychological or emotional abuse, where an elderly person is subjected to anguish or stressful situations arising from the acts of another person who is in direct or...

The Impact of Hantavirus and Tularemia in the Community

Hantaviruses are a group of viral infections that are disseminated by rodents. Two main categories of the virus are the “New World” strains found in the Americas and the “Old World” type that is common in Europe and Asia. The former type causes hantavirus pulmonary symptoms (HPS), whereas the latter...

Simplification Is the Best Way to Express Ideas

The material presented during the five week really impressed me. All visual art covers the main problems of our reality. Looking at the picture or digital video we begin to understand really important things. Nevertheless, the way of our understanding differs from the other people’s point of view. We observe...

Therapy for Depressive Disorder Symptom Relief

Purpose of the Study The population of elderly people in Turkey and the world is increasing rapidly due to the rise in life expectancy. Old age is linked with several health issues and comorbidities. Depression is one of the most common mental problems associated with old age. It may lead...

Analyzing Social Problems: Health Disparities

Introduction Seeking primary medical care is a fundamental human right that every United States citizen is entitled to. However, in reality, some people have more freedom in choosing a healthcare provider while others cannot receive even the most basic treatment. Healthcare disparities have been a growing social issue in the...

Genetic Association and the Prognosis of Phenotypic Characters

Summary The article understudy is devoted to the topic of genetic association and the prognosis of phenotypic characters. In practice, the probability of successfully measuring these parameters depends on the exact determination of the human phenotype (Wollstein, et al., 2017). The study focuses on such a topic as human iris...

Weight Loss Program and Vegan Diet

Abstract Millions of individuals are obsessed with controlling their weight and losing pounds. There are many weight loss diets for people with different opportunities and health conditions. For example, several years ago, about 3% of Americans, 2% of British adults, and 10% of Germans officially reported their desire to eat...

Translational Science Model, the Organizational Setting and the Population

Translational Science Model The Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU) is a translational science model that can be very helpful for the proposed project, which is dedicated to reducing blood sugar in diabetic patients with the help of a patient engagement tool by Smith et al. (2017). Initially, it was...

The Analysis of Eli Lilly’s Joint Venture With Ranbaxy

The Indian pharmaceutical industry in the 1990s presented both an opportunity and a challenge for foreign companies. On the one hand, the developing country had a steadily growing market of eight hundred million people and an expanding middle-class. On the other hand, the nation had strict rules concerning the patent...

The Fearful Rise of Markets Analysis

The global financial crisis that gripped the world economy in 2008 and 2009 can be said to have been related to the Shanghai Surprise that sparked 80 years ago when the Shanghai stock exchange had a great fall arousing a global crisis. In this case, the value of currencies is...

Family-Focused Functional Assessment: Yaryshev’s Family

A functional assessment of the family is a part of the nursing practice that helps establish a family’s health perception. Gordon’s functional health patterns is typically used to address well-being problems and their possible solutions (Weisman & Montgomery, 2019; MacDonell & Prinz, 2017; Al‐Motlaq et al., 2018). Yaryshev’s family chosen...

Treadle Pump Technology: A Potential Improvement

Introduction Science is the marvel of the present world and modern technologies are an application of science to fulfill man’s long-cherished dreams to control and manipulate the forces of nature for his relevance. But at the same time, it is also very true that the blessings of science depend upon...

Aspects of Regulating Cultural Borders

Introduction Identity refers to the social categories and the sources where an individual derives self-respect and dignity. The regulation involves personal attributes that cannot be conveyed naturally in terms of social class, ethnicity, color, and gender (Hogg, 2016). In various contexts, some categories are described as identities and are not...

Review of a Research Study on Family Planning

According to Healthy People 2010, family planning is supposed to give individuals and couples the ability to give birth to the manageable number of children (Cartwright, 2009). It ensures that children are spaced accordingly. Family planning is done through the use of contraceptives as well as treatments which enable infertile...

Privatization of Intelligence

The nature and intensity of intelligence have changed during the last decades in response to a higher security challenge because of worldwide terrorism growth. The approach of outsourcing led to an increase in the number of non-state actors that are involved in the intelligence process. Currently, the private and public...

The Problematics and Nature of Cultural Identity in the US

Since the beginning of the United States of America, the subject of race has always been the one people could not easily see past. Both the variety of racial identities and their contradictions to one another are embedded in the nation’s DNA. America was started on a base of at...

Aspects of the Fallacy of Straw Man

Erroneous reasoning can significantly impact the course of the dialogue, shifting the topic to the side, confusing the opponent. While they may be random, some people may use them on purpose, so it is imperative to distinguish between basic techniques. The purpose of this essay is to analyze Straw Man’s...

Singer Gloria Estefan’s Biography

Gloria Estefan is a famous American singer and songwriter who is originally from Cuba. Estefan gained worldwide fame and success as well as contributed to the popularization of Latin music. Gloria has recorded fourteen studio albums with her songs, many of which have taken the first lines in the world...

Importance of Nurse-Patient Communication

Introduction The quality of interactions between a patient and a healthcare facility, in particular, represents an important issue in healthcare and typically defines health outcomes to a significant extent. A case witnessed recently in a local nursing environment has shown the need for a better cross-cultural approach. Specifically, when managing...

Deming’s 14 Principles and Baldrige’s 11 Values

Introduction Management is a complicated process that consists of various activities, including organizing, planning, directing, staffing, and supervision intended to achieve organizational goals. In this regard, diverse concepts and practices have been developed to improve the management efficacy and the overall performance of a company. This paper aims at describing...

Researching of History of Video Games

Introduction Video games refer to leisure activities conducted using electronic machines, mainly involving manipulating images produced by a computer program available on a monitor or any other form of display. Most youths and a good number of the population are currently fond of video games, and hence, the need to...

Spencer’s “One Day I Wrote Her Name” Sonnet Analysis

This work presents the 75th sonnet by Edmund Spencer and belongs to the sonnet cycle “Amoretti,” which can be translated from Italian as “admiration.” Spencer’s poetic speech is distinguished by its originality both in terms of national coloring and its form and symbolism. It is an example of an English...

The American History: The Underground Railroad, Andrew Jackson

The Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad refers to enslaved African Americans’ secret efforts to escape from bondage through many routes. Ditlmann et al. (2017) explain that it operated from the eighteenth century to the Civil War, although the exact existence dates are unknown. The number of black people who escaped...

A Modern Family Institution in America

It is hard to disagree that socialization is an essential process that should properly appear in children’s lives. It allows individuals to function effectively and successfully in their social worlds and learn about various social expectations. Family is considered the primary one among many agents of socialization, including social media,...

Using of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

VR in Medicine Thirty years have passed since researchers and experimenters began applying virtual reality to medicine. During this period, they have managed to prove that VR technology is not just a speculative futuristic concept, it is capable of solving real problems. And as a result, it will bring invaluable...

Human Rights in China and the USA

The culture and ethical standards of any country’s population have an undeniable influence on its structure and rules. In particular, depending on various historical events and regulations adopted by people, there is a different attitude towards human rights. In the modern world, this problem is quite acute because people feel...

Passage Analysis from “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction “The Odyssey” is one of the famous and classic poems of the ancient Greek poet Homer, familiar to every thinking person. The book’s plot is built around the main character – Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. He is clever, innovative, and resourceful, and these character traits help the man...

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Alcohol Use Disorder in a 39-Year-Old Male Patient

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