545 Gender Research Topics & Issues for a Paper

Looking for gender research topics for your paper? Look no further! In this awesome list, you will find here plenty of research questions about gender, essay topics, discussion ideas, and more. Check it out!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Gender

⭐ Catchy Gender Essay Topics

  1. Impact of Fashion on Gender and Sexual Identity
    Fashion has long been used to communicate gender and sexuality. Clothing is a powerful way of expressing identity and communicating with the outside world.
  2. Gender-Based Violence and Its Effects: Literature Review
    Gender-based violence is one of the most persistent issues affecting women around the world, and many literary masterpieces were oriented on the massive spread of this problem.
  3. Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions
    Women should be encouraged to more actively protect their labor rights, do not be afraid to apply to the prosecutor’s office, the state labor inspectorate, or the court.
  4. Gender Lightbulb Moment in Personal Experience
    The sex-role stereotyping and gender bias can be countered by educating people on the importance of diversity.
  5. Gender Stereotyping in the “Pretty Woman” Movie
    The movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country.
  6. Gender-Based Violence in South Africa
    This essay covers a gender-based violence practice against women, in particular, the rising rape cases in South Africa.
  7. Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation in Employment
    Gender segregation refers to unequal distribution of men and women in the occupational structure. Vertical segregation refers to placing men at the top of occupational hierarchies.
  8. Gender Differences in Using the English Language
    This paper investigates gender differences in using the English language to understand the attitudes of men and women when they choose the way of pronunciation and vocabulary.
  9. The Social Construction of Gender
    Gender refers to the social construction of the differences between men and women. This paper explores the stereotype to avoid misleading conclusions.
  10. Social Learning and Gender Schema Theories
    The paper states that social learning theory and gender schema theory, studying the same subject, provide their perceptions of gender-role development.
  11. Gender Inequality in the Workplace
    The global fight against gender inequality in the workplace can be successful if appropriate initiatives and interventions are taken at the organizational level.
  12. How Gender Stereotypes Affect Society
    Gender stereotypes are harmful because they only teach men and women to act in certain ways; they confine people to a set of behaviors associated with their gender.
  13. Gender Is a Culturally Prescribed Role, Rather Than a Biological Sex
    The debates concerning the notions of “sex” and “gender” have been going on over the years.
  14. Personal Awareness: Gender Identity
    Personal awareness is an important aspect of life cause it empowers a person on how to make cognizant decisions. Friends, family and society have a profound impact on personality.
  15. Gender Roles in Medea – Stereotypes & Resistance
    With the help of Medea and Jason, the main characters of the play “Medea”, Euripides presented individuals as complex creatures who carry both women’s and man’s characteristics.
  16. The Social Construction of Gender Roles
    Gender is an underlying characteristic all societies and the social construction of gender roles, behaviors and expectations is an importance aspect of modern society.
  17. Gender and Grade Point Average: Statistical Analysis
    This research paper aims to assess the relationship between Grade Point Average and gender by applying correlation analysis with stratified sampling.
  18. Performative Acts and Gender Constitution
    The rationale for Butler’s idea that gender represents actions that are norms and traditions of our society reflects cultural and historical experience.
  19. Gender Roles and Justice in Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’
    The play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell appears to center on the murder mystery but the reality of the world that people live in goes much deeper.
  20. Gender Roles in a Modern Society
    Throughout the history of humanity, a woman has been assigned the role of being dependent on a man and, to some extent, subordinate to him.
  21. Japanese vs. American Male Gender Roles
    American males perceived their women as weak and powerless creatures requiring protection, whereas the Japanese male stereotypes envisioned their women as being subordinate to men.
  22. Gender Discrimination in “Disgrace” by J.M Coetzee
    J.M Coetzee’s book “Disgrace” that has been examined in this paper explores the nature of gender discrimination meted on women in South Africa.
  23. Sally Haslanger’s “Gender and Race” Review
    In Sally Haslanger’s philosophical essay ‘Gender and Race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?’ the author utilizes an analytical approach to gender and race.
  24. The Issue of Gender-Separated Sports
    Gender-separated sports provide better opportunities for all gender involved while also respecting gender-related patterns of building social relations.
  25. José Olivarez’s Talk on Race, Identity and Gender
    The talk by José Olivarez explores many themes, including race, identity, disparities between different communities, masculinity, and more.
  26. Gender Roles in “Wide Sargasso Sea” by Jean Rhys
    The impacts of colonialism and civilisation on the society in the Jean Rhys’ novel, Wide Sargasso Sea and specifically regarding its impact on gender roles in society.
  27. Gender Roles and Inequalities in Advertisement
    The perfume for men, Dior Sauvage, was released in 2019, and an advertising campaign supported it with Johnny Depp.
  28. Shifting Gender Norms in Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits
    The questions of gender equality and the role of women in family and society are central for Isabel Allende’s novel The House of the Spirits that was first published in 1982.
  29. Women and Gender Roles in “Antigone” by Sophocles
    Sophocles’ “Antigone” tells a story of a woman who disobeys the order of the ruler of Thebes who decided to leave the body of her brother unburied on the battlefield.
  30. Gender Stereotypes in Western and Eastern Culture
    Stereotypes claim that the girls from the east are well behaved. They are shy and respectful, quiet and smart.
  31. Gender: The Social Roles of Men and Women
    The paper states that the term “gender” describes how society and culture make distinctions between men and women based on things like sex.
  32. Gender Roles in “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Atwood
    Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a novel illustrating a dystopian system in which fertile women become the maids of couples who cannot conceive.
  33. Gender Roles Effects on Children Development
    Many aspects of children education affect their development. One of these aspects is the way in which they are taught about gender roles.
  34. Sex and Gender as a Social Phenomenon
    The paper establishes the differences between sex and gender; defines the term of gender identity; interprets gender from the viewpoint of every sociological angle.
  35. Gender Socialization During the First 12 Years of Life
    Gender socialization is influenced by the interactions kids have with their surroundings and the people around them.
  36. Gender and Entrepreneurship Relations
    This paper analyzes how different factors affect both men and women in deciding to become entrepreneurs. Marital status is a significant factor for entrepreneurial women.
  37. Chapter 5 “Gender” of “The Family” by Cohen
    Gender refers to the social and cultural expectations, roles, and behaviors associated with being male, female, or another gender identity.
  38. The Movie”Smurfs”: The Problem of Gender Roles
    The gender roles in the Smurfs are polarized and fixed between male and female stereotypes, which is a mentality of the past.
  39. Women and Men Empowerment for Gender Equality
    The current world has emphasized women empowerment that has led to men’s disempowerment. It is important to involve men in the intervention of gender equality.
  40. The Fifth Element: Gender and Sexuality in Cinema
    The work learns gender and sexuality in the context of the movie The Fifth Element that will add a better understanding of popular mistakes and stereotypes used by cinematographers.

✨ Latest Gender Topics for Research

Changing Gender Roles in Families

Traditional households used to be the only way families operated, with women as homemakers and men as breadwinners. Women fought hard for equal rights and career opportunities. How much have the gender roles in families changed since the dawn of feminism? Collect enough information on this topic and think it through.

Gender and Media

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, media has become the most prominent communication tool. It also accounts for some profound influence on youth. In your paper, you can research the images that you usually see online related to gender identity. Do they carry a positive message? Use this as a starting point to discuss the topic of gender in media.

Violence against Women

Violence against women is a severe global problem. This includes sexual, emotional, and even financial violent behavior. What suggestions can you think of to help women in your community? You could also focus on solutions to heal the trauma in violence victims. Some practical ideas would be a precious addition to your research.

Gender Socialization

Gender socialization is the process of learning gender-assigned roles and their specific aspects. Simply put, girls get to know how to be girls, and boys do all the boyish things. Do you think this black-and-write approach is not appropriate anymore, or would you argue that there’s no harm since gender has worked this way for centuries? Brainstorm these questions to write an excellent paper on this controversial topic.

Gender Schema Theory

Gender schema theory suggests that people get all their gender-related ideas from their culture, and they keep passing them down through generations. What are the main aspects that prove this theory right? Make sure to include reliable sources on gender schema theory in your research paper.

👍 Good Gender Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Gender Expectations in the Disney Film “The Little Mermaid”
    This article will show that the Disney’s work magnifies the evolving roles of women in society, and despite the existing tensions and backlash, women are integrating successfully into the society.
  2. The Gender Pay Gap in Australia
    The existence of a gender gap is a severe problem for economic equality in a democratic society. This paper tests the idea that a gender pay gap exists using Australian workers.
  3. Gender Differences in Development of Schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia has varied effects on men’s and women’s sexual life. These effects could be due to variances in the start of schizophrenia at different ages.
  4. Nursing Attitudes toward Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Pediatric Patients
    The PICO question of the paper: Does nursing knowledge and attitudes toward trans and gender-nonconforming pediatric patients improve cultural competence and healthcare disparities?
  5. Gender Discrimination in Society and Social Media: Solutions
    The paper finds out to what extent discriminatory attitudes are present in different societies and how much social media induce them.
  6. Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ – Gender Oppression and Justice
    The drama Trifles by Susan Glaspell revolves around the murder of John Wright, a farmer described by his peers as an honest and hard-working man.
  7. Gender Discrimination and Performance in the Workplace
    While talking about the gender discrimination, both sexes are considered although on discrimination the female are mainly on the receiving end.
  8. Gender Bias in Sports Commentary Observations
    The analysis of the ESPN coverage of sporting events shows that, although women are portrayed mostly equally, they generally receive less media attention than men.
  9. How Society Influences the Gender Roles
    Society should reconsider some of the gender roles to close the gap and give people equal opportunities to thrive and explore.
  10. Objective Social Structure: Race, Gender, and Class
    The vast majority of social divisions take place based on race, gender, and class, where one or all three categories are imposed on individuals.
  11. Role of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising
    The paper states that it is of great significance to understand the reasons behind the advertisers’ attachment to socially constructed gender differences.
  12. “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” by Kabeer
    Gender inequality is an issue that has led to endless debates with different people proposing diverse solutions to ensure equality is exercised.
  13. Reflection on Sexism, Gender Culture, and Associated Conflicts
    The present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history.
  14. Gender-Neutral Upbringing: Reasonable and Possible?
    The gender-neutral upbringing gains popularity. The paper finds out if it is reasonable to set the goal of gender-neutrality and if it can ever be accomplished.
  15. Gender Dynamics in Development
    This essay opens with the indication of how serious gender dynamics affect life. Gender issues must be understood if development goals are to be realized.
  16. Gender Norms in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
    The historical background is important for understanding what position did women have in society, and what rights were given to them.
  17. Gender Roles in the Boys Don’t Cry Movie
    Boys Don’t Cry is a famous movie directed by Kimberly Peirce. It explores the influence of rigid gender-based behavioral expectations on a person’s well-being and safety.
  18. Cinderella and Girl: Feminist and Gender Critique
    Anne Sexton, in her poem Cinderella focuses on the position of women in society on the material of the well-known fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
  19. Speech of Emma Watson: Gender Equality
    The paper discusses the process of Emma Watson makes the first speech called United Nations Address on Gender Equality, focusing on gender equality.
  20. Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society
    The topic of gender and sexuality emphasized how anthropology is connected to modern society and the world as it provides a cultural perspective on women’s role in society.
  21. Gender Stereotyping at Workplaces
    Many women develop sophisticated coping mechanisms to ignore gender roles in the workplace, leading them to believe they have not experienced inequality.
  22. Gender Pay Gap Problem Overview
    This paper aims to discuss why the gender pay gap is an important issue that needs to be addressed by the HRM globally.
  23. Preventing Gender-Based Violence
    Addressing the issue of gender-based violence by introducing both relevant legal practices and educational projects at different levels is a crucial task.
  24. Gender, Racial Discrimination, and Exclusion in Toni Morrison’s “Paradise”
    “Paradise” addresses the issue of racism by narrating a story about African Americans who move to the town of Ruby, in which people repeat certain mistakes.
  25. Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in the U.S.
    Sex is seen as a biological category defined by one’s genitals, hormones, and chromosome set, while gender includes social behaviors and traits essential for biological sex.
  26. Gender & Feminism in A Doll’s House
    The paper uses a combination of gender focus and reader-response approaches and argues that in “A Doll’s House” women’s self-sacrifice is viewed as a regular responsibility.
  27. Multiculturalism as a Threat to Gender Equality
    To make democratic states realize that tolerance must not equal acceptance and that the specifics of a particular culture must not be projected onto another one.
  28. Behavioral Learning Approach and Gender-Role Behavior
    Individuals learn particular behaviors when influenced by various environmental factors associated with specific macro- and micro-social contexts.
  29. Sex, Gender, and Inequalities
    In this paper, gender binarism, sexism, institutionalized gender, and sex patterns in the society are assessed. It is important in reviewing the differences between gender and sex.
  30. How Gender Norms and Stereotypes Contribute to Inequality in Society
    Over the years, the United States and other countries around the world have faced inequality issues. They arise from different factors.
  31. The Gender-Based Marketing and Its Negative Sides
    Many companies nowadays use marketing strategies based on the foundation of gender stereotypes or specific roles and needs associated with genders.
  32. “Glass Ceiling” in the Theory of Gender Studies
    The term ‘glass ceiling’ in the theory of gender studies describes an invisible and formally unmarked barrier that limits the advancement of women through the ranks.
  33. Aspects of Parenting and Gender Roles
    For children to develop a healthy understanding of gender roles, it is essential that parents choose the right approach to their formation.
  34. Does Gender Affect the Type of Law Violation?
    One of the most predominant and consistent observations in the criminal justice system is that the type of law violation is often dependent on gender.
  35. Gender Inequality in Social Inequality
    This topic was chosen because the problem of gender inequality has existed for a long time and is being solved with varying success.
  36. Gender Roles in Married at First Sight and Other Media Sources
    Every society and culture have different gender role expectations. This paper focuses on the comparison of the media sources’ assumptions about genders.
  37. How Gender, Race, and Class Impact Criminality Levels
    This paper has explored how gender, race, and class impact the level of criminality in America. People of different races are highly involved in criminal activities.
  38. Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy
    Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia.
  39. Discussion of Gender and Society Themes in Films
    The paper discusses gender and society themes in “The Power of Categories”, “How to Survive a Plague”, “Intersexion” and “The Edge Of Gender”.
  40. Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism
    Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders.

🌶️ Hot Gender Studies Research Topics to Write about

  1. Gender Differences in Delinquency
    Research shows that gender is the most influential correlate for juvenile delinquency. In other words, males tend to commit more crimes than women.
  2. Queer Representation of Gender and Sexual Non-Conformity
    Gender and sexual non-conformity have been around long before the nineteenth century, although it has encountered much discrimination.
  3. Single Parenthood Households and Gender-Related Issues
    In contemporary society, single parenthood has become common. Marriages between two couples are no longer popular.
  4. Gender Conflict in “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston
    In this story, the husband attempts to kill his wife by placing a rattlesnake in a basket full of dirty laundry.
  5. Addressing the Issue of Gender Equality
    Gender equality is one of the core problems of the current century. It means providing equal conditions for men and women
  6. Gender Socialization of Children
    Gender refers to behaviors, mindset and feelings associated with one being male or female. Children learn about their gender through the kind of clothes they put on.
  7. Gender in The Great Gatsby & The Yellow Wallpaper
    The complexities of men and women in the texts were examined and evaluated on the basis of sexuality and relationship and the inferences would be supported by the text itself.
  8. Female Gender and Changes over the Last 150 Years
    The main problem of the female gender is that we are living in the so-called “gender prison” because a set of biological characteristics pre determines our behavior.
  9. Media Influence on Gender Roles: Stereotypes and Societal Impact
    The roles assigned to men and women have a close relationship with those expressed by characters in televisions, radios, and online platforms.
  10. Enhancing Gender Equality Education for Better Family Dynamics
    It is unreasonable to believe that a single effort will absolve humankind of gender inequality. But a set of strategies may pave the way for future improvements.
  11. Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parental Influence on an Adolescent’s Career Choice
    Gender stereotypes are still persistent in societies that often seem to be egalitarian. These stereotypes are transmitted to younger generations that copy their parents’ role models.
  12. Changing Gender Roles in Families
    This essay analyzes two articles on family gender roles and argues that the changing gender roles in modern society is rapidly being driven by single parent family controversy.
  13. Theoretical Foundations of Gender: Cultural Prescriptions and Their Social Impact
    The issue of gender as a culturally-prescribed role is hard to investigate by means of biological methods. It’s possible to evaluate biological sex as something not cultural.
  14. Modern Issues of Gender Studies
    The study of gender entails consideration of men and women in the society. The subject defines the notion of gender and how society has been shaping the concept over the time.
  15. Is Gender a Culturally or Biologically Perscribed Role?
    The concept of gender as a product of culture or biology has been debated and analyzed by various researchers. The result of this debate has further polarized the topic.
  16. Gender, Labor, and Power in the Global Apparel Industry by Jane L. Collins
    Interpretation of the fairy tale in which the demon offers to help a woman spin straw to gold is the depiction of how industries have thrived at the expense of social welfare.
  17. Gender Norms’ Impact on Men and Women
    Gender norms are a rather controversial and complicated topic. Stereotypes and pressure towards both men and women have had an impact on both sides.
  18. Sociology of Race, Gender, Identity, and Sexuality
    The paper provides significant information on how such aspects as race, gender, identity, and sexuality relate to and influence society.
  19. Gender Identity Development
    This paper discusses the development of one’s gender identity from an early age and the different factors that affected that development.
  20. Gender Roles in the Buddhist Culture
    In the Buddhist culture, women are considered weak beings and require men to provide them with protection. Furthermore, men are considered to be the strong and family breadwinners.
  21. Gender, Philosophy, and Religion in the Axial Age
    The philosophers of the axial age were primarily involved in the discussion of justice as the principal condition of citizens’ wellbeing.
  22. Social Constructs of Race and Gender
    In addition to existing as a part of people’s perceptions, both terms of gender and race have underlying deeper aspects that extend to broader social concepts.
  23. Discussion of Gender Roles in Modern World
    During human history, gender stereotypes have been widespread, and the community has defined the person’s role based on gender.
  24. Gender Bias in the Aviation Industry
    The findings of the court of appeal in the case of Cello Diaz versus Pan American World Airways, was significant towards employment equity.
  25. Global Misunderstanding of the Idea of Feminism and Gender Equality
    Global misunderstanding of the idea of feminism and gender equality in education leads to devastating consequences that cannot be allowed.
  26. Gender and Communication in “Modern Family” by Lloyd
    The family sitcom “Modern Family” promotes the clearly defined notions of masculinity and femininity, sexism, and numerous stereotypes.
  27. Gender, Social Structure and Division of Labor
    In every community, there is a gender structure that provides bodies with inequality through the sex category.
  28. Societal and Gender Construction Affecting Incidents of Domestic Violence
    The paper intends to explore how societal and gender construction can affect the incidences of domestic violence.
  29. Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the gender discrimination in the workplace and describe their negative impact on the efficiency of the company.
  30. Evolution, Not Revolution: Gender Law and Women Rights in Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabian government should enact policies that promote women to take professional courses such as engineering, medicine among others.
  31. Qualitative Research on the Gender Perception of E-Commerce
    This paper justifies the chosen phenomenology approach for the following research on gender behaviour in the perception of e-commerce.
  32. Gender Representation in Akira Kurosawa’s Films
    This paper is intended to analyze one of the most controversial topics of Kurosawa’s films, specifically gender representation.
  33. Influence of Culture and Gender on Personality Disorders Diagnosis
    The ongoing polemics is believed to have a positive influence on the functioning and finding new approaches while treating personality disorders.
  34. Intersectionality of Religion with Gender, Race, and Class
    Religion is an act of devotion towards the existence of a true God. There are some aspects of faith, which make it susceptible to being a potential source of discrimination.
  35. Gender Effect on the Growth of Nursing as a Knowledge-Based Profession
    This paper discusses how the female gender has inhibited the growth of nursing as a knowledge-based profession.
  36. Analyzing the Relationship Between Gender and Victimization
    Women generally do not perform criminal activities as often as men. What is more, they are clearly underrepresented in the criminal justice system.
  37. Racial and Gender Diversity in Hollywood
    Hollywood’s television and film production depict a problematic pattern of bias in opportunities and the overall representation of women and ethnic minorities.
  38. Human Rights and Gender Issues: “The Love Suicides at Amijima” & “Tale of Kieu”
    Comparing “The Love Suicides at Amijima” and “Tale of Kieu”, while representing different time periods, addresses the same problem of human rights and gender inequalities.
  39. Racial, Ethnic and Gender Categories in the U.S. Census
    Racial, ethnic, and gender categories have been used to gather information on the population by the U.S. Census since the records started.
  40. Gender Ideology in the U.S. and Japan
    The different races, ethnic groups and classes of people in America and Japan lead to cross cultural variations on the roles of individuals of same gender from the different groups.
Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

Gender-related topics can be challenging to choose, especially for presentations. Here’s a short list of the best ideas that will elevate your presentation material to another level:

  • The effects of the #MeToo movement on culture. The #MeToo movement exploded in the media back in 2017, and it still continues to bring about profound change in society. How do people perceive sexual violence victims now? Has this topic become less taboo in your social circle? These questions provide some food for thought that can inspire an excellent research paper.
  • The future of feminism: a study based on the first and second waves. The first and second waves of feminism were powerful enough to make significant changes. What other issues do we still need to address? Discuss the most relevant ideas to argue about what the next wave of feminism can look like.
  • Gender discrimination laws: aren’t laws meant to protect all people? Gender discrimination finds its way into every facet of society, even into the justice system. What are the laws that are turning against women? Look into all the details to address this topic.
  • Women vs. power: women as better leaders. Many studies suggest that women possess excellent managerial skills and that countries would benefit from having a female leader. Why are there so few places that have women in power? Analyze this issue and write down your thoughts.
  • Gender dysphoria: causes and solutions. Being trapped in a body that doesn’t match your psychological state and gender identity is among the worst experiences a person can have. What are the causes of this issue, and what are the possible solutions?
  • Unpaid domestic labor. You can collect and analyze the data about the housework left unnoticed. What norms should we accept and apply to solve gender inequality in this area?
  • Gender norms vs. influencers. Study how social media personas are creating a change in current gender trends.
  • Traditional eco-feminist tips: can we learn from our women ancestors? Look at eco-friendly practices in the example of women in indigenous communities.
  • Is the language in legal documents gender-neutral? Explore the language used in legal practice to see whether it meets the current standards of gender equality.

🎓 Most Interesting Gender Research Titles

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. Gender in “The Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck
    John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums focuses on the theme of gender roles and the discrimination of women based on their gender.
  2. The Case of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes: A Landmark Decision
    Dismissing the claim of the plaintiff and ruling in favor of Wal-Mart, Inc., the Supreme Court enforced the definition of a group that a class action suit is supposed to represent as a homogenous concept.
  3. Race and Gender Diversity in Public Relations Careers
    This capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations.
  4. Gender Discrimination Topic for Research
    Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on cultural practices that set a glass ceiling to women in many aspects of life.
  5. Gender Studies: The Queer of Color Theory
    The queer of color theory “seeks to disrupt binarism and normalcy in social institutions and structures” in terms of persons of different races.
  6. Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
    The paper focuses on the theory of egoism and when to apply the theory in the work environment to avoid sexual discrimination.
  7. Gender Discrimination & Title VII: Male Nurse Case Study Analysis
    This report presents the male nurse’s case study in reference to Title VII protected class among other ethical issues related to the nursing profession.
  8. The Gender Dysphoria Concept
    Gender dysphoria is a condition that manifests in a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and gender identity.
  9. Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Culture
    In the contemporary society, gender and sexuality forms the basis for recognition. In effect, social construction defines that males and females are different creatures.
  10. Role of Mass Media in Gender Issues
    This paper discusses the role of mass media in the presentation of gender and examines standards from various media sources to demonstrate how some news stories develop.
  11. Gender Neutrality in Swedish Schools: A Shift Towards Inclusivity
    Boys and girls should be treated equally from the very start. Some schools in Sweden have utilized this approach to ensure that any unfairness is avoided.
  12. Gender Stereotypes and Misunderstanding
    Stereotypes predetermine a human life and a female life, in particular, explaining the approaches that can change the situation, and defining the power of stereotypes.
  13. Gender Stereotypes: Men Stereotyped as Being Less Faithful in Marriage
    The present study measures the effects of stereotyping women. It examines the first impression formed by subjects based on the information about a fictitious man or a woman.
  14. The Role of Gender in Interactions via Social Media
    Females tend to focus on development of certain relationships and creating a community while males tend to use social media to get information, have fun and so on.
  15. Gender is an Often Culturally-Prescribed Role
    Over the years, there were debates about notions of “sex” and “gender”. The recent point of view is that gender roles are not universal for every individual.
  16. Impact of Globalization on Norms and Experiences around Gender
    Inequality is one of the most prolonged global debates that have refused to go away despite the great strides made through globalization
  17. Race and Gender Stereotypes in Literature
    Literary texts are used to advance gender and race-related stereotypes. In this paper, the author examines three literary texts: Araby, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The False Gems.
  18. Gender Pay Gap From Feminist Perspective
    Feminists are in the best position to comprehend and articulate the causes of the problems women face in society, which include the gender pay gap.
  19. Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life
    If I had a chance to dwell on my professional priorities and declare them out loud, I would emphasize that the idea of gender dysphoria was more complex than anyone could realize.
  20. Stereotypes of Gender Roles
    The paper details the scientific justification, impacts, development, prevention strategies, and how gender role stereotypes can be addressed.
  21. Race, Sex, and Gender in Cultural Anthropology
    The central idea shows how attitudes towards races and gender have changed in secular and scientific society through the dynamics of the stories of progressive scientists.
  22. Gender Stereotypes in Academic and Family Settings
    Gender stereotypes refer to the assumption about gender features and roles that every woman or man is expected to possess or depict.
  23. Gender Stereotype in Advertisement
    One of the common examples of stereotypes is an advertisement proposed by Scott, a promotion of washing powder called Tide in the 1950s.
  24. Intersection of Disability Justice, Race, and Gender
    This paper presents an annotated bibliography on the intersection of disability justice, race, and gender, analyzing intersections of disability justice.
  25. Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity
    The paper states that what determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies.
  26. Sexism and Gender Inequality in Sport
    The paper reviews an example of sexism and gender inequality and academic scholarship on the topic. Women athletes have faced gender inequality and sexism.
  27. Dominant Parenting Styles: Gender-Differentiated Parenting Revisited
    In lower-middle-class American families, the authoritative parenting style is the most dominant. Authoritative parents impose high standards upon children.
  28. Gender Differences in Agressive Behavior
    The belief that violence is observed mostly in men than in women in the daily observations has a stable base in the records of crime and also in the common perception about gender.
  29. Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms
    The study concluded that there are very real and very significant differences in depressive symptoms between females and males.
  30. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: An Etiquette Without Gender Discrimination Terms
    The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis reverses the common perception regarding communications and reality, in which the language reflects the realities of the world and the surroundings.
  31. Themes of Feminism & Gender in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
    Ibsen is considered one of the most successful play writers of the 19th century. He has a large body of work in various genres of literature.
  32. Gender Equality in Jackson’s “The Lottery”
    The issue of gender relationships has been widely discussed in the literature, and Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the strongest examples of the gender inequality problem.
  33. Gender Inequality as an International Issue
    The presentation is devoted to an issue: gender inequality. The inequality in career progression that is still characteristic of several societies all over the world.
  34. Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
    The issue of gender equality in society has gained popularity in the course of the precedent century with the rise of the feminist movement and women’s struggle for equal rights.
  35. Gender Roles in “Herland” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    The primary idea of Gilman, which she developed in her novel “Herland,” is to demonstrate the difference between the two sexes and roles that they usually try to play.
  36. Sexuality in “Love Beyond Gender” by Alysia Abbott
    The question of sexuality has always been an ongoing issue for human society. Sexual interest impacts the life of an individual and predetermines the choice of a partner.
  37. The Color of Sex: Postwar Histories of Race and Gender
    The article “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photogenic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazines” disclosed how the images of people of color are formed by the popular culture.
  38. Gender is a Role, not a Biological Sex, and it is Cultural
    Gender identity differs from person’s sexual orientation or biological sex, it is rather a social role which an individual links himself/herself to.
  39. Female and Male Gender Roles and Sexualities in Feminist Literature and American Nation
    The essay explore women’s perspectives on such fundamental pillars of femininity as gender and sexuality through the works of Jamaica Kincaid and Maxine Hong Kingston.
  40. Untraditional Gender Roles Distribution
    The experiences of different cultures and family institution patterns show that gender role distribution can have various forms.

🔍 Gender and Sexuality Research Topics

Gender and Science

The gender gap is a serious issue in science. Some fields, such as natural sciences, are unpopular among women. However, there are still many bright individuals of all genders who could make a significant contribution to science. What are the most successful inclusion programs that can help more people of diverse genders get interested in pursuing science as a vocation? Research this issue and suggest changes to bring more gender balance.

Globalization and Gender

Globalization is believed to negatively affect equal opportunities for women in the workforce. It’s shown that globalization worsens the situation wherever the wage gap exists. What aspects affect gender inequality the most? Look into the data in a set of countries of your choice and draw precise conclusions.

Compare Gender Development Theories

While no one knows how people develop their gender identity, there are four leading theories explaining it: gender schema, social learning, cognitive development, and neurophysiological development. What are the differences between these theories? What are their pros and cons? Create a list of studies supporting and refuting each theory and conduct an informed comparison.

Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is much more than just the physiological level of sexual relations. It goes all the way to psychology, emotions, social aspects, and even spirituality. What role does sexual identity play in all these areas? Explore this topic to understand all the elements before writing the paper.

Gender and Education

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Gender stereotypes still affect women pursuing education, especially in STEM. Girls are often perceived as unsuitable for studying science. How do you think they can still be empowered to choose this education path? Look through the statistics regarding women’s education and suggest a potentially successful strategy.

💡 Simple Gender Issues Topics for Research Paper

📌 Easy Gender Essay Topics

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✍️ Research Topics about Gender Inequality

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Gender inequality can occur between all genders, but usually it affects women, transgender people, and non-binary individuals. What’s worse, it degrades the quality of medical care for the female population and gender minorities, which puts their overall health at stake.

Here are some research topics about gender inequality focusing on health:

  1. There exists an unmet need for appropriate and timely family planning support programs for women. You can study the data and see if there’s a correlation between the number of family planning programs and teen pregnancies in chosen areas.
  2. Gender inequality in fertility: we are not created equal. Are men or women usually blamed for continuous failures in couples who are trying to conceive? For this paper, study the numbers behind the causes of infertility. Find out why women are forced to go through multiple treatments before men.
  3. Can engaging men and boys in reproductive health education improve the outcomes for women? In a sexual relationship, it takes two. What if men were educated the same way women are regarding this topic? Suggest a practical plan for engaging men in solving reproductive health issues.
  4. Gender and contraception: why so much inequality? Multiple contraception choices for women compared to only a few for men is often seen as unfair. In your essay, you can look into the reasons behind the lack of reliable means of male contraception.

❓ Research Questions About Gender

  1. Are Females the Only Gender Discriminated Against?
  2. Are Gender Roles and Relationships More Equal in Modern Family Life?
  3. What Are Examples of Gender Issues?
  4. What Are the Main Issues of Gender Equality?
  5. What Are Examples of Gender Inequality?
  6. Are Gender Roles Damaging Society?
  7. Why Does Gender Stratification Exist?
  8. How Has the Representation of Gender Changed in Coca-Cola Adverts From the 1940s to the Present Day?
  9. How Gender Roles Has Changed Over the Last Centuries?
  10. How Can We Solve Gender Problems?
  11. How Is Gender a Development Issue?
  12. What Are the Issues and Concerns of Gender in Terms of Education?
  13. How Does Your Race, Religion, Nationality, Gender, Culture and Family Define You?
  14. What Are the Emerging Issues and Challenges Concerning Gender?
  15. What Are the Gender Issues in the Philippines?
  16. How Does Graham Greene Explore Gender Representation in Brighton Rock?
  17. What Is the Difference Between Sex and Gender?
  18. Does Men’s Fashion Reflect Changes in Male Gender Roles?
  19. Does Mulan Overthrow Oppressive Gender Norms?
  20. Is Gender Diversity Good for Business?
  21. What Does Gender Representation Mean?
  22. Did the First World War Represent an Irrevocable Crisis of Gender in the UK?
  23. How Is Gender Represented in Advertisements?
  24. What Are the Stages of Gender Transition?
  25. Can Additional Training Help Close the ADHD Gender Gap?
  26. Are Gender Stereotypes Perpetuated in Children’s Magazines?
  27. Are Gender Roles Defined by Society or by Genetics?
  28. What Are the Three Gender Identities?
  29. What Is Gender Identity and Why Is It Important?
  30. How Does Bullying Affect People Based on Gender or Race?

🔥 Interesting Research Topics on Women’s Issues

Need more inspiration for your poem? Our special toolkit is at your service:
  1. Women’s Rights in Conflict Zones
  2. The Role of Women in STEM Fields
  3. Prevalence of Violence against Women in the US
  4. Strategies for Equality in Leadership and Politics
  5. How Can Women Achieve Work-Life Balance?
  6. Women’s Empowerment and Economic Development
  7. Gender-Related Factors Influencing Women’s Earnings
  8. Healthcare Access, Quality, and Reproductive Rights of Women
  9. Gender Stereotypes’ Impact on Women’s Opportunities
  10. The Overlapping Identities and Challenges of Diverse Women.

✅ Gender Studies Topics to Write About

  1. Intersectionality and Experiences of Gender
  2. The Struggle for Equality and LGBTQ+ Rights
  3. Comparison of Gender-Specific Challenges and Stigmas
  4. Strategies for the Elimination of Gender Wage Gap
  5. How Access to Healthcare Relates to Reproductive Justice
  6. Why Are Women Underrepresented in Positions of Power?
  7. Toxic Masculinity and its Harmful Effects on Men and Society
  8. Gender Disparities and Promotion of Inclusivity in Schools
  9. The Influence of Culture and Media on Gender Roles and Socialization
  10. Gender Discrimination, Harassment, and Bias in the Workplace

📝 Tips for Choosing Gender Topics to Write About

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Picking a topic for your research can be a challenging task. No worries – these practical tips will help you:

  • Follow your interests. Working on tedious research for days or even weeks is not likely to produce a genius paper. Meanwhile, following your calling can get you an unlimited level of motivation.
  • Make it relevant. Try not to choose an outdated issue to research. Find something relevant and produce an actionable solution.
  • Size it down. You don’t want to drop the research halfway because the topic is too broad and vague to cover in one paper.

Cant’s decide what to focus on? Check out the following research areas related to gender:

  1. Queer theory.
    This is a popular research area that studies social and cultural phenomena from a point of view outside the gender binary. Such a perspective often leads to fascinating discoveries.
  2. Gender in the economy.
    Women and gender minorities often struggle to realize their full economic potential due to prejudice and inequality. There are plenty of issues to research in this category.
  3. Gender and climate change.
    Studies show that women have bigger chances of suffering severe consequences of climate change due to limited access to resources. This issue led to the emergence of eco-feminism.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 545 Gender Research Topics & Issues for a Paper. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/gender-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "545 Gender Research Topics & Issues for a Paper." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/gender-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "545 Gender Research Topics & Issues for a Paper." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/gender-essay-topics/.

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