Native Americans and Apache Heritage

A brief history of the Native American group 15th century – the arrival of European colonizers Continuous violent conflicts with the colonizers August 1, 1758 – first Indian reservation established Diseases such as smallpox and measles Slavery forced relocation to spark further conflicts 1911 onwards – continuous non-violent efforts for...

The Writing Of Essay Drafts

Prompt #1 A search for strategies regarding the writing of essay drafts leads to relatively a similar set of strategies. It is suggested that drafts should be written quickly and without significant organization at first in order to “brainstorm” all ideas that one may have about the topic. It is...

Malicious Cyberattacks: Diversity and Commonality

Introduction The evolution and development of technology have led to organizations becoming inculcating information technology into their operations. Therefore, this has resulted in it also becoming highly vulnerable to cyberattacks. The conventional computer security technologies used to prevent such attacks relied on four principles, which include confidentiality, integrity, availability, and...

Hinduism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences

Many religions take similar paths and steps to help their followers or believers reach enlightenment. Other religions require their followers or believers to accept one idea or creed. Some believe in God and others do not. Whether they believe in gods or not, each religion has its followers who believe...

Aspects of Efficient Organizational Systems

Introduction This paper considers how organizational structure impacts the ethical conduct and moral judgment of people working in an organization. It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that there does exist, organizationally speaking, a nexus between organizational design, morally acceptable behavior, and the development of moral reasoning and in helping...

American History in 1820-1860s: J.Q. Adams and A.Jackson

Introduction The interim between 1820 and 1860 in American history was marked with the formation of the inherently American political ideologies and movements as well as with significant economic growth, to great extent at the expense of slave work (Davis, p.138). The present paper has two aims: first, contrasting the...

Chihuahua and a Pitbull as a House Pet: Comparison

The Chihuahua is the world’s smallest dog, with a height ranging from six to 10 inches and a weight that is less than 2.7 kilograms. The dog is regarded as harmless and docile companion dog for high society women and celebrities, who carry it around everywhere and pamper it (AKC,...

Stock Market Investment Analysis

Investors are also advised to study other companies operating in the line of their preferred company. This is another alternative for predicting the sustainability of the company as the future of the company is determined by its capacity to withstand competition and continue making profit even in a competitive environment...

World Public Health Status

Why the United States Is Concerned About Improving the Health Status of the World The world health status is a modern concept of human development in science today, although it has roots in antiquity. From the beginnings of human civilization, it was recognized that polluted water and lack of proper...

Falls in Elderly Patients: Prevention

Introduction A comprehensive literature review helps to build the logic of the research. In addition, it provides an opportunity to evaluate the existing body of knowledge and determine the gaps that exist in it. The purpose of this paper is to review the articles related to the approved change topic....

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Canopic Jars and Egyptian Mummification

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Analysis of Populism in Latin America

Populism as a type of political leadership was initially introduced due to social changes and economic growth. This concept emerged with the new ideas of caudillos catering to the population’s needs, however distinct they were. In addition, leaders aimed at sustaining the balance between demands of different social groups to...

Team Building Exercises’ Effects in the Workplace

I am happy to announce the project that our team three developed to propose a retreat team-building event for the company’s employees. Team building is a collective practice that promotes a positive, effective, and productive working environment. Individuals learn how to develop healthy habits associated with collaboration-based approaches, including understanding,...

Impact of Cyberbullying on Society

Chan, T. K., Cheung, C. M., & Wong, R. Y. (2019). Cyberbullying on social networking sites: the crime opportunity and affordance perspectives. Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(2), 574-609. Web. A study by Chan et al. focused on cyberbullying in the context of social networks. According to the authors, the...

Flexible Working Schedules and Environments

One of the challenges for the HR department in the future will be the provision of flexible work arrangements. After the beginning of the pandemic, it has become clear that a hybrid workplace is key for organizations to ensure continued operations in the midst of challenges. Employees are now aware...

West Brain, East Brain Book by Sharon Begley

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Multicultural Competence: Inventive Model for Educators

The fellow staff debriefed the Head of Academic Dean about the progress of the interview done to applicants who vied for the job vacancy in the University. The Dean became astonished at certain remarks made about Feather Sharon Eagle. The staff reported that Sharon never used eye contact, seemed evasive,...

Organizational Behavior in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Movie

Movie Selection Willy Wonka, the key character of the movie, can fulfill the dreams of any child. As a commercial reception, he hides five gold tickets in chocolate bars and decides to test the honesty of the winners. During the tour in the country of delicacies, the participants are expected...

Characters in the Play “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Fences, a play by August Wilson, was published in 1986. The play details the African-American experiences and deals with the themes of racism, infidelity, and forgiveness. This paper explores how Cory, son of Troy and Rose, has avoided following in his father’s footsteps and learned to manage his anger...

Langston Hughes’ and Sylvia Plath’s Poetry Comparison

It is hard to think of two poets whose lives are more different from each other’s than Langston Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Hughes was born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri of mixed-race parents, and was mostly raised by his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas. He worked odd jobs, including a six-month...

Existence, Relatedness and Growth Theory of Motivation

ERG theory Alderfer proposed ERG theory as a new version to the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. Similarities: The research on the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory shown that the needs in the hierarchy have some common characteristics. And thus there is a need for to clear the ambiguity. Alderfer proposed a...

Graphic Design of the 1950’s

The 50’s – the time of bloom The 50s was the period of bloom, the period of modernization and development of the everyday techniques. The 50s was the time of material well-being for many Americans, that meant people had more money to spend. The end of World War II brought...

Guide to a Research Report

Introduction Research papers and reports published in peer-reviewed journals are the main sources of information in modern science. They focus on data, experiments, and results of the performed studies. Understanding them requires basic background knowledge of the subject and being familiar with a scholarly article’s structure. This paper presents the...

The Cost of Raising New Capital

The main difference between the weighted average costs of capital and the weighted marginal cost of capital is that WMCC is the new or the incremental cost of new capital to be issued by a company. This capital is to be issued or raised at a new cost according to...

Impact of Individual Behavior on Business Outcomes

Introduction Assessing individual behavior in the context of influencing business outcomes is an opportunity to identify workers’ motivators. Based on the proposed scenario, the attitudes and job satisfaction of each of the four employees will be evaluated, and corresponding impacts on individual aspects of organizational performance will be given. Implementing...

The American Alcohol Problem

Alcohol is a form of drink that when taken in excess, its contents in the blood increase causing the drinker to behave strangely. Based on this, excessive consumption of alcohol decreases one’s concentration and slows reaction speed. In connection to this, obsessive and irrepressible consumption of alcohol is referred to...

Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Software Suite

Statistics has found its way into various disciplines of healthcare not being an exception. Data collected has been used to help employees and management to make a rational decisions regarding the wellbeing of clients or patients. Ideally, data collected from samples of populations are used to either describe or infer...

“The Lottery” by Jackson, and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by Lawrence

Introduction Human society is founded on the fact that luck in life is a goal that everyone wants to achieve. From this perspective, in two dramatic short stories, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence, the philosophical conflict between luck and its consequences is clearly...

The Future of Health Care Planning for Community and Organizational Change

Summary After a thorough examination of comments left by Jordan’s residents, it is possible to say that the main health care issues of this community are connected with health care education, preventative health care, and its accessibility. Preventative health care and education helps minimize disease burden and the risk of...

Nursing Shortage and Mandatory Overtime

The US healthcare system experiences an increasing overload at present. The aging of baby boomers, a rising number of people with chronic conditions, and extended access to care provided by the Affordable Care Act put much pressure on the healthcare workforce (Wheatley, 2017). The most affected group within the workforce...

Dramatic Purposes of Roderigo in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Othello is Shakespeare’s play driven by its characters whose traits, moods, or relationships are told by the words, rhythm, and structure of the drama. The story therein is about a general in the army fooled into questioning his wife of adultery; and his name was Othello, so he is considered...

The Oedipus Complex in Pasolini’s Movie

Introduction Many ancient plays still inspire artists, musicians, and other people related to art, and Sophocles’s Oedipus the King is one such tragedy. Thus, in 1967, a movie named Oedipus Rex, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, was created. It is noticeable that Pasolini inserted a prologue situated in current times...

The “Ascension” Documentary by Jessica Kingdon

Ascension is set in China, which is regarded as a global economic powerhouse in the race to become the largest economy in the world. China is on the pathway to becoming a high-income country, which would paint a glamorous picture of a highly prosperous nation. However, that thinking would only...

The Impact of Taxation and Inflation in the U.S.

Carl Szabo’s article “Democrats want you to keep paying more. This is how they are making it happen” from the RealClear Policy website discusses how the current government makes Americans pay more. The author gives specific examples of the Democrats’ attempts to raise taxes and prices as well as to...

Microbial Mecca and Global Crisis of Cholera

Introduction Hijaz and Istanbul were terrified of Cholera entering the region during the hajj from India. The 1865 period resulted in the deaths of 15,000-30,000 pilgrims and triggered a worldwide pandemic (Low 120). The outbreak struck Egypt in 1883, killing approximately 50,000 people (Low 121). The networks that moved and...